DM Mark - "Can't see anything yet. Let's move slow and let it come to us." d20+9=20 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+9=13 ; d4+7=11 ; d20+9=21 ; d4+7=10 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+10=25 ; 2d6+4=9 ; 2d6+4=7 ; Wednesday October 28th, 2020 9:25:05 PM Rolth taunts his unseen adversary and then begins to sing to inspire his friends’ courage. He also moves into the larger . Kiwina moves up as well, and send a flare to the north end of the unseen area, briefly illuminating things. Elyas moves up a bit, trying to provide light for the others, and responds to the voice in the darkness. Mak sets his back against a wall and waits for a target. Falco moves up, as does Tzak and Esmerelda.
The light sources here are Elyas’ dagger the light that was cast on the shoulder piece of Mak’s armor. Briefly, Kiwina’s flare illuminates the area to the north, revealing two creatures in the darkness..
You hear a chittering voice from the darkness at the far (east) end of the room. ”“Whattt? You rejecttt pppower? Your pppride blinddds you ttto whattt is offereddd herrre. Your arrrrogance will be your dddownfall. Pittty. Madddness, dddespair and dddeath are all thattt awaittt you.”
At that point, two of the frog-like Deep Ones rise up from the water around the corner and attack Falco. This prompts Mak to shoot one, though his arrow is turne away by the rubbery hide of the thing (miss). Falco is hit once for 11 damage.
Two more attack Kiwina and miss.
Two more Deep Ones move toward Rolth, one attacks and hits Rolth for 10 damage.
Some weird things emerge from the south to attack Rolth, all careful not to provoke attacks as they move. They are some sort of hybrid thing - half liontaur with the lower part more an octopus. But the liontaur parts seem rather large. They slither forward on tentacles, striking at Rolth with large spears and hit twice for 9 and 7 damage.
Finally, the chittering thing emerges from the darkness in the back of cavern. It’s a hulking thing, almost like a big ambulatory lobster. It chitters again, casting a spell as an Obscuring Mist rises up in the cavern, granting obscuring within 5’, and blocking all sight beyond 10’.
”You cccan stttill surrrenderrr. There is stttill tttime ttto accpettt your rrroll in the new orderrr.”
------------------------------------- [i]Obscuring Mist - The vapor obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target).
Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.”
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/77 HP | AC:16 Touch: 10 CMD: 21) d4=1 ; d4=2 ; d3=1 ; d20+11=15 ; d20+6=22 ; d20+8=28 ; d20+8=10 ; d20+8=12 ; d20+8=18 ; d8+17=22 ; d8+17=23 ; d4+6=10 ; d4+6=7 ; d4+6=9 ; d100=55 d100=43 d100=46 d100=75 d100=55 Wednesday October 28th, 2020 9:52:42 PM
The deep one avoids the mirror images and hits Rolth for 5 hp damage, with 5hp more going to Falco. The first tentacletaur hits an image, but the second connects for 4hp (and 3hp more to Falco.)
Rolth continues inspire courage +1, and flies into a terrible rage, making power attacks against the southern tentacletaur that attacked him, turning to the northern one if it falls.
Morning star to hit +11 = 15, damage 1d8+17 = 22 miss chance = 55 hit Morning Star iterative to hit +6 = 22, damage 1d8+17 = 23 miss chance = 43 hit Paw 1 to hit +8 = 28, damage 1d4+6 = 10 miss chance = 46 hit Paw 2 to hit +8 = 12, damage 1d4+6 = 7 miss chance = 75 hit Bite to hit +8 = 18, damage 1d4+6 = 9 miss chance = 55 hit
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 5/12 rounds used (active) Rage 10/15 rounds used (active) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 30/100r used Mage Armor 31/600r used Mirror Image 7/40r used; 2 images remaining Bear’s Endurance 3/30r used Expeditious Retreat 18/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d20+12=17 ; d20+7=25 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+10=21 ; d20+10=25 ; d20+7=24 ; d20+7=20 ; d8+7=10 ; d8+7=12 ; d6+6=10 ; d6+7=10 ; d6+7=13 ; Wednesday October 28th, 2020 10:28:31 PM
Kiwina fights back against thr deep ones.
Including Rolth's inspiration and monstrous humanoid target: Trident - AC 17 for 10 damage Trident - AC 25 for 12 Light mace - AC 19 for 10 Hoof - AC 21 for 10 Hoof - AC 25 for 13 (Ignore 2x d20+7 rolls, needed to change die to d8 for trident damage) ===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: 1 ranger spell Storm burst: used 1/6 times =====
Mak(JamesM)(35/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB: Arrow|12/7/-/12(RS)/-|(Full,WF,WS,WT,PBS,IC,DA,RS)|1d8 + 13|Crit x3 d20+12=25 ; d8+13=14 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+12=19 ; d8+13=19 ; Thursday October 29th, 2020 8:31:42 AM
Mak had a choice, move back and in doing so give the Deep One a chance to swipe at him, or to just put it down now with the same chance it might take a swipe at him. He took a chance and fired point blank into the creature to his right.
"Let's clear out these close to us Tsak, and then see if we can move up a bit to help Rolth and Kiwina. Elyas, can you do something about that mist?"
OOC: Arrow 1(AO8), Roll 25, Hit; Damage 14 hp Arrow 2(AO8), Roll 12, Miss. Arrow 3(AO8), Roll 19, ??; Damage 19 hp
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 45/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 1/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L Thursday October 29th, 2020 12:30:00 PM
Falco squawks as he is suddenly attack and steps back a couple of steps. {Provoking} Once he has some space he whispers a spell and focusses on his attacker attempting to blind it. {Blindness/Deafness DC16}
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+13=33 ; d6+4=8 ; Thursday October 29th, 2020 6:52:46 PM I can't do anything about the mist this time! I'm running low on spells. But I think I have just the thing for tentacle monsters. More tentacles!
Elyas calls forth another patch of black tentacles, just past Rolth.
{centered almost where the mist is, but one space further Noth and one further east so that Rolth is just missed by it. Cmb is 33, with a nat 20. Anything caught takes 8 damage}
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Black tentacles (7 rounds)
DM Mark - "I think I have just the thing for tentacle monsters. More tentacles!" d20+7=11 ; d20+9=26 ; d4+7=8 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+9=23 ; d20=16 ; d20+7=19 ; d3=3 ; d20+7=13 ; d20+8=15 ; d20+3=14 ; d20+3=20 ; d20+3=6 ; d6+3=5 ; 2d6+4=12 ; d100=96 ; d100=10 ; Thursday October 29th, 2020 11:05:25 PM Rolth attacks and hits the thing Octopoid creature three times. Mak shoots, killing one as it falls back into the shallow water. Kiwina lashes out against the Deep Ones, killing one and deeply wounding another (no miss chance unless they’re in the mist. Falco backs up, provoking an attack. He takes 8 damage. Then he casts Blindness on one. He also remembers that he can’t get too far from Rolth. Inspired by the octopoid horrors, Elyas casts Black Tentacles. (I used a circle, it misses Rolth.)
The one Falco attempted to blind saves. Then he moves up to attack Mak, missing the archer.
The Black Tentacles has a devastating effect, killing one and grappling all the foes you can see in the tentacles.
Then you hear a ritualistic chittering in the fog. Everyone but Mak and Falco are affected negatively by a Prayer.
Rolth is stabbed by a spear for 12 damage, and missed three times.
A voice in the fog says, ”Fools. You shall learnnn the ccconseqqquences of opppposinggg thingggs you do nottt understttanddd.”
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’. Rolth, Kiwina, Tsak, Esmerelda, Elyas - Negative Prayer, -1 on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Deep-Ones have AC 16 D1 - Dam - 10+12+10 - dead D2 - Dam - 10+12 D3 - Dam - 14+19 - dead D4 - Dam - D5 - Grappled - Dam - 8 D6 - Grappled - Dam - 8
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrids have AC 18 H1 - Grappled - Dam - 8 H2 - Grappled - Dam - 23+10+9+8 - dead H3 - Grappled - Dam - 8 H4 - Dam -
C - Dam -
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d20+11=24 ; d8+6=9 ; d20+6=17 ; d8+6=8 ; d20+9=19 ; d6+5=9 ; d20+9=24 ; d6+6=12 ; d20+9=25 ; d6+6=12 ; Thursday October 29th, 2020 11:36:08 PM
Kiwina attacks D2 with his attack sequence, expecting to finish it off.
Trident hits AC 24 for 9 damage Trident - AC 17 for 8 Light mace - AC 19 for 9 Hoof - AC 24 for 12 Hoof - AC 25 for 12 ===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: 1 ranger spell Storm burst: used 1/6 times
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (56/77 HP | AC:17 Touch: 11 CMD: 22) d3=1 ; d20+9=24 ; d8+11=15 ; Friday October 30th, 2020 7:35:09 AM
Rolth takes 6hp and Falco takes the other from the attack that got past his mirror images. Assuming that his grappled foes cannot continue to use their two handed spears, and protected by mist and mirror images, he drops his rage and moves back to protect Elyas, possibly provoking from the foes he currently faces.
He continues to sing his inspiring song (Inspire Courage +1)
He takes one tired but still powerful swing at D4, connecting for 15 hp of damage.
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 7/12 rounds used (active) Rage 10/15 rounds used (inactive) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Fatigued 1/2r Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 32/100r used Mage Armor 33/600r used Mirror Image 9/40r used; 2 images remaining Bear’s Endurance 5/30r used Expeditious Retreat 20/40r used Negative Prayer -1 Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 39/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 1/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d20+9=23 ; d20+9=15 ; d6+3=5 ; d6+3=5 ; Friday October 30th, 2020 9:41:28 AM
Again feeling the pain from Rolth getting hit Falco both winces and is happy he cast that spell. With little else to do he fires a couple of arros at one of the enemies. {Attacking D4: Hit 23/15 Dam: 5/5}
Mak(JamesM)(35/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB: Arrow(14)|12/7/-/12(RS)/-|(Full,WF,WS,WT,PBS,IC,DA,RS)|1d8 + 13|Crit x3 d20+12=18 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+12=13 ; d8+13=18 ; d8+13=19 ; d8+13=18 ; Friday October 30th, 2020 11:27:10 AM
Mak stood his ground as the slimy deep one lashed out at him while he ducked a weaved to avoid those attacks. Even so he brought danger to himself as he fired three more arrows point blank at the fishy creature. Arrows flew about with one scoring a solid hit, as for the others Mak didn't see what happened with them as he dodged and loaded another arrow onto the bowstring.
OOC: Arrow 1 - D4, Roll 18, ??; Damage 18 Arrow 2 - D4, Roll 20, Hit; Damage 19 Arrow 3 - D4, Roll 13, ??; Damage 18
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) d20+18=25 ; d6+4=10 ; Friday October 30th, 2020 6:48:36 PM
Elyas looks grimly pleased with the sounds of his own conjured slithery tentacles, the crunching of crushed foes, the lamentation of their women...well, two out of three ain't bad.
The black tentacles continue their grisly work with a CMB of 25 (20 vs any new targets that enter into the area) for an additional 10 hp of damage.
"Tentacular!", he shouts as he withdraws ten feet, to a safe place just behind Mak where he can again cast spells unthreatened. (Withdraw action to avoid an AoO from D4)
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Black tentacles (5 rounds remain)
Tsak shuffles forward a few steps (move AT8) to help protect Kiwina's flank. He waits, prepared to strike at either H3 or D5 if either of them moves within range.
Esmerelda, yowling with rage, attacks D4. The flurry of fur and chaos does little to really damage the creature.
DM Mark - "I think I have just the thing for tentacle monsters. More tentacles!" d20+10=11 ; d100=99 ; d100=3 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+10=25 ; d20+10=15 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+5=11 ; 2d6+3=9 ; Saturday October 31st, 2020 12:54:25 AM Kiwina strikes out at the Deep One nearest him, killing it. Rolth pulls back from his position, and then hits a Deep One. This provokes two attacks which miss. Falco shoots the nearest opponent, hitting it twice. Mak shoots, provoking an attack that misses. He kills the thing with his first shot, but lacks any other target. Elyas listens to his enemies get strangles by his tentacles, and this somehow reminds him of a certain barbarian. :) Tzak moves up and readies an action to hit anything that approaches Kiwina.
The fighting seems to have stopped for a moment. Then there is some splashing, and a large creature appears at the edge of the mist. It’s one of the liontaur octopus hybrids, and it attacks Kiwina hitting him for 10 damage.
Tsak gets his readied action in and hit the thing for 10 damage.
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’. Rolth, Kiwina, Tsak, Esmerelda, Elyas - Negative Prayer, -1 on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Deep-Ones have AC 16 D1 - Dam - 10+12+10 - dead D2 - Dam - 10+12+9 - dead D3 - Dam - 14+19 - dead D4 - Dam - 15+5+5+18 - dead
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrids have AC 18 H1 - Dam - 8+10-11+10
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (56/77 HP | AC:17 Touch: 11 CMD: 22) d20+9=13 ; Saturday October 31st, 2020 4:57:45 PM
Rolth moves up beside Kiwina and takes another powerful swing at H1, but is too tired to make it count. He nevertheless continues to sing his inspiring fight song. (Power Attack, Inspire Courage +1)
To hit = 13, miss
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 8/12 rounds used (active) Rage 11/15 rounds used (inactive) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Fatigued 2/2r Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 33/100r used Mage Armor 34/600r used Mirror Image 10/40r used; 2 images remaining Bear’s Endurance 6/30r used Expeditious Retreat 21/40r used Negative Prayer -1 Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) d20+18=36 ; d6+4=10 ; Saturday October 31st, 2020 5:03:27 PM
Elyas moves up to be able to better support the front liners next round, and his conjured tentacles continue to crush any foes in their midst.
