Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 19/29 d20+8=11 ; Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 9:59:41 AM
Grindar thinks he hears something, so he stops and listens. (Perception 11)
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 d20+10=16 ; Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 11:23:00 AM
perception 16. "I think I hear a noise. It's far ahead."
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 d20+7=12 ; Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 1:46:30 PM
'Lil's revelation sustains her through the day's slog through the grass. The realization of how free she was out here does lots to keep her spirits high. She alternates between singin' and hummin' when she's not chatting up whoever moseys next to her.
Perception: 12
She pulls out Maya when she 'eres it, prepared to stab what needs stabbin'. She puts her back against Grindar's, or at least close to it. "Eyes open all around, folks. Let's not get surrounded."
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 3:01:34 PM
Sol wanders on in an oblivious manner.
Caelwyn halts listening…
Grindar knows he hears something but not what.
Lil’s revelation sustains her though the days slog alternating between singing and humming.
Bigby has sharp eyes and notices the one thing that all the others had missed.
About to step forward into yet more grass Bigby alerts the group that something is different. Ahead of them there is a subtle change in the grass that he spotted as being blade grass, a variation on the grass all around you that will cut a person to ribbons.
Blade Grass Highlight to display spoiler: { Will injure if passing though. 1d6 damage DC12 Reflex for half each round }
Further Bigby can see that the subtle changes in the grass continues in a straight line to each side for the limited distance that you can see. It is unclear how deep the blade grass goes but going around would be a more pleasant option. All that however can wait as the sound of rustling in the grass is getting closer….. and closer…… and closer. You have time to prepare and draw weapons before a large opalescent yellow and orange beetle bursts though the grass eyeing the party. The large creature is squat but moves with a swift motion, its two oversized mandibles appear to be remarkably sharp!
Know Nature DC14 Highlight to display spoiler: { This appears to be a variation on a slicer beetle that has adapted to the Sargrass planes. Immune to mind effecting effects and poor flying ability. }
There is more rustling beyond the beetle but it does not appear to be getting closer just moving through.
The beetle may be as surprised to see you as you are it so you can the jump on it.
Map updated. You should have control of your pawns.
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 d20+5=8 ; d8+3=4 ; Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 8:50:37 PM
Caelwyn hopes they can scare the beetle off by a quick, but quiet attack. He raises his shield and steps forward, stabbing with his trident at the creature.
Attack 8, Damage 4
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None d20+2=18 ; d20+2=18 ; d3=1 ; Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 3:52:22 AM
Sol, a bit taken aback by this sudden appearance simple casts Ray of Frost, as he doesn't appear to think.
((18 to hit, 1 damage))
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 11:14:01 AM
"woah, woah, you're gonna cut yourself in that grass going after that thing." Bigby casts magic fang on himself.
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 d20+6=12 ; d8+1=2 ; d20+4=6 ; Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 2:27:02 PM
'Lil watches as her friends start tryin'a kill the bug. "Ya know, maybe we could have just let it go by and flatten all this blade grass for us." She hefts Maya. "Now we're gonna have to kill it."
She ain't wantin' to move forward to attack since it's pretty far up there. She summons a spiritual hammer to start beatin' on it instead. It ain't an impressive opening attack, though.
Move: Move up with Caelwyn, but keep behind'im Standard: Spiritual hammer on the beetle. Hits AC 12 for 2 damage.
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 2:45:34 PM
Calewyn advances and tries stabs at the creature but really cannot get close enough to connect. Just as well as his stab would have been off balance. {ooc: I moved you fifteen feet, ½ speed for difficult terrain, feel free to change that move once you look at the map.}
Sol’s is taken aback and launches a ray of frost that connects for minimal damage. {ooc: I moved you up fifteen so you were in range.}
Bigby worns of grass and casts magic fang.
Lil comments that maybe the bug would have passed and made a path if not for the hostile actions. Still she summons a spiritual hammer and bounces it off the shell of the bug.
Grindar is caught unaware and freezes.
The beetle, rising to the challenge, advances on the party but does not get close enough to attack yet due to the thick grasses of the Sargrass Plane. It does however get close enough that it can be hit by those in the front.
Beetle AC: 17/9/17 HP: -1
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 19/29 d20=10 ; d8=6 ; Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 5:47:40 PM
Grindar snaps out of it, and moves forward to attack the beetle attempting a two handed attack.
10+9=19 for 6+6=12 damage
OOC.. sorry for failing to post yesterday, for some reason I typed it up, but failed to submit it.
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None d20+2=5 ; Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 7:37:48 PM
Sol, elated at finally hitting with a spell, tries again.
"At least I managed to strike the creature this time, unfortunately the nature and reactions of animals are not my strong suit."
However this time he misses.
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 d20+6=13 ; d20+4=23 ; d8+3=10 ; Thursday October 24th, 2019 10:03:27 AM
'Lil's spiritual hammer keeps bouncin' off the thing's shell. She moves up into position behind Grindar and stabs with Maya around'im, piercing the beetle's shell!
