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DM Mark - Decisions and Disclosures  d20=3 ; d20=8 ;
Tuesday October 15th, 2019 8:36:56 PM

Rolth lays out what was found in Rashel’s place and how he thinks it corroborates the other evidence against Rashel. He encourages the other Petals to add to this.
Elyas Adds his perspective on this.
Kiwina is concerned what Rashel will do if he finds things missing from his place.
Falco offers a spell to compel the truth.
Tzak and Angus remain quiet.
Angus Looks around Ranters office. He presses into a space near a bookshelf, trying to hide. While he knows he is not hiding from anyone in the room, he may be able to surprise someone entering.
Mak can see what Angus is trying to do.

As you are speaking, Ranter closes his office door. He moves some papers on his desk as he listens. (Perception DC 20 to notice Highlight to display spoiler: { There is a paper that Ranter was working on that he has now covered up. It was some sort of writ or declaration - something official - and Rashel’s name was prominent on it.})

Ranter seems to be listening carefully, occasionally asking clarifying questions about where the evidence was found, what things looked like in Rashel’s house, other small details. As he listens, Ranter’s face remains stoney. (Sense Motive DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: { His stony countenance is a mask to a deep sadness, and there is a weariness in his voice. But sadness about what?})

After a minute of silence. Ranter levels his gaze at the Petals, looking at each as he speaks.

”I don’t need to remind you that this is a very serious matter. Now, knowing what you know, what course of action do you recommend? You are here as an appointed authority, you come in the name of the Purple Duke.

“And, frankly, I am interested in those that remain silent.”
Ranter specifically points at Angus, Tsak and Mak. ”What do you think should happen now? I would hear from each of you your perspective in this matter, because I need to know if you are all of one accord.”

Again, his countenance remains difficult to read, though his eyes almost seem to drill into you as you answer.
(Sense Motive DC 10 Highlight to display spoiler: { It is clear why Ranter is in a position of authority here. He is intimidating, and is either angry or very, very serious. You think it would be unwise for anyone to lie to this him.})
(Sense Motive DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: { You sense that Ranter is resolute and perhaps even already decided in this matter. But he is keenly interested in what you say and how you say it.})

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/41 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 21) | Morningstar +8 1d8+6 x3 | Paws (2) +5 1d4+2 x2|   d20+11=20 ; d20+7=22 ;
Tuesday October 15th, 2019 9:20:07 PM

Perception = 20 success!, Sense Motive = 22 success!

"I'm sincerely hoping that the writ you have drawn up says something along the lines of 'We may have legitimate differences of opinion about the relations between taur races, but law and justice cannot countenance intimidation and murder of those who are different or who hold differing opinions. Those who engage in such violence will be arrested, tried, and--if found guilty--punished in proportion to their crimes. Those who abetted, harbored, or otherwise protected these malign actors will also be punished for their crimes. Any organized groups found to be supporting or engaging in such behavior will be banned.' I say this in truth and hope that my fellow Petals will say that they are of like mind. I surmise that is what you want of us, and I could wish for no less myself. I stand ready to assist you, as the local authority, in the enforcement of any such act of justice."

Kiwina (Steve M) 61/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None   d20+11=19 ; d20+6=23 ;
Tuesday October 15th, 2019 10:12:33 PM

(Rolls: perception = 19, sense motive = 23)

"Until recently, we had two minotaur among our number, but I do not know if we are sufficiently known for people to have heard that here. So, we are the appointed agents of the Duke, but none of us is a minotaur and the Duke was somewhat, uh, informal in his appointment. Your community will not recognize us as having any authority without your backing, and perhaps that of other leaders here. But we can spare you the need to arrest your own brother if you tell people we have the authority to do so."

Kiwina pauses while thinking where else to go with this. "We need to know if they would accept the results of Falco's spell, or if perhaps Shelian would be a better resource if such a spell is needed. Tell me, though. . . Have you seen this dagger of your brother's before?"

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: NONE | AC 19 (T15/F15) 29/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+9=26 ;
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 7:25:32 AM

{Perception: 26}

"What I think should happen does not really matter it is what the greater society expects to happen that matters. There are rules and laws and killing is well outside of what can be done. We are neither jailers or executioners. My spell may be able to help decide the truth but that is it. There is also a chance that it could be resisted."

He thinks for a moment. "One thing about the spell. Pretty much all of us will be effected, it will make it very difficult for anyone nearby to lie."

2nd- Cure Mod / Shield Other / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None 
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 11:08:49 AM

Whatever happens should be done carefully so that the guilty are honestly shown to be in the wrong and not elevated by their friends as martyrs to a cause

Angus is not used to speaking up and now his mouth feels very dry.

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12, Crit x3 
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 6:18:01 PM

Mak listened and gauged what his response might be.

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12, Crit x3  d20+4=7 ;
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 6:20:02 PM

OOC: Perception +4, Roll 7. Fail.

DM Mark - The Weight of Responsibility  d20=6 ;
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 11:02:02 PM

Rolth has a sharp eye, and suggests wording for whatever document Ranter decided not to share with you.
Kiwina worries that having no minotaurs in you group damages the Petals credibility locally. He asks Ranter if he recognizes the dagger you found in Rashel’s house.
Falco tells Ranter that what the Petals think should happen is unimportant. What matters is what society thinks should happen here. He also clarifies matters about his Zone of Truth spell.
Angus is nervous about speaking up, but says he worries that whatever happens could make a martyr out of Rashel.
Mak does not answer Ranter and remains silent.

Ranter listens carefully. His words are clipped and precise as he speaks.

”Thank you Rolth - I will consider issuing such a proclamation. And, no Kiwina, I do not recognize that dagger, though it is rather unique. Falco, you have been given authority here - what you think does matter.”

(Sense Motive DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {What Ranter says next he says with great difficulty, and you sense a mix of anger and resignation.})

”My brother appears to be guilty of murder. Perhaps several murders. I can arrest him, try him, even use your magic to extract the truth. But if I do not then execute him, then his behavior is condoned and the Horned Society will continue on their path. Justice will have failed. This place will not be safe for the liontaur community and I will have to have them removed.

“If I meet out the punishment Rashel deserves, my authority here is undermined among his supporters, others may suggest that your group influenced me in this, and brother will have killed brother. Angus is right that he may become a Matyr, and even a rallying point for rebellion against the Purple Duke. Some in Greenfell may blame the liontaur community for his death, regardless of any proclamations I may make. Again, this may mean that justice will ultimately fail here, and the liontaurs may not be safe.

“But your presence here changes things. You have been sent here under authority, and that is both an honor and a grave responsibility. So I ask you again, what do you think should happen here? What course of action do you suggest to save this community and ensure justice is served. If your answer is that I simply handle all of this for you, then you surrender the Duke’s authority, you submit to my authority in this, and you will abide by my decision.”

Gadin tries to sink into the nearest bookself. He is clearly uncomfortable being here.

Kiwina (Steve M) 61/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None   d20+6=16 ;
Thursday October 17th, 2019 12:06:18 AM

Kiwina stays silent. He has already offered to arrest Rasheel if Ranter acknowledges the Petals authority to do so. But he wonders if minotaur honor might prefer a different resolution, and is not familiar enough with the culture to tell.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/41 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 21) | Morningstar +8 1d8+6 x3 | Paws (2) +5 1d4+2 x2|  
Thursday October 17th, 2019 6:51:07 AM

"Would it work for one of us to challenge him to a Kayleb, with the condition that if he loses, he peacefully accompany us to sit before the Duke, who will render a verdict and enforce justice? That removes the event from the community, leaves your authority unchallenged, and would seem to limit the chances of immediate strife here in Greenfell. I would be willing to face him, although I'd like to better understand the rules a bit so we can make sure that I am not disadvantaged in the contest."

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: NONE | AC 19 (T15/F15) 29/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |  
Thursday October 17th, 2019 7:13:26 AM

"You are right we have been given authority. Authority to uphold societies laws and rules, not enforce our opinion. That is all I meant."

Falco listens to Rolths idea and nods.

"That's an idea but there are downsides. First our representative could lose and give further credit to a killer. Secondly, if we bend the rules in any way we could undercut the authority of the rule of law."

Falco thinks for a moment.

"While the warper-sar powers me to help it can also be in my authority to punish I think. If it is an execution I can do it as a representative of the duke and an immortal power. Death is just another change, another warp, that will bring judgement."

2nd- Cure Mod / Shield Other / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12, Crit x3  d20=19 ;
Thursday October 17th, 2019 9:46:46 AM

OOC: Sense Motive, Roll 19

Mak spoke up for the first time. “It’s clear that you have a conflict of interest here and anyone that would ask you to execute your own brother would be wrong to do so. Perhaps it would be best if we removed him to another jurisdiction. Take him before the Duke, if you will.” Mak suggested.

Elyas (Ben A.) (38/38 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | Light Crossbow +5( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: 
Thursday October 17th, 2019 10:27:40 AM

I'm sorry dear Rolth, I do not believe Kayleb should be on the table. we tried that once and our admirable captain was handily beaten. if Rasheel beats one of our number in single combat, he will be fully justified under the law and no justice can be served at that point. it's not worth the risk.

Elyas thinks for a bit

I think we would be best served to remove Rasheel from the town. arrest him and transport him back to the Duke where trial and punishment can be given. he will likely be executed, but it will be away from this town and will be done by a higher authority, avoiding some chance that he will be made a martyr. of course, if he resists arrest we may be forced to kill him, but i do hope it doesn't come to that.

Not that those hopes came to pass when dealing with that squid demon... I hope we don't have to have a showdown with every villian we confront...

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Thursday October 17th, 2019 12:09:52 PM

Tsak too thinks that transporting Rasheel to the Dukes justice is a good idea. He nods when Mak raises it and when Elyas seconds it.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/41 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 21) | Morningstar +8 1d8+6 x3 | Paws (2) +5 1d4+2 x2|  
Thursday October 17th, 2019 7:43:50 PM

Rolth is persuaded that an arrest of Rasheel by the Petals and rendition to the Duke is the way to go. He asks Ranter whether there is a time and place that we could likely take him alone and by surprise, so we could just make him disappear and not start a riot here in Greenfell.

Kiwina (Steve M) 61/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Thursday October 17th, 2019 9:42:04 PM

"I think that with so many other taurs just disappearing it would not be best to take Rasheel in secret. Some in the community have been using such disappearances to hide murder, and may assume the same has happened to Rasheel."

DM Mark - The Weight of Responsibility 
Thursday October 17th, 2019 11:12:01 PM

Kiwina has said his piece and remains quiet.
Rolth suggests challenging Rasheel to a Kayleb.
Falco is worried that if the Kayleb is lost, that Rasheel may walk free. Elyas echoes this concern. Falco also muses that perhaps he has the authority to punish, even to the point of an execution.
Mak, Elyas, and Tzak all suggest that Rasheel be taken into custody and brought to the Duke.
While Rolth wonders if Rasheel can be taken in quietly, Kiwina worries that another secret disappearance would not be much different than the other disappearances that have happened.

Ranter listens, struggling to maintain an impassive face. There is a weariness in his voice.

”Thank you Rolth for suggesting a Kayleb - that tells me that you do respect our customs and are striving for the best solution. But what you could not know is that a Kayleb has its limits, and matters such as this are beyond a Kayleb. Yeshia’s friends or family could perhaps ask for a Kayleb for the dishonor done to her, but regardless of the outcome Rasheel would still have to answer for his crimes.

“Several of you suggest Rasheel be taken into custody and brought before the Duke for justice. I can support this approach. Kiwina, you asked before, and I do acknowledge your authority in this. I will assure you that my guards will not interfere. And you are right that taking Rasheel like a thief in the night will solve little, and may even embolden the Horned Society.

“No. You should prepare yourselves and confront him publicly. He will likely have friends and supporters with him. He always does. Assuming he is where I left him, you will find him at The Drinking Horn. And if I know my brother, he may put up a fight. If you kill him in the process, well, we talked about the effects of that locally. You have already demonstrated your thoughtfulness and resourcefulness though. I will have to trust you to find the right solution.”

Gadin looks miserable.

[Everyone take a Hero Point for doing a great job threading this needle in what you propose!]

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None 
Thursday October 17th, 2019 11:21:19 PM

Angus prepares himself for a fight even though he hopes that it does not come to that.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/41 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 21) | Morningstar +8 1d8+6 x3 | Paws (2) +5 1d4+2 x2|  
Friday October 18th, 2019 6:16:02 AM

"Well then, let us be off to the Drinking Horn to confront him, hopefully without lethal consequences, I have my net and a sap. We can of course do potentially lethal damage if we need to, and then heal those that we defeat who need it to survive. What other such options do you fellows have on hand? Let us not forget our Everything potions. I for one will be drinking a potion to boost my health before going in. Maybe casting a spell or two. What say you?"

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: NONE | AC 19 (T15/F15) 29/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |  
Friday October 18th, 2019 7:25:45 AM

Falco nods privately thinking that this is tantamount to a public execution as he assumes there will be quite the fight.

"I can help with some enhancements before we go in. Rolth, I can make your weapon magic if you like but I will do it just before we enter. I can also boost the defenses of one of you, who would like that?" {ooc: Offering Shield Other to someone}

Falco will also cast Shield of faith on himself before entering.

2nd- Cure Mod / Shield Other / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Friday October 18th, 2019 10:10:03 AM

Elyas grimly prepares himself for a fight, hoping that it doesn't come to that but knowing they will likely at least need to display some force to make Rasheel's companions stand down.

I will do what I can to disable and subdue Rasheel and his companions in a non-lethal way if possible. don't jump him right away, I will use some glitterdust and maybe another web to help keep him and his men contained.remember, our goal is to arrest, not to kill

before entering, Elyas will cast Shield on himself

Kiwina (Steve M) 61/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Friday October 18th, 2019 6:15:16 PM

Kiwina agrees with the goal of arresting without killing. "Further, anyone who comes to Rasheel's defense should also be subject to arrest, although it may not be practical to escort them back for the Duke's justice. If we detain anyone else, I suppose we should leave them to Ranter unless we find reason to believe they helped with the murders."

And if Rasheel is severely wounded, we may be able to keep him alive for a trial, he thinks.

Kiwina has a couple of orisons people may like -- guidance or resistance. Each lasts only a minute, though. Likewise, his magic fang would last a minute. He offers to cast a couple just before entering the establishment, if the group expects to quickly be in a fight. Last would be to give Rolth the magic fang.

"I suppose it would be good to know the layout of the place before we go in. Or at least where the doors are."

Ranger -- magic fang
Druid -- create water, guidance, resistance; faerie fire, produce flame, (d) obscuring mist
Aumakua have 1 x 1st level ranger spell

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Friday October 18th, 2019 9:04:13 PM

Tsak prepares himself mentally for a fight. For if it comes to that the liontaur will be no easy opponant.
Also, whilst he agrees with the reasoning, trying to subdue Rasheel may prove harder than outright killing him.

