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Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 75/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+12=25 ; d8+12=15 ;
Friday July 17th, 2020 12:52:52 AM

Toston drops the corpse of Masachal (free action) he was previously dragging. With his 60 foot fly move speed and the facts that the gnome is within 60 feet of whatever is threatening Sharpe and that the door to the barracks is still open from Sarge and Hmerrin the speedy gnome should be able to not only enter the barracks but get an attack.

Move Action: use 60 foot fly speed to enter barracks after Sarge and Hmerrin
Standard Action: Power attack the thing threatening Sharpe

25 vs AC; 15 damage; but if that thing has DR 15 then Toston's attack did nothing

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 35 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 34 rounds
Resist Energy(Acid) 10 : 597 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire) 10 : 597 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
2nd level slots used: 2/5
3rd level slots used: 3/4
Passive Effects:
Blindsense 30 ft

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d20=11 ;
Friday July 17th, 2020 5:25:10 AM

Hearing Sharpe's cry and seeing everyone rush in Eisenhorn will try to trap the Rakshasa in a sphere of force (Cast: Resillient Sphere Reflex Save DC20; SR Check: 11 + 11 + 2 (SP feat) = 24)

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 10 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 10 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 3 rnds.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Friday July 17th, 2020 6:09:52 AM

Confident that nobody is coming their way, Gaffer begins to descend, then he hears Sharpe's cry. He double moves down to the ground below and reverts to his Human form.

**** Active Effects ****
Summon Nature's Ally - 4 Small Water Elementals - 7 rounds
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24 - WW 1/3 : Turn X/5
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 7 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 107 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, (Flame Strike) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

End Game. Rd28 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+16=21 ; d20+11=22 ;
Monday July 20th, 2020 6:18:16 AM

Desdichado continues walking into the courtyard like area with the others. He can’t see Sharpe or any of the women or children.

Sharpe takes a step back to open some distance and launches a series of arrows at the woman calling herself Renfear. Only one hits and the Fighter can see it only does minimal damage. Sharpe shouts that WE HAVE AN ISSUE IN HERE!”

Hmerrin’s head snaps to the sound of a shout and quips at Dez. The young man is able to dash all the way to the shut door of Barracks #3.

Sarge trots in Hmerrin’s wake towards Barracks#3.

Toston drops whomever he is doing because there is still a live one! In a flying flash, he scoots over or around Dez and Eisenhorn, and arrives at the closed door with Hmerrin. He even has enough time to open the door. He doesn’t have time to enter and attack.

Eisenhorn sees Toston open the door and tries to trap Renfear in a Resilient Sphere, but can’t overcome the rakshasa’s spell resistance!

Gaffer, seeing action below, flies down and reverts to human form.

The small elementals continue to stop the spread of the fire.


Renfear snarls like a big cat, glancing at the opening door, then redoubles her attacks on Sharpe. But she is distracted and fails to land a single claw!

The other women and children continue to cower and hide.

The fire continues to send black clouds of smoke into the sky.

Rakshasa AC 25 DR 15/good and piercing SR 25
Renfear Dam 6

Map via Email

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 63/91] - [Charles]  d20+19=31 ; d20+19=29 ; d20+14=27 ; d20+9=15 ;
Monday July 20th, 2020 9:53:29 AM

Sharpe thinks to himself ("Warrd dammit, not this again") he takes another few steps back and tries another volley, hoping to be a distraction than anything else.

Full attack on Renfear
31 vs AC; 42 dmg
29 vs AC; 21 dmg
27 vs AC; 19 dmg
15 vs AC; 22 dmg

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 63/91] - [Charles]  d20+15=31 ; d8+15=19 ; d8+15=19 ; d8+15=16 ; d8+15=19 ; d8+15=21 ;
Monday July 20th, 2020 9:55:48 AM

OOC - sorry hit submit accidentally, attack now correct. The above is intended to be a 5ft step.
Full attack on Renfear
31 vs AC; 38 dmg
29 vs AC; 16 dmg
27 vs AC; 19 dmg
15 vs AC; 21 dmg

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy)  d20+9=24 ; d20+14=17 ; d8=4 ;
Monday July 20th, 2020 2:15:54 PM

Sarge moves forward, hopefully into the place that Hmerrin vacates when he moves forward. [Move to AP-15 if possible; AP-16 if Hmerrin doesn't move.]

She re-tasks her trusty Spiritual Weapon to Renfear. [SR check 24, which might work depending on what kind of rakshasa this is. Hit AC 17 for 6 damage.]

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday July 20th, 2020 2:39:39 PM

Upon hearing Sharpe's yell, Desdichado runs into the shed. (As close to AP:11 as he can get.)

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+17=18 ;
Monday July 20th, 2020 7:01:09 PM

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Hmerrin calls, striding down the center of the barracks.
"No hand to hand combat with our bowman. Either back off and throw something, or turn around."

The young fighter arrives, starts his swing, and ricochets his battleaxe off a ceiling beam.
"Oh, for the love of...."

Move to AP10
Atk misses (nat 1)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 75/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+12=18 ;
Monday July 20th, 2020 9:59:41 PM

Toston moves to AQ9 and attacks Renfear with a power attack.

(18 vs AC; Miss)

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 34 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 33 rounds
Resist Energy(Acid) 10 : 596 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire) 10 : 596 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
2nd level slots used: 2/5
3rd level slots used: 3/4
Passive Effects:
Blindsense 30 ft

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 5:19:49 AM

Gaffer drops his elemental form, reverting to human once more, and hurries to AP14 to see inside the building.

