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Naithi (JamesD) AC: 19/14/17 HP: 10/18 , CMD = 16 
Saturday April 11th, 2020 12:38:30 PM

I sense Camalayaas sniffing the air around us.

ooc: Can you tell me if she smells the shaman? She can smell 30 feet, 60 if he is up wind. If she can she will use a nice action to pinpoint the direction (or exact location if within 5 ft). This will effect Camalayaas and Naithi's actions the rest of this turn.

Naithi (JamesD) AC: 19/14/17 HP: 10/18 , CMD = 16 
Saturday April 11th, 2020 12:41:17 PM

*move action*, not nice action

DM Mitch   d4=1 ; d8=1 ; d8=6 ; d8=6 ; d6=4 ; d8=5 ; d8=8 ; d8=6 ; d10=3 ; d10=9 ; d10=8 ; d8=5 ; d8=8 ;
Sunday April 12th, 2020 5:29:05 PM

(Rolled HP for all the NPC's)

Naithi (JamesD) AC: 19/14/17 HP: 10/18 , CMD = 16  d20+3=8 ; d20+5=7 ;
Monday April 13th, 2020 12:04:57 AM

I move forward with Camalayaas again, but both of our attacks miss.

Camalayaas hit AC 8

Naithi hit AC 7

DM Mitch   d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d3=2 ; d20=19 ; d20=14 ; d20=10 ; d20=7 ; d20=13 ; d4=1 ; d4=4 ; d4=1 ;
Monday April 13th, 2020 8:37:58 AM

Bastarge finishes off the orc helper.
Myre barely misses the chieftain with a touch spell
Lothlo shoots a pair of truly epic shots, getting the chieftain in the neck where his armor doesn’t cover him (You need to roll 3 dice when you crit, not just multiply the first roll. Your damage was 13 from the crit, 19 total)
Zazu does not quite manage being sneaky enough so doesn’t get his sneak attack damage. (if you walked through the red circle that’s an Entangle cast by Naithi, make a DC 14 reflex save or be tangled)
Ash is pretty sure she missed, but she actually nicks the chieftain (touch AC is only 9). She complains about how hard he is to hit when really it’s just his thick armor protecting him.
Naithi and Camalayaas try to find the shaman but have no luck. They bounce attacks off the chieftains armor.

The slaves have about as much luck as the others penetrating the chieftains armor.

Fortunately Murzush’s magic missiles don’t care about armor at all. The Chieftain, already on his last legs, falls to the magical assault.

With the chieftains death for a frozen moment it seems like the fight might be over. The orcs look disheartened and shaky. Then one of them screams his rage and soon they’re fighting with redoubled ferocity determined to slaughter these pathetic slaves that dared kill their chieftain.

The shaman suddenly reappears next to Lothlo - he looks a little singed, apparently he got caught by Murzush’s burning hands while invisible. He screams in rage before pointing at Lothlo. Rage fills the archer and he must make a DC 12 will save or be forced to attack his nearest ally this round.

Chieftain - dead
Orc shaman - 7 damage

Orc 1 - dead
Orc 2 - dead
Orc 3 - Dead
Orc 7 - dead
Orc 10 - dead

Wolf 5 - dead
Wolf 6 - dead

Slave 3 - 0 damage
Slave 4 - 4 damage

Combat Map

Tactical map

Zazu (AC17, HP10/10) and Boyo the bunny (Cayzle) 
Monday April 13th, 2020 9:40:14 AM

Zazu's illusion goes away (I took it off the map).

After skirting the edge of the Entangle, Zazu now dashes forward before anyone else can step up to engage the shaman. Dashes to the front line between Myre and a rock, ten feet from the shaman. Then casts a last first level spell: Color Spray.

The will save DC is 15. The effect depends on the target's hit dice (see spell).

