DM Warren - MAP Friday October 30th, 2020 6:32:49 PM
The Agents grab the easy treasure and stash it away for later. Anna starts chatting about magic guitars and such, confident that she can repair it in one way or another. Pru starts getting whiplash about which bit of reality she's being asked to manipulate with her arcane might.
(added some clarity to the map - can execute your plan when you decide on your course of action)
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 Friday October 30th, 2020 7:47:54 PM I like that plan! Lay that magical goodness on me my beautiful fist mate, slaughtering pleebs is fun, but it takes away from the main mission, and the element of surprise is the best element of all!
Michael spreads his arms out pokes his chest out toward the resident spell slinger closes his eyes and smiles.
OOC: Sigvars idea is the best we need to follow it.
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 161/161(BrianZ) Friday October 30th, 2020 7:55:05 PM Anna, save the scrolls, I can repair the guitar later after the fight is done.
Trayvin is ready to go ahead with the plan as soon as the rest of the Agents are.
Used: Spells: divine favor, prayer
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 30 Tch 28 Ffted 27 HP 111/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) Monday November 2nd, 2020 12:45:02 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - kitchenware merchant Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9
"Pru, if you are up to it, then open that dimension door to the other side of the barracks and get us all over there. If not, we'll take on that barracks and keep moving. Just give the word Pru."
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 119/128 (15 con added hp)-- 44/16/42 CMD: 35 d20+17=21 ; d20+18=26 ; Monday November 2nd, 2020 1:33:52 AM
Anna-mobat flies after Nikolai and the others.
Perception: 21 Fly: 26
"Ready for either scenario." she whispers
Active Effects: Spider Climb - 1291 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1285 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of mobat - 115 rounds Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (good), blindsense 60 ft., low-light vision; bite+16 (2d6+9); 10 foot space; 5 foot reach +6 size bonus to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, +2 size bonus to Constitution, +6 natural armor bonus, -1 AC, -1 Atk, -4 stealth, -2 fly, +1 CMB/CMD Prayer: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks Passive Effects: Queen's Speech - regardless of your current form, you gain the magical ability to speak with and understand creatures of the animal, plant, fey, magical beast, and humanoid types Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws
Pompous (Yves_B) AC 26/28 evil SR 20 CMD 30, HP 163/163/ Monday November 2nd, 2020 6:27:35 AM
Pompous gets ready for the fight. Before they go, he'll cast barkskin on himself and and activate one of his tatoos and cast protection from evil.
"Let's rock!"
Prudence Gundle Monday November 2nd, 2020 12:54:54 PM
Pru starts casting Invisibility. She uses up her second-level spell slots and starts on third-level slots. Then she gets ready to Dimension Door.
"All right, so first is the stealthier group," she says. "That's going to be Michael, Nikolai, and Anna? And maybe Pompous? Then I'll come back for the rest."
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 161/161(BrianZ) Monday November 2nd, 2020 6:57:34 PM Remember, he said these were low tier members, shock and awe may convince them to get out of here without killing them.
Used: Spells: divine favor, prayer
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 Monday November 2nd, 2020 8:33:57 PM it's cool that silence don't effect telepathy.
Michael refreshes his potions draws his blades and gets ready to save his commander.
shield of fath +5 cats grace bulls strength.
DM Warren - MAP Monday November 2nd, 2020 9:53:51 PM
Sorry for lateness - can you put a dot on the map where you intend to drop your dimension door? Sounds like you're intension is to go into the prison area, Sigvar won't fit in any of the tunnels (or at least not be able to move once he's there), so if you're teleporting him it has to be to an open area.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 30 Tch 28 Ffted 27 HP 111/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+20=34 ; d20+23=40 ; d20+23=26 ; Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 12:56:02 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - kitchenware merchant Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9
Nikolai will lead the way towards Barrack 1. This way they can bypass the barracks without a fight, unless they are still there on their way back. For those who can't see well in the dark, he uses his Everburning Torch but shielded on the left to block the light from going down the tunnel to Barracks 1.
He pauses at the intersection of the Elite Barracks and gives everyone the chance to catch up.
Stealth +19 +1 (luckstone) = 34 Perception +22 +1 (Luckstone) {passing Barracks 1}= 40 Perception +22 +1 (Luckstone) { at the intersection to Elite Barracks}= 26
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 119/128 (15 con added hp)-- 46/23/43 CMD: 27 d20+17=34 ; d20+19=21 ; Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 2:39:51 AM
Anna takes a full round action to turn into a Diminuitive Bat and perches on Nikolai's shoulder.
She says to Pru, "Yes I can go with the first group. Between my reduced size and my blindsense I can be stealthy and detect any invisible assailants."
Perception: 34 Stealth: 21
Active Effects: Spider Climb - 1289 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1283 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of bat (diminuitive animal) - 113 rounds +6 dex, -4 str, +1 natural armor, +4 AC, +4 attack, + 12 stealth, + 6 fly -4 CMB/CMD, space 1 ft / reach 0 ft. 5 foot base speed, fly 40 ft (good; +4 fly), blindsense 20 ft, low-light vision, bite + 15 (1d3+1) Prayer: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks Passive Effects: Queen's Speech - regardless of your current form, you gain the magical ability to speak with and understand creatures of the animal, plant, fey, magical beast, and humanoid types Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throw
Prudence Gundle Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 12:49:49 PM
Pru finishes casting Invisibility, gathers the "stealthy" group, and Dimension Doors them to the blue dot on the map. Note that the spell specifically says what happens if you try to materialize in a solid object.
The stealth agents pop in with a slight woosh of displaced air. Nikolai is leading a second stealthy prong up the western corridor with Anna. They can both report back to the rest of the group what they're seeing.
Nikolai is a little bored with empty hallways, other than the occasional bit of discarded trash or scrap of food. You want Ankhegs? Cause that's how you get Ankhegs. But their informant must have told them true, since all you can hear from the direction of Barracks 1 is some faint snores.
Invisible Pru (and Pompous and Michael I think?) have a much more distressing scene. For those that can see in the dark Highlight to display spoiler: {there are 9 beds and trunks in here, as well as a small table which is occupied by 3 duergar playing cards and snacking. 3 of the beds are empty, and a quick glance can show you a few musical tools and sheets of music that leads you to believe this belonged to Aratorn. 3 of the beds have occupants, one dozing, one reading, and one fiddling with something small and metallic. }
{ It's dark in here.... can we turn on the lights? }
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 5:45:51 PM
Sigvar prepares as Prudence D doors the first group out. He calls his mother's spirit to his sword and imbues it with an additional +1 and the speed buff. He then casts Divine Favor as she pops back in and is ready to go.
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 161/161(BrianZ) Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 9:05:52 PM
Trayvin offers a prayer to the Gods, hoping they are not too late to save the Commander.
Used: Spells: divine favor, prayer
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+50=55 ; d20+25=35 ; Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 9:12:43 PM
Michael appears through the door and finds a place to hide, being small and this being a barracks beneath a bed sounds spar. if their entrance has been unnoticed and the elits are asleep, Michael starts collecting weapons and cutting armor straps. no sense in letting the enemy prepare for whats coming.
stealth 55 perception 35
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 30 Tch 28 Ffted 27 HP 111/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+20=24 ; d20+23=29 ; Wednesday November 4th, 2020 12:16:54 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - Gnoll Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9
Nikolai changes his appearance a bit once he gets to the T-section that leads to the Elite Barracks, now he looks like a gnoll, although a short one for gnoll.
He holds those following him back at that point while he sneaks ahead, no light at this point.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 119/128 (15 con added hp)-- 46/23/43 CMD: 27 d20+17=23 ; d20+19=21 ; Wednesday November 4th, 2020 3:13:39 AM
Anna-bat stays stuck to Nikolai Gnoll's shoulder
She thinks to him, I'll let you know if I pick up any invisible people within 20 feet of us with my blindsense
Perception: 23 Stealth: 21
Active Effects: Spider Climb - 1288 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1282 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of bat (diminuitive animal) - 112 rounds +6 dex, -4 str, +1 natural armor, +4 AC, +4 attack, + 12 stealth, + 6 fly -4 CMB/CMD, space 1 ft / reach 0 ft. 5 foot base speed, fly 40 ft (good; +4 fly), blindsense 20 ft, low-light vision, bite + 15 (1d3+1) Prayer: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks Passive Effects: Queen's Speech - regardless of your current form, you gain the magical ability to speak with and understand creatures of the animal, plant, fey, magical beast, and humanoid types Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throw
Prudence Gundle Wednesday November 4th, 2020 1:31:44 PM
The darkness is a problem, but somebody else is going to have to solve it. Pru casts another Dimension Door, and blips back to get Sigvar, and anybody else left behind. Possibly including people who started through the barracks but changed their mind. :)
DM Warren - MAP d20=6 ; d20=9 ; d20=3 ; d20=9 ; d20=10 ; d20=9 ; d6=2 ; Wednesday November 4th, 2020 7:12:04 PM
Darkvision only Highlight to display spoiler: {Ears cock once Pru starts casting her spell and they look around the room, but no one seems to notice an invisible rogue and ranger in the room. They chalk it up to normal bodily functions of their bunkmates and the laughter of people losing money to a bad hand of cards who fully intend to steal it back soon after.}
Michael immediately gets low to the ground and is lucky that he didn't skooch himself into some dangling legs, since he can't make out anything in the room. (unless you have some source of darkvision?)
Sigvar and Trayvin prep themselves for the next teleport, wishing that they had some idea of the situation they were about to pop into.
Anna picks up no invisible enemies around and Nikolai puts on another disguise, hoping his acting has improved over the last few minutes.
Map updated - had fun with Anna-batnana and Niko-gnoll
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 161/161(BrianZ) Wednesday November 4th, 2020 7:48:24 PM
The Agents already teleported into the room, it won't be long now.
Used: Spells: divine favor, prayer
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+25=34 ; d20+50=61 ; Wednesday November 4th, 2020 8:59:21 PM
since it was dark in the tunnels earlier, Michael had downed a portion of dark vision. it should still be in effect. tying shoelaces together, peace bonding swords in their scabbard, nicking bowstrings so they break.
Perception 34
Stealth 61
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 104/113 -- 46/23/43 CMD: 27 d20+27=43 ; d20+17=35 ; d20+19=24 ; Thursday November 5th, 2020 12:32:16 AM
Since it is dark and Anna got rid of her dark adapted form for one that is very small, stealthy and has blindsense she activates her darkvision SLA on top of all her other buffs she has currently going.
As one who has trained in the art of deception she tries to give Nikolai some acting pointers over the telepathic link for his disguise (aid another on Nikolai's disguise: 43 = nikolai gets a +2)
She tries to remain stealthy and on the lookout while perched on Nikolai's shoulder, her spiderclimb letting her easily stick to him.
Stealth: 24 Perception: 35
Active Effects: Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1286 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1280 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of bat (diminuitive animal) - 110 rounds +6 dex, -4 str, +1 natural armor, +4 AC, +4 attack, + 12 stealth, + 6 fly -4 CMB/CMD, space 1 ft / reach 0 ft. 5 foot base speed, fly 40 ft (good; +4 fly), blindsense 20 ft, low-light vision, bite + 15 (1d3+1) Prayer: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks Passive Effects: Queen's Speech - regardless of your current form, you gain the magical ability to speak with and understand creatures of the animal, plant, fey, magical beast, and humanoid types Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throw
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 30 Tch 28 Ffted 27 HP 111/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20=4 ; Thursday November 5th, 2020 12:50:43 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - Gnoll Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9
Nikolai decides that it is time to see what's in the Elite Barracks. Holding the Everburning Torch up, he ambles into the barracks, trying to act like he belongs there.
