Succotash (Jeremy) AC 31/16/29 CMD 20 HP 97/97 Valerie AC 35/20/31 CMD 27 HP 93/93 Spells Monday March 23rd, 2020 6:46:03 AM "Hold on Murphy, I, and I believe Tali, was referring to the animals that want to be returned to their natural habitat.", Succotash says, trying to slow down his fast acting friend, "I was thinking that a perfect place for the lion would be the Sargrass Plains. Remember when we meet there? that sounds exactly like the kind of place a healthy lion would flourish!"
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Monday March 23rd, 2020 11:04:07 AM
"Ah, good thought, there, Succotash," Murphy replies to his friend. "I concur with that. I do ask if there is a particular part of the Sargrass would be best to locate him, though. She could just pop him anywhere she can think of there without further ado. However, as we'd be sending him likely to unfamiliar territory, might it not be good to do so on a full stomach, that he have time to figure things out? But, sure, yours is an excellent idea."
Succotash (Jeremy) AC 31/16/29 CMD 20 HP 97/97 Valerie AC 35/20/31 CMD 27 HP 93/93 Spells Monday March 23rd, 2020 1:07:31 PM
“Is far as I can tell, anywhere in the Sargrass Plains would be fine, though being away from civilization, may be wise, so no where near Rattledam”.
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Monday March 23rd, 2020 1:51:04 PM
"Yep, sound counsel. Oh, and, Mowa is a lioness. Don't know why I said 'he.'"
Murphy talks with whoever was in charge of feeding Mowa and asks them to take care of her before her trip. He uses a pearl of power to cast one last time Speak with Animals, and explains to her the grassy plains in a warm climate in the Sargrass far to the south. "Would you like us to take you there? If we do, it will be through magic. You will need to let Tali here touch you on the shoulder. She will say some words, then, before you know what happened, you will be with her in the Sargrass. You will be on your own to fine other lions. We cannot help you there. This fellow here will give you some food so that you are not hungry right away. Do you wish to go there after you eat, with Tali? She may take a few other people along with you, make sure you're safe when you arrive. If you don't want to do that, we can take you to our place in a few days."
He includes Tali in this conversation, make sure she is there as they talk with the lioness. If the lion agrees to go, he tells the other animals it is time to say goodbye to her, and for Mowa to say goodbye to them.
"It's up to you, Tali, as to whether you wish to take others with you. If we go soon, I could come along - maybe even change into a lion for a short time." He realizes he can communicate with Mowa without another spell if he wild shapes into a lion. "If a few come with us, we could then go to Humble's Ford, and get things rolling there. You could teleport a few halflings to Thralhaven if that seems agreeable to all."
"Pressi, what are your thoughts on all this? You often have insights I may lack. Hey, maybe someday, we could spend part of our honeymoon in the Sargrass." And he asks the others for their perspectives on the operation.
Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25, HP 96/111, CMD 24; Harper AC 30 (31 with same), HP 85, CMD 29 Monday March 23rd, 2020 1:51:25 PM
Pressi tries not to feel too woozy with all the teleporting. "And I thought... shadow walking... was insane making....
"Seriously, it's a nice day. Can't we just... you know, walk it? See some sights?"
Pressi otherwise stays out of the disussions on where exactly to place the animals, but reminds the group that they were kind of promised to the "dark elves" workers. Wasn't getting the town back what they were trying to do?
Bliss stands up in halfling form and says, "No way!" We can't send a lion to the Sargrass! I know a bit about cats, and that's no place for one. There's no water, period! There are grasses like knives! There are monsters that are super duper dangerous! And most of all, there are NO other lions! We were THERE, don't you remember? You would be sending this poor cat to a quick lonely death of thirst!"
Bliss agrees with Pressi. "Yes, let's just take everybody home, please. We can do that tomorrow."
DM Kathy Monday March 23rd, 2020 5:30:45 PM
You discuss your next steps. Murphy can take people and/or animals to Humble's Ford using plants. Tali still has teleports left for today, if you want to use them.
Succotash thinks the Sargrass would be the ideal place for Mowa the lioness, but Bliss reminds you all that there is no water there.
Giving it some thought, you begin to think that maybe the Eastern Wilderlands would be a good option. The jungles of Cthonia would be a good place for the ocelots, and the plains beyond would be a good place for Mowa. Yes, the more you think about it, the more a journey to the Eastern Wilderlands sounds like a good idea! Why, it's almost as if the forces of the universe were pulling you in that direction!
Before you do that, of course, there are people and animals to be returned. For people, there are 22 halflings that need to go back to Thaelhaven, plus 2 dark elves and 8 human employees that want to stay with the menagerie--wherever it goes. The menagerie has a bear, two peafowl, a lioness, 5 ocelots, some tropical birds (I think I gave you a number earlier but now I can't find what I said!), a stirge, and some monkeys. It also has draft animals--horses, mules, and oxen--along with wagons, tents, and cages.
Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 32 HP 174/174 - 15; 1 Con damage; Rumpus AC 29 HP 74/74 Tuesday March 24th, 2020 12:49:03 AM
"You know, the more I think about it, a journey to the Eastern Wilderlands sound like a good option!" says Kezzem.
Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 31 nTouch 17 Flat 27 CMD 32 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells Tuesday March 24th, 2020 2:09:24 AM
"The road was safe, I think with some proper rest and the extra funds we've supplied them with, the Halflings can find their way safely back to Thaelhaven on their own right? And let's just let the menagerie continue on, led by the elves. I'm ready to get moving, let's go off to the Eastern Wilderlands"
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Tuesday March 24th, 2020 4:27:15 AM
"Halflings home first. Then perhaps the next leg of our journey. We were sent on a specific task. Let us finish that, then I'm open to other possibilities," says Murphy.
"Tali, I have a portable hole. How many wee halflings might fit within? You take me and at least four others - plus whoever can fit in the bag. Let's say about five at a time in the hole, easy. So that's nine of them, plus you and I. We get down there, I plant a tree. You bring me back. You take about ten more down. I bring the last three to five through the tree. You bring us both back, with my portable hole of course. You still have one greater teleport left at that point and I still have one transport via plants left. Sound all right to all? If it takes one more trip there and back again, well, between the two of us, we can swing it today."
"If the party agrees, then the proposal needs to be made to the Thralhavians. Who wants to discuss it with them? I'd be happy to be in on that, but not solo. They're going to have questions, maybe a few worries.
"If they agree, though, then that way, we've kept our promise to Hendit Littlefoot. You did agree to get them back to him, didn't you? I wasn't there at the time. But just sending them on their way - remember, we had to fight a huge monster on the way that could have killed us - would that be responsible? We can talk over with the workers, and with the elves, and tomorrow with the animals the notion that has just arisen. Shoot, while Tali and I do the ferrying, you all can chat up the menagerie staff. The Eastern Wilderlands. Who among us came up with that idea? It just seemed to arise by itself among us! Was that you, Kezzem?
"Bliss, you want to check in town and see if there's access to the Catacombs? Turn things in. If we're going on a long traipse, we'd better get ready for that. Besides, I'm running out of trees."
"How does one more night here in town sound, then we take whatever is the next step in our adventures together? Do we need to develop our own circus acts?"
The druid adds, "And Pressi, do you mind terribly your fiancé running to and fro across the Wold with Tali?"
"And, if anyone has a better method for getting the halflings home safely and keeping our word, well, let us know!"
Succotash (Jeremy) AC 31/16/29 CMD 20 HP 97/97 Valerie AC 35/20/31 CMD 27 HP 93/93 Spells Tuesday March 24th, 2020 1:05:25 PM
Succotash says, “I to feel the need to head to the Easter Wilderlands, yet for the life of me I can’t say why, it must be the gods directing us that way”.
Tali (Jon-Paul) - - AC 32 | CMB 5 | CMD 27 | HP 101/101 Tuesday March 24th, 2020 1:44:32 PM Space-Time Hopping Making things right!
Talia exlaims, to no in in particular, "Tali is ready to make things right! Just let me know when & where we are going!
Spells in Effect Overland Flight | 500 of 540 Minutes Mage Armor | 500 of 540 Minutes
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Tuesday March 24th, 2020 2:16:50 PM
"Humble's Ford is between us and the Eastern Wilderlands, last time I checked," the druid mentions. "Pressi, Tali, Succotash - you're all experts in your own right on magical distance travel. Kez, Hobie, Bliss, you're welcome too. Let's go talk with our hardy not-cannibal halflings, explain our proposal to get them back home this afternoon... then do it.
"Tali, did you listen to me as I explained the procedure?" If need be, he explains it to her again (read Murphy's 4:27am post on teleport relays to Thaelhaven - I think I've been misspelling it).
Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25, HP 96/111, CMD 24; Harper AC 30 (31 with same), HP 85, CMD 29 Tuesday March 24th, 2020 2:24:15 PM
Pressi wrinkles her nose, ignoring Murphy's joke.
"I'm less than thrilled, as a distance traveler, with putting halflings in bags, even if they are portable holes. But if they are game, I certainly won't stop it. Also, I can shadow walk a good dozen on my own, if need be."
DM Kathy Tuesday March 24th, 2020 4:45:50 PM
You discuss your options for long-distance transport. You put your heads together, and realize that you can get the Thaelhaven halflings back home this afternoon. So you do that.
They are grateful for your help, and express their thanks over and over again. They want to offer you something more than thanks, but they have very little. They can't even offer you tasty homemade baked goods, since they have been away from their kitchens for over a month! But their gratitude is sincere, and the reunion between Hendit and his family is very touching.
Back in Crofters Crossing, you have some decisions to make. There had been some talk of bringing the menagerie animals, the dark elves, and the employees back to Humble's Ford for the winter, so that you could teach the people to take better care of the animals, and teach the ocelot siblings to hunt before you released them into the wild. Do you still want to do this? If so, what are you going to do with all of the wagons and stuff.
Or, do you just want to return to Humble's with the lioness, the bear, and the two ocelots to be released, and allow the rest of the menagerie to continue on its way, trusting that the new owners will find ways to learn how to take better care of their animals?
Either way, the lone stirge wants some little stirge friends--what are you going to do to find them?
Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 32 HP 174/174 - 15; 1 Con damage; Rumpus AC 29 HP 74/74 Tuesday March 24th, 2020 4:56:28 PM
"Murphey, please tell me you portable hole isn't what I think it is," says Kezzem.
Bliss is happy to treat the caravan as the two new owners prefer. If the Drow want to come to Humbles Ford, we'll put them up for so long as they want, until they are ready to hit the road. OR if they want to wash their hands of us and just get a move on, fine.
At his first chance, Bliss makes a run to the Catacombs.