The young half-orc also realises that he has not kept up with his meditation and mindfullness practice. Any magical ability that he may have been able to contribute currently lies dormant. Inwardly he curses his indolence and vows to do better.

DM Mark - The Drinking Horn 
Saturday October 19th, 2019 4:04:05 PM

Rolth give some thought to his weapons, asking others what non-lethal options they may have. He also considers striking to kill and hoping that perhaps the Petals could use healing to intervene before someone slides all the way to death.
Falco offers some bolstering spells for the party, and even considers casting a spell on someone that will transfer their damage to Falco.
Elyas considers spells to disable and immobilize.
Angus prepares for a confrontation.
Tzak does likewise, cursing himself for not preparing any spells for the day.
Kiwina is good with the general plan, suggesting that if any of Rasheel’s crew need to be taken as well that they could be left with Ranter. Kiwina also wonders about the layout of the Drinking Horn.

Mak, having been in the place will be able to offer that the place is pretty open inside.

Ranter adds, there is also a backdoor through a storage room. That door is usually barred from the inside. As I said, I will send word to my guards to not interefere. Some are friends with Rasheel and some may be part of the Horned Society, but they will obey me in this."

The Drinking Horn is about a ten minute walk from where you are.

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None  d20+8=21 ;
Saturday October 19th, 2019 9:05:01 PM

Angus readies himself to go to the Drinking Horn. He keeps a eye out for any trouble on the way.

(perception = 21)

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/41 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 21) | Morningstar +8 1d8+6 x3 | Paws (2) +5 1d4+2 x2|  
Sunday October 20th, 2019 9:08:37 AM

"Angus, do you think you could get us in that back door? It might help us get the drop on them, and start the confrontation in a position of advantage. Alternately, we could come at them from both sides and prevent anyone from running away out the back door.

Falco, I would appreciate your Shield Other spell, as I am often on the front line but not as tough as some of these minotaurs, even when I get angry!"

Rolth will cast Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) when we are a block away, then drink his Potion of Bear's Endurance two rounds before we enter and cast Expeditious Retreat on the round before entering.

Kiwina (Steve M) 61/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Sunday October 20th, 2019 1:12:26 PM

"Hmm. . . Actually, I picked something up somewhere that could let one of us get in without being recognized. But since it makes you human, it would cramp my ability to fight. And if battle is likely, I think I'll use my potion of bull's strength."

Kiwina is willing to cast guidance or resistanceon those who want it, but the round before entering he will take the potion and the round before that he will cast magic fang on Rolth. He guesses it will take three or four rounds to enter and determine if Rasheel is unwilling to come quietly.

Ranger -- magic fang
Druid -- create water, guidance, resistance; faerie fire, produce flame, (d) obscuring mist
Aumakua have 1 x 1st level ranger spell

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Sunday October 20th, 2019 8:25:32 PM

Elyas follows behind the others. he is not the first one into the fight and is not going to be able to intimidate Rahseel into coming quietly. but if things go sideways Elyas will be ready to bring the full weight of his power to bear

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: NONE | AC 19 (T15/F15) 29/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |  
Monday October 21st, 2019 7:33:55 AM

Falco gives Rolth a ring before casting shield other as they prepare to move in.

If the team is splitting up Falco will pick up a spot as last in line at the back door thinking he could quickly bury an arrow in someone if they try to flee.

2nd- Cure Mod / Shield Other / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Monday October 21st, 2019 12:17:13 PM

Tsak wonders whether they could lure Rasheel out the front door where they could both cover him with many bows and also limit how useful his friends may be. Surely they might be able to use his ego and confidence against him? He voices this as they make preparations.

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12, Crit x3 
Monday October 21st, 2019 2:58:55 PM

Mak readied his bow in case things got out of hand. With so many horns and large people about there was no way he'd pull his punches if it came down to a fight, and he thought it might.

DM Mark - The Drinking Horn 
Monday October 21st, 2019 5:50:31 PM

Your group makes the short trek to the Drinking Horn where you think Rasheel can be found. Your group has a determined look as you proceed, and folk seem to sense this as they step out of your way. Gadin tags along, but stays back a bit so as not to interfere.

Angus readies himself for trouble, keeping a sharp eye out as you head toward the Drinking Horn.
Rolth asks Angus if he can get them in the back door Ranter mentioned. Angus recalls that Ranter said that door was barred, which would mean the door would need to be forced. Rolth casts a spell on the way, and asks Falco for his Shield Other spell.
Kiwina casts Magic Fang on Rolth and then drinks a potion.
Falco casts Shield Other on Rolth. Falso considers covering the back door of the place, but knows he will need to stay somewhat close to Rolth for his spell to be effective. (The range on this spell is 30’, and if either Rolth or Falco move beyond this range, the spell ends.)
Elyas hangs back a bit, ready to wade into battle if it comes to that.
Tzak would prefer to lure Rasheel outside where perhaps more bows could be brought to bear.
Mak readies his bow, not planning to pull any punches if there’s a fight.

You pass a couple guards along the way. A couple begin to follow you, but Gadin speaks to them for a moment and they follow at a distance.

As you approach the Drinking Horn, you see a minotaur or two go in and out. There are buildings nearby, but none that pose a concern.

Stepping forward with purpose, you enter. You see the large room you expected to see - the room that Mak was in recently. There are a number of minotaurs in this place, including a barkeep behind the bar. There are a couple of windows on the left wall, and a couple of closed doors on the right wall.

As you enter, the room falls silent as all eyes turn to you.

Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (51/51 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 21) | Glaive +7 1d10+6 x3 | Paws (2) +5 1d4+2 x2|   d20+10=16 ;
Monday October 21st, 2019 8:13:06 PM

'Here goes nothing,' Rolth thinks to himself.

Out loud, he adopts a serious mien, and speaks in a voice that grows with heroic urgency as he goes on. "Honorable taurs, we come before you on a grim mission from the Purple Duke. For word came to the Duke that some here have gone beyond angry speech or legitimate Kayleb and chosen murder to silence those different than them or with different beliefs. Therefore we have come in the name of the Duke to detain any who have carried out and covered up the murders of fellow inhabitants of this isle. So let me speak plainly. We have evidence that Rasheel is one of these murderers, and therefore is under arrest, so that he may be presented to the Duke along with the evidence of his crimes, to be judged by said Duke. As for the rest of you, we have no quarrel with you and you are free to go. Or even help us detain this taur who has besmirched the honor of the town of Greenfell with these vile deeds. If, on the other hand, you choose to help the accused murderer, well then I suppose you also choose to share his fate here and before the Duke. So what will it be, by Domi?"

Diplomacy = 16 + 4 for a hero point = 20

(OOC: You knew Rolth would have to speechify, right?)

Effect Tracking:
Inspire Courage 1/8 rounds used (inactive)
Rage 0/15 rounds used (inactive)
Spells Slots 1/3 used
Bears Endurance 2/30r used
Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 1/10 minutes +1 perception, +1 intimidation
Shield Other (hours) +1 deflection to AC, +1 saves, take half hp damage
Expeditious Retreat 1/20r used
Magic Fang 1/30r used +1/+1 with 1st paw

Kiwina (Steve M) 61/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 7:02:14 AM

Looks like Kiwina could reach AD11/AE12 in a single move. That would put two minotaurs to his back. Instead, he stops at AC14/AD15, moving no faster than his humanoid companions, and draws his weapons.

He watches the room, but makes no move to attack anyone.

(OOC: Third browser worked.)

Bull's Strength 1/10
Ranger -- magic fang
Druid -- create water, guidance, resistance; faerie fire, produce flame, (d) obscuring mist
Aumakua have 1 x 1st level ranger spell

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 29/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+6=19 ;
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 7:36:19 AM

Falco moves forward with Rolth {AG/20} looking as solemn as someone with limited facial expressions can. His feathers ruffle out for a moment making him wider and he simply states. "Do the right thing for you fellow Taur and come quietly."

{Diplomacy to Aid: 19}

2nd- Cure Mod / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +8/+8(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12, Crit x3  d20+1=6 ;
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 8:32:40 AM

Mak limped into the familiar room and moved immediately to the right to stand at the end of the bar. With one hand on the bar and the other on his Bow he took a mental sighting of Rasheel and paused as he held any further actions. He wasn't very certain this was going to end without bloodshed.

"Everyone be calm." Mak said from his place at the end of the bar. "No need to cause trouble. Rasheel, you should come quietly so no one gets hurt."

OOC: Diplomacy +1 (Aid Another DC 10 to give Rolth a +2), Roll 6, Fail. Readying an action and preparing to cover the doors behind the bar.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield  d20=15 ;
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 10:33:08 AM

Elyas waves his hands a little more theatrically than needed, preparing to cast a spell and making sure the people in the room can see that there is a spellcaster in this posse.

"We don't want any more bloodshed added on top of this one's crimes. but if you force the issue we will respond with all due force! we are here as representatives of the law. any here who abide by that law will aid us or stand down. those who choose not to will be brought to justice

Elyas surprises even himself a little bit by speaking out strongly, but the frustration of the investigation and his anger at the string of murders that have gone unnoticed and unpunished pushes him to speak.

Aid diplomacy = 15, success!

DM Mark - The Drinking Horn  d20=12 ; d20=7 ;
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 10:29:22 PM

Rolth delivers a heroic speech to a tough crowd. He speaks of the Purple Duke’s authority vested in the Petals, but he is clear - Rasheel is under arrest.
Falco moves up with Rolth, bolstering his speech.
Elyas makes clear he wields arcane magic, speaking of law and justice, and backing up Rolth’s words.
Mak nlmps over to the bar with his bow in one hand. He calls for calm.
Kiwina remains quiet as he moves forward drawing weapons.

Three minotaurs in the bar heed the words of the heroes, and want no part of this.

The barkeep raises his voice, ”See here. This is my place, and I’ll have no trouble here. You lot…” he points at the Petals, ”you, you need to call the guard if you want someone arrested.” As he speaks he move a few steps away from the Petals, his hand reaching for the door behind him.

Rasheel smiles as he looks at the Petals. ”The Purple Duke? The Purple Duke indeed! Who is that to me? My brother handles justice in Greenfell. You would do well to go fetch him. Unless you plan to arrest him too. No, we do not recognize your authority here. So why don’t you just go back to your purple palace with your purple friends. You know nothing of what it takes to keep a community together, nothing of having to deal with the threats that would tear us apart. Go home and we’ll forget this little incident ever happened.”

Most of the minotaurs back near Rasheel chuckle as well, though a few seem a bit uncertain.

Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”). Use the RD2 tab.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (51/51 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 21) | Glaive +7 1d10+6 x3 | Paws (2) +5 1d4+2 x2|   d20+10=13 ; d20+10=16 ;
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 10:53:08 PM

Rolth nods respectfully to the minotaurs who have chosen to leave. He moves a little closer to Rasheel while he focuses next on the ones whose resolve seems to be weakening. "The authority of the Duke's justice overrides that of your honorable brother. We need no additional authority, and well, if you do not recognize it yet, you will when we are done with you lot. And if you choose the hard way, well, we have plenty of experience with that too. Just ask our opponents in the Taurnament, including the mighty minotaur Alex Marblehorn. Or maybe the witch Caryln. Oh wait, you can't ask her or our other foes because we left them in the mud. We're happy to accept your surrender now. But plenty happy to do this the hard way. You talk about troubles here, I grew up fighting hellhounds. So try us if you like, but in the end, I'll be the one writing the funeral dirge for you. So, who wants to die today?" He finishes with a hard stare at those who are looking a little shaky.

Intimidate = 13 with reroll for a hero point = 16

Kiwina (Steve M) 61/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 11:21:10 PM

Kiwina counts twelve remaining, including Rasheel and the barkeep. He does not want to fight so many. As he moves closer to Rasheel, he speaks for the others to hear.

"Let me point out that we were sent to help Yesia investigate some anomalies she had discovered in her work, and ended up investigating her murder. Killing one of your own sounds to me like tearing the community apart. Your brother knows we are here, and why."

Bull's Strength 2/10
Ranger -- magic fang
Druid -- create water, guidance, resistance; faerie fire, produce flame, (d) obscuring mist
Aumakua have 1 x 1st level ranger spell

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None  d20+3=11 ;
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 4:27:52 AM

Tsak stays where he is with the door at his back.
He unsheathes his crossbow and stands loose-limbed, the weapon pointed at Rasheel.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 29/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+2=7 ;
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 7:07:38 AM

Falco clacks his beak a few times and simply draws back an arrow keeping his eyes fixed on Rasheel as he speaks.

"If the power of the Duke is not enough I serve a power higher then the Duke's. I can merit justice from from the immortal Sargrass as well if needed. Stand down and come with us."

{Assist Intimidate: 7 - Fail}

2nd- Cure Mod / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +8/+8(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+11ea, Crit x3  d20=4 ;
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 9:52:16 AM

Mak stepped around behind the bar with an arrow nocked in his bow and pointed it directly at Rasheel. He knew he was still out of range to do his absolute worst, but he also knew that should Rasheel resist he'd have two arrows in the air before the taur could react. Mak raised the bow a little higher in a show that he wasn't going to pull any punches with Rasheel. About that time Mak's leg decided it was going to act up and he stumbled just a little and ruined his attempt to look tough.

OOC: Intimidate +0, Roll 4, Fail.

Mak really felt the time for talk was over and couldn't understand why Rolth was hesitating. You go to arrest someone, you walk right up to them and take them into custody, you don't discuss their options. Still however Mak wasn't the leader here and in his mind a probationary petal until Kiwina said otherwise.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 10:54:36 AM

We are here with all the authority we need. we were sent by the purple duke and given permission by your own brother to arrest you. you have fewer friends here than you seem to think. I suppose that is what happens when you kill your own in cold blood! this is your last chance. come willingly or we will take you by force.

Elyas begins an incantation. he readies to cast if Rasheel does not immediately surrender.
[ooc:readying a glitterdust in the area highlighted on the map. will catch Rasheel and 3 other minotaurs]

DM Mark - The Drinking Horn  d20+3=21 ; d20+3=20 ; d20+3=11 ; d20+3=18 ; d20+11=29 ; 2d8+3=12 ; 2d8+3=16 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+9=28 ; 2d6+3=10 ; 2d6+3=10 ; 2d6+3=11 ; 2d8+3=17 ;
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 10:01:56 PM

Rolth leans in with another speech, threatening death and trying a heroic stare.
Kiwina silently counts the potential foes there and mentions Yesia’s murder.
Tzak makes his own intimidating stare as he raises his crossbow from the end of the room.
Falco says that if Rasheel won’t recognize the Duke’s authority, then perhaps the higher power of the Sargrass!
Mak moves behind the bar, and points an arrow at Rasheel.
Elyas likewise calls Rasheel a murderer. Then he let’s loose a Glitterdust.

(Only the barkeep was intimidated.)

