Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet Saturday July 28th, 2018 10:14:15 AM
OOC: The intent I believe was pointing out to the DM that you or anyone else in the party would not have in fact done that. Also to try and point out to the DM that in an area, that has been largely described as plains how could something have moved around past us, even at a diagonal. It's not like we would be un-vigilant when actually trying to walk towards orcs and ogres.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Saturday July 28th, 2018 8:51:24 PM
OOC: I don't think Osul would withhold information. I am instead confused and somewhat concerned with how the DM worded the fact that we didn't notice anything cutting back toward the Tree of that suddenly Bugbear tracks turned up after we'd been scouting around the Tree. Elyngael rationalizes that because both she and Osul didn't see anything that some sort of magic is being used to hide the creatures.
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:59/59 Saturday July 28th, 2018 10:50:17 PM
OOC: Ah, Graham failed his Sense Motive check. My apologies to Lynnette specifically and everyone generally.
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Sunday July 29th, 2018 7:41:15 AM
Neshi waits with the other on their aerial report.
Shane P Sunday July 29th, 2018 9:38:57 PM
a man can walk around 1 mile in just about 15 minutes, that's assuming he's walking around a football track and is doing nothing but walking. the tracks were just over an hour from the tree, call it 6 miles. Tracking slows you down as does walking through deep grass and uneven terrain. the party is currently about 7 miles from the tree give or take. it was assumed that 'Osul shared the knowledge of the bugbear tracks with the party. you tracked the horde about 4 miles as their track paralleled the tree. Elyngael if you were running back to the tree to check things or running back to check tracks you are going to be a few hours, does this help?
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:59/59 Monday July 30th, 2018 9:49:52 AM
OOC: Checking in
Mack (Eric R) AC: 21 (T 20 FF 16), CMD: 19; HP 64/64, Speed: 35' d20+15=28 ; d20+33=44 ; d20+32=49 ; Monday July 30th, 2018 1:00:38 PM
I wait patiently, while the party decides what to do. If we keep tracking, cool. Either way, I keep a sharp lookout, as I am confused by everything. But that's fairly normal. I look at Squeaver. Yep, We're on the same page.
(d20+15 survival/tracking check of 28) (d20+32+1(TTT) TrapFinding check of 44) (d20+31+1(TTT) perception check of 49)
While we're standing around, I cast Guidance on Atlas, even though it won't last long while tracking:
Guidance: +1 bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check; rounds remaining: 10
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet Monday July 30th, 2018 9:47:09 PM
Not sure if that post has actually anything to respond toward moving the story along.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Monday July 30th, 2018 9:48:45 PM
Shane, Elyngael was running away from the tree to scout around and try to determine where the bugbear tracks came from and how they got to where they were. She would not get out of sight or earshot of the party.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Monday July 30th, 2018 10:27:17 PM
Owen calls the group together. "Wardens! The Tree is in danger, so we should not dawdle here. I'll Teleport 'Osul, Elyngael, Khan, and I back to the Tree. That should mean both groups are well-supported. Any objections?"
Shane P Monday July 30th, 2018 10:46:07 PM
(Sorry Elyngael, your posts looked like I had confused you and I was just trying to get everyone near the same page before I moved forward. )
Owen calls the teleportees together and casts the spell (I'm assuming everyone is okay with this?). there is a flash, the world dissolves and then reconstitutes into the loading level right outside your house on the Tree of Parting. The inhabitance of the tree line the rails cheering as one races past to begin her climb to the Tree Top Tavern, The main lift is down and it looks like the race is well underway, you cannot see down to the ground to see how may more contestants are yet to go, nor how many people are on the ground. You do know from Miles attack drills that there is an alarm bell not 30 ft from where you are standing. You don't see Miles.
'Osul becomes the wind and flys upward, from the air its easy to see the path that the horde has taken. you fly ahead and see the path come into being, but you don't see anything making the path! Could it be Ghosts?!.
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:59/59 Tuesday July 31st, 2018 9:37:55 AM
He thinks, possibly aloud, "Ghosts? Would incorporeal creatures disrupt the grasses like this? Invisibility, or illusion, then? It had better be invisibility." He flys for better position (within 760' - straight above them is fine) over what might be the heads of two waves in the grass, and drops Entangle on them both (80 rounds, Reflex Save DC:20 - partial, No SR), and farewell Hero Point for the Extra Action
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Tuesday July 31st, 2018 10:10:23 AM
Atlas shakes his head after the teleport. "That is great magic Owen, I love it! Now, where do we go? Anyone hear from 'Osul?"
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet d20+4=14 ; Tuesday July 31st, 2018 10:23:38 AM "Someone ring the alarm. We need to get down to the ground." Armand says
Armand takes the express rope slide to the ground and looks outward. Perception 14 (d20+4)
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire d20+5=21 ; d20+7=21 ; d20+7=12 ; Tuesday July 31st, 2018 10:29:17 AM
(OOC - at this point I am confused as to where who is where. I think Neshi Armand Mack and atlas are away from tree and Owen, Osul, Elyngael and khan are back at the tree.)
Neshi scans the horizon and starts into hunter mode profession hunting DC 21, Perception DC 21, Knowledge arcana DC 12 searching for signs of the group of orcs and ogre know that invisibility generally does not mask scents and odors.
Mack (Eric R) AC: 21 (T 20 FF 16), CMD: 19; HP 64/64, Speed: 35' d20+15=28 ; d20+32=33 ; Tuesday July 31st, 2018 2:51:48 PM
After I see 4 members of the party teleport back to the Tree, I keep my search for tracks. If I see nothing, I continue heading back towards the Tree.
(d20+15 survival/tracking check of 28) (d20+31+1(TTT) perception check of 33)
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Tuesday July 31st, 2018 3:03:58 PM
Elyngael will start running with Khan toward the Tree on the assumption that since several of the party teleported 'Osul must have seen something.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Tuesday July 31st, 2018 3:05:06 PM
Elyngael has endurance.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Tuesday July 31st, 2018 9:34:20 PM
Owen rings the bell, then casts Ghost Sound. He calls out to the assembled crowd, using the voice of thirty men: "The Wardens have sighted a party of orcs headed this way. Warriors, meet us on the ground. Everyone else, make your way back to the Tree with care and caution."