Move: Step forward Standard: Hit AC 23 for 10 damage
Spiritual hammer hits AC 13 - Miss
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 d20+7=19 ; d2+4=5 ; d20+5=13 ; Thursday October 24th, 2019 11:46:14 AM
Bigby and wolfgang moves to j7 and attacks. 19 attack. 5dmg. Wolfgang bites the beast. att: 13
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! d20+8=11 ; Thursday October 24th, 2019 2:10:33 PM
Grindar finishes his movement to be near the beetle and connects with a powerful strike.
Sol snaps off another ray of frost but this time it goes wide.
Lil’s spiritual hammer bounces off the hard shell of the creature but her own strike lands true.
Bigby and wolfgang close the distance and Bigby lands an attack as the wolfs jaws fail to find purchase.
The beetle is quite wounded but is not a master strategist, or even that self aware, so it does not give ground it simply attacks back at grinder. One of its mandibles must have been damage as its bite is quite a bit off target. {Hit Grindar: 11}
The grass behind the beetle stirs quickly as something moves quickly from east to west. Further out you can just make out another disturbance in the grass moving at about the same speed as the first but a little behind.
Beetle AC: 17/9/17 HP: -28
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None d20+2=20 ; d3=3 ; Thursday October 24th, 2019 4:44:51 PM
Sol flings another Ray of Frost, (Hit, 3 damage)
"Did anybody else see that movement?!?"
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 19/29 d20=13 ; d20=15 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ; Thursday October 24th, 2019 5:36:43 PM "I'm not liking the way this looks!", Grindar says as he lets loose a full round attack, on the beetle.
Primary Hand 13+9-2= 20 for 1+4= 5 damage
Off Hand 15+9-2= 22 for 4+4= 8 damage
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 d20+5=6 ; Thursday October 24th, 2019 8:20:30 PM
Caelwyn winces as the beets hits Grindar - that thing packs a punch. He holds his ground just on this side of the blade grass and stabs a the creature again. "Maybe we can scare the second one off if we kill the first one..." But again, his stab glances off the creatures armor.
Attack 6
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 d20+7=24 ; d20+7=24 ; d20+5=9 ; d2+4=5 ; d2+4=6 ; Thursday October 24th, 2019 10:51:22 PM
"dig deep for that fight...more's a coming." claw 24/5 dmg, claw 24/6 dmg, bite 9. [i]if the thing is dead will ready attack for the next one moving through the grass.
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 d20+6=16 ; Friday October 25th, 2019 10:24:30 AM
*I think the 11 on the DM's post was to hit Grindar, not the damage he took.
'Lil watches as Grindar beats the bug down. Hopefully he killed it. Her own spiritual hammer didn't do much (hit AC 16).
Assuming the thing's dead, she casts a bull's strength on 'erself to get ready for the fight to come.
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Friday October 25th, 2019 1:31:52 PM
Sol connects with another ray of frosts and questions if the others saw the movement.
Caelwyn attacks again but his weapon cannot get through the carapace of the bug.
Lil’s spiritual hammer fails to connect.
Bigby calls to the others that more may be coming and connects with multiple attacks.
Grindar, like Bigby, connects with two attacks.
Sols ice made a satisfying cracking sound as it connected and the other attacks shattered the carapace ending the threat of the giant beetle.
Behind this oh so epic battle movement can still be seen, almost like a mass of bugs are on the move disturbing the grass. Seconds pass as the party waits then a minute then two and nothing moves closer to you though threw sound and motion you can see that more things are moving past every twenty or thirty seconds. Blade grass on one side and a veritable expressway of beetles on the other the party catches its breath and has a choice of what to do. Fight more beetles? Go east around the blade grass? Go west around the bladegrass? Go though the blade grass? Grow wings and fly?
240xp each!
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None Friday October 25th, 2019 6:13:04 PM
Sol looks at the beetles.
"I would suggest avoiding these creatures if possible... we would do better not to anger them."
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 Friday October 25th, 2019 10:55:46 PM
Caelwyn agrees. "Best to avoid these if possible...let's go west and get around them!"
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 Sunday October 27th, 2019 4:38:40 PM
'Lil thought the bugs were charging out. If not, she wouldn't have cast bull's strength. Mind if I ret-con it, Mr. DM?
"Yea, I guess we should avoid just chargin' at the bugs." She'll follow whichever direction the party chooses.
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 Sunday October 27th, 2019 6:50:26 PM
Bigby flaps his arms as if to fly away. "that wont work." Bigby looks at everyone else as if to see who's going to run first. can't be the first one to leave, but second works just fine.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 19/29 Monday October 28th, 2019 5:25:22 AM
Since no one other than Caelwyn has suggested any other direction, Grindar says, "West it is than" and starts moving west hopefully away from the beetles.
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Monday October 28th, 2019 9:48:40 AM {ooc: Sorry Lil, I had meant to say you did not cast the spell or give you the option}
After some discussion the group decides that engaging with the beetles migrating across the Sargrass Plains. They head to the west to move along the edge of the blade grass. There are a few moments where they think they are around only to have the bladegrass come back having only shifted its area for a moment here and there.
While traveling you occasionally see small mice scurrying this way and that, in and out of the bladegrass. Clearly their small size gives them access to the more direct routs.