The minotaurs let out a cry as the dust settles on 4 of them, including Rasheel. One of them is blinded!

And with that, the minotaurs attack. Well, almost all of them. The barkeep opens the door behind him, steps in and closes it.

Rasheel’s skin glitters. He yells, ”Well boys, these outsiders want to tell us how to do things here. Let’s teach them a lesson!” as he charges up to Rolth. He strikes Rolth with a heavy flail, hitting for 14 damage. Falco feels some of the pain of the blow.

Three minotaurs advance on Kiwina! All three hit with long swords, and he takes 10, 10, and 11 damage.

Some of the others move up smiling. A couple in the back seem to lag behind. And one screams, ”Ahhhhh! I’m blinded!”

(The minotaurs are all AC 15)

Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”). Use the RD3 tab.

Rolth - Dam. 7
Angus - Dam. 0
Mak - Dam. 0
Kiwina - Dam. 31
Falco - Dam. 7
Tzak - Dam. 0
Elyas - Dam. 0

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (50/57 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |   d20+10=14 ; d20+8=9 ; d20+7=10 ; d20+7=18 ; d4+3=7 ; d8+9=17 ;
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 10:14:32 PM

This makes Rolth very angry, very angry indeed. (enter rage) His blood is fairly boiling and his eyes go red. All thoughts of using a sap or net go right out the window. He makes a full attack on Rasheel, striking once or twice. He roars in satisfaction.

morning star to hit = 14, damage = 17, assuming Rasheel is -2 AC for charging this round
paw to hit = 9, damage = miss
paw to hit = 10, damage = miss
bite to hit = 18, damage = 7

Effect Tracking:
Inspire Courage 0/8 rounds used (inactive)
Rage 1/15 rounds used (inactive)
Spells Slots 1/3 used
Bears Endurance 4/30r used
Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 1/10 minutes +1 perception, +1 intimidation
Shield Other (hours) +1 deflection to AC, +1 saves, take half hp damage
Expeditious Retreat 3/20r used
Magic Fang 3/30r used +1/+1 with 1st paw

Kiwina (Steve M) 30/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None   d20+6=22 ; d20+5=14 ; d20+5=6 ; d20+5=16 ; d6+4=5 ; d6+4=6 ;
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 11:16:53 PM

Kiwina takes a 5' step back and makes a full attack against minotaur #9.

Spear/Sword/Hoof/Hoof hit AC 22/14/06/16 for 5/-/-/6 = 11 damage.

"Grandfather, I need the wisdom of your years to prevail against so many."

Bull's Strength 3/10
Ranger -- magic fang
Druid -- create water, guidance, resistance; faerie fire, produce flame, (d) obscuring mist
Aumakua have 1 x 1st level ranger spell

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 12:26:26 AM

(I still cannot see the map)

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +8/+8(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+11ea, Crit x3  d20+8=24 ; d20+8=16 ; d8+11=12 ; d8+11=19 ;
Thursday October 24th, 2019 1:43:02 AM

Mak fired two arrows at Rasheel.

OOC: See rolls for attack and damage.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+8=25 ; d20+8=20 ; d6+4=10 ; d6+4=9 ; d6+4=8 ; d20+8=12 ;
Thursday October 24th, 2019 7:22:02 AM

Falco winces as half the blow landed on Rolth is transfered to him. Despite the pain he knows the spell may well save Rolths life over time. He speaks as he moves.

"Mistake boys, we are not just law enforcement who you could push around."

Closer to Rasheel he lets two arrows fly.

{Arrow 1: Hit vs Rasheel: 24 | Crit Confirm: 20 | Damage: 10 | Crit Damage: 17}
{Arrow 2: Hit vs Rasheel: 12}

2nd- Cure Mod / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +8/+8(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+11ea, Crit x3 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 9:07:31 AM

OOC: Continued from the previous post and includes Mak's move action for the round. Assumes Rasheel has an AC of 15 like the others.

Mak looked satisfied as both of his arrows buried deeply in the murderous taur. A Murdertaur, Mak said in his mind with an inner smile as he thought to congratulate himself with a cool beverage. With his free hand he grabbed a tankard and set it beneath the tap. Once the tankard was in place he drew another arrow and sighted along it's shaft at the Murdertaur.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 10:41:03 AM

Web! Elyas yells to his companions, firing off what is becoming his signature spell just as Kiwina steps out of the area that he is eying. this time he manages to use it early enough that none of his companions are stuck, and the enemies are all nice and bunched up for it.

[ooc: i tried to mark the web without making it too messy. the web is originating in the bottom left corner of AH8, and outward in a 20ft spread. should catch minotaurs 4, 6, 7, 8 and Rasheel. DC 15 reflex save or become grappled. anyone moving in the web has to take a new save or be grappled.]

DM Mark - The Drinking Horn 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 4:31:12 PM

(OOC: Weird - I looked at the map link I had in there, and there was an extra quote at the end of the link. I took that out. Maybe it will work better now.)

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None  d20+8=15 ; d8+1=6 ;
Thursday October 24th, 2019 4:37:19 PM

(Attack=15, Dmg=6)

Tsak fires at Rasheel.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 4:37:48 PM

(OOC: Yes, map is working for me now. Thank you.)

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 5:29:29 PM

(OOC: Map working for me as well. Thanks)

Angus double moves to Z13

DM Mark - The Drinking Horn  d20+3=13 ; d20+3=11 ; d20+3=4 ; d20+3=7 ; d20+9=23 ; 2d6+3=12 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+9=19 ; 2d6+3=8 ; 2d6+3=5 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+4=18 ; 2d6+3=9 ; 2d6+3=10 ; d20+3=17 ;
Thursday October 24th, 2019 11:44:19 PM

Rolth flies into a rage, lashing out with lethal force and hitting Rasheel twice.
Kiwina likewise abandons any thought on non-lethal damage. He backs up a bit as he attacks a nearby minotaur, hitting it twice.
Falco buries two arrows into Rasheel.
Mak does the same, provoking an attack by the minotaur near him. He hits Mak for 12 damage.
Tzak also shoots Rasheel.
Elyas’ casts a web spell. This catches several minotaurs. (I had to adjust the area a bit to include all those you mentioned. I outlined a 20’ radius in red to clarify.)
Angus moves up.

The glittering Rasheel falls lifeless with four arrows and a crossbow bolt sticking out of him, the webbing supporting him like grizzly manakin.

All the minotaurs in the webbing are entangled.

Kiwina is hit by the minotaur next to him for 8 and 5 damage.

The one by Mak hits him for 9 and 10 damage.

About this time, the entangled minotaur next to Rasheel notices his glittering form propped in the webbing, motionless. ”Rasheel! Rasheel’s dead! They killed Rasheel!”

Another says, ”Rasheel’s dead? The Purple Duke’s men killed Rasheel!”

”You mean the Purple Duke's liontaur killed Rasheel!”

It’s about this time that the blinded minotaur in the back is able to wipe the glitter from his eyes.
”Rasheel? Hey - what’s all this grey webbing?”

The minotaurs near Kiwina and Mak react to the announcement of Rasheel’s death, and drop their weapons as they back up 5’, their eyes a mix of fear and hatred. In fact, none of the minotaurs there continue to fight as their gaze flickers between the Petals and the body of Rasheel.

(The minotaurs are all AC 15)

Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”). Use the RD4 tab.

Rolth - Dam. 7
Angus - Dam. 0
Mak - Dam. 31
Kiwina - Dam. 44
Falco - Dam. 7
Tzak - Dam. 0
Elyas - Dam. 0

Kiwina (Steve M) 17/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None   d20+6=14 ;
Friday October 25th, 2019 12:08:18 AM

"Rasheel's down. He may not be dead, and if he's not then he'll be taken and judged. If he is dead -- well, I guess he's already been judged. Meanwhile, do we have the honor of addressing the Horned Skulls?"

Weapons lowered but ready, Kiwina watches minotaurs 9 and 3 for a reaction to his question. (Sense motive = 14) He tries not to look too injured.

Bull's Strength 4/10
Ranger -- magic fang
Druid -- create water, guidance, resistance; faerie fire, produce flame, (d) obscuring mist
Aumakua have 1 x 1st level ranger spell

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (50/57 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |   d8+1=9 ;
Friday October 25th, 2019 6:37:53 AM

Rolth comes out of his to rage and recognizes that he may have overdone the killy bits. He was not nearly as tough as I expected. I thought I could pull some punches later after teaching him a lesson. I hope he isn't dead-dead, but is only mostly dead." he thinks to himself. If it doesn't look hopeless, Rolth will reach in to deliver a healing potion to the webbed Rasheel, which ought to at least stabilize him if not bring him back to consciousness. As he does so, he'll announce loudly, "Perhaps he is not dead yet, let us see if we can revive him to face the Purple Duke's justice."

(9hp of healing to Rasheel)

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+4=7 ;
Friday October 25th, 2019 7:38:27 AM

Falco quickly moves to Rasheel's body while he speaks.

"You were warned and my arrow flew very true. Blame the petals, blame the gods above and but mostly blame yourselves for the hate in your hearts. He died as he lived, in violence. Stand down and learn to live together."

{Healcheck: 7}


2nd- Cure Mod / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3  d20+4=24 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+9=28 ; d8+12=19 ; d8+12=20 ; 3d8+5=16 ;
Friday October 25th, 2019 9:11:18 AM

OOC: These rolls were made before they surrendered. Consider them rolls for readied actions instead. Readied Actions:
Acrobatics +4 (Moving to AK17 avoiding AoO), Roll 24; Two attacks, Roll 21, 28, Hit, Hit!; Damage 39 hp (Using Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus, Deadly Aim, and Weapon Specialization and Training); Move across difficult terrain using 5 squares of movement out of his 6.

Mak was surprised at the reach the Minotaur had as well as how quickly it attacked. Normally Mak was the fastest person in the room, but instead of retaliating against the now compliant Minotaur the archer reached into his pack and withdrew a potion and downed it. Afterwards he filled the unattended mug and had himself a quiet drink while he motioned to the minotaur next to him to leave.

"Leave this place, or I'll poke some holes in you as well." Mak threatened the minotaur that stood near him.

OOC: CSW Potion, 16 hp. Mak will only move as a readied action if the Minotaur attacks so he stays put at his current location.

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Friday October 25th, 2019 9:26:42 AM

OOC: Rasheel has taken 100 points of Damage, 40 of which came from Mak and Tsak at the end of that sequence. I don't think he's waking up.

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Friday October 25th, 2019 9:27:41 AM

OOC: Well, 37 anyway. ;)

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Friday October 25th, 2019 10:59:12 AM

Elyas is as surprised as Rolth seeing Rasheel go down so quickly.

so much for trying to incapacitate him and take him in if he resists.. Elyas thinks. too late to worry about what could have been done, this group saw a threat and offered a chance to surrender. when Rasheel wouldn't stand down they did what they had to do.

Just like he did when they stopped the riot earlier, Elyas leaves the web up entangling the minotaurs until the group can be sure they won't just attack again.

DM Mark - The Drinking Horn 
Friday October 25th, 2019 7:09:45 PM

Kiwina says ”Rasheel's down. He may not be dead, and if he's not then he'll be taken and judged. If he is dead -- well, I guess he's already been judged. Meanwhile, do we have the honor of addressing the Horned Skulls?" She tries to assess the mood of those here. (His Sense Motive tells her Highlight to display spoiler: {They’re pretty mad. A little bit scared, but really mad.}
Rolth thinks that he might not be dead yet considering administering a potion healing so he can face justice. But he can see that, well, the ship has sailed on healing this guy (he took 88 points in one round.)
Falco tells them all that they were warned, and tells them all to stand down.
Elyas is also a bit surprised at how quickly Rasheel fell. He leaves the webbing in place for now.
Mak pulls out a healing potion and drinks it. He tells the nearest minotaur, ”"Leave this place, or I'll poke some holes in you as well."

The minotaur nearest Mak doesn’t need to be told twice. He turns and moves through the second door (now open.) Likewise the other minotaurs not in the webbing follow Mak’s suggestion.

One stops to pull another out of the webbing. ”C’mon Kez. Rash is dead. Time to go.” As this happens, the others realize they too can probably break out of the webbing, and they do though their passage is slowed if they move through the webbing.

A couple of minotaur guards show up at the door to the tavern. Their eyes go wide as they see the scene before them, with a dead, glowing minotaur suspended against a grey mass of webs. One of them just says, ”Uh oh. That’s gonna be a problem.” The other guard leaves.

Gadin also looks in and says, ”What? This is not what you told Ranter! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?”

Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”). Use the RD5 tab.

Rolth - Dam. 7
Angus - Dam. 0
Mak - Dam. 15
Kiwina - Dam. 44
Falco - Dam. 7
Tzak - Dam. 0
Elyas - Dam. 0

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (44/51 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |   d20+10=12 ; d20+10=21 ;
Friday October 25th, 2019 7:25:50 PM

Rolth bellows at the minotaurs who are about to leave, "Stop! You are all under arrest, for your role in these events. We warned you about helping Ranter resist arrest, but you did not heed our words. Several of you tried to murder us, and the rest are accomplices. You will be rendered up to the Duke's justice, for a fair trial under Minotaur law. If you continue to resist, we will detain you by force. If you resist violently, you will be dealt with in kind."

(Intimidate = 12 plus whatever circumstance bonus having stone cold killed Rasheel provides)

When the guards arrive moments later, he will pull their leader aside and tell him, "These guys all tried to resist Ranter's arrest despite our warnings. Some of them attacked us as we carried out our duties.
We need to detain them and keep them quiet, or this whole town is going to go up in riots. Surely the guard doesn't want that."

(Diplomacy = 21)

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None 
Friday October 25th, 2019 10:10:36 PM

Angus quietly puts away his weapon and tries to appear innocent

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Saturday October 26th, 2019 12:05:33 PM

Tsak lowers his bow.

He moves to Kiwina and provides any assistance he can in terms of first aid.

Then, with patience and stoicism he waits to see what will happen next.

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Sunday October 27th, 2019 2:38:37 PM

Mak has had enough of Gadin and glared at him, but said nothing. Clearly Rolth had some other agenda here and Mak decided he’d remain quiet while the taur worked through the room. So, Mak stepped in from the two doors nearest him to block any further exits.

Kiwina (Steve M) 17/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Sunday October 27th, 2019 3:24:48 PM

Kiwina is faster than the minotaurs, especially the ones in the web. When he sees that they're preparing to leave, he gets in their path to the exit.

Kiwina gives his next commands as if he were on a ship, where he's used to being obeyed. "Petals!, keep anyone from wandering away. Gadin!, find Ranter, quickly," And sorry, Rolth, but it's for the long run, "Guards!, arrest that wemic!"

More quietly, he speaks for the benefit of the nearer Petals. "I think we will be able to trust Ranter's judgement if he gets all of the facts before the story is able to spread. It will also help if the minotaurs talking to Ranter are compelled to tell the truth."

Kiwina knows this will not work if the other Petals don't back him up.