Bluff d20 = 4
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Thursday November 5th, 2020 6:41:05 AM
With his mother's spirit enhancing his sword, Sigvar's weapon sheds light like a torch. He waits anxiously for Prudence's return so that he can get into the action.
Prudence Gundle Thursday November 5th, 2020 2:30:30 PM
Pru gathers Sigvar and Trayvin and Dimension Doors them into the elite barracks, not far from the place she first "landed."
DM Warren - MAP Thursday November 5th, 2020 5:23:59 PM thanks for clarifying on darkvision all
Michael continues to scoot his way around the room. The first pair of boots he comes across get tied together. Unfortunately, they aren't attached to a dwarf right now, but they won't be much use if someone tries to get them on in a hurry. The next bed he comes across has a crossbow leaning up against it, and he manages to foul that mechanism.
Then a light blooms at the cave entrance, giving some light to Pompous who is surprised at the appearance of a smallish gnoll and his shoulder bat.
The look is spot on, but Nikolai doesn't quite have the acting down. Something to do with the fact that his knees aren't backwards, perhaps. The occupants all sit up quick. One at the table says Who are you? You don't belong here! Barumon - Hold him! One of the lounging duergar points almost lazily at Niko-gnoll and casts a spell. Nikolai - Will Save 22 (enchantment/mind-affecting) or you are paralyzed spellcraft 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Hold Monster}
Just moments after, Pru brings the rest of the party to the party. I think she made you invisible as well? If not, there will be a few things to resolve when you drop in.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Thursday November 5th, 2020 6:35:00 PM
OoC I thought the second group were visible. Honestly even invisibility gives me little hope of avoiding discovery. Let me know, it probably will dictate my actions.
Prudence Gundle Thursday November 5th, 2020 7:23:02 PM
[OOC: Pru made everybody invisible. Which means Sigvar is currently invisible and holding a light source.]
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 161/161(BrianZ) Thursday November 5th, 2020 9:14:47 PM
Trayvin begins casting a spell......
Used: Spells: divine favor, prayer
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet d20+26=31 ; 4d6+24=39 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d20-8=10 ; Thursday November 5th, 2020 11:04:28 PM
Sigvar moves up, trying to be quiet, and readies an action to power attack and vital strike the first dwarf in reach that comes to investigate the light. Vital strike Hits AC 31 ( I didn't add anything for being invisible)for 39 damage + 10 holy damage Stealth 30 ( wow, that is almost the highest I can roll 10 on dice + 20 for invisibility)
Effects Divine Favor +3/+3 18 out of 20 rounds remaining Divine Bond +1 + speed to weapon 157/160 rounds remaining
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 104/113 -- 46/23/43 CMD: 27 Friday November 6th, 2020 12:53:37 AM
Anna-bat launches herself from Nikolai to move to the nearest wall (move action) she then starts using her full round action to change her form again into her battle standard of manticore-chimera (standard action to start the full round action needed to change forms)
Active Effects: Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1285 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1279 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of bat (diminuitive animal) - 109 rounds +6 dex, -4 str, +1 natural armor, +4 AC, +4 attack, + 12 stealth, + 6 fly -4 CMB/CMD, space 1 ft / reach 0 ft. 5 foot base speed, fly 40 ft (good; +4 fly), blindsense 20 ft, low-light vision, bite + 15 (1d3+1) Prayer: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks Passive Effects: Queen's Speech - regardless of your current form, you gain the magical ability to speak with and understand creatures of the animal, plant, fey, magical beast, and humanoid types Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throw
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 30 Tch 28 Ffted 27 HP 111/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+21=35 ; Friday November 6th, 2020 1:58:03 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - Gnoll Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind)
Will d20 + 17 +4 (see above) Save DC22 (enchantment/mind-affecting) = 35
At the very edge of his light, in shadows, Nikolai thinks he sees the one casting a spell at him. He is familiar with the pull on his mind and easily shrugs is off.
So that everyone can see well enough in the room, he moves up. Meanwhile, he pulls out a Thunderstone from a pocket and readies it.
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+50=61 d20+25=27 Friday November 6th, 2020 6:15:11 AM
Michael keeps working on his little projects. nobody has engaged yet, and he wants to ensure that he has a good solid flank before he reveals himself. in the mean time he works on positioning more than denying the enemy the use of their gear.
Stealth 61 Perception 27
Pompous (Yves_B) AC 31/33 evil SR 20 CMD 30, HP 163/163/ d20+19=39 ; d20+19=32 ; d6+6=9 ; d6+6=11 ; d6+6=7 ; d6+6=11 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6+6=7 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d20+14=20 ; d6+6=8 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=17 ; d6+6=7 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d20+4=14 ; Friday November 6th, 2020 6:38:59 AM
{ Well, that can't be good...}
Pompous fires a barage of arrows at the gnoll
And it.. is ...ON!
-------------------- Prot Evil Barkskin
Many shots Fire arrows
Add + 1 to hit if within 30'
Attack 1 Hits AC 39 (Nat 20 ) AC 32 to confirm Phys damage (9)(25 crit) Fire 5 Elec 4 Attack 1a Hits AC 39 (Nat 20) Phys dam 7 fire 4 elec 5 Attach 2 Hits AC 20 Phys 8 fire 1 elec 3 Attack 3 Hits AC 29 (Nat 20) AC 17 to confirm crit Phys 7 fire 4 elec 3 Attack 4 Hits AC 14
Prudence Gundle Friday November 6th, 2020 1:23:36 PM
Pru casts Haste on everybody she can reach, which looks to be everybody except Michael.
Everybody but Michael is Hasted.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Friday November 6th, 2020 4:23:55 PM
OOC Nikolai didn't mention over the mind link that he was shifting into gnoll form?
DM Warren - MAP Friday November 6th, 2020 7:10:19 PM
ooc: sent an email to discuss, but it looks like Nikolai may have taken a few arrows at the moment....
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+26=45 ; d8+8=9 ; 8d6=33 ; d20+24=39 ; d4+5=8 ; 8d6=41 ; d20+21=41 ; d8+8=16 ; 8d6=34 ; d20+19=39 ; d4+5=9 ; 8d6=27 ; 8d6+16=51 ; d20+16=30 ; d8+8=9 ; 8d20=105 ; 8d6=29 ; d20+14=29 ; d4+5=7 ; 8d6=27 ; d20+30=33 ; d20+25=42 ; d20+23=34 ; d8+8=10 ; d8+8=9 ; d4+5=6 ; Friday November 6th, 2020 11:45:48 PM
Michael is so close to Barumon he can smell what he had for dinner, when the fighting starts he lets the flatfooted wizard have it in the kidneys, descending Aorta, lungs and liver.
1st Attack SB +26 LB +24
Sunblade To hit AC 45 (Crit 33 confirmed?)for 9+10 points of damage and 33 points of sneak attack damage.
Luck Blade To hit AC 39 for 8 points of damage and 41 points of Sneak attack damage
2nd attack SB +21 LB +19
Sunblade To Hit AC 41(Crit! 42 confirmed ) for 16 +9 points of damage and 34 points of Sneak attack damage.
Luckblade To Hit AC 39 (Crit! 34 confirmed) for 9+6 points of damage and 27 points of Sneak attack damage.
3rd Attack SB +16 LB +14
Sunblade To Hit AC 30 for 9 points of damage and 29 points of Sneak attack damage.
Luckblade To Hit AC 29 for 7 points of damage and 27 points of Sneak attack damage.
Crit rolls for attacks 1,3,4 all +4 due to Critical focus. 1 +30 3 +25 4 +23 1. 33 1d8+8=10 3. 42 1d8+8=9 4. 34 1d4+5=6
potions in effect. dark vision cats grace bulls str Shield of faith +5
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 161/161(BrianZ) Saturday November 7th, 2020 7:21:26 PM
Trayvin completes his summoning spell.
OOC- I will wait to post it's position until the other fixed posts are completed
Pompous sees a gnoll in a den of evil doers... he draws an arrow, takes aim and... feeling something is wrong here shift his aim quickly to the right as the arrow leaves his bow. The arrow swishes past the gnoll’s head. By the time the gnoll realizes what is happening Pompous has a second arrow pointing at his heart. He then spins and fires at the closest ennemi.
——————— Barkskin Protection from evil ( hasted next post)
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 119/128 (15 con bonus) -- 45/17/43 CMD: 36 Monday November 9th, 2020 2:28:10 AM
Anna finishes her transformation and moves forward even with Sigvar so that the duergar have to contend with both a manticore-chimera and a minotaur.
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1284 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1278 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of manticore-chimera (large magical beast) - 108 rounds +6 size bonus to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, +2 size bonus to Constitution, +6 natural armor bonus, -1 AC, -1 Atk, -4 stealth, -2 fly, +1 CMB/CMD Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor), darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Melee: bite +16 (2d6+6), bite +16(1d8+6), gore +16 (1d8+6), 2 claws +16 (1d6+6), Ranged 4 spikes +12 (1d6+6) breath weapon: every 1d4 rounds (40 ft line of lightning; 6d8 damage; DC 22) Space space 10 ft, reach 5 feet +4 CMD vs trip Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed
DM Warren - MAP Monday November 9th, 2020 4:23:56 PM
Confusion reigns in the first moments of combat. Gnoll-kolai's light disguises Sigvar's shining blade long enough for him to get in a surprising strike, but he almost gets skewered by Pompous before he notices he's too short to be anything other than his commanding officer in disguise.
Sigvar uses his surprise to great advantage and scores a solid blow on the closest foe.
Anna jumps in to assist, growing back into her favourite combat shape.
Nikolai avoids the spell and readies his wizbang.
Michael pops up from under the bed with lightning speed and shows Barumon what happens when he tries to ensorcell his commander. With all the free sneak attacking, Barumon quickly goes down in a bloody mess.
Trayvin summons in some help for this battle and Pru hastes most of the party.
IH (1) - 49
Barumon - dead
all caught up on your actions - enemy actions incoming
DM Warren - MAP d20+21=32 ; d20+31=37 ; d10+11=16 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; Monday November 9th, 2020 4:51:41 PM
The duergar that Sigvar slashes now has a chimera in his face. He isn't phased though as he disappears in a twinkling and reappears near the back of the room. A chair comes flying from the back at Anna, but it shatters on her chimera scales.
