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Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 119/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Sunday October 28th, 2018 9:10:14 AM

V looks back toward the group after hearing the orc's response. "These Dwarves have not only taken slaves, they have raised and enslaved the children of those slaves since their birth. The furnace golems are the ultimate final punishment with a painful burning death. The wizards are in charge, and may have someone telling them what to do or working with them. This Orc doesn't wish to leave, as he has been a slave here since birth, but he would like to fight the Dwarves if he could."

"As far as I am concerned, I have learned two things. First, The wizards must be found and stopped, and we must learn if there is another behind the scenes pulling strings or amassing weapons. Second, when my spells are cast, they will not be taking Dwarven prisoners. Not the ones doing these things to children. Everyone may do as they wish, but I will not hold back against the slavers of children."

"What do we wish to do with the Orcs, let those that wish to stay fend for themselves with the weapons of Dwarves left in our wake? Point the way out to the others?"

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Sunday October 28th, 2018 3:29:08 PM

Tishe’ keeps quiet, uneasy about the situation. Sure, slavers are bad and if they die in battle it is one thing, but usually the Sorceress was with groups that either were able to bring captives back to justice or had legal justice already given them. Here in the mines, and even in the villages about, there was no guarantee of justice other than by the heroes themselves. The only thing that could stop the dwarves or orcs or humans from coming on top and enslaving the others all over again was death... or the demonstrated power and interest of the heroes in this area.

But ‘how’ to do that pattern is escaping the Spellweaver, and so her mind continues to race.


Perception. Taken10. 30. With Darkvision.
Readies Magic Missle. (If Dire Rats charge, 1 Missle per rat, then double up) 3 3 2 5 3

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 5. 1. 3. 1. 1

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 61/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See. 
Sunday October 28th, 2018 10:26:54 PM

(Sorry, I missed Barratore's command to Anders)

As Anders answers his question, he wanted to make sure the Orc slaves saw that the dwarves were clearly the enemy and that we had them in control.

"Alright Anders, do what Barratore says ... move these dwarves back with the others. Do not attempt to rouse them. Let them sleep it off."

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Sunday October 28th, 2018 11:24:10 PM


Sir Royston rubs his chin in thought at the answers given by the Orcs.

Hmmm... indeed. If only there were some way to keep the mines from developing into slavery again. He had an idea, but now is not the time.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 165/211 
Monday October 29th, 2018 9:22:19 AM

Barratore grumbles and gives a snot clearing snort. "These wizards have to go." Barratore's eyes scrunch and he wrinkles his nose, orcs and dwarves and life long enemies fueled by racial hatred since the dawn of time by every story he has ever heard. Slavery was bad and this type seemed even more so, but the orcs may be no better than the dwarves.

The fighter steps over to Roy, "Can you divine with your gifts if the orcs are evil as well?"

To the orc, Barratore replies, "We are not sending you off anywhere just yet." Barratore pulls some dried meat, bread and cheese from his Haversack and a couple of flasks of water. "Just stay put right in this chamber and don't wander off."

Satisfied the orcs are taken care of, Barratore tries to huddle up with the party to go over their next moves.

"We definitely take out the wizards, destroy the all of the furnace constructs and pursue to the top whatever might be there, if there is anything beyond them." We are already turning orcs loose and I don't see much difference between them and the dwarves, saving who happens to be on top at the moment. I'm unfamiliar with all of the benevolent orc stories. So I'm not going to be going all blood thirsty on the miners and craftsmen that aren't in charge."

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Monday October 29th, 2018 12:44:46 PM

Velarin relays what the orcs said to the others and lets the group know that he will not be pulling his punches. The enslavement of children seems to be a line of some sort for him. Tishe’ remains quiet uneasy with the situation.

Sir Royston considers the orcs answers and what could be done to stop this situation from developing again.

Emrys does indeed get Anders moving to gather the unconscious prisoners back in the entry room. Anders complies but mumbles a little to himself. “Sure talk to a slave.”

Brom asks if the Ray can devine if the orcs are evil. He cannot really, if they are they are not evil enough to register. {ooc: to low level} He then gives the orcs some food and instructs them to stay where they are. The orcs are clearly happy for the food and sit down, unsure what else they could really do. He then lets the others know he wants to take the wizards out.

The other passage to the west is uneventful. You find several more orcs there working and are told that the two dwarves that were in that room move back and forth to make sure they are working. At this point you have five orc slaves waiting on you for instructions and seven unconscious dwarves that have been drug to the entry room.

There are sure to be more slaves in the fungus mines as well as god knows what. There is also the promise of more dwarves and slaves moving further in.

What are you doing now?

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 119/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday October 29th, 2018 7:37:30 PM

V huddles up with the others. "Agreed. Wizards and constructs have to go. I'm not going out of my way to kill any Dwarves, but I'm also not pulling my punches. Combat is combat, as with most foes. As it was since the last wizard, I will stand by if it looks like the fighters can handle things without spells being thrown. What we gonna do with the prisoners and the orcs? If we leave the orcs watching over the Dwarves, the may kill them out of revenge."

V turns from the huddle, and speaks to the Orc in Orcish. "How many other areas of the mines have you been in? Where are we most likely to find the wizards in charge?"

V will then relay what is said to the group

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (141/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=41 ;
Monday October 29th, 2018 11:55:06 PM

When the group is ready to move out, Brom will take the lead.

Perception DC 41

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Monday October 29th, 2018 11:55:44 PM

Sir Royston shares his inability to detect evil in the orcs... Short of smiting one and seeing what happens.

"Perhaps the orcs would like to join us in fighting the dwarves?" Sir Royston muses. "Help us in meteing out justice?"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See.  d12=8 ; d12=4 ; d12=1 ; d12=2 ; d12=7 ; d12=3 ; d12=12 ; d12=5 ; d12=11 ; d12=9 ; d12=5 ; d12=11 ; d12=3 ; d12=10 ; d12=12 ;
Tuesday October 30th, 2018 12:06:29 AM

Looking at Barratore and Brom, he realizes that the two are more hurt than they let on. "Don't let your bravado lead you to your untimely ends ... tell me when you're hurt."

He casts two empowered cure spells on each of them.

(Casting Cure Critical Wounds on both Brom twice and Barratore. Empowered by Spiritual Healing.
1st. Cures Brom 4d12+16: 8+4+2+7+16 = 37.
2nd Cure Brom 4d12+16: 3+12+5+11+16 = 47.
Cure Barratore 4d12+16: 9+5+11+3+16 = 44.)

(Casting Cure Light Wounds on both Emrys and Valarin. Empowered by Spiritual Healing.
Cures Emrys 1d12+5: 10+5 = 15.
Cures Valarin 1d12+5: 12+5 = 17.)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See.  d12=8 ;
Tuesday October 30th, 2018 12:10:20 AM

He then notices Edson ... "Oh and you too!"

(Casting Cure Light Wounds on Edson. Empowered by Spirtual Healer. Cure Edson for 1d12+5: 8+5 = 13.)

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103  d20+28=41 ;
Tuesday October 30th, 2018 12:16:26 PM

Edson moves behind Brom and Barratore.. keeping his eyes out for any traps. Perception for traps 41

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Tuesday October 30th, 2018 1:59:08 PM

Emrys wisely notes that much of the party is banged up and just ignoring it. He takes the time to heal several of the party members. {ooc: Brom +84 | Barraore +44 | Emrys +15| Valarin: +17 | Edson +13}

Brom and Edson prepare to move out once a directions is established.

Sir Royston suggests that the orcs might want to join the fight to meter out justice. The orcs are all game though not as hale and hardy as they might be. If given a weapon, even a dagger, they will look to exact revenge on the dwarves.

Velarin agrees that the constructs and the wizards need to go. He also, saving the GM a sense motive spoiler, points out that the orcs might seek revenge on the unconscious dwarves. He then questions the orcs who answer in orcish.

The same orc responds in orcish. “We dig here and over in the fungus mines. Older dig where slaves sleep. Grandparents dug more.” the question of the wizards is one he has difficulty answering for moment and he mumbles, thinking out loud before answering. “Dwarves move around. One wizard in forge when working. Dwarves live further in, wizard to I guess. Spend time in with fungus queen and nasty slimy thing too. If killing them, probably only one would be in fungus if any…. Don’t know.”

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211 
Tuesday October 30th, 2018 2:50:54 PM

Barratore tilts his head a bit as Emrys casts a powerful healing spell, I guess he was hurt. "Thanks Emrys, forgot about that." Barratore holds a hand out to the orc, "Don't get all excited. You're staying put."

"I say we drop in on the fungus queen and thee nasty slime things first. V's evocation I'm guessing. will work best there. After that we move further in and look for the dwarven leadership."

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Tuesday October 30th, 2018 3:35:21 PM

Tishe’ nods. She will support the team, and has nothing more to add.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 5. 1. 3. 1. 1

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Tuesday October 30th, 2018 7:43:18 PM

"Thank you Emrys. Best not to get into the mix already wounded"

"Agreed Barratore. As soon as we answer the question of what to do with a bunch of unconscious Dwarve slavers, and a bunch of Orcs possibly looking for revenge on said Dwarves, we can go kick some butt. Unfortunately, I can't say I have an appropriate solution to that problem. Anyone have any brilliant ideas?"

Active Effects:

Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste-C, Haste, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=37 ;
Tuesday October 30th, 2018 11:04:01 PM

"Thanks fer that." He says to Emrys.

"Can ya seal them in a room. Maybe wall in the room." He says.

"Let's go dice us up some mushrooms." He says getting ready to lead the way.

Perception DC 37

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Tuesday October 30th, 2018 11:38:56 PM

Sir Royston is content to follow with the group. As for the dwarves, binding and gagging them seems prudent...

