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Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 107/132 Character Sheet 
Monday June 10th, 2019 5:45:06 AM

Does anyone need a sub? We are in a boss battle and in 3 days only 4 of 7 players have posted. The DM's post time is in a couple of hours so PLEASE get some posts in or ask for help.

Pompous Giantbane AC 26(31, 35 vs boss) CMD 27/22/17, HP 92/107   d20+18=25 ; d6+10=15 ; d6=3 ; d6+10=15 ; d6=2 ; d20+18=26 ; d6+10=15 ; d6=2 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+7=16 ;
Monday June 10th, 2019 6:29:44 AM

Pompous continues his attacked against the Erinyes


Endure element
Adamentine armor

Using arrows +1

Haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves

Bless weapon - weapons considered good aligned, and having +1 enchantment for purposes of overcoming DR of evil creatures or striking incorporeal undead (19 rounds)

Smite Evil- FIRST hit by each person will do + 24 damage, the rest are +12. The allies will also gain a +4 deflection bonus from that devil only.

Haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves

Deadly strike- -2/+4
Many shots
Precise shot

Attack 1 Hits AC 25 Physical, 15 Lightning 3
Attack 1a Hits AC 25 Physical, 15 Lightning 2

Haste Attack Hits AC 26 Physical 15 Lightning 2

Attack 2 Hits AC 15 Physical Lightning
Attack 3 Hits AC 16 Physical Lightning

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP12/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31  2d6=5 ;
Monday June 10th, 2019 6:47:44 AM

Michael lays on the ground and bleeds, he tries to have presence of mind enough to not wrythe or moan as he plays the part of a leaking water jug full of tomato juice.

5 more bleed damage
round 2 of 4

DM Warren: The Devil's Throne Room MAP  d20+11=31 ; d20+11=23 ; 2d10+12=21 ; d20+26=29 ; d20+21=26 ; d20+16=29 ; d20+22=31 ; d20+22=24 ;
Monday June 10th, 2019 9:05:06 AM

Having failed to overcome the Devil's aura, Sigvar returns to his strengths and has at it with his sword. The devil is well armored, but he manages to connect once, and that one hit is a doozy.

Michael stays on the ground where he is, slowly bleeding out, but pleased that the demon is bleeding too. And since all the damage is blessed, he can't even regen to stop it.

Pru's can still only seem to get half of the formula right on the Erinyes, so she keeps dumping damage into the Bearded devil on the ground.

Anna isn't quite in position to take advantage of flanking, so isn't able to connect this round. RAW requires drawing line center to center that goes through opposite sides of the enemy. Your line goes through adjacent sides of the square.

Pompous' latest round of arrows cut right through the furious Erinyes and she falls out of the air with a thud.

Enemy Turn

With Trayvin and Nikolai being slow to respond, the Bearded takes the opportunity to stand and attack. seconding Sigvar's post - need any assistance this week? He does provoke an AOO from both of you. His strike will go to the feisty woman that's been hitting him with magic missiles. And strike he does, critting her soundly. 21 damage and 2 bleed (dc16 heal or CL check to heal)

The boss devil turns his focus to the next largest threat in the room, whipping his chain around at Sigvar. But with his God's protection and a little luck, none of the strikes manage to land.

Horned - 174 (bleeding)
Erinyes - 110 (dead)
Bearded - 34

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 107/132 Character Sheet  d20+33=35 ; d20+33=46 ; d20+28=41 ; d20+23=39 ; d20+36=52 ; 2d6+24=32 ; 2d6+24=32 ; 2d6+24=35 ; d8=7 ;
Monday June 10th, 2019 12:04:27 PM

Sigvar takes a 5 foot step in the opposite direction as Anna (sorry I can't log into my email and can't see the map) If this does not give him Flanking he waits for her to take another step as well, then unleashes another flurry of attacks at the Devil.
Sword 1 AC 35 miss
Haste hits AC 46 for 32 damage bypassing DR for Smite Evil
Sword 2 hits AC 41 for 32 damage bypassing DR for Smite Evil
Sword 3 Hits AC 39 for 35 damage bypassing DR for Smite Evil
Horns hits AC 45 ( I used the wrong bonus in the roller, should be 16 +29 for 45) for 20 damage bypassing DR for Smite Evil

Sigvar's Dashboard
Endure elements
Resist Fire (20) 891/900 rounds remaining
Eagles Splendor 82/90 rounds remaining
Divine Bond +3 enhancement on adamantine sword 83/90 rounds remaining
Bless Weapon remaining on adamantine sword 34/40 rounds remaining
Divine Favor +3 to hit and damage 5/10 rounds remaining
Haste +1 to hit, AC and reflex, +20' move 9/12 rounds remaining
Smite Evil on large devil. Sigvar's AC to THAT DEVIL ONLY is 37/16/34
AC vs all other foes 34/13/31
Hero points all gone
Smite Evil 3/4 used

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ)  d20+20=40 ; d20+20=40 ; d8+8=16 ; d8+8=16 ; d20+20=30 ; d20+20=26 ; d20+15=32 ; d8+8=14 ; d8+8=10 ; d8+8=9 ;
Monday June 10th, 2019 10:13:42 PM

Trayvin takes a swipe at the devil as it stands up. hit AC 40(crit check, rolled nat 20 to confirm) damage = 32(wow all max rolls)

"Come on Nikolai, let's finish this one off so we can help the others."

Actions: full attack on bearded devil hit AC 30, 26(haste attack), 32
damage = 14, 10, 9(made with adamantine morningstar)

Active Effects: haste, divine favor

Spells: endure elements x2, holy smite, prayer, divine power, divine favor x 2, bless weapon(for Michael)
channel energy 3/6 remaining
6 charges from clw wand(10 remaining)

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 9/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31  2d6=3 ;
Monday June 10th, 2019 10:22:29 PM

the pain is still with him, it's still bad, but at least a poem comes from his mind that allows him to focus on something besides the hurt.

I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,
The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats here."
The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:
O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, go away";
But it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play,
The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
O it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play.

I went into a theatre as sober as could be,
They gave a drunk civilian room, but 'adn't none for me;
They sent me to the gallery or round the music-'alls,
But when it comes to fightin', Lord! they'll shove me in the stalls!
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, wait outside";
But it's "Special coach for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide,
The troopship's on the tide, my boys, the troopship's on the tide,
O it's "Special coach for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide.

Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap;
An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they're goin' large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit.
Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?"
But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll,
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll.

We aren't no thin red 'eroes, nor we aren't no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An' if sometimes our conduck isn't all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don't grow into plaster saints;
While it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, fall be'ind",
But it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind,
There's trouble in the wind, my boys, there's trouble in the wind,
O it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind.

You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all:
We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don't mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow's Uniform is not the soldier-man's disgrace.
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;
An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;
An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool -- you bet that Tommy sees!

He can't remember where he heard it before, but it is a catchy little poem about the life of a soldier.

Stun 3/4
3 points of bleed.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Monday June 10th, 2019 10:24:21 PM

Power out. Can't post. Please sub. Thanks.

Jonathan T/nikolai.

Prudence Gundle [AC 22 HP 66/87]  d20+16=28 ; d20+12=16 ; 24d6=78 ; 5d6=19 ;
Monday June 10th, 2019 10:33:19 PM

"Ow! Jerk." Pro takes a careful step back. Now that the Erinyes is gone, Beardo has her full attention.

She tries a Disintegrate. Maybe she'll have better luck on him. [SR Check 28; pass. Ranged Touch attack 16, which might hit. If it does, 78 points of damage, or a DC 23 Fort save to take only 19 damage.]

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 68/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 (33/23/29 vs Devil boss) CMD : 30  2d6=6 ; d20+24=25 ; d20+24=34 ; d20+19=32 ;
Monday June 10th, 2019 11:07:22 PM

If Sigvar still isn't in flanking after his 5 foot step Anna takes her own 5 foot step.

She takes 6 bleed damage and then makes a full hasted attack against the devil.

first attack (25 vs AC; nat 1; miss)

second hasted attack (34 vs AC miss)

3rd attack: (32 vs AC; miss)

active effects:
Barkskin - 90 min(868 rounds remaining) : + 4 natural armor
Longstrider - 9 hours (- 31 rounds elapsed) : + 10 movement speed (overtaken by haste temporarily)
silver sheen - 1 hour (- 30 rounds elapsed) : great sword is considered silver vs DR
Cats Grace - 9 min(61 rounds remaining) : +4 dex
Bull's Strength - 9 min (62 rounds remaining) : +4 strength
Bear's Endurance - 9 min (63 rounds remaining) : +4 con
Enlarge Person - 9 min (64 rounds remaining) : , Anna becomes 11 foot 4 inches, 1320 lbs, +2 Str, -2 dex, -1 AC, -1 Atk, +1 CMB / CMD, -4 stealth, -2 fly, space 10 ft, reach 10 ft, weapons go up a size category
protection from fire - 83 points
haste - +1 to attack / +1 to AC / +1 reflex save / = 30 foot speed
smite evil on big boss - +4 to hit vs big boss / + 24 damage first hit / +12 future hits / +4 AC vs big bad
bless weapon - Sigvar, Pompous and Anna - weapons considered good aligned, and having +1 enchantment for purposes of overcoming DR of evil creatures or striking incorporeal undead (18, 17, 16 rounds respectively)
bleed - 2d6 per round

Current Stats for Anna:
Strength boost: +6 (+2 size, +4 enhancement) so current strength score is: 22 (+6 modifier)
Con boost: +4 so current con score is: 16 (+3 modifier)
Dex boost: +2 (-2 size, +4 enhancement) so current dex score is: 16 (+3 modifier)
movement speed: 60 feet
24 temporary hit points
Fort: +11
Will: +8
Large Silver Good Aligned Greatsword: +15/+10 (3d6+9)
Space: 10
Reach: 10
Base AC: 29/19/25
CMD: 30

Pompous Giantbane AC 26(31, 35 vs boss) CMD 27/22/17, HP 92/107   d20+18=36 ; d6+10=15 ; d6=3 ; d6+10=13 ; d6=1 ; d20+18=36 ; d6+10=13 ; d6=4 ; d20+12=24 ; d6+10=16 ; d6=2 ; d20+7=22 ; d6+10=12 ; d6=1 ;
Tuesday June 11th, 2019 6:24:34 AM

Pompous sends another volley of arrows at the bearded devil this time.


