Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP81/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Tuesday May 1st, 2018 9:37:41 PM
OOC: Forgot to move my marker to the place where Michael was attacking, that has been corrected now, would that have put him inside the radius of Pru's spell?
DM Warren - Did someone say Big Bird? MAP Tuesday May 1st, 2018 10:13:37 PM
Oof - it's suddenly late. Update incoming, guys.
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 87/106(BrianZ) Tuesday May 1st, 2018 10:15:24 PM
Trayvin sees Pru saying something, but he can't hear it. He points at his ears and then tries to signal that his hearing has been affected. It looks like the Agents are starting to recover, so he prepares for another bite attack from the bird and hopes he can hang in there.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 70/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Tuesday May 1st, 2018 11:36:20 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 2/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
Prone Stunned 4/4
Stunned - drops everything held, can't take actions, takes -2 penalty AC, looses DEX bonus to AC
Adjusted AC = 16
Nikolai is still unable to act but at least he can see that the others are starting to recover. Now if he could just pull himself together before he is torn apart!
Prudence Gundle [AC 14; HP 74/74] [invisible] Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 12:06:51 AM
[OOC: Are we sure Trayvin can't hear? I thought everybody's deafness had worn off.]
DM Warren - Did someone say Big Bird? MAP d20=8 ; 3d6+19=28 ; Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 12:50:42 AM
Pompous lets a volley of arrows fly at the bird. Unfortunately, he knew less about it than he thought, and his first arrow just barely connects, doing less damage than he expected. Not an animal, sorry!
Sigvar also tries to ID the creature, but its origins escape him for the moment. Akir and Nikolai also struggle in vain against their ailment.
Michael has some luck with his first strike, and the bird screams in pain, right in Trayvin's ear, where he very clearly hears it.
Pru stays invisible for the moment and invigorates the allies she can reach. Sigvar positively vibrates with the speed, but makes no other reaction for now.
Despite sight and speed, Anna can't connect with her attack or start a grapple.
The tiny man inflicting so much damage can't be ignored. With a squack, the bird snaps Michael up in its beak. 28 damage and grappled In addition, the birds wounds seem to be healing before their eyes.
Total Damage - 23
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 1:19:11 AM
Sigvar is astounded by the bird's size and speed. He watches shots that normally would strike true on the Fist's opponents miss. This will be trouble. No subtlety here. Spell up and stand and deliver. Once I can move that is.
Sigvar's Dashboard Prone Stunned 4/4 LoH 1/6 used Lion's Shield 2/3 used
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 25/15/21 HP 76/76 -- CMD 24 Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 9:58:41 AM
Anna heroically dismisses her Beast Shape 3 and reverts to her normal form. She then plunges both hands into her bag of tricks and pulls forth a cleric scroll of silence. Holding it out for Trayvin to use if he can get over to her.
(OOC: Used last hero point)
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 95/90 (Ken E) Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 10:57:45 AM
Akirs world finally seems to be coming into focus.
"Move. Work. MOVE! WORK!"
Akir continues to rage internally at his bodies lack of compliance. This time, he is rewarded by the slightest twitch of a foot.
Akirs Status.
Stunned 4/4
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 74/74] d20+14=32 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=19 ; 4d6=14 ; 4d6=10 ; Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 2:33:32 PM
With so many of her companions still inactive, Pru decides it's time to jump into the fight.
"No!" she shouts. "Bad bird! Put Michael down!"
She casts Scorching Ray to emphasize her point. She powers through the creature's Spell Resistance [Caster check 32], and two golden rays streak toward it. [Hit Touch AC 13 for 14 fire damage; hit Touch AC 19 for 10 fire damage. Pru has the Precise Shot feat.]
And she becomes visible.
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP54/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 d20+11=14 ; Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 3:54:44 PM
Michael “clicks” and suddenly he’s in battle mode. The bird has him, he wonders how hard it is to hit on the inside. Michael actively attempts crawl down the birds throat, which if it’s been trying to eat them should be easily done. Escape artist (aid another) +15-4= 11. Escape artist 14. Once swallowed he’ll see what this things AC is on the inside.
Pompous changes strategies and figures that precision is better then quantity in this case. He pulls out a different type of arrow from the quiver, takes aim and lets fly.
--------------------- using a masterwork cold iron arrown
Pinpoint Targeting (Combat) You can target the weak points in your opponent's armor. Benefit: As a standard action, make a single ranged attack. The target does not gain any armor, natural armor, or shield bonuses to its Armor Class. You do not gain the benefit of this feat if you move this round.
Attack - Hits AC 16 for 4 electric and 8 physical damage ( the +8 is really a plus 1)
DM Warren - Did someone say Big Bird? MAP 3d6+19=36 ; 2d6=9 ; d20=4 ; d20=8 ; d8+13=14 ; d8+13=14 ; Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 6:29:11 PM
Ever prepared, Anna gets ready for what seems another inevitable audible assault, shifting back to her human self and holding out a scroll. Hopefully Trayvin picks up on her effort.
Pru finds that despite the bird's armor, it's pretty easy just to touch it, and she scorches it twice in quick succession. Pompous takes that lesson to heart as well, putting a careful arrow into its rear end.
Going against all logic, Michael squirms his way down the bird's gullet, figuring it may be easier to attack from in there. We'll see if he's right! In the meantime, he takes damage from the crushing of its throat and its digestive juices! 36 bludgeoning and 9 acid damage
With its mouth somewhat engaged in swallowing, it only strikes out with its claws for the moment, giving one each to Trayvin and Anna. 14 damage each Despite the different types of attacks hitting it, its wounds continue their quicker than normal knitting.
Total Damage - 49
Sigvar, Nikolai, and Akir finally regain feeling in their limbs and spring into action!
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 7:01:56 PM
Sigvar rolls to his feet, drawing his weaponns and casting a spell all in one fluid motion. Cast Divine Favor
Sigvar's Dashboard Divine Favor +3 to hit and damage 1/10 rounds used Haste +1 AC, +1 Reflex save, extra attack on a full attack action, +20' to movement 2/10 rounds used LoH 1/6 used Lion's Shield 2/3 used
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 7:03:51 PM
Using a Hero Point Sigvar also calls on Gargul to enhance his weapon +2 to hit and damage (Divine Bond)
Pompous AC 25(26) CMD 25/20, HP 87/87 d20+12=25 ; d6=5 ; d8+1=6 ; Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 8:14:26 PM
Seeing his partner being eaten whole by the bird, Pompous shakes his head in disbelief.
{ Well, that'll be one for the book! }
Pompous sees that his arrow stick out of the bird's ample behind.
"Bulls eye! Let's do it again! "
Using a masterwork cold iron arrown
Pinpoint Targeting (Combat) You can target the weak points in your opponent's armor. Benefit: As a standard action, make a single ranged attack. The target does not gain any armor, natural armor, or shield bonuses to its Armor Class. You do not gain the benefit of this feat if you move this round.
Hits AC 25 for 5 shock and 6 physical damage
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP9/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 d20+18=26 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=22 ; d4+2=6 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=3 ; d4+2=4 ; 5d6=20 ; 5d6=23 ; 5d6=23 ; 5d6=25 ; d20+18=34 d4+2=3 5d6(4+1+6+1+1)=13 Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 9:57:22 PM
Ugh! ouch OOomph! Michael is alternately crushed, seared by acid and assaulted by the smell. it smells like mint and pig sty in here. seeing as he is not dead he tests his theory. with only a gross knowledge of bird anatomy he guesses he is in its craw, therefore it's lungs and heart should be Here, here, here...no that's a bone...and here!
first Attack +14 to hit +4 flank (if you are in the middle of a creature anybody on the outside is your flanking partner. Also I’d like to see him use his DEX bonus on the inside. )
+1 keen rapier to hit AC 26 for 6 damage 20 points of flanking damage. = 26
+1 Short Sword to hit AC 21 for 5 damage 23 points of flanking damage =28
2nd attack +8 to hit +4 flanking
+1 keen rapier to hit AC 15 for 3 damage 23 points of flanking damage. =26
+1 short sword to hit AC 22 for 4 damage. 25 points of flanking damage. =29
+5 points bleed damage. starting his round.
he then spends a hero point to get another standard action. +1 rapier to hit AC 34 for 3 points 13 points flanking. =16
while it was nice to be able to cut this bird up like a Christmas turkey..this position is not tenable, so while he is cutting he is also cutting his way out.
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 73/106(BrianZ) Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 10:02:22 PM
Wow, this thing was tough. They'll never believe it back home when he tells his family about a bird that tossed the Agents around like dolls. "Michael!" Trayvin sighs, and hopes that was a good move. He wasn't sure how quickly they would be able to cut him out of there if he can't do it on his own.
Trayvin nods at the new tactic that was suggested. He makes good use of the haste spell and makes his way over to Anna to grab the scroll. He grabs the scroll but he keeps it for a backup, using his own spell first. (I think moving will provoke an AoO, so the casting might not?)
Actions: move, get scroll(or is it handed to Trayvin?) cast silence on Anna.
Active Effects: Shield of Faith Liberation(domain ability, acts like freedom of movement spell) Haste
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 74/74] d20+14=25 ; Thursday May 3rd, 2018 12:33:42 AM
First Pru was blinded, and now she is hallucinating. She though she had just seen Michael turn and squirm down the bird's throat, which was impossible, so clearly she was seeing things.
She only hopes her vision is good enough to target her next spell.
"Let's see if we can weaken you a bit," she says. She casts Enervation, but this time she cannot power through the creature's spell resistance. [Caster check 25, which isn't enough if that really is a Jub-Jub bird as advertised.]
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 70/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Thursday May 3rd, 2018 1:11:57 AM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 2/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
Nikolai finally stands and acts to help his friends. He draws his Kama +2 and moves in to flank the bird.
Move: Stand from prone and draw kama +2 Move: move next to bird to flank it and provide flanking for friends.
Spend Ki pt for extra +4 to AC
Modified AC is 26
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 95/90 (Ken E) Thursday May 3rd, 2018 11:50:58 AM
Akir stands, and draws grasps his second scythe. He saw Pru's spells fizzle against the creature. There was no way that he was getting through it on his own.
Instead he casts Blink, using his bonded weapon to recall the spell for him to cast it.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 25/15/21 HP 62/76 -- CMD 24 d20+11=19 ; Thursday May 3rd, 2018 12:55:15 PM
Anna defensively uses her bull strength SLA (19 vs 15 + (2 x 2) = success) and successfully buffs her strength without provoking an AOO from the JubJub.