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Wednesday October 31st, 2018 2:06:31 PM

Barratore titles his head as Emrys casts his healing spells, conceding that he was hurt. He then told the orc that he was staying put which seemed to suite the orc just fine. He then tells the group that it is the fungus queen and the slimy things first.

Velarin agrees with Barratore saying "Agreed Barratore. As soon as we answer the question of what to do with a bunch of unconscious Dwarve slavers, and a bunch of Orcs possibly looking for revenge on said Dwarves, we can go kick some butt. Unfortunately, I can't say I have an appropriate solution to that problem. Anyone have any brilliant ideas?"

Brom is also glad for the healing and ready to go dice mushrooms.

Sir Royston is content to follow the group and moves back to the dwarf storage room to bind the dwarves. {ooc: And that is close enough to a brilliant solution for the GM at this point}

Brom is also glad for the healing and ready to go dice mushrooms. He suggests sealing the room in some way to keep the orcs and dwarves separated.

{ooc: If you want to seal the room add it as part of the next post. Even though it is a player created situation I think things are lagging here and I don’t want to hold the entire party. The ocrs are living NPC’s though so whatever you do may or may not have ramifications.}

Moving towards the fungal growth area from the path at the vestibule Brom is in the lead. The path out of the room was once rough stone but has been worn smooth over time. The path itself is only five foot wide and 15 feet tall so squeezing may be required for the bigger party members. Having sharp ears Brom hears a whisper “There coming. Ready!” He can also see that, after about twenty feet the pathway opens up into a not over large room. No enemy is currently in sight however it is a safe bet that whatever is there is ready to act.

{ooc: Give me order though the path as you post, there are readied actions on the other end of things.}

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+18=31 ; d20+25=45 ;
Wednesday October 31st, 2018 9:38:29 PM

Brom holds up a fist. He reaches into his haversack and pulls out his everburning torch. With a great heave, he tosses it down the hall, on a line, into the room hoping to trigger whatever ambush is waiting by making them think it's the group holding the torch as it enters the chamber.

AC for his throw: 31

Perception DC 45

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday November 1st, 2018 9:05:44 AM

With the darkvision spell still active on those he placed it on, V will move down the tunnel, 4th in line, after Brom, Barratore, and Royston.

Active Effects:

Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste-C, Haste, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+21=33 ;
Thursday November 1st, 2018 12:00:01 PM

It takes a bit of thinking, but Tishe’ has a possible solution. “Right. We don’t need to weave a permanent fix right now, but a temporary end of hostilities and slavery. So how does this spin?

1. We leave orcs here and send other orcs that are freed to this area. Velarin can talk and explain things.
2. We take the dwarfs, without weapons, to the furnace room and block them in with Emrys’ Wall of Thorns (good for 2.5 hours at 15 level). Emrys shapes it for a hole at the ceiling. Barratorre can lift new dwarves into the furnace room while keeping the orcs with weapons but little leadership and dwarfs without weapons separated.
3. We keep rooting out wizards, orcs, and dwarfs.

Tishe’ thinks it a good plan to take care of the immediate issue.

At the tunnel and whispers, Tishe’ , hovering a foot off the ground at her usual place in line, sees Barratorre stop and toss his torch down the tunnel. Feeling that combat is imminent, she uses her Darkvision to watch carefully, and Readies to Dispel the first spell attacking the team.
Ready Dispel Magic. Counterspell. 33.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 5. 1. 3. 1. 1

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103 
Thursday November 1st, 2018 12:35:43 PM

" Thats a solid idea Tishe.. I'm down for locking them in. As for the orks.. even though orks usually make my skin crawl, slavery is no way to live. "

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See. 
Thursday November 1st, 2018 1:35:49 PM

"I agree Tishe, that does sound like a proper plan. Im also a talented polyglot if we find other slaves other than orcs. I'm fluent in 17 languages, and I can fake the rest," he says with grin.

(sorry for not posting again. Work is crazy this time of year. And I haven't read everybody's posts yet.)

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Thursday November 1st, 2018 3:27:30 PM

Tishe’ comes up with several plans and hovers a foot off the ground near the back of the group.

Velarin makes sure everyone has dark vision active.

Edson agrees that locking the dwarves in is a good idea He also points out that orcs make his skin crawl.

Emrys agrees with Tishe thinking it sounds like a proper plan.

Barratore choses this moment to be silent as does Sir Royston

After doing whatever it is that they do. {ooc: I am trying folks but I cant spend spells for you or roll survival for tying things up.} Brom pulls out an ever burning torch to lob into the room.

{ooc: Dragging dwarves back to the furnace room will take a moment and if that is the plan please let me know. I do not think your intention is to split up the party so I held Brom action of throwing a torch in. I really am not trying to be difficult but you have created a difficult situation for yourselves.}

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday November 1st, 2018 3:38:25 PM

"I agree that we should follow Tishe's plan. It's the best we can do for now, and will only take a few minutes to put the Dwarves in and have Emrys cast the spell. Let's do it, and then we can wreak havoc upon the mushrooms with a clear conscience."

(No tying needed, Emrys just needs to cast the spell which he agreed to do. Think we are good with this if you want to move things along Ryan)

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Thursday November 1st, 2018 7:39:03 PM

OoC: Agree. We do all the stuf before and are at the torch throw now. No problem! :-)

Hovering a foot off the ground, Tishe’ is ready with her Counterspell (if needed)

Ready Dispel Magic. Counterspell. 33.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 5. 1. 3. 1. 1

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211 
Thursday November 1st, 2018 10:04:01 PM

Barratore thinks Tishe's plan is fine.
1. We leave orcs here and send other orcs that are freed to this area. Velarin can talk and explain things.
2. We take the dwarfs, without weapons, to the furnace room and block them in with Emrys’ Wall of Thorns (good for 2.5 hours at 15 level). Emrys shapes it for a hole at the ceiling. Barratorre can lift new dwarves into the furnace room while keeping the orcs with weapons but little leadership and dwarfs without weapons separated.
3. We keep rooting out wizards, orcs, and dwarfs.

Then, it is on to the passage to the fungus area and the queen. Barratore internally finds it odd that Brom hurled a torch into the chamber, but he probably has some idea. Barratore closes in behind him and prepares to rush the room

Wpn Hardness 16 41/50 HP
Darkvision 5 hours
Freedom Of Movement - 70 minutes
Protection Elements Fire - 69/120 150 minutes
Haste 6/10 - Off

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Thursday November 1st, 2018 11:46:28 PM

ooc: Please pardon my absence. Halloween was busier than expected.

Sir Royston is happy to go along with any plan. However, "Do we have any spells with large areas of effect? Something we could cast at the end of the hall and avoid exposing ourselves."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See.  d20+27=36 ; d20+27=39 ;
Friday November 2nd, 2018 1:07:49 PM

With Tishe's guidance, Emrys creates a Wall of Thorns in the style she describes. He uses his great knowledge of Engineering and Dungeoneering to help him along the way ... to make it the best it could possibly be.

(Knowledge [Engineering]: 36. Knowledge [Dungeoneering]: 39)

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Friday November 2nd, 2018 1:21:47 PM

The plan is in place and the more physically blessed of the team start moving the unconscious dwarves back to the previous room. Each of the front line fighters can move several bodies and begin to do so. Emrys moves with them to create his temporary prison.

As they get to the far room to deposit the dwarves, there is a commotion form down the hall where you heard someone whisper. The sound of stone on stone proceeds the emergence of three bulky creatures with rocky hide covered in a blue glowing fungus. The sound was clearly their rocky hide scrapping against the walls of the tunnel as they moved. A voice from back down the halls yells manically.

“Grind them to dust! Grind them to dust!”

Those paying attention would note the voice gets quitter as it delivers the command.

{ooc: Map updated}

What are you doing now?

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+25=35 ;
Friday November 2nd, 2018 8:27:19 PM

(love it when the bad guys appear right next to you.)

"Oh boooys, it looks like company has come a calling. I think they wish to speak with you!"

V will relocate by defensively casting(DC 35, success) a Dim Door. He will appear in the northwest corner of the room(as it is looking at map, next to barrels to Broms right as he comes out of tunnel. squares not numbered)

V will then pull his quicken rod from his handy haversack.

Active Effects:

Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste-C, Haste, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door-C, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+28=41 ; 6d20+38=107 ; 6d6+38=62 ; d20+25=42 ;
Friday November 2nd, 2018 11:17:06 PM

Brom moves back to engage the new enemies and strikes with one mighty blow.

Attack (rage, pa, ivs): AC 41; damage 62

perception DC 42

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20  d20+26=33 ; d20+21=34 ; d20+21=30 ; d20+21=36 ; d20+27=39 ; d20+27=39 ; 2d6+36=45 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d6+19=22 ; d6+19=25 ; d8+19=24 ; 2d6+26=31 ; 2d6+26=34 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ;
Friday November 2nd, 2018 11:57:21 PM

Sir Royston unleashes a full attack on the nearest creature.

All power attack.

Bite attack 33
Bite damage 45 + 5 fire + 3 holy

Wing attack 34
Wing damage 22

Wing attack 30
Wing damage 25

Tail attack 36
Tail damage 24

Claw attack 39
Claw damage 31 + 6 fire + 9 holy

Claw attack 29
Claw damage 34 + 1 fire + 7 holy

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+27=34 ; d20+27=33 ; 10d6=36 ; 10d6=30 ;
Saturday November 3rd, 2018 1:28:56 PM

Tishe’ has little time to react before the rock monsters are nearly upon her! “They look like creatures and not golems, so maybe...”

Casting Defensively, Tishe’ angles a Lightning Bolt into the one in front of her AND the one behind it! Using her innate spellweaving, she defensively casts a Quickened Lightning Bolt doing the same thing!

And then, steeling herself for deadly claws, the Spellweaver moves back a distance behind Brom and Edson.

