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Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(5)|15/-/-/-/-|(WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8 + 8|Crit x3  d20=2 ;
Wednesday November 25th, 2020 8:56:38 AM

"Fire." Mak reiterated for his barbarian friend. "Let us set it aflame and return tomorrow. And pile those amulets on the thing as well, but use a bag or something. Don't touch them though. Remember how they affected Eylas that time?" Mak said as he cluelessly went about searching the cavern away from the altar. "Those things might try to influence us next and if a petal got converted to one of these things we'd be a might tougher to bring down than one of these hapless taurs. As for that lobster thing, if I never encounter one of those again it'll be too soon."

"In case I haven't already said it, we use fire."

OOC: Sense Motive +0, Roll 2

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L  d20+9=17 ;
Wednesday November 25th, 2020 9:35:30 AM

"Mak, do you really think it is wise to burn things with absolutely no idea what it is? It does not appear to have any religious significance, nor does the alter I guess. I agree on not touching the amulets but, as it stands, we have little idea what is going on."

{Spellcraft 17 on tentacle}

Despite his speech it is clear that Falco will not actually stop anyone from taking action he just wants to know what is going on.

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Ligh

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Wednesday November 25th, 2020 10:02:04 AM

Elyas looks at the array of amulets

"These things are dangerous. we knew that with the first one, but decided to bring it with us. we thought then that it was a one-off kind of thing. that we could keep it safe and out of the hands of an innocent bystander. now we see there are many more of the evil things. we cannot possibly collect them all, and even if we did I shudder ot think what a hundred of these things all tugging on our minds at the same time would do....

Elyas pauses to think about options

We could try to destroy them, but magical things are difficult to fully break. we could leave them in this cave and try to seal it off, keeping others from getting in and finding them. or we could dump them in the middle of the ocean, as I suggested the first time. in any case, we must find the people responsible for these amulets if we are to keep more of them from finding their way into the hands of innocents.

a sudden thought hits Elyas.
"check the bodies. we have to see if the taur we were looking for is among these... abominations.

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/-/-/-/-|(Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2  d6+3=8
Wednesday November 25th, 2020 1:39:59 PM

"Mak, do you really think it is wise to burn things with absolutely no idea what it is? Falco asked.

"Yes." Mak replied. "We have one and how much have we learned about it? These things corrupted an entire village from what we've seen. For all we know if we carry these out they'll attract others and have them attack us to get to them. We should destroy them as quickly as possible."

Mak listened to Elyas and added. Yes. What he said too. I think a sustained fire should handily damage them enough to become unusable. Maybe not here in these damp caves, but certainly outside.

"Umm, Elyas. How do we know which one is him?"

As a test Mak drew his sword and tried to cut one of the amulets in half.

**Admantium - Ignores Hardness < 20, Weapon Finesse,
8 hp damage.

DM Mark - "We could try to destroy them, but magical things are difficult to fully break." 
Wednesday November 25th, 2020 6:19:04 PM

Rolth recommends the amulet not be messed with, and wonders how the amulets and the large tentacle could be rendered safe. He suggests searching the place.
Tzak begins searching a section of the room.
Mak suggest burning the tentacle and the amulets. He uses his adamantine sword to damage a couple of amulets.
Kiwina agrees with burning the tentacle.
Falco and Elyas urge caution dealing with the amulets and the tentacle.

The first amulet Rolth hits is cut in half. The next one is completely unaffected by his sword. Rolth and Elyas will note from their Detect Magic that some of the amulets on the altar are magic and some are not. The one that was unaffected detected as magic.

Searching the place yields little more than what you’ve already found. There are dead parts of liontaurs and tentacled sea creatures here. And then there’s all the stuff you killed.

The creepy tentacle continues to move on its own, though it is clearly not connected to anything. The amulets look pretty, and your eyes are drawn to some of them. You’d look much more handsome wearing one. Looking at the tentacle and the amulets lying on the altar, you notice that the black stone the altar is made of is not like the stone in this place. Looking closely, it looks like there are seashells embedded in it. It is clearly worked stone, but worn smooth in places. It must be rather old. It does not detect as magic.

(You mentioned a specific Taur you are seeking. Can you kindly remind your DM who or what charged you with seeking a specific Taur?)

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20)  d20+14=26 ;
Wednesday November 25th, 2020 6:44:57 PM

Rolth looks around wearily at the carnage and offers, "Well, I this is probably not what the Council of Clans was expecting us to report back when we return to Chessford. We haven't found a single live taur from the village other than the hermit, and the Hounds Tooth Council rep Nantyr seems likely to be among the fallen. Elyas is right, we should search for Nantyr in particular. Good thing we got a good description of him from Arostle back in Chessford. Let's look for him here and on our way out. Who had the magic bag that we can put the amulets in to keep them from affecting our minds?"

Perception = 26 to spot Nantyr among the casualties.

(OOC: We were just told that we would know Nantyr when we saw him)

Effect Tracking:
Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive)
Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive)
Waterbreathing (Falco)
Shield Other (Falco)
Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 50/100r used
Mage Armor 51/600r used
Bear’s Endurance 23/30r used
Expeditious Retreat 38/40r used
Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used
2nd level 2/2 used

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status:  d20+19=23 ;
Wednesday November 25th, 2020 9:43:11 PM


Tsak finishes looking for other openings and starts to search the bodies in this part of the cave system to see if he can find Nantyr.

Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None   d20+19=26 ;
Wednesday November 25th, 2020 11:50:33 PM

Kiwina will help in the search for Nantyr based on the description they were given, realizing that they may have seen him among the dead who didn't reach the cave as well.

(Perception = 26, including +4 for wemics being monstrous humanoids).

Kiwina also consults with the spirits to determine whether the party would benefit from trying to destroy the tentacle by simply chopping it up. (This is an augury effect assuming that the cave environment satisfies Kiwina's favored terrain of water.)

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L  d20+11=22 ;
Thursday November 26th, 2020 10:06:49 AM

His religious knowledge and his magic knowledge having failed to shed any information on the alter or tentacle Falco is at a bit of a loss. He shrugs and watches the others attempt to destroy magic amulets, it should be possible as anything made can be destroyed but who knows.

He decides to ignore the tentacle all together with no frame of reference. {ooc: Anyone try a knowladge plains?}

When the others start searching he does so as well, looking closely around the alter, including in the water. {Perception: 22}

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Ligh

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/-/-/-/-|(Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 
Thursday November 26th, 2020 1:50:01 PM

OOC: Since Maks sword ignores hardness he’ll keep at it until they are destroyed.

DM Mark - Happy Thanksgiving  d100=28 ;
Thursday November 26th, 2020 6:22:00 PM

(DM Post will be up later today. Happy Thanksgiving!)

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor  d20+8=18 ; d20+8=17 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+7=11 ; d6+4=7 ;
Thursday November 26th, 2020 7:38:05 PM

Elyas examines the tentacle and altar, trying to determine anything of importance about them.
this shrine is not magical itself, but is likely used in whatever dark ritual happened here. it would be good to damage or defile it in some way
knowledge religion to determine if it is important to the rituals and how to disrupt it - 18

he then tries to determine what is making the tentacle move since it is not connected to anything.
knowledge nature = 17
knowledge planes = 21

if he doesn't learn anything by looking it over he will try hitting the tentacle with acid darts
11 vs touch, 7 acid damage.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) 
Thursday November 26th, 2020 9:58:48 PM

Rolth reminds everyone of our agreed protocol re these amulets. They get locked in the chest. The chest is put in Tsak’s handy haversack. The key to the chest is given to Elyas. No one is allowed to retrieve or open the chest without Captain Kiwinas permission, and at least two Petals must be present for that. "If there is no reason not to follow that protocol, I suggest we do it immediately. I can feel these things tugging at my mind."

Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Friday November 27th, 2020 12:11:10 AM

Kiwina agrees that the folks with knowledge of religions and magics are probably best suited to determine how to destroy or defile the altar.

DM Mark - "I can feel these things tugging at my mind." 
Friday November 27th, 2020 12:14:25 AM

Rolth searches the bodies and remains for Nantyr, the tribal leader that was described to him. None of these here in this chamber match the description. Rolth suggests a way to handle the amulets.
Tzak aids in this search. Sure enough, one of the previously killed ghouls does indeed resemble the description given to the party of Nantyr.
Kiwina looks at the grey, dying thing writhing on the altar. He has a deja-vu like experience, remembering his dreams from the night before. He recalls being faced with an enslaved group of people and leading them all was a grey blob that somehow smiled at him. He hacked at the blob, and hacked some more. As the blob was cut into pieces, each piece would fall and on each appeared a smile as the pieces of the blob looked up a Kiwina. Some pieces died, but the rest, the ones with a smile, hopped back up on each other, reforming the blob even as Kiwina continued his hopeless hacking. The slaves simply stared at Kiwina.
Falco wracks his brain, trying to puzzle this place out as he searches.
Mak continues hacking at the amulets. All the non-magical ones can be cut up by him fairly easily. But his sword leaves no mark on the ones that detect as magic.
Elyas looks around and mulls things over in his mind as he casts a blob of acid on the tentacle.

Falco and Elyas have little frame of reference for this thing, but there are some things you piece together. You are not aware of any religion that is represented here. You know that this is a significant altar of some sort. It is old and seems to be placed in a location of prominence in the back part of one of the larger caverns in this place. The stone the altar is made of and the embedded seashells suggest it is not from this cave. The worn edges and some grooves suggest long term use, much longer than you guess this grotto has been inhabited by these things. The tentacle has a place of importance here on this altar, and though it writhes it somehow stays on the altar. The amulets are also in a place of religious significance here. (You recall there were a number of things the Chuul chittered in the dark - feel free to reread them if you wish.)

Elyas’ acid causes the tentacle to writhe and jerk around a bit more. The skin where it hits bubbles a bit. The thing is so gross already it’s hard to know if it’s really damaged, but the acid probably hurt it and it does seem to react. By contrast, the shiny amulets show entwined tentacles that look healthy and strong. They’re pretty nice looking, and would look impressive on you. All the cool kids are wearing them.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) 
Friday November 27th, 2020 9:45:40 AM

Rolth thinks back to what the chuul said about the Deep and the amulets and comes to a realization. "Hey guys, I think that the tentacle may actually be a part of the Deep, which seems to be behind whatever abominable plot we are facing here. Maybe we could lasso and cover it, and take it back to town tied down on a travois for further study? It would also be evidence to the Council that something nefarious is afoot, beyond mere banditry. What do you think?"

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 
Friday November 27th, 2020 3:17:59 PM

"I think getting to the bottom of the problem is better then just burning things. An extradimensional place would be ideal for transporting I would think though my quiver is ill suited for this task."

"The alter is still a puzzle though it does not appear sanctified to any particular god. It said the place was sacred but no idea why. A sledge and chisel is all I can think of there but there may not be significance to justify the work."