Endure element
Adamentine armor

Using arrows +1

Haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves

Bless weapon - weapons considered good aligned, and having +1 enchantment for purposes of overcoming DR of evil creatures or striking incorporeal undead (19 rounds)

Smite Evil- FIRST hit by each person will do + 24 damage, the rest are +12. The allies will also gain a +4 deflection bonus from that devil only.

Haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves

Deadly strike- -2/+4
Many shots
Precise shot

Attack 1 Hits AC 36 Physical, 15 Lightning 3
Attack 1a Hits AC 36 Physical, 13 Lightning 1

Haste Attack Hits AC 36 Physical 13 Lightning 4
Attack 2 Hits AC 24 Physical 16 Lightning 2
Attack 3 Hits AC 22 Physical 12 Lightning 1

DM Warren: The Devil's Throne Room MAP 
Tuesday June 11th, 2019 8:57:35 AM

After Trayvin smacking it around, the devil doesnt stand a chance against a disintegrate Ray, and he is suddenly no more than dust.

Now that Sigvar finally is able to flank, he is able to tear into the demon much more effectively, and he can't stand up to that punishment. He soon falls, thanks to proper planning. Pompous throws his arrows into the boss demon for good measure, who can't defend now that he's dead. Everything goes quiet, except for the still bleeding wounds of Pru, Michael, and Anna.

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 107/132 Character Sheet  d20+9=17 ;
Tuesday June 11th, 2019 7:20:46 PM

CLC 17 (20 if it uses my full level for LoH) fail
Sigvar steps over the devil's corpse and tries to heal Michael. He frowns as the healing magic is repeled by Michael's Infernal wound.
No Healing
Sigvar's Dashboard
Endure elements
Resist Fire (20) 890/900 rounds remaining
Eagles Splendor 81/90 rounds remaining
Divine Bond +3 enhancement on adamantine sword 82/90 rounds remaining
Bless Weapon remaining on adamantine sword 33/40 rounds remaining
Divine Favor +3 to hit and damage 4/10 rounds remaining
Haste +1 to hit, AC and reflex, +20' move 8/12 rounds remaining
AC vs all other foes 34/13/31
Hero points all gone
Smite Evil 3/4 used
LoH 1 used

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ)  d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d20+12=30 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=31 ;
Tuesday June 11th, 2019 9:41:00 PM

And just like that, it's over. Trayvin shifts focus back to patching up the Agents. The wounds are persistent, he tries some channeling anyway, to see if it will have any effect.

Actions: channel energy(once everyone is in range) heal hp = 17 caster level checks for the healing: 30, 24, 31

OOC- I think I counted 3? PCs with infernal wounds. Not sure if channeling counts as a heal check for this. If not, will resort to spells next.

Active Effects: haste, divine favor

Spells: endure elements x2, holy smite, prayer, divine power, divine favor x 2, bless weapon(for Michael)
channel energy 3/6 remaining
6 charges from clw wand(10 remaining)

OOC- request hero point for Michael for the poem

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Tuesday June 11th, 2019 10:13:44 PM

Big storm in Dallas. Power still out. Need sub. Sorry I missed the fun.

Prudence Gundle [AC 22 HP 81/87] 
Tuesday June 11th, 2019 10:21:27 PM

Pru nods in satisfaction at the little pile of devil powder on the ground. "Stab me, will ya," she says fiercely.

Then, less fiercely, "ow." She bleeds a little. Trayvin's healing energy helps.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31  2d6=3 ;
Tuesday June 11th, 2019 10:26:30 PM

3 points bleed
round 4 of 4.

The pain begins to abate somewhat, or is the mental trauma of getting hit so hard? hard to tell. He feels sigvars attempt to heal him, and he feels the wounds like a malignant worm push it away. he tries to reach his hand down into his pocket to get a potion, but it's a bit beyond his ablity right now. Ah...well...this aint the first time I've been this close to death, was a good fight though, I'm proud to have served with you guys, I hope you know that my fist mates. .he thinks to himself, knowing that the wound is resistand and that he dont' have much blood left to bleed out.

it all becomes moot though when Trayvin channels. he feels the malignantcy in the wound give way to the awesome healing power of their resident cleric. After the hot fevered evil of the horned devil, the healing feels like a warm hug and a cool dip in a pool all at the same time. Clerical magic is weird that way, he tastes Key Lime pie this time, he usually does not pay the effects much attention, he's usually busy with soldiering or fighting when he gets healed. but is was always aware of tasting something when Trayvin healed. thinking back, he remembers Vanilla, Sage, Cardamon, and Kiwi, he thinks there were others, but he cannot recall them right now. The Key lime is nice though, a fitting way to endure the last few moments of his paralysis.

Heal, 17.
Hp pre-healing 3 post healing 20.
Good job Trayvin, just in the nick of time too.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30  2d6=10 ;
Tuesday June 11th, 2019 11:28:59 PM

(OOC: don't know if channel stopped the bleed or not; Anna needed a 30 on the check and one of the results was a 24; if bleed still happens 10 bleed damage)

Anna says, "Welp that fight didn't last long. Thanks for the healing Trayvin. We really need a strategy to deal with Dispel Good in the future if our attacks wouldn't have been turned aside by the devil's protective ward we probably wouldn't have had Michael get hit as badly considering some of mine and Pompous attacks that missed wouldn't have been turned aside"

Barkskin - 90 min(867 rounds remaining) : + 4 natural armor
Longstrider - 9 hours (- 32 rounds elapsed) : + 10 movement speed (overtaken by haste temporarily)
silver sheen - 1 hour (- 31 rounds elapsed) : great sword is considered silver vs DR
Cats Grace - 9 min(60 rounds remaining) : +4 dex
Bull's Strength - 9 min (61 rounds remaining) : +4 strength
Bear's Endurance - 9 min (62 rounds remaining) : +4 con
Enlarge Person - 9 min (63 rounds remaining) : , Anna becomes 11 foot 4 inches, 1320 lbs, +2 Str, -2 dex, -1 AC, -1 Atk, +1 CMB / CMD, -4 stealth, -2 fly, space 10 ft, reach 10 ft, weapons go up a size category
protection from fire - 83 points
haste - +1 to attack / +1 to AC / +1 reflex save / = 30 foot speed
bless weapon - Sigvar, Pompous and Anna - weapons considered good aligned, and having +1 enchantment for purposes of overcoming DR of evil creatures or striking incorporeal undead (17, 16, 15 rounds respectively)
bleed - 2d6 per round?

Current Stats for Anna:
Strength boost: +6 (+2 size, +4 enhancement) so current strength score is: 22 (+6 modifier)
Con boost: +4 so current con score is: 16 (+3 modifier)
Dex boost: +2 (-2 size, +4 enhancement) so current dex score is: 16 (+3 modifier)
movement speed: 60 feet
Fort: +11
Will: +8
Large Silver Good Aligned Greatsword: +15/+10 (3d6+9)
Space: 10
Reach: 10
Base AC: 29/19/25
CMD: 30

Pompous Devilbane AC 26(31) CMD 27/22/17, HP 92/107  
Wednesday June 12th, 2019 6:34:29 AM

Pompous runs to his injured comrades and stands watch over them as the healers cast their blessings.

" I second Anna Banana. We could have taken out big bad almost immediately if it wasn't for that aura. Still, we all live to tell the tale. "

Once he knows that everyone is well, he'll search the foes and the area for booty... he snickers a bit as he thinks to himself... {booty...'snicker... }

ooc> I second Brian. Hero point for Michael.

DM Warren: The Devil's Throne Room MAP 
Wednesday June 12th, 2019 9:18:09 AM

Despite having a winning strategy, there is always room for improvement, right? The Agents discuss battle plans as infernal wounds are driven from their bodies. They were lucky to have had the foresight to bless their weapons, as without that, this battle would have gone a lot more against them.

They discussion doesn't last for long though before they start to experience an odd sucking sensation. They barely have time to grab the Devils' weapons before their bodies are pulled through what feels like another portal. When they come to, it appears that they're back in their own barracks, and nothing seems to have changed. Except for the chest overflowing in gold in the middle of their common room.


