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BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Tuesday January 15th, 2019 5:12:50 PM

Bigby will run up to the gate with everyone else.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   2d6+3=10 ;
Tuesday January 15th, 2019 10:47:40 PM

'Lil charges along with everyone else, raising Ramona over her head and bringing it slamming down on the gate's lock/bar, doing 10 damage before subtracting any hardness.

DM Tanner  d20+1=4 d20+1=16 d4=3
Tuesday January 15th, 2019 11:52:03 PM

Xel'Aw starts performing witty limerick.
Haemir continues moving toward the gate.

You can see that the gate is a simple affair, and can be easily lifted by two people (ooc: two people, standard action)

Grindar steps forward and slashes at a halfling with his daggers, killing him before he knows what is happening.

Sol moves forward.

Bigby moves forward.

'Lil moves forward. She tries to swing her hammer to break a lock, but sees that the gate is gravity-powered and just rests in a slot.

The halflings in the camp begin to move. Many of them appear very sluggish and slow. Two of them attack Grindar.

Attack 4, miss
Attack 16, hit (you are currently without your armor), damage 3


Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 11  d20=19 ; d20=13 ; d20=8 ; d4=2 ; d4=4 ;
Wednesday January 16th, 2019 6:01:06 AM

Grindar will press his attack. he will continue to attack the 1st guard, if the 1st guard drops, or is already down, the other attack(s) will go against the second guard.

Main hand:
19 (possible Crit) 13+5+1-2=17 to confirm for 2+4+1=7 damage (14 if confirmed)

8+5+1-2=12 for 4+2+1=7 damage

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Wednesday January 16th, 2019 10:12:26 AM

"Oye, gimme a hand with this gate. I don't want the new guys in there beating all these savages before I get in there."

'Lil goes and tries opening the gate. If there are boulders in the way, she starts moving them.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Wednesday January 16th, 2019 11:10:57 AM

"Finally we get to do what we came to do." Bigby helps 'Lil lift the gate off without hesitation. He snarls as he lifts the gate, getting his game face on, all the while thinking, "We could die here, but so what. Once you've got a task to do, it's better to do it than live with the fear of it."

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 (disguised - Tiny) 
Wednesday January 16th, 2019 1:38:44 PM

Reaching the gate and noting that it has no lock (& therefore doesn't require the Bigby air deployment tactic) Haemir shouts to his companion: "Fand, we have the gate help the others...". Grabbing the gate he attempts to help lift it.

Fand about turns and flies back toward the cell (MTV:80')

XelAw (Grant) 8/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9 
Wednesday January 16th, 2019 1:54:35 PM

Xel'Aw continues the performance with a (free action) haiku:

"One and two daggers
Blood flowing like waterfalls
Cannibal justice."

Xel'Aw ends the oration and moves out of the cage to take the xbow - then he'll head toward the chest holding his weapons, spell pouch, and hopefully, his pants.

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 (disguised - Tiny) 
Wednesday January 16th, 2019 3:43:25 PM

(ooc additional... Xel'Aw virtually has to step over the scrolls Fand dropped). ;-)

(Also, if Haemir's group are exposed to ranged attacks he will cast Obscuring Mist which although it reduces the groups visibility to 5', should allow everyone to see at least one person each and the gate.
The mist gives us concealment to any creature 5' away (20% miss chance), anything further away cannot target us by sight & the party has total concealment (50% miss chance). The spell is non stationary (20' radius on Haemir) & doesn't move when we do.

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None  d20+2=14 ; d3=2 ;
Wednesday January 16th, 2019 5:10:56 PM

Once obscuring mist comes up, Sol ensures he keeps 'Lil in sight at all times. If she moves, he moves with her, following her through the Mist, if he appears and can see Halflings, he will again attempt to thrown an Acid Splash at them.

14 to hit. (Ranged Touch Attack)
2 for damage

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Wednesday January 16th, 2019 11:38:37 PM

Caelwyn waits while Lil and Bigby lift the gate. He prepares to move forward and throw his spear at the nearest halfling as soon as a clear target appears.

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 (disguised - Tiny) 
Thursday January 17th, 2019 6:15:40 AM

"I can drop the mist when we are ready..." Haemir mutters

XelAw (Grant) 8/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9 
Thursday January 17th, 2019 4:33:56 PM

Xel'Aw sees the scrolls after grabbing the xbow and does, in fact, pick them up, thumbing through to see which might be the Shield of Faith so he might cast it when appropriate, but focuses on getting equipped and finding his glasses so he might read the scrolls without the reflected sunlight burning his sensitive Surface Drow eyes.

ooc: Yikes, thanks for the catch.

Enter the Draggin' Halflings (DM BatMark)  d100=58 ; d100=99 ; d100=81 ; d100=7 ; d20=8 ; d20=7 ; d20=10 ; d20=5 ;
Thursday January 17th, 2019 10:01:30 PM

(OOC: Thanks for your patience, and for keeping the action alive while we sorted out the DM situation.)

Haemirs Obscuring Mist successfully covered your approach to the gate. He is ready to drop it if needed. Fand is able to fly to the cage, where he sees a variety of tasty looking halfling innards and an oddly goggly elf.
Caelwyn hefts his spear in readiness.
Bigby and Lil easily lift and move the gate aside.
Sol readies an acid splash and prepares to follow the doughty Lil through the breach.
XelAw manages to grab the scrolls and his gear, but as he gets his goggles on he notices that there are more of the little buggers quite close by.
Grindar steps over the body of the first guard and literally splits the second in twain. A third comes staggering around the corner just in time to get eviscerated by the backswing.

As the gate comes crashing down, you hear the disturbed chitter of the enraged halflings through the mists. There seem to be a lot of them, with voices coming from left, right, and straight ahead, at varying volumes. A handful of sling stones come clattering through the gap, but none strikes our brave heroes, shrouded in mist as they are. The way is open (and clear but for the mists) if you choose to enter...


'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20+1=6 ;
Thursday January 17th, 2019 11:14:52 PM

"Oye! Me first!"

'Lil bursts through the front gates and takes aim at the halfling to her right. In her excitement, she completely whiffs the attack.

