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Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116  d20+19=26 ; d8+3=6 ; d6=4 ;
Thursday March 26th, 2020 8:34:51 PM

"I'm with you Atlas." Elyngael shouts as she drops her bow "Brawn guard by bow" and draws her sword advancing to stand side by side with Atlas against the horde.

She swings her +1 shocking longsword. (d20+19=26) normal damage (d8+3) electrical damage (d6=4)

Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, +2 to fort saves, +26 hitpoints.
Hasted, +1 to AC +1 to attack

Is Brawn still scared?
Brawn's stats
AC 29 /touch16/flat 27 HP 94/94(+26) CMD 24

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Thursday March 26th, 2020 8:38:25 PM

I messed up the post. The normal damage for the longsword total was 6 points.

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 112/133 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying Bears Endurance  d20+21=37 ;
Thursday March 26th, 2020 8:40:22 PM

Vamir shakes his head when Frank turns to dust, "Well check! I don't have any this effective against these undead, I will search his dust." Vamir calls out to those nearest him. Vamir swoops down and casts detect magic as he lands. The witch carefully searches the area (Perception: DC 37)

Cantrips - all
1 - 5
2 - 4
3 - 7
4 - 5
5 - 3
6 - 4
7 - 3

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20; Fly, True Seeing, MBE, Haste, Stoneskin  13d6=45 ;
Thursday March 26th, 2020 9:05:08 PM

Owen casts Freezing Sphere on the zombie horde. They need to make a DC23 Reflex save or take 45 cold damage.

Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, DR 5/-, HP:67/81, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), Flight 120' P'ct  d20+13=16 ; 5d6=20 ; d20+13=24 ; 5d6=18 ; d20+39=54 ;
Friday March 27th, 2020 4:54:54 AM

'Osul calls more Lightning Storm down upon the Zombie Horde and Green Mummy Lord.
{Zombie Horde: SR:16 for 20 electricity damage, Reflex save vs 28 for half damage}
{Green Mummy Lord: SR:24 for 18 electricity damage, Reflex save vs 28 for half damage}

Tiny takes a short 5' step forwards, and in amongst the debris tries to grab and drag Finnan out of the elementals playground. {Probably with his lips or tongue grabbing worn equipment. I'm guesssing this falls under a Combat Maneuvre, so d20+39 = 54.}

DM Jeremy Battle Map  d20=18 ; d20=9 ; d20=6 ; d20+6=20 ; 6d8=26 ; 6d20+11=72 ; d20+11=26 ; 6d8=31 ;
Friday March 27th, 2020 6:44:02 AM

Neshi moves into a new position, and fires off a scorching ray spell at the green mummy lord, hitting it with three fiery blasts.

Atlas flies over to engage the zombie horde, but he must have encountered some turbulence, because his swing was off.

Rattleboness air elementals succumb to the mummy lords fear aura, and are paralized for 2 rounds. I rolled for you, DC 19 rolled 18, 9, &6Meanwhile Rattlebones swoops down to try to find some lich dust. Though the majority of it has scattered across the countryside, he was able to find a pinch or so stuck in his robes.

Finnan is still overcome by fear. With the orange mummy lord gone, his fear aura should be gone as well, so Sheapa should be fine now.

Armand lets everyone know that they need to search all of Franks gear, then casts searing light on the blue mummy lord.

Elyngael drops her bow, and draws her sword, joining Atlas against the zombie horde. Though it isnt her normal mode of enemy disposal, she finds it rather satisfying when her blade slices into the horde. With the orange mummy lord gone, his fear aura should be gone as well, so Brawn should be fine

Vamir joins Rattlebones at Franks remains, claiming he doesnt have any effect against undead, but would like to check out the dust. He casts detect magic over Franks remains, the dust doesnt radiate an aura, but some of his gear does. He searches the area, but doesnt find anything of any particular interest beyond Franks gear To avoid confusion, Ill list Franks gear along with the rest of the loot at the end of the battle

Owen drops a freezing sphere on the zombie horde, which takes the full blast.

Osul drops some lightning on the zombie horde and the green mummy, the lightning effects the horde as predicted, but has no effect on the mummy lord (Immune to electricity) Since the air elementals didnt make their save against the red mummy lord's fear aura, the debris cloud never happened, so if Tiny pulls Finnan, away it would trigger an AoO, which I assume is something you dont want to happen


The ferocity of the onslaught against the zombie horde leaves it nothing but a pile of rotting bodies, the stench is lovely to behold, not

The red mummy lord releases his breath weapon, a 40ft cone of searing hot sand, against Finnan, Rattlebones, Vamir, and Tiny, causing 26 fire and slashing damage. DC 19 reflex for half

The light blue mummy lord makes a double move action. Due to his slight elevation, Armand is just barely outside of its fear aura.

Failing yet again to free himself from the black tentacles, the green mummy lord releases his breath weapon, catching Neshi, Atlas and Elyngael in its 40ft cone of searing hot sand. They each take 31 fire and slashing damage. DC 19 reflex for half.

Remember, unless you are able to mitigate both fire and slashing damage, you take full damage from the breath weapons, or half damage with a reflex save, or no damage with a reflex save and evasion.

Orange Mummy Lord Gone
Red Mummy Lord 70/103 HP AC 24
Green Mummy Lord 22/103 HP AC 24 grappled
Light Blue Mummy Lord 50/103 HP AC 24 blind
Zombie Horde Dead
Undead Fuand Dead
Frank (AKA. Francisco Van Studen) Dead

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:83/99 mage armor, , spell resistance energy resistance, haste  d20+13=32 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+11=14 ; d20+11=26 ; d20+11=13 ; 4d6=13 ; 4d6=12 ; 4d6=14 ; 4d6=19 ;
Friday March 27th, 2020 7:32:58 AM

Just barely managing to avoid most of the mummy's breath weapon DC19, Neshi gets a little more irritated than he already was and sends off another round of scorching rays aimed at the green mummy.

ranged touch AC 14, AC 26 & AC 13 for 13, 12 and 14 points of damage.0 - 8

Neshi's remaining spell slots

1st - 6
2nd - 4
3rd - 3
4th - 4
5th - 4
6th - 0

Armand (Robert D)AC 32 (n25)/touch14(n11)/flat 30 (n24) HP 95/95(+26) CMD 22 Character Sheet  d20+18=21 ; d20+18=26 ; d20+17=35 ; d8+7=15 ; 2d6=2 ;
Friday March 27th, 2020 6:16:19 PM

Armand decides to close with the light blue mummy lord.
Will Save for fear aura 21 (d20+18) on Light blue
Will save for fear aura 26 (d20+18) for green mummy lord since I think I'm in his aura range as well.

Armand descends and brings down his hammer on the vile creature.
To hit: 35 (d20+17) normal damage 15 (d8+7) and holy damage 2 (2d6)

True seeing and Detect Magic still going.
Light still cast on his glaive, but he dropped that way off to the west.
Air Walk
Shield of Faith +4 to AC, now in header.
Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, +2 to fort saves, +26 hitpoints.
Hasted +1 to AC, +1 to attacks.
Holy Sword 8/13 rounds (weapon becomes +5 Holy weapon, does +2d6 on evil opponents, emits magic circle against evil=protection from evil spell 10'radius +2 to AC recorded, +2 to saves)
Ward against Death = 30ft aura protects against death for immune to death effects, energy drain, negative level drain. Round 10/13

Spells left Highlight to display spoiler: {
0: light, detect magic, create water, read magic
1 Bless, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Command (wis bonus), x (domain)
2 Spiritual Weapon, Silence, Hold Person, Bull Strength, Resist Energy (wis bonus), Bless Weapon (domain)
3 Dispel magic, Protection from energy, Prayer, Daylight, x(wis bonus), x (domain)
4 x, Dismissal, x, x, x (domain), Summon Monster IV (wis bonus)
5 Command Greater, x, Break Enchantment, Righteous Might (domain), x (wis bonus)
6 Heal, x, x (domain), Greater Dispel Magic (wis bonus)
7 x, x(domain)

(RD posting)Finnan (Zach R.) -HP 122/122 AC 27 / T 16 / F 24 - CMD 33 - Steapa HP 49/85 AC 30/ T 13 / F 26 - CMD 27   d20+15=32 ; d20+25=33 ; d10+27=36 ; d20+20=30 ; d10+27=32 ; d20+15=26 ; d10+27=37 ; d20+25=43 ; d10+27=34 ;
Friday March 27th, 2020 6:24:38 PM

Finnan shakes off the fear aura of the red mummy lord (it's been 2 rounds).
Reflex save 32 (d20+15) save and evasion.

Easy ducking under the mummy's breath weapon and feeling the +1 Mithiral, Ghost Touch great sword in his hands, he begins swinging.

Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, +2 to fort saves, +26 hitpoints.
Hasted (+1 to AC, and +1 to attacks)

1 swing with Great sword, power attacking.
To hit 33 (d20+25) damage 36 (d10+27)
2nd swing with great sword, power attacking
To hit 30 (d20+20) damage 32 (d10+27)
3rd swing
to hit 26 (d20+15) damage 37 (d10+27)

Hasted attack w/great sword, power attacking.
to hit 43 (d20+25) damage 34 (d10+27)

Rattlebones (Tanner) -- HP 104 | AC 17/16/-- | CMD 13 | F+14/R+10/W+21  d20+10=23 ;
Friday March 27th, 2020 10:04:22 PM

Despite his invisibility, Rattlebones is caught in the area of effect of the breath weapon, wounding him seriously. He takes off on his broom to make as much distance as possible. (Double move 60 feet up.)

Mage Armor 11/11 hours
Invisibility ON
Read Magic ON
HP 83/104
Sleet Storm 8/11 rounds

Rattlebones (Tanner) -- HP 104 | AC 17/16/-- | CMD 13 | F+14/R+10/W+21  d20+19=36 ; d20=9 ; d20=15 ;
Friday March 27th, 2020 10:19:33 PM

All three air elementals remain paralyzed.

Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, DR 5/-, HP:67/81, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), Flight 120' P'ct 
Saturday March 28th, 2020 2:30:47 AM

'Osul takes a 5' step and starts casting a spell.

Tiny wanders around the far side of 'Osul, looking for a vantage point to hopefully help (double move).

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116  d20+14=33 ;
Saturday March 28th, 2020 12:48:22 PM

Reflex Save (d20+14=33) saved and Elyngael has evasion so no damage.

Elyngael tells Atlas. "I've not been very effective versus those mummy lords with my arrows. I don't think my sword is going to do any better since it's also shocking, and I don't think I want to stand around and get blasted again." She heads back to pick up her bow.

Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, +2 to fort saves, +26 hitpoints.
Hasted, +1 to AC +1 to attack

Brawn's stats
AC 29 /touch16/flat 27 HP 94/94(+26) CMD 24

Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, DR 5/-, HP:67/81, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), Flight 120' P'ct  d20+10=22 ;
Saturday March 28th, 2020 6:29:53 PM

Tiny's Reflex save is successful (22 vs 19) HP: 230/243

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 99/133 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying Bears Endurance  d20+15=21 ; d20+19=39 ;
Sunday March 29th, 2020 10:15:27 AM

Vamir winces in pain as the breath weapon strikes true, although the witch is able to avoid half the damage. Vamir casts control undead on the red mummy and orders it to stop attacking (Will DC 23 SR 39).
Cantrips - all
1 - 5
2 - 4
3 - 7
4 - 5
5 - 3
6 - 4
7 - 2

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20; Fly, True Seeing, MBE, Haste, Stoneskin  d20+13=33 ;
Sunday March 29th, 2020 3:16:35 PM

Owen flies over the battlefield, making sure that none of the zombie horde wandered into hiding places. Perception: 33.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164  d20+12=15 ; d20+23=40 ; d8+10=11 ; 2d6=9 ;
Monday March 30th, 2020 12:12:42 AM

Atlas takes the full blast of the mummy's breath weapon, then spits out some sand and responds to El, "I'll see there's anything I can do and not get in trouble with Armand." He throws her a wink and rushes towards the mummy lord, taking a swing when he arrives.

Breath Weapon Reflex Save: 1d20+12=15 (fail)

Attack Green Mummy Lord w/ +1 Holy Longsword: 1d20+23=40
Damage: 1d8+10=11
Holy: 2d6=9

Total Damage: 20

Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, which adds the usual benefits to hit points, Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and so forth.

Death Ward: +4 morale bonus on saves against all death spells and magical death effects. The subject is granted a save to negate such effects even if one is not normally allowed. The subject is immune to energy drain and any negative energy effects, including channeled negative energy.

See Invisibility: can see any objects or beings that are invisible within your range of vision, as well as any that are ethereal, as if they were normally visible.

Displacement: The creature benefits from a 50% miss chance as if it had total concealment.

DM Jeremy Battle Map  d20+11=18 ; d20+9=12 ;
Monday March 30th, 2020 5:15:05 AM

Neshi fires off a round of scorching rays, at the green mummy lord. All three rays are on target.

Armand engages the blue mummy lord in melee scoring a righteous strike.

Finnan goes into slice and dice mode after breaking free from the mummy lords fear aura. He scores 4 devastating hits against his foe.

Feeling the ouch from the breath weapon, Rattlebones high tales it out of the blast range.

Osul begins casting a spell, and Tiny moves into a better position.

Elyngael shares, with Atlas, how much trouble she has been having against the mummy lords, then decides to retrieve her bow.

Vamir tries to take over The red mummy lords mind.

Owen flies over the battlefield looking for any zombies that may have survived after the horde was destroyed. He doesnt find any, and is certain they were all vanquished. Thats actually a good idea. The state block says that unless the horde is destroyed by an area effect attack, there will be stragglers. But since both Owen and Neshi blasted the horde at its end, there wasnt any.

Atlas rushes the green mummy lord, and lands a powerful blow.


Between Neshis rays, and Atlass sword, the green mummy lord goes down. As it hits the ground, the body disappears. DC 21 Spellcraft Highlight to display spoiler: { obviously a contingency spell linked to teleportation was used}

Finnan drops the red mummy lord, but like the green and orange ones before, it also disappears. DC 21 Spellcraft Highlight to display spoiler: { obviously a contingency spell linked to teleportation was used} whether or not Vamir was able to control the red mummy lord will remain a mystery, as Finnan left no mummy lord to control. OOC I would have just transferred the spell attack against the blue mummy lord, but he is out of the range for the spell.

The blue mummy lord attempts to cast a spell defensively, but fails his concentration check, losing the spell. DC 21 spellcraft Highlight to display spoiler: { he was attempting to cast slay living}

Orange Mummy Lord Gone
Red Mummy Lord Gone
Green Mummy Lord Gone
Light Blue Mummy Lord 33/103 HP AC 24 blind
Zombie Horde Dead
Undead Fuand Dead
Frank (AKA. Francisco Van Studen) Dead

Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, DR 5/-, HP:67/81, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), Flight 120' P'ct  d3=3 ; d20+9=13 ;
Monday March 30th, 2020 6:48:10 AM

'Osul takes a look around and nods (as well as any huge air elemental could), before finishing the spell. Three augmented Cyclops appear in the alley, just inside the area of of the Mummy Lords Aura of Great Despair -- which they immediately shrug off (Flash of Insight, natural 20s on the save) and close on the Mummy Lord, greataxes drawn ...

Tiny makes his way into the zone, Will 13 vs 19 - paralysed with fear.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:83/99 mage armor, , spell resistance energy resistance, haste 
Monday March 30th, 2020 7:28:40 AM

Dismissing the tentacles, Neshi calls out to the others as he can not see them all.

"Anyone need assistance? Everyone ok? Who needs healing?

(RD posting)Finnan (Zach R.) -HP 122/122 AC 27 / T 16 / F 24 - CMD 33 - Steapa HP 49/85 AC 30/ T 13 / F 26 - CMD 27   d20+10=19 ; d20+27=40 ; d10+27=34 ;
Monday March 30th, 2020 5:58:59 PM

Finnan charges the blue mummy lord. (+2 to hit _2 to AC, I think he had to charge even with haste to make the distance)
Will save 19 (d20+10) Makes IT!

1 swing with Great sword, power attacking.
To hit 40 (d20+27) damage 34 (d10+27)

Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, +2 to fort saves, +26 hitpoints.
Hasted (+1 to AC, and +1 to attacks)

Armand (Robert D)AC 32 (n25)/touch14(n11)/flat 30 (n24) HP 95/95(+26) CMD 22Character Sheet  d20+17=21 ; d20+12=27 ; d8+7=13 ; 2d6=5 ; d20+17=19 ;
Monday March 30th, 2020 6:04:48 PM

Armand goes at the blue Mummy Lord, Swinging his hammer.

First Attack: To hit: 21 (d20+17) miss.
Second attack: to hit 27 (d20+12) normal damage 13 (d8+7) and holy damage 5 (2d6)

Hasted Attack: To hit 19 (d20+17) miss again.

True seeing and Detect Magic still going.
Light still cast on his glaive, but he dropped that way off to the west.
Air Walk
Shield of Faith +4 to AC, now in header.
Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, +2 to fort saves, +26 hitpoints.
Hasted +1 to AC, +1 to attacks.
Holy Sword 7/13 rounds (weapon becomes +5 Holy weapon, does +2d6 on evil opponents, emits magic circle against evil=protection from evil spell 10'radius +2 to AC recorded, +2 to saves)
Ward against Death = 30ft aura protects against death for immune to death effects, energy drain, negative level drain. Round 9/13

Spells left Highlight to display spoiler: {
0: light, detect magic, create water, read magic
1 Bless, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Command (wis bonus), x (domain)
2 Spiritual Weapon, Silence, Hold Person, Bull Strength, Resist Energy (wis bonus), Bless Weapon (domain)
3 Dispel magic, Protection from energy, Prayer, Daylight, x(wis bonus), x (domain)
4 x, Dismissal, x, x, x (domain), Summon Monster IV (wis bonus)
5 Command Greater, x, Break Enchantment, Righteous Might (domain), x (wis bonus)
6 Heal, x, x (domain), Greater Dispel Magic (wis bonus)
7 x, x(domain)

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Monday March 30th, 2020 6:20:47 PM

Elyngael and Brawn watch Armand swinging his hammer, and it seems like he's almost having fun. It also looks like the mummies are down, so leave Armand to it. "Brawn I'll never be able to look at another big tent without having nightmares! The circus life is not for me!"

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 99/133 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying Bears Endurance  d20+24=37 ; d20+24=44 ; d20+24=38 ;
Monday March 30th, 2020 8:29:17 PM

Vamir watches as the two mummies blink out and hollers out to the group, "They teleported away! The last one just tried to cast slay living! Be careful!" Vamir soars up to make sure the mummies don't try an end around.

Cantrips - all
1 - 5
2 - 4
3 - 7
4 - 5
5 - 3
6 - 4
7 - 2

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20; Fly, True Seeing, MBE, Haste, Stoneskin  d20+25=28 ;
Monday March 30th, 2020 10:16:33 PM

Owen reports to the others about the mummy lords. "They are teleporting away with a contingency spell!"

Rattlebones (Tanner) -- HP 104 | AC 17/16/-- | CMD 13 | F+14/R+10/W+21 
Monday March 30th, 2020 11:06:39 PM

Rattlebones dismisses the elementals, dismisses the sleet storm, and speeds toward the Tree.

Mage Armor 11/11 hours
Invisibility ON
Read Magic ON
HP 83/104

DM Jeremy Battle Map  6d8=34 ;
Tuesday March 31st, 2020 4:34:53 AM

Osul brings three new friends into the fight, as Tiny succumbs to the mummy lords' fear aura.

Neshi dismisses the tentacles and then asks if anyone else needs help.

Finnan charges the blue mummy lord, overcomes its aura, and lands a powerful blow.

Armand brings the hammer down on the mummy lord,

Elyngael tells Brawn that she will never be able to see a big top without having nightmares, as she watches Armand swing his hammer.

Vamir identifies the spells and gives warning as he scans the area for reappearing enemies. He sees no enemies.

Owen also realizes that a contingency spell and teleport are being used.

Rattlebones dismisses his lingering spells, then heads to the Tree.


With one hit point left, the remaining mummy lord decides to go out in a blaze of glory, as he takes a 5ft step and unleashes his breath weapon on Armand, Finnan, and Tiny, inflicting 34 damage DC 19 reflex for half.

Orange Mummy Lord Gone
Red Mummy Lord Gone
Green Mummy Lord Gone
Light Blue Mummy Lord 1/103 HP AC 24 blind
Zombie Horde Dead
Undead Fuand Dead
Frank (AKA. Francisco Van Studen) Dead

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Tuesday March 31st, 2020 2:29:39 PM

Atlas looks about to see if there is anything or anyone they may have missed, then laughs out loud. "Lot of good I was in that fight. Well done Wardens, well done indeed!"

Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, DR 5/-, HP:67/81, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), Flight 120' P'ct  d20+10=27 ; d20+13=26 ; 3d10+10=32 ; d20+13=30 ; 3d6+10=22 ; 3d6+10=20 ;
Tuesday March 31st, 2020 5:56:03 PM

Tiny {Reflex Save 27 vs 19} takes half damage from the Mummy Lord HP:213/243.
Can he makes the save when paralysed by fear? Even when the above is adjusted to reflect a 0 Dex it is still a success. Round 2/4 or PbF.