**** Active Effects ****
Summon Nature's Ally - 4 Small Water Elementals - 6 rounds
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 7 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 107 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, (Flame Strike) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d20=5 ; d20=16 ;
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 6:01:36 AM

"Well...darn." Eisenhorn says as he sees the spell fail to take hold.

Seeing everyone moving in to assist Sharpe and the mercenary deftly evaiding blows he will not take immediate action but rather stand by to counter any spell should the Rakshasa try to cast. He will move to have sight over the Rakshasa if needed. (Spellcraft Check to identify spell: 5 + 20 = 25; Dispell Check: 16 + 11 + 4 = 31)

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 10 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 10 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 2 rnds.

End Game. Rd29 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+16=27 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+17=20 ; d20+11=24 ;
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 11:57:31 AM

Sharpe thinks 'not this again', and takes a step back and tries another volley. Again, the arrows do much less damage than expected.

Sarge moves forward after Hmerrin advances, and retasks her Spiritual Weapon and misses .

Desdichado runs into the barracks, but can't quite get all the way he intended.

Hmerrin calls out some battle banter as Renfear misses her attack of opportunity, and then ricochets his battleaxe off a ceiling beam.

Toston moves in, getting an opportunistic attack from Renfear that misses, and attacks the rakshasa with a power attack, also missing.

Gaffer drops his elemental form, reverting to human once more, and hurries inside the building.

Eisenhorn sees his spell fail to take hold and that the heroes are crowding into deal with Renfear. The Wizard stands by to counter any spell should the Rakshasa try to cast. He will move to have sight over the Rakshasa if needed.

The water elementals keep the fires from spreading.


Renfear spits in anger. "You are dead! You are all dead! I will force your loved ones to eat your liver as I wear your skins!" But her actions are less definitive. She tries to Acrobatically jump around, however, only succeeding in allowing Hmerrin, Toston, and Sharpe AOOs. She then tries to Defensively Cast Lightning Bolt at the lined up heroes, incurring another AOO from Sharpe, and only succeeds in getting it dispelled by Eisenhorn! It is NOT a good day for Renfear!

The other women and children continue to cower and hide.

The fire continues to send black clouds of smoke into the sky.

Rakshasa AC 25 DR 15/good and piercing SR 25
Renfear Dam 34

Map via Email

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 12:38:04 PM

Desdichado jogs up to AO:9.

He makes a face in disgust at the rakshasa's vile threat. "Ugh. Really, that's kinda over the top, don't you think?"

Turning to Hmerrin he says "Domi will lend you a paladin's power once more today. But if there's any more of these around besides this one, we'll be in trouble."

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy)  d20+9=12 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+9=13 ; d8=6 ;
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 12:51:54 PM

Sarge decides to try a Holy Smite, but fails to penetrate the rakshasa's SR.

Meanwhile, her Spiritual Weapon keeps on a-thwackin'. [Hit AC 23 for 8 damage.]

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 1:45:44 PM

"Not so great when it happens to you is it?" Eisenhorn quips as he maintains distance keeping an eye on the fight, if Masachal is any reference this should be over quickly.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 10 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 10 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 1 rnds.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+20=25 ; d8+10=18 ; d20+17=33 ; d8+18=26 ;
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 5:40:58 PM

Hmerrin takes a swing at the weaving Renfear as she dances past.
He connects, but sees it didn't do much good.

"Seriously, who'd wanna wear a Toston skin? It's just wrong."

The fighter drops his handaxe on the ground, and takes a two-hand grip on his battleaxe.
Stepping in, he takes a hard swing.

To Dez, he calls back.
"Wanna keep that one in our pocket for a main event, I think. We'll have to slice and dice this one the long way."

AoO hits ac25 for 18 hp damage.

Move to AO7

Power attack, Two handed attack.
hits ac 33 for 26 hp damage.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 75/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+14=26 ; d8+6=12 ; d20+12=23 ; d20+7=24 ;
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 11:34:34 PM

AOO : 26 vs AC: 12 damage which is less than 15 which I'm thinking does nothing?

Toston takes a 5 foot step to AQ7 and power attacks twice missing both time.

(23 vs AC; miss)
(24 VS AC; miss)

Toston says, "I'm not having much luck slicing and dicing this one the long way. Are you sure Lord Domi doesn't want to lend us his power?"

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   d20+13=26 ; 3d6=11 ;
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 5:32:32 AM

Gaffer summons a flaming sphere on atop the Rakshasa on AP6, just managing to overcome the spell resistance (26), thanks to his recent training, for 11 fire damage.

He keeps an eye on the civilians, "Do we have a way to detect these creatures before they attack us?"

**** Active Effects ****
Flaming Sphere - DC Reflex Save 16 - 11 rounds
Summon Nature's Ally - 4 Small Water Elementals - 5 rounds
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 7 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 107 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere), Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, (Flame Strike) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 63/91] - [Charles]  d20+19=35 ; d20+19=34 ; d20+14=27 ; d20+9=23 ; d8+15=19 ; d8+15=17 ; d8+15=21 ; d8+15=18 ;
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 8:27:44 AM

Sharpe sees a couple of openings for an attack but can draw his bow fast enough to make them (OOC he doesn't have snap shot). Very grateful to not be on his own, he steps to AO9 and fires another volley.

Full attack on Renfear
35 vs AC; 37 dmg
34 vs AC; 17 dmg
27 vs AC; 21 dmg
23 vs AC; miss

End Game. Rd 30 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+12=19 ; 7d6=19 ; d20+11=31 ;
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 2:31:45 PM

Desdichado jogs up to the battle and reprimands Renfear and offers Hmerrin to consider before saying 'yes' to a paladin's power.