She then draws her great sword.
Active Effects: Haste Bull's Strength - 70 rounds
DM Warren - Did someone say Big Bird? MAP d20=4 ; 3d6+19=30 ; d6=3 ; Thursday May 3rd, 2018 4:27:41 PM
Sigvar wastes no time springing to his feet and focusing his magic into his weapons. Akir does the same, preparing himself for his assault.
Pompous takes his success and builds on it, sinking another arrow into the bird's scaly butt.
As questionable as Michael's plan was, he soon put it to good effect. Ignoring the burning and crushing, he practically explodes out of the bird's gullet in a fountain of gore. As he tumbles out of the base of the bird's next, he executes a graceful twist in the air and stabs it once more.
Thinking himself clever, Trayvin moves around the bird, provoking it to strike him. Which it does! for 30 damage Then he casts his spell and the world goes silent again.
Pru throws a spell to weaken the bird, but cannot quite penetrate its natural resistance.
Nikolai moves in to attack position. The bird, having already spent its opportunity attack on Trayvin, allows this. Nikolai's hearing disappears again though, which confuses him, since there was no accompanying bang.
Anna increases her strength, needlessly worrying about provoking, but succeeding all the same.
The bird, suffering pain like it has never before known, throws its head forward and screams. Or at least you think it does. Thanks to Anna and Trayvin's quick thinking, you can only see its fury, rather than hear it. It bleeds a bit more, but then the wound seals up on its own.
Total Damage - 164
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 74/74] d20+14=23 ; Thursday May 3rd, 2018 5:01:53 PM
"Man, this thing is tough!" Pru tries the same spell again, and is again denied.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet Thursday May 3rd, 2018 6:16:23 PM
Sigvar takes a 5 foot step towards the bird and attacks as many times as he can. He cativates the Lion's shield and it attacks as well. Shield 1 Shield 2 Haste Longsword 1 Longsword 2 Horns
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet d20+14=16 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+25=43 ; d20+25=32 ; d20+25=38 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+19=31 ; 4d6+12=24 ; 2d6+6=11 ; d8=7 ; Thursday May 3rd, 2018 6:25:13 PM
heh, wrong button. Lets try that again Shield 1 Hit AC 16 miss Shield 2 Hit AC 23 miss Haste Hits AC 43, possible Critical confirms to AC 32 for 30 damage Longsword 1 Hits AC 38 for 14 damage Longsword 2 Hits AC 21 miss Horns Hits AC 31 for 15 damage Forgot the divine favor damage, added it after the rolls
Sigvar's Dashboard Divine Favor +3 to hit and damage 2/10 rounds used Haste +1 AC, +1 Reflex save, extra attack on a full attack action, +20' to movement 3/10 rounds used LoH 1/6 used Lion's Shield 3/3 used
Pompous fires another arrow. This time, with super pinpoint accuracy!
--------------- Using a masterwork cold iron arrown
Pinpoint Targeting (Combat) You can target the weak points in your opponent's armor. Benefit: As a standard action, make a single ranged attack. The target does not gain any armor, natural armor, or shield bonuses to its Armor Class. You do not gain the benefit of this feat if you move this round.
Hits AC 31 (Critical hit confirmation AC 26) for 5, 1 and 6 shock and 3,5 and 8 physical damage
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP9/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 d8=4 ; d8=7 ; d8=5 ; Thursday May 3rd, 2018 9:05:49 PM
Michael has done what he can. the acid burns, the brusing and the crushing from the bird have taken him down to the bare minimum. he runs toward the dagger, sheathing a short sword, drinking a potion of CSW (21 points cured), dropping the bottle into his pants and scooping up the dagger, he then beelines for the tall grass. once he gets a bit more health back he'll come back, but right now he's just a dead halfing walking if the bird hits him again.
sheath short sword pull potion from pants and drink it dropping bottle in pants scooping up dagger continuing on to the tall grass.
Hero point authorized if I need more actions to complete all this.
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 43/106(BrianZ) Thursday May 3rd, 2018 10:06:40 PM
Trayvin takes another hit, but it looks like it was worth it. When the bird shrieks again, no one can hear it and the Agents can continue to do what they do best. Michael is still alive, but maybe not for long. Trayvin moves to catch up to him and take care of some of the wounds from the beating that he took.
Actions Trayvin moves to get closer to Michael. This time he will attempt to avoid getting bit.
Active Effects: Shield of Faith Liberation(domain ability, acts like freedom of movement spell) Haste
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 70/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) d20+15=31 ; d8+4=10 ; d6=5 ; Thursday May 3rd, 2018 11:48:56 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 3/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
As gross as it seemed, Nikolai is relieved that Michael popped out of the bird as he did instead of a plop of digested Michael.
Trying to add to the wounds, he attacks it with gusto but noticed how hard the bird is to hit so goes for a more precise attack rather than his flurry.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 25/15/21 HP 62/76 -- CMD 24 d20+13=22 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+8=21 ; 2d6+7=14 ; 2d6+7=15 ; 2d6+7=11 ; Friday May 4th, 2018 12:44:10 AM
Anna lays into the big bird with her great sword.
(26 vs AC, 28 vs AC, 25 vs AC)(14, 15, 11 damage)(OOC: forgot to add +4 for outflank)
Active Effects: Haste Bull's Strength - 69 rounds
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 95/90 (Ken E) d20+20=24 ; Friday May 4th, 2018 12:59:38 AM
With his Blink spell in place, Akir rushes forward, jabbing his scythe into the birds side. He is open to a counter attack as he rushes in, but unless the birds talons are magical, there's a good chance they'll pass right through him.
He yells in frustration when his scythe bounces off the birds hide.
Actions: Charge, miss.
DM Warren - Did someone say Big Bird? MAP d20=10 ; d8+13=17 ; 3d6+19=22 ; Friday May 4th, 2018 4:57:14 PM
After her first volley, Pru seems to be having no luck overcoming the spell resistance of the JubJub Bird.
Sigvar's shield is a distraction for his Sword, which cuts deeply twice, and his horns just barely find purchase in it's shredded scales.
Pompous continues his proven strategy, taking it down one arrow at a time.
Michael is so concerned about getting in and getting the dagger away that he doesn't quite notice as the combined blows from Sigvar and Pompous send it crashing to the ground and he's almost crushed beneath it! He drinks a potion and grabs the dagger, but halts his run when the bird falls. (maybe)
Travyin runs over to help the gravely wounded Michael.
Knowing that its wounds are quick to heal, Nikolai shifts himself so he maintains flanking after Trayvin moved and lands a solid blow.
Anna flails away with her sword, but still has a hard time getting through its armor. Luckily, a helpless foe is easier to hit and she carves it up further. Akir has a similar experience, but is able to land his blow.
Finally, you think you have hacked up the bird enough to prevent even its miraculous healing from saving it and all is quiet. Then the silence spell ends and you hear your panting breaths from the pitched battle.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet d20+25=42 ; d20+25=31 ; 4d6+26=35 ; Friday May 4th, 2018 6:32:36 PM " OK, so seriously, who is taking it's head off to bring home? No one will believe this story without proof. That was some seriously inspired combat folks. And Michael, what the heck was that stunt?! That was seriously close to you coming out of him as a turd rather than a halfling. That is some high level of commitment. Remind me to never make you angry." Sigvar drops his shield and takes a two handed grip on his blade and remains tensed and ready to strike if the bird shows ANY signs that it is still alive. Readied sword hits AC 42, critical threat confirmed to AC 31 for 35 damage if the bird moves
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP9/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Friday May 4th, 2018 7:04:51 PM
Michael is a sight. covered in fey bird digestive juices, blood, undigested food and other "stuff" his skin is still red and puffy from the acid and the rocks in the bird's craw make him look like he has been stoned. mentally though, he clicks back into himself and the other Michael recedes. he smiles at Sigvar
Well sir...those feathers were awfully hard to get through, and when he grabbed me, with the way he was hitting us at will, I figured I had about as much chance of wiggling out of his grip as you had of having tea in a gnomes warren, since it was trying to eat us anyway, I figured he just HAD to be easier to hit on the inside, and I figured in his Craw i'd be really close to his heart and lungs. I didn't think it through though...that acid smarts and those stones in it craw were as big as an orcs skull...I think one was an orcs skull...Hey Pru! Can I get a prestigi...persiden...pers...aw heck...a cleaning spell?
I think we need to get some of its plumage as well.
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 74/74] Friday May 4th, 2018 10:11:57 PM
"It only works on clothes," Pru warns, calling up a Prestidigitation spell. "It's good old soap and water for the rest of you."
She helps Michael clean up, but her mind isn't 100% on the task. "Nikolai, are you all right?" she asks.
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 43/106(BrianZ) d8=3 ; d8=6 ; d8=7 ; d8=3 ; Friday May 4th, 2018 11:13:12 PM
Trayvin shakes his head. "Michael, that will be quite the story to tell the new recruits one day." Trayvin wasn't sure if there was any part of Michael that wasn't injured, so he uses one of his better spells.
Actions: drop divine power and cast cure critical wounds on Michael, healing 29hp
"So, did you get the dagger?"
Active Effects: Shield of Faith Liberation(domain ability, acts like freedom of movement spell) Haste
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 62/76 -- CMD 24 3d6+8=21 ; 3d6+8=19 ; Sunday May 6th, 2018 1:18:14 PM
Anna uses her enlarge self SLA and then attempts to behead the giant bird with her massive great sword. She sets up a coup de grace (21 damage + 19 damage = 40 damage to separate the birds head from its body).
Assuming she's successful she says "I got it. Now where are we going to put it?" to Sigvar
Active Effects: Haste Bull's Strength - 67 rounds Enlarge Person - 69 rounds
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP9/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Sunday May 6th, 2018 11:36:34 PM
Ahhhh! That's the stuff![/b] Michael moans at the prestidigitation and the CCW wash over him. Finally clean and in decent shape, he examines the dagger then holds it out to the spell slinger of the team to look at and identify. here you go
he gives it to Trayvin, Yeah! or the other fists at the last assignment. then pulls his journal out of his pocket and begins to write about this. Taking detailed notes about the creatures notable features, size, and any other salient details. he even draws a sketch of the creature.