Black tentacles CMB = 36, or 31 vs those not already in their grapple; damage = 10
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Black tentacles (4 rounds remain)
Tsak twice lashes out at the hybrid creature in front of him, and twice misses. He can hear Rolth's labored panting behind him s he scans the mist for any other foes. The main enemy is in there somewhere, but for now he has lost track of it.
Esmerelda rushes over to hover behind Tsak looking for an opportunity to sink her claws into something soft and squishy.
Mak(JamesM)(35/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(16)|12/7/-/12(RS)/-|(Full,WF,WS,WT,PBS,IC,DA,RS)|1d8 + 13|Crit x3 d20+12=21 ; d20+7=13 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=17 ; d8+13=20 ; d8+13=21 Sunday November 1st, 2020 1:06:27 PM
Mak stayed in place and pumped more arrows across the way as he aimed for the abomination next to Kiwina.
OOC: Arrow 1. Roll 21, Hit; Damage 20 Arrow 2, Roll 13, Miss Arrow 3, Roll 32, Threat, Damage 21
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d20+11=26 ; d8+6=14 ; Sunday November 1st, 2020 8:33:00 PM
Kiwina had been planning on squeezing through this north passage until he was attacked. So he fights back after moving just a little bit. (Still, I think that's enough that he doesn't get a full attack).
Trident hits AC 26 for 14 damage
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: 1 ranger spell Storm burst: used 1/6 times
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 39/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 1/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d20+9=19 ; d6+3=7 ; Monday November 2nd, 2020 9:34:40 AM
Muttering under his beathj Falco slogs thorough the water to get behind Kiwana and Rolth. As he moves he fires off one shot knowing that even small amounts of damage can end a fight sometimes. {Hit: 19 | Dam: 7}
DM Mark - "I think I have just the thing for tentacle monsters. More tentacles!" d100=86 ; d100=11 ; d100=45 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+10=16 ; d20+10=15 ; 3d6+10=25 ; d20+11=22 ; 2d6+3=9 ; Monday November 2nd, 2020 4:29:10 PM Rolth moves up and strikes at the only opponent he can see. Well, mostly see as it is in the mist. He misses. Elyas moves up. He can only see his tentacles at the edge of the mist, though he can hear them splashing around unseen. Tzak attacks and misses, looking for any other foes. He thinks there must be more in the mist. Mak shoots three times, but only one arrow hits the thing. It falls dead. Kiwina finds she has no target now, nor does Falco.
The one liontaur hybrid (H1) falls. A few moments pass and then another (H3) breaks free of the grappling tentacles and moves up to attack Tsak. With a weird roar, it hits Tsak with a spear for 9 damage.
That same chittering voice echoes from somewhere up ahead. ”This ppplace is sacreddd. You dddo nottt unddderstttanddd. Your limittted minddds cccannottt cccomppprehenddd. Changgge is the new normalll. Whattt is means nothinggg. The time for kkkingdddoms and logiccc is through. A new orddderrr awakkkens anddd ittt will wash away all that cccame before.”
(Bear in mind that any creature in the mist has concealment, and has a 20% miss chance if you are next to them. If they are not within a 5 foot reach of you they have total concealment and cannot be seen. Of course, the tentacles do not suffer from this.)
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.”
Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Rolth, Kiwina, Tsak, Esmerelda, Elyas - Negative Prayer, -1 on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrids have AC 18 H3 - Dam - 7+10-15
Mak(JamesM)(35/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(16)|16/-/-/-/-|(WF,WS,WT,PBS,IC)|1d8 + 9|Crit x3 d20+16=26 ; d8+9=11 ; d100=61 ; Monday November 2nd, 2020 5:00:40 PM
Mak moved up a few feet and brought up his bow. Though he took his time to shoot the arrow and it hit more easily he was more concerned about hitting the abomination rather than hitting it in the most sensitive of locations.
OOC: Move to AP7 Arrow 1-H3, Roll 26, Concealment Roll 61, Hit; Damage 11
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) d20+18=35 ; Monday November 2nd, 2020 7:45:50 PM
Elyas is unimpressed with the ramblings of the mad creature in the mists. He is, however, concerned that it might be able to gain control of the mind of one of the Petals and turn him against his fellows. He moves up and touches Kiwina on his flank, muttering arcane words as he does so. "There, that should help"
(Protection from Evil, duration 70 rounds, +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus on saves, and other protections vs enchantment and contact with summoned creatures)
Meanwhile, the black tentacles continue to grapple any in their midst. (CMB =35, 30 vs those not already grappled)
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Black tentacles (3 rounds remain)
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (56/77 HP | AC:17 Touch: 11 CMD: 22) d20+14=17 ; Monday November 2nd, 2020 9:10:41 PM "Elyas, you are our most learned. Are these creatures Cecaelia, like that Aaroth fellow who we mopped the floor with back on Minotaur Island? It makes me want to sing songs that remind me of that great day!" He continues with his inspiring war song, slipping in clever calamari jokes as he goes. With a sudden inspiration, he wonders whether the mists extend below the water. He ducks below the surface and looks into the room to see whether he can see signs of our foes, than pops back up to report whatever he finds.
Perception = 17
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 9/12 rounds used (active) Rage 11/15 rounds used (inactive) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 34/100r used Mage Armor 35/600r used Mirror Image 11/40r used; 2 images remaining Bear’s Endurance 7/30r used Expeditious Retreat 22/40r used Negative Prayer -1 Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None Monday November 2nd, 2020 11:06:03 PM
DM: Highlight to display spoiler: {Obscuring Mist is one of the spells Kiwina has memorized. If he were to spend a Hero Point to do so, would Kiwina be able to use his spell to "counterspell" the mist and get rid of it?}
"Guys, do you think the mist more helps us or hurts us?" Kiwina asks. "Thanks, Elyas."
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: 1 ranger spell Storm burst: used 1/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 0/70 rounds
Mak(JamesM)(35/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(16)|16/-/-/-/-|(WF,WS,WT,PBS,IC)|1d8 + 9|Crit x3 d20+16=25 ; d8+9=14 ; Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 9:59:43 AM
Mak could hear the tentacles writhing in the mist and was certain that the mist was protecting them from ranged attacks while Elyas magic was ripping them to shreds.
"The mist is a boon!" Mak called out. "and a tactical error by the enemy. We should wait for them to emerge and take them down one at a time. If they decide to banish the mist before the tentacles are finished we can attack at range."
OOC: Assuming H3 is dead, Mak readies an attack against the next one to emerge. Readied Action, Arrow, Roll 25; Damage 14
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 39/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 1/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 10:19:38 AM
Falco takes a moment to try and get more information as no one is in desperate need of healing.
"As you say, change is life. I am an emissary or the Warper-sar the very embodiment of change and know of what I speak. What change do you see? Are you its causation or its wittness?"
He lets no arrows fly waiting to see if there is a response as the others battle.
Tsak slashes again at the horrible hybrid creature next to him. He thinks he hit it! Another slash goes awry.
DM Mark - "As you say, change is life." d6+4=9 ; d20+9=28 ; d100=76 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+4=21 ; d20+4=5 ; d20+4=21 ; 2d6+4=16 ; d6+3=8 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+9=15 ; Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 6:44:02 PM Mak moves up and shoots the thing, hitting in spite of the mist, and suggests a tactical retreat. Rolth asks Elyas what he knows about these creatures, wondering if they are some kind of Cecaelia. Then he ducks his head below the water to see if the mist extends below the surface. Alas, he cannot tell. The water is very murky and stings the liontaur’s eyes, having been stirred up by the movement and combat here. (Rolth will attack with -2 next round as he eyes water to flush out the particles.) Elyas casts Protection From Evil on Kiwina. He answers Rolth, ”They look like Cecaelia, but … different. I can see that they have gills on the side of their necks, but the fur is not aquatic. They look like more of an abomination - a unholy merging of liontaurs with an octopus than a creature adapted to water. Whatever they are, they’re not right.” Kiwina wonders if the mist is a hindrance and if he could perhaps dispel it using Obscuring Mist to counterspell it. (Counterspelling this way will not work with an already cast spell.) Falco responds to the chittering voice’s offer to accept change and join its cause. Tzak strikes the thing.
The awful tentacles continue to grapple creatures in the mist. They again grapple the hybrid creature you can see.
Still the thing attacks Tsak, hitting him with a spear for 16 damage and a tentacle for 8 damage. Tsak feels the tentacle wrap tightly around him as he is grappled! (Tsak only: Perception DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Tsak is alarmed to see that the wounds on the thing that holds him seem to close.})
(Grappled - A grappled creature is restrained. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. Escaping this grapple requires a DC 22 combat maneuver or escape artist check.)
The weird chittering voice responds to Falco’s words. ”This Warppperrr Sarrr will bow beforrre and be absorrrbeddd in the ccchaos or be destttroyedd in ittts wakkke, as will we all. All. Buttt you cccan join us anddd rrrule. Rrrule with us or be swepttt away.”
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’. Rolth, Kiwina, Tsak, Esmerelda, Elyas - Negative Prayer, -1 on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrids have AC 18 H3 - Grappled - Dam - 2+11+9+8-15
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (56/77 HP | AC:17 Touch: 11 CMD: 22) Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 10:03:03 PM
Rolth continues to sing his inspiring song, even as he wipes the muck from his eyes. He'll have to trust Kiwina and the others to free Tsak for the moment.
(Inspire Courage +1)
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 10/12 rounds used (active) Rage 11/15 rounds used (inactive) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 35/100r used Mage Armor 36/600r used Mirror Image 12/40r used; 2 images remaining Bear’s Endurance 8/30r used Expeditious Retreat 23/40r used Negative Prayer -1 Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d20+11=16 ; d8+6=12 ; Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 10:06:39 PM
Unable to see what's attacking Tsak without moving up, Kiwina moves until he can make out H3, then attacks with his trident.
Trident hits AC 16 for 12 damage
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: 1 ranger spell Storm burst: used 1/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 1/70 rounds
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d100=63 ; Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 10:07:26 PM
Oops. . . 63 on % to hit for the mist -- would hit (but not AC 18).
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) d20+6=7 ; d20+18=34 ; d6+4=7 ; Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 10:10:26 PM
Elyas lobs a blob of acid at the creature grappling Tsak, hoping that it is already near death after so much time in the tentacles, but it goes astray in the wild melee. The tentacles continue their crushing and rending.
(acid splash to hit = 7, miss) (Black tentacles grapple check = 34 (29 vs new targets) for 7hp of damage)
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Black tentacles (2 rounds remain)
Mak(JamesM)(35/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(15)|12/7/-/12(RS)/-|(Full,WF,WS,WT,PBS,IC,DA,RS)|1d8 + 13|Crit x3 d20+12=32 ; d20+12=27 ; d100=62 ; 3d8+36=45 ; Wednesday November 4th, 2020 8:32:21 AM
Mak saw his friend Tsak get pulled towards the mist by the hybrid thing and brought his bow up and fired. The shot was on target and deadly, Mak held his other shots unless another of the creatures escaped from the mist.
OOC: Arrow 1-H3, Roll 32, Concealment 62%, Crit; Damage 45 hp
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 39/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 1/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d20+9=29 ; d20+9=17 ; d20+9=15 ; d6+3=8 ; d6+3=9 ; d6+3=6 ; d6+3=9 ; d6+3=4 ; Wednesday November 4th, 2020 1:59:36 PM
With a small hurumph at the response Falco again lets arrows fly at the creature.
Tsak takes a wild swing as he struggles to keep his footing, escape its clutches and not get dragged under the water or into Elyas' mindless tentacles.
DM Mark - "It's got me! Shoot it! Kill it!" d20+9=12 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+9=24 ; d20+19=28 ; d20+20=24 ; 2d6+8=16 ; Wednesday November 4th, 2020 9:04:03 PM Rolth blinks to remove the watery debris from his eyes as he continues his inspiring song. Kiwina moves into the mist a bit to attack the thing. His blow hits home, hit trident raking the things arm. As Elyas tentacles continue their work as the mage lobs acid at the foe. It misses. Tzak yells about being grappled, swinging wildly. Mak steadies his aim and his arrow flies true! The arrow shoots the thing in the neck. Red blood pours from the gash as the large liontaur-octopus hybrid falls dead. Not to be outdone, Falco fires an arrow that pierces the things in the eye even as it falls. The creature’s tentacle around Tsak goes limp.
Once the creature falls, a hulking thing moves up to stand over the body seemingly ignoring the rubbery, black tentacles as they wrap around it.
It’s hard to see in the mist, but it looks to have a thick armored shell and pincer-like claws. It’s mouth has strange blue tentacles writhing between large mandibles. It strikes at Tsak with a claw, hitting the rogue. Though he was just released, Tsak finds he is once again grappled - this time by the creature's claw! Tsak takes 16 damage and is held fast.
(Grappled - A grappled creature is restrained. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. Escaping this grapple requires a DC 34 combat maneuver or escape artist check.)
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’. Rolth, Kiwina, Tsak, Esmerelda, Elyas - Negative Prayer, -1 on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrids have AC 18 H3 - Grappled - Dam - 15+12+45 - dead
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d20+7=17 ; d8+2=6 ; Wednesday November 4th, 2020 9:41:47 PM
Kiwina makes an attack with his trident and moves back five feet, hoping to draw this new creature out of the tentacles and to the edge of the mist.