The Cyclops' move in, and two attack: AC26 for 32 (no, not d10s, so) 22 damage and AC30 for 20 damage.

'Osul returns to the ground and his usual shape. "I'm guessing that's not the last we'll see of Frank.", he adds, as he steps over and pats Tiny.

Armand (Robert D)AC 32 (n25)/touch14(n11)/flat 30 (n24) HP 78/95(+26) CMD 22Character Sheet  d20+9=21 ; 7d6=17 ;
Tuesday March 31st, 2020 5:59:33 PM

Miraculously Armand manages to dodge some of the Mummy Lord's Breath. He cocks an eye brow at the thing. "Oh really? Try dodging this."

Armand channels to harm undead. 17 damage (7d6) Will Save 26 for half.

True seeing and Detect Magic still going.
Light still cast on his glaive, but he dropped that way off to the west.
Air Walk
Shield of Faith +4 to AC, now in header.
Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, +2 to fort saves, +26 hitpoints.
Hasted +1 to AC, +1 to attacks.
Holy Sword 6/13 rounds (weapon becomes +5 Holy weapon, does +2d6 on evil opponents, emits magic circle against evil=protection from evil spell 10'radius +2 to AC recorded, +2 to saves)
Ward against Death = 30ft aura protects against death for immune to death effects, energy drain, negative level drain. Round 8/13

Spells left Highlight to display spoiler: {
0: light, detect magic, create water, read magic
1 Bless, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Command (wis bonus), x (domain)
2 Spiritual Weapon, Silence, Hold Person, Bull Strength, Resist Energy (wis bonus), Bless Weapon (domain)
3 Dispel magic, Protection from energy, Prayer, Daylight, x(wis bonus), x (domain)
4 x, Dismissal, x, x, x (domain), Summon Monster IV (wis bonus)
5 Command Greater, x, Break Enchantment, Righteous Might (domain), x (wis bonus)
6 Heal, x, x (domain), Greater Dispel Magic (wis bonus)
7 x, x(domain)

(RD posting)Finnan (Zach R.) -HP 122/122 AC 27 / T 16 / F 24 - CMD 33 - Steapa HP 49/85 AC 30/ T 13 / F 26 - CMD 27 
Tuesday March 31st, 2020 6:00:28 PM

Finnan looks around but doesn't really see much in the way of fighting.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:97/99 mage armor, , spell resistance energy resistance, haste  2d8+6=14 ;
Tuesday March 31st, 2020 6:22:01 PM

Neshi finding his away around the barricade joins the rest of the Wardens.

"Well, I certainly hope that's it for the day. I am running low on anything very powerful in the way of spells."

Using his tattoo the last times for the day he heals all but 2 points of the damage he had sustained.

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20; Fly, True Seeing, MBE, Haste, Stoneskin  d20+13=25 ;
Tuesday March 31st, 2020 9:29:06 PM

Quickly, before the others end the last mummy lord, Owen uses his bonded ring to cast Greater Dispel Magic on it. His dispel check is 25, and he can dispel up to three spells.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Tuesday March 31st, 2020 9:49:39 PM

Elyngael looks around and realizes there's not much she can do right now. She decides to ask about arrows that would hurt the undead or mummies or zombies. She really hates all of them!

Rattlebones (Tanner) -- HP 104 | AC 17/16/-- | CMD 13 | F+14/R+10/W+21 
Tuesday March 31st, 2020 11:45:21 PM

"Please pardon my sudden departure," cries Rattlebones' disembodied voice. "A lich regenerates from their phylactery, and we mustn't waste time in finding the vessel with divination. I will be in my room preparing spells."

He continues toward the Tree.

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 99/133 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying Bears Endurance 
Wednesday April 1st, 2020 12:38:24 AM

Vamir lands next to the group,'Is everyone ok? Anyone need any healing?" Vamir looks up in the direction of Rattlebones' voice, " I can cast crying tonight if you want, or I can cast it tonight and you in the morning if you wish."

Cantrips - all
1 - 5
2 - 4
3 - 7
4 - 5
5 - 3
6 - 4
7 - 2

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Wednesday April 1st, 2020 5:26:36 AM

Atlas praises everyone for a fight well fought.

Osuls cyclopsis moved in for the kill.while Osul comments that that may not be last they see of Frank.

Armand channels energy attacking the mummy lord. (Just an FYI, according to Cazyle, we house rule that channeling energy both heals and harms at the same time, as opposed to the book which says you must choose beforehand. Thats actually a house rule Ive always used around the table as well.)

Finnan looks for another target, but doesnt find one.

Neshi hopes thats it, as he is low on his best spells. He also heals himself.

Owen tries to dispel the contingency spell on the last mummy lord.

Elyngeal asks if there are any special arrows she can get to better fight undead.

Rattlebones tells everyone he is going to his room in hopes of finding Franks phylactery

Vamir offers healing to his comrades, and offers a scrying spell to Rattlebones.


As Osuls cyclops, and Armands Channel bear down on the final mummy lord, unlike its fellow mummy lords, this one's body doesnt teleport away. One may assume that Owens dispel did its job. Please make a DC20 knowledge religion check. Highlight to display spoiler: { the mummy lord will return to life in 2-11 days if the following spells arent cast, on its remains, consecutively in this order: consecrate, hallow, and then dispel evil.}

As you search the battlefield, you find that even though the mummy lords were teleported away, they left behind their spears. Here is a total list of found loot: 4 +1 spears (mummy lords), large +1 chain shirt, large +1 glaive, +1 ring of protection (Fuand) +3 bracers of armor, +4 headband of mental superiority tuned to linguistics and bluff, a pouch containing enough gems so that everyone gets 5000gp value (Frank)

Everyone gets 55,000 xp, and a hero point for a pretty epic fight. Im awarding Armand an extra hero point for coming up with the Big Top removal idea, and Osul a hero point for following through with the plan. Im also awarding one to Finnan for being a lean mean undead fighting machine, and Atlas and Elyngael for facing off against the zombie horde in melee. Trust me when I say this, if it hadnt died that round, Atlas and Elyngael could have been in a lot of trouble. Im accepting nominations for others, if anyone can help me remember a worthy exploit.

Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, DR 5/-, HP:67/81, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), Flight 120' P'ct  d20+2=13 ;
Wednesday April 1st, 2020 8:46:46 AM

{Knowledge(Religion): 13}

'Osul sends the tricyclops to inspect the area that was once covered by the big top and report. He bids Tiny a fond farewell, before dismissing him - there being nothing to gain from making him wait out being frozen by fear.

"We own a circus tent! It might take some mending later on, but ... TENT!"

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Wednesday April 1st, 2020 12:36:04 PM

Atlas chuckles, "Sorry Armand, didn't see that one left over there. I do have to say that I'm impressed with your new battle swagger though. It would scare me if I was across the field from you."

Atlas looks through what was left behind and pulls it all into a pile for the group to consider once wounds are healed and the group is sure that there is no more trouble coming.

Thinking out loud to himself as he works, he says to no one in particular, "So, it seems like this was just the beginning. I get the feeling that we need to hunt down whoever the mastermind is behind it all."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:97/99 mage armor, , spell resistance energy resistance, haste 
Wednesday April 1st, 2020 12:58:15 PM

Neshi looks around at the others and begins to gather things into a pile.

"So Atlas, You don't think that Frank the Lich was behind this?"

Armand (Robert D)AC 32 (n25)/touch14(n11)/flat 30 (n24) HP 78/95(+26) CMD 22 Character Sheet  d20+17=23 ;
Wednesday April 1st, 2020 5:51:41 PM

Armand blinks. The mummy lord crumbles before him, yet the others vanished. He ponders.
Knowledge Religion 23 (d20+17)
"Okay we have a lot to do here. First things first who is in dire need of healing?" He waits for answers.

"Okay second this is not good, this mummy lord is going to regenerate in a few days unless the following spells are cast, on its remains, consecutively in this order: consecrate, hallow, and then dispel evil. All of which I can do given time. Unfortunately the hallow spell is going to be really expensive, like 1000gp of incense and another 1000gp per caster level." He lets that sink in, because he doesn't have enough ready cash for that outlay.

"And then I guess we need to find Frank's tent to see if there are any clues there, maybe a spell book for our mages to look through."

True seeing and Detect Magic still going.
Light still cast on his glaive, but he dropped that way off to the west.
Air Walk
Shield of Faith +4 to AC, now in header.
Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, +2 to fort saves, +26 hitpoints.
Hasted +1 to AC, +1 to attacks.
Holy Sword 5/13 rounds (weapon becomes +5 Holy weapon, does +2d6 on evil opponents, emits magic circle against evil=protection from evil spell 10'radius +2 to AC recorded, +2 to saves)
Ward against Death = 30ft aura protects against death for immune to death effects, energy drain, negative level drain. Round 7/13

Spells left Highlight to display spoiler: {
0: light, detect magic, create water, read magic
1 Bless, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Command (wis bonus), x (domain)
2 Spiritual Weapon, Silence, Hold Person, Bull Strength, Resist Energy (wis bonus), Bless Weapon (domain)
3 Dispel magic, Protection from energy, Prayer, Daylight, x(wis bonus), x (domain)
4 x, Dismissal, x, x, x (domain), Summon Monster IV (wis bonus)
5 Command Greater, x, Break Enchantment, Righteous Might (domain), x (wis bonus)
6 Heal, x, x (domain), Greater Dispel Magic (wis bonus)
7 x, x(domain)

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20; Fly, True Seeing, MBE, Haste, Stoneskin  d20+20=33 ; d20+13=21 ;
Wednesday April 1st, 2020 7:52:39 PM

Owen nods along with Armand's explanation of the spells they'll need. "Well, we have all of these gems, that should help pay for the Hallow spell. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to make sure my family is alright."

Owen searches out Simon and Isabel and makes sure they're okay. Perception: 21.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116  d20+19=27 ;
Wednesday April 1st, 2020 8:37:53 PM

"Armand I'll be happy to contribute funds to make the hallow spell possible. I can look through Frank's tent for any clues or spell books," Elyngael volunteers her time and money.

Perception d20+19=27

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 99/133 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying Bears Endurance 
Wednesday April 1st, 2020 9:47:55 PM

Vamir chimes in with the rest and offers his share of the gems to help with Armands spells. [b]"I would like to use any of the property that belonged to the lich to help with a scrying spell["/b]

Cantrips - all
1 - 5
2 - 4
3 - 7
4 - 5
5 - 3
6 - 4
7 - 2

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Thursday April 2nd, 2020 5:36:04 AM

Osul sends his one eyed friends to inspect the big top, as he dismisses Tiny. He seems almost giddy at the prospect of owning a circus tent.