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Friday November 27th, 2020 7:18:15 PM

Elyas agrees with Falco's assessment
"it doesn't remind me of any specific religion. maybe this "deep" worship is some new religion, not related to any we currently know of? the rock itself is not magical, I doubt that there is much we could do to put it out of commission. we could try chiseling parts away, smashing it, or peeling off the shells, but since it is not itself magcial I imagine they could replace it with another rock easily enough

he studies the tentacle again after hitting it with acid
I can't tell if that did much of anything. i am torn between wanting to know more about this thing and wanting to prevent the possibility of anyone doing the horrible things that were done to these taurs to anyone else in Chessford. study of something evil like this can often lead to temptation to partake in the same evils. it breeds fascination. I am doubly concerned in a case like this with amulets that are trying to invade our minds.

speaking fo which... I know that our plan was to lock them in a box in a bag and hide the key, but I will go on record saying that I do not think it is a good idea to keep so many aumlets together in one place. bury them, hide them, drown them. but don't carry them all in one place where they can be stolen or used by someone. better to spread them out and hide them

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: 
Friday November 27th, 2020 8:02:31 PM

My handy haversack is available but things would need to be in a locked box or something.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) 
Friday November 27th, 2020 8:17:41 PM

"Yes, Tsak, that's why I recommended using the small, lockable chest that we got from Aaroth, as we had previously agreed.. And Elyas, I hope you as a wizard can appreciate that by putting the amulets in the magical haversack, they are actually removed from this world into an extradimensional space. I must say that it disturbs me that you keep suggesting that they be spread around, and you previously broke our protocol. Can you be sure that you are not under the influence of these foul things?"

DM Mark - "Can you be sure that you are not under the influence of these foul things?" 
Saturday November 28th, 2020 1:20:13 PM

Rolth suggests bringing the tentacle back to the Council of Clans.
Falco has some thoughts about the tentacle and wonders about destroying the altar.
Elyas also has some thoughts about the altar. Regarding the tentacle, he knows his acid seemed to have some effect and is worried about keeping the tentacle around. He also worries about keeping the amulets all in one place, that perhaps they should be spread around. This leads Rolth to wonder aloud if Elyas has come under their influence.
Tzak offers his haversack for storage of the things.

The Petals continue to discuss their options.

The place is dank and dreary, the air and the bodies here are a constant reminder of death, probably the death of an entire clan. It’s a bit depressing. The amulets offer some measure of hope though. Well, not hope really, but a path forward. A path of power, of conquest, of putting an end to the irrelevant squabbling of lesser things on this pathetic little island. And yeah, that Elyas is pretty shifty. Maybe he wants all this power for himself. Maybe everyone else does too!

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) 
Sunday November 29th, 2020 9:02:12 PM

"Look, we can make a final decision later, but how about for now, we follow the protocol so we can go outside and rest. I for one could use some downtime, and this place is still giving me the creeps. We should keep the nonmagical amulets for later too, they might be useful if we need to infiltrate somewhere." With that, Rolth will attempt to gently collect the amulets one at a time, put each in the chest, lock it, and watch Tsak put the chest into his haversack, before handing the key to Elyas. If somewhat reluctantly...

Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Sunday November 29th, 2020 10:47:54 PM

Kiwina feels that attacking the tentacle would do no good. Even in pieces, it would maintain its connection with whatever it came from. He backs up Rolth's proposal to secure the amulets. And he's ready for a great deal of rest, himself.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 
Monday November 30th, 2020 10:29:00 AM

Falco is flat out spent at this point. He finds something to lean against while the others collect what they can and mumbles a short prayer to the warper-sar to help stave off any effects of the amulets.

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/-/-/-/-|(Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 
Monday November 30th, 2020 10:38:47 AM

Mak was a brave man. He'd been in battles, fought for the right to think for himself, and even survived when everyone else had perished. Death had no grasp upon him, but the amulets or anything really that took ones self will away frightened him. He'd rather not have them at all.

"The enchantment on these is unnatural my beans. This sword should have at least made a mark upon them, but it has not. We need to not only put these away where people can't get to them, but also to place a guard upon them so that no one accidentally finds them." Mak said as he yawned and stretched his aching muscles and the bruises upon his body that were the remnants of the wounds that had been magically healed earlier in the day.

"Yes, let us make camp where the air is fresh and not so filled with death."

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Monday November 30th, 2020 3:19:43 PM

Elyas tries one more time to argue against bringing all of the amulets into a populated area
"we made that 'protocol' after ten minutes of discussion and back when we thought there was only one of these amulets! we wanted to prevent it from falling into the hands of a random explorer to that island, and we wanted to be able to determine what the amulet does. well...

he gestures to the chopped up bits of tentacle and taur

now we know what they do! the entire town of taurs, gone! worse than gone, spliced into abominations! and we know now that there are dozens of the stupid things. just imagine what could happen if an agent of the 'deep' were to slip in and steal the haversack? do you really want to be the one responsible for the entire town of Chessford being wiped out and turned into squids?

he kicks the tentacle and hits it with some more acid. he continues to use acid splash as quickly as he can, seeing that the acid at least did something to the tentacle.

This thing is also probably too dangerous to bring with us, but i don't like leaving a piece of whatever monster is behind this intact. help me with this before we leave! hack it up as much as possible and I will burn it with acid.

If the rest of the group insists on taking the amulets with them Elyas will not try further to stop them, having said his piece. his face is a bit flushed from the passion of fighting with the group, especially since he is usually content to let Rolth and the captain make most of the group decisions. but in this case he feels strongly about it...

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/-/-/-/-|(Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2 
Monday November 30th, 2020 7:10:51 PM

Mac looked at Elias, Shrugged, and started whacking at the tentacle with his sword.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20) 
Monday November 30th, 2020 7:23:56 PM

"How about a compromise, Elyas. I'll help destroy the tentacle now, but we pack up the amulets per the protocol for now and sort that out later. I just can't abide hiding them here in the caverns or somewhere similar where the servants of the Deep might find them, or even random innocents succumb to their call. Because they do seem to want to be found!"

With that, he sets to chopping, burning, and otherwise helping Mak and Elyas destroy the tentacle from the altar.

DM Mark - "They do seem to want to be found!"  d100=28 ;
Monday November 30th, 2020 8:24:10 PM

Rolth places the amulets in a chest, locks it up, and gives the chest to Tsak to put in his haversack and the key to Elyas.
Falco is pretty tired. He mumbles a prayer to the Warper Sar as he leans against the wall.
Kiwina goes along with the plan for the amulets, and is pretty tired himself.
Mak doesn’t fear much - but he is afraid of what these amulets could go - even more so once he sees he cannot destroy some of them with his sword.
Elyas works with Mak and Rolth as they hack up the tentacle, using what acid he has as they do.

The tentacle is tough and rubbery, but it can be cut up. Each piece of the tentacles continues to wriggle around on the altar. Elyas does his best to use an acid splash on the pieces, but the cantrip is pretty limited and most pieces continue to move. A piece falls off the altar into the water. Wait, was that one piece or two that fell?

It smelled bad in this area before, but now, with a mix of the fetid tentacle mixed with the acrid fumes as the acid burns the thing, it gets muuuch worse. I need everyone within 10 feet of the altar to make a DC 12 Con save or be sickened.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (41/71 HP | AC: 15; Touch: 12; CMD: 20)  d20+6=22 ; d20+14=26 ;
Monday November 30th, 2020 8:36:07 PM

Rolth swallows once or twice but manages to keep his gorge down. (Save = 22, success) "Come on guys, we can come back in tomorrow and finish the job. Let's go camp outside." Unless the others object, he'll start working his way back out of the caverns, suggesting that we retrace out steps to avoid any hazards not previously encountered. He keeps a wary eye out as we move.

(Perception = 26)

Effect Tracking:
Bardic Performance 12/12 rounds used (inactive)
Rage 15/15 rounds used (inactive)
Waterbreathing (Falco)
Shield Other (Falco)
Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) 70/100r used
Mage Armor 71/600r used
Spells Slots 1st level 1/4 used
2nd level 2/2 used

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status:  d20+2=13 ;
Monday November 30th, 2020 8:56:37 PM

(SaveVsCon=13 Win!)

Tsak ducks away as the acid burns up the tentacle, and almost loses his lunch anyway.

After putting the box in his havesack he takes a moment to see whether he can feel any sort of compulsion, like voices in his head, a desire to stab his team-mates in the back and leave their rotting corpses in this disgusting cave and sail for warmer climes with all the loot he can carry?


Nope, nothing.

He reaches in and grabs some jerkey that he starts chewing on as the party makes its way out toward fresh air and sunlight.

Esmerelda follows, very closely. After the fight with the big nasty she seems a wee bit clingy.

Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None   d20+17=21 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2020 12:30:08 AM

After his vision, Kiwina doesn't see the point in hacking at the tentacle, although Elyas'es acid may be able to damage it. There isn't much room around the altar, so he hangs back.

He keeps an eye out as the others deal with the tentacle, ready to help anyone if it tries to attack. Even though he's not sure it can sense them.

(Perception = 21 to detect an incipient attack, includes favored terrain bonus)

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/-/-/-/-|(Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2  d20+1=9 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2020 8:40:05 AM

OOC: Con save or Fort save? Con roll = 9. I believe this should be a Fort save, but you said Con...

Mak had smelled all this before, the death, the carnage, and spoiling human meat as he lay in that pile of decaying human flesh after the battle. This was almost the same and it brought back feelings which made his bile rise, but after the smell of the acid against rubbery flesh ot just became too much for him and he was forced to turn away. He made it a few feet from the altar before he started dry heaving. Fortunately it had been a while since his last meal and not much surfaced. After a few moments Mak turned back and shakily made his way past the others.

"Apologies, my good beans. It seems I have just lost my biscuits and I'm quite ill."

DM Highlight to display spoiler: {The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Duration?}

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 
Tuesday December 1st, 2020 11:33:07 AM

Falco is glad he went to lean against the wall as the others fight of sickness from the stench. He moves a few more feet away sigh a sigh.

"Best we get out of here my friends. The extra dimensional space idea sounds good, might even been a permanent solution really."

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor  d20+2=13 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2020 5:28:20 PM

con check = 13

uggghhh, this is gross. yes let's get out of here, we can sort it out later i suppose.

Elyas takes the key and hides it in one of his many pouches.

he stares at Tsak as he eats his jerky, while Elyas is barely able to keep down food that was eaten much longer ago

DM Mark - "Best we get out of here my friends." 
Tuesday December 1st, 2020 6:37:01 PM

The fumes from the acid-burned tentacle pieces cause everyone to feel a little queasy. But even those that were actually sickened feel better once they move away from the fumes. There is a general consensus to quit this place and to go out and rest, with the intent to deal with this tentacle later. All but the smallest pieces continue to writhe on the altar.