+1 Unholy Large Spiked Chain
+1 Flaming Longbow
+1 Glaive
Treasure chest

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Wednesday June 12th, 2019 9:28:23 PM

"So I guess that mission was a success? Do we check the loot chest or check in with the commander first?" Anna asks her Firstmates.

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Wednesday June 12th, 2019 9:42:00 PM

"We're back." It didn't need to be said, but the statement raises a number of questions. But first, to check on the Fist. Trayvin goes around to each of the Agents to check and make sure there were no persistent wounds still bleeding. The rest he could fix later. "Don't worry, a few days of rest and I'll have you all patched back up."

"As for the rest, well did the portal send us back, or did the Rakshasha not like the odds of us collecting the reward in person?"

Spells: endure elements x2, holy smite, prayer, divine power, divine favor x 2, bless weapon(for Michael)
channel energy 3/6 remaining
6 charges from clw wand(10 remaining)

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31  d20+8=18 ;
Wednesday June 12th, 2019 10:06:09 PM

with tme and healing Michael brain reconncets with his body, with a twitch and a groan he gets up off the ground. and hugs Trayvin. Thank you Trayvin, you have no idea how good that felt of how much it was needed, you are truly sent from the gods. . he looks around, they are in the barracks.
Dag Nabit I wanted to hang that Devils head up in the common room! would have looked nice over the fireplace..

He looks over the chest of gold. to get a read on how much gold is in there. Hey Sigvar can you and Anna lift this thing up and get a read on how much it weighs. that aught to give us a good idea of how much gold is in it.
apprase 18 if I get some aid anothers this could be a good roll.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Wednesday June 12th, 2019 11:17:07 PM

Spells in effect: Windwall +20, Hail Storm +3, Mage Armor, Haste, Power Outage Duration (1-3 days)
No Flying Cows +1 though, lots of Debris of Window Breaking 2D6, Roof Smashing Trees 10D20.

Nikolai is jubilant that his first attempt to trip an opponent worked and gave the edge they needed to swiftly fell the demon. He will need to practice more on his reaction to a tripped foe though. He was a bit slow in taking advantage of it.

Realizing they are back in their own quarters rather than the pocket world of the tiger-man thing, he does feel disappointed that their mission may not have been fulfilled to its best conclusion. Perhaps what he said instilled in the giants some sense of worth to spur them to fight back. Perhaps not.

"Well, we certainly want to make sure the chest is safe from traps and stuff that might harm whoever tries to open it. But since we went on a mission to bring back funds for the Fist, we should hand over the chest with all it's contents. Or rather, less any harmful contents. So before anyone starts counting gold, lets insure it is safe to fiddle with," Nikolai cautions.

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Wednesday June 12th, 2019 11:21:40 PM

" Trayvin, clearly that Tiger thing was not an idiot. It knew we didn't like it and probably knew that if we could drop it's opponent so easily that we would probably try to take it out too. He was an evil, calculating so and so, but smart too. No wonder the giants thought it knew everything they said and thought."
" I think we should finish reviving Michael and report directly to the Commander. We were tasked with freeing the Fist from the crushing war reparations it has incurred. We should go see if we succeeded."

Prudence Gundle 
Wednesday June 12th, 2019 11:29:58 PM

"Yes, let's report in," Pru says. "I can check for magical traps, anyway."

She casts a Detect Magic and scans the chest.

Pompous Devilbane AC 26 CMD 27/22/17, HP 92/107  
Thursday June 13th, 2019 6:34:26 AM

Pompous listens to Nikolai talking about handing the chest of gold over to the officers... The ranger's eye brow raises at the mention...
{ Arrows aren't cheap} He thinks to himself.
{ And I don't see anyone else paying THOSE bills}

If it's policy that treasures won at great physical and financial cost get handed back to the Fist, maybe this isn't the right group for him to be in after all...

DM Warren: The Devil's Throne Room MAP 
Thursday June 13th, 2019 9:27:12 AM

After all is said and done, The Agents are professionals. A quick appraisal of the chest can easily tells that it hold thousands of coins, as well as assorted gems and jewelry.

Pru scans the chest quickly before they head out to the commander and sees a few magical auras around, but most notably is one powerful illusion spell. Still, that can wait until they check in with Commander Balance.

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Thursday June 13th, 2019 8:06:07 PM

"Sigvar, I suspect it will be perfectly happy if it never sees us again."

"Don't worry Michael, I wasn't sent by the Gods, but I can help people and keep the Fist going strong. The Gods do seem willing to help me with those goals."

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Thursday June 13th, 2019 9:38:20 PM

Anna says, "Well it is certainly good to be home but we probably could have taken the Tiger creature out considering how the final fight with the Devil shaped up. Perhaps some day we can find our way back there and liberate the people there? Then again we never seem to find time to visit those Griffons so I don't know."

Prudence Gundle 
Thursday June 13th, 2019 10:51:46 PM

"Let's go talk to the Commander," Pru says. She eyes the chest dubiously. "Er...should we try to bring that with us? It looks heavy."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Friday June 14th, 2019 12:41:38 AM

"No real big hurry in reporting in. It would be best make sure that the chest is safe first. If it holds an illusion, we'd better find out what it is first. I don't want to leave something here that can harm us nor take it to the Commander in that state either. Ten or fifteen minutes more won't hurt. Let's get our Trap Detecting Caps on and give it the shake down of its life."

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Friday June 14th, 2019 5:52:55 AM

" Dispel the illusion and let's see what it really is. That kitty could not be dumb enough to stiff the Mailed Fist, right?"
Sigvar will draw his blade and take up a position next to Prudence so that she can use her Fist ability of shielded caster while dispelling the chest.

Pompous Devilbane AC 26 CMD 27/22/17, HP 92/107  
Friday June 14th, 2019 6:29:33 AM

Pompous agrees with Siggy.
" Yes, let's see what we actually have here. "

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31  d20+19=38 ; d20+17=28 ;
Friday June 14th, 2019 6:58:35 AM

perception 38
disable device 28

bonking his his head because he is an idiot, Michael begins to check the chest for traps. He puts it down to hunger and blood loss,
And after we see the commander, lets get something to eat, bleeding out sure works up an appetite.

DM Warren: The Devil's Throne Room MAP 
Friday June 14th, 2019 11:37:05 AM

It seems that the Agents need not to have worried. Between Michael’s applied talents and Pru’s scanning, they can tell there is no danger, physical or magical.   Further investigation reveals that the illusion is in the for of a programmed illusion. It seems that the Rakshasa left a message for them once they opened it. His face springs out large, and the image laughs in delight. “I had my doubts, but it seems that you’ve accomplished the task set out. Here is your payment as promised. I hope that we can work together again in such a mutually beneficial fashion.”  

DM Warren: The Devil's Throne Room MAP 
Friday June 14th, 2019 11:37:57 AM

Most of the coinage in the chest is actually platinum, with assorted gold and gems throughout. There must be at least 100,000 gp worth of coinage, more than enough to pay down much of the Fist’s debt, with enough leftover for nice bonuses for the Agents. And of course, this doesn’t count the jewelry and assorted treasures found on the rest of their fallen foes throughout their recent adventures.

Prudence Gundle 
Friday June 14th, 2019 9:51:11 PM

"Well, I'm not carrying it," Pru says.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Friday June 14th, 2019 11:08:20 PM

Well with this much loot, we can't just leave it here, and I don't trust anyone but us to watch it. Maybe one of us needs to go get the commander and bring her down here so she can decide what she wants done with it.. Heck you guys go, I'll stay here and keep an eye on it. give my regards to the commander and explain why I could not show up . Michael then starts. He looks at the chest closely then he goes over to his bed and begins emptying his pockets and his haversack. between his bills pants o plenty and his handy haversack they aught to be able to fit the whole thing minus the chest. He starts shovelling the loot into his pockets. even if it won't all fit, the chest should be light enough to carry easily.

Why didn't I think of this in the first place? this will freak her out when I start empying my pockets. There is mirtful gleam in his eye, which kind of offsets the dark circles and pale skin.

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ)  d8=3 ; d8=6 ; d8=7 ; d8=1 ; d8=5 ;
Saturday June 15th, 2019 10:02:21 AM

Trayvin laughs while tends to some of Michael's more severe wounds. "I am sure the commander will be quite surprised to see how much gold you can fit in your pants."

cast cure critical wounds on Michael hp healed = 33

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Sunday June 16th, 2019 11:33:43 PM

Nikolai has a good laugh at Michael's antics. "I suppose it is ok to take the look in your pockets. Loot is loot. Just make sure that when you empty your pockets, don't embarrass us with any weird thing you might have accidentally put away by accident."

When all are ready and the loot stuffed away, Nikolai leads the way to the Commander's office.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Monday June 17th, 2019 12:00:36 AM

If Anna is still jolly green giant Anna she helps carry the loot to where the commander is; otherwise she still goes along with the others to see the commander.

Pompous Devilbane AC 26 CMD 27/22/17, HP 92/107  
Monday June 17th, 2019 6:49:57 AM

Pompous takes a quick trip to his quarters and changes into his dress uniform. As much as he doesn't mind looking grimy when in the field, he can't abide dirt and gore on the uniform when meeting officers.