Once done with that he harvest several dozen feathers from the beast. Enough to make a cloak or something. maybe even a cap.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 70/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) d8+1=3 ; Monday May 7th, 2018 2:14:50 AM "A bit of innovative thinking there, Michael. On the other hand, since the bird was intent on swallowing you, might as well oblige."
Nikolai uses a charge of their Wand of CLW on Michael.
Michael receives 3hps.
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 95/90 (Ken E) Monday May 7th, 2018 11:10:45 AM
Akir squeezes his scythes haft, then puts it away. He collects his second scythe from the ground.
"Michael, you are an incredible specimen. I don't think I'll ever forget this day, or stop telling this story to people I meet in the future."
He claps the halfling on the back, then returns to the business at hand.
"We have the dagger and some trophies. Shall we blow the whistle?"
Pompous AC 25(26) CMD 25/20, HP 87/87 Monday May 7th, 2018 4:40:12 PM
With a look of satisfaction of his face, Pompous jots down a few notes in his chronicles.
{ And the giant bird creature was struck with another arrow from our valiant hero! This arrow, as if propelled by the gods itself.. down the ferocious magical creature! With the help of his valiant companions, Pompous again saves the day! }
After a satisfying exclamation point at the end of the sentence, our hero plucks a few feather from the creature with plans on adding them as ornaments to his formal wear.
" Good job folks! "
DM Warren - Did someone say Big Bird? MAP Monday May 7th, 2018 4:41:22 PM
The bird is well and truly dead, and Michael has the dagger in his newly cleaned hand.
Pru can sense that the dagger is less enchanted than it is magic solely by being what it is. It represents just one facet of what the grasses of the plains can be used for.
She can also feel a sense of urgency from her pack where the journal and implements are stored.
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 74/74] Monday May 7th, 2018 5:01:53 PM
Pru pulls out the journal and opens it. "Now that we've got the dagger," she says, "let's see what happens next."
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet Monday May 7th, 2018 6:57:00 PM " I would like to suggest we rest before trying to turn that in. If I am right and this is not what it seems and we are being manipulated, we need to be ready for anything. And after two fights we might not be as ready for anything as we could be." Having been a grunt in the Bear regiment for so long, Sigvar is used to not being told everything about what his Fist was expected to do. That has made him gain a healthy amount of doubt when given what sounds like a straightforward task. Not everything is always as it seems.
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 43/106(BrianZ) Monday May 7th, 2018 7:40:48 PM
"Sigvar, that would probably be a good idea, but we don't know how soon the item will be needed back in the Wold. Pru, does the book say anything about how quickly we need to return?"
OOC- Michael, from last round: Actions: drop divine power and cast cure critical wounds on Michael, healing 29hp
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP62/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Monday May 7th, 2018 10:57:06 PM
Michael blushes at all the praise. but he is secretly proud that he could be of use to his team. he loves these guys and if giving his life will save them, it's a trade he would gladly make.
ooc: yeah for some reason it wouldn't let me change my header.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 70/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) d20+16=24 ; Monday May 7th, 2018 11:35:41 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 3/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
Nikolai cuts one of the claws off the bird to hang on the wall alongside their other trophies. "This, at least, won't rot and stink up the place, plus easier to carry."
He looks around again for any sign that the commotion may have brought sightseers then takes a look at the dagger. "At least I want to take a look at what we got swallowed for." Perception +16 = 24
"Let's get healed up as much as we can as I don't think this is over just yet."
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet Tuesday May 8th, 2018 6:44:11 AM "Trayvin, I am very aware that delaying may mean the lives of some folk in the Wold, and that I regret. However, if I am right and there is some ulterior motive for gathering these items, then facing the Manfri when we turn them in and being unable to stop him may mean the end of the Wold itself. If I am wrong I will mourn those that we lose that could have been saved. " "But what if I am right?"
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 62/76 -- CMD 24 Tuesday May 8th, 2018 8:46:09 AM
Anna says to Nikolai, "Are you saying the citadel does not have a taxidermist? If not we should find one and get the head professionally mounted. I don't suppose anyone has a way to preserve the head? I used the last of the magic in my bag pulling the silence spell so I need to put more gold in it. Does anyone have gentle repose or Rose's Temperature control?"
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 95/90 (Ken E) Tuesday May 8th, 2018 10:49:09 AM
Akir considers Sigvars concern.
"I don't know. We were told time flows differently here. I would much rather return to where we belong sooner rather than later."
He looks at Nikolai, but figures his laid back thumb isn't likely to issue a command.
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP62/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Tuesday May 8th, 2018 1:14:42 PM 8 hrs. Not a lot of time here, but we aren’t at 100% and the end play is still to come. I know the “the best is the enemy of the good”, but “for want of a shoe the war was lost “is valid too, 8 hrs will get the casters back up where that have their spells back, and the rest of us can get healed up with the resident cleric. To leave sooner would be folly, to delay later would be negligent. At least that’s how I see it.
DM Warren - Did someone say Big Bird? MAP Tuesday May 8th, 2018 4:38:36 PM
The book indicates that using the magic grass whistle will take you back to where you first found the portal to the Plains. It is there that the ritual will commence.
You recall the fact that time flows strangely here, different than in the Wold. But is it faster or slower? And either way, the bloodgrass is spreading inexorably. It is up to you to decide whether waiting to recover spells and health will be a better strategy, or whether waiting 8 hours will endanger too many people. You know that Mahyawu thought time was short.
" And how are we doing overall ? I still have my full complement and I'm at full health. But I recognize that I'm the exception and that my spells are very minor. As these things usually go, we are likely to be facing tougher challenges moving forward then not. Best be at full strength in my opinion then charging into danger limping and ill prepared. "
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 74/74] Tuesday May 8th, 2018 6:09:39 PM
Pru shrugs. "I'm fine," she says. "I've got a lot left I can cast, and I'm not hurt."
[OOC: Sorcerers are disgusting. Pru hasn't even used half her spell slots. And yeah, she's used all her 2nd-level slots, which is inconvenient, but she's got plenty of others. And if she really needs to, she can use a higher slot for a 2nd-level spell. It is very difficult to run a sorcerer out of spells, and no, Warren, that was not a challenge. :) ]
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 59/106(BrianZ) d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; Tuesday May 8th, 2018 9:34:29 PM
Trayvin wasn't sure if the group has decided yet whether to go back right away or to rest first. Certainly there was merit to both choices. But in the meantime he keeps patching them back up into fighting shape.
Actions: channel energy hp healed = 16
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 62/76 -- CMD 24 Tuesday May 8th, 2018 10:43:47 PM
Anna says, "My bag is tapped out and I used up most of my SLA's but I have 2 plant based ones up my sleeve so if you need a mandragora or a shambling mound I'm your girl."
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 70/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Wednesday May 9th, 2018 12:40:40 AM "It seems that we probably best head on back. If this takes us to any of the other groups that have finished their task, maybe they've got some healing spells to spare."
He turns to Anna, "Yeah, the head would look great on our wall but keeping it fresh is only the smaller problem. Who's gonna carry it around all that time it takes to finally get back to the Citadel, even if not decaying. That head is big!" he grins. "This talon is good enough for me."
If everyone is ready, we can blow the whistle.
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Wednesday May 9th, 2018 11:51:51 AM
Everyone assesses the abilities they have left, and despite the challenges they've faced, they are still quite a formidable group. Pru has more confidence in herself than she usually displays, which serves to motivate the rest of the crew.
Nikolai makes sure that their trophy is reasonable and they gather around the book to make sure they know what lies ahead. It seems that when someone plays a tune on the grass whistle, it will take them back to the crystal. The sticks are bundles of incense that must be lit so their smoke washes over the infected crystal. Finally, the steelgrass dagger must be held against the crystal for the duration of the ritual.
It seems that all that has to be done now is decide which song to play - maybe something that represents the Agents and their ideals. The book doesn't say.
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 95/90 (Ken E) d20=11 Wednesday May 9th, 2018 2:13:27 PM
Pompous AC 25(26) CMD 25/20, HP 87/87 d20+18=20 ; Wednesday May 9th, 2018 4:34:55 PM
" Hey! Anyone know what the bird is? And any chance it hoarded treasure? I feel like maybe we should have looked around a bit for a nest or something. Maybe?
_____________ Perception check for treasure - 20
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet d20+13=24 ; 2d6+12=19 ; Wednesday May 9th, 2018 7:57:03 PM
Sigvar takes up a position in the middle of the group, where he can reach over the heads of all of his teammates. He then readies an action to attack any hostile that they encounter once they revert back to the Wold, Attack Hits AC 26 for 21 damage
Divine bond still up unless we spent more than 9 minutes here
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP62/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 d8=6 ; d8=2 ; d8=2 ; d20+7=23 Wednesday May 9th, 2018 9:51:57 PM I'm game, lets rock. Michael downs another CSW potion. (15 points healed. ) if Akir fails, Michael playes the only song he knows on a flute...Brothers in arms.
Perform 23
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 59/106(BrianZ) Wednesday May 9th, 2018 9:55:40 PM
"Hmm, I wonder if one of the marching tunes the trainees use would work? Can anyone play one?"
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 70/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Wednesday May 9th, 2018 9:57:33 PM "Too bad we can't find those guys we first met and sell them the boat. If we sail the boat back to that village with the monks we can give it to them so they can sell it. Otherwise it's out here for the taking. I hate to just let loot lie about for the taking..."
Nikolai takes out his kazoo and practices a tune. If it sounds about what the Fist think would be a good Mailed Fist March, he tries it out on the whistle.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 70/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Wednesday May 9th, 2018 9:58:13 PM
OOC: Rather, let's Michael try it out on the whistle.
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 74/74] Wednesday May 9th, 2018 10:32:21 PM
Pru had been about to suggest one of their drill cadences, but her Fist-mates are way ahead of her. She joins Sigvar near the middle of the group and tries to be ready for action.
"Let's go save the Wold," she says with a shaky laugh.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 62/76 -- CMD 24 d20+10=21 ; Wednesday May 9th, 2018 11:39:07 PM
Anna says, "I know how to play a stringed instrument but pipes are different."
She joins Pompous in looking for a treasure haul.
(Perception: 21)
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Thursday May 10th, 2018 6:08:01 PM
If this bird had ever had a stash, it's long gone. It was trapped in this bubble for who knows how long. All evidence points to it being a jubjub bird, which are known for making their homes around the plains of existence. There's no knowing where this one came from originally.