"We should stop by Humbles Ford first, then head out. Do we want to walk along the coast of the Scab, or sail across Dragon Bay?"
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Tuesday March 24th, 2020 11:14:45 PM
Nuanced Definitions? "No doubt whatever you think it is will bear some semblance to the remarkable mind you have, Kez." Out of patient kindness, or something, Murphy lays out the magical black cloth, spreads it out upon the ground, and, looking within, Kezzem can see it goes down about ten feet, with a diameter of six feet all the way down. He closes up the hole before he explains, "If you want to jump in, you can find out how far I can carry you before you run out of fresh air. But DO NOT GO IN if you have any sort of bag of holding or handy haversack or transdimensional pouch or Bill's Pants o' Plenty. You and the contents, and maybe I and people and things nearby might be scattered among various planes, and I don't mean the grassy kind. You heard of what happened in the Giant Tower with the experiment performed by the Second Dinner Club, right? It involved a portable hole and Koshe-Marr."
At Thaelhaven, at the last delivery with Tali Murphy is happy to help reunite the families with their village. "Maybe in time we can stop by for some good pie after you've had a good chance to settle in and get back to normal life. Say, I'll bet you can be good friends with crows from here on out."
As they are in the village, he takes a good look around over the course of half an hour. He is very happy to meet Hendit, whom he had never seen until now, only heard about. He says about the oak he planted (he first asked the early-arriving villagers where to place it) for transport if they think it should be called 'Hendit's Oak'. "Maybe you can put up a rope swing for folks to enjoy under its leaves. And, who knows, maybe I'll pop out of that tree some day with a good collection of my mother's and aunties' bread surprises!"
"Tali, let's shake everyone's hand, say any words you have to say, then head back. We have more rescues ahead of us!"
Crofter's Crossing - What's the next item on the agenda? "Humble's Ford is east of us. The Eastern Wilderlands are way farther east of us. A few options. We take all the animals and cages the conventional way, and get back to Humble's Ford in several weeks. Or, we find someone who can shrink down the cages, and reduce the animals, then travel magically to get to Humble's Ford. Spend a little time there, figure out our next steps. The animals willing to stay need better environments. The ones who want to return to or go to the wild, need help.
"Tali, Hobie, could either of you use a wand of shrinking? Who knows the reduce spell? Bliss, Pressi, do you know shrink, or reduce? Hobie? Succotash? Does this seem a reasonable way to do things? Kezzem, what do you think?"
In answer to Bliss's question, he says he is open to either. "Though sailing - I'd love to get to know the sea better. Do dragons still attack boats over there?" "Yes, let us ask the brothers their preferences."
What are Good Guys doing with Bad Guys? Murphy thanks the Sheriff and Deputy for their good work. "Could you tell us the disposition of those arrested for kidnapping, enslavement, trading in giant babies - well, one giant baby - deceit, unlawful imprisonment, corruption, assault, battery, fraud? Despite having a pretty engaging display."
Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 31 nTouch 17 Flat 27 CMD 32 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells Wednesday March 25th, 2020 1:30:54 AM
I can only Reduce Person, which wouldn’t quite be powerful enough to help with that. Do we need to travel with the menagerie though? I believe the road is safe and they are clearly experienced travelers. I don’t think they need an escort. We could just go back to Humble’s on our own and let Roscoe know that they will be coming.”
Succotash (Jeremy) AC 31/16/29 CMD 20 HP 97/97 Valerie AC 35/20/31 CMD 27 HP 93/93 Spells Wednesday March 25th, 2020 10:29:59 AM
“Murph, you goofball, reduce animal is a Druid spell!”, Succotash chuckles at Murphy’s forgetfulness, “Of course that only helps with the critters, the carts and such are something I have no idea how to accomplish, of course, Hobie’s idea has merit”.
Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25, HP 96/111, CMD 24; Harper AC 30 (31 with same), HP 85, CMD 29 Wednesday March 25th, 2020 10:57:34 AM
Off in the distance, Pressi casts another scrying spell.
As much as the Wold and the rest of the team might wish to move on, her mind can't move from the poor orphan child they met on the way here, the one that helped them. The one they couldn't help. She needs to... at least make sure....
Pressi is pretty sure getting the menagerie anywhere is fairly trivial. (Bliss and Pressi may not have reduce animal but they do have polymorphs and baleful polymorphs. Also, they can always ride the animals as mounts.)
Personally, she'd rather just let the menagerie go on its merry way, but that seems off the table. So she leaps upon traveling to Humbles Ford first. As for sailing... She reminds the group that they've had less luck with THAT than with shadow walking.
As for the travel to the jungle and the wide grasslands beyond, he is inclined to walk along the coast.
DM Kathy Wednesday March 25th, 2020 4:45:26 PM Murphy stops by the sheriff's office to see what will become of the prisoners. "I think we have it worked out," the sheriff says. "They'll stay here for a time, and we'll put 'em to work. Chopping wood and fixing things in the winter, then helping with the planting come spring. If they behave themselves, they could go on their way as soon as harvest-time. If they don't...well, they'll be here a mite longer."
Pressi finds a private spot and casts her scrying spell. You see Kesti, the girl from Salbe, in school. She is reading something, and the classroom is pretty quiet. Kesti looks much the same as you saw her before. She seems to be doing okay, but it's hard to know for sure.
The rest of you discuss logistics. The dark elf brothers are content to pack up the menagerie and travel overland to Humble's Ford, where they can spend the rest of the winter.
