Deal With a Demon - DM Mark d20+3=8 ; d20+12=23 ; d8+4=12 ; d8+11=18 ; d8+6=11 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+7=22 ; d20+7=21 ; d20+7=12 ; d8+4=8 ; d8+4=7 ; d4+1=5 ; d4+1=2 ; Monday May 6th, 2019 6:25:30 PM Rolth move to engage Aaroth, which does indeed provoke an attack from the human with the club but the human is not quick enough and misses as the Liontaur flashes past. Then he tries to grapple Aaroth, which provokes another attack. Aaroth stabs his short spear into Rolth inflicting 12 damage and causing Rolth’s grapple to fail.
Angus moves to the Dretch and kills the thing. Kiwina wants to make sure, and stomps it into goo.
Tzak move over to cover any attempt by Aaroth to flee.
Elyas wants to prevent Aaroth’s escape. He barks a warning to his friends, and then casts Web in the other room. (Just for future reference, area of effect spells are centered on an intersection of the squares, not on a square itself. As is this case, if you let me know where you want the spell I’ll do my best to place it to your greatest advantage.)
Falco moves to get away from the glowing trident stabbing at him, but the thing seems to follow him as me moves.
Finnian shoots into the dretch goo just to make sure. Finnian is now sure it is dead. Super dead.
Mak can see what is left of the Dretch beneath Kiwina’s hooves and the arrow now sticking in the floor there. He hops up onto the gaming table and moves down its length to get a better shot. He shoots at the octopoid man and hits him for 12 points.
This causes a real outcry from the drunk at the gaming table. ”HEY - watch what yer doin there ya jerk! Yer messin up the game!” He strikes ineffectively at Maks leg and then starts gathering up his chips. And his drink. And any other chips in arm’s reach.
The human combatant can see that this is all going sideways and runs for the door. (Since Mak has a ranged weapon this should not provoke an AOO from him?)
The floating trident again strikes at Falco twice, though both attacks miss.
Aaroth’s can see the web beside him and a Liontaur all up in his grill. So he fights like a demon (though technically he is not one.) He stabs with his spear twice, hitting for 8 and 7, and then with two of his tentacles for 5 and 2 more. Rolth collapses to the floor, unconscious and dying (total of 41 damage.) ”Awright, who’s next?”[b] he says threateningly.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. [b]Use the RD6 (round 6) tab. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
Aaroth - AC 22, Touch AC 15, DR 5/good - Dam. 24+12 Dretch - AC 14 - DR 5/cold iron or good - Dam. 14 Human - AC 18 - Dam. 7
Kiwina (Steve M) (13/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Monday May 6th, 2019 10:49:08 PM
Kiwina wants to get over by Aaroth and fight, but figures squeezing between the tables would just put him in everyone else's way if they try to do the same. Aaroth's too far away for best use of a tanglefoot bag.
Kiwina sheathes his sword and retrieves a potion of CLW, not trying to move this round.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: 2d4+2=8 ; Monday May 6th, 2019 11:27:36 PM
Seeing the squid-man hemmed in a bit, Elyas moves into the southern room to try to help damage the creature. he gets as clear of a shot as possible and touches his bonded dagger, pulling a used spell into his memory. he fires a Magic Missile at Aaroth in order to avoid his allies.
2d4+2 force damage, auto-hitting = 8 damage.
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None d20+8=22 ; d6+1=4 ; Tuesday May 7th, 2019 6:31:41 AM
Angus can't get all the way over to help Roth so he moves quickly in that direction (location AC-15) and takes a shot at Aaroth with his shortbow
(AC 22 +1 Inspire to hit = 23 to hit, 4 points of damage)
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (1/42 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) Tuesday May 7th, 2019 6:33:14 AM "Oh, that was not a good plan, more rage-stupid than heroic!" Barely clinging to consciousness, Rolth withdraws (full round action) to YZ/15-16, and looks around for some healing. He is still angry though, which keeps him going, and continues to rally the Petals to take on Aaroth. (Inspire courage)
Effect Tracking: Inspire Courage 6/6 rounds used (active) Rage 5/10 rounds used (active) Spells Slots 0/2 used
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 29/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 | 3/4 Hero d20+6=24 ; d20+6=21 ; d8+2=10 ; Tuesday May 7th, 2019 6:59:10 AM
Falco is disgusted with himself for moving into a mass of webbing. {Reflex: 24} Fortunately he is at least not grappled. He knows channeling energy may help Rolth some but it would also heal Aaroth. With a sigh he throws his cold iron spear at the demon {Hit:22 | Dam: 10} and picks up his bow yelling.
(ooc: Forgot the inspire courage on the to hit so adjusted to 22} _______________________________ 1st - 1/1 cure light wounds, 1/1 magic weapon, 2/2 shield of faith 0th (at will) - Detect magic, guidance, light, resistance
Aaroth - Octopus headed pirate
Mak(JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +10 To Hit, 1d8+12 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20+10=28 ; d8+12=20 ; Tuesday May 7th, 2019 8:52:09 AM
OOC: 2 Squares to hop down, moving 3 squares south, ending at AC14.
Mak hopped down from the table and hobbled forward a bit as he took up a position behind a table. Mak was definitely favoring his left leg as he moved into the southern room. He glanced at the web to his right and saw it pulsing as the magic reached out to grab anything in it's area. Mak was determined to stay away from that as he took careful aim and let fly with another arrow at Aaroth.
OOC: +9+1(Inspire Courage)=+10, Roll 28, Hit! Damage 1d8+11+1(Inspire Courage)=+12, Roll 20-DR 5=15 Hp!
Mak's arrow rocketed past Rolth as it skimmed passed him, through Aaroth's shield, and into the man's leg for maximum effect. Still the demon's strange resistance prevented the arrow from doing it's worst, but the archer was happy. A satisfied smile crossed Mak's face as he prepared to track Aaroth and keep his distance from the man while continuing to try to shoot his arrows into him.
Seeing Rolth withdraw Tsak takes the fight to Aaroth to ensure the creature can't follow his wounded friend. He moves (to AF15) once Rolth has gone past him and strikes at the creature with his falchion. With his attention split the thrust is a bit rough.
Finnian (Zeke) (HP:17/27; AC: 16; Touch: 13; Flat: 13; CMD: 17) Status: None; CLW 19/50 d20+10=19 ; d8+3=11 ; Tuesday May 7th, 2019 6:08:19 PM
Finnian moves to Y8 and calls Rolth, to me as he let's an arrow fly. [if the human is still alive and a threat that's who he shoots if not he misses the aaroth] [19 to hit, 11 damage]
Deal With a Demon - DM Mark d20+8=25 ; 2d4+4=9 ; d20+6=15 ; Tuesday May 7th, 2019 6:27:58 PM Kiwina sheaths her sword and pulls out a potion.
Elyas moves, and with a flourish he shoots two Magic Missles into Aaroth.
Angus moves and shoots Aaroth. It hits but fails to stick in the creature (damage reduction.)
Rolth Rolth is not as damaged as the DM first thought, and regrets his headlong charge into battle with this creature. He withdraws, but even gravely wounded he continues to Inspire Courage in his friends.
Falco finds himself caught in the webbing! He throws his cold iron spear at Aaroth, but the webbing fouls his aim, and the spear remains suspended in the webbing next to Aaroth. (Webbing betwen you and the target provides cover, +4 to his AC.) Mak moves, favoring one leg as he goes, and shoots. Mak hits and sees Aaroth wince as the arrow bites into the creatures shoulder.
Tzak moves up to engage Aaroth, but his falchon swings wide and he misses.
Finnian hops off the gaming table and moves on top of another table. He shoots at Aaroth even as he calls out to Rolth to come to him. His shot seems to bounce off of some invisible barrier, missing Aaroth.
Aaroth is having a bad day. He attempts to cast a spell, which provokes an AOO from Tzak. Tzak hits and inflicts 4 points of damage, causing the spell to fail. He sneers, ”You stupid creatures have no idea what’s coming. I need that ship back. Join me and I promise you riches and rulership in what is to come. But if I fall this day, I promise you will face a dismal future alone and with no one to advocate for you. You will die along with all your kind.”
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Use the RD7 (round 7) tab. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
Aaroth - AC 22, Touch AC 15, DR 5/good - Dam. 36+8+15+4
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (9/42 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d8+1=8 ; Tuesday May 7th, 2019 6:46:53 PM
At Finnian's call, Rolth moves to WX/9-10, drawing a healing potion as he goes (total of two move actions.) He manages to heroically choke it down in a jiffy (expending a hero point for the extra action.) He heals 8hp of damage, which at least means he won't die when his rage runs out. He also runs out of speechifying, regrettably. He's still angry about the whole thing and determined to get back into the fight!
(Inspire Courage has ended, rage continues)
Effect Tracking: Inspire Courage 6/6 rounds used (inactive) Rage 6/10 rounds used (active) Spells Slots 0/2 used
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Tuesday May 7th, 2019 8:23:11 PM
Some what annoyed that the previous arrow bounced, Angus steps up (moves to AE-15) and fires again.
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None d20+8=22 ; d6+1=7 ; Tuesday May 7th, 2019 8:28:29 PM
(sorry hit submit too soon)
The arrow strikes (22 to hit) and it appears to have done some damage (7pts - 5DR = 2 pts damage)
Kiwina (Steve M) (21/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None d8+1=8 ; Tuesday May 7th, 2019 9:54:06 PM
Kiwina chugs the potion (regaining 8 hp) and rushes towards Aaroth as best he's able.
He has to squeeze between tables and there's a human in his path, so this could get messy. Having already taken a standard action, Kiwina cannot bull rush the human if he doesn't move -- nor is jumping an option. Let's see how close he can get to Aaroth using what he can of 50' movement. Hopefully the human gets out of the way.
===== Aumakua spell used Memorized: magic fang
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None d20+7=10 ; Wednesday May 8th, 2019 3:49:28 AM
(Attack=10) Tsak, wary of the cornered creature, fails to land a blow. Hopefully those with bows will be able to finish it off.
Mak(JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20+7=13 ; d20+7=16 ; Wednesday May 8th, 2019 9:22:28 AM
Without the inspiring words of the cat beast bard, Mak hesitated. He thought to ask the man next to him about the creatures words, but he was already moving away towards the demon thing. Mak saw the man shoot his bow at the creature and score a hit, but it was a glancing blow. Mak attributed that to him trying to shoot passed the half-orc warrior who himself was having trouble landing any blows on the slippery demon.
Otherwise Mak's head was clearing and with that clarity also came the pain in his leg. He leaned forward into the table and shifted his weight to his right leg as his bow came up again. With little thought about his target Mak sighted, aimed, and fired. His first arrow went wide, in part due to Tsak stepping in the way at the last minute and in part Mak not anticipating that step. A split second later another arrow left Mak's bow and it too missed it's target. This time Mak knew that his leg was too much of a distraction and he'd have to slow down to hit the octopod.
OOC: Missed twice...argh!
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 29/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 | d20+4=12 ; Wednesday May 8th, 2019 10:02:40 AM
Falco is beyond annoyed with himself for getting into the web. He tries to move forward to get out but only winds up getting himself stuck further. {Grappled} Frustrated he calls out.
"Oh, we probably wont kill you. Well we shouldn't. Capturing as a cheat is good enough then you can shows us what a good help you are I am sure."
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: d20+6=18 ; d20+6=8 ; d3=1 ; d3=2 ; Wednesday May 8th, 2019 10:25:50 AM
Elyas moves a bit closer (wihtin 30') and casts a ray of frost at Aaroth, watching to see if it does more than fire did. (ignore the second roll, the first one didn't show up for a full minute, so i clicked again and then they both showed up...) 18 vs touch AC, 2 damage (should have been 1d3+1, but it wouldn't let me roll that for some reason. dies roller is killing me today)
Finnian (Zeke) (HP:17/27; AC: 16; Touch: 13; Flat: 13; CMD: 17) Status: None; CLW 19/50 d8+1=7 ; Wednesday May 8th, 2019 4:02:06 PM
Seeing as he is not effective hopefully he can be more helpful by keeping his friends alive he reaches out and casts CLW on Rolth [+7 hp]
ACDM Cayzle posting for DM Mark Wednesday May 8th, 2019 9:32:35 PM
(Inspire Courage has ended. Spiritual Weapon on Falco has ended.)
Rolth heeds Finnian’s call, moving back near him and pulling out a potion. Then he calls on his heroic reserved to drink the potion.
Angus fires at Aaroth, hitting the creature for 2 points.
Kiwina drinks his potion and then tries moving forward, but being a large creature, he finds he is stopped by a drunk at the gaming table. He is able to use the rest of his movement to encourage the man to move along and squeeze past a bit, but ends his movement just outside striking range (with squeezing rules it take him 9 squares of movement to get there.)
Tzak attacks but misses.
Mak fires twice but misses.
Falco tries to move through the webbing, but only gets more tangled as a result. Frustrated, he calls out, "Oh, we probably won’t kill you. Well we shouldn't. Capturing as a cheat is good enough then you can shows us what a good help you are I am sure." On the plus side,
Elyas targets Aaroth with a ray of frost. It leaves some frost on the creature’s skin which is does not seem to even notice (no damage.)
Finnian heals Rolth for 7 points.
Aroth’s eyes go wide as he screams. He stabs his spear and strikes with his tentacles at Tzak, who is hit three times for a total of 22 damage.
One of the doors behind the bar near Falco opens against the webbing just a bit, but the man in there sees Falco and the webbing and shrieks as he snaps the door shut again.
The druken man that Kiwina moved past stumbles out of the area carrying pocketsful of chips, spilling some and yelling as he goes. ”Aaaa. Yer all a bunch a bad losers. Ahm takin these shhips and cashin em in later, an ah don care if ya like it er not!”