They do however, remember to grab the gold and weapons off of their captures ship before returning home.
It seems that anyone can play the simple whistle, and Akir's suggestion is heartfelt, but Michael's better represents the feeling of the Fist and their mission.
The wind seems to pick up and the grasses sway, turning into a shimmer as the world blurs and shifts, until they find themselves back at the impact site.
For a moment they think they are still in the Sargrass, so thick is the grass around them. But then you see the crystal in the air, pulsing with evil power.
While the quality of the music may not matter, it seems the better you play, the stronger the effect. But mere playing won't be enough. Somehow, you have to get through the waving grasses to burn the incense and hold the dagger against the crystal. The grasses want to resist though, so it won't be easy.
This ritual will go down in several rounds. Please let me know how you plan to accomplish each step, and make an associated stat roll. Be creative! It just may save lives :)
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP62/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 d20+19=34 ; Thursday May 10th, 2018 10:10:24 PM
hmmm.. I think that with Michaels High Dex and Acrobatics skill he probably needs to do something dex related.
Michale Lights a stick of incense and waves it around the grass, being sure to keep the grass from touching it as he wafts the vapours in and around it. he weaves and jukes as it reaches for him, teasing it to draw it away from what the rest of the party is doing.
Acrobatics 34
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 74/74] Friday May 11th, 2018 12:21:39 AM
Pru assesses the situation. "I can turn into an elemental and take the dagger in there," she says. "Or, I can try to hold back some of the grasses with a Wall of Ice. Which would be more useful?"
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 62/76 -- CMD 24 d20+10=26 ; Friday May 11th, 2018 1:45:42 AM
Anna says, "I will play for you guys using my darkwood guitar." and she starts plucking the melody outlined in the Manfri's ritual book.
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 59/106(BrianZ) d20+7=14 ; Friday May 11th, 2018 5:24:57 AM
Trayvin concentrates and activates Freedom's Call
He moves forward to see if it will help prevent the grasses from impeding the group. If it works, he will let everyone know. "Stay close to me if this works, it may get us through the grass."
He wonders if he has ever heard about this grass before, or it's origin. He thinks back to his training and what he has read about the planes. kn planes check = 14
Freedom's Call - Allies within this aura are not affected by the confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet d20+5=22 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+6=8 ; d20+14=34 ; Friday May 11th, 2018 6:51:11 AM
Sigvar is taken aback a little as he pops back into the Wold. The grass is prolific and it seems to want to stop them from putting an end to it's takeover of the Wold. Just as if it were intelligent. If HE were the grass and he had any idea what they were doing, he would grapple them and then allow in some of the creatures that were already tainted to kill them. That means that the smaller, weaker and lighter armored among them were in danger. Sigvar looks around and sees that Trayvin, Michael and Anna are already trying to perform the ritual. He was able to see over the grass when they were in the Sargrass so he comes up with the best defensive plan he can. " We need to get as many of us as we can out of this grass. If I were the grass I would immobilize us and then allow in some of the tainted wildlife to kill us while we were helpless. Lets not let that happen." "Michael, Anna and Prudence, get on my shoulders and keep on doing that ritual thing you are doing. Trayvin keep doing that freedom thing and talking so I can follow your voice. Get us to where the ritual has to happen, the crystal. Everyone else tighten up and hold formation. Protect yourselves and those making the Ritual happen." " We are the Mailed Fist. When the chips are down no one is our equal. This is no different than the press of any battle we have ever fought in or trained for. Do yoiur duty and protect our charges here." Sigvar hoists any of the Fist mates he called out to onto his shoulders and then tries to follow Trayvin through the grass, staying as close to the cleric as he can. He also tries to recall from any of Gargul's texts and teachings what he can of the Sargrass and their beliefs. Maybe something from that will aid them now. Strength 22 to lift and carry ( I looked at their weights and roughly doubled it for gear and come out around +600 lbs. Add that to my 209 of gear and it is JUST over my heavy load capability) Knowledge Religion 31 to try and remember anything about the Sargrass plains in his religious teachings that might help Survival 8 to try and determine how much time passed since they left, to try and gauge how fast the grass is spreading. Perception 34 to try and see threats coming at them through the grass.
Pompous's material being starts to shimmer as the solid becomes gaseous. The ranger becomes a sentient cloud of gas that raises above the grass and awaits the others.
--------------- Gaseous form
The subject and all its gear become insubstantial, misty, and translucent. Its material armor (including natural armor) becomes worthless, though its size, Dexterity, deflection bonuses, and armor bonuses from force effects still apply. The subject gains DR 10/magic and becomes immune to poison, sneak attacks, and critical hits. It can't attack or cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components while in gaseous form. This does not rule out the use of certain spells that the subject may have prepared using the feats Silent Spell, Still Spell, and Eschew Materials. The subject also loses supernatural abilities while in gaseous form. If it has a touch spell ready to use, that spell is discharged harmlessly when the gaseous form spell takes effect.
A gaseous creature can't run, but it can fly at a speed of 10 feet and automatically succeeds on all Fly skill checks. It can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, with all it was wearing or holding in its hands, as long as the spell persists. The creature is subject to the effects of wind, and it can't enter water or other liquid. It also can't manipulate objects or activate items, even those carried along with its gaseous form. Continuously active items remain active, though in some cases their effects may be moot
Duration: 20 minutes.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 78/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Friday May 11th, 2018 11:21:11 AM
OOC: ooops, just noticed I forgot to post last night. DOH!
IC: Nikolai pops in and notices the extent and thickness of the grass. "At least we didn't get here too soon," he comments.
He sticks close to Trayvin and is glad to see others finding ways to beat the grass. "Pru, you've got the ritual book, you take charge of the ritual, we'll do as you say."
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 95/90 (Ken E) d20+5=14 ; Friday May 11th, 2018 11:49:19 AM
Akirs strengths were his mind and his body, and several of the Fist also had trained their physique to his level.
He tries to watch for concerning patterns or phenomenon, and takes appropriate measures.
Int check = 14.
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 74/74] Friday May 11th, 2018 11:58:52 AM
"Right. Well, first we have to get in there somehow," Pru says. "Sigvar is helping with that, and Trayvin's call may help, too. Who has the dagger? I'll take the book in there. And Sigvar, you don't have to carry me."
Pru grabs the book and casts a spell. She turns herself into a small air elemental and flies up next to the crystal.
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP62/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 d20+19=21 ; d20+7=21 ; Friday May 11th, 2018 8:09:33 PM
Michael hops upon Sigvars shoulders. It looks like Anna's going to help with the ritual, lets all add back up to her, Sig can you get me to the crystal? I've got the dagger. . With that Michael starts to dance on Sigvars shoulders repeating words that Anna or Pru say to help with the performance he also keeps swinging the incense around.
acrobatics. 21.
Help other (perform) 21
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Friday May 11th, 2018 10:40:53 PM
It seems like everyone has a good handle on their roles for the ritual, the first of which is getting the ritual music going and approaching the candle. Michael slips through with apparently easebeforw Trayvin starts up his aura to help them through. Pompous and Pru circumvent the problem altogether by becoming one with the air. Pru notices her form is no longer influenced by the Vines and grasses, except for those she chooses to keep. Despite their danger, the Sargrass was quite beautiful.
However, once you get close to the crystal, something in it starts resisting you. Magic doesn't seem to work within a few feet of the crystal, so while Trayvin got you through the bulk of the grasses, someone still has to get in the final few feet to get the incense going while Michael keeps the dagger in place.
Not only that, but the crystal pulses with dark energy, dealing 5 negative energy damage to everyone, feeling exactly opposite the usual channeling healing they receive.
Sigvar keeps his eyes peeled for Intruders or danger while Nikolai and Akir brainstorm the best way to part the grasses.
(I should have specified one check per round, but great job so far!)
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 62/76 -- CMD 24 d20+9=21 ; Friday May 11th, 2018 11:13:56 PM
Anna keeps strumming the ritual music on her darkwood guitar. "I guess you can call me a guitar hero." She says.
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 59/106(BrianZ) Friday May 11th, 2018 11:39:27 PM
Trayvin keeps the Freedom's Call active, but he isn't sure how much more use it will be. "Sigvar, if your strength isn't enough to get you and Michael to the crystal, I do have one flying spell I can use on you."
Active effects:Freedom's Call - Allies within this aura are not affected by the confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions.
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 69/74] d20+7=22 ; Saturday May 12th, 2018 1:35:48 AM
Pru alights, changes back into a girl, and begins reading the ritual in a clear, melodious voice.
[Charisma check 22]
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 108/114 Character Sheet d20+5=18 ; d20+2=22 ; Saturday May 12th, 2018 1:43:49 PM
Sigvar forces his way closer to the crystal so that Michael can hold the Dagger against it. Strength 18 He too begins repeating the words that Prudence reads, like a chorus of the ritual, attempting to aid her with the ritual. Perform 22 (aiding Prudence)
OOC How high is the crystal floating? Is getting close while on the ground all that we need to acomplish to hold the dagger against it?
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 78/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) d20+42=47 ; Sunday May 13th, 2018 7:44:28 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 3/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
Nikolai tries to get up to the crystal in a non-magical way by jumping the remaining distance over the grass.
Acrobatics w/ Monk High Jump + 1pt of Ki (+20 to Acrobatics)
Pompous AC 25(26) CMD 25/20, HP 82/87 Monday May 14th, 2018 6:42:29 AM
Gaseous Pompous makes his way to the incense. Once there, his form shimmers as he materializes. He draws his blade, activates the flaming effect and tries to light the incense with his flaming sword. ( if the blade doesn't light, he'll use good old fashion flint and steel)
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP62/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 d20+19=26 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+7=19 ; Monday May 14th, 2018 8:38:13 AM
Michael rides Sigvar till they are close enough for him to jump to the crystal. He then presses the dagger up against the crystal, since the grass is trying to stop him he jukes and dodges to keep it from getting the better of him. All the while he attempts keep up with the song and back up Pru and Anna.
Arcrobatics (26 jump to crystal ) Acrobatics ( 35 avoid grass while keeping the dagger against the crystal) Perform (19 help other (perform).
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Monday May 14th, 2018 3:23:07 PM
Anna continues the melody of the ritual, providing the key component to keep it going. Pru's melodic voice adds a clear counterpoint, strengthening the music with the sheer force of her personality. Sigvar and Michael back up the performance.