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:59/59 d20+23=36 ; Wednesday August 1st, 2018 10:03:27 AM
OOC: Checking in.
'Osul looks to see what impact his two Entangles have had on the approaching,... invisible,... well, maybe he can smell that they are orcs and ogres. :) {Perception: 36}
Mack (Eric R) AC: 21 (T 20 FF 16), CMD: 19; HP 64/64, Speed: 35' Wednesday August 1st, 2018 1:06:50 PM
I continue my tracking match back towards the Tree.
Shane P Wednesday August 1st, 2018 4:06:10 PM
'Osul turned into a air elemental and flew off. I have Owen teleporting with Elengael, Kahn and since he was taking casters either Armand or 'Neshi. of course he could leave Kahn with the warriors and take both and since Elyngael is a Ranger she might want to stay on the ground. we should probably clear that up with this next post before we go any further. Owen can take three people. please state who all is teleporting and who is staying behind. except for 'Osul everybody is up for the spell.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Wednesday August 1st, 2018 11:30:35 PM
Atlas looks around in confusion, not exactly sure what is going on.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Wednesday August 1st, 2018 11:32:17 PM
Owen takes Elyngael, Khan, and Armand, if they are willing to go.
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:59/59 Thursday August 2nd, 2018 5:31:45 AM
'Osul "bobs", as requested, prior to loosing the Entangles. (Tuesday July 31st, 2018 9:37:55 AM)
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Thursday August 2nd, 2018 9:07:33 AM
Elyngael was not 'near' the main group when the signal came as she was checking tracks further out. Take Atlas in the teleport. Elyngael will run with Khan. If she needs to get back quicker maybe the giant dire bat will again appear and she can ride. But since that would take out one of the spell casters she'll run with Khan. There may be a spell caster or something behind the group directing actions.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet Thursday August 2nd, 2018 10:48:18 AM
I think Armand would prefer to be teleported.
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Thursday August 2nd, 2018 2:47:19 PM
Neshi is fine with running as she is four footed and has the run feat giving her a movement of 160-200.
Neshi scans the horizon and starts into hunter mode profession hunting DC 21, Perception DC 21, Knowledge arcana DC 12 searching for signs of the group of orcs and ogre know that invisibility generally does not mask scents and odors.
Mack (Eric R) AC: 21 (T 20 FF 16), CMD: 19; HP 64/64, Speed: 35' Thursday August 2nd, 2018 7:01:27 PM
I pass on the teleport, and continue tracking back towards the Tree.
Shane P d20=1 ; d20=9 ; d20=20 ; d20=1 ; d20=4 ; d20=7 ; d20=15 ; d20=8 ; d20=14 ; d20=13 ; d20=20 ; d20=1 ; d20=18 ; d20=20 ; d20=13 ; d20=4 ; d20=5 ; d20=8 ; d20=17 ; d20=18 ; d20=10 ; d20=8 ; d20=20 ; d20=14 ; d20=4 ; d20=11 ; d20=13 ; d20=9 ; d20=1 ; d20=11 ; d20=10 ; d20=12 ; d20=11 ; d20=8 ; d20=7 ; d20=7 ; d4+1=4 ; d4+1=4 ; d4+1=3 ; d4+1=3 ; d4+1=2 ; Thursday August 2nd, 2018 11:31:39 PM Owen rings the bell and shouts magically to get himself heard, Miles has done good work with these folks, about 15 people including miles race up the main lift and Hiflanyl Ilyndrathyl works the mechanisms that pull the lift up, bows begin to appear from within houses and soon half the populace is standing in strategic places arrows knocked and looking for trouble. a quarter of the folks are setting out medical supplies and wheeling out barrels of arrows for the bowmen. the other quarter equips themselves with spetums and positions themselves to quickly react to attempts to climb up the tree. in less than 5 minutes the tree went from a welcoming open place to a bristling fortress of death.
Mack: it's an easy track to follow, the horde is not attempting to cover their trail.
Atlas: stands confused as parts of the party take off via teleport, parts run back to check tracks and others forge on ahead.
Armand: finds himself at the ToP, staring in stunned silence as the tree quickly takes on a war footing.
Osul: lays down his web spell and suddenly a whole passel of orcs become visible, most are entangled in the webs but 4 are not. something large and moving behind the orcs stumble into the tangled ones and lashes out at them for their clumsiness, it pops the spell and 4 ogres are revealed. The column is thrown into chaos. suddenly from above, you are hit by 5 glowing darts of force. you take 16 points of damage! above and to the right of you a figure appears to be flying, having dropped it's invisibility to cast a spell at you.
Elyngael tracks at a run toward the horde.
Yurr'Neshi Yes, you smell the stink of orc, ogre and bugbear, but also cloves and patchouli, something that has an inkling about personal hygiene is travelling with the horde.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet d20+4=17 ; Friday August 3rd, 2018 9:29:06 AM
Well first off Armand was not staring in stunned silence. As stated several posts ago, Armand was headed down to the lowest level of the tree. His intention was to get to the lowest level that would provide him with the longest view outward, unblocked by branches or leaves. If that would be the ground then that was his target area.
Secondly, since Elyngael elected not to be teleported and Owen's Teleport spell had capacity, Atlas should have been teleported to the Tree. He was with Armand and Owen as we waited for a signal from 'Osul. So I am going to assume he's here at the Tree as well.
Armand will orient himself to face toward 'Osul's location. He will scan the area to see what 'Osul is dipping toward. Perception 17 (d20+4)
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet 4d8=13 ; Friday August 3rd, 2018 9:37:31 AM
If in range (180 feet) Armand will cast Holy Smite at the Orcs in the web. 20 foot radius. Damage 13 Will save for 1/2 damage. If Will failed creatures that survived are blinded for 1 round.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Friday August 3rd, 2018 5:35:21 PM
Atlas watches as Mack takes off following the tracks, then he tacks off after him. With his extraordinary running skills and the fact that Mack is tracking, it is easy for him to catch up.
