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Stohp (Mitch) HP: 40/45hp AC: 19/13/15 CMB: +9 (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm  
Saturday May 5th, 2018 8:56:30 AM

Stohp tries to gently lower Sid to the floor, but he's fairly heavy for the weak taur and she mostly drops him. Tangling monsters is one thing, picking up people is another. "Sorry. Welcome." she mutters, slightly embarrassed. She goes over to look at the amber thing with the rest of the group.

DM Robert - tonights episode What's on the Barbeque 
Saturday May 5th, 2018 11:00:14 AM

Micah moves toward the alter. With detect magic still going he notes that the flames surrounding the alter are magical in nature. He determines that it is a Wall of fire, burning outward, so he decides not to get too close.

Sid lurches awake again from a deep dreamless sleep. Stock almost drops him to the floor. He staggers around looking for traps but it is evident to everyone that he does not fully know what he's doing right now. It is decided to have him sit down before he gets too close to the wall of fire.

Micah quickly comes over to heal Sid. Sid feeling more normal asks how everyone else is doing.

Stock kneels while he recovers from his induced rage. He asks about the cat. Emily strolls by and eyes Stock but apparently does not want to rub up on him right now.

Dorbin eyes the wall of fire. He is fascinated, in that it seems to be permanent. Emily tries to make a litter pan out of one of the monsters.

Zanderallen, now closer to the alter, concentrates. Yes there seems to be something evil there but not there...coming from the object on the alter? Zanderallen ponders, it looks like a large crudely cut block of opaque glass, or maybe amber.

Stohp looks at the rock thing on the alter. Is that a wand inside....maybe a claw and part of the forearm?

Six rounds have passed. You gaze at the amber rock and what's inside. But it is surrounded by that wall of fire. If only you had some way to get past it.

Not that positions really matter right now map

We are still in multiple rounds, so act with that in mind....ie you can do more than one action.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 40/45hp AC: 19/13/15 CMB: +9 (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm   d20+12=22 ;
Saturday May 5th, 2018 11:46:44 AM

"So... fire. Do we have any fire control magic? Or dispel if it's magic fire." Stohp scratches her head looking around the room (Perception 22), trying to see any hints or anything that looks like it's big enough and fireproof enough to make a bridge across the flames.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 67/67 AC: 23 T: 11 FF: 22 CMD: 20 
Saturday May 5th, 2018 11:58:14 AM

Zanderallen scratches his chin, pondering how to get through the wall. If it was just him he would just rush through and bear the suffering. But that was the duty of a paladin, and to be honest was probably rather foolhardy. But wait, the large plant masses had not even smoldered as his new flaming sword had hit them. "Shields, I think I might have a way to get through that fire. These plant shamblers, they seemed highly resistant to the fire of my sword, and I think to Bart's fire as well. If we can use them as a shield and bridge through the fire I imagine they would protect us from the worst of the burn. Between all of us we should be able to push them around. Might get a little hot, but not too bad." He looks around, especially at Dorbin to see what everyone thinks of the idea.
Divine Spirit 51 Rounds
Bull's Str 53 rounds

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 34/34 AC: 13 (11+2); Perc+7;Heal+8 
Saturday May 5th, 2018 5:27:01 PM

"Sure, that might work," Bartomus said as he continued to gaze about the room and then let the fire ball extinguish. He turned back to the plant things and looked at how big they were. Dead weight, he thought to himself. "I can help lift them, if you give me a second."

He focused on himself and thought of increasing his strength. He reached into the pouch that dangled from his belt and pulled out a small tuft of hair, whispered a few words, and then released energy into his hand. He felt his muscles twitch and a sense of strength coursed through him. "We can do this."

Bull Strength 60 Rounds - 5?

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:40/40 CMD:15] 
Monday May 7th, 2018 2:20:20 PM

Dorbin stares into the fire for another minute, then pulls out his leather notebook, quickly scribbling something in it. He is interrupted by Zander's question and replies, "I don't think that fire is going away any time soon, or maybe ever. Those plants might work, but that's going to take quite a bit of str..." he stops at he watches Bart's muscles grow and he just steps out of the way.

