Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, Saturday May 23rd, 2020 6:15:31 PM
Having some difficulty getting the idea across to the elemental what he wants done and doing some quick calculations , he realizes the tunneling isn't going to work so he regroups stopping the elemental and redirecting it after speaking with his group.
OK , guys I am going to create a bit of a diversionary distraction so to speak. I am going to have my friend here attack the compound from the side out of view of the gate and hopefully he will get inside and go to work. we hopefully can sneak in the front gate.
That said Neshi makes sure the elemental knows that their foe is on the other side of the fortress wall inside the fortress and points him to a spot away from the gate and sends him to do his work, as only and earth elemental can do. hopefully the elemental will either attack the wall making all sorts of ruckus, or it will earth sense tunnel to the other side and start destroying things
DM Tanner Sunday May 24th, 2020 6:34:58 PM
Yurr'Neshi considers summoning an earth elemental, but remembers that earth elementals do not leave a hole in their burrowing. He decides to have the earth elemental attack the near side of the guard house to create a diversion.
OOC: Yurr'Neshi, would you like to get closer? A Huge earth elemental can burrow 20ft per round, or 40ft per round with a double move action. It would take 5 rounds from your current position for the earth elemental to reach the guard house.
'Osul casts commune with nature to learn more about the surroundings.
OOC: 'Osul, the spells states, "You instantly gain knowledge of as many as three facts from among the following subjects: the ground or terrain, plants, minerals, bodies of water, people, general animal population, presence of woodland creatures, presence of powerful unnatural creatures, or even the general state of the natural setting." Which three would you like to learn about?
The rest of the party awaits preparations.
'Osul(Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), HP:81/81, Heroes Feast Sunday May 24th, 2020 7:03:28 PM
OOC: people, general animal population, and presence of powerful unnatural creatures, please.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 Sunday May 24th, 2020 10:27:11 PM
Owen says "A distraction works for me! Send that elemental around to the front, and we'll Stone Shape in from the side."
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Monday May 25th, 2020 9:36:06 AM "Another option would be that I cast Air Walk on Brawn, then Elyngael and I ride him to the top and we ferry people in bags of holding." He pauses, "Though Neshi is not going to fit into a bag, and I only have 1 air walk on tap."
"And to go in from the side we would need to cross the moat."
OOC is there a way we could have a simple overhead of the castle? High wide is the moat? Is the moat filled with water or something else? How tall is the castle itself?
Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:16 FF: 14 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast Monday May 25th, 2020 7:30:34 PM
Vamir reaches out and touches the nearest tree, and speaks, "Hello ancient one, can you tell me what has been going on here. Who is in the guardhouse? Have you seen a lich come through here lately?"
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 d20+19=35 ; Monday May 25th, 2020 10:01:08 PM
Elyngael and Brawn wait patiently as the spell casters assess their options. They study the castle walls and are ready to go as soon as the best entry is resolved.
d20+19=35 perception
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 164/164 Monday May 25th, 2020 10:52:23 PM
Atlas runs over to Owen, prepared to be the first into battle if we go with his plan to stone shape in. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that sensation, but if it means battle then I'll willing to do it again. Let's just make it fast."
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 Monday May 25th, 2020 11:55:54 PM
Owen gets ready to cast his spells.
DM Tanner Tuesday May 26th, 2020 1:34:59 AM
'Osul casts commune with nature. The tress, the flowers, and the grass speak to him in their wordless language of sensory impressions. There are numerous small creatures with skin like string algae in a hot summer pond that chitter and dance. There are fewer large creatures with skin like oak bark that shake the trees when they walk. The animals have fled, scared of the magic that tore stone from the earth. The algae-skins and the bark-skins rip and tear trees and plants for food for days. More magic, death magic, comes from the magic stone hill.
Vamir receives much of the same response to his questions.
The fort is a rectangle, 230 feet by 160 feet, with walls 60 feet high. Alternating crenelations and parapets add another 10 feet of height to the wall. The moat is 30 feet across and goes right up to the walls. You can tell the moat and the fort were created with magic, because they are made of precise 90-degree angles (OOC: on a side note, I always thought magical construction would end up looking like a Minecraft creation with all of the precise angles). From your vantage point, you can see that the main entrance into the fort is centered on one of the longer sides, 20 feet wide with a metal portcullis in the middle of 15-foot thick walls.
As far as the local flora is aware, there is nothing but water in the moat.
OOC: Just waiting on Yurr'Neshi, since he is going to get this party started.
'Osul(Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), HP:81/81, Heroes Feast Tuesday May 26th, 2020 5:41:20 AM "Armand, I've got your spare Air Walk. Infact, I'm short on blasts outside of my Weatherness, but hopefully I'm good support and summoning.
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Tuesday May 26th, 2020 6:00:42 PM
Armand scratches his head. "Do you think the magic stone hill refers to the castle?"
Suddenly Armand becomes quite animated. "Wait lets plan this right. Atlas can fly with his boots, Varmir can fly with his broom. I can cast Air walk on Brawn and Elyngael can ride him. 'Osul can cast air walk on Neshi and then someone can ride with Neshi. That leaves 2 people that can be quickly transported in the bags of holding, which we have 2, and I'm willing to be one of the cargo people. So we can do an air assault and come in from above. Has anyone gone up high to see if there is anything doing lookout on the top of the castle?"
Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, Tuesday May 26th, 2020 6:13:29 PM
Neshi moves as close as he can without being seen to send the elemental to work.
He lets the others know about how much time they have before the elemental might be reaching the gate area. 2-3 rounds.
He then spends that time buffing those that want it with mage armor and stone skins
'Osul(Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), HP:81/81, Heroes Feast d20+30=42 ; d20+30=34 ; d20+30=40 ; Tuesday May 26th, 2020 7:16:25 PM
'Osul shares his understanding from the spell with the other wardens.
"Yes Armand. It also means me can not rely on our memories of the layout of the place. I also am concerned that doing this will have had an impact on the power of the place. I'll take to the air, but I'm not seeing much birdlife."
'Osul wildshapes into eagle form, flies half the length of the wall before getting up through the tree tops. He executes a long scalene triangle that skirts the edge of the fortress (at altitude) before dropping back below the treeline and around to the party.
*algae-skins and the bark-skins*, he thinks to himself.
{Perception(Three indicative checks, including TTT Orison): 42, 34, 40
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 Tuesday May 26th, 2020 8:08:36 PM
Owen can cast Fly, and he's willing to Stone Shape the party through the roof if need be.
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, Tuesday May 26th, 2020 8:20:42 PM
Vamir ponders for just a second, "Osul, a moment before you fly off." Vamir casts Hide from Undead on the party, "it will only last until an offensive action is take but it may help a bit." The witch casts Flying broom, and Barkskin on himself and waits the signal to take off.
Undead cannot see, hear, or smell creatures warded by this spell. Even extraordinary or supernatural sensory capabilities, such as blindsense, blindsight, scent, and tremorsense, cannot detect or locate warded creatures. Nonintelligent undead creatures (such as skeletons or zombies) are automatically affected and act as though the warded creatures are not there. An intelligent undead creature gets a single Will saving throw. If it fails, the subject can't see any of the warded creatures. If it has reason to believe unseen opponents are present, however, it can attempt to find or strike them. If a warded creature attempts to channel positive energy, turn or command undead, touches an undead creature, or attacks any creature (even with a spell), the spell ends for all recipients
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 Tuesday May 26th, 2020 9:55:03 PM
Elyngael casts barkskin on herself and greater magic fang on Brawn. She puts Brawn's specially made saddle on and mounts him. She tells Armand they are ready for him to cast the fly spell.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 164/164 Tuesday May 26th, 2020 11:02:58 PM
Atlas is getting antsy. "Armand, I like your plan. Vamir, I like that spell you just cast. However, I'm ready to get this over with. When 'Osul returns can we proceed? Flying or stone shape, you decide, quickly, it looks like 'Osul is making good time and someone is bound to sense or spot us. Besides, a plan is only good until we get past that wall, then we'll have to adjust and plan again."
DM Tanner Wednesday May 27th, 2020 12:53:34 AM
'Osul takes to the air in the form of an eagle. His sharp eyes gather a great deal of information concerning the fort. The walls are 15 feet thick around the entire perimeter, and 20 feet beyond the crenellated walls is a stone building approximatley 40 feet tall. The building appears to be magically created like the wall, and is one continuous smooth piece of stone. In this relatively narrow channel between the wall and the building mill numerous monkeys and dinosaurs.
Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, monkeys and dinosaurs. A small army of spider monkeys with a chimpanzee overseer are in the process of keeping two feeding troughs filled with various scraps of meat hauled from inside the building. The feeding troughs flank the front gate, which is the only means of egress in the wall. Feeding at the troughs are four dinosaurs. They are truly enormous. These titanic saurians have a crocodilian snout, powerful front claws, and a colorful sail-like ridge that runs down their back. Each one is approximately 60 feet long.
Knowledge (nature) DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {They are spinosaurs. Larger even than the tyrannosaurus, the spinosaurus hunts primarily along coastal and river shorelines.}
'Osul(Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), HP:81/81, Heroes Feast Wednesday May 27th, 2020 4:57:28 AM
'Osul returns, retakes human shape and lays it all out for people, scratching a rough map in the dirt.
"Looks like we're not done with the monkeys ... and that could be a back-up plan."
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 d20+20=31 ; Wednesday May 27th, 2020 5:09:34 PM
Knowledge (Nature): 31. Owen recognizes 'Osul's description of the dinosaurs and warns the others: "Those sound like spinosaurs. They are pretty powerful. Maybe we should do this whole attack by air?"