The duergar he's hiding behind stands up and pulls an oversized crossbow up from the floor. He sends the huge bolt sailing down the center of the room to punch a hole into Sigvar. AC37 for 24 damage
The duergar on the bed stands up, retreats a bit, and casts a spell. spellcraft 19 Highlight to display spoiler: {Stoneskin}
The card player in the back casts a spell affecting everyone but Anna. All others - DC 22 Will Save (ench/mind-affecting) or be paralyzed. Spellcraft 21 Highlight to display spoiler: {Mass Hold Person}
The last one in the back casts a spell as well. You all find yourself feeling weightless and begin floating towards the ceiling. All but Trayvin - Reflex 23 to catch or secure yourself on the wall or furniture. Failure and you hit the ceiling (20 ft up) and take 2 damage. spellcraft 22 Highlight to display spoiler: {Reverse Gravity}
IH (1) - 49
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet d20+17=20 ; d20+15=16 ; Monday November 9th, 2020 6:17:58 PM
Hasted, Sigvar narrowly avoids the incoming fence post fired from the crossbow ( Haste makes his AC 38). Then misfortune strikes and he fails his Will save versus the Spell cast b the next Dwarf, becoming Paralyzed. Will save 20. Paralyzed he fails the reflex save and zooms up to meet the ceiling for 2 damage Reflex save 16
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+15=29 ; d20+26=29 ; d20+29=32 ; Monday November 9th, 2020 8:38:53 PM
a compulsion enters Michael's mind that his muscles have locked up, but that's stupid, if his muscles were locked up he couldn't be gutting a Durgar spell slinger. and the pile of meat on the bed sure looks like a gutted Durgar wizard to him. Will save 29
when the gravity goes all wonky he catches himself on a wall sconce and then follows the beds to the ceiling using them as cover as he moves closer to the group of Drugar.
Reflex save 29
Acrobatics. 32
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 161/161(BrianZ) d20+21=26 ; d20+23=32 ; d20+23=35 ; 2d10+12=27 ; 2d10+12=23 ; Monday November 9th, 2020 8:51:46 PM
will save = 26
The spell completed, the earth elemental summoned to the back of the room attacks the nearest guard hit AC 32, 35 damage: 27,23 (DM discretion on location, he should be able to reach at least 2 of the guards from most spots there)
Seeing the effect of the spell on Sigvar, Trayvin activates Freedom's Call. At least for the moment, the Agents can ignore the paralysis.
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 122/124] d20+21=35 ; d20+21=29 ; d20+21=26 ; d20+13=14 ; Monday November 9th, 2020 10:33:12 PM
Pru gestures toward the duergar rising from the bed. "Stoneskin," she alerts her companions.
She recognizes the Mass Hold Person being cast as well, but it doesn't help her make her Will save.
And, she recognizes Reverse Gravity, but, still caught by the Hold Person spell, there's nothing she can do about it.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 109/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+21=22 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 1:31:39 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - Gnoll, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind)
Will + 21 vs DC22 (ench/mind-affecting) or be paralyzed = 22 (that would be a N1 so fail). Nikolai is momentarily distracted by the arrow pointed at him from his team mate and quickly mentally signals that he is Nikolai, not gnoll, however this also lowers his guard to another mental attack and he becomes paralyzed, then, falls to the ceiling.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 119/128 (15 con bonus) -- 45/17/43 CMD: 36 d20+10=27 ; 6d8+10=35 ; d4=1 ; d20+8=24 ; d20+8=24 ; d20+8=21 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 4:49:14 AM
(Reflex: 27 = success)
Anna-Manticore Chimera catches the furniture to avoid being rocketed towards the ceiling. She then moves forward and then fires a line of lightning from her blue dragon mouth at Dwarves 1 and the bottom dwarf with with 3 balls. (35 lightning damage; DC 22 reflex save for half)
She can use the breathe weapon again in 1 round
Anna recognizes two of the spells cast as stoneskin and mass hold person
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1283 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1277 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of manticore-chimera (large magical beast) - 107 rounds +6 size bonus to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, +2 size bonus to Constitution, +6 natural armor bonus, -1 AC, -1 Atk, -4 stealth, -2 fly, +1 CMB/CMD Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor), darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Melee: bite +16 (2d6+6), bite +16(1d8+6), gore +16 (1d8+6), 2 claws +16 (1d6+6), Ranged 4 spikes +12 (1d6+6) breath weapon: every 1d4 rounds (40 ft line of lightning; 6d8 damage; DC 22) Space space 10 ft, reach 5 feet +4 CMD vs trip Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed
Pompous (Yves_B) AC 31/32 Haste/34 evil SR 20 CMD 30, HP 163/163/ d20+20=40 ; d20+18=27 ; d20+26=28 ; d6+6=7 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6+6=11 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d20+24=42 ; d6+6=9 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d20+20=29 ; d6+6=8 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d20+15=31 ; d6+6=7 ; d20+10=28 ; d6+6=10 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 7:11:42 AM
Pompous clearly ignors the attempt to paralyse him. ( Freedom's Call plus a natural 20 on the spell resistance check)
The world turns upside down as gravity spins on end. Pompous quickly and nimbly secures himself before firing a volley at the closest spell slinger ( likely the one south east from him)
-------------------------- SR check 40 (nat 20) Reflex 27
Haste Barkskin Prot from Evil Freedom's call
Many shots Fire arrows
Add + 1 to hit if within 30'
( Includes above bonuse)
Attack 1 Hits AC 27 (corrected) Phys damage 6 Fire 1 Elec 5 Attack 1a Hits AC 27 Phys dam 11 fire 3 elec 4 Attack 1b( Haste) AC 43 (corrected) Phys 9 fire 6 elec 4 Attach 2 Hits AC 29 Phys 8 fire 6 elec 3 Attack 3 Hits AC AC 31 Phys 7 fire 1 elec 2 Attack 4 Hits AC 28 Phys 10 fire 2 elec 3
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet d20+27=29 ; 4d6+24=35 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 8:10:15 AM
If the Freedoms Call allows SIgvar to act this round then.... Sigvar uses flight to cover the distance between himself and the nearest dwarf and Vital Strikes the dwarf. Hit AC 29 for 35 damage + 7 holy damage
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 122/124] Tuesday November 10th, 2020 12:42:02 PM
[Oh, wait, Freedom's Call lets us ignore the paralyzation? If that's the case, Pru would cast Feather Fall as the group starts to fall toward the ceiling.]
DM Warren - MAP d20+15=35 ; d20+9=26 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 6:07:32 PM
An unexpectedly speedy Sigvar avoids the volt, but then is held fast and flung up to the ceiling. He feels Trayvin's aura free him briefly, but once he flies forward out of the aura, it seizes him again. (You were able to move forward, but the spell took effect again when you got 30ft away). He does get far enough forward for gravity to work right again, so he's on solid ground at least.
Michael catches himself and parkours his way forward, eventually getting himself out of the strange gravity area.
Trayvin plops an earth elemental into the mix which double bludgeons a duergar before suppressing the paralyzing effect on his closer teammates and also hitting the ceiling. (30foot range, should cover everyone but Sigvar at the moment.)
Pru knows all the spells being tossed around, and while she and Nikolai both feel the spell take hold, they also feel Trayvin suppressing it for them. Pru realizes in time to slow the effect, nullifying the damage from falling up. (Nikolai should still be able to act)
Between not being a person and being able to fly, Anna isn't affected by any of the spells and goes to work with her breath weapon. The far duergar manages to flip out of the way and the other resists the worst of the damage.
Agile Pompous secures himself against the back wall and fires a volley at the closest caster. This was the one that Pru said had stoneskin, so while he does chip away, he does not quite as much as he had hoped.
IH (1) - 49 GS (3) - 50 FD (2) - 39 (50 absorbed by stoneskin)
enemy actions incoming
DM Warren - MAP d20+14=21 ; 34d6=130 ; 5d6=14 ; d20+22=34 ; d20+22=35 ; d4=2 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 6:41:00 PM
Not being up to the task of damaging Anna, the dwarf who threw the chair goes after the elemental instead. He steps up into a spot just cleared for him and grows large.
The one in front drops his overlarge crossbow and pulls out a wicked looking axe. Even paralyzed, most of Sigvar's defense is his armor and hard to get through. Only one axe strike hits (14 damage)
The one that got smacked around by the elemental pulls a trick out of Pru's book, barely avoiding losing the spell for fear of getting hit again. A sickly green ray shoots out of his finger, striking Anna manticore. (130 damage, Fort Save DC23 to only take 14.)
The other two also cast their spells with no problem. South -Spellcraft 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Wall of Force} North - Spellcraft 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Cloudkill}
Nikoali and Anna - DC 20 Fort Save - 2 con damage on a fail, 1 on success (no damage if immune to poison)
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+25=41 ; d20+26=45 ; d8+8=10 ; 8d6=27 ; d20+26=32 ; d8+8=12 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 8:52:08 PM
when he exits the wonky gravity Michael falls with style and positions himself opposite Sigvar with the Drugar in betwixt them. as he falls he slides His sunblade down into the hollow triangle between the collarbone, trap muscle and neck of the evil dwarf.
Acrobatics 41
That's Flank! but it's only one attack since I technically moved more than 5 ft.
Attack 1 SB +26 LB +24 +4 for flank.
Sunblade +4 vs evil To hit AC 45 (Crit! see below) for 10 and 27 points flanking damage.
attack 1 crit roll 32 for 12 more points. 27+10+12= 49 points.
also this guy takes 8 points of damage per round starting his round from my bleed attack.
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 161/161(BrianZ) d20+23=34 ; d20+23=34 ; 2d10+12=24 ; 2d10+12=17 ; d20+7=19 ; d20+7=13 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 9:03:51 PM
The elemental keeps busy trying to smash the dwarf next to it. Hit AC = 34, 34 damage: 24, 17
Trayvin doesn't recognize the spells by their incantation, but he does see the effects of one of them. Does anyone know what is going on in there? We either need to get in and help or get our people out.
OOC- A big sorry, I have used freedom's call before, I thought most would remember. It will take care of the paralysis(among other things) if you fail the save as long as you are in range(30 feet of Trayvin)
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 124/124] d20+21=41 ; d20+21=31 ; Tuesday November 10th, 2020 10:27:31 PM
[OOC: As I read the Hold Person spell, it allows a save every round, but that requires a full-round action. To, like, focus your will or something. Do the DMs concur with my interpretation? Assuming they do, Pru will forego her save in favor of actually doing something this round. :) ]
DM ooc: I agree with this interpretation. So long as you could touch all three, then that DD should work fine.
"Wall of Force," Pru calls after the first spell. "....aaand, that's a Cloudkill. We need to be elsewhere. All aboard for a Dimension Door."
Assuming Nikolai, Trayvin, and Pompous join her, Pru Dimension Doors them all to where the blue dot is now. She can't see the spot now, of course, but she would have been able to see it before the cloud went up, so she'd have some idea where to go.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 109/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+19=33 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 12:35:41 AM
OOC: Nikolai goofed, he is wearing a Ring of Freedom of Movement, so even with a N1 on his save vs the Hold Person, he is unaffected.
However, rather than ask for a redo, he'll just grab for some furniture.
Ref +18 +1 (Haste) vs DC23 = 33
Nikolai holds onto a bed post.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 111/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20=10 ; d20+21=37 ; 6d8+5=38 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 12:56:23 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - Gnoll, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb
Nikolai quickly grabs a hold on a bedpost when he sees his friends 'falling' to the ceiling, then realizes that his slippers of Spider Climb keep him fixed to the 'floor'. Then a cloud envelops him and the fumes he recognizes to be poisonous. His Monk training kicks in and he shrugs off the poisonous effects.
Monk Diamond Body - immune to poisons of all kinds.
Nikolai scampers across the room and ends up on the first bed, bottom row, and kicks out at the duergar between Michael and Sigvar if still alive, or the one in on the other side of the bed.
