Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 d20+22=32 ; d20+17=30 ; d20+12=24 ; d8+3=8 ; d8+3=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; Friday February 22nd, 2019 8:30:53 AM
Edson is releaved the creatures were shifted and gave him some space. He pulls out his bow and fires.
Hit ac 32 8 dmg + 1 fire Hit ac 30 6 dmg + 6 fire
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Friday February 22nd, 2019 9:02:07 AM
Barratore asks the arcane Powers That Be about the Enervation spell and Death Ward and learns that only the first attack should have had any affect upon him and even after the Death Ward spell stops, the Enervation spell will be temporary. Barratore feels it is a minor wound and unless there is something greater in the darkness, V can keep the potion.
"As soon as we have searched this area, I can swim out and pull the rafts and boats back in. It is a currentless lake, they are not going far."
Waiting until a report returns from the Elementals, Barratore heads to the right to get within 50' of the right wall and then begins to make his way around the cave. "There is no harm in double checking them"
Spells Darkvision - Tishe Haste - Torc 9/10 - Off Haste - V 10/15 Death Ward - Emrys
Penalties Enervation 3 lvls suppressed by DeathWard
AC 26/ T26/ F20 CMD20. HP 104/129. Tishe’ (SteveK) Friday February 22nd, 2019 9:23:06 AM
Tishe’ waits until the flyers are killed by mundane means, then releases the mini time elementalfor it to be returned to whatever plane it was summoned from.
She’s of little help in retrieving the boats, but “maybe have Brom or Edson do the swimming with a rope tied to the waist. The rest of us can pull him back with the raft or at least away from danger if needed.”
Cave Fight - GM-Ryan MAP LINK Friday February 22nd, 2019 11:17:37 AM
Barratore and Edson dispatch the remaining enemies before the trapped elemental is released. On its own the elemental poses little to no threat and is quickly brought down. {ooc: Not making you play that out.}
Emrys heals Velarin and Velarin retrieves a potion for Barratore who rejects using it.
Barratore suggests that he can swim out for the boats and Tishe’ suggests that maybe Brom and Edson do the swimming. She also suggests a rope be tied to their waist so they can be pulled back if necessary.
The elementals return and report (can they do that?) that they find no obvious exits from the room but, from what has been said, the party knows there must be more. With the time to look around you see that the wall is covered in carved figures that seem to leer down into the area. Demonic visages, strange bat-like wings and flying serpents cover great surfaces. The floor holds unfamiliar glyphs and sigils carved into the purple crystal. Also, littering the rooms, skeletal remains of past ‘visitors’ and a glance says they may still have some useful items on them.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Friday February 22nd, 2019 12:05:21 PM
"Barratore, you are correct. My Death Ward spell would have completely shielded you from necromantic, life-draining attacks (Negative Level Drain). However the life drain you received before you were warded is merely suppressed by the spell. Once the spell ends, those early life-draining effects will return."
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Friday February 22nd, 2019 1:39:12 PM
With their time running short, V dismisses the air elementals to their home plane(you can direct them for other actions besides combat as long as you can communicate with them. Which V can), stows his potion, and casts detect magic in order to narrow down the search of both the items and the magic in the room.
...Spells/Effects Contingency: Break enchantment activated when effected by mind effect or body control spells Bless(permanent) Darkvision Mirror Image: 16 minutes, 8 images 1 negative level elemental wall rounds: 1
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 104/129. Tishe’ (SteveK) Saturday February 23rd, 2019 5:20:59 PM
“First things first”, she calls to the other Keepers, “if we can’t get out of here, we’ll never make use of any treasure.”
So first, Tishe’assists in the retrieval of the raft before it floats out of sight in the darkness.
Once a raft is secured, she assists Velarin in detecting magic and gathering treasure (Detect Magic at will and Take 10 Perception 30)
Then, finally, she will renew her Light pebble and see if she can make warp or weft of the pattern of crystal or drawings. (Take 10. Know Planes, Religion, Dungeneering. 13. Take 10 Know Aracna. 20) ......
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) d20+16=27 ; d20+25=31 ; Saturday February 23rd, 2019 9:33:12 PM
Brom will retrieve the raft. Once the raft is safely on the shore, Brom will assist anywhere he is needed. But he does want to walk the area just to see what creatures have fallen here.
Survival DC27; Perception DC31
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Sunday February 24th, 2019 8:42:06 PM
Barratore nods his understanding to Emrys and give , his potion back. Barratore drops his shield next to his blade and bow, and heads out to tow a raft back in with Brom. [take 10 Swim = 20 swim check]
"We search for secret passages or perhaps the runes and glyphs can be read which will provide some insight. It seems to me there should be more than just a big empty space here"
Barratore will collect his own gear and any that the magic detection spells reveal. That he will put in a pile in near the shore
DM Mark - Aftermath Monday February 25th, 2019 1:16:36 AM
Emrys warns Barratore that once his spell wears off, Barratore’s lost levels will return.
Barratore leaves a few things behind as he and Brom swim out to retrieve the boats and rafts. The water is cold, and if there are creature in the depths they do not rise up to bother the pair. Though they have drifted from shore, the lights on them still burn and they are easily located and towed back.
Valarin dismisses the elementals he had summoned and casts Detect Magic on the items scattered about. Tishe help with this. She also looks at the strange glyphs and sigils are carved in the purple crystal, but she can’t really make heads or tails of it.
(Knowledge Arcana 35Highlight to display spoiler: { These symbols are Tecruri in origin, but you have no idea what they mean. It will take a few hours with linguistics skill to puzzle them out.})
As you look about this place, the purple crystailine floors and walls glitter as they reflect your lights. You also see the crystaline remains of the foes you defeated. At various places across the floor are skeletal remains, and among the bones are their remaining armor, weapons and gear long ago abandoned.
(Knowledge Healing 15Highlight to display spoiler: { The remains are mostly human or perhaps half-elven. There are a few dwarves and a couple of elves as well.})
As you take some time sorting through the gear here you find and identify: 216 pp, 3,099 gp, 600 sp, 3,700 cp [16,400 gp] +3 fortification (light) banded mail [350 gp] masterwork splint mail [300 gp] masterwork chainmail [16,180 gp] battlement shield [25,350 gp] +5 breastplate [400 gp] masterwork banded mail [159 gp] masterwork light steel shield [300 gp] masterwork chainmail [4,000 gp] ring of counterspells [2,500 gp] ring of feather falling [28,000 gp] ring of energy resistance (major) [fire] [2,500 gp] ring of jumping [2,375 gp] +1 longbow [50,305 gp] +5 longspear [301 gp] masterwork shortspear [32,400 gp] +4 composite longbow [32,315 gp] +3 spell storing scimitar [302 gp] masterwork spear [350 gp] masterwork heavy crossbow [375 gp] masterwork longbow [350 gp] masterwork greatsword [300 gp] potion/oil of fox's cunning (CL 3) [300 gp] potion/oil of resist energy, cold (CL 3) [50 gp] potion/oil of shillelagh (CL 1) [20,000 gp] 4 immovable rods [9,600 gp] strand of prayer beads (lesser) [145,000 gp] efreeti bottle
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) d20+28=41 ; d20+26=34 ; Monday February 25th, 2019 7:54:06 AM
V takes note of the list of treasure, and adds it to the previous list.
3x - Amulet of Natural Defense +3 - 18,000gp each 3x - Heandsbans of Vast Intellect +4 -16,000gp 2x - Rings of Featherfall - 1,100gp each 1x - Ring of Spell Storing 50,000gp each 1x - Pearl of Power lvl3 9,000gp each 2x - Earthbreakers +2 8,340gp each 2x - Warhammer +2 18,312gp each 3x - Longbow +3 18,375gp each 8x - Breastplates +2 9,350gp each 50x - Orcbane Arrows 166gp each 3x - Whip +1 Orcbane 8,301gp each 30 Diamonds and Rubies - 10,000gp 566 pp, 18,099 gp, 600 sp, 3,700 cp [16,400 gp] +3 fortification (light) banded mail [350 gp] masterwork splint mail [300 gp] masterwork chainmail [16,180 gp] battlement shield [25,350 gp] +5 breastplate [400 gp] masterwork banded mail [159 gp] masterwork light steel shield [300 gp] masterwork chainmail [4,000 gp] ring of counterspells [2,500 gp] ring of feather falling [28,000 gp] ring of energy resistance (major) [fire] [2,500 gp] ring of jumping [2,375 gp] +1 longbow [50,305 gp] +5 longspear [301 gp] masterwork shortspear [32,400 gp] +4 composite longbow [32,315 gp] +3 spell storing scimitar [302 gp] masterwork spear [350 gp] masterwork heavy crossbow [375 gp] masterwork longbow [350 gp] masterwork greatsword [300 gp] potion/oil of fox's cunning (CL 3) [300 gp] potion/oil of resist energy, cold (CL 3) [50 gp] potion/oil of shillelagh (CL 1) [20,000 gp] 4 immovable rods [9,600 gp] strand of prayer beads (lesser) [145,000 gp] efreeti bottle
V reports to the others that The symbols are Tecruri in origin(know arcana 41), and It will take a few hours with linguistics to puzzle them out(linguistics 34), which he begins doing.
"Emrys, If you have any capability of restoring the negative levels, and healing the remaining damage, now would probably be a good time to do so. If we find anything that leads us further, we should rest before continuing on anyway."
...Spells/Effects Contingency: Break enchantment activated when effected by mind effect or body control spells Bless(permanent) 1 negative level
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. d20+28=32 ; d20+21=40 ; Monday February 25th, 2019 11:34:31 AM
Answering Valerin, "I do have a spell (Greater Restoration) that will restore their loss of life energy (negative levels), but it requires significant amounts of diamond dust (5000g worth). Let me check my bags."
"Ahh, very interesting. Tecruri you say. I have not seen much of their script (Knowledge [Arcana]: 32, horrible roll). I'm a very talented polyglot, may I lend my linguistic expertise in this endeavor? (Linguistics: 40.)"
All this language smithing seems to come very natural to the witch. Even as he searches for diamonds and/or their dust.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. d12=3 ; d12=3 ; d12=5 ; d12=1 ; d12=4 ; d12=8 ; d12=3 ; Monday February 25th, 2019 1:22:06 PM
Emrys catches the whiff of blood and notices that several of the group are still bleeding from their wounds.
"How rude of me, allow me to heal your wounds."
(Casting Cure Serious Wounds on Tishe, empowered by Spiritual Healing. Cures 3d12+16: 3+3+5+16= 27. Yuk, bad rolls!)
(Casting Cure Serious Wounds on Edson, empowered by Spiritual Healing. Cures 3d12+16: 4+8+3+16= 31. Nothing but bad rolls!)
(This should take care of any Bleed damage taken.)