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Friday August 3rd, 2018 9:45:35 PM
As the trackers run along, Neshi passes on that they are definitely on the trail of a large group of orc, ogres and bugbear, as well as something else perhaps a bit more refined, that may be leading them, maybe an ogre magi is Yurr'Neshi's first thought.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 d20+15=17 ; Friday August 3rd, 2018 10:35:19 PM
Elyngael continues to run. She scans the horizon as she goes. Perception (d20+15=17)
Mack (Eric R) AC: 21 (T 20 FF 16), CMD: 19; HP 64/64, Speed: 35' d20+32=37 ; Saturday August 4th, 2018 3:45:46 PM
I continue to follow the obvious trail, but no so fast as to run into a trap/ambush. Squeaver stays about 20' behind me. If at any point I hear noise up ahead as if we're catching up to something, I slow down, and warn the others behind me.
(d20+31+1(TTT) perception check of 37)
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 d20+15=24 ; Saturday August 4th, 2018 11:25:35 PM
Owen looks in the direction the enemies should be approaching from. Knowledge (Geography): 24. He looks for the approaching enemies, ready to direct the Tree's defenders or fly out to fight if need be.
Shane P Sunday August 5th, 2018 11:06:47 PM
(sorry guys, I get Armand and Atlas confused sometimes and even sometimes mix their stories in ways that only make sense to me. It seems that once again I have caused confusion here, this round will be spent trying to straighten thing out).
Armand You arrived via teleport on the lowest level of the tree of parting, the branches you are on are about 25 to 30 ft up in the air. once you arrived you found the tree dwellers lining the branches and rails watching the race progress. when the alarm tripped, there was a flurry of movement and the folk on the ground raced up the main lift and the lift was drawn up after them. If you wish to be on the ground, you will need to take a ladder lift, which will take a few rounds to get into operation you do not see a bad guy anywhere, but you do see from your location a dot on the horizon about a mile away, you see 5 glowing lights coming from the dot. make a DC 15 check against Knowledge Arcana, Dungeoneering or Intelligence (magic users only have to make a DC 11 check) Highlight to display spoiler: {it's the unmistakable glow of Magic Missiles flying through the air and impacting something}.
'Osul your Entagle spell got a lot more of the baddies than you thought. the Ogers that ran into the Orcs, 3 of the 4 were caught as well as 1 bugbear. you do not know how many more remain invisible, but there is a robed figure up and to your right lobbying magic Missiles at you. The Tree is about a mile away(you can see it clearly from where you are at.) and you think that the rest of the party is about 2000 to 2500 ft behind you.
all the rest of you tracking the party and not at the tree, you see 5 flashes a little over 1/4 of a mile away up in the air. make a DC 15 check against Knowledge Arcana, Dungeoneering or Intelligence (magic users only have to make a DC 11 check) Highlight to display spoiler: {it's the unmistakable glow of Magic Missiles flying through the air and impacting something}.
since this was an explanation, this is still the last round.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet d20+4=18 ; d20+9=25 ; Monday August 6th, 2018 10:50:32 AM
You know, Spellcraft can also be used to identify a spell being cast. p106 "Spellcraft (Int; Trained Only) You are skilled at the art of casting spells, identifying magic items, crafting magic items, and identifying spells as they are being cast. Check: Spellcraft is used whenever your knowledge and skill of the technical art of casting a spell or crafting a magic item comes into question. This skill is also used to identify the properties of magic items in your possession through the use of spells such as detect magic and identify. The DC of this check varies depending upon the task at hand. Action: Identifying a spell as it is being cast requires no action, but you must be able to clearly see the spell as it is being cast..."
Perception 18 (d20+4) "I think I see something about a mile out."
Spellcraft 25 ( knowledge arcane is an 8) "I think someone is casting magic missile out there."
He turns to Miles. "Are there horses below? Looks like whoever is coming is still about a mile out. I need to get over there pronto."
Armand will again get to the bottom of the tree as fast as he can.
"Did anyone see that, up ahead in the sky? It looks like someone cast magic missile at something. Do you think Owen's in trouble?"
Elyngael and Khan renew their efforts to run forward.
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:43/59 Monday August 6th, 2018 5:49:11 PM
'Osul casts Plant Growth over the Entangled areas (a 150-foot-radius semicircle should suffice), and heads back towards the party to report.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 d20+5=14 ; Monday August 6th, 2018 5:58:56 PM
Atlas looks up to see the glowing lights, but isn't sure what they are. He keeps running, grateful his training and natural physical endurance.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Monday August 6th, 2018 9:11:56 PM
Owen recognizes the telltale flash of magic missiles. He casts Fly on himself and zips off toward the fight.
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire d20+9=27 ; Monday August 6th, 2018 9:46:58 PM
shifting direction just a bit Neshi now starts heading to ward the missile caster.
Shane P Monday August 6th, 2018 11:29:11 PM Owen fly off towards the sounds of the guns so to speak. flying and not having to navigate through the brush, deep grass, hills, valleys and ravines cuts your distance to fly down to less than 1000 ft with favourable winds I'll give you 15 rounds to get there.
Mack: ?
Atlas: keeps trucking on.
Armand:..Miles looks at you funny. Why don't we just stay up here and let them come to us? all the horses are up here. The ground beneath the tree is going to become a kill box just as soon as that horde gets here, but if you feel you need to be down there, jump on this line, and we will lower you down. he points towards a coiled line next to a stanchion and recruits some men to lower you down
Osul: as you begin to cast your spell the aggressive mage continues his assault Make a DC 18 will save or become confused as he casts his spell upon you. If you make your will save or if you fail but make the act normally roll you can cast your spell otherwise your spell fizzles
d% Behavior 0125 Act normally 2650 Do nothing but babble incoherently 5175 Deal 1d8 points of damage + Str modifier to self with item in hand 76100 Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self
Elyngael notices the flashes in the sky and correctly determines their cause, she infers the it may be that 'Osul is in trouble.