OOC: Ignore the 10 roll, clicked Roll instead of the ^ to change the + bonuses.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 169 / 185 Character Sheet d20+27=30 ; d20+27=39 ; d20+22=25 ; d20+17=28 ; d20+12=21 ; d20+19=29 ; 2d6+24=29 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; 2d6+24=31 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; 2d6+24=31 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; 2d6+24=34 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; 2d6+24=30 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d8=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d20+17=30 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 6:29:28 AM
Sigvar falls from the sky (damage?) and just kinda stares meanly at the Duergar in front of him. He is about to focus his will and try to save against the spell when suddenly he can move again. With this new development he starts bashing the dwarf with his sword. Out loud he asks " Who was it with the stoneskin?"
Sword 1 Hits AC 34 for 29 damage +11 holy +1 precision damage Haste Hits AC 43 for 31 damage +4 holy +3 precision damage sword 2 Hits AC 29 for 31 damage +11 holy +3 precision damage sword 3 Hits AC 32 for 34 damage +10 holy +6 precision damage sword 4 Hits AC 25 for 30 damage +4 holy +5 precision damage Horns Hit AC 33 for 15 damage +2 precision damage
In case the D door is counntered or something and Sigvar isn't part of Freedom's Call again.... Sigvar focuses his will and attempts to override the Hold Person Will Save 30
OOPS... forgot I am flanking with Michael, That adds +4 to all those to hit rolls and 1d6 precision damage. I added all that in, just mentioning it here to alleviate head scratching when you try to figure out why numbers don't match.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 105/113 (15 con bonus) -- 42/14/40 CMD: 36 d20+16=25 ; d20+12=29 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 7:13:26 AM
(25 vs Poison Save) (29 vs Green Ray: success)
Anna activates Iron Body becoming an Iron Bodied Manticore Chimera thus not being impacted by the cloud any longer.
She also moves to the bed on the far side to once again be shoulder to shoulder with Sigvar.
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1282 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1276 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of manticore-chimera (large magical beast) - 106 rounds +6 size bonus to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, +2 size bonus to Constitution, +6 natural armor bonus, -1 AC, -1 Atk, -4 stealth, -2 fly, +1 CMB/CMD Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor), darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Melee: bite +16 (2d6+6), bite +16(1d8+6), gore +16 (1d8+6), 2 claws +16 (1d6+6), Ranged 4 spikes +12 (1d6+6) breath weapon: every 1d4 rounds (40 ft line of lightning; 6d8 damage; DC 22) Space space 10 ft, reach 5 feet +4 CMD vs trip Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed Iron Body - 130 rounds DR 15/ Adamantine; immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. +6 Strength; -6 Dex; half speed; weight increases by a factor of 10 Passive Effects Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodied
Pompous (Yves_B) AC 31/32 Haste/34 evil SR 20 CMD 30, HP 163/163/ d20+22=35 ; d6+12=15 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6+12=18 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d20+22=27 ; d20+22=32 ; d6+12=15 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d20+18=25 ; d6+12=15 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d20+13=19 ; d6+12=14 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d20+8=15 ; d6+12=15 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 8:24:38 AM
Pompous D doors with the others and appears on one of the beds (west of the dot).
Mind link { Officers- Wind wall in the queue. Cast at the cloud or shoot}
Pompous fires another volley of firey shocky goodness straight ahead (due East).
================= SR 20
Haste Barkskin Prot from Evil Freedom's call
Many shots Deadly Strike -3/+6 damage
Fire arrows Point blank (I modified the damage rolls accordingly)
Attack 1 Hits AC 35 Phys damage 16 Fire 4 Elec 1 Attack 1a Hits AC 35 Phys dam 19 fire 6 elec 5 Attack 1b( Haste) AC 32 Phys 16 fire 4 elec 4 Attach 2 Hits AC 25 Phys 16 fire 3 elec 1 Attack 3 HitsAC 19 Phys 15 fire 1 elec 5 Attack 4 Hits AC 15 Phys 16 fire 6 elec 2
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 161/161(BrianZ) Wednesday November 11th, 2020 9:26:28 PM
Trayvin tags along for the dimension door spell, hopefully the dwarves will be surprised.
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 Wednesday November 11th, 2020 10:08:03 PM
OOC: looking at the sprites the DM is using, I'm guessing he's Order of the Stick fan.
DM Warren - MAP Wednesday November 11th, 2020 10:10:04 PM
Michael makes his super speedy attack. Unfortunately for Michael though, Sigvar is paralyzed at the moment and not able to help him flank. He hits, but not hard enough to crit or bleed his target.
Trayvin's elemental keeps smashing away, then he's whisked behind the wall of force with Pru.
Nikolai at first bounces off the wall of force in the center of the room, then get's grabbed along with Pompous by Pru's spell, and kicks the dwarf with the axe.
Sigvar is once again under the effect of Trayvin's aura, so he takes full advantage on the surprised duergar. Luckily for him, he is able to take advantage of the flank that Michael couldn't, which makes several more blows connect and results in one dead dwarf.
Anna tries to fly forward but is also stymied by the wall of force. Luckily, she's made herself immune to the poison which floats a little bit down the room, but that doesn't get her through the barrier.
Pompous keeps plugging away at his first target, shedding multitudes of stone flakes away.
IH (1) - 49 GS (3) - 91 FD (2) - 85 (110 absorbed by stoneskin)
(enemy attacks inc)
DM Warren - MAP d20+18=22 ; d20+18=31 ; d20+13=22 ; d20+13=15 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=22 ; 3d8+7=15 ; 3d8+7=16 ; 3d8+7=27 ; 3d8+7=26 ; d20+23=25 ; d20+22=26 ; d20+22=38 ; 17d6=59 ; 4d6=11 ; 15d6=56 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 10:30:48 PM
The enlarged duergar makes a flurry of strikes on the elemental, connecting many times. 4 hits, total of 83 damage
The casters have no armored friend in front of them, but it opens up a path for large spells. All three successfully cast their spells defensively.
Pru is obviously a problem, and is targeted by #5. She must make a Fort 22 save or be turned into a bat. It probably came to mind since he so recently saw one. If she is turned, make a DC22 Will Save or lose all spellcasting and other SLAs. spellcraft 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Baleful Polymorph}
#3 emits a huge scream, hitting everyone but Anna. All make a Fort 25 Save or take 59 damaged, 1 round stun, and deafened for 11 rounds. Successful save results in only 29 damage, no stun, and 5 rounds deafened. Spellcraft 23 Highlight to display spoiler: {Greater Shout}
#2 emits a huge blast of cold from his hands, also hitting everyone but Anna. Reflex DC22 or take 56 cold damage or 28 on a successful save. spellcraft 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {cone of cold}
Perception 26 Highlight to display spoiler: { You can hear some commotion coming from beyond the door that you were told leads to the prisoner cells}
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 124/124] Wednesday November 11th, 2020 11:00:24 PM
Pru will be using a Hero Point before attempting her Fort save, in order to get a +8 Luck bonus.
Bat Pru [AC 23; HP 37/124] [Stunned, deafened, bat] d20+18=20 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+14=31 ; Wednesday November 11th, 2020 11:06:44 PM
[OOC: Since making herself invisible, Pru has cast a Haste and three Dimension Doors. None of those are hostile spells as far as I know. She should still be invisible. Does #5 have a way to see invisible creatures?]
Pru tries to tell everyone about the Baleful Polymorph, but then suddenly she is a bat and can't talk. She can't do much of anything else, either. [Fort save 20, Will save 19]
Then she takes sonic damage, and is stunned and deafened.
She does not take all the cold damage, but she is effectively out of the fight.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+23=36 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+16=17 ; d20+16=17 ; 6d8+5=30 ; d20+21=38 ; 2d8+5=11 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 1:00:40 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - Gnoll, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb *Deafened 5/5 rounds
Perception +23 = 36 Fort +18 vs DC25 = 33. Successful save results in only 29 damage, no stun, and 5 rounds deafened
Reflex +18 +1 (Haste) vs DC22 = 26 Improved Evasion for no damage.
Nikolai's ears hurt real bad but manages to duck under the cone of cold air that flashes at him. Nikolai assesses the situation as best he can. He still has his Thunderstone in one hand and being deafened, he figures many of his team mates are too, so using it won't hurt them.
Attack 1: toss Thunderstone at the square where #5 is Range Attack +16 vs AC5 = 17
A loud bang goes off in #5's square affecting 10' rad - Fort DC15 save or be deafened for 1 hour.
Attack 2: Impr Vital Strike (kick) w/ Stunning Fist at #2 d20+15 +1 (Haste) = 17 probably a miss but... dmg 6d8 + 5 = 30, Stun for 1 round Fort DC24
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 90/98 (15 con bonus) -- 40/12/38 CMD: 35 Thursday November 12th, 2020 2:35:04 AM
Anna takes a full round action to turn into a Behemoth Hippo considering her best bet at this point is probably trying to just overcome the wall by sheer force.
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1281 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1275 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of behemoth hippo (huge animal) - 105 rounds +6 size bomus Str –4 size penalty Dex, +6 nat armor, -2 AC, -2 Attack, -8 stealth, -4 fly, +2 CMB/CMD 15 foot space, 15 foot reach, 50 ft base speed, low-light vision, bite+18(4d8+13 plus grab), trample (2d6+9 DC 22) Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed Iron Body - 129 rounds DR 15/ Adamantine; immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. +6 Strength; -6 Dex; half speed; weight increases by a factor of 10 Passive Effects Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodied
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 141 / 185 Character Sheet d20+21=41 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+27=40 ; d20+27=45 ; d20+27=31 ; d20+22=34 ; d20+17=27 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+20=33 ; 2d6+24=31 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; 2d6+24=33 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; 2d6+24=29 ; 2d6+24=31 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; 2d6+24=33 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d8=8 ; 8d6=29 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 7:03:14 AM
Fortitude Save 41 Reflex Save 27 Sigvar swiftly lays hands on himself for 29 healing Sigvar Steps up and swings at the stone skined dwarf with his adamantite sword.( I believe a 5 foot step gets me within 10' of him) Sword 1 Hits AC 40 for 31 damage + 3 holy Haste Threatens AC 45 and confirms to AC 31 for 33 damage + 10 holy if not confirmed 62 damage + 10 holy if confirmed Sword 2 Hits AC 34 for 31 damage + 12 holy Sword 3 Hits AC 27 for 33 damage + 7 holy Sword 4 Hits AC 28 for 22 damage (subject to damage reduction) Horns Hits AC 33 for
The ringing in his ear from the should doesn't stop him from shooting but he has a hard time hearing. He does however totally avoid the cold blast.
Pompous switches target about 45 degrees to his left and fires.
------------------- #3 scream SR 31 Fort save 33 Saves Takes 29 damage and deaf 5 rounds
#2 cold blast SR 32 Reflex 36 saved Evasion- no damage
SR 20
Deaf 5 rounds Haste Barkskin Prot from Evil Freedom's call
Many shots Deadly Strike -3/+6 damage
Fire arrows Point blank
Attack 1 Hits AC 27 Phys damage 16 Fire 5 Elec 1 Attack 1a Hits AC 27 Phys dam 16 fire 4 elec 1 Attack 1b( Haste) AC 33 Phys 17 fire 3 elec Attach 2 Hits AC 38 (nat 20 Critical role 21) Phys 12 (36) fire 2 elec 4 Attack 3 HitsAC 29 Phys 18 fire 4 elec 5 Attack 4 Hits AC 22 Phys 14 fire 4 elec 5
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+14=29 ; d20+26=30 ; d20+26=28 ; d20+26=39 ; d20+29=33 ; d20+27=40 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 9:19:02 PM
fort save vs sonic damage: 29
Reflex save auto saved bonus is 26, plus I have evasion so I miss out on all that cold damage. Reflext 30 (I rolled in David, just didn't post it. )
Michael watches Sigvar absolutely destroy the Durgar in front of him, then a dragon screams behind him, funny how when you are deafened the only thing you hear is a buzz. Michael senses the air suck back and then push forward as the cone of cold expands out and handily ducks behind one of the beds as the frigid wave passes to the side of him.
seeing the blanket on the bed gives him an idea.