Trident hits AC 17 for 6 damage
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: 1 ranger spell Storm burst: used 1/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 2/70 rounds
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) Wednesday November 4th, 2020 9:43:35 PM
Elyas, concerned that this thing might retreat back into the Black Tentacles with Tsak in its grasp, says words of power that dismiss the spell. The Black Tentacles fade back into the floor, their damage having been done! He then moves down to where he might be able to draw a bead on this new horror with magicks in the coming moments.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (56/77 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 10; CMD: 21) | d100=93 ; d20+12=17 ; d10+16=22 ; Wednesday November 4th, 2020 9:55:04 PM
Rolth switches to his glaive and lashes out powerfully at the armored abomination in a fit or rage. He continues to sing, although he is getting a little hoarse at this point. (Power attack, rage, reach, inspire courage +1)
Glaive to hit = 17, miss chance = 93 (no miss), damage = 22
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 11/12 rounds used (active) Rage 12/15 rounds used (active) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 36/100r used Mage Armor 37/600r used Mirror Image 13/40r used; 2 images remaining Bear’s Endurance 9/30r used Expeditious Retreat 24/40r used Negative Prayer -1 Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
DM Mark - "It's got me! Shoot it! Kill it!" Wednesday November 4th, 2020 10:32:25 PM
Oops. That negative Prayer spell that was affecting you ended this round. If that messed up Kiwina, Elyas or Rolth let me know.
Mak(JamesM)(35/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(14)|12/7/-/12(RS)/-|(Full,WF,WS,WT,PBS,IC,DA,RS)|1d8 + 13|Crit x3 d20+12=17 ; d100=15 ; d20+7=20 ; d100=90 ; d8+13=19 ; d12+12=19 ; d100=51 ; d8+13=20 ; Thursday November 5th, 2020 8:36:50 AM
The crab monster was half obscured in mist as it grabbed onto Tsak as Mak stood behind Falco and aimed at the beast from above his diminutive friends head. One, Two, Three arrows flew from Mak's bow.
The soldier was worried that the carapace armor of the crustaceanous abomination would prove too tough for his weapon, but the real challenge was that mist. He fired his first arrow and at the last moment Mak lost his target. He was committed however and the arrow vanished into the mist. Mak thought he heard the arrow plunk into the water in the distance.
His second arrow and third were on target and he was certain they hit, but he couldn't tell if the arrow penetrated the carapace armor to do any damage.
Mak wanted desperately to step forward a bit to get a better shot at the beast and save Tsak, but the rocks beneath his feet were too slippery. Mak stood where he was and hoped to do better with his next series of attacks.
OOC: Arrow 1, Roll 17, Concealment 15, Miss Arrow 2, Roll 20, Concealment 90, ??; Damage 19 Arrow 3, Roll 19, Concealment 51, ??; Damage 20
Fairly certain all these missed.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 39/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 3d6=8 ; Thursday November 5th, 2020 10:27:08 AM
Moving closer to Tsak Falco finds he is frustrated by large bodies and slow movement in water. Still he is in range to heal everyone, at least a bit. {Chennel Positive: 8} As the power flows out he shouts.
"I need to get to Tsak, stop clogging up everything that was my last channel!"
Is that all you've got you ugly mongrel? You'll have to do better than that mate!
Tsak is talking a big game but he can feel the power of this thing, it's on a whole other level than the weird OctoTaur hybrid. He slashes with his falchion but without the power of a stable stance his strike bounces off the armoured hide.
DM Mark - "Join and embbbrrrace the ccchaos." d100=57 ; d8+7=9 ; Thursday November 5th, 2020 6:15:13 PM Kiwina attacks the thing, but its shell is pretty tough and turns away his blow. He backs up, hoping to draw the creature forward. Elyas dismisses the Black Tentacles, fearful this creature may use it against the party. Elays hears a satisfying cry of anger when this happens. Rolth tries to hit it, but his glave glances off the hard shell. Mak shoots and all his blows miss. He’s not sure if it was the mist or the armor of the thing. (Mak’s blows were not high enough, but Mak would have had to move south one square to even see it at the edge of the mist.) Falco channels energy, healing his friends, and shouts for the others to move so he can get to the rogue. Tzak strikes at the thing, but the tough shell turns away the blow.
You hear a chittering from this creature and an answer somewhere in the mist along with the splashing sounds of movement back there. Then it speaks in a language you understand.
”Aaaaahh. You are cccleverrr to spppare your frienddd your tttentttacccles. Stttill, he is nottt free of tttentttacccles yettt. Resistttance is futttile. Join us in the cccoming ccchaos. I cccan makkke you an amulettt to lettt your minddd tttouch whattt is ccccoming. A pppiece of the dddeeppp is here to empppowerrr this. Join. Join and embbbrrrace the ccchaos.
Even as he says this, the hulking creature steps forward to the edge of the mist. Then you see something more horrific. The blue tentacles from it’s mouth emerge further as poor Tsak is transferred from the claw to the creature’s mouth, now held fast by these blue tentacles. The creature’s mandibles crush Tsak for 9 more damage as he is held, and Tsak must make a DC 20 Fort save or be paralyzed.
Kiwina finds out what the splashing sound was as two of the frog-like Deep Ones run up on her flank. If Kiwina has reach, she gets an AOO against the Deep One. Also, since the Chuul had to use a move action to move up, Tsak can make an AOO.
([i]Grappled - A grappled creature is restrained. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. Escaping this grapple requires a DC 34 combat maneuver or escape artist check.)
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Deep-Ones have AC 16 D5 - Grappled - Dam - 7 D6 - Grappled - Dam - 7
The Chuul has AC 26, and concealment in the mist. C - Dam -
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) d100=38 ; d100=27 ; d20+7=16 ; d20+7=12 ; 4d6=17 ; 4d6=14 ; Thursday November 5th, 2020 8:47:41 PM
Elyas moves around for a better angle and fires a pair of scorching rays at the Chuul. "Embrace my fire, you aberrant beast!"
miss chance = 38 & 27, both potential hits ray 1 to hit vs touch AC = 16, damage = 17 ray 2 to hit vs touch AC = 12, damage = 14
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Protection from Evil (on Kiwina )
Rolth Niheow(BatMark) (64/77 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 10; CMD: 21) d20+12=20 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=16 ; d20+10=29 ; d4+4=7 ; d100=69 ; Thursday November 5th, 2020 8:56:48 PM
Rolth continues to sing his fighting song, while making a furious full attack on the Chuul. He holds off on the power attack, knowing that this beast it tough to strike well. Despite his many attempts, only his savage bite strikes home. "Tastes like lobster, somebody get me some butter!" (Inspire Courage +1, rage)
Glaive to hit +12 = 20, damage 1d8+11 = miss, miss chance = Glaive iterative to hit +7 = 12, damage 1d8+11 = miss, miss chance = Paw 1 to hit +10 = 17, damage 1d4+4 = miss, miss chance = Paw 2 to hit +10 = 16, damage 1d4+4 = miss, miss chance = Bite to hit +10 = 29, damage 1d4+4 = 7, miss chance = 69 (hit)
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (active) Rage 13/15 rounds used (active) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 37/100r used Mage Armor 38/600r used Mirror Image 14/40r used; 2 images remaining Bear’s Endurance 10/30r used Expeditious Retreat 25/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d20+8=21 ; d20+3=10 ; d20+6=12 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=8 ; Thursday November 5th, 2020 11:16:50 PM
Kiwina hesitates momentarily while deciding whether to attack the crab-thing or the frog-thing. Then he lays into the crab-thing because it has Tsak. Unfortunately, none of his blows are effective.
"Auntie", he tells the air, "I'm going to need your help with these frogs behind me." (Prepping for the spirits to cast a spell next round.)
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: 1 ranger spell Storm burst: used 1/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 3/70 rounds
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(11)|16/11/-/-/-|(Full,WF,WS,WT,PBS,IC)|1d8 + 9|Crit x3 d20+16=23 ; d20+11=16 ; Friday November 6th, 2020 8:25:25 AM
This creature was hard to hit and in Mak's mind his choice to slow his rate of fire and aim for center of mass would be the only way to penetrate the creatures armor. Mak pulled back on his bow and tried to time the release of his arrows with the creature emerging from the mist as it attacked his friends. The first arrow glanced off the armored creature the second went wide when he had to redirect his arrow at the last moment to avoid hitting Tsak.
OOC: Not certain about concealment. Going to assume 20%, but will include the rolls. Arrow 1 - C, Roll 23, Miss. No need to roll concealment. Arrow 2 - C, Roll 16, Miss.
Elyas had used almost all his spells, Mak was almost out of arrows, and Falco had used the last of his godly channeling ability. In Mak's mind it was looking grim as thoughts of that fateful battle ran through his mind. Mak set his feet and pulled out another arrow...
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 39/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d20+9=25 ; d20+9=25 ; d6+3=9 ; d6+3=5 ; Friday November 6th, 2020 1:08:13 PM
Falco is beside himself as he sees what is happening and knows there is little he can do to heal. Instead he just continues firing arrows.
Oh no, not again! thinks Tsak as he feels that familiar sensation creep across his body, which now refuses to obey the orders that his brain is screaming.
This might be it? he wonders. He can still feel the pain from his many wounds and hear the efforts of his friends.
All he can see is the blue tentacle wrapped across his face, and all he can smell is death...
DM Mark - "Tastes like lobster, somebody get me some butter!" d20+33=51 ; d8+7=9 ; d6=6 ; d20+19=20 ; d20+19=25 ; 2d6+8=13 ; 2d6+8=15 ; d20+19=25 ; d20+19=33 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+9=27 ; d4+7=9 ; d4+7=11 ; d4+7=8 ; Friday November 6th, 2020 11:48:05 PM Elyas fires a couple of Scorching Rays at the thing, and he can see that they cause damage. Being rays, they only burn away tiny holes in the Obscuring Mist. Rolth strikes several times and is able to sink his teeth into the thing. He continues to inspire his friends. Kiwina’s blows miss, and he calls on the spirits for help. Mak misses his shots. (Mak must move south at least one square to even have a shot. From where he is now the Chuul has total concealment.) Falco shoots but misses. Tzak fails his save and is paralyzed. (T1)
(There is a lot going on here and there are enemies on two fronts. Since Ben is not here to play Elyas, it might be a good idea to take a look at his remaining spells. Also Esmerelda can probably be directed to move if she is in anyone’s way.)
A Deep One attacks Kiwina twice, hitting him once for 9 damage. You can see another behind it. They speak to each other in that strange burbling language.
The Chuul maintains his grapple on Tsak long enough to inflict 9 more damage with his mandables before he drops the rogue’s limp body into the water. Luckily he lies on his back and is not drowning. In his prone, paralyzed state Tsak is not an obstacle, but is difficult terrain.
Then the Chuul turns its attention to Kiwina. Kiwina is hit twice for 13 and 15 damage. She is also grappled by both claws.
”Fools. Your attttackkks wasttte your opportttunittty. I cccan tttransform you, makkke you aqqquatttic if you wish. With your stttrength, you cccan be useful. Any of you cccan turn on the otherrrs and you will be saveddd for gggrrreattterrr ggglory.”
([b]Grappled - A grappled creature is restrained. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. Escaping this grapple requires a DC 33 combat maneuver or escape artist check.)
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Deep-Ones have AC 16 D5 - Grappled - Dam - 7 D6 - Grappled - Dam - 7
The Chuul has AC 26, and concealment in the mist. C - Dam -17+14+7
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) 5d4=14 ; Saturday November 7th, 2020 7:42:45 AM "There's more where that came from, you monster! Esmerelda, give me room!" Elyas moves up to AT9 and launches a 15' burst fan of flame from his fingertips, washing over the Chuul and burning off the mist in the area, while passing safely above the rigid form of Tsak.
(Burning Hands =14 hp, DC 16 save for half)
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Protection from Evil (on Kiwina )
Rolth Niheow(BatMark) (64/77 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 10; CMD: 21) d20+11=13 ; d20+6=12 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=22 ; d4+3=5 ; Saturday November 7th, 2020 7:58:32 AM
Rolth takes advantage of the lifting mists and the creature's grappled condition to try to land another series of furious blows, but still has trouble getting through its thick shell (rage, full attack) His singing voice cracks and the song ends as he rasps for breath. His fury continues, but even that seems to be coming to an end. "Must end this soon, or the Petals may be no more!" (Inspire Courage ends)
Glaive to hit +11 = 13, damage 1d8+10 = Glaive iterative to hit +6 = 12, damage 1d8+10 = Paw 1 to hit +9 = 20, damage 1d4+3 = Paw 2 to hit +9 = 27, damage 1d4+3 = 5 Bite to hit +9 = 22, damage 1d4+3 =
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 14/15 rounds used (active) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 38/100r used Mage Armor 39/600r used Mirror Image 15/40r used; 2 images remaining Bear’s Endurance 11/30r used Expeditious Retreat 26/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d20+3=4 ; d20+3=9 ; d20+3=8 ; Saturday November 7th, 2020 12:47:44 PM
Auntie casts a spell. There's not much she can do, and Kiwina asked for help with the frog-things, so she decides to bring an eagle to the fight.
If the eagle is able to attack this round, it attacks D5. If not, these rolls may apply next round: Talon - AC 4, miss Talon - AC 9, miss Beak - AC 8, miss
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 5/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Hastened Saturday November 7th, 2020 10:13:56 PM
Tsak is inspired by Rolth's song and in his mind he jumps up and fells the foul creature with a mighty blow. Unfortunately his body remains an inert collapsed heap lying in fetid water in a hidden cave on a tiny island in the middle of a big blue ocean. Oh well, he thinks, at least this time I'm face up.
Esmerelda is startled by Elyas appearing behind her yelling, she jumps forward onto Tsak's chest and stands there hissing at the creature which felled him.
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d20+7=10 ; d20+2=8 ; d20+5=13 ; d20+5=8 ; d20+5=21 ; d6+2=5 ; Sunday November 8th, 2020 2:45:00 PM
Faced with an opponent he can hardly hit, Kiwina changes tactics and tries to take out D6 while he still can.
