Sarge [AC 20; HP 47/61](Kathy) d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; Saturday March 7th, 2020 2:35:01 PM
If Sarge has time after the Dimension Door, she immediately channels positive energy, excluding Snake Guy.
Having backed away from the fire wall, Hmerrin looks to Eisenhorne. As the wizard starts casting a spell, Hmerrin takes a couple deep breaths, and prepares to fling himself upon Snake Guy.
A wall of stone pops up between the lad and the rest of the company.
Hmerrin blinks stupidly at the stone wall. He turns his head, and blinks stupidly at the fire wall. Just in case, he turns his head some more, and blinks stupidly at the empty corridor.
Frowning deeply at the fire wall, the fighter stows his handaxe, and pulls out a potion.
--- Enlarge Person - The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 10 rounds.)
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 1/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] Sunday March 8th, 2020 3:19:53 PM
Desdichado begins to return to consciousness, lying still and hearing bewildering sounds of battle around him.
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 40/74; AC:30/19/24- CMD 26 Sunday March 8th, 2020 10:19:34 PM
Time slows down for Toston or is it just he's getting dumber
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) Monday March 9th, 2020 5:12:56 AM
Gaffer does as he is told and hurries to Sarge's side, letting whatever Eisenhorn casts next take a hold of him.
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 95 minutes - +4 to NA Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed **** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, (Poison), (Shape Stone), Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 4/82] - [Charles] d20+18=27 ; d20+18=24 ; d20+18=35 ; d20+13=22 ; d8+15=20 ; d8+15=23 ; d8+15=18 ; d8+15=21 ; d8+15=19 ; Monday March 9th, 2020 6:33:20 AM
Having been teleported around Eisenhorn before Sharpe is braced for the sensation. Seeing Cobra man as he appears in the room his eyes widen. "What kind of messed up menagerie is this!" .
Full attack on The Cobra Man. Many Shot; Rapid Shot; Magical; Deadly Aim Improved Critical; Critical Focus; Point Blank Shot 27 vs AC; Dmg - 43 24 vs AC; Dmg - 18 35 vs AC; Dmg - 21 22 vs AC; Dmg - 19
-------Active Effects-------
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 7 rounds.)
The 5th Floor-Combat Round 17 - DM Dan K d20+16=23 ; d20+16=35 ; d20+16=35 ; d20+16=28 ; d20+16=29 ; d20+16=17 ; d20+16=33 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=3 ; d4+2=4 ; Monday March 9th, 2020 9:52:52 PM
Toston attacks and misses Sarge moves towards Eisenhorne and REadies on teh Dimensional Door Spell As does Sharpe and Gaffer. Eisenhorne has never seen the room where the Cobra Man is currently fighting Toston and cannot Dimensional Door there, but he can put everyone on the other side of the stone wall. Knowing Hmerrin is just beyond it, Eissenhorne casts the spell and goes to the available location he knows will be there for all 4 of them Upon Arrival Sarge channels, healing everyone but Toston
The Cobra Man attacks Toston the snake head strike from seemingly all directions Toston Hit AC 23/35/35/28/29/17/33 Dmg 5+3+4 Please make 3 Will Saves DC 19 or be confused 1 round
the thick black line between 12-13 N-O is the Wall of Stone spell green box is a Wall of Fire
Cleric Dead Halfling Dead Gnome Dead Rakshasa Dmg 76 SR 25 Ralsiner Dmg 16 SR 23
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 28/74; AC:30/19/24- CMD 26 d20+10=13 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+10=18 ; d100=13 ; d20+14=31 ; d20+9=21 ; d8+6=7 ; Tuesday March 10th, 2020 12:04:53 AM
(OOC: Toston failed 2 will saves; does that mean he is confused for 2 rounds or just 1 round as the effect isn't cumulative)
Toston is confused and mentally diminished but despite all that he can still attack the snake guy (13 = act normal)
31 vs AC; 7 damage 21 vs AC; miss
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 41 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Shield : 5 rounds left Cat's Crace : 3 min -13 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
DM Dan. Just 1 round. non cumulative effect
Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) d20=11 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; Tuesday March 10th, 2020 12:27:56 AM
Sarge moves to N-13 and channels again, again excluding Snake Guy.
Everybody heals15.
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 4/82] - [Charles] d20+12=31 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=31 ; d20+18=36 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+22=31 ; d8+15=21 ; d8+15=16 ; d8+15=21 ; d8+15=23 ; d8+15=18 ; d8+15=22 ; d8+15=16 ; Tuesday March 10th, 2020 4:47:56 AM
(Move to 013) (31 vs Grease)
Having been teleported around Eisenhorn before Sharpe is braced for the sensation, he moves into range. Seeing Cobra man as he appears in the room his eyes widen. "What kind of messed up menagerie is this!" .
Full attack on The Cobra Man. Many Shot; Rapid Shot; Magical; Deadly Aim Improved Critical; Critical Focus; Point Blank Shot 38 vs AC Critical Hit; 31 to confirm ; Dmg - 44 or 81 24 vs AC; Dmg - 18 35 vs AC; Dmg - 22 22 vs AC; Dmg - 16
-------Active Effects-------
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 6 rounds.)
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 28/82] - [Charles] Tuesday March 10th, 2020 4:50:14 AM
Updating health
Desdichado stands thanks to Sarge's healing, and heals himself a little more before continuing the fight with the snake man.
Attack 31 vs AC; 8 damage
------------------------ Effects: Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 685 rounds Divine Bond: Holy - 2d6 vs Evil; 95 rounds Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (x2 vs outsider) Lay on Hands: 3/12 remaining
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 37/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 2d6=9 ; Tuesday March 10th, 2020 2:04:56 PM
Forgot to add the 2d6 from Divine Bond - additional 9 damage, total 17.
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 11/82; CMD 17] Tuesday March 10th, 2020 4:33:10 PM
[OOC: DM there doesn't seem to be anything in the spells description that indicates the character needs to have seen the location. As long as Eisenhorn is aware that there is a room there he should be able to teleport into it. Am I misunderstanding how the spell works?]
Eisenhorn stares at the hallway and Hmerrin puzzeled for a second. "This is not where I thought we'd end up..." he mutters to himself as he considers his next move.
Heals from Sarge 9.
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 8min 48 sec (88rounds) Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 68 rounds Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 58 rounds Detect Thoughts (10min) 100 rounds - 7 rounds Shield (+4 Shield AC; Block Magic Missiles) (1min) 10 - 2 rounds Haste (1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 10 - 4 rounds)
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
DM my interpretation of Dimensional always arrive at exactly the spot desired—whether by simply visualizing the area or by stating you have to know where you are going to a degree. AS the spell has range stating direction for me includes how far. I will take this to the Rules board for other opinions for future use cases
Hmerrin drinks the potion while also feeling the nice effects of Sarge's spell.
The nice feelings don't last long.
Spotting Eisenhorne contemplating his next move, Hmerrin cries out in frustration. "Could somebody PLEASE dispel the blasted Wall of Fire!"
The fighter tries to spot Snake Guy on the far side of the fire wall. [Perception 9]
-- Drink Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds. Heals 19 hp ...nice..
Enlarge Person - The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 10 rounds.)
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) d6+5=11 ; d20+10=27 ; Tuesday March 10th, 2020 7:30:23 PM
Gaffer frowns at his new location, unable to see into the room with Ralinsir inside and unsure how to help from here.
If he can gain line of sight, he sends out another Storm Burst towards Ralsiner, if not, he readies himself to do so if Ralsiner moves into line of sight. (Touch attack: 27; Damage: 11)
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 95 minutes - +4 to NA Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed **** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, (Poison), (Shape Stone), Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
The 5th Floor-Combat Round 18 - DM Dan K d20+16=21 ; d4=2 ; d4=3 ; d4=1 ; d4=4 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+16=34 ; d20+16=30 ; 4d6=11 ; 4d6=17 ; Tuesday March 10th, 2020 10:38:18 PM
Toston becomes confused, but fights it off and attacks. His weapon hits but does not cut the Cobra Man Sharpe moves up and carefully through the Grease spell to take a shot, but teh wall of fire blocks all sight into the room. From here, he has no targetWall of Fire is opaque Sarge moves 30', being careful to not fall in the Grease Spell and channels some healing. Even though she cannot see them, Sarge knows Toston and Des are in teh room and includes thme in the Channel All PC's Heal 15 Des snaps back to the Wold of the conscious and lays Hnads on himself. He then stands provoking an attack from the Cobra Man, and he picks up his sword pick up sword move action, stand up from prone move action AoO Des hit AC 21 Dmg 4 + Will save DC 19 or confused 1 round Hmerrin drinks a potion of healing and firmly asks if someone can dispel the Wall of Fire Gaffer cannot see through the Wall of Fire, like everyone else and so has no target
The Wall of Fire burns Sarge and Sharpe Sarge dmg 5: Shapre Dmg 4
The Cobra Man hisses and laughs at Toston as he glances back at Des, now standing. "Goodness, are you still trying to win?" He makes a gesture and send another pair of scorching rays into Des Des Hit Touch AC 34/30 Dmg 11/17 total 28
the thick black line between 12-13 N-O is the Wall of Stone spell green box is a Wall of Fire. The Wall is opaque heat radiates into the hall Grease spell move in, within or out of requires Acrobatics DC 10 and is at 1/2 speed. Fail Acrobatics by 5 or more and fall prone
Cleric Dead Halfling Dead Gnome Dead Rakshasa Dmg 76 SR 25 Ralsiner Dmg 16 SR 23
Sarge [AC 20; HP 56/61](Kathy) Wednesday March 11th, 2020 12:05:22 AM
"Sorry, can't get rid of it," Sarge tells Hmerrin. "But I can protect you from it and get out of your way."
