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'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 14 
Sunday May 12th, 2019 5:11:16 PM

Someone's gotta go first. Why not 'Lil?

She saunters over to the cloak, picking it up and shaking off any dirt. She has no way of knowing what it does, but it's pretty enough (maybe). She waits for the inevitable danger, breathing only once it comes, or she decides it's safe.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 
Sunday May 12th, 2019 10:25:38 PM

Caelwyn follows Lil's lead, scanning the valuables in the vicinity. He looks especially at the wood and steel rod, whatever it may be.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 21/21  d20+7=15 ;
Monday May 13th, 2019 7:44:43 AM

Grindar will keep watch while his friends count and identify the loot. (Perception 15)

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC/T/FF: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Status: Dazzled. Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+2=22 ;
Monday May 13th, 2019 10:18:10 AM

Anything that catches Haemir's eye (Perception:22) in particular he mage hands to himself to avoid any potential traps.

Fand checks the area out from above

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - 4 Dex dmg -AC/T/FF: 14 /11 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17  d20+9=16 ;
Monday May 13th, 2019 11:47:22 AM

Bigby will stick with Grindar and help keep watch. Perception (16). "Grindar, tell me what it means to be a ranger? How did you become a ranger?"

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour  d20+10=17 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=16 ;
Monday May 13th, 2019 2:23:00 PM

Sol will look over the items, following 'Lil straight in, without apparent fear or regard for any danger. He looks over the rod and wands and sees if he can figure out what they are.

Rod Knolwedge Roll - 17
Wand 1 Knowledge roll - 17
Wand 2 Knowledge roll - 16

"Hopefully these wands and this rod will add to our spell casting abilities nicely."

Hotel Sargrassfornia 
Monday May 13th, 2019 4:00:52 PM

Grindar takes watch while the others look and does not see an immediate, or really non-immediate, threat.
Bigby sticks with Grindar and takes a look around seeing the same lack of things while asking about how Grindar became a ranger.
Haemir doesnt notice much other does not see any potential traps
Lil saunters over to the cloak and picks it up waiting for danger.
Caelwyn foillows Lils lead and scans the icinity for valuables. He particularly looks at the wood and stele rod.
Ellijah follows the others straight in and begins identifying what they have found. He works out that wands are a Wand of CLW {20 charges} and a Wand of Buring Hands {20 charges}.

The rod is a bit more unusual of an item and takes a bit of time to actually work out. Apparently after a character bonds with it, over the course of an hour or so, it can be willed into the form of a +1 magical melee weapon of the bonded s choice. Only on the death of the bonded will it revert to its inert rod form and be available for claim. {Value: 200gp}

Scattered about you also find three matching potions as well as one that looks quite different. A set of clay pipes is in the hand of one skeleton and the cloak that Lil picked up is a Cloak of Protection +1.

It is getting dark and you have been assured that most creatures are repelled by the grass.

What are you doing to end your day and for the night?

Spellcraft DC16 on 3 Potions Highlight to display spoiler: { Potions of Jump }
Spellcraft DC16 on 1 Potion Highlight to display spoiler: { Potion of Blur }

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 14 
Monday May 13th, 2019 5:52:51 PM

"Neat," quips 'Lil when she learns what the cloak does. "Domi already grants me some protection like this, though. One of ya's could probably use it more than me. That rod though...that's pretty boss. Is it limited to only one handed weapons?"

If it's not, 'Lil's very interested in it.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - 4 Dex dmg -AC/T/FF: 14 /11 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 
Monday May 13th, 2019 6:46:56 PM

Bigby looks at his hands in response to what 'Lil had said. "One hand weapon." he mouths out loud and ponders his hand is a weapon. A one handed weapon. He laughs outloud. "the cloak is most likely too big for me. So someone else can have it."

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour  d20+10=24 ; d20+10=28 ;
Monday May 13th, 2019 6:50:59 PM

Sol then spends some time looking over the potions.

"We have 3 Potions of Jump, and a solitary potion of Blur. Here... I would suggest each of the wands goes with someone who is not already capable of casting that particular spell... I do not have Burning Hands in my spellbook for example."

Xel'Aw (Grant) 7/11 HP - AC/T/FF: 12 /10 /12 - CMD 10 6 Dex Damage  d20+18=34 ; d20+8=20 ;
Monday May 13th, 2019 7:26:52 PM

Xel'Aw casts Barnum's Appraisal on himself and looks at the pipes. "I'm pretty sure I know what these are." 34 appraisal check, 20 knowledge arcana

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15  d20+2=17 ;
Monday May 13th, 2019 8:05:19 PM

Caelwyn doesn't feel the need to claim any of the loot for himself, so he begins to set up camp. He will gladly take the first watch. Perception 17.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 21/21 
Monday May 13th, 2019 8:36:59 PM

Grindar is looks at the cloak of protection, and says, "I'll take that if no one else wants it, and 'Lil Ramona is a one handed weapon for a giant, I'd say go ahead and try it out". He then turns to Bigby and attempts to answer his question, "Well, a Ranger is first and foremost a warrior, but unlike a fighter who relies mostly on his skill at arms, Rangers take advantage of certain special abilities, such as tracking of enemies, training unique to us, which for example, I have a better understanding of giants then most people, and we tend to have a more well rounded skill set". "We tend to specialize in either two-weapon fighting or archery, with the majority choosing archery, I would say, and we get special training to help us in the combat style we choose