Yurr'Neshi continues on track toward the sounds of battle.
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:43/59 d20+13=15 ; d100=90 ; d20+9=25 ; 3d6=11 ; d100=28 ; Tuesday August 7th, 2018 8:45:59 AM Saving Throw ... didn't. Behavior: Attack nearest creature (90). Attack... if casting a spell or using a spell-like abilty counts then Lightening Lord commences (SR: Yes, 25), Damage: 11, Reflex Save vs 22 for half damage.
In the new round, the large air elemental babbles incoherently (28).
Mack (Eric R) AC: 21 (T 20 FF 16), CMD: 19; HP 64/64, Speed: 35' Tuesday August 7th, 2018 12:19:46 PM
OOC: well, I hate to do this, but I cant do this justice from an iPhone 5s on a regular basis. ;( I am going to have to step down both as an ADM and as Mack, at least temporarily. For those that didnt see my email, I can no longer post from work, which is where I take my turns.... on break, of course. ;)
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Tuesday August 7th, 2018 3:41:30 PM
Atlas pushes forward at blazing speed...
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Atlas runs at a rate of 5X40', so 200 feet. Since he is not taking a standard action he does a double move, which adds up to 400ft/round. I think that might be world record time!
ooc: I'm dying inside knowing Mack is gone :-(
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Tuesday August 7th, 2018 4:59:27 PM OOC: I don't know how you missed my turn it was in the middle of everyone's posted. Perception (d20+15=21) Knowledge Dungeoneering (d20+9=17)
"Did anyone see that, up ahead in the sky? It looks like someone cast magic missile at something. Do you think Owen's in trouble?"
Elyngael and Khan renew their efforts to run forward.
Elyngael will continue to run forward with Khan.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet Tuesday August 7th, 2018 5:07:20 PM
Armand turns to Miles. "Because the Wardens are out there and that's where I belong. Besides it's always better to fight a war on someone else's real-estate."
Armand pauses. "Wait a minute I've got a better idea." Armand reaches into his pouch and pulls out, "Potion of anything level 3 - Rob - 2 perfect weeks expires 9/20/18", "I have this potion of Fly." Armand downs the now potion of FLY and double moves toward the action. (Fly speed 60, 5 minutes)
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Tuesday August 7th, 2018 8:35:01 PM
Neshi Puts on a little more speed and keeps pace with Atlas.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Tuesday August 7th, 2018 11:24:45 PM
Owen keeps flying toward the battle as fast as he can. It should only take about three rounds for him to be within fireball range...
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Wednesday August 8th, 2018 10:32:28 AM
Atlas tries to run faster sensing that something is going on, but not sure exactly what. You have never seen anything like it, he's moving so fast that his legs are just a blur now.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Wednesday August 8th, 2018 9:31:48 PM
Owen continues to fly.
Shane P Wednesday August 8th, 2018 10:06:57 PM Owen pours on the speed, itching to get to the source of the battle to help his friend.
Mack: continues to run along with squeever in tow.
Atlas: streaches out, at this rate he'll be to the huge horde of orcs, ogres and bugbears in just a few more rounds.
Armand: takes off flying towards the battle. it will be a few minutes though.
Osul: damages the flying man and then starts mumbling to himself flying in a circle.
Elyngael runs on.
Yurr'Neshi keeps running.
The crew pours on speed to get to the large horde of monsters. 'Osul flies in a circle confused and really isn't paying much attention to what the wizard or the monsters are doing. who knows what will await you once you close the distance.
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:43/59 d100=85 ; d20+9=13 ; 3d6=10 ; Thursday August 9th, 2018 5:43:04 AM
Behavior (Round 3): Attack nearest creature (85). 'Osul attacks again... Lightning Lord (2/9) against the wizard. (SR: Yes, 13, maybe), Damage: 10, Reflex Save vs 22 for half damage.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet Thursday August 9th, 2018 8:47:01 AM
Armand continues to double move forward at maximum fly velocity.
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Thursday August 9th, 2018 5:42:29 PM
Neshi stops about 300 ft out and takes a look at the circumstances.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Thursday August 9th, 2018 8:03:32 PM
Continuing to run forward, for both movement turns.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Thursday August 9th, 2018 11:46:37 PM
Atlas sees something ahead, but isn't sure exactly what it is. It looks like trouble though, so he looks for an opportunity to surprise whoever it is when he approaches. He'll have to slow down at some point, but not yet.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Friday August 10th, 2018 10:09:03 AM
Atlas gets closer and can better make out the enemy. It appears to be more than he was expecting. Speaking to himself out loud, "Hmm, I hope there are others ready to pounce. I will be hard pressed to take them alone...but I'll certainly try." His grin grew as he pushed himself forward even faster.
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:43/59 Friday August 10th, 2018 6:01:29 PM
OOC: Checking in
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Friday August 10th, 2018 10:53:29 PM
after he slows to peruse the situation, Neshi casts mage armor on himself.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Monday August 13th, 2018 5:00:53 PM
Owen tries to count the number of enemies as he flies.
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Monday August 13th, 2018 7:31:29 PM
looking over what is at the end of his run, Neshi prepares to go on the offensive.