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Wednesday May 27th, 2020 6:13:37 PM
Armand considers. "We could attack by air, or we could continue with our primary mission and head straight for the keep, bypassing the creatures designed to wear us out. They either disperse after we've dealt with whatever is in there, or we have time to rest and regroup before heading back out and dealing with them." Armand walks over to Brawn. "Actually, I forgot 'Osul can fly on his own in wildshape, so I cast Air walk on brawn he can carry Elyngael and me, if that's okay with you Elyngael. Then Owen casts fly on Neshi or 'Osul casts air walk on Neshi and Neshi can carry over Owen. Vamir has his broom, and Atlas has his boots. Let's get this party going."
Armand casts Air Walk on Brawn and then starts using scrolls on everyone.
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear 2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Vamir's plant, Neshi.
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, Wednesday May 27th, 2020 7:55:39 PM
Vamir nods in appreciation to Armand, "Thank you for the resistance. Atlas, I think bypassing trouble where we can is the best idea." Vamir turns and scoops up Malzat, preparing to place him in his haversack before they fly up.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 d20=3 ; d12=11 ; d20+12=30 ; Wednesday May 27th, 2020 9:42:46 PM
Knowledge Nature d20+12=30 (sorry - previous weird die rolls were my computer messing up)
"Owen let's hope the bigger they are, the harder they fall! Armand, Brawn and I are ready and we have room for you. Say a prayer to your God, we may need it!" Elyngael and Armand prepare to attack.
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, Wednesday May 27th, 2020 9:55:59 PM
Neshi listens to the plans and watches where the earth elemental was working.
DM Tanner Thursday May 28th, 2020 12:00:47 AM
The party prepares for their assault, and consider the map on the ground.
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Thursday May 28th, 2020 6:09:39 PM "Okay let's go. Maybe let's enter in the northeast area somewhere. And maybe we circle around so the dinosaur things don't see us at least." Armand gets on Brawn with Elyngael. "Lean on Owen you're our gate key. Oh and I guess that earth elemental can attack the front gate now."
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear 2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Malzat, Neshi.
'Osul(Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), HP:81/81, Heroes Feast, Hide from Undead Thursday May 28th, 2020 7:10:54 PM ...I'm sorry - it was all I could do with the mud, sticks and rocks I had at hand...
'Osul casts Air Walk on Yurr'Neshi, and readies himself to be carried, or shift into another form to accompany the wardens.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 d20+19=35 ; Thursday May 28th, 2020 7:57:04 PM "Brawn you can do this. Just move like the earth is under your feet," Elyngael reassures her animal companion as they become airborne. "Armand I'm readying an arrow, so the first sign of someone aiming at us or casting a spell, will be the first to feel my arrow,".
Perception d20+19=35
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, d20+17=33 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+19=24 ; Thursday May 28th, 2020 8:05:09 PM
Vamir places Melzat in his haversack, and pushes off into the sky. Vamir carefully follows the group (stealth 33) and keeps an eye out for immediate danger (perception 22 nat 1)(survival 24)
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 164/164 d12=6 ; d20+14=33 ; Thursday May 28th, 2020 9:33:30 PM
Atlas shrugs his armor into place and takes off after his friends, ready for battle.
DM Tanner Friday May 29th, 2020 1:04:34 AM
Neshi Owen Armand Osul Vamir Atlas Elyngael Brawn
The party takes flight, having thoroughly prepared for the upcoming engagement. The Huge earth elemental is still approaching the front gate, having a slow overall speed and needing to travel further to go under the moat.
Your party is spotted by a black speck on the parapets -- most likely one of the spider monkeys. A single shrill cry is met by a handful, then a dozen, then dozens of dozens of shrill cries that fill the air. The cacophony sounds loud in your ears from from your height and distance. You can see the spinosauruses clearly enough due to their sheer size, and it appears that they have stopped eating and are listening to the monkeys.
Spinosaurus Yellow Spinosaurus Gray Spinosaurus Blue Spinosaurus Red
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Saturday May 30th, 2020 4:52:49 PM "Ignore the riff-raff. Stay on target." Armand says from behind Elyngael.
"Unless any monkeys are directly on the roof where we want to land just keep going guys. We need to save all we got for whatever is inside the building. And we know there could be 3 zombie lords or were they mummy lords, anyway they were nasty, and Frank could have regenerated by now too." Armand tries to rally the troops and keep them going to the roof.
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear 2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Malzat, Neshi.
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, Sunday May 31st, 2020 4:16:52 PM
Vamir nods in agreement, and climbs higher. As he does so he sighs knowing the destruction that is about to come.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 d20+19=28 ; Sunday May 31st, 2020 5:32:03 PM
Elyngael nods to Armand. "Keep going Brawn." She calls out. She keeps a lookout if any of the monkeys start making any casting actions as she still has her readied arrow.
Perception d20+19=28
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 164/164 d20+14=20 ; Sunday May 31st, 2020 8:05:40 PM
Atlas responds to Armand, "Well said Armand. Up, up, and away!" Atlas continues to use his boots to fly high and up to the roof, keeping an eye open for what might be waiting for them up there.
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, Sunday May 31st, 2020 9:25:14 PM
Neshi looks downward and ses the big beasts and then keeps moving to the center roof.
'Osul(Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), HP:81/81, Heroes Feast, Hide from Undead Monday June 1st, 2020 5:08:19 AM
'Osul keeps up... but he cannot help but wonder where the spinosaurus go to bask.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 Monday June 1st, 2020 9:05:19 PM
Owen flies with the others onto the roof, ready to cast Stone Shape to make an entrance.
Neshi continues flying forward. Owen continues flying forward. Armand continues flying forward. Osul continues flying forward. Vamir continues flying forward and upward. Atlas continues flying forward. Elyngael nocks an arrow in case any monkeys start casting a spell and continues flying forward. Brawn is along for the ride!
(OOC: I am assuming that you are all 60' high so that you just clear the wall. If you want a different height, just let me know.)
Spinosaurus Yellow double move. Spinosaurus Gray double move. Spinosaurus Blue double move. Spinosaurus Red double move.
The spinosauruses in the courtyard begin lumbering toward the entrance of the stone building, with two of them disappearing inside.
As you approach, a volley of missiles erupt from archer holes on the main gate's flanks. From the west come a volley of spears. One of them connects with Atlas, and then in the blink of an eye all three spears reverse course and sail back to the archer holes!
From the eastern flank come a volley of fiery arrows aimed at Brawn. All of them miss.
Target Brawn Attack 26, miss Attack 17, miss Attack 15, miss Attack 11, miss Attack 21, miss Attack 22, miss
From this distance you can tell the archery holes are about the size of a melon, but you cannot see what creatures are sending spears and arrows your way.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 154/164 Monday June 1st, 2020 10:48:25 PM
Atlas grunts in frustration as the arrow pierces his armor, "Dang, that stung. Quick, to the roof like Armand said." Atlas bolts to the roof, using all the speed his flying boots have to offer. Before he lands, he gets out of sight of the archers and spearmen and makes sure the roof is clear of enemies.
---------------------------------------------------------- ooc: Atlas takes a double move. With his flying speed of 60'/round, that's 120 feet. It appears that he is able to make the roof with that distance, correct?
'Osul(Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, Saves:(F:9/R:8/W:15 + RNL), HP:81/81, Heroes Feast, Hide from Undead Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 9:38:27 AM
'Osul streaks over the parapet and onto to rooftop - having already been an eagle, and needing to fly, his default shape is that of a huge air elemental. He shepherds the group over.
If the pets are going inside then he wonders about bringing the house down.
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 11:05:02 AM
::SIGH:: You all do realize I meant for us to wait until the elemental got to the wall before we made our move, so it would draw the attention away from us right?
Neshi quickly castsa wall of ice that attaches itself to the wall covering 1000 sqarue feet of wall encompasing the holes where the spears came from. He then hustles foward and makes the roof ready for the next step.
(OOC: BTW where is the huge Earth elemental by now and can you put him on the map?)
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 4:08:03 PM
Owen uses Stone Shape to put 10' hole through the roof once the party lands.
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 6:18:15 PM Not sure how to read your map on imgur, we've never used that before. Your original map had a larger view. Also there is no way for us to specify coordinates.
And yes our plan was to let the earth elemental start the assault on the gate before we went over. I think the problem was there was several days of our dickering about things and nothing was really happening. So things were. . . rushed.
"Let's get into the hole Owen has made." Armand calls out. "If we get into rooms, we can at least limit how many things are going to be attacking us at a time."
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear 2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Vamir's plant, Neshi.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 9:30:15 PM
As Brawn with Armand and Elyngael go through the hole in the roof, they quickly scramble away and towards the walls. [b]"Atlas come with us!" Elyngael calls as she looks for the nearest doorway.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 154/164 Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 10:52:17 PM
Atlas looks to Owen, "Nice, I like the idea of being inside better than that roof. Can you close it as well after we enter?"
Atlas leads the group into the hole in the roof created by Owen, sword and shield at the ready.
DM Tanner Wednesday June 3rd, 2020 12:33:39 AM
(OOC: By my count the earth elemental appears.... now!)
Neshi cunningly casts ice wall to cover the archer holes. Owen continues flying forward and lands on the roof. He immediately uses stone shape to put a hole in the ceiling. Armand continues flying forward and lands on the roof. Osul continues flying forward and lands on the roof. Vamir continues flying forward and lands on the roof. Atlas continues flying forward and lands on the roof. Elyngael continues flying forward and lands on the roof. Brawn continues flying forward and lands on the roof.