She casts Protection from Energy: Fire on Hmerrin, then steps to N-12.
"Why yes, as a matter of fact we are" responds Desdichado. Swiftly healing himself from the fiery rays he then lays into the snake man
20 vs AC: Miss? 23 vs AC: 10+8 holy
-------------------------------- Effects: Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 684 rounds Divine Bond: Holy - 2d6 vs Evil; 94 rounds Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (x2 vs outsider) Lay on Hands: 2/12 remaining
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 26/82; CMD 17] Wednesday March 11th, 2020 4:42:36 PM
Eisenhorn squeezes past Hmerrin to get to Sharpe and Sarge. "Let me past big guy, see if I can get us through this fire."
As Eisenhorn gets to O13 he tries to grab Sharpe, Sarge & Hmerrin and use Dimensional Steps (Sp) to teleport them 10ft Directly through the fire. Hopeing that will get them behind the opaque wall of flame. (Remaining use of Dimensional Steps: 300ft - 40ft = 260ft.)
If that doesn't work he jumps through the fire.
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 8min 56 sec (89rounds) Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 69 rounds Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 59 rounds Detect Thoughts (10min) 100 rounds - 8 rounds Shield (+4 Shield AC; Block Magic Missiles) (1min) 10 - 3 rounds Haste (1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 10 - 5 rounds)
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 88/109 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:27) Wednesday March 11th, 2020 6:14:04 PM
Hmerrin watches as Eisenhorn jumps through the flames.
"If you bring all our people who are in there out here, we might be better off," he calls out.
Enlarge Person - The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 10 rounds.)
Protection from Energy: Fire
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) d20+17=36 ; Wednesday March 11th, 2020 6:19:18 PM
Gaffer looks around almost blankly as the rest of the party disappear into the other room, looking over the wall of flames uncertainly, he ultimately decides he is better off on thjs side. He will search the closest body he can find. (Perception: 36)
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 95 minutes - +4 to NA Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed **** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, (Poison), (Shape Stone), Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 43/74; AC:30/19/24- CMD 26 d20+14=31 ; d8+12=16 ; d20+9=26 ; d8+12=16 ; Wednesday March 11th, 2020 9:36:08 PM
Toston uses a full power attack against the snake man taking advantage of Des's resurrection to strike (10 + 2 from enhanced Dex + 2 from flanking = 31; 16 slashing damage with +2 weapon) (5 + 2 from enhanced Dex + 2 from flanking = 26; 16 slashing damage with +2 weapon)
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 42 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Shield : 4 rounds left Cat's Crace : 3 min -14 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 28/82] - [Charles] d20-12=-3 ; d20+18=20 ; d8+15=20 ; Thursday March 12th, 2020 5:35:26 AM
(Move to 19) (Acrobatics 27 vs Grease) Sharpe moves back and waits to fire on the cobraman if he comes out of the room.
20 vs AC; Dmg - 20
-------Active Effects-------
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 6 rounds.)
Sarge [AC 20; HP 56/61](Kathy) Thursday March 12th, 2020 12:47:29 PM
[OOC: Sarge is 8th level, so the Protection spell on Hmerrin can absorb 80 damage.]
The 5th Floor-Combat Round 18 - DM Dan K Thursday March 12th, 2020 3:50:08 PM
ill be posting tonight, sorry for yesterday, things went a bit bonkers RL
The 5th Floor-Combat Round 19 - DM Dan K 2d6+9=14 ; d4=2 ; d4=2 ; d20=3 ; d20+20=21 ; Thursday March 12th, 2020 10:14:00 PM
Sarge, unable to get rid of the Wall of Fire, Casts Protection of Fire on Hmerrin. The heat sears Sarge Sarge Dmg 4 Des heals himself, then responds and attacks the Cobra Man missing both times. Eisenhorne cannot get to Sharpe and Sarge. There is no space past Hmerrin to end his move in and so the wizard hurls himself through the Wall of Fire Eisenhorne Dmg 14 Eisenhorne, pleasae make an Acrobatics check DC 10 to move through the Grease spell. Fail Acrobatics by 5 or more and fall prone
Hmerrin watches Eisenhorne leap through the Wall of Fire and calls for him to maybe get the party to come out here Gaffer moves down the hall and starts searching the dead cleric. The dead man is human with the following gear heavy steal shield, an obsidian trident, dagger, sable cloak, headband with teh symbol of Ga'al, wide leather belt and a phlycery. Toston cuts the Cobra Man with his first swing and draws a thin line of blood Sharpe drops back and waits for the Cobra Man to exit the room blocked with the Wall of Fire
"You have an overdeveloped sense of rightousness. It's going to get you in trouble someday." He hisses back to Des and then once again sends a pair of flaming rays into him. In trying to cast the spell, something goes worng however and he hisses in disgust
see round 19 tab
the thick black line between 12-13 N-O is the Wall of Stone spell green box is a Wall of Fire. The Wall is opaque heat radiates into the hall Grease spell move in, within or out of requires Acrobatics DC 10 and is at 1/2 speed. Fail Acrobatics by 5 or more and fall prone
Cleric Dead Halfling Dead Gnome Dead Rakshasa Dmg 76 SR 25 - Gone Ralsiner Dmg 22 SR 23
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 43/74; AC:30/19/24- CMD 26 d20+14=25 ; d20+9=16 ; Thursday March 12th, 2020 11:03:29 PM
Toston just shakes his head and presses his attack some more not knowing what else to do.
(25 vs AC; miss) (16 vs AC; miss)
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 43 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Shield : 3 rounds left Cat's Crace : 3 min -15 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
Sarge [AC 20; HP 52/61](Kathy) d8=3 ; d8=7 ; d8=5 ; d20=6 ; Thursday March 12th, 2020 11:56:55 PM
Sarge casts Cure Serious Wounds on Eisenhorn. "I hope you know what you're doing," she says.
Eisenhorn heals 23.
Then she tries to get out of Hmerrin's way, but can't navigate through the Grease.
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 34/82; CMD 17] d20=3 ; Friday March 13th, 2020 3:52:19 AM
Acrobatics check roll: 3 + 5 = 8
Eisenhorn struggles to move through the grease.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 25/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] d20+19=34 ; d20+14=28 ; d12+5=11 ; d12+5=15 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=6 ; Friday March 13th, 2020 12:01:10 PM
In response to the snake guy's barb, Desdichado looks around him and says, "Yeah, it looks like it's gotten me into trouble right now..."
"As for you, whether you're the tip of the spear or the butt of the joke, we don't plan on giving up. May Domi's might bring you to justice!" he shouts as he raises his axe for a swing (Smite Evil).
34 vs AC; 11+7 holy+10 smite (20 if evil outsider): 28 or 38 damage 28 vs AC; 15+6 holy+10 smite: 31 damage
-------------------------------- Effects: Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 683 rounds Divine Bond: Holy - 2d6 vs Evil; 93 rounds Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (+20 vs outsider); bypass DR Smite Evil (on Snake Guy): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (+20 vs outsider); bypass DR Lay on Hands: 2/12 remaining
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 28/82] - [Charles] d20+18=36 ; d8+15=17 ; Friday March 13th, 2020 12:29:30 PM
Sharpe waits to fire on the cobra man if he comes out of the room.
36 vs AC; Dmg - 17
-------Active Effects-------
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 5 rounds.)
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 88/109 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:27) Friday March 13th, 2020 7:43:30 PM
Hmerrin is stuck. All he can do is wait.
The young fighter grinds his teeth in frustration.
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 53/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) Saturday March 14th, 2020 8:47:05 AM
Gaffer waits in the corridor, nervous and feeling more than a little helpless.
Sarge [AC 20; HP 52/61](Kathy) Saturday March 14th, 2020 2:01:47 PM
[Sarge's Acrobatics roll was a whopping 6.]
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 43/74; AC:30/19/24- CMD 26 Monday March 16th, 2020 8:56:40 PM
Time slows down again and Toston reflects on how he can better fight the snake guy seeing that he only hit him once.
(OOC: checking in)
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 34/82; CMD 17] Monday March 16th, 2020 10:05:12 PM
Eisenhorn keeps on struggling in the grease.