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. d12=3 ; d12=9 ; d12=12 ; Monday February 25th, 2019 1:25:58 PM
One more heal for Brom.
(Casting Cure Serious Wounds on Brom, empowered by Spiritual Healing. Cures 3d12+16: 3+9+12+16= 40.)
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 d20+5=15 ; Monday February 25th, 2019 9:19:20 PM
Barratore wrinkles his snout, he was confused as Emrys starts looking for components for a Restoration spell. Did they not just say Enervation itself is quite temporary? They were smarter than he, and perhaps one of the others was affected by a more powerful spell. better to let others think you are stupid, then opening your snout and proving it - Metascar
The Tecruri was interesting for certain, again the true mental masters were on it. Barratore might be a gifted linguist among minotaurs, but compared to the learned skills of Emrys and V. Still he was curious and so he leans in Linguistics 15
DM Mark - Aftermath d4=2 ; Tuesday February 26th, 2019 12:15:27 AM
(A minor correction is in order - there was an added complication to recovering the boats.)
Upon entering the lake, Brom and Barratore find that the dark, cold waters tend to induce a peace and a forgetfulness that causes those that contact the water to slide into a deep and peaceful sleep - which is a bad deal if you’re swimming. (DC 25 Fort save each round or fall unconscious. I just want to know how you will deal with this.) The boats float about 50’ out into the water.
Velarin starts making a careful accounting of the accumulated wealth. (Thanks for your work on this. Do you have ways to carry all this stuff?)
Velarin shares that the writing appears to be Tecuri, but he is unable to decipher much about what it says (DC 35 Linguistics.) As he looks carefully about, he can see that there are niches or depressions left in the walls where these creatures stepped out.
Emrys casts healing spells to stop his friends from continuing to bleed from their wounds, and he considers the cost of a Greater Restoration spell for Barratore. Even as he does so, he turns his mind to the ancient Tecuri writing. As he begins to puzzle out what is written here, he realizes this will take some time.
As Emrys studies the Tecuri runes, Barratore tries to puzzle them out himself.
After about 2 hours, he learns a few things.
This place is indeed of Tecuri origin, and it is sort of temple or place of contemplation and meditation dedicated to the concept of eternity or eternal life. They created an anti-magic lake that would cause anyone attempting to swim to slip to a peaceful, watery death. They also set a most unusual guardian to watch over this place, a creature you’ve never heard of before - a Time Elemental.
Emrys learns that there is some sort of portal in the floor, though there is nothing that would indicate where or what this is. The Tecuri writing suggests that this doorway can only be accessed by touching some sort of spire or monument while intoning a phrase he does not understand.
”Cahf ah nafl mglw'nafh hh' ahor syha'h ah'legeth, ng llll or'azath syha'hnahh n'ghftephai n'gha ahornah ah'mglw'nafh.” The pronunciation is tricky and sounds alien to your ears, but Emrys thinks he has it. (It will require another successful DC 25 linguistics roll to properly pronounce each time you try.)
Except for the echoes of your own voices and movement, it is very, very quiet in here and there are no light sources but your own.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) d3=1 ; d20+15=22 ; Tuesday February 26th, 2019 12:54:07 AM
Brom starts into the water and Falla asleep.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 d20+21=35 ; d20+21=24 ; Tuesday February 26th, 2019 8:03:25 AM
Barratore grabs Brom and hustles back out of the water with him Fort 35 "That puts a change on things I suppose. My best thought here is a safety line as Brom or I try this." If we can wake Brom up, Barratore will tie himself off, hand the rope to the others and give the raft a go
Barratore strips his armor and gets a run at the lake and springs into a great forward dive. Take 10 Acrobatics 30 Long jump distance = 30' The die roller accepts the challenge and Barratore never resurfaces
Forgot about anti magic Saves are 27 to get Brom and 16 falling asleep Barratore fort save is +13 in anti magic zone
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Tuesday February 26th, 2019 8:59:52 AM
(Not quite sure how many bags of holding are possessed by the group, but V has one. I would think with this second large pile that we will be unable to carry it all with us easily. We will likely end up teleporting it back home with us in chunks. At the moment it's a pile of stuff on the floor)
As Brom and Barratore keep attempting to retrieve the boats, V assists as needed with the others and a safety line, assuming someone besides V has a rope. V has 50'. "I could try and teleport us back and forth, but who knows if there is a protection against that on the cavern. Or just a prevention from teleporting in."
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Tuesday February 26th, 2019 1:23:21 PM
"I do recall that we have that magical chest that materializes when you open its miniature twin. That would hold a great deal. Who has that miniature chest? Let me check my backpack?"
"Ohhh, I get it now! There is a Tecuri portal here on the floor. Its activation is somewhat tricky though! One must touch some kind of monument or spire and then pronounce a drawn-out, tongue-twisting phrase. Where this doorway goes ... I know not!" He turns to Valerin, "Did you find a destination in your translation?"
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 104/129. Tishe’ (SteveK) d20=17 ; Tuesday February 26th, 2019 5:46:00 PM
Tishe’ really hopes that she was in time in insisting that anyone going into the lake had a rope tied to them.
“Don’t just stand there, pull!”, she shouts at velarin, Emrys, and the others as she grabs the rope that was around the Minotaur’s waist, “or Sieur Barratorre is going to drown!”
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Tuesday February 26th, 2019 10:55:15 PM
Brom dreams of glorious battles, lots of women, and ale that never ends.
Waking, he is sour his fantasy was only a dream, if he wakes. He asks if any have a grappling hook and rope. He suggestions fishing for the raft.
He will take hold of the rope and ready himself to pull Barratore out of the water.
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Tuesday February 26th, 2019 11:42:51 PM
Edson shakes his head out of the stupor... " Sorry." He says as he stares into the treasure.
" If no one wants the ring of spell storing. I'd like it please."
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Wednesday February 27th, 2019 12:07:01 AM
Emrys hadn't realized what had happened with all his attention spent at trying to decipher the ancient script. The idea of this group, even with Brom, trying to pull a soaking wet, 1200 pound, fully-armored Minotaur out of the lake seemed hopeless. So he decides to take on a form that can.
(Casting Greater Polymorph on Emrys. He changes into a Large Earth Elemental. +6 Strength, -2 Dex, +2 Con. His new strength is 15. For a large creature, he can now carry 400 pounds. Lift 800 pounds. Drag 2000 pounds.)
Emrys grows into a large earthy form ... a body of twisting roots, stone and earth. He moves over to take a hold of the rope and gently help pull Barratore to shore. His normally frail frame would have been little help otherwise.
DM Mark - Arrival Wednesday February 27th, 2019 1:14:33 AM
Brom begins to swim out to the boats and falls into a peaceful sleep as slips beneath the water’s surface. Barratore reaches in and pulls Brom out, and is able to easily awaken the barbarian once he is out of the water. Brom seems a little grumpy waking up.
Barratore ties a rope around himself and attempts the swim. With a running start, the minotaur launches himself very near to boat but then he too sinks beneath the peaceful water. It takes some effort to pull the hairy hero back to the crystalline steps. Emrys transforms into a large Earth Elemental to ease the task. Once ashore, Barratore is easily awakened.
Velarin and Emrys consider extra dimensional ways to stash the loot. Emrys asks if Velarin learned anything more from the Tecuri writings here.
Brom asks if anyone has a grappling hook.
Edson asks if anyone wants the Ring of Spell Storing.
As you look out across the dark waters, you hear faint, rhythmic splashes. There is a light on a boat, and it is headed your way.
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Wednesday February 27th, 2019 7:59:24 AM
Edson looks in the direction the light is coming from. His bow is in his hand, pulled back and arrow knocked, ready to fly.
" you see this.. someone followed us in. "
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Wednesday February 27th, 2019 8:41:47 AM
"Sorry Emrys. I'm appearing to have a little linguistic trouble with the language at the moment. Looks like what you got out of it will be the plan."
"We can make claims on the magic once we have finished everything Emrys, as I can lose track of who wants what with each new treasure pile, it is best to do it all at once when we get home"(for the sake of my treasure recording sanity please)
V looks out over the water as the warning of an approaching visitor is called out. "Now that is unexpected. I can't imagine that the Orcs were concerned enough over the sound of battle to come check on us." V moves back from the waters edge about 20', Stretches his hands, cracks his knuckles, and waits for the unexpected visitor
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Wednesday February 27th, 2019 8:42:42 AM
"And yes Brom, for future use, I have a grappling hook."
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 d20+18=32 ; Wednesday February 27th, 2019 9:35:14 AM
Lanilss keeps rowing, just letting his hands move in a rhythmic pace. From time to time he looks at his surroundings for a sign from the living, friendly or not. His eyes see better and his mind calm as the Dancing Lights spell gives him comfort, the four spheres of light lighting the way ahead.. Perception 32
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Wednesday February 27th, 2019 12:17:29 PM
Post fix: Lanliss feels comfortable as he is not in total dark as the torch gives little light making things less scary
OOC: I forgot the anti magic field
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 104/129. Tishe’ (SteveK) Wednesday February 27th, 2019 1:05:32 PM
Tishe’ doesn’t concentrate on anything but pulling to get Barratorre back to shore and awake again: very thankful Emrys has the presence of mind to become big and strong for the effort! After the crisis is over, she gives a chuckle. “Well, the Keepers seem to eventually pull together, but seldom so literally!”
Her mercurial attention about the walls and writings, about Tecuri artifacts and an obelisk that isn’t there are all whisked aside when it is pointed out a light and sound it coming across the lake. She scoffs at Velarin’s suggestion. “The orcs seemed very scared of this area. And it is unlikely an enemy, in one boat on an anti-magic lake. Let’s just see what they want!”
“Many Shadows! Hello!”, the Sorceress calls across the lake. “Don’t touch the water, it will disperse all magic and put you into a deep sleep!”
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Wednesday February 27th, 2019 2:16:04 PM
Barratore awakens and is about as sour as Brom was. With a mighty shake, he sends water flying from his fir and mane. "And what brings you before Gargul? A mighty dragon, a demon...Nope. A stupid puddle of water."
Barratore moves off to the side for a moment to 'add some fluid' to the lake. With a shake, he comes back to the group and spies the light as Edson points it out.
"Wouldn't think so V. Who or whatever they are doesn't really pose a threat out there. I'm getting my armor back on for when we find this portal though."
Barratore starts to get his full plate mail back on, "Gonna take a bit, and looks like I need to add more salad." As he works and Tishe hollers a hello, he yells out, "Snag one of them rafts as you go by and haul it in eh?"
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. d20+20=22 ; Wednesday February 27th, 2019 11:30:53 PM
A deep, grinding chuckle can be heard from Elemental Emrys in response to Tishe's joke. With Barratore ashore and awake, he decides to reclaim his natural form.