He grabs the blanket, bounces off the table and engulfs the drugar at 7 top. (the one closes to him.).
Acrobatics 33
CMB bonus 25+2 for Imporved Dirty Ttick.
to engulf the Drugars head in the blanket. he is not blinded but he cannot see. he is not incapacitated but he is curtailed. he is also not damaged...yet.
DM Warren - MAP d20+17=37 ; d20+17=28 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+13=14 ; d20+10=13 ; d6=4 ; d20+22=26 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 9:54:43 PM
Pru likely takes some action once she realizes that she's still invisible and not actually a bat.
Nikolai throws his stone, and amazingly manages to deafen 2 of his targets. His next hit misses, but the last chips away some more flaky stone.
Anna turns into yet another amazing creature, but since she can't fly, she pops up to the ceiling again. Likely her armor keeps her from taking damage (4), and luckily she can still hit the force wall from the ceiling.
Sigvar steps up, and thanks to the previous several barrages from Pompous is able to cleave through the last of the protection and kill his target.
Michael pulls a clever trick, wrapping a blanket around the duergar's head.
The spells easily overcame Pompous' resistance, so since Pru was invisible, he should roll that Fort Save or become a bat. If he succeeds, then all but his last shot hit his target (no crit though).
Enemy Actions
#5 casts a spell and disappears. #3 also casts a spell and disappears, but Michael suddenly feels a huge presence next to him. #1 keeps pounding away at the elemental, unless Pompous' arrows took him down.
(1) - 49 (3) - 91, disappeared (5) - disappeared
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 76/161(BrianZ) d20+17=33 ; d20+11=13 ; d20+23=32 ; d20+23=35 ; 2d10+12=22 ; 2d10+12=22 ; 15d6=68 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 10:09:13 PM
fort save = 33(29dmg taken), ref save = 13(56 dmg taken)
The earth elemental tries to return the favor to the big dwarf that attacked it. hit AC:32, 35 damage: 22, 22
Trayvin casts a spell and tries to hit the dwarves that just turned invisible as well as the one attacking the elemental. flame strike on the back corner of the room. ref save DC 19
I can counter their invisibility, but it will cancel ours as well
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 37/124] [Stunned, deafened, bat] d100=58 ; d100=3 ; Thursday November 12th, 2020 11:37:58 PM
Pru was never a bat, but she was stunned and is now deafened. However, the Telepathic Bond is still up, so she can still "hear" Anna needing to get through the Wall of Force.
"I'm not your taxi service," she mutters. Well, she thinks she mutters. Actually, it's pretty loud.
She attempts to cast Disintegrate at the Wall of Force. Since she is deaf, she has a 20% spell failure chance, but she manages to get it off. Per the spell description, Disintegrate destroys Wall of Force.
Realizing she'll probably be dead next round, Pru tries for a Quickened Magic Missile at the visible remaining duergar. This time, however, her spell fails.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 141 / 185 Character Sheet Thursday November 12th, 2020 11:46:12 PM
OOC None of Sigvar's sword attacks were blocked by the DR. It is DR adamantite which his sword slices though like butter. @Michael, you still need to roll the save. A natural 1 always fails
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+21=24 ; Friday November 13th, 2020 1:51:57 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - Gnoll, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb *Deafened 4/5 rounds
Being deafened means Nikolai can't use his perception very well to sense where the invisible guy has gone. He does take a liking to Michael's tactic and takes a 5' step off the bed, forward, grabs the blanket and tosses it in front of him.
Move: grab blanket Action: toss the blanket in the square in front of him d20 +20 +1(haste) vs AC5 = 24 OOC: as this is not an attack per se, just flinging the blanket like a net, should it be considered an improvised weapon like Michael's use? I'll let the DM figure it out. DM OOC: no one in the square, so no need =)
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 90/98 (15 con bonus) -- 40/12/38 CMD: 35 d20+18=32 ; 8d8+13=52 ; Friday November 13th, 2020 3:23:00 AM
(OOC: Why am I on the ceiling? I saved versus that spell and shouldn't my spider climb allow me to stick to things?)
it's a continuous effect, the save for for catching. But I had forgotten about the spider climb, so you're still good on the ground.
Anna-Hippo makes a vital strike against the wall of force (32 vs AC; 52 damage; meaning 22 damage after hardness)
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1280 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1274 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of behemoth hippo (huge animal) - 104 rounds +6 size bomus Str -4 size penalty Dex, +6 nat armor, -2 AC, -2 Attack, -8 stealth, -4 fly, +2 CMB/CMD 15 foot space, 15 foot reach, 50 ft base speed, low-light vision, bite+18(4d8+13 plus grab), trample (2d6+9 DC 22) Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed Iron Body - 128 rounds DR 15/ Adamantine; immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. +6 Strength; -6 Dex; half speed; weight increases by a factor of 10 Passive Effects Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodied
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 174 / 185 Character Sheet d20+29=45 ; 4d6+24=28 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; 8d6=28 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d100=12 ; Friday November 13th, 2020 2:32:20 PM
Sigvar goes around the bottom of the map (let me know if I run into an invisible guy) and flanks with the elemental. Vital strike the enlarged dwarf ( power attack) Hits AC 45 for 28 damage +7 holy damage Sigvar again swiftly heals himself for 33 damage
If Sigvar runs into an invisible foe and can not get around him he istead attacks that foe ( -2 for no flanking- whatever for the foe being invisible) 12% on the 50% miss chance so the attack will miss
DM Warren - MAP d4=1 ; 12d8=53 ; Friday November 13th, 2020 9:27:24 PM
After almost being batified, Pompous says no thanks and his arrows blasted away his target, which Sigvar was able to finish off. He doesn't run into anyone invisible. Neither does Nikolai's blanket find anything.
Anna takes a swing at the wall, but Pru has kindly gotten rid of it for her. For a moment, nothing is left except a cloudkill slowly drifting away.
That is until that presence that Michael felt reveals itself to be a dragon! Not the one you were expecting, as it's red and spewing a giant gout of fire into the room. Nikolai, Sigvar, and the elemental feel the heat, but are out of the cone. It sweeps over everyone else though.
DC27 Reflex or take 53 fire damage
In addition, everyone (but Sigvar) must make a DC23 Will Save or be shaken due to its Frightful Presence.
Knowledge Arcana 28 Highlight to display spoiler: { This is quite possibly the effect of the Duergar casting the spell "Form of the Dragon"}
Michael lets the Dwarf fight with the blanket while he guts him. He's so focused on killing this dude he does not even notice the dragon in the room.
I'm guessing he's flat-footed while he deals with that, so I get precision damage.
Attack 1 SB =+26 LB +24
Sunblade +4 To hit AC 36 for 15 points of damage and 27 points backstab damage.
Luckblade +2 To hit AC 38 for 6 points of damage and 19 points backstab damage.
Attack 2 SB +21 LB +19
Sunblade +4 To hit AC 33 for 11 points of damage an31d points back stab damage.
Luckblade +2 To hit AC 39 for 6 pints of damage and 31 points back stab damage.
3rd attack
SB +16 LB +14 o Sunblade +4 To hit AC 36(crit see below) for 15 points of damage and 22 points backstab damage.
Luckblade +2 To hit AC 18 for 8 points of damage and 30 points backstab damage.
Crit 32 for 15 points of damage.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 174 / 185 Character Sheet d20+31=44 ; d20+31=32 ; d20+26=40 ; d20+21=25 ; d20+16=30 ; d20+23=37 ; 2d6+40=49 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; 2d6+40=44 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; 2d6+40=46 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; 2d6+40=48 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d8=7 ; Friday November 13th, 2020 10:13:46 PM
Suddenly there is a dragon right next to Sigvar! The Minotaur takes it in stride. While this IS the most unusual thing that has happened to him today, the day is young and something more fantastic might yet happen. Sigvar Smites the dragon as a matter of cause and then starts killing it.
SMITE EVIL: a paladin can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the paladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the paladin adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her paladin level to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite. If the target of smite evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. Sword 1 Hits AC 44 for 65 damage +4 holy damage Haste Miss Nat 1 Sword 2 Hits AC 40 for 44 damage +5 holy damage Sword 3 Hits AC 25 for 46 +4 holy damage Sword 4 Hits AC 30 for 48damage +5 holy damage Horns Hit AC 37 for 34 damage Since these are Smite attacks there is no DR versus any of these attacks
DM Warren - MAP Friday November 13th, 2020 10:40:37 PM clarity for Michael - your blanketed target isn't there anymore, it's only the dragon. and you do need the reflex saving throws still. thanks!
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+17=27 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+21=29 ; 2d8+5=17 ; Saturday November 14th, 2020 1:10:08 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - Gnoll, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb *Deafened 3/5 rounds
Will +17 vs DC23 = 27
Nikolai figures that at least if that invisible duergar shows up in front of him, he'll see the blanket shift and move a bit, but the appearance of the dragon throws all thoughts of this happening to the winds. Fortunately, he's fought a dragon before, or perhaps he does not believe this is a true dragon but a polymorphed duergar. In either case, he feels no fear of its presence. Of its talons and jaws, maybe yes, but not of it just sitting there.
Oddly enough, he's so close to the dragon that its belching of fire is to high and goes over his head. He is staring at it's belly though, and as tough as it may seem, he pummels it.
Monk Ki lvl 4 - treat Unarmed Strike as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR Monk Ki lvl 10 - treat Unarmed Strike as lawful weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR
Haste Attack: D20 + 20 +1 (Haste) = 29 Dmg = 17 (no DR Magic or Lawful)
Pompous (Yves_B) AC 31/32 Haste/34 evil SR 20 CMD 30, HP 134/163/ d20+15=35 ; d20+16=24 ; d20+20=32 ; d20+22=33 ; d6+12=18 ; d6=3 ; d6+12=14 ; d6=4 ; d20+22=25 ; d6+12=18 ; d6=4 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=25 ; d6+12=13 ; d6=3 ; d20+13=29 ; d6+12=14 ; d6=5 ; d20+8=27 ; d6+12=18 ; d6=1 ; Saturday November 14th, 2020 7:52:31 AM
At the sight of the dragon Pompous eyes get much bigger. ".... orc droppings..... " " NOT A TRUE DRAGON. DRAGON FORM! DRAGON FORM!" (Knowledge Aracana 35 Nat 20 )
aaaaand fires.....