Bull's Strength 5/10
Ranger -- magic fang
Druid -- create water, guidance, resistance; faerie fire, produce flame, (d) obscuring mist
Aumakua have 1 x 1st level ranger spell

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (44/51 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |  
Sunday October 27th, 2019 9:07:54 PM

Rolth is surprised, but quickly sees what his friend Kiwina is doing. "I will come quietly, but would like those minotaur miscreants to be arrested as well, either now or soon after. They did try to murder us, after all." With that, he will hand his weapons to Kiwina or one of the other Petals. "I sure hope this works," he thinks to himself...

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+6=21 ;
Monday October 28th, 2019 7:34:04 AM

Falco holds his position keeping something to his back and speaks, looking at Gadin but really speaking to the room.

"Plans go out the window when blades are drawn. All of you are as responsible for this as anyone. We come to take a murderer into custody and you do not ask questions, you draw blades. You look guilty but stand down, explain and listen and save yourselves."

{Diplomacy: 21}

2nd- Cure Mod / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3  d20+1=19 ;
Monday October 28th, 2019 8:26:38 AM

Mak looked at Kiwina in astonishment. Clearly it was the arrows that downed Rasheel and Rolth but an innocent bystander, but Kiwina had a plan. Mak decided he'd back him up as he stopped any that tried to leave through the back doors, save of course the one that accidentally bumped into him and ran away afraid for his life. Otherwise Mak prepared for Kiwina to call for his arrest as well.

As Mak leaned against the closed door he took another drink and waited for all the officiousness to happen around him. It was only then that he took the time to examine his own wounds. He was cut up pretty badly on his arm where the minotaurs axe pressed his chain mail armor through the padding and into his skin and he could feel the blood slowly oozing into that padding. He was going to have to have that looked at soon, he thought, otherwise it was going to take a few days to heal. The second blow had just been the axe haft to his chest and aside from some soreness there Mak thought it would only result in a nasty bruise.

"What Falco said." Mak piped up hoping to give the small creatures words a little more weight with his own support.

OOC: Diplomacy +1, Aid Another DC 10, Roll 19, Success! +2 to Falco's check.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield  d20=15 ; d20+6=12 ;
Monday October 28th, 2019 10:42:53 AM

Things are moving quickly and Elyas is not sure what the best course of action is. He trusts the Captain, though, and will follow Kiwina's lead. He keeps the web spell up for now, threatening any of the minotaurs that are trying to free themselves from the webbing.

I wouldn't try that if I were you. best wait until the guards can sort all this out, eh? wouldn't want my companions to 'accidentally' use too much force on you too would you?
[diplomacy aid = 15, success]

he also takes a look at Rasheel's body to determine if he is really dead or just knocked out.
perception = 12

DM Mark - Everyone's Under Arrest! 
Monday October 28th, 2019 1:12:06 PM

Rolth bellows at the fleeing minotaurs that they are under arrest and will be detained.
Angus and Tzak lower their weapons, interested in the outcome.
Mak glares at Gadin, and then steps in front of the remaining mintoaurs to prevent their flight.
Kiwina wants to move up and block any more minotaurs from leaving (but with the webbing and the minotaurs there, the DM is not sure where she goes as he barks orders in the bar.) He shouts, "Petals!, keep anyone from wandering away. Gadin!, find Ranter, quickly. Guards!, arrest that wemic!" indicating Rolth. He continues "I think we will be able to trust Ranter's judgement if he gets all of the facts before the story is able to spread. It will also help if the minotaurs talking to Ranter are compelled to tell the truth." Rolth seems to comply.
Falco says diplomatically, "Plans go out the window when blades are drawn. All of you are as responsible for this as anyone. We come to take a murderer into custody and you do not ask questions, you draw blades. You look guilty but stand down, explain and listen and save yourselves."
Mak and Elyas add their agreement to Falco’s words.

The Petals invoked the Purple Duke’s authority when they arrived, said they were here with Ranter’s knowledge, and threatened arrest of all there. Then the Petals say that said that one of their own is under arrest, and that they are subject to Ranter’s judgement in this. Both the one guard there and the other minotaurs there seem a bit confused. (The DM is confused too, but really interested in what you have up your sleeves.)

The one guard at the door does not arrest Rolth. Not yet, anyway. He draws his sword and stands at the door. ”You folks all need to stay right where you are. Ranter will be here soon enough.”

Four of the minotaurs run off, so I suppose the last one would provoke an attack from Mak. The remaining minotuars stay in the back of the room as they glare at the Petals. Rasheel's glowing body hangs suspended in the grey webbing.

Gadin is confused too, and quite eager for Ranter to be here and make some sense of things. He runs off as directed.

The second door opens behind Mak. The barkeep looks out for a moment and says, ”Aw crap," before the door snaps back shut.

From your walk over here, you know it will likely be 15 or 20 minutes before Ranter arrives.

Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go ("I move to Z12"). Use the RD6 tab.

Rolth - Dam. 7
Angus - Dam. 0
Mak - Dam. 15
Kiwina - Dam. 44
Falco - Dam. 7
Tzak - Dam. 0
Elyas - Dam. 0

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3  d20+8=27 ;
Monday October 28th, 2019 2:40:53 PM

OOC: This is going to be stupid if it goes wrong. Mak will try to trip the minotaur running by him which provokes another AoO from the beastie. Trip CMB +8, Roll 27

Mak stuck out his bow to trip the minotaur as it ran by him.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (44/51 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |   d20+9=13 ;
Monday October 28th, 2019 9:43:52 PM

If it looks like no one is getting ready to attack him, Rolth will get out his lute and play a tune to pass the time. Something melancholy, probably in D minor.

(Perform = 13)

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None 
Monday October 28th, 2019 10:03:35 PM

Angus moves to AC 14

Kiwina (Steve M) 17/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Monday October 28th, 2019 11:36:58 PM

Well, what now?, Kiwina thinks to himself.

Unless interrupted, Kiwina takes a couple of rounds to pick up the weapons people have dropped and places them on the bar near AL-19.

After that, he assesses which minotaurs have been injured, from a distance.

He does not try to prevent the minotaurs from congregating together on the far side of the room, and assumes they are discussing what to tell Ranter.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 5:01:30 AM

Tsak, satisfied that Kiwina is not going to keel over from his wounds, makes his way back near to the door. (AI 22 as shown on the map).

He remains quiet and calm, but does not put away his crossbow.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |  
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 6:58:06 AM

Falco helps out with collecting weapons that have been dropped, he also starts straightening up chairs and tables that were disturbed.

2nd- Cure Mod / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 11:51:29 AM

Once the weapons are collected, Elyas releases the webbing spell, but is ready to cast it again on the cluster of Minotaurs if they decide to attack. he sits down and watches them all closely while waiting.

DM Mark - Everyone's Under Arrest!  d20+9=13 ; d20=1 ; d20=17 ;
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 4:02:51 PM

Mak trips the minotaur in front of him as it tries to move away, and the creature lies prone in the doorway.
Rolth get out a lute to pass the time.
Angus moves up near Kiwina, as the centaur is reaching down to pick up weapons. The only weapons that were dropped were the one
Tzak move back a bit, but keeps his crossbow at the ready.
Falco moves over and picks up the heavy flail that Rasheel had, and then starts straightening up the place.
Elyas releases the webbing, and as he does so the glittering body of Rasheel falls to the floor as a pool of blood beneath him slowly spreads.

The minotaur near Mak crawls 5 feet away. Mak will need to physically restrain the creature to keep him there.

With the webbing gone, the minotaurs in the back of the room can better see what’s going on. And the Petals can see them better as well.

One of the minotaurs in the back is injured and missing his sword. He draws a kukri. The others have their weapons drawn and ready. They look confused.

(From their perspective, the Petals came in and declared Rasheel was under arrest under the authority of the Purple Duke. Then they saw spells cast at them, Rasheel and a few others charged, Rasheel was quickly killed, and the Petals declared that everyone else was under arrest. As three of their number fled, the others took a defensive stance in the back of the room. Then Kiwina told the guard there to arrest Rolth and for Gadin to fetch Ranter. Now Rolth seems to be calmly playing a lute as the Petals are tidying up the room.)

They are very confused, but not willing to die without a fight.

”What are we under arrest for? You said you were here to arrest Rasheel. Now he’s dead. If we’re to be next, we won’t go down without a fight, even if you kapleths have wizards."

If you speak minotaur, Highlight to display spoiler: {kapleth is a very derogatory term in minotaur.}
Sense Motive DC 10 Highlight to display spoiler: {These guys are look frightened and angry.}
Sense Motive DC 13 Highlight to display spoiler: {These guys are readying an attack.}

“Now the liontaur’s under arrest? What game is this?”
“Hey Teskar. What gives?”
“Yeah, you guards are the law in Grenfell. Are you OK with Ranter’s brother being murdered?”

The guard in back looks to the Petals. You don’t know what Gadin said to this guard on the way here that caused him and the other guard to let your group proceed, but he’s not really sure what to do. [b]”Ranter’s on his way. Nourat and Gadin went to fetch him.”

A minotaur in the back answers, “Good. Just wait ‘til he sees they killed Rasheel.”

(If anyone does anything over the next several minutes other than a tense standoff, let me know and we can back things up. If you try to take their weapons, they will fight. Use email to coordinate if you wish, but if your character speaks, post that here please as you do have an audience.)

After a time of some tense waiting Ranter arrives with several guards. He can see the prone form of his brother lying in a pool of blood on the floor, and Rolth calmly playing a lute. You can see his jaw clench as he stands in the doorway, silently glaring at the Petals, waiting for some explanation.

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3  d20+4=23 ; d20+1=18 ; d20=8 ;
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 4:52:33 PM

OOC: Acrobatics +4, Roll 23; Diplomacy +1, Roll 18; Sense Motive +0, Roll 8. If the minotaur tries to attack him, he's total defense AC 23, and will withdraw to let the minotaur escape.

Mak moved ahead of the prone and crawling minotaur to block his exit at the door. With drawn sword he directed the minotaur back into the main room.

"You heard the captain. You and yours are under arrest." Mak said as he stooped down to help the taur to his feet. "It can't really be helped and I'm certain if you had no part in Yesia's murder, everything will go well for you."

Kiwina (Steve M) 17/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None   d20+6=24 ;
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 7:49:53 PM

(sense motive = 24)

If the remainder of the party is willing to wait until Ranter comes, then when he arrives, Kiwina tells the Petals to watch the minotaurs while he talks to Ranter.

Kiwina approaches the doorway, saying, "Ranter, I would like to speak with you privately a moment. Please ask your friends not to attack mine while we talk."

(more to come in another post)

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (44/51 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |   d20+7=12 ;
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 9:40:14 PM

"These guys are looking frightened and angry again. Last time, that preceded an attack. Sigh, why do they always have to do things the hard way."

(Sense motive = 12)

Despite his suspicions, Rolth will let the minotaurs make the first move, which will probably not help their case with the lawman. He will quit playing his lute, however, because he doesn't want it to get smashed up. He stands, puts it away, and awaits the finish of Kiwina and Ranter's discussion.

Kiwina (Steve M) 17/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 10:59:23 PM

Kiwina does not expect to go outside with Ranter. Being at the far end of the room should be private enough if the conversation is brief, he hopes.

"If you recognize our authority acting for the Duke, or if you just want to avoid a skirmish in your backyard, you need to hear what happened here not only from us, but also confirmed by your brother's friends. Falco has a spell to encourage truthfulness. But let me jump to the end a moment -- I asked your guards to arrest Rolth hoping to give these minotaurs incentive to stick around without further fighting."

Kiwina expects the minotaurs will want to state their own grievances, and stops his explanation of what happened if they appear to be growing violent.

"We came to arrest Rasheel as we told you we would. When we told him he was under arrest, he and several of his friends attacked. We are not police, we are combat trained warriors. My companions concentrated their attacks on the leader of an attacking force, which experience tells us is the most efficient way of ending a conflict."

Kiwina again checks the mood of the room before continuing.

"I think it's important that Rasheel's friends tell you what happened themselves, and that they hear what we saw. After you have heard the stories, Falco can cast his spell and you can verify the truth of things. And I am sorry your brother is dead."

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None 
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 12:37:42 AM

Angus tries to look easy and relaxed but he is ready to redraw his weapon if things go violent again.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+8=19 ; d20+6=18 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 7:28:18 AM

{Sense Motive: 19}

Falco sees that they are ready to attack the petals and would very much like to head that off. He looks to the fellow who is injured.

"Put the weapon away and I can heal that injury if you like. Of course I would want all of you to calm down to do that. Don't want to get stabbed i the neck for helping." {Diplomacy: 18}

2nd- Cure Mod / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None  d20+1=6 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 8:18:53 AM

(Sense motive=6)

Tsak remains calm and unruffled.
He will leave the talking to Kiwina and Rolth.
The minotaurs and their motives are as much as mystery to him as ever.

His crossbow stays in his hand by his side, pointed at the ground.
He eyes Mak at the bar with his drink... clever chap.

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 8:29:48 AM

"Come on." Mak said to the prone Minotaur with an extended hand. "Let's get a drink. I'm buying."

Mak then returned to the bar provided the minotaur was compliant. Once back in the room Mak tossed some coins on the bartop and poured himself and his new friend a mug of ale. He proceeded to guard the back doors as he leaned upon the bar with his bow set upon it within easy reach.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield  d20=3 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 10:36:05 AM

Elyas just stands watching the minotaurs closely, but even with his experience growing up on Centaur Island, he has trouble reading the expressions of other taurs. (Sense motive = 3)

he tries to remain calm and patient and trusts his captain to sort things out.

DM Mark - "We are not police, we are combat trained warriors." 
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 4:31:25 PM

Mak moves ahead of the crawling minotaur and, sword drawn, directs him to move back into the room with the others. As the minotaur climbs to his feet, Mak offers him an ale. Mak makes sure that back door is no longer an escape route.
Rolth puts away his lute. While he can see the minotaurs there are ready for a fight, they do not attack. Eventually they relax a bit, but remain on guard.
Angus Angus looks relaxed, but is ready for trouble.
Falco offers to heal the injured minotaur if he’ll lower his weapon. The minotaur does not.
Tzak remains calm, but his crossbow remains a warning to the minotaurs.
Elyas remains calm,waiting for Kiwina to sort things out with Ranter.
Kiwina moves to the doorway and speaks in a low voice with Ranter.

The minotaur Mak stopped accepts Mak’s ale, but he then returns to the back of the room with the others. As they shoot an accusing look at him, the drinking minotaur shrugs, ”What? He offered me free beer. I’m still mad, but I’m not stupid.”

The barkeep again pokes his head out. Seeming to be satisified things are not destroyed, he stays out, pocketing the coins that Mak left. Then he shoos Mak out from behind the bar.