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Use the RD8 (round 8) tab. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
Rolth - Dam. 41-8-7
Kiwina - Dam. 16-8
Angus - Dam. 6
Falco - Dam. 9
Mak - Dam. 0
Tzak - Dam. 12+8+2
Elyas - Dam. 0
Finnian - Dam. 10
Aaroth - AC 22, Touch AC 15, DR 5/good - Dam. 63+2
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Wednesday May 8th, 2019 10:27:56 PM
Angus wonders if he can use the room to his advantage. He moves as fast and as quietly as he can, hoping the noise and chaos distract Aaroth from noticing him. Angus stows his short bow back over his shoulder and draws his rapier.
if possible, Angus would like to fast stealth over to AF-14 and hide from Aaroth's sight in order to enable a future sneak attack
Angus (Scott) (25/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Wednesday May 8th, 2019 10:29:25 PM Updates Angus' current hit points
Kiwina (Steve M) (21/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Wednesday May 8th, 2019 11:15:15 PM
Kiwina puases where he is and exchanges his spear for a sling.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (16/42 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+11=15 ; Thursday May 9th, 2019 6:23:43 AM
Rolth will move up closer to the fight and bellow at the human in AE16 to get out of the way.
Intimidate = 15 if needed
Effect Tracking: Inspire Courage 6/6 rounds used (inactive) Rage 7/10 rounds used (active) Spells Slots 0/2 used
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 29/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 | d20+4=5 ; Thursday May 9th, 2019 6:50:23 AM
Falco struggles to free himself but is caught fast in the web. {CMB: 5} Well at least I am in the way of the door.
Mak(JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20+7=26 ; d8+11=19 ; d20+7=27 ; d8+11=14 ; Thursday May 9th, 2019 8:55:25 AM
Mak is taken aback by the ferociousness of Aaroths attacks against Tsak as a sharp pain courses down his left leg. A wise man might have taken his time, but Mak only wanted this to end. He drew upon his skill in battle and fired twice in rapid succession. The first arrow rocketed across the gap and connected as it plunged deep into the demon thing, but Mak wasn't thinking as he fired again. That arrow, almost on the heels of the other passed exactly through the same space and landed just a fraction to the right of the first.
The soldier almost cheered at his own success with the two attacks which were really made in desperation rather than thought out. He had gotten lucky and he knew it...
OOC: Arrow #1, +7 to HIt, Roll 27, Hit!; Arrow #2, +7 to Hit, Roll 27, Hit!; Damage 19+14-10 DR=23 Hp! Rock on!
Mak(JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Thursday May 9th, 2019 8:57:52 AM
OOC: Me getting excited... That line should have read. The results are the same, but the number was wrong. Arrow #1, +7 to HIt, Roll 26, Hit!; Arrow #2, +7 to Hit, Roll 27, Hit!; Damage 19+14-10 DR=23 Hp! Rock on!
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Thursday May 9th, 2019 11:21:47 AM
Elyas is running low on effective spells, especially seeing that this creature is resistant to both fire and ice. Elyas takes a moment to cast Magic Weapon on his own crossbow, planning to switch to joining in on the mass of missile fire next round
Finnian (Zeke) (HP:17/27; AC: 16; Touch: 13; Flat: 13; CMD: 17) Status: None; CLW 19/50 d20+10=29 ; d8+2=7 ; Thursday May 9th, 2019 4:38:20 PM
Finnian moves to [X, 14] and fires once [attack=29, damage=7
Surprised, angered and wounded all at the same time Tsak roars at Aaroth. He follows the blood curdling howl with a broad sweep of his falchion, using the sword like a scyth. Putting every ounce of strength into the blow the half-orc is pleased to see blood spurt from his adversary. (Total Damage = 17)
ACDM Cayzle posting for DM Mark Thursday May 9th, 2019 8:11:49 PM Angus moves up, drawing his rapier as he goes. (In order to use stealth against an opponent, you have to begin from a point where that opponent cannot see you.)
Kiwina changes weapons to attack from a distance.
Rolth roars at the drunk human near the bar. The man spins around, frozen in fear! You see a stain slowly appear just below his waist (rolled a 1 on d20 and the only way out is toward the thing that just roared at him.)
Falco tries to move, but the webs hold him fast.
Mak takes two shots at Aaroth. Both of them hit, inflicting 23 points of damage. The creature falls back against the wall and then slumps to the floor, motionless.
Elyas casts Magic Weapon on his crossbow.
Finnian moves into the room and sinks an arrow into the slumped Aaroth. Aaroth does not seem to react.
The poor soul that just wet himself stares transfixed at Rolth. The others that remain are a mix of drunks or onlookers. Some seem a bit disappointed the fight appears to be over. A couple decide that this is the perfect time to gulp down the rest of their drinks and leave.
Rolth - Dam. 41-8-7
Kiwina - Dam. 16-8
Angus - Dam. 6
Falco - Dam. 9
Mak - Dam. 0
Tzak - Dam. 12+8+2
Elyas - Dam. 0
Finnian - Dam. 10
Aaroth - AC 22, Touch AC 15, DR 5/good - dead
Mak(JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Thursday May 9th, 2019 9:18:54 PM
Mak located the nearest unattended drink and swiped it up as he leaned upon his bow and looked for a chair. When found one he sat with a thump and called to the petals. “You fellas know anyone that’s hiring? I’m a little tapped out?”
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (10/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) Thursday May 9th, 2019 9:23:50 PM
Rolth seems Aaroth fall and his anger falls just as quickly. (End rage) He looks around tiredly at the remaining bystanders and asks, "Anyone else want to gamble their lives away tonight?", hoping that they will leave. He steps aside to let the human who soiled himself pass by in safety. "Sorry, fella, but you were standing in the way of me coming to the aid of my friends. Lucky for both of us, they didn't seem to need my help after all. Off with you now!" He gives him a silver piece to cover the cleaning bill.
Effect Tracking: Inspire Courage 6/6 rounds used (inactive) Rage 7/10 rounds used (inactive) Spells Slots 0/2 used Fatigued 1/14 rounds
Angus (Scott) (25/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Thursday May 9th, 2019 9:50:14 PM He can't see me, I'm a ghost. He can't see me, I'm a ghost, he can't ... Oh, because he is dead...
So Angus feels a little silly but tries to hide it. Angus looks around to see what everyone else is doing while trying to fight his natural inclination to loot the body.
I guess I am a bit out of practice in hiding
Kiwina (Steve M) (21/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None d20+10=23 ; Thursday May 9th, 2019 10:19:33 PM "Cecil!" Kiwina looks around at the centaur the Petals came to help. "Explain to us who this is, and how we fix your ship. Please."
Kiwina tends his wounds and anyone else who wants the help. Meanwhile he studies the two who joined the fight today, trying to guess what to make of Angus and Mak.
(Heal = 23 doesn't treat deadly wounds without a healers kit)
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 14/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Friday May 10th, 2019 1:46:28 AM
Tsaks snarl dies with Aaroth and he sinks wearily into the nearest chair. Rest and recovery are next on the menu for this battered petal.
(OOC can I save that attack and damage for the next fight ;) )
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 29/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 | d20+4=9 ; d20+3=20 ; d6=5 ; Friday May 10th, 2019 6:58:16 AM
Falco continues to struggle but the web is caught on his feathers. {CMB: 9} "Get rid of this web. We should keep him alive if possible."
From a distance he tries to see if Aaroth is simply unconscious as he hopes. {Heal: 20} Regardless he call on the power of his immortal patron to heal all those near.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Friday May 10th, 2019 9:05:09 AM
Mak took a quick intake of breath when Falco channeled the positive energy into the room because for a moment the pain in his leg was gone. It was just a moment though. Healing magic was always temporary when it came to his injury because it had been allowed to heal naturally for too long.
So the soldier put his elbow in the table and rested his head in his hand. "Thanksh for that." Mak said to the avian looking creature as he swirled the remains of his drink in the tankard and started to estimate in his head how many more swallows might be in the container. Afterwards he looked around for another unattended cup as he made plans.
OOC: I added the link to the character sheet. No peeking.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: d20+5=18 ; Friday May 10th, 2019 10:54:45 AM
Elyas cautiously moves forward, magical crossbow humming faintly as he keeps it aimed at the 'demon'. when he gets close enough, he looks to make sure the creature is dead, and searches the body. perception = 18
I am sorry Falco, I did not mean to capture you. the webs did their job of keeping Aaroth in the building, I apologize for the problems it gave you.
with a wave of his hand, Elyas dismisses the spell, and the webs dissolve in seconds leaving no trace
Deal With a Demon - DM Mark Friday May 10th, 2019 3:56:36 PM
Perception 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You recall that during the fight, Mak dropped a few coins and then a full pouch in front of one of the opposing Minotaurs, who then stepped away from Mak and made his way out.}
Mak grabs the nearest tankard and sits down as he says, “You fellas know anyone that’s hiring? I’m a little tapped out?”
Rolth tiredly asks if anyone else on the place wants to gamble their lives away. Then he apologizes to the drunk that he terrorizes moments earlier, and slips him a coin. The man is a bit bewildered, but takes the coin and leaves.
Angus looks around, trying to gauge what the next steps are.
Kiwina checks on Cecil and finds that while he has been roughly treated, he is uninjured. He asks Cecil for an explanation.
Tzak slumps into a nearby chair, glad the fight appears to be over.
As Elyas dismisses his Web spell, Falco channels some healing power, healing all within 30’ of him for 5 points. Alas, when Elyas does check on Aaroth’s arrow riddled body he finds that the creature is indeed dead.
Elyas searches Aaroth. He finds the body dressed in good clothing, including boots, pants a tunic and vest, a couple of belts with pouches on them. The clothes have some holes and stains they didn’t have before. In one of the pouches he finds 20 GP and 50 SP. In the other are a couple of stoppered vials. On each hand is an ornamented ring, and around his neck hangs a heavy bronze piece, finely made, in the form of two tentacles intertwined around a trident.
Cards lay scattered about the floor along with some chips. And blood.
Kiwina cuts Cecil’s bonds and tries to treat his abrasions and bruising with his healing kit, but he waves Kiwina away. [b]“Ugh - that’s better. Thanks, but I’m OK. Certainly had worse. Who is this? Why it’s Aaroth, a local card shark that evidently swindled me with his cards. But thanks to you, that’s done. My ship? Well, it’s gonna need some repairs for sure, but she’ll float even without them. The Herald is a magic ship, so those holes don’t affect her ability to sail.”
You see three closed doors behind the bar now that the webs are gone. As the other patrons shuffle out, some carrying bottles looted from the bar, you notice one older man sitting against a far wall watching you. He just sits there, occasionally drinking from a metal tankard.
Finnian (Zeke) (HP:17/27; AC: 16; Touch: 13; Flat: 13; CMD: 17) Status: None; CLW 19/50 Friday May 10th, 2019 3:58:07 PM
Finnian looks at Mak with admiration. "You sir are lethal with that thing" he says pointing to the bow. "I carved this myself he says indicating his own, [b]but I must admit I may be better at making them than I am at wielding the thing.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Friday May 10th, 2019 4:18:10 PM
Mak raised his nearly empty tankard at the man's compliment. "Cheersh!" he said as he knocked back the remainder of its contents. "Got lucky, don't you know." Mak said as he took two attempts at setting his mug down on the table before politely setting it on it's side and patting it a little. "That'll work." he said with an enebriated whisper.
"Made mine too." Mak said as he returned his attention to the half-elf as he rubbed the fine scroll work on the grip of the bow. "I'm not sho good at it though, sho it took me a couple of yearsh. Names Mak!" Mak said from his seat as he twirled the bow in his left hand. "Hey, shee if any of them pointy things aaaren't broken when you, one'sh old bean, pull them out of him." Mak said to whomever was tending to the dead body of the demon.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (10/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+10=15 ; Friday May 10th, 2019 9:14:43 PM
Rolth looks over to see whether Mak's coin pouch is still where he dropped it by the minotaur, then heads over to greet the old man sipping his drink. (Perception =15) "Greetings, grandfather. You keep your cool better than most, what with all the excitement going on today. How do you maintain this calm and peace of mind? For, you perceive, that is not my best talent."
Kiwina (Steve M) (21/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None d20+10=30 ; Saturday May 11th, 2019 2:23:06 PM
(perception = 30)
Kiwina continues to look over the new arrivals -- two-footed, small folk. He decides they look like mercenaries, not sailors. Too bad. He turns his attention back to Cecil.
"So, do you have any idea what Aaroth was going on about near the end of the fight? About why he wanted your ship?" Clearly Aaroth was evil, and probably he was just saying some nonsense to try to save his own skin. But Cecil has been around him the most, and is most likely to know. Then again, Angus said he worked for Aaroth briefly, too.
Then there's the question of whether Aaroth had anything to do with the increased pirate activity. But one thing at a time right now. I assume someone is alerting the guard, and they'll be coming soon. We'll need the deck of cards for evidence.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Saturday May 11th, 2019 4:01:44 PM
Elyas casts detect magic while sorting through Aaroth's things, holding it for a few rounds to get as much information as possible. he picks up anything magical (assuming that's probably the rings, vials, amulet, and maybe some of the cards he pulled that were summoning things).
he stashes them in his pockets for now, and will spend the time to ID them once they have cleared things up with the guards and gotten to safety
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Sunday May 12th, 2019 10:23:43 PM
Tsak is pretty banged up. He sets about patching himself up as best he can and then sticks his head out the door to see that Esmerelda has escaped unharmed and is still in the vicinity. The feline is sitting under a nearby lamp post. She regards him cooly before deigning to sashay into the casino to see whats going on.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 29/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | d8+4=12 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; Monday May 13th, 2019 6:58:22 AM
As the webs dissapear Falco stats moving to the others as quickly as he can while he speaks.
"My own fault Kiwina, I lept the bar without looking. Problem with my height. Now who else is injured badly."
He spots Rolth and calls on the warper-sar for healing. Falcos hands briefly warp and the power flows into Rolth. {Healing: 12}
He looks at Tzak and considers before channeling positive energy twice. {Healing: 6 for all}
Deal With a Demon - DM Mark Monday May 13th, 2019 5:03:36 PM Finnian compliments Mak on his fine shooting and the two compare bows, each mentioning that they crafted the bow they carry.
Elyas casts Detect Magic. He notes that Aaroth wears two magic rings and a magic amulet. Two small vials detect as magic in a pouch Aaroth wears. Three of the cards on the floor have a faint lingering magic aura. Elyas stashes these things in his pocket.
