Armand (Robert D)AC 26/touch 11/flat 26 HP 104/104 CMD 23 Character Sheet Wednesday August 19th, 2020 5:49:26 PM
When Armand see's 'Osul he broaches the idea of allowing the Sages to use the Library as a base of operations until a more permanent sages hall can be built at the tree.
When James returns he has some tea with the Sages and discusses their thoughts on the building they wish to build.
DM Jeremy Wednesday August 19th, 2020 6:30:34 PM Neshi "That is an interesting philosophy my friend", the man says, "And depending on how you look at things, I guess their may be some truth to it. What the gods and powers consider gentle, or sometimes not so gentle nudges, may be seen as fate, or a lack of free will. That said, one can always ignore the nudges, which is free will, but bad things tend to happen when people make those decisions, thus the debate of the ages continues. Anyway, enough philosophy for one day, I have something for you, a gift for your devotion, and consistent heroism, as you will." With that, the man offers Neshi a pair of gauntlets made from red dragon scales. "I feel you are going to need these in the days to come!" Then in a blink of an eye, the man, and the campfire are gone, and Neshi is left standing alone holding the gifted gauntlets, a leg of roasted rabbit, and a feeling that his sabbatical has accomplished what it was supposed to do.
Osul and Owen Osul asks what to have for dinner, and Owen when suggests BBQ, runs off to deliver the message to James. Osul introduces himself to Grenad Blueshrub, Fleceil Waterslipper, and Lew Fernleaf. They both agree that Wiz-Bang will find the right name for his companion eventually.
Armand "Well," Grenad begins, "The safest place would be in the vault at the main branch at The Floating City, and we can certainly send it there via our book deposit, for safe keeping, if that seems good to you." Both Fleceil and Lew nod their agreement.
Elyngael "That sounds grand I would love to see the rest of the Wardens, and I love BBQ! Caleb answers as he follows Elyngael to Tree Warden HQ.
Vamir "In your current state, it would be hard to make the blood offering", Lady Watcher answers, "And of course we all gain equally from this. My Sisters and I lend you our power in exchange for your devotion, and the power we gain from that and your rituals." Vamir ends his Tree Shape spell, draws his dagger, and pricks his finger, allowing the requisite three drops of blood to fall to the ground. As he does so, his cauldron begins to vibrate violently. Melzat, ever the faithful companion, runs to his masters side, grabs the cauldron and begins to run away, fearing it may harm Vamir. When Melzat is about 30ft away, the cauldron explodes, raining down what looks like gold dust on the plant companion. The gold dust coats Melzat from head to roots, and as he tries to shake it off, instead of falling off, Melzat's body begins to absorb it. As his body absorbs the gold dust, the small sized plant companion begins to grow at an alarming pace, until he is the size of an ogre, at which point the growth spurt stops.
Yurr'Neshi(Kent) AC:26 (22) / T(23)18 / F(21)17; HP: 83/99 spell resistance energy resistance,mage armor, stone skin, bear's endurance Wednesday August 19th, 2020 6:56:05 PM
Before he could even give thanks to Eberyon, The king is departed leaving the fancy new gauntlets/gloves behind and Neshi's sense of having followed the right path, at least this time.
Slipping them on his hands, they fit like they were made for him, and he guesses that is the point. He heads back to the tree and arrives just in time to apparently join a BBQ.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 31 , HP 126/126 Wednesday August 19th, 2020 7:46:55 PM
Elyngael looks in to their home and asks James if he has seen any of the other Wardens. When she discovers most of them are still out and about she will check on Armand and see the Sages. "Hey Armand there is supposed to be a barbecue this evening. Are you coming?"
Owen Marcellus (Weston W.) AC: 18/14/14; HP: 49/101; CMD: 20; Fly, Mass Bear's Endurance, Stoneskin Wednesday August 19th, 2020 7:47:33 PM
Owen watches in shock at the changes to Vamir's companions. "Is... is everything alright over there?"
Armand (Robert D)AC 26/touch 11/flat 26 HP 104/104 CMD 23 Character Sheet Wednesday August 19th, 2020 8:20:06 PM "Well I could always eat some barbecue. Would you care to join us?" He asks the sages. "I imagine it will be a complete Tree thing."
Vamir (Wade) AC:27 T:21 FF: 19 CMD: 20 Hps: 103/107 Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Spiritual Healing, Heros Feast, Hide from Undead, Flying Broom, Wednesday August 19th, 2020 8:32:17 PM
Vamir watches the blood drip from his finger, barely noticing the shaking cauldron initially. As Melzat run off the witch yells after him to stop. As he sees the explosion, and sudden growth of his companion, "what has happened? Melzat, are you ok?" Vamir turns back to the blood on the ground, "Was this you? A gift from you?"
'Osul(Graham) AC:14 (T:13, FF:11), CMD:24, Saves:(F:12/R:7/W:16, RNL), HP:109/116, Wildshape(XVI):4/8, Lightning Lord:4/14, Storm Burst:8/10 Thursday August 20th, 2020 12:10:04 AM
'Osul works through the afternoon, with Owen and Wiz-Bang - they seem to make an effective team. He puts some time into fixing things (several Lenna's Greater Mending spells, plus Mending Orizon on tap, and contributing to Wiz-Bang's laborers) and consults widely (people pass by, and he asks them to ask specific people, etc.) about what to do about the ground where the battle and lead up took place. His idea is to get some earth elements to scour it back to rock and maybe set up an amphitheatre and/or return the space to open fields, or similar. If the residents are going to have to see this space everyday, then let it be something they can feel better about it being. That's for tomorrow.
Come an appropriate hour, he makes sure he, Owen and Wiz-Bang are headed for dinner.