He doesn't do very well in his grappled state: Trident: AC 10 Trident: AC 8 Light Mace: AC 13 Hoof: AC 8 Hoof: AC 21 for 9 damage (including bonus vs monstrous humanoids not included with the roll) ===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: (used) Storm burst: used 1/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 4/70 rounds
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) Sunday November 8th, 2020 6:31:51 PM
(Addendum: Just in case precision matters and Elyas' intentions weren't clear, the cone of the burning hands is in squares AT6-8, AU7-8, and AV8, bursting up and out from the intersection at AS-AT/8-9, one vertical square above the paralyzed Tsak and faithful Esmerelda.)
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None Sunday November 8th, 2020 8:14:13 PM While he grapples one of us, the Chuul also gains the grappled condition. Should make it easier to hit.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(9)|15/-/-/-/-|(WF,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8 + 8|Crit x3 d20+15=22 ; Monday November 9th, 2020 8:31:29 AM
Mak had already resigned himself to a limit of one shot at a time so he took a chance and moved up five feet closer. He knew was just not accurate enough when shooting in rapid fire, so he slowly drew a bead on the aberration and let the arrow fly. Again his arrow glanced off the hard chitinous shell of the creature.
OOC: Move to AQ7 Arrow - C, Roll 22, Miss.
Mak's free hand drifted to his family blade as he considered wading into the fray with a sword then Elyas spell triggered and a gout of flame washed over the area. Mak decided to stay back.
**Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Training, Point Blank Shot
DM Mark - "There's more where that came from, you monster!" d20+7=16 ; d100=68 ; d100=31 ; d20+18=34 ; 2d6+8=12 ; d8+7=9 ; d20+9=19 ; d4+7=8 ; Monday November 9th, 2020 5:53:23 PM Elyas warns Esmerelda before he straddles the small cat to cast Burning Hands at the Chuul cleric. The Chuul makes his save (yes, I subtracted for Dex and the grappled condition.) The paralyzed Tsak lays in the water and he takes no damage as the fire roars over him. He feels the nearby heat and steam rises from his wet body. The fire managed to burn away some of the mist, removing the Chuul’s concealment! Rolth hits once for 5 damage. Kiwina calls on the natural spirits in this place so summon an Eagle which attacks the Deep One. It does not hit, but it is a helpful distraction. Tzak (T2) lays there in the shallow water with his eyes open as fire shoots over him. Esmerelda creeps forward to lay on Tzak’s chest and hiss threateningly at the Chuul. Mak shoots and misses. Falco - (Waiting to see if Falco took an action this round, but the DM does note that Falco’s previous two arrows did hit as the creature did have the grappled condition which lowered its Dex by 4.)
The Chuul Cleric chitters in a voice you do not understand and the hybrid creature that appeared briefly behind the Deep Ones moves away again toward it’s master. One of the Deep Ones attacks Kiwina, hitting him for 8 damage.
Then the Chuul says in common, ”You fighttt well. You will be valuabbble thralls. You cccould cccome willingly, but the pppowerrr of the dddeeppp cccan benddd you ttto ittts will if necessarrry. Stttoppp your fighttting and we cccan tttalk.”
As it says this, it transfers Kiwina to the blue tentacles hanging from its mouth. He also takes 9 damage from the creatures mandibles. Kiwna must make a DC 20 Fort save or be paralyzed. If he is not paralyzed, Kiwina is still grappled and can either attack or attempt to break or escape the grapple.
Then the thing reaches a claw out to Rolth, hitting him for 12 damage.
(Grappled - A grappled creature is restrained. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. Escaping this grapple requires a DC 33 combat maneuver or escape artist check.)
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Deep-Ones have AC 16 D5 - Grappled - Dam - 7 D6 - Grappled - Dam - 7+9
The Chuul has AC 24, and concealment in the mist. C - Dam -38+9+5+7+5
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (64/77 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 10; CMD: 21) d3=2 ; d20+12=16 ; d20+7=10 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=21 ; d4+3=5 ; Monday November 9th, 2020 7:43:28 PM
Rolth lets out a roar of laughter when the thing's claw closes on a mirror image instead of his body. He returns to the attack with a blur of motion of glaive, paw, and maw. But once again the thing's armor deflects most of his blows, with only one paw landing. Against any lesser foe, it would have been a mortal wound, but here and now, it barely reached the flesh of the crusty critter.
Paw to hit = 29 (crit not confirmed), damage = 5
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (active) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 39/100r used Mage Armor 40/600r used Mirror Image 16/40r used; 1 image remaining Bear’s Endurance 12/30r used Expeditious Retreat 27/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) Monday November 9th, 2020 7:53:53 PM
Elyas moves to the rear with Mak and draws upon his pearl of power to recall his magic missile spell for future use.
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Protection from Evil (on Kiwina )
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d20+18=28 ; d20+6=8 ; d20+1=6 ; d20+4=23 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+4=13 ; Monday November 9th, 2020 11:32:35 PM
(Fortitude = 28, expending a hero point (5 remain), should be 30 with the protection from evil)
Kiwina turns his attention back to the Chuul. Although he has little chance of hitting it, that is not the same as no chance.
Trident - AC 8, miss Trident - AC 6, miss Light Mace - AC 23, miss Hoof - AC 14, miss Hoof - AC 13, miss
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: (used) Storm burst: used 1/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 5/70 rounds
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 5/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Hastened Tuesday November 10th, 2020 2:29:58 AM
Tsak watches as Kiwina is wrapped in blue tentacles, the big fella starting to go slack as the fiend works its magic. Dear god, he thinks, dont drop him on top of me...
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(8)|11/6/-/11(RS)/-|(Full,WF,WS,WT,PBS,DA,RS)**|1d8 + 12|Crit x3 d20+11=20 ; d8+12=19 ; d20+6=22 ; d8+12=13 ; d20+11=31 ; d20+11=16 ; 3d8+36=48 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 8:27:13 AM
Mak was done. He was running out of arrows and he wasn't being very effective against the Chuul, so he pivoted on a toe and fired at the deep ones in the narrow passageway. Three arrows shot across the intervening distance to pierce the rubbery hides of the monsters.
OOC: Arrow 1 - D6, Roll 20, Hit; Damage 19 hp Arrow 2 - D6, Roll 22, Hit; Damage 13 hp Arrow 3 - D5, Roll 31, Crit(16 Confirms); Damage 48 hp
With the two dead Mak readied himself to run through the gap.
Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 6 | Status: None d20+5=7 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 8:43:32 AM
The eagle flies around to attack the Chuul from AV6. If it makes it, the attack fails but it may provide a flanking bonus.
Attack: Beak - AC 7
Eagle AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size) hp 5 (1d8+1)
Note: Eagle has only one more round of action before it disappears.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 39/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 2d8+7=15 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 9:56:12 AM
Falco snaps out of his dace and moves to Tsak who is laying in the water. As he moves he whispers a plea to the warper-sar and casts Cure Moderate Wound on Tsak.
DM Mark - "There's more where that came from, you monster!" d20+9=10 ; d8+7=10 ; d20+18=27 ; 2d6+8=20 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 12:29:10 PM Rolth laughs at Chuul, and manages to hit him once. Elyas uses a Pearl of Power to recall the spell Magic Missile. Mak turns and fires some at the Deep Ones, killing them both. Kiwina’s eagle leaves the Deep One, provoking an AOO which misses. It flies into the mist to provide a flanking bonus to Kiwina. As it does so it notices another large creature in the mist. But that flanking bonus is enough that Kiwina’s swing with that light mace actually hits. Please roll his damage. Falco casts a cure spell on Tsak, healing him for Tzak (T3) “lay there like a slug. It was his only defense.”
The two Deep Ones lay dead. The Chuul notices, and its eyes fix on Mak for a moment.
The one hybrid creature you saw for a moment appears moves next to the Chuul and it’s octopoid tentacles reach out to wrap around Tsak. Tsak is grabbed. The movement will provoke an AOO at 20% miss chance from the eagle, and the grab will provoke an AOO from Esmerelda.
The Chuul holds Kiwina fast in its blue tentacles and he must again make a DC 20 Fort save or be paralyzed. Kiwina also takes 10 damage from the things mandibles as it chews on the centaur. On the plus side, since it has Kiwina in its mouth you’re spared it’s litany encouraging you to submit.
The Chuul strikes Rolth with a claw for 20 damage. Fortunately for Rolth, it can only grapple one large creature at a time.
(Grappled - A grappled creature is restrained. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. Escaping this grapple requires a DC 33 combat maneuver or escape artist check.)
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Deep-Ones have AC 16 D5 - Grappled - Dam - 7 - dead D6 - Grappled - Dam - 7+9 - dead
The Chuul has AC 24, and concealment in the mist. C - Dam - 64+5
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrid has AC 18 H4 - Dam -
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:30(AO)/26/19T/17FF|CMD 29|Rapier, MW(5)|-/-/-/-/-|(Adamantine-MW, Weapon Finesse)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 Tuesday November 10th, 2020 2:02:31 PM "For Tsak!" Mak cried out as he surged forward and picked up his feet to dash through the water heroically past Kiwina, over top of the dead deep ones and around the pillar of rock. As he did so he drew his adamantine rapier as he completed his charge into the mist to attack the Chuul from behind.
OOC: Burning 1 HP to triple move to AU5 and get into a flanking position. He'd charge but I think the rules for charging prohibit him from attacking this round. He will be taking a full defense position however, see his AC.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:24(AO)/20/13T/15FF|CMD 23|Rapier, MW|14/-/-/-/-|(Adamantine-MW, Weapon Finesse)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 d20+14=31 ; d6+3=6 ; d100=38 Tuesday November 10th, 2020 2:17:01 PM
OOC: If you allow Mak to attack at the end of his charge with his rapier see the stats in the subject line and the following attack.
Rapier - Chuul, Roll 31, Concealment Roll 38, Hit; Damage 6 hp.
DM Mark - Charge has a few limitations so normally you could not. But since you're burning a Hero Point what the heck. Go ahead and attack. However, if you do attack you will not have total defense, so your AC will not be 30. You're choice.
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) 4d4+4=15 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 7:00:15 PM
Elyas can see the chuul clearly enough now to want to use his regained magic missile on it--so he does!
(magic missile = 15hp of force damage to the chuul)
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (64/77 HP | AC: 17; Touch: 11; CMD: 22) d100=98 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+3=21 ; d20+6=8 ; d20+6=16 ; d20+6=21 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 7:15:40 PM
Rolth gives another tired laugh as the last mirror image soaks up yet another claw attack from the chuul before winking out. With the adrenaline rush from his rage gone, he tiredly swipes at the monster, but his fatigue makes him as weak and ineffectual as a mewling kitten.
(All misses!)
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Fatigued 1/8 rounds Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 40/100r used Mage Armor 41/600r used Bear’s Endurance 13/30r used Expeditious Retreat 28/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 2/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None d6+2=6 ; d6+3=6 ; d20+3=10 ; d20+5=18 ; d20+5=7 ; d20+5=9 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+8=28 ; d20+8=11 ; d20+3=4 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+5=17 ; d20+5=9 ; d8+2=7 ; d6+1=2 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 7:33:56 PM
Damage from the light mace last round: 5 (should have used +1 for the off-hand weapon) AoO from the eagle on the motion in the mist: AC 10 ... This round, the eagle attacks the Chuul (or tries): Beak - AC 18 Talon - AC 7 Talon - AC 9 ... Kiwina is very much at the stick (down to 2 hit points, now corrected in the header).
Fort save = 20, success (including +2 from the PfE)
Trapped in the mandibles of this hard-shelled monstrosity, Kiwina has few options but to go out fighting.
(Rolls to hit include -2 for grappled but +2 for flanking and +1 for MW weapons) Trident - AC 28 (crit not confirmed), 7 damage Trident - AC 4 Light Mace - AC 26 (crit not confirmed), 2 damage Hoof - AC 17 Hoof - AC 9
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: (used) Storm burst: used 1/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 6/70 rounds
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 20/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Hastened Wednesday November 11th, 2020 3:51:46 AM
Using all his willpower Tsak tries to give Elyas a thumbs up. The thumb stubbornly refuses to move. Hopefully the mage will see it in his eyes.
Trying to relax in spite of his situation Tsak's thoughts go to plum pudding in custard, with eggnog or spiced rum. Patiently he imagines mouthfuls of sweet dessert as he waits for normality to resume its usual service...
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 39/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d20+9=11 ; d20+9=22 ; d6+3=9 ; d6+3=8 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 8:29:54 AM
Thinking Tsak is as well as he can be made at the moment Falco fires off a pair of arrows before moving to get near Kiwana.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:24(AO)/20/13T/15FF|CMD 23|Rapier, MW|14/-/-/-/-|(Adamantine-MW, Weapon Finesse)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 Wednesday November 11th, 2020 8:41:44 AM
OOC: Mak attacked at the end of his charge.
Rapier - Chuul, Roll 31, Concealment Roll 38, Hit; Damage 6 hp.
DM Mark - "There's more where that came from, you monster!" d8+7=12 ; d20+13=20 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 12:00:40 PM Mak cries out as he heroically charges around the corner and hits the Chuul with his rapier. Elyas summons bolts of force that smack into the thing’s shell, damaging the creature. Rolth’s fatigue slows impedes his attacks and they miss. Kiwina resists the paralytic poison from the creature and strikes back, hitting it twice. Falco shoots a couple of arrows at the thing. Tzak (T4) tries to overcome the toxins still paralyzing his body to give Esmerelda a thumbs-up but cannot.