Tzak is pretty beat up. He tends to his wounds as best he can. Then he checks on his cat. She regards the ranger for a moment before deciding to reenter the casino. A small leopard would draw some stares if nearly everyone had not already run out.
Freed up from the webbing, Falco heals Rolth for 12 points, and then Channel’s Energy to heal everyone for 6 more points.
Kiwina looks over the two new people that assisted the Petals with the fight. Mak and Angus notice the centaur studying them a moment. Kiwina turns to Cecil, "So, do you have any idea what Aaroth was going on about near the end of the fight? About why he wanted your ship?"
Cecil responds, ”Yeah, I dunno what Aaroth was carrying on about. Maybe being a fish out of water was starting to dry out his brain. Anyway, my thanks to you for not only freeing me but for returning ownership of the Herald to me as well. Certainly Aaroth has no interest in the vessel now. Anywhere you folks need to go, my ship is at your disposal.”
Rolth does not see the coin pouch Mak gave the minotaur laying around anywhere. He walks over to an older man sitting against the wall and says, "Greetings, grandfather. You keep your cool better than most, what with all the excitement going on today. How do you maintain this calm and peace of mind? For, you perceive, that is not my best talent." Rolth can see a glint of fine chainmail beneath his shirt and a longsword at his hip.
The man looks up at the liontaur from his seat. ”Old man? Heh. That may be, but at the rate you folks are going, you’re not likely to ever be called old. Name’s Nyloth. You folks handled yourselves reasonably well or maybe you got lucky. That fish face was dealing out some damage along with some nasty magic. If there were another one of him here, I’d have give you even odds. It was smart of your friend there to pay off that Minotaur. Watch yourselves in the future - you never if that thing still has allies lurking about.
“You called yourselves the Pedals. What is it you're peddling?”
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+9=24 ; Monday May 13th, 2019 8:19:29 PM "Hah, good one, pretending to be an old man who can't hear!" Rolth says with a smile and wink. "We are the Eight Petaled Rose, blessed by Domi to be the Champions of the Taurnament, slayers of evil, that sort of thing. So I suppose that we are peddling good deeds, camaraderie, and a certain dash of style. So if that is what you are seeking, perhaps we have all come to the right place!" Turning to regard the newcomers, he adds, "Speaking of camaraderie, you may perceive that we of the Eight Petaled Rose are short a few members. Perhaps we could consider an alignment of mutual benefit? For you have acquitted yourselves well in the battle to best Aaroth." He looks at them and his colleagues for approval, and gives thanks to Falco for the healing.
(Diplomacy = 24 for dealing with the "old man")
Effect Tracking: Inspire Courage 6/6 rounds used (inactive) Rage 7/10 rounds used (inactive) Spells Slots 0/2 used Fatigued 3/14 rounds
Angus (Scott) (25/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Monday May 13th, 2019 11:13:36 PM
Angus looks around and answers I am overdue to make a change in my life anyway, I like your style, so I am in... if you will have me along.
Angus (Scott) (30/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Monday May 13th, 2019 11:15:41 PM and thank you good sir for the healing
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Monday May 13th, 2019 11:36:47 PM
Kiwina is not so ready to take on new comrades who would just take up space on the Rose, even if they are handy in a fight. Might not hurt to have them around until the Petals are ready to leave the island, though.
"Cecil, your crew's back on Bridge Island. Are you going to need help to get back to them?" At least the newcomers have earned a share of whatever the Petals collect for this skirmish. Speaking of which... "For that matter, Cecil, do you know where Aaroth was staying in town? We might learn more if we look there."
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | d20+9=19 ; Tuesday May 14th, 2019 7:02:01 AM
Falco moves to Angus and look him up and down.
"Your welcome, I guess if you help like that is is fine to invite you to the group." the next is more of a mumble to himself "Bow, blades... wonder what his specialty is. Well time will tell."
Falco then moves to search the body of Aaroth. {Perception: 29} As he does he call over his shoulder.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Tuesday May 14th, 2019 10:01:02 AM
Slayers of evil...blah blah.. Thought Mak. Wasn't that the mantra of all who wanted to impose their will on others? Still, he was short on cash and that octopus headed fellow had annoyed him with his cheating. Maybe he would hang around long enough to get his money back from that unexpected expense with the minotaur.
Mak wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and raised his newly emptied mug. "Hear hear! I'm with you, old bean!" then he turned to look for another unattended mug.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Tuesday May 14th, 2019 3:43:59 PM
Tsak nods his thanks to Falco, he's feeling much better now. He then makes the effort to thank Angus for his assistance and even throws a nod of appreciation to the funny talkin bowman.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Tuesday May 14th, 2019 6:04:33 PM Thank you for your help, Angus and Mak. we would love to have you join with us, if you're willing to travel with us and face unknown dangers at every turn.
Elyas looks around to make sure everyone is accounted for.
I believe we are done here. we should report back to the Duke before leaving to make sure that he hears our side of the story and it doesn't look like we just murdered this fish man
Finnian (Zeke) (HP:17/27; AC: 16; Touch: 13; Flat: 13; CMD: 17) Status: None; CLW 19/50 d20+11=21 ; Tuesday May 14th, 2019 7:53:15 PM
Finnian sits down. And laughs at the peddle joke but does not respond.
That 21 is for a perception roll and I remember Mac dropping some coins.
Aftermath - DM Mark Tuesday May 14th, 2019 9:17:02 PM Rolth diplomatically responds to Nyloth, "We are the Eight Petaled Rose, blessed by Domi to be the Champions of the Tournament, slayers of evil, that sort of thing. So I suppose that we are peddling good deeds, camaraderie, and a certain dash of style. So if that is what you are seeking, perhaps we have all come to the right place!" He then turns to Angus and Mak and extends thanks and a welcome for their help.
Angus accepts the invitation from Rolth, and thanks Falco for the healing.
Mak is hesitant, but does need to replenish his coin, especially after paying the Minotaur to leave. He says, "Hear hear! I'm with you, old bean!"
Kiwina is a bit more reserved in welcoming these strangers. She turns to Cecil, asking if he needs a crew for his ship. He also asks Cecil if he knows where Aaroth lived.
Falco wecomes Angus. He searches Aaroths dead body, but does not finds anything more than Elyas missed. As he searches, he asks, ”"Are we going to need to explain this to anyone?"
Tzak thanks Falco for the healing, and acknowledges Angus and the “funny talking bowman” for their help.
Elyas likewise welcomes the newcomers. Then he says, ”I believe we are done here. we should report back to the Duke before leaving to make sure that he hears our side of the story and it doesn't look like we just murdered this fish man.”
Finnian sits down and takes in the surroundings.
The place is a mess, and there’s a good deal of blood and a few dead bodies. Even outside where the fight took place you see overturned chairs, broken and scattered cups, cards, spilt ale and grog. Ugh. And Mak keeps picking up random cups and drinking their remains.
Cecil says, “A crew? Nah, I can pick me up a crew to get me over to Bridge Island. Where did Aaroth live? Beats me, under a wet rock for all I care.”
Nyloth responds to Rolth, ”Well, whatever you call yourselves, you did well. You say you need to report to the Duke? What’s your business with him? How is it that you seem to know the Duke?”
Perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear some quiet noises coming from one of the closed doors behind the bar.}
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+10=16 ; Tuesday May 14th, 2019 9:38:04 PM "When the Duke learned that Aaroth might be conspiring with pirates, he sent us to investigate. So we need to report back to him what occurred here. Of course, that was the second time we met him. The first was during the Taurnament, when he was very generous to us, and I hope we were good guests in return. Do you also have business with the Duke?"
He cuts short when he hears a noise beyond one of the closed doors behind the bar. "What's that? Who's there?" He points towards the door so the other Petals know what he is talking about.
(Perception = 16, success!)
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Tuesday May 14th, 2019 9:53:33 PM
Angus moves to behind the bar, The fighting's over, its safe to come out now
Angus remains ready to jump back out of the way, just in case the hidden folks come out expecting to fight.
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None d20+10=21 ; Tuesday May 14th, 2019 10:33:16 PM
(Perception = 21)
"Perhaps we'd best send word to Lord Marcus first." He also hears the noises behind the door, but has no interest in squeezing behind the bar.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20+4=16 ; Wednesday May 15th, 2019 7:01:25 AM
OOC: Perception +4, Roll 16, Success!
Mak heard the noises as well and reached for his bow. As he did so his limp seemed noticeably less pronounced. Perhaps it was all the healing magic suffusing the air, or maybe he’d finally reached the point in his consumption of alcohol to numb the pain. Either way he decided to take up a position behind one of the tables.
OOC: Use his precious location on RD 7
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | d20+6=21 ; Wednesday May 15th, 2019 7:08:05 AM
Satisfied that there is nothing else hidden on the body Falco waits for Elyas to check the items he found out. He spares Aaroth's corpse one more glance before rejoining the others. Would be good to know where he comes from. Is he really a demon?
At the suggestion of someone behind the door he readies his bow but doesn't expect to fire.
"Yes, do come out. It is quite the mess out here but the octopus man has been taken care of. You are safe." {Diplomacy: 21}
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: d20+5=10 ; Wednesday May 15th, 2019 12:06:52 PM
Elyas hears nothing (perception = 10), but sees several of his companions perk up and look at a door.
Did you hear something back there? probably just someone hiding from the fight
Aftermath - DM Mark Wednesday May 15th, 2019 7:58:57 PM Rolth answers Nyloth about the Petals relationship with the Duke, and then asks, “Do you also have business with the Duke?"
Kiwina suggests sending word to Lord Marcus.
Several of the Petals notice some noise coming from a closed door behind the bar.
Mak grabs his bow and moves behind one of the tables.
Angus moves to behind the bar and says, “The fighting's over, its safe to come out now.”
Falco readies his bow and follows with, "Yes, do come out. It is quite the mess out here but the octopus man has been taken care of. You are safe."
Elyas wonders a bit what all the fuss is about, saying the noise others heard is probably just someone hiding from the fight.
Indeed, two of the doors eventually open. An older man and two servers you saw earlier emerge. They look around, the younger ones a bit wide eyed. The older man looks levelly around the place as the younger ones position themselves behind him. Whew what a mess. His eyes finally fall on the dead bodies of a half-orc and that of Aaroth, a pool of blood beneath each. ”Safe, eh? This don’t look like it was safe. Awright, which one of you did this? Why’d you decide to bust up my place? CARL! CADLESS! Where are those two?”
Nyloth provides no further answer about the Duke, but looks expectantly from the casino owner to the Petals, some with bows and bloodied weapons. His sword hangs sheathed at his side. Sense Motive DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: { From the way Nyloth rises from his chair and moves more than a paw’s reach from Rolth he give the appearance of someone ready for action at a moment’s notice.}
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+2=20 ; d20+9=10 ; Wednesday May 15th, 2019 8:33:56 PM
Rolth notes Nyloth's careful defensive positioning and says, "Good Nyloth, why are you concerned by us? As you no doubt witnessed, we came here to investigate--on the Duke's behalf, I might add--the predations of Aaroth, who apparently consorted with pirates. When he was caught red-handed cheating--no doubt against the rules of the house, I should hope (Rolth gives a significant glance at the proprietor)--he summoned fiends to fight for him and called on some of his rough fellows to join him. Some did, and they paid the same price as he. So we didn't decide to bust up your place, Aaroth did. I don't think that he will do so again.
(Sense Motive = 20, success) (Diplomacy = 10, could use a little help!)
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Wednesday May 15th, 2019 8:38:39 PM It's a safer place without the magical cheating octopus demon in it! Tsak rises from his chair, his falchion stays sheathed. Kiwina's right, I think Lord Marcus is our first stop. Thank you, sir, for your hospitality.
As long as no-one starts a fight, Tsak heads toward the door, and some fresh air.
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None d20+6=17 ; d20+1=21 ; Wednesday May 15th, 2019 11:55:29 PM
(Sense motive = 17)
"I think the gentleman would have taken Aaroth's part if he had thought we were in the wrong," Kiwina says, indicating Nyloth, "but he may have his opinions of the fitness of our actions. Perhaps one of the young ones can get the guard so he will understand we don't intend to slip away." He tries to help Rolth smooth things over. (diplomacy = 21)
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | d20+8=19 ; d20+6=20 ; Thursday May 16th, 2019 7:20:34 AM
{Sense Motive: 19}
Falco unnok's his arrow and shoulders his bow with a little shake to settle his feathers. He walks up to the older gentlemen.
"As said we were here on the Duke's business as well as our own. We had been looking for this pirate consort er for some time. If there are damages to be repaired and I sure we can pass on the few gold. As for lost business, the absence of this" he points to Aaroth "will only be an improvement I am sure." {Diplomacy: 20}
He looks around the room and at the Petals.
"I am sure you bit folk can take a moment to straighten up the chairs and tables. It will not help our name to smash up a bar and then not pick up." he glances at the folks who seem to be joining the Petals "Make sense to you folks? We would rather be thought of as heroes then vandals."
Finnian (Zeke) (HP:17/27; AC: 16; Touch: 13; Flat: 13; CMD: 17) Status: None; CLW 19/50 Thursday May 16th, 2019 11:43:26 AM
Finnian agrees with the others and moves to help clean.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20=1 ; d20+1=18 ; Thursday May 16th, 2019 11:55:54 AM
OOC: Mak, Sense Motive, Untrained +0, Roll 1, Fail! Aid Another, Diplomacy +1, Roll 18. Gives +2 to Rolth.
Mak, in his best aristocratic voice, suggested Rolth was speaking true and that it would be best for all involved to listen to him and follow his instruction. The young nobleman then strung the bow over his shoulder and started looking for the tap so he could draw himself a fresh beer.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Thursday May 16th, 2019 2:59:05 PM
Elyas doesn't try to add anything to the conversation, but moves to help Finnian clean up the mess, picking up arrows, righting chairs and making sure there aren't any wayward strands of webbing around
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Thursday May 16th, 2019 4:00:32 PM
Angus gestures towards Rolth This one speaks the truth, you may remember me from the other casino, a local lad just like the lot of you. That Aaroth has been under suspicion of cheating... and much worse, for some time now.
Angus also helps to put things upright and clean up as he says all that.