Then Velarin tells him to not yet make claims on magic, but.... "I hadn't made such a claim." That thought is interrupted by a lone boatman approaching the crystalline shrine. "Now who could this be?" He scrutinizes the approaching boat with his blue gaze ... his True Seeing allowing him 120ft of visual range in this dark cavern. (Perception: 22)
DM Mark - Lanliss Thursday February 28th, 2019 12:24:16 AM
Edson can see a boat lit by a torch headed his way. He cautiously knocks an arrow just to be ready should this be a foe.
Velarin recommends holding off before dividing up treasure. As the incoming boat catches his eye, Velarin steps back from the water’s edge, ready to respond.
Tishe thinks unlikely that the approaching boat would be an enemy. She calls out “Many Shadows! Hello! Don’t touch the water, it will disperse all magic and put you into a deep sleep!”
Barratore shakes off and puts his gear back on as he hollers, "Snag one of them rafts as you go by and haul it in eh?"
Emrys shifts back into his normal form. His True Seeing extends his vision (I guess it works when looking into an Antimagic Field). He is the first to see that the boat s being rowed by none other than your old pal Lanliss!
As Lanliss approaches he sees a large raft and two boats floating about 40’ from where the party is. Before him he sees the lights of the party glittering off of a huge cavernous room, maybe 200’ across. The walls are made from some strange purple crystal shot through with red mottling. Carved figures seem to leer down, demonic visages, strange bat-like things, flying serpents. Strange, unfamiliar glyphs and sigils are carved into the purple crystal.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Thursday February 28th, 2019 9:08:52 AM
"Sorry Emrys, I misspoke. I was talking to Edson."
V waits until he can see Lanliss, or is advised that it is him. "Very odd indeed. This should be a story worth hearing. "
V waits until Lanliss has landed before turning his attention back to the matter of the Obelisk
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Thursday February 28th, 2019 9:38:07 AM
Lanliss unsure of what his eyes sees stops to row for a a moment and shouts, hoping his friends are there "Hellllo" "Keepers of the Vale ?, It's me Lanliss !" Lanliss hopes that none of the carved figures will suddenly wake up or materialize.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Thursday February 28th, 2019 9:41:34 AM
Ooc: sorry for not posting yesterday. I really thought I had post that morning. Man the days just meld together.
Brom hauls in Barratore and wakes him. The sudden reappearance of Lanliss is a welcome sight. Brom really didn't want to play the "can I stay awake" game or " can I throw Edson that far" (although he thinks that one might be fun).
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 104/129. Tishe’ (SteveK) Thursday February 28th, 2019 11:21:20 AM
When tishe’ learns that the approaching boatman is not only someone the other know, but who was once part of the KeeperPack, she retreats to simple observation. First returns usually are with old friends, she remembers, then introducing new people like herself.
She moves to the piles treasure and is ready to stuff as much as she can into her extra-dimensional pockets of her Pants O Plenty.
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Thursday February 28th, 2019 8:27:56 PM
" Lanliss..." Edson yells, a little too loudly. He looks around to see if anything was awoken. He moves closer, extending his hand. " Hello.. and glad its you and not some stone creature. "
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Thursday February 28th, 2019 9:12:34 PM
Barratore looks at Lanliss and squints, “Lanliss? What are you doing here and how did you find us?” Barratore was glad to see him, so many had gone their own way, it was nice to one return. The big Minotaur moves down to give him an enthusiastic hug
Once that is done he begins searching for what might pass as an obelisk, grabbing Edson and helping the more perceptive rogue Take 20 Perception 32 aid another to give Edson +2
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Thursday February 28th, 2019 11:23:22 PM
"LANLISS! So glad to see you ... it's been too long." Agreeing with Barratore, he asks, "Yes, how did you find us. I must say your tracking skills are truly formidable." He moves down to greet his old friend, but he gives him a veiled glance of scrutiny. His true sight reveals enough to prove his authenticity.
"My good man, you have arrived just in time. We were contemplating activating this ancient portal, having been marooned in this shrine."
Noticing Tishe hanging back, he decides to include her. "Tishe, come over here and meet our friend, Lanliss Drakeguard." He then turns to Lanliss to introduce her, "Meet Tishe Spellweaver, our Sargrassian Sorceress Supreme!"
DM Mark - Lanliss Friday March 1st, 2019 12:14:10 AM
Brom considers the prospect of tossing Edson out to the errant boats, which makes Edson wonder why the barbarian is looking at him intently for a moment. But this is interrupted by Lanliss’ arrival.
Paddling toward the party, Lanliss sees a large raft and two boats floating about 40’ from where the party is. He can easily gather them as he goes.
As Lanliss approaches some of the party call out to him, happy to see the familiar rogue. He is able to reach the purplish crystaline steps that rise out of the water. Tishe does not know this Lanliss person, but is relieved to see the rest seem to. Then she starts stuffing treasure into her pockets to help with the load.
Emrys introduces Tishe and Lanliss, and asks how he was able to find them here.
Barratore scans the walls and area here for what might pass for an obelisk, encouraging Edson to do so as well. He sees some upright lines in carved patterns on the walls, but he not sure if that qualifies.
Your voices echo in this place as come back to you from across the water.
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 104/129. Tishe’ (SteveK) Friday March 1st, 2019 8:26:41 AM
Tishe’ is slightly startled by Emrys’ enthusiastic introduction of her to The arrived half-elf. “Supreme? Hardly”, she tries to dismiss the praise. She gives a bow and smile. “Many Shadows to you. I am Tishe’ Weaver, a Spellweaver from the Sargrass Plains of the Southern Continent, and glad to have joined the KeeperPack.”
Standing before Lanliss is a short, plain, human woman in light airy clothing; pantaloons, kaftan, and cloak: all in sage and khaki. A closer look at her face doesn’t show anything special either, mouse brown hair in a ponytail, brown eyes, and tanned face. She carries a unremarkable quarterstaff and an air of distraction juxtaposed with an intense focus.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Friday March 1st, 2019 10:39:25 AM
V exchanges greetings with Lanliss, and waits to hear how he came to be here before turning his attention back to the question of the obelisk.
While the others search for some sort obelisk, V uses detect magic to look for anything magical that might be or release a portal. "The only obelisk I remember seeing was outside. Remember the big one outside the mine that we didn't know what it did, or why it was there? wonder if we are going to have to do something with that to trigger something in here. If we can't find anything else in here, we may need to go check out that obelisk again"
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Friday March 1st, 2019 1:02:16 PM
Lanliss hugs back Barratore hoping to not get accidentally hurt. It's nice to see you too, I see that you and Brom still taking care of the keepers front lines he winks at both. Lanliss get closer to Edson and whispers in a language only rogues know. "You accidentally shouted, I was afraid I am going to wake up some unknown critter too" "It's nice to see you"
Lanliss examines Tishe and bows as well, "many greetings, It's nice to see the keepers has a spell weaver from the legendary and deadly Sargrass Plains, I read a little about it in my days at the academy " After the welcoming, Lanliss explains everything. There were problems at Culverwood area that needed taken care of and then stops talking for a moment. I helped my mother and the Sacred Circle to keep the area safe, the Yoke of Culver were a little bit far too extreme about keeping the forest safe from urban civilization, they were generous enough to use a spell to track your whereabouts. I went to the location they spoke about, but it was a little bit difficult to find you as the villagers nearby are suspicious and unfriendly. I found the mines and got into a quick skirmish with some weaks orcs but they smartly chose to flee.
Now ! I assume we are here because of this and he points to the obelisk
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 d20+25=30 ; Friday March 1st, 2019 8:52:51 PM
Edson takes the prodding and starts looking around for anything out of the ordinary. (Perception 30) " Got you Barry... I'll look. Lanliss... great to have you back friend."
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Saturday March 2nd, 2019 10:29:46 AM
Brom nods to Lanliss. "Yep, the gods haven't decided it's our time to move on yet."
He has many of the questions others asked, but it seemed redundant to ask them again.
Brom looks to the obelisk when Lanliss mentions it. He wonders what relationship it has to the one outside.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Saturday March 2nd, 2019 5:21:05 PM
Barratore nods at Lanliss again and gives him a mighty shoulder clap, "Aye. Brom and I are still doing that indeed."
Lanliss points out the Obelisk and Barratore turns to Emrys, "You're the man with the magic words and phrases. " Then he stops, remebering the Enervation affects that have yet to dissapate and that V and maybe even Tishe and Emrys might need to refresh their spells.
"Let's camp as we can here and allow our casters to get fully prepared and then do this."
DM Mark - "“Many Shadows to you." Monday March 4th, 2019 1:16:37 AM
Greetings and pleasantries are exchanged with between Lanliss and the party. Tishe is a bit embarrassed by Emrys’ glowing praise of her abilities.
Lanliss relates how he managed to track down the party with a little druidic help. He notes the unhelpful attitude of the nearby villagers as well as a run in with some hostile orcs inside the mines. Then Lanliss says he thinks you are all here because of an obelisk, and points to something on the wall, but even as he looks, he’s not quite sure the upright lines Barratore pointed out constitute an obelisk. (Is that what Lanliss was pointing to?)
Edson looks around for anything out of the ordinary. Since this place is quite extraordinary, it’s probably safe to say he does not see anything out of the extraordinary and strange carvings on the walls.
There is more discussion and conjecture about what might constitute an obelisk in this place. Barratore suggests rest.
This place is a little unnerving. The walls seem to leer down at you, and sometimes you think there a threat just outside your vision, but as you look there’s nothing there.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Monday March 4th, 2019 10:17:18 AM
"I agree with Barratore. Let's camp and be fully prepared for what might happen if we find a step through some unknown portal. I will try and open the mansion. It should work, but let's find out."
V casts Mage's Mansion. Should it work, he leads everyone inside to recuperate. If not, He finds a nice comfy spot on the hard ground to start creating a bed.
...Spells/Effects Contingency: Break enchantment activated when effected by mind effect or body control spells Bless(permanent)
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 d20+10=16 ; Monday March 4th, 2019 11:21:27 AM
"I also agree" Lanliss says. "We need all the rest we can get before opening whatever portal it is, leading to wherever" We don't know if whatever might wait on the other side is friendly or not" Lanliss then starts to make some sort of fire if the party agrees. Survival 16
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 104/129. Tishe’ (SteveK) Monday March 4th, 2019 12:53:25 PM
Tishe’ disagrees. “Camp now? Here? Not only does this place feel more even more uneasy than the surface, but we know there is a portal here that we don’t know how to open. But whatever is on the other side probably DOES know. How else were there guardians here?”
She shivers. “And the feeling? I bet that is why the villagers are as they are: this place and wherever it is connected are making them that way. Can you imagine living your whole life never being able to relax? We need to read the Obelisk at the entrance of the Mines, touch it, then come back here and permanently end whatever evil is poisoning this land and people.”