Hit AC 6. Almost certainly a miss.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+3=21 ; d2+2=4 ; d20+3=17 ; d2+2=4 ; d20+2=6 ; d20+2=20 ;
Friday January 18th, 2019 12:19:37 AM

Bigby goes after the same one that 'Lil attacks. It feels odd to not be on top of wolfgang, but things were crazy this mist and all the halflings. Bigby thinks to self, need to get back to wolfgang soon as possible. we work better together as a team. Bigby attacks with two claws. attack 1: 21, dmg: 4. attack 2: 17, dmg: 4. Wolfgang will go in to attack the other halfling. attack: 6. trip: 20.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 11  d20+6=18 ;
Friday January 18th, 2019 5:35:39 AM

Not having time to don his breastplate, Grindar quickly sheaths the two daggers, and retrieves his fathers Orc Double Ax with one hand and grabs his quiver of javelins, slinging the quiver over his shoulder, as he tries to asses the battlefield, hoping to get an idea of where the rescuers are. perception 18

XelAw (Grant) 8/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9 
Friday January 18th, 2019 2:45:08 PM

Xel'Aw reads the Shield of Faith scroll, casting it on Grindar.

The spell grants the subject a +2 deflection bonus to AC. Lasts 10 rounds

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 (disguised - Tiny)  d20+1=5 ; d20+3=5 ; d20+1=14 ; d4=3 ;
Friday January 18th, 2019 6:48:07 PM

Haemir steps forward (5' movement) failing to see the halfling to his left (failed perception) till he literally bumps in to him. Any effort at his attack goes wrong. "There's one here... as soon as we clear the two here I'll drop the mist" For the moment he believes feels it's preventing the sling-shots from hitting them.

As the halflings approach the escapee's - Fand flies to the nearest and swipes at his face.
(Talon attack:14 - dmg:3 +1 on both of them if he benefits from the bardic lilt)

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None  d20+1=19 ;
Friday January 18th, 2019 7:18:26 PM

Sol tries to move forward following 'Lil as best he can, and he manages to follow her where she swings at the Halfling, Sol tries to stay back from casting spells unless he feels he won't get attacked back.

He thinks for a moment, realising most of his allies are wearing armour and that he is not, he decides to cast Mage Armour on himself.

Enter the Draggin' Halflings 2 (DM BatMark)  d100=53 ; d100=3 ; d20+1=8 ; d20+1=13 ; d20+1=13 ;
Friday January 18th, 2019 10:45:29 PM

'Lil moves through the gate and swings a little too high against the halfling to the right.

Bigby gets a better bead on the same halfling, and it goes down in a heap. Wolfgang has less luck trying to trip the other, it must have smelled him coming. Haemir also has trouble finding the mark in all the mist, and the halfling on the left remains unscathed. Sol sees how things are going and armours up a bit. Caelwyn gets lost in the mist for a moment.

Meanwhile back by the cage, Xel'Aw also armours up Grindar with a little magic, which must feel nice what with the horde of ravenous little critters headed his way. Grindar, not much of a speller, can't decide whether to consider or moon the battlefield. [OOC: We'll see whether the rated G bots detect the word 'asses' in your post ;) ] He notes that there seems to be some fighting to the south, where there is a big cloud of mist; surely that is where the rescuers are coming from. Speaking of rescuers, Fand the "Sparrow" swoops down on a halfling trying to approach Xel'Aw from the east, and beaks it half to death, but it is still standing.

Two more halflings have moved up to attack Grindar, but look even greener than usual and sluggishly whiff a couple of times, to no effect. The second attack bounces off the Shield of Faith, immediately proving its worth. The injured one counterattacks Fand, who nimbly dodges away. Down by the gate, those in the mist can hear an ominous patter of feet and scraping of gear, but can't really make out where the critters are moving to.

What's next? Do you drop the mist?


BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+5=25 ; d2+2=4 ; d20+3=17 ; d2+2=4 ; d20+2=6 ; d100=18 ; d100=84 ;
Friday January 18th, 2019 11:00:49 PM

Bigby moves over to attack the halfling that wolfgang tripped. two claw attacks: 25 if prone, 23 if not 4 damage. 2nd attack: 17 damgae: 4. Wolfgang attacks: 6 for a miss. if obscuring mist is up and affects me then 18 and 84.

(occ: I think one of them is a miss if it's up???)

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 (disguised - Tiny)  d20+1=10 ; d20+1=12 ; d20+1=6 ; d4=2 ; d4=4 ; d4=4 ; d20+1=11 ; d100=42 ; d8=7 ;
Saturday January 19th, 2019 7:02:30 AM

Fand is a frenzy of claws and beak (attacks:13 for damage 5 - assuming 10 & 6 miss) - includes bardic assistance) attacking the same halfling.

Haemir tries to poke the halfling with his trident (attack:11 - dmg:7 the mist not affecting him) before asking "Shall I drop the mist?"?

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20+3=20 ; 2d6+3=5 ;
Saturday January 19th, 2019 9:59:33 AM

'Lil looks at the line of halflings in front'a her. "FEEL FREE TO SURRENDER ANY TIME!" she yells, knowing full well they can't understand her. She charges the right-most halfling, keeping to the right to minimize any AoOs (I shouldn't generate any by my checks, except the one from the halfling I'm attacking since I don't have improved charge).

Hit AC 20 for 5 damage.

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d20+3=13 ; d6=1 ;
Saturday January 19th, 2019 12:26:12 PM

Caelwyn runs forward and hurls his spear at the halfling furthest to the right. AC 13, 1 for damage

XelAw (Grant) 8/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9  d20=14 ; d6=2 ;
Saturday January 19th, 2019 3:12:21 PM

"Grindar, I believe that larger hut in the center is where their leader resides. Perhaps taking him out quickly will put the rest in disarray and improve everyone's chances of making it out of here alive."

Xel'Aw hastily dons his spell component bag and continues using the xbox, shooting into the halflings near Fand, careful not to aim too closely at Fand. (die 14+2 ranged, -2 into combat = 14, 2 damage) He doesn't see if it hits or not, and begins trying to reload it.

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 (disguised - Tiny)  d20+1=18 ;
Sunday January 20th, 2019 6:15:04 PM

Haemir hears (Perception:18) the battle cries of his companions as they start to charge and dismisses the mist

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour 
Sunday January 20th, 2019 6:27:14 PM

Sol calls out to Haemir.