Kiwina takes 12 points of damage from the Chuul’s mandibles and falls limp. The Chuul drops the dying centaur in the water. The Chuul attempts to cast a spell defensively, and fails! ”You fools! Lettt me go from herrre. Whattt is cccoming dddependdds on .... I cccannottt fail. I was given spppecial ppprivilege. Join us! Grrreattt pppowerrr awaittts you! I will makkke sure you rrrule these isles! Pppower and rrriches will be yours!”
The hybrid creature uses the tentacle it wrapped around Tsak the round before and pulled the paralyzed rogue back into the mist.
(Grappled - A grappled creature is restrained. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. Escaping this grapple requires a DC 33 combat maneuver or escape artist check.)
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Chuul has AC 24 C - Dam - 69+5+15+7+2+6
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrid has AC 18 H4 - Dam -
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (58/71 HP | AC: 17; Touch: 11; CMD: 22) d20+8=22 ; d20+3=19 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+6=21 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 1:23:28 PM
Rolth is dismayed to see Tsak hauled off into the mists, it feels like a Petal has been plucked from the bloom. Kiwina's fall is another heavy blow. Seeing no path to rescue Tsak, Rolth punctuates his further fruitless swings against the Chuul with some words of his own. "On whose behalf do you make such offers? What power do you speak of? Has Nantyr joined your cause?"
(all attacks miss)
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Fatigued 2/8 rounds Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 41/100r used Mage Armor 42/600r used Bear’s Endurance 14/30r used Expeditious Retreat 29/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Tsak feels himself dragged across the wet rocky ground. The movement is so sudden and violent that Esmerelda is knocked off his chest, but not before slashing at the offending tentacle. She lets out a yowl of rage asher attacks miss and Tsak is dragged into the mist.
(AAC should I be rolling every turn to try to escape the paralysis or does it just take so many turns to wear off?)
Kiwina (Steve M) -10/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 5 | Status: None d20-7=1 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 7:46:54 PM
Constitution check: 1 (fail)
If permitted by the DM, Kiwina's spirit friends spend a hero point to cast CLW on him (a druid spell that he can cast but no longer has memorized).
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) d4+2=5 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 7:52:59 PM
Elyas realizes that Rolth is the last bulwark between him, Falco, and the Chuul, and so renews the mirror images that have been so instrumental in keeping Rolth in the fight. Five new images appear around the taur.
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, [i]bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Protection from Evil (on Kiwina ) Mirror Image (on Rolth)
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|14/9/-/-/-|(Full,Adamantine-MW, Weapon Finesse,Flk)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 d20+14=16 ; d20+9=16 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 8:21:47 AM
Mak heard Rolth question the Chuul, but wasn't deterred at all in his attempt to vanquish the abomination. That it was willing to talk at all suggested to him that it was on the ropes. Mak ducked in and sliced his ebon blade in a vicious strike, unfortunately the momentum from his charge had put some goo or mud under his feet and without solid purchase he missed with the flourish of attacks.
Unknown to him however Tsak was being dragged back opposite the Chuul, but Mak was committed to keep the creature off balance so that his friend Rolth could take advantage of the distraction he was providing to the Chuul.
OOC: Flanking Attack 1 - Chuul, Roll 16, Miss Attack 2 - Chuul, Roll 16, Miss
**Full Attack, Flanking
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 39/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 2d8+7=20 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 12:32:47 PM "Blast it all."
Falco moves up beside Kiwana, cursing the water that slows him. He quickly sacrifices another spell to bring healing to his fallen companion.
DM Mark - "There's more where that came from, you monster!" d20+18=29 ; d20+18=33 ; 2d6+8=16 ; 2d6+8=17 ; d20+19=24 ; d20+19=27 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 8:23:12 PM Rolth asks the Chuul some questions even as he attacks the thing. His blows bounce off the creature’s shell. Tzak is dragged across the ground, and feels himself being tied up with something. Interestingly the thing tying him up makes sure he does not drown. Esmerelda attacks and misses. Mak attacks but misses. Kiwina tries to heroically push through his paralysis to will his ancestral spirits to help him. (I’m willing to cut you some slack since you’re using hero point, but Kiwina is trying to circumvent too many limitations here - taking an action while paralyzed, having the spirits act immediately, using a once per day ability a second time. Kiwina will need to make a DC 10 Wisdom Check to will these spirits cast CLW next round.) Falco moves up and heals Kiwina for 20 points. Elyas considers casting Mirror Image on Rolth, but suddenly remembers that he cannot cast it on another person (target is “you”.)
”Nantttyr? Many have joineddd ourrr cccause. Names arrre irrrrelevanttt. Pitrry you cccannottt see the wisdddom of joining us.”
The Chuul attacks Rolth twice, hitting him for 16 and 17 damage. Rolth is also grappled by one of the claws.
(Grappled - A grappled creature is restrained. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. Escaping this grapple requires a DC 33 combat maneuver or escape artist check.)
------------------------------------- Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Chuul has AC 24 C - Dam - 104
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrid has AC 18 H4 - Dam -
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) 7d6=20 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 9:09:08 PM
Elyas' face flushes in mixed shame and anger. "What, have I only been a wizard for ten days? Grrr." Digging deep, he pulls the memory of his last lightning bolt back into his mind. Not something he could normally do, but in a combination of desperation and embarrassment, he makes it happen. (Use a hero point to recall lightning bolt.)
He moves to the other side of Falco, and then launches the lightning bolt over the prone Kiwina and into the face of the large chuul (in the square 5'-10' above the floor, knowing that medium sized allies might be beyond it in the mist, straight out along row 6.)
(20hp of damage, DC 18 Reflex save for half)
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, [i]bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Protection from Evil (on Kiwina )
Used 1 Hero Point
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) d20+8=20 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 9:21:04 PM
(Rolth takes 17hp of damage and Falco takes 16 through Shield Other)
Rolth, startled by the sudden flash of lightning, nevertheless manages to draw his morning star and continue flailing tiredly at the chuul that has him caught in its claw. Unsurprisingly, he misses the mark yet again.
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Grappled Fatigued 3/8 rounds Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 42/100r used Mage Armor 43/600r used Bear’s Endurance 15/30r used Expeditious Retreat 30/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:28(AO)/24(FD)/17T/17FF|CMD 27|Rapier, MW|10/5/-/-/-|(Full,Adamantine-MW, Weapon Finesse,DEF,Flk)**|1d6 + 3| d20+10=18 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+5=20 ; d6+3=9 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 9:39:19 PM
Mak attacked, but he was holding back. Still he managed to hit the creature once.
OOC: Attack 1 - Chuul, Roll 18, Miss Attack 2 - Chuul, Roll 25, Threat; Damage 9 Hp
**Fighting Defensively, Full Attack, Flanking
Kiwina (Steve M) 9/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None d20+3=8 ; d20+7=8 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 10:44:09 PM Kiwina's will roll for influencing the spirits last round: 8 -- Hero point spent, no spell cast
After being healed by Falco, Kiwina is back in the action but still a bit out of it. He pushes himself up, but instead of attacking the clawed monstrosity through it's shell, he uses a storm burst. Still disoriented from his ordeal, the effect goes awry.
Ranged touch attack: AC 8 (miss)
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: (used) Storm burst: used 2/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 8/70 rounds
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 20/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Hastened Friday November 13th, 2020 6:16:12 AM
Tsak is unable to see what has trussed him up, but is grateful that some care is being taken not to kill him yet. But better death than mindless service to some sea dwelling catastrophe.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:28(AO)/24(FD)/17T/17FF|CMD 27|Rapier, MW|10/5/-/-/-|(Full,Admantium, WFin,FDef,Flk)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 Friday November 13th, 2020 8:32:44 AM
Mak's childhood training had kicked in as he brought the rapier around in a swirling motion to distract and attack. Distract and lunge, his teacher had drilled into him. Dance back, forward, be light on your feet. All that training suddenly came back to the archer as he held the Ebonstrike in his hand for the first time in almost a decade.
The weapon was a unique one and better suited to disarming an opponent than killing him, but Mak was determined this time to slay this creature that reminded him so much of those promising greatness from the heartseed. "Be one with us, join our collective, find love." Bollocks on that Mak thought with a grimace as he went in once more intent on ending this creatures recruiting spree.
**Fighting Defensively, Full Attack, Weapon Finesse, Flanking
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d8+7=15 ; Friday November 13th, 2020 2:23:14 PM
Falco again winces as Rolth takes damage. He looks at this party members with growing concern. Looking at Tsak he he does what he can before moving to heal another.
DM Mark - "There's more where that came from, you monster!" d20+18=26 ; 2d6+8=18 ; d20+6=24 ; Friday November 13th, 2020 9:29:59 PM Elyas moves and heroically recalls a Lightning Bolt spell and fires it at the Chuul. (did Elyas disappear from the map? Where is he exactly - please either place him in a square or tell me what square he is in.) Rolth strikes at the Chuul, but misses. Mak hits the thing for 9 points of damage. Kiwina stands up after the lightning shoots over him. This provokes an AOO, and he is hit for 18 points by the Chuul. (I may have misunderstood Kiwina’s action. If he did not stand up from prone ignore that attack.) Falco wants to heal Tzak, but the ranger is nowhere in sight. He instead applies his ministrations to Kiwina who is lying in front of him badly hurt. (Let me know if this is not correct.) Tzak (T6) knows he has been trussed up. But even as this happens, he feels the effects of his paralysis fade. He is tied up, but he can act. (Escape Artist DC 20 to escape these seaweed bonds.
“Idddiottts. I cccannottt fail. Cccannottt fail. Cccannottt fail.”
The Chuul is clearly upset. He angrily releases Rolth, chitters something you do not understand, and recedes into the mist, granting an AOO to Rolth, Mak, Esmerelda, the eagle, and Kiwina. Mak sees the thing move past him.
As this happens, the hybrid creature also moves in the mist up next to Mak, but cannot attack this round.
Then things go dark. (And this is where the DM will need your help. The Chuul has cast Deeper Darkness, so light levels within 60 feet of him are reduced by 2 levels. The light spells are cast into complete darkness. But he RADIATES this effect, meaning it cannot go around a corner until he does.)
------------------------------------- Light and Darkness - All creatures gain concealment (20% miss chance) in dim light. All creatures gain total concealment (50% miss chance) in darkness. Creatures with darkvision can see in an area of dim light or darkness without penalty. Nonmagical sources of light, such as torches and lanterns, do not increase the light level in an area of darkness. Magical light sources only increase the light level in an area if they are of a higher spell level than darkness.
Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Chuul has AC 24 C - Dam - 104+9+10
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrid has AC 18 H4 - Dam -
Kiwina (Steve M) -9/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None d20-6=2 ; Friday November 13th, 2020 9:57:18 PM (I don't know why I thought Kiwina could safely stand, but it's what I said he was doing.)
Kiwina goes down again, foolishly.
Consititution check = 2
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) d20+8=17 ; Friday November 13th, 2020 10:52:19 PM
As the thing drops Rolth and turns to leave, he makes a double overhanded smash with his morning star. "Domi, may I strike true in your name!" But it glances off the hard shell yet again, and Rolth's shoulders slump in disappointment.
(to hit = 17, miss)
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) d20+14=17 ; d20+9=28 ; d100=93 ; d8+5=11 ; Sunday November 15th, 2020 9:49:34 PM "Which way did it go?" Rolth tries to move through the darkened space vacated by the chuul, listening as he goes.
Perception = 17
Once he arrives there, he bumps into H4, who is obviously larger than any of Rolth's standing allies, and so Rolth makes an attack.
to hit = 28, miss chance = 93 (hit despite the total concealment), damage = 11
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Fatigued 4/8 rounds Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 43/100r used Mage Armor 44/600r used Bear’s Endurance 16/30r used Expeditious Retreat 31/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Elyas (BatMark subbing for Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) 3d8+5=25 ; Sunday November 15th, 2020 9:59:47 PM
Elyas sees Kiwina go down again and kneels beside him to pull Kiwina's potion of cure serious wounds out of his pouch and administer it to the fallen taur.
(Potion of CSW cures Kiwina for 25hp)
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (4/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (70 minutes) Protection from Evil (on Kiwina )
Used 1 Hero Point
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/-/-/-/-|(Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 d20+14=24 ; d6+6=8 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+12=14 ; d6+3=8 ; d100=23 ; Monday November 16th, 2020 8:23:28 AM
The Chuul started to move and then everything went black, still Mak had a good idea where the thing had been and struck out with his sword in a lightning quick ripost. Still it was dark and Mak's weapon sharp, so whether he hit it or not wasn't clear to him. What was clear was the splashing noise it made in passing. Mak moved over a bit and struck out again.
OOC: AoO - Chuul, Roll d20+14=24, Hit. Damage 8 hp. (Presumes the AoO has the flanking bonus) Mak - Chuul, Roll 31, Threat; Damage 8 hp; Concealment 23 Note: Mak's AC 26 as he moves.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d8+7=9 ; Monday November 16th, 2020 11:20:48 AM
Seeing Kiwana attempt to stand and slump back down Falco beings to worry indeed. As he starts to cast yet another heal on his fallen companion the lights go out!
"Blast it all. We need to wrap this up guys, I am about tapped."
Fumbling in the dark he still tries to heal up Kiwana again. {Healing: 9)
Tsak feels control of his limbs return. Soon he is able to wriggle not just his fingers and toes but his whole body. He struggles against the bonds, but to no avail. Whether due to lingering effects or his weakened state, he is unable to break free.