The earth elemental summoned by Neshi appears in the courtyard between the wall and the building. It looks around for a moment to get its bearings, then nods when it sees the building.
The hole in the ceiling reveals little, other than darkness below. Those with darkvision can see that there is a stone floor approximately 60 feet below with no visible light sources.
Spinosaurus Yellow ??? Spinosaurus Gray ??? Spinosaurus Blue ??? Spinosaurus Red ???
The spinosauruses disappear inside the building, and a portcullis similar to the one in the outer wall slams shut.
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet d20+7=8 ; d20+16=26 ; Wednesday June 3rd, 2020 6:21:51 PM
Armand looks down the hole and doesn't see much. He grabs a copper piece from his pouch, casts Light on it and drops it down the hole.
Perception 8 (d20+7)
Is this just one big box with no floors or rooms? Armand wonders how it could support itself, as even magical walls of stone and iron need to be buttressed or arched or they will collapse. Knowledge Engineering 26 (d20+16)
"I wonder how hard it would be to know this thing down. Maybe this could be done. On the other hand we could also just stay up here and shoot everything below as we would have cover from the hole."
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear 2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Vamir's plant, Neshi.
'Osul winds down to human form. "What can you see down there?"
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20 Wednesday June 3rd, 2020 8:13:51 PM
Owen says "I can't close the hole immediately. Let's scout out the inside before rushing in."
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 d20+19=27 ; Wednesday June 3rd, 2020 8:21:17 PM
Elyngael goes to the edge of the hole on her belly so she can peak her head in and look all around. She has goggles of night which giver her darkvision 60 foot so if Armand's light spell doesn't give enough light she should still be able to get a good look around.
Perception d20+19=27
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, d20+21=29 ; Wednesday June 3rd, 2020 8:52:49 PM
Vamir lands softly on the roof, and opens the haversack so Melzat can breathe again. Vamir scurries towards the hole but keeps his eyes up and ready in case someone, or something else decides to join them.
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance, Wednesday June 3rd, 2020 9:32:38 PM
Neshi makes his way over to the hole, taking some gems out of his havesack.
So, shall I send in some advance force?
The huge earth elemental turns ad starts moving through the wall of the inner keep?
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 154/164 d20+14=19 ; Wednesday June 3rd, 2020 11:35:19 PM
Atlas looks around the roof to see what the access points are. "Someone is going to have to watch your backs while you rain down destruction from up here."
DM Tanner Thursday June 4th, 2020 12:49:49 AM
Neshi suggests summoning more earth elementals Owen suggests scouting inside. Armand looks down the hole and doesn't see much. He grabs a copper piece from his pouch, casts Light on it and drops it down the hole. Osul asks what can be seen? Vamir edges toward the hole. Atlas looks around the roof, but sees no other openings. Elyngael scooches over for a closer look. Brawn
The earth elemental continues hammering the wall, which is now cob-webbed with cracks.
(OOC: Yurr-Neshi, unless you can shout in Terran, your earth elemental is going to keep hammering and advance in a more-or-less straight line until it finds something.)
Between Light and darkvision, you see that the ceiling drops 60 feet to the floor below. There are inside supportive walls within the building, and you are fairly close to one right now. Just east of the hole on the ground floor is a very large and sturdy door.
(OOC: Brown is wall, red is door. I don't have a good way of showing that you on the roof and can see what is beneath you. Trust me, you are not floating in midair or on the ground floor.)
Spinosaurus Yellow ??? Spinosaurus Gray ??? Spinosaurus Blue ??? Spinosaurus Red ???
You hear muffled sounds coming from inside the stone building, but all of the echoing makes it very diffficult to gauge distance and direction.
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet d20+7=26 ; Thursday June 4th, 2020 5:18:03 PM "hmmm."
Armand casts Detect magic and gazes down the hole, then he gets back on Brawn. Perception 26 (d20+7)
Then he turns to the others. "I guess we go down if the way looks clear. Should we make sure there's no visible door to the roof we've missed?"
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, d20+21=31 ; Thursday June 4th, 2020 8:37:45 PM
Vamir whispers to the group, "We probably need to get of the roof we are exposed out here" as he continues to keep an eye out for danger.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 154/164 Thursday June 4th, 2020 8:44:27 PM
Atlas seems a bit perplexed, "I'm not sure why anyone would build a fort like this and not put an opening to the roof. It is the perfect spot for archers and other forms of defense. However, I cannot see anything."
He then looks down in the hole they made, "No sense in waiting, I'll let you know what I see." Atlas drops down into the hole to get a better look at the room. He stays flying about 20 ft off the ground, looking around.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 d20+19=29 ; Thursday June 4th, 2020 9:02:12 PM
Elyngael also gets back on Brawn, and they go over the edge into the dimly lit area. The goggles of night enable her to get a good look around inside. "Atlas don't move around too much! I don't want to accidentally shoot you with an arrow!" Elyngael warns Atlas as she surveys the area and stays above Atlas.
Perception d20+19=29
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin Friday June 5th, 2020 6:53:42 AM
Slipping the gems back into his pocket as no one sems to want to have an advace party, He reaches out and touches Brawn as he passes him, applying a stoneskin spell to Elygael's friend.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20; Fly, Mass Bear's Endurance Friday June 5th, 2020 7:02:16 AM
Owen says, Well, this is our last chance to cast spells before going in."
He casts Mass Bear's Endurance on the party.
'Osul(Graham) AC:19 (T:14, FF:15), CMD:26, Saves:(F:11/R:8/W:15 + RNL), HP:107/107, TTT, Heroes Feast, Hide from Undead, Bear's End. Friday June 5th, 2020 10:17:03 AM
'Osul is keen to get off the roof, but he'll have to shift again, and doesn't want to impede Atlas.
DM Tanner Friday June 5th, 2020 5:53:27 PM
Neshi casts stoneskin on Brawn. Owen casts mass bear's endurance on the party. Armand casts detect magic and peers through the hole, but finds no magical auras. Osul waits on the roof to avoid crowding the party. Vamir keeps an eye out for danger. Atlas flies down and stops 20 feet above the floor. Elyngael flies down and takes a look around. Brawn accompanies Elyngael.
The earth elemental batters through the wall and disappears into the building.
The majority of the party drops down into the room and finds... nothing. The room has sheer stone walls from floor to ceiling (brown), a door 10 feet wide and 40 feet tall (red), and a series of small holes in the wall (black). Considering your proximity to the entry hall, you surmise they are murder holes. The holes are too small to see into the next room without getting closer.
Spinosaurus Yellow ??? Spinosaurus Gray ??? Spinosaurus Blue ??? Spinosaurus Red ???
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Saturday June 6th, 2020 5:25:21 PM "Let me off here." Armand says.
Armand will drop off Brawn when he's close to the ground he will then look at the huge doors. Where are the door handles located?
"I wonder if there are giants here." He comments.
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear 2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Vamir's plant, Neshi.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 d20+19=32 ; Saturday June 6th, 2020 5:28:47 PM OOC, how tall are the arrow slit windows? Do they go from floor to ceiling, are the set for someone medium size to look out?"
After letting Armand off Elyngael will direct Brawn to air walk over to the arrow holes. She will look out one as long as she does not have to get off Brawn. Brawn is 5 feet off the ground. Perception d20+19=32.
Stoneskin is on Brawn
DM Tanner Sunday June 7th, 2020 4:57:45 PM
OOC: The murder holes are about six inches wide, and are set at about shoulder-height for a Medium-sized creature.
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, d20+21=23 ; Sunday June 7th, 2020 8:25:05 PM
Vamir flys down towards the floor and looks at the murder holes to determine if they are evenly spaced, go from floor to ceiling, are on opposing walls, etc.
'Osul(Graham) AC:16 (T:14, FF:12), CMD:22, Saves:(F:11/R:8/W:15 + RNL), HP:107/107, ... d20+30=44 ; Sunday June 7th, 2020 8:59:40 PM
'Osul slips into the shape of a bat, and flits down to join the party.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20; Fly, Mass Bear's Endurance Sunday June 7th, 2020 9:43:26 PM
Owen uses his Invisibility Field, then runs over to the door and peeks out into the hall.
DM Jeremy Battle Map Monday June 8th, 2020 6:15:46 AM
Armand dismounts Brawn and checks out the doors. He can see that even though the door knobs a bit larger and higher than would be normal for a medium-sized creature, they are lower and smaller than you would expect for a large-sized creature, making it relatively easy for either to use. Elyngael and Vamir check out the murder holes and see the main entrance with it ginormous main gate and portcullis, as well as three more murder holes on the other side. (The black squares are the murder holes) She can surmise that this is where the returning spears were coming from and presumably the arrows were coming from across the way. The murder holes are three feet tall, and six inches wide, but taper out to give the defender a broad range of fire. They are designed for use by medium-sized creatures. Osul joins the party in the form of a bat, while Owen goes invisible and checks outside the door. Even though he only opens it a crack, Owen is surprised at how easy the door opens. As he looks out, he sees a long hallway, extending the whole length of the stronghold. Owen can see another door on the right, and can see that the hallway continues north at either end of the stronghold. the hallway appears clear for the moment.
OOC... As I'm unfamiliar with the app that Tanner was using, I switched back to google docs, I hope that does not cause any confusion. I also gave you guys editing rights, so you should be able to move your markers.
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 95/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet d20+7=11 ; Monday June 8th, 2020 5:55:03 PM "This seems vaguely familiar."
Armand steps out (move to AF34) and looks at the doors to the gate room, as well as further down the hallway if it is lit. He still has Detect Magic on. Perception 11 (d20+7)
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear 2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Vamir's plant, Neshi.