"I think that the mist may be giving us more of an advantage than disadvantage as though I am currently unable to fight, the rest of our group is! I do not think it would be wise to drop the mist until those Halflings near us are defeated!"

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 (disguised - Tiny) 
Sunday January 20th, 2019 6:45:25 PM

"I agree Sol, but it sounds like people are leaving the mist. I reckon we should head around the tent over to the right. They're probably lining up to shoot us right now!" (ooc actually just referenced rules dismissing a spell is a standard action & Haemir has attacked this round - so the mist is still up).

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Sunday January 20th, 2019 7:16:05 PM

"once more into the mist my friends!"

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 11  d20=7 ; d20=11 ; d8=2 ; d8=6 ;
Monday January 21st, 2019 5:34:15 AM

"You maybe right Xel'Aw, we'll see what we could do, also I think our rescuers are over there at which point he indicates the direction of the others, and then attempts to attack the two halflings that attacked him with his Orc Double Axe.

Main Hand:
7+5-2=10 for 2+4=6 damage

Off Hand:
11+5-2=14 for 6+2=8 damage

Enter the Draggin' Halflings 2 (DM BatMark)  d20+20=22 ; d20+2=15 ; d20+2=10 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+5=11 ; d8+7=10 ; d20=4 ; d20=13 ; d20=8 ; d20=9 ;
Monday January 21st, 2019 7:03:14 PM

There is some back and forth over what to do next, but Haemir is unable to drop the mist as quickly as expected. He misses a halfling by a whisker with his trident. Bigby manages to get one blow in on the same creature, but the mists hide it from another attack, so it is still alive, if crying pitifully. 'Lil is unable to charge due to the mists blocking her sight when she begins to move, but still manages to hammer the rightmost halfling, who stubbornly refuses to surrender and is cut down the rest of the way by Caelwyn's spear for resisting. Sol wisely moves to cover behind the tent to the right. They are missed by a few halfling sling bullets that had been readied to strike when the party emerged from the mist.

The halflings near the gate do not seem to have noticed Sol sneaking around to the east. But several more cluster up near Lil, and the regrettably large (for a halfling) Ashurbanipal steps up to Caelwyn literally frothing with rage. His first mighty spear strike slams home, doing 10 points of damage to Caelwyn, but the second strike blessedly misses, thank Domi! The others seem to be watching and waiting.

Over near the cage, Xel'Aw puts a bolt into the halfing near Fand, wounding it, and its opportunity to swing created by the close proximity misses. Grindar lays waste to one of the two halflings who challenged him.

More halflings move up weakly, and attack Grindar even more weakly. They seem to have doubts about this whole endeavor, and one looks like he vomited on himself recently. Ewww. The other lashes out at Xel'Aw, but is similarly pathetic. If they weren't trying to kill you, it would almost be sad.


ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour  d4+1=3 ;
Monday January 21st, 2019 7:22:25 PM

Sol moves round the corner so he can fire a Magic Missile at the Hafling fighting Caelwyn as soon as the missed is dropped. ((Deals 3 damage))

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+4=14 ; d20+2=15 ;
Monday January 21st, 2019 7:59:38 PM

Wolfgang attacks the prone halfling with 14 bite, and trip if he's up 15 (ooc: if he's up though I think that would provoke aoo).

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d6+1=6 ; d100=84 ; d8+1=7 ;
Monday January 21st, 2019 8:03:21 PM

ooc: sorry i guess i hit wrong button. dmg 6. obscuring mist if still up: 84.

Bigby will run over to Caelwyn without wolfgang and attempt cure light wounds. 7 hp. "up and at em Caelwyn. There's more fighting to be done," Bigby yells.

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:15 (just charged) (disguised)  d20+1=12 ; d4=4 ; d20+3=12 ; d6=3 ;
Monday January 21st, 2019 8:33:35 PM

Fand flies directly south to claw at the the halfling (J16) - (+2 charging - Claw:14 doing 4 dmg).

Meanwhile Haemir ignores the whimpering halfling and moves towards the tent (moving to C17 diagonal up D18 & then to E18) from there his eyes flash blue and Ashurbanipal is buffeted by winds and rain (ranged touch attack:12 for 3 dmg & target takes a 2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round).

Spells used:
Scroll of disguise (on Fand - 10 minutes)
Given scroll of CLW & Shield of Faith to Xel'Aw
Cast Shield of Faith (self 5/10 rounds)
Storm Blast: 1/6

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20+1=2 ;
Monday January 21st, 2019 8:37:50 PM

'Lil's so ready to pound Ramona into a nearby halfling that she forgets to actually aim (nat 1).

She does take a 5' step to the right so the tent is flanking her. She doesn't want to get surrounded.

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d20+3=23 ; d8=8 ; d8=4 ;
Monday January 21st, 2019 9:19:03 PM

Eyes blazing, Caelwyn draws his sword and slashes at Ashurbanipal's neck. The expertly aimed slice does some serious damage (Nat. 20, Damage 12 (crit range).

(DM comment: I added +6hp STR damage for the crit)

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Monday January 21st, 2019 9:21:17 PM

ooc: don't forget str damage.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 11  d20=11 ; d20=14 ; d8=5 ; d8=7 ;
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 5:30:03 AM

Grindar, feeling a sensation which he could only describe as elation, brought on by the heat of the battle, he lets out a loud whoop, and then presses his attack. If the first attack drops one of the halflings, he will use his off hand on another.

Main Hand:
11+5-2=14 for 5+4=9 damage

Off Hand:
14+5-2=17 for 7+2=9 damage

XelAw (Grant) 8/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9  d20-1=4 ;
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 4:36:31 PM

Xel'Aw finishes reloading the crossbow and drops it, using his quarterstaff to smack the creature nearest him, but it is obvious he is no fighter and the blow is easily dodged (5-1=4 to hit) even by the sick and Fand-distracted halfling.

He will pick up the bow again when they're ready to move to the main fray, but for now, he takes a couple swipes as he can, hoping to distract the captors until Grindar can do the real work.