Ranter arrives and listens to Kiwina as the centaur explains things. Ranter simply responds, ”I will ask them what happened.” Ranter then pushes past Kiwina and brings in his guards. There are about a dozen guards in here now. The minotaurs are disarmed as Ranter questions them.

They tell him that Rahseel did not recognize the Petal’s authority. The Petals cast a blinding spell and then Rasheel led an attack to teach them to not mess with minotaurs. The next thing they knew, Rasheel was dead and there was webbing covering most of the room. Not wanting to be the next to die, they waited as Ranter was sent for. They tell Ranter that he should arrest the Petals. In fact, the Petals themselves said the liontaur should be arrested for Rasheel’s death. Ranter punches one of them in the face, bloodying his bovine snout, and the others fall silent.

Finally, Ranter turns to the Petals, his stoney face unreadable. ”We discussed this - all of you. We discussed the ramifications of ... this. You said you would take my brother alive to the Purple Duke for justice. You said you would use non-lethal means. I see no evidence your response here was measured or that you even tried. Rasheel is dead, and now you suggest this is simply because you are trained warriors and didn’t know any better? Unless you dispute what was said, I am not interested in your truth spells. Do you have anything to add?”

As Ranter says this he looks at all of the Petals, not just Kiwina. There is a note of finality in his voice.

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3  d20+1=13 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 5:30:36 PM

Mak sat and sipped on his beer. As he did so he replied to Ranter. "That was assuming he'd come along quietly. From what I saw he was using lethal force against Rolth and we responded in kind. I don't think any of us was going to stand by while a fellow was being cut to shreds."

Mak held his tongue about the petals attacking first. He'd let Kiwina address that accusation.

OOC: Diplomacy +1, Roll 13

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (44/51 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |   d20+10=28 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 7:51:42 PM

"I do dispute what was said. This all was started by Rasheel. And I don't just mean with his murder of Yesia. To quote him from earlier, 'Well boys, these outsiders want to tell us how to do things here. Let’s teach them a lesson!' So you see, they set the conditions, and they dealt the first blow. We came here to see justice done, and they wanted no part of justice, just a deadly fight. Even so, our first move was a spell to dazzle and blind them, not to kill them. Even that was just readied in case they chose to resist arrest, so when they made the first aggressive move, the die was cast. Look at good Kiwina, who suffered enough injury to kill a half dozen lesser taurs. I too took a mighty blow from Rasheel. Yet, by the blessing of Domi the Strong, here I still stand, and there lies your brother, judged by the gods themselves for his wrath and found wanting. And unlike Rasheel and these other dishonorable cowards, we did not skulk away into the night to hide what we had done. We stayed here, even knowing that we would face your anger for how things turned out, for we are not afraid to be judged for our actions, as they are honorable. Even though on this day, we were forced to kill, apparently by local custom if the lesson that your brother meant to teach us is true. I am saddened by your brother's death, but even though it was by our hands, it is his fault, not ours. So, what would do with us now?"

(Diplomacy = 28)

(OOC: Highlight to display spoiler: {What Rolth said is true, if you look back at Elyas' post from Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 10:54:36 AM})

Kiwina (Steve M) 17/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 11:06:07 PM

"I asked a question before we realized Rasheel was dead that these minotaurs declined to answer. I would like my answers now, and some assurance they are truthful. Do we have the honor of addressing the Horned Skulls?"

Kiwina doesn't wait for an answer before starting in on his opinion of the Horned Skulls. "Honor in this case being something the Skulls would no nothing about. I've been told the minotaur code of honor calls for the fair treatment of anyone whom, themselves, acts honorably. Killing people quietly and trying to hide the act does not sound to me like it meets that community standard."

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (44/51 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |  
Thursday October 31st, 2019 6:13:42 AM

"I should add that at the moment they attacked us, the odds were about two to one in their favor. That is after several of their number accepted our offer that they could leave freely if they did not wish to take part in Rasheel’s dishonorable activities and resist his arrest. And as you perceive, they were all great big Taurs and much larger and more imposing than most of the Eight Petaled Rose. So we fought for honor, justice, and our lives."

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |  
Thursday October 31st, 2019 7:11:44 AM

When the minotaur who got the free beer speaks Falco glares at the one who refused healing and mumbles. "At least one of you shows sense."

Once the questioning starts Falco is happy with Rolth's statement. He decides that adding that they thought he would be tougher is not worth mentioning.

2nd- Cure Mod / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None  d20+14=15 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2019 7:53:24 AM

Angus listens carefully as he swipes snacks off the bar.

(Sleigh of Hand = 15. Yes, apparently a Natural One)

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Thursday October 31st, 2019 8:18:29 AM

OOC: Moves to AK10

"So we fought for honor, justice, and our lives..."

Mak's old battle worn sword with it's ragged leather hilt was now sheathed as he moved about to the opposite side of the bar to sulk about not having direct access to the tap. Somehow he felt unlimited access was owed to him given his enormous tip upon his last visit, but was willing to forgo that in the interest of race relations. (50gp to those that have forgotten)

When he heard Rolth's comment Mak raised his mug to salute it, but said nothing as he kept an eye on the room from his new position in front of the bar with his bow still resting atop it within easy reach.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Thursday October 31st, 2019 11:15:30 AM

I will not dispute the claim that we used more force than was necessary. It is true that more could have been done to keep Rasheel from dying, but in the heat of the moment force was used to reply to force. We gave Rasheel and his men ample opportunity to submit to the Duke's justice. instead, Rasheel attacked us. I attempted to diffuse the situation without injury, but in mere seconds it was over and our expert warriors each attacked Rasheel as a matter of reflex when he refused to surrender and attacked us. it is regrettable, but in our opinion, unavoidable.

DM Mark - "I will not dispute the claim that we used more force than was necessary."  d20=15 ; d20=9 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2019 4:05:22 PM

Mak Obliges the barkeep and moves around to the front of the bar. As he goes, he responds to Ranter that since Rasheel used lethal force, so did the Petals.
Rolth disagrees that the Petals struck first, asserting it was Rasheel and his posse that did so, and that the Petals were outnumbered in the fight. He points to the wounds suffered by Kiwina and himself as evidence supporting the need for force.
Kiwina again asks if the minotaurs here are the Horned Skulls, and says that the secret killings that have occurred were without honor.
Falco compliments the minotaur with the beer for his good sense.
Angus attempts to surreptitiously take some snacks from a bowl on the bar, but winds up drawing attention to himself as he spills the bowl of snacks. Still, the snacks aren’t bad.
Elyas acknowledges that more force was used than necessary, but that the Petals attacked out of reflex when faced with a threat.

The barkeep slides another beer to Mak, and then frowns a bit at the spilled snacks as he slides a beer to Angus as well. He says to Ranter, “Well, I dunno what happened here, as I thought it best to step out ‘til the fightin’ was done. But I’ll tell ya, ‘cept for yer brother and a whole lotta blood, these here flower petals didn’t wreck the place. Which is better ‘n I expected. Oh, an’ sorry ‘bout yer brother an’ all.”

Ranter shoots a look at the barkeep, suggesting there is no love lost between the two. He tells his guards to disarm and arrest the minotaurs in the back of the room, which they set about doing.

He looks flatly at Kiwina, ”Yes, these are members of the Horned Skull. And no, they do not have honor. I will deal with them accordingly.”

Ranter then addresses all the Petals.

”But do not lecture me on honor. I acknowledged your authority here, and we both knew that Rasheel would not go without a fight. But we had an agreement and you had a plan. You said you would take my brother alive to the Purple Duke for justice. Now you tell me that you did not follow through on that because they hurt you and you are trained warriors who act on reflex.”

“What’s done is done. Your responsibility here is discharged. Go back to the Purple Duke, and tell him whatever you wish. I will send word with Gadin to him that your work here is through.”

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Thursday October 31st, 2019 5:04:40 PM

Mak accepted the second beer and slung his bow over his shoulder as he settled in for some bar time. Mak orders a beer for Elyas and pushes it his way with a nod at the space between him and Angus.

"Glitterdust, eh?" Mak commented to the wall. "Looks like we won't be back here anytime soon. May as well rest up. "

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None  d20+14=21 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2019 7:34:07 PM

Don't look at me, dude. I tripped over myself and missed the fight. Hey, is that Trail Mix in that bowl over there?

Angus cleans up the mess he made on the bar, and manages to sweep some of the snacks into his pouch anyway.

[Sleight of Hand = 21]

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (44/51 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |  
Thursday October 31st, 2019 7:46:19 PM

Rolth hangs his head for a moment, then looks back up at Ranter. "You are right, we let our emotions get the best of us in the heat of the battle, and did not stick to the plan. It would seem that all of us taurs have some work to do if we are going to reclaim our noble heritage. I will not forget this lesson. And I am sorry about your brother, regardless of his crimes. I had hoped that he might see reason, but it was not to be. I will report back to the Duke, as you wish. I wish you all the best in dealing with the aftermath here. Unless you see some role for us in that endeavor, perhaps we should be off before we become a focal point for more trouble."

Kiwina (Steve M) 17/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None   d20+6=10 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2019 8:23:37 PM

Before leaving, Kiwina takes the time to dress his wounds. (Heal = 10 fails to treat deadly wounds)

Kiwina is not happy with the way things happened, but hearing that the Horned Skulls will be dealt with leaves him feeling the Petals should leave before they run afoul of some other minotaur concept and do more damage.

He's also glad Ranter didn't push back harder on his rather lame explanation of Ranter's death.

It will be good to get back to a shore.

Mak (JamesM) (25/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Friday November 1st, 2019 8:01:19 AM

Mak expected an ambush outside of town and given the pain in his shoulder and arm he wasn't too excited about the prospect of leaving so quickly.

"Ready for the ambush?" he asked Angus casually while he rubbed his arm then leaned over. "Might be best if we split up, you think? Meet up someplace outside of town."

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Friday November 1st, 2019 10:13:10 AM

Elyas is quiet as Ranter and Rolth talk through what happens next. He agrees with Ranter that there is nothing more for the Petals to do here, and that it is time to return to the Duke.

as they leave, Elyas approaches Kiwina.
"I am really sorry about how things went down in there, Captain. I can't help but feel that it was my fault. I wanted to deal with things quickly, hitting them with some spells before things got out of control, but it seems all I did was instigate the conflict that ended in Rasheel's death. there's nothing more to be done about it this time, but I will do my best to not antagonize a conflict like that next time we get into a tense situation. I hope you know you can still rely on me.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Friday November 1st, 2019 12:11:33 PM

Yessia's murder has been solved and the murderer brought to justice, albeit somewhat swifter than envisioned.
The horned skull have been dealt an injury through the death of their leader and their sordid crimes being brought into the light.
Ranter is released from the conflict of having a brother who is a murderous thug and can concentrate on building community.

It's not perfect, but in Tsaks mind the petals have made the wold a better place.
He prepares for the journey back to the Purple Duke.

DM Mark - "I will not dispute the claim that we used more force than was necessary." 
Friday November 1st, 2019 7:07:10 PM

Mak enjoys his beer, and suggests there may be an ambush as they leave town.
Angus pockets some free snacks.
Rolth tells Ranter that he is right in his assessment, and expresses some sorrow about the loss of his brother.
Kiwina dresses her wounds and looks forward to a return to the coast.
Elyas tells Kiwina that he regrets his spell may have precipitated the conflict, and promises to do better in the future.
Tzak thinks things are wrapped up here, even if not perfectly.

A few of the Petals remain injured, Kiwina rather badly in fact.

As Ranter’s men march the minotuars out of the establishment, Ranter turns to the Petals but seems to be speaking for the benefit of all there. ”I accept Rasheel’s death. He chose his path, a path of dishonor that looked only to a dark and distant past, a past that no longer exists. He is cast out of my family. The Horned Skulls are no more, and they along with the Horned Society will be outlawed in Greenfell.”

The barkeep says, ”Awright, you folk. Drinks are on the house. You know, I lost a lot of loyal clients today. You all should stay here in Greenfell. Yer always welcome in my place, an’ while your money’s no good here today, it’ll be welcome in the future.” He actually returns Mak’s coin, and you can tell this was a bit painful for him. When you are done drinking, he will hand a small cloth sack full of bar snacks to Angus.

Once the arrested minotaurs are marched out by the guard, Ranter will add, ”Here’s what will happen now. Those minotaurs will be marked. They will be cast out of Greenfell, and it is no small matter for a minotaur to be marked as dishonorable and cast out of his community. They may yet prove to be trouble though. The Horned Society was just a social group and I will take some heat for that, but their name shares too much with the Horned Skulls. The Purple Duke will probably not be pleased with this, as marked minotaurs without a home may become a problem for him.

“I cannot say if the liontaurs will be accepted here in Greenfell - there is only so much I can do. Rasheel will be seen as a martyr by some. I will publically release Juran as a gesture of goodwill, but that boy is on double secret probation. Greenfell’s acceptance of the liontaur community here will depend in part on what he does. Frankly, I don’t really care if they stay or if they go."

It is late in the afternoon, and this has been a long and tiring day.

Kiwina (Steve M) 17/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Friday November 1st, 2019 8:32:07 PM

Kiwina says, "Ranter, if you think it would help Greenfell, we can take Juran when we go, and let the Duke decide if he's welcome."

While the group enjoys the hospitality of this establishment, Kiwina will be clear with Elyas. "I don't blame you for casting a non-lethal spell. I don't know what you were reacting to in casting, but I trust your instincts on that. " And with Rolth, "I much prefer it when you're our spokesman. " And, of course, "Falco, would it be too much to ask for some healing?"

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (44/51 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |  
Saturday November 2nd, 2019 4:50:16 PM

Rolth thanks the barkeep for the hospitality and enjoys a mug. To Ranter, he offers, "We will make sure to include in our report to the Duke that those minotaurs are cast out and may be a threat. Thank you for releasing Juran, and giving him wise counsel. As Kiwina says, we could take him with us, or we could speak to him as well about his behavior here. Perhaps we could get him to see the wisdom of getting along rather than being confrontational, especially now that the primary instigators on the other side have been moved along. On a separate topic, one thing to bear in mind is that someone was not reporting the murders to the Duke, and might have had inside help to cover up the crimes. I make no accusation, but the old clerk Lukran would have had access, and had a Horned Skulls flyer on his desk when we visited. Might be worth ensuring that those reports get corrected and sent to the Duke on schedule in the future."

Turning to the Petals, he says, "Thank you, Kiwina, I do my best to represent us well, but still have much to learn about all this civilization stuff! And Elyas, I agree that you did no wrong, even if together we all might have handled that a little bit differently. Well. Hmmm. Should we spend one more night here before we go, or get our stuff from the inn and get on the road sooner? It might be worth saying a few words to the liontaurs on the way out, with or without Juran, and the inn is in their area any way."

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Sunday November 3rd, 2019 12:56:18 AM

Tsak isn't one to turn up a free drink.
He finally puts up his crossbow and partakes of a refreshing ale.
And grabs a handful of bar snacks before Angus scoffs them all.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   2d8+5=11 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d8+5=16 ;
Monday November 4th, 2019 7:16:11 AM

"Of course healing. It seemed wrong to heal us up when the commotion was going but yes, come here."