---------------------- Will save 24 Reflex 32 Evasion - no damage
Deaf 4 rounds Haste Barkskin Prot from Evil Freedom's call
Many shots Deadly Strike -3/+6 damage
Point blank Attack 1 Hits AC 33 Phys damage 18 Elec 3 Attack 1a Hits AC 33 Phys dam 14 elec 4 Attack 1b( Haste) AC 25 Phys 18 elec 4 Attach 2 Hits AC 38 (nat 20 Crit 25 Phys 39 elec 3 Attack 3 HitsAC 29 Phys 14 elec 5 Attack 4 Hits AC 27 Phys 18 elec 1
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 4/124] [deafened] d20+13=15 ; d20+16=18 ; d100=24 ; Saturday November 14th, 2020 12:37:35 PM
The only reason Pru isn't dead right now is she has natural fire resistance.
"MEDIC!" She is still deafened, so she yells really, really loud.
She attempts to cast a spell, and just barely manages to Maze the dragon.
There's no save, but there is SR if applicable.
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 Saturday November 14th, 2020 8:37:30 PM
I did roll the reflex save, I just forgot to post it. I have clarified that as of the last post.
I didn't see that my target had turned into a dragon, my computer had rebooted and I didn't have the map up. since I made my save could I simply have redesignated the dragon as the target for my attacks?
DM ooc: yes, that's fine - I'll account for it on Monday's post
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 90/98 (15 con bonus) -- 40/12/38 CMD: 35 d20+20=39 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+16=19 ; Sunday November 15th, 2020 8:58:03 PM
(Know Arcana:39) (13 vs Will = shaken; –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.)
Iron Anna-Hippo calls out "The dragon, its the Dwarf but he's transformed."
She then moves forward and attempts to vital strike the dragon (19 vs AC; likely miss)
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1279 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1273 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of behemoth hippo (huge animal) - 103 rounds +6 size bomus Str -4 size penalty Dex, +6 nat armor, -2 AC, -2 Attack, -8 stealth, -4 fly, +2 CMB/CMD 15 foot space, 15 foot reach, 50 ft base speed, low-light vision, bite+18(4d8+13 plus grab), trample (2d6+9 DC 22) Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed Iron Body - 128 rounds DR 15/ Adamantine; immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. +6 Strength; -6 Dex; half speed; weight increases by a factor of 10 Passive Effects Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodied
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 23/161(BrianZ) 15d6=59 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+21=40 ; d20+23=29 ; d20+23=32 ; 2d10+12=31 ; 2d10+12=18 ; Monday November 16th, 2020 6:46:07 PM
flame strike damage from last round if it still applies: 59 save vs fire breath = 12, save vs fear = 40
The elemental attacks the dragon. Hit AC 29, 32 damage:31, 18
Trayvin hears Pru call for aid. Fortunately he is close. He turns around and casts a spell on her. Pru is affected by heal Along with 150hp healed, the spell will remove a number of conditions including deafened. Well, that should help a bit. Try and give the dragon a bad day.
DM Warren - MAP Monday November 16th, 2020 8:01:24 PM
Unfortunately for the Duergar sorcerer, he had already taken quite a beating before calling on his dragon power. Michael's flurry and the flank from the elemental finish him off, and he shrinks back down to just a bleeding dark dwarf again. Everything is quiet for the moment as the gas finishes dissipating out the hall and the ringing in your ears dies down.
Your injuries are pretty sever, but for the moment it seems you've won the day. Though there is no sign of the other duergar that disappeared, and counting bodies, there's one of two of the elite team that probably aren't accounted for.
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 85/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 Monday November 16th, 2020 8:10:46 PM
with all the baddies either fled or dead, Michael gets on with the mission. The info that they got says that the prisoner cells are down this hall. so Michael sets off down the hall, he says via the link.
You guys coming? we got a commander to save.
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 124/124] Monday November 16th, 2020 10:35:55 PM
"Thanks, Trayvin," Pru says. "I was worried there for a second." She frowns. "You don't look so good yourself."
She turns to follow Michael. "Right behind you."
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 90/98 (15 con bonus) -- 42/14/39 CMD: 36 d20+17=33 ; Tuesday November 17th, 2020 12:52:31 AM
Anna takes a full round action to go back to her battle standard of manticore-chimera before following after the others.
(Perception: 33)
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1277 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1271 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of blue dragon headed manticore-chimera - 101 rounds +6 size bonus to your Strength, -2 penalty on your Dexterity, +2 size bonus to your Constitution, +6 natural armor bonus, -1 AC, -1 Atk, -4 stealth, -2 fly, +1 CMB/CMD Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor), darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Melee: bite +19 (2d6+9), bite +19(1d8+9), gore +19 (1d8+9), 2 claws +19(1d6+9), Ranged 4 spikes +9 (1d6+9) space 10 ft, reach 5 feet +4 CMD vs trip Breathe Weapon (40 ft line of lightning; 6d8 electricity; DC 22 for half usable every 1d4 rounds) Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed Iron Body - 128 rounds DR 15/ Adamantine; immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. +6 Strength; -6 Dex; half speed; weight increases by a factor of 10 Passive Effects Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodied
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) Tuesday November 17th, 2020 12:58:05 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - normal self, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb *Deafened 2/5 rounds
Nikolai takes a second to send a message to his hat to bring him back to his normal form, then follows Michael. 'Michael, just keep an eye out for those missing duergar, specially the one that went invisible.' he warns through the link.
Perception + 22 +1 (luckstone) =
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+23=35 ; Tuesday November 17th, 2020 12:59:46 AM
OOC: dang it. meant to click roll!
Nikolai takes a second to send a message to his hat to bring him back to his normal form, then follows Michael. 'Michael, just keep an eye out for those missing duergar, specially the one that went invisible.' he warns through the link.
Perception + 22 +1 (luckstone) = 35 looking for signs of blood on the floor.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 174 / 185 Character Sheet Tuesday November 17th, 2020 5:50:43 AM
Sigvar has only a bruise here and there left to show there was ever a scuffle. He follows along waiting for Michael to find the fleeing elites.
{ Stand by... got some bodies to check. There may be some keys or maps or some such }
--------------- Perception check 27
Deaf 3 rounds Haste Barkskin Prot from Evil Freedom's call
DM Warren - MAP Tuesday November 17th, 2020 4:22:48 PM
Michael is raring to go, feeling very close to their objective. He doesn't want the commander to languish in a cell any longer than possible.
He is briefly stymied by a locked door.
Trayvin does what he does best and patches up the more heavily damaged Agents. Pru is especially thankful. Nikolai and Anna get back to more familiar forms since most any need for subtlety is past.
Pompous turns his attention to the bodies, thinking that it may be a good source of information. What he finds depends on how long they spend, but the first body he glances over is obviously stocked with high quality gear. Besides the arbalest, there is some nice armor and bracers, his axe and shield, and probably some more things in his pockets.
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 37/161(BrianZ) d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; Tuesday November 17th, 2020 8:55:49 PM
Trayvin thanks the elemental, and then sends it back to it's own plane. Taking a look at the Agents after the battle, he splashes a bit of healing around to get them underway as quickly as possible.
channel energy = 14 hp healed to all within range
Trayvin will see to his own wounds as the group sets out back on the Commander's trail.
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 99/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+22=33 ; Tuesday November 17th, 2020 9:58:52 PM You might need to see to yourself cleric, if you die we all die he turns to the lock, and the healing washes over Michael as he studies it. It would taste like Gnomish babaganoush this time. he pulls out his picks and begins to work on the lock. The melancholy pain in his chest growing as he misses his friend "tinker"
diable device roll 33
Hey do ya'll remember how Tinker used to have the worst luck in combat? man I can remember all the times we had to bring him back, from the brink of death. I think it was through Tinker that I first met Gargul, I wonder how he's doing right now?
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) Wednesday November 18th, 2020 12:54:26 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - normal self, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb OOC: presumably we'll spend enough time here for the Deafened condition to dissipate.
Nikolai watches over Michael as he works the lock. "You wanna ask Gargul how Tinker is doing? Just keep your mind on that lock. I would expect anything at this point."
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 90/98 (15 con bonus) -- 42/14/39 CMD: 36 Wednesday November 18th, 2020 1:46:37 AM
Anna says, "The Duerger guy had an arbalest? Isn't that a siege weapon? I'm impressed."
To Nikolai she says, "Should I turn into a hippo again and just rip the door off its hinges? I'm thinking as a hippo I could probably just destroy the door completely in maybe half a minute"
(OOC: If Nikolai ascents Anna will turn into a hippo using the "jaws of life" to work its magic on the door; with vital strike hippo anna can do 8d8 + 13 damage per round; tell me how many rounds to subtract from the active effects and my move after the door is destroyed will be to turn chimera again)
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1276 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1270rounds Beast Shape IV: form of blue dragon headed manticore-chimera - 100 rounds +6 size bonus to your Strength, -2 penalty on your Dexterity, +2 size bonus to your Constitution, +6 natural armor bonus, -1 AC, -1 Atk, -4 stealth, -2 fly, +1 CMB/CMD Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor), darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Melee: bite +19 (2d6+9), bite +19(1d8+9), gore +19 (1d8+9), 2 claws +19(1d6+9), Ranged 4 spikes +9 (1d6+9) space 10 ft, reach 5 feet +4 CMD vs trip Breathe Weapon (40 ft line of lightning; 6d8 electricity; DC 22 for half usable every 1d4 rounds) Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed Iron Body - 127 rounds DR 15/ Adamantine; immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. +6 Strength; -6 Dex; half speed; weight increases by a factor of 10 Passive Effects Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodied
Pompous (Yves_B) AC 31/32 Haste/34 evil SR 20 CMD 30, HP 148/163/ d20+23=32 ; Wednesday November 18th, 2020 6:30:16 AM
Pompous encourages the others to take as much as possible.Armor, weapons, and anything else of interest. He also checks the area for trunks and other stash like containers.
" Ladies and gents, we have stuff to grab. If you would be so kind."
---- Perception 32
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Wednesday November 18th, 2020 6:45:35 AM
Sigvar pulls out the rod of lesser extend he has been using up until now and casts Resist energy Acid on himself before the lock s opened.
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 124/124] Wednesday November 18th, 2020 2:31:01 PM
Pru casts a quick Detect Magic to help find magical gear to grab up.
"Also, see if any of them has a key. That might make things easier."
DM Warren - MAP Wednesday November 18th, 2020 4:46:00 PM
Pompous would still like to loot the bodies, since there are several more he hasn't checked plus each of their trunks. He rifles through some pockets and does come up with a key! Maybe it'll even work in the door, since Michael didn't quite get the tumblers to click open. Maybe because of the tear in his eye thinking about an old friend.
Trayvin makes sure the Agents are ready for anything while Sigvar covers some more bases for the next expected fight. Pru catches several auras to check out among the bodies.
Nikolai and Anna keep on track though, and if the key or the lockpicks don't work, then a huge hippo will soon make short work of the door.
However they break through, they are met by a long, dark passage heading north, that bends west just at the end of the torchlight.
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 72/161(BrianZ) d8=5 ; d8=5 ; d8=3 ; d8=7 ; Wednesday November 18th, 2020 7:53:19 PM
Trayvin nods at Michael's words. You are right of course, I just don't care to think of myself until all the Agents are taken care of.