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - 4 Dex dmg -AC/T/FF: 14 /11 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 
Tuesday May 14th, 2019 11:33:01 AM

Bigby listens to Gridnar about what it means to be a Ranger. "thank you for sharing that with me Grindar. Perhaps you can show make a trick or two about tracking and training. Do you think I'd have what it takes to be a ranger?" Bigby had come to admire Grindar in his time with hunting with him and wanted to learn from the ranger. Maybe one day I could be a ranger. After hearing from Grindar, Bigby asks Tich, "where to next?"

Hotel Sargrassfornia 
Tuesday May 14th, 2019 1:13:09 PM

Lil quips that the cloak is neat but offers it up to the others as it is not of use to her before wondering if the rod can only do one handed weapons.

Bigby considers the idea of a one hand weapon before deciding the cloak is most likely too large.

Elijah suggests the wands go to someone who is not already capable of casting the spell it holds and offers up the potions.

Caelwyn is not that interested in the loot and starts to set up camp deciding that he will take first watch.

Grindar lays claim to the cloak of resistance if noe one else steps forward. He also explains the basics of being a ranger to Bigby who wonders if one day he could be one.

XelAw works out that the pipes are Pipes of the Sewer.

Haemir goes to bed with the others.

The nite is cool and dark and everyone beds down excepting for Caelwyn who is taking first watch. Through the first watch things are quiet. The grass moves in the breeze and you can see a few area that look a little less healthy, having an almost red-ish tinge. The light fades completely and this sort of detail is lost.

Just as Caelwyn considers waking the next person to watch he catches something red out of the corner of his eye moving low along the ground. He squints thinking it a trick of the shadows until it oozes out towards the group. A mass of red tangled diseased fibers that slithers into the clearing. The protection of the bulbgrass does not seem to extend to creatures that cannot smell.

No one else is awake at this point and the creature will get to the group on its turn.

What to you do?

Mental Map:
Caelwyn is awake and about ten feet form the bulk of the resting group. The creature is another 15ft to the south of that. You have an area roughly 40x40 of free space to work in. There are places you could move for total concealment but you would be effectively out of the combat that turn.

Combat Summery:
Creature: AC 14/14/11

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15  d20+5=7 ;
Tuesday May 14th, 2019 9:19:12 PM

Well that's not good...Caelwyn thinks to himself. He immediately stands, readying his weapons for battle, and calls out to his companions (hopefully not loud enough to invite unwanted attention, but loud enough to awaken them): "Wake up! We've got company, and it doesn't look friendly!"

Caelwyn isn't entirely sure what this thing is, but he knows he needs to give his friends some time to prepare for battle. He will advance on the creature and attack with his trident, giving a somewhat experimental stab at the mass of fibers. Unfortunately, he fails to land a solid hit.

Attack 7 (miss)

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 12/12/10, CMD 17, HP 21/21  d20+7=23 ; d20=3 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2019 5:53:59 AM

(Perception 23) Grindar hears Caelwyn's wake up call, and springs to his feet, while grabbing Cyrchwr Mawr. He makes a quick assessment of the situation and realizes he isn't wearing his breastplate. "Oh well, it can't be helped!", he thinks to himself. If Sol has heard the call to arms, he will request some mage armor, but with or without the mage armor, he runs over to the intruder, and attempts to make a two handed attack against the thing, but his head must still be in a haze, for his attack misses it's mark.

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+2=6 ; d20+2=17 ; d20+4=19 ; d6+1=2 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2019 8:30:51 AM

Haemir is deep asleep & fails to rouse (Perception:6 but Fand does (Perception:17) and pecks and squarks at him till he rolls over... He starts to mutter but then sees Bigby running past him. '[i]Oh crap, not again[i]' he thinks scrambling to his feet. As the creature swims in to focus he waves his arms and wind and rain swirls around it

([i]Storm Blast: ranged touch attack:19 - for 2 points of dmg, the creature is buffeted by winds and rain, causing it to take a 2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round).

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14 
Wednesday May 15th, 2019 10:15:17 AM

'Lil groans.

"Can we not just get one night's rest in this forsaken grass desert?" She stands, ready to fight without her armor once again.


Note to self: Endurance feat.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - 4 Dex dmg -AC/T/FF: 14 /11 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17  d20+9=16 ; d20+5=17 ; d20+9=10 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2019 10:52:32 AM

Perception roll (16, 17). Both Bigby and Wolfgang wake up (Bigby sleeps with his leather armor on). Bigby hops onto Wolfgang. Bigby will cast produce flame onto himself. this seems like a flame worthy oponent. Bigby uses knowledge nature to try to better understand this beast (10). Bigby hears what 'Lil had said about rest and considers his recent dexterity drain from the rapke. Bigby mouths outloud, "no rest for the sickened."

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour  d20+1=11 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2019 12:42:38 PM

Sol, unfortunately doesn't awaken at first, however after the ruckus and being asked for a spell of Mage Armour, he groggily gets to his feet.