With the amulets tucked away in a locked box in an extradimensional space, the Petals make their way out of the caverns. As you go: Perception DC 15: Highlight to display spoiler: {You think that some of the pieces slowly seem to move closer to each other on the altar.}

As you carefully move out of the cave complex, you pass the bodies of the Chuul, the octotaurs, the ghouls, the frog-like deep ones and the liontaur ghouls. Yech.

You come to the waterfall, and push through to come out into the deepest part of the lake. You can cling to the rock wall (Climb DC 12) and make your way to the rocks on either side of the falls, or simply dive into the deep water below the falls and swim (Swim DC 5) to the shore. The water washed the muck and gore from your fight off of you. Emerging into the afternoon light and clear air, you already feel refreshed. You make your way to dry land and look to set up camp.

Let me know where and how you make camp. Here is a map. Don’t worry about showing the larger outline for large PC - I just want to know generally where you are.

Oh, and strangely you notice that there are no bodies here. The dead bodies - those that were here and the liontaur ghouls you killed are … gone.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (27/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23) 
Tuesday December 1st, 2020 7:49:24 PM

Rolth is a little creeped out by the tentacle flesh drawing itself back together on the altar, but is just too tired to do anything about it. The sunlight and fresh air when the Petals emerge from the cavern lift his spirits immensely, and he breathes deeply of the smells of his homeland. Looking about, he suggests camping under the boughs of the largest tree (H24 area) but will gladly defer to the choices of others, as long as we can keep any eye on the approaches to the waterfall and its hidden cavern. Noticing that all the bodies out here are gone, he remarks, "Anyone care to see whether they walked or got dragged off, or worse disappeared into thin air? I can help, but I'm hardly our best tracker."

(Autosuccess on perception vs tentacle and on Survival to aid any trackers. The latter gives a +2 bonus to whoever does the looking.)

Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None   d20+21=26 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2020 11:31:09 PM

Kiwina is unnerved to see the bodies missing, and investigates when Rolth suggests it.

Survival = 26 (including Rolth's help) to find tracks.

Once he has seen what he can about what happened to to bodies, Kiwina suggests camping in a wide, open area, like AA-95. He wants to see anything coming tonight.

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(5)|10/5/-/10(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,DA,RS,Range Penalty)**|1d8 + 11|C 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2020 8:31:46 AM

"Lets get some light on this waterfall", Mak suggested to Elyas. "It'll let us see anything coming out before it's on us."

Rolth's suggestion about the camp location suited him, so Mak wedged his pack into a fork in the branches of the tree and set himself up facing the waterfall with his bow and the few arrows he had remaining.

"I'll take first watch." he offered.

**Full Attack, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Training, Deadly Aim, Rapid Shot, Range Penalty -2(Waterfall)

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L  d20+11=12 ; d20+5=23 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2020 10:00:19 AM

{Perception: 12} {Swim: 23}

Not seeing anything out of the ordinary Falco leaves though with the others, opting to swim. Despite being tired his body seems to relish moving though the water.

"I can see at night so give me one of the overnight shifts."

After grabbing a ration he quickly relaxes.

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor  d20+2=17 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2020 10:07:44 AM

Elyas casts light to allow the group to move out of the cavern more easily. once at the front of the cave network, he also opts to just swim across

swim = 17

this tree does look like a good place to rest. we can search for more clues in the morning, once we are better prepared for another fight. if something were to attack us right now there is not much i could do to help...

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status:  d20+19=35 ; d20+6=17 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2020 7:42:24 PM

(Perception vs spoiler = 35 Success, Survival=17)

Tsak helps Kiwina check on the ex-bodies and what may have happened to them.

I share your sentiment big fella, but I think that flat ground is a little too far from the cave entrance. It looks like Rolth's tree it is.

Tsak too can see at night is will take a dark time watch.

DM Mark - "It looks like Rolth's tree it is."  d20+9=28 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2020 8:16:47 PM

There is general agreement to move under the large tree across from the waterfall to keep an eye out for any comings and goings. It’s a very large oak tree, and leaves and ground under it look like it will make a comfortable place to sleep. You can also find a place where the branches are high enough for a safe camp fire.

Kiwina and Tzak investigate the area for tracks that might suggest the missing bodies. They see the party’s track and newer and older liontaur tracks. But most recent tracks are the strangest. They seem to be made by a medium-sized, bipedal creature that walked on hooves instead of feet. Either there were a few of them, or it was one person that was very busy here. Some of the tracks occasionally go into and out of the water. At a few locations they press deep enough to suggest they carried a weight or exerted a force, but most seem to be those of a man-sided creature moving here. You can also see where some large things were dragged into the water.

You also notice an arrow in the water near the edge. It doesn’t look like any of yours. The size suggests a short bow. It hasn’t been here long.

The sun is low in the west. You’re tired and ready for a rest.

Perception DC 28: Highlight to display spoiler: {You notice a couple creatures trying to hide in the brush near AL3. They are either small or perhaps crouching down. They are looking your way and they are being very still.}

Here is a map.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (27/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23)  d20+14=19 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2020 8:35:49 PM

Rolth is ready to take a watch early in the evening or at the end of the night into morning. He does suggest to Falco, "We might be going back into the water tomorrow, and if so another of those water breathing spells might be very handy in the morning. In the meantime, is there any more healing on tap for before we turn in for the night? Several of us are still quite battered." When on watch he'll keep his Toros Taur Try up and a wary eye and ear out.

(Perception = 19)

Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None   d20+15=17 ; d20+19=27 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2020 10:06:36 PM

(Perception = 17)

Kiwina looks around some more at the tracks of the hooved creature. It had to come from somewhere, and go somewhere. He just wants to make sure it came overland and left overland, rather than having come from and returned to the lake. (Survival = 27 to track)

Kiwina can see well enough at night -- better than a human, anyway -- but would prefer last watch so he can rest up some beforehand.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status:  d20+19=22 ; d20+19=21 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2020 10:10:38 PM

(Perception vs spoiler=22 fail, Perception (during watch) =21)

Tsak looks at the tracks, and the arrow and the water and the lack of bodies. None of it suggests a story as to what might have happened. Either the scene is vague or Tsak is. Odds are even at this point. The ranger decides to lay down and have a rest before it is his turn to take watch.
He makes a bit of a pillow out of his backpack and wadded oak leaves and he and his rather large cat lay down for some Zzz's.

When woken for his watch Tsak takes position near the paths (about S30) and waits with his sword out and at the ready.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L  d20+11=21 ; d20+10=23 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2020 9:15:27 AM

{Perception: 21} {Stealth: 23}

Falco, in essence, attempts to make himself a camouflaged nest of sorts. He finds a good area near the tree and grabs branches and what not to make a small area where he can pray and sleep undisturbed if there is commotion, only making sure the Petals know where he is for when it is his watch.

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(5)|10/5/-/10(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,DA,RS,Range Penalty)**|1d8 + 11|C  d20+5=16 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2020 9:27:12 AM

Mak made certain his pack was firmly wedged into a tree branch and turned back to watch the waterfall and the area with eagle eyes while his friends set about making camp. As they did so he thought to voice some concerns.

"It's frightfully dreadful that of the foes we vanquished this day, none decided to stay around once they had been killed. Makes one think that there's something wrong with us, disappearing like that." Mak said as he lifted an arm and took a sniff.

Mak winced as he made a face and continued "Might even make one suspicious that they were only feigning death or I might add, and dreadfully so, some other unseen being somehow was able to spirit them away under our very noses. So while I'm a clod when it comes to watching in the dark and found myself to be quite busy there amid the mist, darkness, and general confusion, I think I might have noticed something making off with our kills. Especially that last squidly looking lion thing. That I did not is very disturbing."

The noble soldier scanned the surrounding countryside vigilantly and waited for his watch to end. Perhaps then he'd find a dry set of clothing and clean some of the death from his body. He imagined, and rightfully so, that any wild animal in the area would likely be attracted to the carrion smell he and the others were exuding.

**Full Attack, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Training, Deadly Aim, Rapid Shot, Range Penalty -2(Waterfall)

OOC: Perception +5, Roll 16; Fail

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor  d20+8=11 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2020 12:49:24 PM

I agree with Mak. nothing good can come of all of those enemies vanishing like this. was someone following us? what brought others out this far, and why are they interested in moving bodies of dead taurs? they were undead already, and I fear we may encounter the lot of them again tomorrow. keep an eye out! I will not be able to help much if they assault us tonight, but tomorrow I will be sure to prepare for more of these undead.

Elyas is too busy worrying about the undead to see anything else going on
perception = 11

DM Mark - "HOLD! Come no closer!"  d100=28 ; d20=5 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2020 6:07:51 PM

The party discusses taking shifts for sleeping as they set up camp under the big tree across from the waterfall. Rolth suggests some healing might be in order.

Kiwina wonders about the tracks. He can see they seem to come in from the west, they moved around here, mostly near the shore, and his sharp eye notes they moved north out of this area. There are three of them, bipedal with hooves. Kiwna follows the tracks north a bit, and as he rounds the shore something suddenly jumps up!

(I moved Kiwina on the map.)

”HOLD! Come no closer! You, you do not belong here! Who are you, what are you doing in this place? There are more of us and we'll shoot you dead if you move any closer.“

Kiwina faces a creature about 200’ away from him. It’s partly obscured by the brush. It is maybe 5-6 feet tall, and bare chested except for a diagonal leather strap. The creature’s lower half is obscured by brush. It holds a drawn short bow fixed on Kiwina. Small horns protrude from it’s head.

For Kiwna:
Perception DC 15:Highlight to display spoiler: {There are two other creatures crouched in the brush near the standing one, bows drawn as well.}
Sense Motive DC 15:Highlight to display spoiler: {This creature is very nervous and means business. Not so much fearful as worried and mistrustful.}

For everyone else:
Perception DC 25:Highlight to display spoiler: {There are two other creatures crouched in the brush near the standing one.}
Sense Motive DC 15:Highlight to display spoiler: {There is a nervous, almost angry edge to the voice of the standing creature.}

Here is a map. The creature speaking is at the X on the map.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status:  d20+19=24 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+19=26 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2020 8:36:14 PM

(Perception vs spoiler=24 Fail, Stealth=23, Perception=26)

Tsak is roused by raised voices from the other side of the tree where he's been dozing. He can't tell exactly what's going on, but carefully and quietly he gets up and moves around the tree and to the north (double move to L17). He stays low in the grasses and bushes (Stealth=23) making his way obliquely toward the new arrivals whilst trying to remain undetected. As he moves he tries to determine how many of the creatures there are and where they may be hiding (Perception 26).

Esmerelda follows the rangers lead, easily keeping up with him as they move along. Her ears swivel listening for sounds and her long tail is strung behind her, the end twitching in response to her irritation at being woken.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (27/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23)  d20+14=25 ; d20+13=21 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2020 8:43:49 PM

(Perception = 25, success)
(Sense Motive = 21, success)

Rolth peers into the distance and mutters to his companions, "Little fella looks nervous and angry, despite having two more friends hiding in the brush with him. Might think we did all this bad stuff, so maybe we should help him decide that is not so."

Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None   d20+15=20 ; d20+11=15 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2020 11:01:19 PM

(Perception = 20; sense motive = 15)

Kiwina raises his hands so the creatures can see he has no weapons in them. He is still clearly marked from the fight he was recently in, although from their distance they may not see this.

"My name is Kiwina. I came here looking for a tribe of liontaurs led by Nantyr. This tribe abandoned their home for reasons unknown and came this way. I found ghoulish liontaurs here earlier, and fought them -- then went on in hopes of finding some of the tribe still alive. I did not find any living, but was in a long battle with something evil behind that waterfall. When I came out to rest, the bodies of the undead were gone. If you had something to do with this, if you gave them proper passage, then you have my thanks. If you did not have something to do with this, then I am not the greatest worry you should have at the moment."

Kiwina stands where he is.

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(5)|10/-/-/-(RS)/-|(WFs,WS,WT,DA,RS,Range Penalty)**|1d8 + 11|Crit x3  d20+5=25 ; d20=5 ;
Friday December 4th, 2020 9:01:47 AM

Mak noticed that the creature wasn't alone, but he didn't have a clear shot as the tree trunk was in the way, so Mak carefully respositioned himself so he'd have a better view. (I18)

"I see them." Mak said quietly as he passed Rolth.

**Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Training, Deadly Aim, Rapid Shot, Range Penalty -2(Creature)

OOC: Perception +5, Roll 25, Success; Sense Motive +0, Roll 5, Fail.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L  d20+11=27 ; d20+8=18 ; d8+7=15 ;
Friday December 4th, 2020 9:36:18 AM

{Perception: 27} {Sense MOtive: 18}

Falco abandons his idea of building a blind to sleep in and, grabbing his bow, moves to see what is going on. He moves to be closer to those still back near the tree. "Yes, they hide well but not well enough it seems."

When he reaches Rolth he casts one of his two remaining healing spells. {CLW: 15}

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / XMagic WeaponX / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor  d20+8=13 ;
Friday December 4th, 2020 11:34:20 AM

Elyas can't see what the others spotted, but he trusts their report. he sighs deeply and thinks through the limited number of spells he has left. luckily he has one or two that might help at least scare off these newcomers if it was needed.

for now, Elyas tries to look less threatening and stands a bit back from Kiwina where he can see the smaller creature in case he needs to do something

(perception 13, fail)

Spells prepared:

cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash
Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray
Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, resist energy, web, scorching ray
Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, fly
level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball
Special: Acid Dart (3/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item

Active effects:
Mage Armor (7 hours)

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (42/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23) 
Friday December 4th, 2020 11:50:02 AM

Rolth gives thanks to Falco for again sharing the healing power of the Warper-Sar.

(header updated)

DM Mark - ""Little fella looks nervous and angry."  d20+8=10 ; d20+8=28 ;
Friday December 4th, 2020 8:31:44 PM

Tzak sneaks forward quietly.
Rolth’s keen eyes can see what’s going on and he relates this to his friends.
Mak moves to get a better view, but has not drawn a weapon.
Falco moves up and heals Rolth.
Elyas also positions himself to get a better view.
Kiwina addresses these creatures. "My name is Kiwina. I came here looking for a tribe of liontaurs led by Nantyr. This tribe abandoned their home for reasons unknown and came this way. I found ghoulish liontaurs here earlier, and fought them -- then went on in hopes of finding some of the tribe still alive. I did not find any living, but was in a long battle with something evil behind that waterfall. When I came out to rest, the bodies of the undead were gone. If you had something to do with this, if you gave them proper passage, then you have my thanks. If you did not have something to do with this, then I am not the greatest worry you should have at the moment."

Knowledge Nature DC 12: Highlight to display spoiler: {These are either satyrs or fauns, woodland fey rumored to sometimes be a threat, beguiling humans and others for their own amusement.}

”Oh, hey. It’s a centaur. We don’t see too many of them.”
Then the other two stand.

“A centaur! No way! Hey Cael - do you think it’s a good centaur?”
“I dunno Tar. Are there bad centaurs?”
“Well, I’ve met some pretty cranky liontaurs.”
“Yeah, like that Chesmu. He doesn’t have much of a sense of humor.”

Then the three step out from the brush. You can see that they have the upper torso, arms, and head of a man, but goat-like legs, a tail, and short horns on their heads. Their tails swish nervously. They lower their short bows, but they keep an arrow nocked. They carry arrows and cudgels and a bag.

”Greetings Kiwina, and … the rest of you. I am Brym, and this is Tar and Cael. We know of Nantyr, and we know he is missing along with most of his clan. We hear he went nuts - the whole lot of them did. I guess that was the bodies. We, uh, we used poles to move ‘em downstream. This lake used to be special.”

“Wow. You … killed a lot of ‘em.”
“They were gross.”
“Yeah, really goss.”
“Evil behind the waterfall? What sorta evil? Worse than these things?”
“Worse than you guys.”
“Yeah, you guys do kill a lot of stuff.”
“So, what are you guys even doing here? And are … what are you gonna do now?”

You can all tell that they seem cautious and apprehensive.

Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Saturday December 5th, 2020 1:10:08 PM

"Is this lake sacred? Kiwina asks, wondering if that has anything to do with why this place was chosen for the dark altar of the deep.

"In any case, lots of centaurs can be pretty cranky, too. I'm going to lower my arms now." Kiwina lowers his arms, but still makes no move for weapons.

"If you know of Nantyr, did you know any of his tribe? Did the things we fought used to be them?" Kiwina will leave the telling of what's behind the waterfall to some of his more personable friends.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (42/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23)  d20+2=3 ; d20+13=21 ; d20+13=28 ;
Saturday December 5th, 2020 1:45:57 PM

Rolth moves up to support Kiwina's discussion with the creatures, whatever they might be (KS Nature = 3, fail.) He does not have a weapon drawn and keeps his hands in the open to make clear he is not being threatening. Picking up where Kiwina left off, he chimes in with a tired smile, "Greetings, Brym and Tar and Cael, I am Rolth Niheow, and I will try to not be one of those cranky liontaurs. Thank you for cleaning up the waters here. We had hoped to do it in the morning, after resting up from the battle. Being new to this particular place, we did not know that the lake was special, but nevertheless appreciate that those unnatural abominations would defile any place with their presence. As Kiwina said, we came here to rescue, not to kill, but were forced to defend ourselves from their attacks. Alas, we were too late to rescue Nantyr and the others, who were enchanted by evil amulets and led to their doom. I hope you did not find any amulets on the ones that you sent down the river. If you did, it would be best to cast them off, lest they enchant you as well."

(Sense motive = 21 to discern the honesty of any replies)
(Diplomacy = 28 to persuade them to reveal anything re amulets or recent events here)

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(5)|10/-/-/-(RS)/-|(WFs,WS,WT,DA,RS,Range Penalty)**|1d8 + 11|Crit x3  d20+2=12 ; d20+2=13 ;
Monday December 7th, 2020 8:36:22 AM

Mak was surprised that he recognized the satyrs from his talks with Kiwina around the campfires since he'd joined the petals. From those conversations he knew that the satyrs were of the fey realm and he'd rather not start a fight with them. Besides Kiwina seemed to have matters in hand.

Mak pulled his mandolin from it's leather case and moved back over to the tree where he started to play. As he moved he cast Rolth a knowing look as he hoped for some accompaniment to cover his clumsy fingering on the sound board.

OOC: KS: Nature +2, Roll 12; Success! Perform: Stringed Instrument +2, Roll 13

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 
Monday December 7th, 2020 10:20:42 AM

Falco listens to the conversation with intrest but nothing to input. He would like to heal Kiwina but is hesitant to show himself having no idea how these creatures would react to a beast-folk like him.

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / XMagic WeaponX / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Monday December 7th, 2020 2:28:29 PM

Elyas looks between the newcomers and the party, processing a lot of things being said at once. he lowers his guard a bit, thinking these creatures didn't look like they wanted to start a fight.

He lets Rolth do the talking for now, not having much to add after what was already said

DM Mark - "Thank you for cleaning up the waters here." 
Monday December 7th, 2020 8:27:30 PM

Kiwina tries to be non-threatening, asks about the lake, and if these beings recognized any of the dead.
b]Rolth[/b] too tries not to alarm these creatures and asks is they found any amulets.
Mak pulls out a mandolin and begins to play.
Falco and Elyas listen and watch.

These human-goat creatures reply:

”Sacred? Well, I dunno if the lake was sacred, but it was special. Euthemia used to live here. She was a nymph, but I think these creatures killed her. She had a couple of giant otters that were her friends, but we haven’t seen them either in a while. The lake used to have a kind of healing effect when Euthemia was here. It was nice.”

“Proper passage? Cleaning up the waters? Well, we didn’t go deep into the water, an’ I can’t say we really gave them any proper send off. We just used poles and branches to move the bodies to let the river take ‘em. I ‘spect the bodies might be stuck somewhere downstream and rot, but some prolly made it to the ocean. We jus’ wanted to get ‘em out a the lake. In honor a
Euthemia an’ all.”

”Oh, hey Rolth. You don’t seem too cranky to me.”

“Recognize Nantry’s clansmen? Hmm, I’m pretty sure some that I saw I recognized from his village, but it’s hard to tell. When they became … bad they kinda looked a bit different. But yeah, I think some of the dead ones we moved where from the Hounds Tooth Clan.”

“Amulets? We recall some in Nantyr’s clan wore them, but no we didn’t find any here. Did you? Did the amulets matter?”

“They have a big cat and a big owl. Mebbe they’re druids.”

“What’s in the cave?”

“Yeah, is it gonna come out an’ get us too?”

“Oooh. Sumbody’s playin’ music. You guys play music! Hoe bad can they be if they play music?”
At this point Cael puts away his bow, pulls out a set of panpipes and moves toward Mak, playing as he goes.

The other two put away their bows as well, but still seem apprehensive.

“Cael! What’re you doing? Mebbe they are what was hiding in that cave?”

“Yeah, Cael - we don’t know these guys yet!”

“Yeah - they still won’t tell us what’s even in that cave.”

“If Euthemia was here she’d know what to do with these guys.”

“Um, what are you guys gonna do now?”

Cael continues his advance toward Mak and the others at the tree. Do you stop him, warn him off, or let him continue? What about the others? Do you tell them what is still in the caverns?

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: 
Monday December 7th, 2020 9:06:00 PM

Tsak decides to stay where he is for now. They mentioned Esmerelda but he doesn't know if they spotted him. He'll wait to see what happens before making a move.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (42/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23)  d20+8=11 ; d20+13=32 ;
Monday December 7th, 2020 9:07:08 PM

Delighted to see the pan pipes, and that Mak seems to be making some progress in learning the lute, Rolth pulls out his own Sargrass lute and begins to play along, playing a simple accompaniment to what the others are playing. He adds a little song to go along, and it soars over the simple melody like an angel over amber waves of grain, or something similarly poetic.

