Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 85/102; AC:13/10/13 - CMD 23] Sunday November 10th, 2019 12:58:59 PM
Desdichado, nearly breathless from his wounds and from the heavy fighting, calls over his shoulder to Sarge. "It sounds these guys have some connection to Three Bits. Maybe she told them we're here? I dunno."
Onslaught Shale House Round 6 -DM Dan K d20+13=28 ; d20+21=38 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+21=32 ; d8+12=15 ; d8+12=19 ; d20+19=25 ; d20+14=16; d20+19=36 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+19=23 ; d4+5=7 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; 2d4+8=15 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d4+4=7 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d4+4=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d20+16=33 ; d20+11=25 ; d12+7=18 ; 4d8+9=36 ; Sunday November 10th, 2019 10:42:12 PM
The spiritual weapon from Sarge hits once as Sarge moves up behind Hmerrin and casts a spell upon him, helping him resist enemy spells. It is Resistance Bonus and does not stack with Cloak of Resistance Toston steps to flank the flail wielding fighter, but it not having much luck at breeching his defences Dez uses his palading gifts to heal some of the damage and then strikes back, wounding the fighter Gaffer fends off the poison again and conjures a flaming sphere on the poisoning assailant. He darts aside avoiding the fire Hmerrin attacks the man with the poisoned blade as well, striking once
The fighter steps to his left and closes on Sarge, He swipes back and Disarms Dez again and follows it up with a pair of strikes to Toston Disarm 28 v Dez CMD 23 Attack Toston Hit AC 19/30 Dmg miss/miss The serpant dagger's eyes gleam and an emotionless calm washes over the face of the man wielding it. He shifts and goes after Sarge Hit AC 25/16 36 crit 36/23/23 Dmg 7+3/miss 15+11/7+9/5+5 +poison Fort DC 13 Fail 1d2 Wis THe half orc stays on Hmerrin and strikes at him with his great ax Hit AC 33/25 Dmg 18/miss The Ga'alian priest moves back from Hmerrin, exposing himself to an attack, but that allows him to get into a better position to casts spells unhindered. At this time he does, casting a spell of healing on the serpent wielder
Oa Leather Great ax AC 26 Sh Ga'al cleric AC 28 Tr Full plate AC 25 Dmg 31 Dw serpent dagger AC 20 Dmg Ft Fly Invisible AC 23 Dmg 23
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 35/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) 3d6=6 ; Monday November 11th, 2019 9:11:54 AM
Changing tack Gaffer redirects his flaming sphere towards the Tr, seeing their plate and hoping they will be less able to move away. (6 Fire Damage; Reflex Save DC 16 to negate)
He follows up by casting Wall of Thorns, conjuring six blocks, 10 foot cubes, covering AO18 to AT21, in a spiky wall, calling out, "I'll clean it up later!"
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 100 minutes - +4 to NA Faerie Fire - 10 minutes Flaming Sphere - 9 rounds Wall of Thorns - 100 minutes **** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: Flaming Sphere x2, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Desdichado heals himself a bit more, picks up his axe and swings again at Tr, landing a hit.
-------------------------------------- Effects: HP: 76/102 Shield of Faith: +3 AC 93/100 rounds LoH: 8 charges remaining
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 51(3)/109 AC:28 T:15 FF:24 CMD:27) d20+19=20 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+19=24 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+14=28 ; d8+10=12 ; d6+9=13 ; d8+10=18 ; d6+9=12 ; Monday November 11th, 2019 5:53:59 PM
Hmerrin takes another blow, and notices he's again surrounded.
The cleric starts casting, and the young fighter takes a swing. AoO? If so, he misses.
Hmerrin steps away from the flank and next to Sarge, and then rains blows on the guy with the poison dagger.
"Little healing help, Sarge?" he grunts.
--- 5' step to AR16 Full Attack on Dw (subtracting 2 from atk rolls to account for two wpn) Btax1 hits ac 24 for 12 hp Hdax1 hits ac 22 for 13 hp Btax2 hits ac 21 for 18 hp Hdax2 hits ac26 for 12 hp
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) d20+13=29 ; d20+8=24 ; d8=3 ; d8=8 ; d8=8 ; d8=3 ; d8=2 ; d8=4 ; d20+14=34 ; Monday November 11th, 2019 9:51:31 PM
The Spiritual Weapon continues thwacking Serpent Dagger. [Hit AC 29 for 5 damage; hit AC 24 for 10 damage.]
"I've got you," Sarge assures Hmerrin. Casting defensively [34, success], she casts Cure Critical Wounds, losing a Freedom of Movement. Hmerrin is healed 25.
DM. Sarge took 62 last round by my math.
Onslaught Shale House Round 6 -DM Dan K Monday November 11th, 2019 10:48:49 PM
My internet took a powder as I finalized. I have the post on notepad. Hope to be able to put it out first thing in the morning
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:29/18/25- CMD 26 d20+10=24 ; d20+10=21 ; d20+5=13 ; Monday November 11th, 2019 11:29:01 PM
Toston decides to switch targets he takes a 5 foot step to AO18 and gains flanking with Hmerrin against OA.
24 vs AC; miss 21 vs AC; miss 13 vs AC; miss
Active Effects: swift action : arcane strike = +2 to damage Mage Armor: +4 AC - 5 hours Shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; magic missile immunity - 46 rounds Flanking with Hmerrin against OA + 1 to hit
Onslaught Shale House Round 7 -DM Dan K d20+20=27 ; Tuesday November 12th, 2019 9:22:48 AM
Gaffer redirects the Flaming Sphere to the man disarming Dez and Toston. He then casts Wall of Thorns which cuts off access to the staircase. The fighter gets caught by the Flaming sphere. Des retreives his weapon, creating an opportunity, but makes the most of it and stabs the fighter. The paladin is also able to heal himself. "And you call me annoying?" the fighter quips as he takes his opening AoO attack Hit AC 33 Dmg 13 Hmerrin takes his own chance, but misses as the cleric moves away. He turns his attention to the man with the dagger, cutting into him repeatedly Sarge collapses under the wounds suffered from the serpent dagger Toston shifts to flank the Half orc as a different target. The Hlaf orc
The Enemy cleric point to To Hmerrin and casts a spell. "I have him" he says Hmerrin Will DC 17 Highlight to display spoiler: {Dominate Person; Telepathic command, 'We're all friends here, stand down'} The fighter turns on Dez, and attacks him in full Dez Hit AC 22/26/27 Dmg miss/20/18 The Half Orc tries to take a different approach and moves to Grapple Toston Toston Grapple 27 vs CMD 26 The man on Hmerrin steps away to see what his Ga'alian cleric means
Oa Leather Great ax AC 26 Sh Ga'al cleric AC 28 Tr Full plate AC 25 Dmg 50 Dw serpent dagger AC 20 Dmg 55 Ft Fly Invisible AC 23 Dmg 23
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 35/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) d8+1=9 ; 3d6=13 ; Tuesday November 12th, 2019 10:19:10 AM
(I am not sure if I misunderstood the spell but I was hoping the Wall of Thorns would be 6, 10by10by10 cubes covering the entire of O18 to AT21 and catching the two figures who where in that area?)
Seeing Sarge goes does Gaffer moves to AQ10 and withdraws his Wand of Cure Light Wounds to get Sarge back on her feet. 9hp restored to Sarge.
He gladly leaves the Flaming Sphere to keep burning the armoured figure. (13 Fire Damage; Reflex Save DC 16 to negate)
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 100 minutes - +4 to NA Faerie Fire - 10 minutes Flaming Sphere - 8 rounds Wall of Thorns - 100 minutes **** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: Flaming Sphere x2, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Sarge [AC 20; HP -1/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) d20+13=17 ; d20+13=22 ; d20+8=24 ; d8=8 ; d8=3 ; d20+1=2 ; Tuesday November 12th, 2019 11:56:54 AM
[I apologize; I didn't see the attack. And now that I do see it, I'm afraid I can't make head or tail of that string of numbers. I'll take your word for the 62 damage. And it looks like I need a Fort save? Succeed with a 17.]
The Spiritual Weapon continues to thwack Serpent Dagger. [Hit AC 22 for 10 damage; hit AC 24 for 5 damage.]
Sarge remains unconscious.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 25/102; AC:16/10/16 - CMD 23] d20+18=38 ; d20+13=15 ; d12+15=26 ; Tuesday November 12th, 2019 5:26:02 PM
Desdichado smirks at the fighter. "Yeah, I suppose I am."
"Domi, I ask for your aid in this fight!," Desdichado yells as he swings hard at the fighter, connecting once. (Smite Evil). 26 damage
-------------------------------------- Effects: HP: 25/102 Shield of Faith: +3 AC 92/100 rounds LoH: 8 charges remaining Smite Evil (on Tr): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 51(3)/109 AC:28 T:15 FF:24 CMD:27) d20+7=24 ; d20+17=35 ; d20+12=18 ; d20+17=24 ; d20+12=16 ; d8+10=14 ; d6+9=10 ; d8+10=14 ; Tuesday November 12th, 2019 6:48:40 PM
Hmerrin locks eyes with the cleric, and then steps forward to continue his assault on Serpent Dagger.
Rounding off yet another axe attack, he screams back at the cleric, "Do I LOOK all that friendly?!?"
---- Will Save 24 5' move to AR 17. Full attack on Dw Btax1 hits ac35 for 14 hp Btax 2 would have missed (18), but using Hero point to add 4 after the fact. Hits ac 22 for 14 hp Hdax 1 hits ac24 for 10 hp Hdax 2 misses - ac 16
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 d20+10=20 ; d8+4=8 ; Tuesday November 12th, 2019 9:46:21 PM
Toston takes a swift action to charge his attacks with magic then makes a single attack against the Orc grappling him expending a use of stunning fist as he dows so: (20 vs Orc's AC - Dex; 8 damage if hits plus DC 18 Fort save or be stunned for 1 round; dropping everything held)
Active Effects: swift action : arcane strike = +2 to damage Mage Armor: +4 AC - 5 hours Shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; magic missile immunity - 45 rounds
Onslaught Shale House Round 8 -DM Dan K d20+8=10 ; d20+20=39 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+15=30 ; 2d8+22=34 ; d8+11=14 ; d20+23=24 ; d20+17=28 ; d20+17=22 ; d8+10=16 ; d6=1 ; Tuesday November 12th, 2019 11:09:54 PM
Gaffer moves to Sarge, pulling a Curing wand and healing the cleric Sarge Heal 9HP Also assume you healed yourself on this round what you had rolled for Hmerrin The Spiritual Weapon strikes again The flaming sphere remains on the fighter, burining into him Dez smites the fighter, and tears a deep wound into him Hmerrin steps to the man with the serpent dagger and in a series of attacks, leaves him motionless on the floor Toston attempts a stunning attack with the grappling half orc, but misses.
