DM Kathy Thursday March 21st, 2019 11:30:52 PM Aexana comes back to herself, and Leafy lets her go.
Bralin stays with Aexana.
Tahni can tell that Lord Florian is about 600 feet in the direction you need to go. He is not presently moving.
As Terser and Fang call for Jozhur to hurry, Rill spots the other sword, which has skidded or rolled under a decorative planter, now devoid of plants.
Just then, the source of the noises comes into view. It is an immense purple spider, with a legspan of nearly forty feet and a hideously bloated body, but it moves with fluid grace. Right toward you.
Knowledge Arcana DC 24 Highlight to display spoiler: {It is a Leng spider.}
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 Friday March 22nd, 2019 3:20:05 AM "What is this place?!? A freak show?!?", Aex thinks.
RobC - Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC 22/13/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 154+20Temp/154 -- See Invis,ArcaneSight,DarkVision d20+23=41 ; Friday March 22nd, 2019 4:13:45 AM "That, my friends, is a leng spider" Tahni winces "It can fly like us, but can also dispel things - like air walk. It's also faster than us. We can't outrun it"
Tahni uses another Fey Hide-Away use to turn invisible and then waits to see what Jozhur does. She isn't going to leave him on his own.
------------- Knowl check vs DC24: 41=Pass! Checked with the DM as to how much Tahni learns from such things Move action 1: Turn Invisible Move action 2: Try and stay within 10ft of Jozhur
Terser (Warren) [AC22/13/19 - CMD 30 - HP 230/230, DR 3/-, Regen 1, Mind Blank] (25% no crit, rage 35/39, channel 7/7) d20+20=25 ; 2d8+9=14 ; Friday March 22nd, 2019 12:42:30 PM
Aggressive Beast + Dispels + Faster than us = take it out.
Terser's ears steam a little as he chugs through this odd equation, but the only thing to do it seems is take it out quickly.
Terser walks down to the ground a bit away from the spider (30 feet) and whips his hammer at it. Hey Ugly! Over here!
AC 25 for 14 damage
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 158/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp Friday March 22nd, 2019 2:59:26 PM
Jozhur moves up with Terser and draws a dagger to use with his sword. He spaces himself slightly to Tersers flank and has his shadow move even farther forward underground, poised to surface and flank the beast when it closes.
(MikeK)Bralin (AC39 / T20 / FF32) CMD 38 - HP 191/191) d20+20=26 ; d10+13=14 ; d6=2 ; Friday March 22nd, 2019 8:03:38 PM
Bralin partakes in the same mental math as Terser, and arrives at the same conclusion.
Moving down with his fellow dwarf, he too stops about 30' away and flings his waraxe at the spider. The weapon strikes and then returns to Bralin's hand.
--- Move to within 30' and attack using Magic Domain's Hand of the Acolyte
Atk hits ac 26 for 16 hp damage (2 cold)
In effect: Holy Aura - +4 deflection bonus to AC, SR 25 against evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures, protects the recipient from possession and mental influence, just as protection from evil does. Finally, if an evil creature succeeds on a melee attack against a creature warded by a holy aura, the offending attacker is blinded (Fortitude save negates, as blindness/deafness, but against holy aura's save DC).
Fang (Mitch) HP: 122/177 (152rage) AC: 30/20/25 (-2 while raging, +1 while hasted) DR 1 CMD: 22 Spell List Saturday March 23rd, 2019 8:02:57 AM
Fang doesn't do the mental math, but she sees everyone else moving to fight the spider so she goes shoulder to shoulder with the others at 30'
Rill (MarkB) HP 154/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 Saturday March 23rd, 2019 4:16:53 PM "Dispel Magic, eh? Thanks for the heads-up Tahni. And be careful - you may be invisible, but you still glow because of my spell"
(There is a Holy Aura on everyone but Uruth and the Shadow, causing everyone to be surrounded by a brilliant aura. Each has SR 25, AC and Save bonuses, mental protection, anyone striking you must make a DC 26 Fort save or be blind.)
If this weird creature actually casts Dispel Magic, Rill's Ring of Counterspells with a Greater Dispel Magic may kick in. If it's just a spell-like ability, never mind as those cannot be countered.
Rill will attempt to address the creature. "Listen up my spider. We may look like an easy meal to you, but I assure you that we are not. Fight us and you will surely die. Run away and you may yet live to see another day."
Finally, assuming spider means poison, Rill will pull out and read a scroll of Delay Posion, casting it on Jozhur, informing the rogue of what he just did.
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 Sunday March 24th, 2019 7:13:16 PM "Wow... that sounds bad... , Aexeagle thinks and she urges Leafy to stay with the rest of the group and... preferable out of trouble.
She herself flies up and attempts another summoning spell. (Aex attempts a second time to summon a huge Air Elemental (summon nature's ally VI)
"Let's hope that Mythal is in a good mood now... "
DM Kathy d100=90 ; d3=2 ; d20+24=41 ; Sunday March 24th, 2019 11:32:25 PM Tahni lets the group know what they are up against: a Leng spider. She misspoke a little--the spiders cannot fly, but they can cast Air Walk, and it's probably too much to hope that this creatures has already exhausted its castings for the day. She turns invisible and stays aloft.
Terser stands ready to face the spider, as do Bralin, Jozhur, and Fang.
Rill pulls out a scroll of Delay Poison, and tries to dissuade the spider from attacking.
Aexana tries another summoning spell. The Mythal flickers, and suddenly Aexana is surrounded by a cloud of bubbles, streaming upward. The cloud surrounds her for 40 feet, catching Leafy and Tahni in the area as well. The bubbles make it difficult to see; everything outside the area has concealment.
The spider only hisses in response to Rill. Its mandibles move, and a glob of sticky webbing streaks toward Bralin. It hits! Bralin is entangled, and needs a DC 25 Strength or Escape Artist check to free himself.
And the map. Those on the ground are on a wide boulevard, which was once quite graceful. There are buildings on either side of you.