'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:16), CMD:22, Saves:(F:11/R:8/W:15 + RNL), HP:107/107, Wildshape(XV):4/7, Lightning Lord:13/13, Storm Burst:10/10, ... d20+30=39 ; Monday June 8th, 2020 6:41:55 PM
Bat 'Osul flits out into the corridor, moving along with Armand, and keeping his eyes and sonar out for anything interesting.
{Perception: 39}
..., TTT(Minotaur: +1 on Perception and Intimidate checks), Heroes Feast*, Hide from Undead*, Bear's Endurance*, Wildshape(XV):4/7, Lightning Lord:13/13, Storm Burst:10/10, Blindsense 20 ft., Low-light vision, Diminuitive, Flight 40' (Good)
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, d20+21=29 ; Monday June 8th, 2020 8:01:42 PM
Vamir shakes his head at the murder holes, "You can see the front gate through these holes," he whispers. Vamir sets Melzat on the ground and casts spectral hand. The witch moves to the door (AD 34) and looks up and down the hallway.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 d20+19=27 ; d20+23=35 ; Monday June 8th, 2020 9:07:05 PM
Elyngael and Brawn move to the hallway and check for any tracks or evidence of creatures passing this way.
Perception d20+19=27, Survival d20+23=35
DM Jeremy Battle Map d20+22=35 ; d20+22=35 ; d20+22=23 ; d20+11=29 ; d20+14=33 ; d20+13=16 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=28 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+8=24 ; d4=4 ; d4=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; Tuesday June 9th, 2020 6:24:06 AM
Armand thinks something seems familiar, and he is right. He realizes that the layout of the stronghold is basically identical to the last time the Wardens were here. However he remembers the room they entered being filled with tables and used as a mess hall, but now it is empty, and since no one took the time to search it thoroughly, It's current purpose is a mystery. Osul, still a little batty, stays next to the cleric, as Elyngael and Brawn enter the hallway. The Ranger does her ranger thing and keeps an eye out for tracks, and even though the floor is well swept, she can find evidence of recent use. If nothing else, she knows that the archers and spear throwers came through here, and she can make out places where something big rubbed against the walls, and is pretty certain that is evidence of the spinosauruses squeezing through. Vamir informs everyone that you can see the front gate from the murder holes.
And like that the trap is sprung! Armand doesn't notice anything until it's too late, but Elyngael, and Vamir notice 1 Baboon armed with a short bow trying to be stealthy (the blue oval) While Osul spies 3 baboons armed with short bows (orange and red ovals) meanwhile everyone but Owen, Neshi and Armand, hear the sound of, more than one individual, spell casting coming from the other end of the hallway DC 20 spellcraft Highlight to display spoiler: {they are using a summoning spell}
The three baboons jump from their hiding places and fire their bows. since Armand is in the lead, with only a tiny bat beside him, the baboons each fire two arrows at the cleric, but of the 6 arrows, only two make it past his armor. the first does 4 damage plus 1 fire damage, and the second does 3 damage plus 3 fire damage for a total of 11 damage
DM Jeremy Battle Map Tuesday June 9th, 2020 7:22:17 AM
Sorry I forgot that Armand and Osul examined the main gate. Th main gate is 20ft wide, and extends all the way to the ceiling. It is a double door crafted from iron re-enforced oak. The wood seems much harder than normal, and Osul immediately recognizes it as having been treated with an ironwood spell.
OOC: What I can see of the map does not include the baboons.
..., TTT(Minotaur: +1 on Perception and Intimidate checks), Heroes Feast*, Hide from Undead*, Bear's Endurance*, Wildshape(XV):4/7, Lightning Lord:13/13, Storm Burst:10/10, Blindsense 20 ft., Low-light vision, Diminuitive, Flight 40' (Good)
DM Jeremy Battle Map Tuesday June 9th, 2020 6:34:11 PM
let's see if this works
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin Tuesday June 9th, 2020 6:50:45 PM
The elemntal works his way into/through the wall. (round 6)
"Neshio moves a bit closer to the door and then speaks.
"It is kind of hard to get out of here while you all are blocking the door."
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 107/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, d20+24=43 ; d4=2 ; d20+21=37 ; Tuesday June 9th, 2020 7:40:08 PM
Vamir winces as the spectral hand comes into form (forgot to roll yesterday). Seeing the baboons Vamir fires off a confusion spell centered between the 3 baboons, "Someone is summoning!" (Spellcraft 43) Vamir listens to determine where the casters might be (Perception 37) and moves to Z33.
Armand (Robert D)AC 25/touch 11/flat 24 HP 94/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet d20+9=25 ; 13d6=54 ; Tuesday June 9th, 2020 8:05:40 PM OOC actually Brawn and Elyngael were on the other side of the door in the west hallway. Also they are 10 feet above ground.
Opps, sorry, ignore the d20+9 I read better and saw I don't hear the spellcasting. Armand casts Flame Strike at the far end of the hall BD33. (10foot radius, anything around the corner may take damage too). The baboons must make a save DC21 reflex for half damage: Damage is 54. (13d6) half fire half holy.
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) (I've used up all my temp hitpoints) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear
2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Vamir's plant, Neshi.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 25 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 116/116 d20+21=27 ; d20+16=35 ; d20+11=22 ; d20+16=27 ; d8+6=7 ; d6=4 ; d8+6=9 ; 2d8+12=25 ; d6=1 ; d8+6=8 ; d6=5 ; Tuesday June 9th, 2020 9:08:37 PM
Elyngael stays put on Brawn (10 feet in the air) and shoots at each of the baboons with her +2 shocking longbow. Shot 1 d20+21=27 damage normal d8+6=7, electrical d6=4 shot 2 d20+16=35 potential crit confirming roll d20+16=27. damage normal d8+6=9, (if crit 2d8+12=25) electrical d6=1 shot 3 d20+11=22 damage normal d8+6=8, electrical d6=5 (add +1 to each attack roll for the Hero's feast)
Brawn has stoneskin, heroes feast, hide from undead, air walk, protection from lighting 60. Elyngael has barkskin +3 AC (not in header), heroes feast, hide from undead, protection from lighting 60.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 154/164 Wednesday June 10th, 2020 1:01:34 AM
Atlas lands and rushes out of the room and down the hall until he is next to Armand, "So, you think it's safe for me to charge ahead this time?" He smirks and prepares to charge.
DM Jeremy Battle Map d20+11=13 ; d20+11=23 ; d20+11=29 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+13=26 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=28 ; d4+3=6 ; d4+3=7 ; d4+3=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d20+22=42 ; d20+22=42 ; d20+22=28 ; d8+6=7 ; d8+6=13 ; d8+6=8 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+19=29 ; d8+3=11 ; Wednesday June 10th, 2020 6:35:06 AM
Neshi is having a hard time exiting, Brawn and Elyngael remind him that they are 10ft in the air, but of course, Owen is standing directly right in the doorway. (Kent, if Weston doesn't post today, feel free to move Owen out of the way) Osul recognizes the fact that some summoning spells are being cast, but as a bat, he is unable to communicate that with the rest of the party, luckily, Vamir is also able to identify the spell, or in this case, spell-like ability, and informs everyone that some summoning is going on. Armand drops a flame strike on the Baboons the blue takes the full brunt of the blast, but the other 2 save for half. Elyngael gives each of the baboons a special gift, which they each receive. Atlas asks if he should charge.
Because he heard them casting, Vamir spots them first, as three 8 legged horses, that seem to be walking on air, ridden by what appear to be 3 skeletons holding spears. A closer look at the skeleton's armor reveals that the skeletons were probably female DC 22 knowledge nature to identify the horses Highlight to display spoiler: {they are Sleipnir} DC 25 knowledge planes to identify riders Highlight to display spoiler: {the riders appear to have once been Valkyries, but have been turned undead}
The baboons didn't seem to enjoy Armand's flamestrike and so they continue to target him, hitting with 3 out of 6 arrows causing 18 piercing, and 16 fire damage for a total of 34 damage. The horse and riders charge ahead one rifer throws her spear at Vamir, one at Brawn, and one at Elyngeal. All three spears hit their marque inflicting 7 damage on Vamir, 13 on Elyngael, and 8 on Brawn. As soon as the spears inflict their damage, the reappear in the throwers hands. the yellow horse tries to bite Vamir, but barely misses, as the red horse bites Elyngael for 11 damage
blue baboon AC 19/14/16, HP 152/217 red baboon AC 19/14/16, HP 179/217 orange baboon AC 19/14/16, HP 179/217 red horse AC ? HP 147/147 yellow horse AC ? HP 147/147 purple horse AC HP 147/147 red rider AC ? HP 168/168 yellow rider AC ? HP 168/168 purple rider AC ? HP 168/168
'Osul moves out of Atlas' path - flying over Brawn to a position where he has the three riders and no friends in a line (at a distance of up to 60') and casts Sunbeam. [i]{SR:27, Round 1 of 4, 13d6=54 damage vs undead or 4d6=17 damage otherwise. Dex Save vs 30 for half damage, negating blindness, and negating instant destruction of undead if harmed by bright light}
... bat signal ...
DM Jeremy only: Highlight to display spoiler: {Not that they could possibly fail, but don't the riders have to make Ride checks to stay on the mounts if the mounts also attack in the same round? : ) }
DM Jeremy Battle Map Wednesday June 10th, 2020 8:03:25 PM
For Osul: Highlight to display spoiler: {Based on the riders skill ranks, it is an auto pass, so I didn’t bother rolling }
Armand (Robert D)AC 29/touch 11/flat 24 HP 60/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet d20+8=13 ; d20+27=32 ; Wednesday June 10th, 2020 8:22:29 PM OOC - if those things are undead did they make will saves to attack? All of us have Hide from Undead on.