Over the river and through the woods,
The Eight Petaled Rose did stride,
Seeking the fate of Nantyr the wise,
And naught from them could hide.

They caught the scent of the quarry they sought,
Grumpy old Chesmu aside,
They followed the trail, and followed the river,
Til by the falls they did bide.

Terrible beasts, all friends turned to foe,
They battled side by side,
The dead walked upon water, so fell,
And fell on them like a tide.

With smashing and slashing, and bashing, oh my,
Prayers to the Gods were cried,
And in the end, our heroes prevailed,
Victory not denied.

Through the falls, and into the caves,
Did our Petals glide,
And fought frogmen, and ghouls, and so forth and such,
Though fatigued, I must confide.

At last they reached, to that dark place,
Where Chuul priest did preside,
Over altar and tentacle, and madness too,
And that is what was inside.

Perform (strings) = 11
Perform (sing) = 32

Kiwina (Steve M) 25/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Monday December 7th, 2020 10:47:18 PM

Kiwina never took to the habit of the eastern sailors of singing to keep uniform time on working the sails. He is not musically inclined.

"If you see an amulet that looks like tentacles, be careful. We think they somehow enchant their wearers."

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Mandolin|-/-/-/-/-|(Perform:Strings +2)**|-|Crit -  d20=8 ;
Tuesday December 8th, 2020 8:28:39 AM

Mak continued to play and as Rolth joined in he tried to sing an accompaniment with the bard but after a few verses he ended up just humming along. During the performance he smiled at the approaching creature and sat with his back against the tree so that he'd be more comfortable.

OOC: Perform: Sing +0, Roll 8; Mak would take 10, but the result wouldn't have been different on the Perform: Strings. As for his voice, it needs work.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L  d8+5=8 ;
Tuesday December 8th, 2020 10:00:35 AM

Having been noticed, and misunderstood Falco continues his approach to Kiwina's side. He gives a soft hoot and then starts o laugh a little bit.

"Not an owl but an owlfolk, use to he a halfling for what its worth. You don't seem to be bad sorts, I am going to heal my friend Kiwina here unless you object, no good walking around wounded right?"

{Healing Kiwina: 8 unless there is an objection.}

Once that is done he hums along with Rolth.

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / XMagic WeaponX / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

DM Mark - Visitors - Friend or Foe? 
Tuesday December 8th, 2020 7:08:34 PM

Tzak stays hidden and watches.
Rolth answers most of their questions with a song. (Nice work! I’m awarding Rolth a Hero Point for the creative effort.)
Mak puts his back to the tree and continues his playing.
Kiwina describes the evil amulets seeming make by the creatures the heroes fought.
Falco tries to explain what he is as he heals Kiwina, but they seem a little confused.

The attitude of these creatures brightens a bit as the Petals take a relaxed attitude and play and sing.

”Hey Rolth! Nice song.”
“Yeah, you guys are alright.”
“An altar and a tentacle? What’s that about?”
“And what’s a choolpriest?”
“Frog-men? Is that like an owl-halfling? We're fauns. Have you met any fauns before?”

The fauns all stow their bows and walk over toward the party, following Kiwina and Rolth back to the tree. You can see they carry cudgels and each has a dagger. The other two also pull our panpipes, playing and talking as they go.

”Ooo. Their owl can talk. Hey, you got a name?”
“Cool. How ‘bout the cat. Hey there kitty cat - can you talk too? What’s your name?”
“The owl says he’s a disguised halfling, but it’s a pretty good disguise.”
“Sure Mr. Owl-hafling, you can heal your friend. You don’t need my permission.”

The fauns begin to prance and caper to the music. Even as tired as you are, it’s tempting to join them, or a least tap a foot or clap to the music. Do you dance with them?

They pull out some large leather flasks and drink from them as they offer it to you. One of them has a few rabbits hanging from a belt. They also pull out some cheese and rough bread.

“You guys look tired. You want some wine? Do you need some food?”
“Hey, you guys have bows. We make pretty good arrows. I think we even have some longer ones for your big bows.”
“Looks like you guys need some rest. We can stay and keep an eye out for stuff while you rest.”
“Hey, can we go in the cave with you? Well, after you rest I guess.”
“We haven’t been in there.”
“Izzat altar and tentacle thing still there?”
“I wanna see the dead choolpriest.”

They seem to be willing to stay here with you as you sleep and share some food. They still have some questions. Do you let them stay or do you ask that they leave? If you do let them stay, do you all sleep and rely on them to keep watch?

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (42/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23) 
Tuesday December 8th, 2020 9:26:32 PM

Rolth, as tired as he is, can't pass up a little food, wine, and dancing. He enjoys the camaraderie of these fey creatures, but doesn't overindulge, and is loath to have them take watch alone. "You are fine fellows, but I believe we can all help keep watch in the night. Perhaps it would be best if some of us pair up with one of you per watch, so that you might watch out for the return of your nymph friend, who is familiar to you, and we could know if any more of the foes we have fought turn up. I'll take the last watch before morning. After breakfast, we can decide what to do next, whether to look for Euthemia, reenter the caves, or report back to the Council of Clans straightaway."

Kiwina (Steve M) 33/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Tuesday December 8th, 2020 10:07:37 PM

Kiwina thanks Falco for the healing. He also begs off from any dancing, although normally he is reasonably accomplished at the dances of his homeland.

Kiwina would be happy to watch with a satyr sharing his shift.

"I don't advise going to see the altar or the dead monsters right now. Maybe in the morning. Someone could move the bodies along. Do you have any magic that could -- I don't know, re-bless -- the area?" Kiwina actually doesn't think the satyrs should go on the cave, but if it belonged to a friend of theirs he's not going to tell them not to -- just make sure they're not alone with the tentacle and altar.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: 
Wednesday December 9th, 2020 2:59:52 AM

Tsak sheathes his sword and slowly rises from his spot in the grass. He's carefull to not make any sudden or threatening moves.

Her name is Esmerelda. No she can't talk, but is quite adept at making her feelings known. G'day, I'm Tsak.

Tsak moves back to the camp and tries some of the food. The wine he leaves alone. He'll check out the arrows to see if there are any bolts that fit his crossbow. Also he's content to share a watch shift with a happy little creature.
He settles back down at his spot at the base of the tree for another nap before his watch is due...

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Mandolin|-/-/-/-/-|(Perform:Strings +2)**|-|Crit -  d20+2=3 ; d20+2=11 ;
Wednesday December 9th, 2020 8:26:29 AM

Mak happily accepted any arrows the fauns might have to spare and in return redoubled his efforts at the mandolin. After a false start on a tune he was unfamiliar with he had to retune his instrument and try again. Afterwards he managed a passable rendition of a pub favorite where he was from. With his miserable attempt at singing still on his mind he kept silent and focused on the instrumental portion of the song.

When the offer of dancing came up Mak was happy he had an instrument in his hand and didn't need to join in; he just played a little louder. All the while Mak tried to keep an eye on Rolth to see if he could discover new ways to pick out the music on the strings of his mandolin. After a short while however Mak set the mandolin aside and just clapped along and hoped they'd not attract too much attention from enemies in the area.

OOC: Perform: Strings, Roll 3; Try again, Roll 11. PS: Let me know how many arrows the faun's can spare.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 
Wednesday December 9th, 2020 10:34:47 AM

Falco chuckles at the idea of being a halfling in disguise. He declines the wine but cheese and rabbit are too much for him to turn down. With a small hoot he taps his foot clearly ready to join into a dance.

"You fawns might be the most plesant things we have seen in this woods. Good company, food, you are a welcome change from the recent events. I take it you guys live out here?"

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / XMagic WeaponX / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor  d20+8=21 ;
Wednesday December 9th, 2020 1:16:20 PM

Elyas cautiously takes the offered food and drink

"thank you for your hospitality. this is certainly welcome after so many hard days and bad news."

Elyas will still examine the food and drink before he tries it, just to be safe
perception = 21

I would not recommend going back in that cave, there is a lot of death in there and not a lot of interest. in any case, many of us are tired and hurt. we have to rest before we do anything

DM Mark - Visitors - Friend or Foe? 
Wednesday December 9th, 2020 11:53:00 PM

The fauns are a bit startled as Tsak suddenly appears, but soon relax and the song and dance goes on as the light fades from the sky. They try to dance with Esmerelda as well, but she’s having none of it. They are very surprised, and really very pleased, to find that Falco is not a halfling in disguise, but rather an actual humanoid owl!

Brym works with the Petals to gather some wood and make a fire pit under the tree. Cael pulls out some flint and a steel and soon has a cheery cooking fire going as he also lights a couple of torches.

Tar goes to the water’s edge and digs up some tuberous roots to cook. Tar pulls some herbs and powders out of his bag as Brym skins and cleans the rabbits. Tar has a pot for the roots and uses sticks to spit the rabbits to cook as he adds things to everything that’s cooking.

Soon the smells remind the Petals how much they long for real food. Most are wary of the wine, but those that do partake note a very nice vintage, with some interesting herbal tastes added in. Tar brooks no nonsense with the food, preventing Carl and Brym (and perhaps the Petals) from sampling things as they cook.

There seems to be enough food to go around. Interestingly, Cael’s leather flask never seems to run out of wine as it’s shared, and soon the fauns, Rolth, Mak and Elyas begin to feel the effects of the wine, though none overimbibe.

Kiwina asks if the fauns can bless the area somehow, but recommends the fauns against going into the caverns. Elyas echoes this concern.

”Uh, we’re not afraid to go into the cave - with you guys. You guys are going back in there, right.”
“Yeah, we’re not afraid if you’re not afraid.”
“Euthemia coming back? Oh, I fear she’s gone - likely killed by these horrible things.”
“Ugh. Horrible is right. But we’re not scared to go in. You ... you guys are going back in.”
“Sure, we live near here. But we move around a lot.”
“Arrows? Bolts? Yeah, we got those.”

Similar to his flask, Cael has a strange quiver that seems to hold more than it should. Each PC that has a bow or crossbow is given 20 very finely made pieces of ammunition. These are masterwork arrows and bolts.

The night continues and eventually everyone feels a need for sleep. You cannot recall a more pleasant evening in recent memory. You all feel at peace and the horrible events with the hellhounds and in the caverns almost seem a distant memory. It seems the fauns meant to share the watch, but all three fall peacefully asleep. The Petals keep a watch and the night passes without any problems.

You wake with the fauns to a bright, crisp morning with birds brightly singing in the tree above you. Everyone feels very well rested. And eventhough a grim object still awaits you in the caverns behind the waterfall, you feel strangely at peace here. Perhaps this lake is special.

Similar to his flask, Cael has a strange quiver that seems to hold more than it should. Each PC that has a bow or crossbow is given 20 very finely made pieces of ammunition. These are masterwork arrows and bolts.