She looks at the heroes, hardly bruised from the recent fight. “We are at near top form right now anyways, let’s not wait even another day, before the insidious magic starts to affect us.”
Tishe’ won’t go against the majority of the party, but she definitely thinks that delaying is the wrong course.
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Monday March 4th, 2019 7:09:14 PM
" If the healers and magic users are okay, we can push. But if their not prepared, we need to figure out a spot to rest and protect ourselves . I can put out some basic traps,but i fear we might get something of a magical or worse nature. It seems like we get matched up with more creatures from a different plane than anything else."
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Monday March 4th, 2019 7:51:58 PM
Barratore is all for heading right out
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Monday March 4th, 2019 11:15:24 PM
Brom's ready to go. Glory waits for no man.
DM Mark - "“Many Shadows to you." Tuesday March 5th, 2019 12:57:37 AM
There is some discussion and even some disagreement about whether to rest and where to rest, or to simply press on. Velarin is ready to cast a Mage’s Mansion as a sanctuary, but can he even trust the others in there with him.
Tishe notes the oppressive nature of this place, wondering what the local villagers must live with on a daily basis. She wants no part of resting in this cold, creepy, threatening cavern with these images leering down at her and who knows what coming up from below.
Looking around at all the loot, Edson wonders is he can even trust his friends with dividing this up properly. He recalls asking for the Ring of Spell Storing. Perhaps his friends desire to delay splitting up treasure is because they intend to cheat him out of his share.
Barratore and Brom both say they are ready to go, but suspiciously look at each other for a moment wondering why they were so quick to agree to press on. Does the other have some ulterior motive.
Emrys’ is quiet. Too quiet really. What is he up to?
Lanliss agrees that some rest is in order - particularly since his old friends seem to be on edge.
As you all try to shake off the feeling of this place, you realize that rest may be a good idea - but not here. Maybe Edson’s earlier idea of a visit to the Catacombs would help, if for no other reason that it’s a break from this place.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Before you begin further efforts to open up what you think is a passage below, you should visit the Catacombs. You should also level up your characters, because everyone is now 17th Level! Everyone gets a Hero Point as well.
As it turns out, defeating the guardians of this temple ends this particular module, though your DM did want to see how you would deal with that lake. Fortunately Lanliss returned just in time to solve that matter.
Yikes. 17th level. Your DMs tremble.
So go back to the Cinnamon Valley. Level up. Work out treasure. Shake off the feelings of foreboding and mistrust for an hour or a day or a week. Because now we start a new module!)
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 104/129. Tishe’ (SteveK) Tuesday March 5th, 2019 8:18:24 AM
Tishe’ wants go back to the Cinnamon Valley. Level up. Work out treasure. Shake off the feelings of foreboding and mistrust for a week or two. Maybe a month.
“We still have to report back to the Pitchfork Council. And maybe use the WLA to gain any information on that place.”, she says hesitantly. “And maybe a neutral party can separate the treasure.”
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Tuesday March 5th, 2019 8:32:11 AM
(hmm. 17th level. what level do wizards get 9th level spells again?)
The group(apparently in a suspicious manner) takes the effort to haul all the recovered treasure to the other side of the lake via multiple boat trips, and V suggests that teleporting it back with people carrying as much as they can, and using multiple extra dimensional devices. This should suffice over the course of a few days to get everyone and everything back to our manor.
Once at the manor, V will ask "So Edson wanted the ring of spell storing? Does anyone else wish to lay claim to any particular item or items? I would like a comprehensive list to tally for the catacombs." V the reads aloud the list of recovered goods.
3x - Amulet of Natural Defense +3 - 18,000gp each 3x - Heandsband of Vast Intellect +4 -16,000gp 2x - Rings of Featherfall - 1,100gp each 1x - Ring of Spell Storing 50,000gp each 1x - Pearl of Power lvl3 9,000gp each 2x - Earthbreakers +2 8,340gp each 2x - Warhammer +2 18,312gp each 3x - Longbow +3 18,375gp each 8x - Breastplates +2 9,350gp each 50x - Orcbane Arrows 166gp each 3x - Whip +1 Orcbane 8,301gp each 30 Diamonds and Rubies - 10,000gp 566 pp, 18,099 gp, 600 sp, 3,700 cp [16,400 gp] +3 fortification (light) banded mail [350 gp] masterwork splint mail [300 gp] masterwork chainmail [16,180 gp] battlement shield [25,350 gp] +5 breastplate [400 gp] masterwork banded mail [159 gp] masterwork light steel shield [300 gp] masterwork chainmail [4,000 gp] ring of counterspells [2,500 gp] ring of feather falling [28,000 gp] ring of energy resistance (major) [fire] [2,500 gp] ring of jumping [2,375 gp] +1 longbow [50,305 gp] +5 longspear [301 gp] masterwork shortspear [32,400 gp] +4 composite longbow [32,315 gp] +3 spell storing scimitar [302 gp] masterwork spear [350 gp] masterwork heavy crossbow [375 gp] masterwork longbow [350 gp] masterwork greatsword [300 gp] potion/oil of fox's cunning (CL 3) [300 gp] potion/oil of resist energy, cold (CL 3) [50 gp] potion/oil of shillelagh (CL 1) [20,000 gp] 4 immovable rods [9,600 gp] strand of prayer beads (lesser) [145,000 gp] efreeti bottle
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Tuesday March 5th, 2019 10:56:33 AM
Lanliss looks at Tishe and let a sigh out looks a little bit sad that they won't make camp in this place "I guess you are right" he says and takes a second glance at the surroundings. He looks at the lake, "anti magic lake ha ! it is never boring with the keepers", He proceeds to stretch his body and asks "Catacombs or Pitchfork council Tishe ?"
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Tuesday March 5th, 2019 11:17:16 AM
(Sorry i missed my post last night. I fell asleep very early. Too bad I don't have the elven ability of being immune to sleep effects. That might have worked with the lake.)
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Tuesday March 5th, 2019 3:39:47 PM
Edson taps his finger on his kuhkri. Why was everyone being so odd. Why did Brom and Barratore want to push on. What was Tishe up to.. why did Lanliss show up out of nowhere... and Emrys and V... they too were odd. Maybe it was this place.
Edson shakes the cobwebs out of his head and heads home with the others.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Tuesday March 5th, 2019 11:11:31 PM
After getting back to the manor, Emrys takes a little time to look over the loot. As he scrutinizes some of the markings on a very curious bottle. He feels a strange tingling down his spine. A shadow envelops his body and he finds himself surrounded by a thick, overgrowth of trees. Roots spring from his limbs and they writhe and twist into the ground. He begins to choke as a branches sprout from his mouth, ears and eyes. All is now dark, but he can make out his new form ... that of a tree ... glowing with a green nimbus .. that erupts into a blaze of witchfire. He feels his master's presence ... the Power taking notice .. and as quickly as it came he finds himself back at the manor.
Emrys is a bit disoriented and he clears his throat. He looks to the others, but it seems the experience was only meant for him ... they go on about their business as if nothing happened. Then it dawns on him, certain things that once eluded him, all seem simple now. Secrets are revealing themselves. The feeling was intoxicating.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Tuesday March 5th, 2019 11:59:41 PM
Brom also looks over the loot after getting back to the manor. The only thing he has an interest in is the longspear.
DM Mark - Home sweet home Wednesday March 6th, 2019 1:25:30 AM
Everyone is ready to be done with this place and back in the Cinnamon Valley. Well, everyone but Lanliss. As he looks around at the alien carvings in the purplish crystalline walls, he was kinda looking forward to staying here for a bit.
The treasure is transported back across the anti-magic lake, which is still rather unnerving for the spellcasters in the party. Steps are taken to teleport directly from mines. Some of the orcs catch up with you, “Oooo, while you were gone someone broke in. We tried to stop...uh, that’s him!” They point at Lanliss. “That’s the one that attacked us! Is he with you?” They’re pretty angry.
You’ve all had about enough of these orcs. And the villagers for that matter. You teleport back over the next few days (or as soon as your spells allow) are are all soon back in your manor in the Cinnamon Valley. And almost as soon as you leave, a vague sense of mistrust and fear is gone. It’s like a weight as been lifted, and you wonder how the villagers have lived with this for as long as they have.
Once back, Emrys has a rather disorienting experience that leaves the DM rather bewildered.
Word travels in Magpie Crossing that you are back, but it seems the local leaders have decided to leave you in peace for a bit. But you sense that there is an interest to hear from you.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Wednesday March 6th, 2019 8:10:41 AM
Barratore wants one of the Headbands of Intellect and will put in the 8k gold the party would get from the CC sale of the item. Barratore wants to settle in and have a couple solid days of sunshine and ale before doing anything else. The fighter suggests a letter would suffice to convey the findings of the group. Back at the manor he also feels the group needs to return and remove the tercuri threat.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Wednesday March 6th, 2019 8:31:13 AM
V turns to the Orcs. "Yes, he is with us. He did not know you were our friends. We will be leaving now, and will probably be gone a long time. remember to live in peace, and stay away from the villages outside."
Once back at the manor, two days later after V memorized a large amount of teleports, V is equally glad that the sense of mistrust is gone, as well as the Orcs and villagers.
"It appears we have to do some splaining." Says V after sensing that the Magpie Crossing leadership had questions. "One party member gone, and a past member returned. We should also advise Dulcet since she sent us to investigate that little bit of hell in the first place. It appears that we should divide and conquer so as to handle all the formalities succintly, allowing all of us to relax and do as we wish for as long as possible before we are needed again. I for one, am wishing to spend some quality time with my studies. Since I'm the designated group accountant and treasure seller, I shall tend to that matter by hauling all our well earned treasure to the catacombs."
"Only Edson has expressed a desire to claim an item from the haul. Anyone else? Last chance before I sell it. If i get communiques requesting to keep items i am in the midst of selling, it will irritate the vampire of the catacombs, and therefore me, likely causing me to summon a sleeping companion for said offender."
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Wednesday March 6th, 2019 8:33:02 AM
(Barratore's headband request noted)
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Wednesday March 6th, 2019 11:36:07 AM
Ooc: PC Sheet updated for 17th level
Tishe’ let’s Velarin and Emrys take the lead with speaking with the orcs and villagers, nursing a headache and vagueness feelings of suspiciousness. She knows there is nothing to it and yet...
Arrival at Magpie Crossing and a good night’s sleep allows her to re-evaluate the situation in the mountain, but first things first!
“Those immovable rods could be extremely useful to hang something, keep a door closed, or even make a trip hazard. I’d like one. Anyone else take one?”
“I defer writing or speaking to the Council and Dulcet to you, Sieur Velarin, though I will accompany you for a to show a common pattern.”