The fighter notes Hmerrin's attacks and locks on to Dez. "Bargain or no, I'm not taking all of you alive." He steps right to exit the sphere and attacks the paladin. Dez Hit AC 39 crit 27 confirmed / 30 Dmg 34 If the first strike does not drop Des, the second hit does Dmg 14 The Half Orc grappling Toston, grunts and tries to pin Toston but fails The cleric looks at Hmerrin tear through his companion and sighs, "Very well, the hard way." and attacks with his trident Hmerrin Hit AC 28/22 Dmg 16+1 non lethal
Oa Leather Great ax AC 26 Sh Ga'al cleric AC 28 Tr Full plate AC 25 Dmg 89 Dw serpent dagger AC 20 Dead Ft Fly Invisible AC 23 Dmg 23
I am sorry I cannot make changes to the map from out of town, but you should be able to move yourselves Sorry Gaffer, I mis interpreted what you were trying to do with the wall spell.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 25/102; AC:16/10/16 - CMD 23] Wednesday November 13th, 2019 12:23:00 AM
Dez lies dead.
Sarge [AC 20; HP 32/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) d8=7 ; d8=4 ; d8=3 ; Wednesday November 13th, 2019 12:43:47 PM
[So, if the first strike does drop Dez, then the second strike doesn't come? Because the first strike puts Dez at -5 damage and still alive. So that's what I'm basing my actions on.]
Sarge scrambles to her feet, probably provoking an opportunity attack. She moves to Dez's side. Making a heroic effort [spend 1 Hero Point], she uses her Wand of Cure Serious Wounds to revive him. [Dez is healed 19]
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 34(4)/109 AC:28 T:15 FF:24 CMD:27) d20+17=34 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+17=35 ; d20+12=18 ; d8+10=12 ; d8+10=12 ; d6+9=11 ; Wednesday November 13th, 2019 6:41:21 PM
Hmerrin takes the blow, and glances over at the crumpled form of Dez. "Always the hard way," he growls in reply.
The fighter steps in, and launches a series of attacks on the cleric.
--- 5' step to AR17 Full attack on cleric Btax1 hits ac34 for 12 hp Btax2 (Hero Pt post roll +4) hits ac28 for 12 hp Hdax1 hits ac35 for 11 hp Hdax 2 misses (18)
Gaffer moves his sphere to follow the fighter, trying to burn him further. (9 Fire Damage; Reflex Save DC 16 to negate)
He winces as Des drops to the ground but directs his attention to the Cleric, quickly summoning yet another Flaming Sphere ontop of them. (9 Fire Damage; Reflex Save DC 16 to negate)
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 100 minutes - +4 to NA Faerie Fire - 10 minutes Flaming Sphere - 7 rounds Flaming Sphere - 10 rounds Wall of Thorns - 100 minutes
**** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: Flaming Sphere (x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Onslaught Shale House Round 9 -DM Dan K d20+8=23 ; d20+7=26 ; d20+17=35 ; d8+10=12 ; d6=1 ; d20+10=26 ; d20+21=26 ; Wednesday November 13th, 2019 11:44:09 PM
Dez spins to the ground from the first strike of the flail, the fighter does not continue into the downed man Sarge heroically gets to her feet and moves to Dez to heal him with a wand Hmerrin acknowledges to teh Ga'alina priest that the hard way is his way, and cuts the man several times with his spinning axes Gaffer moves the Flaming sphere into the fighter again, this time he is able to avoid it. Gaffer then summons a second one upon the cleric fighting Hmerrin. The cleric, too, avoids the fire.
The Cleric takes the opening Sarge gave and strikes with his trident. Sarge Hit AC 35 Dmg 12 + 1 Non lethal The Fighter looks at Sarge and Dez, "Fiest says we need to go. Shar, the wall..." He then works to prevent pursuit by sweeping Sarges feet. Sarge CMB 26 vs Sarge CMD Sarge is prone. The fighter does not lay into the prone and unarmed cleric, nor the prone and unarmed paladin however, instead he steps away from the Flaming Sphere and stands guard near them. AO/16 The Cleric spits, but steps back from Hmerrin and casts a spell at the Wall of Thorns, the wall vanishes. 5' move AT/18 The Half Orc releases the Grapple and stands ready if Toston makes an aggressive move "Waiting on you Ga'al."
The fighter adds, "No one get too excited and everyone gets to see tomorrow."
Oa Leather Great ax AC 26 Sh Ga'al cleric AC 28 Dmg 35 Tr Full plate AC 25 Dmg 89 Dw serpent dagger AC 20 Dead Ft Fly Invisible AC 23 Dmg 23
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 d20+10=17 ; Thursday November 14th, 2019 12:03:19 AM
Toston makes another stunning fist attempt against OA after charging his attack with magic. 17 vs AC; miss
swift action : arcane strike = +2 to damage Mage Armor: +4 AC - 5 hours Shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; magic missile immunity - 44 rounds 3/5 stunning fists used
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 14/102; AC:16/10/16 - CMD 23] Thursday November 14th, 2019 1:49:32 PM
Desdichado lies on the ground. "Oh, my head. I would have sworn I was dead," he says. He turns his head seeing that Sarge is also on the ground next to him. "Sarge - you okay?" he asks.
-------------------------------------- Effects: HP: 25/102 Shield of Faith: +3 AC 90/100 rounds LoH: 8 charges remaining Smite Evil (on Tr): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage
Sarge [AC 20; HP 19/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) d8=3 ; d8=8 ; d8=6 ; Thursday November 14th, 2019 2:02:02 PM
"Oof. Getting too old for this." Sarge scrambles to her feet again. Her Spiritual Weapon, having completed its task, is hovering next to her.
She keeps a wary eye on her opponents, but takes no actions against them. Instead, she taps Dez with the wand again. Dez heals another 22 damage.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 14/102; AC:16/10/16 - CMD 23] 5d6=18 ; Thursday November 14th, 2019 4:20:21 PM
(oops: Forgot that Dez was going to use LoH on Sarge as he checked on her. +18 HP)
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 34(4)/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) Thursday November 14th, 2019 6:23:12 PM
Hmerrin's eyes race back and forth between the cleric and his wounded comrades. His mind races as well.
The young fighter drops his handaxe, grabs the nearest convenient limb of the downed assassin, and backs up to Sarge.
Without letting go of his burden, he regards their attackers. "Who are you, who sent you, and what do you want?" he demands.
Then to Sarge, "Keep the healing coming, we may not be done." -- Drop weapon. Grab Dw. Move to AQ15
Onslaught Shale House Round 9 -DM Dan K Thursday November 14th, 2019 10:28:47 PM
Got held up on flight home. Overnight in Atlanta when I get out of Springfield. Will post friday
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 35/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) d20=14 ; Friday November 15th, 2019 11:31:41 AM
Gaffer taps himself with his wand for a small bit of healing. Staring intently at the faces across from them, he does his best to memorise them and see if he recognises any. (Local Knowledge?: 14)
He glances to the window, wondering if it would be wise to follow them once they leave.
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 100 minutes - +4 to NA Faerie Fire - 10 minutes Flaming Sphere - 6 rounds Flaming Sphere - 9 rounds Wall of Thorns - 100 minutes
**** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: Flaming Sphere (x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) Saturday November 16th, 2019 1:04:51 PM
"That's the plan," Sarge assures Hmerrin.
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 Sunday November 17th, 2019 8:55:18 PM
Toston says, "I don't think we are done. I think there is going to be a reckoning for everything that has happened so far."
Onslaught Shale House Round 10 -DM Dan K d20+21=29 ; d20+21=34 ; d20+16=26 ; d20+21=33 ; d8+11=12 ; d8+11=13 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=21 ; d20+10=17 ; 2d6+5=14 ; 2d6+5=12 ; Monday November 18th, 2019 6:24:15 PM
Toston makes another attack at the Half orc, but misses. Dez lies where he is and heals Sarge Heal Sarge 18 Sarge starts to get up, but fighter takes the opportunity to put her right back down Sarge Trip 29 CMB v Sarge CMD Sarge is Prone Sarge does heal Dez with the wand. [Dez healed 22[/b] Hmerrin flicks his eyes about and then grabs the dead man and asks who the group is. He tells Sarge to keep the healing coming Gaffer takes out a wand and starts to pay more attention to their assailants. None seem overly familiar, wait, the fighter. That is Terrafin. 25 Time Arena winner. Toston concurs with Hmerrin that this is not over. Regardless of what happens nex, a reckoning is coming.
The man now identified as Terrafin is about to speak, when his face goes slack. An emotionless dead look comes to his eyes and he merely turns his flail against the prone targets at his feet. Perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {The eyes of the serpent dagger flashed briefly} His first swing disarms Sarge from her healing wand, the second slams into Dez as does the third Sarge Disarm 34 v Sarge CMD, Sarge is disarmed of her healing wand Dez Hit AC 26/33 Dmg 25 Toston notes the Half orc's eyes narrow in anger brielfy, directed towards Hmerrin. He them unleashes a Flurry of Blows at him Toston Hit AC 32/23/30 crit 21/17 Dmg 14/miss/12/miss + Will DC 18 or be stunned The Ga'alian cleric takes in the scene and yells at the fighter, "Too far! Fiest said we need to leave. The cleric heads to and up the stairs
Oa Leather Great ax AC 26 Sh Ga'al cleric AC 28 Dmg 35 Terrafin Full plate AC 25 Dmg 89 Dw serpent dagger AC 20 Dead Ft Fly Invisible AC 23 Dmg 23
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 34(4)/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+6=12 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+19=37 ; d8+10=11 ; d8+10=13 ; d8+10=12 ; d20+14=32 ; d8+10=15 ; d20+19=33 ; d8+10=17 ; Monday November 18th, 2019 7:10:13 PM
Hmerrin takes in the fighter's treatment of his prone comrades, and snaps.
With an incoherent roar, the young fighter lays into the guy with everything he has.