The 5th Floor-Combat Round 20 - DM Dan K d20+16=20 ; d20+16=25 ; d20+16=17 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+16=30 ; d8=6 ; d8=5 ; d8=8 ; d8=5 ; d8=3 ; d4=2 ; Monday March 16th, 2020 11:04:02 PM
Eisenhorne attempts to move throught the Grease spell and then through the Wall of Fire, but a fails on the slippery surface Sarge wants to cast a Cure spell on teh wounded mage, however, he is invisible and she cannot see him to cast the spell Hmerrin, is essentially stuck where he is on the outside of the roomGaffer waits in the corridor as well Toston attacks, but cannot bypass the Cobra Man's defenses Des strikes and hits hard, twice, with his axe. All playful banter is now gone from the Cobra Man Sharpe waits, readied with his bow in the hall
The Cobra Man levels all 6 of his snake arms and fire multiple bolts of energy into Des Des Touch attack AC 20/25/17/32/27/30 Dmg 6+Sickened /5+2 /miss/8+staggered /5+stunned /3+prone ; 4 Fort DC 17 to prevent each non damage effects. Total dmg 29
the thick black line between 12-13 N-O is the Wall of Stone spell green box is a Wall of Fire. The Wall is opaque heat radiates into the hall Grease spell move in, within or out of requires Acrobatics DC 10 and is at 1/2 speed. Fail Acrobatics by 5 or more and fall prone
Cleric Dead Halfling Dead Gnome Dead Rakshasa Dmg 76 SR 25 - Gone Ralsiner Dmg 91 SR 23
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 25/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] Monday March 16th, 2020 11:19:50 PM
(Ooc: just want to check on the first attack, with Magic Circle Against Evil, Dez should have +2 AC, making it 22. Just want to check on whether that's a hit since that's the difference between instantly unconscious or making the throws for the extra effects.)
DM Attack is against your Touch AC which lists at 10 so hitting
Sarge [AC 20; HP 52/61](Kathy) d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d20=5 ; Monday March 16th, 2020 11:57:38 PM
Sarge again channels positive energy, again excluding Snake Guy.
Everyone heals 16.
She again tries to move past Hmerrin to open up space. She again fails.
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 28/82] - [Charles] d20+18=29 ; d8+15=19 ; Tuesday March 17th, 2020 6:32:15 AM
sharpe waits to fire on the cobra man if he comes out of the room.
39 vs AC; Dmg - 19
-------Active Effects-------
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 4 rounds.)
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 44/82] - [Charles] Tuesday March 17th, 2020 6:36:10 AM
Updating Health
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 104/109 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:27) Tuesday March 17th, 2020 7:06:20 PM
Hmerrin is grateful enough for the healing, but its time to get back to getting hurt.
"Let's give you a hand," he tells Sarge.
The large human picks up the dwarf and sets her behind him.
---- Pick up Sarge (I hope a voluntary grapple), and move her to O16.
-- In effect:
Enlarge Person - The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 10 rounds.)
Protection from Energy: Fire
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 69/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) Tuesday March 17th, 2020 7:48:41 PM
Removed from the fight, Gaffer inspects the phylactery(?), to see what it contains.
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 95 minutes - +4 to NA Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed **** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, (Poison), (Shape Stone), Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 25/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] d20+17=29 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+17=34 ; 2d6=8 ; d20+19=24 ; d20+14=27 ; d12+5=10 ; 2d6=10 ; Tuesday March 17th, 2020 8:02:44 PM
Scenario 1: Desdichado is unconscious and at -2 HP.
Scenario 2: Des makes all fort saves (29; 32; 32; 34). He receives healing from Sarge and also uses his next to last Lay on Hands. (26 current HP).
He swings twice more at the snake man.
24 vs AC; Miss 27 vs AC; 10+20 smite +10 holy (40 damage)
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 14/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] d20=17 ; Tuesday March 17th, 2020 8:06:15 PM
(Oops: just saw the DM response.) Des is at -2. He stabilizes and gets healing from Sarge.
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 12/82; CMD 17] Tuesday March 17th, 2020 10:35:33 PM
Eisenhorn will grab Sarge and Hmerrim and Dimensional Step (sp) 10ft west through the fire carrying them along.
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 9min 06 sec (90rounds) Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 70 rounds Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 60 rounds Detect Thoughts (10min) 100 rounds - 9 rounds Shield (+4 Shield AC; Block Magic Missiles) (1min) 10 - 7 rounds Haste (1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 10 - 6 rounds)
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/74; AC:30/19/24- CMD 26 d20+12=26 ; d20+7=13 ; Tuesday March 17th, 2020 10:57:48 PM
(OOC: Is snake guy a humanoid with the reptilian subtype? If so I get a +1 racial attack bonus I haven't been adding)
Toston keeps swinging and Toston keeps missing
26 vs AC; 27 vs AC if my OOC is correct but I think I still miss 13 vs AC; 12 vs AC if my OOC is correct but I still miss
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 44 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Shield : 2 rounds left Cat's Crace : 3 min -16 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
The 5th Floor-Combat Round 21 - DM Dan K d4=3 ; d4=1 ; d4=3 ; d20+20=21 ; Tuesday March 17th, 2020 11:25:38 PM
The Wall of Fire burns into Eisenhorne and Sarge Eisenhorne 4 Dmg ; Sarge 3 Dmg Des falls under the assault and is unconscious Sarge channels positive energy and heals the group 16HP Sharpe continues to wait in the hall Hmerrin picks Sarge up and relocates her off of the Grease Gaffer examines the Phylactery. It is dedicated to Ga'al and has a local artisans touch. Made here in Dirt City Des comes to under the healing of Sarge and applies his own. He is prone and without a weapon. Des grabs his nearby ax. Eisenhorne casts Dimensional Door and grabs Hmerrin. Sarge is no longer close enough and Hmerrin and Eisenhorne appear in the room Hmerrin is squeezed -4 AC -4 Att Toston keeps attacking, though he is still unable to connect The Cobra Man does not have a reptilian subtype
The Cobra Man hisses, "You're like weeds" He starts another spell and this one too, fizzles.
the thick black line between 12-13 N-O is the Wall of Stone spell green box is a Wall of Fire. The Wall is opaque heat radiates into the hall Grease spell move in, within or out of requires Acrobatics DC 10 and is at 1/2 speed. Fail Acrobatics by 5 or more and fall prone
Cleric Dead Halfling Dead Gnome Dead Rakshasa Dmg 76 SR 25 - Gone Ralsiner Dmg 91 SR 23
Sarge [AC 20; HP 52/61](Kathy) d20=3 ; Wednesday March 18th, 2020 12:33:27 AM
Sarge tries to move back through the grease, but stalls at O-14.
She attempts to dismiss the Enlarge Person on Hmerrin.
[OOC: Sarge is within range to dismiss her spell; the question is whether she has line of effect through the door.]
No Hmerrin is now on the other side of the wall of fire, which blocks all sight into the room
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 44/82] - [Charles] d20+18=36 ; d8+15=17 ; Wednesday March 18th, 2020 6:04:16 AM
Sharpe waits to fire on the cobra man if he comes out of the room.
36 vs AC; Dmg - 17
-------Active Effects-------
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 3 rounds.)
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 21/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] 2d6=7 ; d20+19=21 ; Wednesday March 18th, 2020 4:56:43 PM
Having grabbed his axe in the previous round, Desdichado stands and awaits a blow from the snake man. He swings once but misses.
21 vs AC; miss
-------------------------------- Effects: Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 681 rounds Divine Bond: Holy - 2d6 vs Evil; 91 rounds Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (+20 vs outsider); bypass DR Smite Evil (on Snake Guy): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (+20 vs outsider); bypass DR Lay on Hands: 1/12 remaining
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] 3d6=10 ; Wednesday March 18th, 2020 5:08:25 PM
Sorry - rolled wrong # of dice for LOH.
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 69/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) d8+1=7 ; Wednesday March 18th, 2020 8:15:07 PM
Gaffer moves back over to Sharpe, some what dejected, and taps him with the wand for a Cure Light Wounds (Healing: 7)
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 95 minutes - +4 to NA Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed **** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, (Poison), (Shape Stone), Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 24/82; CMD 17] d20=10 ; Wednesday March 18th, 2020 8:39:47 PM
[ooc: Just to clarify last round Eisenhorn used the spell like ability granted by Conjuration specialization "Dimensional Steps" not the Dimension Door spell.]
Eisenhorn uses Dimensional Steps again to teleport to N16 next to Sarge. "Well, Hmerrin Dez and Toston are now putting a world of hurt on our new aquaintance. Would you like to join them Madam Deepforge?" he says to Sarge as he tries to figure out what the hell the thing in the room is. (Knowledge Planes? roll: 10 + 20 = 30)
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 9min 12 sec (91rounds) Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 71 rounds Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 61 rounds Detect Thoughts (10min) 100 rounds - 10 rounds Shield (+4 Shield AC; Block Magic Missiles) (1min) 10 - 8 rounds Haste (1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 10 - 7 rounds)
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/74; AC:30/19/24- CMD 26 d20+14=16 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=12 ; d4=3 ; d8+12=14 ; Wednesday March 18th, 2020 9:15:34 PM
16 vs AC; miss 29 vs AC; natural 20 = hit; 14; +2 steelgrass slashing damage
Toston continues to slash at the snake man luckily hitting with his second swing.