DM Warren: The Devil's Throne Room MAP 
Monday June 17th, 2019 9:42:35 AM

Seeing as no one knew when to expect you back, no one is actually waiting on you now. Michael has time to play in a heap of gold and platinum while pompous makes himself look and smell nice. The others can do so as well if they like.

Once ready, it is not difficult to summon the page on duty to run off and let the commander know they're ready to report. They make their way to the office and present themselves. As brusque as every, Commander Palance has little time for niceties, and after a quick greeting, requests a report of their recent activities.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Monday June 17th, 2019 10:14:55 AM

Michael smiles and while chatting about the recent adventures, begins to pile heaps and heaps of gold onto the commanders desk.

outline of the talk.
1. tranport to new area
2.fight with the giants at the chokepoint.
3. interrorgation of giant prisioner.
4. meeting the rakshasha.
5 contract sighned.
6. travel to the "geen hell"
7. encounters with the bearded devils,
8. encounters with the erines.
9. ambusing the guards
10. putting the smak down on the Horned devil.
11...return home.

OOC: I wan't keeping up with the loot, can the DM repost the loot or someone who's kept up with it post it. I'll spreadsheet it and take it to the catacombs if you do.

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Monday June 17th, 2019 9:21:02 PM

The Commander seems to be waiting for a formal report, so Trayvin will let Nikolai and Pru do most of the talking.

Admiring the piles of treasure that are quickly accumulating around the Commander's office via Michael's pockets, all he says is, "I think we did allright."

Prudence Gundle 
Monday June 17th, 2019 9:30:30 PM

Pru assists Michael where she can. When he talks about the Rakshasa, Pru produces the group's copy of the contract.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Monday June 17th, 2019 11:23:08 PM

Nikolai feels that it not necessary to add anything. Michael covered it all for the preliminary report. As usual, he will write up the formal report for the archives with everyone's signature on it.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Monday June 17th, 2019 11:54:43 PM

Anna signs the report that Nikolai is preparing, not having much to add. She does say to the commander though, "Do you think we'll ever be able to see about recruiting those hungry griffins we found back in the day to join the Fist? Wouldn't an aeriel wing of Griffon riders open up the possibility of new contracts?"

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 6:00:42 AM

Sigvar knows they are short on facts in the report. No one was able to tell what the Tiger thing was (right?) Nor were any of them able to identify any or most of the Devils. They knew the Tiger thing was evil and so was the Devil. That will have to be enough he guesses.

Pompous Devilbane AC 26 CMD 27/22/17, HP 92/107  
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 5:29:34 PM

Pompous looks cute in his clean and pressed uniform but otherwise says nothing.

The Commander 
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 6:17:48 PM

The commander stands up behind the desk as the Agents start their report. She looks gruff, crosses her arms and frowns as the story continues and Michael unceremoniously dumps the treasure and gold on her desk. She watches as some of the coin slides and falls off to the ground as Michael tries to grab it. She looks over each of the Agents and looks at the papers the Pru presents. When the presentation is complete, she stands there, silently watching everyone. A moment passes, then another in complete silence.

Finally she can take it no more and breaks out into a smile. She reaches out and picks up a handful of gold saying, "Oh, you did more than alright! This is really amazing. This is going to help us out quite a bit. While we're not really struggling like we were in the old days, this can give us a lot of support to expand and do more missions that are really for the good of the people instead of just for the money."

She continues to nod and smile as she calls out for her assistant. When he arrives, she says, "Come now, help clean up this mess of gold. Log it all in and account for it with the treasury." She looks back over at Nikolai and the rest of the group and continues, "And let's schedule a great dinner with the whole town!"

Prudence Gundle 
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 9:31:46 PM

Pru can't keep the smile off her face. "Thank you, ma'am," she says. "We did our best."

She helps re-pack the treasure and take it to the treasury.

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 9:35:29 PM

"Dinner? Now we're talking. All of our rations were getting mushy from the humidity in that place."

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 9:45:20 PM

Michael deflates a bit, no reply to the mention of the Griffons, ah well. perhaps food a drink will sooth his disappointment.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 11:25:55 PM

Nikolai suppresses a chuckle as coins go rolling about and Michael tries to catch them. Maybe Nikolai's Fist brings in the most but all Fist are contributing and the Mailed Fist isn't quite as large as before and with much less buildings to maintain. That they are getting past the point of nearly going broke pleases Alexi.

'Perhaps we'll get some time off where we can go visit that area and see if they are still around. It has been a while,' he muses.

"A large banquet for the whole town would be splendid," Nikolai exclaims with a large smile.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 12:36:27 AM

Anna is all for a banquet even though she doesn't really eat aside from sunlight now that she is plantkin Anna.

She says to no one in particular, "Well this should be fun."

To Nikolai she says, "We can only hope."

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 6:20:21 PM

Sigvar looks forward to the Feast.

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 9:57:02 PM

Trayvin hopes the treasure helps the Fist to help a lot of towns and people.

Prudence Gundle 
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 10:06:34 PM

"A great dinner does sound like fun," Pru says. Having some experience with life among the common folk, she's pretty sure they'd rather have the road mended, but a feast will be fun, too.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Thursday June 20th, 2019 12:59:31 AM

Once things are settled with their commander, Nikolai gets a clean uniform and goes to the baths. He wants to smell good at the dinner, there might be some dancing and he might get to get close to a girl. Want to smell nice then.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 1:37:28 AM

Anna also takes a bath and takes some time to polish her mithril plate

Pompous Devilbane AC 26 CMD 27/22/17, HP 92/107  
Thursday June 20th, 2019 6:39:35 AM

Thinking to himself...
{ Dinners are fine... but where's the coins lady!! Arrows aren't cheap! }

DM Warren: The Feast 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 9:02:00 AM

Besides the chest of loot, there's still the pile of jewelry and magic bows from the Giants, and another pile of weapons and equipment from the devils. All told, it's worth a 20k gold bonus for each of the Agents.

They also feel the experience of battle infusing them as they party prep and plan. (Everyone please level to 13)

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 11:17:09 AM

Um, you are part of a standing army, arrows should be free.

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 6:28:01 PM

Sigvar gets a bath and some rest in before the feast

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 8:52:54 PM

With some time to spare before the dinner and party? Trayvin gets cleaned up. Trayvin feels much better now that they are out of the dreadful humidity.

Prudence Gundle 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 10:46:11 PM

Pru is also glad of a bath, and also takes the time to wash her hair. She puts on a fresh uniform, then sits in the sun and patiently towel-dries her hair.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 10:52:44 PM

still a little bummed about the memory of the griffons, Michael retires to the baths and gets clened up. He gets his dress leathers out and lays them out to put on when the time comes. then he calls a page to his room and gives him instructions to wake him 15 minutes before the dinner so that he can get dressed and presentable. he then sets up his intrusion alarms, sets the dummy up on his bed grabs his extra pillow and blanket crawls under the bed to sleep. (Michael has a bed set up under his bed to sleep on.).

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 11:51:26 PM

(OOC: I'll level over the weekend)

Anna starts thinking about what to spend her bonus on as she gets cleaned up and makes her full plate shine

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Friday June 21st, 2019 12:52:11 AM

Nikolai is surprised at how much each get. Doesn't complain though and starts making plans.

Pompous Devilbane AC 26 CMD 27/22/17, HP 107/107  
Friday June 21st, 2019 6:29:53 AM

Pompous looks at Nik,,, " ORC DROPPINGS! When did you start ready minds Nikko! Or was I using my inside voice outside again???? Well, normal arrows are provided but these magical and silver ones cost a pretty copper to keep supplied. "

ooc> Leveling and catacomb trip on the way!

DM Warren: The Feast 
Friday June 21st, 2019 8:45:40 PM

The Agents all make themselves ready for feasting and celebrations, taking the time to polish armor, put on their nice livery, and make themselves pretty in general.

There is excitement all around, and several hope that they'll have some time off to see about their potential flying mounts. Who knows, they could always ask Palance for the time. They've certainly earned the right to choose at least one mission, so long as there's nothing critical coming up. Though knowing her, she'll want to have some sort of plan for care, stabling, feeding, and a benefit to cost analysis to justify the expense.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Friday June 21st, 2019 9:25:36 PM

still a little bummed about the memory of the griffons, Michael retires to the baths and gets clened up. He gets his dress leathers out and lays them out to put on when the time comes. then he calls a page to his room and gives him instructions to wake him 15 minutes before the dinner so that he can get dressed and presentable. he then sets up his intrusion alarms, sets the dummy up on his bed grabs his extra pillow and blanket crawls under the bed to sleep. (Michael has a bed set up under his bed to sleep on.).

Prudence Gundle 
Friday June 21st, 2019 11:14:12 PM

"I've been thinking about those griffins," Pru says. "They probably eat a lot, and they couldn't be stabled with the Fist's other mounts. But what if we trained the griffins and, I don't know, like, traveled with them? We could ly from town to town and show off the griffins and let people know that we're the Mailed Fist and we're the good guys and don't you wanna hire us to do stuff? It could be like advertising or something."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Saturday June 22nd, 2019 4:46:36 PM

"That's a good idea, Pru, even if it isn't us that do it. Feeding them wouldn't be such a problem if we hired local animal herders to raise cattle for that specific purpose. A couple of cattle herds of decent size, that eat grass, could supply enough beef for them I'm thinking. It would help the local economy AND look pretty nifty."