Rill (MarkB) HP 154/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 Monday March 25th, 2019 1:38:03 PM
(Rill cast Delay Poison from a scroll on Jozhur last round - unless there was something that was preventing that.)
Rill steps over to Bralin, pulling out another scroll as he goes, and uses his Dimensional Hop ability to shift both of us both 5' forward and freeing Bralin from that nasty webbing.
(My understanding is that this use of web works like a net. If the DM rules that that this net is actually attached to Bralin and would come with him, Rill will instead cast Freedom of Movement on the dwarf and we would both be back 5'.)
Terser (Warren) [AC22/13/19 - CMD 30 - HP 230/230, DR 3/-, Regen 1, Mind Blank] (25% no crit, rage 35/39, channel 7/7) d20+23=39 ; 3d10+12=31 ; Monday March 25th, 2019 3:51:56 PM
Terser moves around to the side, hopefully drawing the Spider's attack and opening up its other side for Jozhur to do his work.
Vital Strike vs AC 39 - 31 damage
(MikeK)Bralin (AC39 / T20 / FF32) CMD 38 - HP 191/191) d20+22=25 ; 3d10+21=38 ; d6=6 ; Monday March 25th, 2019 6:55:42 PM
Bralin waves Rill off. The dwarf had been stuck once too often in the recent past, and on his last trip to the Catacombs, he resolved to remedy that. On a finger underneath one gauntlet, Bralin sports a shiny, new, Ring of Freedom of Movement.
He stomps forward out of the goop, and slams his axe into the creature.
-- Move forward and attack. No AoO due to Spring Attack feat. Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack
Atk hits ac 25 for 44 hp damage (6 cold)
In effect: Holy Aura - +4 deflection bonus to AC, SR 25 against evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures, protects the recipient from possession and mental influence, just as protection from evil does. Finally, if an evil creature succeeds on a melee attack against a creature warded by a holy aura, the offending attacker is blinded (Fortitude save negates, as blindness/deafness, but against holy aura's save DC).
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 d20+29=49 ; Monday March 25th, 2019 7:40:02 PM
Aex is frustrated as yet again she fails to summon some helpers... now and Leafy are caught in this bubble thing... she listens closely trying to discerns which way her friends are... (perception 49 - assuming that's sufficient to find her way out)
"That way my friend" she says and points the way out to Leafy. Both head towards their friends. If Aex or Leafy can spot Tahni they'll show her the way too.
Leafy almost bumps into Rillet when they reach the end of the bubble bath spell.
RobC - Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC 22/13/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 154+20Temp/154 -- See Invis,ArcaneSight,DarkVision Monday March 25th, 2019 7:58:14 PM
Tahni ascends higher to clear the way for the others.
Fang (Mitch) HP: 122/177 (152rage) AC: 30/20/25 (-2 while raging, +1 while hasted) DR 1 CMD: 22 Spell List d20+25=30 ; d10+13=21 ; Monday March 25th, 2019 8:02:26 PM
Fang attacks, 30 to hit 21 damage.
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 158/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp d20+21=26 ; d20+23=36 ; d6+5=6 ; 6d6=19 ; 2d6=10 ; d20+14=18 ; d6=1 ; Monday March 25th, 2019 8:22:05 PM
Jozhur moves forward to flank with Terser, and his shadow positions opposite Bralin. Jozhur lunges with his sword while the shadow reach's for the spider with it's special touch.
--------------- Ignore acrobatics roll, move requires full speed. Jozhur has +4 AC vs opportunity attacks
Attack hits AC 36: 6 damage, plus 19 sneak damage and 2 STR damage.+10 damage if spider is evil
Shadows touch hits touch AC 18: 1 STR damage
Rill (MarkB) HP 154/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 Monday March 25th, 2019 11:03:31 PM
In response Bralin's gesture Rill holds off casting a spell.
DM Kathy d20+22=28 ; d20+17=23 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+16=36 ; d20+16=20 ; 2d6+4=13 ; d4=2 ; Monday March 25th, 2019 11:15:07 PM Rill successfully cast from his scroll last round. He moves to Bralin, intending to free him, but the dwarf is way ahead of him and calmly steps out of the webbing. He attacks the spider, but his axe bounces off the creature's thick skin.
Terser has better luck, hitting and doing damage. Fang's attack also finds its mark.
Aexana manages to find her way out of the bubbles, which disappear at the end of the round. She points Leafy toward the fray. Tahni ascends, trying to stay out of the way.
Jozhur also hits, as does his shadow.
Up close, you can see that the spider has attached a thick strand of webbing to one of its legs. The other end of the strand is wrapped around a good-sized chunk of masonry. It swings this odd weapon at Terser, but misses. It tries to bite Fang, and hits! Fang takes 13 damage, and is poisoned! Fang must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or take 2 points of Strength damage and become Confused.
And the map. Does Jozhur also have a spring attack? Or should he be closer to the critter?
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 158/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp Monday March 25th, 2019 11:25:35 PM
No, Jozhur should be closer and provoke, sorry.
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 158/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp Monday March 25th, 2019 11:57:20 PM
Correction, Jozhur does have spring attack, but I thought it only applies if actually used, which Jozhur cannot do and also sneak attack, due to being out of movement.
RobC - Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC 22/13/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 154+20Temp/154 -- See Invis,ArcaneSight,DarkVision d20+16=22 ; 5d8=28 ; Tuesday March 26th, 2019 8:32:21 AM
Now higher than the bubbles Tahni can see the spider more clearly. The group look to have it surrounded nicely. She casts a spell to try and help them out
Umith sends a Searing Light spell at the spider
-------------- Umith Move: Fly closer to the action Standard: Use Spell-like ability to cast Searing Light. Hits Touch AC22 for 28pts damage.