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 45 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Shield : 1 round left Cat's Crace : 3 min -17 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
The 5th Floor-Combat Round 22 - DM Dan K d20+16=24 ; d4=4 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+16=29 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+16=26 ; d20+16=34 ; d20+16=22 ; 6d4+12=33 ; 5d4+10=23 ; Wednesday March 18th, 2020 10:45:09 PM
Sarge moves up, but gets stalled on teh Grease, she also still cannot see through the Wall of Fire into the room. Sharpe continues to wait Des stands and attacks. He misses, but the Cobra Man does not AoO Hit AC 24 Dmg 6 Fort Save DC 19 or be confused 1 round Gaffer moves over to Sharpe and heals him with a CLW wand Eisenhorne casts Dimesion Door and appears next to Sarge. As to what the thing in the room could be, for now, the wizard does not know Toston attacks and lands a light wounding blow.
Cobra Man hisses in frustration and attacks Des, clearly the only one in the room he is concerned with Dez Hit AC 32/27/29/19/26/34/22 striking 5 times Dmg 23
the thick black line between 12-13 N-O is the Wall of Stone spell green box is a Wall of Fire. The Wall is opaque heat radiates into the hall Grease spell move in, within or out of requires Acrobatics DC 10 and is at 1/2 speed. Fail Acrobatics by 5 or more and fall prone
Cleric Dead Halfling Dead Gnome Dead Rakshasa Dmg 76 SR 25 - Gone Ralsiner Dmg 95 SR 23
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] d20+18=27 ; d8+15=21 ; Thursday March 19th, 2020 5:10:45 AM
Sharpe waits to fire on the cobra man if he comes out of the room.
27 vs AC; Dmg - 21
-------Active Effects-------
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 2 rounds.)
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 104/109 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:27) d20+18=21 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+18=34 ; 2d6+11=13 ; Thursday March 19th, 2020 8:22:31 AM Squeezed - 4 AC (now 22), -4 AT ---------
"I really hate this spell," Hmerrin growls, as he tries to get his axe into play.
The lad attacks with just his battleaxe, trying to get some space.
----------- Full attack, one weapon, flanking Btax 1 misses (ac21) Btax 2 misses (ac25) Haste atk hits ac 34 for 13 hp damage
-- In effect: Enlarge Person - The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 10 rounds.)
Desdichado shrugs off the attempt to confuse him, and uses his last bit of divine healing. Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, he pushes hard on the attack, but misses both times.
"Uhh...guys, I'm getting a little nervous here..."
-------------------------------- Effects: Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 680 rounds Divine Bond: Holy - 2d6 vs Evil; 90 rounds Smite Evil (on Snake Guy): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (+20 vs outsider); bypass DR Lay on Hands: 0/12 remaining
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 69/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) d8+1=9 ; Thursday March 19th, 2020 7:44:31 PM
Standing beside Sharpe, who has his bow drawn, Gaffer taps him again with the wand, doing his best not to disturn his potential shot. (Healing: 9)
**** Active Effects **** Barkskin - 95 minutes - +4 to NA Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed **** Spells **** Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud Level 3: Wind Wall, (Poison), (Shape Stone), Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Sarge [AC 20; HP 52/61](Kathy) d20=19 ; Thursday March 19th, 2020 8:04:01 PM
Sarge is (at last) able to navigate through the Grease. She moves through the wall of fire, to L-12, probably soaking up all kinds of damage on the way.
Then she dismisses the Enlarge Person from Hmerrin.
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 d20+14=27 ; d20+9=11 ; Thursday March 19th, 2020 8:45:02 PM
Toston continues trying to attack the snake guy not having any luck
27 vs AC; miss 11 vs AC; miss
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 46 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Cat's Crace : 3 min -18 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 24/82; CMD 17] Thursday March 19th, 2020 9:40:55 PM
"So what do you think that thing is? It's quite fascinating can't say that I've read about anything like it" Eisenhorn absentmindedly comments to Sharpe and Gaffer as he waits for the three men in the room to finish off the snake like creature.
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 9min 18 sec (9rounds) Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 72 rounds Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 62 rounds Detect Thoughts (10min) 100 rounds - 11 rounds Shield (+4 Shield AC; Block Magic Missiles) (1min) 10 - 9 rounds Haste (1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 10 - 8rounds)
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
The 5th Floor-Combat Round 23 - DM Dan K 2d6+9=15 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+16=24 ; d20+16=29 ; d20+16=29 ; 3d4+6=10 ; d20+16=31 ; d20+16=30 ; d20+16=32 ; 3d4+6=13 ; Thursday March 19th, 2020 11:05:16 PM
Sharpe remains ready in the hall Hmerrin attacks and catches Cobra Man lightly once Des heals himself and uses his last healing Gaffer uses his wand to heal Sharpe again Sarge moves through the Grease and the Wall of Fire and dismisses the Enlarge spell on Hmerrin Sarge Dmg 15 Toston is still unsucessful Eisenhorne strikes up a conversation with Sharpe and Gaffer
The Snake Man continues to try and put down Des, but this time does bite at Hmerrin as well Dez Hit AC 20/24/29/29 Dmg 10 Please make 3 Fort Saves DC 19 or be confused for 1 Round [b]Hmerrin Hit AC 31/30/32 Dmg 13 Please make 3 Fort Saves DC 19 or be confused for 1 Round He then steps into the corner
the thick black line between 12-13 N-O is the Wall of Stone spell green box is a Wall of Fire. The Wall is opaque heat radiates into the hall Grease spell move in, within or out of requires Acrobatics DC 10 and is at 1/2 speed. Fail Acrobatics by 5 or more and fall prone
Cleric Dead Halfling Dead Gnome Dead Rakshasa Dmg 76 SR 25 - Gone Ralsiner Dmg 98 SR 23
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] Friday March 20th, 2020 11:10:32 AM
"You know me, I only really care what colour it bleeds, Copper Silver or Gold" he grins. "Any ideas yourself, is it going to ignore my arrows like the last one? Sharpe waits to fire on the cobra man if he comes out of the room.
27 vs AC; Dmg - 21
-------Active Effects-------
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 1 rounds.)
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] Friday March 20th, 2020 11:10:59 AM
updating attack
27 vs AC; Dmg - 21
-------Active Effects-------
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 1 rounds.)
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] d20+18=19 ; Friday March 20th, 2020 11:11:42 AM
updating attack
Critical 1 19 vs AC
-------Active Effects-------
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 1 rounds.)
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 91/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+12=25 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=31 ; d100=15 ; d20+20=25 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+20=39 ; d20+20=36 ; d8+10=13 ; d8+10=13 ; d8+10=15 ; Friday March 20th, 2020 11:13:50 AM [Fort Saves 25, 15, 31 - Confused] Confusion roll 15 - Act Normally ----- The combination of Snake Guy's poison and suddenly being normal sized again makes Hmerrin's head spin for a moment.
He concentrates on just hitting Snake Guy, and manages to do it just once. But that once should be an attention getter.
----------- Full attack, one weapon Btax 1 misses (ac25) Btax 2 misses (ac21) Haste atk CRIT. Threat hits ac 36 for 41 hp damage
-- In effect:
Haste gives: 1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Lasts for 10 rounds.)
Protection from Energy: Fire
Crit Note - Hmerrin has Improved Critical Feat for Battleaxe, making threat range 19-20.
Battered, burned, and horribly bruised, Desdichado stands with a resolve and watches Hmerrin give the snake guy a good smack. "Well done!" he says. (Assuming the snake guy isn't down) he takes a 5 foot step to L:13. and shouts"I told you we weren't going to give up. May Domi's justice prevail on you NOW!" as he swings down with his axe.
33 vs AC: 8+7 holy+20 smite (35 damage) 32 vs AC: 10+10 holy+ 10 smite (30 damage)
-------------------------------- Effects: Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 679 rounds Divine Bond: Holy - 2d6 vs Evil; 89 rounds Smite Evil (on Snake Guy): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (+20 vs outsider); bypass DR Lay on Hands: 0/12 remaining
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; Friday March 20th, 2020 7:25:53 PM
[Sorry; I meant to say I moved to L-12, not M-13.]
Sarge has one more channel left, and she uses it now to heal her companions for (hopefully) the last few rounds of combat. She again excludes Snake Guy.
Everybody heals 21
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 d20+12=28 ; d3=1 ; Friday March 20th, 2020 8:32:31 PM
Snake guy retreated to opposite corner; he made a mistake; Toston can still cast 0 level spells. Toston remembers this. Toston casts acid splash targetting snake guy and actually manages to hit.