Hotel Sargrassfornia  d2=2 ; d20+3=6 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2019 2:40:34 PM

Caelwyn calls to his companions but does not scream the alarm. Alarm raised he steps up and heroically misses with an attack. He does manager to cut the creature of form the party as they prepare.

Grindar hears the alarm and readies for action deciding that the lack of armor cannot be help. He moves with some speed and also heroically misses his attack.

Haemir is woken by Fand and scrambles to his feet before buffeting the creature with wind.

eLil groans and rises to fight.

Bigby, having slept in his armor, and hops onto Wolfgang. He is sick but he is game. He does look at the creature but does not know much else.

Elijah is roused by the request for mage armor and gruffly gets to his feet.

The creature is a red undulating mass of diseased plant life that riles more like an ooze then a creature. While it is not something all to common it is possible someone can work out what it is.

Dungeoneer DC13 Highlight to display spoiler: { This creature is a Bloody Garden Ooze, a relative of the more common Garden Ooze. Ooze traits, immune to acid and it can cause you to bleed if unarmored. }

The ooze lashes out at Grindar but misses itfs mark. {Hit: 6}

Back in the grass there is another movement of red, most likely another of these unusual creature.

Mental Map:

Caelwyn and Grindar are right next to the ooze, in melee range. The rest of the group has some space still.

The movement in the grass would appear to be about ten feet in and twenty feet from Caelwyn and Grindarfs position.

Combat Summery:
Creature: AC 14/14/11 Damage: -2

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+1=19 ; d10+1=3 ; d10+2=12 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2019 3:10:56 PM

Grabbing his xbow Haemir fires at the first (Attack roll:19 includes -4 in to cbt, for 3 dmg) Fand circles higher to see if there are anymore (Perception:12)

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (DANIEL) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour 
Wednesday May 15th, 2019 6:43:52 PM

Sol, getting his wits about him after waking up, casts Mage Armour on Grindar.

"Here, this should help!"

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15  d20+5=16 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2019 11:02:55 PM

Caelwyn will try to shift around the creature to flank it, as long as he doesn't expose himself to attack from the second one. He steps forward and stabs at it again with his trident, hoping this will do something. Thankfully he manages to land a stab,

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15  d8+3=9 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2019 11:03:55 PM

Attack: 16
Damage: 9

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 16/12/14, CMD 17, HP 21/21  d20=18 ; d20=12 ; d8=8 ; d8=6 ;
Thursday May 16th, 2019 5:50:15 AM

"Thanks Bro!", Grindar says as Sol casts mage armor on him, "That helps a lot!"
As Caelwyn 5ft steps one way, he coordinates his moves by 5ft stepping the other way to assure the flank, he then attempts a full round attack.

main hand
18+6-2+2=24 for 8+4=12 damage

off hand
12 +6-2+2=18 for 6+4=10 damage

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - 4 Dex dmg -AC/T/FF: 14 /11 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17  d20+5=22 ; d20+4=15 ; d6+2=7 ; d6+1=7 ;
Thursday May 16th, 2019 11:14:13 AM

Bigby and Wolfgang move up to the ooze to attack with a flame and a bite from Wolfgang. (Att: flame 22, bite 15. Dmg: 7, 7)

Flames as bright as a torch appear in your open hand. The flames harm neither you nor your equipment. In addition to providing illumination, the flames can be hurled or used to touch enemies. You can strike an opponent with a melee touch attack, dealing fire damage equal to 1d6 + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Alternatively, you can hurl the flames up to 120 feet as a thrown weapon. When doing so, you attack with a ranged touch attack (with no range penalty) and deal the same damage as with the melee attack. No sooner do you hurl the flames than a new set appears in your hand. Each attack you make reduces the remaining duration by 1 minute. If an attack reduces the remaining duration to 0 minutes or less, the spell ends after the attack resolves.

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14 
Thursday May 16th, 2019 11:36:01 AM

'Lil ain't sure how many'a them things are about to come at her friends and her, so she hangs back for now and does what she can to help her friends.

"Domi," she starts, "your humble servant and her friends are getting pounded down here today. Watch over these numskulls and I while we deal with these things?"


'Lil casts bless on the party. +1 on attack rolls and saves vs. fear.

Hotel Sargrassfornia  d4=1 ; d4=3 ; d20+3=7 ;
Thursday May 16th, 2019 2:25:28 PM

Haemir grabs his crossbow and manages to land a bolt in creature attacking Grindar.

Elijah gets himself together and casts Mage Armor on Grindar.

Caelwyn shifts to try for flaking only to learn that there is no advantage to flanking an Ooze. Still his attack connects.

Grindar thanks Elijah for his help and lands two attacks on the creature bring it down.

Bigby spins and attacks the second ooze that has appeared. First with flame which sizzles and then with a bite from Wolfgang. As his teeth find purchase Wolfgang finds itself with a mouth full of acid that burns and stings. Wolfgang Damage: 1 +3 next round

Lil holds back, watching, and casts Bless on those in her group.

Xel is sleeping peacfully.