Aftermath - DM Mark Thursday May 16th, 2019 11:51:24 PM Rolth asks Nyloth why his is concerned about the Petals. Then he tells the proprietor the Petals didn’t bust up the place, Aaroth did.
Mak agrees with Rolth, and move behind the bar to fill his beer.
Tzak says the place is safer without Aaroth, and he agrees with Kieina that Lord Marcus should be their next stop. He makes for the door.
Kiwina voices her thoughts regarding Nyloth, and suggests someone go get the guard.
Falco clarifies that the Petals were here on the Duke’s business, offers to pay for some damages, and notes that the place is better off without Aaroth. Then he starts cleaning up the place, suggesting the other Petals do the same.
Finnian and Elyas get to cleaning as.
Angus backs up what’s been said about Aaroth and also starts straightening up the place.
Nyloth relaxes a bit says, ”You folks are a little jumpy, but you handle yourselves well. To be sure, it looks like you have things well in hand here.” However, he does not leave.
The proprietor barks to the young man and woman behind him, ”Here now, Yara, Gum, don’t just stand there slack jawed while others do your work!” The two snap into action, but they give the Petals and the dead bodies a wide berth as they go. Then he man responds to Falco, ”Never mind bird man. I have some of Aaroth’s funds on account. They’ll do to pay for anything that’s broken. But I do need you to take care of that,” he says, pointing at Aaroth.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) Friday May 17th, 2019 6:46:13 AM
Rolth says to the proprietor, "I assure you that we will do so. Was Aaroth staying here, and if so, might we search his room for additional evidence that we could convey to the Duke?". To Nyloth he asks, "Sir, what brings you here, and why do you linger when all the others have left? You may of course do as you please, but I admit to a certain curiosity, given that you seem to have some skill at arms yourself."
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | Friday May 17th, 2019 6:51:59 AM
While cleaning Falco attempts to retrieve the 'marked' cards that Aaroth had been using. This will be good evidence if needed I think.
"Well sir, it sounds you may come out ahead of the game. Good good. We will deal with the body as well." How do I 'deal' with a body?
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Friday May 17th, 2019 7:00:16 AM
With no knowledge of local funerary customs, and an unwillingness to return this body to the sea where its spirit would trouble fishermen for generations, Kiwina makes no move to deal with Aaroth. Instead, he verifies that the creatures he fought disappeared afterwards.
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None d20+7=15 ; Friday May 17th, 2019 7:18:00 AM
Seeing that Falco is taking care of retrieving the cards, Angus continues to tidy up the place while looking for anything else that would be unusual or a clue to help them understand Aaroth.
(Perception = 15)
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Friday May 17th, 2019 8:59:07 AM
Mak angled his clean mug just so and pulled on the tap. Amber fluid flowed from the spout and gathered in a soft swirl at the bottom of the container while Mak looked into its bottom with fascination. When the mug was almost full with barely a hint of a foamy head Mak released the tap handle and took a long sniff of the golden substance. As a thrill ran up his spine Mak leaned against the bar and took a sip while he watched everyone clean.
For a moment afterwards Mak drifted off into his thoughts. Finnian reminded him of Malcolm, full of excitement and wonder. Someone that knew what a man's bow was. Like Malcolm he also needed a few lessons, but Mak didn't know if he was ready to go back to that life yet.
Mak raised his mug and motioned toward his pack across the room. "That bag is moyne, fie leave it there."
OOC: DM, bump on the private post.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Friday May 17th, 2019 9:03:25 AM
Tsak notes the request to take care of the body as he heads for the door. I'll try to rouse some guards, maybe they'll be able to help us deal with the remains of the deceased.
Tsak makes sure that Esmerelda leaves with him, he doesn't want the feline trying to chow down on the dead body of Aaroth.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Friday May 17th, 2019 12:46:37 PM Taking care of dead bodies isn't really our specialty. do we bury him in a city graveyard? or just burn the body?
Finnian (Zeke) (HP:17/27; AC: 16; Touch: 13; Flat: 13; CMD: 17) Status: None; CLW 19/50 d20+11=12 ; Friday May 17th, 2019 4:58:05 PM
Finnian continues to clean and searches for anything of interest that might have gone overlooked. Natural 1
Aftermath - DM Mark Friday May 17th, 2019 6:22:10 PM Rolth agrees to deal with Aaroth’s body, and asks if Aaroth had a room here. To Nyloth he asks "Sir, what brings you here, and why do you linger when all the others have left? You may of course do as you please, but I admit to a certain curiosity, given that you seem to have some skill at arms yourself."
Elyas says, ”Taking care of dead bodies isn't really our specialty. Do we bury him in a city graveyard? Or just burn the body?”
Falco cleans up, and retrieves some of the scattered cards. Perception DC 10 Highlight to display spoiler: {With a good idea what to look for, he can see that the face cards seem to have some sort of mark on this.} (Falco may recall that Elayas still has the marked cards he took from the table earlier.)
Kiwina has no intention of touching the dead Aaroth. There is a dead half-orc there, but the dead Lemure, Dretch and Hell Hound are no-where to be seen. Perception DC 12 Highlight to display spoiler: {It doesn’t take much of a practiced eye to see that though these creatures are gone, the damage they inflicted was quite real, including the scorch marks from the Hell Hound.}
Angus helps clean up. He looks carefully as he goes, and though there is nothing terribly unusual, he does manage to find 6 silver pieces that were probably dropped in haste.
Finnian likewise keeps a sharp eye, and manages to find a nice looking dagger as he straightens up chairs.
Mak pulls a mug of ale as he watches the others work as he says, "That bag is moyne, fie leave it there." This earns him a stern look from the proprietor, ”That bag may be yours, but you don’t see me going through it and taking what I want. So get out from behind my bar.”
Tzak says he’ll get the guards. He calls his cat to him as he heads out the door. As he reaches the door, he sees a few people looking in that scatter. They seem genuinely afraid.
Responding to Rolth, the proprietor says, ”Aaroth? Yeah he stayed here. That’s his room up there.” He points to a door in the shadows up the stairs. ”But you’ve got no business in there that I can see.” Sense Motive DC 10Highlight to display spoiler: { This bar owner expects something in return.}
Nyloth says to Rolth’s question, ”My business here is like anyone else’s - I gamble and I drink. The real question seems to be ‘why were you here in the first place?’” Afterall, I’m not the one that came in here and killed a couple of people.” Sense Motive DC 30Highlight to display spoiler: { This Nyloth was not here to gamble and drink.}
To Tzak Nyloth scratches his short bears as he says, ”Get the guards if you like, but killing a man in a casino is just gonna to tie you up here for a while - probably in a jail until they sort things out. The guards probably don’t care much about what happens to a guy with an octopus head. But if you want to force them to care, well, that’s up to you how you want to spend your time. And they’re likely to want to interview witnesses. I’m not sure you want to put your fate in the hands of the customers of this place. But again,” he shrugs, that’s up to you.”
Per his earlier question Mak knowsHighlight to display spoiler: {This Purple Duke, or “Duke Purple” as he likes to be called, is a bit of a dandy. The locals may know more. Mak also know that the title of Duke here does not imply a royal connection. Rather, it is often an assumed title based on a rule of might or control.}
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None d20+10=30 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+5=23 ; Friday May 17th, 2019 7:40:16 PM
(Perception = 30, sense motive = 17)
Lord Marcus already knows we're looking for Aaroth and why, Kiwina thinks, I wonder what Nyloth is up to. I wonder if he's trying to keep us from Aaroth's room.
Kiwina wanders over towards the barkeep, pulling out a gold piece. "The man-thing attacked us! Simply because we talked about showing his marked deck to the guards. I'd say that makes this our business. Now which room did you say he was in?" Although he's ready to pay for the information, Kiwina stares at the man as he slams the coin down -- wouldn't want him to consider lying or asking for more. (Intimidate = 23)
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+2=12 ; Sunday May 19th, 2019 2:59:27 PM
Rolth agrees with Kiwinia's approach to the proprietor, as paying a bit to gain access to Aaroth's room seems like a good plan. He doesn't respond to Nyloth's pointed comment about us coming here and killing people--they guy seems determined to think what is going to think, and isn't listening to what we are saying, so 'yawn'. If Nyltoh tries to interfere with our investigation or enter Aaroth's room, Rolth will block his way. We at least are here at the direction of the Duke, and he is claiming to just be a gambler and drinker.
(Sense Motive = 12, success)
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Monday May 20th, 2019 7:08:06 AM
Angus examines the silver coins to see if they are normal coins of the local realm or from elsewhere.
My guess is that he had more to hide from us than simply being a card cheat. Would be nice to know why he wanted the ship so badly Angus says to those nearby
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | Monday May 20th, 2019 7:10:27 AM
Not finding any additional cards that had been lost in the commotion Falco listens to see what happens with Kiwina's attempt to get into the room. Not being one who takes the intimidation approach he has little to add.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Monday May 20th, 2019 10:08:54 AM
Elyas waits to see what the barkeep does in response to Kiwina's bribe. He knows getting information from Aaroth's room could be very important, either to tie him more directly to the pirates or to learn more about the odd things he was yelling right before his end. if the barkeep doesn't give in, it might be worth a risk doing something more... drastic.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Monday May 20th, 2019 10:22:30 AM
Having been reigned in by the mans words Tsak engages Nyloth in conversation hoping to distract him whilst others among the petals enter and search the room used by Aaroth. Truth be told sir, I'm kinda new to all this and would welcome the counsel of a more experienced head. What would you suggest we do about this predicament?
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +7/+7 To Hit, 1d8+11/1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Monday May 20th, 2019 12:14:41 PM
DM Old
This earns him a stern look from the proprietor, ”That bag may be yours, but you don’t see me going through it and taking what I want. So get out from behind my bar.”
Mak New
Mak raised his mug at the man and said. "Cheers! Nice to know one's welcome here if he's a cheat, but not if he's thirsty. I'd pay for this, old bean, but I'm a little tapped out since I bribed a minotaur to not trash your place. You'd think one would get a little credit for that."
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Monday May 20th, 2019 12:16:45 PM
Kiwina looked over his shoulder and saw the unkempt man heading up the stair and decided he'd better head that off before more trouble was started, but he only managed to catch up to the beer carrying man when he stopped at the door to check and see if it was locked.
The soldier wandered over to his pack and then headed upstairs to the room that was supposed to be Aaroths with the intent to examine it's contents. At the door to the room Mak dropped the pack and tried the door handle to see if it was locked.
Aftermath - DM Mark d20=4 ; d6=1 ; Monday May 20th, 2019 10:54:52 PM Kiwina fixes an intimidating gaze on the older barkeep and he slams a gold piece down as he says. "The man-thing attacked us! Simply because we talked about showing his marked deck to the guards. I'd say that makes this our business. Now which room did you say he was in?" The man is clearly now fearful of the centaur, and holds up his hands as he replies, ”Hey, hey, I don’t want any trouble with you. You got the weapons, so it’s that room up there. Here’s a key. ” He gestures to a specific door as he holds out a key to Kiwina. (Bear in mind that intimidating people into submission typically takes 1 minute of time and leaves them initially compliant, but later rather unfriendly.)
Rolth supports Kiwina intimidating the barkeep, and prepares to block Nyloth should he try to interfere.
Angus agrees. He sees that the silver coins he found seem to be local currency.
Elyas is also in agreement, and is ready for more drastic action if needed.
Falco watches the exchange, and pockets the marked cards he picked up from the floor and table.
Mak decides he’s earned the ale from the barkeep. Intimidated, the barkeep sullenly offers no objection.
Tzak turns to Nyloith and says, ”Truth be told sir, I'm kinda new to all this and would welcome the counsel of a more experienced head. What would you suggest we do about this predicament?”
Nyloth offers no resistance, nor does he do anything to interfere. He responds to Tzak, ”Doesn’t look like you folks need any advice. You people won and you’re taking what you want. You certainly don’t need my help.” He sits down with his back to the wall and pick up his tankard and takes a drink.
Kiwina and Mak head up the stairs and unlock the door to the room.
They find a rather spartan and well kept room. It smells clean, but slightly odd. There is normal furniture you’d expect to find in such a single room living space. The wardrobe holds sturdy, well made clothing, some fancy but most is rather plain. It also contains a locked box about 1 foot on each side. A tray on the desk holds some strange oils, unguents and liquids. They find a basket containing a number of shells, some rather unusual. There are writing implements and paper, but any written materials in the room seem to be limited to local receipts for mundane goods, an agreement for renting the room, etc. There are a couple of small, sharp knives, a large dagger, a crossbow made of metal and bone, and a carved piece of shell about the size of a hair comb but with a toothed scraping edge. They also find a covered bucket that seems to have water, seaweed and some large snails in it.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Tuesday May 21st, 2019 6:28:03 AM
Tsak positions himself near the bottom of the stairwell and waits for those who are investigating Aaroth's room to return.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | d20+8=22 ; d20+9=10 ; Tuesday May 21st, 2019 7:05:28 AM
As the others move upstairs Falco hurries to catch up speaking more for the benefit of the new members.
"You folks have joined us at an odd time. We were attacked by pirates on the way here and that Aaroth with linked to the. The Petals are not just ruffians, we are not simply taking things from the room. Captain Cecil is owed some form of reparation though if anything is found. Really clues about the pirates are more important."
Falco casts detect magic and slowly looks over the room. If he sees anything he will try and work out what it is. {Spellcraft: 22} One tjhat is done he will look for clues about the pirates. {Perception: 10}
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Tuesday May 21st, 2019 11:27:42 AM
Elyas will walk slowly in a circle around the room while casting Detect Magic. if anything shows up as magical he will add it to his bag with the magical items he took from Aaroth's body to be examined in detail once they are out of the gambling den.
Mak and Kiwina (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20+6=8 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+8=24 ; Tuesday May 21st, 2019 2:35:42 PM
Mak entered the room while the others caught up to him and Kiwina. He looked at the crossbow carewfully, trying to gauge it's quality. Once they arrived he stepped back out onto the balcony and leaned against the wall and sipped on his beverage. "I'll pay for this." Mak offered to the proprietor, "But I'll have to owe you."