Atlas praises Armand for his display of battle prowess, while gathering the loot into a pile. He suggests the need to hunt down the Ringleader of this assault. (Pun intended, Sorry couldnt help myself)

Neshi helps Atlas gather the loot, and then asks Atlas, Why Frank, a powerful lich, couldnt me the mastermind.

Armand asks if anyone is in need of healing. He then shares that the mummy lord is going to come back to life if he, or someone else doesnt cast the appropriate spells, though he is going to need some cash to obtain the components for one of the spells. He suggests looking for Franks tent to see if there is anything to find.

Owen reminds Armand that they just found a small cache of gems that should easily pay for the Hallow spell. He then goes off to see if his family is OK.

Elyngael offers both time and money to help out.

Vamir also offers to help out with the spell cost. He says he wishes to use Franks belongings in a scrying spell.


With the problem of the spell component cost dealt with, making the purchasing of the components shouldnt be a problem, A flash of insight comes to Armand.That's the reason for the contingency spells, and he realizes that you will probably be seeing the other three again. (I will say we can just assume the purchases will be made, no need to head to the catacombs). You search for Franks tent, and even though most of the tents are pretty similar in appearance, by searching only the ones marked staff only, you are able to track down one that seems a little better furnished than the rest, nothing of real value, but obviously a bit more comfortable.

You surmise that this must be his tent, and a thorough search adds validity to your assumption when you find a journal. In the journal you read that one, Francisco Van Studen, whom you realize is Frank, is looking to build an army of undead, and that he is looking forward to adding the Wardens, and what he refers to as the stupid ogre into his army, as well as an entry about maybe adding someone he refers to simply as, the Druid. You read that he thinks himself clever for using the carnival/circus as a cover to obtain his recruits. Beyond those tidbits of information, you really only read the ramblings of a megalomaniac.

Meanwhile, Owen rushes off in search of his family. He doesnt travel far before he finds them. Isabel has her hair tied up in a loose bun, so as to be out of her way, as she is helping as a makeshift nurse, bandaging the wounded after the zombie attack. Simon is running around as an errand boy, bringing fresh bandages, water, and whatever else is needed in the makeshift hospital.

OOC Please hold off on casting any divination spells for the time being. I will certainly allow them when the time's right, as they will be key in moving the next module forward. For now lets deal with the aftermath of an assault against the populace of the Tree, so we can conclude this module before heading into the next one.

I will be working on the new module this weekend, and Steven will be working on it, as his schedule allows, as well. Like so many others, our schedules have been insane as of late. Personally Ive been working overtime for the last two months, and things have gotten even crazier since Covid-19. The fact that you guys took what was planned as three different battles, and turned them into one giant battle royal, which caught us unaware, and moved our time line up at least a week, depending on how much role playing you guys did between battles, has set us back a bit, please be patient with us.

Armand (Robert D)AC 32 (n25)/touch14(n11)/flat 30 (n24) HP 78/95(+26) CMD 22 Character Sheet 
Thursday April 2nd, 2020 6:02:50 PM

Armand will pitch in with the medicals. He still has 7 channels left. He will need 14,000 gp in incense to take care of the spell, which would be 1,555 gp each from the 5000 in gems each we found so, instead we get 3,445 gp in gems each.

Armand can't use any of the magic items listed.

Sorry for the short post, worked almost 10 hours today doing things beyond my pay grade because the engineer could not be bothered to work with the tech that had to come in today to repair the laser cutter.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Thursday April 2nd, 2020 9:44:41 PM

Elyngael also cannot use the magic items, so she wanders over to Owen's wife and offers to give her a break. Elyngael starts tending to the wounded surprised at how many were hurt in the zombie attack. She is determined to make sure all the injured are helped back to their homes when they are able.

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20; Fly, True Seeing, MBE, Haste, Stoneskin 
Thursday April 2nd, 2020 10:48:01 PM

Owen smiles at Isabel and Simon, glad to see that they are alright and helping out. He returns to the Wardens, ready to do his job while his family goes above and beyond.

Rattlebones (Tanner) -- HP 104 | AC 17/16/-- | CMD 13 | F+14/R+10/W+21 
Thursday April 2nd, 2020 11:32:37 PM

Rattlebones flies toward the Tree and begins to formulate questions in his mind.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Friday April 3rd, 2020 12:16:47 AM

Atlas smiles as Armand hands out orders. "Always business with you isn't it. Once this is all settled I'm getting you drunk, or whatever your god will allow." He gives Armand a nudge as he walks by him to the Mummy lord's dusty remains. He looks up and yells, "Could someone get me Miles? We need to setup a guard here. And Vamir, Frank's tent is the likely location of that...what did they call it? Gem or something that holds his soul? Armand, what should Vamir be looking for?"

Then in a quieter voice Atlas responds to Neshi, "Just a hunch based on them disappearing and all. Makes no sense if Frank was their...master? Anyway, let's put that aside for a second and examine the real question in all this; why in the Wold would an ancient lich go by the name of Frank. Seriously, is this a joke? I'm going to puzzle that out while I watch this dust and wait on Miles."

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Friday April 3rd, 2020 5:11:53 AM

After pitching in at the makeshift hospital, Armand does the math and shares the total amount needed for the spell. He isnt interested in any of the loot.

Elyngael isnt interested in any of the loot, but she pitches in at the hospital, offering to relieve Isable. She is shocked at how many are wounded after the zombie attack, but she wants to make sure everyone gets home.

Owen is both proud of his family, and happy to see that they are OK. He returns to the Wardens to see what is next.

Rattlebones continues to fly towards the Tree, formulating questions in his mind as he goes.

Atlas comments on Armands industrious ways, and suggests getting intoxicated after this is all over. He asks Miles to set a guard on the mummy lords remains, and suggests that maybe Franks Phylactery is in his tent. He is confused as to why a powerful lich would go by Frank.


Forgot to mention yesterday that Osuls cyclopsis didnt find anything out of the ordinary at the Big Top yesterday.

With Armand's healing magic, and Elyngael helping to bandage the wounded, the hospital quickly runs out of patients, which is a good thing after all. Miles stations guards at the mummy lords remains, with orders to contact the Wardens directly if the thing starts moving.

Vamir cant find anything that may resemble a phylactery, but since it is fairly common practice for a lich to hide his phylactery far away from his current location, as a safeguard, he isnt surprised. He shares his findings in Frank's journal and explains to Atlas that Frank's real name is Francisco Van Studen, and that Frank was probably the name he used when disguised as the stable boy.

As Ratlebones arrives at the Wardens headquarters, he sees a small crowd waiting, and they dont look happy. Being new to the Tree, he doesnt necessarily remember the names, but he does recognize them as the powers that be, here at the Tree. Invisible still, the crowd doesn't see him, but Rattlebones is pretty certain he doesn't want to deal with this new threat alone.

Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, DR 5/-, HP:67/81, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), Flight 120' P'ct 
Friday April 3rd, 2020 6:00:04 AM

Once they give their report, 'Osul sets the cyclopes the task of folding up the main tent, rather than leave it draped down that row.
He also pitches in on the tending of the wounded.
It is a welcome distraction from the ... welcome home.

Fix the people first, fix the tent (or tents) later.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:97/99 mage armor, , spell resistance energy resistance, haste 
Friday April 3rd, 2020 7:35:26 AM

Well Atlas, If as his journal is to believed It seems it was his plan and not that of someone else. But I suppose that some one could have put the thought into his mind and was pulling strings. As to being called Frank. If your name was Francisco Van Studen, wouldn't you want to be called Frank?

I think we should do some basic research on this Francisco Van Studen, and see what we can find out about him. If his "soul gem thingy" isn't found in his tent perhaps he has an old family home or something where it is being held.

Armand (Robert D)AC 32 (n25)/touch14(n11)/flat 30 (n24) HP 78/95(+26) CMD 22 Character Sheet 
Friday April 3rd, 2020 5:13:42 PM

Armand nods at Neshi's words. "I wonder if I can contact the Sage's Guild in Plateau City to see if they have in record of a Francisco Van Studen."

"You know 'Osul, I'm not sure we can claim the circus tent. I mean after all there are some survivors of the circus still. They might need it to continue operations." He then looks around quickly. "Hey, shouldn't someone check on the animals? There were animals weren't there? Or was everything just zombies, I mean how many of those zombie could he turn so quickly? You'd think there would be some time involved in making that many zombies. Maybe we better question those circus folk some more."

Rattlebones (Tanner) -- HP 104 | AC 17/16/-- | CMD 13 | F+14/R+10/W+21 
Friday April 3rd, 2020 11:28:26 PM

Rattlebones flies quietly to his room, avoiding the group of powers-that-be as much as possible.

'Osul (Graham) AC:16 (T:11, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:9/R:5/W:15 + RNL), HP:67/81, Wildshape(XV):6/7, Lightning Lord:12/13, Storm Burst:10/10 
Saturday April 4th, 2020 2:43:21 AM

"Armand, Elyngael and possibly others mentioned a pony. It was well beyond our help.". He pauses for a moment of reflection before continuing, "But, it would be good to clean up that or any other concerns before morning."
"Speaking of morning, transport to and from Plateau City should not be a problem then, given sufficient rest. Is there a way around that?"
"As for the time needed to turn so many zombies - I don't know. I'd have thought most of the circus folk would have been in the horde, and most of what we have left now are carnival and side-show folks. I'm happy to make repairs on tents that Tiny has to push through, but not the horde. But, yes, as you said, questions."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:97/99 mage armor, , spell resistance energy resistance, haste 
Saturday April 4th, 2020 12:30:45 PM

Neshi helps with the others checking on the circus folk and cleaning up where necessary.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116  d20+19=22 ; d20+4=8 ;
Sunday April 5th, 2020 1:23:19 PM

Elyngael has finished helping Isabel, and decides the next job is to check on any animals involved in the circus. She has Brawn help her track the area and find any injured or homeless beasts.

Elyngael perception d20+19=22
Brawn perception d20+ 4=8

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20; Fly, True Seeing, MBE, Haste, Stoneskin  d20+25=38 ; d20+22=28 ; d20+20=33 ;
Sunday April 5th, 2020 3:38:30 PM

Owen tries to think if the name 'Francisco Van Studen' rings a bell. Knowledge (History, Local, Nobility): 38, 28, 33.

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 99/133 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying Bears Endurance 
Sunday April 5th, 2020 9:45:30 PM

Vamir leaves the various gear alone, "None of this gear will help me. I should help heal the innocent." Vamir turns and gathers Melzat up. The witch works his way along the various groups of mending what wounds he can and healing until his spells run out.