The gnome laughs, "You shouldn't have moved away from me. I'll keep splashing you with acid you slippery snake!"
28 vs touch; 1 acid damage; no SR
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 47 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Cat's Crace : 3 min -19 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) Saturday March 21st, 2020 11:14:10 PM
[If Sarge had to stop in the wall of fire for some reason, then she would like to move out of it this round, please and thank you. :) ]
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) Monday March 23rd, 2020 8:23:28 AM
As Sarge sends another wave healing across the group, last of Gaffer wounds knit back together and he stows his wand once more. Waiting to see what the result of the fight in the room is.
The 5th Floor-Combat over - DM Dan K Monday March 23rd, 2020 10:03:11 AM
Sharpe, Eisenhorne and Gaffer continue their discussion in the hall. Specifically about what the thing might be the others are fighting. Hmerrin, back to normal size, has his head spin in confusion, but somewhere in all that he swings. The hit removes the Cobra Man's head from the rest of him. Des steps in and finishes the thing with 2 more solid blows
Sarge, not actually in the wall, sends a wave of healing through the group
The creature is dead, the Wall of Fire persists as does the Grease spell. At least for now.
Both fade from existence within a few minutes. The party has multiple rooms, multiple dead and a multitude of things they would likely want or need to do. As silence falls with the last foe, it appears at least for now, that your incursion has gone unnoticed
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] d20+17=33 ; d8+15=20 ; Monday March 23rd, 2020 1:03:12 PM
Sharpe remains ready to fire on any hostiles.
33 vs AC; Dmg - 20
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 45/82; CMD 17] Monday March 23rd, 2020 2:55:14 PM
"Should we go and try to assist?" Eisenhorn asks Sharpe and Gaffer.
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 9min 24 sec (10 rounds) Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 73 rounds Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 63 rounds Detect Thoughts (10min) 100 rounds - 11 rounds Haste (1 extra attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. 10 - 9rounds)
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] d20+15=31 ; d20+10=21 ; Monday March 23rd, 2020 5:03:52 PM
"Huh, well, that was a little TOO easy, wasn't it?" Desdichado says drolly. "I REALLY hope there's no one else around we're going to have to fight tonight."
"Who was this guy, anyway? I mean, I figure he's Ralsiner, but what WAS he?" he asks, "he seemed to be very prepared for us being here.
Desdichado searches around the nearby rooms, looking for anything out of place or that might tell them more about what Ralsinier and his lackeys were up to (Perception: 31, Know: Religion: 21).
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 91/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+6=23 ; Monday March 23rd, 2020 6:42:35 PM
While waiting for the wall to go away, Hmerrin searches Ralsiner's body.
As the wall dissipates, he gives those in the hall a wave. "Well, THIS guy isn't bothering us anymore. Hopefully Tiger Man goes on a long vacation, too."
"Lets's go see what are in these rooms, but be careful. I would not put nasty traps beyond these guys."
Fully aware of his trap finding skills, Hmerrin tries not to be the first to touch anything.
He decides to start with going over the other dead bodies first.
[Perception 23]
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 Monday March 23rd, 2020 8:23:11 PM
Toston says, "That guy was a jerk. I really can't brain right now. What was he?"
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 48 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Cat's Crace : 3 min -20 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
The 5th Floor-Ralsiner's Suite- DM Dan K Tuesday March 24th, 2020 12:00:21 AM
The group gets back together and begins searching. Des comments on Ralsiner being pretty prepared for the group
On this level of the suite are 5 rooms off of the hall where the main battle took place. Back where the halfling and demon gnome came from are 2 more rooms. A couple things strike you as you begin you looking but not overly touching investigation. The cleric of Ga'al is wearing a sleeping shirt, and the Wemic is practically naked.
The rooms up by the dead halfling and gnome are shut
Some of the rooms off of the main hall are open. The room where the final battle took place is nicely appointed with a full soft bed, a pair of cedar trunks, table stand with silver tray and what looks to be a china tea set, small gold gilded mirror, several furs upon the floor and a modestly priced tapestry on one wall worth about 150Gp. A magical light in the ceiling illuminates the room. A necklace and set of rings are on the night stand. The necklace is small ivory carvings on a platinum thread worth nearly 500 gold. The onyx and ruby rings are worth 300 each, A bit of tiger fur is found in the necklace
The 2nd room is almost bare, save furs thrown upon the floor. A rack holds a set of full plate, a composite long bow with 2 score arrows and a large sack of 1000 gold coins
The 3rd room, door open reveals a 10x15 room that is nearly bare. A simple military cot and basin are against one wall and upon a rack is a set of Full Plate. A shrine to Ga'al is along the opposite wall
The 4th and 5th doors are shut
The 6th room is a lavishly furnished 15x20 suite with walk in wardrobe, private bath and small study. A great four poster canopied bed dominates the room. A tall chest of red wood drawers is against one wall and a full length gold and silver gilded mirror is against another. Incense still burns lightly, perfuming the air and a shelf by the bed holds several crystal crafts of red, light brown and deep amber liquids
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) Tuesday March 24th, 2020 12:15:53 AM
"What I want to know," Sarge says, "is whether Tiger Guy is coming back. And if so, is he bringing friends?"
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] d20+12=25 ; d20+22=24 ; Tuesday March 24th, 2020 10:22:48 AM
(Perception - 25) (Stealth - 24) To Sarge "I couldn't agree more. You guys have a look around and see what was going on here, grab whatever you can. I'm going to the keep watch on the entrance. Can i bring shifty? If I hear anyone coming ill send him back."
Sharpe moves to the entrance of the floor and does his best to be out of sight should anyone burst in listening out for any anyone on their way.
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 45/82; CMD 17] d20=13 ; d20=4 ; d20=10 ; Tuesday March 24th, 2020 12:33:06 PM
"Sure take him with you... good luck with getting the little guy to follow orders though." Eisenhorn replies to Sharpe.
Eisenhorn then goes around the premises trying to single out any magical items or objects using Detect Magic, also keeping an eye out for any ritual or spell components. He also tries to figure out if there is anyone else in the area scanning for any Intelligent life forms using Detect Thoughts. (Perception Roll: 13 + 10 = 23, Knowledge Arcana Roll: 4 + 26 = 30)
If he spots the cristals in the 6th room he will try to puzzle out their use. (Don't know if I need a separate Arcana roll for this or if you would use the one above but here it is anyways. Knowledge Arcana Roll: 10 + 26 = 36)
DM Add: the Crystals are decanters. typical fancy paitchers for holding brandy, bourbon and such
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 9min 24 sec Invisibility 10 min - 7min Detect Magic 10min - 6min Detect Thoughts 10min - 1 min
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
DM Edit...Language is always super G rated in the Wold
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) d20+17=35 ; Tuesday March 24th, 2020 4:20:13 PM
Gaffer shifts himself into a Wolf to gain a better sense of smell and begin searching the halls. (Perception: 35) He is trying to associate each scent with someone they have seen, see if anyone not involved in this fight has been around recently. If he located an unknown scent he does his best to follow it and ensure it didn't take an alternate exit.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] Tuesday March 24th, 2020 5:36:58 PM
Desdichado walks from room to room, using detect evil to see if any of the objects they find radiates an evil aura.
"This place is pretty nice. There must be a lot of money running through this group to have a place so lavish," he says. "Say, does anyone know how you get access to these rooms? Is one of the Houses in charge of who can stay here? I wonder if Ralsiner and his gang might have been working with someone."
"Or maybe he was just an evil jerk who was really into arena fighting."
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 91/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+6=19 ; Tuesday March 24th, 2020 8:36:57 PM
Hmerrin nods as Sharpe and Shifty move to keep an eye out.
"Thinking we surprised 'em enough," he answers Dez. "Or they'd have had their armor on."
"My big question - is there anything here that tells us why they wanted us dead so badly? I just can't figure out what we did that makes Ralsiner want to take us out."
The lad moves to the back rooms by halfling and gnome, opens the doors, and checks them out. [Perception 19]
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 Tuesday March 24th, 2020 9:23:23 PM
Toston says to Hmerrin, "They were that hard to hit without armor?"
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 49 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Cat's Crace : 3 min -21 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) Tuesday March 24th, 2020 9:30:15 PM
Sarge helps search the rooms. "If Tiger Guy isn't coming back," she says, "I wonder if it would be safe to rest here. We're pretty banged up, and I don't think I have enough healing left to make us fighting fit again."
The 5th Floor-Ralsiner's Suite- DM Dan K Tuesday March 24th, 2020 10:29:06 PM
On the thought from Sarge that the Rakshasa may return, Sharpe moves back out to the main hall and keeps watch. Does Sharpe want to go all the way to the 4th floor stair where the golem lies? Eisenhorne casts Detect Thoughts. He feels no active minds at teh monet and dismisses the spell in favor of Detect Magic. Eisenhorne finds the entire floor has an overlying magic spell upon it. An Evil Evocation spell of Moderate Power covers the entire suite. The wizard knows it will almost certainly mask everything else. Des casts Detect Evil and every surface lights up to his enhanced senses, even the very air about you. The Paladin and Hmerrin wonder about the motives, the fighter surmises that the group caught them off guard. Sighting the suits of armor not worn in the combat. The thought sinks in. You caught them by surprise. and not as defended as they could have been. For Toston a sobering thought indeed. Hmerrin moves back to look into the two room that are apart. Sarge wonders about resting here. By morning, only a few hours a way, the Arena is going to be buzzing with people.