Know Nature: 12 Highlight to display spoiler: { Watching the mice move, and other small animals, you realize that the beetles are probably working as an instinctual pack to force the small prey animals in one direction for easier hunting. Pretty advanced for insects, possibly a result of living in such a harsh environment. }
Finally, after a couple hours of difficult travel, the bladegrass growth area comes to an end and you can move around it. The day is growing long as you mange to work to the far side of the bladgrass where you find another anomaly. A small area, probably fifteen feet wide, after he blade grass has now Sargrass of any kind growing. The day is long as you have a place to rest easily though you will have a few hours of downtime before dark.
Either way you know you are getting closer and only have a day or two of travel remaining.
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 Monday October 28th, 2019 12:42:34 PM
"Time ta camp, yea? Good." 'Lil removes Ramona from her back and plops her down. "I love'er, but she's a heavy one."
She don't think anyone's hurt, but she'll channel energy to top off anyone who is.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 29/29 d20+8=20 ; d20+4=11 ; Monday October 28th, 2019 5:49:31 PM
(knowledge nature 11)
Grindar nods his agreement with 'Lil, and helps get camp set up. With camp is set up, Grindar decides to go hunting/gathering to add some meat and maybe some fresh wild vegetables to the meal. (Survival 20) He asks Bigby and whom ever else that may which to go, if they would like to join him in the hunt/foraging.
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None Monday October 28th, 2019 6:01:21 PM
Sol sits down, and does what little he's capable of doing to help set up camp, once Grindar and anyone else who goes out hunting returns, he will pose a question to the group.
"How did you end up in Hook City?"
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 d20+10=12 ; d3=2 ; d20+10=17 ; Monday October 28th, 2019 8:02:20 PM
knowledge nature 12. "these beetles have very instinctual pact tactics. Like coraling their prey. On that note, the hunt is on." Bigby nods to Grindar This guy gets me. and heads out with him. survival to get something to eat 17. Throws whatever he catches on the fire. "Let's eat."
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 d20+2=22 ; Monday October 28th, 2019 10:14:53 PM
Caelwyn leaves the hunting to the experts, and instead focuses on setting up camp and then keeping watch. (Perception: Nat 20)
He also responds to Sol's question. "I heard there was trouble in these lands, and I figured Domi might use me to end the great threat of the Sargrass. I arrived a bit late for that, however, but I was in Hook City regardless."
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Tuesday October 29th, 2019 1:05:04 PM
Lil declares it time to camp and plops down Ramona before channeling some spiritual energy to close any nicks and scrapes from the grass,
Grindar and Bigby both head out hunting.
Sol does what he can to set up the camp.
Caelwyn leaves the hunting to others and instead focuses on the camp and keeping watch. He is feeling particularly sharp eyed today and notices every rustle in the grass and passing small creature. Fortunately nothing appears to be coming to try and make a meal of them or enjoy the small grass free area.
The hunters return and, working together, come back with the fixings for a fine meal. Bigby comes back with two large squirrel like animals, they are squirrel like due to the extra set of legs that most squirrels do not have. Grindar returns also bearing on of the not squirrels along with a portion of thick roots that can help to create a nice stew or work as roast vegetables.
As cooking is getting underway Sol directs the conversation asking how people ended up in Hook City.
Caelwyn is first to respond “"I heard there was trouble in these lands, and I figured Domi might use me to end the great threat of the Sargrass. I arrived a bit late for that, however, but I was in Hook City regardless."
Taking your time as you chat you make a passible dinner and have a fairly relaxing night of respite.
The morning will come without incident.
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 Tuesday October 29th, 2019 2:10:17 PM
'Lil stretches as she wakes. "'Bout time this place let us get some sleep, eh?" She pokes around the campfire, seeing if any of last night's haul is still around to eat.
"Anyway, let's get movin', eh?"
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 29/29 d20+10=23 ; Tuesday October 29th, 2019 6:03:10 PM
Grindar answers Sol's question, "As you know, I didn't travel with you here. Actually I'm from a small town in the Culverwood Forest, not far from the Emerald Kingdom, which is on the northern continent. when I heard tales of the Sargrass returning after the battle with the Sarr, I decided I wanted to check out the place for my self, so I asked our towns most powerful wizard if he would be willing to teleport me here. I believe he said he would have to use greater teleport, but since he and my father are great friends, he teleported me here. Of course I appeared right in the middle of a village of halfling who wanted to eat me, and the rest you know".
In the morning, Grindar helps tear down camp, and than takes his place at the head of the party acting as a scout. (perception 23)
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None Tuesday October 29th, 2019 6:17:55 PM
Sol gets up lazily until pushed by the others to awaken more quickly. He then gets his belongings together before heading out, following the rest of the part.
"I am very excited to see what we can do with this druidwood once we have procured a goodly sized amount. It seems to have some very amazing properties."
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 Tuesday October 29th, 2019 10:50:14 PM
"Finding this wood will be the easy part...transporting it is still my chief concern at this point." Caelwyn is hopeful, but a bit unsure of what they will find ahead.