-- Full attack on Tr Btax 1 (nat 19 crit threat, ac 37 CRIT) for 36 hp damage Btax 2 hits ac 32 for 15 hp damage Hero Pt for extra action - atk hits ac 33 for 17 hp damage
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 35/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) 3d6=13 ; d20+10=21 ; d6+5=7 ; Monday November 18th, 2019 8:03:09 PM
"Why are you like this!" Gaffer gnashes his teeth in frustration
He moves one of the flaming spheres to encompass Terrafin (13 Fire damage; Reflex Save DC 16 to negate)
Taking the chance to send over a Storm Burst (Ranged Touch Attack: 21, Non-lethal Damage 7)
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 100 minutes - +4 to NA Faerie Fire - 10 minutes Flaming Sphere - 5 rounds Flaming Sphere - 8 rounds Wall of Thorns - 100 minutes
**** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 57/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 d20+13=23 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+5=18 ; Monday November 18th, 2019 8:27:25 PM
23 vs 18 = success = not stunned
Toston charges his attack with magic then makes another full attack (not flurry) at the Orc that just attacked him.
12 vs AC; Miss 18 vs AC; Miss
swift action : arcane strike = +2 to damage Mage Armor: +4 AC - 5 hours Shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; magic missile immunity - 43 rounds 3/5 stunning fists used
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) d20+13=27 ; d8=7 ; d20+18=22 ; Monday November 18th, 2019 10:13:29 PM
Sarge redirects her Spiritual Weapon to Terafin. It bonks him for 7 damage. [Hits AC 27.]
"Hmerrin!" she calls. "Take one step this way. I can't reach you to heal you, and Chuckles here won't let me stand up." [she wants Hmerrin to 5-foot-step to AQ-15.]
In the meantime, Sarge attempts to cast Prayer defensively, and succeeds.
Prayer: allies get a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. Opponents get -1 on the same checks. [There is no save, but there is SR; let me know if I need to roll it.]
Desdichado quickly heals himself and stands up, preparing for a counterattack. With Terrapin the focus point of his divine ire, he attacks once more.
-------------------------------------- Effects: HP: 38/102 Shield of Faith: +3 AC 88/100 rounds LoH: 8 charges remaining Smite Evil (on Tr): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage Prayer: +1 attack/damage/save/skill
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 38/102; AC:16/10/16 - CMD 23] d20+15=22 ; Tuesday November 19th, 2019 12:00:53 AM
Desidchado notices that the eyes of the serpent dagger glow for a moment, but is unsure what to make of it.
Onslaught Shale House Round 11 -DM Dan K Tuesday November 19th, 2019 9:05:45 PM
Hmerrin snaps and goes after Terrafin and powered by rage lands blow after blow. Terrafin doesn't grunt, cry out or make any outward sign at all that he is being injured, even with the grevious wounds inflicted. Gaffer moves the flaming sphere and is about to cast spell, when Terrafin simply collapses dead. The spell, redirected towards the half orc misses as the man spins away from it. Toston strikes back at the half orc and misses. Sarge sends the weapon at the half orc, finally getting through his defences. She then casts Prayer Dez stands up and heals himself, having noticed the flash of the serpents eyes
One on five does not seem to be in the interest of the half orc and he withdraws. He is fast, very fast and steps away from Toston and is up the stairs in mere seconds.
Oa Leather Great ax AC 26 Dmg 7 Sh Ga'al cleric AC 28 Dmg 35 Fled Terrafin Full plate AC 25 Dmg Dead Dw serpent dagger AC 20 Dead Ft Fly Invisible AC 23 Dmg 23 Fled
Meanwhile...... The streets of Dirt City are mostly dark, few gas lamps provide any reprieve from the dark and the dangers that could be lurking within. A few coins to members of House Wolf and House Knife have been spent and the two of you have past the Full Moon Market and Garotte Square and are turning south to past The Burn. Was that something overhead just now. The narrow streets and overhang of the upper floors on the streets press the city in about you like none other. Looking skyward reveals nothing, but the hairs on the back of your neck is on end. Something is amiss this night, and your seasoned adventurer instincts tell you that you are headed towards it
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 57/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 d4=3 ; 3d4+3=9 ; Tuesday November 19th, 2019 9:15:20 PM
Toston runs 30 feet after the Half Orc. If he can see him he fires off some magic missiles at the fleeing Orc.
9 damage from the magic missile to the Half-Orc
Mage Armor: +4 AC - 5 hours Shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; magic missile immunity - 42 rounds 3/5 stunning fists used
"Did any of you notice that dagger flash right before Terrafin attacked just now?" says Desdichado. "It seemed like he was about to relent, and then 'flash' he's coming at us like a madman. Not that they didn't already seem like madmen with everything they've already done."
"Maybe we should look closer at that dagger - Toston, you know a lot about magic items. Maybe you could examine it?...But I'm not sure if any of us should touch it. It seemed to...'do" something to him."
-------------------------------------- Effects: HP: 47/102 Shield of Faith: +3 AC 87/100 rounds LoH: 5 charges remaining Prayer: +1 attack/damage/save/skill
Sarge [AC 20; HP 55/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; Tuesday November 19th, 2019 10:26:40 PM
Sarge, at last, is able to get to her feet. "Let's get healed up before we start poking things, all right?" she says.
She gathers her companions, and makes sure everyone is well away from the downed opponents before channeling healing energy. Everybody heals 18.
Oh, and the Spiritual Weapon will keep attacking until the half-orc gets out of range. I think that'll mostly be for comic effect unless he's really low on hit points. Let me know if I need to roll it.
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 88/88] d20=7 ; Wednesday November 20th, 2019 7:14:02 AM
(Perception: 19)
Sharpe stands 6 inches behind his companion almost like his is using him for cover, his knees are bent ready to spirit away at any second. One hand clasps his bow and as the other pulls the edges of his HEAVILY frayed cloak tighter around him.
In a hoarse voice he whispers to his companion "Something feels wrong, I told you this place was nothing but trouble. Coming here was a bad Idea"
Under his hood you can see eyes darting around wildly looking for any sign of the what has his instincts screaming DANGER!
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 52/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) Wednesday November 20th, 2019 6:08:23 PM
Hmerrin gets a quick heal from Sarge, and then takes advantage of the terrain by collapsing into the nearest chair.
He contemplates the two dead bodies for moment, and then takes a cleansing breath.
"Well, we ain't dead. But we still got no idea what's going on either. This guy (indicates Terrafin) started acting just like them two at the temple. What kind of spell lasts long enough to take over a body, and have them go through all that?"
"And what was that about Three Bits? Is she involved? Cause if she is, I say we get healed, and head over there right now."
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) d20+17=22 ; d20+9=11 ; Wednesday November 20th, 2019 7:02:45 PM
"Thank you, Sarge, feels much better." Gaffer says, dismissing his flaming spheres with a wave of his hand. "I want to try following them, at least to get a heading."
Unless there is a strong objection Gaffer leaves the building as quickly as possible and takes flight as a Hawk, searching the area and particularly the roofs for movement. (Perception: 22) Simultaneously attempting to keep himself under cloud cover (Stealth: 11)
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 100 minutes - +4 to NA Faerie Fire - 10 minutes
**** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 47/102; AC:16/10/16 - CMD 23] Wednesday November 20th, 2019 7:31:59 PM
"Yeah, I heard this guy," Desdichado responds to Hmerrin, pointing at the downed fighter, "muttering something about 'Three Bits' and "wild goose chase'".
"I don't know what that means, but I do know that I remember not feeling especially fond of her when we met. I agree with heading over there to check it out. I doubt these guys will be back here tonight - maybe we leave a note for Gaffer."
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 57/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 d20+5=18 ; d20+16=34 ; Wednesday November 20th, 2019 9:34:13 PM
If the Half-Orc is gone and there is nothing he can do Toston will detect magic on the dagger.
(Spellcraft: 18) (Knowledge[Arcana]: 34)
Onslaught Shale House Out of Combat....maybe -DM Dan K Wednesday November 20th, 2019 10:04:57 PM
Toston moves 30 getting part way up the stairs. From there he cannot see the half orc or the cleric of Ga'al who went up the stairs the round before Dez heals himself again and asks if anyone else saw the serpent eyes flash on the dagger before Terrafin went from possible exit to emotionless killer who feels no pain. Sarge wants to gather everyone in and heal before poking at things. The only bad guys in the area is very dead, and with Toston back, she channels positive energy at everyone All Heal 18 Hmerrin picks chair in the Common roonm and sits. Three bits was brought up in the fight, Hmerrin is of a mind to set off much sooner than later Gaffer thanks Sarge and wants to take wing to try and follow. Gaffer takes wing and exits the building. Gaining height, the streets are dark, the allys darker. You may get lucky and so Gaffer circles. Below are two men heading towards Shale House. Neither are those who attacked earlier. One is heavily armored, the other is not. Both move with purpose and though on the streets of a remarkably dangergous city, they move with practiced confidence.
Toston casts Detect magic on the Dagger and after a few rounds finds the dagger does not radiate magic at all. The eyes of the serpent weapon flash Hmerrin Will Save DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {'KILL THEM ALL!' screams into your mind Will save DC 13 failure means you are full on trying to kill everyone in this room}
Meanwhile...... "Told you this was a bad idea." Sharpe says to his companion. Though both had a nose ofr adventure, for where heroes were needed and those instincts, gods help you, had led you here. Ever trustful of those instincts, you feel compelled to continue. From the corner of his eye Sharpe sees a man sprint across the street and vanish into a dark ally. By the gods, he moved like lighting. Easily covering the empty 75' in a less than 2 seconds. Just ahead, unlike other buildings on the block, there was some light from the second floor. Looks like at this late hour there were people awake. To the right in an ally, you hear heavy footfalls fading. Someone moving away from you, likely wearing heavy armor. Yes something most certainly went down nearby. Above is a hawk? How odd.
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; Wednesday November 20th, 2019 10:52:35 PM
"Hold up, Gaffer, you're still hurt," Sarge says.
"Aaaaand he's gone. Kids!" She shakes her head. "Everybody else, then."
Sarge channels energy again. Everybody heals 15.
Eisenhorn [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] d20=1 ; d20=7 ; d20=12 ; Thursday November 21st, 2019 9:44:20 AM
" Bad Idea? Nonsense, my boy!" Eisenhorn says as he stops, and takes stock of the surroundings; searching for any threats and potential avenues of escape or at least cover. (Perception Roll: 1 + 10 = 11)
"I think this is right where we need to be. Just keep your wits about you and be prepared to use that fine bow of yours against any miscreants we encounter." He proceeds to flick the ear of the Air Mephit familiar sleeping on his shoulder and says quietly [in Auran]: "Wake up Shifty, it's time to earn your keep. Scout out the rooftops and windows, stay hidden. And keep an eye on that Hawk, diurnal birds shouldn't be out at night." (Rolls for Shifty - Stealth: 7 + 12 = 19, Perception: 12 + 10 = 22)
[OOC: Don't know what the rules are in terms of rolling for familiars, so I rolled for it. If the DM should be rolling & controling it then just disregard these.]