Tahni Standard: Cast Haste on Terser, Fang, Jozhur, Bralin and Shadow
Terser (Warren) [AC22/13/19 - CMD 30 - HP 230/230, DR 3/-, Regen 1, Mind Blank] (25% no crit, rage 35/39, channel 7/7) d20+22=24 ; d20+22=41 ; d20+22=33 ; 3d10=18 ; d20+17=35 ; d10+24=32 ; d20+12=16 ; Tuesday March 26th, 2019 11:31:06 AM
Terser is so used to getting pummeled on the regular that he's surprised when the spider actually misses him. He keeps an eye on Fang's reaction to the spider venom, ready to suppress the confusion if it takes hold. liberation aura
Should she be unaffected, he will instead unleash a full attack on the spider, trying to power it down as quickly as possible. If Tahni's spell doesn't work, he'll use a charge of his own power to draw on some haste anyway.
1st Attack - miss Haste attack - Crit (confirms to 33) for 90 damage 2nd attack - AC 35 for 32 damage 3rd attack - miss
Rill (MarkB) HP 154/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 d20+37=56 ; Tuesday March 26th, 2019 12:58:42 PM
Rill shakes his head sadly. This seems to be an intelligent, skilled creature so bent on murder that it will be its undoing. Oh well. "Hey you stupid spider - I tried to warn you."
Rill knows that doesn't really help the spider much, but it makes him feel a little better.
The cleric relies on his Status spell to keep tabs on any injuries or conditions that may affect his friends as he rises up a bit to look around for any new adversaries (Perception 56). Once again, he'll use Sense Outsider to scan the area for any outsider, fey, demon, devil, or elemental may be within 1,040 feet - including Florian.
Rill shares what he learns.
---------------------------- Sense Outsider - Sense direction and distance to any outsider, fey, demon, devil, or elemental within 1,040 ft., even through solid objects.
(MikeK)Bralin (AC39 / T20 / FF32) CMD 38 - HP 191/191) d20+24=34 ; d10+21=31 ; d6=4 ; d20+19=23 ; d20+14=22 ; d20+24=34 ; d10+21=26 ; d6=1 ; Tuesday March 26th, 2019 6:22:16 PM
Bralin sets his feet, and slams away.
-- Full attack, power attack. Atk 1 hits ac 34 for 35 hp (4 cold) Atk 2 misses Atk 3 misses Haste atk (due to Axe of Speed) hits ac 34 for 27 hp (1 cold)
In effect: Holy Aura - +4 deflection bonus to AC, SR 25 against evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures, protects the recipient from possession and mental influence, just as protection from evil does. Finally, if an evil creature succeeds on a melee attack against a creature warded by a holy aura, the offending attacker is blinded (Fortitude save negates, as blindness/deafness, but against holy aura's save DC).
Fang (Mitch) HP: 109/177 (152rage) AC: 30/20/25 (-2 while raging, +1 while hasted) DR 1 CMD: 22 Spell List d20+20=26 ; d20+28=40 ; d20+28=41 ; d20+23=40 ; d20+18=23 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+15=25 ; d10+15=17 ; d10+15=16 ; d10+15=21 ; d10+15=17 ; Tuesday March 26th, 2019 8:57:37 PM
Fang easily shakes off the poison and proceeds to fly into a rage and tear into the thing.
Save - 26
Attack 1: 40 to hit, 17 damage Attack 2: 40 to hit, 16damage Attack 3: 23 to hit, 21 damage Attack (hasted): 41 to hit, 17 damage
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 d20+19=31 ; 3d6+10=19 ; d8=6 ; d2=1 ; Tuesday March 26th, 2019 8:58:17 PM
Aex does not interfere in the spider bashing... she's euhm... well not really a fan of spiders... let alone one so big as this one. Instead she keeps an eye out on those who might be needed some healing to removal of poison soon. As soon as the spider is dispatched she'll swoop down, change back and start handing out the designated potions.
Leafy just get's close enough with his 10ft reach to make a single slam at the spider. Slam hits AC31 - damage 19HP + 6 sonic damage + thorns (+1 dex)
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 158/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp d20+14=21 ; d6=4 ; d20+21=39 ; d20+21=38 ; d20+19=31 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+10=12 ; d6+5=10 ; d6+5=6 ; d4+3=5 ; 6d6=15 ; 6d6=23 ; 6d6=23 ; 2d6=3 ; 2d6=9 ; Tuesday March 26th, 2019 9:26:09 PM
Jozhur really doesn't like spiders, especially huge ones. He attacks in a flurry of blades. ------------------------------ Shadow's touch hits touch AC 21: 4 STR damage
First attack hits AC 39: 10 damage, 15 sneak damage, 3 damage if evil, 2 STR damage Haste attack hits AC 38: 6 damage, 23 sneak damage, 9 damage if evil, 2 STR damage First off hand hits AC 31 (adamantine dagger): 5 damage, 23 sneak damage, 2 STR damage
Second main misses with 18 Second Off hand misses with 23 Third main misses with 12
Will use boots of haste if Tahni's spell gets borked.
DM Kathy d100=28 ; Tuesday March 26th, 2019 11:35:31 PM
You have the creature surrounded, and your attacks are just too much for it. It drops to the cobbles, stabbed, slashed, clobbered, drained, frozen, and scorched.
Fang needs to make another save to rid herself of the poison. [DC 25 Fort.]
Rill finds that the Outsider he's been sensing is in the same place it was the last time he looked.
Tahni attempts to cast a spell. The Mythal flickers, but the Haste spell goes off normally.
You hear something else approaching.
Rill (MarkB) HP 154/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 Tuesday March 26th, 2019 11:53:14 PM "We have an objective, and I think something is intentionally delaying us. Let's move. Jozhur - which way."
Rill looks for adversaries, and will look again as we move toward our real objective (please see previous roll or let me know if you want me to roll again.)
RobC - Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC 22/13/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 154+20Temp/154 -- See Invis,ArcaneSight,DarkVision Wednesday March 27th, 2019 12:24:05 AM
Tahni is in complete agreement with Rill. "Let's get out of here"
Whichever way Jozhur goes Tahni will follow.
Terser (Warren) [AC22/13/19 - CMD 30 - HP 230/230, DR 3/-, Regen 1, Mind Blank] (25% no crit, rage 35/39, channel 7/7) Wednesday March 27th, 2019 4:25:18 PM
Terser agrees as well. Something may be testing us, or just trying to make us burn through our power before discovering it. Let's find this mastermind before any more of its pets find us.