Shane P d20+1=4 ; d20+1=18 ; d20+1=14 ; d20+1=18 ; d20+1=3 ; d20+1=17 ; d20+1=16 ; d20+1=11 ; d20+1=18 ; d20+1=18 ; d20+1=19 ; d20+1=19 ; d20+1=3 ; d20+1=11 ; d20+1=9 ; d20+1=13 ; d20+1=18 ; d20+1=17 ; d20+1=5 ; d20+1=6 ; d20+1=14 ; d20+1=7 ; d20+1=4 ; d20+1=2 ; d20+1=14 ; d20+1=17 ; d20+1=7 ; d20+2=16 ; d20+2=22 ; d20+2=10 ; d20+2=4 ; d20+2=11 ; d20+2=16 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+8=9 ; d20+10=20 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=24 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+9=25 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=14 ; Monday August 13th, 2018 11:15:22 PM
The wardens pour on the speed, With Armands fly spell and everyone else's quickness the crew makes it to the scene just as the wizard is getting the last of his troops free from the entanglement spell. There is a whole passel of orcs 4 ogres 4 goblins and one bugbear that you can see. They are waiting for you and begin to toss javelins Air elemental Owen is busy flying around in a circle and randomly throwing lightning bolts every few seconds. (and he will be for another round after this one.
'Neshi is outside the attack zone so he takes no damage and is not part of the attack.
everybody else who has engaged the horde if your AC is equal to or less than the To hit dice I have rolled roll a 1d4 for each instance. on a roll of 4 on the dice you are hit with a javelin or an arrow. the last 7 entries +10 and +9 are a longbow 1d6 and a shortbow 1d4 respectively all others are Javelin at 1d4. wasted shots that do not result in a 4 on the roll will be seen as having hit someone with better armour. Yes, it is possible for all shots to miss. Yes, it is possible to be hit multiple times. Yes, it is also possible for a used to hit roll to be used by another person to be hit yet again. This reflects the chaotic and random effect of volly fire. it can be of little effect or it can be quite deadly.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 d4=1 ; d4=2 ; Monday August 13th, 2018 11:50:57 PM
Atlas dodges and weaves between the volly to get into position to attack.
-------------------------------------------------- AC 25 1d4=1 (miss) 1d4=2 (miss)
OOC: Not sure if I did this right.
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Tuesday August 14th, 2018 8:07:55 AM
Seeing where the largest concentration of foes is Neshi focuses on centering his spell on them and casts, Sleet storm.
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:43/59 d100=8 ; 9d6=42 ; d20+9=12 ; Tuesday August 14th, 2018 10:49:01 AM
This round 'Osul ... (8) ... acts normally! Well ... he casts Flame Strike at his new nemesis. Damage: 42, Saving Throw: Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes, 12 maybe ..and is just glad to see the cavalry arrive.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 59/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet d4=3 ; d4=3 ; d4=3 ; d4=4 ; d4=2 ; d4=2 ; d6=4 ; 4d8=24 ; Tuesday August 14th, 2018 5:31:56 PM 1 - I guess the DM assumes the spellcasters would not prep some spells when they were in sight range to see what was going on. 2 - Armand would not close to more than 70 feet as most of his spells are medium range or better, that puts the Javelin's at -4 for 2 range increments. 3 - 6 potential hits, all from arrows, 1 hits, a short bow Armand takes 4hp damage. 4 - they shot/threw at us, they should be visible now, plus the duration for invisibility is not great.
Armand casts Holy Smite and targets a mass of Orcs to get the maximum potential from the 20 foot radius of the spell. Damage 24 (4d8). Will save of 18 for half damage. Will save also applies to avoid being blinded for one round. "Gargul calls for your souls!" Armand shouts.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Tuesday August 14th, 2018 7:03:07 PM
Atlas charges forward, hoping the spells from his friends thin out the horde some.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 80/83 d4=1 ; d4=3 ; d4=4 ; d4=2 ; d4=3 ; d6=3 ; d20+15=18 ; d8+4=10 ; d6=3 ; Tuesday August 14th, 2018 8:57:44 PM
Elyngael stops at 70 feet from the leading edge of the horde.
Range increment -4 for javelins, -2 for shortbows: 3 longbows potential hit, 2 shortbows potentially hit. Hit by 1 longbow: 3 hp damage.
She tells Khan to guard for anything charging them and aims at the unfamiliar flying person above the horde. To hit (d20+15=18) damage (d8+4=10) fire damage (d6=3).
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 9d6=26 ; Tuesday August 14th, 2018 9:57:49 PM
Owen mentioned that he was only getting within fireball range, which is about 700 feet....
He drops a fireball in the middle of the enemy, dealing 26 fire damage to anyone who doesn't make a DC 18 reflex save.
'Osul(Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:4/W:13 + RNL), HP:43/59 Wednesday August 15th, 2018 9:02:55 AM
OOC: ...okay, some of the cavalry.
Shane P Wednesday August 15th, 2018 10:04:41 PM
Alright. I've agonized over this post for the past 24 hrs. you guys are approaching an armed orc horde around 50 total strength. I was going to hold you all to the run moves you had posted in the last post before engagement. 'Neshi, and Owen had stated that they were going to stop at predefined distances. the rest of you ran on. The orcs are spread such that things like flame strike and fireball won't get more than 4 or 5 of them. I ran combat numbers last night and with flanking bonus, the guys on the ground in this encounter probably won't last 3 rounds. This was meant to be a one-off combat to pass the time until Rob got the next module done. With the way you all are trying to engage this horde it will most probably mean the death of everybody on the ground. I feel that perhaps I did not make the danger of this horde evident enough to you in earlier posts. I'm going to back this combat up to the round just before you all meet the horde. 'Osul still has three rounds of his confusion to put up with, the orcs never hit you with a volley of javelins. if you wish to cast buffs or make other changes in this round before we meet the horde please do them now. This promises to be a hard dirty fight if you take them on the ground.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 9d6=39 ; 9d6=31 ; Wednesday August 15th, 2018 10:59:28 PM
Owen shouts to the other Wardens: "Let's work our way back towards the Tree! Take care, everyone!"
After casting his first Fireball, Owen has continued to fly towards the approaching horde, now at only 60 feet per round. He drops three fireballs on any concentrations of the enemy that he sees. Let me know if he gets within 200 feet of the enemy caster. Counting my earlier roll, the three fireballs deal 26, 39, and 31 Fire damage, respectively. Reflex DC 18 for half damage.