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] d20+22=40 ; d20+12=15 ; Thursday November 21st, 2019 10:55:28 AM
(Draw Bow) (Move to corner of alley) (Stealth - 40) (Perception - 15)
Sharpe grumbles under his breath "I'm 50 years older than you" but decides this isn't the time to be arguing with a Wizard.
As a shape darts past him into a dark ally, he draws his bow and drops into a crouch. "Did you see that? Someone just ran into that ally. They must have been running from something"
He and mutters a prayer to Warrd and moves quietly up to the alley entrance. Checking his corners he first looks at where the shape came from and then down the ally to see where it went.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 80/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] Thursday November 21st, 2019 4:17:43 PM
Desdichado thanks Sarge for the healing.
"These guys have been ahead of us the whole time. Even when we've boarded up Shale House and took preventative measures, they still got the drop on us while we were waiting for them!" he says. "I can't figure out what Terrafin or those others wanted in all these killings. Everything they've done just seems to be designed to cause chaos."
He thinks for a minute.
"That was a Ga'al priest with them. I wonder..."
He looks at Terrafin's body. "Anyone know if there's a way to tell if someone has a heartseed inside them? Him going all crazy makes me wonder if that dagger can somehow 'activate' the abilities of a heartseed. Did you guys had any encounters with Ga'al followers before Sarge and I got here?"
After the discussion, he goes to his room to think and pray until the group has decided whether to go to Three Bits now.
(OOC: Also, Kathy - Sarge won't be fatigued any more. Dez's LoH has the fatigue mercy.)
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 80/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] d20+10=27 ; Thursday November 21st, 2019 4:19:40 PM
(Know: Religion - 27) for what Dez knows about checking for a heartseed.
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) Thursday November 21st, 2019 4:27:07 PM
Seeing the two new figures heading towards Shale house Gaffer circles away, dipping low to put them out of sight before taking a wide route back to the house.
Arriving inside he shapes back with a frown. "No sign of them, I did see two others though, I don't think they were with the houses, might be headed our way." He lets out a tense breath and tries to relax his shoulders, eyeing a glass.
And just as quickly, the fighter is rising from his chair, a snarl on his lips, both axes drawn, and a look at pure hatred leveled at Dez.
A split second after that, a look of horror crosses the lad's face. Dropping his axes, Hmerrin pulls off his cloak and hastily throws it over the serpent dagger.
"THAT," he declares, pointing an accusatory finger at the dagger under his cloak, "is a seriously messed up artifact."
"It just told me to kill everyone in the room."
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 Thursday November 21st, 2019 9:01:28 PM
Toston says to Hmerrin, "It doesn't radiate magic though so how does it do what it does?"
He then says, "Forgive me but that healing did all it could for me. I'm gonna follow Gaffer and help him if he gets into trouble."
Toston tries to follow Gaffer.
Aftermath Shale House -DM Dan K Thursday November 21st, 2019 10:30:09 PM
Sarge attempts to slow down Gaffer, but he is gone. The cleric channels more energy to those left Heal 15 but not Gaffer Dez looks over Terrafins body and with the aid of Tostons Detect Magic spell identifies what the man had Full Platemail, large Steel Shield, Magical Flail, Longbow with 40 arrows, Short sword, dagger, Magical Cloak; sunrods (2), 200 gp Dex also wonders, with a Ga'al cleric around, could a Heartseed be in play? Dez knows of no way to tell if someone has been heartseeded. The ceremony and affects are one of the greatest secrets in the realms Hmerrin is briefly overtaken apparently by the non magical serpent dagger. He throws a cloak over it and backs away. Toston is at a loss on how a non magical item could do such a thing. Leaving the mystery to the others he heads outside to see if he can assist Gaffer Gaffer turns on the air and notes that the men below him are reacting to something onthe ground. The group needs to be told and he turns back only to note Toston entering the shadowy to dark streets only 100' from the 2 men coming towards Shale House
Meanwile on the street Whispering to his shoulder, Eisenhorn wakes his familiar and bids it to take flight to scout about, but to be wary of the night flying hawk Sharpe spins and moves to the ally where the figure darted and already finds that whatever or whoever it was, is long gone into the dark. The ally is pitch 20' from where he stands The hawk has turned back, but up ahead a gnome has exited the building with the second floor lights and onto the street The mephit takes flight, but for now has not seen anything Both Sharpe and Eisenhorn can feel eyes on them, you have ever since entering this city of rogues, smugglers and assassins. All of the stories you have hear, Dirt City has not disappointed
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) Thursday November 21st, 2019 11:11:43 PM
"I've heard that magic auras can be masked," Sarge says. "But I don't know details. This thing may be above our pay grade. Anyplace we can go to ask about it? Anyplace where they won't kill us, I mean."
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] Friday November 22nd, 2019 11:37:52 AM
(Move toward the "presumably" Shale house)
Looking back the way the shadow came Sharpe takes a deep breath and continues his soft walk in that direction. He sticks to shadows and under the lips of buildings but there is only so much he can do standing in the street.
"If someone is going to attack us best to find find out earlier rather than later"
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) Friday November 22nd, 2019 1:31:57 PM
[Fixing Header]
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] Friday November 22nd, 2019 1:37:31 PM
With a whispered mnemonic and a subtle hand gesture Eisenhorn summons 4 spheres of light in front of the gnome, two on each side, hoping that the bright lights in front of him will make it more difficult to spot Sharpe in the shadows. (Cast: Dancing Lights)
"Ho there, Hoodlum!" Eisenhorn yells at the gnome. "What is going on here?" as he deftly picks out a piece of gum from his component pouch and holds it ready in his hand. While keeping his eyes on the gnome, Eisenhorn makes sure to pay attention to any feelings of danger or distress sent through the emphatic link from Shifty.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 95/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] Friday November 22nd, 2019 5:51:21 PM
"Well," replies Desdichado ironically, "I guess we can always ask Three Bits. I suppose we should see if she's still alive, and if so find out why these guys were talking about her as if they knew her."
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) Friday November 22nd, 2019 9:03:05 PM
"I think we should head out straight away, no use staying round here?" Gaffer hurries back out after Toston to make sure he isn't alone out on the streats.
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 Friday November 22nd, 2019 9:27:16 PM
Toston uses his spell-like ability dancing lights to illuminate the one who has shined some lights on him and says to the inquisitive stranger, "I could rightly ask you the same question. Hoodlum? Puh-lease. The door I came out of belongs to my place of residence and we were just attacked so how do I know that you aren't with those that came by earlier and you giving me the tenth degree is just trying to get me to lower my defenses."
Aftermath Shale House -DM Dan K Sunday November 24th, 2019 6:49:59 PM
Sarge mentions she knows of magic that can mask other magic. Does the group have a reaource in that area? Dez suggests Three Bits as a source on that, the group does plan to head that way correct? Gaffer agrees with Dez and hurries out after Toston. With the extra barriars on the doors, it takes a minute or 2 to do so
Eisenhorn casts a quick spell and Dancing Lights appear about the gnome. He calls out for the man to state his business. Shifty floats about, currently at ease, as much as he can sepeerated and more vulnerable as he is Sharpe keeps on his guard, to the shadows, but still on the street. He moves slowly towards teh illuminated gnome and the house he exited from
Toston puts his own Dancing Lights about Eisenhorne and returns the question on being upon the streets so late.
Shifty sends the feeling of urgency, mixed with fear. Coming, not from the gnome, but a source closing behind his master. The feeling does not allow Eisenhorne to be any more accurate in direction. Certainly not from the gnome is all he knows with certainty
The DM assumes that blows are not imminent and very shorty at the door is Gaffer, Hmerrin and the rest of The Tide.
What if anything do you immediately do with Hmerrin's discarded cloak and the 2 dead bodies?
XP 8,000 to each for the previous scene
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 Monday November 25th, 2019 12:29:06 AM
Toston says, "Do we take the bodies and dagger to the prince? I know our previous pleas fell on death ears but now we actually have proof that someone is trying to kill us. Though maybe we should stash them somewhere with a gentle repose on them if anyone knows it. We might want to see if we can track Three Bits to find out if she was a victim or a turncoat."
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] Monday November 25th, 2019 10:16:57 AM
(Stow Bow)
Sharpe steps fully into the light, stows his bow and raises his hands in a placating gesture.
"Peace friend, we have business with the houses. We only just arrived in the city got abit turned about. I saw you "friend" running down that alley, moved like living lightning. Do you need a help or mean to track him down? We've taken on plenty of Merc work, be happy to trade our services for a bit of info on the city?"
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) Monday November 25th, 2019 12:46:01 PM
"It's the middle of the night," Sarge says. "We don't need to make a decision about the bodies right this minute. I don't have Gentle Repose ready now, but I can get it tomorrow if that's what we want."
"The dagger's another matter," she continues. "The thing's dangerous. We shouldn't show it to anybody unless we trust them, and that lets out Three Bits. Probably the Prince as well. An Identify spell would let us know more about it, but it's a mage spell and I can't cast it."
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 95/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] Monday November 25th, 2019 3:13:09 PM
Desdichado steps outside with the others. "Hey, Toston, who are you talking to out here?" he asks as he sees the two strangers standing outside. He hears the cloaked man mention mercenaries, and pays attention to him for a while, detecting any evil intent (Detect Evil). Assuming he finds none, he responds.
"Mercenaries, huh? Forgive us if we seem suspicious, but that "friend" of ours who ran by just tried to kill us, and was very nearly successful. We're just about to visit an information broker who we think might have information on why they're after us - that is, if she's not the one who sold us out. Want to tag along?"
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] d20=7 ; d20=1 ; Monday November 25th, 2019 5:18:23 PM
Sensing the fear and urgency in his familiar Eisenhorn acts quickly, he channels arcane energy into the gum and with an exclamation of "AHA! I knew it! An Ambush!" touches the gum to his thigh and disapears. (Cast Invisibility)
As soon as he senses the invisibility spell take hold, Eisenhorn picks out a bit of wool from his pocket, rubs it between his fingers and quietly mutters a word. Suddenly there is a sound of a man running and then falling down and groaning about 15 feet towards the right of where Eisenhorn is standing. (Cast Ghost Sound)
Eisenhorn moves quickly and quietly about 15 feet in the oposite direction of the sound, turning around and trying to pinpoint the source of the danger indicated by Shifty. ( Stealth Roll: 7 + 8 + 20 = 35; Perception Roll: 1 + 10 = 11)
He struggles to project homesickness through the emphaty bond in an attempt to communicate to Shifty that it should return close by to help, but he can only manage fear and determination as he thinks to himself " I've never been any good at this empathy crap. Really need to figure out a better way to communicate "
Active Effects: Invisibile: 10 min.