(MikeK)Bralin (AC39 / T20 / FF32) CMD 38 - HP 191/191) Wednesday March 27th, 2019 5:11:01 PM
"Aye" agrees Bralin.
The dwarf moves out after Jozhur.
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 Wednesday March 27th, 2019 8:28:31 PM
Aexeagle flaps her wings agreeing with the plan to get out of here. Keeping an eye out from above she follows the rest. Leafy, done flying for now, prefers to stay on the ground and will walk with the rest towards safer places... let's hope...
Fang (Mitch) HP: 109/177 (152rage) AC: 30/20/25 (-2 while raging, +1 while hasted) DR 1 CMD: 22 Spell List d20+20=40 ; Wednesday March 27th, 2019 9:07:57 PM
Fang makes her save, sheathes her axe, and flies out with the rest of the party (we're back to flying right?)
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 158/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp d20+24=37 ; d20+25=35 ; Wednesday March 27th, 2019 10:17:49 PM
Did someone have a bead on Jozhur's sword? If so, he will grab it quickly, with the haste spell active. Otherwise, he will move out in the direction the guidance spell takes him, being careful not to outpace everyone.
---------------- Sounds like we may be back to walking?
Perception: 37 Stealth:35
DM Kathy Wednesday March 27th, 2019 11:09:44 PM Jozhur had spotted his sword before the fight began, but he hadn't had time to get it out from under the planter. Now he grabs it, ascends with his companions, and points the way to your destination.
The rest of the group also takes to the air. You pass over a few monsters, who variously roar and snarl at you as you skim by out of their reach.
Rill can tell that the outsider he's been tracking is directly ahead. As you near the location, you hear the sounds of combat ahead of you, along with what might be a cry for help.
Rill (MarkB) HP 154/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 d8=1 ; d8=6 ; d8=8 ; d8=6 ; d8=6 ; d8=2 ; d8=8 ; d8=5 ; d8=8 ; d8=1 ; d8=3 ; Thursday March 28th, 2019 1:46:17 AM
As we go, Rill will spend a few rounds of charges from a wand of Sure Light Wounds to heal Fang.
9 charges used - a total of 61 points of curing to Fang.
(I'll assume that Holy Aura which lasts 16 rounds is no longer in effect on any of us. Is this correct?)
RobC - Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC 22/13/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 154+20Temp/154 -- See Invis,ArcaneSight,DarkVision Thursday March 28th, 2019 8:45:51 AM
Tahni suspects the call for help to be from Florian. She takes a moment to let Fang in on what the party learnt of him when they first crossed paths
"Rill sensed Florian as being evil and I noticed he was carrying cruel weapons. As for now, well, I thought we were aligning with him to work together not only to get in here but also to share whatever treasure is found. It seems he has broken that trust to go off on his own to seek any treasure for himself. It may be a coincidence but he has also been heading straight to where we need to go. I think he's hiding something from us"
Terser (Warren) [AC22/13/19 - CMD 30 - HP 230/230, DR 3/-, Regen 1, Mind Blank] (25% no crit, rage 35/39, channel 7/7) Thursday March 28th, 2019 2:05:26 PM Rill: sounds like a new name for inflict: Sure, you can have light wounds!
Terser takes a moment to appreciate his new armor and ring, noticing how much easier it's been making things on Rill. He has to resist the urge to go snuggle one of the cuter vicious monsters, but there are important things to do.
If we find Florian again, we should find out exactly what treasure he's seeking. Wouldn't it just be perfect if he were here for the same artifact we are? What do we know about his capabilities if it comes down to a fight?
(MikeK)Bralin (AC39 / T20 / FF32) CMD 38 - HP 191/191) Thursday March 28th, 2019 6:06:12 PM
"As he has proved false," Bralin opines, we are under no oaths to assist his quest."
Overhearing the sounds ahead, he continues. "Yet it seems the fight again comes us."
The dwarf moves forward to see what new monsters await.
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 Thursday March 28th, 2019 7:59:40 PM
Reluctantly Leafy walks through the air again. He does prefer to having his roots touch the ground beneath him. Aexana flies along with the rest.
Fang (Mitch) HP: 170/177 (152rage) AC: 30/20/25 (-2 while raging, +1 while hasted) DR 1 CMD: 22 Spell List Thursday March 28th, 2019 7:59:57 PM
Fang listens to the others debate about the Fey. If he had played them false and wanted to take the treasure out from their noses she'd have an axe due for a meeting with his neck.
Rill (MarkB) HP 154/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 Thursday March 28th, 2019 10:55:06 PM
Rillett Savenport's countenance darkens as the subject of Florian comes up.
In a low voice, he says, "Understand that it will not take much provocation for me to end Florian quickly and decisively. I have looked into his soul, and he exists only to use others for his benefit.
"For it is written, The white sail that is a man's soul runs full as he approaches the promontory that will be his death. Florian has come to this place to seek his fortune and hopes to cheat death in the process. It may be that we are destined to be that promontory upon which his life ends."
DM Kathy Thursday March 28th, 2019 11:03:16 PM
As you travel, Rill uses his wand to heal Fang. After 9 rounds of wand use, your Holy Aura has indeed expired.
Tahni gives Fang a little more info about the group's previous encounter with Lord Florian. Terser worries that he might be after the same artifact you are, and Bralin is just about done with the Vilderavn either way.
You approach the sounds of battle, and find that it is indeed Florian who is calling for help. He is in his humanoid form, beset by a half-dozen multi legged blue reptiles with curling horns on their heads. Knowledge Arcana DC 18 Highlight to display spoiler: {They are behirs}. Florian is wounded, and his leg appears to be trapped in something, which might explain why he hasn't just turned into a raven and flown away.
And speaking of flying away, you could do that if you want. Of course, this is supposed to be a test of your mettle.