Trayvin heals himself a little while some of the Agents open the door and other look around for anything valuable. cast cure critical wounds healed 35hp
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 99/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+25=44 ; d20+33=51 ; Wednesday November 18th, 2020 8:16:51 PM
Michael looks over the hallway. any foot prints in the dust on the floor? he smells. do I smell the sweat of a scared dwarf? any loose stones signifying a trap?
perception. 44
if it looks clear he starts ghosting down the hall.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+23=28 ; Thursday November 19th, 2020 1:23:48 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - normal self, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb
Nikolai backs Michael up. Perception +23 = 28
"Pru, send some dancing lights down that tunnel and see if you can scare something up."
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 90/98 (15 con bonus) -- 42/14/39 CMD: 36 d20+17=34 ; Thursday November 19th, 2020 3:44:09 AM
Anna peers down the long dark hallway. Does the darkvision 60 feet reveal anything?
Perception: 34
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1271 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1265 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of blue dragon headed manticore-chimera - 95 rounds +6 size bonus to your Strength, -2 penalty on your Dexterity, +2 size bonus to your Constitution, +6 natural armor bonus, -1 AC, -1 Atk, -4 stealth, -2 fly, +1 CMB/CMD Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor), darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Melee: bite +19 (2d6+9), bite +19(1d8+9), gore +19 (1d8+9), 2 claws +19(1d6+9), Ranged 4 spikes +9 (1d6+9) space 10 ft, reach 5 feet +4 CMD vs trip Breathe Weapon (40 ft line of lightning; 6d8 electricity; DC 22 for half usable every 1d4 rounds) Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed Iron Body - 122 rounds DR 15/ Adamantine; immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. +6 Strength; -6 Dex; half speed; weight increases by a factor of 10 Passive Effects Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodied
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Thursday November 19th, 2020 6:46:10 AM
While Michael attempts to pick the lock again, or use the key, Sigvar will lend a hand to Pompous's search for loot on the bodies.
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 124/124] Thursday November 19th, 2020 4:46:49 PM
Pru leaves off the treasure hunt for now, and sends Dancing Lights down the corridor as Nikolai suggested.
DM Warren - MAP Thursday November 19th, 2020 4:54:05 PM
(map is updated)
Trayvin is reminded that he should look after his own wounds. Sigvar starts looting a body as well, finding a couple of potions and other sundry items. He gets pulled away by new information from Michael.
Michael has snatched the key from Pompous' hand almost before he mentioned finding it and set his sniffer working on the hallway. There are no traps to speak of, and he can't smell any fear (though who knows if he could smell fear whether or not it's there?)
He finds that once he gets to the bend in the hallway, the torch and dancing lights are no longer necessary. What seemed like a lingering effect of the deafness reveals itself to be the sound of the ocean, which you can hear through gaps in the stone wall. Presumably it is a cliff face that drops down to the sea.
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 99/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+25=35 ; d20+33=44 ; Thursday November 19th, 2020 7:30:30 PM Well that's one way to keep prisioners, must be hard to escape if you are suspended over the ocean. .
Michael informs the party of what he sees, via the link, but he remains vigilant expecting an attack at any moment.
Perception 35
Stealth 44
You know guys this link is pretty handy, I can stay hidden and report back without giving away my position. and it even works when we are deafend.
Michael moves around the bend, first peeking around so that only one eye and an ear are visible, then if nothing is there he moves cautiously out and around the bend.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+23=33 ; d20+20=32 ; Friday November 20th, 2020 1:09:34 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - normal self, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb
Nikolai joins Michael in his careful exploration of the tunnel. Perception +23 = 33 Stealth + 20 = 32
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 90/98 (15 con bonus) -- 42/14/39 CMD: 36 Friday November 20th, 2020 4:01:59 AM
Anna-Morphling waits for Nikolai and Michael to go back. If she wasn't Iron Bodied perhaps she would turn into a bat again but it would seem like a waste to dismiss it now
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1270 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1264 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of blue dragon headed manticore-chimera - 94 rounds +6 size bonus to your Strength, -2 penalty on your Dexterity, +2 size bonus to your Constitution, +6 natural armor bonus, -1 AC, -1 Atk, -4 stealth, -2 fly, +1 CMB/CMD Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor), darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Melee: bite +19 (2d6+9), bite +19(1d8+9), gore +19 (1d8+9), 2 claws +19(1d6+9), Ranged 4 spikes +9 (1d6+9) space 10 ft, reach 5 feet +4 CMD vs trip Breathe Weapon (40 ft line of lightning; 6d8 electricity; DC 22 for half usable every 1d4 rounds) Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed Iron Body - 121 rounds DR 15/ Adamantine; immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. +6 Strength; -6 Dex; half speed; weight increases by a factor of 10 Passive Effects Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodie
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Friday November 20th, 2020 10:36:34 AM
Since they are still sneaking, Sigvar loots another body.
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 124/124] Friday November 20th, 2020 1:37:50 PM
Like Sigvar, Pru switches back to treasure-hunting, casting another Detect Magic to help her.
{ Anyone have a detect magic spell?.... That would help get this chore done quicker }
-------------- Perception 30
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 99/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 Friday November 20th, 2020 6:32:05 PM
hearing the thoughts of his companions having fun looting the dead, Michael consoles himself with an internal dialog about his dedication to the mission, the good of the commander, and that he is far to disciplined to want to loot.
smugness +1
DM Warren - MAP d20+20=38 ; 6d6=16 ; Friday November 20th, 2020 7:58:26 PM
Pompous, Pru, and Sigvar keep searching through the bodies and have now added several pieces of gems and jewelry, various scrolls and potions, and an assortment of magic glowing weapons and armor. It's quite the haul! Let me know when you want the full accounting.
Michael and Nikolai finish squeezing through into the open area. The sea is much clearer now, but more worrying is the huge green dragon flying around outside! and despite his care and the reduced vision, he has still noticed Nikolai!
What seems like a miniature sun is blinding in its brilliance after being so long in the darkened caverns. Nikolai and Michael - take 16 damage and you're blinded. DC24 reflex for half damage and no blindness. You hear the echoing of the dragon's laughter as he swoops around, enjoying taunting you from outside.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Saturday November 21st, 2020 3:16:05 AM
OOC If there might be anything useful to us in that loot , now would be a good time to see it all 8). Is that area Michael and Nikolai are in open to the sea? Can they get out to the dragon and the dragon get in to them? holding post waiting for answers and an alert that the dragon is actually here )
Michael Wittman AC:32, T:21, FF:25(ucdodge) HP 99/141 F+14, R+23,W+15, CMB+22, CMD+31 d20+26=45 ; Saturday November 21st, 2020 6:25:59 PM
Reflex save 45.
No damage for me thanks I have evasion! so , At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Michael sees the Dragon and dodges back around the corner when the "sun" comes out. deftly avoiding the blinding heat.
Hey guys, we found the dragon. no biggie, he's just casting some kind of fireball at us.
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 124/124] Saturday November 21st, 2020 11:21:05 PM
"They found the dragon," Pru says aloud for the benefit of Trayvin, who isn't in the Telepathic Bond. "Or, I guess, he found them. Let's go."
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Sunday November 22nd, 2020 12:00:43 AM
[b]" Prudence, could you put Greater Heroism on me? If we are going to engage the dragon I suspect I'll need the help." Sigvar says as he heads towards the tiny tunnel leading to where the dragon has been spotted. He also begins putting more magic on himself , figuring that a fight with the dragon is somehow inevitable. using a lesser extend rod cast Bless weapon.
Pompous uses his Brahmah Tatoos and casts Align Weapon -good on his bow then refreshes his protection from evil.
----------------- Active
Barskin Prot from evil Align weapon good
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+18=28 ; d20+23=26 ; Monday November 23rd, 2020 12:40:01 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - normal self, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb
Ref +18 DC24 = 28 take 16 damage and you're blinded. DC24 reflex for half damage and no blindness.
Improved Evasion: on Save reduce half damage to no damage.
Shielding his eyes on instinct, and ducking, Nikolai evades the sudden bright flash. "So this is the dragon," he mutters. Shouting out, he says "Hey! Your Ugliness! Laugh all you can now 'cause it'll be your Last!"
He quickly scans the area to get a picture of the battleground before ducking back inside. Perception +23 = 26 What does the area around the exit look like? Is there a beach? Are they high up on a cliff with a rocky shore below? Stuff like that.
"Michael, let's fetch the others."
Back inside a bit, he waits for the others to join up.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 90/98 (15 con bonus) -- 42/14/39 CMD: 36 Monday November 23rd, 2020 12:50:05 AM
Anna makes sure she has her Eberyon's tears (Holy Eberyon Tear - +2d6 vs Evil; Dragon Bane Eberyon Tear - +2d6 vs Dragons; Gold Pearl [Holy, Shocking Burst; Dragon Bane] - 2d6 vs Evil; 2d6 vs Dragon; +1d6 electric damage on crit additional +1d10 electric)
(OOC: Is that hallway that Nikolai and Michael went down too narrow for large / huge creatures?)
If she can fit down the hallway in her current form she moves down the hallway(15 foot ground/climb or 25 foot fly) but if it is too narrow for her current form she takes a standard action to turn into a medium silver dragon per her Queen's Shape Form of Dragon III SLA
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1270 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1264 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of blue dragon headed manticore-chimera - 94 rounds +6 size bonus to your Strength, -2 penalty on your Dexterity, +2 size bonus to your Constitution, +6 natural armor bonus, -1 AC, -1 Atk, -4 stealth, -2 fly, +1 CMB/CMD Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor), darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Melee: bite +19 (2d6+9), bite +19(1d8+9), gore +19 (1d8+9), 2 claws +19(1d6+9), Ranged 4 spikes +9 (1d6+9) space 10 ft, reach 5 feet +4 CMD vs trip Breathe Weapon (40 ft line of lightning; 6d8 electricity; DC 22 for half usable every 1d4 rounds) Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed Iron Body - 121 rounds DR 15/ Adamantine; immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. +6 Strength; -6 Dex; half speed; weight increases by a factor of 10 Passive Effects Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodi
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Monday November 23rd, 2020 7:42:26 AM
For my book keeping and sanity
Sigvar's Dashboard -------------------------------------------------- Lay On Hands 3/12 used Smite Evil 1/6 used Resist Energy Acid 260 minutes remaining Bless Weapon 26 minutes Remaining Divine Bond +1 on weapon Speed enchantment ~11 minutes remaining
DM Warren - MAP Monday November 23rd, 2020 3:07:35 PM
OOC: answering questions and catch up
I was initially waiting on a full loot list as you were kinda still in combat rounds - if you want to assume Michael and Nikolai come back to strategize, we can get a full list. If not, then you can look for something specific and identify a couple per round. But it sounds like you're buffing up?
There is quite an assortment of weapons, armors, potions, scrolls, and other magic items. I'll assume you've done a couple items that people mentioned specifically:
+3 Unholy Heavy Crossbow The bag full of potions is a bag of holding 1
As for the cave layout, you're approximately 50-60 feet up from the ocean. No beach to speak of, just some painful rocks to potentially fall on. The wall of the cave is stone, but there are several small gaps in it so you can see out / he can see in. Spells are easy enough to target, arrows would need to be pretty close to the wall to fire through the gaps, and you would have to deal with some cover.
The hallway is like the others have been - large can squeeze through slowly, huge cannot fit without the squeeze feature.
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 88/161(BrianZ) d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; Monday November 23rd, 2020 4:06:46 PM Well, this is a situation, the dragon can't easily fit in here, but we can't easily engage it while it is flying around outside. Maybe there is another entrance that it uses?