Meanwhile Kiwina examined the contents of the room for anything familiar or out of place.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+10=29 ; Tuesday May 21st, 2019 8:01:24 PM
Rolth will toss the proprietor payment for Mak's drink, and says to Mak, "No, you can owe me. We'll not have the name of the Eight Petaled Rose sullied by any suggestions that we are mere ruffians. Do I look like a barbarian? I mean, umm, never mind." He stomps upstairs to the room to aid in the search.
(Perception = 29)
Aftermath - DM Mark Tuesday May 21st, 2019 10:56:31 PM Tzak takes a position at the bottom of the stairs and waits.
Falco explains that the Petals are not just ruffians. They are seeking clues and compensation for Cecil. He moves upstairs and casts Detect Magic. The only hit he gets is on the box. It is indeed magic, and contains three sources of conjuration magic. No one has touched the box yet.
Elyas also casts Detect Magic, but finds the same as Falco.
Mak explains to the proprietor that he’ll pay for the drink later, since he is tapped out. Once upstairs, he examines the crossbow. It is quite finely made and polished to a nice sheen. It would probably survive underwater just fine. There is a quarrel of bolts there as well. {There is no balcony.)
Kiwina scans the room, but notices nothing more than has been mentioned.
Rolth pays for Mak’s drink, and says, "No, you can owe me. We'll not have the name of the Eight Petaled Rose sullied by any suggestions that we are mere ruffians. Do I look like a barbarian? I mean, umm, never mind." He helps with the search of squidward’s room.
The proprietor quietly takes the coin, but barks at the younger helpers to mind their work.
Nyloth quietly sits against the wall. You occasionally see someone peeking in one of the windows.
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None d20+15=25 ; Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 6:14:31 AM
Angus helps to search the room and will attempt to unlock the box.
(Disable device = 25)
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 7:05:38 AM
After pointing out there is some sort of magic item in the box Falco looks for any documents laying about, letters and what not. He is looking for anything that ties Aaroth to the pirates.
Mak and Kiwina (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 8:41:59 AM
Mak raises his mug. "The noblest of barbarians you are too, old bean!" When he holds the mug aloft Rolth can see a signet ring with the seal turned inwards to his palm on his right hand. Maki accent and manner certainly mark him as a nobleman, though they would rarely be tapped out. Perhaps this one was a scoundrel.
OOC: Ok, the room is on the second floor and the proprietor pointed to it? I just assumed there was a balcony running around the central area with rooms upstairs. Not important really to have a map, unless more trouble is coming. ;)
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: d20+5=11 ; d20+7=17 ; Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 10:08:59 AM
Satisfied that nothing else in the room is magical, Elyas roots through some of the items in the room to look for anything out of the ordinary. he starts by examining the tray full of oils and liquids. he examines them, removing stoppers and sniffing or tasting the liquids.
[perception to ID liquids = 11. knowledge nature to id any of them that are mundane natural concoctions = 17]
Elyas also eyes the interesting bone crossbow, but doesn't have time to examine it just yet.
Finnian (Zeke) (HP:17/27; AC: 16; Touch: 13; Flat: 13; CMD: 17) Status: None; CLW 19/50 d20+11=12 ; Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 10:27:19 AM
Finnian casts detect magic and gets the same information as Falco. He approaches the box and investigates without touching at first for fear that it may be trapped.
[perception =12,another 1...]
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 12:52:05 PM
Tsak scrapes a chair across the stone floor and settles into it. Esmerelda sits leaning against his leg, the half orc absently stroking her between the ears.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 7:27:15 PM
Rolth responds to Mak with a smile and a teasing retort, "The most barbaric of the nobles are you, young bean! What's your story then?"
Aftermath - DM Mark d100=58 ; d20=3 ; d20=5 ; Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 11:12:08 PM Finnian examines the box in Aaroth’s room with Detect Magic, but does not touch it, wary of any traps.
Angus unlocks the box. Opening it, he finds there are three potion vials and some gold coins. There is also a gold symbol similar to the one he wore around his neck.
Falco searches for anything linking Aaroth to the pirates, but finds nothing in writing beyond local receipts for mundane goods, an agreement for renting the room, etc.
Elyas Elyas opens and smells/tastes the various liquids. Some have little or no smell, one is quite fishy, and a couple smell vile. As for taste, DC 12 Fortitude Save Highlight to display spoiler: { if you make the save, you are sickened for 1 min, and if you fail the save you are nauseated for 1 min.}
Mak goes back downstairs and says to Rolth, "The noblest of barbarians you are too, old bean!". People may notice he wears a ring turned inwards to his palm and also has a certain accent.
Rolth replies, "The most barbaric of the nobles are you, young bean! What's your story then?"
Tzak sits quietly with his cat. His really big cat.
The proprietor moves about the room, making sure his employees clean and straghten things up. Nyloth sits quietly.
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Thursday May 23rd, 2019 6:42:00 AM
Angus gets the attention of the others in the room Interesting, got some coin and potions of some sort and a spare piece of squiddy jewelry. Anyone here know what these things are? besides the gold, I mean.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) Thursday May 23rd, 2019 6:44:36 AM "Hey Angus, does that chest have any secret compartments maybe? It seems weird that there are no clues here at all to whatever his master plan is." He then walks back to the common room and hangs out near Tsak and Esmerelda. He japes, "Let's not forget who the biggest, baddest cat here is, but Esmerelda is pretty cool!"
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | d20+8=28 ; Thursday May 23rd, 2019 6:48:42 AM
{Spellcraft: 28}
Falco examins the potions to see if he can recognize what they are. While not as versed in the arcane as he once was he is confident at this moment. [i] {Nat 20 :)}
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Thursday May 23rd, 2019 8:50:54 AM "My story?" Mak said as he took a chair and leaned back. "Trying to get away from it all...war, memories of war, war like people, war injuries, basic war stuff, don't you know. Being a soldier or guard doesn't pay well, so I shipped aboard as an assistant navigator and here I am."
While Mak was talking his left hand made a circular motion on his left leg as if he were kneading the muscles there. "The war injuries I'm trying to get away from.", he explained.
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Thursday May 23rd, 2019 8:58:35 AM
Kiwina stood at the door to the room and made sure nothing untoward happened to those investigating. He also served as a relay to those in the common room to keep them up to date.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: d20+4=8 ; Thursday May 23rd, 2019 12:03:58 PM
fortitude save = 8. Fail.
Elyas stops examining the vials of liquid and starts puking in the corner, unable to even stand upright after just a single taste of one of the liquids.
Wel... those... blarg... aren't potions.... blarg
[ooc: anyone have craft alchemy or any other way to id what those might be?]
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Thursday May 23rd, 2019 3:42:07 PM
Tsak gives Rolth a toothy grin, and Esmerelda bestows on him a baleful stare. He gets the sense that some of the others aren't ready to leave yet, so stays put for now.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Thursday May 23rd, 2019 4:45:55 PM
Mak heard the vomiting from where he was and idly commented. "You think he drank the ink?"
Aftermath - DM Mark Friday May 24th, 2019 12:34:23 AM Angus says, “Interesting, got some coin and potions of some sort and a spare piece of squiddy jewelry. Anyone here know what these things are? besides the gold, I mean.”
Rolth replies, asking him to check the box for secret compartments. It seems odd to him there are no clues to Aaroth’s master plan.
Falco checks one of the potions and determined it is a Cure Moderate Wounds potion. Assuming he makes equally successful Spellcraft checks twice more, he will determine that all three potions are the same.
Mak responds to Rolth’s earlier question, sharing a bit about his background.
Kiwina Shares info with the others about what is found in the room.
Tzak stays put.
Elyas seems to have a bad reaction to one or more of the mystery liquids he was tasting and is sickened.
The proprietor hears the retching and sighs. He says tentatively, ”Now to be sure, you good folks needn’t trouble yourselves about matters here. If you would be so kind as to take the Aaroth’s body, I can have the contents of his room packed up and sent … sent wherever you choose. We don’t want any trouble.”
Nyloth sits quietly.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Friday May 24th, 2019 2:50:34 AM
Tsak heads outside to find a guard and send for Marcus.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) Friday May 24th, 2019 6:22:37 AM
Rolth bids Tsak to wait a moment to discuss the way ahead. "Perhaps involving Lord Marcus and the local guards is unwise. The Duke asked us to detain Aaroth and bring him in. I think maybe we should do that instead. What do you others think?"
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None d20+7=18 ; Friday May 24th, 2019 6:24:52 AM
Angus checks the box for secret compartments.
(Perception = 18)
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | d20+3=9 ; Friday May 24th, 2019 6:50:50 AM
{Heal Check: 9}
Falco glances over at the retching Elyas but has little idea what is going on with him.
"Walk it off, you will be ok." he scoops up the potions "These will be useful, they can cure moderate injuries, who would like to have one to carry?"
If he can overhear Mak he will keep an eye on him wondering what injuries he has suffered thinking they may be more then wounds of the flesh.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Friday May 24th, 2019 8:59:20 AM
Mak listened to Rolth ask for opinions and thought to add. "If your directive was to bring him in, old bean, that certainly makes the sticky wicket of what to doh with the body academic, does it not?"
Mak leaned back in his chair and finished the beer as he looked crestfallen into the bottom of mug. "Farewell thee, it appears you may be the last I'll see in a while, old bean." He remained seated for a moment or two before standing and addressing the room.
"So, anyone have a cart, or perhaps a mule to throw this cheater over, so one doesn't have to carry him all the way to the duke?"
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Friday May 24th, 2019 9:02:17 AM
Kiwina raised his hand to accept the curing potion. "I'll take one."
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: d20+5=6 ; Friday May 24th, 2019 10:24:07 AM
After a minute Elyas recovers a bit. Well if we don't have anyone who can identify these liquids, perhaps it is best to leave them behind. I doubt that they are somehow the secret to the squid's diabolical plan anyways.
Perhaps I should address this gap in my studies... learning more about alchemical compounds may be of use to me moving forward...
Elyas will then examine the crossbow in the room to see if it is any better than the one he is carrying. perception = 6.... natural 1.
[ooc]I have Aaroth's amulet. you said there was a matching one in the box. was it magical as well, or were only the potions magical?[/ooc]
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Friday May 24th, 2019 3:15:57 PM
Mak shared his findings on the crossbow with the others.
It is quite finely made and polished to a nice sheen. It would probably survive underwater just fine. There is a quarrel of bolts there as well.
"Fluttah it fires bolts underwatah fie fine."
Aftermath - DM Mark Saturday May 25th, 2019 4:27:44 AM Tzak heads outside to find a guard. He sees a couple of minotaur guards that seem to be watching the casino doors from across the street. Which seems odd. Unless they just got there they must surely have seen people fleeing the place. Tzak tells them to send for Lord Marcus. They regard Tzak cooly. ”Marcus eh? Now why would I bother Marcus about this place?”
As Tzak heads out, he hears Rolth calls after him, "Perhaps involving Lord Marcus and the local guards is unwise. The Duke asked us to detain Aaroth and bring him in. I think maybe we should do that instead. What do you others think?"
Angus checks the box for secret compartments. He finds none, but in the process he can tell there are 560 GP in the box. These coins look a bit odd though - different from the ones you’ve been dealing in here.
Falco glances at the retching Elyas and tell him to walk it off as he offers the potions to his friends.
Mak says, ”"If your directive was to bring him in, old bean, that certainly makes the sticky wicket of what to doh with the body academic, does it not?" About the crossbow, he says, "Fluttah it fires bolts underwatah fie fine."
Kiwina says he’ll take a potion.
Once he gets his stomach under control, Elyas is ready to leave the various liquids behind. In looking at the amulet that was in the box, it is the same symbol of two tentacles intertwined around a trident, though this one does not detect as magic.
The proprietor can see you looking at a box and the crossbow. ”Since you’ll be taking the body of that thing, you’re certainly entitled to take his things with you. As for your business with Lord Marcus, well, I’ll leave that to you. But I don’t want any trouble with him.” He sounds a bit agitated.
Nyloth stands. “If you’re fetching Lord Marcus, well, that’s my cue to leave. I bid you folks good day.” He steps out the door."
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) Saturday May 25th, 2019 8:54:43 AM
Rolth will gladly accept one of the potions, since he always seems to get himself into damaging situations! He watches Nyloth go, looking for signs of any trickery. Otherwise he is ready to bundle Aaroth up in some blankets and cart him off to the Duke, along with our hard earned spoils of battle. He suggests that we leave by a back way, to avoid any prying eyes.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Saturday May 25th, 2019 6:39:32 PM
Tsak puts on his best dumb-orc straight face. There's something fishy going on. We were sent by the Purple Duke to investigate, and Marcus asked to be kept up to date. But you know best I'm sure. What was your name by the way?
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None d20+10=17 ; d20+6=12 ; Saturday May 25th, 2019 7:21:06 PM
Kiwina takes a good look at Nyloth, trying to figure out the enigmatic fellow and why he is now ready to leave after sticking around through the fight (perception = 17, sense motive = 12).
He also looks around for Cecil, expecting the centaur to go with the Petals. "Do you have anything we need to take?"
If the guards really are waiting outside, he doesn't expect a back way will do much more than raise suspicion, but Kiwina follows Rolth's lead on this. Which way did Nyloth take?
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: d20+10=19 ; d20+10=22 ; d20+10=22 ; d20+10=23 ; Sunday May 26th, 2019 7:59:35 PM
Elyas simply follows the others out, holding on to the magical items lifted from Aaroth and the crossbow. [ooc: functionally, what is the crossbow? light, heavy, masterwork?]
as he finds time during their travel or while waiting for the guards, Elyas examines the magical items from the squid man ring 1 spellcraft = 19 ring 2 = 22 Amulet = 22 playing cards = 23
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Monday May 27th, 2019 6:22:19 AM
Angus holds up a few of the coins.
Any of you more traveled folk recognize these coins? There must be nearly 300 of them. I have seen plenty of odd gold while working in the gambling house, but these are new to me... It may tell us where this guy was from, or at least who he last swindled..."
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | d20+6=13 ; Monday May 27th, 2019 3:12:04 PM
Falco nods to Tsak "Indeed something does seem off doesn't it."