Rill (MarkB) HP 154/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 d20+6=23 ; Friday March 29th, 2019 12:08:03 AM
As the cosmos reminds Rill that we are here to prove our abilities, our team work and our commitment to doing what is right he is just a tiny bit disappointed that Florian is not doing some despicable thing.
He sighs, "Well. We should probably save the poor soul. Even if he did abandon us."
Knowledge check is 23.
Rill looks at the HUGE eight-legged monstrosities below. "I think these things are called Behir. Legend has it that they shoot lightning out of their mouths and can swallow you whole. Keep a short blade handy."
Rill will cast Protection from Energy, Electricity on Terser.
RobC - Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC 22/13/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 154+20Temp/154 -- See Invis,ArcaneSight,DarkVision Friday March 29th, 2019 12:30:48 AM
Tahni nods in agreement at Rill's identification of the creatures.
"Fang. Bralin. You're next"
Tahni casts Resist Energy on Fang, and then does the same for Bralin with her lesser quicken rod
"I've got more resists available if anyone wants one"
".. and if they work" she silently adds to herself.
---------------- Free action: Retrieve rod from glove Standard action: Cast Resist Energy (Electric - 30) on Fang Swift action: Cast Resist Energy (Electric - 30) on Bralin
Terser (Warren) [AC22/13/19 - CMD 30 - HP 230/230, DR 3/-, Regen 1, Mind Blank] (25% no crit, rage 35/39, channel 7/7) Friday March 29th, 2019 1:38:59 PM 8 legs and lightning? Did a drider and a blue dragon have a night of passion at a love spring?
Not relishing the idea of being swallowed, Terser attempts a spell of his own. Cast Enlarge Person
Fang (Mitch) HP: 170/177 (152rage) AC: 30/20/25 (-2 while raging, +1 while hasted) DR 1 CMD: 22 Spell List Friday March 29th, 2019 7:29:09 PM
Fang see's an ally in danger and her gut reaction is to fly into a rage and charge in. Instead she takes a single move action forward and waits for the rest of the party to be ready.
And she hopes she isn't going to turn into a newt or something since someone cast on her.
(MikeK)Bralin (AC37 / T16 / FF32) CMD 38 - HP 191/191) Friday March 29th, 2019 8:25:39 PM
Bralin raises an eyebrow as Tahni casts a spell on him, but says nothing.
He holds with Terser and Fang as the group prepares.
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 Sunday March 31st, 2019 4:42:22 PM
('ve got a number of Resist Energy potions but it was pointed out to me that for potions I needed to specify the type of energy when creating it. As such I will not use these potions... )
Aex signals Leafy to be careful. She, with the intentions to start casting spells, flies a little bit away from the group. Who knows what the Mythal will do with her spells and she dares not risk the life of her friends if any of her spells go horribly wrong. With no one use close and personal yet with these fearesome creatures Aex takes her chances with the Mythal...
Rather than going on the offensive and risking to hurt Florian down there Aex considers containing him to be the best option right now.
Casting Wall of Stone. Assuming no Behirs are within 5ft from Florian, Aex conjures a small round iglo shaped structure around and over Florian. He'll have plenty of air inside as she leaves a coin shaped opening at the top... Small, because she wants the walls to be as thick as possible. (Cast at CL 14 she has 14x5ft of wall available)
With any luck the Behirs won't try to destroy the little stone iglo. If they do... they would probably have swallowed Florian anyhow.
Now if the Mythal is in a bad mood... Aex hopes she doesn't end up in a stone sphere in mid air ready to plummet down to the ground...
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 158/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp Sunday March 31st, 2019 8:04:20 PM
Jozhur nods in agreement with Rill. Florian is no "ally", but they are probably obligated to prevent him from being eaten.
Jozhur waives off the lightning resistance, thinking he can probably do without. The rogue moves up with Fang, keeping his shadow just in tow.
DM Kathy d100=13 ; d100=16 ; d100=91 ; d100=71 ; d4=4 ; d100=54 ; Sunday March 31st, 2019 10:50:07 PM Rill tells his companions a little about the creatures, called Bahirs. He attempts to cast a spell. The Mythal flickers, but the Protection from Energy spell works normally.
Tahni risks two spells. The spell on Fang works normally. The spell on Bralin also appears to work normally, but Tahni thinks that there may have been something off about it.
Terser offers a horrifying suggestion about how the monsters came to be, and tries a spell of his own. It does not work. The Mythal flickers, and suddenly Terser has a tentacle growing out of his chest. It thrashes around, now and then threatening to pull Terser off balance. He doesn't seem to be able to control the tentacle.
Aexana attempts to encase the vilderavn in a Wall of Stone. The Mythal flickers, and the spell is lost. Nothing else seems to happen, however.
RobC - Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC 22/13/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 154+20Temp/154 -- See Invis,ArcaneSight,DarkVision d20+16=20 ; 11d6=36 ; Monday April 1st, 2019 4:55:14 AM
Tahni elects not to tell Bralin about the spell thing. Probably best not to worry him. Besides, it's not like he has an extra body pa... "Holy Maab, Terser has a tentacle!"
Tahni decides to focus on that for the moment and does what she can to .. 'correct' the condition. It's not like she could make things worse, right?
Umith moves a little to breathe on the Behir things. If it wasn't for Florian it would be more impressive.
-------------- Tahni Cast Dispel Magic on Terser's new body part. Dispel check: 20
Umith Use Breath Weapon. Angled, it hits the three right hand beasties whilst avoiding everyone else (including Florian) 36pts fire damage. Ref Save vs DC19 for half
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 Monday April 1st, 2019 6:06:17 PM "Three spells... three fails... either the Mythal hates me or there's something that I'm missing here... why are my spells not working... " Aex thinks.
Frustrated that so far none of her spells have worked Aex. With most of the group back on the ground Aex takes the rear of the group (no one else on the map yet but let's assume Aex takes the rear) and changes back to her own Gnome self. At least her potions seem to work just fine so perhaps she'll be better not changing.
Leafy takes Aex's flank ready to engage when called for.