Hmerrin finds the 2 rooms very similar. A pair of meeting rooms with a view into the main entertaining room below via the crystal inlays of that rooms ceiling. Each 12x12 room is ornately furnished with a bar of fine spirits, choice tobacco and other herbal things. One of the rooms, several used crystal glasses are on teh table, freshly smoked cigars and pipe remnants and he also finds a couple ledgers. The covers are an odd leather and a quick glance inside reveals them to be lists and countings. Slave traffic. Citizens of Dirt City, grabbed off of the street, scores of them. Much of the book is encoded. It will take more time than right now to figure how exactly how big this operation was and where they were going. But it looks extensive and fairly far reaching
Gaffer becomes a wolf and his sense of smell now heightened, immediately picks up the smell of death. Not just from what has occurred, but an older festering scent of death. He quickly pinpoints it to one of the closed doors in the main hall. Other powerful scents mask anything so subtle as the passing of individuals. Incense, charred flesh, ozone form the multiple bolts of lighting, 5 dead bodies and more blood then one might care to examine.
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] Wednesday March 25th, 2020 1:48:25 PM
(Sharpe will stay on the map) Sharpe Keeps his ear out and internally wills the other to hurry.
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 45/82; CMD 17] Wednesday March 25th, 2020 2:52:43 PM
"Can't pick up anything due to this aura of evil around the whole floor. Let's pick up everything of value and we can examine it later." Eisenhorn says as he gingerly picks up the crystal crafts for later examination. After a bit of consideration he says "I can telerport 4 of us back to Shale House if we need to make a quick exit."
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 9min 24 sec Invisibility 10 min - 7min Detect Magic 10min - 6min Detect Thoughts 10min - 1 min
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] Wednesday March 25th, 2020 3:05:49 PM
Desdichado looks over the ledgers and the normally jovial paladin's face darkens and he becomes very serious. "Slavers. I should have known. We're definitely holding on to this book - I, for one, *will* put an end to this, Domi help me." He's then silent and thoughtful.
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 91/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) Wednesday March 25th, 2020 5:56:30 PM
Hmerrin hands the books to Dez.
"Right. Stash these, we'll get to them later. Looks like Gaffer-wolf has got something."
The lad trots down to the closed door in the main hall that has Gaffer so interested, and opens it up.
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) Wednesday March 25th, 2020 8:20:39 PM
"So resting here is probably a bad idea," Sarge says. "And we probably shouldn't linger too much longer. Get our beat-up carcasses back to Shale House before daylight."
But she does go to see what's behind the closed door.
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) d20+17=33 ; Wednesday March 25th, 2020 8:57:13 PM
Gaffer snorts repeatedly as he wonders the hall, trying to clear the smell of fresh blood and chatting from his nostrils before he catches on to the aged decay.
He growls towards the door to call the other's attention until Hmerrin walks over. He follows him into the room, inspecting anything before him, or following the scent of death if the source is not immediately obvious. (Perception: 33)
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 Wednesday March 25th, 2020 9:39:45 PM
Toston says to Des, "Slavers right. I hate those guys. You have my blade and my spells if I ever remember how to cast anything more complex than cantrips"
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 49 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Cat's Crace : 3 min -21 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
The 5th Floor-Ralsiner's Suite- DM Dan K Wednesday March 25th, 2020 10:31:40 PM
Sharpe, at the main entrance to the suite, keeps vigilance. Nothing seems to be stirring from the hall. Eisenhorne suggests grabbing what the group can and head out. He picks up the 4 decanters of liquid fro later examination. But where and how to carry them? Des looks at the ledger with Hmerrin and makes a vow to bring all and any remaining slavers to justice Hmerrin heads down to wear Gaffer is sniffing at the door. With a breath, he opens it. Nothing explodes or shoots him or tries to take his head off, so success. Inside the 10x10 room is a horror show. A half eaten humanoid corpse lies in the corner. Bones are scattered about, none belong to animals and blood, fresh and old is everywhere. Worse still, various live torture devices line the walls and show obvious signs of use. Gaffer follows Hmerrin in and manages to find a few discarded items. A pouch of gold, 1,200. A house crest shirt from House Dart. A signet ring from House Knife. A few other miscellaneous knick knacks that leave no dohbt to the identity of the creatures thtat have been brought here. Gaffer also notices a mural on the ceiling. Like that in the entry hall. not just of a beautiful sky, but it is not simply the sun peaking out from the clouds to the left and the moon of Warrd to the right. This time, as Gaffer looks, the painting implies a humanoid figure about the moon and sun, feeling that this is a reminder of someone watching..
The last room, is opened. It too, was not trapped and reveals a 12x12 room. The place is a mess, but lavish is decor. Silk pillows, tapestries and greate sized plush bed. Food, half eaten and not touched is everywhere. Lamb, steak, fruits of all kinds scattered on plates of fine china rimmed in gold. Crystal glasses and decanters of amber liquid are numreous as well. Lying comatose among the pillows are 3 women. Other decor suggests the occupant of this room had other worldly vices beyond food and alcohol.
DM assumes the group looks to the other rooms and the only room without a similar painting is the lavishly decorated suite
The party just needs to really figure out what they want to take, if anything and how they want to get it out and back to Shale House
The Highly lavish bedroom suite has not been searched at this time
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) Wednesday March 25th, 2020 11:44:26 PM
Sarge casts Detect Magic and scans the remaining areas, pointing out anything that lights up with an aura.
"Fellas, we gotta get out of here," she says. "Grab what you can carry, and leave what you can't. I'll help carry stuff, but we need to get back to Shale House before anything else happens."
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 91/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+6=13 ; Thursday March 26th, 2020 5:27:22 PM
Hmerrin's face goes pale at the sight of the blood filled room. "Alemi guide us," he whispers in horror.
Turning from the room, he moves into the bedroom suite and starts looking in drawers and such. He'll pocket coins, gems, etc, but the big stuff will have to stay here.
Mostly, he's looking for more paper on why these guys targeted The Tide.
"Yes, I know we have to leave," he responds to Sarge. "But, it would be real nice to figure out the bigger picture. Just a few more minutes."
[Perception 13]
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] d20+15=17 ; Thursday March 26th, 2020 5:54:41 PM
Desdichado takes the ledger from Hmerrin. He has no interest in looting. "I say leave it all here as a message that this was no robbery, but was to confront Ralsiner's evil," he mutters, "but you guys take what you want."
He follows Hmerrin into the bedroom suite and looks around (Perception: 17).
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 d20+15=31 ; Thursday March 26th, 2020 8:49:53 PM
Toston says, "I say we rescue the women from the noble being trafficking ring we've obviously uncovered. We can't just leave them here. They deserve a better life than whatever cruel one the previous occupant had visited on them."
(Perception: 30 ; OOC I misadjusted my modifier)
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 50 rounds - time before arriving to the arena Cat's Crace : 3 min -22 round - +4 to Dex 3/7 first level spells cast 2/5 second level spells cast Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Int: 4
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) Thursday March 26th, 2020 9:03:57 PM
Gaffer quickly pulls back from the disturbing sight that greets him inside the room, his nostrils flared and mind reeling for the moment.
He moves to join Sharpe at the entrance, glad not to be searching for anything else on this floor. When the group heads outside he will take the form of his usual Hawk once more, to keep an eye on the party from above as they return to Shale House.
The 5th Floor-Ralsiner's Suite- DM Dan K Thursday March 26th, 2020 11:39:39 PM
Sarge brings up the need to get going. The clerics Detect Magic encounters the same results as Eisenhorne. A spell covering the entire suite masks all other leser magics. Hmerrin counters with the need to get some inforamtion on the big picture. He heads into the bedroom suite and starts ransacking it. Gaffer heads out to the doors with Sharpe, hoping to clear his nose from what he just stuck it into. Dez is not interested in any of the belongings, but does assist in trying to locate some information Toston, naturally, thinks the group needs to get the 3 women out as well. Heal DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {the 3 are heavily drunk and drugged and will be out for 4 hours at least}
Hmerrin and Des discover several more ledgers. A quick flip through reveals 2 of them involve credits and debits involving the suite, the arena and fighters that Ralsiner employed. Including the late Terrafin. One seems to be in a completely foreign language and another is encoded. The pair also discovers 10,000 in gold
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] Friday March 27th, 2020 4:43:18 AM
Seeing Gaffer, Sharpe gives him a quick nod a gestures for him to take a up a hiding spot. He send shifty back to be with his master. In a whisper "Make sure your master puts a side anything of interest for me, he will know. Ill pick it up before we bolt. "
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 45/82; CMD 17] Friday March 27th, 2020 5:44:10 AM
EIsenhorn places the four decanters into his Handy Haversack for easy retreival. He tries to puzzle out what they are.