"OUCH!" Armand shouts as he is pierced by arrows.
Knowledge Nature 13 (d20+8) Knowledge Planes 32 (d20+32) with that roll should I know the valkyries weakness per undeadness? Are they considered Evil Outsiders or undead, or both? It would effect which spell would be more effective.
"I don't know about those horses but those riders appear to be some form of undead Valkyrie. Change of targets. Atlas get up here and chop on those baboons. I'll deal with the undead." Armand shifts position to be behind Atlas.
Not quite knowing which offensive spell would work best he casts Shield of Faith on himself.
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) (I've used up all my temp hitpoints) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear
2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Vamir's plant, Neshi. 6 - Shield of faith on himself, +4 AC
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 96/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, d20+19=37 ; d20+19=27 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+19=25 ; Wednesday June 10th, 2020 8:30:40 PM
Vamir recognizes the beasts and tells out to his friends, ""they are Sleipnir! Be careful they have a breath weapon!" Vamir grits his teeth as the spear strikes true,"By the Gods that stings," Vamir grumbles. Vamir casts mass pain strike on the baboons hoping to get the out of commission before anything else joins the combat. (Fortitude save DC 21 SR 25)
OOC: I forgot the save and spell resistance on confusion last post. Confusion DC 20 will. SR: 37
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:99/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin 13d6=51 ; Wednesday June 10th, 2020 8:52:18 PM
Having heard the comments, Neshi steps out into the doorway and lets fly with a chain fireball that strikes each of the 3 Skellies and each of the 3 mounts; Damage 51 points, reflex save DC26; for 25 points
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 28 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 102/116 d20+14=33 ; 2d6+7=18 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d20+9=26 ; 2d6+7=14 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d20+20=31 ; d8+6=11 ; d6=6 ; d8+6=12 ; d6=1 ; d20+20=25 ; d8+6=12 ; d6=5 ; d20+15=26 ; d8+6=10 ; d6=6 ; d20+10=21 ; d8+6=10 ; d6=1 ; Wednesday June 10th, 2020 9:15:21 PM
Elyngael directs Brawn to use his reach to bit red horse and then take a 5 foot step back. Bite d20+14=33 damage normal 2d6+7=18 fire d6=4 frost d6=3 2nd bite d20+14=26 damage normal 2d6+7=14 fire d6=1 frost d6=3
Elyngael doesn't like battling undead skeletons with her arrows so after Brawn retreats 5 feet she concentrates her fire on the blue baboon. Pumping up her attacks with many shot and rapid shot, and remember to add +1 for heroes feast. Shot 1 (2 arrows) d20+20=31 damage normal d8+6=11, electrical d6=6 damage normal d8+6=12, electrical d6=1 Shot 2 (rapid) d20+20=25 damage normal d8+6=12, electrical d6=5 shot 2 d20+15=26 . damage normal d8+6=10, electrical d6=6 shot 3 d20+10=21 damage normal d8+6=10, electrical d6=1 74 points of damage total.
BRAWN AC 29/16/27 CMD 24 HP 94 Brawn's Stoneskin ignores the damage
Brawn has stoneskin, heroes feast, hide from undead, air walk, protection from lighting 60. Elyngael has barkskin +3 AC (now in header), heroes feast, hide from undead, protection from lighting 60.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 164/164 Wednesday June 10th, 2020 11:18:39 PM
Atlas nods to Armand and uses his boots as a boost as he barrels down the hall towards the baboons, hovering just so slightly off the ground.. A glimmer of memory of doing this before slips into his mind as he approaches, weapons drawn.
---------------------------------- Atlas: Double move with flying boots to reach the baboons in 1 round.
DM Jeremy Battle Map d20+13=30 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+15=22 ; d20+5=19 ; d20+5=6 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+5=12 ; d20+5=20 ; d20+5=17 ; d20+15=34 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+15=24 ; d20+15=33 ; d20+15=23 ; Thursday June 11th, 2020 9:50:49 AM OOC.. Sorry, I didn't realize everyone had hide from undead active. they will have to roll against it next time. As far as how they are categorized, they changed from being outsiders and became undead after being turned by Francisco. as far as their stats, I just used the Valkyrie stat block changing a few things to fit the undead theme. FYI the Sleipnirs are not undead, the Valkyries just retained the ability to summon them after being turned.
Osul proves he is a beam of sunshine, as he fires of some sun light at the Valkyries and Sleipnirs. The red sleipnir saves, but the purple and yellow fail. the red and purple Valkyries save but the yellow one fails. The sunbeam acts normally towards their targets as neither is harmed by bright light. Armand gives himself some extra protection, as he identifies the riders. Vamir casts mass painstrike on the baboons seem to be a bit doubled over in pain. Sorry Wade, I missed your confusion spell yesterday. being sandwiched between a bunch of skill checks and other things I had to respond to, I completely missed it, that's my bad. The blue and orange failed, while the red barely made his save, Neshi decides to try killing the riders and their mounts with fire, which of course is kinda his calling card. the red valkyrie saves for half, but the yellow and purple fail their saves, as the yellow sleipnir makes it save, but the red and purple fail. Brawn takes a couple of big chunks out of the red sleipnir, while Elyngael makes the blue baboon resemble a pin cushion. Atlas moves into position, with a faint memory of doing something similar in the past.
Vamir's confusion spell results: Both the blue baboon and the orange baboons drop their bows and draw two daggers slicing themselves.
As his buddies stand and slice themselves, the red baboon also drops his bow, and draws his daggers. He moves into position and attacks Atlas, confirming a crit for a whopping 6 damage.
The skeletal valkyries rolled 35(red), 32(yellow), and 32(purple) on their will saves to see past the hide from undead. The sleipnirs each open their mouths and release their breath weapons blowing out what appears to be a rainbow. the breath weapons have the same effects as a prismatic spray spell. everyone except Owen and Atlas must roll 1d8 3 times to determine the result of the 3 breath attacks attacks, the DC for each effect is 22.
1 Red 20 points fire damage (Reflex half) 2 Orange 40 points acid damage (Reflex half) 3 Yellow 80 points electricity damage (Reflex half) 4 Green Poison (Frequency 1/rd. for 6 rd.; Init. effect death; Sec. effect 1 Con/rd.; Cure 2 consecutive Fort saves)* 5 Blue Flesh to stone (Fortitude negates) 6 Indigo Insane, as insanity spell (Will negates) 7 Violet Sent to another plane (Will negates) 8 Struck by two rays Roll twice more, ignoring any “8” results
being blind, the yellow uses its planeshift spell-like ability to escape along with her sleipnir. meanwhile the red and purple each cast call lightning storm as a spell-like ability the red drops his on Brawn for 19 electrical damage DC21 reflex for half, and the purple drops his on Vamir for 20 electrical damage DC21 reflex for half
Table: Confusion Effects 01-25 Acts normally 26-50 Does nothing but babble incoherently 51-75 Deals 1d8 points of damage + Str modifier to self with item in hand 76-100 Attacks nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject’s self)
blue baboon AC 19/14/16, HP 68/217 sickened 9/10 confused red baboon AC 19/14/16, HP 179/217 sickened 9/10 orange baboon AC 19/14/16, HP 174/217 sickened 9/10 confused red sleipnir AC 25 HP 45/147 purple sleipnir AC 25 HP 79/147 Blinded red skeletal valkyrie AC 19 HP 126/168 purple skeletal valkyrie AC 19 HP 100/168
The elemental moved through the wall and finds itself faced with the babboons.
Flesh to stone, Fort DC 36 (nat 20 - used 1 hero point +2) Acid, Reflex DC 15, reroll (used 2 hero points reroll & +2) DC 25 1/2 damage (20 points) Acid, Reflex DC 19, reroll (used 1 hero point) DC 30 1/2 damage (20 points)
Angry at himself for not steeping back into the foom after casting Neshi takes a good look behind the mounted skellies, steps back into the room (out of sight) and then teleports to 40 feet behind them.
spell slots remaining
0-9 1-6 2-6 3-5 4-3 5-4 6-2
Armand (Robert D)AC 29/touch 11/flat 24 HP 0/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet d8=2 ; d8=5 ; d20+9=25 ; d8=8 ; d8=2 ; d8=2 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+14=24 ; Thursday June 11th, 2020 5:39:14 PM
Ray 1: 2 Acid Ray 2: 5 flesh to stone Ray 3 8, 2 acid 2 acid Reflex save vs acid #1 25, save 20 damage.save 2 27, save 3 26, still take 60 points which drops Armand to 0. Fort save: 24 save.
Armand drops to the ground with a thunk.
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) (I've used up all my temp hitpoints) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear
2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Vamir's plant, Neshi. 6 - Shield of faith on himself, +4 AC
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 28 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 102/116 d8=4 ; d8=2 ; d20+14=16 ; d20+9=18 ; d8=7 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+18=21 ; d8=1 ; d8=2 ; d8=3 ; d20+13=22 ; d20+13=16 ; d20+13=33 ; Thursday June 11th, 2020 5:56:18 PM
Elyngael rays: 4, 2, 7. I was looking at the wrong stats for the first two saves. 4 should be poison so fort save not reflex., fort is D20+19(adding 8 for hero point)=22 2 is reflex which is d20+14=16 fail 7 is another plane Will D20+18(spending another hero point)=21 fail? now what?