(MikeK)Bralin (AC37 / T16 / FF32) CMD 38 - HP 191/191) d20+22=34 ; 3d10+21=40 ; d6=1 ; Monday April 1st, 2019 7:55:40 PM
Thankful not to have suffered another 'incident' at the hand of well meaning spell casters, Bralin moves in to engage the foe.
-- Move (Spring Attack feat avoids AoO) and attack (Imp Vital Strk, Power Attk) Green Behir.
Hits ac 34 for 41 hp damage (1 cold)
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 158/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp d20+23=28 ; d6+5=6 ; 6d6=22 ; 2d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d20+14=28 ; Monday April 1st, 2019 9:47:38 PM
Jozhur lets out a little sigh as he moves in to help Florian. Not completely convinced this isn't some sort of trap, he's careful not to overcommit. Jozhur has his shadow flank with him.
Jozhur barely even notices Terser's tentacle, so much stranger things have happened.
---------------------------- Spring attack move Attack on green ugly hits AC 28: 6 damage, 22 sneak damage, 5 damage if evil, 2 STR damage
Shadows touch hits touch AC 28, 6 STR damage to the dark red ugly
Fang (Mitch) HP: 170/177 (152rage) AC: 30/20/25 (-2 while raging, +1 while hasted) DR 1 CMD: 22 Spell List d20+25=38 ; d10+13=21 ; Monday April 1st, 2019 11:24:46 PM
Fang rushes an enemy, taking a slightly circuitous route to try to avoid the reach of another. She then attacks!
38 to hit, 21 damage.
Terser (Warren) [AC22/13/19 - CMD 30 - HP 230/230, DR 3/-, Regen 1, Mind Blank] (25% no crit, rage 35/39, channel 7/7) d20+23=27 ; 3d10+23=44 ; Monday April 1st, 2019 11:32:19 PM
Tentacle or no, he's got to get in and support his friends. He moves in to attack, flanking with Jozhur.
AC 27 - vital strike 44 damage
DM Kathy d100=74 ; d4=1 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+15=31 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d20+22=33 ; d20+15=26 ; d20+15=24 ; d20+15=27 ; Monday April 1st, 2019 11:43:46 PM Tahni decides that what Bralin doesn't know won't hurt him. Then she sees Terser's predicament, and attempts to remedy it. The Mythal flickers.
Terser grows an extra arm. It also flails about, and Terser cannot control it.
Meanwhile, Umith breathes on several of the Behirs. The blue one fails its save; the other two make theirs.
Aexana is discourage by the fact that none of her spells have worked. On the plus side, none of them have made anybody grow spare body parts, so there's that. She moves to the rear of the group.
[OOC: Everybody is on the map. The light green is a wide boulevard; the dark green is buildings, which you are flying over.]
Bralin moves to attack one of the Behirs. He hits, and does damage. However, all his weapon damage s is non-lethal. [Also, you can't combine Spring Attack with Vital Strike.]
Jozhur moves up to sneak-attack the same Behir. He hits, and does damage. Regular, lethal damage. He and his shadow both do Strength damage as well.
Fang attacks and does damage.
The green Behir goes down. It is not dead, because of the non-lethal damage, but I took it off the board to avoid confusion.
The gray Behir attacks Jozhur! It hits! Jozhur takes 15 damage and is grappled (unless you have Freedom of Movement or something like that).
The red Behir breathes a line of electricity, but Florian dodges the worst of it. The blue and purple Behirs try to bite him but miss.
The brown Behir moves to attack Bralin, but misses.
RobC - Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC 22/13/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 154+20Temp/154 -- See Invis,ArcaneSight,DarkVision d4=1 ; 11d6=36 ; Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 7:48:48 AM
Umith is able to quickly breathe a cone of fire again.
Tahni isn't going to shirk away from casting spells. This time though perhaps it would be best risking herself than the others.
She attempts to disable the behirs as best she can - even at her own expense.
----------------------- Tahni Cast Living Voodoo Doll to intentionally blind herself and the five behirs.
Umith Breath weapon every 1d4=1 rounds. Hits the three east ones again. 36pts fire damage. Ref Save vs DC19 for half
Rill (MarkB) HP 154/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 d20+17=19 ; d20+37=40 ; Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 12:24:22 PM
Rill rouses himself from his momentary lapse of attention.
He can see that Jozhur is grappled, but recalls the rogue waving Rill off the last time this sort of thing happened.
He looks at Florian, trying to get a sense of how injured the vilderaven is (Heal check 19.) He also looks at Florian's leg to see what is restraining it (Perception 40.) Rill will share what he learns on both counts.
"Hey Florian - what happened?"
Assuming Rill's status effect tells him that Tahni is blind, Rill will ask her about this, learning that she has cast a spell to cause this effect.
Finally, Rill will move up to Fang and touch her with Guidance (this grants her a +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check made in the next minute.)
(MikeK)Bralin (AC37 / T16 / FF32) CMD 38 - HP 191/191) d20+26=34 ; d10+13=17 ; d6=6 ; d20+21=29 ; d10+13=16 ; d6=2 ; d20+16=25 ; d10+13=17 ; d6=5 ; d20+26=44 ; d10+13=16 ; d6=2 ; Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 6:40:15 PM
Bralin's brow furrows at the lack of gaping wounds caused by his axe. However, as the beasts seem to feeling the blow, he steps in to the Brown Behir, and unleashes a flurry of blows.
-- 5' Step Full Attack. Atk 1 hits ac 34 for 23 hp (6 cold) Atk 2 hits ac 29 for 18 hp (2 cold) Atk 3 hits ac 25 for 22 hp (5 cold) Speed Atk hits ac 44 for 18 hp (2 cold)
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 d20+19=23 ; d20+19=23 ; d20+14=22 ; 3d6+10=20 ; 3d6+10=26 ; 3d6+10=17 ; d8=6 ; d8=6 ; d2=1 ; d2=2 ; d2=1 ; Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 6:48:04 PM
Being back in Gnome shape Aex rummages through her pants pockets and digs up a number of Freedom of Movement potions. She tosses one to Leafy but her companion doesn't drink it yet...
"Drink this to avoid getting grappled!!"