He examines the coins presented by Angus to see if he can recognize them. {Know: History: 13}
Aftermath - DM Mark Monday May 27th, 2019 11:55:53 PM Rolth takes one of the potions. As he wraps Aaroth’s body in a blanket, he keeps an eye on the departing Nyloth. Rolth looks for a back way out. All he sees are the three doors behind the bar, two of which the casino staff were hiding in.
Outside, Tzak tells the Minotaur guards, ”There's something fishy going on. We were sent by the Purple Duke to investigate, and Marcus asked to be kept up to date. But you know best I'm sure. What was your name by the way?” The head minotaur guard raises an eyebrow as he regards Tzak with a new respet. ”Duke Purple himself sent you? And Lord Marcus wanted to be kept apprised? He turns to another guard, and with a slight smile he says, ”OK, go get Lord Marcus.”
Kiwina is puzzled by Nyloth’s sudden departure. He asks Cecil of there is anything he need to gather before leaving. Cecil replies, ”Nah, let’s get outta here. My things are aboard the Herald.
Elyas Takes out the magic items he stuffed in his pocket. He’s not sure what the two rings are, but he can tell there is an Amulet of Natural Armor +1. The playing cards are no longer magic items, but he can sense the lingering aura of Conjuration Summoning magic on them. In addition (the DM forgot to mention) Aaroth had two unused potions - Cure Light Wounds and Delay Poison. The light crossbow is a masterwork weapon.
Angus asks if anyone knows anything about the odd coins he has. Falco looks at them. He’s not familiar with them but suspects they are rather old. The proprietor notices and takes an interest. ”Yeah, you’ll have a hard time using those coins. I can exchange them for you though.”
Nyloth exits through the front door. Outside, Tzak sees the man glance his way and head off.
Not long after, Lord Marcus shows up with his usual swagger and a few guards. Or maybe they’re just thugs - it’s hard to say. He looks at Tzak standing with the nearby guards. ”Well. What do you have for me?”
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+9=27 ; Tuesday May 28th, 2019 6:59:44 AM
Rolth gives up hope of finding a back way out, and instead heads out to greet Lord Marcus. "My lord, thank you for coming. As you know, we arrived here at the bidding of the Purple Duke, to investigate and detain Aaroth on suspicion of consorting with pirates. You asked us to let you know if we managed to deal with Aaroth, and call upon you if we had done so. Well, we did and we have. Aaroth attacked us after being confronted for cheating in the gambling hall here, using magic cards to summon demons to aid him in the fight. In the end, he was slain. We now plan to return him to the Purple Duke, as his Grace requested. Would you by chance be able to make available a cart for us to transport the corpse? We will of course have it returned once our journey is completed."
Diplomacy = 27)
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Tuesday May 28th, 2019 7:01:10 AM
Kiwina watches with interest.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | Tuesday May 28th, 2019 7:01:29 AM
When the propritor suggests changing in the coins Falco is unsure but shrugs.
'Up to you Angus but I would like to keep one or two, in case their origin becomes important."
Waiting for Lord Marcus to arrive Falco takes a seat and loses himself in thought for a moment. Thoughts of growing up a mischievous youth before leaving home to pursue arcane advancement cross his mind and he wonders how so much happened so fast. No longer versed in the arcane, no longer even a halfling. The Wold moves fast it seems.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20+5=25 ; Tuesday May 28th, 2019 9:32:28 AM
Mak set his empty mug down and wandered over to his pack and picked it up, then he gave the room a once over with a glance and headed for the door. As Rolth spoke to the local lord, Mak leaned against the wall and listened, but kept his gaze unfocused and distant as would a bystander.
OOC: What does Mak know about Marcus? KS: Nobility +5, Roll 25 (Natch!) Not that it matters, LOL!
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: d20+5=9 ; Tuesday May 28th, 2019 11:13:15 AM
Elyas hangs back and watches, knowing it's not helpful to have too many people talking at once, and trusting that Rolth will handle things with his usual grace.
he keeps an eye out for any more toruble approaching, but is not expecting much at this point. perception = 9
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None d20+7=18 ; Tuesday May 28th, 2019 6:11:36 PM
Angus really wants to ask the proprietor why the coins are un-spendable here and if so, why he would exchange them (where are they usable anyway?) but he realizes this would not be the best time to say anything with the arrival of the Lord Marcus.
Angus waits and listens. He also keeps an eye for any odd or sudden change of manner from the guards
(perception = 18)
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Tuesday May 28th, 2019 6:35:27 PM
Tsak, taking a half step back, defers to Rolth and aids in diplomacy by not aiding in diplomacy.
Aftermath - DM Mark Wednesday May 29th, 2019 12:49:39 AM Rolth addresses Lord Marcus, politely reminding him that the Petals are on the Purple Duke’s business. He explains Aaroth was cheathign, there was a fight, and Aaroth is dead. He asks if they can have the use of a cart to take the body to the Duke.
Kiwina and Tzak watch quietly.
Elyas watches with interest, trying to also keep an eye out for trouble.
Mak casually observes the conversation with this Lord Marcus. He know a Lord such as this typically would have a great deal of local authority and autonomy within a certain area. This authority is given to him by someone else to whom he owes fealty, probably this Purple Duke people are talking about. Mak can tell from the Lords title and demeanor he expects obedience.
Falco is a bit unsure about exchanging the coins, and defers to Angus.
Angus is puzzled why the man running the bar in the casino wants coins that cannot be spent, but decides matters with Lord Marcus are more pressing.
Lord Marcus is a commanding figure, armed and armored in gleaming gear. Having entered the casino with a small retinue of guards, he looks around. He tells one of the guards to fetch a cart. The proprietor looks a bit pale and his two young staff stop what they’re doing. He walks over to a few pools of blood. There is a dead half-orc and a body wrapped in a blanket.
He turns to the Petals. ”That’s Aaroth in the blanket? Huh. And you say he was cheating at cards?”
The proprietor stammers, ”My Lord, I…
The man falls silent as Marcus cuts him off sharply, ”SHUT UP KARSK. If I wanted to hear from you, I’d have asked. And if he was cheating, you’ve been holding out on your tribute. I’ll deal with you later.” He turns back to the Petals. ”I can assure you that noone is going to cry over the loss of a creature like that. What do you know about him Has anyone checked his room? Did he have anything of interest? How do you know he was cheating? Do you have proof? And has this Karsk given you any trouble?”
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) Wednesday May 29th, 2019 6:32:58 AM
Rolth decides that hiding things from the gruff Lord would be unwise. "Our friend Elyas here tells us that he was a Cecaelia, not actually a demon, although his squid and human parts were reversed from most of his kind. He seemed to have hired some local bravos to back him up, but we ran most of them off. We checked his room for any clues, but found little other than a chest with some strange gold and trinkets that to be honest we are hoping the Duke and your Lordship will allow us to keep as a reward for removing this miscreant from the scene. As far as cheating, my companions Falco and Elyas recovered the marked cards that he was using to deal himself favorable hands, which many of us witnessed during the course of the game. As for Karsk, he was upset that the fight made a mess of his establishment, but saw reason when we helped clean up a bit. Anyone else have more to add?"
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | Wednesday May 29th, 2019 7:15:43 AM
Shaken from his thoughts Falco moves beside Rolth and nods. Holding out on tribute? Is cheating condoned if there is a pay off? Maybe he just means cheating cuts into his take.
"That is about the size of it. Not only was he cheating but he was doing it in a way that any drunk would eventually notice. I am surprised this did not come up earlier. Sadly we did not manage to connect him with the pirates as we had hoped. Aaroth had a few potions to cure wounds that are handy in our travels."
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Wednesday May 29th, 2019 8:04:23 AM
Because of his past, Angus is very wary of authority. He says nothing but hands one of the unusual coins to Rolth and nods towards the body of Aaroth.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Wednesday May 29th, 2019 10:16:27 AM
Elyas was hanging back, but when Rolth mentions his name not once but twice he steps forward and hands over some of the marked cards, showing where the smudges are that indicate the face cards.
"here is the proof that he was cheating. and when confronted about it he taunted us saying he was above the law and a fight broke out. As Falco says he was not exactly... creative in his cheating. He was a bully who relied on his false reputation of being an actual demon to keep people from speaking up against him or fighting back. he did not expect to find such a fight in our little crew."
Elyas holds on to the rest of the marked cards, in case they are requested by the Duke as well.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Wednesday May 29th, 2019 10:25:37 AM
Mak's taste for the world of nobles had long since faded, so he remained in the back of the group of people. Realistically he was only a bystander that chose to act on his own and wasn't charged by the Duke to do anything. Given that fact Mak was satisfied to observe for now.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Wednesday May 29th, 2019 6:45:05 PM
Staying quiet seems to be working, Tsak continues with his winning strategy...
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Wednesday May 29th, 2019 7:46:21 PM
Kiwina allows Rolth, Falco, and Elyas to do the talking, but backs them up with nods and comments that they are telling things thevway they happened. He keeps an eye on Cecil if he can.
Aftermath - DM Mark Wednesday May 29th, 2019 11:08:50 PM Rolth says, "Our friend Elyas here tells us that he was a Cecaelia, not actually a demon, although his squid and human parts were reversed from most of his kind. He seemed to have hired some local bravos to back him up, but we ran most of them off. We checked his room for any clues, but found little other than a chest with some strange gold and trinkets that to be honest we are hoping the Duke and your Lordship will allow us to keep as a reward for removing this miscreant from the scene. As far as cheating, my companions Falco and Elyas recovered the marked cards that he was using to deal himself favorable hands, which many of us witnessed during the course of the game. As for Karsk, he was upset that the fight made a mess of his establishment, but saw reason when we helped clean up a bit. Anyone else have more to add?"
Falco agrees and says that the marked cards were rather obvious. He adds that Aaroth also had a few potions.
Elyas hands a few of the marked cards to Lord Marcus, noting that Aaroth was just a bully.
The other Petals remain quiet.
Lord Marcus looks at the marked cards that were handed to him. He turns them over a couple times and eventually says, ”Ah yes - a clumsy, obvious attempt at cheating. Idiot.” He hands the cards back to Elyas. Sense Motive DC 12 Highlight to display spoiler: {You sense that Lord Marcus is bluffing about being able to see the markings on the cards.} ”A few gold, trinkets and potions. Yes, you may keep all of that. It is of little value to me.” Karsk glares at the Petals for a moment, but says nothing. After Marcus confirms it is indeed Aaroth in the blanket, he directs a minotaur guard to throw the body in the cart.
”Karsk! Get this place cleaned up and back in operation! Take care of that…, he gestures to the dead half-orc, ”...and you’ll need to find another dealer. Duke Purple does not take kindly to slackers. Or cheats.” The sullen and silent Karsk simply nods.
(Anything else you need to wrap up here before heading to see the Duke?)
As he heads to the door, Marcus comments, ”Well, let us go see the Duke. Hmmm. It seems there are more of you than when we last met. No matter. You have all done well here. You know, I have a need for strong swords and quick wits to serve me at Fort Ixion, and I have a good eye for talent. Are any of you interested? More satisfying work than chasing pirates. Room and board and better pay than a few gold and trinkets.”
Finnian, who has been quiet this whole time, replies, ”You know Lord Marcus, I’m pretty good with a bow and have some skill at healing. My time with the Petals has been rewarding, but I think I would like to learn more about this place, and serving at Fort Ixion seems like a good opportunity. I accept.” Lord Marcus nods to the half-elf.
To the Petals Finnian says, “My thanks and well wishes to you my friends. Call on me if you need help.” Perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {This earns a mildly disapproving frown from Marcus.}
Cecil says, ”Thank you my friends for your help and rescuing me from that demonic cheat Aaroth. If you ever need my aid, call on me. You can leave word for me in port, as I plan to stick to the seas near Minotaur Island for now.” Cecil will walk with you for a while before you part ways.
As you go, you get some stares from some of the locals. Mostly people scurry to get out of the way of Lord Marcus and his folks.
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None d20+6=11 ; d20+10=18 ; Thursday May 30th, 2019 12:14:08 AM
(Rolls: sense motive = 11, perception = 18)
Kiwina is surprised at the easy resolution, but speculates that Karsk in operation means money for the local nobility.
"Cecil, have you heard of the Rose? She's moored at Castle Violet, which is probably where we'll be headed next. She's a beautiful ship." Kiwina looks over Angus and Mak, pondering a bit before offering, "You two handled yourselves well. Angus, I wish you were a sailor, but the ship might be able to carry an adventurer who can't crew. Mak, thanks for the help. I don't mind if you want to tag along to see what the Duke has to say, but after that -- I don't think the Rose can carry a drunk."
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Thursday May 30th, 2019 5:02:41 AM
Tsak says his goodbye's to Finnian. He'll miss the self-deprecating humor and insight the bowman offered.
The half-orc notes Kiwina's direct approach to the new chums. Having lost Finnian's bow, the funny talking fella could be a real asset. And Angus looks lean and agile, in time he'll make a great sailor. Shrugging his shoulders he keeps his own council for now.
Tsak and Esmerelda tag along with the group as they head for another audience with the Purple Duke. Great, more politicking and speechifying. At least there should be food, and perhaps an ale.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+2=7 ; d20+11=30 ; Thursday May 30th, 2019 6:08:56 AM
Rolth thinks that Lord Marcus is on the up and up, and is happy to go together to meet the Duke. He says a sad farewell to Finnian, but hopes that they will meet up again in the future. He is glad to see that Cecil will accompany them for part of the trip at least. He is suspicious of Karsk, and prefers to keep the unusual gold until we can find a more honest broker who won't try to cheat us. It might be more valuable than it appears on its face. He is ready to head off to see the Duke!
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | d20+8=13 ; d20+9=16 ; Thursday May 30th, 2019 7:38:06 AM
{Sense Motive: 13}
Noticing that Lord Marcus cannot see that the deck is marked Falco clicks he beak and sighs. Shame he doesn't see it but I don't think it matters.