'Osul-LAE(Graham) AC:18 (T:13, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:7/R:6/W:13 + RNL), HP:43/59 d100=5 ; 9d6=34 ; d20+9=27 ; Thursday August 16th, 2018 5:25:50 AM Rewind, and reroll This round 'Osul ... (5) ... acts normally! Well ... he casts Flame Strike at his new nemesis (The flying spellcaster). Damage: 34, Saving Throw: Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes, 27. He then flies about, keeping aloft, or a little more aloft.
Hmmm ... let me update the header for being elemental as anything.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet Thursday August 16th, 2018 7:20:08 AM
Since Owen is stopping a ways off from the battle, Armand will quickly speak to him.
"Owen, we need to herd the approaching orcs and what-not toward the Tree. Miles has a kill zone set up. Do you have any way to contact the others that could not teleport with us?"
Armand will cast entropic shield and then continue to double move at maximum fly speed. His goal is to go over (well over) the battle to get to the other side and the rest of the party.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Thursday August 16th, 2018 5:44:07 PM
Owen responds to Armand: "I don't have a way that wouldn't also inform the enemy of our plans."
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 d20+19=27 ; Thursday August 16th, 2018 5:57:20 PM
OOC Shouldn't the tracking rolls we made way back have told us the difference between tracking what was first billed as a party of orcs and maybe an ogre to a horde of orcs, etc.? I mean its a difference of -4 to the target number and -16 to the target number (-1 for every 3 creatures in the party being tracked, and that's assuming all are only medium sized) With that modifier we almost don't even have to make the roll to track.
Elyngael slows to normal speed with Khan and calls out to Atlas and Yurr'Neshi and calls out loudly enough to get their attention. "Hey guys, what we're tracking is larger than it should be. I mean look at these tracks. Survival (d20+19=27)
Elyngael has the feat swift tracker, can move at normal speed and track with no penalty. As a Ranger she adds half her ranger level to survival/tracking checks.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Thursday August 16th, 2018 8:05:23 PM
Atlas slows his pace so that he is following the horde at the same place as they are going, but about 400' behind them. Unless they are specifically watching behind themselves for some reason then they shouldn't even know he is there.
Shane P 15d6=51 ; Thursday August 16th, 2018 9:58:01 PM Owen your first fireball toasts 5 orcs, your second 2 and your third 3, like I said they are spread out and spread out even further to keep spellcasters minimized.
Atlas: slows down when they get near the horde
Armand: continues on towards the horde, high and out of range you see a powerful bolt of lightening flash from the wizard (which shows you exactly where he is) towards an air elemental 'Osul.
eOsul: the Wizard screams at the flame strike and then launches his own attack at you. a bolt of lightening hits you for 51 points of damage DC19 reflex save for half damage.
Elyngael OOC:(I never said exactly how many orcs, I just said a passle of orcs. once you get to a certain number it's almost impossible to get exact numbers by tracking anyway, and who knows they may have been covering their tracks.
Yurr'Neshi ?
the Tree wardens take stock, and wisely decide it's not the best idea to rush head long into a force much larger than themselves.
Those high enough, see clearly the wizard cast lightning at 'Osul. and begin to direct the horde away from the tree! and back the way they came...unfortunatly, thats back along the same track that the rest of the party is on!
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire 9d6=32 ; d20+11=19 ; Thursday August 16th, 2018 10:45:02 PM
Having stopped about 600 ft from the group of orc etc Neshi ends one fireball streaking toward the mage.
Range 760 ft, damage 32 points; reflex DC 22 for 16 points; spell resistance 19
'Osul-LAE(Graham) AC:18 (T:13, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:7/R:6/W:13 + RNL), HP:41, Saves:(F:7/R:6/W:13 + RNL), HP:-8/593/59 d20+6=8 ; Friday August 17th, 2018 10:07:28 AM
Reflex 8 vs 19 - full damage, plus the fall, (guessing from 50' so another 5d6 (not debitted from HP yet)) I'll refrain from making the percentile confusion roll.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet Friday August 17th, 2018 5:18:54 PM OOC - a 15d6 fireball is illegal. The spell tops out at 10d6. See page 283 of the Core Rule Book.
Armand contemplates catching 'Osul as he falls to the ground, from said fireball above. However, as 'Osul is currently in Air Elemental form, there's not much to really catch. Armand hurriedly flies to the group on the other side of the horde. He signals them as he lands.
'Osul may is injured and the horde is turning this way away from the Tree. However, I've got a plan. I can enact a spell like ability. It will make the individual members of the horde have to make a will save to attack us, as long as we don't attack. So hold a readied action for anything that gets within 30 feet of me and attacks us. We can work our way toward 'Osul. Remember ignore anything that doesn't attack us first."
Armand activate Divine Presence when the first member of the Horde is 60 feet away. Will Save 17 to even notice us to be able to attack. Divine Presence (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura of divine presence for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. All allies within this aura are treated as if under the effects of a sanctuary spell with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is a standard action.
Sanctuary Any opponent attempting to directly attack the warded creature, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save. If the save succeeds, the opponent can attack normally and is unaffected by that casting of the spell. If the save fails, the opponent cant follow through with the attack, that part of its action is lost, and it cant directly attack the warded creature for the duration of the spell. Those not attempting to attack the subject remain unaffected. This spell does not prevent the warded creature from being attacked or affected by area of effect spells. The subject cannot attack without breaking the spell but may use nonattack spells or otherwise act.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Friday August 17th, 2018 5:41:09 PM
OOC This is very confusing. Do we need a map? What round are we in? What are the ranges involved?
Elyngael will stay close to Armand but attempt to hurry him along movement wise. She will have an arrow notched and ready for anything that attacks them. She tells Khan to stay alert and on guard.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Friday August 17th, 2018 6:51:47 PM
What ever way the horde makes it's u-turn, Atlas runs in the opposite direction so that they don't run right back into him. He likes a battle, but he isn't stupid. He tries to stay 400 feet away at all times.
'Osul-LAE(Graham) AC:18 (T:13, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:7/R:6/W:13 + RNL), HP:-8/59 DYING d20+1=9 ; Saturday August 18th, 2018 4:45:44 AM
16' and 4lbs of air elemental floats / drifts downwards &/or with the prevailing breeze.