OOC DM, I know it's not in our place to suggest modules for ourselves, but this one would be a real good one. It would tie off a loose end, give our griffon lovers a sense of pride, and all the DM would have to do is fill in the details as to how and why we get them to join the Mailed Fist as trained mounts rather than wild animals scrounging for a living. Just putting the idea out there.

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Saturday June 22nd, 2019 5:17:48 PM

"Well, I'm not sure if I would want to fly a griffon personally, but I think a small division of griffon riders for the Mailed Fist is an awesome idea. Maybe we could look for a place to stable them that isn't right in town?"

Pompous Devilbane AC 26 CMD 27/22/17, HP 107/107  
Sunday June 23rd, 2019 8:06:47 AM

... Pompous thinks about the griffons... as fetching as he would look on top of one...

" My long bow isn't designed to shoot while mounted... let alone flying,,,, "

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Sunday June 23rd, 2019 10:40:43 PM

if they are having this converstion at the dinner, then Michael joins in. othewise he is getting a nap before the dinner.
Gryphons weigh in at about 5 or 600 pounds. females are larger than males. they eat about 1/2 their body weight per day. so that 250 to 300 pounds of flesh, per anilmal, per day. 6 or 7 Gryphons are going to consume between 1250 and 2100 pounds of meat per day. they perfer horse flesh. we are looking at 2 medium weight steers at the hight end and 1 large steer at the low end. 30 to 60 anilmals per month. they are omnivores so we can suppliment their diet with fruits and grain to a small amount, but they mainly need meat. What do we get from that?
They are intelligent you know, they mate for life, and the mate of a slain gryphon will spend years looking for the killer and the rest of its life alone. They aren't simple animals. the have a will of their own. so using them for transport isn't just "saddle up and lets ride" you either have to convince them or they have to respect you enough to obey. but to fly to our destination! to have a mount that can aid in combat and not just stand there and die when things get rough...like daisy did. they also can carry a lot, up to 900 pounds in a heavy load. for us, they offer us increased mobilty, increased intelligence collection and combat multiplicaion. if we can eventually set them up as airborn calvary for wolf compay, they would create a flanking force for set piece warfare that can't be beat, plus all the other benefits from earlier.
They like to nest in high places. so we either need and airye (does this area have mountains? ) or build a tower that we can keep them in. keeping them here brings up a potiental problem. the first time one goes after the commanders horse we will all dance a jig in traitors square or worse, prepetual KP duty.

I've heard that they understand common, but they can't talk. some form of magic item that allows telepathic communication would be a big help and I've heard that training a willing gryphon is just a matter of you and it getting used to flying together. It's just all theory and writings right now, we will have to see how they do when we get them back here. Oh yeah! almost forgot. a mated pair with pups is probably the most aggressive thing in the world in protecting their brood, but single gryphons are a lot more tolerant of folks. if we bring a mated pair with pups home, not only will that be a story for the "last assignment" but It will also present a logistical problem. we have the men to guard the aire and keep theives and idiots away, but if the pair attack the guards...KP duty...I just know it. We'll have to have special saddles made fo them as well. thats an expence...Those are all the problems I can think of at the moment, but they are all solvable nonetheless. I still think that they are a excellent investment and will bring prestige to the Mailed Fist as well as some heartache and sorrow, but that's life I think that if we get them to join and be our mounts, they aren't just flying horses..they will be part of the team.

[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VpHw3XQu5anqLtOvRJLri7f1e6LfxzMpwoeXwo6HEpQ/edit?usp=sharing"]Anna Morphling[/link] (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Sunday June 23rd, 2019 11:01:18 PM

Prior to the party Anna visits the catacombs.

She also arranges to take tier 4 training in order to learn the precision strike team work feat, once she has that mastered when flanking with another precision striker both assailants deal +1d6 points of precision damage

Anna says, "I empathized with the griffons last time I met them. Over the course of our recent adventures I've improved my ability to empathize...also I can turn into a griffon now so do you guys think it would help for me to turn into one and approach them?"

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Monday June 24th, 2019 4:32:34 AM

" I assume they d not come in Huge size. That means no flying mount for me."
Sigvar too arranges to take tier four training and finds himself in Anna's class as he too is learning both Vital Strike and Precision Striker.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Monday June 24th, 2019 7:05:59 AM

fly spells, reverse enlarge, there are a lot of options to get you flying. Sigvar. I think a Huge sized gryphon for you would be awesome.

DM Warren: The Feast 
Monday June 24th, 2019 9:55:47 AM

Detail oriented as ever, Michael is ready to dive deep into how the benefits of aerial mounts would outweigh the costs. There are still some issues to work out, but it looks like there's a case for it.

But there's time enough for that later. For now, there is a celebration to be had. It's not often that jobs come off as lucrative as this. Maybe the payout is proportionate to the strangeness of the job. After flying lessons and combat tactics, they make their way down to the banquet.

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Monday June 24th, 2019 12:27:23 PM

At the table, with just the Agents present, Sigvar raises a concern.
" So you know how we arrived back here all of a sudden, right? Do we still have that paper thing that we read to get teleported to the tiger guy's place? I'm assuming we do, and that is how HE teleported us back. What is to stop him from just randomly teleporting us whenever he wants? Worse, what is to stop him from coming HERE whenever he wants? We need to be vigilant. We can take him, I think, but not if he shows up while we are in our racks or otherwise distracted by training or something like a banquet in our honor."
He pats the sword at his side, even at the banquet and points to his shield, stashed under the table.
" Let's be ready, just in case is all I'm sayin'."

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Monday June 24th, 2019 6:49:01 PM

Michael takes a pull of his beer Ah! Sweet nectar of the gods how I missed you! and pauses to consider Sivars opinion.
Thats a new way of looking at it Ironhorn, I thought that the tiger thing 'ported the chest to us, and the scroll brought us back b'cause the terms of the reqest were furfilled. The tiger thing didn't know about the Wold or Yerth or anything to do with where we came from. so how would it know to send us back here? Also the fact that he sent to chest to us instead of making us come back and get it means that he knew we had plans for him and was concerned that we might be able to pull them off.

Eternal vigilance is good for rousing the troops and all, but you know as well as I that you can't stay frosty 24/7/365. Thats why we have a watch rotation. still, if I was going to hit us and had up to the minute intel of our iteniary, then I'd hit us either at the dinner or at about 3 AM, when we are all passed out drunk.

Michael toasts his big bull friend and takes another pull from his nut brown ale, then smiles up at him, with foam on his lip.

Prudence Gundle 
Monday June 24th, 2019 11:15:35 PM

"And, he didn't seem all that...I don't know...ambitious," Pru says. "Like he was content to stay there in his little kingdom with his treasure as long as people didn't bother him."

But there are more interesting questions before her now--like what to wear to this great feast. She picks out her best dress and carefully presses it. She examines it for damage, repairing any that she finds. Upon consideration, she leaves her hair unbraided, the coppery mass falling almost to her knees. She holds it in place with her Headband of Alluring Charisma, and yes, that's on purpose.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Monday June 24th, 2019 11:59:26 PM

Anna says to Michael, "As long as I get an hour of natural sunlight a day I can be eternally vigilant. That is the main advantage of becomming a plantkin. I can be an eternal sentinel standing guard in case something would come when we least expect it. I routinely turn my darkvision on and use spider climb or Queen's Minions to patrol at night depending on the circumstance."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 12:19:24 AM

"Well, it is all good points. I don't know how it works. On the other hand, we haven't opened up the scroll to see if there is any magic left in it either. So, who has the scroll? You can open it and just see it there is still any writing left without actually reading it."

Nikolai pulls out his dress uniform with all its ribbons and awards and makes sure it is clean and properly pressed. Unfortunately there is no time for some dance lessons. He'd have to do try to remember the steps and do the best he could.

Pompous Devilbane AC 26 CMD 27/22/17, HP 107/107  
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 6:23:40 AM

Pompous finishes trimming his beard and eye brows and then dons his dress uniform over his shiny chain mail. He belts his short sword but wonders if he needs to bring his bow. It is a party after all, but parties at times turn unto something less pleasant.

DM Warren: The Feast 
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 10:43:11 AM

From what they remember of the scroll, the magic was somewhat tuned to what the user needed. The desert Giants needed to go home, and the Agents needed to get home too. When they unroll it, they do in fact find that the magic is not totally gone, but much weaker. It seems to just be a plain old scroll of the teleport spell now.