Trayvin maintains his aura, preventing the grasses from entangling you as you do your work. You can tell that they aren't too pleased by this, and especially seem to be trying to hinder the guitar and vocals performance.
Sigvar forces his way the last few feet to the crystal, parting the grasses so that Michael can hold the dagger firmly. Michael and Nikolai jumps the last few feet, tumbling into range and placing the dagger up against the crystal. Pompous materializes in view and lights up the incense for Nikolai so he can waft the smoke around the crystal, forming the crucial third component.
The crystal reacts with a burst of anger, releasing another wave of dark energy. all take 10 negative energy damage
It also begins to vibrate noticeably where it's floating a foot or so off the ground. A shimmer rolls out through the grasses in response, and a low whining noise can be heard from the crystal as it up the amplitude.
In the next rounds, in addition to continuing the performance, it will take more effort to maintain contact with the dagger. Constitution may represent maintaining the pressure of the dagger while the crystal is vibrating and Strength can represent holding the crystal down to prevent it moving around so much
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 99/114 Character Sheet d20+5=19 ; d20+16=35 ; d20+2=7 ; Monday May 14th, 2018 4:41:37 PM
Sigvar looks at the crystal as it begins vibrating, violently. Was it trying to get away from Michael and the dagger? He tackles the crystal, trying to hold it in place. (um grapple? would be appropriate, or do you want just sheer strength? I'll roll both.) Strength 19 Grapple check 35 While doing so he keeps up with the performance, echoing Prudence's words again attempting to bolster their effect on the ritual. they lunge to tackle the crystal apparently knocks the wind out of him and he stutters a few of the words. Perform 7 (aid Pru, Fail) " Trayvin, you might want to channel, stay ahead of the damage this thing is doing, because it s getting more severe. If it gets desperate it might do a whole lot more."
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 59/74] d20+7=22 ; Monday May 14th, 2018 5:57:05 PM
Pru keeps reading aloud from the book. She is not a trained performer like Anna, but her voice is pleasant and she seems to understand her audience. [Charisma 22]
Pompous AC 25(26) CMD 25/20, HP 72/87 d20+3=21 ; Monday May 14th, 2018 8:45:28 PM
Pompous lends his strength to Siggy to try to keep the crystal down.
The strain of holding the crystal down shows in the ranger's face. The pain from the negative energy pours through his skin but he refuses to let go.
======================== Strength check - 21
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 62/76 -- CMD 24 d20+9=21 ; Monday May 14th, 2018 9:44:29 PM
Anna continues to strum along on the darkwood guitar she received as a gift looking over Pru's shoulder to sight read the music in the prayer book.
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP52/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 d20+1=14 ; d20+1=4 ; d20+7=14 ; Monday May 14th, 2018 9:56:55 PM Ouch! Michael squeeks, that felt like a weaker version of when that vampire touched me. more physical and less soul-sucking though.... Michael sees Sigvar, tackle the big crystal trying to dampen the violent vibrations coming off the Crystal, it' hard to keep the dagger on, the vibrations hurt the hands and the feedback is brutal! he keeps on with the backup vocals though.
Con check 14
Help other Perform. 14
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 61/106(BrianZ) d8=7 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; Monday May 14th, 2018 10:21:54 PM
Trayvin nods, knowing what his part in this play will be. "I will keep up the healing and the Aura holding back the grasses as long as I can."
Actions: channel energy, 12hp healed.
Active effects:Freedom's Call - Allies within this aura are not affected by the confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 78/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) d20+2=22 ; Monday May 14th, 2018 11:09:52 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 4/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
Nikolai feels his energy being sapped but almost as fast replenished by Trayvin. He grasps Michael's arm to help keep it steady and the dagger firmly touching the crystal.
CON check Aid another +2 = 22 N20!
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d4=3 ; Tuesday May 15th, 2018 4:55:22 PM
Anna and Pru keep up a lovely harmony, despite some off beat words and the distracting vibration from the others.
Pompous and Sigvar do a commendable job holding the crystal steady, and Nikolai helps Michael stabilize the crystal. Is that a tiny crack forming in its surface?
Trayvin channels to counter the energy that the crystal is putting out.
The crystal's vibration increases further and the whine is distracting. It's still pulsing with dark energy (10 damage) and the grasses are whipping about wildly, but thanks to Trayvin's aura, cannot grab ahold of anyone.
Instead, it seems that a veritable carpet of stinging insects comes up from the ground and rise up over your legs, biting and harassing you as you try to concentrate.
all take 5 damage, DC11 fort save or take 2 STR damage and nauseated for one round
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 95/114 Character Sheet d20=13 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+2=10 ; Tuesday May 15th, 2018 6:47:50 PM
Fortitude save 26 no str damage or nausea
Sigvar keeps wrestling with the crystal, finding it harder to hold thasn it previously was. He also continues to try to help keep the ritual going. Grapple 20 Strength 10 Perform 10 (Aid Prudence with ritual)
Showing again his magic skills, Pompous casts... a 50' tall cone of wind materializes, encircling the Agents holding the crystal and the dagger but close enough to the agents to deal with the bugs.
{ Hope this works!!}
---------- Fort 20 pass. Casts Wind Wall. 10 rounds duration
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 60/106(BrianZ) d20+13=29 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; Tuesday May 15th, 2018 8:36:28 PM
Trayvin tries to ignore the burn and itch from the insect bites and stings. "Ugh, you'd think the armor would help, but they just crawl under it!"
Trayvin channels again to keep the team going. He hopes the ritual won't last much longer, he is running low.
Actions: channel energy, 14hp healed.
Active effects: Freedom's Call - Allies within this aura are not affected by the confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 63/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) d20+11=31 ; d20+2=19 ; Tuesday May 15th, 2018 9:11:13 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 4/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
-10 negative energy
Fort +11 DC11 = 31 N20!
Nikolai feels sapped of energy again and stinging bugs start to crawl all over him. His strong mental discipline keeps their effect to a minimum thought.
He continues to help hold Michael's arm steady and the dagger pressed against the crystal.
CON check Aid another +2 = 19 success
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 65/90 (Ken E) d20=19 ; d20+5=9 ; Tuesday May 15th, 2018 9:26:34 PM
Akir has no problem resisting the bugs and their bites. He does his best keeping things in order.
Str: 9
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 58/74] d20+7=15 ; d20+7=11 ; Tuesday May 15th, 2018 10:14:01 PM
Pru chokes back a distressed "ewwww!" and continues with the ritual. Clearly, however, the bugs are a distraction. [Fort save 15] [Charisma check 11, or 13 with Sigvar's help.]
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 d20+8=9 ; Tuesday May 15th, 2018 10:39:40 PM
(Fort Save: natural 1)
Anna takes the negative energy and then has her Strength sapped by the bugs and becomes nauseated so she is forced to stop playing her guitar.
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Wednesday May 16th, 2018 4:08:29 PM
With the sudden profusion of bugs, Anna is distracted and trying to hold her lunch. Luckily, Pru manages to hold up the chanting, if not so charmingly as before, and the ritual does not lose ground, though it does slow down its progression.
Luckily, Pompous comes to the rescue, summoning a blasting wall of wind the sucks the tiny creatures right off of the ground and their bodies to swirl around above them instead. It's creepy and gross, but much less so than having them crawl on and bite you.
Sigvar keeps holding the crystal down, and Akir lends his strength as well. Nikolai helps Michael maneuver the dagger into a widening crack in the crystal, trying to focus its point on one spot.
With each expansion of the crack, another wave of negative energy is released, and they seem to be getting stronger. 15 damage But without the help of its vermin horde, the crystal may just be running out of tricks.
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 65/90 (Ken E) d20+3=10 ; Wednesday May 16th, 2018 4:39:32 PM
Getting tired of its tricks, and its energy outbursts, Akir performs the ritual of punching, and smashes his fist into the stupid crystal, in a ritualistic fashion.
Str: 10
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 95/114 Character Sheet d20+5=14 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+2=6 ; Wednesday May 16th, 2018 5:38:02 PM
OOC LOL Ken. IC SIgvar tightens his grip on the crystal, continuing to hold it in place for the ritual. Strength 14 Grapple 32 He keeps chanting to aid Prudence as well as watching Trayvin sor any sign that the cleric is out of channeling so that Sigvar can help out if needed. Perform 6 (aid Prudence, fail)
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP52/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 d20+7=18 ; d20+1=18 ; d20+1=12 ; Wednesday May 16th, 2018 8:37:46 PM
Michael became lost for a moment but found himself again quickly. (back up your character sheets to other places besides google drive, if your significant other gets happy trying to help you clear up space you can lose it all. ). The biting bugs the vibrations, the negative energy, he grits his teeth and holds on, attempting to twist the dagger in the crack to widen it. He keeps up the chorus of Pru and Anna, but it's a bit more strained now.
help other perform 18
con 18 to hold on. str 12 to twist the dagger and force it deeper.
Pompous AC 25(26) CMD 25/20, HP 68/87 d20+2=22 ; Wednesday May 16th, 2018 9:21:03 PM
The constant taking of damage and healing is straining the ranger. However, he holds true.
He decides that his skills at this time will be best used by going back to helping to hold the crystal steady.
---------------- Strength check 22 ( nat 20)
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 57/106(BrianZ) d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; Wednesday May 16th, 2018 9:44:38 PM
"Nice work Pompous! The crystal seems to have a mind of its' own, I wonder what other tricks it might have?"
Trayvin channels again to keep the team going.
Actions: channel energy, 12hp healed.
Active effects: Freedom's Call - Allies within this aura are not affected by the confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 42/76 -- CMD 24 d20+9=26 ; Wednesday May 16th, 2018 10:04:14 PM
Anna recovers from being nauseous before resuming her playing on the darkwood guitar despite the negative energy constantly washing over her party.
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 55/74] d20+7=15 ; Wednesday May 16th, 2018 10:11:34 PM
Pru tries to refocus and keep helping Anna, and manages a decent, if not inspiring, performance. [Charisma 15]
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 60/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) d20+2=12 ; Wednesday May 16th, 2018 11:14:00 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 4/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
-15 negative energy
channeled energy, 12hp healed.
Nikolai feels the crystal fighting back by draining more energy but they are fighting it just as hard. He focuses on the crack and helps Michael direct the dagger into it as far as it will go.