Cantrips - all
1 - 5
2 - 4
3 - 7
4 - 5
5 - 3
6 - 4
7 - 2

OOC: I am sorry for my missed posts this week. This COVID 19 is wreaking havoc on the world, and prison is no different. I am working 12-14 hour days just to keep up. I will try to not miss any but I know it will happen.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Sunday April 5th, 2020 11:33:02 PM

Atlas shrugs as most of the treasure is passed on. "I'll round this up and take it back to our place. Then someone can take it to the Catacombs to sell at a more convenient time. Anyone need anything before I head back? Looks like you good folks have saved the day and saved most of the victims. A job well done for the Wardens, now let's make sure James is OK and he's not worried about us." Atlas scoops up what he can and heads home unless someone stops him for help with something.

As he goes he looks back at Neshi, "Actually, I like that name, it has a ring to it and implies something is to be expected of him. Frank is so bland. Anyway, count me in on the research, but I'm thinking Armand's plan to reach out to Plateau City might be the best approach."

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Monday April 6th, 2020 5:33:59 AM

Osul also helps with the wounded, as he tasks his cyclopsis to fold up the Big Top.

Neshi points out to Atlas that the journal makes it pretty clear that Francisco was the one who is responsible, but does admit that someone else may be pulling his strings. He suggests doing some research. He also pitches in where ever needed.

Armand adds to Neshis suggestion by suggesting contacting the Sages Guild in Plateau City. He mentions to Osul that the real circus people may still need the tent for their livelihood. He is concerned about the animals, and wonders about how he made so many zombies. He suggests interrogating the circus folk.

Rattlebones flies to his room trying to avoid the PTB, luckily, he left a window to his room unlocked.

Osul, at Armands mention of the animals, mentions the slaughtered pony, and suggests that it should be cleaned up. He wonders if there is a way to get around the need for rest. (Ring of Sustenance) He offers to help repair the tents he was responsible for, directly or indirectly, but not the ones the Zombie horde trashed. He has no idea about the time required to make so many zombies, but assumed that the actual circus folk were zombified, and the folks remaining are the side show people.

Elyngael and Brawn go check on the animals, after finishing up at the makeshift hospital.

Owen does his best to remember the name Francisco Van Studen. He vaguely remembers hearing about a Mystic Theurge bearing that name. The Francisco he recalls would be roughly the same age as the human Wardens. He has no memory of him being a lich. Of course, that may be a recent thing, assuming they are one in the same person.

Vamir has no need for any of the loot, and pitches in, healing the innocent.


With the help of the Wardens, the makeshift hospital is closed down, due to lack of need, as all the wounded have been treated.

Elyngael and Brawn search and easily find the location of the circus animals. They are in the tents closest to the Big Top, the ones not destroyed by the zombie horde. They are all safe and sound in their enclosures. The lions start roaring, and the tigers snarl at them, most likely due to having their sleep disrupted, The elephants, however, dont seem concerned in the least as the elf and her wolf walk through their tent. As far as the pony ride, where the one pony was killed, the remaining ponies are just fine, in fact, there is a small corral with some extra ponies, that Elyngael assumes are to replace the ones that are working as they fatigue. In all there are 11 ponies, not including the dead one. 5 attached to the pony ride carousel, and 6 in the corral.

Suggestions for the morning are made, and clean up has begun. While examining the bodies from the zombie horde, you realize that these arent recently made zombies, as the rate of decay is pretty obvious. Actually the rate of decay varies from corpse to corpse. Some are maybe a few days old, while others are so old they hardly have any meat on their bones anymore, it has mostly rotted off. You estimate that the oldest corpses are just shy of a year old, and the newest would have been killed before the circus arrived. The random Zombies from the first attack, the one that attacked the populous of the Tree, as well as the circus people, and visitors who were there for the circus, are much fresher, less than a day old based on the decay. Miles suggests creating a ginormous funeral pyre for the long dead corpses, and allowing the fresh ones to be claimed by loved ones. He is trying to be both practical, as well as respectful, as these poor individuals were obviously murdered.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet 
Monday April 6th, 2020 5:57:34 PM

Armand will spend whatever time is needed throwing zombie bodies into the area where the horde was destroyed. "No need to make a new place for the pyre. This will do.". As he is doing so he will add in some flammable layers, hay, wood, what have you. He will not put bodies in that look fresh but rather set them off to the side. The minor group that came out with that metal monstrosity being the most likely of that sort.

As he probably found the hay with the circus animals..."Hey what are we going to do with these animals? Is there enough circus still intact people wise to have them kept or do we need to set them free...and if we free them it probably should not be near the Tree. Someone should ask the circus people. I'm afraid I'm going to be busy for most of the night."

As he separates out the fresh bodies he will conduct Gargul's ceremony of sending and pray for their souls to be be sent onward. For the zombie horde he will do one large prayer, though in reality each time he has to move a corpse he prays to Gargul.

Having a ring of sustenance he will only rest for 2 hours during the night. I think that means I don't get spells back since I think I have to rest 8 hours to gain them. He will wait till morning to light pyre as it will probably be large and no need to draw attention to it during the night.

PS everyone remember to fix your headers as we're out of combat and most spells probably expired, and we should be fully healed with Armand doing all that channeling in the infirmary.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, 
Monday April 6th, 2020 6:14:52 PM

Neshi helps with the pyre and its lighting and then heads off to the compound to get something to eat and get some rest.

'Osul (Graham) AC:16 (T:11, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:9/R:5/W:15 + RNL), HP:6, HP:81/81, Wildshape(XV):6/7, Lightning Lord:12/13, Storm Burst:10/10  d20+26=36 ; d20+31=40 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+14=33 ;
Monday April 6th, 2020 7:14:22 PM

'Osul catches up with Elyngael and Brawn and the circus animals, turning on the charm {Wild Empathy:33} assessing their health and general wellbeing - in case release is the best alternative after morning conversations. He also considers optimal (if distant) points for release - opening it up as a point of conversation.

Indicative checks - Heal:36, Knowledge(Nature):40, Knowledge(Geography):10

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 
Monday April 6th, 2020 8:44:29 PM

Owen wonders aloud to the others: "Some of these corpses are pretty old... How did he travel with the circus without being discovered? It must have been some kind of preservation spell?"

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying 
Monday April 6th, 2020 8:44:39 PM

As Vamir finishes up healing the innocent with the other Wardens a yawn sneaks out, "What a night, I am beat!" Vamir checks in with each of his party to make sure everything is done. "I don't know anything about this Sage's Guild but if they can help out I am game to see if they will help." Vamir checks on the tree to make sure she is well and wanders to his chambers to sleep.

Cantrips - all
1 - 5
2 - 4
3 - 7
4 - 5
5 - 3
6 - 4
7 - 2

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116  d20+23=39 ;
Monday April 6th, 2020 9:27:17 PM

Elyngael and Brawn go hunting for meat to feed the lions and tigers. Survival d20+23=39

After they clean the game, they feed the caged animals and take the rest to people around the Tree and head back to their own camp.
Elyngael talks to Armand since he's still awake.
"I think that we should check with our friends here at the Tree and see if any of them have use for trained ponies" Elyngael suggests. "These ponies won't do well on their own anymore. We can't just turn them lose," she stifles a yawn. "Let's get some rest and figure it out tomorrow. The lions and tigers are well fed, so they won't be going after anyone. Good night!"

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Tuesday April 7th, 2020 12:07:51 AM

Atlas stops in his tracks when he sees Armand start to carry the bodies. "I can help with these to speed things up. You focus on sorting and prayers, let me do the grunt work.". Atlas proceeds to take the bodies two at a time to the pile when Armand finishes with them.

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Tuesday April 7th, 2020 5:28:34 AM

OOCc The Ring of Sustenance shrinks the need for rest for casters to two hours, but you can still only prepare spells once per day.

This ring continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment. The ring also refreshes the body and mind; its wearer needs only sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. This allows a spellcaster that requires rest to prepare spells to do so after only 2 hours, but this does not allow a spellcaster to prepare spells more than once per day. The ring must be worn for a full week before it begins to work. If it is removed, the owner must wear it for another week to reattune it to himself.

Armand, Cleric of Gargul, goes into priest mode, as he does his best to give these poor souls a proper send off. He starts building the funeral pyre for those poor souls that are unrecognizable, being sure to set the recently departed aside so they may be claimed by loved ones. He wonders as to what to do about the circus animals, and whether or not there are enough circus people still alive to properly care for them.

Neshi helps with the pyre, and itfs lighting, then heads to the compound.

eOsul catches up with Elyngael and Brawn. He begins speaking sweetly to the big cats, as well as the rest of the animals, and they all calm down. The lions stop roaring, and the tigers stop snarling, ECTc He gives the critters a quick look over and can tell that they are well cared for, and free if any injuries. He tries to come up with logical places to take the animals if the need arises, but for some reason the Druid can remember what sort of climate the various animals thrive in.

Owen wonders how Francisco was able to sneak all these Zombies in, as some are pretty old.

Vamir is exhausted, after everything that has happened , and all the effort required. He makes it clear that though he is unfamiliar with the Sagefs Guild, he is willing to do whatever he can to help. He checks in on the Tree, and the Tree reassures him that he is fine, though he grieves for the lost. He then joins Neshi, and heads for home to get some much needed rest.

Elyngael and Brawn go for a late night hunt, and bring back a brace of decent sized wild pigs. She cuts the meat into portions, and feeds the carnivorous animals. They thank her by devouring the meat. She can tell that the animals have been well fed, but what large cat will turn down fresh meat? She isnft sure what to do about the ponies, as they canft just be turned loose into the wild, so she will look into it in the morning. She also joins Vamir and Neshi on the trip home, as she too is exhausted.

Atlas jumps in and helps with the pyre, telling Armand he will do the heavy lifting, and that Armand should do the priest thing.


With a great effort from the Wardens, as well as Miles and the city guard, and several volunteers, the pyre is built, and lit. Neshi uses his fire magic, and instantly, the pyre is ablaze. The flames burn into the night consuming the bodies of the poor souls killed by Francisco. There is a sense of justice, as the departed are finally given a proper send off, and in spite of the tragedies of the evening, The Wardens, as well as those who assisted, are able to lift their head a little higher knowing they did right by these poor souls.