Cast Defensive Lightning Bolt. 34 pass; 36 damage, Reflex DC 22 for 18
Cast Defensive Quickened Lightning Bolt. 33 pass; 30 damage, Reflex DC 23 for 15
Move (AOO?)

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 5. 2. 3. 1. 2

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211 
Sunday November 4th, 2018 5:37:14 PM

Barratore moves back to where V is calling for assistance. He squeezes through the tight section of the cave passages and comes in behind Edson

'Wpn Hardness 16 41/50 HP
Darkvision 5 hours
Freedom Of Movement - 70 minutes
Protection Elements Fire - 69/120 150 minutes
Haste 6/10 - Off

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See. 
Monday November 5th, 2018 9:20:39 AM

Hearing the beginning of a battle, Emrys moves into the hallway, near the entrance to the chamber where all the noise is coming from. Daemon follows in behind him. "We have guests ... let's give them a proper welcome!"

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103  d20+21=37 ; d20+16=22 ; d20+11=25 ; d4+1=4 ; d4+1=3 ; d4+1=5 ; 8d6=29 ; 8d6=20 ; 8d6=29 ;
Monday November 5th, 2018 11:41:52 AM

Edson steps five feet down to help with the creature by Brom. Using Broms strong attacks, Edson Flanks the beast and slashes.

Hit ac 37 4 dmg +29 sneak
Hit ac 22 3 dmg +20 sneak
Hit ac 25 5 dmg +29 sneak

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+4=10 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+14=21 ;
Monday November 5th, 2018 2:21:07 PM

Velarin, casting defensivly, teleports across the room into the north west corner.

Hearing the commotion Barratore moves back to the room, squeezing though the narrow hallway. Emrys also in the other room moves into the hallway near the entrance of the chamber where all the noise is coming from.

Before anyone steps in the way Tishe’ lets lose with a lightning bolt and then quick another, quickened bolt. Both creatures take full damage from the blasts. Sir Royston follows the lightning bolts with a series attacks on the blue creature. The attacks quickly end its existence but there was poison in its body and the bite could have been a bad idea. Sir Royston DC26 for or -1 Str and Dex + Nauseated for 1 minute. Save every minute until two are made.

Brom also moves to intercept and lands a heavy blow on the red creature. This attack is followed by Edson whos blades end the red attacker.

Nature DC21 Highlight to display spoiler: { These creatures appear to be rock trolls that have been contaminated with some sort of fungus. They are much tougher then a normal rock troll and like any troll, will regenerate from many injuries. The fungus has also created a poison which can be harmful if ingested. }

The remaining creature in the room rushes forward and attacks the parties pet dragon, er Sir Royston. Its clumsy swing does not connect.

Emrys back in the tunnel hears an additional noise in the room he just left and turns to see another of these creatues burst form the hallway along with the dwarf that fled in this direction quite some time ago. The dwarf is moving as fast as its dwarven legs will carry it towards the north tunnel.

The dwarf and newly arrived creature seem to be dripping wet.

RED: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 77/139 DEAD
GREEN: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 78/139
BLUE: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 73/139 DEAD
ORANGE: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 139/139


Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday November 5th, 2018 4:44:54 PM

V casts a haste spell, centered on Barratore, encompassing the entire party, and then waits for the harbingers of destruction to finish off the bad guys.

Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste-C, Haste-C, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door-C, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  5d4+5=16 ;
Monday November 5th, 2018 9:36:55 PM

Tishe’ finds herself bottled up in the caves; she can’t get at either the monster in front of Royston or the sounds of battle from the other room. So she Readies a Magic Missle spell in case the Green Rock Monster is still on its feet after the others get done.

Readies Magic Missle. 16

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 5. 2. 3. 1. 2

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, Haste.  d20+24=28 ; d20+21=24 ; d20+20=25 ;
Monday November 5th, 2018 11:07:31 PM

(Knowledge [Nature]: 28.)

"Rock Trolls!" he says with a tone of revulsion. "They regenerate ... any Bright ideas?"

Emrys moves quickly, thanks to Haste, 35ft to the north and casts a very scary curse, augmented with extra witchy wickedness. He looks to see if he notices anything strange about both the troll (orange) and the dwarf (Perception: 24). 'What is dripping off the troll,' he thinks?

(Casting Fear, empowered by Focus Curse. Range: 30'. Area: Cone Shape Burst. Will Save: 27 vs. Panicked condition. Duration: 16 rounds. Spell Resist: 25+2, if necessary. If they save, they are Shaken for 1 round. This should be able to hit both the dwarf and the orange troll.)

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20  d20+19=21 ;
Monday November 5th, 2018 11:23:44 PM

Sir Royston is overcome by the noxious filth roiling through the creature's blood. He departs from the room as quickly as possible.

ooc: Single move action, accelerated by haste.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+28=29 ;
Tuesday November 6th, 2018 9:41:41 AM

Brom moves to engage the green rock troll. However unbelievable it seems, Brom's sword fails to hit it's mark.

Attack (pa, rage, ivs): miss

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103  d20+21=31 ; d20+16=31 ; d20+11=17 ; d4+3=7 ; d4+3=7 ; 8d8=37 ; 8d8=30 ;
Tuesday November 6th, 2018 12:47:17 PM

Edson steps 5'again to the last troll.. again using Brom to flank the troll.

Hit ac 31 7 dmg + 37 sneak
Hit ac 31 7 dmg + 30 sneak

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+13=24 ; d6=2 ; d2=1 ; d20+14=16 ;
Tuesday November 6th, 2018 2:30:05 PM

Velarin casts haste, centered on Barratore, and waits for the brothers of destruction to do their work.

Sir Royston is overcome by the fluids of the rock troll and moves away into the hallway.

Emrys moves north at great speed. He quickly notices that the troll and the dwarf were recently in water. The dwarf up to mid chest. In places he casts fear in a cone catching both targets. {Dwarf Save: 24 | Running Direction 2} The dwarf, who was already running full out, succumbs to the spell and panics, dropping its weapons and running NE in fear. The fungus covered rock troll is completely unaffected by the spell, clearly immune to mind-affecting effects!

Brom moves to intercept the troll but… he misses!!!!

Barratore has a moment of indecision and stands in the entrance to the room.

Fortunatly Edson is more accurate and his blades do just enough to bring the creature unconscious but almost immediately begins to stir again. Seeing the movement Tishe’ completes her spell ending the troll for good. [i] {ooc: Regeneration would have had it back up on it turn so this seemed cleanist.}

The dwarf, panicked, continues to run until it comes to a wall at which point it moves south, instead of too its original target tunnel.

The troll eyes the witch who cast the spell and moves, attempting to bite him and MISSES!!!

RED: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 77/139 DEAD
GREEN: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 2/139 DEAD
BLUE: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 73/139 DEAD
ORANGE: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 139/139


Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Tuesday November 6th, 2018 2:39:34 PM

Sir Royston remains at his current location and dry heaves several times.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  10d6+8=47 ;
Tuesday November 6th, 2018 6:33:32 PM

V moves into the room to the north and then moves 5' to the west immediately upon entering. He then casts a lightning bolt at the troll (47 damage, reflex 24 for 1/2)

Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt-C, Haste-C, Haste-C, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door-C, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+20=25 ;
Wednesday November 7th, 2018 8:28:08 AM

Tishe’ sees the south battle is over and the north battle sounds well in hand. So she makes her way through the passageway to Royston and stands guard as he gets his equilibrium back. Having wretched her innards dry more than once in her career, she casts an encouraging eye to the Dragon Disciple, then watches the tunnels for any approaching enemies.

Move 1’ above the floor to beside Royston
Perception. 25. With darkvision

Readies Magic Missle. 16

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 5. 2. 3. 1. 2

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, Haste.  d20+24=40 ;
Wednesday November 7th, 2018 10:41:55 AM

Emrys luckily ducks at just the appropriate time. Wide-eyed and feeling squirrelly, he immediately makes a tactical withdrawal back to the narrow hallway. Daemon does the same ... (however, I hadn't moved him into the room)

(Withdraw action, full-round action. just behind Barratore on the map.)

"On guard ... they're not dead ... see as they stir! They're also mindless ... the fungus must be controlling them. My magic failed to grip their tiny, little brains!"

Emrys thinks quickly of other rock troll weaknesses he could possibly take advantage of. [b](Knowledge [Nature]: 40 to recall such weaknesses or disadvantages.)

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Wednesday November 7th, 2018 11:54:04 AM

Brom moves up and into the other chamber.

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d3=1 ; d4=4 ; d20+12=14 ; d2=2 ; d20+14=24 ; d8+9=14 ;
Wednesday November 7th, 2018 2:22:33 PM

Sir Royston continues his wrenching which will undoubtably improve his attitude towards the dwarves. Having sympathy Tishe’ moves to protect her ill companion.

Emrys, wide eyed, knows he was very luck. He quickly retreats and calls Deamon to his side. {ooc: Sorry about moving him with you. If nothing is stated I move him with you? I will leave him alone unless instructed.} He recalls that the trolls regenerating, like most trolls, can be stopped. In this case by acid or sonic. Even contaminated by the fungus there is no other weakness that comes to mind.

Velarin moves into the other room and a bit to the west before casting a lightning bolt at the troll. The toll cannot get out of the way and crackles with energy when he is hit.

Brom moves up with Velarin into the north room.

Barratore and Edson heroically do nothing.

The dwarf continues to flee in blind panic turning 180 when he meets a wall and veering back the other way, still without his weapons.

The troll, having been shocked pretty good, moves and bites, at Brom but he cannot get though his armor. {Hit: 24} {ooc: Velarin, I am assuming you are up in the air as much as you can be so he could not have bitten you despite you hurting him}

RED: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 77/139 DEAD
GREEN: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 2/139 DEAD
BLUE: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 73/139 DEAD
ORANGE: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 92/139


Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103  d20+21=22 ; d20+16=25 ; d20+11=14 ; d4+3=6 ; 8d8=34 ; 8d6=30 ;
Wednesday November 7th, 2018 3:51:54 PM

Edson slashes three times on the troll.. connecting once.