And then she takes her days in a habitual pattern. In the morning after personal cleaning and breaking her fast, there is training and practicing new spellweaving lore. The afternoons are devoted to wandering Magpie Crossing and the nearby farms to help as needed by Spell, story, or counsel. And the evening to break bread with the Keepers at the House and discuss next moves on the Tecuri artifact beyond the lake.
“ I think the obelisk at the mine entrance is the one spoken about in the writings deciphered”, she says, idly weaving wool into thread to keep her hands busy. “And I also think it is the source of the unease.” We should hire researchers at the WLA and the Sages Guild to get more information than we ourselves can find. And perhaps ask the Pitchfork Council what they may have in their own archives?”
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Wednesday March 6th, 2019 4:20:37 PM
Barratore again expresses his interest in 1 of the Headbands of Intellect
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Wednesday March 6th, 2019 7:36:49 PM
Once back, Edson takes some time to relax and get his share before heading off to the catacombs. He had an itch to spend.
Lanliss spends his first day lazying around, doing nothing important in particular. He goes to the local area to learn/know about everything that happened in his absence.
Local Knowledge 31 (natural 20)[20+11=31] OOC: post #1
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 d2=2 ; d20+11=20 ; Wednesday March 6th, 2019 8:33:11 PM
Lanilss checks his room in the manor, looking for anything he might have left behind. He check his total worth of gold and thinks for himself a thought,"What if I can buy a magical item that will let me cast spells ? or perhaps should I....perhaps....find a new weapon" "Too expensive he tells to himself " While trying to think about where to go to find more information about acquiring a new weapon or perhaps a magical scroll or wand he could use he decides to flip a coin, Heads for the Catacombs, Tails for the local chapter of the Woldian League of Adventurers. He flips a coin d2=2 He decides to go the local chapter of the WLA to get more information about this topic Local Knowledge 20
OOC: post #2
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Wednesday March 6th, 2019 11:28:55 PM
Emrys isn't much concerned with the treasure. The items he would be interested in, he already has. The diamonds would be useful as spell components. "Hmmm, no mithral chain shirts or jade circlets. I guess I will need to request a special order from the Catacombs."
He spends the rest of his evening inspecting the works of his coven. His cohort Angus has been running a tight ship. Emrys is very pleased with the herb gardens and the laboratory. Everything is well stocked and all the appropriate runes and wards were in place. Out in the woods from the manor house, construction on a circle of standing stones was well underway. Fey from Culverwood have obviously approved of its placement. Crops of mushrooms sprang up everywhere during the night after their visit.
With all their accomplishes so far, there is still much more work to be done.
DM Mark - Home sweet home Thursday March 7th, 2019 1:39:21 AM
There is some discussion regarding the treasure before Velarin takes it over to the Catacombs. Edson relaxes while he waits for things to be sold.
Velarin looks forward to tending to his studies as time allows, and suggest ways to inform the local leaders, Dulcet in particular.
Barratore suggests that perhaps a letter would be a good way to inform the Pitchfork Council.
Tishe shares her thoughts on the Tecuri temple and the obelisk, and that perhaps the obelisk is the source of the unease in the area near the mine. She suggests seeking out some local resources for research for more information.
Lanliss checks his old room in the manor for anything left behind. Indeed he finds some forgotten cash (but it’s difficult to say how much until the DM knows where everyone else’s wealth is.) Lanliss visits the WLA Chapter in Jarlswolf, which takes about a day to walk to. While there he asks about weapons, scrolls, wands and the like. They are more than happy to share what they know. (The link to Lanliss’ character sheet in your header does not work.)
Emrys looks in on the work and accomplishments of his coven. He is very pleased to see their progress, and encourages them to continue. Indeed, they are very glad at his return, sharing local gossip and their thoughts about improving things in the area.
Tishe takes a stroll about the community, offering help where it’s needed. Indeed she finds a number of opportunities to cast a spell here and give some useful advice there. She finds this place both peaceful and empowering as she is reminded that she possess great power here among these simple folk.
Soon, Lord Hmitri pays you a visit. He lets you know that everything seems to be in order in Magpie Crossing and that your return is welcome. He asks you what news you have.
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Thursday March 7th, 2019 6:13:32 AM
Tishe’ enjoys her time helping as needed; the good folk in and around Magpie Crossing don’t need a know-it-all telling them how to improve their lives, she tells herself, just a helping hand once in awhile. And then her thoughts turn darker and, or when something arrives that the good folk can’t handle themselves. And like mercury, she goes back to smiles, but that’s what the Keepers are for!
Lord Hmitri arrives before any half-made plans for research really get started, and Tishe’ plays her usual part of waiting until others take the lead on the events and still current situation at the Villages and Mine.
.... Ooc: header updated with correct link
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Thursday March 7th, 2019 9:39:41 AM
Already having left for the catacombs, V will wait to hear updates upon his return.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Thursday March 7th, 2019 11:14:44 AM
Barratore, after a few well earned days of nothing but food, drink and dozing in the afternoon sun gets a bit restless. Back to exercise, running a half dozen laps around Magpie, locating anyone with a barn raising or other large heavy things to move and of course, back to the blade, bow and horns. The fighter will be heading to Jarlswolfe as well to stop in for some time with the WLA.
Barratore pays an additional set of dues and works on his studies to the rank of WLA Hero.
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Thursday March 7th, 2019 7:59:47 PM
Lanliss will hopefully be at the mansion to see Lord Hmitri. Hopefully someone from the keepers will be there as well. He is eager to hear more about the current situation.
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Thursday March 7th, 2019 9:53:06 PM
Edson lets the usual suspects talk. They had a knack gor this. He just Fidgeted, waiting for his share. He really wanted to beef up before the next fight.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Thursday March 7th, 2019 11:29:04 PM
Emrys, Angus and Daemon return to the manor house. As they enter they were discussing their latest magical experiments and conjurings. He pulls back his hood and removes his cloak. A black soot-like mist wafts off his garments. He hands it over to Angus, along with his gloves, for his cohort to have cleaned.
He then notices their guest, Lord Hmitri, and his fellow Keepers, Tishe, Edson, Lanliss, standing in awkward silence as they stare at each other waiting for the other to speak.
Emrys decides to break the silence. "Greetings Lord Hmitri ... so good to see you. Come in and sit, make yourself comfortable." He turns to his cohort and asks, "Angus, please go and get our guest a drink."
After everyone is comfortable and the small talk is over, Emrys explains the happenings of their latest quest. The capture of the wayward dwarves and their road to atonement. His tone becomes quite serious when he gets to the mine and it's very ancient secrets. The mystical underground lake that surrounds an ancient Tucrei Shrine. "We should inform the Council. I've studied the runes etched there... and its secrets have yet to be revealed."
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Thursday March 7th, 2019 11:47:18 PM
Brom decides against the spear. He'd rather spend his money on improving his sword.
He will travel to Jarlswolf to train after some deserved rest and relaxing.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Friday March 8th, 2019 10:53:20 AM
Velarin, still at the catacombs, waits patiently for a final tally so that he may divvy up everyones take, and return for his own personal equipment upgrades
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Friday March 8th, 2019 11:45:53 AM
After Emrys breaks the ice, Tishe’ brings up both the Villages and Mine community, and the human-dwarf community further north in the Contested Lands. While the second would be good for further contact and trade from the Valley, “the first is still dangerous, and possibly even a danger to Cinnamon Valley.”
DM Mark - Home sweet home Friday March 8th, 2019 2:15:59 PM
Velarin is off to the Catacombs. Edson tries to be patient waiting for the mage to return.
Tishe is careful about how she offers help, choosing to focus on pitching in physically and avoiding giving much advice. Which proves to be harder than she thought, give now knowledgeable and skilled she is. But as she does this, she can see that allowing others to learn on their own makes the lesson much sweeter, and also creates more of a bond than separation with these people.
Brom heads over to Jarlswolf to the WLA. Just outside Magpie Crossing, he passes the farm where the orphans Adney and Cal live with their siblings. He recalls helping them before, and considers stopping by there on his return to Magpie Crossing. Entering Jarlswolf, he proceeds to the WLA Outpost in town. They are eager to welcome him back and ask about his travels.
Barratore takes to running around the town for exercise and soon finds that there are a number of youths in the town that try to run with him. Given his stride, it’s tough for them to keep up with the minotaur, but they try. He also attracts attention as he works out. Eventually he heads over to Jarlswolf to visit the WLA, and sees Brom who has been there studying there. The WLA folks have already talked to Brom, and quiz Barratore to fill in the details. Presumably, Barratore also leave the aforementioned letter to Dulcet with details of the Keepers’ latest adventure with the WLA to deliver to Dulcet who lives in town. They will inform Barratore that Dulcet is not here at present, but they will make sure she gets the letter. --------------------------------------------
While Emrys and Tishe do their best to fill in the visiting Lord Hmitri, Lanliss listens in. Lord Hmitri has brought a scribe with him who is taking notes on a small, portable desk. He is very concerned about Tishe’s assertion that this place could be a danger to the Cinnamon Valley.
“How so? What danger do you think think this place could pose? Do we need to assemble the Pitchfork Council, or do you Keepers have a plan?”
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Friday March 8th, 2019 10:06:38 PM
Lanliss keeps quiet for now, waiting for Emrys and Tishe to do the speaking as he doesn't have the full picture of what is going on just yet.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Friday March 8th, 2019 11:27:22 PM
Brom always enjoyed his travels and seeing all the people of the Vale. He will plan to stop by the farm to see how the kids are doing.
At Jarlswolf, he fills in the WLA of his recent travel during breaks in his training.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Saturday March 9th, 2019 8:29:58 AM
(DM request from the catacombs: The list had inconsistent prices versus magical enhancement for the warhammers and breastplates )
Warhammer - are they supposed to be "2x - Warhammer +2 at 8,312gp each" or 2x - Warhammer +3 at 18,312gp each"? Similar for the breastplates +2 at 4,350 gp each or +3 at 9,350 gp each? I think I cannot process this as stands.*
*Please keep the ticket number, Velarin. We will happily pay you against a corrected list of goods.* OOC: Can you please have your DM recheck the list, Chris?
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Sunday March 10th, 2019 9:01:11 AM
Tishe’ nods to Lord Hmitri. “The danger I speak of is not imminent, but worrisome. At the time, we frankly didn’t know enough about it and how to counter the effects on the local area. So we Thought we needed to inform the Pitchfork council of the potential danger, and do some research and preparation before returning to deal with it.”