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 Tuesday October 29th, 2019 11:36:00 PM
"hook city, " Bigby says aloud. "It all seems so long ago. We came there to look for adventure, which I think we found, and to look for friends..." Bigby considers for a moment some of the friends they had lost along the way and feels some sadness, but Bigby then looks around at his party and smiles, "which I think we found as well." He listens to the other stories and then prepares for their journey. "as for the druidwood, a way shall present itself. I'm certain we will figure something out."
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! d20=6 ; Wednesday October 30th, 2019 11:22:46 AM
Bigby shares a little about his journey and is glad that he found new friends.
Grindar also shares a synopsis of his background with the group over the campfire.
Lil is anxious to get moving in the morning.
Sol is excited about the druidwood and its properties.
Caelwyn is concerned about transporting it despite being hopeful as to what they will find ahead.
Rested and ready the groups starts off on their journey yet again. The day comes and goes leading to the next without incident. What ever caused the migration of the beetles has either passed or you are out of the territory as you do not see any major disturbances in the grass as you go. Really, it is quite a peaceful trip and probably a good bonding period for the group which is smaller then it began.
Near the end of the second day since the beetle kerfuffle the landscape changes a bit again. A area clear of the Sargrass is directly ahead in what appears to be a box canyon. The top of a lone twisted and ancient tree can be seen in the middle of the canyon. The walls on each side and the back are roughly twenty feet tall and the contours would appear to be from long gone water wear.
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 Wednesday October 30th, 2019 11:47:11 AM
"Yea, I ain't good with walkin' down the middle of a canyon. That's how they getcha." She looks around. Can they approach the tree from the top of said canyon? Would they need to climb anything difficult?
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 29/29 d20+10=14 ; d20+10=26 ; Wednesday October 30th, 2019 5:24:08 PM
Grindar will investigate the canyon walls looking for a safeish path down for him and his friends. survival 14, perception 26
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None Wednesday October 30th, 2019 7:48:20 PM
Sol looks at it, and nods at Lil's words.
"I agree it seems too secluded to not have something strange going on."
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 d20+2=14 ; Wednesday October 30th, 2019 7:54:46 PM
Caelwyn frowns as he studies the terrain. "Perfect place for an ambush...I agree, some way around would be preferable. Otherwise, we may have to set a trap of our own..."
Perception 14
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 Thursday October 31st, 2019 11:24:19 AM
"it's probably a trap. It's kind of always a trap. This whole place is a giant trap. But what choice do we have. We need that wood." Follows Grindars lead.
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Thursday October 31st, 2019 4:02:01 PM
Lil announces that she is not walking down the middle of a canyon.
Sol agrees with Lil thinking it is so secluded to think something unusual is would not be going on.
Bigby states it is probably a trap and that this whole place is a giant try but what choice do they have.
Caelwyn agrees that it is the perfect place for an ambush and would like to find a way around.
Grindar investigates, aloing with the others, away down that do not require walking down the middle of the path.
After about twenty minutes of looking about, under hot sun on a cloudless day, Grindar manages to find a place that can be climbed down with relative ease. {ooc: relative ease being a DC5 climb check} There are enough places where rocks are rough to provide handholds.
As you decide what to do a shadow of a cloud passes over for no more then half a second. By the time you look up any cloud is gone and the day is again bright. Maybe it wasn’t a cloud? Ahh a world with magic can do odd things cant it.
As the darkness / cloud passes there is a caw and a large black rave is sitting on the branch of the tree, head cocked, looking at the group. It briefly rustles its feathers before settling down. Naturally no bird was seen flying in prior to this moment.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 29/29 d20=12 ; d20+3=14 ; Thursday October 31st, 2019 5:09:41 PM
In spite of the fact that he's pretty certain the ravens appearance is magical, Grindar feels drawn to the bird, He makes the climb down safely (Climb 12), than carefully approaches the raven all the while talking to it in soothing tones, and saying things like, "Such a lovely bird, what a pretty bird, you're a nice bird aren't you", He's not sure if it understands him, but he's trying to keep it calm, so as to befriend it. (Wild Empathy 14)
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 Thursday October 31st, 2019 5:29:33 PM
'Lil elbows Sol and whispers (loudly), "Hey, why's Grindar talkin' to that bird?"
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 Thursday October 31st, 2019 6:23:55 PM
"what's weird about that? I talk to wolves. Maybe we should call him bird man now."
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None d20-1=19 ; Thursday October 31st, 2019 6:53:51 PM
Sol, out of breath from the relatively simple climb, takes a few deep breaths.
"I... think... wooo... that he believes the... bird... has something... to do... with the... shadow that flew... over us."
He takes a few deep breaths.
"Wow climbing is not my strong suit... Corbin can you speak to the raven on our behalf and translate for us?"
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 Thursday October 31st, 2019 11:37:56 PM
Caelwyn stares hard at the raven. "Yes, clearly this is more than it appears...but is it friendly, or not? Perhaps Corbin can tell us..."
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Friday November 1st, 2019 2:06:54 PM
Lil elbows Sol to comment that Grindar is talking to a bird. {ooc: Did you climb down?}
Bigby is not sure what is weird about talking to a bird. {ooc: Did you climb down?}
Sol makes it to the bottom out of breath. He suggests that Corbin might be able to speak to the raven.
Caelwyn agrees that it is more then it appears and likes the idea of Corbin talking to it.