DM Mark - "Blast it all. We need to wrap this up guys, I am about tapped." d100=44 ; d100=4 ; d100=18 ; d100=14 ; Monday November 16th, 2020 5:23:17 PM Rolth strikes at the Chuul, and tries to follow him, only to bump into something else big. So Rolth hits it instead. Kiwina struggles to stay alive. Elyas digs out Kiwina’s potion and gives it to the centaur healing Kiwina for 25 points. Mak hits the Chuul as it moves away from him, but once things go dark it’s even harder to hit. (Even though Mak radiates light from his shoulder, the Chuul radates Deeper Darkness so Mak cannot see and has a 50% miss chance.) Falco heals Kiwina for 9 points. Tzak is still tied up with strands of seaweed. (Escape Artist DC 20 to escape these seaweed bonds.)
The Chuul moves again, but in darkness he does not provoke an AOO. He moves around the corner, attempting to squeeze through as he encounters a very much alive Kiwina. He strikes at the centaur in the darkness. Kiwina can hear the CLACK of his claw as he misses. (Note that because the Chuul is still squeezing it is at -4 to it’s AC.)
(Perception DC 10 for anyone within 20 feet of the Chuul to know where it generally is by the sound of its movement. It still incurs a 50% miss chance for attacks targeted against the Chuul, but not for area effects.)
Since the Chuul carries his darkness with him, the hybrid creature can see. Sort of - there is still a mist around Mak. The thing first moves to block access to the Chuul, provoking an AOO from Mak, and putting it at -AC for Mak’s AOO only. Once it does move past Mak, it tries to hit him but misses due to the mist that surrounds Mak.
------------------------------------- The Chuul radiates Deeper Darkness, so light levels within 60 feet of him are reduced by 2 levels. Since he radiates this effect it cannot go around a corner from where he is.
Light and Darkness - All creatures gain concealment (20% miss chance) in dim light. All creatures gain total concealment (50% miss chance) in darkness. Creatures with darkvision can see in an area of dim light or darkness without penalty. Nonmagical sources of light, such as torches and lanterns, do not increase the light level in an area of darkness. Magical light sources only increase the light level in an area if they are of a higher spell level than darkness.
Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Chuul has AC 24 C - Dam - 123
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrid has AC 18 H4 - Dam - 11
Tsak gives up on his useless squirming and tries to do something useful. Mak, Kiwina, I can see them. I'm South-East of you, the enemies are to the North and in range. Hit away from my voice and you'll get them.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/-/-/-/-|(Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 d20+12=15 ; d6+3=6 ; d20+5=24 ; d20+12=18 ; d100=29 ; Monday November 16th, 2020 6:54:30 PM
Mak moved past the hybrid and tried to attack the Chuul from behind.
OOC: AoO - Hybrid, Roll 15, ??, Damage 6 Perception DC 10, Roll 24 Mak - Chuul, Roll 18+2(Flanking)=20, concealment 29, Miss.
AC 26 for Mak as he moves.
Kiwina (Steve M) -10/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 3 | Status: None d20+2=7 ; Monday November 16th, 2020 8:37:01 PM
Constitution check -- using a hero point for +8 on the roll -- result: 7, does not make DC 10
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) d20+9=24 ; d100=73 ; d8+5=13 ; d20+14=16 ; Monday November 16th, 2020 9:07:59 PM
Rolth wasn't sure whether the big shape moving off in the mist was only a figment or was the actual octotaur, but he took a swing at it just in case. (Possible AoO as the Octopoid moved off? Rolled one just in case)
(Potential AoO to hit = 24, miss chance = 73 (hit), damage = 13)
Then, hearing Tsak call out some gibberish about seeing the enemies through the mist and darkness, he moves in that direction to see whether he can help his friend, who obviously took a nasty blow to the noggin. He calls out to Tsak so that he is not mistaken for a foe. If he finds Tsak in the mist, he figures out what is restraining Tsak and draw a dagger to start sawing through the bonds.
Perception if needed to play Marco Tauro with Tsak in the mist = 16
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Fatigued 5/8 rounds Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 44/100r used Mage Armor 45/600r used Bear’s Endurance 17/30r used Expeditious Retreat 32/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/-/-/-/-|(Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 d20+6=15 ; d6+3=9 Monday November 16th, 2020 9:56:40 PM
I believe Mak can use acrobatics to move past the Hybrid.
OOC: Acrobatics, Roll 15. For reference, The DC is 5 plus the Hybrids CMD. This likely going to be a fail anyway, so Mak's attack would go to the Hybrid since his move action would be stopped. Also he provokes, fortunately his AC is still 26 against that, 22 Normal. I went ahead and moved Mak back since I'm certain his Acrobatics check failed.
This line: Mak - Chuul, Roll 18+2(Flanking)=20, concealment 29, Miss.
Should be: Mak - Hybrid, Roll 18, concealment 29, Damage 9 hp. Note: The Map doesn't show darkness so if the Hybrid is in the dark Mak missed.
Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None d20+9=21 ; d20+4=23 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+7=20 ; d6+2=3 ; d6+2=3 ; d8+2=10 ; Monday November 16th, 2020 11:04:33 PM My bad -- did not see the 25+9 hp healing the first time around. . . New turn, no hero point spent:
As the chuul looms over him, Kiwina attacks from his prone position.
Normal attack bonuses, -4 for being prone, +4 for chuul squeezing and chuul loses dex. . . In darkness, so multiple low chances to hit might be better than one higher chance. . .
Trident: AC 21 - miss Trident: AC 23 - 10 points damage if the thing lost enough dex squeezing Light mace: AC 27 (20 for crit confirm) - 3 points damage (6 if crit) Hoof: AC 19 - miss Hoof: AC 21 - miss
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: (used) Storm burst: used 2/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 10/70 rounds
Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None d100=84 ; d100=30 ; Monday November 16th, 2020 11:05:43 PM
Chances to hit in darkness: Trident -- 84, possible hit Light mace -- 30, miss
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d20+9=14 ; d20+9=20 ; d6+3=4 ; d6+3=9 ; d100=84 ; Tuesday November 17th, 2020 10:44:11 AM
{Pereption is +11 so skipped the roll}
Feeling Kiwana move Falco squints into the fog and fires off two arrows where he thinks the creature is.
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+7=15 ; d100=70 ; d6+4=10 ; Tuesday November 17th, 2020 3:27:36 PM
getting quite tired from the long string of fights and low on spells, Elyas falls back on a basic spell, conjuring a dart of acid to fling at the hybrid taur thing.
15 vs touch AC, 70 on concealment, 10 acid damage
then he moves up, trying to see where the chuul went but not having a way to dispel the darkness
DM Mark - "Blast it all. We need to wrap this up guys, I am about tapped." d20+10=23 ; d100=79 ; d100=33 ; d100=48 ; d20+10=15 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+5=15 ; d20+5=9 ; Tuesday November 17th, 2020 8:25:18 PM Rolth takes a swipe at the Octotaur (good name) as it moved to defend it’s master, hitting the thing. Kiwina strikes blindly up at the Chuul from his prone position. In the darkness his first hit is good, but the second misses (total concealment - 50% miss chance.) Mak tries to move past the Octotaur but finds himself blocked by the thing. It fails to hit Mak as he does so, and then Mak hits it for 9 points. Falco shoots blindly at the Chuul, hitting it for 9 points. Tzak is shrouded in mist and still tied up with strands of seaweed. (Escape Artist DC 20 to escape these seaweed bonds.) Elyas fires a blob of acid into the darkness where he heard the Chuul stir. He hears kind of a sizzling sound, and a bit of a splash.
The Chuul is curiously still and takes no offensive action.
The Octotaur attacks Mak, jabbing at him twice with a spear even as two of its tentacles try to attack him. All miss the agile archer.
All but Mak are shrouded in complete darkness. Rolth can see to the north though.
------------------------------------- The Chuul radiates Deeper Darkness, so light levels within 60 feet of him are reduced by 2 levels. Since he radiates this effect it cannot go around a corner from where he is. I cannot show this well on the map, so just know he radiates this darkness.
Light and Darkness - All creatures gain concealment (20% miss chance) in dim light. All creatures gain total concealment (50% miss chance) in darkness. Creatures with darkvision can see in an area of dim light or darkness without penalty. Nonmagical sources of light, such as torches and lanterns, do not increase the light level in an area of darkness. Magical light sources only increase the light level in an area if they are of a higher spell level than darkness.
Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
The Chuul has AC 24 C - Dam - 123+10+9+10
The Octopoid Liontaur Hybrid has AC 18 H4 - Dam - 11+13+9
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) Tuesday November 17th, 2020 8:33:55 PM
Rolth reaches out in the mist to find a weak point in the seaweed bonds restraining Tsak, and tries to cut through them with a dagger. "Careful there, my fellow Petal, I don't want to cut you in the process. Are you badly hurt?"
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Fatigued 6/8 rounds Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 45/100r used Mage Armor 46/600r used Bear’s Endurance 18/30r used Expeditious Retreat 33/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None Tuesday November 17th, 2020 9:24:52 PM
Kiwina decides that staying low is in his best interest right now. In the darkness, he has the trident become a slightly longer spear and prods in the direction of the Chuul with the weapon.
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: (used) Storm burst: used 2/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 11/70 rounds
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 20/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Hastened d20=17 ; Wednesday November 18th, 2020 12:50:00 AM
(Escape=17 Fail) I've been better mate, but worse too and it sounds like there's still work to be done.
Tsak quits struggling so he doesn't lose an extremity as Rolth goes to work with his dagger.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/7/-/-/-|(Full,Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 d20+12=26 ; d20+7=25 ; d6+3=5 ; d6+3=9 ; d20+7=18 d6+3=5 Wednesday November 18th, 2020 8:20:22 AM
Mak couldn't see Kiwina from where he was and based on the darkness thought he knew where the Chuul was. Still, he'd have to get past this hybrid taur and it was proving especially resilient. Mak danced back and forth and he parried and riposted the hybrids attacks. The black bladed rapier swished in the air and cut two long stripes in the octotaurs hide. Mak's second strike was a vicious one however as it struck deep into the creatures hide.
OOC: Mak - Hybrid, Roll 26, Hit; Damage 5 Mak - Hybrid, Roll 25, Crit(18 confirms); Damage 9+5=14 hp
**Full Attack, Weapon Finesse
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+8=9 ; d20+7=18 ; d6+4=5 ; d100=11 ; Wednesday November 18th, 2020 2:03:29 PM
Elyas fumbles around in the dark, trying to locate the chuul by sound. he listens for the splash of water or a scrape of carapace against stone.
unfortunately, there is too much alse moving around in the water making it really hard to pinpoint one source! perception = 9, natural 1
if somehow Elyas does hear the chuul, he will fire another acid dart 18 vs touch AC, 5 damage, 11 miss....
DM Mark - "Blast it all. We need to wrap this up guys, I am about tapped." d100=87 ; d20+15=17 ; d20+15=24 ; Wednesday November 18th, 2020 8:21:04 PM Rolth moves into the mist and cuts Tsak’s bonds. They seem to be some sort of ropelike seaweed, not quite as strong as rope but still pretty strong. Tzak is glad to have his bonds off and rubs his arms to get his circulation back. That thing tied him up pretty tightly. Mak strikes at the Octotaur, his second blow killing thing. Kiwina prods the Chuul’s shell in the darkness. It does not seem to move or respond. Elyas tries to listen for the Chuul. He hears something prodding the things shell, but that’s about it. Falco
Except for the movement and conversion of the Petals and the occasional drip of water, all is quiet. Eerily so after all this fighting.
The air smells of fish and death. Oooo, yeah, there’s kind of a rotting fish smell here too. Yech.
------------------------------------- The Chuul still radiates Deeper Darkness, so light levels within 60 feet of him are reduced by 2 levels. Since he radiates this effect it cannot go around a corner from where he is. I cannot show this well on the map, so just know he radiates this darkness.
Light and Darkness - All creatures gain concealment (20% miss chance) in dim light. All creatures gain total concealment (50% miss chance) in darkness. Creatures with darkvision can see in an area of dim light or darkness without penalty. Nonmagical sources of light, such as torches and lanterns, do not increase the light level in an area of darkness. Magical light sources only increase the light level in an area if they are of a higher spell level than darkness.
Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) Wednesday November 18th, 2020 8:33:22 PM
Rolth gives Tsak a hand up. "Sorry I couldn't get to you until all the fun was over!" He moves back out of the mist and asks Elyas, "Any idea how long those spells will last? Or any way to shut down that radiating darkness? I kinda miss seeing the smiling faces of all you Petals."
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Fatigued 7/8 rounds Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 46/100r used Mage Armor 47/600r used Bear’s Endurance 19/30r used Expeditious Retreat 34/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None Wednesday November 18th, 2020 9:02:44 PM
Kiwina clambers to his feet -- still keeping his weapons out and pointed in the direction of the Chuul.
Radiating darkness? Kiwina is struck by an odd thought, and looks away from where he thinks the Chuul is to see if he casts a "shadow" of light. "I can throw a blanket over this thing if you think that would help."
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: (used) Storm burst: used 2/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 12/70 rounds
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 20/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Hastened Thursday November 19th, 2020 7:07:47 AM Thanks Rolth, appreciate the help. Say guys its very quiet in here. Did somebody kill the big nasty and not tell everyone?
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/7/-/-/-|(Full,Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 d20+12=31 ; d20+12=14 ; d100=38 ; d20+7=17 ; Thursday November 19th, 2020 10:33:36 AM
Mak moved around the corner and into the darkness. By the nine hells he'd not let the thing escape or heal itself as he stepped into the narrow space with his sword swishing back and forth. He'd not stop until the thing was in small pieces.
OOC: Mak - Chuul, Roll 31, Threat; Concealment 38, Miss Mak - Chuul, Roll 17, Miss.
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+8=10 ; d20+7=12 ; d6+4=6 ; d100=37 ; Thursday November 19th, 2020 11:05:48 AM
elyas once again listens, hoping to narrow down where the thing went. he is really not able to make anything out though...