The first creature is dead thanks to the combined might of the party. The second, newly arrived, has been bitten and burned. It is not smart and the wolf is at its height so it lashes outc.. poorly. {Hit: 7}

Haemir is looking for others but sees no further movement.

Mental Map:

Caelwyn and Grindafs opponent is dead but a simple move can get them to the remaining that is squared off with Bigby and Wolfgan. Poor wolfgan has a bloody mouth.

The movement in the grass would appear to be about ten feet in and twenty feet from Caelwyn and Grindarfs position.

Combat Summery:
*DEAD* Creature 1: AC 14/14/11 Damage: ALL
Creature 2: AC 14/14/11 Damage:

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour  d20+5=16 ; d6-1=4 ;
Thursday May 16th, 2019 2:36:31 PM

"You are welcome Grindar! Have at the remaining creatures!"

Sol, seeing the newcomer, attempts to Hands of the Apprentice on the Ooze.

((16 to attack, 4 damage))

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14  d20+2=19 ; 2d6+3=13 ;
Thursday May 16th, 2019 5:04:11 PM

"MY TURN!" yells 'Lil as she runs at the thing. She brings Ramona down in a thundering overhead pound that smooshes the poor ooze.

Hit AC 19 for 13 damage.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15  d20+5=12 ;
Thursday May 16th, 2019 11:28:40 PM

Grinning at Lil's exuberance, Caelwyn darts forward and stabs at the blob as well, barely missing with his trident.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 16/12/14, CMD 17, HP 21/21  d20=14 ; d8=5 ;
Friday May 17th, 2019 5:40:11 AM

"You guys can't have all the fun!" Grindar declares as he hustles over to the second ooze and makes a two handed attack.

14+6+1=21 for 5+6=11 damage

He then turns to Lil saying, "Nice hit sister!"

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - 4 Dex dmg -AC/T/FF: 14 /11 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 25/27 -AC 17  d20+6=10 ;
Friday May 17th, 2019 10:52:24 AM

Wolfgang yelps and does a mouth moving action that mimics eating something too hot. Bigby pets Wolfgang with his non fire hand, and determines that Wolfgang will be ok, but Bigby still needs to focus on the new threat. attack (10).

Xel'Aw sub 
Friday May 17th, 2019 11:04:12 AM

Xel awakens from his sleep afresh. He stretches and yawns. "my you guys are early risers...wait...it's not morning time yet." After realizing combat is about, Xel inspires courage in his poetic fashion(+1 attack and damage):

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I would make some slime
but I ran out of glue

Inspire Courage (Su): A 1st level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bards performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance.

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+2=7 ;
Friday May 17th, 2019 11:44:41 AM

Haemir fires his storm blast but misses

Hotel Sargrassfornia 
Friday May 17th, 2019 1:35:56 PM

Xel awakens from his sleep, commenting on the group being early risers, and encourages his companions onward with pome.

Elijah takes the opportunity to try the Hands of Apprentice on the Ooze doing minor damage.

Lil on the other hand applies weapon to ooze and sees bits of diseased plant fly off with the power of her hit!

Haemir fires off a storm blast by misses.

Bigby comforts Wolfgan and misses with a flame attack. Fortunately, after the damage is done the acid loses effect on the poor wolf.

Caclwyn darts forward but cannot connect. It matters little as Grindar hustles over and ends the second and final ooze.

The second ooze is dead and any of you that look in the general area it came form see some Deep Red Mushrooms. That look familiar to the party. It would not be a long stretch to think the unique grassy ooze was caused by their presence.

Other then that there is no loot and the night is quiet, there are several hours before dawn.

A Reward! 172xp per party member

What do you do now?

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14 
Friday May 17th, 2019 3:32:09 PM

"Someone gimme a torch. I'm gonna go burn down them mushrooms..."

It's probably a bad idea. Fire could spread, mushrooms could release toxic spores, more oozes could be lurking...it's a bad idea, but 'Lil's pretty set.

"Seriously. Who's got a torch? Bigby? You can make fire, right?"

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17  
Friday May 17th, 2019 5:52:05 PM

seeing as how bigby misses his arm is still on fire with no where to go. Bigby looks at his arm still on fire. "If you need a light, I still got fire here." he picks up a solid stick from the ground and lights it with his flame. The flame touch on his hand then goes out as it lights the stick. He hands the stick to 'Lil. "here you go."

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 
Saturday May 18th, 2019 1:09:58 PM

"Whoa, hold on there Lil. Are we sure this is the right approach? I am no expert when it comes to plant life, but does anyone else agree that torching these is the best option to get rid of them?"

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14 
Saturday May 18th, 2019 6:01:38 PM

'Lil swoops the lit stick from Xel. "Thanks dude. You guys go ahead and discuss. I ain't got much to add, so I'm just gonna go find something else to do."

She goes to burn those mushrooms down.