Everyone turns out their finest looks, and they cause quite a stir among the troops. Everyone has heard of their exploits, and even having known you, your latest triumph is greater than ever, and a great cheer and toast of ale greets them as they enter. There is quite a hubbub as green recruits and veterans alike crowd around, asking for the story of their latest adventure.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 20/89 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 5:38:32 PM

...so this devil, he's big, powerful, huge wings, scales, the evil pouring off of him makes you want to puke, so I'm on Sigvars back when it lets loose with a fireball. I grab onto his harnes and slip down his back to avoid the blast. Sigs okay, his armor is so thick it just raised it's temp a few degrees. we get up to the devil turns our theres an eryens and a bearded devil there too...they intersept Nikolai, Pru and Pompous, so Sigvar, Anna and me all get up to the big devil, turns out he has a protection from good spell around him. so I flip of Sigvar to the left and sigvar goes right and we enfliade him. I tell you boys, it was beautiful, I did the two sword boogie on him and even found the holes in his magical protection. I hit some big veins and a few extradimensonal organs too. I hurt him bad. He knew it too. He turned around and hit me with these two evil chains he had. he was so fast I could not dodge it. Knocked the sense out of me it did, I spent the rest of the battle wondering how a barrle holds water with a hole in it, next thing I know, I get my senses back and I'm here at the Citidel. Michael regales the troops with his account of the actions of the last few days. He notices a little halfling in mages robes, the unit patches of Eagle company on her sleeves, she's an officer 1st leutenant. looks like. probably fresh out of the OTC course they run here at the Citadel. She's looking at Michael like he's Wardd incarnate and a large bar of choclate at the same time. once the next round of drinks arrive and the ribald songs start Michael slips away unnoticed and introduces himself to the mage. she's cute. about 3'2" probably 31 32 pounds. blonde hair, blue eyes, heart shaped face, he suggests that they ditch this place and find some place private, and to his surpirse she agrees! looks like he didn't get to get drunk after all.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 10:52:42 PM

Anna pretty much just headed down to the party in her natural green skin tone and mithril full plate. Why did she make it shine if she wasn't planning to wear it to the party. Plus mithril plate is expensive so it qualified as finery.

She mingles among the crowd, exchanging pleasantries. She isn't really one for tooting her own horn, also she didn't really feel like she has much to toot considering she got burnt as a tendriculous, whomped on by giants as a chimera-manticore and none of her attacks found purchase against the devil.

She does find some green recruits and says, "Listen up! While we were on our mission we came across a devil. This was a powerful devil and was resistant to any weapon damage not done by a silver good aligned weapon. Luckily for Nikoli's Fist we happened to have silver weapons, silver sheen and scrolls of bless weapon on hand to counter the devil's abilities. Had we not had the correct tool for the job it is quite possible that the battle could have went quite different and we could have lost Wittman or been routed ourselves. Take the time to learn about the weaknesses of your enemies and plan ahead accordingly or you may regret it."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 10:58:16 PM

Nikolai mostly listens to the others tell their stories and watches Pru. Then he's distracted by a few new recruits wearing the Mailed Fist Monk belts and he tells them about the benefits of being very versatile in battle. He explains that many times a foe can be defeated by clever maneuvers. Monks may not do the dramatic damage that fighters, rogues, or wizards can do, but they can do some very interesting things.
"You see, I knew I couldn't do much against the giantess so instead of trying to draw blood, I grappled her and entangled her legs enough to slow her down. Then we were able to capture her. She had no option but to listen to us and thus we made an ally."

Then he explains how one of the devils was very hard to hit, so instead of striking to draw blood, he tripped him. On the ground, the devil had a hard time against them and by the time he managed to get up again, they put him down for good. He proceeded then to show the deft maneuver that tripped the devil up.

When the demonstration was over and the novices moved on, he looked around again, 'Now where is she, where'd she go?'

Prudence Gundle 
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 10:59:38 PM

"...and then I cast another Wall of Ice sort of adjacent to that one, and blocked off all the archers. I thought I was soooooo clever. But, of course, we couldn't see them any more than they could see us! They moved, and we didn't know where! And meanwhile, it was so hot the ice walls were actually melting and making big messy puddles on the ground, so we gave the whole thing up as a bad job and started again." Pru smiles. "And that's the story of how I outwitted myself! And what does a girl have to do to get a drink around here?"

Pompous Devilbane AC 26 CMD 27/22/17, HP 107/107  
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 6:29:06 AM

... " And then I killed all the baddies with my arrows..... you may now refer to me as Pompous Devilbane, slayer of evil. "

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 11:50:11 AM

Sigvar stays in the back, quietly drinking and watching the others take the limelight in. He didn't need all that. He had a great group of faithful soldiers by his side whenever he was in the field and he was happy for that.
He watched Prudence, radiant with the glow of youth and magical power, and extreme good looks. She had every man at the banquet, soldier and spellslinger and civilian alike spellbound. Michael and Pompous were the same with the ladies.
Sigvar's charisma was more of an air of confidence, and he radiated that calm assurance even more with his new headband on. Combat was easy. How to move, where to cut, what to do. Simple. This though, this was alien, and scary. They had done their job, same as any other Fist soldier. It had been a good job, lucrative even, but just a job.

Prudence Gundle 
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 11:37:06 PM

Pru glances over at Pompous. "He's right," she says, moving to join that group. "He took out a bunch of those demons. We'd have been in a bad spot if it wasn't for him."

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Thursday June 27th, 2019 12:54:19 AM

Anna wanders over to where Pru is and says, "True, but I'd say we work best as a team. Nikolai tripped that demon strategically, Michael really hit that other demon where it hurt, Trayvin kept us from dying, Pompous shot things full of arrows, Sigvar was the anvil to Michael's hammer, you hasted all of of us and used your magic to great effect and I tricked a bunch of scrolls of bless weapon into thinking I was qualified to activate them."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Thursday June 27th, 2019 12:54:45 AM

Nikolai tries to make it clear that adding up all the stories you get a Team Effort, which without, would not have been an successful venture.

Pompous Devilbane AC 26 CMD 27/22/17, HP 107/107  
Thursday June 27th, 2019 6:48:12 AM

Pompous looks over at his friends.. a light shade of red on his cheeks shows his shame...maybe the young ranger is growing up... a bit... He then raises his glass and says in a loud voice.

" A TOAST!!! First, to all of you! Your courage is undeniable ! We are strong because we are one! And to my teammates! The best of the best! Not only the best fighting unit in the Fist but also the best friends this humbled arrow slinger could have! We stand together! We stand strong! We stand to protect those that need our protection! BUT TONIGHT!!! WE DRIIIIINK!! SALUTE!

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 103/103 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Thursday June 27th, 2019 6:52:25 AM

Michael and his new friend stroll the ramparts of the Citadel, talking of their lives, the fist, and whatever else comes to mind. before he knows it her hand is holding his, then her lips are pressed against his. it all becomes a blur after that.

when he wakes up in the morning he is instantly awake, his eyes open and he sees the rope suspension of his "bed" above him, he looks down to find blonde hair spread across his chest and the cutest little snore coming from his bed companion. He smiles. it's good to be back. He feels stronger now. his ordeal has toughened him like annealed steel.

DM Warren: The Feast 
Thursday June 27th, 2019 8:45:58 PM

The Agents tell their tales and have a generally nice time at the feast. (And out of it)

The night progresses, and each feel their heroic juices flowing. (Hero points for all, and an extra for Michael)

New module is approved and will be starting on Monday 😀

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Friday June 28th, 2019 12:41:55 AM

Nikolai enjoys the festivities but manages to avoid any dancing. He couldn't manage to single out Pru from a crowd of admirers to do so. All in all though, it was a good night. Despite the horrors of war and what it leaves behind, despite knowing a clan of giantess are enslaved, you take these moments one at a time and enjoy them while they last, because soon, and always soon, some other dire peril will show up.

OOC: we need a loot list: the demons and the giantesses to add to our 20K before I can decide what to get.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Friday June 28th, 2019 12:54:25 AM

After the feast Anna does her normal routine of patrolling the sentinel at night. If her dragon form ability will renew the next morning at some point she takes the time to use her new ability to turn into a silver dragon and fly around on patrol.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 103/103 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Friday June 28th, 2019 9:56:53 PM

Michael gets up and gets dressed. he takes his new friend down and has breakfast with her, he is solisitous to her needs and tries his best to make sure she does not have to do the "walk of shame" After breakfast, his morning routine calls and he excuses himself from her company letting the question of futrure liasions hang in the air in her part of the court. He then goes for a morning run with one of the training cadres, a PT routine with one of the platoons and then some weapon training at the combat school. he then takes his lunch at the library where he looks up what the Citadel has on Devils and such. He writes what he finds out in his journal.
Taking 20 on the roll gives me a 24 for research. He bugs the librarian as well so she can do an Aid another roll if you wish.

Prudence Gundle 
Saturday June 29th, 2019 12:20:03 AM

Pru wakes up in a tangle of hair and remembers why she usually braids the stuff. With a little sigh, she finds her comb and starts untangling.

When her hair is more or less tangle free, she quickly braids it, tying the end with a bit of thread. Then she heads for the mess, hoping she hasn't missed breakfast.

Pompous Devilbane AC 29 CMD 27/22/17, HP 117/117  
Monday July 1st, 2019 9:02:14 AM

Pompous looks at himself in the mirror. The shinny new set of gold and silver celestial armor looks perfect on his human frame. Bundles of new arrows lay on his bed next to the rest of the gear. Pompous still has a number of details to work through before he can join the rest of the group but having this new gear is a step in the right direction.

ooc> Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians!

DM Warren: The Feast 
Monday July 1st, 2019 10:44:30 AM

Nikolai has a generally nice time, but if he can't dance with Pru, he won't dance at all. Instead, he assesses the treasure from his bags, finding 15 +1 large longbows (plus 1 broken) from the slain giantesses, plus their assorted jewelry. Chains and rings of pearls, worth about 16,000, plus the manacles from the gorillas.

