Sigismund Brauer (Tanner) -- HP 35 | AC 18/11/16 | CMD 20 | F+6/R+3/W+0 Saturday May 16th, 2020 8:46:27 PM "It's pretty safe." Sigismund picks up his hammer and joins the party talking with Captain Silverleaf. "Specially with a group this big'n loud. Most forest critters're gonna be scared off, and bandits would think twice about attackin' a group with an armed escort. Anything that ain't scared by our size and weapons... well, not much we can do to prepare for that!" He barks a laugh.
DM Mitch Saturday May 16th, 2020 11:35:20 PM
The party discusses their plans with the egg and ask about the road to Kovri.
Zazu (AC18, HP18/18) and Boyo the bunny (AC15, HP9/9) (Cayzle) Sunday May 17th, 2020 12:20:44 AM
Zazu says to Siggy, Excuse me Mister Siggy, but did you just come from Kovri? What's it like there? We're bringing a lot of people who are not elves, and you're ... not an elf. Were people nice and welcoming? Or, well, you know how elves, can be. I can say because I am one. You know, stand-offish? A little cold? Looking down their noses like?"
Zazu looks over the refugee caravan and tries to figure out what percent are elves or half-elves.
Myre (Carl) AC: 13/12/11 HP: 21/24 CMD: 14 Sunday May 17th, 2020 8:06:40 PM
Myre's not thrilled at the prospect of one of those bugs joining their travels, but she'll get over it. She keeps an ear open to Siggy's answer to Zazu's question and wonders just how long they'll be travelling.
OOC: Was travel time brought up while I was gone? How long a journey are we starting?
Ash (RobC) -- AC 12/12/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 25/25 Sunday May 17th, 2020 8:13:17 PM
Should she get a moment, Ash will have a quiet word with the Captain "Please pass our thanks on to the Commander for allowing us to stop here a while. I hope he wasn't too put out by it"
She smiles to the Captain before proceeding "And I hope he didn't give you too much grief for helping us free these people. I know he was pretty set against any involvement and it must have taken some conviction on your part to do it. I hope one day I can find a way to repay you, and that you might count us as allies in the future"
Sigismund Brauer (Tanner) -- HP 35 | AC 18/11/16 | CMD 20 | F+6/R+3/W+0 Sunday May 17th, 2020 10:01:17 PM
Sigismund listens to Zazu's question and sucks air through his teeth. "That's somethin' that's been on my mind, to be honest. When I passed through they were polite enough'n took my coin without any fuss... but I was just passin' through. It's a cinch they're gonna care a sight more about prospective new neighbors. 'Specially when those new neighbors're orcs. I reckon keepin' them out of sight might be a good idea -- least 'til we can set up a new town'n prove that we're good neighbors'n won't burn down their homes and kill 'em. You know... 'cause orcs." He shrugs. "Might as well be careful."
Zazu (AC18, HP18/18) and Boyo the bunny (AC15, HP9/9) (Cayzle) Sunday May 17th, 2020 10:06:03 PM
Zazu shares with Siggy the idea that Freedomvilletown should be away from other towns in the Emerald Kingdom. Maybe right on the border, or even a little outside it.
"Having won their freedom, these people should not have to face a new kind of oppression."