She passes Leafy and Tahni and puts a freedom of movement in Tahni's hands as she moves up to Rill and Fang... "Take this so they won't grapple you!!".
One of the Behirs is pretty close to Leafy so instead of drinking the potion he makes a full attack and slams into it with is 10ft range immediately.
Slam 1 hits AC 23 - Damage 20 + 6 Sonic damage + thorns -1 DEX FORT DC23 to negate Slam 2 hits AC 23 - Damage 26 + 6 Sonic damage + thorns -2 DEX FORT DC23 to negate Slam 3 hits AC 22 - Damage 17
Slam hits AC
Rill (MarkB) HP 154/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 d20+17=35 ; Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 7:08:07 PM
Hmmm, Non-lethal damage, eh?
Rill looks as each behir is hit to see if an how they are being damaged by different weapon types to see if he can tell why they only take non-lethal damage.
(Heal check 35 to see how the Behir are "damaged")
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 158/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 7:20:35 PM
Jozhur is wearing a ring of freedom of movement. I'll post when I get to my PC later tonight.
Fang (Mitch) HP: 170/177 (152rage) AC: 30/20/25 (-2 while raging, +1 while hasted) DR 1 CMD: 22 Spell List d20+26=38 ; d10+13=22 ; Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 7:28:35 PM
Seeing as the others are fighting the one one the left Fang moves to engage the one on the right. She stays out of rage for now, as the last one went down easily and she might need to heal Florian or others.
38 to hit, 22 damage
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 143/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp d20+21=26 ; d20+21=30 ; d20+15=33 ; d20+15=29 ; d6+5=7 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+4=6 ; d6+4=5 ; 6d6=24 ; 6d6=20 ; 6d6=17 ; 6d6=26 ; 2d6=11 ; 2d6=5 ; 2d6=4 ; 2d6=8 ; d20+25=42 ; d20+10=11 ; Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 9:28:37 PM
Jozhur takes a glance at Florian, hoping to determine what, exactly, his problem is (perception: 42). He steps into the nearby reptilian monster and gets to stabbing.
----------------------------------- Shadow: double move to flank without provoking Jozhur: 5' step and full attack the aqua colored one
First hits AC 26: 7 damage, 24 sneak damage, 11 if evil Off hand hits AC 30: 11 damage, 20 sneak damage, 5 if evil Second main hits AC 33: 6 damage, 17 sneak damage, 4 if evil Second off hand hits AC 29: 5 damage, 26 sneak damage, 8 if evil Third main misses
Terser (Warren) [AC22/13/19 - CMD 30 - HP 230/230, DR 3/-, Regen 1, Mind Blank] (25% no crit, rage 35/39, channel 7/7) d20+23=42 ; d20+23=27 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+13=27 ; 3d10=9 ; d10+23=31 ; d10+23=31 ; Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 10:05:19 PM
Taking them down temporarily will lead to permanent death eventually. Terser doesn't think too hard and concentrates on beating them down. Maybe the tentacle and arm will hit them too.
Threat : confirm to accept 27 72 damage Unconfirmed crit 31 damage AC 27 31 damage
DM Kathy d20+8=23 ; d20+8=24 ; d20+8=24 ; d100=25 ; 7d6=19 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+15=30 ; Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 11:32:36 PM
Umith breathes on the behirs again. This time, they all make their saves, but they do take damage Meanwhile, Tahni casts a spell. The Mythal flickers, and the spell works normally. At least, Tahni has to assume it does; she can't see anything at the moment.
Rill can tell that Florian is injured, with less than half his hit points remaining. His leg appears to be caught in some kind of hole. The vilderavn does not answer when you ask him what happened. Rill attempts to cast Guidance...and the Mythal doesn't react at all. Interesting. Also, you can tell that only Bralin is doing non-lethal damage. He doesn't seem to intend to do it, but that's what he's doing.
Bralin steps up to the brown behir and starts swinging. He is still doing non-lethal damage, but he is doing a lot of it.
Aexana distributes potions while Leafy attacks the gray behir.
Between them, Jozhur and Fang finish off the gray behir. Jozhur can tell that Florian is trapped and injured, but still fighting.
Terser also attacks. [You don't seem to be in melee range of any of them. Did you want to move and attack the brown one? Then your first attack would count.]
The brown behir shifts sideways and breathes a line of electricity, which will catch Bralin, Rill, and Leafy. They all take 19 damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half.
The red behir shifts to attack Jozhur, but misses.
The blue and purple behirs attack Florian, and one of them hits! Florian strikes back with his sword!
RobC - Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC 22/13/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 154+20Temp/154 -- See Invis,ArcaneSight,DarkVision d4=4 ; d20+16=21 ; 5d8=25 ; Wednesday April 3rd, 2019 12:32:27 AM
It will be some time before Umith can use his breath attack again, so instead tries to catch the red behir with a searing light spell.
Tahni tries to protect herself in case her spell didn't work properly.
------------ Tahni: Move action: Use Fey Hide-away ability to turn invisible for 1 round
Umith: Breathe weapon ability: d4=4 rounds. Use spell-like ability to cast searing light on the red behir. Hits Touch AC21 for 25pts damage
Rill (MarkB) HP 144/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 d20+13=24 ; Wednesday April 3rd, 2019 12:36:01 PM
The acrid smell of ozone burns his nose a bit as Rill manages to dodge some of the lightning. (10 damage)
"Bralin is the only one doing non-lethal damage, and I'm guessing he was adversely affected by a spell that was twisted by the Mythal. Also, it seems like the Mythal doesn't affect zero level spells, so that's something."
He can see the stupid vilderaven is in trouble.
"Florian is caught. I'll get him out. Cover me."
Rill will dash straight forward, then he will touch Florian and use Dimensional Hop to move both of them back 10' and over 5'.