CON check Aid another +2 = 12 success
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Thursday May 17th, 2018 6:25:21 PM
The Agents' efforts seem to be quite effective, what with the bugs swirling around the air instead of biting them and the music and chanting back on tempo.
Everyone is giving it their all, and you could swear that the crystal hated you for how much it was fighting. It was a malevolent force, vibrating with enough force to shatter ear drums. It's negative energy seems to be diminishing though. 10 negative energy damage, 5 sonic This thing must be close to splitting apart!
Over the buzzing, you almost don't hear it, but it seems that some dust is rising out past the impact point. And it is drawing closer to you, with the sound of many pounding feet as an accompaniment.
Pompous AC 25(26) CMD 25/20, HP 68/87 Thursday May 17th, 2018 8:40:18 PM
Pompous moves away from the crystal and readies another spell... Another spell!!! From Pompous???
----------------- Ready Entanglement - Cast it if and when whatever is coming towards us reaches the grass.
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 56/106(BrianZ) d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; Thursday May 17th, 2018 9:44:10 PM
"Well that doesn't sound good, we might want to brace for impact!"
Trayvin channels again to keep the team going.
Actions: channel energy, 14hp healed.
Active effects: Freedom's Call - Allies within this aura are not affected by the confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 d20=12 ; Thursday May 17th, 2018 9:52:01 PM
Trayvin's channeling has been enough to keep Anna going and she continues to strum her instrument as part of the ritual. (Perform : 21 forgot to add the +9 as 12 + 9 = 21)
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP26/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 d20+6=25 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+7=27 ; Thursday May 17th, 2018 10:13:43 PM
sorry didn't roll my Fort save for the str damage.. 25 so I passed.
Nikolai! hold the dagger in I'm gonna do the incense thing! after making sure that Nikolai actuall has the dagger Michael picks up the incense and starts dancing around the crystal. he goes all out in his performance, but secretly he's glad to be where he can get to his blades with what is coming.
Acrobatics 32
help other (perform) 27
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 54/74] Thursday May 17th, 2018 11:33:50 PM
Pru is worried about that cloud of dust! This round, instead of helping with the performance, she instead prepares herself to protect her friends while they finish the ritual.
[Ready an action to cast a Wall of Ice between us and whatever is kicking up the dust. Pru can cast a wall that's 100 feet long and 10 feet high. She'd like to curve it, so it protects the group from as many directions as possible. She might not be able to curve it all the way around, but she'll do as much as she can.]
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 59/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) d20+17=33 ; d20+3=4 ; d20+2=18 ; Thursday May 17th, 2018 11:43:54 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 4/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
10 negative energy damage, 5 sonic
channeled energy, 14hp healed
Nikolai lets go of Michael's arm and takes the dagger. Acrobatics +17 = 33
Then continues pressing the dagger into the widening crack. Str +3= 4 Con +2 = 18
He manages to keep the dagger steady but makes no progress further into the crack as the crystal puts up a big fight.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 114/114 Character Sheet d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d20-2=11 ; Friday May 18th, 2018 12:13:06 AM
Sigvar looks to Akir. " Hold the crystal down. You are the only other person here that is stong enough. I'll see what I can do about that incoming horde of whatever the crystal called." Once Sigvar has transferred the holding of the crystal to Akir he looks at the rest of the group. So far Trayvin's channeling has kept the taur healed, but others were not so healthy when they started. He moves to the gap in the Ice wall Prudence is planning will be and as he does he also channels energy to make sure they are strong when this.... stampede arrives. [b]Channel energy[b] to heal for 20 healing to everyone He also repeats the last line of the ritual Prudence read, trying to sustain the ritual. Perform 11
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Friday May 18th, 2018 2:32:34 PM
The Agents are ready for the worst. It's awfully distracting to have what seems to be a herd of infected boars charging at you. And boy do they look angry!
But they hold fast! The music and the chanting, the dancing, the smoke, and the pressure of steelgrass dagger finally take their toll. The cracks that have been appearing deepen, and light streams out of the crystal in a pillar racing towards the sky!
With that, the sounds and vibration coming from the crystal end. As does the plume of dust! Where there were angry boars before, now they only seem confused, and much less agitated. Before your eyes, the red grasses begin to wither and die. Is it over?
" Where's the kaboom?! There was suppose to be an earth shattering kaboom! "
====================================== ooc> 10 geek points if you get the reference.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 114/114 Character Sheet d20+14=24 ; Friday May 18th, 2018 5:35:33 PM
SIgvar snatches a fist sized (for him) chunk of the crystal before it can try to knit itself back together. He then turns his back to the crystal and looks out into the distance. His one good eye narrows as he waits for the other boot to drop. Perception 24
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 93/106(BrianZ) d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; Friday May 18th, 2018 11:03:59 PM
Trayvin looks around. Seeing that the grasses are returning to normal, he drops the freedom's call. The Agents are still banged up so he uses his last channel to patch them up a bit.
"Does anyone think they can convince those boars to move along?"
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 71/74] Friday May 18th, 2018 11:44:48 PM
Pru looks around. "That seemed...sudden," she says. About the boars, she says, "Aww, leave them alone. The poor things have been through a lot."
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 78/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Saturday May 19th, 2018 9:59:41 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 4/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
Channeled energy to heal for 20 healing
"Pompous, you know that things rarely go as expected, so expecting an earth shattering kaboom that does not happen follows right in line with the norm," Nikolai chuckles.
He eyes what's left of the crystal hopping that the other groups were able to do the same. "Wild boars? Pru can handle that with one fireball if they decide to get angry at us and charge."
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP26/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Sunday May 20th, 2018 10:11:02 PM
Michael pauses mid-pirouette out of a moon walk. he hears Pompous, and He cannot figure it out either. His name is Michael, Not Marvin and that crystal wasn't a Neutronium Pew-36 space modulator, so of course that wasn't a kaboom.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 d20+9=13 ; Sunday May 20th, 2018 11:50:23 PM
Anna uses her wild empathy on the confused boars to try to convince them to move along if they are no longer affected by the blood grass sickness. (Wild Empathy: 13)
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Monday May 21st, 2018 7:28:52 PM
Things seem oddly calm for the moment. Sigvar is able to grab a souveneir, but instead of the fist sized chunk he wanted, it's more of a sliver the size of a finger. It's pretty, in a sinister way.
The boars indicate confusion to Anna, but they seem happy to disperse, and even relieved now.
But yes, after everything else, isn't this a bit anticlimactic? What to do now?
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 114/114 Character Sheet d20+14=29 ; Monday May 21st, 2018 8:33:45 PM Too easy. This was far too easy Sigvar's mind keeps running through the fight. As if the fight were tailored to our strengths. Anyone COULD have completed it, but we were sent with our unique talents which made it easy. None of us were even harmed Too easy
Sigvar continues to survey their surroundings with his, at least to him, well founded paranoia. Perception 29
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 93/106(BrianZ) Monday May 21st, 2018 9:29:32 PM
The danger seems to have passed, at least for the moment. Trayvin looks at what's left of the crystal. "So this is what all the fuss was about?"
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP26/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Monday May 21st, 2018 9:55:02 PM Whelp, The Agents of the Fist save the day again. I wonder what it's going to cost us this time? The gods will probably want Capt'n Palances head now. If this means what I think it means, that Danegeld the Fist has to pay to Aisldir in null and void now. .
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 71/74] Monday May 21st, 2018 10:12:10 PM
"Well, I don't know about any of that," Pru says. Sometimes her Fist-mates say the strangest things! "But if everyone's healed up, we should head for the Citadel and make our report. Um...if that's what Nikolai says, of course."
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 65/90 (Ken E) Monday May 21st, 2018 10:32:54 PM
Akir gives a wary glance back at the quiet crystal.
"In my own esteemed opinion, it was probably the Ritual of Punching that cinched things."
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 78/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Tuesday May 22nd, 2018 12:27:19 AM "Well, I think a talk to that whistle guy would be in order but I don't know how to summon him. So, I guess we head back home and see what keeps us from getting there," Nikolai shrugs.
Pointing in the direction he believes the Citadel to be, he says, "Head 'em up! Move 'em out! Roll 'em, roll 'em, roll 'em, …."
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 d20+10=20 ; Tuesday May 22nd, 2018 1:15:09 AM
Anna surveys the sight where the crystal once stood not quite believing it is over as she looks for any hidden things that might still pose a danger.
" I wonder if there's any baby crystals around... "
------------------------- Search for treasure. Natural 20. 38
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Tuesday May 22nd, 2018 7:12:57 PM
As Pompous roots around in the crystals, three of them begin to hover and glow. Sigvar knew it! It had to be too easy.
But they don't make moves to attack, or influence the board or the grass or anything. Their glow just gets brighter and larger, until eventually fuzzing into the form of three floating figures:
A half elf in leather armor, wearing a crown of leaves; A human in white robes standing on stilts; And, a humanoid that appears to have been mutated by the bloodgrass, with red skin and dragonfly wings.
Figure one: “Hail champions! You destroyed a great evil!” Figure two: “You have fought bravely to save your homelands. How I hope you will save mine.” Figure three: “Curse you interlopers! Do you know what you have done?!"
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 71/74] d20+8=13 ; d20+16=19 ; Tuesday May 22nd, 2018 8:54:53 PM
Glowy figures show up, and Pompous immediately starts sassing them. Pru doesn't think these are aspects of some of the gods, but they have hundreds and some of them aren't very well known. [Knowledge Religion 13.]
Just to be on the safe side, she bows to the figures. "Greetings, um, Noble Ones," she says. "We are Nikolai's Fist, under the leadership of Nikolai Komonov. We are Agents, specialists who deal with a variety of problems for the Mailed Fist. My name is Prudence Gundle." She decides not to introduce her companions just yet; of course, they can introduce themselves if they want.
To the first figure, Pru says, "Thank you, but I don't think the grasses were necessarily evil. Dangerous, certainly, but don't think they planned this, or anything."
To the third figure, she says, "Well, from our point of view, we stopped a dangerous infestation that threatened to destroy our world. I gather that upsets you, and I am genuinely sorry for it, but surely you didn't expect us to stand there and die?"
To the second figure, she says, "We are tired and wounded, and many of our resources have been depleted. I think my companions would very much like to help you, if possible, but I think we're going to need time to rest and recover."