The Dpellweaver then goes on to describe both the reactions of the Villagers and the feelings of suspiciousness that were creeping into their own thoughts for the three days there. “It is localized and isolated now, but if an evil villain learns the secrets and darts converting everyone she can catch...”, she shakes her head sorrowfully.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Sunday March 10th, 2019 8:13:20 PM
Barratore has no issue with company along his runs and indeed encourages them. Pushing your limits, hearing what others say is as far as you can go and then going further. Push past fatigue, past pain, past your body crying out to quit, for just past that threshold is the beginning of greatness
In Jarlswolf, Barratore spends most of his time with Brom. No one else can provide much from a training perspective. The pair's strengt
DM Mark - Home sweet home Monday March 11th, 2019 1:08:00 AM
Brom makes a stop at the farm that was home to some orphans when last he was there. Soon running out to greet him are the teen boys Adney and Cal, the teen girl Sessa, and the young girl and boy Aggie and Tassen. It’s a happy reunion. Brom learns that they are doing well, and have built relationships with some neighboring farms. They used some of the money Brom gave them to buy some animals which seem well cared for. Brom is able to continue to Jarlswolf with the satisfaction of knowing there is one more example that the Cinnamon Valley is rebuilding.
Brom and Barratore eventually meet up at the WLA in Jarlswolf. While there, they find their occasional sparring sessions attract a good deal of attention in town, and there is both fascination and relief at their presence. Although on one of Barratore’s runs there is momentary panic when they mistakenly assume his is fleeing from something and several families decide to flee as well from an imagined threat.
The WLA quizzes them extensively on what they have seen recently. None there had ever heard of something called a Time Elemental. As Brom and Barratore return to Magpie Crossing a couple representatives politely ask to accompany them back so speak with, er, the, um, more learned in the group about the Tecuri writings they found.
------------------------------------------------------ Back at the Manor, Velarin puzzles over some regrettable errors by the DM, but learns that these items were in fact +3 items and the prices are correct.
As Lanliss listens, Tishe fills in the concerned and attentive Lord Hmitri on what the group had seen there. They are a bit surprised that the seemingly bumbling and opportunistic man is actually very attentive, inquisitive and detail oriented when matters of community safety are involved. He is soon satisfied that there is no imminent threat to the Cinnamon Valley, and he asks if there is anything they need as his scribe packs up to go.
Lord Hmitri also asks the Keepers to dinner at his manor and asks if they could accompany him around town for a couple of days as he discusses community projects. If they do so, they see there are oblique hints for funding for several projects. Most seem more about advancing Lord Hmitri’s standing and business interests in the community than anything else, but a few attract the Keepers’ attention. A couple of locals want to start up a music program for children in town. And work is being done to improve the existing orphanage. There are still a large number of orphans that resulted from the bloodweed infestation, and the orphanage is a bit crowded. The repairs are in need of more labor and funding.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Monday March 11th, 2019 9:45:00 AM
At the catacombs, Velarin has submitted the corrected treasure list to the staff and waits for payment for the group.
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Monday March 11th, 2019 10:23:30 AM
Tishe’ accepts the invitation on behalf of the Keepers, and promised to work with lord Hmirti’s representative on a date when all the Keepers are there and available. “Sieur Barratorre and Sieur Brom will not be happy with me if they missed a good meal!”
The Spellweaver accompanied the Magpie Crossing Leader about town, but doesn’t immediately agree to anything, preferring to talk it over with the other Keepers first, trying to perk up their interest in the Orphanage as well. Tishe’ makes a point to spend some time easy day she is in town to stop by the orphanage and help do some repair work. Despite liking children in general, she’s not very good at talking to them, treating them just like she would any other adult.
She does stop by the couple talking about a music program. Tishe’ isn’t a teacher, but will certainly help them start-up and come by for precision demonstrations.
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Monday March 11th, 2019 10:29:51 AM
Tishe’ asks Lord Hmitri if there are Pitchfork Council records about interaction with the Villages and Mine from the past: after all, it was the Council that asked the Keepers to look into it in the first place! “We May learn some bit of information that can help solve the puzzle”, she explains, “if we can look at first hand accounts.”
She also puts out feelers to find the closest Branch Library of the Sages Guild. If there isn’t one in Cinnamon Valley, then if when the next time a traveling Sage Shop is expected in the Valley. She intends to visit.
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Monday March 11th, 2019 1:51:56 PM
Lanliss agree with Lord Hmitri invitation but doesn't promise to help every project as they might not accomplish all due to lack of time or in the instance of dangerous surprises like a surprise of fire salamanders at night.
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Monday March 11th, 2019 9:25:55 PM
Edson takes his time around the house. Helping clean up, taking stock of any food or drink they need. He was anticipating the payoff. He needed some better weapoms after that fight.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Monday March 11th, 2019 9:33:30 PM
Barratore relishes the sparring with Brom and freely experiments with moves and tactics just as freely accepts the negative results more often than not. He provides the WLA with as much information as he can on the time elemental. "It was not able to withstand us for more than a few moments." Else he might know more. The group plans to return and hopefully learn more. Barratore will make it a point to try and get a copy of as much as he can that the WLA has on the Tuceri. It may be useful
To those in a panic over his runs, the Minotaur can only internally shrug. If the people still thought he would ever flee, well he could do little to nothing on that subject.
Barratore will escort the members to Magpie and makes idle conversation along the way. He asks them of their thoughts on the Tuceri and lake of magic nullification. Did they have any stories or thoughts on this long hidden civilization?
Back at Magpie, Barratore likes the idea of further funding the orphanage and want to add instructors in farming, animal handling and carpentry, skills that will benefit the children going forward. "To this end Tishe you can count on me for 5,000 gold. We make Lord Hmitri the caretaker of the funds. He is liable, but he will also receive the benefit of the success. I think a win win."
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Monday March 11th, 2019 11:17:07 PM
"I can assure you, Lord Hmitri, the Keepers would be most interested, I'm sure, to help out with the community after such a tragedy. Like Tishe said, as for your invitation, I'd hate to deny our fellow Keepers good meal and drink. We are expecting them back anytime."
Emrys gives a slight nod to Angus. The tall, lanky fellow nods in reply and immediately leaves the room with a task at hand.
DM Mark - Home sweet home Tuesday March 12th, 2019 1:27:37 AM
Lanliss listens to all the projects Lord Hmitri proposes but is careful not to commit to any.
Emrys responds to Lord Hmitri, ”I can assure you, Lord Hmitri, the Keepers would be most interested, I'm sure, to help out with the community after such a tragedy. Like Tishe said, as for your invitation, I'd hate to deny our fellow Keepers good meal and drink. We are expecting them back anytime."
Tishe accompanies the Hmitri about Magpie Crossing, continuing to discuss the projects he’s mentioned. Later, she stops by the orphanage. It is indeed full, but the children there seem well fed and well cared for. While most of the children there don’t initiall know who she is the older ones spread the word and soon she is met with a chorus of, “Show us some moves! Show us some spells!’ It’s clear that the conditions could certainly be improved at this place.
She learns that one of the two with an interest in starting a music program in town is actually a bard with some minor magical ability. What they really need is instruments for the children to use. When she asks about the mine and the Sage’s Guild, Lord Hmitri says that he only knows that traders bring refined metals out of the hillls from time to time. He thinks there may be some sages in Witchspawn, but he has not had the need for such.
Edson sees to the provisioning and organization of the manor. He awaits Velarin's return with some cold, hard cash.
Barratore enjoys his sparring with Brom. As some mistake his runs for him fleeing, he mildly disappointed that anyone would assume he would flee from any threat. He and Brom accompany the WLA members back to Magpie Crossing.
Once with all the Keepers, the people from the WLA have little insight to share about the Tecuri, much less anything about a lake of magic nullification. But they are keenly interested to hear more about it. They will share that the disappearance of the Tecuri remains a mystery. It is widely believed that they began to access levels of arcane power that began to alter too much of the Wold and that could possibly challenge the gods themselves.
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Tuesday March 12th, 2019 8:29:25 AM
Tishe’ cautions some of the older kids. “Battle Magic and maneuvers are reserved for training or the battlefield, but there is magic that can assist with everyday comfort and fun.” She will oblige the children with some magic; . Casting Open on a door to go outside, then Close to shut it again once on the grounds . Casting Prestidigitation time after time to make someone’s hair turn blue, cleaning a particularly dirty face, and coooling down a pitcher of lemonade to drink. . Casting Extended Grease on an area of lawn so the children can slip-n-slide for a half hour.
The Spellweaver nods at Barratorre, “and I will match your funds, but let us see how much it costs instead of just providing a bonanza. Lord Hmitri should be more frugal that way.”
When convenient, Tishe’ takes a couple day’s trip to WitchSpawn to seek out a branch library for the Sages Guild. It’s an all day walk there if she starts early in the morning and gets there after dark, so she brings provisions for the day. And she plans to stay for at least a day (if there isn’t a Sage there) or several days (if there is) before doing the long walk home. While in WitchSpawn, she sees if Dulcet and other local leaders are available to tell them the same things Lotd Hmitri knows, and helps about the village like she does in Magpie Crossing.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Tuesday March 12th, 2019 8:35:54 AM
Velarin still patiently awaits assistance at the catacombs. When he does return, and learns of the events that have transpired in his absence, he would be honored to join Barratore in helping to fund community projects, and agrees with Barratore's win/win assessment of Lord Hmitri handling the details.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Tuesday March 12th, 2019 3:52:06 PM
Barratore agrees with Tishe on the funds not being simply 100% there. Be better to break it up certainly. Barratore will visit the orphanage on multiple occasions over the next few days. He works on some renovation plans, expansion, interior reworks and plans for the basic over all grounds Engineering 18 That would be a start to determining over all costs and time required. While on his tours, he makes note of the furnishings as well. Likely there would be a need for replacements, additions and even a supply shed would be handy. Soon enough Barratore has added plans for the Wood Working shop, assuming no such business exists in Magpie
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Tuesday March 12th, 2019 11:05:55 PM
Lanliss feels compelled to help Barratore and Velarin but has more interest in the Tecuri and their mysteries. He makes a trip to Witchspawn to report to Dulcet and ask her about what the Tecuri are excatly? and what happened to them? or legends that might shade light about them or the mysteries surrounding them.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Tuesday March 12th, 2019 11:36:59 PM
Brom travels back with Barratore and the caravan. He apologizes that he isn't much in the way of information on the language.
He tells them he'll meet them at Magpie once he gets close to the orphans' farm. He trots off in that direction to see how the family is doing. He brought small gifts for each of them, new dresses for the girls, a shield for the oldest and short swords and daggers for the younger boys. After spending a few hours enjoying their company, he is back on his way to Magpie. He promises to return and teach them how to use the weapons the next time he stops by.
Back in Magpie, he meets up with the others to learn what's transpired in the last few days.
DM Mark - Home sweet home Wednesday March 13th, 2019 1:51:21 AM
Brom heads back from Jarlswolf Tishe entertains the children at the orphanage, though some are a bit disappointed that she doesn’t blow anything up. Her use of a Grease spell to make a slip-n-slide makes up for it though. There are some discussions about funds, but none are committed just yet. On Barratore’s return, he suggests some possible revocations and ways they could expand the structure. It makes Barratore think a woodworking shop would be in order.