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) Monday November 25th, 2019 5:57:22 PM
Stepping out towards Toston, Gaffer falls into step slightly behind him. "Hi there, I'm Gaffer, you might be better travelling with us than being out by yourselves." He looks the pair over, checking for any symbols of the houses.
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 67/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) Monday November 25th, 2019 7:47:21 PM
Hmerrin responds to Sarge and Dez.
"Well, first, I want my cloak back."
The lad trots into the woodshop, finds a box, empties it, and brings it back to the cloak. Then he takes all his weapons, places them in a out-of-reach chair, and approaches the cloak with his box.
"You two turn around and stand by my weapons, and if I start coming after you, you have my permission to knock me silly." Hmerrin then tries to pick up the dagger without actually picking up the dagger (using corners of the cloak, depositing it in the box, and closing the lid. Then, he'll go find a blanket...Toston's will do...and wraps up the box in the blanket.
And then, he carries the whole shebang up to the Vault on the third floor.
Returning to Dez and Sarge, he gears up. "Bodies in a storage closet, for now," he replies. "I doubt the Prince will care. It's Dirt City. Everyone is trying to kill somebody at least half the time."
"Next is Three Bits. Let's go."
Hmerrin leads the trio out, and finds Gaffer and Toston talking to some strangers. "Its the blasted Grand Bazaar around here," he murmurs.
Aftermath Shale House -DM Dan K Monday November 25th, 2019 10:16:21 PM
Inside Shale House Hmerrin only has Sarge and himself. Dez popped outside with Gaffer and Toston. The fighter disarms himself, gets a box and then goes about trying to get the dagger into the box. The serpents eyes flash once again, but the command is quite different. HmerrinHighlight to display spoiler: {"Take me and run!"} Will DC 15
Just outside the door Sharpe steps out to make nice, identifying himself and his companion as mercenaries. Calling yourself a hero is a bit much and in a place like this, identifying as a good guy, could be trouble. Better to play it safe. Dez steps out with Gaffer and the Paladin detects no evil on the pair. Though they call themselves mercenaries, call it a hunch or feeling, Dez invites the pair to come with as they head out to an information broker Eisenhorne is more wary then his comrade however. With an arcane gesture he vanishes from sight. Shortly, the sound of footfalls as the man takes off, but trips over himself and falls. He gets a feeling of humor from Shifty, but cannot see his familiar anywhere. It is likely that Shifty is lying low on a rooftop out of sight to all. Keeping an eye out for danger. Gaffer sees no House insignias as he introduces himself.
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 Monday November 25th, 2019 11:54:51 PM
Toston says to the newcomers, " Magical Mercs at that? Well how much do you charge? What are your qualifications? Whom have you worked with in the past?"
Toston then walks over to the Tide and whispers to his group, "I still think the timing of these 2 mercenaries appearance is a bit suspicious. Call me paranoid but if Three Bits sold us out; whose is to say these 2 aren't another group of assassins trying to get us to lower our guards?"
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] Tuesday November 26th, 2019 6:07:00 AM
Sensing the humor through the bond Eisenhorn realizes that this is yet another of Shifty's pranks. " Well HA! Bloody HA! One of these days you are going to get me killed you know that? And then you'll be on your own! Drinking sewer water and eating sewer toads! Disgusting, smelly, sewer toads SHIFTY! "
Composing himself after his tirade, Eisenhorn turns towards Sharpe and the curious group of people. Since they look to be engaged in civil discussion he moves closer and drops the invisibility and dancing lights spells.
" Terribly sorry about that. My familiar likes to think of himself as quite the jokester. Would have banished him ages ago if he just wasn't so damn useful. To be fair he can also be funny at times..." Looking at everyone and realizing they probably have no idea who he is, " Ah, but where are my manners. Eisenhorn, at your service. Master of Lore and Slinger of Spells. Now you said you were attacked? Mayhaps my friend and I can help with that, my friend here is quite handy with his bow and while I'm not much of a brawler myself, my intelect cuts sharper than any sword if I do say so myself."
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) Tuesday November 26th, 2019 1:02:37 PM
"You want a hand with that?" Sarge asks Hmerrin. But she is almost immediately distracted.
"Who're they talking to down there?" she wonders, and goes down to join the rest of the group.
She sees her companions talking to some strangers and sighs a little.
"Okay, let's move this conversation indoors," she says. "The last thing we want is a visit from the Knives. There's nobody in the Buttering Ram at the moment--I say we go in there and have a little chat." She frowns a little at the newcomers.
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) Tuesday November 26th, 2019 4:20:56 PM
"I think it might be better to get to Three Bits sooner rather than later. My be the best help for our friends here too." Gaffer, not to keen on inviting the mercenaries inside, would rather keep on the move.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 95/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] Tuesday November 26th, 2019 4:41:17 PM
Desdichado agrees with Gaffer. "I'm going to trust my gut here. Besides, if there's another fight waiting for us at Three Bits' I'd like to have a few more people with us."
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] Tuesday November 26th, 2019 5:37:56 PM
After jumping at the sounds behind him, the disappearance and then re-appearance of his comrade, the small cackle and big tirade Sharpe's eyes become even more wild. He starts twitching looking all directions.
As he calms he starts to remember a phrase the strangers, just mentioned "Information Broker".
In a slightly rattled voice his says "Did you just say that your on your way to an information broker?" he glances at Eisenhorn. "If you can make an introduction we would be happy to put in a bodyguard shift in return. I have worked in Wars on this peninsula for half a century, and you hardly look incapable yourselves, i'm sure we can keep you quite safe."
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 67/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+7=13 ; Tuesday November 26th, 2019 6:49:14 PM
Sarge moves off, and Hmerrin fights an urge to just take the dagger and start running.
Will 17 (Hero point to add 4 post roll).
After getting the dagger in the vault, the young human heads downstairs.
The lanky teen, encased in plate mail, and carrying a couple axes, joins the group in the street.
"I'm Hmerrin," he says to the newcomers, before turning to Toston. "We going in or we going to Three Bits' or is there an Option C I'm unaware of?"
Aftermath Shale House -DM Dan K Tuesday November 26th, 2019 10:10:32 PM
Sarge heads out leaving Hmerrin with the strange serpent dagger on his own. Hmerrin's plan comes off without a hitch and soon the strange weapon is in the vault. In a box. Wrapped in a cloak.
The entire crew is now on the street and the decision is made to head to Three Bits' curio shop,and that the two new comers can join
The walk across town takes another half hour, though a group as large as this has little to worry from a stray knife or club to the head, tangling with a House group like Wolf or Knife is always simply best avoided. Your travels are uneventful, outside the stray cat or pack of dogs, which wants nothing to do with a pack of you, but still there is a feeling in the air. A gnawing at your stomach and an ache just at the base of your skull. You stand before a small plain shop with a plate glass window and display. The shop, the front, that is kept by Three Bits. At well past midnight, the door is understandably shut and locked
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 Tuesday November 26th, 2019 10:43:07 PM
Toston says, "I don't suppose any of you knows how to pick locks? That sort of thing was something Wil could kind of do."
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 95/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] d20+15=27 ; Tuesday November 26th, 2019 11:54:37 PM
"If you'll remember from our recent little adventure at the WLA, my method of lockpocking involves a greataxe. I'm not too inclined to try that out on the streets at night, though. Maybe one of these mercs can open the door," says Desdichado.
"Or we could try knocking and calling for her? She probably wouldn't respond to Sarge or me, but the three of you seemed to know her reasonably well."
While the team waits, Desdichado tries to keep aware of his surroundings and the unnatural feeling. (Perception: 27)
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] d20+10=14 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+22=29 ; Wednesday November 27th, 2019 4:24:09 AM
(Try to find an alternative access point to the building and climb in) (Climb 14) (Acrobatics 19) (Stealth 29)
Sharpe eyes roam over the shop, in particular he looks for any points of entry above ground level, windows, roof, chimney or potentially from the the neighbouring buildings.
"Never was on for locks, but second storey work..."
(If he sees anyway to enter the building, Sharpe tries to climb he has a grapple if necessary. He tries to do so as quietly as possible)
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] d20+12=16 ; Wednesday November 27th, 2019 8:37:53 AM
(Perception 16)
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] Wednesday November 27th, 2019 2:24:32 PM
Eisenhorn looks around at the new companions they've made and wonders if he's mixed himself up with the wrong sort of crowd, giving Shapre a pointed look when he mentions "second story work".
" Gentlmen. I do not specifically know who this, Three ... Bites? is it? Person is. But I do think it is rather unseemly to show up at their residence at such an ungodly hour and presumably wake them up; to do what exactly?" Eisenhorn looks at Toston reproachfully, " Moreover, while I do appreciate that you, Dirtians?... Dirtyzens?... Dirtpeople? ... whatever you call yourselves, have only a vague understanding of what property rights or even morals are, surly you understand that breaking and entering into someones home in the dead of night is rather uncouth. Not to mention that the resident would likely see it as an attack on themselves and their property and would be well within their rights to defend themselves." He looks around pleadingly at the group. " Should we not just come back in the morning and sort this out in a civilized manner?"
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) Wednesday November 27th, 2019 3:47:48 PM
The dwarf woman with graying braids eyes Eisenhorn askance.
"Think pretty highly of yourself, doncha?" she says. "This Three Bits character may have tried to kill us, and even in Dirt City, that's rude. We need to have a chat, and it can't wait."
"Name's Fyrda Deepforge, by the way, but you don't have to remember that. Everybody calls me Sarge."
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) Wednesday November 27th, 2019 6:20:18 PM
Not wanting to wait around, Gaffer casts Warp Wood on the door and causes it to spring open. "Don't worry, I'll fix it when we leave." He gestures his arm forward to let someone else lead the way in.
**** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 67/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+6=10 ; Wednesday November 27th, 2019 7:30:48 PM
"And if she didn't try to have us killed, she likely needs rescued from the people that just tried to kill us," Hmerrin adds, distractedly watching the street.
"Or her body recovered, more 'n likely" he amends.
Getting a good look at Hmerrin will reveal that the fighter is not exactly in tip-top shape. His armor is scratched badly, his axes are covered in gore, and he seems to be bleeding from a good sized gash in his arm.