Grindar makes it down an starts talking to the bird. Such a lovely bird, what a pretty bird, you're a nice bird aren't you"
The bird cocks its head as Grindar speaks and flaps to the ground, next to the tree a ways back from Grindar. As it gets close to the ground it transforms into an older elf with long green hair who is wearing lose fitting leathers. The elf looks at you.
“Nice? Sometimes. Who are you and why are you in our home.”
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 d20+2=20 ; d20+9=26 ; Friday November 1st, 2019 3:09:52 PM
'Lil gasps as the bird turns into an elf, then chuckles at Grindar's predicament.
Then stops. She doubts the druid is gonna be happy about them taking that wood. This requires diplomacy. She sighs a bit and starts clambering down towards Grindar and the bird-elf. She ain't no climber, but she makes an impressive effort (climb: 20).
"Neat trick, mister. I'm 'Lil, the animal lover here is Grindar, Son of Grindor, wielder of Cyrchwr Mawr. We're here try'na see if there's a way to gather druid wood ta use it ta help rebuild Rattledam." She looks towards the tree. "...but if that's all there is, we sure as heck ain't gonna go choppin' it down." A frown crosses her face. "Pity. Woulda been a lot faster to swoosh around on a boat instead of troddin' through grass to get anywhere. Unless maybe you know something we don't?" She realizes what she said. "I mean, obviously you know a whole bunch we don't. Maybe somethin' about harvesting druid wood in a way what won't do any real harm?"
Diplomacy: 26
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 Friday November 1st, 2019 9:17:54 PM
Caelwyn had a speech ready to go, but allows Lil to take this one. It sounded pretty good to him, anyway, so he simply waits to see how the elf will respond, making no threatening motions or raising his weapons.
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None Friday November 1st, 2019 9:35:33 PM
Sol just shuts up. Diplomacy wasn't his strong suit, and Lil was pretty eloquent, he simply waits and watches for anything else going on that he may need to pay attention to.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 29/29 Saturday November 2nd, 2019 1:35:51 PM OOC... Yes Grindar climbed down with a 12 climb check roll
Grindar is left speechless as the raven changes into an elf, as such, he has little to say, leaving the talking to 'Lil for the moment.
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 d20+2=16 ; Saturday November 2nd, 2019 4:04:09 PM
Bigby climbs down as well and lets the experts talk. climb 16
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Monday November 4th, 2019 9:02:16 AM
Grindar is left speechless as the raven changes into an elf.
Lil, amused by the situation Grindar is in suddenly becomes the face of the party. "Neat trick, mister. I'm 'Lil, the animal lover here is Grindar, Son of Grindor, wielder of Cyrchwr Mawr. We're here try'na see if there's a way to gather druid wood ta use it ta help rebuild Rattledam…. but if that's all there is, we sure as heck ain't gonna go choppin' it down. Pity. Woulda been a lot faster to swoosh around on a boat instead of troddin' through grass to get anywhere. Unless maybe you know something we don't? I mean, obviously you know a whole bunch we don't. Maybe somethin' about harvesting druid wood in a way what won't do any real harm?"
Caelwyn had a speech prepared but finds that he is fine with what Lil has said.
Sol is not a diplomat and stays quiet.
Bigby finishes the climb down and lets the experts talk.
The elfs forehead furrows at Lil, clearly he was not prepared for the onslaught of words the young woman let fly. At the mention of chopping druid wood one eyebrow raises and a slight smile just touches his lips when it is pointed out that he may no more then the newcomers. When Lil’s speech ends the elf is quiet for a moment just staring at her and the party, while he might normally be offended by all of this there is an undeniable charm to the words.
As the elf starts speaking his voice is flat. “Druid wood to help Rattledam? Are you looking for the aid of a druid of the Sargrass or just the wood? What form of aid are you looking for that it would bring you all the way here, to the painstakingly cleared canyon that Vanja and I have kept for so long, in search of wood. What…..” For the last question there is passion in the elfs voice. “Lil the Animal Lover what are the intentions of you outsiders in the Sargrass?”
He looks to each of the party members as he speaks but the last question is clearly directed to Lil.
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 Monday November 4th, 2019 2:19:59 PM
"Well, we came 'ere for the wood, but I sure as heck ain't gonna overlook how much an honest to goodness druid a' the Sargrass could help folks." She stops to gather her thoughts.
"Honestly dude, we're kinda seat of our pantsing this whole thing. I thought we should go get more folks from Hook City to help build out New Rattledam first, but these loveable lunkheads here thought druid wood would help more." She shrugs. "Still think they're all daft, but they're all just so cute, ya know? And I couldn't just go and let my dudes tromp through this place by themselves cause I don't agree with'em.
"What I do know is that people is gonna try and settle new land anytime they can, but this place has tried real hard to kill us. I ain't so sure the best thing I can do for folks is packing them all up and tellin'em to go back to where they came from before bugs or frog-bunnies try and eat'em. Don't think they'd listen, though, so I guess I'd say my intentions is tryin'a keep them folks alive." She frowns a bit. "Can't help this feelin' that we shouldn't be here, though. Like this place ain't meant for the civilized folk that are tryin'a make it a home."