Exhausted by both fatigue and sorrow, the Wardens head back to their compound. As they are approaching, they witness a small group of people waiting at the front gate. As they travel closer, the Wardens begin to recognize members of the small, for lack of a better word, mob. You see Ciyradyl, Folbre, and the rest of the Treefs more influential people. As the Wardens approach Clyradyl steps forward. She is beside herself and you can tell that she has been crying, and in fact still is. hI...IcI Never thought this could happenh, She begins, as she drops to her knees, hI just thought that the circus would be a fun way to celebrate, Ifm so sorry!h Folbre steps forward, puts a hand on Clyradylfs shoulder and says, hYou are not to blame, my friendh He then looks at the Wardens. His face is the face of rage itself. To say that he is livid would be the understatement of the century. hYou are to blame!h, He says, as he points a finger at the Wardens. hMaybe not directly, but if you spent less time gallivanting around, playing the hero this wouldnft have happened!h You notice that he is holding Franciscofs journal, and even though you know he canft see, someone must have read the portion about Francisco wanting to grecruith the famous Tree Wardens into his army. How the journal got into his possession is a mystery.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet  d20+30=31 ; d20+13=32 ;
Tuesday April 7th, 2020 6:42:03 AM

Armand nods his head sagely and whispers quietly to the group while his head is down. "Something's up, how'd that journal get here? Could be bespelling them."

He enacts Touch of Glory (6/d) grant touched creature cleric level bonus on charisma based skill check; on himself.
Diplomacy 31 (D20+30)

"Yes you are quite right, or maybe not. It's the age old question. Do the heroes rise to meet the challenge of the times or do the villains rise out of resentment of the heroes? I myself feel it's more the heroes rise to meet the challenges. After all the Tree is in a pretty lonely spot. I Atlas and a few others still present formed up because the welfare of the Tree was in danger. I'm sure the others have similar thoughts to discuss." He makes a motion to keep the conversation going while whispering, "Someone cast greater dispel magic or some such as the others distract."

"I believe I have a spell that can help us get ready to depart." He casts Break Enchantment.
Check Roll 32 (d20+13)

'Osul (Graham) AC:16 (T:11, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:9/R:5/W:15 + RNL), HP:6, HP:81/81, Wildshape(XV):6/7, Lightning Lord:12/13, Storm Burst:10/10  d20+12=15 ;
Tuesday April 7th, 2020 7:02:41 PM

{Sense Motive: 15} - 'Osul suspects this isn't the usual Folbre, but with his recent absence, he cannot be certain. He shakes his head at what he he is seeing and hearing.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Tuesday April 7th, 2020 9:25:14 PM

Elyngael goes to Clyradyl to settle her down. "Did you invite the circus? If you did, then you have a kind heart. I'm sure you're intentions were to share some innocent fun with your people."[/b] Elyngael stands beside the upset girl, "Each of you might have done the same thing. The Wardens cannot always be here, but you have each other. One person should not issue invitations or plan or close anything; it should always be discussed by a group first. Perhaps rather than pointing blame, you should talk and make some agreements to prevent this from happening again."

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying 
Tuesday April 7th, 2020 10:12:16 PM

Vamir is just drifting off to sleep when he hears the commotion outside. The witch draws out his broom, and flies outside, and towards the noise. Vamir arrives as Armand begins speaking, however seeing the red faced man accusing his friends of causing the destruction makes Vamir angry. Vamir holds his tongue as he moves in closer, ready to defend the group.

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Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 
Tuesday April 7th, 2020 11:07:48 PM

Owen looks on gravely as Folbre accuses the Wardens. He follows Armand's lead and speaks in turn: "Folbre, we don't play at being heroes. You know us; we're everyday folks. Atlas is just a swordsman, like any of Miles' guards. I'm a family man, and Elyngael is fresh out of the woods. We just try to do our part, and as it happens we work well as a team. We try to protect the Tree as best we can. I see you've gotten everyone together. If you want us to stay closer to home, well, we can. But I think there will be evil about no matter what we do."

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Wednesday April 8th, 2020 5:23:11 AM

Armand expects that there may be foul magic a foot , so he casts break enchantment. The spell doesnft seem to do anything, but eOsul is pretty certain that Folbre is speaking out in exhaustion, anger and sorrow, and isnft thinking straight as a result. After all itfs not every day that such a calamity strikes the Tree.

Elyngael rushes to comfort Clyradyl, who claims to be the one who hired the Circus. The elf's words do seem to lift her spirits a bit, but it is clear that the healing is going to take some time, as the events of this day are not going to be forgotten soon.

Armand tries to use diplomacy, and a mix of reverse psychology and common sense to hopefully defuse the situation, or at least keep it from escalating, while Owen and Elyngael use logic to defend themselves from Folbrefs verbal assault. Vamir bites his tongue, as he hears his friends are attacked, and stands by their side to show solidarity.

Folbre acts as if he is about to say something, but stops, takes a deep breath, and then simply hands Armand a slip of paper, and then after stopping to lend Clyradyl a hand up, he and the rest of the Treefs leaders turn and walk away.

The piece of paper is a dispatch report from Miles it says:

As of right now, the number of dead or unaccounted for is fifty five:
Eighteen -- residents of the Tree
Twenty -- visitors
Seventeen -- circus personal

Miles, Captain of the Guard, Tree of Parting

PS, One of my men found this book, I believe the Wardens accidentally dropped it, if you get a chance, could you return it to them.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet  d20+30=40 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2020 5:21:45 PM

Armand reads the note and nods his head. He uses another round of Touch of Glory.
Diplomacy 40 (d20+30).

"Thank you Folre, I know all those listed here. I assure you that they have been given last rites and their souls are with Gargul now. We did not place them in the pyre you no doubt see burning. Their mortal remains await claiming by family members. It is going to be a sad day for the Tree today as we see to the (burial or cremation-not sure which was is standard) of many of our residents and friends. As the leader of the Tree the Wardens bow to your direction in how you and the families want to conduct the funerals. Should any need counseling on the departed, I am available."

'Osul (Graham) AC:16 (T:11, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:9/R:5/W:15 + RNL), HP:6, HP:81/81, Wildshape(XV):6/7, Lightning Lord:12/13, Storm Burst:10/10 
Wednesday April 8th, 2020 5:35:35 PM

'Osul remains respectful and supportive.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance,  d20+3=8 ; d20+1=15 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2020 6:49:01 PM

Back at the their rooms and unaware of the confrontation occurring outside, Neshi sits down trying to wrap his head around what just happened and how.

He turns his mind to thinking about Frank, aka Francisco Van Studen, and tries to remember if there was anything in his knowledge of history about him, but draws a blank. Knowledge DC 8,.

Changing his train of thought he then starts shifting through his knowledge of Nobility and isn't really sure if he is doing much better. knowledge Nobility DC 15.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Wednesday April 8th, 2020 8:45:41 PM

"Armand, if there is any chance that some of those 'unaccounted for' might have run off, I would like to search the area nearby. Especially some of the visitors or circus people may have panicked and are wandering around lost,"[/b] Elyngael stops to check with Armand. "We can wait until mourning is over, but I would recommend we look as soon as possible."

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying 
Wednesday April 8th, 2020 9:35:48 PM

Vamir mumbles to himself as Folbre walks away, "What was all that about?". Vamir lands softly, and walks to Armand, "Is there something I can do to help?"

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Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Wednesday April 8th, 2020 10:47:30 PM

As the situation allows, Atlas navigates the crowd of Tree leadership as the group speaks to them, putting a hand on a shoulder here, saying a kind word in an ear there. He stays quiet, letting the rest of the Wardens speak for the group, but he knows these people's pain and he wants to comfort them in any way he can. After all, this is his home too. More so than any other place ever was.

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20  d20+25=34 ; d3=1 ; d20+25=38 ; d20+25=32 ; d20+25=36 ; d20+25=35 ; d20+25=45 ; d20+25=34 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2020 11:45:02 PM

OoC: Please ignore my mistaken d3 roll. Owen auto-passes these Spellcraft checks, but I decided to roll anyway.

IC: Owen turns in early, gets his two hour of sleep, and spends the rest of the night learning new spells. He felt weak and ineffectual during the battle, and suspects that the Wardens will see that lich again sooner than they'd like.

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Thursday April 9th, 2020 5:47:03 AM

As he and the rest of the leadership group walk away, Armand offers his and the rest of the Wardens aid in whatever is to be done next, making sure to show the proper respect to Folbre, while Atlas does his best to go from person to person, in an act of concern and support, and eOsul does his best to be supportive. The loss of innocent life seems to be taking its toll on everyone, especially Folbre, but Armandfs diplomatic approach seems to have paid off a bit, as the elfs shoulders slouch down a bit, as he gives into his sorrow. He turns around, and with tears rolling down his cheeks, he says, hGet some sleep, wefll talk in the morningh

Elyngael suggests searching for any possible stragglers, in hopes of lowering the current dead or unaccounted for numbers, though she adds that it can wait till the morning. Overhearing, Folbre says in a voice that is peer sadness, hGet some sleep, Miles and his men, wonft rest until we have everyone accounted forh.

When the leaders finally depart, Vamir asks, hWhat was that all about?h, as the actions of Folbre and company seem a little odd to the newcomer.

Neshi is inside the compound, and completely oblivious to the goings on outside, racking his brain trying to remember if he has ever heard of Francisco Van Studen. He vaguely remembers hearing about a member of royalty, whose name he canft remember, or maybe didnft catch, that kicked a Mystic Theurge, with that name, out of his court. If memory serves Neshi correctly, He heard that this Francisco guy seemed to have a complete lack of regard for humanity, and was expelled for practicing necromancy. If the stories are true, then the guy would be roughly the same age as the humans members of the Wardens.

Eventually everyone turns in for the night. Due to the multitude of emotions, sleep would be hard to come by, if it wasnft for exhaustion brought on by the day's activities. Due to his Ring of Sustenance, Owen only needs two hours, and so he spends the rest of the night adding new spells to his repertoire.

In the morning, there is a knock on the door, James answers the door and ushers in Folbre. The elf sits down at the table, and with a very heavy heart says,

hI apologize for my actions last night. I allowed my emotions to cloud my better judgement, and released my anger and sadness on you guys, which is unforgivable, and undeserved. Time and again you Wardens of the Tree have come to our aid, and sacrificed much for the well being of the Tree and his residence, for which I am thankful.

Miles reports that everyone is accounted for and that in total we lost thirty five souls last night. Ten were residents of the Tree, and the rest were either visitors or circus personnel. While tragic beyond words, things could have been much worse if not for you guys, and the quick response of Miles and his men.

So what is to be done next? I assume you havenft found the lichfs phylactery, as they donft tend to keep them on their person, or so Ifve been told. I donft want that monster ever harming our people again, but unless something is done, I fear we will face his retaliation.