Sarge decides to try a Holy Smite, but fails to penetrate the rakshasa's SR, and her Spiritual Weapon keeps a-missin'.

Eisenhorn quips at Renfear on the loss of her spell. He notes that as long as

Hmerrin takes a swing at the weaving Renfear as she dances past, doing a little more damage. He then concentrates on a powerful attack, doing some more...

Toston opportunistically connects with Renfear who shrugs off the hit, and then the gnome fails to connect again.

Gaffer conjures a Flaming Sphere and succeeds in overcoming Renfear's spell resistance, but the rakshasa nimbly avoids the flames! He wonders how they can detect these creatures before they attack!

Sharpe backs off and gives a good volley of arrows into Renfear. She is looking like a pincushion, but not bleeding or even slowing down muc!

The water elementals keep the fires from spreading.


Renfear is foaming at the mouth she is so angry, but is able to successfully Defensively cast another Lightning Bolt! This one streaks out, catching Desdichado, Gaffer, Sarge, and Eisenhorn! (all four heroes take 19 damage, Reflex DC 17 for 9)

The other women and children continue to cower and hide.

The fire continues to send black clouds of smoke into the sky.

Rakshasa AC 25 DR 15/good and piercing SR 25
Renfear Dam 78

Map via Email

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 87/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+11=28 ;
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 3:04:06 PM

Desdichado winces as he manages to shrug off most damage from the lightning bolt. He moves towards the others (AP:8) and offers a quick prayer to Domi. His greataxe begins to give off a strong holy aura.

Active effects:
Divine Bond: Holy +2d6

Sarge [AC 19; HP 83/92] (Kathy)  d20+14=25 ; d20+9=18 ; d8=2 ; d20+9=19 ;
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 3:38:46 PM

Sarge manages to dodge the worst of the lightning bolt.

"Right. Direct action it is." Sarge strides forward [to AO-9], and casts Righteous Might. She immediately gets bigger and stronger.

[Sarge has embiggened; she is now Large in size.]

The Spiritual Hammer keeps going, this time hitting AC 25 for 4 damage.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 73/88; CMD 17]  d20=16 ; d20=14 ;
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 3:46:31 PM

Reflex Save: 16 + 8 = 24 - Save.

Eisenhorn dodges the worst of the lightning bolt."Now that's just poor manners! I will leave you to enjoy the rest of the party." he murmurs as he uses the open/close cantrip to slam shut the door of the barracks and hopefully end LOS between the rakshasa and himself.

He will then fly straight up and try to look over the big building if he can to check if any more enemies are comming or if any of the other slaves show signs of being desguised Rakshasa. (Perception Roll: 14 + 11 + 4 = 29)

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 10 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 10 Min.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+17=24 ; d20+12=23 ; d20+7=8 ;
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 6:38:21 PM

Hmerrin swings.
And swings.
And swings again.

"There's just something about these Rakakas that I have trouble hitting," he mutters.

To Toston.
"I'm told Domi will only do it once more today. And if we find she's got five or six friends in that last building, we're gonna need it."

"And slide down here so we can flank her."

Full Attack, Power Attack.
Atk 1 miss (ac 24)
Atk 2 miss (ac 23)
Atk 3 miss (Nat 1)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 75/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+12=26 ; 2d4=6 ;
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 12:16:56 AM

Toston says to Hmerrin, "Is that so? Maybe I need to rethink my strategy? I got a new spell to help with just such an ocassion we find ourselves in. The only problem is I can't do it in melee but it will damage this Rakshasa if I can hit it and it and it persists.

Toston takes a 5 foot step back to AQ8 and fires off an acid arrow at the Rakshash (26 vs Touch; hit; 6 acid damage; ignores SR; persists for 1 more round)

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 33 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 32 rounds
Resist Energy(Acid) 10 : 595 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire) 10 : 595 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
2nd level slots used: 3/5
3rd level slots used: 3/4
Passive Effects:
Blindsense 30 ft

Gaffer (Courtney HP:75/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   d20+9=10 ; 2d8+11=19 ; 3d6=10 ;
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 5:00:08 AM

Gaffer curses as the rakshasa avoids the flaming sphere, not noticing the lightning bolt they send his way until it is upon him. (Reflex: 10)
He grunts in pain, placing a hand on his chest to cast Cure Moderate Wounds (19 Healing) and steps over to AO14 to stay out the way of rather intimidating Sarge. His flaming sphere remains where it is (10 Damage).

**** Active Effects ****
Flaming Sphere - DC Reflex Save 16 - 10 rounds
Summon Nature's Ally - 4 Small Water Elementals - 4 rounds
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 7 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 107 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere), Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, (Cure Moderate Wounds), Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, (Flame Strike) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Farm Aftermath. (DM SteveK) 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 6:58:31 AM

(Early post)

As so often happens, the end of combat comes unexpectedly for our heroes. With The Tide's decision to not call upon Desdichado's Aura of Justice, the fight in the barracks becomes an extended slug fest. A 'fest' where Renfear is definitely at a disadvantage. It takes a couple more rounds, but the end is a foregone conclusion. The Tide is victorious! Renfear is dead. There are no more enemies anywhere in the Farm. Oh, and Barracks #3 is now on fire because of the Flaming Sphere.

On Renfear's death, the woman's shape change melts away, revealing a female Panther-headed Rakshasa studded with arrows, light cuts, acid, and fire! (The which most of the heroes had already guessed)

The back of Barracks #3, where the Flaming Sphere rested, is now aflame and spreading.