She shakes her head and smiles. "But, we're here, so may as well make the best of it." She looks around. "This is a nice canyon ya got here, by the way. It's nice to be able to walk about without grass tryin'a slow you down."
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 29/29 Monday November 4th, 2019 5:42:19 PM
Grindar is more than a little impressed with how Lil' is handling herself in the conversation. He is glad that someone with a little more charisma is taking the reigns, being wise enough to know his weakness as well as his strengths.
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None Monday November 4th, 2019 5:55:50 PM
Sol simply nods, and agrees with Lil, backing her up with his body language. He is more than happy to let her continue negotiating on their behalf.
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 Monday November 4th, 2019 9:12:23 PM
Bigby is about to say something but then hears 'Lil speak up and then he stops. He hears the word druid and nods, but feels 'Lil's got it. He just points to 'Lil as she speaks.
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Tuesday November 5th, 2019 11:59:33 AM 300xp each for finding the druid!
Grindar is impressed and lets Lil continue to handel the conversation.
Sol nods along with Lil happy to let her continue.
Bigby is about to say something to hears Lil and stops.
Lil starts speaking for the party again. "Well, we came 'ere for the wood, but I sure as heck ain't gonna overlook how much an honest to goodness druid a' the Sargrass could help folks." but stops to gather her thoughts. She continues admitting they are making things up as they go along and that her companions thought Druid Wood would help. She talks about people will want to settle new lands and though they might be misguided she is helping keep them alive. Finally she complements the canyon after suggesting that the Sargrass is not meant for people.
The druid listens and gives a very small nod as Lil speaks. "Lil, Friend of Animals, you do you people well with your thoughtfulness of civilizations role in the Sargrass. My fellow druids, ummm, debate this very topic. It is party of why Vanha and I have chosen this spot to make our home. With much work we have push the Sargrass back to make, as you say, a nice canyon."
He turns and walks back closer to the tree clearly expecting you to follow. As he moves he continues to talk. "So you want to help keep ‘folks’ alive Lil, Frind of Animals, I like that. Do your quiet friends think the same? This is a hard place and one you might not be meant to be here but you stay for them? I wonder." he looks to Bigby "You are new are you not? What is your impression? Do you wonder why my people, the Druid of the Sargrass, are so deserving in our minds?" He pauses looking at each of you. "The immortal power’s representation has been replaced by three. Do you think of them? Warper, Weaver and Walker?"
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 29/29 Tuesday November 5th, 2019 5:38:49 PM
Grindar sheepishly answers the question, "I'll be honest, I haven't really given much thought about the different aspects of the Sarr. Don't get me wrong I respect them and all, only a fool wouldn't, it's just that I know so little about them, and I've served Pantheon since I was a lad, but I'm open to being educated".
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 Tuesday November 5th, 2019 5:44:20 PM
Bigby points at himself and has a puzzled look. "ahem..." He considers what an impression of himself would be. Maybe a snarl of his teeth and showing of his claws and then it hits him...impression like thought. Ahhhhh. "well, don't know I suppose we don't want to harm the Sargrass. We just want to live amongst it and survive as well. And the surviving part has been tough on our town, wo here we are trying to help our tribe survive. As for the warper weaver and walker. I think we met two of them. Can you help us. One druid to another?"
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None Tuesday November 5th, 2019 7:22:43 PM
Sol nods with regards to both what Grindar and Bigby say.
"I agree, we wish to show respect to them, and work alongside them. We do not wish to offend them or do them harm, but I know very little about them myself."
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 Tuesday November 5th, 2019 10:38:53 PM
"We have met some of the aspects of the Sargrass, we believe" Caelwyn replies. "I for one would like to know more about them - we wish to respect them in all ways we can while we are here."
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 Wednesday November 6th, 2019 2:30:14 PM
'Lil gets the feelin' this dude wants to hear from everyone else, she she don't say much. When asked about the warper/weaver/walker, she has an opinion, though.
"Lotta good folks back home died when the warper dudes kicked off all that bloodgrass mess. Anyone who thinks that kinda thing is the way to go ain't right in my book. Change ain't supposed to happen that fast. I know they talk about evolution and survival of the fittest, but as far as I can see that's like cheerin' on cancer cause it grows faster than what it's growin' on.
"Walker and, room for both. Sargrass is a big place."
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Wednesday November 6th, 2019 3:52:31 PM
Grindar admits he has not thought much about the Sar immortal powers but is open to education.
Bigby is puzzled b the questions before realizing what is being asked. Hs states he wans to live among the grasses and survive.
Sol agrees that they want to show respect and work alongside but he knows little as well.
Caelwyn admits they have met some of the aspects, in a way, and that he would like to know more about them.
Lil lets her feelings be known ending with the Sargrass is a big place.
Biel nods his head and motions for the group to relax saying simply there is no threat here at present. He reaches into a small bag on his hip and pulls out fresh fruit which he offers to the group. Clearly the bag is some sort of extradimensional space as it was not big or lumpy enough to contain the fruit which is being offered.