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Saturday May 18th, 2019 7:41:29 PM

"Lil don't go near them... setting them ablaze will likely disperse the spores & you'll be ill again... if the aim is to kill them there's probably..." he stops mid sentence and shrugs as 'Lil strides off.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 
Sunday May 19th, 2019 7:30:25 PM

Caelwyn darts ahead of Lil, spreading his arms and standing between her and the mushrooms. "Lil, wait! If what Haemir says is true, you could be putting all of us at risk by doing this! There must be something else we can do to get rid of them."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 16/12/14, CMD 17, HP 21/21 
Monday May 20th, 2019 5:51:00 AM

Like the rest of his brothers in arms, Grindar doesn't think 'Lil should mess with the mushrooms. turning to Bigby he asks, "Can't you use that produce fire spell from a distance? If we were all up wind of the things, say 100 ft or so away, and you nailed them with your fire I'm pretty sure we would be safe from the spores".

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17   d20+9=15 ;
Monday May 20th, 2019 10:08:19 AM

Bigby blinks his eyes for a moment to what Grindar says, "yeah I can use this spell from a distance." knowledge nature for what would happen to burn the mushrooms (15).

Hotel Sargrassfornia 
Monday May 20th, 2019 2:25:43 PM

Lil immediately calls for a torch to burn down the mushrooms which Bigby provides.

Caelwyn quickly questions if this is the right approach. Still Lil seems set on his action and tells the others they are welcome to keep discussing.

Haemir starts to tell Lil to stop, siting spores as a problem but stops mid-sentence seeing Lil stride off.

Caelwyn darts ahead of Lil telling her that if Haemir is correct they could be all put at risk. He blocks the clerics path.

Grindar doesnt think Lil should proceed and suggests setting fire from a distance which Bigby confirms that he can use the spell from a distance.

Bigby considers what the effect would be, but nothing tells him it would be catastrophic of course he does not know it would not be either. Could be a few things; more mushrooms spread, wipe them out or simply do nothing. Regardless light against the dark is always welcome to weary adventures is it not?

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour 
Monday May 20th, 2019 2:36:25 PM

Sol shakes himself out of an apparent daydream.

"Lil, perhaps we should listen to those who are more knowledgeable of these things?"

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14 
Monday May 20th, 2019 10:17:23 PM

"Fiiiiiiine. The mushrooms live another day." She glares at the fungus before stamping out the firestick in the dirt.

"I'm goin' back to sleep. If them mushrooms cause more problems, I'm gonna give you guys the biggest 'I told ya so' ya ever heard."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 16/12/14, CMD 17, HP 21/21 
Tuesday May 21st, 2019 5:47:28 AM

"Well that was unexpected", Grindar says as soon as 'Lil is out of ear shot, "I never expected her to back down so easily" Turning to Bigby he says "We appear to be a safe distance away, wanna light those suckers up?" Grindar then turns to Caelwyn and says, "Your watch was just about up. you might as well go to bed, I'll take the next watch"

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Tuesday May 21st, 2019 9:53:27 AM

Haemir watches silently prepared to steer any miscreant flames with a stormbkast or three

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17   d20+3=22 ;
Tuesday May 21st, 2019 11:01:48 AM

Bigby smiles at what Grindar says, "Alright, let's see what happens. This is for 'Lil". He uses his produce flame to burn the mushrooms. Bigby flings the flame at the mushrooms and watches curiously to see what happens next. Wolfgang gives a nervous look up at Bigby as if to suggest I hope you know what you're doing. And as if Bigby knew what Wolfgang was saying Bigby looks back to suggest, I haven't got a clue, but what's the worst that could happen?

Xel sub 
Tuesday May 21st, 2019 3:21:19 PM

Xel watching the exchange about the mushrooms has nothing more to contribute other than to add a rhyme that comes to mind. we didnt start the fire...it was mushrooms burning since the worlds been turning[b]. Xel pauses and looks at the team, [b]did I say that out loud?. He then goes to sleep.

Hotel Sargrassfornia  d20=19 ; d100=36 ; d100=12 ; d6=6 ; d8=7 ;
Tuesday May 21st, 2019 5:05:15 PM

Elijah shakes himself form this little daydream and points out that Lil should leave this up to those who know more.

Surprisingly Lil responds "Fiiiiiiine. The mushrooms live another day." and decides to head back to bed.

Grindar is surprised that Lil backed down so easily and suggest that they are at a safe distance to light up the mushrooms. He also lets the others know that he will take the next watch.

Haemir watches and prepares to put out any miscreant flames. Xel finds he has nothing more to contribute and adds a little rhyme before realizing he is rhyming out loud.

Bigby and Wolfgnag share a look as he launches some flame at the dangerous red mushrooms. The Wold takes note as Bigby realizes he has created the scientific method, well maybe not.

The flame sales and strikes true and it {Rolled a d20 to make sure not a fumble} The flame strikes between three mushrooms and it flares a very bright red. Bright enough that you involuntarily blink and shy away. There is a shot shrill noise, like a scream, probably air escaping the membrane of the mushroom. Quickly the flame jumps once, twice and finally a third each with an accompanying noise and uncomfortable flash of light. As they burn out the red tinged smoke slowly puffs up though the sargrass and out of site heading south east as it goes.

Nothing bad appears to have happened and the mushrooms are now nothing but ash.

The rest of the night passes without incident and you wake to another day in the grass.