Your group can pretty easily travel back to Humble's via teleportation and plants. You probably want to bring Grnta the bear, Mowa the lion, and the ocelot siblings with you. And you'll want to find some stirges before you go.
A basic plan begins to coalesce. Some of the more nature-focused among you will go find some stirges that want to be part of a traveling menagerie. The dark elf brothers, and menagerie employees, will pack everything up so they can begin their journey once the stirges arrive. The rest of the group will blip over to Humble's Ford, and probably get some enclosures ready for the animals before you bring them. Then everybody can return to Humble's to await the arrival of the rest of the menagerie. While you wait, you can start Grnta's rehabilitation, and teach the ocelot siblings to hunt on their own.
Bliss | CatBliss HP182/182 AC31 | Mookie HP76/76 AC39 | Cayzle Wednesday March 25th, 2020 5:01:30 PM
Mookie uses telepathy to say to Bliss, "What's with all the stirge-lovin'? Aren't they, well, big mosquitoes that can kill people?"
Bliss thinks back, "Yeah, why aren't we just swatting it? It's a pest, not a nice animal like the others."
But Bliss does not want to offend Murphy, so he is quiet about that.
Bliss has his own opinion about how to divide up the treasure, but service can be slow in the Catacombs, so he has nothing to say about that either, for now.
When we get back to Humbles Ford, Bliss takes a quick daytrip to the WLA. He hopes to ask about the availability of maps of the area between here and the vast eastern plains [OOC: Not really looking for anything beyond what's on the wiki, unless the DM has something for us ... ]
Bliss also suggests that maybe they should get a folding boat or some pearls of the sirens in case we do end up in the waters of Dragon Bay.
Tali (Jon-Paul) - - AC 32 | CMB 5 | CMD 27 | HP 101/101 Wednesday March 25th, 2020 10:19:49 PM AfterMath
Tali wonders aloud, "Why can't we just relocate the Stirge to its native habitat? On another note, when we get back, do we have time for a trip to a Catacombs shop?"
Spells in Effect Overland Flight | 450 of 540 Minutes Mage Armor | 450 of 540 Minutes
Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 32 HP 174/174 - 15; 1 Con damage; Rumpus AC 29 HP 74/74 Wednesday March 25th, 2020 11:19:00 PM
"Catacombs! Catacombs! Catacombs!"
Kezzem breaks into song.
"We're Knights of Humble's Ford We dance whene'er we're board. We do routines and chorus scenes With footwork impeccable. We dine well here in Catcombs. We eat ham and jam and spam with gnomes We're Knights of Humble's Ford Our shows are formidable, But many times we're given rhymes That are quite unsingable. We're opera mad in Catacombs. We sing from the diaphragm in poems. In war we're tough and able, Quite indefatigable. Between our quests we sequin vests and impersonate Clark Gable. It's a busy life in Catcombs. I have to push the pram in homes."
"On second thought, let's not got to Catacombs. 'tis a silly place."
Bliss | CatBliss HP182/182 AC31 | Mookie HP76/76 AC39 | Cayzle Wednesday March 25th, 2020 11:29:09 PM
Bliss shrugs. "Mookie's already at the Catacombs, waiting to be served, in the weird way that the magic shop warps time and space. Service is slow."
Mookie cocks his head and caws. "I am? Oh yeah, I am!"
"Good song though,"Bliss adds, smiling. "Gotta offer up some mad props!"
"Props!" Mookie scoffs and adds, "It's only a model."
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Thursday March 26th, 2020 3:02:55 AM
"Bliss, sometimes it seems you want to tell me something, or I think maybe you're upset or disagree about this or that. Always feel free, friend, to tell me your thoughts if you think I'm going in the wrong direction on something or the like. There is a proverb among some humans: 'As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.'
"Tali, you can head right to the Catacombs here in Crofters Crossing right away. Time there is relative. It's almost like you're in two places at once. Pick up what you need. The stirge told me she'd like to stay, but not to be alone. Let's check with the brothers." And he does. If they want to display stirges, he'll go find some and bring them back. If they don't, then he will take lonely stirge, find some others, and take her to them. He should be able to find some in the Culverwood, where he was born and lived a few years.
Murphy has figured out a way to get animals over to Humble's Ford. To keep things short, I will not explain the intricacies. Before he does so, though, habitats need to be prepared. He suggests that one of the elf brothers and one of the knowledgeable workers come with him, plus up to three party members to communicate with the authorities and craftsfolk to help get things ready over the next day or two to the north of the Sanctuary.
He also lets the group know he has figured out a way to get the whole menagerie, horses, carts, wagons, cages and tents to Humble's Ford over the course of two or three days, if anyone thinks that may be less dangerous than the menagerie traveling without protection from people with weapons and defensive skills. Because sometimes there are monsters or brigands.
"Pressi, will you join me in talking with the mayor and his wife? We can tell them, 'Hi. We rescued some kidnapped halflings, and ended up with a menagerie. Can some of them stay over at our place for the winter?' Likely you'll have better words and questions than that."
The druid from the musical family really enjoys Kezzem's song. Silly, funny, definitely Kezzem.
Succotash (Jeremy) AC 31/16/29 CMD 20 HP 97/97 Valerie AC 35/20/31 CMD 27 HP 93/93 Spells Thursday March 26th, 2020 10:27:41 AM
Succotash asks his friends, “Anybody know where we may find some stirges? I’ve heard they can be found in swamps and marshes. Anyone know where we can find either of those?”
Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 31 nTouch 17 Flat 27 CMD 32 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells Thursday March 26th, 2020 12:44:03 PM
Hobie will go with the first group who blips to Humbles Ford and he will take some of his recent earnings to the catacombs.
Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25, HP 96/111, CMD 24; Harper AC 30 (31 with same), HP 85, CMD 29 Thursday March 26th, 2020 2:54:13 PM
"Yes, I should have no problem putting it more diplomatically, and asking where to find stirges."
DM Kathy Thursday March 26th, 2020 4:15:13 PM
You discuss going to the Catacombs, which prompts Kezzem to break into song.
[OOC: If your character needs to visit the Catacombs, go ahead. You have the means to get there, and I want people to have plenty of time to sort out their gear.]
You ask the dark elf brothers about stirges, and their preference is to continue to show them--especially since they will be losing their lioness and bear. It takes several hours, but you are able to locate small colony of wild stirges, and persuade a few of them to join the menagerie. The lone stirge flies excited circles around the cage when the other stirges show up. It's kind of cute. Almost cute enough to make you forget that they're a bunch of blood-sucking pests.
You take a preliminary trip back to Humble's Ford to arrange for the menagerie to winter there. Those arrangements take a bit of time, but you are able to make them. Bliss is able to go to the WLA and get some maps.
"On second thought, look! It is much the longer route to walk the beach along the Scab! Maybe we should boat or teleport across the Bay of Dragons. At the narrowest point it is only about 30 miles."
Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 32 HP 174/174 - 15; 1 Con damage; Rumpus AC 29 HP 74/74 Friday March 27th, 2020 12:08:43 AM
"See, Mookie gets me," says Kezzem.
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Friday March 27th, 2020 5:31:59 AM
Murphy's ramblings So now we have 4 stirges? 5? 6? Murphy conducts an annoying insect census. But he does talk to them and welcomes them. And how many monkeys have we?
In Humble's Ford, Murphy gathers as many as are willing and able to help get dwellings for the animals. George the lead builder. Hugo and Primula Pipeweed for metallic parts. His father Samell 'Fingers' Pipewood for exercise and play things for the animals. We've been using the 300' square bit to the north of our official 300' square bit. Our dwarf mushroom-raising friend is using part of it. We expand the usage, as shown on the North of the Sanctuary Map. A monkey cage with plenty of things to climb on. A slide. Multiple platforms and trees for the ocelots. And a slide there too, with a curved ramp going up to it. Each spot also has one or more places of shelter, where they can be largely out of sight of those who may be outside the habitat.
Murphy thinks hard about something for the bear, and the lion. For the bear, who does not wish to be placed on display, he makes a hut, with an underground den within along one side. The bear may come out of the hut if he wishes. Outside there are a few long big logs to rest against, or scratch himself upon.
He asks others about ideas for an aviary for the beautiful tropical birds.
"Let's think about traveling dwellings which may be expanded further when camping or for shows, to allow for movement and exercise." He asks for input and suggestions from the dark elves and the workers. We heard some of the worker's names before. T'would be nice to know them all (in due course).
He changes into a lion with a mane and hangs out for a bit with the lioness.
Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 32 HP 174/174 - 15; 1 Con damage; Rumpus AC 29 HP 74/74 Friday March 27th, 2020 11:56:13 AM
"Hey Press, I think Murphey's got a new girlfriend," says Kezzem.
Succotash (Jeremy) AC 31/16/29 CMD 20 HP 97/97 Valerie AC 35/20/31 CMD 27 HP 93/93 Spells Friday March 27th, 2020 1:22:39 PM
Succotash pitches in where ever he can, whether it is speaking with the critters, or helping with building enclosures. He is antsy to got the lioness and other critters, who wish to be released, to their new forever homes.
Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25, HP 96/111, CMD 24; Harper AC 30 (31 with same), HP 85, CMD 29 Friday March 27th, 2020 2:47:36 PM
Harper pretends to be completely uninterested with the new cats in town.
Pressi looks over her gear, trying to determine if she can actually afford her new rapier. (Will work on this over the weekend.) She also looks over Murphy with annoyance before reconnecting with the coven for help.
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Friday March 27th, 2020 2:58:12 PM
"Hey, Pressi... here's 4,500 gold pieces for you. I just got back from the Catacombs," Murphy says. "I'm fine gear-wise. And, say, if you get annoyed with me over something, call it out. What, you don't want me, a druid, trying to take care of the animals? Likely not so much, eh, if I'm not taking care of you?"
Tali (Jon-Paul) - - AC 32 | CMB 5 | CMD 27 | HP 101/101 Friday March 27th, 2020 5:00:07 PM Rayya
As soon as Tali arrives back at Humble Sword's compund she searches for Rayya. As the space Tali and Rayya took up was small compared to the size of compound, finding Rayya was easy. Tali finds Rayya sitting on her pearch sleeping. In one fell swoop, Tali sweeps Rayya off her pearch, into her harms and snugglesRayya as if she never had.
"Oh, Rayya, I have missed you so! How have you been?!"
The rest f the conversation takes place between the two telepathically, one Master to one Familiar. The two end of snugglings and sleeping for about 2 1/2 hours. Afterwards. Tali does her usual spell prepping after her two hour sleep / meditation.