Brawn rays 1: 2: 3: fire reflex d20+13+22 save evasion no damage acid d20+13=16 fail electricity d20+13=33 save evasion no damage
BRAWN AC 29/16/27 CMD 24 HP 54/94 Brawn has protection from lighting on and ignores the lighting. With his master suddenly gone Brawn looks around for her, going into the other room.
Brawn has stoneskin, heroes feast, hide from undead, air walk, protection from lighting 60. Elyngael has barkskin +3 AC (now in header), heroes feast, hide from undead, protection from lighting 60.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 28 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 62/116 Thursday June 11th, 2020 5:57:14 PM
forgot to take off the acid damage
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 87/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, d8=8 ; d8=2 ; d8=6 ; d8=4 ; d8=5 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+15=34 ; d20+11=17 ; d100=33 ; Thursday June 11th, 2020 7:59:19 PM
Ray 1: 8 2 more rays, Poison (Fort save 23) Flesh to Stone (Fort 15, re rolled with hero point 29 passed) Ray 2: 2 Acid (Reflex 34 half damage 20) Ray 3 6 Insanity (Will 17 failed)
Vamir begins rocking back and forth and whispers to himself ignoring the battle around him.
Armand (Robert D)AC 29/touch 11/flat 24 HP 40/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Thursday June 11th, 2020 8:07:25 PM Okay so if the third blast didn't happen then Armand didn't roll the 8 which made him get hit 2 more times by acid.
Armand dizzily wobbles from the blast, for a minute there he thought he was dead. He casts Dismissal at the Red sleipnir. Will save 20 or be dismissed to home plane (20% chance winds up in a different plane).
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 28 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 62/116 d20+21=27 ; d8+6=9 ; d6=2 ; d8+6=11 ; d6=4 ; d20+21=27 ; d8+6=7 ; d6=1 ; d20+16=26 ; d8+6=11 ; d6=4 ; d20+11=25 ; d8+6=8 ; d6=5 ; d20+14=31 ; 2d6+7=16 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; Thursday June 11th, 2020 9:02:27 PM
So if I didn't have to make the 3rd save, I take back that hero point and am not transported to another plain. Which also means Brawn would not have wandered off.
Elyngael targets the red horse if it doesn't dismiss from Armand's spell otherwise she targets the purple horse. Many shot and rapid shot, +1 for heroes feast, +1 for point blank range.
Shot 1 (2 arrows) d20+21=27 damage normal d8+6=9, electrical d6=2 damage normal d8+6=11, electrical d6=4 Shot 2 (rapid) d20+21=27 damage normal d8+6=7, electrical d6=1 shot 3 d20+16=26 . damage normal d8+6=11, electrical d6=4 shot 4 d20+11=25 damage normal d8+6=8, electrical d6=5 Everything hit, but I don't know if they are immune to the electrical.
BRAWN AC 29/16/27 CMD 24 HP 54/94 Brawn has protection from lighting on and ignores the lighting. Brawn has a readied attack if anything closes to within 5 feet (didn't realize until recently he should have reach). Readied Bite d20+14=31 damage normal 2d6+7=16 fire d6=4 frost d6=6
Brawn has stoneskin, heroes feast, hide from undead, air walk, protection from lighting 60. Elyngael has barkskin +3 AC (now in header), heroes feast, hide from undead, protection from lighting 60.
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:105/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin, bear's endurance Thursday June 11th, 2020 10:14:11 PM
Ok then made adjustments for the missing yellow dudes.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 101/101; CMD: 20; Fly, Mass Bear's Endurance d20+21=22 ; Thursday June 11th, 2020 11:42:27 PM
OoC: Sorry for the missed posts, guys. My family isn't doing so well at the moment.
IC: The flashes of prismatic light startle Owen into action. He retains his Invisibility Field as he steps out into the hall. Recalling Vamir's words about somebody summoning, he casts Greater Dispel Magic in a 20' radius centered on U/V/33/34. It should affect both the Valkryies and the Sleipnirs.
Owen figures that if he shows up just in time and saves the day, he'll be more heroic. (Spending 1 hero point to add +8 to his dispel check. Natural 1. Dispel check: 22.) As it turns out, if you show up late and totally fail, it's not heroic at all.
Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 34 (T 17 FF 27) , CMD: 31, HP 158/164 d20+21=30 ; d8+10=13 ; 2d6=9 ; d20+19=32 ; d4+8=10 ; d6=2 ; d20+16=30 ; d8+10=13 ; 2d6=7 ; d20+14=31 ; d4+8=9 ; d6=5 ; d20+11=16 ; d10+6=8 ; Friday June 12th, 2020 12:08:47 AM
Atlas grunts at the slice of the dagger and returns the favor a few times over with his sword and shield combination.
--------------------------------------------------------------- Atlas attacks the RED Babboon
'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:16), CMD:22, Saves:(F:12/R:9/W:16 + RNL, +4 vs poison and fear), HP:83/107, Wildshape(X d8=7 ; d8=2 ; d8=4 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+9=17 ; d20+13=20 ; 4d6=10 ; 9d6=38 ; d20+28=35 ; Friday June 12th, 2020 5:01:19 AM Ray 1: 7 Violet - Sent to another plane (Will negates - 32 vs 22) Ray 2: 2 Acid (Reflex 34 half damage 20 - Cannot make either save, and the temporary HP evapoarte in the acid) Ray 3: 4 Green - Poison (Frequency 1/rd. for 6 rd.; Init. effect death; Sec. effect 1 Con/rd.; Cure 2 consecutive Fort saves) - which 'Osul wouldn't have cared the slightest about!
bat-'Osul lets the sunbeam in again {1 HP to recall the spell, SR:20, 4d6=10 vs the Sleipnir and an additional 9d6=38 + 10 = 48 vs the Valkiries. Dex Save vs 30 for half damage, negating blindness from this effect}
He then tries to gauge who mist be in most need of healing, and heads that direction. [i]{Indicative Heal check to gauge them, given we aren't all wearing HP displays: 35}
..., TTT(Minotaur: +1 on Perception and Intimidate checks), Heroes Feast*, Hide from Undead*, Bear's Endurance*, Wildshape(XV):4/7, Lightning Lord:13/13, Storm Burst:10/10, Blindsense 20 ft., Low-light vision, Diminuitive, Flight 40' (Good)
DM Jeremy Battle Map d20+9=10 ; d20+3=10 ; d20+13=21 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+15=25 ; d100=7 ; d100=78 ; d100=65 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+13=14 ; d20+13=21 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+8=11 ; 5d6=16 ; 5d6=14 ; d20+17=20 ; Friday June 12th, 2020 10:35:26 AM OOC... Sorry about the confusion for yesterdays post and hero point rules. Outside of the Wold I don't play or DM any games that use Hero points, and often forget I have them with my characters here, so I just assumed we use Pazio rules, however as Kent pointed out that is not the case, and you can use as many as you have in a single round, but only for things like saves, and such, you can still only add one action by using a hero point.
Neshi teleports behind the enemy and sees a short hallway that has a doorway and then turns right. (Kent, you can control your elemntal to attack your enemies at your leasure) A wobbly Armand dismisses the red Sleipnir. with the disappearing mount, the valkyrie fails it's acrobatics check and falls prone on her bum. Vamir is apparently stunned for a moment by the onslaught. (as per the e-mail amendum, the third rainbow didn't happen so Vamir isn't insane) with the red sleipnir gone, Elyngael turns the purple into a pin cushion though she notices that the shock doesn't seem to have any effect. (immune to electricity) Atlas tries to skin the red Babbon alive. Osul fires off another sunbeam damageing the already blinded sleipnir, but fails to overcome the Valkyries SR. Owen wakes up from a well deserved nap and tries to dispell some baddies, but fails.
Vamir's Confusion spell: Orange act normal, Blue attacks closest creature. Since both Atlas and the orange are the same distance I rolled a d100 (rolled a 65) if it was 50% or lower, ti would attack Atlas, 51% and higher the orange
The red baboon 5 ft steps into a flanking position around Atlas, and both it and the orange fail to connect while full round attacking. The red and purple Valkyries both drop another lightning storm bolt, on on Osul for 16 electrical, and one on Owen for 14 electrical damage (DC 21 reflex for half). the remaining sleipnir turns and charges Neshi but misses the liontaur.
Table: Confusion Effects 01-25 Acts normally 26-50 Does nothing but babble incoherently 51-75 Deals 1d8 points of damage + Str modifier to self with item in hand 76-100 Attacks nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject’s self)
blue baboon AC 19/14/16, HP 68/217 sickened 9/10 confused red baboon AC 19/14/16, HP 103/217 sickened 9/10 orange baboon AC 19/14/16, HP 174/217 sickened 9/10 confused purple sleipnir AC 25 HP 23/147 Blinded red skeletal valkyrie AC 19 HP 126/168 SR 23 Prone, purple skeletal valkyrie AC 19 HP 100/168 SR 23
'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:16), CMD:22, Saves:(F:12/R:9/W:16 + RNL, +4 vs poison and fear), HP:83/107, Wildshape(X d20+9=27 ; Friday June 12th, 2020 7:23:37 PM {Reflex save 27vs21, and the 8 electrical damage comes off the 60 from Armand's Protection from Energy}
'Osul flits in and around the lightning storm bolt, none the worse for wear.
He casts Heal on Vamir (Insanity removed an HP restored to full), and spending a HP for an extra action, he starts summoning.