Myre (Carl) AC: 16/12/14 HP: 8/8 CMD: 13  d20+2=7 ; d6=2 ;
Monday April 13th, 2020 12:08:15 PM

Myre points to the Chieften Ash hit. "Don't see yourself short, love. You nicked him right..." Murzush's magic missiles kill him as Myre speaks.

"Well, you helped, anyway."

She's taken by surprise when the shaman appears behind them. She casts a chill touch spell, takes a 5' step, and swipes at the shaman. It's about as successful as the rest of her attacks.

Hit touch AC 7. Bother. If by some miracle that hits it does 2 negative energy damage and 1 STR damage if he fails a DC14 Fort save.

Bastarge (JeffO) -- AC: 19/15/15 CMD: 16 HP: 21/21 
Monday April 13th, 2020 1:35:34 PM

Bastarge looks around for other combatants and maneuvers back into the traps.

I don't see any enemies on the map?

Niall (JonL) HP: 18/24 AC: 17/11/16  d20+4=21 ; 2d6+8=11 ; d6=4 ;
Monday April 13th, 2020 6:52:34 PM

Niall brushes his hand on himself and strikes back at the orc that hit him.


Hit AC 21, 11 damage
Lay on hands for 4 hp, 2/4 lay on hands used

Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 18/14/14, HP: 22/22, CMD: 18   d20+1=9 ; d20+11=19 ; d8+1=2 ;
Monday April 13th, 2020 9:34:42 PM

Something comes over Lothlo and he seems to lose control of himself. Before he knows what is happening he realizes that his bow is pointing towards slave 3 and an arrow has flown in their direction.

Will save = 9

attack = 19
damage = 2

Naithi (JamesD) AC: 19/14/17 HP: 10/18 , CMD = 16  d20+3=21 ; d20+5=11 ; d6+1=7 ; d4+4=6 ;
Monday April 13th, 2020 11:35:14 PM

Emotions wash over me faster than I can process them. Disappointment when my attack misses, elation when the chief dies, and shock when the shaman appears. I quickly spur Camalayaas forward, urging her to attack. Her bite is impressive, mind...not so much.

Move left/East of shaman
Camalayaas hit AC 21 for 7 dmg
Naithi Hit AC 11 for 6 dmg

Ash Silverkin (RobC) -- AC 16/12/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 17/17  d20+2=16 ; d6+1=4 ;
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 5:47:56 AM

Well huh. How about that. Ash tries not to grin too widely. She's a little proud that that shot actually hit.

She prepares to hit the shaman with one if he tries to cast something.

Ready action: If Shaman starts to cast a spell, hit him with an Acid Dart. Hits Touch AC16 for 4pts acid

DM Mitch   d20+5=22 ; d20+2=10 ; d20+2=9 ; d20+4=22 ; d4=3 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+4=12 ; d20+4=14 ;
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 11:48:45 AM

Zazu sends a blinding wave of colors at the Shaman who merely sneers (made the save).
Myre tells Ash to give herself more credit. She almost manages to land her chill touch but he wards her away with his staff.
Bastarge can’t find the remaining enemies (he’s in the back)
Niall heals himself and is ready to rumble but they’ve already killed all the enemies in melee range of him.
Lothlo is overcome by the rage and shoots the slave nearby who looks confused.
Naithi rushes the shaman and her mount manages to get a good bite off
Ash is really proud that she actually hit. She gets ready to interrupt the shaman if he tries to cast.

The shaman doesn’t risk a spell with so many close to him, instead whirling his staff at Myre with surprising skill. Fortunately both strikes miss by a hair’s breadth.

Slaves 1 and 2 shoot at the shaman but can’t hit him in the melee.

Slave 3, very confused at being shot, defends himself from the enchanted or traitorous Lothlo, hitting him for 5 damage.

Slave 4, a bit more sensible, tries to disarm Lothlo but fumbles in his haste.

Murzush sees Lothlo and the slaves fighting and gets very confused, failing to take an action as she tries to decide who to help.