Hit ac 25 , 6 dmg +30 sneak

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d4+5=6 ;
Wednesday November 7th, 2018 3:58:11 PM

(Yes, Velarin is as out of reach as possible. Sorry. Should have said Flies not moves)

Not wanting the panicked Dwarf to escape, and not being sure why Barratore has not arrived yet, V flies(high and wide) to block the NW exit. Once there he drops to the ground, and casts mirror image, creating 6 duplicate images of himself, all blocking the exit.

Mirror Image(Velarin - 6 of them)
Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image-C, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt-C, Haste-C, Haste-C, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door-C, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211  d20+12=17 ;
Wednesday November 7th, 2018 10:41:17 PM

Barratore snorts and shakes the cobwebs from his head. Brom had the other one, or rather he soon would and so there is no need to get all panicked. There was only the one very wounded troll left and so Barratore more purposefully does not do anything this time. Assuming the direction the dwarf and troll came from, is where the group wants to go, Barratore moves to that passage to look down it with his Darkvision
Perception 17

Wpn Hardness 16 41/50 HP
Darkvision 5 hours
Freedom Of Movement - 70 minutes
Protection Elements Fire - 69/120 150 minutes
Haste 6/10 - Off
Haste Spell from V 13/15

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Wednesday November 7th, 2018 11:48:52 PM

Sir Royston waves to Tishe. "Th-thank you. I'm not fee--HOOOOOOOORK." He doubles over and continues to dry heave.

ooc: 7 rounds left.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+28=45 ; d20+23=41 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+13=16 ; 2d6+38=42 ; 2d6+38=47 ;
Thursday November 8th, 2018 10:27:59 AM

Brom moves in on the troll and works on the troll.

Attack (pa, rage): AC 45, 41, miss, miss; damage 42, 47

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Thursday November 8th, 2018 2:25:49 PM

Edson hack at the troll that has already been killed as he is not in the room with a live target. In the same room Barratore waits in the room thinking he remaining torll is nearly dead.

Sir Royston continues to wretch off to the side.

Brom puts down the remaining toll ending the combat, for the most part, while Velarin flies to intercept the fleeing dwarf.

The dwarf runs towards Velarin and, when he sees him, turns yet again in is blind panic! [i] {ooc: Anyone can grab him at this point with a CMB check if you can get to him.}

With the exception of he dwarf the two rooms the party is in are quiet. The entry room has the path that most of the trolls came from and you have seen parth into. The upper room, M5, also has a path off to the east. The sound you heard and the way things played out you know these paths connect at some point.

What are you doing now?

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Thursday November 8th, 2018 2:35:33 PM

As long as nothing exciting happens in the next 42 seconds...

Sir Royston wipes some spittle from his mouth and sighs in relief as the nausea passes. "That was... most unpleasant. Foul creatures." He looks left and right. "These foes came from the tunnel on the right. It seems prudent to continue in that direction."

ooc: And hopefully someone chases down that dwarf at some point in those 7 rounds...

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday November 8th, 2018 6:34:23 PM

"Brom, would you be so kind as to corral the wayward Dwarf running about in a panic? I'm guessing he's not a wizard, but we can double check with the Orcs to be sure. Assuming he's not a wizard, I suggest that we help the Dwarf take a nap, and then continue on into the mushroom realm.They obviously know we are coming at some point, and had plenty of time to prepare, so I can send a fireball their way and you, Barratore and Roy can follow in after it....Assuming Roy is done vomiting troll parts shortly."

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Thursday November 8th, 2018 6:53:33 PM

Tishe’ keeps Royston company and, when he is ready to return, she uses her Read Magic abilities to look over the trolls for magic or treasure.

As usual, she agrees with Velarin’s idea for traveling to the mushroom realm.
Read Magic.

Perception for finding treasure. Take 10 = 30

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 5. 2. 3. 1. 2

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211  d20+25=35 ;
Thursday November 8th, 2018 10:52:10 PM

Barratore will make a grab fro the dwarf to hold him still, If he misses or the dwarf slips past, he waves his hand 'Bah! and dismisses him

Barratore is set to back track as Roy has suggested

CMB 35

Wpn Hardness 16 41/50 HP
Darkvision 5 hours
Freedom Of Movement - 70 minutes
Protection Elements Fire - 69/120 150 minutes
Haste 6/10 - Off
Haste Spell from V 12/15

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103 
Friday November 9th, 2018 4:26:41 AM

" My mistake, thought that troll was moving" Edson says a bit embarrassed. " Terrible things... trolls. "

" Mushroom realm sounds fine. "

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+29=43 ;
Friday November 9th, 2018 10:29:38 AM

Taking V's command, Brom will move to cut off the dwarf's escape and grab him should he get close.

Grab: 43

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, Haste. 
Friday November 9th, 2018 12:04:12 PM

(I thought the trolls were moving and regenerating as well.)

Emrys is thinking these trolls were bested a little too easily. Maybe his concern is misplaced ... maybe he should be more concerned with the fungus.

"We should be cautious around this fungus. They could be releasing their spores as we speak! The effects could render us mindless, like these repugnant trolls."

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Friday November 9th, 2018 1:14:37 PM

Out of combat and with time Sir Roystons illness passes leaving only a soar throat from his retching. {ooc: Kind of forgot you were a dragon during that, the image is pretty great.}

The trolls are all day and past the point of regeneration. {ooc: I should have been more clear, they were taking well past the point of regenerating}

Brom and Barratore congratulation you have caught a dwarf that eventually calms down as the spell wears off. Until they he screams and thrashes but you are stronger then him and he cannot get away. {ooc: Just let me know what you do with him as part of the next post.}

That deal with the group agrees that the fungus area is the way to go though Emrys does caution about spores. Luckily it does not seem that anything is air born from the trolls.

The plan to store the dwarves is complete and they are secured in the upper room. M5 With that complete the group, finding nothing of value on the trolls, moves down the path they had come from and finds a chamber, fifteen feet tall, with of two parts. The walls are this area a damp and the air is humid.

A passageway leads to the north and one leads further to the west. Both ways appear to open into larger areas and careful looking shows that both are filled with various funguses and mushrooms and have a layer of moss on the damp floor. Creates are scattered about as are buckets and basic gardening and harvesting equipment.

Both of the rooms you can see have some movement here and there, mostly pulsating growths but the moss and fungus are not inherently dangerous. In fact those with any degree of knowledge of nature would know that most are edible and can be used to create various alcoholic beverages.

The growths go almost to the ceiling in many places so if anything is living in there it is hidden from view, possible because your presence is known.

What are you doing now.

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Friday November 9th, 2018 4:39:54 PM

{ooc: Dragons are always dignified, you know. Except when they are not.}

Sir Royston nods toward Edson. "Can you be troubled to scout the rooms, O Stealthy One?"

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+9=13 ;
Saturday November 10th, 2018 9:01:05 AM

"Let's head to the southern section and work our way in that direction."

"I have been conserving spells, but at some point we will need to rest, and recover spells. It seems we have been at this awhile."(intelligence check to estimate time of day? 13)

Mirror Image(Velarin - 6 of them)
Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image-C, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt-C, Haste-C, Haste-C, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door-C, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211  d20+12=30 ;
Sunday November 11th, 2018 6:33:31 PM

Barratore moves to the east to get a better view of what might be in that cavern.
Perception 30

Wpn Hardness 16 41/50 HP
Darkvision 5 hours
Freedom Of Movement - 70 minutes
Protection Elements Fire - 69/120 150 minutes
Haste 6/10 - Off
Haste Spell from V 8/15 +1 AC/Attack/Reflex

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Sunday November 11th, 2018 10:21:44 PM

Tishe’ nods at Velarin’s words. “Can anyone block the north passage with some webs or at least an Alarm spell while we check the south passage?” Tishe’s Magic doesn’t help for closing off the north passage for any long period of time. “Or maybe a Stone Shape?”

The Sorceress herself follows Barratorre, but not too closely.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 5. 2. 3. 1. 2

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103  d20+24=43 ;
Monday November 12th, 2018 7:20:55 AM

" sure can Sir Royston. " Edson says. He moves in the direction Royston says, staying in the shadows as he does.

Stealth 43

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+24=37 ; d20+24=36 ; d20+26=32 ;
Monday November 12th, 2018 11:20:15 AM

{Perception: 37/36}
{Something: 32}

Velain points out that he has been conserving spells but at some point will need to rest and recover spells.

Tishe’ nods at Velarins words and asks if anyone can block the passage they are not going down.

Sir Royston asks Edson if he can quietly look ahead. Edson agrees and he moves off into the darkness while Barratore takes a position near the mouth of the next room. From your vantage point, Barratore, you do not see any movement, but you do hear someone talking. {ooc: See text later}

Moving into the rom Edson finds that despite having looked like a chaotic room of growing fungus it is actuall organized in rows growing form two to ten feet in height. Movement in the room will be difficult at best.

On the far wall you see several slaves working, picking fungus and piling it in large sacks. There are only three guards visible in the area who appear to be keeping the slaves working despite having to be aware that the place is under attack. One can be heard talking to the slaves.

“Keep working, don’t think some invaders will save you form a days work, the trolls dealt with them already.”

It does not appear that the dwarves are aware of anyone being near at the moment.

If there is anything else lurking in the fungus you cannot see it from where you are.

In the room there appear to be two additional exits, both heading to the north.

Map is updated. Room is difficult terrain.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday November 12th, 2018 7:08:12 PM

"Looks like I will stand by and let the swords do a bit more work. No sense throwing big spells for a few Dwarves that will be quickly handled, and dropping a fireball in their current placement is likely to kill the slaves. Once you move in, I will try and monitor the passages leaving the room."