Falco moves to Kiwana and lays his hands on him as he asks the warper-sar for healing. {CMW Kiwana: 11+16=27} That done he channels more power to heal all of the petals. {Channel: 8+7=15}

2nd- XCure ModX / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Monday November 4th, 2019 9:04:42 AM

Mak gasped when the healing surge washed through him. Suddenly the wounds on his arm and shoulder healed and just for a moment his leg felt better, but once the surge was gone that familiar ache in his leg returned.

"The warper sar!" Mak called out lifting his drink high in what passed as the closest thing Mak had for a prayer. Mak studiously ignored all the snack grabbing.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Monday November 4th, 2019 11:30:55 AM

Elyas is not in any mood to drink, but doesn't want to be rude to the bartender. he accepts an ale and drinks it slowly, staying quiet for the rest of the time in the bar, ready to be on the way. he is not really interested in staying any longer in this town, but will leave those decisions to the captain.

after a while he stands up and makes for the door. I think that has been quite enough excitement for one day. I think i will head back to our lodging before it gets any later. anyone else want to join me?

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Monday November 4th, 2019 11:45:26 AM

Mak stood and brushed at his wrinkled clothing. "I'll walk with you, old bean."

What he was really doing though was to put some distance between him and the snack thieves.

DM Mark - "I think that has been quite enough excitement for one day." 
Monday November 4th, 2019 4:06:53 PM

Kiwina offers to Ranter that the Petals could take Juran to the Purple Duke. Then he speaks to the other Petals.
Rolth agrees with Kiwina’s offer to take Juran, or to even just speak with him. He notes that the deaths of those murdered in Greenfell were not being reported. He asks if the Petals want to leave right away or in the morning, noting that their inn is in the liontaur quarter, so the Petals could address the liontaurs there with or without Juran.
Tzak enjoys his ale, and the bar snacks.
Falco responds to Kiwina’s request for healing, healing the centaur and the rest of the party.
Mak toasts the Warper Sar, moving away from the bar as he does.
Elyas quietly enjoys his beer at the bar, and then says he intends to head back to the inn for some rest.

Angus catches the eye of the barkeep. ”Yer a quiet one, but quick. You know, I could use a fella like you around here for things. If you’ll consider stayin’, I’ll make sure you have interesting work in my place.”

Ranter responds to the Petals, ”Juran? Take him if you wish, but you’ll do it under the Purple Duke’s authority, not mine. I would not think his crimes rise to the level of the Duke’s attention, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. While I could keep him locked up for a while for inciting violence against the guard, he’s more useful to me released as a gesture of good will and as a message to those that would persecute the liontaurs here. Speak to him if you wish - I will leave that up to you.”

“As for our clerk’s office and proper reporting, with Yeshia’s death I have an opening. A member of your group would be a good replacement for many reasons. Are one of you looking for a job?”

As you exit the bar, he will quietly add, “As for the barkeep there, Hanor seems friendly enough, but he’s trouble. Steer clear of him.”

As the Petals move through Greenfell toward their inn in the liontaur community, they get a lot of quiet stares and a few dirty looks. (Sense Motive DC 12 Highlight to display spoiler: {Most regard your group with some fear, some others a source or perhaps a reminder of trouble in this place.})

Passing into the liontaur community, the mood is … different. Your group is given some distance, but generally greeted. As you reach your inn, there are a number of liontaurs that assemble. You are celebrated with comments like:
”Hooray for putting down the murderer!”
“You guys are heroes, standing up to the minotaurs!”
“Yeah, and one of them’s even a centuar!”
“Glad somebody finally put a knife in that Rasheel!”
“I’ll buy you guys a drink.
“I’ll buy the next drink.”
“How will you protect us from Ranter now that you killed his brother?”
“I like the owl guy - never seen sumbody like that.”
“Hey, owl guy - can you fly?”
“Hey archer - how’d you get that limp?”

A liontaur girl smooths her fur as she approaches Tsak with something wrapped in paper. ”I ... I brought you a fish for that cat that seems to follow you around. Does your cat like fish? Where is it?”

Juran will eventually arrive as well. He regards the Petals cooly and quietly. Watching them and the crowd.

Respond (or don’t) as you wish. I presume you rest the night.

You find Gadin waiting for you downstairs when you wake, which seems fairly bold in this part of Greenfell. He looks packed and ready to go, but he’s pretty quiet.

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3  d20=20 ; d20=5 ;
Monday November 4th, 2019 5:07:19 PM

OOC: Sense Motive Roll 20, Nailed it! Perform Oratory, Roll 5, bleh!

"I'm glad you asked, old bean!" Mak said in response to the question about his limp. "But the tale is a long and dusty one. I'll need that drink that was offered." Mak then proceeded to wander into the place with a liontaur to relate the tale of his old war wound.

Mak explained that he was a veteran of the Asildur war and his birth allowed him to select any post he wished but he declined, instead being assigned as a as a footman and archer. For those not familiar with Asildur, Mak explained that they were taught to rely on the shield men in the front rank to protect them as they fired arrows into enemy troops.

Being there on the battlefield was dangerous, there was no denying that, so he shouldn't have been surprised, he related, when an enemy arrow slipped through the armies defenses and struck him in his left leg. The subsequent enemy charge overran his position and when he woke the dead were everywhere and laying in piles. That last cavalry charge had thrown a man into him as he tried to remove the arrow from his leg. That was much of what he remembered and now here he was under a pile of bodies and unable to move at all. His leg hurt, he was losing blood, and the weight of the people atop him was too great for him to pull himself out.

Mak said he looked to his left and then to his right as he spotted his yew wood bow with it's decorative handle. There was an arrow sticking out of another body laying within reach; if only he could retrieve his bow. Mak stretched out his arm towards the bow and blacked out.

He took a long draw on his drink as he waited for the drama to build and apologized for not being a master storyteller like Rolth.

Some time later Mak awoke, he explained, to flies crawling in his mouth. He spit them out and clawed at his mouth to get the rest out just as his eyes fell upon the bow once more. Again he reached for the weapon. If only he could get it then he'd be able to fire an arrow into the air to get someone's attention. His fingers stretched out again and this time found purchase on the string and he pulled. Even as his fingers closed around the string he realized that the string had been cut. He pulled the bow over to him and clutched the loose arrow to his chest as tears welled up in his eyes.

Blurry shapes...muted voices...shadowy objects in the background as Mak heard someone talking in hushed tones. "He's going to lose his leg if we don't do something." Mak said he heard someone nearby say. Mak shivered in a cold sweat as he tried to move his arms or say something, but he could not. He was too weak and his arms simply shook and his voice came out as a whispered croak that no one was there to see or hear.

"I passed out I guess." He said as he continued his tale.

Voices intruded upon his consciousness this time as he opened his eyes and looked up at an elderly man who had very recently had his hand upon Mak's forehead. Mak felt stronger, wasn't shivering, and was breathing easier as he tried to sit up. The man restrained him however. "Lie still, rest." was all the man would say as Mak closed his eyes once more.

It seemed to Mak that this same sequence repeated itself over the next few weeks until one morning he woke, alert, and feeling much better. Until he tried to move his leg. He looked under the sheet and saw that the muscle there was deformed and weakened. He lowered the sheet and looked around. He wasn't alone, there were many others there and he seemed to be in better shape than most. Several of those near him were missing limbs, had their eyes covered, or still had bandages stained with blood wrapped around them.

"It was a bloody battle, but there were no winners that day, only the dead and those too injured to fight." Mak said as he eased back in his chair.

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None 
Monday November 4th, 2019 7:09:31 PM

Angus thanks the barkeep, but replies that he needs to stay with the Petals for the time being, to keep them out of trouble, of course.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (51/51 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 21) |  
Monday November 4th, 2019 7:12:49 PM

Rolth will address the crowd, and Juran, with a grim look. "Killing isn't what makes a hero, and I do not rejoice in another death, even of a murderer. What's really needed here is communication, to find some common ground. You're all taurs, created by Domi to be as one, but sundered apart by distrust. You have two choices now. Continue on the path you were on, and it will only encourage more violence that will make everyone a loser, and you will have to find yet another home. Or be bold, be brave, be STRONG like Domi, and see what lives you can build together. And do not mistake Ranter for your enemy. He could have stopped us from pursuing his brother, and covered up the crime, but instead let us pursue the Duke's justice. He has a responsibility to keep the peace here in Greenfell, and that requires some measure of empathy and wisdom. Look, he has even released Juran here, who I hope recognizes that being in jail for a day probably saved his life. It will take work to win over the locals, but it can be done in time, with Domi's blessing. You are liontaurs, you know the patience of the hunter! Use that patience now in seeking your real prey--better lives for you and your families. If I had only been so patient, we could have solved the murder and seen real justice done. So learn from my bad example, if you will. I wish you the best of luck, and hope to return here someday to see a thriving community of taurs, all sorts of taurs, living prosperously together. But now I am thirsty, so let's get that drink you mentioned, what say you all?" With that, Rolth will turn to enter the inn, and listen to Mak's sad tale. When Mak finishes, Rolth says, "Yes, like today, there were no winners, only death. But tomorrow is a new day, to make of it what we will! With that, I bid you all a good night."

Kiwina (Steve M) 59/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None   d20+6=22 ; d20+6=20 ;
Monday November 4th, 2019 8:37:17 PM

(Sense motive = 22)

Kiwina spends the evening with the liontaurs quietly. He, for one, does not trust Juran to avoid trouble. But he accepts Ranter's judgement that Juran is more likely to be a message to those who would abuse the liontaurs than a target for them.

In the morning, when Gadin is waiting for the group, Kiwina quietly asks, "Well, Gadin, what's your take on the way things turned out?" Kiwina does not really expect Gadin to make waves if he disapproves, though, so he tries to attend to the answer well. (Sense motive = 20)

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+8=26 ;
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 7:31:50 AM

{Sense Motive: 26}

Falco waves to those who comment on liking the owl guy and moves in that direction for a moment.

"No flying for me, at least not yet. Not long ago I was a halfling and the immortal Warper-sar changed my body after the battle that brought the Sargrass back to the Wold. The same Warper-sar grants me the power to heal and help those around me." he pauses and moves his head around and back "But flying, maybe I will be further blessed one day."

He happily talks to anyone who approaches but is sure to at least mention the warper-sar once in every conversation.
2nd- XCure ModX / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Ligh

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 11:07:48 AM

Elyas is not surprised by the way the centaurs cheer for the death of Rasheel, but it makes him feel sick. Peace will be a long time coming in this town, and a death is certainly not going to push things in the right direction. Elyas finds the first possible moment to slip away while people are distracted by the storytelling and Falco's appearance and makes his way to his room. he goes through his normal mental exercises and finds that they relax him somewhat. he grinds up a weird-smelling tea and drinks it before laying down to sleep.

in the morning he feels much better, but is eager to leave this town.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 11:11:43 AM

Esmerelda, oh, umm, I'm sure she's around here somewhere mumbles the half-orc.
Yes, she doesn't mind a bit of fish, thank you so much. I'm not really sure if she's my cat, or I'm her butler?

Looking at the well groomed girl, Tsak becomes acutely aware of how dusty and smelly he must appear.
He makes a show of looking for the feline, hopeful that her appearance will release him from the limelight.

Esmerelda, for her part, makes a magnificent entrance through the nearest window. She makes straight for Tsak and the fish, completely ignoring her benefactor, which only increases the rangers discomfort.

DM Mark - "I'm not really sure if she's my cat, or I'm her butler?"  d20=12 ; d20=13 ;
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 5:27:08 PM

Angus thanks the barkeep of the Drinking Horn for his offer of employment, but declines before leaving with the others for their inn in the liontaur quarter.
Mak responds to the liontaurs as he shares the tale of how he got his limp.
Rolth delivers a speech, telling the liontaurs there to turn away from violence, and instead embrace their inner hunter on a hunt for a better life. This results in a mix of cheers and puzzled looks. But then he calls for drinking, that earns only cheers.
Falco responds that he was once a halfling, but was changed by the Warper Sar, though he cannot fly. Not yet at least.
Elyas is sickened by the cheering at Rasheel’s death. He retires quietly to make some tea and meditate. He ready to be quit of this town.
Tzak is grateful to the little liontaur girl that offered him a fish for Esmerelda. The big cat enjoys the fish, which the girl in turn enjoys. She hesitantly reaches out to pet the creature, which Esmerelda tolerates. Mostly.
Kiwina believes Juran to be a problem, and says nothing to the crowd there. In the morning, Kiwina asks Gadin his thoughts on the way things turned out, carefully watching his as he answers.

The party comes down to the common room in the morning. They find that the innkeeper is there waiting for them, having let Gadin in. In addition to a hot breakfast, the inkeeper has some food prepared for the heros (and Gadin) to take on their return trip - hearty stuff with some cured meat, cheese, crusty bread and some apples. He is a kind man, and both he and his wife go out of their way to make Gadin feel welcome as well.

The party begins their journey back to see the Purple Duke.

Gadin puts Kiwina off until you are on the road. ”Well, I’m not very happy about how things turned out. I mean, I’m glad that Rasheel is gone since it seems he was the one that killed my friend Yesia. I’m glad that none of you were killed in the fight. But I’m not too happy that the liontaurs are still there, ‘cause I think some of the the minotaurs kinda blame them for the trouble in town. And I was hoping to redeem myself in Ranter’s eyes. Afterall, I did bring Yesia’s message to the Duke, which was kind of an embarrassment to Ranter, I suppose. But Greenfell was my home, and I don’t really think I’m welcome back there now. I gotta take Ranter’s message to the Duke, and I don’t even know what it says. I was thinking of asking the Duke for a job there, but what if that not says we all screwed this stuff up? An’ there there’s those guys that got exiled. I mean, what if they come after me?”

You walk on for a while, passing a couple farm houses on the outskirts of Greenfell before hitting rolling hills. Halfway to on your return, the shadows grow long and you realize you need to find a place to camp for the night.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (51/51 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 21) |  
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 8:19:00 PM

"You know, fellows, I kind of miss having a minotaur working with us now that Sable and Gothruk are gone. Gadin, what skills would you bring to our merry band of misfits? Can you sail, or fight, or just work hard at learning? We have a whole crew of folks waiting for us back on our ship. Perhaps you would fit in there, if you are interested. What do the rest of you think?"

As night falls, Rolth starts to wonder about those outcast minotaurs. "We should definitely set some strong watches tonight. Who wants to share a watch with me?"

Kiwina (Steve M) 59/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None   d20+11=29 ;
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 10:51:04 PM

"We never have been sticklers for a standard rotation, but I think we talked about one once, with a largely different crew. Well, I do better in the dark than some. If we want to pair up for watches, the aumakua can share one with me. And Gadin. What kind of concealment can we find?"