Stock (JonM) HP: 65/65;AC: 20/13/17;CMB: 12;CMD: 25;Rage: 13/17  d20+4=18 ;
Monday May 7th, 2018 5:24:31 PM

"Ha! Bart you're ripped! OK. Let's do this."

Stock helps Bart and Zanderallen lift the remains of one of the creatures over to the alter. Looking at the Paladin, he says. "I know it was your idea but let me go in case this goes poorly. You can help with healing me if need be."

Strength check to help move the creature - 18
I'm thinking how this would work is that we pitch it onto the flames and if the flames die down, we climb over the creature's body and grab the...rock...wand...claw?...thing from the altar.

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 24/11/24 CMD:17 
Monday May 7th, 2018 6:28:52 PM

Micah shared what he perceives the fire to be with the others.

He is not sure that the plan will work, but he is not sure that it will not work, so he stands back, ready to provide assistance when needed.

DM Robert - tonights episode That's the Plan 
Monday May 7th, 2018 7:58:48 PM

Stohp tries to find a way through the fire but Zanderallen comes up with the plan. Dorbin agrees with him.

Bartomus casts a spell of Bull Strength.

The party is looking pretty buff and they drag the least damaged monster to throw on the fire. Whoomp. The soggy mass of vegetation flops on the fire, smothering it....at least temporarily. Stock races across and grabs the ball of amber. He quickly returns. Behind him there are a few tendrils of smoke as the wall of fire attempts to burn the mound of vegetation.

Micah stands back ready to assist where needed.

The large orb of amber begins to tremble in Stock's hands. You hear loud cracks and anyone looking at the chunk of amber can now see numerous cracks on its surface. (You can also see a large claw and part of the forearm of some beast in the amber. A blue smoke begins to seem out of one of the cracks and is flowing downward at Stock's feet. What does Stock do with the chunk of amber... hold on to it, throw it away, roll it away, etc (and for the last two which square do you aim it at if doing that).

Sid appears lost in thought.

We are back to rounds.
Please make sure your headers are fully updated with hit points, etc.
Also I've not moved you on the map as no one has really said they moved etc.


Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 67/67 AC: 23 T: 11 FF: 22 CMD: 20 
Monday May 7th, 2018 10:18:31 PM

Zanderallen moves around behind Stock calling out as he does, "Throw it down here between us Stock. Everyone get ready." Sword and shield raised Zander awaits whatever happens next.
Move to AU24

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 34/34 AC: 13 (11+2); Perc+7;Heal+8 
Monday May 7th, 2018 10:42:22 PM

"Ready for what, I mean there's nothing here, but...why is the smoke blue?" Bartomus readied his glaive as he watched the whisps swirl about Stock's feet. "gotta agree with Zander on this one, step away from the swirling mists Stock, carefully, gently even."

Stock (JonM) HP: 65/65;AC: 20/13/17;CMB: 12;CMD: 25;Rage: 13/17 
Tuesday May 8th, 2018 11:17:57 AM

"The curse! How did I forget about that...I certainly don't want the life stripped away from me. Where's Sid? Should we toss it in the magic bag?"

OoC - Assuming Sid holds the bag open...

Stock clears the creature's smouldering body and tosses the amber encased claw into the bag...

OoC - If Sid doesn't react...

Stock tosses the amber encased claw onto the ground between him and Zanderallen. "Ok. How do we move this thing?"

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:40/40 CMD:15] 
Tuesday May 8th, 2018 1:08:51 PM

Dorbin takes a few nervous steps backwards, mentally reciting the words to the web spell in his head...

Ready action to cast web on anything that suddenly appears that looks hostile.

Sid(Andrew) HP: 30/34; AC: 17/15/13; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Tuesday May 8th, 2018 4:03:10 PM

Sid swings the bag hanging off his right hip to the front and holds it open with both hands. He runs to AZ24 yelling, "In the bag in the bag in the bag!"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 40/45hp AC: 19/13/15 CMB: +9 (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm  
Tuesday May 8th, 2018 6:04:05 PM

For half a moment Stohp wildly thinks that they've stumbled across a genie. Then reality sets in along with the thought that it's probably some new horrible monster showing up to kill them all. "If it's summoning something will the bag hold it and the summoned thing?"