{Perception: 16}
Falco moves to Finnian and looks him in the eyes. "You will be missed my friend but I do not think Lord Marcus likes the idea of you coming to help us if called. I think your commitment will be taking seriously." he pauses and looks at the other petals "We are all on a journey of change and discovery, about ourselves and the Wold at large. May the thee powers of the Sar, whom you helped birth, watch your days. May the Warper-Sar keep a special eye on you my friend." With that he simply nods and fades to the back of things, clearly emotional to be losing a trusted companion.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20+9=19 ; Thursday May 30th, 2019 10:52:48 AM
Mak picked a knot on a board about twenty feet distant and fired an arrow at it, striking it solidly in it's center. "You call it drunk, old bean, I call it pain management." He said as he sauntered over and recovered his arrow.
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Thursday May 30th, 2019 10:53:26 AM
Angus nods and speaks to Kiwina, Thank you, and I promise you won't regret having me by your sides. While it is true I am no sailor, I am fairly quick with my hands and I understand that being a sailor involves a lot of work tying knots in rope and balancing above the deck. Those are things that I can do and will prove to be useful.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: d20+3=16 ; d20+5=22 ; Thursday May 30th, 2019 12:26:39 PM
Elyas keeps a straight face while speaking with Lord Marcus and does his best to look respectful of a man with a title. Inwardly he is still a bit hyped up on adrenaline from the fight and would like nothing less than to put the fool Lord in his place.
His quick eyes do catch that Lord Marcus has no idea what he's talking about with the cards, and that the man would rather the Petals not call on Finnian. These lords are all the same. holding their titles above those lower than them while stealing every bit of coin they can get their hands on in the name of 'tribute' or 'protection' or 'gifts'. He better hope than Finnian doesn't find any... indecency going on over there or he'll have us to deal with...
Elyas is glad for the distraction of conversation as they make their way to see the Duke. Don't worry Angus, we'll get you up to speed in no time. as soon as your able to keep yourself upright on a moving ship we'll find a good role for you.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) Thursday May 30th, 2019 8:36:33 PM
Rolth belatedly adds that he welcomes the new fellows on a trial basis. "We have a reputation to uphold. You're off to a good start, and I would welcome you to join us. Equal shares of spoils, and all the good deeds that you can handle. No getting to drunk to play your part, no gambling away our ship, and all will be well. Good shot, Mak!"
DM Mark - "We are all on a journey of change and discovery, about ourselves and the Wold at large." Friday May 31st, 2019 1:40:54 AM Falco, along with the others, will be sad to see Finnian go. He bids him farewell, and asks a Sargrass blessing on him.
Kiwina mentions the Rose, currently moored near Castle Violet. He asks Cecil if he’s heard of the ship. He notes that Angus and Mak handled themselves well in the fight, and while he thinks Angus would be fine aboard, but isn’t too sure about Mak being allowed aboard if he’s drunk.
Mak shows off some fancy shooting and a steady hand as he replies, "You call it drunk, old bean, I call it pain management."
Rolth isn’t too sure about Karsk’s offer, and decides to hang on to the unusual gold pieces. To the newcomers he says, "We have a reputation to uphold. You're off to a good start, and I would welcome you to join us. Equal shares of spoils, and all the good deeds that you can handle. No getting to drunk to play your part, no gambling away our ship, and all will be well. Good shot, Mak!"
As Tzak and Esmeralda walk along, he thinks Angus and Mak would be fine additions to the group, especially since Finnian has decided to leave.
Angus is pleased to be part of the group, and thinks he might adapt well to being a sailor.
Elyas agrees. It’s Lord Marcus he’s not too sure about, but he remains silent on that point.
Soon, you reach Fort Ixion. Looking around, you can see that Lord Marcus is clearly in charge, and just as clearly has little patience for foolishness. The inhabitants are mostly minotaurs here, and are very attentive in his presence. ”We will rest here at Fort Ixion tonight. Vruzur! See to it that my guests here a given accommodations. And see to the cart - there is a body in the back I am taking to Duke Purple tomorrow. See that it is not disturbed.” Lord Marcus begins barking orders and asking questions as he walks away from you.
He puts another minotaur in charge of Finnian, who bids you farewell as he is led off. The minotaur Vruzur is dressed in fine robes. He looks over your group (including Cecil) with mild disdain as he says, ”You are the guests of Lord Marcus and I will see to your comfort. Is there anything you require? And special food or accommodations? I imagine you will dine with my Lord tonight, so you will need to … clean up and be presentable. Ugh. We don’t really have time to call a tailor for clothing, so what you have will have to do. Just do your best to wear something clean. And mind your manners and your tongue while you are dining with my Lord.”
Most of the inhabitants are Minotaurs, with an occasional centaur, liontaur or human tending to some task. Most seem to live within the walls of the fort, though you did see some fortified dwellings outside the walls. There are a few mundane shops here and there, a blacksmith’s shop,smithy, etc. Are group of minotaur children seem to stare at the Petals, and once Lord Marcus has left they seem to giggle and point at your group. A group of minotaur guards are sparring with each other, and there is an archery range in use. There is a minotaur child doing his best to emulate the guards with their bows, but having a really difficult time. You occasionally see a wounded guard or inhabitant - seems like a rough place.
You are led to several rooms. The beds are just huge. Some smaller chairs are brought to your rooms for the medium sized folk. Cecil leaves you and goes to his room to rest. It is early afternoon, and you would expect the meal to not be for a few hours.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+11=24 ; Friday May 31st, 2019 6:43:24 AM
Roth smiles at the minotaur youths, and waves them over. "Have you heard Gnym of Gnym's speech from the Taurnament of Roses? You know, he is the poet laureate of Minotaur Isle, and we met him several times. Once he even complemented my verse! Would you like to hear my recounting of his speech or some other interesting verse?"
(Diplomacy = 24)
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Friday May 31st, 2019 7:12:58 AM
Kiwina, for one, is glad for the chance to wash up and tend his wounds. He has no skill at their games to show off for the children. What he really needs is a good swim.
At some point during the day, he finds time to talk to Mak. "Pain management, eh? Sounds like you've a story there, if you want to tell it. But we've got a decent reputation and don't need a half-taur mucking it up."
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | Friday May 31st, 2019 7:21:36 AM
As the travel Falco falls in beside Mak. "Your good with that bow. Always good to have a fellow archer. With your skill with the bow I am guessing you have some discipline in you, we will have to shoot together for practice." he pauses as they walk "We have had some adventures but they have been dangerous. I will try and keep your blood on the inside but I am not a powerful cleric by any stretch. Where are you from anyway?"
Once they arrive he is quiet but will take some target practice if the targets are open to visitors.
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20+1=16 ; Friday May 31st, 2019 9:07:56 AM
Kiwina Old
At some point during the day, he finds time to talk to Mak. "Pain management, eh? Sounds like you've a story there, if you want to tell it. But we've got a decent reputation and don't need a half-taur mucking it up."
Mak New
Mak's limp had returned by the time Kiwina found him and said his piece. Mak nodded and slapped his left leg. "Jolly good injury here, most of the time it hurts like a wild beast eating you for a snack...the drink blunts the pain enough for one to think clearly. Half-Taur, old bean? That sounds like some kind of insult, but since we've only just met I'll let that go for now."
Falco Old
"Your good with that bow. Always good to have a fellow archer. With your skill with the bow I am guessing you have some discipline in you, we will have to shoot together for practice." he pauses as they walk "We have had some adventures but they have been dangerous. I will try and keep your blood on the inside but I am not a powerful cleric by any stretch. Where are you from anyway?"
Mak New
"Asildur war, don't you know, so someplace near there, don't think about it much. Made sargeant before I got out, but that could have been family connections. I never was much for spit and polish, old bean. Practice you say? Me an Bluefeather here would love to do that." Mak said as he rubbed the bow which had nothing blue or feathery on it.
To Falco's comments about keeping his blood on the inside, Mak nodded sagely. "Sleeping above ground would be preferable too. One would appreciate you enabling that if you could, don't you know."
DM Old
The minotaur Vruzur is dressed in fine robes. He looks over your group (including Cecil) with mild disdain as he says, ”You are the guests of Lord Marcus and I will see to your comfort. Is there anything you require? And special food or accommodations? I imagine you will dine with my Lord tonight, so you will need to … clean up and be presentable. Ugh. We don’t really have time to call a tailor for clothing, so what you have will have to do. Just do your best to wear something clean. And mind your manners and your tongue while you are dining with my Lord.”
Mak New
"Some wine?" Mak asked as he noted the minotaur's disdainful look at him. The young nobleman picked at his worn clothing and uselessly tried to smooth out a permanent wrinkle on his tunic. That led to him seeing a stain from that terrible accident a couple of months ago when he spilled a bit of wine on himself. Mak thought to suck at the stain, it might have some flavor left, but he resisted as he waited to see if the minotaur was going to provide the wine. In the meantime he ran a hand through his wild looking hair and tried unsuccessfully to tame those blonde locks.
When that didn't work he ran a finger along his teeth to get the film off them, made a face, and then asked. "I don't generally condone such things, old bean, but a bit of fresh water would be capital." he said as he plopped his backpack upon the ground with a cloud dust arising from it when it hit. With the pack on the ground Mak started to run a hand around his face as he considered a shave..then dismissed that thought.
OOC: Diplomacy +1, Roll 16.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Friday May 31st, 2019 7:53:55 PM
Tsak looks for a bath and uses it if he can find one. He also shaves and shakes out his clothes. Then he enjoys a nap while waiting for dinner.
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Saturday June 1st, 2019 10:00:38 AM
Angus does his best to clean up and is glad he brought change of clothes in his pack. While his outfit is not fancy, its what he wore while working at the other gambling house, so it has the look of a civilian uniform and hopefully will be appropriate for the occasion.
DM Mark - "Some wine?" d20=7 ; d20=17 ; d20=5 ; d20=1 ; d20=6 ; d20=17 ; d20=3 ; d20=8 ; d20=16 ; d20=10 ; d20=11 ; d20=6 ; d20=11 ; d20=9 ; d20=5 ; Saturday June 1st, 2019 2:52:42 PM
Several of the Petals have conversations with Mak and learn a bit more about the man.
Rolth calls the minotaur children over and offers to recount a speech or share some poetry. The look at each other. One says, ”I dunno who Nin-Nim is, but I heard you liontaurs are fearsome beasts!” The others nod in agreement as he continues, ”We wanna see you fight! Fight him! Or him! Or him!” The youth points at several minotaur soldiers standing around. “Yeah, we wanna see a liontaur fight!” says another. This draws some attention and smiles from a number of the adults, though none admonish the children.
Falco wanders out to the archery range. He gets some curious looks as he goes, and narrowly avoids being stepped on twice by these relative giants. As he steps up to the archery range, he gets some amused looks. Indeed, his bow looks tiny compared to the other archers, his arrows like little darts. And that target is reaaaaly far! Wow.
Falco shoots, and a couple hit their mark as others go a bit wide or fall short. The minotaur’s don’t do much better, but their javelin-like arrows do go farther and sink much deeper into the targets. Most laugh at the little creature, but one steps over to Falco. He is dressed in plain clothing. ”Ehh. Don’t listen to them. I can see you know what you’re doing, and though your arrows may lack the power of the others, an archer knows that a lot more can be done with a well placed arrow than drawing blood. I am Rotagar and I’m pleased to make your acquaintance.” You have a nice conversation and a new friend.
Kiwina, Tzak, Angus and Mak get cleaned up and rest a bit. All of you find there is water and fresh towels in your rooms, and a bath can be arranged if you wish. At Mak’s request, he is brought some wine and so it is offered to the others if you wish along with some light snacks - bread, cheese, fruit, etc.
(You will be summoned to dinner and will find there are a number of people there, mostly minotaurs. Cecil is there too. I’m interested in how presentable you are for dinner. Please, on a scale of 1-10, tell me how much effort you put into making yourself presentable, with 10 indicating bathed, shaven, groomed, with freshly cleaned and mended clothing.)
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+9=23 ; Saturday June 1st, 2019 3:18:58 PM
Rolth will smile at the challenge from the young Taurs, "Maybe later, if the occasion arises.". He is enough of a showman to know that appearances matter, and so does his best to clean up well using some of the glyserine soap that he won in the Giggling Ghost last Yuletide. He will also put on his fancy red suit with white fur trim, and play some stirring chords on his Sargrass lute as the Petals arrive in the dinner hall. (Level of effort = 10)
(Perform strings = 23)
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Saturday June 1st, 2019 6:38:02 PM
Elyas takes his time and enjoys the comforts laid out for them. Though he spent a lot of his life on the streets, his 'tutor' taught him how to dress for the occasion so as not to stand out in a fancy get together. It had come in quite handy for several cons involving getting invited to fancy parties. Elyas fully enjoys having a break from sleeping and grooming on a ship. he changes, selecting several pieces that were set out for the group. he bathes, shaves and perfumes himself.
(level of effort 9)
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Saturday June 1st, 2019 6:51:49 PM
Kiwina arrives for dinner clean and shaven, and his gear is cared for. His outfit is chosen to be serviceable, though, not to be fine. (8 - 9 level of effort) He eats well on the snacks provided ahead of time, while he is alone -- he recalls the nearly raw (and therefore inedible) delicacies that were offered by the liontaurs at their feast, and worries the minotaurs might also have different tastes.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | Monday June 3rd, 2019 7:14:10 AM
Falco enjoys the target practice and is only mildly embarrassed by the taunting. It seems a common taur issue, if your smaller then them they mock. That will probably bite them in the back side one day. When Rotagar approaches it is a welcome change and he happily converses with him, even telling some of the Petals story if it seems appropriate.
When it comes time to get ready Falco spends minimal time on grooming thinking with his stature he will be mostly overlooked. {5 of 10}
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: Monday June 3rd, 2019 9:31:38 AM
Mak went to his room and found the wine and the water. He tested the water carefully as if it might burn him, before he tentatively started to wash
Mak New
Mak had removed his boots as soon as they arrived, so he carried his pack, boots, and bow to his room as his bare feet nearly slapping on the flagstones of the floor with each painful step. The thought of a warm, or hot, bath seemed good to him. It had been month's since he had bathed in anything other than a stream, lake, or sea and this chance was welcome. Perhaps it would do his leg some good. One could only hope.
Alone in the room Mak placed his pack and quiver against the far wall and away from any doors, he placed his bow next to that, making certain that the pack would have to be moved to get to the quiver.
