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Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 48/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand.  d12=12 ; d12=9 ; d12=7 ; d12=11 ; d12=8 ; d12=1 ; d12=9 ; d12=2 ; d12=3 ; d12=9 ; d12=8 ; d12=7 ; d12=4 ;
Monday January 21st, 2019 1:20:06 PM

Emrys starts in with his curing magics, concentrating on those in the most dire need (those unconscious.)

(Emrys can cast six Cure Moderate Wound spells: 2d12+10/each = 31, 28, 27, 15, 27, 21. Just one casting to each unconscious dwarf. This should wake up 6 dwarves or at least stabilize them.)

He gives the two dwarves something else to hold, other than daggers... a Cure Moderate Wound potion each.

(I can do more Cure spells, but I have to consult Emrys' Spell Power Chart at home.)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 48/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand.  d12=12 ; d12=2 ; d12=11 ; d12=10 ; d12=11 ; d12=2 ; d12=3 ; d12=8 ; d12=6 ;
Monday January 21st, 2019 5:54:43 PM

Emrys quietly sighs and shakes his head, overhearing the idiotic blather of the orcs, while he heals the dwarves. In dwarven, he says, "Gentlemen, consider yourselves very fortunate."

(Emrys has three Cure Serious Wounds he can cast. 3d12+15: 40, 38 and 32 ... use these on the worst injured.)

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Monday January 21st, 2019 9:30:25 PM

Tishe’ smiles. “Digger Naty sounds like a great name for a tribe. It reminds me of a great half-orc warrior of the Sargrass called Grymash. Fierce in battle, kind to those without power, and worshipped the Gray Lord. He had a knack of coming up with good names.”

Active Spells and Effects
Perception 30

Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Darkvision 7/15 hours. 60’

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 2. 3. 6. 7. 4. 3

DM Mark - “Digger Naty sounds like a great name for a tribe.“ 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 12:07:27 AM

Velarin waits on the healers, fighters and orcs before resting.

Emrys steps up and heals the dwarves. Between his spells and a couple potions, he finds the dwarves are able to make the trek. Probably. Some are still pretty badly hurt, but all are ambulatory. In response to the orcs’ idiotic blather, he says in dwarven, ”Gentlemen, consider yourselves very fortunate."

They respond in dwarven, ”You have no ideal That is the one silver vein among all the ore - the orcs are now your problem.” The other dwarves concede that it will be nice to be done with the orcs.

Tishe tells the confused orcs, “Digger Naty sounds like a great name for a tribe.“

The orcs seem to give this a little thought. But just a little.
“Digger Naty it is! Dats our new tribe name! Ok.”
“I guess I know what a Digger Naty is now - it’s us!”
“Yeah, beware the Digger Naty’s, or they’ll Digger your Naty.
“Ha, yeah, we’ll Digger all o’ yer Natys!”
“Ooo. I found a rat ta eat!”
“Hey, I want a rat!”

The party and the dwarves all settle down to rest. You’re not sure you really trust either these dwarves or the orcs. The orcs continue to ransack what’s left of the mines. The dwarves begrudgingly go where you tell them, though they seem compliant. Mostly. You wonder if they or the orcs would murder you in your sleep first given the chance.

You’re uneasy enough to set a watch for the night. Occasionally, the one of you on watch can see the dwarves watching and studying you, but the night passes without incident. You awaken renewed, but still in an unpleasant mine, with unpleasant company, and a rather uneasy feeling - like you can’t trust anything.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 7:18:30 AM

"let us move on and be done with this place for now. Fresh air would do an Elf some good."

After memorizing spells, V moves out with the others once they are ready, and not particularly looking forward to returning and trying to advise the Orcs on civil and acceptable behavior of the area.

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when effected by mind effect or body control spells

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic, Fly, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX3, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireball, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, empowered chain lightningX2, Sunburst

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (175/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=28 ;
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 3:27:59 PM

Brom walks along enjoying the natural terrain of the valley. In the evening, he beds down early and is up in a couple of hours. He stays the watch throughout the night. He's half tempted to strike up a conversation with the dwarves during the journey, but decides to leave the conversation to the thinkers.

Perception DC28

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 174/211 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 10:02:58 PM

Barratore agrees with Lefun and gives him one of the Earthbreakers. "You will be turning over the weapon once we arrive"

Emrys and Tishe will be able to have the dwarves at least ready for travel is relatively short order. Barratore settles down for a couple hours of sleep and then remains on watch the the rest of the night, thanks to his Ring of Sustenance.

The uneasy feeling that is all about, Barratore cannot help but wonder if the mines or the ore in the rock, or perhaps the lake has something to do with it. If so, will the orcs suffer as a result. This will need to be a place that warrants future visits

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