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 24/11/24 CMD:17 
Tuesday May 8th, 2018 8:05:32 PM

Ready to cast a spell should something threatening appear, Micah tensely watches the mist and the amber.

Magic Vestment
Stays at AY25
Readied action to cast magic circle against evil on himself should something malevolent appear.

To see spells prepared Highlight to display spoiler: {
0 Create Water, Mending, Detect poison, Detect Magic
1 open slot, Protection from Evil [cast], Bless, Comprehend Languages,Enlarge Person (domain) [cast]
2 open slot, Hold Person, Silence, Delay Poison, Bull’s Strength (domain) [cast]
3 open slot, Magic Circle against Evil, Blindness, Magic Vestment (domain) [cast], Magic Circle against Evil (Bonus spell from Sargrass plane--Cast as Cure Serious)

DM Robert - tonights episode Muahhahahaha  d4=2 ;
Tuesday May 8th, 2018 8:44:47 PM

Zanderallen runs around in front of Stock. (I assume Stock would be facing east having just run back across the mound over the fire). His sword blazing in his hand.

The blue smoke coalesces into the form of a small black man, perfectly formed, rippling with muscles and sporting a loin cloth. Anyone, Knowledge religion 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {This is clearly the spirit of some Manfri.}

Bartomus advises backing away from the smoke and rumbling sphere.

The Manfri looks around, "Fool of Took what have you done." He shouts.

Stock looks around claiming they should toss the sphere into a bag of some kind.

The Manfri shakes his head. "No that would be bad, as long as this room is secure he is weakened." He glances around.

Dorbin steps back readying a spell. Remember web needs to have anchor points, and the area could affect your party members

The Manfri jumps up and down, "The door is open! He will get out!

Sid runs behind Stock I realize now that the wall of fire would be doing damage to everyone within 10 and 20 feet of the wall, so I've shifted everyone slightly. holding the bag out.

The amber begins to emit a sickly yellow-green smoke that seems to cling to the stone. Stock feels the stone seem to crumble and shrink slightly in his hands.

Stohp votes for putting the thing into the bag.

The Manfri shakes his head, looking at the yellow-green mist. "It's too late now, he's out."

The amber crystal shatters and the claw starts to fall to the ground, but then stops as behind it a body forms from the yellow-green mist, a large body, an evil looking body, a grotesque combination of the body of a man with the head, wings, and talons of a huge vulture. (Yes this is evil Stock, update your header). Knowledge planes peoples.

The Manfri glances at Zanderallen, "I see you've found my old greatsword, use it well. Zanderallen only Highlight to display spoiler: {you intrinsically know that this is a +1 flaming longsword in your hands}

He glances at Stock, "Afraid Gardan's old helmet is not going to do much against that things spore's when it launches them."

He nods at Sid, "I see you have Alfrond's vestment, I suggest you transform into something large and fierce." Sid only Highlight to display spoiler: {you know the green vestment you are wearing with all the copper embroidery is in fact a druid's vestment.}


Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 67/67 AC: 23 T: 11 FF: 22 CMD: 20  d20+5=6 ; d20+14=20 ; d8+15=19 ;
Tuesday May 8th, 2018 11:20:39 PM

Shaking his head slightly at their position, how did Sid always end up in danger?, Zanderallen cries out,"By Domi's will back to the Abyss foul creature!" He then pushes his way through the party to engage the creature, his blade glowing with divine power and a holy aura extending around him.
[i]Divine Bound Keen 53 rounds
Bull's Strength 55 rounds
Smite Evil (+3 to hit, +3 to AC, +6 to damage, ignore DR) end of combat[i]
Move to AW22 (will provoke if it has reach)
Attack Foul Creature
20 to hit, 19 damage

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 40/45hp AC: 19/13/15 CMB: +9 (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm   d20+11=23 ; d20+11=24 ;
Wednesday May 9th, 2018 6:57:26 AM

Stohp notes that whatever it is is appearing right next to her. Without the need to move she can attempt to grapple twice - if the first succeeds then she'll use the second to try to pin. (23 & 24)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 34/34 AC: 13 (11+2); Perc+7;Heal+8  d20+5=19 ; 2d8+4=14 ;
Wednesday May 9th, 2018 9:43:12 AM

Bartomus moved to close the distance between what was just mist and the thing that was appearing. He reached out with his glaive and attempted to slash at the appearing creature while others came at it as well.