The remaining women and children are hiding around the 'Farm'. Eisenhorn can't see any of them, and even if he did, it wouldn't help the Wizard to decide if any were not who they seemed. (ooc: Sense Motive vs opposing Bluff). If the heroes want, it will be time-consuming but not arduous to collect the former slaves into one area for safekeeping and questioning.

There are no reinforcements within sight of the 'Farm', and the Large Building has never opened except for the one time Sharpe noticed the two Guards. One ran into Barracks #3 (where they encountered Renfear) and one into Barracks #6 (where they encountered Mascachai).


Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/70] (Kathy) 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 2:25:14 PM

"Right." Sarge dismisses her spell and becomes her dwarf-sized self again. "Let's gather up the former slaves and figure out what's what."

Suiting actions to words, she begins seeking out the terrified former slaves and coaxing them back to a central location.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 63/91] - [Charles]  d20+19=26 ; d20+19=28 ; d20+14=26 ; d20+14=17 ; d20+9=18 ;
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 5:52:18 PM

OOC- sorry the rolls were for a post that i accidentally didn't submit earlier.

Now with a chance to think Sharpe wounds burn with an intense pain, he limps out of the barracks. "We really need to find a better way to deal with those things if we are going to keep coming up against them."

"Anyone got anything for these fires?"

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 87/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 6:20:59 PM

Desdichado follows along with Sarge to help calm the former slaves and heal any injuries. "Once we've checked on everyone, we should look in that big building. I'm a little afraid of what we might find inside."

(OOC: How much does the team know about fighting rakshasas? For instance, did Eisenhorn's research tell us that they are only vulnerable to good and piercing weapons? Dez can cast Bless Weapon, but it wouldn't do any good if most of us are using slashing.)

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 6:58:22 PM

"Hold on everyone, we still got a big honkin' building with Domi knows what in it," Hmerrin cautions.

"Sarge, how 'bout we find ONE former slave and ask what's in the building before we scatter around with its back to us?"

CDM Jerry [OOC post] 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 10:28:21 PM

Sent this out this evening:


Our only means of communication is via email.  That means that as a part of your membership, you are responsible for checking email daily.  The easy way of course is to check emails before making your post.  Even if you are playing via phone at times, check your email.

We've only had to fuss at a few over the years for not reading emails.  We've only had to threaten 1 with probation for not communicating.  We have seen an increase in difficulty when trying to reach members [players and DMs] over the last year or two so I'm sending this reminder.

To be a member here, this is one of your responsibilities like posting.  I'm tempted to have Sheriff Zach list names of folks who did not reply to emails within 24 hrs on posting days.  No I'm not there yet.  :)
So anyway, please check your email.  :)

CDM Jerry

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 75/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 
Friday July 24th, 2020 1:32:11 AM

Toston drags Ranfear's corpse to be with Masachel's.

Toston then says, "I think working together Gaffer and I can take care of the fires. Gaffer, can you summon any more water elementals and how long can they last? Also what is the range of their ability to douse fire? I have the capacity to cast one more flight spell. If Gaffer can summon a water elemental that will last a while with a decent range I can then cast my last flight spell on it and it can fly around taking care of the fires. Does this work?"

Assuming the Druid is on board with this plan and he summons a fresh water elemental to handle the fires Toston casts his last 3rd level spell slot on a flight spell for it.

He then says "As for the women and children I suggest we do at least temporarily put them in some area where they can't get injured while we sweep the last building and it will be easier for our healers to treat them after we verify that that last building is clear"

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 30 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 29 rounds
Resist Energy(Acid) 10 : 592 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire) 10 : 592 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
2nd level slots used: 3/5
3rd level slots used: 4/4 (assuming the gnome worked with Gaffer to create a flying water elemental to take care of the fires)
Passive Effects:
Blindsense 30 ft

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 73/88; CMD 17] 
Friday July 24th, 2020 5:32:51 AM

Not seeing any reinforcements rushing toward the camp, Eisenhorn will fly back down to the ground. "Shifty, keep an eye out if anyone dangerous looking is approaching the complex."

Assuming Toston and Gaffer will be able to take care of the flames he goes to inspect the bodies, searching for any useful items or clues.

"We should take these with us. I'd like to make a detailed autopsy. Hopefully I can put together enough information while fighting these things to put together a tretise on rakshasa anatomy and physiology to help future adventurers. And maybe we can get some useful insights ourselves." (OOC: I think due to a previous knowledge check Eisenhorn and the party know that rakshasa are not resistant to Good and Piercing weapons but that's pretty much it. DM correct me if I'm wrong.)

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 8 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 8 Min.

Gaffer (Courtney HP:94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   d3=2 ;
Friday July 24th, 2020 6:49:27 AM

Gaffer extinguishes his Flaming Sphere to stop contributing to the growing amount of flames.

Nodding along with Toston's suggestion he will conjure up another set of Water Elementals.

He spends his remaining 5th level spell slot to summon 2 Small Water Elementals for twice the usual Duration.
It takes longer to cast but once they appear he orders one to prevent the new fire from spreading, and the one Toston grants fly to, to put out the fires being held at bay. Starting with the smallest.

[I believe I can use Meta Magic Extended Spell on my Spontaneous Summon Nature's Ally by upping the spell slot as normal and spending an extra full round action to do so. Let me know if that is wrong.]

To the others he suggests, "Perhaps everyone should group just outside the compound, away from the fire, blood and potential last fight."

**** Active Effects ****
Summon Nature's Ally - 4 Small Water Elementals - 3 rounds
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 7 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 107 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere), Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, (Cure Moderate Wounds), Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, (Flame Strike) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Farm Aftermath. (DM SteveK) 
Friday July 24th, 2020 8:50:44 AM

Sarge dismisses her spell and becomes her dwarf-sized self again, and begins seeking out the terrified former slaves and coaxing them back to a central location. It only takes a minute for her to convince the Boy in Barracks #2 and the two women between Barracks #1 and #3 to come to the Kitchen pavilion. The two other women hiding among the latrines watch and come out voluntarily, bringing along one more child.