Next to his pack was a straight back wicker seated chair that he eased into. The fibers in the seat squealed in protest as his weight was fully applied to it, squeaking with each movement as he adjusted to loosen his belt and leaned forward to slid his pants from his hips.
Thick muscled legs with a red and puckered scar on his left leg that ran from his groin to his knee. The result of being on the wrong end of a cavalry charge in the war, the injury sustained as a youth in the service of Asildur still haunted him. Perhaps one day he'd muster up a big enough donation to have it healed if that was even possible so many years later. He suspected he was one of the youngest veterans of the Asildur war other than his uncle Zond.
The sodden condition of his body and the cool air in the room caused his legs to cramp a little as he moved slowly to the fire to place his socks, boots, cloak, and pants next to it to dry. Off came his tunic and the balance of his underclothes set by the fire as well.
The water itself felt glorious with stiff muscles relaxing as his core temperature rose. He also noticed that a razor had been laid out on a table next to the tub with his mug of wine and he availed himself of both.
An hour later Mak surfaced from the room. He was wearing an old dress uniform, mended and patched many times, with several medals on his breast pocket. One for injuries sustained in the line of duty, another for achievements in archery, one for bravery in battle. There was a blank spot under these where another medal had been as evidenced by the unfaded cloth under where it was pinned. That spot was clearly larger than the others combined. The rank insignia on the sleeves and shoulders was as Mak had said, that of sergeant.
His pants were still wrinkled, but the clothing was clean and free of road dust. Also for the first time in weeks he was clean shaven with his boyish face and rosy cheeks fairly gleaming in the in firelight of the room. His hair was still a mess, though it was clean. It was only then that anyone might notice his aristocratic bearing while he limped across the room with a goblet of wine in his hand. He was also wearing a shortsword that no one had noticed before. It looked well used, but serviceable and of the type issued to soldiers as it was plainly adorned and serviceable rather than ornate.
"I actually feel human again, don't you know?" he commented to the gathered members of his group while looking for a place to sit. Once he found that spot Mak settled in and rested his leg.
OOC: Mak's performance and herculean effort to clean up scores him a solid 5 out of 10 on the presentable scale, mostly due to old clothes that just came out of his pack.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Monday June 3rd, 2019 3:09:20 PM
Tsak avails himself of a bath and shave. Like Kiwina his gear is well tended but serviceable rather than fancy. Tsak shakes it out and cleans it up to the best of his ability.
Tsak has a little of the cheese and fruit, but no wine at this stage.
DM Mark - "Some wine?" Monday June 3rd, 2019 7:24:37 PM
(One minor change from before is that Cecil, being closer to his ship than I realized, went there straight away with an apology that he needs the time to secure a crew.)
Rolth politely declines the goading of the minotaur children for him to fight. They seem as much puzzled as they are disappointed. ”Aww man! You sure you’re a liontaur. I thought they always fight!”
Everyone gets cleaned up for dinner as suggested, Rolth, Elyas, Kiwina and Tzak put in the most effort, with Falco and Mak working at it as well.
Eventually you are summoned to dinner by a young minotaur who eagerly introduces himself as Foosnir. You are led into a large (everything seems to be large around here) hall, more utilitarian than fancy. The people you are eating with are all minotaurs. You are introduced to:
Lord Marcus His wife, the Lady Viaven Vruzur whom you’ve already met Sir Rotagar, someone Falco has already met His Holiness Jheratak, we well dressed man in robes emblazoned with Domi’s holy symbol Mistress Shazza, as rather fancy and over perfumed minotaur woman
As you come in, Lord Marcus does his best to introduce you, with occasional whispers from Vruzur when Marcus stumbles over a name or two.
Rolth plays his instrument, rather well in fact, which is enjoyed by all there.
There are a few comments/questions for you.
Jheratak - ”Sir Rolth - you play wondrously well. Tell me, are there more liontaurs that can play instruments? I’ve heard that some are traders, but all those I’ve met are known for their fighting ability.”
Viaven - ”Oh, Mr. Falco, you are a most wondrous creature. I have never seen your like. Tell me, where are you from? Are there many like you? Can you fly?” This earns a slight smile from Rotagar.
Shazza - ”Mak you’re limping - are you hurt? Oh Look Jheratak, he’s hurt. You should heal him.”
Vruzur - ”Angus and Tzak - you two are half-orcs? Where are you from? Are you bothers?”
Jheratak - ”Kiwina, we do not see many Centaurs, though there are more nearer to Imod. I’m afraid that the history between our people has not been the most agreeable one. Are you enjoying your time here on Minotaur Island?”
Viaven - ”Elyas is it? You’re a rather quiet one. What’s your story?”
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) Monday June 3rd, 2019 9:23:31 PM
Rolth bows at Jheratak's compliment and smiles his toothy smile, saying, "Ah yes, your Holiness, there are some few among my kind who play and sing, the better to tell the tales of our mighty battles. For we do all fight as well, when Domi's will so decrees! Domi has blessed me in all such ways, and I was a trader for some time as well. But this lute you see, it is crafted from Sargrass and was a gift from the Manfri for my part in the great battle against the reborn, mutated Sarr. And here on my chest you can see the other battles that I have enjoyed--the Witch, evil-eyed orcs, and more." He shows off the series of tattoos that mark his journeys with the Eight Petaled Rose, finishing with the magical Mark of Domi on both his wrists. "One day I hope to follow in your footsteps as well, and become a shaman amongst my own kind, but even there, they are known as Raging Shamans, and are still fierce in combat! But well do I know that minotaurs are mighty warriors too! Gothruk here is quite brave, and our dear companion Sable, who has left us for a time, proved equally fearsome. But if I might ask, what is your tale? How have you come to be here at the side of Lord Marcus?"
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None Monday June 3rd, 2019 10:02:30 PM "Your holiness," Kiwina answers, "I am not well acquainted with the history of conflicts between centaurs and minotaurs. My own family lived on an island far to the west in a largely human village. So I find it a relief to be where the furniture is a reasonable size."
"I have found your island to be welcoming. If anyone has harbored ill will simply because of my parentage, they have not shown it. Whereas the folk on Centaur Island were rather rude about my upbringing. To be honest, I have found Bridge Island to be most to my liking, when I'm ashore. But the sea is my home."
Angus (Scott) (31/31 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None Monday June 3rd, 2019 10:48:30 PM
Hmmm... ponders Angus, must be an accent with which I am not familiar. Did he just ask if we were bothers? I try to be useful and not bothersome. OH, BROTHERS...
No, good sir, in fact we only recently met. That said, all the half-orcs I know tend to call each other "cousin" or some other familiar term anyway. Angus says this with a nod towards Tzak.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Tuesday June 4th, 2019 4:33:06 AM
Tsak returns Angus' nod Too right cuz, we're just bruthers from a different mother eh. Sweet as bro!
Turning to Vruzur, Tsak attempts to answer his other question I grew up on the coast, but not really near these Isles. We, ah, moved around a bit. To be honest I'm not sure if I'd know 'home' if I fell over it.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | Tuesday June 4th, 2019 7:17:35 AM
Falco clicks his beak and chuckles. "Viaven, I would say you are a most wonderful creature as well. Myself I was raised in the Bridge and, believe it or not, I was raised a halfling. This new featherd form of an avian beastman is new to me."
He pauses and looks at her intently.
"You know the Sargrass has returned to the Wold well with it came the triumphant of the Sar immortal powers. The warper-sar in its wisdom saw to warp me into this new body and grant me its power to aid my friends and others. Oh, and I cannot fly, wings are too small."
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20=5 ; Tuesday June 4th, 2019 9:21:13 AM
”Mak you’re limping - are you hurt? Oh Look Jheratak, he’s hurt. You should heal him.”
"No, dear lady. It is but an old injury sustained in the line of duty and a minor nuisance at most." Mak lied. "A little rest, some pain killer," he said raising the mug. "and I'll be right as rain, don't you know."
OOC: Bluff 5, fail.
All the other talk was just noise to Mak as he wandered about as permitted to examine his surroundings and listen to the others talk. He was still a junior member of the petals, if that, so he was determined to be on his best behavior for now or at least until his first pay day. His pouch was a little light at present, so free food, drink, and lodging was preferable to scrounging in the wilderness and sleeping on the hard ground.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Tuesday June 4th, 2019 10:51:41 AM
Elyas bows politely to the Lady Viaven. "It is good to meet you my lady. yes, Elyas is my name. I am afraid my story is not nearly as exciting as some of the heroes in this band. I am but a simple sailor, raised simply on Centaur Island. I fell in with this group after an unfortunate misunderstanding where I was kidnapped and then rescued by this crew while they were competing in the Taurnament. I have been providing my services as a sailor to the group since.
DM Mark - "Just bruthers from a different mother." Tuesday June 4th, 2019 11:25:16 PM
The Petals answer questions politely. The food proves to be rather good, along with blue Taur wine. Marcus seems to be rather proud of the meal and will ask the cook to come out. A stout minotaur in a stained apron trots out. It seems that Lord Marcus insists that his cook experiment with imported spices and foods, being a wealthy Lord in a port city.
Angus and Tzakhave some fun with the whole bothers/brothers question.
Elyas says he’s only recently joined the Petals, having signed on as a sailor.
Rolth shares a bit about liontaurs and mentions that the Petals used to travel with minotaurs in their group. He compliments Lady Viaven and asks how she came to be a lady in this place. She answers, ”Oh, aren’t you a sweet one! You see I was betrothed to another in Imod City. But it seems that Lord Marcus had come to the city and my fiance took offence at something he said. Can you imagine? Well, they got into quite an argument and my fiance challenged Lord Marcus to a Kaleb. It was quite the fight I can tell you. Marcus ended up goring him in the throat. I can tell you that my fiance messed with the wrong minotaur that day! And while he won the fight, he won my affections as well! And so here I am in this place.”
When Kiwina mentions that he was not aware of a conflict between centaurs and minotaurs, and bring up Bridge Island, Sir Rotagar tells this tale.
Mak rejects the offered healing, though he is glad for the free food and lodging. He later wanders in the hall looking at the furnishings and decorations. At some point, Mistress Shazza will wander over to Mak and mention discretely that perhaps the cold and damp of the stone keep is what’s bad for his leg, and perhaps her place nearby would be warmer and more to his liking. Perhaps.
At Rolth and Falco’s mention of the Sargrass, there is a good deal of interest, as all there recall the falling rocks and the red weed that caused such madness and destruction. The Petals are able to share a great deal of information these minotaurs did not know about what had happened in the Sargrass and how that related to the falling rocks and the red weed.
The rest of the evening goes well, though a bit late into the night. Vruzur tells Foosnir to get you what you want/need as he sees you to your rooms. In the morning there will be a late breakfast and again Foosnir is instructed to provide what you may need. Lord Marcus gruffly announces that he will not accompany you to the Violet Castle to see the Purple Duke, and more pressing matters demand his attention.
You may go into the town around Fort Ixon. The Rose is in port here, as is the Herald. The body of Aaroth will be sent along with you. Someone took the trouble to tuck some strong smelling herbs in with the body.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 19/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None Wednesday June 5th, 2019 4:49:22 AM
Tsak, belly full, heads back to the Rose to sleep off the rich food and wine.
He can't think of anything he requires in Fort Ixon, so stays aboard and helps the crew prepare to sail back to Castle Violet.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (28/36 HP 33/36 NL | AC: 12; Touch: 9; CMD: 17) d20+10=12 ; Wednesday June 5th, 2019 6:09:55 AM
Rolth thanks Lord Marcus and his staff for the hospitality, and thoroughly enjoys the late breakfast. He will go to check on the status of the Rose, and drop by to see how Captain Cecil is doing with the refreshed Herald. He is otherwise ready to sail back to Castle Violet to report to the Duke. All the while, he will remain alert for trouble, as Aaroth may have had friends who might look to avenge him.
(Perception = 12)
Kiwina (Steve M) (32/51 HP | AC:15; Touch:11; Flat:13; CMD:18) | HeP: 3 | Status: None d20+10=29 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+7=14 ; Wednesday June 5th, 2019 7:09:29 AM
Kiwina listens to the minotaur story attentively and remains polite throughout the evening. He is gracious in their leave-taking, though he mostly wonders what Sable and Gothruk would have thought of this group. When the group gets back to the Rose, he checks her over even though he's sure Ramsey has done a fine job, and finds something to complement the crew on.
(For the ship's inspection: sailor = 29, perception = 27, craft ships = 14) If repairs or provisions are needed, might as well check at Fort Ixon.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 Dex | Grapled | AC: 21 | AC 19 (20) (T14(15)/F16) 31/31 HP | +1 Longbow: +8(+9) 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 4/5 | d20+9=24 ; Wednesday June 5th, 2019 7:22:23 AM
As conversation starts to revolve around the return of the Sargrass Falco is sure to throw in comments about the Warper-sar whenever there is a chance. He emphasis the wonders changes that have been brought to his body and the growing power. Not exactly proselytizing but pretty close.
When the dinner ends he will head back to the ship that he has come to think of as home. As he walks he splits his attention between Aaroths body and any sign of additional trouble. {Perception: 24}
Mak (JamesM) (29/29 HP| AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | Longbow Ranged +9 To Hit, 1d8+11 Damage Crit[20]x3 Rolls: d20+1=3 ; Wednesday June 5th, 2019 8:49:47 AM
Mak thanked Mistress Shazza for her concern, but explained politely that he was on probation with the petals and should stay close. His stumbling delivery of the news with his surprise and anxiety no doubt was not received well by the lady so she may have gleaned from his awkward behavior that she wasn't his type.
OOC: Diplomacy +1, Roll 3. Fail.
When the young nobleman returned to his room he took the opportunity to wash his clothes and hang them to dry by the fire, but he hung them sloppily and they ended up a wrinkled mess the next morning. Mak exited the manor looking no less disheveled than when he arrived and his failure to remember to brush his hair left it in an untamed mess as he followed the others to the Rose.
Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: Wednesday June 5th, 2019 9:43:51 AM
Elyas retired early from the dinner, wanting to rest in a real bed while he could.
In the morning he made his way down to the docks to check in with the crew of the Rose, and then to see Cecil on the Herald, and to see if the ship really did just fix itself when Cecil returned.