Move to Ay/Az 25; attack with a 19 and damage of 14 - Bull strength 50/60

Stock (JonM) HP: 77/77;AC: 20/13/17;CMB: 15;CMD: 28;Rage: 12/17  d20+10=25 ; d20+12=28 ; 2d8+19=30 ;
Wednesday May 9th, 2018 11:55:43 AM

"Somebody close the door. I don't like this smoke guy much but I trust him more than that vulture beast."

Spores...that doesn't sound good. That one time I got sprayed by spores underground when I was a kid...I didn't feel right for a week...

Stock once again embraces his inner rage and goes on the attack. A guttural sound echoes in the hall and he brings his flail around.

Status Effects (all in header): Protection from Evil (50 rounds), Enlarged (51 rounds), Bull's Strength (20 rounds), Rage
Any chance it is considered a summoned creature for the purposes of protection from evil?
Move Action: Intimidating Glare - 25; The DC of this check is equal to 10 + the target's Hit Dice + the target's Wisdom modifier; Effect: If the barbarian successfully demoralizes her opponent, the foe is shaken for 1d4 rounds + 1 round for every 5 points by which the barbarian's check exceeds the DC.
Standard Action: Power ATTACK - Hit AC28; 30 damage

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 24/11/24 CMD:17  d20+12=14 ;
Wednesday May 9th, 2018 12:51:03 PM

[OOC: Assumed my readied action to cast Magic Circle against EVIL occurred.]

"By Domi!" shouts Micah as he sees what is summoned. He casts Magic circle against evil. Seeing his position relative to the others and counting on Sid to retreat, he moves to keep Stohp and Zanderallen within the effect of the spell.

As the creature steps out, he again calls upon his divine power to encourage and strengthen his allies, casting bless

Magic Circle Against Evil 60 minutes remaining. See description below.
Magic Vestment ~6 hours remaining
Bless 6 minutes. +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and saving throws against fear effects.

Move to AU23

Did not succeed on knowledge religion check (I had to roll a 3).

Abridged description of Magic Circle against evil. Affects anyone within 10' of Micah Highlight to display spoiler: {This spell wards a creature from attacks by evil creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. It creates a magical barrier a 10' radius around Micah. The barrier moves with Micah.

Anyone within the circle gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures.

The spell prevents bodily contact by evil summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:40/40 CMD:15]  d20+5=16 ; d6+1=6 ;
Wednesday May 9th, 2018 4:00:56 PM

Dorbin takes another step back and says, "Spores? I can't... I don't..." He starts digging through the pockets of his robes and he absentmindedly points at the creature and a blob of acid flies through the air.

Acid dart, ranged touch, hit AC 16, dam: 6

DM Robert - tonights episode Muahhahahaha  2d4=7 ; d4=2 ; d4=1 ;
Wednesday May 9th, 2018 8:55:19 PM

The creature is extra planar, he is not summoned as he has been trapped here for a long time. That's what happens when heroic warriors want to keep mementos of a fight rather than utterly destroying bits and pieces of a demon.

Zanderallen bravely squirms forward to attack the creature ready to receive what surely should be an attack from the large creature for closing with it. Fortunately the creature appears to be taking in its surroundings. Zanderallen swings....and hits, only because I'm using the flatfooted AC.

Stoph shifts slightly to be better able to grapple. She attempts twice to close and grapple this monstrosity. However both times the monster seems able to shrug her off.

The Manfri shouts, "The door, close it, if he gets beyond the threshold he can teleport anywhere!"

Bartomus repositions himself...you are in range of the outwardly burning wall of fire, take 7 points fire damage, no save allowed...this was warned about last post when I shifted everyone away from the fire and then strikes at the monster. Again allowing the flat footed hit, but only with the +1 from the Bless spell. Bartomus sees his glave strike true, but feels the wood flex in his hand as most of the damage seems to have been deflected by a tough hide. Just a point of order in case you never realized it, you are a large creature with a large reach weapon, you could be back 10 feet and hit things.