Anna takes the small amount of rest and nourishment she needs, then experiments with the new blessings she's been granted. (How circumspect is she being?)

DM Warren: The Feast 
Monday July 1st, 2019 10:49:36 AM

Michael takes his new friend to breakfast, if she wishes. She wouldn't want him to think she likes him too much yet. He finds pretty much anything he'd like to know at the library. If he doesn't mind bothering the staff, they can direct him to exactly what he's looking for.

Pru rolls out of bed, suffering the effects of her hair looking so good the night before. It was quite the effect, twirling about her on the dance floor.

Pompous gets used to his new armor, seeing how it moves as he draws his now. There are few finer figured than the one he cuts this morning.

Everyone has few moments of rest after breakfast and recovery though, as the page comes bounding into the mess to summon then to the Commander's office.

DM Warren: A new Assignment 
Monday July 1st, 2019 10:50:11 AM

Header update

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Monday July 1st, 2019 5:36:53 PM

Sigvar rises from the breakfast table and is ready to follow the page. He carries his kit normally only leaving the regular camping gear behind in his barracks.

Prudence Gundle 
Monday July 1st, 2019 10:03:33 PM

Pru, who had barely gotten a start on breakfast, grabs a roll and a piece of fruit and follows the page.

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Monday July 1st, 2019 10:05:35 PM

Trayvin enjoyed the party. Not too lavish, and the people of the town got to enjoy it too. Now it was off to the mess hall for some breakfast, and then maybe some training while waiting for the next assignment.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Monday July 1st, 2019 11:15:25 PM

When turning into a medium silver dragon, Anna gives the citadel a wider berth than she would if she was to be say an owl. She doesn't want to get confused for that green dragon the agents have tussled with on occasion.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 12:15:38 AM

OOC: ok, so we have 20k gold each
Then 16k gold (gems and jewelry) and 15 +1 longbows to divide. There's 6 of us, right?

IC: Nikolai had a feeling the party would be short. But THAT short?
He prepares himself for the meeting as a good soldier does.

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 5:49:25 AM

7 players Jon

link href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/15jiU6gd2WDj9xzMZWVEXZoVUrn-WuzebGLVdevXirzs/edit?usp=sharingPompous Devilbane AC 27 CMD 30, HP 117/117 [/link] 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 6:31:36 AM

Pompous gears up and joins the crew.

Pompous Devilbane AC 27 CMD 30, HP 117/117 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 6:32:54 AM

ooc> Trying this again. Sorry.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 103/103 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 7:16:14 AM

When michale hears of Anna's silver dragon form he gets an idea. when Anna and Sigvar are together he asks Anna if she could carry Sigvar. he expains that if she could it would do for lift if they ever got the Gryphons.

he says this, and gives the Agents an update on what the Devils were while they wait to be summoned into the Commanders office.

DM Warren: A new Assignment 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 5:10:06 PM

The Commander's office is the same as you've always known it. A mess a papers piled every which way on the desk, but still implying some sense of order.

I have to congratulate you all again. I've been hearing tales of what you faced recently, and it's impressive that you survived to tell the tale at all. And I'm glad you did, because I'm not sure anyone else would be up to this task. Tell me. What do you know about liches?

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 33 (T 12, FF 31) CMD 31 HP 124/132 Character Sheet 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 5:53:46 PM

" That they are horrifying abominations against Lord Gargul's dominion and should be put to death when found. Typically they are some form of arcane caster that has found a way to reanimate their corpse after death, retaining their own predeath intelligence and powers and robbing Lord Gargul his due at their end."

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 103/103 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31  d20+10=21 ;
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 6:18:13 PM

Itches? I've got cream for that. it usually occurs when you mess around with poison ivy or oak. OH! you said liches! some kind of undead magician supposed to be really powerful. Yeah! you can't kill them...they have their life force stored in a sorority or something..you have to destory the sorority...wait...no...phylactery yeah, that's it Phylactery. you gotta destroy it to kill them. else it just builds them a new body. .
dungoneering 21

What always got me about liches is that they are always evil. I mean what if a paladin swore himself to guard something for eternity? wouldn't lichdom be a valid option to fulfill his promise? and it seems like the removal of the "temptations of the flesh" would be a boon to becoming more devout. Michael thinks for a bit. You know, maybe not, I wonder if it's our living capacity for such things that gives us the choice of being good? maybe if you don't have those things it warps you and you become evil. you have already died, so killing folk aint that big a deal,

Prudence Gundle  d20+9=17 ;
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 7:43:25 PM

"Um...some kind of undead," Pru begins cautiously, then hears Sigvar's description. "Yes. What he said."

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 7:57:48 PM

Uh-oh. This can't be good. Sigvar sums it up pretty well, so Trayvin waits patiently for the bad news.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 11:09:39 PM

Nikolai adds his coppers, "Well, a paladin would know that his god would keep him alive if the pledge was done by his devotion and approval of and by his god. And that's not likely so a paladin that did such a thing would loose his favor with his god and cease to be a paladin.

But, a lich needs a receptacle to house his essence. With his essence not in the body, the lich cannot truly be destroyed unless the receptacle is found and destroyed. If the undead body is destroyed, the lich's essence seeks another 'living' body to possess until it can again reform it's own body, somehow. And naturally, that receptacle is usually very well hidden and guarded. Worse, though, is that lich's usually are either former sorcerers or priests, so they are very potent spell casters and surround themselves with powerful guardians, many of the undead types as well."

Nikolai pauses to let their commander explain why her interest in liches.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30  d20+18=20 ;
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 2:08:02 AM


Anna shares whatever she recalls while thinking about liches from an arcane angle.

"Aren't they the ones who were some kind of powerful caster that willfully decided to become undead through some kind of ritual?"

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30  d20+18=20 ;
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 2:08:02 AM


Anna shares whatever she recalls while thinking about liches from an arcane angle.

"Aren't they the ones who were some kind of powerful caster that willfully decided to become undead through some kind of ritual?"

Pompous Devilbane AC 27 CMD 30, HP 117/117  d20+12=32 ;
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 7:21:46 AM

Pompous reflects to himself....he knows that liches are a very powerful aspect of the undead. Since these creatures are a specialty of his { ooc-favored enemy) he has some knowledge of what they will be facing.

knowledge Arcana - nat 20, 32

" Like the others, I know that they are evil spell casters that have joined the rank of the undead. Killing them won't be enough as they keep their life force in receptacles and will eventually rebuild themselves unless we find and destroy this. These things can cause magical fear in the bravest of creatures and their touch can paralyze. They are NOT fun to play with. "

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 34 (T 13, FF 32) CMD 33 HP 146/146 Character Sheet 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 7:31:46 AM

" Ah yes, I forgot the cowards hide their soul too."
Sigvar looks down at Michael and answers him.
" Were a paladin to swear such an oath in their God's name then their god would see to it that they lived until the oath were fulfilled or another could take it up in their stead. As a Paladin of Gargul though I have but one life to pledge to him. When it ends, I look forward to whatever favor, or disfavor I have earned in that life."

Header updated

DM Warren: A new Assignment 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 4:25:21 PM

Well it seems like you've got the ground work down. That's saves some time. There's a town called Whitebridge on a river about a weeks journey in the saddle to the northeast. There's a fancy white bridge spanning the river that leads to a large castle. Both bridge and castle were magicked up by a wizard long ago. The wizard became more and more withdrawn, until one day the castle closed up altogether. That's when the problem started. Now I guess the problem has been getting worse over the years, but it's finally becoming too much to handle. A palpable evil is spreading from the castle, and it's started affecting crops, wildlife, and even the townsfolk. They've come to us for help.

Prudence Gundle 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 4:56:34 PM

"I like the idea of fighting evil," Pru says. "What is our assignment?"

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 9:26:42 PM

"It sounds like something that suits our skills. I hope we are up to the challenge."

"What information do we have from the townsfolk?"

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 103/103 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Thursday July 4th, 2019 12:34:04 AM

from the sound of that it could be a Lich, could be a demon summoning got out of contro, .a spell went haywire a combination of any two or all three. be a good idea to see what the townfolk say.
Michael thinks hard about what he has heard.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Thursday July 4th, 2019 1:33:24 AM

"Lichs could do that, Vampires too. Basically any of the very powerful undead. We'll only know once we get there and see what the folk have seen and get a 'feel' of the place."

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Thursday July 4th, 2019 3:01:06 AM

Anna says, "Well let's up that this is actually a lich and not something else that wants to offer us a job to travel to its rival realm and take them out."

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 34 (T 13, FF 32) CMD 33 HP 146/146 Character Sheet 
Thursday July 4th, 2019 5:22:02 AM

" Does the town legally have the right to send an armed group of mercenaries into the castle? I mean, do we run the risk of starting a war between whomever is in there and the town? That would be bad if we missed any speck of evil, or didn't find the item the lich's soul inhabits."

Pompous Devilbane AC 27 CMD 30, HP 117/117 
Thursday July 4th, 2019 6:29:56 AM

Pompous ponders the idea of taking on a lich... and it shakes him a bit. Skeletons, zombies, no problem... but a lich!