Bliss is tired, and he takes the chance to catch up on his sleep before the next adventure begins.
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Sunday March 29th, 2020 3:25:42 AM
Murphy asks his mates, "Would it make sense for us to spend a week and a half or two here, take care of domestic issues, and get ourselves prepared for our journey eastward? I know some of you would start feeling antsy if it took us longer than that to get back on the road again. Unless you want us to winter here, and take off again as spring approaches."
Should the group concur with the short or the long notion - Murphy wants no more than a fews days to pass before he spends a day or so with Pressi, to talk about where they are, and what their plans may be.
Also, he has been trying for about the past ten levels to meet with McGregor HeadWise. He'd love to have some tea with him, and get his advice and counsel on a few matters [even if such a meeting were to happen off-board].
At least one full day he will spend taking down more of the stoney walls left by the volcano power that tried to inhabit Humble's Ford, to allow even a more free flow of air into the town.
Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells Sunday March 29th, 2020 5:03:49 AM
Hobie took a trip the catacombs and upgraded his belt of Incredible Dex, so he's feeling quite more dextrous (and he's at 21, so when we reach level 16, he'll be even MORE so). He's a bit more accurate with his bow, and a bit better at avoiding damage.
Succotash (Jeremy) AC 31/16/29 CMD 20 HP 97/97 Valerie AC 35/20/31 CMD 27 HP 93/93 Spells Sunday March 29th, 2020 6:47:36 PM
Succotash likes the idea of a week and a half to two week furlough, and takes the time to teleport to Merrydale to try to finally face his father. He isn’t sure if he is seeking his approval or his forgiveness, but In his heart, Succotash wishes to heal the wounds he created the day he left home.
DM Kathy Monday March 30th, 2020 12:34:33 PM
The next two weeks are very busy. You make arrangements for the animals, building large enclosures with toys, places to hide, and things to explore. You use teleportation magic to bring the animals to their new (in some cases temporary) home.
You visit the Catacombs and upgrade your gear.
You take care of personal business. Tali reunites with Rayya. The little owl is glad to see you, and curious about the new animals. Murphy finds time to sit with MacGregor Headwise. Succotash goes to Merrydale. Bliss catches up on sleep.
The dark elves and caravan employees are traveling overland from Crofters Crossing to Humble's Ford. The way is relatively safe--with the possible exception of the last bit over the Red Hills. They are able to stay in contact with you, and let you know if they need help. So far, their journey has been uneventful.
Eventually, of course, you will be leaving to take the two ocelots and the lioness to their new homes in the Easter Wilderlands. Before that happens, the ocelots will need to be taught how to hunt so they can survive in the wild. That is really your time limiter at the moment; once you decide the ocelots are ready, you can make your departure.
Tali (Jon-Paul) - - AC 32 | CMB 5 | CMD 27 | HP 101/101 Monday March 30th, 2020 2:25:50 PM Shopping
Tali asks Rayya is she wants to go with her shopping for new addition to her gear. "Rayya, my lovely friend, wanna go shopping with me to the Catacombs? Might be able to find a new juicy treat for you!" says Tali to her friendly owl.
Spells in Effect
Overland Flight | 900 of 900 minutes Mage Armor | 900 of 900 minutes
Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25, HP 96/111, CMD 24; Harper AC 30 (31 with same), HP 85, CMD 29 Monday March 30th, 2020 4:32:21 PM
Pressi is quite appreciative of Murphy's gift, and quite happy with her new weapon.
She also does take some time to discuss where they are and what the plans are. (I took the discussion offline, but I'm appreciative of the downtime for the characters.)
Harper does what she can to train the animals in the way of hunting.
Succotash (Jeremy) AC 31/16/29 CMD 20 HP 97/97 Valerie AC 35/20/31 CMD 27 HP 93/93 Spells Monday March 30th, 2020 5:59:30 PM
Succotash starts walking down the roads of his childhood heading to the home he grew up in. Nothing that he can tell has changed since his departure 7 years or so ago, “Everything is as it should be”, he thinks to himself. He reaches for the knocker on the door, but then pulls his hand away, “I’ve fearlessly faced Giants, Dragons, and death, and yet I fear what’s behind this door!”, he mumbles to himself. Finally he reaches out and knocks on the door.
Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 32 HP 174/174 - 15; 1 Con damage; Rumpus AC 29 HP 74/74 Monday March 30th, 2020 11:28:58 PM
"Hey, look what I can do!" says Kezzem excitedly as he uses his new FLAMING dagger to set dead vegetation on fire, then uses his frost dagger.
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Tuesday March 31st, 2020 2:33:21 AM
Murphy can play prey for the ocelots, as well as predator, working with Harper sometimes, sometimes just letting Harper do their training all by herself - occasionally watching from afar. He figures Harper is the master in these circumstances.
He does offer tactical training. Such as chase the prey toward the hiding partner.
The druid delivers an update to the Journal of Humble's Sword. With a tiny bit more free time, he does some editing, jots notes and additional information in some areas.
Following Bliss's example, he makes some inquiries regarding the lands they plan to visit. He offers to deliver messages to a few folks out in that area if such help is needed.
He admires Kezzem's hot and cold attacks.
Murphy will attend religious services as led by Sarabella Lovesong, and others offered in town as well. He approaches various religious leaders about the shrines still under development at the Sanctuary of Humble's Sword to get their ideas and recommendations for finishing and dedicating each shrine.