Enter the Draggin' Halflings 4 (DM BatMark)  d20+8=19 ; d8+4=6 ; d20+3=8 ; d20=6 ; d20=15 ; d20=6 ; d20=13 ; d20=6 ; d20=1 ; d20=7 ; d20=2 ; d20=2 ; d20=19 ; d4=4 ;
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 7:48:46 PM

Grindar continues to mow down the halflings like ripe wheat, with two more falling to his deadly blows. Fand flies south to strike another halfling successfully, but not before the halflng he left behind gets in a minor blow (2hp damage to Fand.) XelAw swats around ineffectually, but at least occupies the attention of some the little fellows.

Sol takes aim and blasts Ashurbanipal with a magic missile, which does get his attention, causing him to bellow in fury. Bigby moves up to heal Caelwyn (7hp) while Wolfgang finally rips out the throat of the halfling on the left in the mist. Haemir unleashes some arcane storminess on Ashurbanipal, which does seem to hamper him a bit. Caelwyn deals Ashurbanipal a mighty blow, for 18hp of damage, which doesnt seem to faze him much--this guy is tough, maybe too tough for any one of you to take on! Lil stumbles over one of the tent ropes, which spoils her aim, but does manage to avoid being completely surrounded.

Ashurbanipal retaliates by swinging on Caelwn again, hitting only once for 8hp damage. Four halflings hack at 'Lil, but achieve nothing. Others take potshots at Fand, but are laughably off target. A few more take aim at Bigby as he wanders out of the mist, but aim is a relative term and only one hits, for 4hp of damage.

Things seem to be going in your favor, but Ash is looking mighty mighty!

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20+1=3 ;
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 8:37:46 PM

'Lil grunts in frustration. "Oye, make sure someone's helpin' pretty boy over there while I deal with these savages!"

She continues swinging wildly, wondering what the heck is going on with her abilities today.

Nat 2...jeez.

XelAw (Grant) 8/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9  d20-1=4 ;
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 9:31:18 PM

Xel'Aw takes a step to the second halfling Fand is attacking, presuming he can take more damage than a bird even if he doesn't like the idea of getting hit, he expects Grindar to be able to take out the halflings quickly - but apparently he doesn't learn from the previous attempted strike and goes far too wide again (5-1=4 to hit).

"You're doing great Grindar, your animal friend here could use a hand, I think. Then we should make for the main gate, what say you?"

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d20+3=6 ;
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 11:28:55 PM

Caelwyn barely feels the pain in the heat of battle, but knows he is badly wounded. He resolves to do his utmost to kill this foe, and takes another swing with his longsword. Unfortunately, his adversary manages to evade the attack. (Attack role 6...)

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 6/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d8+1=3 ; d20+2=9 ; d6+1=5 ;
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 11:35:31 PM

Bigby uses his last heal on Caelwyn. 3 hp. "that's the best I can do with heals Caelwyn." Wolfgang will move up Ashurbanipal and take bite at him 9, (think its a miss, but if it hits 5 dmg). Bigby will climb up onto Wolfgang for his move action. "let's focus on taking this big guy down. Maybe the rest will scatter if we do so. It might be bad for their morale."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 11  d20=16 ; d20=11 ; d8=3 ; d8=8 ;
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 5:40:24 AM

OCC.. I only have viewing rights to the map

Grindar will try to finish off the Halfling in front of him with the 1st blow, and if successful, will 5ft step to W, 17, and attack the halfling there with his off hand, obviously if his 1st attack is not enough to drop his attacker, he will receive both ends of his ax.

Main Hand:
16+5-2=19 for 3+4=7 damage

Off Hand
11+5-2=14 for 8+2=10 damage

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - Fand: HP:16/18 AC:17 (disguised)  d20+1=3 ; d20+1=19 ; d20+1=13 ; d4=3 ; d4=1 ; d20-1=10 ;
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 10:53:22 AM

Fand claws and scrapes the same halfling (attacks: miss, 19 & 13 for 3 & 1 dmg). If it's goes down first move she moves up behind the halfling leader (giving Caelwyn flanking). If not she takes her 5' move to J15 (heading towards Ashurbanipal).

Haemir contemplates trying to heal the Paladin but seeing Caelwyn looks fully healed as far as he can tell, he runs towards Ashurbanipal and throws his net at him (ranged touch attack roll:10) entangling him, preparing to step in with his trident... (assuming the attack roll with the net has -4 in to combat?)

Spells used:
Scroll of disguise (on Fand - 10 minutes)
Given scroll of CLW & Shield of Faith to Xel'Aw
Cast Shield of Faith (self 6/10 rounds)
Storm Blast: 1/6

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour  d20+2=5 ;
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 6:32:41 PM

Sol watches the chaos unfold, and decides to fling another small ball of acid at Ashurbanipal, hoping to help Caelwyn.

He intones the words of power, and makes the appropriate hand gestures, before thrusting his hand with an open palm, as if signalling "Stop" causing a ball of acid to fly from his hand and it flies off target missing the larger Halfling, causing Sol to mutter under his breath at his bad aim.

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 5/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 7:37:55 PM

OOC: I forgot to update it, but Caelwyn is currently on 5 HP after Bigby's heal. My apologies, I'll be sure to alter that appropriately going forward.

Enter the Draggin' Halflings 5 (DM BatMark) MAP   d20+6=25 ; d8+5=8 ; d20+1=3 ; d20=1 ; d20=13 ; d20=11 ; d20=14 ; d20=13 ; d20=18 ; d20=2 ; d4=1 ;
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 7:58:41 PM

Sol hurls a ball of acid into the melee, but misses everyone, friend and foe alike. Haemir is deceived by Caelwyn's stoic mien, and chooses to throw his net at Ash, and it hits, hampering the barbaric creature! Fand cuts down his injured foe and moves up behind Ash. Grindar finishes off two more halfings, racking up a better body count than everyone else all together. gWhofs the savage here?h you might wonder. Bigby clambers up on Wolfgang, who almost manages put put a chomp on the netted halfling. Caelwyn bravely stays in the fight, but swings his sword weakly, even with the flank from Fand. XeleAw tries to hit the remaining halfling near the cage, but cannot match the mighty Grindar. eLil takes another wild swing, and maybe ought to start considering whether Domi is sending her a message of some sort.