"Lil, Friend of Animals, you are confusing the Warper-sar with the Sarr that many battled. These new powers are elements of the Sarr, or Sargrass, not a left over part. They, like all powers, look for support and the like mined. What you say, live and let live so to speak, is of course the real way of the Wold."
He nods and speaks some about each Sar. " The Sarr powers are aspects of the original Sarr. The Warper-Sar represents the evoluntionist faction of the Sarr.” this is said dierectly to Bigby "It is thought he is of influence on your people, the Beastfolk. The Weaver sar represents the restorationists factions of the Plains. Those who want to return things as they were before the Sargrass left the plain. The Walker-Sar represents preservation of what we have, I am not sure what if any change that power supports.”
He pauses and looks at each of you. "My brother druids have had conflict over the three aspects that came from one. If you seek the help of the druids it is important to know some and respect the powers.”
"You do not need to answer immediately, think on it. You are safe here and the day is passing quickly. I can tell you feel pressure to act quickly, make things happen, find druid wood and what not. Take a moment and think about what the wood is for, what roll it and your people will play in the Sargrass.”
He looks about. "I know you cannot speak for all but you can guide. I can send you to my brothers but I need to know your hearts.”
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None Wednesday November 6th, 2019 6:02:02 PM
Sol nods and listens closely, taking a piece of fruit when offered, and showing great interest in the bag.
"Thank you for the information..."
He says with his mouthful of fruit almost like he's not paying attention, however it's clear he's writing everything down in his notebook.
"I believe we can take some time to think on our plans. I have a few ideas, but I would appreciate the opportunity to meditate on the question, and discuss it with my fellows."
With that he looks to the group, waiting to see how they feel and what they would want to do.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 29/29 Wednesday November 6th, 2019 6:12:37 PM
Grindar thinks for a moment, than says, "Sir, since my desire is to see Rattledam, as well as the rest of the Sargrass's old settlements restored, I guess, by default I would side with the Weaver Sarr"
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 Thursday November 7th, 2019 10:58:36 AM
"Am I, though?" 'Lil responds to the druid's statement about the Warper-sar. "And I mean that as a question, not a challenge. It still seems to me they're big on change for the sake'a change. Just don't sit well with me. Don't mean I see'em as evil or a force to be dealt with, but the whole philosophy just isn't my cup'a whiskey."
She huddles with her dudes. "Think you mean Walker-sar there, Grindar. Weaver wants to make the plains a big forest again...I think. They wanna restore what the Sargrass overtook. That seems kinda sore-loserish to me, though."
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 Thursday November 7th, 2019 11:52:33 AM
Bigby nods and agrees to sol's thought.
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Thursday November 7th, 2019 7:43:01 PM
Grindar speaks up first. Respectfully he explains that his desire is to see Rattledam as well as the rest of the Sargrass old settlements restored which he thinks aligns him with the Weaver-Sarr
Sol takes in the information and thinks that should discuss the question as a group.
Bigby nods and agrees with Sol’s thoughts.
Lil questions the comments of the druid, not as a challenge, saying their philosophy is not her cup of whisky and suggests that the group should discuss.
Beil nods at the comments of the team and is in no way feeling challenged by Lil’s comments. You actually get the idea that this solitary druid is enjoying the conversation. As the group talks among themselves he moves to the tree and places his hand on it possible in thought though he also may be communicating with it.
After a minute or two of silent touching the his druid tree he turns back. He nodes to Bigby saying that he is sure that what he is about to say is already known to him, at least on some level.
“You of course know that the druids of the Sargrass were in tune with the Sarr as we are attuned to the last which it embodied. With three aspects our drudic circle is not the cohesive whole it once was. This is why I ask questions.” he looks at his canyon “I would think that the amount of work we have put in to make this area free of the grasses would tell you that we are no aligned with the other druids in the area. If we were we would not be alone.”
“Grindar Son of Grindor, you speak of the restoration aspect most closely I think. You wish the Sargrass to be what it was and not evolve it into yet another form. You do not seek to change its nature it would seem?”
He nods to the his companion the druid tree. “She would talk with you, any of you, if you place your hand on her trunk. You have our permission if you are willing.”
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 Thursday November 7th, 2019 9:02:53 PM
Caelwyn nods understandingly as the druid mentions his canyon. "In all honesty, I completely understand your attempts to be rid of the overwhelming grasses - I am sympathetic to that view, for sure. Thank you for your permission, I believe it would be worth our while to see what your companion has to say..."
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 29/29 Friday November 8th, 2019 5:28:46 AM "Well Sir, as a Ranger I can see the beauty of the wilds, and even the grasses have their place, but I also see the value in civilization, and a relatively safe society. That is why I wish to see the Sargrass restored, so the people who will come, even if we tell them to stay away, will find a relatively safe place to call home and raise families".
After sharing his thoughts, Grindar reaches our to touch the tree.
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 Friday November 8th, 2019 10:38:24 AM
"Wait, the tree can talk? I gotta see this."
'Lil quickly makes her way to the tree and places her palm against the trunk. "Um, hello? Miss tree? Am I doing this right?"
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 Friday November 8th, 2019 11:40:40 AM
Bigby walks forward and places hands on tree. "Hello tree. I'd like to order some druid wood please." Wolfgang walks over and smells the tree and then lifts his leg and... Bigby gives Wolfgang a stern look and says to him, "not this one Wolfgang." Wolfgang puts his leg down and looks disappointed.