Terser (Warren) [AC22/13/19 - CMD 30 - HP 230/230, DR 3/-, Regen 1, Mind Blank] (25% no crit, rage 35/39, channel 7/7) d20+23=32 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=23 ; d20+13=27 ; d10+23=24 ; d10+23=32 ; d10+23=27 ; Wednesday April 3rd, 2019 4:43:42 PM sorry, been posting on my phone. I should have moved on the Monday post and been in range for yesterday. If someone can move me on, that'd be awesome :-)
Terser continues his assault on the nearest target, as it's the fastest way to get Florian out of his predicament.
AC 32 for 24 damage Crit threat for 32 (only confirmed to 23) AC 27 for 27
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 d20+19=35 ; 3d6+10=18 ; d8=4 ; Wednesday April 3rd, 2019 6:24:05 PM
Since Leafy is grounded the lightning charge flows to the ground. Seeing Bralin is on his own, Meafy move towards Bralin and slams once into the Behir.
Slam hits AC35 - damage 18Hp + 4 HP sonic damage
(MikeK)Bralin (AC37 / T16 / FF32) CMD 38 - HP 172/191) d20+12=17 ; d20+26=37 ; d10+13=23 ; d6=2 ; d20+21=30 ; d10+13=23 ; d6=4 ; d20+16=21 ; d10+13=20 ; d6=2 ; d20+26=36 ; d10+13=16 ; d6=5 ; Wednesday April 3rd, 2019 6:27:20 PM
Bralin fails to avoid the behir's breath weapon, and takes the full effect. His brow furrows further as understanding dawns. Tahni's spell...
Grumbling, he takes another step, while continuing to pummel the behir.
-- 5' step. Full attack on brown behir.
Atk 1 hits ac 37 for 25 hp (2 cold) Atk 2 hits ac 30 for 27 hp (4 cold) Atk 3 hits ac 21 for 22 hp (2 cold) Spd Atk hits ac 36 for 21 hp (5 cold)
Fang (Mitch) HP: 170/177 (152rage) AC: 30/20/25 (-2 while raging, +1 while hasted) DR 1 CMD: 22 Spell List d20+25=42 ; d10+13=22 ; Wednesday April 3rd, 2019 6:36:35 PM
Fang grins viciously as another of the beasts go down. Two in two swings (well, 4, but still) - not particularly tough it seems. She moves on to try to continue the trend.
Glad this fight seems to be going quickly, he moves on to the next Behir with Fang.
--------------------------------- Shadow moves underground to flank (will provoke an opportunity attack)
Jozhur takes 5 foot step and full attacks
First hits AC 40: 7 damage, 16 sneak damage, 6 dage if evil, also 2 STR damage Second hits AC 37: 8 damage, 18 sneak damage, 6 damage if evil. Also 2 STR damage Shadow's touch misses Nat 1.
DM Kathy Wednesday April 3rd, 2019 11:19:39 PM Tahni makes herself invisible while Umith sends a Searing Light at the red behir. It survives the experience, but it does not survive the combined onslaught of Fang and Jozhur.
Terser, Bralin, and Leafy finish off the brown one.
Rill pulls Lord Florian out of harm's way using Dimensional Hop. The vilderavn looks startled, but comes willingly.
The two remaining behirs, still blinded, thrash around trying to find targets. You can take to the air and avoid them, or stay to finish them off. However, as seems to be typical in this place, you hear other creatures approaching.
Rill (MarkB) HP 144/154 - AC 30/17/28 - CMD 25 d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d20=4 ; Thursday April 4th, 2019 11:44:11 AM "Much as it pains me to leave these creatures here, killing them is not our goal. Jozhur - which way to the guild house wee seek? Can someone lead our blinded Tahni until we are out of range of those beasts and she can shake off her blindness?"
Rill can see that Florian is injured. He helps the man up, and will channel energy to heal his friends. Rill resists the urge to exclude the vilderaven. Florian has not been a friend to the Black Lions, but the gesture costs him nothing and may have benefit in the long run.
Everyone is healed for 34 points!
"We meet again Lord Florian. In spite of the fact that you abandoned us as soon as we were through the walls of the city, we rescued you. So at this point, I consider us square. What have you learned since gaining entrance to this place?"
Rill will leave with the others, following Jozhur and the Find the Path spell that Rill cast on the rogue as we came in.
Terser (Warren) [AC22/13/19 - CMD 30 - HP 230/230, DR 3/-, Regen 1, Mind Blank] (25% no crit, rage 35/39, channel 7/7) Thursday April 4th, 2019 3:56:45 PM
Terser was about to patch people up, saving the more potent healing for more trying times, but Rill beat him to it. Hopefully whatever is approaching will enjoy the fresh meal they've provided for them and be distracted from the heroes for a few moments at least.
Terser offers Tahni a dwarfy-back ride and then climbs back into the air after Jozhur.
(MikeK)Bralin (AC37 / T16 / FF32) CMD 38 - HP 191/191) Thursday April 4th, 2019 6:09:15 PM
Bralin nods.
He climbs into the air, following Terser and Jozhur.
Fang (Mitch) HP: 170/177 (152rage) AC: 30/20/25 (-2 while raging, +1 while hasted) DR 1 CMD: 22 Spell List Thursday April 4th, 2019 6:41:33 PM
Fang eyes the remaining enemies before deciding they aren't a threat and preparing to intercept the incoming enemy if needed.
RobC - Tahni Wyrmrider -- AC 22/13/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 154+20Temp/154 -- See Invis,ArcaneSight,DarkVision Thursday April 4th, 2019 7:17:42 PM
Tahni isn't particularly keen on a dwarfy-back ride however doesn't want to slow the party down through stubbornness. She takes hold of Terser.
(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP130/130 - AC25/19/21 - CMD 24 and LEAFY (L) - HP97/97 - AC34/27/31 - CMD 20 Thursday April 4th, 2019 8:19:16 PM
Aex and Leafy follow the rest of the crew into the air once again. She'll offer healing potions to whomever needs one.
(Brock) Jozhur AC27 / Touch 18 Flat 19--CMD 30--HP 143/158 --Shadow Companion 79/79hp d20+25=31 ; Thursday April 4th, 2019 9:34:38 PM
"Right, let's go." Jozhur glances about and rushes off following the guidance spell.