Kiwina looks to see what nearby he thinks would be most defensible in case of trouble. (Perception = 29)

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None 
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 11:18:18 PM

I see well in the dark and would be happy to take watch with Mr. Rolth

Angus looks around to see if he was heard.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Wednesday November 6th, 2019 3:39:31 AM

I see pretty well at night. I'll go third watch with whoever wants to join me.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |  
Wednesday November 6th, 2019 7:33:36 AM

Falco walks in silence for the most part thinking about what happened and how the party was really not well suited for this mission, at least not from their experience. They have been more a hammer, smashing problems that needed to be smashed. No asked to be a precision instrument they failed, perhaps they should have begged off this endeavor.

After some time he shares his thoughts.

"I think the Duke chose poorly in sending us on this mission. Subtly has not been our strength and we are not experienced in law enforcement. You do not send a diplomat to fight a dragon so why send those that would fight a dragon to be diplomats. A shame really...."

He lapses into silence until the talk of setting watch comes up.

'I see well at night as well and can also hide myself very well so taking a shift at watch is no problem. Frankly, being mostly owl the night really suites me."

2nd- XCure ModX / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Ligh

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Wednesday November 6th, 2019 9:03:36 AM

Mak walked along in silence and considered the horrors he left behind in Aisildur. It was only by happenstance that after that battle he'd found himself on the opposing side in their hospital tent. There he was slowly educated on what exactly he'd been fighting for and he didn't like it one bit. It was then that he'd decided to leave the area and find a place where he'd be free to pursue his own interests as a free willed person.

So entrenched in his own thoughts Mak missed the conversation about the Duke, or butterfly as Mak liked to think. Only when the subject of watches and nightvision was broached did he speak up.

"I'm rubbish at seeing in the dark. What ever watch I'm on I'll be climbing a tree and watching from there. Maybe from a high vantage point I'll be able to make out an attacker in the darkness and get an arrow or two in them."

OOC: Mak will climb a tree during his watch. First or Third Watch would be preferable since it shouldn't be as dark for at least a portion of the time.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Wednesday November 6th, 2019 11:46:32 AM

I can take the last watch, I get up early anyways most mornings. best to have as much sleep uninterrupted as possible in order to be at my best for casting spells if any should be needed tomorrow.

DM Mark - "I'm not really sure if she's my cat, or I'm her butler?"  d20+10=18 ;
Wednesday November 6th, 2019 11:58:55 PM

Rolth laments the lack of a minotaur in the Petals, and he offers for Gadin to join your group in some way - perhaps even as crew to the Petals’ ship. Rolth also notes the need for strong watch, worrying about the exiled members of the Horned Society.
Kiwina looks for a good, defensible place to camp.
Angus and Tzak stand ready to take a watch.
Falco walks along in a brooding silence for a time. He says, "I think the Duke chose poorly in sending us on this mission. Subtly has not been our strength and we are not experienced in law enforcement. You do not send a diplomat to fight a dragon so why send those that would fight a dragon to be diplomats. A shame really...."
Mak walks along, lost in his own thoughts from his time in Asildur. The talk of a watch snaps him out of his reverie, and he resolves to climb up in a tree during his watch.
Elyas says he would prefer the last watch as a spell caster.

Gadin considers Rolth’s offer. ”Well, I will think on this. But I confess that I do not have the skills or the courage of you folk. Oh, and don’t tell any minotaur here that I actually said that. Honor is most important amoung minotaurs, but courage is second.

“So, what kinda pay are you offering?”

Kiwina is able to locate a defensive location that puts a large rock at your backs with a nearby tree.

Rolth and Angus take the first watch. It’s a fine night, though cool. As the fire grows low, they two settle into their watch.

For Rolth and Angus: Perception DC 18 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear a noise. Something is moving toward you, just beyond Angus sight.}
For everyone else: Perception DC 28 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear a noise out there.}

Kiwina (Steve M) 59/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None   d20+11=13 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 12:31:28 AM

(Perception = 13)

Kiwina sleeps soundly.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/41 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 21) |   d20+12=24 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 5:54:25 AM

Rolth keeps a Toros Taur Try up while on watch to remain more alert. And good thing too, because something is approaching us from beyond Angus' sight! Rolth bursts into a roaringly loud song, intended to awake and inspire his comrades.

"Awake, awake,
Dear Petals, awake,
For Horned Skulls come,
Our lives to take.

But we all know,
How this will end,
Just like poor Rasheel,
Who did offend.

Two to one,
Those were the odds,
But we still live,
He judged by gods."

(Inspire Courage to allies: +1 to hit and damage, +1 saves vs fear and charm)
(Perception = 24)

Effect Tracking:
Inspire Courage 1/8 rounds used (active)
Rage 0/15 rounds used (inactive)
Spells Slots 0/3 used
Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 10 minutes +1 perception, +1 intimidation

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None  d4=3 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+12=18 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 7:23:28 AM

(Perception = 27)

With a snarl and a nod to Rolth, Angus attempts to hide in the shadows nearby.

(Stealth = 18)

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+9=11 ; d20+9=24 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 8:54:04 AM

{Perception: 11}

Falco sits up.

"Of course they are coming after us. Of all the stupid..."

He rises and grabs his bow before stepping back into a shadow. {Stealth: 24}

{ooc: Unarmored AC: 15}

2nd- XCure ModX / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Ligh

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 21 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8+12ea, Crit x3 
Thursday November 7th, 2019 9:47:19 AM

OOC: Mak sleeps in his armor since it's light. This time he has his weapon close by. There's no way he's making a DC 28 Perception roll, so I'm assuming Rolth wakes him with that call to arms. If you provide a map please shade in the squares where Mak can't see well and I'll roll for concealment for Mak's attacks.

Mak rolled over and grabbed his weapons as he came to a standing position. At Rolth's explanation that the horned skull was upon them he tried to suppress the urge to tell everyone he told them so, but he failed.

"Well isn't this a fine pickle no one knew would happen." he said sarcastically as he moved to put his back against the rock and brought his bow up with an arrow nocked.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield  d20+7=17 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 11:09:49 AM

what's that noise? Rolth, keep it down. singing at this hour... oh shoot, I see now

Elyas wakes up groggily, but gets up as quick as possible. he casts Light on a tree in the direction Rolth indicates once he understands what direction the intruders are coming from

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None  d20+9=25 ; d20+10=17 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 4:58:20 PM

(Perception=25, stealth=17)

Tsak dreams that he is camping with his friends when they are attacked by robbrs who wade thru the forest making an ungodly racket.
He is awoken by Rolths yelling and it takes him a few seconds to sort dream from reality.
He quietly draws his crossbow and moves awayfrom the camp to prepare a welcome.
Esmerelda follows, moving like mist thru a glade.

DM Mark - Voices in the Dark  d20+4=9 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+4=8 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+4=5 ; d20+4=7 ; d20+4=9 ;
Friday November 8th, 2019 1:31:53 AM

Rolth strikes up a tune to wake and inspire the petals. This wakes Kiwina, Mak, Falco, Tzak and Elyas. (Those asleep would awaken prone. Standing is a move action.)
Angus snarls as he blends into the shadows.
Falco rises and steps into shadows.
Mak rises and grabs his bow.
Tzak rises and grabs his crossbow as he moves away from the others.
Elyas rises and touches the tree next to him, causing the area where he touched to radiate light out 20’ (with dim light out to 40’. Also, Light is a touch spell.)

As quickly as you awake and turn on the lights, a number of small arrows are shot in your direction. None of them hit.

You hear something in the distance say in a low voice, ”Surrender now. We have you pinned down. Leave your valuables and flee this place if you value your lives.”

Sense Motive DC 10 Highlight to display spoiler: {The voice is trying to sound low, but it is not normally a low sounding voice.}

There are some creatures in the brush and grass, perhaps lying prone. They have almost total cover if you can see that far, but you can’t make them out. It will require hitting AC 20.

Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”). Use the RD1 tab.

The area here is mostly tall grasses/brush, with the grass about 3 feet high. The dotted outline represents Elyas Light spell.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/41 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |   d20+7=19 ; d20+11=18 ; d20+8=18 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+8=17 ; d20+8=20 ; d8+7=15 ; d4+3=5 ; d4+3=5 ; d4+3=4 ; d4+5=6 ; d4+5=6 ;
Friday November 8th, 2019 6:50:44 AM

(Sense motive = 19, success!)

"More goblin pipsqueaks?", Rolth wonders to himself. Rolth continues his inspiring song, with a lyric from the famous bard Corey Hart, as he charges straight out to the nearest bandit.

"So if you're lost and on your own
You can never surrender
And if your path won't lead you home
You can never surrender
And when the night is cold and dark
You can see, you can see light
Cause no one can take away your right
To fight and never surrender"

(Inspire Courage to allies: +1 to hit and damage, +1 saves vs fear and charm)

morning star to hit =18, damage = 15
paw to hit = 18, damage =5
paw to hit = 13, damage =5
bite to hit = 19, damage = 4
Rake to hit = 17, damage = 6
Rake to hit = 20, damage = 6

(Note that I did not include the bonus to hit for them potentially being prone, since it wasn't clear whether that was the case.)

Effect Tracking:
Inspire Courage 2/8 rounds used (active)
Rage 0/15 rounds used (inactive)
Spells Slots 0/3 used
Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 10 minutes +1 perception, +1 intimidation

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None  d20+7=17 ;
Friday November 8th, 2019 7:30:35 AM

(Sense Motive = 17)

"Interesting" thinks Angus as he moves forward to AA16 and hopes to get in a flanking position.

"...or is this just the first wave?"

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+8=9 ;
Friday November 8th, 2019 7:30:56 AM

{Sense Motive: 9 - F'n nat one}

Falco sighs still assuming it is the Horned Skull. He pulls out a single arrow and casts light on it as he whispers. You would guess his intention is to shoot it into a tree near the enemies.

"Blasted idiots. Best light up where they are I guess."

2nd- XCure ModX / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Li

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 22 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +10/+10(Rapid Shot) To Hit, 1d8 + 13, Crit x3)   d20=4 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+10=29 ; d100=43 ; d8+13=18 ;
Friday November 8th, 2019 8:18:28 AM

OOC: Sense Motive DC 10, Roll 4, Fail. Assuming it's a clear night, adjust as needed. 20% Concealment due to light conditions. Attacks: +10 to hit, Roll 18, 29, Concealment Roll 43. Miss, Hit. Damage 18 hp.

Mak moved around the rock into a shadow and fired his bow at the one near the tree. The first arrow went high and into the branches of the tree where it either hit with a wood shot or was deflected away never to be found again, the second arrow was on target. Mak had seen a faint glint off something that gave him the object he needed to aim for and his arrow nearly pierced that thing as he sensed more than saw his arrow bury itself in his foe with a satisfying thunk.

Kiwina (Steve M) 59/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None   d20+6=14 ;
Friday November 8th, 2019 9:52:01 AM

(Sense motive = 14)

Kiwina rises just enough to cast faerie fire, centered on Y17.  (It ought to affect one of the creatures near Rolth.  Hopefully one that didn't just die.)

While he finishes standing, Kiwina says, ""Grandfather, would you look for others?  They could be sneaking up on us." (No game effect.)

Ranger -- magic fang
Druid -- create water, guidance, resistance; faerie fire (used), produce flame, (d) obscuring mist
Aumakua have 1 x 1st level ranger spell 

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Friday November 8th, 2019 11:19:58 AM

really? bandits? attacking a heavily armed party like us? well, I guess they deserve what's coming for them! Go get 'em friends!

Elyas casts Haste making his allies move with amazing speed.
[can only get 5 allies and is restricted by how close we all are, so it will be everyone still inside the light bubble except for Gadin. Rolth and Tsak will be left out. don't forget to add the bonuses! +1 to hit, and AC, an extra attack and double movement speed!]

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 22 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +10/+10/+10(Rapid Shot-Hasted) To Hit, 1d8 + 13, Crit x3)  
Friday November 8th, 2019 12:04:34 PM

OOC: Looks like it only gives an extra attack if you make a full attack, so Mak doesn't get that this round. Next round then.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None  d20=3 ; d20+8=16 ; d8+1=8 ; d20+10=21 ;
Friday November 8th, 2019 9:34:19 PM

(SenseMotive=3, PreciseShot=16, Dmg=8, Stealth=21)
Tsak moves quickly and quietly Westward (to AB8) to flank whatever is making the sound .
He can clearly see Rolth and other creatures moving near the liontaur in the long grass.

He takes a bead at a creature that he's sure isn't a Petal (@ Y16) and lets loose a bolt.

DM Mark - Voices in the Dark  d20=20 ; d20=9 ; d20=13 ; d20=12 ; d20=20 ; d20=6 ; d20=16 ; d20=2 ; d20=13 ; d20=14 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+4=16 ; d20+4=15 ; d20+4=7 ; d4=3 ; d4=4 ;
Saturday November 9th, 2019 1:16:57 PM

Rolth Charges forward and lays waste to what turns out to be a goblin crouching in the brush. Aaaaaand it’s dead. Super dead. (No that it mattered here, but it looks like Rolth is not raging, so there would be no bite attack?)
Angus moves up near Rolth.
Falco casts Light on an arrow, ready to fire it where it will be of more help.
Mak moves from the lit area, into the dim light just beyond. He fires into the dark, and strikes something that makes a gurgling sound.
Kiwina casts Faerie Fire and mutters a prayer to his ancestors.
Elyas cast Haste affecting all by Rolth and Tsak (and Esmerelda)..
Tzak movse and takes a shot, burying a bolt in a goblin that drops. (Remember that moving 30’and firing means moving at full speed, which adds a penalty to your stealth.)

Kiwina’s spell lights up two goblins (one of whom he didn’t even know was there,) and the now panicked creatures scream as the turn tale and run. Another one runs off into the darkness as well.

If you speak Goblin Highlight to display spoiler: {
”Gaaaaa! I’m glowing! Why am I glowing!”
“Me too! Let’s get outta here!”
“Aw crap! Not these guys! I hate these guys!”
“Hey Buttsmack, you know these guys?”
“Oooo. If you run away, I’ll gut ya.”
“I’ll gut ya first Scabby”
“Ha. We still gots numbers. Gut them you idiots.”

Five goblins fire at Rolth and Angus. Rolth is hit twice for 3 and 4 damage.

Three goblins make better choices in life and are running away, though in the darkness you can only see the two that Kiwina’s spell lit up.

Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”). Use the RD2 tab.

The area here is mostly tall grasses/brush, with the grass about 3 feet high. The dotted outline represents Elyas Light spell.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield  3d4+3=12 ;
Saturday November 9th, 2019 7:53:38 PM

Elyas is unable to see far enough into the night to spot more goblins, but he can hear them. he squints towards the darkness and prepares to cast a Magic Missile at the first goblin who steps into the dim light outside the ring of light he created earlier.