Brom heads back from Jarlswolf with Barratore, but stops off again to see the children at a farm just outside of Magpie Crossing. This time he has gifts, which the children are very excited about. The weapons are very popular, though he senses the younger girl Aggie is a bit disappointed that dresses are for girls and weapons are for boys. She tries to hide this though and is thankful for what Brom has brought. They make him dinner, and he learns that Cal and Sessa are both pretty good cooks.
Lanliss and Tishe head over to Witchspawn in the hopes of meeting Dulcet there. Dulcet has a large residence here as well as in Jarlswolf but the pair learns that she has been called out of the area. As before, Witchspawn is a strange place weird. You see lots of cauldrons. There is a great big one in the town square. They are used as decorations on some of the buildings. Folks walk around carrying them, some people here seem to be wearing cauldrons as hats, and there are even some cauldrons walking around by themselves. There are people walking around talking to either themselves or to some unseen companion.
While in Witchspawn Lanliss and Tishe are able to contact a small outpost the Sages Guild there. Asking them about Tecuri magic actually generates more questions than answers. They do know that there are a number of Tecuri sites, relics and artifacts, but relatively little is known about them or the magics they possessed. The Pillar of Cnut in the Cinnamon Valley is believed to be one such relic, but no one knows much about it. There is a theory that a good deal of Tecuri writings and information were intentionally removed from the Wold to prevent access to forbidden levels of power. The fact that the Keepers may have stumbled on such as site and any writings is a bit shocking to them. They wish to accompany the two of you back to Magpie Crossing to speak with the rest of your group in hopes of piecing together more information.
The sages and the WLA representatives cross paths at the Manor in Magpie Crossing and compare notes as they talk to the rest of you all. Both are very interested in this Tecuri site you have found, though for somewhat different reasons.
(Sorry the Catacombs visit is holding things up a bit. I will prod folks about this.)
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Wednesday March 13th, 2019 7:57:52 AM
Tishe’ welcomes the Sage Guild representatives to visit The Manor, and sends a horse messenger ahead to alert Finn and Glenda to get food stocked and rooms ready for a visit.
When she meets WLA contingent too, the Spellweaver becomes excited, “with so many notes and smart heads, we should be able to at least add a thread or two to the pattern!”
The knowledge that the Tecuri has such powerful effects makes Tishe’ more concerned. “We can’t create a forbidden zone that would be effective. While the site seems to trap people in a selfish and suspicious loop isn’t a guarantee that some would-be Warlock couldn’t eventually harness it, and we’d have another Dread or Parnoth in our tapestry; not a pleasant thought. Even if we can’t know or use it, is there a way to stop its emanations? Render it dormant?”
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Wednesday March 13th, 2019 11:44:57 AM
V finally returns from the catacombs with numerous large bags of treasure. He teleports in and sets down the first four bags labeled for Tishe', V, Emrys, and Brom with each containing 62,532.83 gold. he then sets down a bag for Edson with 37,532.83 gold and a note that the remainder is the ring of spell storing whose sale value was 25000 gold. Finally a bag for Barratore with 54,532.83 gold and another note indicating the sale price of the the headband was 8000 and his as well.
He also hands an immovable rod to Tishe', himself, Edson, and Emrys. "Tishe suggested we keep them as group items that could be handy in many ways, which I agree with. Perhaps around town, in events of a threatening collapse or many other situations they could come in handy. Since Brom and Barratore are already immovable forces, it seems wise to have each of the rest of us take one unless anyone objects."
V waits for the incoming visitors wishing to discuss the tecuri, and will happily speak with them, but mention that he was not actually the one that was able to decipher much of anything, but that he does plan to return, and take a lengthier look.
Following the situations that need his input and presence, V will slip off for to the catacombs again for a quick shopping trip for himself this time, and hopes he will be able to wrap it up quickly.
(ooc: V's total wealth is now 355,105.23)
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Wednesday March 13th, 2019 12:40:05 PM
(correction. forgot to add the immovable rod. 360,105.23)
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Wednesday March 13th, 2019 12:45:45 PM
Lanliss scoffs at the idea of too many people getting together near an ancient relic but doesn't say anything for now as he doesn't know yet how they are going to approach the relic.
He moves near Tishe and asks her quietly almost in a whisper, "Do you think we can trust the Sages Guild about this?"
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Wednesday March 13th, 2019 9:17:52 PM "Maybe the less people that know the better, he adds
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Wednesday March 13th, 2019 9:35:35 PM
Barratore does have much to contribute to the conversation, but he stays where he is. The fighter’s question to the WLA and the Sages is what their interest is. “We have a great many questions and no answers. A return trip is needed.”
Creating a perimeter seems unfeasible to the Taur. It would also involve evicting everyone, though if we can cannot correct whatever is happening, we may have to do.
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Wednesday March 13th, 2019 11:13:47 PM
" Thank you Velarin. This is exactly what i need. " Edson says as he takes the payoff. He cleans up and heads to the catacombs, planning on upgrading big time.
Taking in the impovable rod, he again says thanks. " These will be useful."
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (209/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Wednesday March 13th, 2019 11:14:53 PM
Brom notes Agges disappointment and as he leaves, he whispers to her that he'll teach her too and he'll bring her a blade next time.
Brom knows little of the things the others speak of. He steps out to get something to eat and the blade he promised. He returns a little while later to find them still talking about the really old stuff.
DM Mark - Home sweet home Thursday March 14th, 2019 12:42:01 AM
As Tishe and Lanliss travel back with a couple of learned folk from the Sages Guild, they actually become a bit weary of the Sages’ effforts to extract every last detail from them about what they’ve seen at this Tecuri site. In addition to being persistent, they are actually very adept and Tishe and Lanliss are actually a bit surprised to find they remember more about the site than they thought they did. At one point Lanliss will ask Tishe privately, "Do you think we can trust the Sages Guild about this? Maybe the less people know the better."
Tishe sends word ahead to the Manor that they are coming, and eventually they are all at the Manor in Magpie Crossing.
Velarin has returned from the Catacombs and distributes items and cash and items. As questions regarding the Tecuri come up he adds what he can.
Edson grabs the cash and heads to the Catacombs.
Barratore asks the sages and the WLA representatives why they’re so interested in this ancient Tecuri site. They look at him like he just grew another minotaur head. ”Uh, because it’s an ancient Tecuri site.” Barratore replies, “We have a great many questions and no answers. A return trip is needed.”
Having noted the young girl Aggie’s disappointment that she didn’t get a weapon like the boys, Brom leaves the eggheads to find a proper blade for the girl. And when he return, they’re still talking about really old stuff.
Eventually, the WLA representatives and the sages seem to think there is little more information to extract from the Keepers on this Tecuri site. The look at you expectantly, ”Well, we would do well to get a first hand look at this place. When do we leave?”
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Thursday March 14th, 2019 7:12:51 AM
Tishe’ takes her time to consider Lanliss’ worries before responding. “No, I don’t think so. I think that the more people know the warp and weft of the dangers the better. People will understand why they are feeling that way and be shuttlecocked to resist. Beaters tend to want a secret lair, and if everyone knows about it, how secret is that?”
The Spellweaver is surprised by the assumption of the WLA and Sage representatives. “We? By the Powers, no!” She stops talking, both because she is just so blindsided by the casual assumption of immunity from the danger, and that she is sure The others will be able to put her feelings in words both more elegant or blunt to be certain they are understood!
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Thursday March 14th, 2019 10:11:58 AM
"I am in agreement with Tishe'. That area is not a safe place. The more people there, the likely more dangerous it is. Our emotions and feelings, even towards each other, were altered over time. Whether that was from the Woldsblood coursing through the entire place, or a still existing remnant of Tecuri power, the fact remains that the more is likely not merrier."
"And, on that note, I'm starting to think that leaving those Orcs there is not a good idea. I'm not too personally keen on returning myself, let alone taking others. Perhaps the best thing that we could do would be to relocate the Orcs, and seal that place as permanently as possible."
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Thursday March 14th, 2019 12:50:14 PM
Edson pops back in, waiting for his catacombs purchases to arrive. "you guys are gonna like the new Edson. Like an upgraded version of the old one."
Edson watches the discussion between Velarin and Tishe with the Sages guild. He laughs to himself, thinking how nonchalant they are about going back, as if the Keepers weren't tough enought to be, but these sages weren't
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Thursday March 14th, 2019 1:16:51 PM
Barratore snorts once, and shakes his head. "When are you going to go? You're not. We are." Barratore leaves it at that. With nothing else to discuss, he thanks the WLA and Sages Guild representatives for their time and stands up to escort them out of the manor.
Once they are gone, he sits back down with the others. The game plans is pretty straight forward. Go back and see if they can open the portal and learn more. If possible shut off whatever it is that is causing the paranoia.
Barratore can be ready in a couple days to head out
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Thursday March 14th, 2019 8:56:22 PM
Lanliss will go with the keepers thinking to himself that maybe he his wrong after all and Tishe is right But he feels there will likely be casualites but he keeps the thought to himself.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Thursday March 14th, 2019 10:52:14 PM
Emrys quietly listens to what everyone has had to say, but he offers no words of his own. He hadn't decided what to think. If he was to be honest with himself, he has a hard time considering anything with the latest revelations and his new and burgeoning abilities. The power he is now capable to wield is both terrific and terrifying. He could do both incredible and terrible things. He almost feels like he taking his first steps as a deity... and that thought he finds most troubling. The first icy touch of corruption.
Curled up in a coil near his feet, the viper speaks, "I can't help you, friend ... I never achieved in all the centuriesss of my natural life what you have in sssuch a ssshort time. I am both jealouss and proud ... both curssed and privileged to be your guide."
(Hopefully I can finish my character sheet this weekend. I need to do some shopping. I haven't bought anything in two years, so I have a good pile of cash saved.)
DM Mark - Home sweet home Friday March 15th, 2019 12:39:19 AM
Overall the general consensus seems to be that the Keepers must return to the mine and find a way to deal with the problem there.
Tishe responds to Lanliss’ suggestion that the mine be kept a secret, ”No, I don’t think so. I think that the more people know the warp and weft of the dangers the better. People will understand why they are feeling that way and be shuttlecocked to resist. Beaters tend to want a secret lair, and if everyone knows about it, how secret is that?” (I had to quote that it because it was a lot more entertaining that a paraphrase.) :)
Lanliss remains concerned that making such a site public will draw others to a dangerous site.
When the WLA and the Sage’s Guild representatives say they want to see these Tecuri artifacts first hand, the Keepers respond with an emphatic NO! The WLA seem to accept this response, but oddly enough it is the two scholarly sages that protest. Ultimately they seem to back down - but they’re pretty grumpy about it.