Sharpes wounds burn with an intense pain, he limps out of the barracks. "We really need to find a better way to deal with those things if we are going to keep coming up against them."

Desdichado follows along with Sarge to help calm the former slaves and heal any injuries. "Once we've checked on everyone, we should look in that big building. I'm a little afraid of what we might find inside." (Know Planes DC 20 to recall one piece of useful information on rakshasa.)

Hmerrin throws up a caution, they still got a big honkin' building with Domi knows what in it. Better to not scatter, since that's what got individual heroes in trouble in the first place this battle...

Toston drags Ranfear's corpse to be with Masachel's. He offers a plan for Gaffer and he to take care of the fires and waits for the druid's reply As for the women and children, he suggests a temporary shelter, and the kitchens will do well enough.

Gaffer can assure Toston that a water elemental can put out a non-magical fire the size of itself every few seconds (every round) due to its Drench ability. Further, the druid can spontaneously summon a Large water elemental (using a 5th level slot) that can be in the Wold long enough to put out all the fires. If Gaffer decides to do this, consider it done.

Eisenhorn flies back down to the ground, leaving Shifty to be the Tide's aerial spotter. "Like a Piper Cub!", the dim-witted Mephit responds, whatever that means, as he stays airborne. The Wizard spends the minute where others gather the former slaves and dousing fires by examing Renfear and Mascachai. While their clothes were superior, they are also now ruined with slashes, holes, fire, and lots of blood. The valuables Eisenhorn can collect total are two Kukri knives and 200 gp from money pouches.

(ooc: Due to your volunteer DMs not wanting to track all useful bits of information ever provided to the PCs over a 10 year/ 20 level career, and not wanting to delve into the Archives for a bit of information already provided to the PCs [the which a Player can do as handily as a DM]; each time PC does an appropriate Knowledge Check to be the appropriate DC, the DM will provide a useful bit of information the PC has recalled about a monster. This may be the same bit of useful information, especially since your DMs won't be tracking what has been provided or not. :-)


Fires may or may not be spreading.

Shifty sees no reinforcements.

Four women and 2 children huddle together in the Kitchen Pavilion. Shoddy pillars support a flimsy roof here, there are no walls. There is a central fire pit and rough tables with dented cooking utensils and a couple of covered cannisters. One of the women automatically begins to prepare some flour and water into a dough, and another removes ash in the pit to start a cooking fire.

The Large Building is made of solidly built wood; the double doors entrance of reinforced wood. There are no windows

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 73/88; CMD 17]  d20=17 ;
Friday July 24th, 2020 9:30:44 AM

Eisenhorn will collect the gold and Kukri's and review the bodies trying to remember more details about Rakshasa ( Knowledge Planes Roll: 17 + 21 = 38) He will then share what he's found with the rest of the party.

(OOC: Thanks for the clarification. I'll keep better track of what information any Knowledge rolls give us so that we don't have this issue again. )
--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 8 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 8 Min.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 63/91] - [Charles]  d20+13=17 ;
Friday July 24th, 2020 11:56:17 AM

Perception - 17
Sharpe walks over the to women. "Are you all ok is anyone hurt" He looks to see if anyone has injuries or looks "shifty".

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 63/91] - [Charles] 
Friday July 24th, 2020 11:56:56 AM

OOC - to be clear not if anyone looks like a mephit

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy)  d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ;
Friday July 24th, 2020 2:05:45 PM

When her companions and the women and children are gathered in the kitchen area, Sarge channels positive energy to heal everybody's hurts.

Everybody heals 19

"Do you know if there's anyone else still hiding?" Sarge asks the women. "I'd like to find them and heal them, like you. We aren't here to hurt anyone. Well, except the bad guys. So, are there more of you?"

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Friday July 24th, 2020 6:04:56 PM

Desdichado watches over the people they've found so far. Understanding how much distress they are in, he tries to be very gentle with his questions, but he does have several.

"Are you from nearby? We'll try and get you back to your homes very soon."
"How long have you been here? Were you brought here together or separately?"
"Were the guards here the only ones that oversaw this place?"
"Had you ever seen those creatures before? Or ones like them?"
"Do you know what is in the big building?"

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+21=26 ; d20+21=34 ;
Friday July 24th, 2020 6:06:17 PM

(Diplomacy: 26)
(Sense Motive: 34)

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 94/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Saturday July 25th, 2020 9:24:12 AM

Hmerrin gives Sarge a thumbs up, and then goes back to the Kitchen area where everyone seems to be congregating.

The young man is impatient, glancing repeatedly from his team asking questions to the big building.

He's visibly relieved when Dez asks his final question.
"Yes, that one. Let's start with that one."

Gaffer (Courtney HP:94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Saturday July 25th, 2020 5:15:05 PM

Gaffer does bring forth the large elemental as suggested and asks it to take care of the flames with the smaller elementals help, happy to see the fires taken care of and smoke no longer rising.

He moves with the others to the kitchen to hear what answers they might get.

**** Active Effects ****
Summon Nature's Ally - 4 Small Water Elementals - 2 rounds
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 7 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 107 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere), Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, (Cure Moderate Wounds), Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, (Flame Strike) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 75/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+18=32 ;
Saturday July 25th, 2020 9:54:52 PM

Toston says "I hope I don't need to fly anymore when this spell wears off or that we need any more fireballs. I am completely out until tomorrow. I need to start working with Nissa to stock extra scrolls in advance in case I run out."