[ready an action to shoot at the first goblin that is visible to me. 3 missiles, auto-hitting. 12 points of damage]

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None  d20+8=19 ;
Saturday November 9th, 2019 8:41:03 PM

Angus calls out in Goblin (knowing that it will reveal his location as well):

"Goblins, especially you Buttsmack and Scabby, Death awaits you here! Your friends running away are the smart ones today!"

(Intimidate = 19)

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 22 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +10/+10/+10(Rapid Shot-Hasted) To Hit, 1d8 + 13, Crit x3)   d20+10=18 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+10=15 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+13=29 ; d8+13=18 ; d8+13=19 ; d8+13=16 ;
Saturday November 9th, 2019 9:02:00 PM

Mak fired three arrows at three different goblins that were clustered under the tree to his right.

OOC: ignore the d20+13 rolls. Used the wrong die for damage. Also assuming those guys aren’t prone still.

Kiwina (Steve M) 59/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None   d20+6=23 ; d8+3=11 ; d20+6=9 ;
Sunday November 10th, 2019 4:56:58 PM

Finding himself hastened, Kiwina is able to move around the tree while drawing his longspear, and attacks one of the goblins. (Hits AC: 23 for 11 damage)

If it survives the attack and is foolish enough to close with Kiwina, his AoO misses (hits AC: 9).

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (34/41 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |   d20+10=20 ; d20+7=23 ; d20+7=14 ; d20+7=19 ; d20+7=25 ; d8+6=9 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=3 ; d4+4=6 ; d4+4=6 ;
Sunday November 10th, 2019 6:08:13 PM

Rolth stops singing and sets off after the fleeing goblins. He charges the non-faerie fired one, figuring he is the most likely to be able to sneak away from us. After nearly breaking a tooth on the last one, he remembers that now is not the time for biting.

morning star to hit = 20, damage = 9
paw to hit = 23, damage =5
paw to hit = 14, damage =3
Rake to hit = 19, damage = 6
Rake to hit = 25, damage = 6

Effect Tracking:
Inspire Courage 2/8 rounds used (inactive)
Rage 0/15 rounds used (inactive)
Spells Slots 0/3 used
Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 10 minutes +1 perception, +1 intimidation

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d20+9=18 ;
Monday November 11th, 2019 8:09:31 AM

Falco steps around the tree and fires his arrow, with light cast on it, into the ground near where he thinks some goblins are. {Hit Square z23: 18}

{ooc: I am making the assumption that I can see movement in that area with darkvision}

2nd- XCure ModX / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None  d20+8=27 ; d8+1=7 ;
Monday November 11th, 2019 11:09:14 AM

(Attack=27, dmg=7)

Tsak moves south (ab14) and shoots at a goblin nar Angus (aa20).

DM Mark - Voices in the Dark  d100=33 ; d100=34 ; d100=76 ;
Monday November 11th, 2019 10:22:32 PM

Elyas prepares to cast Magic Missle on the first goblin he can see.
Angus can understand the goblins and tries to intimidate one of them.
Mak squints into the darkness and fires at some movement in the grass.
Kiwina moves up and with his low-light vision, the dim light of Elyas’ spell is enough for him. He kills one of the goblins.
Rolth chases one of the fleeing goblins down, and once he’s close his low light vision allows him to strike. Buttsmack is smacked to death.
Falco fires his illuminated arrow, creating another lighted area. While it does sink into the 3’ tall grass and brush, it still provides some illumination (as indicated on the map), with dim light for another 20’ beyond. With the area now illuminated, Elyas is able to use his spell and kills one of them.
Tzak shoots one of them and the creature drops.

The goblin closest to Angus is intimidated by his stare and turns to run. Until the area is lit up and Tzak shoots him. This seems to trigger something in the rest (that are still alive,) and they all run away from the Petals. While some of them disappear into the darkness as they flee, there are two unfortunate ones that are lit up and quite obvious as they run.

Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”). Use the RD3 tab.

The area here is mostly tall grasses/brush, with the grass about 3 feet high. The dotted outline represents Elyas’ Light spell.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (34/41 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |   d20+6=16 ; d20+4=8 ;
Tuesday November 12th, 2019 6:17:17 AM

Rolth decides that taking a prisoner might be a good idea, so he draws his net as he moves south toward a fleeing goblin. He makes a pretty good toss! If the goblin tries to move, Rolth will use his superior strength to try to keep it in place with the trailing rope. If it gets free of the net, he will attack it with lethal force.

(MW net to hit = 16 vs touch AC)
(Strength check = 8)

Kiwina (Steve M) 59/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Tuesday November 12th, 2019 7:00:25 AM

Kiwina does not see much point in chasing the goblins in the dark, but he does not want Tolth to be out there unsuppotted either. He uses his current movement to get past the goblin with Rolth, but does not attack.

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 22 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +12/+12(Hasted) To Hit, 1d8 + 12, Crit x3)   d20+12=15 ; d20+12=17 ; d8+12=14 ; d8+12=15 ; d100=37 ; d100=52 ;
Tuesday November 12th, 2019 8:44:47 AM

Mak once more squinted into the darkness and spotted something to his left and fired his bow. This once he took his time in firing, but the spell of quickness allowed him to fire two arrows still. He resisted the urge to fire at the glowing goblins, more because he wanted them to make it back to the goblin camp since they were least likely to cover their tracks in their panicky flight from the campsite.

OOC: Firing at AB34, Roll 15, 17. Damage, 14, 15. Concealment 20%, Roll 37, 52. If the goblins were getting a +4 cover bonus from being prone, the second arrow hit if it's no longer prone.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |  
Tuesday November 12th, 2019 9:05:13 AM

Falco moves into the further away light pool. {22AD} Once there he waits by a tree ready to do healing if needed but not wanting to run off too far.

2nd- XCure ModX / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / Magic Weapon / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Tuesday November 12th, 2019 11:00:56 AM

not suited for a pursuit in the dark, Elyas stays put for now.

Don'g go too far! he yells out to the other petals You don't know what else is out there! we've beaten them, just come back into the light!

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Tuesday November 12th, 2019 10:45:57 PM

Tsak moves to the edge of the track (u20) where he hunkers down and takes up sentry position whilst Rolth and Kiwina deal with their captive.

There is a slight swaying in the long grass and Esmerelda appears beside him.

DM Mark - Voices in the Dark 
Tuesday November 12th, 2019 11:25:47 PM

Rolth chases one down and nets it!
Kiwina decides not to run off into the dark, but moves up to support Rolth.
Mak fires at what he thinks is movement, but those goblins are just too far off in the night.
Falco stays in the light, ready to provide any needed healing.
Tzak and Esmerelda take up a sentry post near the road.
Elyas warns his friends not to venture too far off.

The remaining goblins continue their flight. There’s something rather amusing about seeing the two glowing goblins running as they keep trying to brush off the effects of the Glitterdust on them.

The caught goblin jabbers up at Rolth and Kiwina as the two taurs tower over the netted creature.

If you speak Goblin Highlight to display spoiler: {
”Hey! Hey, hey, hey! I’m not the one you want. You want those two glowing guys. This was allllll their idea. They’re running. You gotta go get them! I’ll wait right here.”

Aside from the chattering goblin, the night is pretty quiet. And well lit near you.

Gadin says, ”Ugh. Stupid goblins.”

Not really a need for the map, but let me know if you give chase.

Kiwina (Steve M) 59/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Tuesday November 12th, 2019 11:56:16 PM

"I think angus understood these things," Kiwina says to Rolth. "Perhaps he could question this one."

Angus (Scott) (41/41 HP|AC:18; T/F:14; CMD:19)|+1 Shortbow +8 (1d6+1/×3)|Rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)|Status: None 
Wednesday November 13th, 2019 6:28:46 AM

Angus interprets He says the glowing ones are the leaders, grab them too if you can

Angus turns to look at the group Of course I speak Goblin, doesn't everyone? Its far easier to understand than Giant or Draconic...

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (34/41 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |  
Wednesday November 13th, 2019 6:30:32 AM

Rolth will put his manacles on the captive goblin, to make double sure that he doesn't get away, then take him back to the camp. At Kiwina's suggestion, he calls out to Angus, "Hey, Angus, you understand what this little bugger is saying?" If Angus is unwilling or unable to translate for us, Rolth will cast comprehend languages.

And if Falco is offering healing, Rolth will gladly accept!

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 22 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(PBS,Rapid Shot,DA) To Hit, 1d8 + 12, Crit x3)   d20+2=15 ; d20+5=6 ;
Wednesday November 13th, 2019 10:58:06 AM

OOC: KS: Nature +2 (Some goblin background stuff), Roll 15; KS: Geography +5, Roll 6 (to see if Mak had any knowledge of caves nearby where the goblins might lair), Fail.

Based on the input from the non-humans in the group the goblins were fleeing, so Mak put away his bow and walked back into the light to see Rolth dragging in the captive goblin.

Angus' admission that he spoke goblin was enlightening, but it raised a question in Mak's mind.

"Don't they also speak Draconic?" Mak asked. "If so, our wizard should be able to question them as well? Maybe ask them where they live?"

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Wednesday November 13th, 2019 12:11:48 PM

Unfortunately I do not speak goblin. or draconic for that matter. It is an area that I have not spent enough time studying I think. I may need to brush up on some of these languages soon.

with the excitement over, Elays goes back to his bedroll and quickly falls back asleep.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Wednesday November 13th, 2019 3:18:55 PM

Tsak follows the others back to camp, then takes up sentry duty.

Esmerelda curls up nearby and goes to sleep.

DM Mark - Manacles 
Wednesday November 13th, 2019 11:03:20 PM

Kiwina notes that Angus speaks goblin.
Rolth puts his manacles on the little goblin, though they seem a little big. He asks Angus to translate. He also asks Falco for some healing.
Angus says, ”He says the glowing ones are the leaders, grab them too if you can.”
Mak insists the little creature must speak Draconic, so Elyas should be able to talk to him.
Elyas admits he speaks neither Goblin nor Draconic. He goes back to his bedroll to sleep, but finds he cannot with all the talk.
Tzak takes up sentry duty.

The goblin lowers his arms and the manacles slide right off into the grass. The goblin quickly scoops them up and slides his hands back in. (Assuming Angus is translating) ”Oops. Nope, see, they’re fine. Grubby still held fast! Nope, no problem here - it’s all good..” He smiles as he stares up at his captors. He still wears a rusty dagger.

”You know, you guys are pro’ly all tired after killing goblins. You should go back to sleep. Grubby can keep an eye out in case those jerks come back. You should all rest. An in the mornin’ we can all go … hey, where are we goin’?”

Kiwina (Steve M) 59/61 HP | AC/T/F/CMD:15/11/13/18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None  
Thursday November 14th, 2019 12:59:21 AM

"What are we going to do with this goblin? Gadin, what do your laws and traditions say we should do?"

Personally, Kiwina favors rooting out the lot and turning them over to the authorities for banditry, but perhaps the authorities would take this one and come for the others themselves. But he doesn't want to go looking for any before daybreak. He doubts the trail will be hard to follow, the way they tore off.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 36/36 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: None 
Thursday November 14th, 2019 6:02:13 AM

Tsak grabs some jerky and a waterskin from his backpack to keep him company in the wee hours of the morning.
There's rope here if you want it to tie Grubby up.

He leaves dealing with Grubby to someone else as he moves a short way away from the camp to resume sentry duty.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (34/41 HP | AC: 13; Touch: 10; CMD: 19) |   d20+7=19 ;
Thursday November 14th, 2019 6:05:47 AM

"That's mighty generous of you, Grubby, but I think we can handle the watching ourselves. Why don't you lie down wrapped up in this cozy rope." Rolth will disarm the goblin, and truss him up with some rope, after retrieving his manacles. "So, if you really want to help us, tell us where you think those jerks ran off to? And how many more goblins or other creatures will be there if we find them? Who leads them?"

(Sense motive = 19 to discern the truth in his statements)

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: Shield of Faith: AC: 21/15/17 / | AC 19 (T15/F15) 32/39 HP | +1 Longbow: +9 1d6+1 / x3 | Cold Iron Spear +5/8 1d6+1 | Oil Cure Mod 1/1 | Oil Cure Ser 1/1 | Channel 5/5 |   d8+4=7 ;
Thursday November 14th, 2019 8:14:20 AM

Falco feels bad because he zoned out for a moment. Seeing Rolth is hurt he calls on the warper-sar to heal him. {Healing: 7}

Falco wants to go clear out the goblins but lets the others know he needs a nights rest to replenish his holy abilities.

2nd- XCure ModX / XShield OtherX / Zone of Truth DC15
1st- Detect Evil / XMagic WeaponX / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak (JamesM) (40/40 HP| Init +4 | AC 19/14T/15FF | CMD 22 | +1 Longbow(Str +3), +9/+9(PBS,Rapid Shot,DA) To Hit, 1d8 + 12, Crit x3)   d20+4=16 ; d20=20 ; d20+5=7 ;
Thursday November 14th, 2019 9:23:31 AM

"Grubby has no remorse about he and his friends decision to rob us in the night." Mak observed casually while setting about to determine who's watch it should be.

"So." Mak started, "How far does our authority extend with regard to the laws of this island? Can we take it upon ourselves to dispense justice in the name of the Duke in all matters? Because it seems to me that banditry carries a death sentence in most places, unless of course you think the Duke has space in his dungeons for a band of goblin thieves, or that we can successfully escort an unknown number of bandits back to the city or even back to Greenfell without incident. I also don't think we are equipped to handle a large number of prisoners."

While Mak was talking he went behind Rolth to check the bonds and make certain the knots were tied well. Then he scouted the immediate area to make certain there were no sharp objects that the goblin might use to cut the rope. Finally, Mak gagged the goblin with two strands of rope in case the nasty creature's sharp little teeth might try to chew through the ropes. Better that he have to chew through a gag first before he could work on his bindings. Mak wasn't gentle as he whispered threats into the goblins ear about the things they'd do to him if he tried to escape.

Afterwards he resumed his scheduled activity, be it watch or sleep. He ended up just laying there as he watched the stars, Grubby, and the darkness where more goblins lurked.

OOC: Checking the knots and rope (Aid Another). PS: Sailor +4, Roll 16, Success! +2 to Rolth's check. Intimidate +0, Roll 20. PS: Soldier (Sleep anywhere) +5, Roll 7, Fail.

DM Mark - Manacles 
Thursday November 14th, 2019 11:22:00 AM

Just to clarify, Elyas will eventually be able to get enough sleep to recover spells. But it may require a little bit later start in the morning.

Elyas (Ben A.) (44/44 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +6( 1D8, 19-20) | Status:Shield 
Thursday November 14th, 2019 12:33:55 PM

What are we hoping to get from this goblin? are we actually going to pursue the others, or just let them go?

[ooc]I don't remember if we actually rested after the Rasheel fight. i dind't recover my spells after that. i could go without spells potentially for a day if we don't want to sleep long today]

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