[Diplomacy 19]
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 93/106(BrianZ) d8=1 ; d8=7 ; d8=3 ; d8=7 ; d8=6 ; Tuesday May 22nd, 2018 9:46:37 PM
Three figures, and it looks like three different personalities. Well at least they didn't seem hostile...yet. Looks like Pru has them occupied for the moment, so Trayvin busies himself looking over the Agents injuries. He is out of channels but still has some spells left to patch them up. Trayvin figures it's best to take care of it now in case this turns into hostile negotiations.
Actions: convert air walk into cure critical, cast on Michael. Michael is healed 33 hp.
Used: Freedom's Call ability 2/8 remaining Liberation ability 4/8 remaining channel 0/6 remaining spells: silence, divine power, shield of faith, restoration, dispel magic, air walk
OOC Michael may have missed some of the channeled healing, I suggest to check back through the posts.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 78/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Tuesday May 22nd, 2018 10:38:15 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 4/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
Nikolai is puzzled. Were these beings imprisoned in the crystal and that gave the crystal its power? They had no choice to do what they did regardless of whether the crystal was 'evil' or not.
"I'm Nikolai. These are my friends and companions. We fight and die together."
He turns to the half-elven one and asks, "We destroyed and object that was causing great harm to our plants and animals. As far as a 'great evil' being destroyed, please specify. Do you mean the crystal itself? What, specifically do you mean by 'great evil'?
To the human on stilts he causally replies, "We saved our homeland and the payment is a place to live and our families to go home to. We may be able to save your homeland, but it won't be for free. We don't have the habit of risking our lives for nothing. Just wanted to make that clear up front."
He turns to the humanoid one, "You can't call US interlopers when this crystal, and you yourselves, are from another world and are the ones interloping into our world. Where do you come from? What purpose do you have here?"
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP59/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Tuesday May 22nd, 2018 11:22:36 PM
Michael studies the three figures listening to them speak their peace. He gives Trayvin a grateful look as the healing magic washes over him. He addresses the three politely.
I am Michael Wittman of the Mailed Fist. before we get into thanks, contracts and recriminations might we have your names? I've found that familiarity often eases negotiations and understanding even with aggrieved parties. he says finishing by looking at the dragonfly winged mutated guy.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 d20+9=12 ; Wednesday May 23rd, 2018 1:10:59 AM
Anna says, "Greetings Gentle beings, I am Anna Morphling, Agent of the Mailed Fist from Nikolai's Fist as my companions have said, I am also a servant of Queen Ma'ab and emissary of her consort Lord Eberyon. Are any of you aligned with the fey? We are currently in the lands of my lady and if any of you are aligned with the fey I ask for a parlay so as to avoid any potential misunderstandings."
(Diplomacy: 12)
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 114/114 Character Sheet d20+15=24 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+6=18 ; Wednesday May 23rd, 2018 7:21:12 AM
Sigvar twitches for a moment when Anna says where they are. They were home, in the Wold. Was she bluffing or did she actually not know? He continues to play the Minotaur everyone expects him to be and remains silent. What he does in that silence is scan the trio for evil and try to figure out if they are somehow connected with the Gods of the Wold. He suspects they are aspects of the Sargrass plains, judging by where he thinks they came from (in the crystal) Knowledge religion 24 Knowledge planes 22 Knowledge nobility 18
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 Wednesday May 23rd, 2018 10:54:58 AM
(OOC: I forgot we traveled back to the wold)
Anna puts her hand to her head and then says to the 3 beings, "I'm sorry things have been so crazy lately with all this grass. We traveled from the wold to a pocket dimension Queen Ma'abs court and then back to the Wold. The dagger we used in the ritual came from the lands of the fey as did possibly this blood grass invasion. We were trying to stop it."
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Wednesday May 23rd, 2018 7:13:07 PM
The figures all begin to speak at once, trying to make their points. Calm words from Pru and Nikolai seem to get them going in the right direction though, and they eventually settle enough to give answers to their questions. Trayvin, fearing the worst, goes about the important task of getting everyone in tip top fighting shape.
Responding to Michael and Anna: "We are personifications of ideals. If you must call us by a name, you can use our factions."
Figure 1 speaks for the Restorationists. His faction of druids and druid-friends seeks to RESTORE the Sargrass to the magical forest is was in an earlier age long gone. "The Silent Monks that you so recently helped were tending a druid tree, which was bred to fight back the onslaught of the grasses. They could even be empowered to fight back something as pervasive as the bloodgrass."
Figure 2 speaks for the Preservationists. They prefer to PRESERVE the Sargrass as the deadly but beautiful grassland it was most recently. "No no no, those monks are of our order. They seek only to preserve the wonders of the grasses as they are, as well as the trees that make islands in the plains. Everything in Balance!"
Figure 3 speaks for the Adapters, who embrace mutation and bloodgrass as a means of improving themselves and their environment. "You are all wrong! We need to understand and embrace this new mutation. If we accept the change, it will make us strong! Only those who resist lose their minds to it's influence."
They all agree that there is only one path forward, but which one you agree with, or none at all!, is up to you.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 78/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Wednesday May 23rd, 2018 7:39:02 PM
Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ki 4/5, Stunning Fist 3/5
Nikolai listens to the three and then comments, "Ok, each one of you sounds like you have a good point. So what are you asking from us? We here in the Wold like it just like it is. We don't want any mutations here. The Wold must remain as it was originally created to be, not some mutation from another place. Now for your home, that's another story. We can't choose that for you. YOU tell us what you decide and then we'll think about how to help you."
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 114/114 Character Sheet Wednesday May 23rd, 2018 8:21:23 PM " Sir, I think they are here to help us decide what the Wold will become. They represent the Sargrass past present and possible future, but that is a metaphor for the Wold. Neither point is inherently evil (at least my detection seemed to show no evil from any of them, right DM?) but each point appeals to a different sect of the Wold's society. " "Though it is unstable and goes against my lawful teachings and demeanor, I actually favor the mutational path. There is no growth without change. Change can take many forms and not all of them are bad."
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 93/106(BrianZ) Wednesday May 23rd, 2018 9:55:44 PM
"Wait, we need to choose for the whole Wold? How can we make that kind of decision?"
Used: Freedom's Call ability 2/8 remaining Liberation ability 4/8 remaining channel 0/6 remaining spells: silence, divine power, shield of faith, restoration, dispel magic, air walk
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 71/74] Wednesday May 23rd, 2018 10:03:21 PM
"We can't," Pru replies to Trayvin.
She faces the ghostly figures again. "This is a matter for the gods," she says. "We are only mortals, soldiers doing a job. This decision is, as we say, above our pay grade. I know you feel very passionately about your causes, but you must place your trust in the gods to do the right thing."
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 Wednesday May 23rd, 2018 10:53:15 PM
Anna says, "Frankly I like change and I know all about adapting but I think you guys are right in this being above our paygrade especially since this is just our corner of the Wold there are heroes from all over dealing with similar situations to what we have going on now so we can't make this decision as we aren't the only ones affected."
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 65/90 (Ken E) Wednesday May 23rd, 2018 11:54:44 PM
Akir shakes his head.
"Paygrade or not, the choice is ours right now. Mutation is out, if none of you have a preference, then I vote to restore the Sargrass to what it was when it began. Most magic is purest at its roots, and for no other reason than that, restoration is my preference."
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 114/114 Character Sheet Thursday May 24th, 2018 6:07:48 AM
(Ken, Akir is surely healed from all the channeling that went on) " I have to disagree with you all about this being above our rank." "The Gods did not go and acquire the items needed to save the Wold. We did. They did not brave the trials nor complete the ritual. Again, we did. They helped for sure with the healing they provide both myself and Trayvin, and the spells that many of us in our group are granted by them each day, but they took no more of a direct hand in this than they do in our everyday lives. Why then should they choose?"
Obviously, we are meant to choose but which to wisely choose????
" Life is about balance... if the Sargrass was meant to be.. "
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP59/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Thursday May 24th, 2018 10:12:05 PM
Michael smiles. one thing you guys need to realize is that if you don't make a decision, there are plenty of people who are willing to make a decision for you. Which of you speak for the Manfri? I think that as the original denizens of the Sargrass, and the lorekeepers of the Sargrass as well, that they have a bit more skin in the game than we do. so lets get one of them up here to talk this out with.
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 93/106(BrianZ) Thursday May 24th, 2018 10:27:08 PM
"Michael is right, we need more information."
Used: Freedom's Call ability 2/8 remaining Liberation ability 4/8 remaining channel 0/6 remaining spells: silence, divine power, shield of faith, restoration, dispel magic, air walk
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 71/74] Friday May 25th, 2018 12:39:29 AM
"It seems to me," Pru says to the third figure, "that if the Sargrass is preserved someplace, then those who want to embrace it can still do so."
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 Friday May 25th, 2018 1:28:16 AM
Anna says, "Is there a place we can put them where maybe all three philosophies can come to some kind of mutual understanding? I mean those animals went crazy but the red guy can hold a conversation at least. I don't agree with forced change through conquest but maybe those who wish to accept the change freely should be allowed to do so? I freely accepted the gift of change Ma'ab offered but if the three of them are to come to some sort of understanding that last faction needs to learn some boundaries and to play nice with others. I mean we've beatem back the red grass sure but even near us it is still out there. Maybe the trees, sargrass and even the red grass can be found a place where all 3 ecosystems can coexist?"
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Friday May 25th, 2018 10:50:55 AM wow yesterday got away from me. apologies.
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Friday May 25th, 2018 10:56:44 AM
It is hard to come to a consensus. Each agent may have their own preference, but how can they decide for these figures, for the manfri, or for the Wold?
The figures do agree on one thing. The Sargrass should be home in the Southern Continent, where they used to be, rather than trapped in the Realm of the Dreaming Lady.
If you would help the manfri, the method to return you to the Sargrass is in the back of the manfri book, and they tell you the words of power that will activate it.
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 71/74] Friday May 25th, 2018 3:38:55 PM
"As I said, we'll be of no use to anyone if we don't take some time to rest," Pru says. "And we're duty-bound to make a report to our commanding officer. First things first. We should return to the Citadel."
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 93/106(BrianZ) Friday May 25th, 2018 9:14:02 PM
"There are some library resources there that may be of some use. But I don't know if we have the time. It seemed very urgent that we acquire the dagger and perform the ritual. I doubt if the urgency is suddenly gone now that we have done so."