DC 10 Constitution (13) check to become stable: 9 HP at the end of this round: -9/59
Shane P Saturday August 18th, 2018 5:49:04 AM
The orcs do not make an orderly retreat, whatever the mage in charge said the retreat turns into a rout. if anyone wishes they can get an AOO against opponents passing through their position, which will, in turn, initiate combat with that opponent and perhaps draw another orc into combat as well. or you can either hunker down or move laterally to their path and avoid engagement at all.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet 4d6=16 ; Saturday August 18th, 2018 8:47:36 AM "Ugh, I don't think this plan is going to work." Armand quickly says to the ground party. "Try to work your way laterally around these *@#!!#. I'm going after 'Osul."
Armand run/flies upward to 'Osul, double moving. Spends a hero point for another single move to get in range and then channel the healing forces of Gargul. 'Osul only gets 16 hp of channel healing.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Sunday August 19th, 2018 10:08:22 AM
Elyngael and Khan opt to run sideways to the orc horde, trying to get away from being in front of it.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 d20+9=12 ; Sunday August 19th, 2018 8:14:46 PM
Owen gets within range of the enemy caster and casts Dispel Magic on it, hoping to cancel its Fly spell. He fails to do so.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Monday August 20th, 2018 12:20:49 PM
Atlas holds his ground, avoiding the chaos as much as possible. He doesn't attack unless forced to defend himself.
Shane P Monday August 20th, 2018 9:19:35 PM Owen ties to catch the mage, but was not expecting the haste with which he buggeds out. you can chase him if you wish, but a stern chase is a long chase and you are chasing a numerically superior force
Atlas: hnnker down as Orcs, Ogres goblins and bugbears stream past. You get the feeling that they were relying on surprise and invisibility for their attack, and the fact that they lost both advantages tilted the balance
Armand:'Osul floats gently to the ground, as only an air elemental can. while your channel does not do a whole lot it does bring him back to positive and consciousness.
Osul: regains consciouness
Elyngael move laterally to get out of the hordes way.
Yurr'Neshi holds his ground.
The Horde streams away, leaving behind the dead from confused 'Osul's attacks. 3 orcs and 1 goblin.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Monday August 20th, 2018 9:45:06 PM
Owen takes a good, long look at the departing mage. Hopefully he can scry on the enemy later.
'Osul-LAE(Graham) AC:18 (T:13, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:7/R:6/W:13 + RNL), HP:7/59 Tuesday August 21st, 2018 5:50:57 AM
[b]"Thank you,... Armand"[b], or at least, that's what he tries to say. If he had feet, he would have trouble getting to them. In any case, he tries to not move. An assessment, training and reckonning will happen in due course.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet 4d6=14 ; 4d6=16 ; 4d6=12 ; Tuesday August 21st, 2018 7:22:03 AM
Armand continues to heal 'Osul. 40 HP total from channels.
"'Osul, haven't you learned from Atlas's example? Don't go charging off into combat by yourself."
Armand checks his pockets and finds a mysterious note. "What's this?" He reads the note. "It seems Mack has been called by Maab to do some Greenmage training. He says he'll be back as soon as he can and until then we're not supposed to do anything he wouldn't."
Armand hands the note to whomever wishes to read it.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Tuesday August 21st, 2018 9:18:10 AM
Atlas feels a moment sadness when he hears that Mack is going to be gone for a bit, but he quickly perks up at the last comment. "Ha! So we're not supposed to follow the rules, stay out of trouble, or relax. Got it. I'm going to miss that trouble maker!"
Atlas looks around at the others, "Maybe we should get back and talk to Miles. We haven't had something like this happen while we've been here, so I don't know if this horde attack is normal or something we should be very concerned about. The fact that they had some powerful magic is a bit concerning to say the least"
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 d20+17=18 ; d20+15=25 ; Tuesday August 21st, 2018 5:22:27 PM
Elyngael and Khan search the area to make sure no sneaking orcs or goblins are hiding or spying.
Perception (d20+17=18) Survival (d20+15=25)
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Tuesday August 21st, 2018 8:42:25 PM
Owen doesn't believe Mack's message at first. "He's probably turned into one of these trees or something. He'll be back at any time, right Mack? Mack?"
Once he realizes that the halfling has truly departed, he grows somber.
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Tuesday August 21st, 2018 9:54:43 PM
Neshi watches the Horde retreat scratching his head.
Shane P Tuesday August 21st, 2018 11:54:15 PM
OOC; I think it has hit all of us who have been around with Mack pretty hard that he has departed. He certainly lent a sense of whimsy, chaos and fun to the game. I was frankly at a loss as to how to give him an honourable exit from the game. kudos and a hero point to Armand for picking up the mantle and giving our friend an honourable, effective and soap opera esq departure. this isn't good bye, it's more like see ya later. once he gets his computer issues fixed we will see that crazy halfling yet again.
The bodies of the attackers have a few things in common. similar clothes. the orcs have 3 gp a piece while the goblin who was dressed a bit better has 65 gp on him. He also has a very nice shortbow, 20 arrows in a nice quiver with 5 of the arrows separated from the rest. He has a couple of thunderstones and 3 smokesticks. 4 tindertwigs, some really nice leather armour 6 potions 4 or which are identical to each other and smell strongly of Alchemists fire, and 2 that are quite different than each other.
the orcs gear and weapons are all of poor quality but the two of them have a small bag each with a residue of dust in the bottom of it. they also each have a's a symbol you have seen before...
'Osul-LAE(Graham) AC:18 (T:13, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:7/R:6/W:13 + RNL), HP:47/59 Wednesday August 22nd, 2018 1:02:18 AM "Well, it will be an education that's for sure. I hope Queen Maab is prepared for some serious schooling.", he adds with honest concern. "This would be where Mack would usually start gathering up the ... 'spoils', yes?"