Stock feels the rage of his inner anger and swings. Stock glares at the creature frothing at the mouth. Then he hefts his flail and brings down on the creature. Alas Stock feels that his blow should have done more damage than it did.

Micah begins casting as a only a heroic cleric can.

Dorbin casts his missile of acid which hits the creature squarely in the chest. The acid however beads up and rolls off...no damage.

Sid...stands speechless.

The monster acts...
Free action a cloud of spores which spray out from its body. Everyone adjacent...takes no damage as currently a bless spell is up.

The creature then opens it's beak and lets out an ear-piercing screech. All save Fortitude target 20, all within 10 feet of Micah get +2 for their save (Stock, +2 only once it doesn't stack with your protection from evil). Failure to save means you are stunned for 1 round, which would be the next round.

V Monster: AC22, damage 43


Stohp (Mitch) HP: 40/45hp AC: 19/13/15 CMB: +9 (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm   d20+5=21 ;
Wednesday May 9th, 2018 9:06:41 PM

Stohp claps her hands to her ears and just barely manages to not be overwhelmed by the cry (21). Seeing that her grappling is not working and heading the warning of the Manfri, she rushes to the door and tries to slam it closed. (Takes a double move I believe so might not be able to finish action)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 67/67 AC: 26 T: 11 FF: 22 CMD: 20  d20+13=33 ; d20+14=19 ; d20+9=25 ; d8+15=19 ; d6=5 ;
Thursday May 10th, 2018 12:23:25 AM

Gritting his teeth as the creature screams, Zanderallen sets his stance and slashes into foul creature. His first swing just goes wide, but the back swing bites into extra planar flesh.
Bull's Strength, Divine Spirit(Keen) - 54, 52 rounds Smite Evil
1st - 19 misses
2nd - 25 hits for 19 damage +5 fire

Stock (JonM) HP: 77/77;AC: 20/13/17;CMB: 15;CMD: 28;Rage: 11/17  d20+12=30 ; d20+12=21 ; 2d8+19=29 ; d20+7=18 ; 2d8+19=26 ;
Thursday May 10th, 2018 10:03:39 AM

"SID WAKE UP! GO close the door!"

Stock then repeats his yell in Dwarven...just because he likes the sound of dwarven yelling in enclosed spaces during battle.

Back to the fight again, the sight of the frothing creature draws a laugh from Stock. He spits on it, whips his flail back and does his best to pound the thing to a pulp.

Status Effects (all in header): Protection from Evil (49 rounds), Enlarged (50 rounds), Bull's Strength (19 rounds), Rage, Bless (Micah)
Fort Save: 30
Free Action: Spit
Power Attack 1 Hits AC22 (forgot to add bless), 29 damage
Power Attack 2 Hits AC19 (forgot to add bless), 26 damage

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 34/34 AC: 13 (11+2); Perc+7;Heal+8  d20+7=22 ;
Thursday May 10th, 2018 10:16:42 AM

Bartomus felt the lick of the flames and the burn as he made his strike. He was too close to the flames, and had done too little to the creature. Then he winced as the creature let out a shriek that echoed not only in the room, but in his mind as well. He shook his head, turned away from the flames and followed after Stohp who was running for the door. "I can help slow the thing, Stohp while you slam those shut..

Damage noted, my mistake - 22 on Fortitude save; Run to AQ23; Bull Strength 49/60

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:40/40 CMD:15]  d20+6=9 ;
Thursday May 10th, 2018 11:23:02 AM

Dorbin watches in wonderment while his acid just rolls off the creature. Before he has time to decide what to do, the creature screeches and Dorbin can do little but stare at the massive beast.

For save, DC 20: 9, failure!

Sid(Andrew) HP: 30/34; AC: 17/15/13; CMB: 2; CMD: 16)  d20+3=15 ;
Thursday May 10th, 2018 2:08:05 PM

Sid's elven senses can almost feel the magic that he can't access. "What!" he yelps as he looks up at the creature in front of him. Then it screams in his face. Sid doesn't yell and neither does he scream. He just says, "What?"