The night continues and eventually everyone feels a need for sleep. You cannot recall a more pleasant evening in recent memory. You all feel at peace and the horrible events with the hellhounds and in the caverns almost seem a distant memory. It seems the fauns meant to share the watch, but all three fall peacefully asleep. The Petals keep a watch and the night passes without any problems.

You wake with the fauns to a bright, crisp morning with birds brightly singing in the tree above you. Everyone feels very well rested. And eventhough a grim object still awaits you in the caverns behind the waterfall, you feel strangely at peace here. Perhaps this lake is special.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 0/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 
Thursday December 10th, 2020 9:53:21 AM

Falco wakes up with a large stretch, stands and touches his toes a few time. He gives a few small satasfied hoots before getting down to the business of being a cleric. Grabbing a drink he moves to sit quietly by the water an pray for the continued aid of the warper-sar. As always he knows he can change his body in different ways but continues to make himself my agile, as he has every day.

He finishes his morning prayers mumbling quietly. "Everything is changing, all the wold. Last nights change that brought us new friends is most welcome."

3rd - XBlindness/Deafness DC16X / XCure SeriousX / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd- XCure ModX / XBulls StregnthX / XHold PersonX / XShield OtherX
1st- Bane / XCLWX / XDivine FavorX / XMagic WeaponX / XShield of FaithX
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak(JamesM)(43/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(25)|15/10/-/-/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8 + 8|Crit x3 
Thursday December 10th, 2020 10:53:53 AM

Mak played along until the food was ready and then took a break to wash up and change clothes. The only clean thing he had was is old army uniform, so he shrugged that on quickly and tried to rinse off his standard clothes in lakes water. Afterwards he hung those on a low branch, ate, cleaned his armor, and pulled it back on. When everyone was settling down he did so in turn and rested.

Though the night was uneventful his dreams were plagued with images of the dead piled around him as he was pinned and unable to move. He tried over and over again to move his limbs but each time proved to be a futile attempt. Eventually he felt in control of his own body and jerked awake where he was greeted with the sights of a beautiful day instead of the battlefield he'd dreamt about.

He thanked Cael for the arrows and counted them out carefully as he put them in his quiver in preparation for a return to the caverns behind the waterfall.

OOC: To confirm, the MW property of the arrows do not stack with the magic bow, right?

**Full Attack, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Training, Point Blank Shot

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Thursday December 10th, 2020 11:03:11 AM

Elyas accepts the crossbow bolts happily.

he stretches and enjoys the fine weather, almost recovered form the horrible day int he cave the day before. he is curious how this day will go, whether they really are going back into the cave or if they are going to leave. He doesn't have any reason to go back in, but the fawns seem very insistent about going back in.

Elyas prepares his spells for the day, planning on not burning through them quite so fast this time around

Kiwina (Steve M) 40/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Thursday December 10th, 2020 11:31:45 AM

Feeling better after a night of rest, Kiwina takes up the question the satyrs asked. "Are we going back into the cave? I'm pretty sure we are. The bigger question is when. Can you tell us anything about the cave? Did Euthemia ever say anything about it?"

The way Kiwina sees it, they still have to deal with that altar, although he's not sure whether they could do that best by going somewhere else first. And they haven't made a search of the interior. He's a bit worried that something else might be lurking under one of the pools that they never really explored well.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (49/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23) 
Thursday December 10th, 2020 7:37:10 PM

Rolth awakes feeling refreshed and cheery, despite the horrors of the previous day. He sets to thinking about what to do next. "Hey Falco, any chance that the warper-sar could grant you the power to re-consecrate that altar and sever its connection to the Deep? And speaking of the deep, can you enspell us to let us search the bottom of the lake? I wonder if we might find what happened to the poor nymph down there. As far as the caverns go, it seems like we ought to clear out the dead, and give the place a better search, now that we are mostly recovered from the battle." Having spoken his mind, he tucks into breakfast with gusto. He'll help Mak and the others clean up with some prestidigitation too, if they like!

DM Mark - "Last nights change that brought us new friends is most welcome." 
Thursday December 10th, 2020 9:22:19 PM

Falco wakes and prays for spells, thankful for his new found friends.
Though Mak has bad dreams, his waking reality is rather peaceful. And his clothes are clean. He thanks Cael for the arrows.
Elyas is glad for the fine bolts, and wonders if it's really necessary to go back into that yucky cave.
Kiwina asks the fauns if they know anything about the caverns behind the waterfall.
Rolth wakes refreshed. He wonders about searching the lake and what can be done with the altar.

The fauns wake not too early and not particularly late. They quickly set about making a fire and warming leftover food, accompanied by some cake like oat biscuits honey and bits of nuts and fruit. It’s a little stale, but it tastes pretty good.

Tar claps his hands and rubs them together. ”Awright. What now?”

The fauns look expectantly at the heroes.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (49/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23) 
Thursday December 10th, 2020 9:42:37 PM

"That's a great question, Tar. So far, folks have suggested any number of things, including searching under the lake, physically destroying or reconsecrating the altar, searching the caverns, disposing of the bodies in the cavern, and report backing to the Council immediately. I for one think we should go back into the caverns for a good look around now that we are rested, and take care of the bodies so that they can't be further misused. While we're in there, we should do something about that nasty altar and the tentacle. Hopefully it hasn't grown into a whole beast by now! What do you guys want to do?"

Mak(JamesM)(47/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(25)|15/10/-/-/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8 + 8|Crit x3 
Friday December 11th, 2020 8:31:48 AM

Mak took down his dry clothing and repacked it haphazardly in his bag such that it would be wrinkly when he removed it. Those watching had an aha moment as to why he always looked rumpled. It was his packing. Today however Mak would wear his uniform as it would likely get wet and when they left here he wanted to have his dry normal clothing ready.

Mak was all for destroying the altar, but he wanted to carry the bits outside and scatter them on the ground around the lake or bury them someplace nearby. If that was the plan he would start on the hole before they entered the caverns.

Kiwina (Steve M) 40/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Friday December 11th, 2020 10:28:19 AM

Kiwina is a bit iffy about going back into the cave before they are fully healed, but admits that searching the lake and caves to make sure there are no other followers of the Deep hidden in there would be a good idea. It looked as if many of the ones they fought could have breathed underwater.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L  3d6=13 ; 2d8+5=12 ;
Friday December 11th, 2020 2:22:15 PM

As the others start to get ready Falco again tends to the wound of those that have them. Gathering the Petals he first channels some healing energy. Then moves to Kiwina and adds some more healing power.

{Channel: 13}
{CMW Kiwina: 12}

"Sure if you guys want to go swimming I can do that."

Whoever wants to explore the lake can divide ten hours of water breathing between them.

3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC16 / Cure Serious / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd-XCure ModX / Bulls Stregnth / Hold Person / Shield Other
1st- Bane / CLW / Divine Favor / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Friday December 11th, 2020 3:34:18 PM

Elyas shrugs at the others' suggestions. If you all want to go back into that cave I will of course go with you, but I do not know that we can do any more in there. i do not have anything strong enough to ensure that the altar is destroyed. burning the body might be a good idea. but we have to make sure that we return to the council as soon as possible to warn them of the dangers we have found

DM Mark - Discussions 
Saturday December 12th, 2020 12:09:48 AM

In response to Tar’s question, Rolth mentions several responsibilities the petals have - searching the caverns, dealing with the altar and that awful tentacle, reporting back to the Council of the Clans.
Mak packs away his cleaned clothes, smelling slightly of campfire smoke.
Kiwina has reservations about going back in, but keeps them ho herself.
Falco channels some healing and offers to let the other’s breathe water if needed.
Elyas is not sure what do next - he’s not sure the altar can be destroyed or if the tentacle can be burned, but he does agree the Council must be informed.

Still, even with all the options discussed, the Petals are relieved to not be fighting anything. It's a pretty nice morning, but there are some clouds gathering. Could this mean rain?

The fauns watch all of this.

[b]”Whoa. You can make people breathe underwater? Cool!”
“A creepy altar?”
“A tentacle that can’t be burned?”
“You guys know the Council of the Clans? I heard those guys are jerks. Well, Chesmu says they are.”
“You guys … um, are you going back in?”
“I want to breathe water!”

Sense Motive DC 12: Highlight to display spoiler: {The fauns seem emboldened, and seem to want to go into that cave - maybe even without you. Maybe.}

Kiwina (Steve M) 40/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Saturday December 12th, 2020 2:08:13 PM

"Well, if we did go back to the cave, we would probably need someone to get a message to the council." Kiwina suggests. He worries about the satyrs going in the cave before the Petals have checked it out again.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (57/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23) 
Saturday December 12th, 2020 6:47:43 PM

Rolth is thinking that the satyrs aren't likely to want to go talk to a grumpy council, nor should they be left here to explore the altar alone, so says, "Thank you yet again for the blessed healing, Falco. As for what to do next, perhaps we could all go into the caverns together to see what we can learn, then decide who will go see the Council. What do the rest of you think?"

Mak(JamesM)(47/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|+1 CLB:Arrows(25)|15/10/-/-/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8 + 8|Crit x3  d20=8 ;
Monday December 14th, 2020 8:26:34 AM

Mak was unable to read the fauns but based on what they were saying he suspected they were just excited and curious. He'd been that way once, but the horrors of war had tempered his attitude somewhat. Some might say it spoiled it and was one reason he found solace in a bottle.

"If we send someone back it'll need to be someone they trust." Mak answered Kiwina. " and probably two someones.", he added.

OOC: Sense Motive +0, Roll 8.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L  d20+8=27 ;
Monday December 14th, 2020 10:38:57 AM

{Sense Motive: 27} {ooc: Don't forget to update your HP so I don't waste spells}

Falco looks to the fawns. "Clearly you are a curious sort. If we go back in I am sure you can come too just stay back and out of harms way."

He listens to the discussion about sending someone back. "Were not moving into the caves? I am sure the time we spend in there will not delay a message over much."

3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC16 / Cure Serious / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd-XCure ModX / Bulls Stregnth / Hold Person / Shield Other
1st- Bane / CLW / Divine Favor / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Monday December 14th, 2020 12:56:48 PM

"Very well, let's not spend more time discussing this. lets' carefully clear out these caves to make sure there aren't any more creepy priests in there or anything, and then get back to speak with the council. the last venture into the cave almost went really badly for us, hopefully we cleared most of the danger yesterday. still, be careful and stick together.

Elyas gathers his things and prepares to go back into the cave. this time he has brought a few spells that seem like they could help in a cave

Spells prepared:

cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash
Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray
Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, darkvision, web, scorching ray
Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, dispel magic
level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball
Special: Acid Dart (3/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item

Active effects:
Mage Armor (7 hours)

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: 
Monday December 14th, 2020 8:09:46 PM

Lets go back in with the fawns and have a look around. If something attacks us then we'll deal with it and we know there is more to do here. If not, then perhaps it will be safe to leave the fawns guarding the local area so others don't go in and we can go back to the council.
Whew, that was a lot of words. Tsak sits back exhausted by the effort of extended communication.