He checks to see how Kade is doing with tunneling and mushroom growing. He also inspects the series of tunnels he built with help a while back. Any weaknesses he will work to repair - using judiciously dampening, some rock to mud, and mud to rock here and there.
But mainly, he looks for time to spend with Pressi.
And, as availability occurs, he gets together individually, as asks each member, "What are we as Humble's Sword doing well? What can we do better?"
Subbing for Bliss (Jeremy) Tuesday March 31st, 2020 4:56:29 AM
"That's great Kezzem!", Bliss says while clapping his hands, "Now freeze um, and fry um!"
DM Kathy Tuesday March 31st, 2020 1:14:45 PM
In Humble's Ford, Kezzem shows off his new daggers, to Bliss's admiration. Tali brings Rayya to the Catacombs with her, which is sure to cause a sensation.
Pressi and Murphy help the ocelots learn to hunt. You know that ocelots in the wild are solitary hunters, so you work with the siblings separately. However, given that they were raised together well into adulthood, it's possible that the two ocelots will want to share territory, so you also teach them some team tactics.
You also spend some time with Grnta the bear, who is slowly acclimatizing to her new surroundings.
In Merrydale, Succotash pauses before knocking on the door of his childhood home. There is a long pause, and you begin to think nobody is home, and then the door opens. You don't immediately recognize the person who opened it, but then it clicks. You haven't seen your cousin in years, and he's grown up from the weedy youth he used to be. And for the life of you, you can't remember his name. His real name, that is. You usually called him Blockhead. He frowns, not immediately recognizing you either. "Succotash?" he says at last.
Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells Tuesday March 31st, 2020 1:57:24 PM
while the others are out hunting with ocelots, Hobie spends time out riding his pony Pippa in the fields around town. He also gets in some practice with the bow, particularly he will spend time casting the spell Fly, and hovering while shooting. He tries to chase birds and shoot them out of the sky. Anything he kills he will bring home to his cousin, Constable Roscoe.
He enjoys what time he has, as he knows it’s once again going to be just a few days at home before running off on another adventure
Subbing for Bliss (Jeremy) Tuesday March 31st, 2020 6:11:07 PM
Bliss helps in the ocelot training, since he has some experience hunting as a cat.
Succotash (Jeremy) Tuesday March 31st, 2020 6:20:51 PM
As he recognizes his cousin, Succotash is about to address him by his childhood nickname, but realizes that may not be a good thing at this time, and since he can’t for the life of him remember his name, Succotash simply says, “It’s been a long time cousin, how goes things here on the home front?” He leaves Blockhead some time to respond, than asks, “Are my parents around, I would really like to see them, especially, I suppose, my father?”
Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25, HP 96/111, CMD 24; Harper AC 30 (31 with same), HP 85, CMD 29 Tuesday March 31st, 2020 8:31:02 PM
(More to come tomorrow morning.)
Pressi continues to spend time with Murphy and with her coven. She also gives Kezzem and Hobie a thumbs up on their rather impressive numbers.
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Wednesday April 1st, 2020 4:56:00 AM
Murphy decides to renounce druidism and become a bricklayer. He says he's going to check with the WLA to see if he can pick up a few skill points in laying bricks, slathering mortar, and using a plumb line.
"What day is today?" he asks as he ponders his career change.
Tali (Jon-Paul) - - AC 32 | CMB 5 | CMD 27 | HP 101/101 Wednesday April 1st, 2020 1:05:55 PM The Shopping Trip
Upon return from the Catacombs, Tali returns her Owl friend to her perch to recover from the CataCombs.
After removing the dust from her clothes, and washing up, Tali will mediate for two hours, resting up for the next assignment / trip.
Upon waking Tali will doing her standard daily process. If 24 hours have past, will cast her two (2) favorite spells: Overland Flight & Mage Armor.
Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells d20+28=39 ; d20+28=38 ; d20+28=38 ; d20+28=46 ; d20+28=31 ; d20+28=40 ; d20+28=29 ; d20+28=48 ; d20+28=37 ; d20+28=29 ; Wednesday April 1st, 2020 1:27:10 PM
Hobie fires at ten birds as he flies around. Eight surely hit their mark, but two find themselves off course by just a hair. He is a bit frustrated at being only 80% accurate. After collecting his prey, he'll take some time to fiddle with his bow string, thinking it must be just a hair off.
DM Kathy Wednesday April 1st, 2020 2:03:41 PM
What with one thing and another, you find yourselves spending several weeks in Humble's Ford. The ocelots have to be trained, and the other animals tended to. When the menagerie employees arrive, space has to be found for them, and then they need to be taught how to better look after the animals.
Grnta the bear continues to improve, but it's clear her menagerie days are over. She grows to like and trust the security of her enclosure, and doesn't want to leave. Sometimes she consents to come out and let people look at her, but that still seems to make her a little uncomfortable. Still, the local halflings seem to like having their very own bear, and many of them grow to become quite protective of Grnta's privacy.
In Merrydale, Succotash learns that his cousin Bachedt (right! that's his real name!) is being taught to take over the silversmithing business. You spend a cozy afternoon with your mother over tea, and a somewhat less cozy conversation with your father at his workshop. It's clear he's still somewhat resentful of how things turned out, and would much rather be training you than your cousin Blockhead. Er, Bachedt.
Murphy plays a merry prank to lighten the long winter days.