{ooc: I believe this is day 4 since you headed out?}

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour 
Tuesday May 21st, 2019 5:43:38 PM

Sol awakens, groggy, but ready for the day, he quickly prepares his spells (Mage Amour, Magic Missile and Sleep for 1st Level and Daze, Ray of Frost and Prestidigitation for Cantrips).

He gets all his things together.

"Grindar would you mind putting a few of my belongings in your pack? I am not able to carry them I am afraid..."

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 
Tuesday May 21st, 2019 10:01:05 PM

Caelwyn, grateful that Grindar was willing to take over as his watch came to an end, slept soundly. He too had been surprised that Lil was willing to back down over the mushrooms, but is simply glad they were destroyed without anyone else getting hurt.

As he awakens, he spends some time in prayer, then sharpens and cleans his weapons and dons his armor in preparation for another day's travel. Perhaps this one will be free of trouble...but he doubts it.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 16/12/14, CMD 17, HP 21/21 
Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 5:32:17 AM

Grindar watches the mushrooms burn with s bit of satisfaction, and he says to Bigby, "Well done little brother, it seems you have the heart of a Ranger beating in your chest!" He means the statement as a compliment of course as in his mind the heart of a Ranger is synonymous with heart of a hero.

When his watch is done, he heads back to his bedroll and sleeps a refreshing sleep. when he awakes, he feels refreshed and ready to go, so he asks Thich, "Any Idea as to how much longer until we reach the Crystal Mountains?"

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+4=12 ; d20+5=16 ;
Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 6:57:45 AM

Haemir awakes and remaining on his back with his eyes closed he meditates... feeling for a crack in the universe he nudges it with his mind opening it ever so slightly. He feels the wind, the pulse of the universe and souls ... Woldsblood drips in to the crack from the whole between the Realm of Shadows and he draws from it refreshing his BloodWitch powers. Maintaining his concentration (Concentration: 12 Vs DC:11) he reseals the rift and sits up feeling more than alive...

'I know I should be worried about where that red smoke went' he thinks but his thoughts are disturbed as Fand lands on his leg and pecks it... He chuckles before grabbing some seeds and feeding her. He watches as she enthusiastically pecks and pops seeds and throws them up and in to her mouth trying to fathom what the future will bring.

As Fand finishes he jumps up full of energy. "Anyone for some hunting? (Survival:16)

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14 
Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 10:35:31 AM

You folks are really lucky 'Lil fell asleep fast.

She wakes in the morning, checking the mushrooms since she don't trust'em, and sees a patch of scorched earth.

"What the frick, guys? I wanted to burn the mushrooms!" She glowers at everyone. It's not a friendly glower, but then she takes a few deep breaths and calms down. "Next time we gotta burn part'a this place down, I get to burn it. Got it?"

Xel sub 
Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 11:08:22 AM

Xel awakens and stretches. "someone making breakfast? I smell mushrooms cooking. hmmmm." Xel looks over and sees that isn't breakfast, but actually the burnt mushrooms. "my mistake, not breakfast. Oh when the giant comes to breakfast...he eats my mushrooms with a spade...followed by a lorry load of bread...and marmalade...next he takes a shovel...fills it up with mead...drinks it all in a gulp...and leaves the mess for me...d." Need to work on what rhymes better with mead next time.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17   d20+9=19 ;
Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 11:12:55 AM

Bigby feeling very proud with what Grindar had said to him, "thank...thank you...Grindar. Me a ranger? That makes me feel very...honored, to hear you say that." Feeling very proud of himself, he then hears 'Lil feel upset with the burning and then hangs his head low a bit as if caught stealing some food. "Next time 'Lil." He attempts to ignore the poetry and then responds to Haemir, and looks at Grindar, "hunting?" (survival 19).

Hotel Sargrassfornia 
Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 3:03:58 PM

Sol is groggy when he wakes but takes the time to prepare his spells before asking Grindar to carry some of his stuff.

Caelwyn awakens and spends some time in prayer before sharpening and cleaning his weapons.

Grindar wonders how long until they reach the crystal mountains when he awakes.

Haemir replenishes his powers and considers where the smoke went for a brief moment. Eventually he stirs and asks if anyone is up for some hunting.

Lil wakes in the morning and checks the mushrooms only to be, lets say, disappointed that they are gone. This doe included some implied threats.

Xel smells the cooking mushrooms and wonders if someone is cooking breakfast.

Bigby is honored to be considered like a ranger. When Lil is upset he offers her next time and joins in the hunting. Haemir and Bigby hunt as the party moves on and actually mange to snag two small edible squirrel variants but they do not find tracks of any larger prey as the move. Both squirrel appear to be in exception health and well adapted to life in the Sargrass.

The days passes without incident and near dusk you can make out the peaks of the Crystal Mountain ruins coming into view. Some peaks look as if they were sliced off at a certain height while others look like half a mountain with the left side blown off. Ahead of you slivers of crystal jut out of the ground with the thinner part pointing down. It appear as if some of the crystals have fallen over since they landed and others are sprouting crystalline growths in all directions with no design or purpose to them. Surrounding these crystal shards, in all their variety, are patches of mutated grass. A few crystals have no grass around them and are vibrating slightly.