Trayvin tosses some more healing around while the Agents come up with a strategy. channel energy = 16hp healed
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 124/124] Monday November 23rd, 2020 9:08:30 PM
"We need to try to free the Commander," Pru says firmly. "Michael, if I made you invisible, do you think you could sneak past the dragon and get to her cell?"
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+23=42 ; Tuesday November 24th, 2020 1:16:05 AM
OOC: ok, now I understand the map.
IC: Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - normal self, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb
Nikolai climbs up the wall and along the ceiling proceeds past the fissures in the tunnel to the other side. he crouches as best he can in hopes that with the dragon outside, flying around, it won't be able to notice someone on the ceiling with such a low profile.
Once past this area plops back down to the floor. Perception +23 = 42
Peeking down the hallway, what does he see? Low light vision, but if totally dark, pulls out the Everburning torch.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 90/98 (15 con bonus) -- 42/14/39 CMD: 36 Tuesday November 24th, 2020 1:53:23 AM
Anna says, "So I've got a couple of ways I can play this. Honestly if we are engaging the dragon it might be time to dismiss my iron body and go full dragon against the green dragon but if we want to sneak by I could turn into a bat again. What is the better play?"
She queries her fistmates for suggestions.
Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1269 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1263 rounds Beast Shape IV: form of blue dragon headed manticore-chimera - 93 rounds +6 size bonus to your Strength, -2 penalty on your Dexterity, +2 size bonus to your Constitution, +6 natural armor bonus, -1 AC, -1 Atk, -4 stealth, -2 fly, +1 CMB/CMD Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor), darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Melee: bite +19 (2d6+9), bite +19(1d8+9), gore +19 (1d8+9), 2 claws +19(1d6+9), Ranged 4 spikes +9 (1d6+9) space 10 ft, reach 5 feet +4 CMD vs trip Breathe Weapon (40 ft line of lightning; 6d8 electricity; DC 22 for half usable every 1d4 rounds) Haste: +1 AC; +1 to hit; +1 attack; +1 reflex save; +30 ft speed Iron Body - 120 rounds DR 15/ Adamantine; immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. +6 Strength; -6 Dex; half speed; weight increases by a factor of 10 Passive Effects Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodi
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Tuesday November 24th, 2020 6:09:37 AM " From the research we have done and the short distance the dragon is flying to the room I doubt invisibility would do Michael or any of us much good. What we need is a good old fashioned distraction, or a way to make the dragon unable to harm us, like a wall sealing us in and the dragon out." Sigvar continues his casting as he starts squeezing down the hallway. Cast Resist Energy Fire.
Sigvar's Dashboard -------------------------------------------------- Lay On Hands 3/12 used Smite Evil 1/6 used Resist Energy Acid 260 minutes remaining Resist Energy Fire 260 minutes remaining Bless Weapon 26 minutes Remaining Divine Bond +1 on weapon + Speed enchantment ~11 minutes remaining
Pompous (Yves_B) AC 31/32 Haste/34 evil SR 20 CMD 30, HP 163/163/ Tuesday November 24th, 2020 10:45:20 AM
"Distraction is my middle name... well, it's really Eugene but whatever..... Keep me healthy and I can annoy the gobling poop out of old scally butt. "
-------------- DR Acid 10 SR 20 Protection from Evil Barkskin Align weapon (bow) good
DM Warren - MAP Tuesday November 24th, 2020 5:10:31 PM
Now that they've found their nemesis, the Agents take a breath to do some planning. Trayvin makes sure that everyone is topped up and ready for whatever comes next.
They know that they can't let the dragon remain unchecked to do more evil on the land, especially since that now involves creating dangerous cults of followers do to his bidding. But they also can't leave the commander to languish any longer than they can help.
Nikolai gets out of dragon view by slithering along the ceiling. There is enough light that he may change his mind before dropping to the floor. Down the hall, he sees several barred doors, and in front of one of them he sees the caster that disappeared from their earlier fight, as well as another heavily armored duergar. He must have been back here doing the rounds while the Agents carried out their ambush of the barracks. They are currently doing some hushed arguing, which is helping to cover the small sounds that Nikolai may be making.
The others continue to ready themselves, and start getting into position to annoy and/or engage the Dragon.
Trayvin AC 30/12 touch Hp 123/161(BrianZ) d8=5 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ; d8=1 ; d8=7 ; Tuesday November 24th, 2020 9:57:33 PM
Trayvin continues to heal himself and get ready for the fight.
cast:cure critical wounds on self(dropped restoration) hp healed = 35
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) Wednesday November 25th, 2020 1:06:45 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - normal self, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb
Nikolai quickly relays what he sees to the others in the mental message spell. "Get your butts over here, quit dilly-dallying!" he finishes his message.
While still on the ceiling, he pulls out a Tanglefoot bag then activates his Faerie Fire tatoo and illuminates the 5' radius centered on the spellcaster.
Duration 1min/level = 1 min. Save = No, SR = yes
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 128/128 (30 con bonus) -- 45/17/42 CMD: 36 Wednesday November 25th, 2020 4:49:05 AM
Anna says, "Right well unless you need to play the shell game with someone who can look exactly like the commander I guess that puts me on team destraction. Considering how bogged down I am with the iron body I might as well get rid of both it and the chimera form, but I'll replace Iron Body with Stoneskin so I still won't be overwhelmed so quickly.
Stoneskin - 1300 rounds - DR 10/adamantine for 150 points of damage Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1267 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1261 rounds Queen's Shape Form of Dragom III (Large Dragon): 129 rounds +6 size bonus to strength, + 4 size bonus to con, +6 natural armor, fly 90 feet (poor), darkvision 60 feet, breathe weapon (40 foot cone of cold, 8d8 points of damage, reflex DC 22 for half, 2 usages, wait 1d4 rounds between use), DR 5/magic, resist cold 30, vulnerability to fire, 1 bite +16 (2d6+6) , 2 claws + 16 (1d8+6), 2 wings +14 (1d6+3), tail slap +14 (1d8+3) Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodi
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Wednesday November 25th, 2020 5:28:45 AM
With a sound that makes the ears of hounds bleed miles away, Sigvar continues to ram himself through the hallway. His armor makes the unholy noise as it scrapes and sparks off the rock walls. " Captain Magic Missile is here? I bought a little something for him at the catacombs. Can anyone make me smaller? I know I said I would never want to be smaller, but right now I think my size will hinder us all in getting in there and quickly dispatching those guards. The mission matters more than my Minotaur Pride right now."
Sigvar's Dashboard -------------------------------------------------- Lay On Hands 3/12 used Smite Evil 1/6 used Resist Energy Acid 260 minutes remaining Resist Energy Fire 260 minutes remaining Bless Weapon 26 minutes Remaining Divine Bond +1 on weapon + Speed enchantment ~11 minutes remaining
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 124/124] Wednesday November 25th, 2020 10:00:21 AM
Pru moves after the others.
"Don't forget; we still have that wand of protection against acid," she tells the others.
[OOC: Pru's base speed is 60 these days, so she should catch up pretty quickly.]
ooc- If someone could haste Pompous, that would add an extra arrow to the attacks
And Pompous makes his way to the fray!
DR Acid 10 SR 20 Protection from Evil Barkskin Align weapon (bow) good
DM Warren - MAP d20+12=16 ; d20+19=28 ; Wednesday November 25th, 2020 4:37:37 PM for clarity - not captain MM but the duergar mage who popped out of this most recent combat
While they hadn't noticed before, lobbing a spell does get their attention. The mage points Nikolai out on the ceiling to the other duergar, who quickly sizes him up before speaking.
Drop yourself, that bag, and any other weapons you have if you want to keep your commander safe and sound.
Everyone else is making their way to the corridor with the prison cells, but so far they have only seen and are speaking to Nikolai.
Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 37 (T 14, FF 35) CMD 37 HP 185 / 185 Character Sheet Thursday November 26th, 2020 12:37:15 AM
OOC Happy Thanksgiving IC Sigvar keeps squeezing and finally pops out of the little tunnel with a grunt and a sigh.
Sigvar's Dashboard -------------------------------------------------- Lay On Hands 3/12 used Smite Evil 1/6 used Resist Energy Acid 260 minutes remaining Resist Energy Fire 260 minutes remaining Bless Weapon 26 minutes Remaining Divine Bond +1 on weapon + Speed enchantment ~11 minutes remaining
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) d20+4=22 ; Thursday November 26th, 2020 1:15:28 AM
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor, Hat of Disguise - normal self, Haste Faerie Fire 2/3 Ki pts 7/9 Special Will bonuses: +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects (Half Elf) +2 Enchantment Spells/Effects(Still Mind) Ring of Freedom of Movement Slippers of Spider Climb
OOC: Looks like they are about 20' away. Also, I'm assuming they are lit up with Faerie Fire
Nikolai hopes he'll have reinforcements soon so, with some quick thinking...
He takes a 5' step while pulling out his Nunchaku and answers, "OK. Here's my weapon. I'll drop it," and drops his Nunchaku, but at the same time tosses the Tanglefoot bag at the one who spoke, the non-mage duergar.
Move: 5' step, which includes pulling out weapon, putting him only 15' away. Free: drop weapon Action: throw tanglefoot bag.
Ranged (10') Touch Attack +16 - 2 (range increment penalty of 15') = 32 OOC: Ok, I added only +4 instead of +14, so the die roll is 18 and total should be 32.
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 128/128 (30 con bonus) -- 45/17/42 CMD: 36 Thursday November 26th, 2020 6:26:22 AM
Anna-Silver Dragon squeezes after Sigvar
Stoneskin - 1299 rounds - DR 10/adamantine for 150 points of damage Darkvision - 13 hours - gain darkvision 60 feet Spider Climb - 1266 rounds - gain climb speed of 20 ft; +8 bonus to climb checks, retain dex bonus to AC, does not need to make climb checks to traverse vertical or horizontal surfaces Bark Skin - +5 natural armor - 1260 rounds Queen's Shape Form of Dragom III (Large Dragon): 128 rounds +6 size bonus to strength, + 4 size bonus to con, +6 natural armor, fly 90 feet (poor), darkvision 60 feet, breathe weapon (40 foot cone of cold, 8d8 points of damage, reflex DC 22 for half, 2 usages, wait 1d4 rounds between use), DR 5/magic, resist cold 30, vulnerability to fire, 1 bite +16 (2d6+6) , 2 claws + 16 (1d8+6), 2 wings +14 (1d6+3), tail slap +14 (1d8+3) Champion of the Queen: DR 10/cold iron - suppressed by Adamantine DR and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws 1 con damage prior to becomming iron bodi
Prudence Gundle [AC 23; HP 124/124] Thursday November 26th, 2020 11:54:11 AM
Pru keeps moving.
------------ DR Acid 10 SR 20 Protection from Evil Barkskin Align weapon (bow) good
Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- HP 128/128 (30 con bonus) -- 45/17/42 CMD: 36 Friday November 27th, 2020 12:47:35 AM
Anna continues to move towards the fray
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) Friday November 27th, 2020 12:54:34 AM
Nikolai prepares to clobber the spell caster and get some stars floating around that noggin.
Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 31 Tch 29 Ffted 27 HP 82/111 CMD 39/41(Grapple/Trip/Disarm) Saturday November 28th, 2020 12:54:50 AM
Nikolai's blood is really pooling in his head now and he hopes that will not do any serious brain damage.