V waits for the fighters to move in and engage the Dwarves

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211  d20+23=34 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=29 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+8=9 ; d20+23=24 ; 2d6+19=26 ; 2d6+19=24 ; 2d6+19=28 ; 2d6+19=25 ; 2d6+19=25 ;
Monday November 12th, 2018 9:42:51 PM

Barratore nods in agreement to V. "You save that for the nasty fungus slime monsters we are inevitably going to come up against on our way to the queen."
Barratore drops his sword and decides to get their attention. He quick draws his bow and fires at each of the dwarves

"Just to get your attention! Drop your weapons and put your hands over your head and come on along. Or I'll start shooting for real"

Deadly Aim Blue Dwarf AC 34 Dmg 26
Deadly Aim Yellow Dwarf AC 38 Crit 29 Dmg 24+28+25
Dealdy Aim Red Dwarf AC 23/9/24 Dmg 25/miss/miss

Wpn Hardness 16 41/50 HP
Darkvision 5 hours
Freedom Of Movement - 70 minutes
Protection Elements Fire - 69/120 150 minutes
Haste 6/10 - Off
Haste Spell from V 7/15 +1 AC/Attack/Reflex

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=39 ;
Monday November 12th, 2018 10:34:04 PM

Brom moves into the room with sword drawn.

Haste, Darkvision
Rage 12

Perception DC 39

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, Haste.  d20+17=35 ;
Monday November 12th, 2018 11:24:20 PM

(Sorry for being a slow poster ... the holiday season promotions that Im wading through at my agency are crazy ... especially when you have clients that are more concerned with the rosiness of their cheeks than a hard deadline.)

Emrys waits behind the wall of stone and lets the more sneaky and bulky members of the group take their advantage with the unsuspecting victims in the next chamber. He is becoming quite impatient with all this spelunking. While he feels comfort with the roots of things, he much prefers the starry sky and a cool night breeze. He thinks he should just summon the great beast and call it a day.

(Perception: 35)

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Monday November 12th, 2018 11:40:33 PM

Sir Royston waits to see if Barratore is successful in using social skills to force a surrender.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103 
Tuesday November 13th, 2018 12:28:23 PM

Edson stays in the shadows moving towards the blue dwarf. His khukri is out.

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d100=70 ; d100=10 ; d100=62 ; d20+25=30 ; 2d6+15=22 ; d20+26=39 ; d20+10=20 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+10=15 ; d3=3 ; d20+10=16 ;
Tuesday November 13th, 2018 1:18:06 PM

{GM Roll: 39}

Edson stays in the shadows his weapon at the ready as Brom moves into the room with his sword drawen.

Velarin comments that he will stand by and let the swords do their work and Emrys, as well, waits. Barratore steps up and alerts the dwarves to his presence as he fires some arrows.

"Just to get your attention! Drop your weapons and put your hands over your head and come on along. Or I'll start shooting for real"

Two of his arrows connect but the middle shot ricochets off of some intervening fungus.

Right, a few things are going to happen now!

The dwarves that are hit grunt in pain as the red dwarf speaks while swinging his hammer at a slave. {Hit: 30 | Dam: 22} There is a spray of blood as the orc falls to the ground and the dwarf yells.

Right you green bastards, just like we told you to the cave.” Clearly they were expecting you.

The dwarves and the slaves quickly move towards one of the openings as Brom notices movement in the ceiling. Multiple long tentacles lash out from a large, fungus covered, stalactite heading for Brom and Barratore.

Brom vs Touch – Hit 20/11
Barratore vs Touch – Hit 15/16

Amazingly only one tentacle is able to connect, striking Brom, who feels numbing start to seep into his limbs. {DC25 Fort or 1d6 Str Damage

Finally, a cackle can be heard coming from the hallway that the dwarves are heading towards as another figure appears. This eerie create has the upper body of a beautiful pale green woman and the lower body of a pulsating mushroom. As she stops, she gestures and a large spore rises from the ground near-ish to Brom.

{Inside dotted yellow is difficult terrain and gives a 20% miss chance to ranged attacks.}

RED: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 113/139 – SR25 -
YELLOW: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 139/139 – SR25 -
BLUE: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 114/139 – SR25 -

Fungus Woman – AC: ?/?/? | HP: ?/? | SR25

Stalactite – AC: ?/?/? | HP: ?/? | SR25

Know Dungeonering – DC24 Know Highlight to display spoiler: { This stalactite is a roper that has been infected by fungus. They have a ranged attack that can sap the strength of those it hits. The tentacles are easy to cut however.

Also these are intelligent creatures that that enjoy discussing life, death and the more evil religions. They are also able to be convinced to serve darker masters if their needs align.

If you beat the DC by 5 ask a question, 10 two questions.

Know Planes – DC24 Know Highlight to display spoiler: { This half woman half fungs is a fungus queen. This one appears substantially more advance then normal, possible it has enhanced its natural magical abilities. Naturally They can charm and dominate opponents as well as create spawn from those they have killed.

If you beat the DC by 5 ask a question, 10 two questions.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+24=30 ; 16d6=53 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+18=27 ;
Tuesday November 13th, 2018 7:39:34 PM

V and his 6 images move over next to Barratore and he calls out to the others. "The woman at the far end is the fungus queen. She can Charm and Dominate opponents. Looks like I get to play after all" (know planes 30)

V then yells to the Fungus Queen. "Why do you work with these Dwarves Fungus Queen? They shall be your undoing."

V then launches an empowered Chain lightning with the blue dwarf as the primary target, and then secondary bolts going to all the rest of the enemies except the red dwarf who is out of range.(reflex save for 1/2. save of 29 for primary, 27 for secondary. Damage is 87.(SR 21 failed to affect fungus folk. hero point to reroll. Successful 27 and fungus folk affected)

Mirror Image(Velarin - 6 of them)
Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image-C, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt-C, Haste-C, Haste-C, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door-C, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning-C, Sunburst

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Tuesday November 13th, 2018 11:04:22 PM

Sir Royston calls out, "I think we should fall back. This natural bottleneck behind us could make things difficult for our enemies."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211  d20+9=11 ; d20+23=32 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=20 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+23=32 ; 2d6+19=27 ; 2d6+19=29 ; 2d6+19=25 ; 2d6+19=27 ; 2d6+19=26 ; 2d6+19=28 ;
Tuesday November 13th, 2018 11:33:42 PM

Barratore sticks with his bow and fires a volley at the creature in the middle of the cavern

Deadly Aim Hit AC 32 / 38 crit 20 / 18 / 13 / 32 Dmg 27 / 29 Crit 25 + 27 / 26 / miss / 28

Wpn Hardness 16 41/50 HP
Darkvision 5 hours
Freedom Of Movement - 70 minutes
Protection Elements Fire - 69/120 150 minutes
Haste 6/10 - Off
Haste Spell from V 6/15 +1 AC/Attack/Reflex

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Tuesday November 13th, 2018 11:53:05 PM

posting in a few minutes

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+15=27 ;
Wednesday November 14th, 2018 12:08:47 AM

Fort save DC 27

Brom powers up and moves towards the mushroom lady (with haste he is able to move and move to get there.) While moving he shouts back "Run if ya want. Barratore ya comin'?"

Haste, Darkvision
Rage 13

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Wednesday November 14th, 2018 5:25:04 AM

Tishe’ takes a glance at Royston, “it would have been a good plan...”, she sighs, and focuses on the battle at hand.

The Spellweaver squeezes past Barratorre and gives him some space. That spore doesn’t look good, so she moves closer to Edson and the first northpassage. “Fungus Queen? In Tattledam there was a young woman selected to be Harvest Queen after every Ranthom Drive, but ‘Fungus Queesn’? Yuck!”

No one mentioned tentacles from the ceiling! Tishe’ adjusts her plans and casts a Quickened Grease Spell on her and Edson’s clothes, making it easier to escape any grapple. Then she turns her attention to the spore, casting a Resilient Sphere around the object, sealing it away from the battle!

Quick grease, version2: Tishe’ and Edson get +10 to Escape Artist checks
Resilient Sphere. 16 rounds. On spore. Reflex DC 21 or trapped in 15’ diameter Sphere.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Haste from velarin

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 5. 2. 5. 1. 2

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+13=26 ; d20+13=26 ; d20+13=20 ; d20+10=24 ; d20+5=23 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=13 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+10=12 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ;
Wednesday November 14th, 2018 12:57:27 PM

Sir Royston suggests falling back to a natural bottle neck.

The idea of saving spells leaves Velarin’s[ /b] mind as he launches and empowered chain lightning at the new enemies. None of the enemies can avoid the full force of the blast BUT the fungus queen and the roper seems completely unaffected by the attack. {ooc: Can you do that from behind Barratore in the hallway or did you move in front of him?}

[b] Barratore
launches a volley of arrows at the roper, connecting with three. One of the arrows felt exceptionally good but failed to find the weak spot. {crit not confirmed}

Hasted Brom moves right up to the fungal queen who looks a little surprised by the rapid approach.

Tishe’ looks at the spore and thinks nothing good can come of it and so encases it in a resilient sphere. That done she makes Edson a bit more difficult to get ahold of, coating him with grease.

Edson enjoys his hiding spot and Emrys… well who knows what goes on in a bloodwitches head.

The dwarves and the orc continue to retreat towards the tunnel and a few of the slaves disappear down the hall.

The roper again launches out several sticky strands, two at Brom, two at Barratore and one at Tishe’.

{Brom Hit vs Touch: 23/14 | DC25 Fort or 5 Str Damage}
{Barratore Hit vs Touch: 13/28 | DC25 Fort or 2 Str Damage}
{Tishe’ Hit vs Touch: 12}

The fungal queen takes a small ‘step’ away from Brom before using its natural powers to try and dominate his mind. {DC25 Will save vs Dominate} Her attempted command is simple. “Go home!”