Fort: 17(15 + 2(from Manfri)) (Still fails)

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 24/11/24 CMD:17  d20+9=29 ;
Thursday May 10th, 2018 6:16:32 PM

Micah grimaces in fierce determination at the sound of the creature's piercing screech.

Apprising the situation, he decides to give Zanderallen a boost and steps up to touch him, filling him with a temporary rage for battle.

Fort Save 29
Active spells Magic vestment, bless, magic circle against eevil

Touch Zanderallen with Battle Rage +3 untyped damage to melee attacks for one round
This is a war domain power.

DM Robert - tonights episode Muahhahahaha  d20+11=15 ; d20+11=18 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+11=28 ; d6+5=10 ;
Thursday May 10th, 2018 8:57:24 PM

Stohp rushes away from the creature, and provokes an attack of opportunity. However fortune favors the foolhardy and the creatures talon misses. Stohp manages to get in front of the doorway, her momentum closing one door as she almost crushes into it.

Zanderallen's first swing is a miss, but his recovery hits true. Mighty Domi granted him the power of the smite which enables his blade to ignore DR. Unfortunately the flame seems not to bother the creature at all.

Stock wails, both in Dwarvish and with his flail. The first strike hits, but seems less powerful than it should have been. The second strike misses.

Dorbin and Sid stand in shock and awe, stunned by the sound the creature made.

Micah again calls on the power of Domi and grants Zanderallen a little extra damage with his strike.

The creature speaks. "So Bwawannaa, you have more hapless fools to fight for you. They shall die like your companions before." The monster decides to lay into Stock because an enlarge raging dwarf just goes against the nature of things.
Claw 1: 18 miss
Claw 2: 16 miss
Bite: 16 miss
Talon 1: 19 miss
Talon 2: 28 HIT: 10 points damage.

It takes a 5 foot step.

The little Manfri speaks up. "Actually I think this is going better than I thought it would. Like last time Ba'Al'car'vrock you shall loose."

V Monster: AC22, damage 84


Stohp (Mitch) HP: 40/45hp AC: 19/13/15 CMB: +9 (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm  
Thursday May 10th, 2018 10:17:54 PM

Stohp tries to close the second door (Guessing I don't need a check for that?). With both doors closed she hesitates. Surely that can't be all? She looks around for some sort of locking mechanism.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 27/34 AC: 13 (11+2); Perc+7;Heal+8  3d6=8 ;
Thursday May 10th, 2018 10:36:45 PM

Bartomus turned and looked at the clawing, biting screeching thing and began to move his fingers and mouth as he focused on lightening. When he fixed the image of the bolt in his mind, he snapped his fingers and pointed at the nasty creature calling from the ceiling a bolt of lightening down on the beast.

Call Lightening 5/6 rounds - aimed at ax 21 for 8 pts dmg, reflex save reduces damage by half

Sid(Andrew) HP: 30/34; AC: 17/15/13; CMB: 2; CMD: 16)  d20+8=10 ;
Thursday May 10th, 2018 11:29:25 PM

Sid steps over to AZ22 and is now flanking Barock. He looks at it as he approaches and says, "What are you? You don't make sense." And his scimitar swings wide.


ToHit(Scimitar): 10

Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 67/67 AC: 26 T: 11 FF: 22 CMD: 20  d20+14=27 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=17 ; d8+15=18 ; d8+15=17 ;
Thursday May 10th, 2018 11:43:01 PM

Matching the step of Ba'Al'car'vrock. Seeing who the creature is edging towards Zander waves his arm at Dorbin, "Shake it off Dorbin, get out of here! Ba'Al'car'vrock, take some deep breathes for they shall be your last." His blade glowing with holy power it bites deep, his second strike just missing sliding deep within the creature's vitals.
Bull's Strength, Divine Spirit(Keen) - 53, 51 rounds Smite Evil
1st - 27 to hit, 18 damage
2nd - 27 to hit(17 doesn't confirm crit), 17 damage

Stock (JonM) HP: 67/77;AC: 20/13/17;CMB: 15;CMD: 28;Rage: 10/17  d20+13=32 ; d20+13=31 ; 4d8+38=56 ; d20+8=22 ; 2d8+19=22 ;
Friday May 11th, 2018 9:10:56 AM

Stock holds up his flail briefly and yells at it. "Work harder!"