Thich whispers stops the party a solid one hundred yards away with a signal and a few words. Careful this may not be a good sign. he squints I do not see any movement and it is getting late.

What do you do.

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour  d20+10=27 ;
Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 4:49:34 PM

Sol tries to see if there is anything magical about the crystals, and see if he can't figure out what exactly is going on with them ((27 on Knowledge Check))

"These growths are very strange..."

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15  d20+2=9 ;
Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 10:52:23 PM

"What exactly is concerning you, Thich? Should there be more people around? We aren't quite sure what to expect."

Caelwyn readies his trident and shield, looking around for potential danger.

Perception 9

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17   d20+9=17 ; d20+9=29 ;
Thursday May 23rd, 2019 10:57:24 AM

Bigby makes a perception check (17) to see what the potential danger may be. knowledge nature (29). Bigby awaits to hear what Thich says. Wolfgang attempts to use his scent ability to determine if there is a dangerous creature out there and which direction if there is.

Xel'Aw sub 
Thursday May 23rd, 2019 10:59:46 AM

"Is the damage to the mountains the result of the crystals blowing up Thich?" Xel awaits a response but the thought of anything slicing moutain tops scares Xel and no prose comes to mind for this moment.

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+2=7 ; d20+2=13 ;
Thursday May 23rd, 2019 11:00:54 AM

Keeping his voice low Haemir approaches Thich and asks "Do we have to be quiet near these crytals"? (Perception:7)

Fand scouts over head (Perception:13)

Grindar sub  d20+7=18 ;
Thursday May 23rd, 2019 11:06:52 AM

Perception check (18). Grindar looks around for Thich's concern. Grindar agrees with Caelwyn's line of questions and wonders what Thich would say. Grindar feels uneasy and then upset as he hasn't seen such carnage since that giant had attacked his town. Grindar thinks, if it's a giant, I'm ready for him this time. Grindar is determined to face this unknown danger.

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14 
Thursday May 23rd, 2019 11:32:21 AM

"Where you guys been? Don't you remember that huge explosion that set off all that Sargrass stuff? I bet THAT," she points to the damaged mountain, "is ground zero."

She looks at all the little crystals...from a distance.

"So, things gonna explode if we make too much noise, Thich? That's why you're here, right? You got some chant what calms'em down?"

Hotel Sargrassfornia 
Thursday May 23rd, 2019 2:14:39 PM

Sol and Bigby have heard stories of this sort of crystal raining down across the Wold before the conflict that allowed the Sargrass to return. During that period they were ejected from the shattering of mountains and caused mutation in local wildlife and plant life.

Caelwyn readies his shield and looks about seeing nothing that looks like something a shield would help with near by.

Xel asks if the crystals causes the damage to the mountains while Haemir asks if it is important to be quiet.

Grindar looks around to see why Thich is concerned. He feels uneasy and upset but ready if a giant happens to be the threat of note.

Lil provides quite a bit of schooling to the group. "Where you guys been? Don't you remember that huge explosion that set off all that Sargrass stuff? I bet THAT," she points to the damaged mountain, "is ground zero. So, things gonna explode if we make too much noise, Thich? That's why you're here, right? You got some chant what calms'em down?"

Thich nods as Lil speaks and says quietly Yes! That is why I am here and it is what could happen. he starts to walk Move in quiet.

After walking about fifty yards he stops and the party can see more of what is going on. Three monks, as scarred as Thick, walk in unison though the grass singing. As they sing the crystals move, straighten and the mutated grass moves away.

Thich whispers Do not interfere with them. If there concentration breaks the crystals could explode injuring those around. One of the monks nods to Thich at this comment. Do you want to move though the night past this or rest a safe distance? Once past I am unsure what we will find.

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour 
Thursday May 23rd, 2019 4:33:13 PM

Sol nods slowly, enraptured by the magical mutation crystals.

He follows Thich's instructions, carefully and delicately moving, while whispering to Haemir.

"It is too bad we cannot take some with us... I am certain they would have prodigious magical properties."

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14 
Friday May 24th, 2019 10:03:48 AM

"Soooo," 'Lil starts (quietly). "Once they're chanted at, are they safe? Or is it more they're only safe while they's being chanted at?"

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+7=14 ; d20+2=13 ;
Friday May 24th, 2019 11:57:46 AM

"Been thinking exactly that too my friend" he whispers to Sol conspiratorially & moving quietly (Stealth:14).

Fand continues to scout circling way above overhead (Perception:14)

Grindar sub 
Friday May 24th, 2019 2:46:02 PM

"So are we continuing on it seems?" Grindar continues with the group.

Xel sub 
Friday May 24th, 2019 2:50:52 PM

Xel considers reciting some prose, but remembers that they are supposed to be quiet. Hmmm...is it possible to act this out? Perhaps another time. What a charade all of this is.

"Is there anything we can do to assist the monks?"

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17   d20+9=24 ;
Friday May 24th, 2019 2:54:13 PM

Bigby looks around to check for danger (perception: 24). "how much further do you think we need to go. Hopefully we can find a good place to rest without endangering the party."

Hotel Sargrassfornia 
Friday May 24th, 2019 3:13:58 PM

Sol nods, enraptures by the magical mutation crystals thinking its to bad they cannot take some with them for their magical properties.