RED: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 113/139 – SR25 -
YELLOW: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 52/139 – SR25 -
BLUE: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 27/139 – SR25 -

Fungus Woman – AC: 25/15/22 | HP: 183/183 | SR25

Stalactite – AC: 27/10/26 | HP: 88/172 | SR27

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103 
Wednesday November 14th, 2018 1:02:45 PM

Ooc: you posted earlier

Edson stays in the shadows and moves up to the blue dwarf... like i posted Tuesday..

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Wednesday November 14th, 2018 1:30:57 PM

OOC: Being as V is flying, I was thinking I was above Barratore and a few feet behind him. I'll try and mention height from ground in future posts.)(also, you had SR listed as 25 for both fungus people last round, I see it's updated to 27 for one this round. I used a hero point to get to 27 last round, so unless they are immune to electricity, it should have still affected them. Please let me know as it will effect my actions this round)

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211  d20+21=33 ; d20+23=30 ; d20+18=24 ; d20+13=27 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+23=39 ; 2d6+19=26 ; 2d6+19=29 ; 2d6+19=27 ;
Wednesday November 14th, 2018 10:51:44 PM

Barratore's body fights off the Roper's poison Fort Save 33 and he then sends another volley at the roper. Three arrows penetrate the things tough hide
Deadly Aim Hit AC 30 / 24 / 27 / 13 / 39 Dmg 26 / miss / 29 / miss / miss / 27

He calls back to Roy to get his scaly golden hide up and into the fight

Wpn Hardness 16 41/50 HP
Darkvision 5 hours
Freedom Of Movement - 70 minutes
Protection Elements Fire - 69/120 150 minutes
Haste 6/10 - Off
Haste Spell from V 6/15 +1 AC/Attack/Reflex

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, Haste.  d20+27=29 ; d20+22=38 ;
Wednesday November 14th, 2018 11:13:08 PM

(Knowledge [dungeoneer]: 29. Knowledge [planes]: 38)

Emrys awakens from his momentary trance, he whispers, "fungus queen!" He knows all to well what she is capable of. He moves up behind Barratore and spots Brom charging in on the queen. He yells out to Brom, "Accept my ward, dear Brom!" He begins to cast one of his more powerful spells ... a ward spell to shield his mind.

(Casting MIND BLANK on Brom. Range: 65ft. Duration: 24 hours. Brom gets a +8 resist bonus on all saves vs. Mind Affecting spells and effects. It blocks all divination spells ... even from Wish and Miracle spells and Arcane Eye.)

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20  5d4(1+4+3+2+1)+5=16
Wednesday November 14th, 2018 11:54:34 PM

Sir Royston advances 30 feet forward (just to the bottleneck) and casts a magic missile spell at the fungus woman.

ooc: 16 force damage, no save.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 177/188 (236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+18=34 ; d20+11=29 ; d20+29=32 ; 6d6+38=67 ;
Wednesday November 14th, 2018 11:57:22 PM

Fort save DC 34, Will save DC 29

Brom shrugs off the weakening effect and responds to the fungus woman "Go home, don't think so. You go home." He moves in and takes a big chop at the fungus.

Attack (rage, pa, ivs, haste): AC 32, damage 67

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+11=21 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+11=26 ; 4d6=12 ; 4d6=16 ; 4d6=16 ; d20+18=24 ; d20+18=22 ; d20+18=24 ;
Thursday November 15th, 2018 8:12:04 AM

Tishe’ realizes two things in the first moment of combat. The first is the tentacles stalactite isn’t trying to ensnare anyone, only to weaken the heroes. The second is because of her magical force protections, she is more protected by the attacks than her packmates to its insidious caresses.

“So I’ll weave an end to the burr in the pattern”, she states.

With Barratorre’s arrows, the stalactite looks to be on its last... do stalactite monsters have legs? So Tishe’ takes her time to cast a Still Scorching Ray, her Spellweaver abilities giving them a greater chance to affect the spell resistant enemy!

The spell fizzles against the resistant stalactite, and Tishe’ attempts to heroically overcome it to no avail!

She casts a Quickened Scorching Ray and that fizzles as well!!

Still scorching Ray. Touch AC. 21/12/26. SR 24. Fail! Hero Point! 22. Fail!!
Quickened Scorching Ray. SR 24. Fail!!!

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Haste from velarin

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 6. 2. 5. 2. 2

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  10d6+8=39 ; d20+18=26 ; d20+11=17 ; d20+11=29 ; d20+11=12 ; 4d6=15 ; 4d6=16 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+18=28 ;
Thursday November 15th, 2018 9:24:47 AM

Flying a few feet above Barratore's head, and a few feet behind him, V and his 6 images start by using his quicken rod to drop a fireball between red dwarf and the stalactite, where it will only affect those two creatures (39 damage, reflex save of 24 for 1/2 damage, SR 26)

V then casts and throws an empowered scorching ray targeting only the stalactite unless it falls, then remaining rays targeting red Dwarf. (ranged touch of 17,29, and miss)(damage 26 and 28)(SR 19 and 28)(seriously. this die roller is awful)

Mirror Image(Velarin - 6 of them)
Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image-C, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball-C, lightning bolt-C, Haste-C, Haste-C, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door-C, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray-C, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning-C, Sunburst

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, Haste. 
Thursday November 15th, 2018 9:31:25 AM


BROM has MIND BLANK cast upon him. He gets +8 to saves vs. mind affecting spells and effects.

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+25=39 ; 2d6+15=21 ; d20+10=20 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=23 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d20+5=19 ; d20+19=38 ;
Thursday November 15th, 2018 2:51:52 PM

Edson moves towards the blue dwarf, well the hallway they are headed too really.

Barratore lands four arrows severely injuring the roper before calling to Sir Royston to get into the fight.

Emrys casts a spell to aid Brom. {ooc: Please see email note on this spell.}

Sir Royston moves up thirty feet, well tries to, as that would put him on top of Barratore. Stopping behind his teammate and under Velarin he sends some force missles at the fungus queen. {ooc: Did you check the map or have something else in mind for the move? Not sure I should grand line of site around a large creature in a corridor but going to go with it. Remember next time I do not give the benefit of the doubt.}

Brom shakes off the effects of the Fungus Queens spell and tells her to go home as eh moves and chops into his enemy.

Tishe’ is confident until she isn’t and her spells fizzle while attempting to kill the roper. {OUCH!}

Velarin follows up Tishe’ attack with a fireball that fails to harm the roper and does partial damage to the dwarf. He follows this up with a pair of scorching ways hoping for the dwarf and the roper but it takes both to finally kill the roper! Its stalactite body crashes to the ground below destroying a section of the fungus garden.

The slaves continue to flee towards the hallway, hoping that Brom will not cut them down, and the blue dwarf makes his escape, maybe. {Edson, do you want to attack him as he runs by? He does not see you.} The yellow and red dwarf find themselves cut off form escape and, resigning themselves to fighting to clear a path, they move towards Brom. Only one gets close enough to attack.

{Yellow at Brom - Hit 39 | Dam: 21}

The fungal queen takes a step away and again summons a sporepod, this time right behind Brom.

RED: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 93/139 – SR25 -
YELLOW: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 52/139 – SR25 -
BLUE: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 27/139 – SR25 -

Fungus Woman – AC: 25/15/22 | HP: 100/183 | SR25

Dead Stalactite – AC: 27/10/26 | HP: 6/172 | SR27 DEAD

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211  d20+23=28 ; 6d6+19=34 ;
Thursday November 15th, 2018 9:59:04 PM

Barratore moves into the cavern and takes Aim on the Fungus Queen while yelling at the dwarves, "Not your fight dwarves, just sit down and you get to not die today'
Move 40' Deadly Aim, Improved Vital Strike Hit AC 28 Dmg 34

Wpn Hardness 16 41/50 HP
Darkvision 5 hours
Freedom Of Movement - 70 minutes
Protection Elements Fire - 69/120 150 minutes
Haste 6/10 - Off
Haste Spell from V 5/15 +1 AC/Attack/Reflex

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (211/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+31=37 ; d20+26=37 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+29=30 ; 2d6+38=46 ; 2d6+38=46 ;
Thursday November 15th, 2018 11:21:36 PM

Brom takes the hit from the dwarf. He steps up to the fungus lady and then splits attacks between the dwarf's weapon and the fungus queen.

"Yer not gonna like this dwarf.[/b]"

Sunder weapon (yellow dwarf; pa rage, imp sunder, haste): AC 37, 37; damage 46, 46

Attack (fungus queen; pa, rage, haste): all misses (the haste swing was a nat 1)

Haste, darkvision, rage 15

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20  5d4(1+2+2+3+2)+5=15
Thursday November 15th, 2018 11:53:06 PM

ooc: My apologies for yesterday. I viewed the map on my phone, and I think I got the icons confused.

Sir Royston moves further into the cavern and fires another volley of magic missiles at the fungus queen.

ooc: 15 force damage, no save.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, Haste.  d20+21=25 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+21=36 ; d20+21=32 ;
Friday November 16th, 2018 12:02:19 AM

(Emrys had moved up behind Barratore last round. He now occupies the empty square 10ft west of Tishe.)

"Let's expedite this battle, shall we."

Emrys delves into the darkest recesses of necromantic talents. Using cursed words so dark and depraved it may cause those of weaker stock to evacuate the contents of their stomachs and bowels.

(Casting Living Voodoo Doll on the Fungus Queen and the dwarves, empowered by Focus Curse. Curse: Blindness. Targets: Himself and 1 creature/3 levels. Range: 260ft. Duration: 16 rounds (D). Saving Throw: None. Spell Resist Rolls: Fungus Queen 25, Dwarf Red 37, Dwarf Yellow 36, and Dwarf Blue 32. Emrys' Spell Penetration is 19, +2 Focus Curse = 21.)