Ashurbanipal continues his enraged attacks despite being caught in Haemirfs net, swinging first at Caelwyn and connecting with a sickening thud for 8hp of damage, enough to send Caelwyn to the ground (-3 HP by my count, feel free to double check my math.) He makes his second attack on Fand, by the bird is far too quick for such nonsense. Twof the halfings also move up near Fand, but their dreams of a drumstick apiece are dashed by their clumsiness. Another takes a swipe at Bigby, and misses. Four beleaguer eLil, and one miraculously connects, providing more evidence that Domi must have abandoned her (but only 1hp of damage, so the message isn't too clear.)

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 5/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d20-1=17 ;
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 8:26:08 PM

Ashurbanipal's blow is so strong it knocks Caelwyn over backwards, where he lies unconscious on the ground. Thankfully his wounds are not bleeding too badly - he manages to stabilize immediately. (Constitution check - 17: +2 from modifiers, -3 from negative HP)

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - Fand: HP:16/18 AC:17 (disguised)  d20+3=22 ; d8=4 ; d20+3=8 ; d20+3=16 ; d20+3=19 ; d4=2 ; d4=2 ;
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 9:21:20 PM

Seeing the Paladin drop Haemir gasps, his initial reaction is to try and heal Caelwyn but he realises stepping in might only earn him a beating as he tries to - and even then his heal may not even effectively bring Caelwyn around. The fight looks to be going in a bad way. Gritting his teeth he steps in (flanking with Fand) and stabs Ashurbanipal (attack:22 - dmg:4).

Fand also claws and bites (attacks: 8 (miss), 16 & 19 for 2 & 2 dmg)

(Shield of Faith: 7/10 rounds)

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 11  d20=19 ; d20=8 ; d8=6 ; d8=2 ;
Thursday January 24th, 2019 5:45:43 AM

Grindar 5 ft steps to V-16, and attempts to drop the halfling there.

Main Hand:
19+5-2=22 for 6+4=10 damage

Off Hand:
8+5-2=11 for 2+2=4 damage

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - Fand: HP:16/18 AC:17 (disguised) 
Thursday January 24th, 2019 7:19:44 AM

Noticing that the party is nearly surrounded and has their backs to the mist Haemir shouts ...
"Back up in to the mist, regroup..."

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - Fand: HP:16/18 AC:17 (disguised) 
Thursday January 24th, 2019 9:01:25 AM

"GRINDAR...." Haemir yells.... "If you can hear me... Stay there & see if you can bait one or two over to you. We need to heal up"!

He braces for impact....

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 6/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Thursday January 24th, 2019 10:21:03 AM

Bigby tries to look over to 'Lil to signal with a yell, "Lil" and with his head movement nodding towards Caelwyn and then a nod backward, that for Bigby atleast seemed to signal "Caelwyn is down and heading back to the mist to regroup." Wolgang grabs onto caelwyn and drags him back with a 5 foot step back to attempt to avoid any aoo and then they retreat into the mist. Bigby thinks to himself, "You have to realistic about these things. And that halfling crazy guy is really crazy at staying up when hit hard. We will have to rethink our strategy. If we live through this that is."

XelAw (Grant) 8/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9 
Thursday January 24th, 2019 12:38:14 PM

"Well done, Grindar! From the din over there, I am assuming our rescuers are making quite the attack, they may be very grateful for your assistance. You have about 35 seconds left on that shielding spell if you want to make continued use of it."

He picks up the crossbow and starts running to Q17.

'Lil - (Carl) - 12/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20+1=9 ;
Thursday January 24th, 2019 2:53:00 PM

'Lil notes with some satisfaction that the two captives are basically home free. Now, they just have to survive this. She takes a 5' step to the SW, putting herself between one of the savages and Haemir, trying to aid in their exit.

As her swing goes wild again, she wonders if Domi really is trying to tell her something.

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour  d20+5=12 ;
Thursday January 24th, 2019 5:20:33 PM

Sol begins to look unsure of himself... this fight was not going as well as he had hoped, but hearing the command to get back in the mist, and knowing his tactical skills are not as good as others, he heads back into the Mist, but not before flinging his staff using Hands Of the Apprentice to strike at the leader of the Halflings.

He knows it won't do much damage but he feels that a bit of defiance here isn't a bad idea, though even his staff goes wide, before coming back to his hand just as Sol disappears back into the mist.

Enter the Draggin' Halflings 6 (DM BatMark) MAP   d20+6=9 ; d20+1=6 ; d20=10 ; d20=14 ; d20=5 ; d20=1 ; d20=18 ; d20=2 ; d20=7 ; d20=7 ; d20=13 ; d4=4 ;
Thursday January 24th, 2019 7:21:14 PM

Things are getting tense! Caelwyn goes down hard, but at least is not bleeding out. Haemir boldly steps into the breach and surprises no one more than himself by delivering a smart rap across the shins to Ash, who howls in pain. Dear Fand rips his earlobes for some more damage, and Ash finally starts to seem like he is feeling some of this pain. Bigby and Wolfgang team up to drag Caelwyn out of harms way (note that I assumed you used the withdraw action, because you can't 5' step and then move again.) 'Lil covers the party's retreat, while reconsidering her life choices. Sol hurls his staff at Ash, missing, but at least it flies back into his handhe is truly showing some mad magic skills today. Grindar absolutely crushes the last halfling to the north, felling him in one blow. Xel'Aw congratulates the warrior and then moves south to take up a firing position.

Ashurbanipal splutters in rage at the afront of being attacked on two fronts. He seems distracted, though, and his swipe at Haemir goes wide, as does his backswing against Fand. The other halflings start to mob up, however, with three each attacking Fand, 'Lil, and Haemir. Only 'Lil is hit, for a measly 4hp of damage. Two more halflings disappear into the mist, presumably searching around for Caelwyn to eat.

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 5/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Thursday January 24th, 2019 8:38:01 PM

OOC: Thank you all in advance for not letting Caelwyn be eaten. :)

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 6/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d100=50 ; d100=36 ; d20+3=13 ; d20+3=16 ; d2+2=3 ; d2+2=4 ; d20+2=22 ; d6+1=3 ; d20+2=11 ; d100=35 ;
Thursday January 24th, 2019 8:38:32 PM

wolfgang and bigby move into sqare c13 to attack the halfline in square d12. two claws from bigby in the mist. both can hit in the mist if they do hit (50 and 36). 13, 16. 3 and 4 if hit. If halfling is still standing, wolfgang will attack same halfling. 22 for hit. damage 3. Wolfgang goes for a trip. 11. probably a miss. 35 roll for attack in mist. That is a hit.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 6/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+7=9 ;
Thursday January 24th, 2019 8:40:09 PM

for bigby's move he will use mounted combat to dodge one attack against wolfgang. 9 (ooc: can't win them all).