Finally, you reach the point where you feel you can leave Humble's Ford once again. The menagerie is ready to go come spring. The ocelots know how to hunt. Mowa the lioness is becoming very impatient. You have your new gear from the Catacombs, you have repaired your old gear, and you are ready for your next adventure!
One final question remains: are you taking the cats (the two ocelots and Mowa) with you on your travels? Or do you plan to find a suitable spot, then teleport back here and get them?
Okay, two final questions: are you going to travel overland or by ship?
[Everybody take 4,000 XP for this scene. We will start our new adventure tomorrow, so please wrap up what you need in Crescent Valley. If your character is still in the Catacombs, that's fine; you will have your gear when you depart.]
Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25, HP 96/111, CMD 24; Harper AC 30 (31 with same), HP 85, CMD 29 Wednesday April 1st, 2020 11:34:51 PM
Pressi reminds the group that going over land might be better. Otherwise, she prepares for her trip.
As Succotash comes back from his visit from his dad, Pressi makes a decision. She writes a letter to her family saying she's ready to see them again... and leaves it on a tree stump in the middle of an open field.
She doesn't even turn around before knowing a family member took it,
Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 32 HP 174/174 - 15; 1 Con damage; Rumpus AC 29 HP 74/74 Thursday April 2nd, 2020 1:12:51 AM
"So long, and thanks for all the fish," says Kezzem as the Sword are ready to depart,
Murphy Leafwin Pipewood (KimMc) Druid halfling - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132 Thursday April 2nd, 2020 3:55:40 AM
Murphy wild shapes a few times. As a lion he talks with Mowa, and offers her a choice. "Would you want to travel with us? You won't be in a cage. We all likely will face danger. Some of us may die. You may die. But you could travel, and see much. We will defend you. Perhaps you will defend us. Until we find a place you want to call home.
"Or, you can wait here. Just as we used magic to move you from one place to another, so we would do again. It likely would be safer for you, and less complicated for us. But, Mowa, you get to decide."
As an ocelot [yeah, yeah, a reskinned leopard or the like], Murphy talks with the adventuresome youngins. He offers the same choice as he offered Mowa. And finds out their names (or makes up names for them if no one else does). If they (and Mowa) choose to join the party, then he gives them each the chance to say farewell to the other animals. "We leave in the morning."
Murphy and Pressi have been having many private conversations.
He has spent time with his family, and welcomed his friends to do so, as well. His folks and family love to be with his adventuring friends, and ask all sorts of questions, and sometimes offer advice as former adventurers.
Murphy checks in with the mayor and his wife, and Roscoe, to see how things go on the political and law enforcement areas of Humble's Ford. And, he visits Tiana, seeing how she is faring, and expressing deep gratitude for her key role in saving the whole valley from massive death, destruction and slavery. "Without you, Tiana, we would have been lost." He apologizes for leaving, or, really, being whisked away just before things were wrapped up. Doing so was so far from his will that... well, he is just sorry he was not there. If she will, he asks her to tell him her perceptions of the event, and the aftermath.
He joins Hobie in helping him out in archery practice by tossing things in the air for him to shoot down. And helping to organize kids and adults who want to practice at the archery range at the Sanctuary.
He thanks foreman George for the additional work he and his crew have accomplished in providing housing for the menagerie, and helping shape up the shrines. He sees how Kade is doing with the mushroom cultivation.
The druid casts a few instances of plant growth to touch on the town and surrounding farmland to help insure abundant crops over this next year. He plants in a variety of places three oak seeds in proximity to each other - with enough space to have room to grow. He casts targeted plant growth at the various sites he has done this. Not often, though, will the acorns be planted so as to form equilateral triangles. The challenge and offer to join a druidic order still rests in the back of his mind.
In the morning, friends gathered together, he asks Succotash to offer up a prayer for their journey together. Then he is ready to travel eastward.
Tali (Jon-Paul) - - AC 32 | CMB 5 | CMD 27 | HP 101/101 Thursday April 2nd, 2020 8:41:23 AM Return from the Catacombs
After returning from the Catacombs, Tali puts Rayya to bed, dons her new gear, and then proceeds to meditate for two (2) hours, while wearing her new gear, especially to get use to the goggles and the newly upgraded belt.
Upon waking Tali will doing her standard daily process. If 24 hours have past, will cast her two (2) favorite spells: Overland Flight & Mage Armor.
Then Tali searches out her companions looking forward to the next chapter.
Spells in Effect Overland Flight | 900 of 900 minutes Mage Armor | 900 of 900 minutes
Subbing for Bliss (Jeremy) Thursday April 2nd, 2020 10:24:00 AM
Bliss makes it clear to everyone that he is ready to go!
Succotash (Jeremy) Thursday April 2nd, 2020 10:33:28 AM
Succotash thanks his mom for a lovely tea and gives he a giant hug, telling he loves her. In the workshop, he breaks down saying:
”Dad, I know you may not believe me, but I tried as hard as I could to follow in your footsteps. The problem is, I simply don’t have a knack for working the silver, and every time I tried, I would end up more frustrated, as I wanted to honor you out of love. The stronger the frustration grew, the stronger my wanderlust grew, until I couldn’t take anymore. I hate how I left, and our last words together, but I truly love my life as an adventurer, and I’m overjoyed that a Slenderstick will be taking over the business in the future. I have to leave, but know that I love you and mom, and I hope someday you’ll understand”
He tries to give his dad a hug, and then says farewell, as he teleports back to Humble’s Ford.