Sorry friends, I do not have a dispell prepared today, or any light spells strong enough to banish this darkness. I'm a bit tapped out right now, unfortunately. but the darkness is still here, which means the thing hasn't gone far. I know we're not in good shape, but he isn't either, and he's trying to hide. we should press our advantage, however slim it might be.
elyas holds a spell at the ready, to shoot at the chuul if it shows itself or if someone in the party can point it out. readied action: when Elyas knows what squares the chuul is in he will fire off a acid dart 12 vs touch AC, 6 acid damage, 37 miss chance...
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d20+9=23 ; d20+9=25 ; d6+3=8 ; d6+3=4 ; d100=98 ; d100=27 ; d8+7=15 ; Thursday November 19th, 2020 1:10:12 PM
{ooc: GM sorry for all the rolls, I started a post yesterday and never finished, those rolls have not point now.}
Falco spends the last of his moderate healing abilities on Tsak {CMW: 15} while the others talk.
"I agree, we need to finish with them and hope they are not moving towards aid."
DM Mark - "Did somebody kill the big nasty and not tell everyone?" Thursday November 19th, 2020 4:57:19 PM
Having cut Tsak’s bonds, Rolth feels his way as he moves toward Elyas and asks if there is a way to get rid of the darkness. Kiwina stands in the darkness, wary of the Chuul that was attacking him moments before and hoping the thing is dead. He wonders if perhaps he can perhaps cover the source of the darkness. Mak leaves nothing to chance, scrambling over the Octotaur’s body to go whack on the Chull in the darkness. As he attack the shelled thing it does not seem to respond. Tzak thanks Rolth for freeing him. As he stands is the cloying mist he wonders aloud if perhaps all their adversaries are dead. Elyas’ eyes strain against the darkness. Perhaps the quiet is a ruse by the enemies here?. He stands ready with what meager magics he has left, lamenting the fact that he can dispel neither the magical darkness nor the mist in the room beyond. Falco moves toward Falco’s voice in the dark mist, casting the last of his healing magic on the ranger.
Except for the movement and conversion of the Petals and the occasional drip of water, all remains quiet.
The air smells of fish and death and decay.
(You encounter no more resistance or combat here, but there are still obstacles to your sight. Do you take actions to deal with this or wait and hope the time will remedy things?)
------------------------------------- The Chuul still radiates Deeper Darkness, so light levels within 60 feet of him are reduced by 2 levels. Since he radiates this effect it cannot go around a corner from where he is. I cannot show this well on the map, so just know he radiates this darkness.
Light and Darkness - All creatures gain concealment (20% miss chance) in dim light. All creatures gain total concealment (50% miss chance) in darkness. Creatures with darkvision can see in an area of dim light or darkness without penalty. Nonmagical sources of light, such as torches and lanterns, do not increase the light level in an area of darkness. Magical light sources only increase the light level in an area if they are of a higher spell level than darkness.
Treat the floor here as difficult terrain - half speed movement and no “5-foot step.” Areas of Obscuring Mist - attacks within 5’ have concealment (20% miss chance.) Total concealment beyond 5’.
Here is your map. This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Please move yourself or let me know where you go (“I move to Z12”).
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) d20+6=22 ; Thursday November 19th, 2020 8:41:52 PM
Rolth considers the idea that Kiwina put forward, but isn't sure it will work. (Knowledge Arcana = 22) Even so, he doesn't have a better idea and suggests that Kiwina give it a try.
"Yes, Kiwina, that might work, and I don't think anyone has any other way to snuff out the darkness, so give it a try. Also, I think we've killed every bad guy that we met. Might be more out there somewhere, but I'd feel better if we could see. Is everyone ok?"
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Fatigued 8/8 rounds Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 47/100r used Mage Armor 48/600r used Bear’s Endurance 20/30r used Expeditious Retreat 35/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None Friday November 20th, 2020 12:02:15 AM
Kiwina puts his weapons away, a bit apprehensively. He digs out a blanket suited for his equine frame, pretty sure that'll be big enough to cover the Chuul, and sets about draping it over the body by feel.
===== Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: 0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink 1 - (used), (used), obscuring mist Aumakua: (used) Storm burst: used 2/6 times Effect: Protection from Evil 13/70 rounds
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+8=15 ; d20+7=9 ; Friday November 20th, 2020 10:04:49 AM
Elyas follows Kiwina by touch, coming close to the large creature (or hopefully just the body of a large creature...)
once again he tries to sense where the creature is, by listening and by touch. he readies a spell to attack if he feels it move! perception = 15 acid dart 9 to hit vs touch....
[ooc: good thing these bad rolls are at the end of the combat and not in the thick of it! yeesh]
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball Special: Acid Dart (3/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item
Active effects: Mage Armor (7 hours) Web (60 minutes)
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/7/-/-/-|(Full,Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 d20+5=6 ; Friday November 20th, 2020 12:21:46 PM
Mail starts to kick around in the darkness in the hope he can find the dead Chuul.
OOC: Perception +5, taking 10=15, or Roll 6 if can’t take 10
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Hastened Friday November 20th, 2020 3:19:06 PM
Tsak makes his way over to the others, following the sound of the voices. He moves slowly, carefully and quietly.
Lets take a few moments to rest, see if the darkness and mist dissipate. Then we need to finish exploring these caves, see if there are any taurs to be saved. Also what can we take back to the council to support our story of what happened to the village.
DM Mark - "I'd feel better if we could see. Is everyone ok?" Friday November 20th, 2020 7:41:39 PM Rolth thinks putting a blanket over the Chuul might block the darkness. Kiwina warily tries this and indeed the darkness goes away. Elyas is also very wary, creeping close to Kiwina and the dead Chuul - ready to thow a blob of acid at the first sign of trouble. Mak climbs over the dead Octotaur, looking for the Chuul. Tzak suggests rest and that perhaps the darkness and the mist will go away with time.
As Kiwina tries to block whatever might be radiating darkness, he eventually finds where to lay a blanket to do so. Suddenly, the unnatural darkness is gone and the light Falco put on Mak pauldron lights up the northern chamber. Similarly, the light Elyas shines where the Petals are, though the mist remains, blocking some sight. In fact, most of the larger room remains shrouded in mist.
There are a number of dead Octotaurs here laying in the shallow water. Strange creatures - a liontaur with an octopus’ lower half, large in size. This is a union that was never ment to be, as you can see where the fur of the liontaur leaves off and the rubbery octopoid skin begins. The liontaur part has gills around its neck.
And there is the Chuul. A blanket covers it’s hulking head and shoulders. It seems to have a belt here and a pouch there. Its wounds are evident and it seems dead. It smells moist and bad in here.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/7/-/-/-|(Full,Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 Friday November 20th, 2020 7:57:54 PM
Mak ran it through to be safe.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) d20+14=34 ; Friday November 20th, 2020 9:15:42 PM "Anybody want to come with me to see what is on the other side of the mist?" Rolth asks as he finally catches his breath after the intense battle. He carefully picks his way through the mist to the south, hoping to find some clear air on the other side. He looks and listens for threats and any new passages or interesting features.
Perception = 34
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 48/100r used Mage Armor 49/600r used Bear’s Endurance 21/30r used Expeditious Retreat 36/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Hastened Friday November 20th, 2020 9:59:06 PM
Tsak reunites with Esmerelda (near AU7) and agrees to Rolths suggestion to have a look around.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) Sunday November 22nd, 2020 4:00:11 PM
As he looks around, Rolth tries to be hopeful that we have arrived soon enough to save at least a few liontaurs, but the smell surrounding the Petals does not bode well. He feels a calling to do more for his people, but does not yet know where that call will lead him...
Tsak and Esmerelda push east thru the mist. They move slowly and carefully. Tsak has his sword drawn and ready to use. They search as they go for more creatures as well as any artifacts or other shiny things that may be hidden in the lair.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(5)|15/-/-/-/-|(WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8 + 8|Crit x3 d20+5=21 ; Monday November 23rd, 2020 10:03:06 AM
Mak was in a state. Here he had been in another battle which seemed hopeless until just a moment ago. A battle where he'd have lost yet another set of friends. Mak wiped off his sword as best he could and counted his arrows to find he was down to a handful of the things. He didn't move away from the darkness shrouding the Chuul however. He wanted to make certain it didn't regenerate or recover in some way so he put his back to the wall and with one of his last arrows stood guard over the area while the others searched for their companions and made certain all was well.
OOC: Mak moved to AR2 and readied an arrow. Perception +5, Roll 21
** Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Training, Point Blank Shot
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L Monday November 23rd, 2020 11:29:59 AM
Falco takes up the rear, following the others as the move further in. He make s a mental note to be sure that the bodies are all searched before they go anyplace.
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor Monday November 23rd, 2020 12:26:06 PM
Elyas examines the chuul as best as he can, taking the belt and pouch off of it if he is able to.
he casts detect magic, sweeping over the chuul and the area around him to see if there is anything magical concealed in the mist
Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None Monday November 23rd, 2020 4:30:43 PM
Kiwina is willing to see what's in the chamber where they are, but isn't sure about exploring much more today. Kiwina points out that much of the cave is covered in water, and the things they were fighting appear to be able to breath water. There may be more area to search than the group is really prepared for right away. If it makes sense to rest up now, he can prepare a spell that would find pits.
DM Mark - "Anybody want to come with me to see what is on the other side of the mist?" d100=22 ; Monday November 23rd, 2020 5:39:35 PM Rolth moves south out of the mist in this large cavern as Tzak moves east, searching as they go. Falco follows into the large cavern, staying behind a bit. Kiwina is more hesitant given the current state of the Petals. Mak is a bit unnerved with the closeness of this battle, and he runs his sword into the dead Chuul just to make sure. He thinks back to other battles and realizes that with the Chuul’s paralyzing tentacles and strength the Petals are lucky to have survived. Elyas casts a Detect Magic on the Chuul, and will notice the creature wears a magical amulet, belt, bracers, a cloak, headband and even a ring. A couple of minor sources of magic radiate from the pouch he wears as well. He has to move the blanket a bit as he does this, and realizes it is his amulet that radiates the darkness.
The floor here is covered in water, and the depth ranges from about a foot to as deep as 3 feet in places. There is a large black basalt altar of sorts, partly submerged. Tsak can see in the darkness here that there is a large, scabrous tentacle laying on it. The tentacle is about five feet long. It occasionally writes and twitches, though it seems to be unconnected to anything. Also laying here are a few golden amulets that look like entwined tentacles. You’ve seen their like before.
The air in here is feted and dank.
In the water near the east and south walls, you find some dead liontaurs, some cut in half a the torso. There are also some dead and rotting large octopus bodies here.
Now you know the source of the bad smell in this large chamber. Yech.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Monday November 23rd, 2020 8:05:53 PM Ummm guys, there's an alter over here with a moving tentacle thing and a bunch of the amulets. This isn't over, be careful.
Tsak doesn't get too close, his lack of knowledge about magic holds him back.
There are also the makings of more octotaurs, it's pretty gruesome. We need to deal with this stuff so no-one else is affected, but I'm not sure if we need to go out and rest up first? Whaddya reckon?
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) d20+14=24 ; d20+6=25 ; d20+5=22 ; Monday November 23rd, 2020 8:07:03 PM
Rolth, too tired to feel rage, is just saddened by the fate of his fellow taurs. "Domi, I pray you give me strength to keep such things from happening to good taurs again!" He says a few words of memoriam over the fallen taurs nearby. Then, thinking that there might be insight to be gleaned from this dark altar, he wades closer, and looks at it from a short distance away, glaive at the ready to fend off the twitchy tentacle. He looks for markings or other clues about the altar's meaning, before casting a detect magic and concentrating to see what that might reveal.
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 49/100r used Mage Armor 50/600r used Bear’s Endurance 22/30r used Expeditious Retreat 37/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None d20+5=11 ; d20+17=31 ; d20+10=30 ; Monday November 23rd, 2020 11:23:34 PM
For what it's worth, Kiwina offer to aid the more educated members of the group with their spellcraft. (Spellcraft roll = 11, might help)
On his own, however, he looks over the walls of the chamber and tries to if there are any obviously unnatural parts. (Perception = 31, know nature = 30)
Obviously, some sort of funeral or last rites will be needed soon, for the bodies they're finding.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(5)|15/-/-/-/-|(WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8 + 8|Crit x3 Tuesday November 24th, 2020 8:50:30 AM "Burn it, burn it all." Mak suggested quietly as he leaned heavily against the cavern wall. After a moment his wits returned and he started to move about the area carefully as he looked for anything that might be in the water.
OOC: Perception, Taking 20+5. Mak will walk the area back and forth and sweep his foot in front of him with each step to check for anything resting on the floor beneath the water. He stays out of the tentacles reach.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d20+7=26 ; Tuesday November 24th, 2020 10:53:27 AM
[b] "Before we burn it down lets see if we can learn more about what is going on.
Against his better judgement Falco moves towards the alter, casts detect magic, and attempts to sort out what is going on. {Know Religion: 27}
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+14=22 ; Tuesday November 24th, 2020 3:50:24 PM
Elyas locates a few magical items on the chuul strangely enough it was wearing a full set of items. Elyas slips them all into his backpack for later identification once there is more time. and light.
He carefully wraps the amulet in a piece of cloth, stopping its dark emination.
then he moves towards the others and the monolith
we should be careful, we're not exactly in fighting shape right now. but we do need to destroy it somehow.