..., TTT(Minotaur: +1 on Perception and Intimidate checks), Heroes Feast*, Hide from Undead*, Bear's Endurance*, Wildshape(XV):4/7, Lightning Lord:13/13, Storm Burst:10/10, Blindsense 20 ft., Low-light vision, Diminuitive, Flight 40' (Good)
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:105/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin, bear's endurance d20+18=28 ; d20+18=23 ; 4d8+20=43 ; 10d6=35 ; Friday June 12th, 2020 10:01:26 PM
The elemental moves up behind the Red babboon and hits it with wo slam attacks. AC 28 & AC 23 for 43 points damage
--------------- Dodging the blind Sleipnir, Neshi steps back 5 feet and sets off a fierabll behind it 35 points damage Reflex (-4 for blindness) for 17 points.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 28 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 62/116 d20+14=16 ; d20+14=28 ; 2d6+7=11 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+20=31 ; d8+6=11 ; d6=3 ; d8+6=8 ; d6=4 ; d20+20=35 ; d8+6=10 ; d6=2 ; d20+15=17 ; d20+10=11 ; Saturday June 13th, 2020 6:33:25 PM
BRAWN AC 29/16/27 CMD 24 HP 54/94 Brawn has protection from lighting on and ignores the lighting. Brawn has a readied attack if anything closes to within 5 feet (didn't realize until recently he should have reach).
Elyngael directs Brawn down to his reach range for the red Valkyrie skeleton. It's not a 5 foot step as he also has to descend from to 5 foot high but since he's 'next' to her on the map he can still reach her prone figure.
Brawn bites the Valkyrie. Readied Bite d20+14=16 miss. However he is now in range for an attack of opportunity if she tries to stand. AOO Bite d20+14=28 , hit, normal damage 2d6+7=1 fire d6=5 frost d6=4, CMB to trip: d20+12=28
--- Elyngael targets purple horse if it didn't die in the fireball. When it dies she will switch her target to teh purple Valkyrie. Many shot and rapid shot, +1 for heroes feast.
Shot 1 (2 arrows) d20+20=31 damage normal d8+611, electrical d6=3 damage normal d8+6=8, electrical d6=4 Shot 2 (rapid) d20+20=35 damage normal d8+6=10, electrical d6=2 shot 3 d20+15=17 .miss shot 4 d20+10=11 miss I know the horse is immune to electrical but not sure about the Valkyrie and not sure when the target will shift.
Brawn has stoneskin, heroes feast, hide from undead, air walk, protection from lighting 60. Elyngael has barkskin +3 AC (now in header), heroes feast, hide from undead, protection from lighting 60.
Armand (Robert D)AC 29/touch 11/flat 24 HP 74/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; Saturday June 13th, 2020 6:43:10 PM
Armand hopes that sleipnir is dead soon. He takes a step forward, just behind (and below) Brawn and calls on Gargul's power to heal everyone in 30 feet....which also harms all the undead in 30 feet, which is just the red Valkyrie.
Channel heal 1/8 (7d6, ignoring the 1 rolled) Total healed: 34. Damage to Valkyrie 34, will save 26 for half.
He calls out to Atlas not really looking back as he wants to keep an eye on the undead, "Atlas, how you doing back there?"
Spells on: 1 - Heroes Feast on-going effects for everyone 10 temporary hit points (d8+1/2 caster levels) (I've used up all my temp hitpoints) +1 on attack rolls and will saves. +4 fort saves on poisons +4 will saves vs fear
2 - Hide from Undead 3 - Air Walk on Brawn, 130 minutes. 4 scrolls: Protection from Energy -Lighting, 60 hp, on Brawn, Atlas, Elyngael, 'Osul. 5 scrolls: Resist Energy - Lighting 10hp/attack, Armand, Owen, Vamir, Vamir's plant, Neshi.
Spells left Highlight to display spoiler: Highlight to display spoiler: { 0: light, detect magic, create water, read magic 1 (4): Bless, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Bless (wis bonus), Shield of faith (domain) 2 (4): Spiritual Weapon, Silence, Hold Person, Bull Strength, Resist Energy (wis bonus), Restoration-lesser(domain) 3 (4): Dispel magic, Invisibility Purge, Searing Light, Daylight, Searing Light(wis bonus), Searing Light (domain) 4 (4): Holy Smite, Dismissal, Neutralize Poison, x, Holy Smite (domain), Restoration (wis bonus) 5 (3): x, Flame Strike, Break Enchantment, Righteous Might (domain), True Seeing (wis bonus) 6 (2):Heal, Heal, Undeath to death (domain), x (wis bonus) 7 (1): Destruction, Holy Sword(domain)}
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 28 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 96/116 d20+23=36 ; Saturday June 13th, 2020 6:48:22 PM
I forgot I have to make 2 poison saves for that breath weapon. If I spend another hero point, and the +4 from the heroes feast, which I forgot on the first roll. Save is d20+23=36. Poison is all gone.
Also added Armand's healing back to me header.
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 87/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, Saturday June 13th, 2020 7:38:53 PM
Vamir looks up at Osul, "Thank you brother!" Vamir draws an Infusion of Neutralize Poison and drinks it. The witch the looks around to see who else needs help.
'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:16), CMD:22, Saves:(F:12/R:9/W:16 + RNL, +4 vs poison and fear), HP:83/107, Wildshape(X Sunday June 14th, 2020 12:36:55 AM OOC: Wade: Save Vamir's potion. Heal immediately ends any and all of the following adverse conditions affecting the target: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, and stunned, in addition to healling 130 HP damage.
Also (my bad) I read the range for Mass Heal, not Heal so 'Osul would have to move to Armand and cast Heal, so he won't be summonning, and so won't have spent the HP on to extra action to do so.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 94/101; CMD: 20; Fly, Mass Bear's Endurance d20+13=26 ; Sunday June 14th, 2020 8:48:25 PM
Reflex Save: 26. Feeling the mana well up for the spell, Owen manages to dodge most of the lightning. He glances back to check in on Atlas only to see the fighter vanish around the corner. Have the apes taken him? "Atlas!", he shouts after his friend.
Fearing for Atlas' life, Owen flies down the hallway (literally, he is under the effects of a Fly spell), the wind whipping past him. He rises up off the floor and blasts a Prismatic Spray, his most powerful attack spell, at the baboons. The earth elemental is caught in the area, as well. They must roll 1d8 to determine the effect of the spray, saving against DC 24.
DM Jeremy Battle Map Monday June 15th, 2020 1:22:23 PM
For a brief moment, everyone feels dizzy, not dizzy like I’m going to vomit, but dizzy like everything is in motion, and I can’t get my bearings. When the dizziness passes you find yourself in a round room with rough wooden walls, the diameter of the room is about 40ft, so it is a bit of a tight area, bit not uncomfortably so. The room has no door, and you realize you are inside a hollow tree. It is well lit, due to a hole somewhere up above, and as you look up you see what appears to be a squirrel, but it is the size of a golden retriever. The squirrel which is obviously so sort of fey creature looks down smiles and says, “Welcome to my home! I was feeling lonely and was noticed you were in a tough way, so I thought why not invite you over for a visit, don’t worry your fight will still be there when we are done visiting. By the way, my name is Spaz, what’s your names?”
OOC.. due to my computer dilemma, Jerry, Tanner, and I decided to try something different, I hope everyone has fun with this on the fly role play encounter!
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 94/101; CMD: 20; Fly, Mass Bear's Endurance Monday June 15th, 2020 5:23:10 PM
Owen looks around, confused and disoriented.
Armand (Robert D)AC 29/touch 11/flat 24 HP 74/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Monday June 15th, 2020 5:51:41 PM
Armand stumbles and looks around. "What the heeseey?"
'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:16), CMD:22, Saves:(F:12/R:9/W:16 + RNL, +4 vs poison and fear), HP:83/107, Wildshape(X Monday June 15th, 2020 6:07:27 PM
'Osul struggles to maintain his orientation and get his bearings.
"Hello Spaz. We are the Wardens of The Tree of Parting." He then goes about introducing everyone by name, including companions. With the disorientation, he refrains from adding questions of his own, except to add, "This is nice!" as he begins to take in his surroundings.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 28 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 96/116 Monday June 15th, 2020 8:29:46 PM
Elyngael looks around. [i]Mr. Spaz, my name is Elyngael and this is Brawn. Is this one of those places where time doesn't necessarily work? We were in combat and had a lot of spells on us."[/b]
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:105/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin, bear's endurance d20=10 ; Monday June 15th, 2020 9:45:18 PM
It takes Neshi a moment to realize he is elsewhere, but recovers fairly quickly considering.
"I'm not sure I would describe it quite like that as there were far less of them than there were when they started."
"So you were lonely. You must be one of Ebryon's companions."
DM Jeremy Battle Map Tuesday June 16th, 2020 5:47:36 AM
Spaz is so excited he actually starts shaking, as he says, what sounds like only one word due to the speed with which he talks, “Yea-yes-yes-King-Ebryon-he-made-us-fey, I-haven’t-seen-him-in-a-while-but-he’s-always-been-very-kind-to-me!” You can easily see how he got the name Spaz, as he continues, “Don’t-worry,-time-is-trapped-in-a-bottle-here,-when-you-return-it-will-be-as-if-you-never-left!” Spaz keeps looking at Atlas for some reason, it’s impossible to decipher why, but the fighter has definitely peaked his interest. The only thing you can tell for sure is he doesn’t give any reason to believe he has any ill plans for Atlas.
Atlas, a little uncomfortable due to Spaz’s scrutiny, asks the fey, “Is there something wrong? Do I have some of Armand’s heroes breakfast stuck in my teeth?” “No-no-I-just-need-to-be-sure-of-something” the fey answers.