After sharing what he had to say, Folbre lays Franciscfs journal on the table, saying, hMiles asked me to make sure you got this back, as one of his men found it after you dropped it. In my state last night, I completely forgot to return it. I donft think it will be much help. I had it read to me three times last night, and all I got was he and his druid friend hatched this plan, and that he was excited to add the famous Tree Wardens to his undead army. Unless you guys encountered a druid last night, I assume that whoever this druid is, hi=e is probable guarding Franciscofs phylacteryh.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, 
Thursday April 9th, 2020 7:24:27 AM

Waking the next morning Neshi sits with the others and listens to Folbre. When he is finished speaking, Neshi shares the information that he partially recalled.

So, I was thinking about Frank yesterday evening and , I vaguely remember hearing about a member of royalty, I can't remember the name, or maybe I didn't catch it, that kicked a Mystic Theurge, of that name, out of his court. If my memory serves me correctly, this Francisco guy seemed to have a complete lack of regard for humanity, and was expelled for practicing necromancy. If I am remembering correctly, then the guy would be roughly the same age as our human members."

So perhaps we have a more specific point to look at for more information.

'Osul (Graham) AC:16 (T:11, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:9/R:5/W:15 + RNL), HP:6, HP:81/81, Wildshape(XV):6/7, Lightning Lord:12/13, Storm Burst:10/10 
Thursday April 9th, 2020 10:00:02 AM

'Osul sleeps the sleep of a hedgehog.

At the meeting (long since back in human shape) there is a brief look of confusion on 'Osul's face, quickly surplanted by relief. "That wasn't how I'd heard it read. I was assuming that Frank had learned about The Tree Wardens during my sabatical, and was only including me as an after-thought. On reflection, I feel your interpretation is likely closer to the mark, Folbre. Was there any indication of who the druid might be, or from whence they originate?"

Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet 
Thursday April 9th, 2020 6:16:53 PM

After resting his minimum needed 2 hours, (ring of sustenance), Armand spends the rest of the night in thoughtful contemplation and prayer.

In the morning he gathers the necessary ingredients. He then speaks briefly with Folbre. "Sir, I must cast a series of spells to ensure that the one mummy lord we fought that didn't teleport off does not rise again. As part of the spell, anyone interred within the 40 foot radius of one of the spells can never be turned into an undead. Should any of our residents wish their dearly departed to be within this spell, I will cast it in our cemetery."

Armand will have the mummy lords remains gathered up and placed in an old bucket used for cleaning out stables and bury it in a corner of the cemetery. He will then cast consecrate, hallow, and then dispel evil.

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 
Thursday April 9th, 2020 8:19:09 PM

Owen assists Armand with the consecration spells wherever possible.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Thursday April 9th, 2020 9:23:44 PM

Elyngael sees what is going on and leaves to gather wildflowers in the forest. She brings armfuls back to spread in the cemetery and respectfully listens as Armand casts his spells.

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying 
Thursday April 9th, 2020 9:49:53 PM

Vamir sleeps restlessly for 2 hours and gets up early. Vamir completes his rituals (I will roll for them tomorrow I am exhausted and joins the others for conversation and planning.

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Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Friday April 10th, 2020 2:09:56 AM

Atlas wonders out loud at what Armand says, "Does that include us or do you have to be dead? Just curious. If not then I will begin packing so we are ready when we have a direction."

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Friday April 10th, 2020 5:40:01 AM

Neshi relates what he recalls about one, Francisco Van Studen, and suggests that if this is the same dude, and honestly how many guys are going around calling themselves Francisco Van Studen, then that may be a place to begin researching. eOsulfs confusion is replaced by relief, as he hears Folbrefs understanding of the journal. He asks if there is any information as to who this Druid may be. hSadly noh The elf answers, hThe truth is, either he just started journaling, or, more likely, he recently filled a volume and began a new book, bringing only his most recent journal with him, as the book is less than one quarter full, leaving us with very little to go byh

hI love the idea of hallowing the cemetery, not sure why I never thought of it myself actually, Just the thought of some nefarious ne'er-do-well using our departed loved ones in some evil scheme, is horrifying, especially after last night's activities. In fact if you could renew the spell anytime someone is interned, say as part of the funeral ceremony, It would be most welcome, the Tree would be willing to pay for any spell components, if they are too expensive, in the future.

By the way, we will be holding a mass funeral for last night's departed, this afternoon. We have invited our visitors to intern their loved ones here if they so desired, some have agreed, mostly the circus personal, in all we will be interning twenty two poor souls. Armand, as a cleric of Gargul, would you be willing to do the honors of presiding over the ceremony? It may be a good time to cast your spells. The service is slated to begin at 1:00, if that works for you guys, of course we can move the time if needed.

After sharing, Folbre stands up and excuses himself, and unless he receives any more questions, he will leave. Of course he will try to answer any more questions before departing.

Our industrious heroes begin making all preparations for Armandfs spells, and presumably the funeral, Armand shows little regard for the remains of the mummy lord, and whofs to blame him, after last nightfs activities. Atlas wonders out loud, if the hallow spell works on the living, and is informed that it only works on the dead.

The preparations are made and the time for the funeral/spell casting has arrived. The area is full of beautiful colors thanks to Elyngaelfs efforts at gathering flowers. Folbre is at the podium welcoming everyone, and after everyone is seated, he recites the names of the twenty two who are to be interned, and asks Armand to take the podium.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet  d20+17=19 ;
Friday April 10th, 2020 6:42:21 PM

Armand takes the podium and makes appropriate comments about the departed being with Gargul and the perseverance of the survivors.
Diplomacy 19 (d20+17)

He will then stand aside if anyone else wants to speak.

Lastly he will cast consecrate, hallow, and then dispel evil. He will add a Bless spell as well. The 40 arrow will be under the Hallow and Bless for 1 year.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Saturday April 11th, 2020 1:44:47 AM

Atlas attends the funeral and pays his respects. He isn't big on these types of events; a life lived should be celebrated, not mourned. However, he knows what is expected and fills his role as a leader among the people while helping Armand with anything he needs to make this go off as planned.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, 
Saturday April 11th, 2020 8:07:39 AM

Neshi, goes along with the other Wardens to the ceremony but, not being a fan of somber, and sad observances, stays in the back and lost in his own thoughts.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Saturday April 11th, 2020 3:41:37 PM

Elyngael walks over to the other Wardens attending the memorial service. She understands that this is not what they enjoy doing, but it is a duty to the people of the Tree. She goes to the back where Neshi is and silently takes his hand, then holds out her other hand towards Atlas. She wants all the Wardens to join in solidarity against evil.

'Osul (Graham) AC:16 (T:11, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:9/R:5/W:15 + RNL), HP:6, HP:81/81, Wildshape(XV):6/7, Lightning Lord:12/13, Storm Burst:10/10 
Saturday April 11th, 2020 7:30:00 PM

'Osul stands in support of the Wardens, the residents and the visitors to The Tree.

He thinks a small white bird taking flight for some distant place might make for a suitable end to proceedings, but summoning one is out of the question in these sombre circumstances. Instead he keeps an occasional eye out for something suitable. Some seed or grain obtained on the way to the service and held in his hand behind his back might do the trick.

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying  d20+30=41 ; d20+19=30 ; d20+21=22 ;
Sunday April 12th, 2020 9:34:48 PM

Vamir willingly helps where needed, however having buried enough family over the last ten elf is hesitant to join the ceremony. Seeing a few of the wardens in the back he and Melzat join them.

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Concentration check: DC 17 rolled DC 41
Beginner Ritual: Ritual of Warding DC 20 rolled DC 30
Intermediate Ritual: Ritual of Spiritual Healing DC 30 rolled DC 22

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Monday April 13th, 2020 5:30:04 AM

Few if any of the Wardens wish to attend the funeral, and whofs to blame them. As Atlas puts it, "He would rather celebrate life", but our heroes do their due diligence, and make a show of solidarity of support for one another, the residence of the Tree, and those who are visiting. They also show solidarity in their desire to stand against the evils of the Wold.

Along the way, to the funeral, eOsul spies a small patch of wild barley, with a few heads of grain that would be ripe for harvest. Somehow this small patch has escaped being trampled by all the foot traffic in the recent days. He quickly harvests the grain and stashes it away.

Armand does a stellar job officiating the funeral, and there is not a dry eye in the place. Through his soothing words, however, he is able to give hope to those who were struggling to find any, and help redirect the survivors from a place of extreme mourning, to one of remembrance. Though a small distinction, it is one that leads to healing of the heart, which we all know takes time.

After the ceremony, Gunthred, and a few of the other circus people find their way to the Wardens compound. Guthred seems to have been made the unofficial spokesperson for the circus personnel.

Guthred begins:
hThank you for your kind and helpful words mister Armand. Even though you didnft know any of our people, you treated them with the same respect as your own, and that is something we circus folk donft often receive. When people travel and spend their daily lives together, they become more than just friends, they become family, so we mourn our lost loved ones as brothers and sisters, and not just friends. Which is why Frankfs, or I guess I should say Franciscofs actions, to us is more than just an act of pure evil, it is also a betrayal, and to be betrayed in such a way, crushes ones spirit, and makes one think, gWhat do people think of the rest of us?h. We came here to offer any help we can, though we arenft sure if we will be any, and we want to go on record as saying, Franciscofs actions are his alone, and we were as blindsided as anyone by his vulgar display of evil, and attack against innocent people, many of whom were part of our family, including it turns out our ringleader, Brandorn. We found his body while helping sort all the corpses, and even though it was badly decayed, we were able to identify him, which leads us to believe the villain was using some sort of magic to disguise himself as Brandorn, or create an illusion of him.h

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Monday April 13th, 2020 3:10:51 PM

Atlas listens to Guthred, but keeps quiet since he is clearly speaking to Armand. Then again, there's not much to say even if he wanted to, so he starts going through a mental checklist of the things they need to do before the head out again.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet 
Monday April 13th, 2020 5:15:37 PM

Armand scratches his head at Guthred speach. "I'm no expert on arcane spells, that would be Owen. But it seems to me like Fransico had an awful lot of spells going to be able to cover up all those zombies. Tell me Guthred do you remember him talking about his life or friends from before he joined the circus? Or for that matter when and where he joined your circus?"

'Osul (Graham) AC:16 (T:11, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:9/R:5/W:15 + RNL), HP:6, HP:81/81, Wildshape(XV):6/7, Lightning Lord:12/13, Storm Burst:10/10 
Monday April 13th, 2020 7:03:24 PM

"...or how insistent he was on coming here?", 'Osul adds to the questions, at an appropriate oportunity.

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying 
Monday April 13th, 2020 9:09:37 PM

Vamir listens intently to the conversation, the pain of so much loss and grief paining the young witch.