Spellcraft on the monolith = 22
DM Mark - "Anybody want to come with me to see what is on the other side of the mist?" d100=32 ; d100=29 ; d100=19 ; d100=94 ; Tuesday November 24th, 2020 5:13:30 PM Tzak looks at the writhing, twitching tentacle on the altar, unsure what should be done with the thing. Rolth says a few words for the fallen taur remains here. He moves closer to the altar and casts a Detect Magic. Mak says to just burn it all. As he pokes around in the murky water he will occasionally fish up a bit of decaying flesh - paw, tentacle, ear. Falco advises caution and more investigation. He moves up to the altar and also casts Detect Magic. Kiwina looks over the chamber where he is. It looks like a natural cavern. He notes the lichens and insects that cling to the moist walls, and can see where passing hands or tentacles have left subtle marks. She would judge that the place has only recently been inhabited - certainly not more than a few months or so. Elyas retrieves the magic items the Chuul was wearing. That amulet still radiates darkness but it goes away once in Elyas’ pocket. It’s hard to see what the amulet was but it feels metallic in the shape of two things wrapped along each other. He moves toward the black stone altar.
Some recall the chittering voice saying something about an amulet that would let your mind touch what is coming, that there was a piece of the deep here. (Feel free to scan previous posts for what was said - no need for a recall roll.)
Rolth and Falco note that the mist is magic (Obscuring Mist), as are the writhing tentacle and the amulets. The tentacle radiates strong magic, with auras of necromancy, transmutation and enchantment. The amulets radiate a weak aura of enchantment magic. There are about 14 amulets, but only half radiate magic.
The tentacle is an ugly thing to look upon, grey and scaberous, maybe about 5 feet long. Tsak, Elyas, Falco and Rolth can feel some sort of beckoning pull from the thing, almost like an invitation. No, more like a question that begs an answer. Those amulets look pretty nice too. They’d look really good on you. They’d make you look important, dashing, powerful.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(5)|15/-/-/-/-|(WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8 + 8|Crit x3 Tuesday November 24th, 2020 7:12:24 PM
Mak had no idea what the others were feeling, but he distrusted anything he thought cult like and similar to the heartseeded he’d helped fight back in Aisildur. He continued to keep his distance from the altar and the scabrous magical relic.
”My good fellows, now is the time to exit this location. Let us return in the morn to examine the burnt remains we’ve left aflame here, shall we?”
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) Tuesday November 24th, 2020 9:14:53 PM
Rolth turns to look at Elyas and says, "Please don't play with the amulets of evil that tug on your mind...again." To everyone, he asks, "Anyone have an idea about how to render this tentacle and the amulets safe? We sure as Pantheon don't want to touch them. And have we searched this whole place? Probably ought to make sure there isn't some secret hidey hole where they have more baddies or loot stashed. I agree we shouldn't stay down here to rest after that, though."
Tsak searches (Perception) for openings and bits of loot all along the eastern wall from AW3 around to AV13, including behind the altar. If he can find no other entrances he suggests that the party make their way out of the cave system for a day cycle to rest. There is still some enchantment, I can feel it! Lets camp by the entrance to make sure nothing else comes in. It's pretty far away. That way everyone, including us, will be safe whilst we rest up and decide on a plan for destroying this nightmare.
Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None Tuesday November 24th, 2020 10:56:15 PM
Kiwina's kind of siding with Mak on this one. "We shouldn't be touching that tentacle, but I think the most damage we're likely to do to it would be by burning it. Don't think that we're likely to do that very well in here, though."
From his own experience, Kiwina knows that obscuring mist lasts a matter of minutes. He is willing to wait a little for it to dissipate.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(5)|15/-/-/-/-|(WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8 + 8|Crit x3 d20=2 ; Wednesday November 25th, 2020 8:56:38 AM "Fire." Mak reiterated for his barbarian friend. "Let us set it aflame and return tomorrow. And pile those amulets on the thing as well, but use a bag or something. Don't touch them though. Remember how they affected Eylas that time?" Mak said as he cluelessly went about searching the cavern away from the altar. "Those things might try to influence us next and if a petal got converted to one of these things we'd be a might tougher to bring down than one of these hapless taurs. As for that lobster thing, if I never encounter one of those again it'll be too soon."
"In case I haven't already said it, we use fire."
OOC: Sense Motive +0, Roll 2
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d20+9=17 ; Wednesday November 25th, 2020 9:35:30 AM "Mak, do you really think it is wise to burn things with absolutely no idea what it is? It does not appear to have any religious significance, nor does the alter I guess. I agree on not touching the amulets but, as it stands, we have little idea what is going on."
{Spellcraft 17 on tentacle}
Despite his speech it is clear that Falco will not actually stop anyone from taking action he just wants to know what is going on.
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor Wednesday November 25th, 2020 10:02:04 AM
Elyas looks at the array of amulets
"These things are dangerous. we knew that with the first one, but decided to bring it with us. we thought then that it was a one-off kind of thing. that we could keep it safe and out of the hands of an innocent bystander. now we see there are many more of the evil things. we cannot possibly collect them all, and even if we did I shudder ot think what a hundred of these things all tugging on our minds at the same time would do....
Elyas pauses to think about options
We could try to destroy them, but magical things are difficult to fully break. we could leave them in this cave and try to seal it off, keeping others from getting in and finding them. or we could dump them in the middle of the ocean, as I suggested the first time. in any case, we must find the people responsible for these amulets if we are to keep more of them from finding their way into the hands of innocents.
a sudden thought hits Elyas. "check the bodies. we have to see if the taur we were looking for is among these... abominations.
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/-/-/-/-|(Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 d6+3=8 Wednesday November 25th, 2020 1:39:59 PM "Mak, do you really think it is wise to burn things with absolutely no idea what it is? Falco asked.
"Yes." Mak replied. "We have one and how much have we learned about it? These things corrupted an entire village from what we've seen. For all we know if we carry these out they'll attract others and have them attack us to get to them. We should destroy them as quickly as possible."
Mak listened to Elyas and added. Yes. What he said too. I think a sustained fire should handily damage them enough to become unusable. Maybe not here in these damp caves, but certainly outside.
"Umm, Elyas. How do we know which one is him?"
As a test Mak drew his sword and tried to cut one of the amulets in half.
DM Mark - "We could try to destroy them, but magical things are difficult to fully break." Wednesday November 25th, 2020 6:19:04 PM Rolth recommends the amulet not be messed with, and wonders how the amulets and the large tentacle could be rendered safe. He suggests searching the place. Tzak begins searching a section of the room. Mak suggest burning the tentacle and the amulets. He uses his adamantine sword to damage a couple of amulets. Kiwina agrees with burning the tentacle. Falco and Elyas urge caution dealing with the amulets and the tentacle.
The first amulet Rolth hits is cut in half. The next one is completely unaffected by his sword. Rolth and Elyas will note from their Detect Magic that some of the amulets on the altar are magic and some are not. The one that was unaffected detected as magic.
Searching the place yields little more than what you’ve already found. There are dead parts of liontaurs and tentacled sea creatures here. And then there’s all the stuff you killed.
The creepy tentacle continues to move on its own, though it is clearly not connected to anything. The amulets look pretty, and your eyes are drawn to some of them. You’d look much more handsome wearing one. Looking at the tentacle and the amulets lying on the altar, you notice that the black stone the altar is made of is not like the stone in this place. Looking closely, it looks like there are seashells embedded in it. It is clearly worked stone, but worn smooth in places. It must be rather old. It does not detect as magic.
(You mentioned a specific Taur you are seeking. Can you kindly remind your DM who or what charged you with seeking a specific Taur?)
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) d20+14=26 ; Wednesday November 25th, 2020 6:44:57 PM
Rolth looks around wearily at the carnage and offers, "Well, I this is probably not what the Council of Clans was expecting us to report back when we return to Chessford. We haven't found a single live taur from the village other than the hermit, and the Hounds Tooth Council rep Nantyr seems likely to be among the fallen. Elyas is right, we should search for Nantyr in particular. Good thing we got a good description of him from Arostle back in Chessford. Let's look for him here and on our way out. Who had the magic bag that we can put the amulets in to keep them from affecting our minds?"
Perception = 26 to spot Nantyr among the casualties.
(OOC: We were just told that we would know Nantyr when we saw him)
Effect Tracking: Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive) Waterbreathing (Falco) Shield Other (Falco) Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 50/100r used Mage Armor 51/600r used Bear’s Endurance 23/30r used Expeditious Retreat 38/40r used Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used 2nd level 2/2 used
Tsak finishes looking for other openings and starts to search the bodies in this part of the cave system to see if he can find Nantyr.
Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None d20+19=26 ; Wednesday November 25th, 2020 11:50:33 PM
Kiwina will help in the search for Nantyr based on the description they were given, realizing that they may have seen him among the dead who didn't reach the cave as well.
(Perception = 26, including +4 for wemics being monstrous humanoids).
Kiwina also consults with the spirits to determine whether the party would benefit from trying to destroy the tentacle by simply chopping it up. (This is an augury effect assuming that the cave environment satisfies Kiwina's favored terrain of water.)
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L d20+11=22 ; Thursday November 26th, 2020 10:06:49 AM
His religious knowledge and his magic knowledge having failed to shed any information on the alter or tentacle Falco is at a bit of a loss. He shrugs and watches the others attempt to destroy magic amulets, it should be possible as anything made can be destroyed but who knows.
He decides to ignore the tentacle all together with no frame of reference. {ooc: Anyone try a knowladge plains?}
When the others start searching he does so as well, looking closely around the alter, including in the water. {Perception: 22}
Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/-/-/-/-|(Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 Thursday November 26th, 2020 1:50:01 PM
OOC: Since Maks sword ignores hardness he’ll keep at it until they are destroyed.
DM Mark - Happy Thanksgiving d100=28 ; Thursday November 26th, 2020 6:22:00 PM
(DM Post will be up later today. Happy Thanksgiving!)
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+8=18 ; d20+8=17 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+7=11 ; d6+4=7 ; Thursday November 26th, 2020 7:38:05 PM
Elyas examines the tentacle and altar, trying to determine anything of importance about them. this shrine is not magical itself, but is likely used in whatever dark ritual happened here. it would be good to damage or defile it in some way knowledge religion to determine if it is important to the rituals and how to disrupt it - 18
he then tries to determine what is making the tentacle move since it is not connected to anything. knowledge nature = 17 knowledge planes = 21
if he doesn't learn anything by looking it over he will try hitting the tentacle with acid darts 11 vs touch, 7 acid damage.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) Thursday November 26th, 2020 9:58:48 PM
Rolth reminds everyone of our agreed protocol re these amulets. They get locked in the chest. The chest is put in Tsak’s handy haversack. The key to the chest is given to Elyas. No one is allowed to retrieve or open the chest without Captain Kiwinas permission, and at least two Petals must be present for that. "If there is no reason not to follow that protocol, I suggest we do it immediately. I can feel these things tugging at my mind."
Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None Friday November 27th, 2020 12:11:10 AM
Kiwina agrees that the folks with knowledge of religions and magics are probably best suited to determine how to destroy or defile the altar.
DM Mark - "I can feel these things tugging at my mind." Friday November 27th, 2020 12:14:25 AM Rolth searches the bodies and remains for Nantyr, the tribal leader that was described to him. None of these here in this chamber match the description. Rolth suggests a way to handle the amulets. Tzak aids in this search. Sure enough, one of the previously killed ghouls does indeed resemble the description given to the party of Nantyr. Kiwina looks at the grey, dying thing writhing on the altar. He has a deja-vu like experience, remembering his dreams from the night before. He recalls being faced with an enslaved group of people and leading them all was a grey blob that somehow smiled at him. He hacked at the blob, and hacked some more. As the blob was cut into pieces, each piece would fall and on each appeared a smile as the pieces of the blob looked up a Kiwina. Some pieces died, but the rest, the ones with a smile, hopped back up on each other, reforming the blob even as Kiwina continued his hopeless hacking. The slaves simply stared at Kiwina. Falco wracks his brain, trying to puzzle this place out as he searches. Mak continues hacking at the amulets. All the non-magical ones can be cut up by him fairly easily. But his sword leaves no mark on the ones that detect as magic. Elyas looks around and mulls things over in his mind as he casts a blob of acid on the tentacle.
Falco and Elyas have little frame of reference for this thing, but there are some things you piece together. You are not aware of any religion that is represented here. You know that this is a significant altar of some sort. It is old and seems to be placed in a location of prominence in the back part of one of the larger caverns in this place. The stone the altar is made of and the embedded seashells suggest it is not from this cave. The worn edges and some grooves suggest long term use, much longer than you guess this grotto has been inhabited by these things. The tentacle has a place of importance here on this altar, and though it writhes it somehow stays on the altar. The amulets are also in a place of religious significance here. (You recall there were a number of things the Chuul chittered in the dark - feel free to reread them if you wish.)
Elyas’ acid causes the tentacle to writhe and jerk around a bit more. The skin where it hits bubbles a bit. The thing is so gross already it’s hard to know if it’s really damaged, but the acid probably hurt it and it does seem to react. By contrast, the shiny amulets show entwined tentacles that look healthy and strong. They’re pretty nice looking, and would look impressive on you. All the cool kids are wearing them.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) Friday November 27th, 2020 9:45:40 AM
Rolth thinks back to what the chuul said about the Deep and the amulets and comes to a realization. "Hey guys, I think that the tentacle may actually be a part of the Deep, which seems to be behind whatever abominable plot we are facing here. Maybe we could lasso and cover it, and take it back to town tied down on a travois for further study? It would also be evidence to the Council that something nefarious is afoot, beyond mere banditry. What do you think?"
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L Friday November 27th, 2020 3:17:59 PM "I think getting to the bottom of the problem is better then just burning things. An extradimensional place would be ideal for transporting I would think though my quiver is ill suited for this task."
"The alter is still a puzzle though it does not appear sanctified to any particular god. It said the place was sacred but no idea why. A sledge and chisel is all I can think of there but there may not be significance to justify the work."