Armand (Robert D)AC 29/touch 11/flat 24 HP 74/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Tuesday June 16th, 2020 2:30:29 PM
Armand eyes the squirrel. "What do you mean you want to be sure?" Armand then quietly says to the group. "This has all the earmarks of when Mack was hijacked by Queen Maab."
'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:16), CMD:22, Saves:(F:12/R:9/W:16 + RNL, +4 vs poison and fear), HP:83/107, Wildshape(X d20+27=39 ; d20+12=23 ; Tuesday June 16th, 2020 6:01:42 PM
'Osul looks at Spaz, trying to assess exactly what kind of fey he is and why the need to be "sure-of-something", while others ask questions. {Knowledge(Nature):39, Sense Motive:23}
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 87/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, Tuesday June 16th, 2020 7:47:29 PM
Vamir looks around and waves awkwardly at Spaz, " Where are we again?" Vamir gingerly reaches a hand out to touch the tree trunk to see if he is alive.
OOC: I am sorry about missing last night's post. My sister was passing through and I hadn't seen her in a bit over 2 years
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 28 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 96/116 Tuesday June 16th, 2020 8:17:34 PM
Elyngael is not sure what to do.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 94/101; CMD: 20; Fly, Mass Bear's Endurance Tuesday June 16th, 2020 9:54:31 PM
Owen stands beside Atlas and puts his hand on the fighter's shoulder. He looks carefully at Spaz and echoes Armand's question: "Yeah, what do you need to be sure of?"
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:105/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin, bear's endurance Tuesday June 16th, 2020 10:13:46 PM
Hmm, So you haven't seen him in a while.... How long ago was that?
DM Jeremy Battle Map Wednesday June 17th, 2020 5:58:01 AM
For a brief second a look of guilt crosses Spaz’s face quickly to be replaced with his normal over exuberant self. “I-mean-the-human-no-harm,-in-fact-I-mean-no-harm-to-any-of-you,-it’s-just-that-last-time-I-saw-the-king,-I-think-it-was-a-few-months-ago,-he-said-to-keep-a-look-our-for-a-particular-warrior”. When Vamir asks for their current location Spaz answers, “In-my-home-of-course,-oh,-you-mean-where’s-my-home,-we-are-in-King-Ebryon’s-Fey-Realm-of-course!” As Vamir touches the inside of the tree, he can instantly tell the Tree is very much alive, in spite of being hollow.
Graham recognizes that Spaz and his race are an on the fly DM fabrication, however Osul recognizes them as, for lack of a better name, Beastrins. A very powerful yet friendly race of fey, beastrins come in many shapes, but always resemble an small sized version of some diminutive mammal, such as a rat, squirrel, or rabbit. Even though they come in many shapes and colors, they are but one race, and a rabbit beastrin could marry a rat beastrin and have a meerkat beastrin baby, as there appearance has nothing to do with their lineage, but is completely random. Even two of the same appearance may, and usually do, have completely different offspring.
Osul is certain that Spaz is telling the truth, and that his intentions are noble. He believes that Spaz may have more to say, but gets the impression that the beastrin simply doesn’t know how much information he can or should share
Armand (Robert D)AC 29/touch 11/flat 24 HP 74/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Wednesday June 17th, 2020 5:54:26 PM
Armand looks at the fey creature. "Say Spaz, does King Ebryon know there's a Tunche calling itself King Rhiaowiak roaming around the Culver Wood claiming it's his kingdom?"
'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:16), CMD:22, Saves:(F:12/R:9/W:16 + RNL, +4 vs poison and fear), HP:83/107, Wildshape(X Wednesday June 17th, 2020 6:03:18 PM
...and that almost accounts for Mack's squirrel Squeaver.
'Osul nods as he follows the beastrin's speech.
"Please tell us more, and just how particular a fighter is King Ebyron seeking?", he asks Spaz as he looks about the inner arborial space.
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 94/101; CMD: 20; Fly, Mass Bear's Endurance Wednesday June 17th, 2020 7:49:52 PM
Owen watches Spaz carefully. This is such an odd occurrence that he's not sure what's going to happen.
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 87/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, Wednesday June 17th, 2020 8:29:45 PM
Vamir listens to the conversation take place around him. Vamir closes his eyes, "Hello, My name is Vamir, what is yours ancient one" the witch asks the tree.
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:105/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin, bear's endurance Wednesday June 17th, 2020 10:38:50 PM
Neshi watches and listens to Spaz, excited to meet one of Ebyron's creations. He watches for the response to the knowledge of the Tunche.
DM Jeremy Battle Map Thursday June 18th, 2020 6:08:25 AM
“That-Trouble-Maker!-I-guess-I’ll-have-to-put-him-in-his-place-again!-the-king-won’t-tolerate-such-behavior!”, Spaz is really worked up now, shaking with even more intensity than before, but it is obvious he is no longer excited, he is fuming mad. The beastrin however, takes a moment to compose himself and is able to return to his normal cheerful self, “You-see-the-queen-and-the-forest-have-a-understanding,-and-the-king-won’t-like-that-mindless-freak-mucking-things-up. Not-that-Rhiaowia-would-ever-be-a-threat-to-either-of-them,-mind-you,-it-just-reflects-poorly-on-the-rest-of-us-fey,-and-in-turn-the-king”.
Turning to Osul, a perplexed look crossed the overgrown squirrels face. Spaz scratches his head, and strokes his chin, and it is obvious that he is deep in thought. Almost as though he is debating what to say next. Finally a unusually somber Spaz says, in an almost normal speed, “The king is putting together a small band of heroes. I’m not at liberty to say the reason, but know that there is trouble in the fey realm, and the king is looking for just the right individuals to fix the problem. It just so happens that your friend here is just the kind of individual the king is looking for. He’s strong, and courageous, preferring to face Lord Gargul rather than face defeat. He would make a splendid addition to the king’s band of heroes, as would the rest of you, however he is currently only looking for a martial expert, as he has the rest of the rolls filled already”.
When Vamir speaks with the tree, he senses a giggle, from the tree, when referred to as ancient one. The elf is given a vision of a tree about that may be 20-30 years old at the most. It’s trunk is only about a foot in diameter and it only stands about two stories tall. “My name is Trexuivous, and, as you can see, I’m far from ancient. Spaz’s magic makes me larger on the inside than than the outside. I am but one of many trees that welcome the fey and his magic”.
Armand (Robert D)AC 29/touch 11/flat 24 HP 74/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Thursday June 18th, 2020 5:58:08 PM
Armand is waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 87/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, Thursday June 18th, 2020 8:33:13 PM
Vamir laughs softly, "Trexuivous, it is not often I talk with a tree younger than me. Can you tell me where we are? Why we were pulled away in the middle of a battle? And most importantly, what is going on with Atlas?"
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 28 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 96/116 Thursday June 18th, 2020 8:41:24 PM
Elyngael starts to tear up. "Are you taking Atlas from us?"
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 94/101; CMD: 20; Fly, Mass Bear's Endurance Thursday June 18th, 2020 9:06:14 PM
Owen's grip on Atlas' shoulder tightens as the implications hit him. "Do what you must," he says quietly, "But we'll miss you if you go."
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:105/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin, bear's endurance Thursday June 18th, 2020 10:31:39 PM
Neshi is a bit shocked that Atlas will be leaving. they are already more than a bit light in the combat department... thinking to himself he wonders if he is going to have to start using his sword a bit more....
DM Jeremy Battle Map Friday June 19th, 2020 5:59:31 AM
Trexuivous responds to Vamir, though being young by tree standards he isn't a treasure trove of information. He says, "This is the fey realm. your here because Spaz wanted to bring you here, and your friend is needed to help the fey realm. I'm but a young tree as such, I'm not privy to all the ins and outs, or whys and whens. The only thing I know is what Spaz has already told you. I would offer more if I could, but I'm as in the dark as you."
Atlas looks to his friends, and then back to Spaz, clearly uncertain as to what to do. Finally, he squares his shoulders turns to his friends, and with tears in his eyes he says, "My friends, no my family, I call you that because that's what you are to me, I feel I must embark on this strange new quest. My heart is heavy, but my sword is needed, I hope to return to you, post-haste, and will do so as soon as the job is done, and the fey realm no longer needs me." The fighter takes his time going from one friend to the next, embracing them in his arms as the beloved family that they are to him. He even takes the time to give Brawn a hearty scratch behind the ears. He looks at Brawn and says, "You'll take care of them for me won't you boy?" finally he turns to Spaz and says, "I'm ready!"
Armand (Robert D)AC 29/touch 11/flat 24 HP 74/95 CMD 22 Character Sheet Saturday June 20th, 2020 1:48:47 PM
Armand is sad but keeps a stiff upper lip for Atlas.
'Osul(Graham) AC:20 (T:18, FF:16), CMD:22, Saves:(F:12/R:9/W:16 + RNL, +4 vs poison and fear), HP:83/107, Wildshape(X Sunday June 21st, 2020 2:06:53 AM "...if and when you are free to return, Atlas...", adds 'Osul, stoically.
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP:105/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin, bear's endurance Sunday June 21st, 2020 4:02:43 PM
Neshi looks around, "So Spaz, is there anything else you wanted other than to to take one of our members in the middle of a fight?"
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 28 T:14, FF:21, CMD 30, HP 96/116 Sunday June 21st, 2020 4:22:04 PM
Elyngael nods at Neshi's comment. "Yeah, maybe we should be compensated somehow."
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 87/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, Sunday June 21st, 2020 8:56:30 PM
Vamir turns to Atlas, tears in his eyes, "Now? You have to leave now? This ..this..this is insanity"[/b]