" All righty then.. a lich... "

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 34 (T 13, FF 32) CMD 33 HP 146/146 Character Sheet 
Thursday July 4th, 2019 5:21:24 PM

"Will we have time to prepare?An evil like this takes some time to prepare for, in order to properly defeat."

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Thursday July 4th, 2019 9:00:19 PM

"Don't worry Sigvar, if this town is a week's travel away, we should have at least a little time to prepare."

Prudence Gundle 
Thursday July 4th, 2019 11:23:47 PM

"Perhaps there's information in the library we could look at before we go," Pru adds.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Friday July 5th, 2019 12:04:27 AM

"That's a good point Sigvar."

Addressing their commander, he asks "We do have a formal contract from the town, right? Or is that something we will need to formalize once we get there? We will need to verify that the evil is definitely a product inside the castle and not go on a town's suspicion. It might be coming from nearby but the town's superstition won't let them get past their suspicion and blame the castle's inhabitant."

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 34 (T 13, FF 32) CMD 33 HP 146/146 Character Sheet 
Friday July 5th, 2019 5:01:13 AM

" The kind of preparation I am talking about is legal book work, not something to prepare on the road. As I recall, a lich does not often reside with it's phlactry, I am not sure I said that right,. With it's soul item."
" Often that is hidden so that the lich has time to recover and plot if it is defeated. The work I am talking about is a work up of who owned the castle and likely became a lich. Where they grew up, studied, lived in the past, loved, hated, where they own or owned property other than this castle. We will not have much time after defeating an evil like this to make sure we have defeated it for good, so knowing before we fight makes alot of sense. Or we can kill it first and wake up dead a month later."

" I vote for the long preparation myself."[/b]

DM Warren: A new Assignment 
Friday July 5th, 2019 7:44:43 PM

You all have a reasonable amount of time to prepare. The evil, while pervasive, has not showed signs of increasing its rate of spreading. Still, it cannot be allowed to sit and fester for too long.

From what you can tell, there is no jurisdiction of the castle for the local lands. It is a wizard's tower that has slowly grown over the years, rather than being any authority.

The town has signed a contract, and while they can't pay much, barely enough to cover our expenses, they have forfeited the right to any treasures found inside. If it's truly a lich, there should be plenty of treasure lying around. And if it's not, then it'll be a short turnaround, and not too much trouble.

The villagers should have more information for you when you get there.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 103/103 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Friday July 5th, 2019 10:01:11 PM

I've been caught short before. what kind of weapons silver or otherwise do we need for a lich?

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Friday July 5th, 2019 10:27:48 PM

"Well Michael, that is something we can research. I would guess it's magic will be the biggest concern. It probably also has the usual undead stuff like negative energy."

Pompous Devilbane AC 27 CMD 30, HP 117/117 
Saturday July 6th, 2019 9:32:50 AM

" Michael, I'd be more concerned about the fear aura and paralysis abilities... What do we have to combat those? "

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 34 (T 13, FF 32) CMD 33 HP 146/146 Character Sheet 
Saturday July 6th, 2019 7:46:01 PM

" We have me for the fear and Trayvin for the paralysis. Staying near me will bolster your courage and help fight the fear, and Trayvin, as he has done to such good effect before, can negate paralysis temporarily. I believe that clerics also get spells that can combat paralysis. The spells he can throw are probably the biggest threat. As an accomplished mage the spells would be stronger than his ability to hit someone in melee."

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Sunday July 7th, 2019 11:25:26 PM

Anna says, "I'm also partially resistant to paralysis being a plant kin. Do liches have any sort of elemental resistances or weaknesses? I now have several forms capable of using breate weapons. While I previously demonstrated the chimera in combat I also have the ability to turn into a medium sized silver dragon. The chimera gives me a number of options but the dragon only has a cone of cold."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Monday July 8th, 2019 12:32:52 AM

"Well, I'm going to spend any extra time in the library studying Lich's, then make a visit to the catacombs for something special against them and other undead."

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 103/103 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31  d20=6 ;
Monday July 8th, 2019 6:51:08 AM

Yeah, I'll go wtih you Nikolai.

Aid another. base 10 dungoneering +6 roll = 16.

DM Warren: A new Assignment 
Monday July 8th, 2019 11:25:47 AM

Palance barely, but visibly reacts when Anna casually mentions being able to turn into a dragon. It makes sense, as this is a power not to be taken lightly. Cold won't do you much good against an undead, and neither will electric attacks. He will be difficult to harm in general.

I would try to surprise him, and find a way to nullify or resist powerful magics. Take the time to prepare properly, but don't take too long. The townsfolk shouldn't be left to suffer longer than necessary.

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 34 (T 13, FF 32) CMD 33 HP 146/146 Character Sheet 
Monday July 8th, 2019 6:51:42 PM

Sigvar takes down all of the names and locations in the briefing and heads to the library to research the mage that may have become a Lich. He looks for past land ownership, friends, lovers, enemiesand any other hints as to where it might hide it's soul item.

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Monday July 8th, 2019 9:12:53 PM

With the briefing over, Trayvin stops by his room, and meditates for a bit, thinking about what spells he might use to give the lich a surprise. Or, at the very least which spells will keep the Agents alive.

After that it will time for a quick shopping trip to prepare. Trayvin is very aware of the Commander's advice, and he doesn't want to delay any longer than necessary.

Prudence Gundle 
Monday July 8th, 2019 11:15:35 PM

"I imagine it will be difficult to cast spells on a lich; it probably has all kinds of protections," Pru says. When talk turns to paralysis, she adds, "I've been practicing casting spells without using the magic gestures. I think I'm getting the hang of it." [OOC: Pru has the Still Spell feat.}

When they are dismissed, Pru accompanies Sigvar to the library and does what she can to help with research. She is looking for what kinds of things will hurt a lich; what kind of spell resistance they may have; and of course, whether they burn.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 12:46:15 AM

"....one of the most horrible attacks of the Lich is it's paralyzing touch..."

'Note to self: get a wand of 'Remove Paralysis' or some such thing.'
Nikolai continues his studies in the library. He waves at his friends when they enter and swaps notes.

"Can't go to the catacombs and get anything until I know what I really need, right?"

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30  d20+18=20 ;
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 2:06:06 AM

Anna makes sure she gets her hour of natural sunlight then joins the others in the library. She figures a lich is part arcane right so while she isn't really knowledgable about undead she is knowledgable about arcane things so she spends some time looking up things on the lich related to the arcane.

(know:arcana - 20)

Pompous Devilbane AC 27 CMD 30, HP 117/117 
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 6:30:15 AM

While the others do their research, Pompous sorts through his gear, gears more regular arrows from the armory and makes sure everything is honky dory.

ooc> Wondering if we ever figured out the gold situation? We got the 20 000 gp each bonus but I'm assuming that we still haven't sold the items from the last trip?

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 34 (T 13, FF 32) CMD 33 HP 146/146 Character Sheet 
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 6:55:31 AM

Yup, at a standstill until that is sorted out.

DM Warren: A new Assignment 
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 4:07:11 PM

(didn't I throw up a list of the loot from the Giants? I thought I had, but I can find it again if necessary)

Besides being immune to cold and electricity, liches are also known for their resistance to divine power. But they seem to burn just fine.

The spells they have are particular to the individual, so you can only guess at those, but you know they will be powerful. The location of the phylactery is also personal, and you're unlikely to find any clues in this library.

Not much is known about ownership of the castle, other than it was created and inhabited by a wizard centuries ago. If he has turned into a lich, then it very well could be the original owner, but someone else may have moved in in the meantime. There has been little to no contact with the residents, though something must live there, as supplies have been observed going in and out.

Trayvin AC 30/15 touch Hp 99/106(BrianZ) 
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 8:53:55 PM

"Well, if supplies are needed, then the lich must have some living allies. The undead do not need much in the way of supplies."

OOC- Warren, please repost the treasure list if you have it, I'm not sure if anyone recorded it.

Michael Wittman AC:28, T:25, FF:24 (ucdodge) HP 103/103 Me+18(13)18 F+8, R+18,W+9, CMB+16, CMD+31 
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 9:41:04 PM

I dunno? embalming fluid, joint lube, nosegays, the latest brodsheet from 'Undead monthly" the interprising lich might have to have a lot of stuff. I wonder what would happen if we just knocked the whole castle down around him? i mean, could he reconsittute from beneath 1000 tons of rock? and if he did, when he came out he'd definatly be fighting on our terms then.

Prudence Gundle 
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 10:25:36 PM

"Supplies going in I can understand," Pru says. "But coming out? What's he sending out?"

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 85/114(0 temp hp) -- 29/19/25 CMD : 30 
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 10:39:53 PM

Anna says, "Perhaps magical and alchemical items? A Lich is a caster of great skill no? Perhaps the Lich is exporting magical and alchemical items to fund whatever he has got going on there?"

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 24 Tch 23 Ffted 20 HP 52/91 CMD 31(Grapple/Trip)  
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 10:53:10 PM

OOC: we got gems and jewelry and Bows +1 but no word on how much gp value of gems and jewelry. Giant Bows +1 would be decided by the Catacombs.

IC: Nikolai takes a break from his studies and makes a visit to the catacombs with what he has up front.

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