And then he is surrounded by talons and claws, all of which seem to hit his armor until one lucky shot scrapes his neck. "You need to die again!"

Status Effects (all in header): Protection from Evil (48 rounds), Enlarged (49 rounds), Bull's Strength (18 rounds), Rage, Bless (Micah)
Power Attack 1 Crit Threat; Confirms with 31; 56 damage
Power Attack 2 hits AC22; 22 damage

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:40/40 CMD:15] 
Friday May 11th, 2018 11:35:18 AM

Dorbin shakes his head when Zander calls out to him. He takes another step back (AV18) and yells at Bwawannaa, "Hey, you could help here, since you know what's going on!" He then reaches into a pocket of his robes and his hand appears with a bit of butter between his fingers. He throws that at the strange creature and the area underneath it fills will grease.

Cast grease in the 10' square where the creature stands. Reflex DC 16 or fall down.

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 24/11/24 CMD:17 
Friday May 11th, 2018 3:31:18 PM

Micah's eyes widen as he sees the onslaught brought against this fell creature on by his friends.

They widen further as he sees Sid subject himself to the flaming wall's heat in order to flank their foe.

He steps close to Zanderallen. Should the creature survive those blows, he will empower the paladin with battle rage again.

Move to AV23
Touch Zanderallen with Battle Rage +3 untyped damage to melee attacks for one round

DM Robert - tonights episode "You need to die again!"  d20+8=18 ; d20+13=16 ; 2d4=5 ; d20+6=19 ;
Saturday May 12th, 2018 10:37:33 AM

Stohp reaches over and pulls the other door shut. She looks for some sort of lock but finds none.

Bartomus calls down a bolt of lighting on the creature. Unfortuantely the bolt seems to wink out of existence as it touches the creature. Spellcraft 10 Highlight to display spoiler: { it has Spell Resistance, and even if the spell would have worked it has resistance to electricity...and fire, cold, and acid 10 or I should say it had }

Sid decides to flank the creature, moving more than 5 feet provokes an attack of opportunity. The monster lashes out, and misses by 1. However Sid is standing REALLY close to the outward facing wall of fire. Sid takes 5 points fire damage. Sid cuts at the creature, to no avail.

Zanderallen swings his sword with the bolstering of Micah's touch. The sword connects once, twice. Zanderallen grins as he twists the sword before withdrawing it from the creatures stomach. There is a look of shock upon the creature's face.

And then Stock's flail comes sailing across and hits the creature in the head. Everyone can hear the impact of metal chains on beak and skull. The creature's head spins with the impact, to an odd and unnatural angle. The creature falls to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

Dorbin casts a grease spell under the creature, alas it too fails to materialize. But no matter for the creature is already on the ground. And even as it hit, it dissolves and fades away, leaving behind only the mummified stump of a claw.

V Monster: AC22, damage 125, before Stock hit it, and it only had 112 hit points.

map, i don't think we need the map anymore.

Bwawannaa, the manfri spirit, applauds. "That was AWESOME. You seven are truly heroes for an age. I am no longer needed to guard against Ba'Al'car'vrock's return. The Sargrass is safe...well for at least 99 years, or so I've been told by demon experts. As a reward you may keep the tokens left in the outer room. But perhaps more of a reward is needed.

He waves his hands as his spirit dissolves into mist. On the ground near him lie...(also speeding things along by telling you what they are)
A Sargrass steel grass, Minotaur sized breastplate +1, (dm note, steel grass is not metal, so can be worn by druids)
A ring of protection +2
An amulet of natural armor +2
A +1 short sword of subtly (this weapon provides a +4 bonus on its wielder’s attack and damage rolls when she makes a sneak attack with it.)
A belt of giant strength +2

You have the claw, you have the magical escape item.

Sid(Andrew) HP: 30/34; AC: 17/15/13; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Saturday May 12th, 2018 12:37:09 PM

Sid bounces away from the fire and picks up the mummified stump and puts it in the group bag of holding, "We are supposed to take this right? Oh, and the shield." Sid runs back and gets the sargrass buckler while our reward is identified. Coming back in he says, "You know, it's like a Druid extravaganza today, I wonder if there are ways to set up trade through there. The Sagrass has really interesting properties, and those flying ships? Man!"