When the party makes it's way to the large building he investigates thoroughly (Perception: 32)

Farm: the Story (DM SteveK) 
Monday July 27th, 2020 9:56:19 AM

Eisenhorn collects loot and remembers four bits of useful information: Rakshasa have DR/15 Good AND Piercing, they have SR 25, they can Detect Thoughts at will, and they can Shape Change to any humanoid at will

Sharpe looks for hurts and shifty women. They are fatigued, thin, bruised, scratched, dirty, and one has a sword wound. Just like Eisenhorn, however, Sharpe can't sense the motives of anyone through his powers of perception.

Sarge heals everyone in the Kitchen once everyone is gathered. It is a big boost to the women and children who are now only fatigued, thin, and dirty. And tentatively smiling. The one making the dough seems older and speaks. "Now I know you aren't one of them, this isn't a sadistic trick, because they would never heal anyone." She looks saddened at Sarge's questions. "I saw you look in all the barracks. Other than the 'kept' girls the garrison had in the large building, we would only be in the barracks or the fields. Everyone else must be dead." Of the other women, one comforts the two children, one mumbles angrily to herself, and one looks near comatose with trauma.

Desdichado continues his gentle probing questions. Cook and Comforter do most of the answers. It turns out they had all been taken individually or in small groups, and all in the general vicinity of Dirt City. Cook has been here the longest, more than a year. "Captives came from farms, caravans, fishing boats, and street people. Couple people claimed they were House members, but they disappeared quickly." Further probing finds out these 6 have no homes to go to anyways, they were migrants or street people, and the trauma they have faced have changed them forever.

Hmerrin is visibly relieved when Dez asks tactical questions.

Gaffer conjures a large water elemental who gleefully douses all the flames.

Toston mentions how low he is on magic and carefully looks at the Large Building. A sturdy wood, single-story building with no windows, the Large Building has reinforced wood double doors.


The big building? Cook has seen inside and the farming men confirmed. "The doors lead to a big tunnel and more doors that lead to the Fields. Inside the tunnel there is a door to the left and one to the right. The farming men were taken inside every morning and the doors closed before the other doors opened, and the process repeated every night. The Guards and the Masters lived there."

Those creatures? Oh yes, they had lots of fun terrorizing the captives. Comatose had one dressed in her husband's clothes and hood up, then turned into itself: the head of a great stag just before... and in a barracks full of... "Kill them all", Anger whispers. Comatose whimpers and Cook looks sad as she wraps dough-ribbons around sticks to cook over the fire. "One person tried to escape, and they made everyone watch as they ate him while he was still alive."

The Guards? When the guards are mentioned, Anger's eyes blaze and she talks with hate-filled words. "They took part, too. In the bullying, terrorizing, and eating. Taking anything they wanted from, from anyone. I was the 'special pet' of the one who stabbed me, that's what he called me. Told me they were human but from the same place as the Masters. Janissaries he called himself and the other guards."

Anyone Else? Cook and Comforter look sad. No, they are sure there is no one else. When the last whistles started and the Guards and Masters started killing everyone in the barracks, they knew. All the field workers must also have been killed and the Guards and Masters fled to wherever they go. "At least they are out of pain", mutters Angry. "There were four Masters; Stag, Tiger, Leopard, and Elephant. There were always 2 when the captives were in the fields", says Cook.

The Farm? Cook and Comforter look grim, and Anger just laughs in derision. "The fields were for our food", explains Cook, "keeping us alive. WE are the food, the cattle shipped to wherever it is these things came from."

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday July 27th, 2020 1:37:10 PM

Desdichado helps the remaining survivors as he can for a bit and then turns to Hmerrin. "Right. Well, shall we open the doors?"

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday July 27th, 2020 3:06:36 PM

Oops forgot this part:

Desdichado muses with the others about what they've been told. "4 of those "masters"? We've only encountered 2 here so far, I think."

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 81/91] - [Charles] 
Monday July 27th, 2020 3:15:45 PM

Looking horrified Sharpe asks, "and these masters there are two of them on the floor here?"

Gaffer (Courtney HP:94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Monday July 27th, 2020 4:36:22 PM

Gesturing that the group should continue the conversation away from the recovering captees,
"We did fight a Tiger as well didn't we?" Gaffer recalls their fight near the arena, "Would that mean one more to go?"

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy) 
Monday July 27th, 2020 4:38:38 PM

"We need to get these ladies somewhere safe," Sarge says. "And Toston just said he ain't gonna be much good in a fight until tomorrow. Maybe now's a good time to go back to the city and regroup? I mean, we busted up their operation pretty good; they're not gonna be able to rebuild it overnight."

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 94/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Monday July 27th, 2020 4:57:35 PM

The color slowly drains from Hmerrin's face as he realizes they're in a ranch. A people ranch.

Sarge talks of regrouping.

"They'll be gone." Hmerrin responds, flatly. "They walk out of there to someplace else, and just start over, taking people, and, and eating them like they were cows or pigs."

He shakes his head.
"We can't leave them. We can't. We need to go in there and kill every last one of them.
And then find out where they and these "Janissaries" came from, and kill all of them, too."

He thinks it over.

"We can probably rest before that second part."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 94/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 1:43:34 AM

Toston says to Sarge, "Now holdup. I didn't say I wouldn't be much use in a fight. I still have my curveblade and some 2nd and 1st level spells. I also possess the ability to use stunning fist and scorpion strike and I have blindsense which totally comes in handy. However, should we need crowd control. All I have left is my breathe weapon. Should we need flight well that I can't do."