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP59/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Friday May 25th, 2018 10:43:59 PM
Michael thinks hard for a moment. Okay, I've been thinking. Restorationists. you seek to destroy the Sargrass and replace it with a forest. you are no better than the Adapters, who wish infinite change for the sake of change and quite like the god Ga'al wish to bring everything under its control. it seems to be the only one who has the Sargrass at heart is the Preservationists. but I think the interplay between the three of you is kind of what makes the Sargrass what it is. Just my opinion but I got your back there stilt boy.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 Saturday May 26th, 2018 12:09:04 AM
Anna says, "Nature is change. A forest once stood which became a grassland and a new strain of grass spawned from it, however nature is also balance. Why can't we try to help restore the Sargrass to where it was preCataclysm and then let the factions sort themselves out after that. There is plenty of land in the region so could there not be trees, traditional strains of Sargrass and new strains of Sargrass all on the Southern Continent? Why must one faction reign supreme when one could argue the merit of each. Sometimes people do not realize what they do and must learn and atone for their mistakes like Eberyon. If the mutators are willing to atone for what they did why should they not be given the same chances as the preservationists and restorationists."
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP59/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Saturday May 26th, 2018 10:45:31 AM The preservationists have the answers, balance, that which cannot adapt is doomed, but things without a base cannot endure. That which is not challenged becomes stunted and weak, but too much challenge can have the same effect. There is room for all under the auspices of the Preservationists, the other two selfishly claim that their way is the only way
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 Saturday May 26th, 2018 12:55:34 PM
Anna says to Michael, "Is there really room for all under the Preservationists? They seek to preserve the TRADITIONAL strains of Sargrass per-cataclysm. Yes there were druid trees during this time but they were few and far between. Why should we side with any faction. I say we bring the orphaned part of the Wold back to its position on the Southern Continent but don't back any dog in this fight. Let the denizens of the Sargrass choose for themselves which faction to support or none. If we must choose I choose neutrality with regards to the 3 factions but yes to helping bring the pocket Sargrass dimension back to where it was per-cataclysm."
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 78/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Saturday May 26th, 2018 6:52:38 PM
OOC: sorry for the missed post. Thursday ran right on by me and out the door before I even knew it. :}
IC: Nikolai listens to the others and then the three-in-one Outsiders but they don't answer his questions. "I agree that we don't have enough information to act. For example, I don't know enough about the Sargrass to know what it used to be on the day it was created so I can't make the decision to Restore, Preserve, or Adapt it to anything. But I do know that these lands here were never covered in Sargrass so it should not be brought here. If the Sargrass gave those infected the option to change or not, that would be one thing, but it does not. It forces change and those that cannot adapt are doomed. That is not right.
The gods created the Wold and all that's in it. Let the gods decide whether to bring the Sargrass back to the Southern Continent. If they tell us they want us to help do that, then fine, but only to it's original birth place, and I'll not act on that without direct word from the gods to do so."
Pompous AC 25(26) CMD 25/20, HP 87/87 Sunday May 27th, 2018 7:12:14 PM
" I vote with Anna. And making a decision now. Let's get this over with and back to a warm bed. "
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 65/90 (Ken E) Sunday May 27th, 2018 11:21:45 PM
Akir shakes his head.
"Sorry Nikolai, I disagree. I'm not quite that much of a fatalist."
He looks at the the restorationist.
"I don't know if your taking a tally or what, but you have my support."
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 114/114 Character Sheet Monday May 28th, 2018 7:20:26 PM
Sigvar frowns. This was dividing their group. For now he chooses only to focus on their readiness. "Trayvin, can you pray for a sending spell when we rest so that you can find out what is going on at the Citadel? That should eliminate our need to return and report."
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 93/106(BrianZ) Monday May 28th, 2018 7:56:35 PM
Trayvin nods at Sigvar's request. "Maybe even more than one, although it will reduce my combat options should there be any. We could also consider using such spells to contact others who may be able to give us wise advice on this matter."
Trayvin considers the three figures again. "I wonder what they will do if we do not choose, or cannot agree on a choice?"
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 78/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Monday May 28th, 2018 9:56:28 PM
Nikolai nods at Akir and says, "We will act as a group. I don't make the decision on this matter. Whatever the group majority chooses, we do. It would be a good idea to contact the Manfri and let him know that our part is done and tell him of this new situation."
He turns to Trayvin and comments, "Bigger question, what are the other groups deciding to do? It won't do us any good to make a choice only to find out we are working against others who stopped the infestation in their part of the woods and made a different choice. At least staying neutral in this matter for now we won't be stepping on anyone else's toes."
He turns to Pru, "Time to contact that Manfri and tell him what's up."
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 71/74] Monday May 28th, 2018 10:05:00 PM
"Well, we can't just stand around arguing all night," Pru points out. "If we're not going to return to the Citadel, then we should make camp here."
She turns to Nikolai. "And I'm not sure I know how to contact him. I mean, there was nothing in the book about it."
Just to be sure, she opens up the little book to take another look at it.
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP59/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Monday May 28th, 2018 10:40:47 PM I think preservationist is a misnomer, the other two want to fundamentally change the Sargrass, the preservationists want the grass back as it was, and let it develop organically from there. The way I see it from the info I got from that Manfri historian we got the chocolate for, the Sargrass is a conscious spirit, I think it needs to decide for itself what it wants to be, without the undue influence of silent monks or bloody dragonfly winged adapters.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 23/13/20 HP 57/76 -- CMD 24 Tuesday May 29th, 2018 12:23:15 AM
Anna says to Michael, "The preservationists literally want to replace the grass as it was with a forest. The forest naturally became a grass land with a druid tree here or there. My thought is could nature allow room for all 3 factions assuming the Adapters decide to change their ways and play nice with the others moving forward. I mean the red grass seems to be a new species of grass, then there is the traditional Sargrass strains and the trees all 3 are living plants. Once we contain the red grass so that it won't overwhelm everything should we allow those who wish the opportunity to study it?"
DM Warren - What's going on at home today? Tuesday May 29th, 2018 10:50:44 AM
After much deliberation, Akir has a solid opinion to support the Restorationists, and Michael is inclined to side with the Preservationists. But they both go along with the consensus to let the Gods sort it out. Who can really say who's right, anyway? Maybe true balance lies with each group having the same amount of input. They'll just have to work together.
The restorationist ghost gives Akir a wink and a nod towards the pile of shattered crystal. He looks over the pile with his eye for quality jewelry and notices a stone amongst the detritus. It is cracked, but it looks to be a Tourmaline Sphere Ioun Stone.
It may have been more subtle, but Michael picks up on a hint too, or maybe just sees a sparkle. Either way, he pockets a small brown gem, which he feels have some interesting effect when smashed.
Meanwhile, Pru looks for more information in the pages of the Manfri book, flipping past the rituals and descriptions. Quickly, she feels her fingers seemingly moving without her controlling them, flipping ever more quickly towards the back until they stop on a page near the end. It seems there is one more ritual to perform, and Pru practically feels compelled to complete it. The three figures look at her, all seeming to nod in agreement, wanting the ritual to happen too. Is this how the Plains will be brought out of the Vale?
Akir Al'Kaban - AC 23 - Hp 65/90 (Ken E) Tuesday May 29th, 2018 12:34:14 PM
Akir taps the stone to his head, and lets it go. It floats with a wobble, then sets into an orbit around his helm.
He closes his eyes and dips his head towards the preservationist. He watches Pru's mad flipping.
"Seems there one final bit that remains."
Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 71/74] Tuesday May 29th, 2018 1:32:26 PM
Pru frowns. She hates leaving work undone.
"Looks like there's a final bit to this ritual," she says, "and then we can put this whole thing behind us. Is everybody ready?"
Michael Wittman AC24, T19, FF18 (ucdodge) HP59/82 Me+14(9)13 for TW,F+6, R+14,W+7, CMB+12, CMD+24 Tuesday May 29th, 2018 4:24:32 PM Anna, that’s the Resterationists, not the Preservationists. I fully support the Preservationists as the true heirs to the Sargrass.
Pompous AC 25(26) CMD 25/20, HP 87/87 Tuesday May 29th, 2018 4:26:09 PM
With his first tightening around his bow, Pompous readies himself for possible battle.
" Ya know folks, there isn't anything easy in life. Somehow, I don't think that this will go without more blood."
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 27 (T 12, FF 25) CMD 29 HP 114/114 Character Sheet Tuesday May 29th, 2018 7:00:55 PM I am not yet ready to travel Prudence. Wait a moment longer." Sigvar turns to the red mantis aspect and asks " No one has spoken much to you but to make demands of you. Let me ask you some questions since I am not opposed to change, it is a natural thing. Grasslands and marshes become forests all the time, naturally. You said that the changes do not hurt if they are not resisted. We saw some animals, withered and bleeding, I am guessing they resisted. But the ones that thrived were violent and bloodthirsty, and their bite spread disease, or as you might call it, change. I can't condone allowing that kind of method for change because only the strong, the biters, would decide who changed. Is there a way to contain this change so that those who choose to undergo it can and those who do not stay away from it?"
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 22 Tch 21 Ffted 19 HP 78/78 CMD 27/29(Grapple) Tuesday May 29th, 2018 8:58:59 PM
Nikolai laughs. "The Sargrass might be a sentient being, but a sentient being bent on dominating the Wold or destroying those that resist it is not working towards balance. A balance would be a valley of Sargrass living in peace alongside a normal, not infected, forest and the Sargrass leaving it alone.
But I repeat again, what are the other groups going to decide what to do? We must all work together towards a common goal or there will be a worldwide war over this." Nikolai states emphatically.
Trayvin AC 28/13 touch Hp 93/106(BrianZ) Tuesday May 29th, 2018 9:09:46 PM
"Nikolai, maybe the other groups have nothing to do with the Sargrass, and each have their own decision to make."
Trayvin is in deep thought, as he has been since the 'choice' was first presented to the Agents. "If I have to choose, then I vote for preservation. If the Sargrass of long ago was molded into its' current form, then there must have been a good reason for it. And I don't think we have seen much good coming from the newer Red Grasses, so I don't think I can side with those either."
"I do agree with Nikolai, if the Sargrass can have an area of its' own and not interfere with those around it, the balance may be ideal."