Gaffer opens the door, and the lanky teen immediately steps through. [Perception 10]
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] d20=17 ; Wednesday November 27th, 2019 7:36:39 PM
Eisenhorn studies Sarge and tries to figure out whether she's a cleric, what god she serves and whether the followers of that deity are generally good and trustworthy. (Religion Roll: 17 + 20 = 37)
Three Bits -DM Dan K Wednesday November 27th, 2019 10:14:16 PM
There is a short conversation at the door to the shop. While Sharpe scans about for an entrance he could make through the upper levels, Eisenhorne questions the whole process. Even here in Dirt City, this is not good. The group, all wounded and sprayed in blood, assure the wizard and his companion that getting in to see Three Bits is not only necessary, but urgently so. One of those voices is that of a dwarf calling herself Sarge. Clearly a cleric of Domi. Another is Dez, also beget with prominent holy symbols to Domi. The man introduced as Gaffer creates means to enter and warps the door out of its frame.
Inside is dark and typically crowded with things. Sarge's darkvision picks out the immediate entry way to be clear of anyone and it does not look disturbed. The party moves in and finds the front of the shop, very much like the last time they saw it. Perception DC 30 Highlight to display spoiler: {A small silver raven is perched on a high shelf, it's head turns slightly, following your movements}
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 d20+17=20 ; d20+17=21 ; Thursday November 28th, 2019 12:55:45 AM
(Perception 20 vs check)
Toston fails to notice anything out of the ordinary with the shop. He whispers to his companions, "Do we know if Three Bits lives above her shop or is her place of residence somewhere else? Do you think we could search for clues at least as to where she might be found if she isn't here?"
(Perception: 21 - to search for clues as to where Three Bits might be found if she isn't here)
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) d20+17=29 ; Thursday November 28th, 2019 3:49:28 AM
Gaffer stoops down to pick up a pebble or stone as they step inside. (Perception: 29) He moves forward cautiously into the darkened building, letting his better sighted friends look around for a minute before casting a light on the pebble, smothering it slightly to try and keep the room dim and not attract to much attention.
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] d20+12=16 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+22=23 ; Thursday November 28th, 2019 4:23:56 AM
(Perception vs check - 16) (Move door into the house) (Not sure if I need a second check for the the street so here it is in case Perception - 32) (Move into house) (Stealth - 23 but that's a critical fail)
Sharpe silently gestures at Eisenhorn indicating that he will stay just inside the door as look-out. He glances inside and, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, picks up the door and brings it into the building. He leans the door near the entrance and presses himself behind the door frame, giving himself a view of the street from which they just arrived.
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 67/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+6=24 ; Thursday November 28th, 2019 8:44:28 AM
Hmerrin simply shrugs in response to Toston, and then moves to the back of the shop
[Perception 24].
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] Thursday November 28th, 2019 9:12:53 AM
OOC - Is my character sheet link now available to everyone?
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; Thursday November 28th, 2019 1:22:27 PM
Sarge looks around. "I don't know," she answers Toston. "I just met her like ten minutes ago."
But her mind is on other things. "Hmerrin, how'd you miss the healing? C'mere. Dez? Gaffer? You, too; you're still dinged up. Hang on."
Sarge channels positive energy again. Everybody heals 17. With the DM's kind indulgence, she does it again. Everybody heals 10 more.
[OOC: I can see Sharpe's character sheet.]
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] d20=15 ; Thursday November 28th, 2019 3:29:17 PM
"Very well Madam Deepforge, I can only assume that a disciple of Domi would have the best interest of people at heart, even if the deed does seem unsavoury". Eisenhorn nods to Sharpe in understanding and proceeds to enter the room and look around. Once in the room he tells Shifty in Auran to also pay attention. (Perception Roll: 15 + 14 = 29).
" Gentlmen, if you would be so kind to ensure that I'm not molested I will see if I can find any pertinent informaiton in this home that we casually broke into."
With a quick mnemonic and a hand gesture Eisenhorn opens himself to the arcane energies in the room making it easier to sense them. (Cast: Detect Magic)
He then takes out a copper piece, and with a practiced motion touches it to his head alowing him to sense the presence of any inteligent life, chuckling to himslef about how none of his party members are likely to register. (Cast: Detect Thoughts)
Eisenhorn proceeds to meticulously focus his energy from one part of the room to another slowly making his way thorugh the house and trying to identify any lingering magical auras, magical objects or any inteligent life forms in the house casting Dancing Lights as necessary whenever it becomes too dark for him to see properly.
Desdichado nods toward Eisenhorn. "Yeah, we're loyal to Domi through and through, but in a town like this you have to make the most of every opportunity. There's plenty of unscrupulous types in this town who won't hesitate to hurt people, and we can't hestiate to help them instead." After a beat he says, "I'm not local, by the way."
Desdichado looks up, and notices a silver raven watching the movements of the group. He points toward the bookshelf. "Uhh...anyone have any ideas why that odd looking raven would be watching us? Does it belong to Three Bits?"
Calling up toward the raven he says, "Can you understand us?"
(OOC: David, your first post on Wednesday cracked me up. I love "Dirtyzens".)
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] Friday November 29th, 2019 6:42:35 AM
(OOC: Thanks Ryan. Unfortunately I only thought of Dirtburghers shortly after hitting submit)
Three Bits -DM Dan K Friday November 29th, 2019 11:39:42 AM
The group moves into the shop and begins to look around. None actually knows if Three Bits lives here or elsewhere. Eisenhorn casts Detect Magic and all of the party does as does the door that was warped. Eisenhorn believes the magic on the door was an Alarm spell. Does points out the raven, which also radiates magic. The bird stares in blinking at adds and the rest of you. If it understands, it does not let on to. It simply observes.
The shop is relatively small and though crowded with bookcases, stacks of boxes and generally stuff everywhere, it does not take long to confirm no one is there. Having been taken to a small back room only yesterday. The group is able to locate the hidden door once again. It is locked and Eisenhorne Detects Magic upon it as well. Arcane Lock.
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] d20=13 ; d20=17 ; Friday November 29th, 2019 1:54:16 PM
Finishing his investigation Eisenhorn turns to the group. " Someone knows we are here. The door was warded with a spell that would alert whoever cast it once someone enters. There is also a magical lock on this trap door which I don't have the spells to open, but the front door trick should still work or someone could just bash it in. I did not detect anyone else besides us in the house, although they may be obscuring themselves magically." he thinks a moment. " Did this Three Bites person know any magic?"
While he waits for the answer he turns to the silvery raven, and takes out a Wand of Identify from his quiver. "Now precious, what secrets do you hold..." he says as he casts identify on the little raven. (Spellcraft Roll: 13 + 19 + 10 (identify) = 42) He examines it using his magic detection and aided by the identify spell, trying to figure out: Is it dangerous? How it was made? Is it being used to actively scry on them at the moment? Does it have any command words that he can use to deactivate it or take control over it?
Eisenhorn also tries to determine how powerful of a spellcaster one would need to be in order to craft an item like this and whether it would require any specialized knowledge which would not be widely available ( Arcana Roll: 17 + 26 = 43)
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) Friday November 29th, 2019 2:56:48 PM
Sarge looks at Eisenhorn with a puzzled frown. "You sure you're not an elf?" she asks.
[OOC: Ryan, your character has been healed. Please do an old lady a favor and update your header.]
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 Friday November 29th, 2019 10:23:47 PM
Toston says, "Does anyone know how to cast knock? I don't know it myself because my capabilities are rather limited."
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] Sunday December 1st, 2019 11:41:57 AM
Desdichado keeps his eye on the bird.
"Eh, magic doors aren't really my thing."
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 94/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) Sunday December 1st, 2019 5:37:06 PM
"Thanks, Sarge," Hmerrin sighs as more healing is applied.
Eying the bird, he adds, "Gaffer, please keep an eye out, in case we get unpleasant company."
Lacking any better ideas, the fighter knocks on the door. "C'mon Three Bits, open up."
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] Monday December 2nd, 2019 4:00:40 AM
Maintaining his sentry position Shrape drawns his bow back to his check and takes aim at the raven. He pauses and waits to catch Eisenhorn's eye with a meaningful look.
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] Monday December 2nd, 2019 4:00:40 AM
Maintaining his sentry position Shrape drawns his bow back to his check and takes aim at the raven. He pauses and waits to catch Eisenhorn's eye with a meaningful look.
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 80/85 AC:25(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) d20+17=29 ; Monday December 2nd, 2019 5:05:15 AM
Gaffer nods at Hmerrin's instruction and moves back onto the street, launching himself up into the air as an Owl this time, and scouts the surrounding area (Perception: 29) for anyone moving about on the streets.
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] Monday December 2nd, 2019 2:52:13 PM
"BAH! Those layabouts only get their reputation because they get centuries to practice. I've mastered more than most Elves will in millenia; in only a couple of decades." he sighs " No Madam Deepforge, I have worked to accomplish mastery in my craft, and am decidedly not an Elf". He then says to Toston "I am not well versed in the Knock spell, as I never thought I'd have need of such skullduggery. But, fortunately my boy, the spell does not prevent more mundane methods. One of these strapping young lads should be able to make short work of the door, even if the spell makes it somwhat more difficult." he then continues working on trying to puzzle out the raven figure, hoping that if it comes to it Sharpe's aim is good enough not to hit him.
Three Bits -DM Dan K Monday December 2nd, 2019 5:36:02 PM
Eisenhorne looks over teh door and then back to the raven. He is about to pull out a wand of Identification, when he stops. Identify requires a thorough examination of a magic item. He would have to get his hands on it. A good guess would be some type of magical figurine, not overly complicated or powerful and could be created for a purpose such as this. Keeping an eye on the shop and alerting the owner if need be. A more grim possibility would be a miniature golem. As to the door, the wizard does not have a Knock spell prepared Nor does anyone else in the group, though Toston is the only other arcane someone who could. Hmerrin decides for a good old fashioned knocking. Sharpe draws back his bow and glances to his learned friend, taking aim at the raven Dez keeps an eye on the Raven The Raven keeps an unblinking eye on the party, or intruders in the shop if you will Gaffer exits and transforms into an owl to take flight into the very late night and see what he can see.
Gaffer sees the expected, patrols, slinking shadows, a dog, a cat and all of the standard denizens of the night here in Dirt City. No one or no thing seems to have a particular interest in where the party is.
Beyond the closed door, you hear movement and shrotly thereafter a pair of metal on metal sliding can be heard from the top and bottom of the door. Just after that, it opens, spilling a deep red light into the shop. Standing just back from the doorway is Three Bits, a small crossbow in her hand. She seems to let her breath out, as if she was holding it, and then steps back another pace and lowers the weapon. "You boys look and smell horrid, though I would gather that is not surprising."
Three Bits moves to a table, upon which rests a glass sphere. The red light emminates from it.
"No more runaround, please. I for one don't plan on leaving until I get answers that pass the "sniff test". Why would Terrapin and Ga'al priests have just attacked us? They just tried to kill us, and mentioned *your* name. I would suggest you answer quickly, because most of them got away and could be on their way here right now."