Toston says to Gaffer, "Just because we fought a Tiger doesn't mean it was their Tiger. Did they ever mention the Dagger Rakshasha that we caught? Still though if Tiger hasn't been around lately perhaps our Tiger was their Tiger and all we have to do is find Stag."

Toston asks the survivors, "Has Tiger been around lately?"

He also says, "Are Cook, Comforter and Anger really your names or do you have other actual given names? We rescued you and although we were too late to help the others, that doesn't mean that you aren't of the Noble Races."

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 73/88; CMD 17] 
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 5:27:46 AM

"I think we need to check the big building make sure that there are no other rakshasa or guards left. We also need to investigate to figure out where they came from and why they have decided to set this operation up here. We might be battered but Hmerrin is right. If we just leave they'll set up somewhere else. We need to take this out at the root, note that they were sending these people somewhere so this does not seem to be an independent organization. By my count we are missing two more Rakshasa, Stag & Tiger."

EIsenhorn then looks around for a sack or something to put the Rakshasa bodies in and store them in a safe location. "If none of you mind I'd like to take these back with us when we leave. I would not want to waste this opportunity to study Rakshasa physiology in more detail."

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 8 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 8 Min.

The Large Building (DM SteveK) 
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 6:41:05 AM

Questions continue. Cook gives her name as Grams Anger is Hala, and Comforter says she is Jem. When names are asked the two kids perk up: one is Ahn and the other Tah. No one knows Comatose’s name, “not knowing if anyone was hiding as a Master, we didn’t do much socializing”, explains Grams.

None know about any other Rakshasa, Tiger, Dagger, or otherwise, but they confirm Masters and ‘those creatures’ are the same thing.

Gram passes out three bread-sticks that have cooked over the fire to Jem who gives one each to Ahn and Tah. Another goes to Hala before Grams starts on her own and offers the rest to the heroes.

It may take a while, but the heroes find out that Hmerrin and Eisenhorn are correct, there are no Guards, Monitors, or Rakshasa around and they can explore the large building without mishap.

Main House Hallway. Stone floor and lined corridor with (fake) murder holes. On the East and west are reinforced double-doors that lead to the ‘Farm’ and ‘Fields’ respectively. On the north and south wall are single doors.

North wall door leads to two large rooms. Inside are bunks and trunks that look like a barracks. Holding 20 men each. Prominent in each large room is a shrine to Ga’al.

South door is another corridor that leads to four smaller rooms and (obviously) for each of the four named ‘Masters’. All are richly and scandalously decadent compared to the rest of the ‘Farm’. It’s going to take a while to search these rooms to find all the treasures sure to be hidden here.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 73/88; CMD 17] 
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 9:43:00 AM

"Come Shifty we need to go through this place with a fine tooth comb." Seeing as the complex is empty (from Hostiles at least), Eisenhorn will go around the big building first, cast detect secret doors and go quickly through the building to identify the presence and location of any concealed doors in the building.

After compleating this, together with Shifty, he will methodically search all of the rooms in the big building and then the wider compound to check for any magical items or auras using detect magic as necessary. He'll also pay attention for any notes, parchament, scrolls,books,maps or any other mundane items that could hold relevant information. Anything that would provide more insights into the operation. (Take 20 on Perception + 11 + 4 = 35).

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 8 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 8 Min.
Detect Magic---- Detect magical auras---- 11 Min.
Detect Secret Doors---- You can detect secret doors, compartments, caches, and so forth.---- 11 Min.

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy) 
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 1:27:30 PM

Sarge takes a breadstick to be polite, and because sharing food can create a bond. She wants to be sure she has the trust of the former slaves.

She goes with her companions to do a basic exploration of the large building, but...

"I'm not much good with finding treasure and stuff," she says. "I want to spend some more time back at the Kitchen, if that's okay with you guys."

Assuming it is okay with everyone, Sarge wants to spend some time with Comatose, trying to figure out what she can about the woman's condition. Basically, Sarge would like to take 20 on a Heal check, getting a result of 37 to figure out what is wrong with Comatose and how she might be helped.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 4:03:55 PM

Desdichado becomes angrier when he sees the shrine to Ga'al. "Man, I am sick of seeing that jerks handiwork," he growls. Unless someone gives him a compelling reason not to, he knocks over and destroys the shrine (if possible).

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 94/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+8=20 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 5:04:14 PM

Hmerrin nods in satisfaction at the empty building.

Dez's reaction to the Ga'alian shrine doesn't bother him in the slightest.

"Well, let's see what we got," he declares.
The young man takes on the first of the 'masters' rooms, poking and prodding ahead with his dagger before grabbing anything. He knocks on floors, ceiling, and walls for hollow spots, opens everything he can find, and generally ransacks the place.

Perception 20

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 81/91] - [Charles]  d20+13=15 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 5:20:26 PM

Sharpe search the pocket of all the fallen guard and check to see if any are alive still, he thoroughly checks the bodies of the "masters" and begins to pile the bodies away from the captives.

Perception 15

Gaffer (Courtney HP:94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 7:43:52 PM

Gaffer stays outside with Sarge, trusting the other's to handle the searching. He asks the remaining group at large, "We will be going back to Dirt City once we are done here. Are you all planning to come with us? And do you all have somewhere safe you can go once we are back?"

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 94/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 2:03:14 AM

Toston goes to one of the personal rooms for the Rakshasha that Eisenhorn and Shifty aren't in and thoroughly investigates.