Velarin adds that leaving the orcs in the now empty mine is probably a bad idea that should be remedied and the place sealed against future intruders.
Edson listens, but is mostly excited about the new and improved Edson his purchases will bring.
Emrys is also thinking about his purchases. And the new-found god-like power his spells will bring. And that scares him a bit.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Friday March 15th, 2019 8:05:16 AM
(ooc: trying to wrap up my CS before I leave town tomorrow. The catacombs staff is apparently pretty busy with real life and seem to only check sporadically. My CS is updated for now, but I will have to take care of all my purchases and adjustments from that when I return. Dan K will be posting for me for the following week and a half. Thanks Dan!)
While The Keepers have a group of learned sages and WLA people currently present, V requests that they locate us a suitable location to relocate a tribe of Orcs who were enslaved by a group of very unpleasant Dwarves. Remote would probably be good, but V believes leaving them in the corrupting power of those mines is likely a future threat for the area around them. V will offer to update both groups upon what is learned when the group returns to further investigate.
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Friday March 15th, 2019 12:40:04 PM
Tishe’ is relieved the WLA and Sages agree to not go with the Keepers. What she is most concerned about is how to help protect the heroes from the insidious influence of the place. “Extended Protection from Evil? Maybe Calm Emotions spells?”
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Friday March 15th, 2019 10:00:40 PM
Edson nods when the others dont agree to go with them. He turns his attention to the group.
" can one of you spellcasters help me out when my catacombs stuff comes. Can you read a scroll and put the spell in my ring. Please. "
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 130/130 Friday March 15th, 2019 10:05:17 PM
That thing emenates bad feelings so instead of feeling bad emotions and bad things like selfish and hatred can't we do the opposite to protect against it ? For example like making all of us feel loved either at the whole Wold or at least for each other so we won't hurt each other. Lanliss suggests.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 194 (245 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Sunday March 17th, 2019 6:30:35 PM
Brom sits listening to the talk between the three groups. His role doesn't change whether one or all go. But honestly he does see why they shouldn't be able to go.
DM Mark - Home sweet home Monday March 18th, 2019 12:22:32 AM
The group was very firm with the WLA and Sage’s Guild representatives that they would not be returning to the Tecuri site with the Keepers. Velarin ask them if there are any suitable places to relocate a some orcs that were enslaved by the dwarves at the mine. Both the WLA and Sage’s Guild think relocating them is a bad idea. They add that letting orcs run lose is a bad idea. In fact, they think that orcs in general are a bad idea. They indirectly suggest that you, er, perhaps remove them from … existence.
(The DM will remind you that a couple of the surrounding villages had orcs, half-orcs and humans as part of their population, though the almost supernatural xenophobic attitude will be something you will need to overcome with some sort of incentive or coercion?)
Brom actually has no problem with the WLA or Sage’s Guild or both accompanying them, but he keeps his thought to himself.
Tishe suggests some ways to perhaps shield the Keepers from the influences of the mines and its environs. Lanliss suggests that perhaps creating feeling that are the opposite of the fear and mistrust the place seems to generate would help.
Edson asks if one of the spellcasters in the party can read a scroll he bought to add to his ring.
(I know some of you are waiting for the Catacombs to fulfill your purchase requests.)
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Monday March 18th, 2019 7:42:43 AM
Tishe' takes her evenings out in the garden behind The Manor, her loop shifting threads into patterns, into images. She takes her time, taking pleasure in her skills, designing a tapestry with the symbols and images of the heroes who call themselves Keepers of the Vale.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Monday March 18th, 2019 10:10:57 AM
(Sorry I hadn't posted over the weekend. I had my cable tv turned off ... but wanted to keep my internet service; which I expressed repeatedly to them. The cable company turned both off ... obviously. Im getting that resolved ... should have internet back on today.)
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Monday March 18th, 2019 1:28:31 PM
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Monday March 18th, 2019 1:31:01 PM
Test 2
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Monday March 18th, 2019 1:31:35 PM
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 135/135 d8=1 ; Monday March 18th, 2019 4:24:26 PM
Lanliss thinks about something that might prove useful to buy, considering to go to the catacombs, Lanliss going to spend his time sleeping as much as he can, because they might move soon. Lanliss will visit the catacombs quickly if he still have time.
OOC: d8=1 ; Hit dice for new level.
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 135/135 Monday March 18th, 2019 4:25:01 PM
test1: testing link
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Monday March 18th, 2019 7:01:05 PM
Barratore continues on his plans for the expansions to the orphanage to include apprenticeship trades for the children to learn. Barratore will visit with any of the merchants in town that might become part of the project through material acquisition and starts to put together overall costs to the project.
Eventually he becomes satisfied that he has all in order and presents the drawings and costs to the rest of the Keepers. "Look it over and tell me what you think. My next step was to present all of this to Lord Hmitri. Let him know what was being planned so he could be part of it and all. If we are going to be putting funds for him as well, he should see our bigger picture and expectations."
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) Monday March 18th, 2019 7:18:29 PM
Valerin spends his days in quite, peace and quiet with his books the sounds of candles melting and the thunderous nothing that will disturb him as reads and studies. It had been so very long, or so it seemed, that he was able to simply sit in his comfortable chair with his tomes, notes and manuscripts. Hazel and Wolfsbane burn lightly across the room and lends a relaxing aura with the scent.
Chores commercial, charitable, and congenial (DM Cayzle & DM Michael) Monday March 18th, 2019 8:37:31 PM
Tishe happily works on designing a tapestry with the symbols and images of the heroes who call themselves Keepers of the Vale.
Lanliss considers going to buy something at the Catacombs [OOC: feel free to shop; we’ll retroactively assume you have your gear purchased at this time]. With the remainder of his time he tries to sleep. [IMPORTANT OOC: Reroll all ones rolled for hit points please!]
Emrys seems a bit distracted ... [OOC: My friend, posting that you can’t make a post is better than silence ... but I’m not sure it counts in the Sherriff’s report! :-) ]
Barratore moves forward with plans for the orphans. [OOC: We’ll assume that these issues are all resolved; we urge you to add the details to the game’s Woldipedia page.]
Valerin enjoys some time to read and study.
Chores commercial, charitable, and congenial occupy the Keepers of the Vale, but soon the day arrives to finish the job that you started. It is time to head back to the cursed mining community. [OOC: Tomorrow your new DMs, Michael and Cayzle, will be making the first post of the new module. Please do describe your preparations, rituals, spell selections, marching order, and so on. Please feel free to be extra descriptive as your new DMs adjust to your game.]
Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 79/103 Monday March 18th, 2019 10:12:02 PM
Edson gets his shipment from the catacombs (jumpinh ahead ) and pulls out the scroll of extended greater invisibility.
" could one of you cast this to my ring of spell storing. "
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp59/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See, spectral hand. Monday March 18th, 2019 10:54:42 PM
Emrys continues contemplating his recent discoveries (leveling) and puts an inky quill to paper and scribes yet another shopping list for the Catacombs. A place he hasn't visited in years. Upon careful thought, he wads the paper into a ball and casts it to the floor. Many bundles of paper litter his floor and he becomes increasingly aggravated with each accumulation.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp74/74. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless Tuesday March 19th, 2019 12:01:58 AM
(Correcting Header. Subject to change)
Emrys continues his research in the privacy of his laboratory. Only Daemon and Angus assist him. At one point, Emrys becomes suddenly still. The quill drops from his hand."Soo soo many spells ... it's too much, too much...!" The rigors and stress of this transitional period is getting the better of the young witch. His body stiffens and convulses as his eyes roll back in his head. He falls to the floor and his limbs begin to flail about. Daemon immediate coils his body around him and constricts him tightly. Angus reaches for a wooden spoon to put in his mouth.
Outside in the calmness of night, as crickets chirp and a soft breeze blows, violent, green flashes of light erupt from the windows of the laboratory. A blaze like fire roars to life within its walls ... and as soon as it began, everything goes dark. Peace returns. The door opens and Angus slowly exits. He takes a deep breath of the cool night air and wipes the sweat from his brow. The normally stoic Angus looks disturbed at what he just witnessed. The soft voice of Daemon calls out to him saying, "He'ss awake." Angus dusts off his cloak and returns inside.
AC 22/ T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 136/136 Tishe’ (SteveK) Tuesday March 19th, 2019 6:29:19 AM
Tishe’ wakes and stretches, joints popping remind her she is far from twenty! Her wavy brown hair is in a tangle, but her travel clothes are clean and neat, and since she likes tossing her hair into a tail for travel, it doesn’t take long before her ablutions are done.
A couple of long-lasting spells (Endure Elements, and Detect Scrying) and once more about her room with a Prestidigitation to clean, and she walks downstairs to break her fast.
She smiles and joins in the conversation, immediately interested in everything, but often getting distracted by a new or interesting fact or movement; the two finches attacking the big crow out the window holds her attention for an entire minute! She does have the opportunity to tell the others of her newest spell: “Daylight, no more fighting with only torches and Darkvision!”, she pronounces.
She isn’t worried about her companions, she knows all of them well except for Lanliss, and the others have known him for years. Tishe’ knows they will travel in the usual formation, Brom and Barratorre in front, followed by Valerin and Tishe’, then Emrys, and Edson and presumeably Lanliss providing rear guard and a mobile reserve.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 194 (245 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) Tuesday March 19th, 2019 7:44:42 AM
Brom heads back out to the homestead. He spends a day or two. He finds it more calming out in the openness of the vale. He gives the dagger to the little girl and spends a few hours training the kids and training himself.
After a couple of days he heads back.
Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP: 141/141 d8=7 ; Tuesday March 19th, 2019 8:26:30 PM
Lanliss takes a stroll near the mansion, knowing that this time....they might face something scary....very very scary. Lanliss thinking contemplative wise, he thinks about his time away from the keepers and remembers a lot about the original group he joined long time ago, such is life, people come and people go. He wonders what is the true potential of the new woman that joined the group, he doesn't question her power but wonders what his her limit. He wonders what happened with Evaris and Baslim, but alas , he will ask at another time.
Now it is the time to focus at the task at hand, to save the world once again.
When they are ready to go he makes final check, just in case he forgets his trusty master work thieves tool.
ooc: rolled again, d8=7
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 32 (T 17 FF 26), CMD:42; HP: 195/211 Tuesday March 19th, 2019 9:40:23 PM
Barratore begins redrafting the plans so that he can submit them. A hearty breakfast and the purchase of a cask of ale, a thought hits him. Putting ale and stouts into smaller more portable containers like wine. He would need to get with a bright follower of Ffloy. Another thought than occurred, this new headband increasing his intelligence and wisdom was really doing its thing. He wondered if this was how V felt all of the time. A snort sets him right again and the fighter grabs his gear and heads outside to wait for the others and get a little morning sun