Chieftain - dead
Orc shaman - 14 damage

Orc 1 - dead
Orc 2 - dead
Orc 3 - Dead
Orc 7 - dead
Orc 10 - dead

Wolf 5 - dead
Wolf 6 - dead

Slave 3 - 2 damage
Slave 4 - 4 damage

Combat Map

Myre (Carl) AC: 16/12/14 HP: 8/8 CMD: 13  d20+2=20 ; d6=6 ;
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 12:45:14 PM

Whew, looks like Ash's spell just saved Myre's life. She recovers and plants her chill-touched hand right in the shaman's face. She wonders if he'll lose the nose to frostbite.

Probably not, since everyone's about to kill him.

Hit touch AC 20 for 6 negative energy damage. Also does 1 STR damage if he fails a DC14 fort save.

Bastarge (JeffO) -- AC: 19/15/15 CMD: 16 HP: 21/21  d20+1=11 ;
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 1:27:22 PM

Bastarge looks around and see the fighting. He runs around the traps and pits and tries to grab Lothlo but is too busy avoiding the caltrops to grab him.

Grapple attempt: 11

Zazu (AC17, HP10/10) and Boyo the bunny (Cayzle)  d20+3=19 ; d3=3 ; d20+2=10 ; d20+4=13 ;
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 2:05:46 PM

Zazu moves up ten feet, casts a Ray of Frost, and hits touch AC19 for 3 damage to hurt the shaman.

Boyo pokes his nose out of a pocket. "What's that, cutie? You want to go bite the bad man? OK!"

The tiny bunny hops over to the shaman, making an untrained acrobatics check to avoid provoking AoOs.

Acrobatics 10.

If the Shaman chooses to use his AoO on a cute widdle bunny, Boyo's AC is 15, and he has 7 hit points.

If Boyo survives a potential AoO, he bites the shaman, hitting AC13 for 1 hp damage!

[Boyo's stats are at the bottom of Zazu's PC sheet.]

Niall (JonL) HP: 18/24 AC: 17/11/16 
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 4:03:40 PM

Niall moves way up and around the rock and trap towards the shaman.


Two move actions.

Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 18/14/14, HP: 17/22, CMD: 18   d20+9=17 ; d20+9=24 ; d8+1=4 ; d8+1=5 ;
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 7:43:33 PM

Lothlo's cheeks turn almost as scarlet as his cloak after seeing his arrow hitting one of the slaves.
Forgive me, I don't know what that shaman did to me but I lost control for a minute there. I'll try not to let him do that again.

Lothlo takes aim and sends two arrows flying straight towards the shaman that had cast a spell on him.

attack 1= 17
damage 1= 4

attack 2= 24
damage 2= 5

Naithi (JamesD) AC: 19/14/17 HP: 10/18 , CMD = 16  d20+3=9 ; d20+5=9 ;
Tuesday April 14th, 2020 10:21:56 PM

I continue to lash out at the shaman, hoping Camalayaas provide good flanking opportunities for the others and knowing that even when we miss we are keeping the shaman from casting.

ooc: Both our attacks miss

Ash Silverkin (RobC) -- AC 16/12/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 17/17  d20+2=19 ; d6+1=2 ;
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 7:32:34 AM

Ash keeps her focus on the shaman. She's not going to attack him outright - the others are doing a good job of that. She's going to hold back and make sure he doesn't get some spells off.

Ready action: If shaman goes to cast a spell, use an Acid Dart against him. Hit Touch AC19 for 2pts

DM Mitch  
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 9:55:24 AM

Myre grabs the shaman’s nose with hands of magical cold. It is very painful.
Bastarge helps in trying to restrain Lothlo
Zazu finishes off the shaman with a ray of frost. Boyo is able to nibble his frozen corpse.
Niall circles around.
Lothlo apologizes for his actions.
Naithi is ready to attack but he’s already dead.
Ash continues to be prepared to interrupt any spellcasting with damage.