(OOC: take 20 = 38 perception)

Treasure! (DM SteveK) 
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 8:48:06 AM

After confirming there are no enemy lurking about, The Tide splits into two groups: Sarge and Gaffer staying with the women and children, and Eisenhorn, Desdichado, Hmerrin, and Toston doing a thorough search

Kitchen Team

Sarge takes a breadstick to be polite, and gets a knowing nod from Grams. "The Guards and Masters would never touch our food because it was beneath them." The dwarf spends some time with Comatose, and can verify the former captive is not diseased, cursed, bespelled, or poisoned. Her conditions seem to coincide with Cowering and Confusion with Exhaustion thrown in. (as opposed to the other former captives who are Fatigued). The grizzled veteran has seen those eyes before, the 'thousand yard stare'. When encountered in the field, Mailed Fist healers would prescribe a long rest and the mercenary would be quietly retired. Sometimes they would recover and be able to function in a non-combat role, but only sometimes.

Gaffer makes an offer of escorts to Dirt City and Jem, Anh, Tah, Hala, and Grams eagerly accept. Grams also promises to look after Comatose. "But we have nowhere to go to", observes the cook. Hala sarcastically chimes in; "Yeah, you guys don't happen to have a secret group in Dirt City that won't just sell us to the higher bidder, do you?"

Search Team

The Search Team confirms the complex is empty of Secret Doors and methodically searches all of the rooms in the big building and wider compound.

Desdichado hacks and bashes the two shrines to twin lumps of bent and smushed gold, some gemstones separate and some become REALLY embedded. It doesn't alter the resale value any, since no one would openly sell or buy a Ga'alian shrine outside of Alisidur, and precious metal and stone are valuable for themselves.

Hmerrin and Toston search rooms. Sharpe stays about the compound searching pockets. Eisenhorn goes everywhere.

Together the team get quite a load of treasure! The information is of a different nature. There are no notes, maps, or convenient arrows pointing to where the nest of rakshasa are coming from. Instead, the information is more on learning about the type of enemy The Tide and Dirt City have...

o Room 1. Blasphemous poetry depicting each of the gods, immortals, and powers known in the Wold as blind imbiciles, spoofing them in the most indecent way. Flipping through the book, a hero can see Alemi as a shepherd with people-headed sheep, continually healing them for the wolves to eat. Ma'ab and Eberyon as toddlers fighting over a faerie princess toy. Ga'al gazing at a mirror and so full of himself that he doesn't notice tigers chewing on his Heartseeded heart.
o Room 2. A cedar locker with several pounds of human and elf jerky.
o Room 3. Three fine silk robes that depict explicit scenes of torture and cannibalism. There is also a box of correspondence that only give titles ‘Herald’, 'Maharaja', etc and vague assurances that the farming is going to plan. The most recent letter is from ‘Herald’ which demands the plan continue despite the meddling of the Tide. “I have taken steps to eliminate this rabble and bring fear to the city.” (Linguistics DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: { other passages reveal the letter was written AFTER the fight in the Arena!}
o Room 4. A collection of wine bottles filled with different 'vintages' of noble blood. The dates are not linked to the Woldian calendar. (Linguistics 2nd Check DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: { The oldest seems to have been preserved more than a hundred years ago. }

For treasure, belt pouches, former shrine lumps, and the decadent, immensely rich, and completely untouched by battle stuff in the rakshasa rooms come out to Each hero gets 19,850gp!!

Experience: All heroes get 51,000xp

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy) 
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 1:44:01 PM

Yeah, you guys don't happen to have a secret group in Dirt City that won't just sell us to the higher bidder, do you?

"What, you'd rather be sold to the lowest bidder?" Sarge snarks back. She sighs. "Dirt City ain't exactly the place for a rest cure, but it's what we got. I'll have to talk to the others, but I think we can fix you up. Find you a place to live, check in on you to be sure nobody's messing with you."

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 81/91] - [Charles] 
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 5:46:03 PM

Sharpe piles up the bodies and now sure there is no more information to be had on them set them alight with burnt wood as kindling.

Next he sit with the captives and ask them "We want to make sure get all these monsters take them out root and stem, can you tell us anything about their movements, when they arrive or could we expect them back?"

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 8:46:41 PM

Desdichado helps clean up the victims' bodies and tend to the survivors as needed.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 94/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 
Thursday July 30th, 2020 12:51:31 AM

Toston says to his friends outside of the range of hearing from the survivors, "So these Rakshasha's are somehow aligned with Ga'al? That is if this picture book is to be believed it looks like they think Ga'al is too conceited and they are eating up his power base?"

He also says, also outside of hearing of the survivors, "I don't know what we do with this noble blood, elf jerky and human jerky. I mean do we know if the nobles that the blood belongs to are living or dead? If like all this stuff is the remains of noble races should we bury it and have some kind of ceremony?"

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 73/88; CMD 17]  d20=2 ; d20=9 ;
Thursday July 30th, 2020 6:06:15 AM

Eisenhorn tries to quickly figure out the letter and the blood vintages. (Linguistics Roll: 2 and 9 for total 22 and 29). He struggles with the letter distracted by the larger task at hand but takes it with him for more detailed study later. Figuring out the dates on the bottles he notes to the group that some seem to be dated more than a century ago. "Looks like these nasty fellows have been at their game for quite some time indeed."

"Seems like we found all we can here. Judging by their mockery of the gods and the age of some of the blood this is bigger than just this farm." he says with a shudder. "We should find somewhere safe to take the people we found here and probably destroy this place before we leave."

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H

Gaffer (Courtney HP:94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Thursday July 30th, 2020 7:07:31 AM

This being the second time recently the group have had need for a survivors fund and potentially a second living location, Gaffer makes a mental note to make sure this gets set up when they get back home.

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