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None Friday November 8th, 2019 5:42:52 PM
Sol suddenly smiles brightly and widely at the prospect of being able to talk to the tree and moves over, as respectfully as his excitement will allow, before placing a hand delicately on the tree, and thinking.
Hello? Can you understand me?
GM Ryan Link to the map Get them off! Get them off! Friday November 8th, 2019 6:02:13 PM
Images fill the mind of all who touch the tree moving very fast, possible backwards, at a rate that the mind can barely comphrend. The images slow and jump once, twice and settle on a view over the shoulder of a large Minotaur. Around him are the remains of a battle a halfling wizard is flying to one side while a human, dressed in the manner of a barbarian, is seen his chest heaving as he recovers. Others heroes can be seen. After a moment a satyre is seen speaking but not heard, there is no sound in this vision. Suddenly you FEEL like you are in the vision.
The satyre rises several inches off the ground as golden light appears and coalesces into a portal above the Keepers heads. A divine force lifts the group into the air and pulls all those near into the portal. At first you fell you are falling up and then the odd sensation of movement but non-directional. Your mind says you are moving, very fast, but your inner ear calls your mind a liar. Still trying to process what is happening your minds tell you you are moving up and then left and then up and down. Your stomachs clenches but you somehow feel at peace. As it is only a vision you are ok but you know if you had been there there is a large chance you would be ill.
Still moving, maybe, you have a perspective now outside of time and space to see a spectacular sight. It appears and entire land mass is transitioning from the Valleys of Twilight back to the Wold. The eternal Lady Maap, Queen of the Fey, rule of the Vales of Twilight, is far off guiding the movement of the land mass between domains.
The world stops you stand looking over the same group a form, humanoid but made of blood red sargrass can be seen a mile off. The form is enormous, bigger then most any living thing you had heard of and turns into a vine/grass/plant thing nearly one hundred and fifty feet wide and four thousand feet tall.
Around it you see other groups and silent witness the Battle of the Sarr and the return of the Sargrass.
The battle ends. Finally, there is a huge writhing as three final gigantic creatures emerge from the defeated Sarr. They are so large -- a hundred or two hundred feet high -- that in emerging they rip the Sarr asunder! These three figures seem familiar to those who encountered images when you broke the crstals that had infected your homelands: they are the mysterious figures, here born as the new powers of the Sargrass Plains.
One with the oak leaf circlet transforms into a gigantic treant. One on stilts transforms into the mother of all Sarg moths. One with wings transforms into a series of flickering bestial shapes.
They speak together in unison. Each of the Powers says a different word when there is a choice in brackets.
The images fade and color takes its place coming in and out, emotions, communication you know what the tree is saying. This is what happened to bring the Sargrass back. This is where the powers came from. You impression that sharing this was a very large deal for Vanja as it is the most important event in the Sargrass and its return.
The images stop and your normal site returns. It is very dark. Clearly this took more time then it felt. Biel speaks quietly.
“Ahh you where showing the past, I did not know that Vanja would start there. Think on this and discuss. Tomorrow Vanja and I will contribute more, tell a new story. The story of the Bloodboil.
Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 27/27; CMD: 15 Friday November 8th, 2019 11:37:00 PM
Caelwyn is amazed by the visions. "This is what I had hoped to find when I first came here...what I heard the great threat to the Wold was. But the Bloodboil is new to me...we will certainly discuss this, and I look forward to hearing more."
'Lil - (Carl) - 26/26 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 15 Saturday November 9th, 2019 3:17:59 PM
'Lil's kinda always wished she coulda been there. A fight that epic, and she was home makin' sure ma's dinner wasn't just rum. What a waste. It's part of the reason she's here.
She does realize for the first time that the Weaver and Walker Sarr powers didn't consider Warper Sarr to be a threat. She wonders why that didn't occur to her before.
Before heading off, she leaves her hand on Vanja. "Thanks for the history lesson, Vanja. I'll see ya tomorrow!" Then she turns to Biel. "And thank you too, dude. I've got some new stuff to think about before tomorrow's story. I ain't heard that one yet!"
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 17, HP 29/29 Sunday November 10th, 2019 12:52:49 PM
Grindar ponders the vision , but keeps his thoughts to himself. I did often wonder what the most famous battle of recent times looked like, but he would have never guessed he would someday see it for himself. He thanks Vanja and says, “I look forward to what you would show us tomorrow”.
BigbyWolf ( Michael) 25/25 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 27/27 -AC 17 Monday November 11th, 2019 6:27:21 PM
"Are these the heros that the kids were playing with? Hmmm..." Bigby feels tired. Off to bed I suppose.
Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 14/14 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None Monday November 11th, 2019 6:38:08 PM
Sol immediately smiles widely and starts shaking slightly with excitement, his normal cheery but relatively calm self goes out the window and gives way to what can only be described like an excitable puppy.
"That was the single most impressive thing I have ever experienced! That was amazing! I will need to note all this down in my journal... I mean... to actually be able to witness an historical event like that... we are privileged indeed."