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet d20+5=25 ; Wednesday August 22nd, 2018 7:19:28 AM "I believe you are right 'Osul."
Armand will cast Detect Magic on the 'spoils'.
He will then attempt to appraise the items. Dang Appraise 25 (d20+5)
'Osul-LAE(Graham) AC:18 (T:13, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:7/R:6/W:13 + RNL), HP:47/59 d20+1=4 ; Wednesday August 22nd, 2018 8:55:07 AM "I believe I'll be alright, thanks again Armand. Let me see if anything looks familiar, besides those three dots." Aid Another (Armand - Appraise): 4 vs DC10 - sorry
"Is everyone else okay?", he adds, casting his eyes about for familiar faces.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Wednesday August 22nd, 2018 5:32:39 PM
Elyngael collects things and piles it up for the appraisal.
"Looks like they may all be from the same clan. Anyone know anything about the three dot clan?"
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Wednesday August 22nd, 2018 10:11:55 PM
Owen grimaces at the sight of the three-dot symbol. "Elyngael, they are a growing threat that we are trying to find the source of. Bugbears, orcs, and ogres don't usually coexist like this; someone powerful is directing their actions."
Shane P Thursday August 23rd, 2018 12:00:23 AM
you find the following on the goblin 4 alchemists fires, a potion of CMW and a potion of Jump. the residue on the two bags each had were of dust of tracelessness and dust of disappearance.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Thursday August 23rd, 2018 6:24:31 AM "Let's hurry up and get back to the Tree. We have many things to discuss.
Atlas grabs what he can carry and begins heading back.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet Thursday August 23rd, 2018 7:25:15 AM "Well somebody went through quite the expense to invest in all that dust." Armand indicates the bags of tracelessness and disappearance.
"I guess we need to decide what to do next, and let Miles know to keep an eye on things."
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Thursday August 23rd, 2018 1:35:48 PM
Hmm that's a lot of dust to have been spreading around.
'Osul-LAE(Graham) AC:18 (T:13, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:7/R:6/W:13 + RNL), HP:47/59 Thursday August 23rd, 2018 5:42:40 PM
'Osul agrees in general, and not seeing anything of further interest here on the ground, begins floating towards The Tree.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Thursday August 23rd, 2018 7:57:53 PM "Hey what about that sappling? Why don't we plant it here to mark where Mack last was?"
Elyngael calls out to the others.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Thursday August 23rd, 2018 11:33:47 PM "The sapling will live long; its placement should mark something similarly timeless. I'm sure Mack will return soon enough."
'Osul-LAE(Graham) AC:18 (T:13, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:7/R:6/W:13 + RNL), HP:47/59 Friday August 24th, 2018 12:47:34 AM "Meanwhile, it is getting rather tall and heavy (cumbersome, maybe?), sooner rather than later would be strongly advised. Remember, The Sapling and The Seed were provided so we would continue to communicate with The Tree (an aspect of The Tree?) while it slumbers. If we are going to consult with it, it need to be close by The Tree. This might be close enough, what do you all think?" "On the other hand, I thought it would make some sense for The Seed to be planted where The Tree originally departed, as depicted in the painting from the satyr..."
Shane P Friday August 24th, 2018 5:42:50 AM
the area secure, the Wardens make their way back to the Tree of Parting. during the walk, they discuss the seed and the sapling and what should be done with them. Horns signalling all clear sound from the tree when you all enter the clearing. once you are up Miles wishes to have a word with all of you, in private.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 15 FF 20) , CMD: 27/22, HP 97/97 Friday August 24th, 2018 12:08:56 PM
Atlas nods to Miles and says, "Lead the way."
Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:(23)19/(19)15/(18)14; HP:67/67 CMD: +20 character sheet energy resistance 20 fire Friday August 24th, 2018 3:26:52 PM
follows Miles and the rest of the crew for the conversation
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 T:14, FF:16, CMD 25, HP 83/83 Friday August 24th, 2018 5:54:44 PM
Elyngael follows along.
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet Friday August 24th, 2018 5:59:20 PM
Privately to the group as they approached the Tree. "I agree with 'Osul and Elyngael. I think we need to plant the sapling sooner rather than later, as things seem to happen to us that causes our plans to go wonky."
Armand speaks up. "Well if it's a private conversation perhaps going to the Triple T, as is the usual course, would best be forgone. Might I suggest our headquarters? There is a large meeting room there."
Shane P Friday August 24th, 2018 10:05:12 PM
Miles follows you all to your house. What all did you see out there? he asks. then shakes his head. No...lets get to that in a minute. guys we are alone here, surrounded by hostile parties on all sides and we are the only source of succor for many miles. There is no garrison, and we are visible for miles around. We've been attacked by roving bands before. The best way to fight them is from the boughs of this tree, we can hit them at will and they can't hit us up here for spit. I admire you all for "talking the fight to the enemy" and all but it wasn't necessary, let them come to us. if one of you had been killed, it would have been a foolish death! . he huffs out a breath, nods, then looks up. now...what did you see out there?
Armand (Robert D) AC 20/touch11/flat 19 HP 63/63 CMD 18 Character Sheet Saturday August 25th, 2018 9:07:22 AM "Point taken Miles." Armand says.
"However, in this case there was a lot of 'not being seen.' It looks like whoever was out there was using dust of disappearance and dust of tracelessness to get close to the tree. When I got there, it appeared there were many orcs and some ogres and bugbears in the mess. From the gear we found it looks like they belong to the same clan, something with 3 dots as a herald." He pauses. "Perhaps 'Osul can give more details he was the closest."
"All I know is I was tracking a small party that turned into a small horde. I haven't been around the Tree that much to know what sort of defenses you have."
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 16/12/14; HP: 54/54; CMD: 17 Saturday August 25th, 2018 11:09:39 PM
Owen looks grim in response to Miles' concern. "We know that it is better to fight from the Tree. We came back to warn you, but did not want to leave half of the Wardens to fight the enemy alone." Then he chuckles and says "I guess next time I should prepare Message instead of Teleport."