"Well I found these crystal decanters..." Eisenhorn states as he describes them to the group, "Have you found anything else that may be of interest?"
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 9min 24 sec Invisibility 10 min - 7min Detect Magic 10min - 6min Detect Thoughts 10min - 1 min
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) d20+17=25 ; Friday March 27th, 2020 8:51:41 PM
Gaffer waits patiently for the others to finish their search, keeping an eye out alongside Sharpe. (Perception: 25)
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 Friday March 27th, 2020 10:05:25 PM
Toston says, "How much do you think the ladies weigh? I might be able to drag one of them but that would probably be uncomfortable. I have a potion of bull's strength I could drink but it would only last for 3 minutes and a scroll of floating disk but I forgot how to use it thought it could last for an hour and carry 100 pounds. What is the plan for getting them out?"
He turns to Des specifically. "You wanted to strike a blow against slavery? Here are some slaves. Let's free them."
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 91/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) d20+6=24 ; Saturday March 28th, 2020 10:15:28 AM
Hmerrin pockets the pouch of 10,000 gp, and puts the ledgers in his pack. Note - he also took the pouch of 1200 gold from the torture room
Hearing Toston, he heads back into the Play Room. "You know, they may not be slaves" he notes to the gnome. The lad hoists one of the women over a shoulder anyway, while continuing. "They could be here voluntarily"
Hmerrin looks around. "Dez and Sarge, grab a girl. We'll leave them at the nearest temple." [Knowledge Local 24 to figure out where that is]
"Everybody got what they wanted to get?" he asks.
Once Sarge and Dez confirm they can carry a woman, Hmerrin starts out. "Gaffer, Sharpe. We're heading out. Check on ahead."
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) Saturday March 28th, 2020 7:55:40 PM
Sarge gives it her best try. She is strong enough to carry one of the women; the real question is whether she's tall enough. She does her best to keep any important bits from dragging on the ground.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] d20+5=13 ; Sunday March 29th, 2020 12:14:17 PM
(OOC: Oh, somehow I missed the captives in the previous DM post.)
(Heal: 13)
Desdichado looks over the women. He knows a bit about healing minor wounds non-magically, and doesn't see anything out of the ordinary with these women.
"Yes, we should most definitely get them to safety. I wonder though - Eisenhorn, you can transport people - would you be able to take them back to Shale House until we can figure out what's wrong with them? Then, as Hmerrin said, we can get them to a temple - maybe even one that would be willing to get them out of the city?" he says.
He turns to Hmerrin. "I want to get them out, but I worry about taking them with us right now since we're all in pretty bad shape and don't know what could be waiting for us outside these doors. If guards or soldiers are waiting out there, I don't want them to think we're kidnapping."
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 45/82; CMD 17] Monday March 30th, 2020 9:07:10 AM
(OOC: I missed them as well.)
"Yes I should be able to take the three of them to Shale House relatively easily. There is some powerful magic around this whole suite though so it may not work I'm not sure if it prevents that type of conjuraton magic, but hopefully not. Is there anything else you'd like me to take with me? I can only do up to 4 people myself included, but may be able to also carry some of the more sensitvie items." Eisenhorn replies to Dez.
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 9min 24 sec
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] Monday March 30th, 2020 12:50:33 PM
If the women cannot be teleported out, Desdichado carries one. He also takes all of the ledgers (3?) that appear to be related to the slave trade.
The 5th Floor-Ralsiner's Suite- DM Dan K Monday March 30th, 2020 9:11:02 PM
Eisenhorne has the 4 crystal decanters in his Haversack Hmerrin has the 11,200 gold that he has found so far Gaffer and Sharpe wait by the door Sarge can carry one of the women Hmerrin hoists one as well as DezThe paladin inspects the unconscious women and can find no injuries. He does find evidence of alcohol and mind altering herbs for smoking about. Very likely the cause of thier condition Hmerrin wants to simply drop them off at the the Temple of Warrd and be gone. Eisenhorne wants to bring them to Shale House. He offers to teleport all 3 and can take one other. Eisenhorne is able to do so, the spell works Dez has the ledgers
The group leaves everything else and gets ready to be gone. Eisenhorne has teleported out with the women
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 Monday March 30th, 2020 10:43:22 PM
Toston takes a sample of some of the herbs to go since everyone carried off everything else.
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) Monday March 30th, 2020 11:47:05 PM
Sarge makes sure that somebody has the ledgers, then leads the way back to Shale House.
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] d20+12=15 ; Tuesday March 31st, 2020 7:01:19 AM
"Are we ready to go? I'm going to do one last sweep."
Sharpe darts about doing one last check of each room he looks for anything they may have left tor dropped that would immediately identify them. (Perception 15).
He grab anything he thinks is of value that has been left behind. Kicks open the trunks and tips them out, generally start ransacking. Any of the following that nobody has taken he takes:- tapestry 150gp, jewellery 500gp, rings 300 gp; sack of coins 1000 gp; pouch 1200gp.
He also grabs the bow and arrows.
"Right disappearin' time."
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 45/82; CMD 17] d100=72 ; Tuesday March 31st, 2020 9:04:30 AM
Eisenhorn makes sure the three women are in contact with him. "Right...see you at Shale House.Shifty go with Sharpe." he says and utters the proper mnemonic, disapearing along with the three women and hopefully apearing in Shale House at the 3rd floor receiving room. (Teleport Roll: 72)
Once there assuming the women are still unconsciouns he moves them to the Cage Area and locks the door by casting Arcane Lock on it. "Better to play it safe until the others arive." he mutters to himself.
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 9min 24 sec
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9) d20+17=25 ; Tuesday March 31st, 2020 6:15:34 PM
Gaffer stays by Sharpe's side until they get outside before springing into the air and taking the form of an Owl to keep watch as the party travel back to the house.
(Perception: 25)
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] Tuesday March 31st, 2020 6:36:31 PM
Dez heads out with the rest of the Tide.
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 91/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) Tuesday March 31st, 2020 6:42:49 PM
Hmerrin gives up his girl to Eisenhorne.
After the wizard disappears, he recalls the wemic was using hand axes.
The young fighter stuffs both of them into his belt.
And as long as he's here, relieves the fellow of his cloak and belt, which he stuffs into his backpack.
Hmerrin races to join the others on their way out.
Away from the Arena- DM Dan K Tuesday March 31st, 2020 10:57:40 PM
Toston takes a few samples of the herbs lying about the den of pillows where the women were found Sarge double checks and finds that Hmerrin has all of the books and ledgers found Eisenhorne arrives at Shale House and takes the precaution of putting the 3 women in the cage until the others arrive As the others are leaving, Sharpe heads back in to give the place a once over. The five dead opponents lie where they fell. The tapstries are full wall coverings and very, very bulky. Sharpe can easily snag the rings and jewlery and even finds a small pouch of gemstones. Hmerrin thinks to grab the hand axes from the liontaur, along his cloak and belt.
The group is exiting and the last couple of heroes hurry to catch up. The party moves down the 5th floor stair and finds the golem where they left it and in the same condition. A quick right and hurrying along, the 4th floor stair is descended and the party falls onto the main promanade. Gaffer shifts to an owl and takes flight. He quickly spots the expected cat here and dog there, but also spots a very high flying hawk. The bird is well away from the arena. Looking to be on completely unrelated business to the party. The party leaves the arena soon enough and now it's just a matter of 20 or so minutes through the dark streets of Dirt City. Plenty of time to think and discuss what they have uncovered thus far. The slave trade to be sure, and obviously very much the head of slavers in Dirt City.
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 Tuesday March 31st, 2020 11:52:26 PM
Toston tries to help whoever is carrying the last girl that Eisenhorne couldn't take. He takes off his cloak and covers the woman if she might appear indecent.
He says to the others, "So how are we going to take out the slavers? Do you think we could expose them with their dirty ledgers?"
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 45/82; CMD 17] Wednesday April 1st, 2020 1:49:26 PM
Eisenhorn looks around shale house for something to eat not being able to remember when was the last time he had a meal.
-------Active Effects-------
Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 9min 24 sec
Shifty Stats:
Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18 DR: 5/Magic HP current/max: 41/41
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) Wednesday April 1st, 2020 4:16:40 PM
Sarge snorts a little at Toston's question. "Not sure anybody in Dirt City will care," she says. "Unless they were skimming off the top or something. We should have a look when we get back."
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] Wednesday April 1st, 2020 5:02:02 PM
"Well, whatever we need to do, I think it can wait until tomorrow, or at least much later today. I feel like we haven't had any rest for a couple of days now. Plus, I'm starving."
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 91/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) Wednesday April 1st, 2020 5:03:57 PM
"Yeah, kinda with Sarge on that one," Hmerrin sighs, as they make their way back to Shale House. "Minding your own business is taken to a serious fault around here."