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 6/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Thursday January 24th, 2019 9:35:32 PM

ooc: friends don't let friends get eaten. hahaha.

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - Fand: HP:16/18 AC:17 (disguised)  d20+3=11 ; d20+3=20 ; d20+3=9 ; d4=3 ; d4=2 ; d4=3 ; d20+3=10 ; d6=6 ; d100=84 ;
Thursday January 24th, 2019 9:36:15 PM

The Elf's eyes flick to the 'sparrow' "Fand get out of there ... " but the frenzying bird ignores him attacking with beak and claw: (attacks: 11, 20 & 9 for dmg: 3, 2 & 3). Haemir realises Fand is too far gone and the adrenaline rush makes it seem like time slows down for him. He sees Lil's brave act as she covers his retreat but he is reluctant to leave her without at least slowing the leader down first. All reasonable sense says run but he digs deep and finds his nerve. With them swarming her and the leader free he fears the big halfling stepping up and dropping the cleric. Almost on queue he winces as he sees Lil take a second wound, this one even more vicious than the last. Knowing Bigby is wounded and that Caelwyn is already down. He realises that she is their best healer and that if anyone should be covering the retreat it's him. Perhaps they can help cover each other...

Backing up to the edge of the rolling mist (5' diagonally to F15) Haemir's eyes flash like lightning and wind and rain swirls around the halfling leader battering him (ranged touch attack:10 for 6 dmg)

"Lil, drop back and channel yourself and the others. Try not to include the big guy. Let them think we're fleeing, Let's split em up a bit and then come straight back in hard and fresh"!

Debuffs active on Ash:
-2 penalty on attack rolls from storm blast (for one round)
-2 penalty on attack rolls from being entangled (Net)
-4 penalty to dex (entangle/net)

(Haemir is on the edge of the mist so I made the 20% chance to miss roll on Ash - succeeded with 84%)

Spells used:
Scroll of disguise (on Fand - 10 minutes)
Given scroll of CLW & Shield of Faith to Xel'Aw
Cast Shield of Faith (self 9/10 rounds)
Cast: Obscuring Mist (domain) (7/10 rounds)
Storm Blast: 2/6

XelAw (Grant) 8/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9  d20+7=22 ;
Friday January 25th, 2019 12:00:58 AM

Xel'Aw continues moving to K17 and then starts another bardic performance of poetry for all in range to be "inspired".

Through the mists, heroes rise, outnumbered and taking pain;
They should know their foes are weak after consuming tainted meat -
Once more your reinforcements arrived, over the northern wall like rain bluff 22
And now conquering these cannibal foes shall be quite the easy feat!"

Inspire Courage (Su): A 1st level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bards performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 11  d20=2 ;
Friday January 25th, 2019 5:26:41 AM

Grindar will move up 20 ft to R-15. while he is moving he will do two things simultaneously. 1st, he will let out a mighty roar, trying to get Ash and companies attention, and 2nd he will draw a javelin from his quiver. He will then hurl it at Ash, but with a -2 range penalty, he misses pretty impressively.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d6=5 ;
Friday January 25th, 2019 11:55:24 AM

"Aaaaaauughghhhh FINE." 'Lil takes off back into the mist, drawing attacks of opportunity as she does so. When she runs into her friends, she channels positive energy, restoring 5 HP to anyone in range.

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour  d20+5=19 ; d6-2=0 ;
Friday January 25th, 2019 7:01:38 PM

Sol, still uninjured and feeling like there is not a lot he can add to this fight, curses his lack of arcane knowledge and comes out of the Mist at E17 to flick his staff at Ash again. He has a look of grim determination on his face.

((Sol attacks at 19, but does 0 damage. Darn negative Str Mod))

After his staff flies back to his hand he stands there, with a look of uncertainty as he realises he is now available to be hit by the nearby halflings.

Enter the Draggin' Halflings 7 (DM BatMark) MAP   d20=10 ; d20=13 ; d20=12 ; d20+6=20 ; d20+1=2 ; d8+5=7 ; d20=12 ; d20=2 ; d20=19 ; d4=4 ; d4=2 ; d20=9 ; d100=4 ; d100=29 ; d100=22 ; d20=1 ; d20=1 ; d20=2 ; d20=12 ; d20=14 ;
Friday January 25th, 2019 8:38:16 PM

Xel'Aw's voice rings out in a most inspiring verse, and everyone's nerves are steeled while their blows strike hard.

Bigby and Wolfgang move through the mist like deadly ghosts, striking down the nearest halfling before he can make a snack of Caelwyn's tasty bits.

Fand the berserker sparrow continues to rip at Ash's flesh, striking for a small flesh wound. Haemir summons the storm spirits again, to great effect, while calling on 'Lil to retreat and aid the party members in the mist.

Grindar moves closer to the big battle and continues to throw away javelins like they are candy.

'Lil reluctantly but wisely withdraws into the mist, and sends healing energy towards her comrades. The nearby halflings try to stop her withdrawal, but are too weakened by their dwarf-flesh illness to follow through effectively. All party members south of the halflings heal 5hp of damageas does Ashurbanipal.

Caelwyn snaps into consciousness as the blessed touch of Domi's power courses through him. (Caelwyn is prone with 2hp)

Sol boldly strides OUT of the mist and sends his staff flying toward Ash again, and manages to do a little bit of damage (1hp minimum.)

Ashurbanipal is looking none too good, with the cumulative affects of your beatings, the net, and the stormwrack all dragging him down. He nevertheless pursues Haemir, drawing an attack of opportunity from Fand. If Fand fails to stop Ash, he strikes Haemir for 7hp with his first swing, but his second sees his axe slip from his bloody grip and fly into the mist.