"Also, is that your raven?" he asks, pointing toward the bird on the bookshelf. "What is it, some kind of sentry?"
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 94/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) Monday December 2nd, 2019 7:26:01 PM
"Matches our mood," Hmerrin spits back at Three Bits' mention of their smell.
"You thought we were grouchy yesterday, well, you've no idea. So, let's have it. What's going on, and why us?"
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) Monday December 2nd, 2019 11:34:41 PM
"Also, anything you could tell us about an evil magic dagger would be really helpful," Sarge adds.
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 Monday December 2nd, 2019 11:50:14 PM
Toston says, "I just want you to know Three Bits that I told the others it was possible that you were threatened for whatever aid you gave that group of roustabouts who showed up at our home this evening but seeing how well you look I think you must have likely given them whatever they wanted. I was worried for your safety seeing how our affiliates had been attacked lately but it looks like you weren't amongst the casualties so tell us who they are, what they wanted to know about us and anything you know about their agenda."
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] Tuesday December 3rd, 2019 6:29:46 AM
Sharpe glances and the opening door but waits to find out if the raven belongs to the new comer before lowering his bow. He tries to take the measure of Three Bits, assessing his appearance, demeanour and stance.
Three Bits -DM Dan K Tuesday December 3rd, 2019 8:14:22 AM If Anyone has Diplomacy, now would be a good time :)
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 94/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+1=11 ; Tuesday December 3rd, 2019 9:37:42 AM
Diplomacy 11
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] Tuesday December 3rd, 2019 1:25:47 PM
Eisenhorn looks at Three Bits and wonders why he was not able to detect her presence in the hidden room. He focuses on her mind trying to read her surface thoughts. (DC = 18; Will)
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 80/85 AC:25(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) Tuesday December 3rd, 2019 6:55:26 PM
Gaffer gently lands atop the roof opposite the groups location and simply watches the street for the moment, ready for any commotion inside.
Three Bits -DM Dan K Tuesday December 3rd, 2019 11:17:21 PM
Dez and Hmerrin enter the rooom and immediately begin questioning Three Bits Sarge adds a question about the dagger. Toston provides additional color on what has recently happened and Sharpe keeps an eye on the Raven, but then shifts to Three Bits Eisenhorne wonders what may have prevented his Detect Magic spell from finding her, but the easiest explanation is the room is protected and a thin sheet of lead would do just that Gaffer alights upon a nearby rooftop
Three Bits seems to almost sigh, her face slightly pained as if emotionally hurt. "It was not so long ago...." and then it is gone, replaced by a cold, impenetrable facade, eyes as hard as adamantine. The old woman sits, her hand hovering above the glass sphere. "You break into my home, weapons drawn? You think me some old feeble woman who has survived the likes of Dirt city for more than your lives by sheer luck?" She then closes her eyes tight as Dez continues about the men coming here and the raven
Her face softens once again and she inhales deeply. "The raven, yes. He is sentry and guard" Her hand gestures towards a darkened area of the room where the older man steps from a shadow. "You are dismissed." she says to him. He begins to object, but Three Bits holds up a hand to silence him. "You are released." she says softly a tear running down her cheek. The man stiffens slightly and then simply fades to nothingness
Three bits turns back to the party, "I know I sent them, I know I sent them to where you were not as well. My hope is you would see the pattern. A long shot, but my only recourse. Even now the pull..." Three Bits inhales deeply and tightens her fist, "Terrafin came after you on the order of Ranslir, his former master and one of the largest slavers anywhere." She touches the sphere and the light shifts to a soft yellow. Her face gets a far away look, her moods and thoughts seem to be flitting about, "I don't know when exactly, but I awoke in the middle of the night, cold streaked with sweat and disturbed by a dream of darkness. It was cold, with the snapping of bone or dry branches, there was the smell of damp earth and a pathetic whimpering followed by a sickening crunch. Like a dog with a piece of meat. Then quiet stillness and a set of golden eyes."
Her eyes steel again and glance to where the man once stood in the shadows, "You come into my house? Is the Tide just the newest syndicate to grow in this place?"
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] Wednesday December 4th, 2019 12:01:11 PM
Sharpe now very confused and and feeling a bit threatened attempts to step into the street and behind the door for cover.
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) Wednesday December 4th, 2019 12:32:19 PM
"That sounds rough," Sarge says sympathetically as Three Bits describes her dream (or whatever it was).
Sarge would like to watch Three Bits, and when she seems like she's not under the influence of the steely cold thing, cast Protection From Evil on her.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] Wednesday December 4th, 2019 2:30:53 PM
At the mention of slavers Desdichado's eyes soften, and anyone paying close attention would notice that he seems to be thinking of something else, as if remembering something, or someone, from his past.
When Three Bits mentions her dream, he snaps back to attention. "I, I had a similar vision. Do you remember that, Sarge? It felt like...emptiness. As if any connection to Domi was gone. Just...darkness."
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] d20=18 ; d20=16 ; Wednesday December 4th, 2019 2:36:24 PM
Eisenhorn continues trying to get a read of Three Bits' thoughts, while also looking at the sphere and trying to remember if he's ever read of a similar arcane or religious item and what it might be ( Roll Arcana: 18 + 26 = 44; Roll Religion: 16 + 20 = 36)
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 94/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) Wednesday December 4th, 2019 6:38:22 PM
"Terrific," Hmerrin mutters, "She's got more people in her head than Wil does."
Seeing Sarge cast her spell, the young man waits to see if it helps the lady.
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 80/85 AC:25(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) Wednesday December 4th, 2019 7:34:52 PM
Seeing Sharpe step onto the street, Gaffer cocks his head to the side and pauses to see if he will act. After another moment he circles once more above the rooftops, restless and ill at ease.
Three Bits -DM Dan K Wednesday December 4th, 2019 10:13:09 PM
Three Bits' reaction or reactions as they are, take the crew of The Tide by surprise. Eisenhorne can pick up nothing with the Detect Thoughts spell. Her mind is completely closed. As to what the sphere is, it is does not match any of the religious or famous arcane relics that Eisenhorne knows of. It could simply be a light source, or something far more. Sharpe steps back into the main shop and from there onto the street. It is dark, deserted and relatively exposed from a host of sniper points. Like most of the back areas of this city. Gaffer circles, finds nothing and lands again. Dez hones in on the part on slavery. Some part of his past perhaps. The paladin is also reminded of his own dream, where Domi is gone. Could they be connected? Sarge feels a sense of pity and finds an appropriate moment to cast Protection From Evil on Three Bits
Three Bits sits back as The Protection From Evil spell falls over her. She closes her eyes and then slowly opens them again. She takes those in the room into her gaze and chuckles. Did the spell fail? Three Bits chuckles again. "Oh I knew you were a clever lot, but even so we have little time. "The others need to come in here." As she waits for Sharpe and Gaffer to enter, she glances at Eisenhorne and taps her chin. A pratitioner of the arcane arts. Good, a field my friends have been lacking."
When all are in she touches the glass sphere and the light brightens slightly and the door slides shut.
"Listen closely.
Ralinsir is perverse, sadistic, smart and ruthless. He and his 4 associates, stay in the upper suites of the Arena when in town. They are the business end of the major slave trade network which uses Dirt City as a fodder point and sanctuary. Ralinsir and his lot, are just as, if not more, dangerous than the hunters. Whom you just recently fought. Ralinsir Himself is an Arcane Spell caster of no small measure. He is smart, shrewd and a cold blooded killer with power friends within the Houses and possibly the Prince His 4 associates are Ythryn, a male elven cleric of Ga'al the direct superior of the Gaal cleric in the slave hunter squad. Ardus, a Wemic Fighter. Feral, horrid and yet pitiful creature under the thumb of Ralinsir Samuel CherryBlossum. Halfling Fighter sneaky, shifty raised on the streets of Dirt City and embodies the dark side of the city. He has ties to House Knife, Cloak and Wolf with powerful friends Kaley Pythlewinkcle. A sadist gnome and mistress of Samual and well feared assassin. They own an upper level suite within the Arena and with the fights of a day ago, is where they are now.
You will have to make your way to the 5th floor stair. It is magically barred and the password is currently Adistus. I have no information on what that means if it indeed means anything. The hard part is the stairway guard, the doorman if you will. A magical construct that is programmed to recognize the owners of the suites on level 5 and to obey their commands. A disguise may work, but it might not. Sorry, you may have to negotiate with him the old fashioned way."
Three Bits closes here eyes, a trace of pain washing across her face.
"Time for you to go. Whether by spell or by voluntary actions now, a fog that is pushing at the back of my mind will consume me again in not too long. When that happens, Golden Eyes will know and I expect the reaction to be poor. But telling you is worth the price and perhaps will be enough."
"Go now. Rest, and prepare. Golden Eyes will not know exactly what I have said or whom I have told. Not until..." she trails off and then shakes her head. She nods to the door, which opens and she shoos you out.
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 Thursday December 5th, 2019 12:21:25 AM
Toston says, "Three Bits, I'm sorry I doubted you. We aren't a syndicate. Thank you for the information but I don't want the yellow eyes to harm you. If you can seek out Nissa and my people. They are taking precautions and they may be able to protect you, unless you think even the protections of a wizard, some warriors and the city below are no match for whatever stalks you. I wouldn't want to have my people's deaths on my conscience. If you are unsafe even there mayhap putting distance between yourself and here? My parents live in Plateau City. If you mentioned my name they'd put you up I'm sure of it."
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] Thursday December 5th, 2019 9:23:16 AM
Sharpe looks sympathetically at three bits. “best of luck….. Lady Bits”. He gives her a brief nod, slightly reddening at his choice of words.
“Well this woman was good enough to give us time to get outta here, I suggest we don’t waste it and hunker down whilst you guys come up with a plan.”
He moves closer to Eisenhorn and whispers, “if we ask this information broker anything about the houses, who knows who else will hear us….”
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) Thursday December 5th, 2019 11:05:36 AM
Sarge is uncharacteristically somber as they leave Three Bits' shop. "First up," she says, "I propose we rest and heal. I know we're on a clock, but it won't do any good to go charging over there and get ourselves killed."
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] Thursday December 5th, 2019 1:36:40 PM
"I agree, Sarge," Desdichado responds. "We should think about what we'll need to confront Ralinsir and the others. We could barely take on those 'hunters'."