"Hopefully, these books give us some clues. And, just maybe, some idea about what just happened here."
Shale House- DM Dan K Wednesday April 1st, 2020 10:19:50 PM
Toston brings up the slavers, what did the others think. How to take them out. Perhaps exposing the operation through the ledgers? Sarge is dubious, to whom would they expose the operation to? Des thinks things can wait, his stomach is demanding attention Hmerrin agrees with Sarge, Mind your Business is the unspoken motto of Dirt City. Hopefully the ledgers will help At Shale House, Eisenhorne noses about and successfully locates the kitchen, pantry and larder. His new friends keep a good stock in all areas
The group decides to not go into too much of the events over the last days and simply focuses on the task at hand. Get home without another fight. Activity is herd and noticed throughout the city, as the party makes their way. The Houses, if anything, have added security at thier block borders. Perhaps anticipating problems as word of the divine shake up ripple through the city over the next few days. A distant resound of thunder lets everyone know that the morning is going to bring storm. Perhaps it will help keep people indoors, but then again, it could also be seen as an omen of the recent events.
The party does make it home without incident. Now safe, relatively speaking, the ledgers are cracked and the code breakers in the party can get to work at learning how extensive the trade routes of the former slave trade out of Dirt City was.
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] Thursday April 2nd, 2020 6:29:29 AM
As Sharpe gets back to the house he goes to check on his partner, seeing him happily munching away he gives him a grin. "Shifty is back and the others might have more work for that brain of yours". He flashes the pouch of gemstones. " Fairly lucrative work, for freeing slaves".
He moves to the large table and dumps out everything he picked up a twinkle in is eye. He generally addresses the room. "So how do you guys work, are we working for shares or is this more of a every man to himself situation?"
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] Thursday April 2nd, 2020 1:18:02 PM
Desdichado gets some rest and meets the others to discuss the day's happenings.
He helps to look over the ledgers, trying to determine what they can discover about the slaver network. Growing up with a mercantile father, Des knows a little about reading ledgers. He's no expert, but can definitely lend a hand. (OOC: what would the check for Aid Another be here - appraise? Some knowledge check?)
As they review the ledgers, Desdichado's countenance falls as if something is greatly troubling him. While everyone is in the room, he stands and says there's something he'd like to say.
"I haven't known most of you for very long, but there's something I need to get off my chest. My father was involved in the slave trade back home. It made our family a lot of money. I didn't know until I was 17 - and it was the same day I left my family and my name behind. So, this feels very personal to me. But by the light of Domi I will help set this right."
With that over, he goes back to discussing what their next steps should be.
"Oh, do you think it's safe for Tombo and the others to come back now?" he asks, "I suppose those Ga'al assassins could come back, but with a couple of extra hands they may be safer with us now than away from us."
"Besides, he's a much better cook than any of you," he adds to lighten the mood.
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) d20+16=21 ; Thursday April 2nd, 2020 2:22:59 PM
When they first return to Shale House, Sarge takes another look at the unconscious women, assuring herself that they are merely sleeping off the effects of intoxicants, and aren't in any medical danger [Heal 21].
Then she heads off to get some rest.
Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 91/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) Thursday April 2nd, 2020 3:56:03 PM
Hmerrin also goes to get some sleep.
In the morning, he'll hand Eisenhorn the cloak, belt, and two axes he took off the wemic. "Can you figure out if they're magical, and maybe what they do?" he asks.
He nods at Dez's comments. "To be honest, I didn't know there even was a slave trade here. Definitely something to look into."
"And yes, we should let Tombo and the rest know they can come back."
Hmerrin figures he'll be little help deciphering the ledgers, so instead sets himself the task of repairing the upstairs windows, and whatever else they broke during the fight.
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 45/82; CMD 17] d20=5 ; d20=15 ; Thursday April 2nd, 2020 6:42:06 PM
As soon as the rest of the party arives Eisenhorn greats them and lets them know of the three women being locked in the 3rd floor cage. "I know it is a bit uncouth to lock up the young ladies like that, but thought It would be better to play it safe as we have no idea where their alegiances lie or what they are capable of."
"You mentioned finding some ledgers. Can you let me see them? " Eisenhorn takes the ledger and takes out a couple of sheets of paper. He takes some time meticulosuly going through the accounts making notes and cross referencing various words, symbols and numbers until sleep overtakes him. (Roll: 5) [OOC: No idea what I am rolling for this, Linguistics? To Decipher the hidden coded language? if so total is 24. Also would I be able to take 20 on this as I would be studying the ledgers for some time trying to puzzle them out?]
"Of Course Hmerrin. I do enjoy figuring out what magical properties items posses. It is important to understand that some imbued items can be quite dangerous if not properly understood..." Eisenhorn says to Hmerrin as he takes the items and casts detect magic to identify any magical ones. He then attemps to identify the properties of the magical items. (Spellcraft Roll: 15 + 19 = 34)
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:25(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 4/4 SB 7/7 LL 10/10) Thursday April 2nd, 2020 6:51:00 PM
When they first arrive back Gaffer lets another hour pass by, staying in flight or perched on nearby rooftops to ensure they weren't followed. Finally he lands in a nearby ally to return to his Human form and go home.
In the morning Gafferr listens as Des says his peace before patting him on the back to reassure him as best as he thinks someone should. "Well that is your family. and not you. We'll all help put a stop to this."
He'll take some food, sadly not Tombo's, to the women they rescued and see how they are reacting to the change of location.
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 Thursday April 2nd, 2020 10:39:01 PM
Toston says to Des, "As I said before you have my sword, my fists and my spells. I think the penalties to my mental faculties wore off while we were wondering through the streets. The slave trade is a scourge to Dirt City and we must drive it out."
Shale House- DM Dan K Thursday April 2nd, 2020 10:59:39 PM
The group hits the sack to get some sleep. Sarge, first checks on the 3 women and is quite sure they are not waking up anytime soon and she is also certain that they are not in any medical danger. Just sleeping it off.
Morning comes and the group convenes in the common room on the second floor. A quick check at the cages and the women show some small signs of coming around. Perhaps another hour for them. The Ledgers are cracked open and Eisenhorne begins to have a go at them. Linguistics to Decipher Hidden Code, correct Des lends what Aid he can, having seen account ledgers before, he can at least provide some context. The pair come to a few conclusions. The first being that this is a multi day project. The second being that the state of the ledgers implies that Ralsiner was the top leader of the Slave trade in Dirt City
Sharpe has some loot, an onyx and ruby ring each worth 300gp, a small ivory carving on a platinum thread worth 500gp, a pouch of gemstones worth 1,200gp Hmerrin has two bags of gold, 1,200gp and 10,000gp and a few things for Eisenhorne to magically identify The wizard obliges and uncovers 2 hand axes +2, a cloak of protection +2 and Belt of Dexterity +2
Discussion also turns to telling Tombo and the others that it is safe to return and the group is in agreement to do so.
The rain has started outside and Gaffer checks and feels that Dirt City is in for a solid 3 days of it. Traditionally not much goes on about the City during these storms. A couple ships will go out, but no flat barges on the river and mot much at the markets. The group will have some time to do what they want indoors for a bit.
Sharpe - [AC 27/17/20 - CMD 26; HP 51/82] - [Charles] d20+12=15 ; Friday April 3rd, 2020 3:24:05 PM
(perception - 15) Sharpe wakes up from his rest, still unsure of what to do with the items they found at the arena he looks for a hiding spot in his room.
Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 45/82; CMD 17] Friday April 3rd, 2020 3:45:58 PM
As soon as Eisenhorn wakes up he goes back to trying to puzzle out the ledgers. Midway through the day he remembers the dagger...or was it a snake...daggersnake? And goes to check if it is still there, remembering to cast Protection on evil on himself before looking too closely.
Active Effects:
Protection from Evil 10 min.
Sarge [AC 20; HP 37/61](Kathy) Friday April 3rd, 2020 4:17:14 PM
Sarge decides somebody should be there when the women wake up, and it might as well be her. She goes up and sits on the floor just outside the cage, waiting for them to wake up.
Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:25(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 4/4 SB 7/7 LL 10/10) d20+17=28 ; Saturday April 4th, 2020 6:57:31 AM
Gaffer lets the other's know that he intends to check over activity around the arena. Reverting back to his usual Hawk form and flies towards the arena, pausing at times to stop over rooftops or meander off to the side, as an added precaution. (Perception: 28)
Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:26/19/20- CMD 26 Saturday April 4th, 2020 7:39:31 AM
(OOC: Wasn't there a fourth woman that either Des, Sarge or Hmerrin carried back?)
Toston is also on hand when the women wake up. He would like to see what they can remember of the slave trade from the inside.
Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 31/102; AC:22/10/20 - CMD 23] Saturday April 4th, 2020 6:50:52 PM
Dez talks with the women and offers to get them help out of the city. He also searches out Tombo and the others to let them know it's safe to return to Shale House.