Three halflings see Xel'Aw coming a turn back to attack him, with two hitting for 6hp of damage. One goes after Sol, but is too busy dodging the returning staff to get in a blow. The three in the mist look for targets, but manage only to get their weapons tangled together and achieve nothing, even against the recumbent Caelwyn. (You are not the only ones to roll "1s" back to back!) The remainder attack Haemir and Fand, but miss completely.

You have survived another round! Can you lay low Ashburipal and win the day? Does it all come down to Fand to save the day?

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 5/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Friday January 25th, 2019 8:57:21 PM

Caelwyn realizes that he will be made short work of down here if he does not get up at once - he will attempt to rise to his feet (OOC: probably drawing attacks of opportunity from the halflings closest to him, I would assume?)

Haemir - (Rich) HP:1/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - Fand: HP:16/18 AC:17 (disguised)  d20+1=15 ; d4=4 ; d20+1=12 ; d20+1=18 ; d20+1=18 ; d4=2 ; d4=1 ; d4=3 ; d20+1=16 ; d8=8 ;
Friday January 25th, 2019 9:31:16 PM

Fand claws at the cannibal leader (attack of opportunity:16 - damage:5) and follows behind him (moves 5') & continues her frenzied attack (13, 19 & 19 for 3,2, & 4 dmg - if at any point she has any attacks left she will switch to the nearest foe)

Haemir's body barely has time to register the cut as he stabs Ash (or the nearest halfling) gritting his teeth and waiting for the pain (not daring to look at the wound) (attack:17 for 9 dmg)

- Included Bardic performance in above
Shield of Faith (on self) active for this round (last round).
Obscuring mist: 8/10 rounds
Storm Blast: 2/6

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 11  d20=8 ; d6=2 ;
Friday January 25th, 2019 9:52:21 PM

Grindar will move ahead another 20 ft, while drawing another javalin, and chuck it at Ash.

8+3(bab)+1(performance)-2 (range penalty)=10 for 2+4(str)+1(performance)=7 damage

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 6/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d100=71 ; d100=84 ; d20+3=18 ; d20+3=20 ; d2+1=2 ; d2+2=4 ; d100=27 ; d20+1=6 ;
Saturday January 26th, 2019 2:39:38 AM

Bigby will attack the halfling in d13 with his two claws. 71 and 84 to attack in the mist. attack 1: 18, dmg: 3 (ooc: sorry it should have been 1d2+2), attack: 20. dmg: 4. If he's still alive Wolfgang will attack him, if he is not wolfgang will attack the next halfling. mist roll 27, so that is a hit. attack: 6. miss. "come on Wolfgang, we gotta eat these guys before they eat us. Eat unto others as they would eat unto us."

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 6/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Saturday January 26th, 2019 2:45:11 AM

ooc: forgot to add +1 more damage on each claw attack for bigby from the bards inspire courage. so that should be 2 more damage to the halfling. for total of 4+5=9).

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d8+1=3 ;
Sunday January 27th, 2019 2:25:13 PM

'Lil bends down and grips Caelwyn's forearm as he rises, healing him as she does so.

CLW: 3 HP (This die roller...my goodness)

"Come on, dude. Finish that jerk off."

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Sunday January 27th, 2019 2:48:25 PM

ooc: adjusting header hp before I forget.

XelAw (Grant) 8/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9  d20+9=13 ; d20+2=10 ; d8=6 ;
Sunday January 27th, 2019 9:17:11 PM

"Oh no! I'm struck! I die!
Fight for nobility -
And for make captors lie."

The performance continues to inspire courage, and fearing death takes a step to K18, Xel'Aw takes a shot with the crossbow at the halflings hitting him. (8+2+1 for performance = 11 to hit, 6+1 = 7 damage - first roll was wrong modifier sorry

XelAw (Grant) 2/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9 
Sunday January 27th, 2019 9:18:37 PM

ooc: Header adjusted, sorry

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 5/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d100=52 ; d20+3=5 ;
Sunday January 27th, 2019 10:45:10 PM

Taking strength from Lil's heal, Caelwyn steps forward and stabs at Ashurbanipal with his longsword, determined to end this fight as quickly as possible.

(Clears 20% miss chance, Attack role: 5...)

Enter the Draggin' Halflings 8 (DM BatMark) MAP  
Monday January 28th, 2019 11:33:58 AM

Haemir and Fand team up in a flurry of attacks that not only bring down the mighty Ashurbanipal, but a pair of halflngs as well.
Caelwyn survives the weak attack of opportunity and regains his feet, and makes a weak attack in return.
Bigby and Wolfgang join forces to kill the halfling in D13, doing unto him well before he does to them.
'Lil heals Caelwyn as he rises. It looks like he might survive the day!
Sol seems to be lost in the mist for a moment.
Xel'Aw brings down one last halfling with a sharp wit and and pointy bolt.
Grindar moves closer and switches targets from the fallen Ash to a halfling, but the last minute change throws off his aim.

Ashurbanipal goes down with a final howl. The remaining halflings quail in fear at the sight or sound, and with a last longing look at Ash's succulent, abundant flesh, flee for the north gate. (Withdraw actions, so no AoOs.)

Congrats, you have won the field!

Haemir - (Rich) HP:1/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - Fand: HP:16/18 AC:17 (disguised) 
Monday January 28th, 2019 12:45:25 PM

As the obscuring mist dissipates Haemir touches a hand to his chest and winces as he notes the blood.
Meanwhile Fand lands on his shoulder and in a puff the 'swallow' reverts back to being a blue Macaw...

"Fand you're crazy, do you know that"? He says quietly to the bird, but the anger does not last longer than a second or two as he breaks in to a grin. Looking around he sees that everyone is still standing and breathes a sigh of relief as he straightens up, stretching an ache or two away.

"Right everyone injured come over here... that includes you two..." he says gesturing to Grindar and Xel'Aw. Glimpsing at Lil he continues, "Lil do you have anymore channels? I have one heal left".

He watches the halflings scampering away for a few seconds, "Let's dump the dead halflings here, get the injured dwarves in to the cart, heal up, search the place and then get out of here... I could do with a nice drink and I don't know about you lot but I've worked up quite an appetite".