Lil quietly asks if they are safe once they are chanted at. Haemir has the same question as Lil.

Grindar questions if the group should simply continue on.

Bigby questions how much further they need to travel and takes a good look around.

Xel questions if there is anything they can do to assist the monks.

Thick nods to Bigbys question. Half a day or maybe a touch more, not easy travel in the grasses. Not much. We should be safe to rest here. Xels question gets a tight grin Well, I can help but none of you have the skill. he lowly sings the song that he originally sang back when he was teach people to wave grass back in the newfound town. After a bit he looks back to the party and rubs one of the scares that crisscross his arms. Rest here, I will weave my song with there for the night. We move in the morning.

As the night settles in Bigbys sharp eyes think they see something big, judging the disruption of the grasses, moving off the way they came. It is far, he can just make it out so probably not something of imminent importance.

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14 
Saturday May 25th, 2019 10:58:45 PM

'Lil's so asleep. This place takes a lot outta you, ya know?

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Sunday May 26th, 2019 1:43:46 PM

Sol is asleep, snoring slightly in his tent. It appears he's fallen asleep with Haemir's spellbook as he has been swapping spells with the gentleman.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17   d20+9=10 ;
Sunday May 26th, 2019 7:28:17 PM

Bigby rests and keeps watch during his turn. perception (10).

sub grindar  d20+7=22 ;
Sunday May 26th, 2019 7:31:04 PM

Grindar takes his watch perception (22). And afterwards takes a much needed rest.

Sub Caelwyn  d20+2=5 ;
Sunday May 26th, 2019 9:36:43 PM

Caelwyn has a good rest and dreams of his apprenticeship as a young Paladin, waking up refreshed.
He checks everyone is healthy and prepares for the day ahead

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC/T/FF: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Sunday May 26th, 2019 9:44:55 PM

Haemir swaps spell books with Sol for a few hours and falls asleep studying it

Something Big This Way Comes 
Monday May 27th, 2019 1:19:42 PM

Haemir and Sol swap spellbooks for the night and even start the process of swapping spells. This this is less helpful for Haemir as he is of two minds on how spells work.

The watches go well and the faint singing of the monks off in the distance works as a natural aid to sleep. The song is simply and realizing, even those on watch tend to get caught in it and might not be as vigilant as one would have normally hoped. Thich goes back and forth to the singing monks, he joins there song for several hours in the late of the night adding his voice to the calming song to the crystals.

During his watch Grindar hears a noise overhead and sees a shape pass over. It is heading in the direction the party will be moving and dose not look like a bird. Large (medium in games terms}, reddish, and not having wings the brief glimpse is indeed unusual.

Still the night is quiet, there is no interruption or disturbance just a good nights sleep.

The morning is bright and clear and it seems like an auspicious start. Those first to wakes see Thich striding back on long scared legs as soon as the first of you stirs. As he gets closer you can see a look of concern that appears to be a bit more than the concern normally on his face since seeing the crystals. When in range of the part he speaks.

There is something big behind us. We have only seen shadows and vague shapes but its big and it appeared something was thrown from its body in front of us. The monks he gestures behind to them are going to leave these crystals and move with us. Make your preperations but I think we must reach the mountain before it reaches us.

'Lil - (Carl) - 17/17 HP - AC 11/11/10 - CMD 14 
Monday May 27th, 2019 4:50:33 PM

"Okee dokee, Thich."

'Lil dons her armor, straps Ramona in place, and is ready to go in just a couple of minutes.

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 9/9 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Monday May 27th, 2019 7:04:32 PM

Sol nods, getting up, and beginning to pack away his things, and returning Haemir's spellbook.

"Thank you for being our guide Thich, I am not sure we would be able to make it without you!"

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 
Monday May 27th, 2019 7:09:05 PM

"Excellent." Caelwyn immediately straps on his armor and makes preparations to leave. "It wouldn't be interesting unless something was trying to kill us, I suppose." He glances at Sol, Haemir, and Xel. "Try to stay close to me - if we are attacked, I want whatever it is focused on me, not you all."

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 15/15 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17  
Monday May 27th, 2019 7:12:11 PM

Bigby hops onto Wolfgang and gets ready to go. "what happens if we get attacked while near the crystals? Can the monks chanting still keep us safe?"

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 16/12/14, CMD 17, HP 21/21 
Monday May 27th, 2019 7:21:25 PM

Grindar straps on his breastplate and says, "Thich, you and the other monks lead the way, Sol, Xel'Aw, and Haemir stay close to the monks, while 'Lil, Bigby, Caelwyn, and myself will take the rear. If something is following us, those of us who are better armored should be between those who aren't if it decides to attack".

Haemir - (Rich) 13/13 HP - AC/T/FF: 17 /13 /14 - CMD:14 - Fand: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+2=8 ;
Tuesday May 28th, 2019 6:12:11 AM

Haemir seems a bit uncomfortable at the thought of it throwing skmething from its own body.
"Thrown something...? Like a parasite?"
He is grateful for the protection offers and lowdsmhis xbow.

Fand circles higher to have a look... (P reception:8)

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