He packs the 20 excellent bolts with his gear and grabs some still-warm grub, then waits to see what the consensus is for what to do next.

DM Mark - Discussions  d20+11=21 ;
Monday December 14th, 2020 9:43:39 PM

The Petals discuss their options. There is discussion of needing to get word to the Council. Most agree that going back into the caverns is necessary, if only to keep these fauns from going in by themselves and getting killed. Or worse. Some think they should go in without the fauns.

Eventually it is decided to go back in with the fauns in tow and see where things stand.

The party ventures into the caverns. Whether you swim across the lake to get there or manage to climb the rockface, you all manage to get past the waterfall. The fauns swim across. They splash each other, laughing as they go. You don’t need much ability to sense motive to know the laughter is forced - the fauns seem pretty nervous.

They light torches. Cael nochs an arrow in his bow, as Tar and Byrn hold torches in one hand and a cudgel in the other. They allow the Petals to precede them.

Assuming the Petals offer to create light, ”Um, that’s fine. But I’d still like to have my own light anyway.”

As you press into the caverns, the uneven floor takes the fauns some time to get used to. However noone is used to the smell. You figure it’s probably not worse than when you were in here, but having spent some time outside it’s as strong for you as it is for the fauns.

”Icky.” says Tar.
”Double icky.” says Bryn.

You pass a lot of dead bodies. Dead liontaur ghouls stick out of the shallow water here and there. The frog-like deep ones come into view.

”By Eberoyn’s Teeth! What are those!”

They see the bizarre hybrid liontaur-octopus creatures. And then the hulking Chuul corpse looms in the dakness. Though still, it is an intimidating sight.

”Wow. You guys killed that? Whoa.”

Eventually you make your way to the back of the caverns. The smell is the worst here as the black altar with embedded, ancient shells comes into view. Perhaps most disturbing, atop the altar is a tentacles, slowly moving. The grey scabarous thing sits there, much as it did before. You remember chopping it into pieces, and yet here it is, a whole, writhing abomination.

Perception DC 20 or Healing DC 15:Highlight to display spoiler: { You can see that there are actually a couple chunks missing, and it does seem more damaged than before you chopped it up and used acidon the thing. Are those new scars from the acid?}

Arcana DC 15:Highlight to display spoiler: { You can tell that the acid did cause some damage, but perhaps not enough to end any magical regeneration.}

The altar bears the marks Mak made with his adamantine weapon.

The fauns stare in horror at the thing moving on the altar. ”Uh. What the heck is that?”

Cael vomits.

Mak(JamesM)(47/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/7/-/-/-|(Full,Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2   d20+5=25 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 9:07:02 AM

"Well chaps, I'm certainly not too chuffed that tentacle is still intact, but it does bear the marks of our attempts to damage it. Specifically I think from Elyas' acid magic. Mak said as he drew his sword and took a swipe at the corner of the altar. Based on the damage done to the altar Mak tried to estimate how long it would take to completely destroy the evil pedestal.

OOC: Perception +5, Roll 25, Success!

**Admantium - Ignores Hardness < 20, Full Attack, Weapon Finesse

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L  d20+11=21 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 9:42:04 AM

{Perception: 21}

Falco also notes that tentecal has kept some of the damage which is a good sign. He knows there is no way he can damage the alter so really dose little more then watch to make sure there are no suprises.

3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC16 / Cure Serious / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd-XCure ModX / Bulls Stregnth / Hold Person / Shield Other
1st- Bane / CLW / Divine Favor / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Kiwina (Steve M) 65/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None   d20+17=20 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 11:31:43 AM

Kiwina prepares different spells this day, considering he knows they'll be in a cave.

After seeing if Cael needs to leave and -- if he does -- escorting any of the satyrs out of the cave, Kiwina is interested in making sure there are no large recesses or hiding spots underneath the water inside the cave. He starts checking in the cave with the altar, so as to be close to the others.

(Perception = 20)

1 - detect snares and pits, summon nature's ally I
0 - create water, flare, purify food and drink
1 - CLW, faerie fire, obscuring mist
Aumakua: 1st level ranger spell
Storm burst: used 0/6 times

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor  d20+11=31 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 3:53:49 PM

knowledge Arcana = 31!

Elyas studies the tentacle
"you're right Mak, it does look like the acid did something at least. but not enough to end its magical regeneration. well, we're here now, and it sure would be good to know what kills these things, especially if it is a part of something bigger that we end up facing down later. I do know that different things end regeneration effects in different creatures. perhaps we can spend some time experimenting on this tentacle to find what works best. after all, I am a man of science!

he will start by holding his hands over the tentacle and shooting out a gout of flame!

Fire usually seems like a good place to start!
[cast burning hands on the tentacle]

Spells prepared:

cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash
Level 1: protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, burning hands, color spray
Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, darkvision, web, scorching ray
Level 3: Stinking cloud, Haste, lightning bolt, dispel magic
level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, fireball
Special: Acid Dart (7/7 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item

Active effects:
Mage Armor (7 hours)

Mak(JamesM)(47/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/7/-/-/-|(Full,Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2  
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 4:56:22 PM

We should pack this thing up and take it outside." Mak suggested. "I also think we should look around to see how this little operation was being financed. They should have a little coin banging about here. What?"

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (57/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23)  d20=13 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 7:22:17 PM

The burners and sword swingers seem to have the tentacle and altar in hand, so Rolth helps Kiwina search around. He also keeps a detect magic going while entering and searching, hoping to find anything special that we might have missed in the murk.

(Perception = 27 to search)

DM Mark - "I am a man of science!" 
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 10:50:28 PM

Several of the Petals can see that the tentacle shows signs of previous damage.
Mak begins hacking at the altar some more.
Elyas casts Burning Hands on the thing as Mak jumps back. Mak suggests perhaps this should be taken outside.
Kiwina is worried about the fauns, offering to take them out if needed. He also plans to search beneath the water in the main room.
Rolth helps with the search, using Detect Magic as he does so.
Falco keeps a sharp eye out for trouble.

Mak’s attacks on the altar continue to have some effect. His adamantine weapon is effective, and between his considerable strength and even more considerable dexterity, he begins to chip away at the thing. Still, he thinks it may take the better part of the day to destroy the stone altar with his rapier.

Elyas’s spell seems to have good effect. Its jerky movements increase as it blackens and crisps in spots. The movement is more reactive than intentional - it does not really seem to move away. Maybe another such attack would end it. You wouldn’t think it would smell much worse in here, but the burning tentacle manages to add another level of foulness to the air. Oily smoke gathers at the rock above.

As Kiwina and Rolth search, the fauns join in. Cael looks a little woozy though. You all come up with some various bits of cast off equipment - some bags, pieces of clothing, a few household items here and there. You find 53 gp, 127 sp, 192 cp. 3 maces, 10 daggers, a couple of now useless crossbows, 10 spears. And some bits of Cael’s breakfast. Yech.

No more magic is found beyond the amulets you have and the items Elyas pulled off the Chuul.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (57/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23) 
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 7:05:53 AM

Rolth suggests that, once the altar is destroyed and the tentacle burning is complete, that we float the bodies out to the river and away, following the example of our new satyr friends in cleansing this place. Then make haste back to the Council to report on Nantyr's fate. He will contribute an alchemists fire to the tentacle effort if Elyas runs low on spells before it is done.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 9:26:01 AM

Falco nods "A good plan Rolth. At best this place will become a health hazard if left as it is."

3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC16 / Cure Serious / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd-XCure ModX / Bulls Stregnth / Hold Person / Shield Other
1st- Bane / CLW / Divine Favor / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak(JamesM)(47/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/7/-/-/-|(Full,Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2  
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 9:38:38 AM

Encouraged by his success, Mak continued to hack away at the altar. He didn't want any trace of the thing left that could be used by another and he was committed to finishing with it's destruction.

"You think a blessing from a goodly deity would help here?" he asked Falco between swings of his light blade. It was times such as this when he wished he had his uncles blade. That one was a good deal larger than his and also made of the same hardened material.

"If the first Ebonblade were here this would be short work, but as it is my nimbler blade is going to take all day."

Kiwina (Steve M) 65/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 4:14:22 PM

If the others are still busy when the chamber with the altar is finished, Kiwina is ready to check the other caves and then move on to the lake, if he can get help to do so. This could be an all day thing.

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 5:52:02 PM

Elyas is happy to find that fire does seem to work better than other things they have tried. of course, today he didn't bring a lot of fire spells with all the water in the cave... he runs a finger along his pearl of power, recalling burning hands to memory and fires off another wave of fire at the remains of the tentacle.

DM Mark - Workday! 
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 11:47:51 PM

Rolth suggests that the bodies be cleared out of the caverns and sent down river. He offers an alchemist’s fire to help with the tantacle thing.
Falco agrees, thinking these caves will become pretty rank pretty soon.
Mak keeps hacking away at the altar, occasionally lamenting the delicacy of his blade as it just doesn’t have the oomph of a larger weapon.
Kiwina focuses his attention on the other caverns and lake.
Elyas again casts Burning Hands on the tentacle.

Mak jumps back as Elyas casts his spell without warning.

Elyas’ spell causes the tentacle to shudder and jerk. It finally stops moving at last, burnt to a crisp. The air hangs thick with a salty stench.

Kiwina leaves the back chamber to search other areas. The fauns are more than happy to go with Kiwina. Searching the other chambers, you find the same cast off things as before - some hide armor here, belts and laces there. You also find 4 daggers, a mace and a longsword. You also find some gold and silver jewelry worth a total of 250 gp.

By about the end of the day, Mak manages to break the altar into several large pieces. He also a sweaty mess at this point and feels a bit ill from the smoke and the mess.

If the party works together, you can drag all the bodies out of the caverns as well. It’s a lot of work to get them across the lake area and over to the existing river.

By the end of the day, everyone is quite exhausted. The light fades from the sky. The fauns still have wine they share as well as some rabbits and game fowl.

Nice work!

Kiwina (Steve M) 65/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None   d20+23=28 ;
Thursday December 17th, 2020 12:10:10 AM

Before declaring that they have searched enough, Kiwina looks around the area of the lake to see if he can find any signs of survivors from Nantyr's clan escaping. (Survival = 28 to track monstrous humanoids)

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (57/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23)  d20+9=29 ; d20+5=17 ; d20+13=32 ;
Thursday December 17th, 2020 7:33:52 AM

Rolth will assist Kiwina's efforts to search for tracks, and over the evening meal (with a bit of wine, thank you very much!) ask the fauns if they saw any signs of survivors or others who had left the scene. If there is any singing and dancing, he will once again join in with his voice and instrument.