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] Thursday December 5th, 2019 2:43:33 PM
Eisenhorn whispers back to Sharpe, [in Elvish] " Yeah... I don't trust this thing at all, just appears and provides us basically a hit list of people to target. I can't sense it's mind at all... like there is nothing there... in fact, let me try something." Eisenhorn then comes closer to three bits and tries to touch her to confirm that she is not just an illusion.
As the party leaves the house. "So what exatcly happened back there? You seemed almost intent on murdering this woman... then she rattles on about some people in the arena and now everyone seems intent on charging in there at the first opportunity and what? killing these people? on the words of some half mad information broker?" pauses for a second. "Even if you trust this Three Bits... She didn't seem all there, I couldn't sense her consciousness at all. Don't you think that someone may be acting through her and using us to basically wipe out their oposition? That seems like something the houses would do. Strike at their enemies through a supposedly neutral party, is it not? I say we spend some time verifying her story, figuring out who these people are, maybe even trying to understand who would benefit if they were suddenly disposed of."
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 94/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) Thursday December 5th, 2019 8:33:48 PM
"Sarge is right," Hmerrin declares as they leave Three Bits. "Back to the House. Then we can talk."
The young man drives a hard pace, not saying much of anything until the group is more or less safely back on the blood filled second floor of Shale House.
Taking seat around a large circular table, he regards Eisenhorne and Sharpe, and lets out a weary chuckle.
"So, hi. I'm Hmerrin.
We call ourselves The Tide, and for the last year or so have been doing our best to help the regular folks of Dirt City live to see the next day. Three Bits is an information broker who Toston especially has dealt with in the past, and we've found her information to be reliable even if she's not exactly the most trustworthy person around.
For the last several days, someone has been visiting our old haunts and destroying them. They broke into the WLA chapter house, and killed just about everyone in it. They burned down our old headquarters, along with the city block it was sitting in. They pillaged our former employer's business, killing a bunch of people. And then, they broke into here, and tried to kill us. Two of them are dead, and in the storage closet yonder."
Hmerrin waves an arm at a nearby door.
"The other three took off, and we weren't in much condition to do anything about it."
"During the fight, several of them were talking to one other and mentioned Three Bits, leading us to believe she might be responsible for this whole thing. Which is why we were rather put out when we were headed over there. Now, it looks like she's been dominated by something. Something with Golden Eyes, and producing a vision which just happens to EXACTLY match something Dez here saw while in his morning devotions."
"So, I for one, I'm inclined to believe these five Arena people she told us about are trying to kill us. And are going to go on trying until they succeed. And don't seem to care how many other people die while they're doing it. Making me think they are all really bad people, whom the Wold would be better off without. And lastly, they hopefully will be nice enough to tell us who this Golden Eyes character is, because I've a feeling he's gonna be a whole lot worse."
The lad sits back, and wipes his face. "If you wanna split, I get it. But, if not, we could use the help."
Back at Shale House -DM Dan K Thursday December 5th, 2019 10:07:22 PM
The group listens to Three Bits and takes it all in. Eisenhorne has his dobhts though. Three Bits leans back from him as he gets closer, "Just keep your fingers to yourself mage. Your trust is not an issue here. Were you not with them, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all." Toston offers his followers place as somewhere Three Bits might be able to lay low. Or perhaps she could simply get out of town all together. She smiles and for a moment you see her let down the very guarded facade you have always known. "While I do not know the exact nature of Golden Eyes, I feel it would be futile and would indeed place your Nissa in terrible danger if not worse. I was able to keep some things from the fog, and that was one of those things. Perhaps Plat City would work. Good luck."
As the group exits, Three Bits takes a vial from her pocket and the door closes behind you. The group exits and Hmerrin sets quickly for home. It seems even the night stalkers at this late hour are down for the night and the true quiet of the City envelopes you Back at Shale House, Hmerrin catches Sharpe and Eisenhorne on the recent happenings. The Tide is a target by some powerful forces in the City and unlike the Houses, this force is quite direct
There are two bodies in the closet and a rather nasty dagger in a box wrapped in a cloak in the vault. Other than a cursory Detect Magic at the man formerly known as Terrafin, nothing has been done
It is about an hour before daybreak and most of you have been up for almost 24 hours at his point
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] Friday December 6th, 2019 7:44:49 PM
"I'm so tired, I hardly care about guarding the door. I suppose we should have a plan, though, huh?" After they make plans, Desdichado goes up to his room, ready for some rest. "I wish Tombo was around," he says, "I wouldn't mind some of his cooking when I wake up."
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) Friday December 6th, 2019 8:22:46 PM
"We gotta do something with these bodies first," Sarge says, "or they'll stink up the place."
She casts a Detect Magic, looking for auras, and also looking for anything on the bodies that might be valuable.
"I think we can just dump 'em in the street," she continues. "One advantage to living in Dirt City--people don't ask awkward questions about bodies."
If the group is agreeable, she helps carry out the bodies.
"Uh...Eisenhorn, is it? Are you by any chance able to cast Identify? We found this evil magic dagger, and I for one would really like to know what it is and what it does. And how to make it stop doing that."
There is, however, no hurry on the evil magic dagger, so Sarge will gladly rest first if that's what people prefer.
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 80/85 AC:25(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9) Friday December 6th, 2019 8:44:24 PM
Gliding back into Shale House Gaffer slumps down in a chair a picks up the bottle he had been eyeing earlier.
If anyone is interacting with the dagger, Gaffer will begrudgingly stay up to see what happens, and be there if anyone falls under its sway, but he quickly heads off to bed once there is nothing immediate to deal with. Gladly getting out of his bloodied clothes and downing his glass before a much welcome sleep.
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 Friday December 6th, 2019 10:38:20 PM
Toston says, "So none of you know Gentle Repose? Man do I wish Wil was here. I think he could cast it, then we could let the bodies chill for a while. Anyone know Rose's temperature control? That might work? Maybe we just need to dig some holes?"
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/82; CMD 17] d20=19 ; d20=4 ; d20=5 ; d20=8 ; Sunday December 8th, 2019 10:04:48 AM
After listening to Hmerrin for a while. "Thank you my boy, I understand now... well not really but I do get the gist of it. We should try to learn more about this 'Golden Eye' thing." Eisenhorn tries to recollect if he's read of any creature or spell could do something like the mind control effects descirbed or if there were ever simmilar things like this happening in legends. ( Knowledge Arcana Roll: 19 + 26 = 45; Knowledge Planes Roll: 4 + 20 = 24; Knowledge History Roll: 5 + 11 = 16) Failing that he tries to work out where in the city he may be able to access any information on a subject liket his.
"I can indeed Madam Deepfroge, but we must take precautions so that we do not imperil ourselves during the investigation. Can we investigate the bodies first see if there are any markings or items of significance that may give us clues to their origins or motives." Eisenhorn pulls out a Wand of Protection from Evil and casts it on himself. After checking the bodies for any marks that may be recognizable or any items of note.
After finishing the investigation of the bodies, Eisenhorn goes to the dagger and recasts Protection from evil on himself using the wand, making sure that he has the spell up during the entirety of the interaction with the dagger, recasting as necessary. After the protection spell has taken hold properly, Eisenhorn takes the dager and using a Wand of Identify tries to understand how the item works, whether it has any command words and if it is possible to understand where it came from. ( Identify Roll: 8 + 19 + 10 = 37)
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 94/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+6=19 ; Sunday December 8th, 2019 5:19:10 PM
As Eisenhorn heads for the vault, Hmerrin grabs.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there. Before you go picking up any daggers, this one has some kind of nasty personality in it, and it's already tried to dominate me twice. So, you're gonna want to be REALLY careful around that thing."
"It's the serpent eyed dagger, in the makeshift box, which is inside the rolled up blanket on the side table."
"Oh yeah, by the way, Toston. I borrowed your blanket."
The lad considers the various other questions. "There's gotta be someplace to put the bodies....Toston?" Hmerrin himself tries to recall where he seen such thing around town [Knowledge Local 19]
Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] Monday December 9th, 2019 12:33:59 PM
Sharpe says to Hmerrin "I wouldn't worry too much about him, he can be pompous ass but he knows his magic"
"I can help with the bodies, if you have a quiet place i'm sure we can get them there"
Back at Shale House -DM Dan K Monday December 9th, 2019 12:35:30 PM
The group is in the Common room on the 2nd floor. Upstairs, the balcony doors and windows are busted in. The entry point for the assault that took place about 2 hours ago now. The second floor common room is a mess. Blood is splattered everywhere, the floor is scorched from the flaming spheres and 2 large settling pools of blood where Terrafin and the other combatant with the serpent dagger died. Plus the 2 paths of blood where the corpses were quickly dragged to the closet. What to do with the actual bodies comes up, and without the ability to preserve them magically, Sarge suggests perhaps simply finding a nearby ally? Though after her morning devotions, she could easily prepare 2 spells and place them on the bodies in the closet. First she casts Detect Magic and learns of the following items: Magical Flail, Magical Cloak (Faint Abjuration), Magical Studded Leather Armor, Magical Composite Shortbow, Magical Kukri, Magical Cloak (Faint Illusion)
Eisenhorne puts his mind and notes to work on 'Golden Eyes'. It really is an all too vague of a concept or notion to pin it down, no beter than saying 'weird stuff' really. The notion of domination is pretty straight forward and does not lower the list of possibities much. It is clearly far more than a simple Charm or Suggestion. The way the old woman acted, it went beyond Dominate Person, as she implied a telepathic link beyond at the time sensory input. Whatever was out there, in this city, had a greater understanding and ability to control others than the wizard had ever even thought of.
Dirt City has no guilds per say, no library, or other collection of sagely help. The Woldian League of Adventurers, WLA, was itself an underground type of establishment, not wanting to draw too much attention and it was raided 5 days ago and everyone but a lone dwarf was killed. No there is no where to go for much in the realm of help and outside information right now.
Eisenhorne also inspect the bodies, take 20 Perception Terrafin has a set of tattoos on his upper right and left arm as well as his back. They appear to be counters, single lines in groups of 5 and totalling 96 with 2 of the tattoos made recently. He also had 200 in gold. The other man, also human is found with a House tattoo upon his forearm. It designates that he was with House Dart, black operations and assassins. You also find 4 vials of poison, (2)Giant Wasp and (2)Large Scorpion.
Hmerrin gives a warning to Eisenhorne on messing with the dagger. The young fighter believes that, yes, the bodies could pretty easily be dropped into any number of allies. The closest, would be in The Burn.
Daylight is fast approaching and even Dirt City residents would give alarm to members of the Tide dumping bodies if seen.
Most of the group is looking for some sleep, Eisenhorne is readying to investigate the magical dagger.
All PC's are fatigued at this time, spell casters have not had necessary rest to regain spells. It is aproximately 430am