Emrys' eyes begin to turn dark and seep a black, putrid ichor and pours down his face. The same happens to the Fungus Queen and her dwarves.

Speaking mentally to Daemon, he says, "To my side Daemon, you are now my eyes!"

The viper slithers forward saying, "Ceeertainly!". Unbeknownst to the blind Emrys, Daemon is smiling wickedly.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103  d20+19=27 ; d20+14=22 ; d20+9=17 ; d4+1=3 ; 8d6=27 ;
Friday November 16th, 2018 5:22:57 AM

Edson slashes at the blue dwarf.. ( I'm lost).
He connects once. 3 dmg + 27 sneak

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Friday November 16th, 2018 8:00:23 AM

“Watch out for the spore!”, Tishe’ calls to Edson, but the scrappy rogue seems to be a bit lost. While it’s going to make things harder for the others to wax the ‘Queen’s thread, Tishe’ conjures another Resilient Sphere to contain the spore. But the Spellweaver recalls a seldom used flexibility of spellcasters, and deliberately reduces the power of the spell to make the Sphere only 10’ in diameter!
Fly into the cave, 1’ off floor
Cast Resilient Sphere on spore. CL 10 Reflex DC 21 or enclosed in force Sphere.

Caster Level from corebook: “You can cast a spell at a lower caster level than normal, but the caster level you choose must be high enough for you to cast the spell in question, and all level-dependent features must be based on the same caster level.”
Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 6. 2. 6. 2. 2

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d8=6 ; d20+25=36 ; d100=39 ; d2=2 ;
Friday November 16th, 2018 1:29:01 PM

As the blue dwarf tries to fell Edson’s blade cuts deep bring the dwarf low and bleeding to death.

Barratore steps further into the room and fires a single arrow at the fungal queen that clipsher shoulder.

Brom first breaks the earthbreaker of the dwarf before attacking, and missing, the fungal queen.

Sir Royton steps into the room and launches off more foces missles smacking the Fungal Queen who is regretting her life choices, I think.

Emrys… Well Emrys does one of those things that only he can do. Using more powerful magic he blinds the dwarves and the fungus queen.

Tishe’ again captures one of the creatures spores in a resilient sphere of force.

The yellow dwarf quickly finds his weapon broken and then finds that he cannot see. Blind, and unarmed he puts his hands up surrendering.

The red dwarf also finds himself blinded but still steps forward and swings at the general area he knew Brom was in. His swing would have connected iff he could see but as it is he misses and slams the hammer into the ground. {Dwarf or Brom: 2 |Hit: 36 | Blind: 39} As the hammer hits the ground he starts yelling. “I surrender. I’m blind damn it!”

The fungal queen, green sap like blood dripping from her shoulder also suddenly goes blind. Cursing under her breath she takes a step away from the danger and melts into the fungus around her. Know Natrure DC25 Highlight to display spoiler: { She used a natural version of Transport Via Plants. It is an innate ability that she can do as a move action. }

The remaining slaves stop moving as soon as the dwarves surrender and stand back to the wall, unsure what to do next.

Owed XP: 17067 for last dwarf fight
Owed XP: 5000 for solution to dwarf prisoners
Owed XP: 18525 for trolls and dwarf
Owed XP: 21667 for dwarves / roper

RED: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 93/139 – SR25 - BLIND
YELLOW: AC:23/11/23 | hp: 52/139 – SR25 - BLIND
BLUE: AC:23/11/23 | hp: -3/139 – SR25 - Unconscious and bleeding out.

Fungus Woman – AC: 25/15/22 | HP: 50/183 | SR25

Dead Stalactite – AC: 27/10/26 | HP: 6/172 | SR27 DEAD

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Friday November 16th, 2018 8:55:50 PM

V moves 10' into the room and casts see invisibility, attempting to spot the suddenly vanished fungus queen.

Mirror Image(Velarin - 6 of them)
Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image-C, See Invisibility-C
3rd: Fireball-C, lightning bolt-C, Haste-C, Haste-C, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door-C, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray-C, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning-C, Sunburst

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (211/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=38 ;
Saturday November 17th, 2018 12:10:45 AM

Brom keeps his guard up after the fungus woman fades. He had no idea what she could do and he didn't want to be caught unaware.

"Check the dwarf." He says while looking about.

Perception DC 38

darkvision, rage 16

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+10=29 ;
Saturday November 17th, 2018 5:15:47 PM

Tishe’ agreed with brom, she isn’t at all certain the Fungus Queen is gone far. “I’ve got a spell to kill all the Fungus in this room”, she states without trying to bluff (she is sure her Freezing Sphere cast a couple times can do it). “Come out and we won’t have to kill you like a dog.”

What Tishe’ doesn’t say (Bluff 29) is she is worried that killing all the Fungus would make the caves unlivable for dwarf and orc alike.
Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 6. 2. 6. 2. 2

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Sunday November 18th, 2018 11:41:29 PM


Sir Royston furrows his eyebrows as he scans the room. "Does anyone have a glitterdust spell prepared?" He doesn't advance any further.

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Monday November 19th, 2018 2:41:13 PM

Tishe says out loud that she has a spell that will kill all the fungus, attempting to get the fungal queen to come from hiding, if that is what has happened. There is no response.

Velarin enhances his vision but finds no trace of the fungal queen. Barratore looks around and finds no trace of her. Sir Royson asks if anyone knows glitterdust.

{ooc: The Know Nature from last post is still out there.}

Barratore wants someone to check the dwarves. The dwarf that had been stabbed by Edson has bled out in this time but the other two are alive and have dropped to their knees. One is beside himself thinking that he is blind forever.

From what you can tell the Fungal Queen appears to be gone or hiding very well.

What are you doing now?

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday November 19th, 2018 8:05:04 PM

"Let's place these Dwarves with the others. Do we continue on, or rest? If we continue on we press the advantage and don't give them more time to prepare than we already have, but risk fatigue or running out of spells. If we rest, they have time to prepare defenses or liberate the captive Dwarves, but may be confused as to our disappearance and then surprised by a sudden return in an unexpected location"

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Monday November 19th, 2018 9:54:14 PM

Tishe’ thinks Velarin summed up the situation very well. She take account of her reserves and casts her vote. “I’m for keep going. I’m good for a couple more battles at least, and I think we got two of the three Dwarf Wizards. There should be only one more out there. “

As usual, Tishe’ will side with the majority or with Velarin in case of a tie.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 6. 2. 6. 2. 2

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211 
Monday November 19th, 2018 10:24:59 PM

Barratore retrieves his sword and puts away his bow. "Could the queen thing be part of the fungus about us? I say we destroy the fungus of this area to encourage it to come out where we can put an end to it."

Destroying fungus and mind controlling plants is no problem for the fighter

"V? Tishe? Emrys? One of you have to have some good magical fire and plant killing spells right?"

Barratore wants to push the advantage and not pull back

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 71/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, Haste.  d20+24=28 ;
Monday November 19th, 2018 10:51:05 PM

(Knowledge [nature]: 28)

The still blind Emrys responds, "Yes, kill off this crop. She can teleport though the fungus, like a dryad through trees of the root. She has retreated ... my hope was that she would be lost in the murk. Alas, her mind's eye I could not blind."

He waits until the dwarves are disarmed and subdued before he releases his curse of blindness.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (211/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Monday November 19th, 2018 11:04:47 PM

Brom agrees that pushing on is best.

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Monday November 19th, 2018 11:06:41 PM

"Onward and upward. We should not let the fungal queen find respite or heal her wounds."

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103 
Tuesday November 20th, 2018 8:16:38 AM

" Fungal queen?" Sounds like a bad named band of minstrels or something. " Edson moves with the others.. there was more to this whole situation.

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Tuesday November 20th, 2018 2:31:56 PM

Velarin wishes to place the dwarves with the others and askes about continuing or resting. He lists the pros and cons of resting. Tishe’ thinks V summed it up and votes for keeping going, at least for a bit.

Barratore retrieves his sword saying that the fungus queen could be part of the dungeon and votes to destroy the fungus in the area. Brom agrees with pushing onward as does Sir Royston. He states that he does not want the fungal queen to heal her wounds.

Emrys, still blind, agrees with killing off the crop. He lets them know that she can teleport though the fungus like a dryad thought tree roots. Once the dwarves are subdued he cures his blindness.

Edson adds that the funbgal queen sounds like a bad name for a band of minstrels.

First things first the group packages up the dwarves and heads back to the enclosure. As they move back they hear a shout. “Run I hear them.” and some scampering. Coming back they find the enclosure and dwarves there but also two dropped torches near the wall.

Also a quick scout of the room to the north of the fungus room, without going in, reveals a large chamber with some fungus but also rows of barrels and equipment for making wine. From the entrance you cannot see the entire room but you can make out what looks like at least one more of the spore pods the Fungal Queen had been summoning near the NW corner.

You are free to go wherever you want, if you look at old maps you can see everything you have explored.

{ooc: Tishe’ suggested some spells but I don’t want to be presumptiouos on her using them.}

{ooc: More map has been revealed.}

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+11=17 ; d3=3 ;
Tuesday November 20th, 2018 5:42:07 PM

Tishe’ thinks a bit then shakes her head. “If the Fungus Queen can Dim Dior between plants, there’s no telling where she is. Could even be in a cave we can’t get to but mushrooms grow. I think we’ll just have to be on our toes. If we meet her again, I have a spell for stopping her from ‘porting again...”

The Resilient Spheres end after a minute and a half, and Tishe’ doesn’t want spores everywhere. So after the look-see, she casts a cantrip, Acid Splash, and throws it at a spore 20 feet away....

Acid Splash Touch ac 17. 3 acid damage on spore.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 6. 2. 6. 2. 2

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Tuesday November 20th, 2018 6:24:20 PM

"Lovely. If we leave the Dwarven prisoners here, they will have rejoined their companions in relatively short order, and likely been healed up and re-armed. This entire situation is becoming more and more problematic. I think we have little choice but to press on, and try and move along as quickly as we can."