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Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Monday April 13th, 2020 9:16:29 PM

Elyngael and Brawn leave after the funeral rites and go for a long walk in the meadows and forests immediately around them. They return before dark feeling refreshed and ready for the next day. Elyngael cleans her clothing then takes a bath. She sleeps deeply and soundly that night.

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 
Monday April 13th, 2020 10:47:28 PM

Owen solemnly pats Armand on the back in congratulations for a service well-delivered.

When Gunthred's group comes to the Wardens with worries and information, Owen thanks him. "It was surely difficult for you to come to us, given the catastrophe. It helps cement in my mind, at least, that you were good people mislead and manipulated by someone evil. Please, take this as a token of our goodwill. Hopefully it will serve as an example for others at the Tree and elsewhere."

With that, Owen reaches into the voluminous pockets of his robes, retreives a handful of shimmering jewels (his 5000 gold's worth recovered from the lich), and gives them to Gunthred. "You can use it to restart the circus or split it up and settle down; we will support you either way."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, 
Monday April 13th, 2020 10:48:40 PM

Neshi adds his two cents worth in the conversation with Gunthred.

Gunthred, Did Franciso ever talk about his life before the circus when he work for some Noble?

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 5:14:11 AM

Guthred strokes his beard in thought then says while still stroking his beard, "Now that you mention it, I honestly can't think of a single time that Frank, I mean Francisco, ever talked about his past, isn't that strange, hum". He turns to the other circus people as if to silently ask if any of them remember anything, and they all shake their head no with the same confused looks on their faces as Guthred. "You may think it strange that none of us even bothered to ask him, but people often join the circus to get away from troubled pasts, so we tend to leave the past alone, if you follow me. He stops for a second obviously trying to get his head around the whole ordeal, then says, "I wouldn't say that Francisco was insistent about coming to the Tree of Parting, but he spent a lot of time in Brandorn's tent, and Brandorn was pretty insistent. Since Brandorn was our ringleader, we never questioned him, one location is as good as the next for us, though we do like the bigger cities, more people to entertain and all, but smaller venues such as the Tree of Parting are just as much fun for us, though not as profitable, is suppose. I guess since Brandorn was really Francisco, or an illusion made by him, what with Brandorn being dead, then he was pretty insistent". he then shakes his head in confusion.

When Owen offers the gems, Guthred face turns from confusion to amazement, he looks to his people and they all have the same look but they all seem to be shaking their head no. Guthred addresses them saying, "With this gift we can rebuild, hire new talent, and start all over again, what say you?" After Guthred's words the rest seem to be on the same page. Guthred excepts the gift form Owen and says, "Thank you my friends this gift is beyond generous, in your honor, I think we should change our name to the Traveling Tree Circus Extravaganza, and paint an image of the Tree of Parting on the Big Top!" With that the circus people turn to walk away, of course you can still ask them questions if you so desire.

Meanwhile Atlas is racking his brain to make a checklist of things to bring when they set out: sword -check, armor -check, food -check, ECT..., and Elyngael goes for a walk, On her walk Brawn chases up a pheasant, and a brace of grouse. He isn't in hunting mode, so he lets them go, though he is obviously enjoying himself.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, 
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 4:10:58 PM

So, is anyone up for a quick teleport to the city, to see what we can dig up about Francisco?

Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet 
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 6:11:26 PM

Armand nods at Nesi's comment. "Indeed, the Sages Guild at Plateau City may reveal much. I lament that we have yet to have a branch office opened up here." He grabs his pack. "Anyone else for a quick trip to Plateau City?"

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying 
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 7:46:00 PM

Vamir listens to the conversation as it ends. As Owen hands over the gems the young elf wonders to himself, what good people I have found to travel with. One day I hope to be as good as they. Vamir shakes his head at Armand, "I am good here. I want to take some more time with the tree, and talk with the plants around the area. Perhaps they saw something more of Francisco and would be willing to tell me.
Be safe, and I hope you are able to find some more information on the lich!"

Cantrips - all
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2 - 7
3 - 7
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5 - 5
6 - 4
7 - 3

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 9:44:26 PM

Owen chimes in after Vamir does. "I'll stay here as well. Given Folbre's concerns, some of us should remain at the Tree--though I encourage you to inquire at the Sages' Guild."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 9:45:55 PM

Elyngael agrees with Vamir. She has no use for anything from Plateau City. She will stay at the Tree and take advantage of the time to explore the surrounding area.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 10:51:43 PM

Atlas passes on the opportunity to visit the city, "I need some time here at home, I want to check in with Miles and see how the guard are doing. Also, I was hoping someone would accompany me as I visit the seed that we planted. It was growing like a weed, so I imagine that it is creating shade now. Probably tomorrow, first I want to catch up with James some more."

When Atlas returns home he shares a meal with James and makes inquiries as to how everything is going, both at the Tree as well as for him in general. "You still happy here James?"

'Osul (Graham) AC:16 (T:11, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:9/R:5/W:15 + RNL), HP:6, HP:81/81, Wildshape(XV):6/7, Lightning Lord:12/13, Storm Burst:10/10 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 12:23:21 AM

'Osul follows the preferences and plans, until Atlas knocks him off his game. "Atlas, you planted the seed while I was away? We planted the seedling/sapling before it got too leggy, but I missed the planting of the seed?"
"Clearly I need a down day or two to catch up with everything that has happened here at The Tree in my absence. I would like to accompany everyone that has plans here over the next day or two as well - if that is possible?"
"Is Wiz-Bang still in his high log cabin?"

He first accompanies Vamir, and provides what assistance he can with The Tree - after which he looks to catch up with Elyngael and Brawn.

DM Jeremy Battle Map 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 5:23:16 AM

Neshi and Armand wish to take a quick jaunt to Plateau City to inquire at the Sage's Guild, though Armand does lament that the Tree doesn't have a branch yet. When they arrive at the Sage's Guild, they aren't able to ascertain to much about Francisco. His exploits, it seems, have either been done undercover, or have been hardly existent. They are able to learn that Francisco was originally from the Shadow Mountain area, and the nobleman whom he worked for was none other than Lord Whatnot, owner and founder of the Hall of Champions, on the western slope of the mountain. They were also able to ascertain that he would only be in his late 20's early 30's and so surmise, that he is a relatively young lich. While there, Armand is able to discuss the idea of opening a branch at the Tree, and both the Dean and Chancellor are very receptive. They tell Armand that they will begin looking into the idea of expanding their within the next week or so.

Meanwhile the rest of the Wardens, each for their own reasons elect to stay at the Tree. Vamir Chats with the Tree and some plants and finds a small juniper bush near where the Big Top was located, who seems to be very chatty. The juniper tells Vamir about how he saw some guy sneaking zombies into the circus undercover of night, and how he was afraid that he was going to be trampled to the root. Owen stays back to guard the Tree. Elyngael wanders about exploring the area. In her wanderings, she comes upon a foxes den and is able to watch a young litter of Fox pups playing under the watchful eye of their mother. Brawn finds something of interest as well, as he spies a beautiful all black she-wolf. the two lupines seem to hit it off, and it wouldn't be a surprise to Elyngael, if she spied the she-wolf lingering around the Tree, from time to time. Atlas wishes to check out the Tree's child, but mistakenly refers to it as the offspring of the seed, as apposed to the sapling, which causes 'Osul some concern, as he was hoping that he hadn't missed the seed planting. Atlas chats with James for a while, and James assures the fighter that he is very happy at the Tree, doing what he is doing. he feels well compensated for his work, and loves working for people who truly care for his well being. He especially loves having Isabel and Simon around, claiming it is nice to have the compound full of life, even when the Wardens are out on an adventure. When 'Osul asks about the seed, Atlas admits he miss spoke, and was referring to the sapling, and Atlas make plans to go check it out in the morning. 'Osul asks if Wiz-Bang is still around, living in his tree top cabin. 'Osul is with Vamir when the green mage finds and talks to the chatty juniper bush, and is with Elyngael when Brawn meets his lady friend.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 12:10:22 PM

Neshi, quickly moves Armand and himself to Plateau City to visit the sage Guild and do their research.

After several hours it is obvious that there just isn't much to find; though having the name of the Noble he worked for and where, is something at least.

While Armand is in discussions with the Guild about setting up a branch at the Tree, Neshi tells Armand he will meet him back here in an hour or so and goes for a quick visit to the WLA to update his membership.

When done he joins Armand back in front of the guild for the return trip.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) DISPLACED AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 100/164 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 12:14:30 PM

In the morning Atlas makes for the sapling, checking on its well being and inspecting the guard unit that was to protect it. He asks if anyone wants to play a game of cards or dice to pass the time.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 5:58:27 PM

Armand is disappointment that they could not find more information about Fransisco. However, he is please that there is hope of a branch library being opened at the Tree. He mentions that he has been making a small effort to create a lending library for the inhabitants, but it is not very full. The second floor has a 40x70 room designated the library of the Wardens Headquarters. See room A on the map.HQ

Armand will see if there is a way to send a letter to Lord Whatnot asking him about Fransisco and any friends he may have had that were druids. Sort of the standard FBI background security check sort of letter.

Armand spends some time picking up a few books in the local bookstore to add to the collection.

OOC, I've updated some room occupancy on the HQ. I also notice that Rattlebones has not been posting and is not listed below. Has he dropped? I know we dropped Finnan.

Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Barkskin, Broom of Flying  d20+13=21 ; d20+19=37 ;
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 8:59:49 PM

Vamir takes the downtime to recenter himself,spending as much time communing with tree, and nature in general. Vamir spends as much time as he can spare searching for herbs to enhance his potions (Herbalism DC 21 Survival DC 37). Vamir asks Osul if he would like to join him on his forays in an attempt to get to know the Druid.

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Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 88/116 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 9:44:07 PM

"Hey, Atlas, I'll play cards or dice with you, if you'll teach me," Elyngael volunteers. "My parents had no time for frivolous games. They said it was the pastime of city dwellers. We always stayed in the forest, and my father would teach me about tracking, and my mother about what was safe to eat. Sometimes I would hear the gypsies laughing and playing, but I was happy and felt no need to join in.
How did you learn?"

Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 11:50:44 PM

Owen would play cards with Atlas, and Simon is very interested. The lad looks up to Atlas quite a bit.

'Osul (Graham) AC:16 (T:11, FF:15), CMD:21, Saves:(F:9/R:5/W:15 + RNL), HP:6, HP:81/81, Wildshape(XV):6/7, Lightning Lord:12/13, Storm Burst:10/10 
Thursday April 16th, 2020 1:08:45 AM

Hopefully this link works: Warden's HQ - I could not get the other to open.

In the morning 'Osul joins Atlas visiting the sapling, though it is probably not fair to call it that anymore. Today he is prepared for talking to trees.

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