Looking towards the drow and half-orc he continues:"I'm Haemir, you met Fand already" he says gesturing to the bird on his shoulder. "Why don't you come back to our camp, I'm sure we can feed you and you can tell us how you came to be all the way out here..." he says with a warm smile.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d6=4 ;
Monday January 28th, 2019 12:48:06 PM

"IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY, YOU STUPID oh what's the point. They can't understand me anyway. Everyone gather round and I'll help stitch ya up."

Once everyone huddles around 'Lil, she'll channel positive energy and heal 4 HP of damage. She greats the newcomers. "Hey guys, I'm 'Lil. You two sure are good at killin' halflings, I'll give ya that. How'd they manage to get you in that cage anyway?"

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Monday January 28th, 2019 1:14:02 PM

Bigby translates to halfling: "It didn't have to be this way, you stupid oh what's the point..." He then realizes that part wasn't a translation thing. "perhaps introductions are the things people do...ahem...I'm Bigby and this is Wolfgang. Merry to meet you. wait it's nice to meet you. I'm sure someone else better at this can explain what we're doing here and get your story. While that's happening I want to see this big little guy's story is." Bigby then moves on to search for any loot.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 11 
Monday January 28th, 2019 1:26:45 PM

Upon seeing Lil, and realizing there is a lady present, and he is wearing not but his under garments, Grindar begins to blush, and I spite of his green skin his cheeks turn red. Quickly He runs back to where his belongings are, and in a few minutes he returns fully clad, and buckeling his breastplate.

I am Grindar, son of Grindor, well met friends, says the oversize half-orc, I appreciate your invite, as well as your healing, and would gladly join you at your camp, do you need me to carry a dwarf or two?. Two answer your question malady, Grindar continues, In short, I was ambushed in my sleep.

XelAw (Grant) 2/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9 
Monday January 28th, 2019 1:46:40 PM

Xel'Aw reloads the crossbow and continues another round of the bardic performance either unaware the fight has ended, or in celebration of the victory:

"Aloft and without mortal wound,
Adventurers of Sargrass Plain
Did spoil the spoils of spoiled-doomed
And in victory, share refrain."

I'm Xel'Aw, and I thank you all humbly for your rescuing assistance. This rather large fellow with me is Grindar, son of Grindor. I am, apparently, a poet. I honestly wish I could tell you more about myself, but after the knock on the head these halflings gave me to get me in captivity, I remember almost nothing of my earlier life. I believe I'm a member of the Sage's Guild, based on my field training manual found with my belongings..."

Xel'Aw takes the crossbow over toward Haemir, obviously pointed toward the ground and unloading it as he cautiously approaches. "Mr. Bird, I believe this is your crossbow and I owe you a large quantity of seed. I thank you deeply. I also have your scroll here of cure wounds," and to Haemir he says, "I could use a spot of healing aye, if you can."

Xel'Aw will join the hunt for loot after getting healed and suggests to the party, "We should stack the dead in one of the tents in case the others return, they'll have plenty to eat and it won't spoil as fast so they can leave us alone. We should attend to the two remaining dwarves in the cage. Then load up whatever we can, pity we don't have a cart. Then we can continue toward... Actually, I don't really have a destination. Whereabouts are you all going and would you mind a writer join along?"

Xel'Aw (Grant) 6/8 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 9 
Monday January 28th, 2019 1:49:11 PM

ooc: header update, lots posted at the same time sorry

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Monday January 28th, 2019 2:02:26 PM

"Dwarves...yes that is why we came wasn't it. I suppose we should go check on them and make sure all their limbs are still in tact."

Haemir - (Rich) HP:1/8 - AC/T/FF:17/15/14 (Shield of Faith) - Fand: HP:16/18 AC:17 (disguised) 
Monday January 28th, 2019 5:05:33 PM

Haemir accepts back the xbow but holds his hand up when Xel'Aw tries to pass him the scroll. "You know what? Keep the scroll. If you can use it, then its better if the healing is spread out" He pats the drow warmly on the shoulder. "That was some fine poetry you did there..." turning to meet Grindar he grins "You sure now how to fight" he pauses to feed Fand some seeds. He nods a warm 'thanks' to Lil after she heals everyone.

As Haemir wheels in the cart and starts to dump halfling bodies Fand hops down on to the cart and begins cleaning the blood from her claws. In answer to Xel'Aw's question the elf replies: "A writer you say" breaking out an even bigger smile "Of course, you're more than welcome. We were recently hired by a Duke from Hook city to help explore the Plains. We came by ship and there are several more on the way. We aim to make the Sargrass Plains safer and create an outpost so that more people can come. I'm not sure that anyone is going back yet but I know we need all the help we can get, that is if you're interested in work? There's a wage in it for you, shelter, provisions"...

Haemir - (Rich) HP:5/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Monday January 28th, 2019 5:06:56 PM

(Adjusting header)

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour 
Monday January 28th, 2019 7:17:02 PM

Sol smiles at the two new people, and politely waits his turn.

"I am Elijah Solomon. You may call me Sol. It is a pleasure to meet you both." He smiles broadly as he shakes each of their hands in turn.

"Pray tell, what caused you to run afoul of these terrible halflings? If you do not mind my asking?"

He smiles at them and as he asks he takes out his large book and his quill.

"I am writing of my adventures as I travel, and keeping notes on who I meet and their stories as well. I would be glad to hear both of yours if we can find time to talk about them, and you would be happy with me writing them down. If you are not happy with me writing them down, I would be happy to hear them all the same."

He begins jotting a few notes down in the book, clearly about the battle, when he hears Bigby mention the dwarves, he looks a little embarrassed and puts the book and the quill away, and jogs over to Bigby.

"Can I help with freeing any of the dwarves?"

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 5/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Monday January 28th, 2019 8:26:53 PM

Caelwyn limps over toward the others, leaning on his spear for support. He is looking much the worse for wear, although better than a few moments ago. He casts an appraising eye at the newcomers, wondering for a moment if he wouldn't rather be fighting the cannibal halflings than be asked to treat with a drow and a half-orc.

"We appreciate your assistance in dealing with these...brutes." Caelwyn glares at the corpse of Ashurbanipal sprawled upon the ground, then turns to his friends. "Let's locate the dwarves right away, and then worry about our own injuries - they may be close to death for all we know. And then", he glances at Grindar and Xel'Aw, "I would be curious to hear your stories." He immediately heads off to find the dwarves.

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