"Unless someone has a better plan, I will cast my mansion. Instead of using it to heal up in peace and quiet, we will use it as a jail, putting all the Dwarves we have collected so far inside it, and not giving them the permission to leave."

"Us Spellcasters will have to mostly stand back and watch the fighters do their thing until we get to a major target, or one of them gets in trouble. Either way, the name of the game for us casters is spell conservation. Dwarves that aren't killed will need to be good and unconscious and left where they lay, or else we need to bring them back here and put them in the mansion. Fighters, now may be the time to skip the non-lethal force and end things quickly. They wouldn't hesitate to do the same to us. Unless someone has a thought on a plan of action that would work better, let's put the Dwarves in the mansion, and Continue on where we left off, following the fleeing Dwarf and slaves to the North."

Unless there is disagreement or another idea, V will cast the mansion to be used as stated

Mirror Image(Velarin - 6 of them)
Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image-C, See Invisibility-C
3rd: Fireball-C, lightning bolt-C, Haste-C, Haste-C, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door-C, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray-C, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning-C, Sunburst

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211 
Tuesday November 20th, 2018 10:59:22 PM

"Good thinking V. I'll tie them good and we drop them into the Mansion. Their only way out is to free themselves and I can tie a pretty mean set of knots."
Escape Bindings Escape check is DC 20+CMB or 45 for Barratore

Barratore would like to move north, into M2 and barring nothing there, then move to the north of M1 and to the right. Barratore will travel with his sword out, shield stowed.

Wpn Hardness 16 41/50 HP
Darkvision 5 hours
Freedom Of Movement - 70 minutes
Protection Elements Fire - 69/120 150 minutes
Haste 6/10 - Off

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Tuesday November 20th, 2018 11:53:37 PM

Sir Royston follows closely behind Barratore.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (211/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=41 ;
Wednesday November 21st, 2018 12:42:42 PM

Brom didn't have anything to say. He agreed with everyone's use of there expertise. They knew their own spells/skills and that was fine for Brom. He was glad the casters we're finally getting out of his way and letting him let loose.

Brom will take the lead.

Perception DC 41

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Wednesday November 21st, 2018 12:44:16 PM

Tishe’ thinks for a bit and comments that the Fungus Queen could be anywhere, as far as she knows, but she thinks she has a way to stop the teleporting. She then tosses some acid at the spores which takes some time but eventually wears the spores away.

Velarin comes up with a new plan, putting the dwarves inside the mansion. He lets the front line know that the casters may have to hang back some to conserve magic and it might be time to use lethal force.

Barratore agrees with the idea and manages to find plenty of rope to start tying up the dwarves. {ooc: Not going to play a resource game there is plenty of rope in the room with all the crates.} Sir Royston follows Barratore around as he works and after about half an hour all the prisoners are secure in the mansion. The orcs are tucked back where they were left and have not moved.

Brom is happy to take the lead and let everyone work out their own stuff. The questions is the lead to where?

You have options on where to head next but nothing, in this time, has moved to attack you from any of the paths that you have.

{ooc: How long is the Fungus Queen blind for? Asking for a friend.}

{ooc: Map now shows all you know about this area. The half room is the one you looked in from the south.}

I just noticed Velarin wanted to pick up where you left off. Can I take that to mean the room you have seen part of?

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103  d20+20=33 ;
Wednesday November 21st, 2018 3:29:47 PM

Edson moves behind Brom, following the warrior wherever he goes. Perception 33

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Wednesday November 21st, 2018 5:35:32 PM

(Yes, which is pretty much in line with where Barratore wanted to go.)

"Alrighty then. Dwarves are safely tied and stowed in the mansion, and the orcs are still hanging about. If they gather dropped weapons at this point, so be it. They should be able to defend themselves. Let's go with Barratore's plan and go back and see if we can clean out the fungus area (M2) and everything connected to it. Once that's done, we can head into the other areas that have already split off."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:43; HP: 209/211  d20+12=17 ;
Wednesday November 21st, 2018 10:22:48 PM

Perception 17
Barratore takes up a spot behind the more keen sensed Brom as the group moves to teh partially known cave and then off to the other sections.

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Thursday November 22nd, 2018 12:38:05 PM

Moving to the north you find another room full of fungus. {M2 on map slide 2} Inside and to the west you see another spore pod and at this point recognize that these act as places she can teleport too. There is however no sign of the fungus queen so it is possible she had more nodes, maybe to get around the tunnels quickly. {ooc: This is probably just me but I love giving smart NPCs mundane uses for their powers.}

Further to the north in the room there appears to be a small lake, the water is fresh so it is probably spring fed from below. Beside it is a great deal of equipment used to make fungus ale and wine, clearly fresh water is necessary for both growing the fungus and making the wine.

There are two paths leading from this area to the west. The southern one leads back to M4 and the northern leads back towards M5, where the dwarves were formerly stored.

With some examination you see two gaps in the ceiling, where the cavern is worn mostly flat, the spots are the rough size of a roper.

{ooc: Moving you to the last room on this side.}

Backtracking to the fungus room you scout the final tunnel in the fungus area. Here you see a rather unusual site. The room has many stalactite and stalagmites scattered thought and on three stalagmites there are bound orc slaves. The slaves are bound, gagged and unconscious.

A voice comes from the dark as one of the stalactites stirs.

Undercommon Highlight to display spoiler: { “Come further and these slaves will die, you see yourselves as heroes you don’t want that. Turn back, to the dwarves and leave us to play with the green skin brutes. We can breed more, when the dwarves are gone, to serve and feed us. “ }

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday November 22nd, 2018 7:42:52 PM

"Ah. Undercommon. Haven't heard that in quite a few years. The bad guy says “Come further and these slaves will die, you see yourselves as heroes you don’t want that. Turn back, to the dwarves and leave us to play with the green skin brutes. We can breed more, when the dwarves are gone, to serve and feed us. “"

V waits for the fighters plugging up the hallway to move into the room so he can have a look at what's going on.

"Let's try and Keep an eye behind us as well. If she's not in here, the Fungus Queen is likely lurking about. We may have a room worthy of a couple spells."

Mirror Image(Velarin - 6 of them)
Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image-C, See Invisibility-C
3rd: Fireball-C, lightning bolt-C, Haste-C, Haste-C, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door-C, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray-C, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2-Cx1, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold-C, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning-C, Sunburst

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 102/103 
Friday November 23rd, 2018 12:01:22 PM

Edson waits for Velarin to translate the giberish. If they speak undercomon, they were probably good at seeing in the dark and would pose a problem for his stealth. Edson holds to see what they others do.

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Friday November 23rd, 2018 12:46:39 PM

Tishe’ listens to Velarin’s translation. “The voices speak as if dwarves and orcs are different groups from them. So there is another tribe involved that are the true masters under this mountain.”she turns and looks at the other Defenders of the Vale. “Leaving is out of the question (she says assuming the others feel the same) so how do we either rush quickly enough, sneak unseen enough, or get behind them to foul thier plans?”

Tishe continues talking and making plans. She thinks Edson and Emrys are sneaky enough, and V, herself, (and Royston?) can ‘port behind the Undercommon Ones if they know a location. “We need to have a destination, and I don’t have the magical means to do so. Do you?”

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 6. 2. 6. 2. 2

DM Ryan - "You broke into a mine."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Friday November 23rd, 2018 2:14:01 PM

{ooc: If you check the current map, the room with the speaking stalactite, its a roper, is the end of this branch of the tunnel.}

Hearing the party talk among itself the roper shifts around some on the ceiling and its tenderals snap near the ocrs, not connecting with them, and retract bacl.

Undercommon Highlight to display spoiler: { "In a fight, we will die but maybe weaken you some. Don't risk that, leave us. We are a long lived race do not waste your fleeting time on us." }

Sense Motive 25 Highlight to display spoiler: { The roper clearly does not want a fight. It would rather live and let live with the bonus of if you create a power vacuum they can do what they want. }

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+5=9 ;
Friday November 23rd, 2018 3:54:09 PM

"I have nothing prepared to give us locations. If we go in after them, then the Orc slaves may or may not die. We should save all we can, but if a few Orcs do not survive, there are many others in here that will not be future slaves to these foul things."

V again translates what the Ropers have said, and waits for those in front of him to move

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+10=14 ;
Friday November 23rd, 2018 4:38:29 PM

“We can’t let that happen”, says Tishe’ quietly, “get ready to move on my distraction.”

Feigning distress, Tishe’ pushes past the others. “No! Don’t hurt them! Take me instead!” She keeps her hands at her sides and doesn’t try to move, all but inviting the Roper to strike her with hits weakening tendril power.

Then, (pending she isn’t unconscious by being at 0 strength) unmoving and unspeking, the Spellweaver casts a spell! Rainbow patterns of distraction cascade around, centering on the Roper. “Now!”, she shouts

Bluff distress. 14

Touch AC 22, 11 Str to be at 0

Cast Silent, Still Rainbow Pattern. Will DC 22 or fascinated. Can fascinate up to
24HD creatures

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 15 hours. 60’
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 6. 2. 6. 3. 2

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (211/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+18=30 ;
Sunday November 25th, 2018 10:32:49 AM

Brom speaks before letting Tishe do her crazy plan. If his doesn't work then he let's her do her thing.

"Better to die free then live as cattle fer these things." He says. "Free them all now and I will let you take breath a little longer. Know this monsters, I am Brom! I have fought dragons, demons, vampires, giants, sea monsters. No evil has faced me and survived and none will. Free the slaves and live a little longer or don't and die now. Make yer choice. I'm not very patent."

He stands in a "ready to go" stance.

Intimidate DC 30

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