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 27/34 AC: 13 (11+2); Perc+7;Heal+8  d20+1=3 ;
Saturday May 12th, 2018 4:12:53 PM

Bartomus watched as the lightening bolt came down and then just did nothing. Absolutely nothing, he was stunned, confused, and bewildered. It had to have done something, he thought to himself. Really, why didn't it do something?

Then he watched in complete amazement a series of blows first by Zander that struck the horrid thing in its stomach spreading blood and gore about. Then it was the whirl of metal chains and the thick crunching sound of metal bruising, breaking, and flattening flesh and bone. The metal whipped the creature's head in such a manner that bones shifted, muscles gave way and the neck broke. The creature fell to the ground and Bartomus forgot about his failed spell.

Bartomus nodded at the Manfri spirit and looked about the prizes offered before them. He looked at the breastplate and then at Stoph, then at the breast plate. "So Stohp, which of us does that breastplate fit?

When Sid came back in with the buckler, Bartomus chuckled at his excitement about the Sagrass and the idea of trade. "I am not sure I want to contend with some of the creatures here for such a franchise, but, a few bones for carving would be worth to have for certain. But, after, after we figure out the crystal at home, right Micah and Zander?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 40/45hp AC: 19/13/15 CMB: +9 (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm  
Saturday May 12th, 2018 5:35:38 PM

Stohp eyes the breastplate and considers. "My armor is of lesser quality than yours and I get attacked more. If you don't mind I'd like it."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 67/67 AC: 26 T: 11 FF: 22 CMD: 20  d20+5=9 ; d20+5=8 ;
Sunday May 13th, 2018 2:51:22 PM

Zanderallen turns to thank Bwawannaa, but his words cut short as the spirit fades from view. Closing his mouth his gaze turns to the sword, now fully gifted to him. He ponders what kind of bound might be holding the spirit here but can't think of any. Then realizing he isn't sure how to safely stow the flaming sword he turns to Dorbin, "There's a way to suppress the power of elemental weapons right, Dorbin?" Even as his thoughts turn in that direction while he speaks he almost jumps as is will suppresses the flames covering the blade. "Oh yeah, just think it." Stowing the sword among his pack until he can get a scabbard to fit it, Zander surveys the group. Looks like everyone came out mostly unscathed. That's a first. "Well done everyone. Ready to go back home and stop the blood crystals? I believe Micah is carrying the flute."
9 Know(religion) about Bwawannaa - Zander really should have paid more attention in school
8 Spellcraft to identify how to suppress the flame, doesn't know and embarrasses himself

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:40/40 CMD:15] 
Monday May 14th, 2018 11:44:06 AM

Dorbin has already pulled out his leather book and has plopped down on the ground where he was standing, furiously scribbling in the book, apparently oblivious to everyone else at the moment.

Stock (JonM) HP: 55/65;AC: 22/14/19;CMB: 8;CMD: 24;Rage: 10/17 
Monday May 14th, 2018 12:08:18 PM

"Yeah. Ready. Anybody know how to use that claw to stop the blood crystals? Is that more of a Dorbin thing or a Micah thing or a Bart thing?"

Stock wipes the sweat from his brow, gets to his feet and prepares to lead the Shields out.

Dropping all status effects for now

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 24/11/24 CMD:17  d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ;
Monday May 14th, 2018 8:38:47 PM

Micah lets out a sigh of relief as the combine attacks of his friends vanquish the fiend.
A smile erupts on his face as he realizes what they have accomplished.

As the manfri spirit honors them with praise and gifts, he nods in humble acknowledgement.

He pulls out the magical instrument and the ritual book and says, flute lifted in one hand, "When everyone is ready, I will count on this to take us back." He then gestures with the book to Stock, "and this describes what we are to do when we get back to the crystal."

"Before we leave here, a bit of healing is in order for we do not know what we may encounter when we return." He channels energy for 9 points healing to the Shields.

He reviews the ritual with the Shields and waits for everyone to be ready, including claiming of items, then sounds the flute.

Channel Energy Heal 9 to everybody [4 uses remaining]

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