With the shaman, the chieftain, and a large section of the elites dead the orcish lines devolve into chaos. They continue to fight with great ferocity, but with the guidance of the elven warriors and the complete lack of leadership they are crushed by the freed slaves. Only a few minutes later the orcish warriors are dead to a man.

Bastarge (JeffO) -- AC: 19/15/15 CMD: 16 HP: 21/21 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 10:51:24 AM

Bastarge looks around and takes a deep breath. He says, "Did we get to M's mom?"

Myre (Carl) AC: 16/12/14 HP: 8/8 CMD: 13 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 11:45:45 AM

Myre takes a moment to feel good about this outcome, then starts to wonder what kind of destabilizing influence they've just unleashed.

It'll probably be fine, right? Anyway, they really should find Murzush's mom.

Zazu (AC17, HP10/10) and Boyo the bunny (Cayzle) 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 11:56:04 AM

Zazu approaches the elf warriors who joined in the fight after all, and in elvish, thanks them, "I know it was not in the original plan, but you guys saved the day with your willingness to join in the fight. Thank you for your kind hearts and brave deeds!"

Then Zazu turns to the former slaves. "It is time for these excellent elves to lead you to the fort, and then to safety in the Emerald Kingdom. Congratulations, you earned your freedom this day. Farewell, and perhaps we will meet again."

Zazu looks for Náro, the half-elf celestial sorcerer and friend captured together (Violet's PC).

Finally, Zazu takes a look at the fallen wolves. The elf feels sorry for them, and binds their wounds if any of them are still alive.

Oh, and if the party is headed back to the orc camp to look for Murzush's mother, Zazu and Boyo will go with too.

Niall (JonL) HP: 18/24 AC: 17/11/16 
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 3:49:11 PM

Niall will move to the slaves near by and use his last two lay on hands to stabilize anyone that needs it before returning to the others. "I agree. We need to find her mother to be sure she is okay."

Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 18/14/14, HP: 17/22, CMD: 18  
Wednesday April 15th, 2020 9:05:50 PM

With things having wound down Lothlo gets his first chance to really see what has been happening outside their ambush circle.
Indeed no plan survives first contact with the enemy, though really we are the ones that made a glorious mess of it. Still, this could have gone far worse. We really owe those elves a great debt.
Lothlo makes a quick check to confirm the threat is really over, the then starts to check among the slaves to make sure that Hilia and Tianna are safe.

Naithi (JamesD) AC: 19/14/17 HP: 10/18 , CMD = 16 
Thursday April 16th, 2020 2:27:17 AM

Naithi scratches Camalayaas ear as she looks for Painter.

Ash Silverkin (RobC) -- AC 16/12/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 17/17 
Thursday April 16th, 2020 8:02:03 AM

"Captain Silverleaf!" Ash will approach the Captain and lock arms with her "Excellent timing. Glad you could make it". Yep, she could see the Captain becoming a real ally. Ash speak a little quieter "I can only assume you are going against the orders of the Commander. For that, you have my thanks. You have helped saved the lives of many people today"

Ash looks back towards the ex-slaves. "What can we do to help them now? We need to get them somewhere safe. Would it be asking too much for you to keep an eye on them? We made somewhat of a promise to the orc woman that we would go back to try and free her mother"

Ash's first concern is the slaves. She isn't going to go back for Murzush's mother and leave them unprotected. She'll check over the injured and do what she can to treat them. If any are in real need she has 2 CLW spells at her disposal.

Bastarge (JeffO) -- AC: 19/15/15 CMD: 16 HP: 21/21 
Thursday April 16th, 2020 12:43:46 PM

Bastarge continues to look around for Murzush, afraid she's gotten separated from them in the fray.

Niall (JonL) HP: 18/24 AC: 17/11/16 
Thursday April 16th, 2020 2:22:23 PM

Niall abides.

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