(surivival = 29, success to assist)

While we camp, he also asks Elyas whether he has any spells or other abilities to help identify the magic items that we found on the chuul. Rolth will assist with that as he is able, as well.

Finally, he will take the last watch, keeping a keen eye and ear out for trouble.

(Perception = 32)

(spellcraft = 17 to assist, success)

Mak(JamesM)(47/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/7/-/-/-|(Full,Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2  
Thursday December 17th, 2020 9:39:39 AM

Mak carried out one of the larger pieces and after the evening meal set about burying it a way from the lake. He worked through his watch and afterwards fell into a coma like sleep with his bow laid across his chest.

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Thursday December 17th, 2020 1:00:45 PM

Oh yes, good point Rolth. with all of the work today i had nearly forgotten that we hadn't spent time examining the Chuul's effects yet.

Elyas lays the items out in front of himself and starts tinkering with them, looking to see what they do

[ooc:I'm going to take 10 on each item, which is a 24 on spellcraft. if any of them are too hard to figure out with that, Elyas will try again the next day with magical aid.]

DM Mark - Workday! 
Thursday December 17th, 2020 11:43:34 PM

Kiwina looks to see if there are signs of any surviving liontaurs fleeing this place.
Rolth helps with the search and asks if the fauns know of any other members of this doomed clan that may have survived. He also asks Elyas if he can identify the magic items the chuul had.
Mak carries the largest piece of the altar out of the cavern, burying it. The charred remains of the tentacle fall into the water, sinking beneath the surface. He’s quite tired.
Elyas turns his attention to the magic items from the chuul.

Elyas is able to discern the abilities of all the things the chuul had. His spellcraft checks reveal:

- Amulet of natural armour (+1) +1 Nat armour
- Belt of mighty constitution (+2) +2 CON
- Bracers of armour (+2) +2AC
- Cloak of resistance (+2) +2 saves
- Headband of inspired wisdom (+2) +2 WIS
- Potion of Cure moderate wounds
- Potion of Cure moderate wounds
- Ring of Protection (+2) +2 AC

The fauns marvel at the hard work and insight of the Petals.

”Wow. You guys are pretty good.”
“Yeah. We like you guys.”
“You guys should stay here with us and hunt hell hounds.”
“Yeah, that’s scary stuff, but with you it’d be a cinch!”
“Surviving member of the Hounds Tooth Clan? Beats me. There may be some, but I dunno where they would be.”
“Hmmm. I can think of some places some might hide.”
“What made them all come here anyway?”

You settle down of another peaceful night’s sleep. You set a watch, and they fauns have good intentions of staying up to help, but, well, you’re guessing self-discipline about anything is not their strong suit.

You awake again to a glorious morning. And, holy crap, is Mak ever sore!

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC15 (T13/F12) 35/70 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: 
Friday December 18th, 2020 6:05:26 AM

Seeing the weariness and pain etched into Maks face Tsak takes pity on him. After getting some insider hunting knowledge from the fauns he's able to scrounge up some bird eggs and mushrooms to which he adds some fried game bird and peppercorn to make a breakfast fit for a, well a minor dignitary of a rather small county. But its the thought that counts right?
With the fawns help Tsak does his best to cook a hearty breakfast for everyone.

Mak(JamesM)(47/47)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Rapier, MW|12/7/-/-/-|(Full,Admantium, WFin)**|1d6 + 3|Crit x2  
Friday December 18th, 2020 8:29:04 AM

Mak tried to rise that morning and was given pause by his condition. By the green plants of insidious death, he was sore. He tried to rise again, this time he combined the attempt with a roll and was successful. Once on his feet he eyed the belt Elyas had identified the previous evening and wondered if that would help with his fatigue.

"Chaps, that belt would certainly make me feel a bit better if you'd allow me to get it." Mak said as he limped noticeably about while he tried to work the soreness out of his muscles.

OOC: As the one with the least amount of HP, Mak could certainly use that belt. Alternatively, a deflection bonus to his AC so he doesn't get hit would be cool too, i.e. Ring of Protection.

Kiwina (Steve M) 72/74 HP | AC:18 | HeP: 4 | Status: None  
Friday December 18th, 2020 2:42:16 PM

Kiwina is ready for a rest from battle and its aftermath, although if the satyrs know of places where some of the Hounds Tooth clan may have hidden it would be great if they would check those places for survivors. He does not know where to go next if not to report to the council. A daydream of sailing later, he pulls himself back to the present.

Kiwina is interested in the ring or the headband, although either might be better fit for one of the other Petals.

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Friday December 18th, 2020 5:01:13 PM

Elyas points out to the group what each item is. he is not particularly interested in any of it, as the Chuul's brand of magic was very different than what Elyas uses. hopefully these items would prove more useful for some of his companions.

alright, what's our next move? captain?

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (57/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23) 
Friday December 18th, 2020 5:38:29 PM

"I agree with Kiwina, maybe our faun friends can go look for any remaining taurs and let them know it is safe to return to the village or head to the city. We should head back to report to the Council now, I think."

Rolth is fine with the others claiming the magic items. He has a lesser version of several of them, so would not deny his fellows their turns to select some.

DM Mark - Woldian Slowdown 
Saturday December 19th, 2020 1:02:36 AM

Tsak wakes and hopes to distract the sore Mak with a nice breakfast.
Mak is indeed sore. Hoping that it may help a bit he puts on the magic belt. It doesn’t do much to relieve his soreness just yet, but he feels he could push through it.
Kiwina is ready for a rest. He’s worried that there may yet be more liontaurs out there from the Hound’s Tooth clan, hoping that perhaps the fauns can locate any refugees.
Rolth agrees, asking the fauns to see if they can locate any lost liontaurs.
Elyas considers the identified items for a moment before asking what’s next?

While the Petals do feel some pressure to report back to the Council of Clans, they know that the only urgency in this is what the Petals place on themselves. Afterall, they seem to have found what was enchanting the strange amulets and destroyed some “piece of the deep” that was empowering this.

The caverns behind the waterfall will retain an unpleasant smell for some time. The fauns and Kiwina worked to move the bodies downstream, but it still stinks in there.

Knowledge Nature or Survival DC 12: Highlight to display spoiler: {Disposing of dozens of bodies in a stream only moves the problem a little ways. You know the stream will be fouled by this for weeks, perhaps months in some places. Scavengers will come. Insects will gather. There may even be some fish die offs in places.}

This seems like a nice place to rest, maybe even for a few days. Or you can head back.

The fauns seem be good at being idle, but are not really the relaxing sort. They play some music, practice their archery, and play some games.

"Hey, let’s see who can hit that tree over there!”
”Hmmm. The lost liontaurs? Yeah, maybe we can go look for some of them tomorrow.”
“Hey, maybe that grouchy ol’ Chesmu know sumpthin.”
“I’m not talkin to him. Member what happened last time.”
“Yeah, he’s prolly still sore about that.”
“Well, we can look tomorrow.”
“Hey, let’s throw some knives.”
“Ooo. Look. I found a cool rock! It looks like you Bryn.”
“Does not. It looks like your butt.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said.”
“Ooo. I’ll get you for that.”
“You’ll have to catch me first!”

And so we enter the Great Woldian Slowdown. This is a time when all Woldian Players are encouraged to venture over to the Giggling Ghost as a PC to take part in the games there. You are welcome to post here, but there will be no substantive advancement of the game. You DM’s may check in here from time to time, but there is no requirement for players or DMs to post her for the next couple of weeks.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyus Kwanza, Festive Yuletide! And don’t forget about Festivus For The Rest Of Us!

Enjoy the holidays - even if it’s a bit different this year.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (57/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23) 
Saturday December 19th, 2020 9:38:36 AM

Rolth, drinking in the cleansed air and water of this place, feels a deeper connection to his home isle, and for once is able to be patient. "Thank you, Elyas, for sharing your insights on these wondrous items. I have only some small skill in such things compared to yours. With respect to our next steps, on second thought, staying here for a little while to refresh our bodies and spirit would be worthwhile. And with such good company to entertain and delight us!" he adds with a smiling nod to the irrepressible fauns.

As we rest up, he will ask the fauns where we might find any hiding liontaurs, so that we might seek them out when the time comes to move on.

Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 23/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 5/6 | | +1 L 
Monday December 21st, 2020 9:34:52 AM

Falco happily joins in the archery contest and overall is happy to mess around with the fauns as much as they like. Some relaxing fun sounds like just the thing. "Knives or arrows or even just a game of tag I am in."

3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC16 / Cure Serious / XWater Breathing (10 Hours Divisible)X
2nd-XCure ModX / Bulls Stregnth / Hold Person / Shield Other
1st- Bane / CLW / Divine Favor / Magic Weapon / Shield of Faith
0- Create Water / Detect Magic / Guidance / Light

Mak(JamesM)(54/54)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Dagger|12/7/-/-/-|(PBS )**|1d4 + 4|Crit x2  d20+12=32 ; d20+12=14 ; d20+12=27 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=23 ;
Tuesday December 22nd, 2020 10:02:25 AM

Mak begged off the archery contest, but did participate in any dagger throwing contests. In fact, if no one objected he grabbed five of the daggers they found on the dead and added them to his equipment. So after carefully cleaning and oiling them he set them out for the contest.

Mak took his time and made five throws. Out of the five attempts all but one hit the center of the target. "Seems like luck is with me today." Mak said as he limped over to the target and pulled the daggers free before handing them off to the next person.

**Point Blank Shot
OOC: Looks like two of the 5 throws were natural 20's. No need to roll crits I think. I propose the target is AC 15 and we score 1 to 5 for each throw AC's 15-20. So Mak has 5+Miss+5+5+5=20.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (57/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23)  d20+7=19 ; d20+7=9 ; d20+7=18 ; d20+7=21 ; d20+7=18 ;
Tuesday December 22nd, 2020 7:40:22 PM

Rolth will try his hand at throwing daggers, scoring four hits out of five! None is dead center like Mak's but close seems to count in this game. Tie game there, young bean!

Mak(JamesM)(54/54)HP|AC:26(AO)/22/15T/17FF|CMD 25|Dagger|12/7/-/-/-|(PBS )**|1d4 + 4|Crit x2 
Wednesday December 23rd, 2020 11:17:25 AM

OOC: LOL! I score you as 4, 0, 3, 5, and 3 or 15 total.

"As I see it, lagging by five old bean." Mak laughed as he gathered the daggers to hand them to the next person.

Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (57/57 HP | AC: 16; Touch: 12; CMD: 23) 
Wednesday December 23rd, 2020 7:54:06 PM

"Ah, I see what you mean now, my knowledge of mathematology is somewhat lacking! Perhaps on par with your explaintology, haha!"

[OOC: So technically you need a 16 (not 15) to score a point? 16 =1, 17 =2, 18= 3, 19= 4, 20 =5]

Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor 
Thursday December 24th, 2020 12:27:40 PM

Elyas laughs as he watches the others throwing daggers. he doesn't join in, but sits under a tree and watches the game

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