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Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Friday December 11th, 2020 9:47:20 PM

Akuno figures floating discs are mostly safe, since they are 3 feet off the ground. He's going to have to expose something.

She casts another, and motions to Sol. "Hop on, Wizard san!"

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15  d20+6=26 ;
Friday December 11th, 2020 11:28:16 PM

Caelwyn turns to look at Cecil. "What exactly are you doing there? Will that help?"

He sends up a prayer to Domi for aid and remains on the ground, shield at the ready. He is prepared to heal anyone who is in need of it.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 19/12/17, CMD 17, HP 39/39 Llew AC 15/14/11, CMD 15, HP 21/21  d20+11=31 ; d20+11=26 ; d8+7=14 ; d20+4=16 ; d4+1=2 ;
Saturday December 12th, 2020 10:08:38 AM

Grindar and Llew stay on their rocks. Grindar hopes that the rocks are smaller then Connor, in his current form, which forces him to reveal part of himself if he choses to attack. He answers Haemir, "I would rather die then dishonor myself by running again, I stand with you brother! He readies an attack again hoping that being elevated gives him a target, and Llew does likewise.

Grindar: (nat 20, 26 to confirm) for 28 if confirmed, or 14 if not

Llew: Hits AC 16 for 2 damage

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Saturday December 12th, 2020 1:11:17 PM

Caelwyn realizes what the others are doing and follows suit - he climbs up on the rock next to Llew and waits to see if Connor responds to his words, and if he is able to hit any of them through the rocks.

DM Steve -- Middle of Nowhere -- Heading back to the Stone Temple  d20+11=24 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=29 ; d6+8=14 ;
Saturday December 12th, 2020 1:49:42 PM

'Lil is impressed by Akuno's use of her discs and encourages Akuno to help Sol. She heals some more, and tries to get everyone else off the ground.

Sol is dejected because he cannot see how he can deal with this threat. He suggests surrender.

Thorondir lands and casts a spell, preparing to make a target of himself in order to lure Connor in for an attack.

Fand goes for help. Haemir knows where Connor is and sends his spectral hand into the ground at that spot to deliver a curse before announcing his intention to stay and fight. The hand speeds into the ground, then returns to Haemir's side. No results of the spell can be seen.

Akuno figures floating discs are mostly safe. She casts another for Sol to use.

Caelwyn asks Cecil what he has done and if it will help. He climbs on the rock next to Llew.

Grindar and Llew stay on their rocks. Grindar answers Haemir, saying that he too would rather die than run.

Cecil gives Caelwyn a quizzical look and shrugs. Cecil stays when Liam moves past.

Liam speaks a bit, but it's hard to hear over the sound of marching. Perception DC 30 if you failed the will save when the sound of marching started, or DC 10 if you succeeded. Highlight to display spoiler: {"Earth elementals are dead slow. If you find a way to keep him here while you get beyond his tremorsense, you'll probably evade him." He shouts his last advice a bit louder --} "Run!" Liam heads off, apparently taking his own advice.

Connor attacks 'Lil twice this round, hitting once. 'Lil takes 14 points of damage. The druid/elemental is still below ground.

Connor -- 22 hp damage
Liam -- unhurt
Cecil -- unhurt

Here is a map.

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:32/34 - CMD:14 - Active:Blink 5/5 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d6=5 ; d100=5 ;
Saturday December 12th, 2020 3:17:11 PM

Haemir tries to cast a cure but his armor interferes.
He watches Liam flee & doesn't blame him, but nope. Not running from this bully - he's determined more than ever...

(Pls note earlier from earlier.... Spellcraft:24 & Knowledge Arcana:21 included 'Guide' bonus).

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 27/27 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 13/13  d20+7=15 ; d20+9=19 ;
Saturday December 12th, 2020 6:43:05 PM

Thorondir takes a moment and his feathers seem to fade into his body and he grows taller. He is back to his elven self, and stomps his feet in good measure. Looking at Cecil, Thorondir says to him "Do not cast magic or be part of this fight, consider this a warning. Unless of course you help us."

Will save 15
Perception 19
active spells: Call Lightning (5 min), Protection from Energy, Electricity (50 min)

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 27/27 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 13/13 
Saturday December 12th, 2020 6:44:09 PM

Thorondir looks to Haemir and adds "I never did hear an anagram, but it does appear you are under attack. Mind if I join?"

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:32/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Sunday December 13th, 2020 8:45:28 AM

With everything tense Haemir grins at Thorondir's calm question. Spoken like a true gentleman! The elf was growing on him and it wasn't in a carbuncle kind of way...
"Alas, we've given him as many chances to talk as we can, so that idea is 'Not Horrid' at all"! He says with a flourishing bow emphasising the anagram.

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:32/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Sunday December 13th, 2020 4:04:53 PM

"Spread out n' get off th'ground, Connor will have to come up t'look for us - then we hit him"...
'If he's as slow as they say then we can provoke him in different areas - fight him on our terms, well it was the start of plan 'C'...' he thinks.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15  d20+2=10 ;
Sunday December 13th, 2020 9:16:01 PM

Caelwyn glances around. "Apparently Earth elementals are extremely slow...we will fight him, but perhaps we should spread out a bit? Make ourselves harder to hit? Everyone get off the ground, at least! Lil, that means you - we need to fight smart here, and save our energy. You and I don't even have anything to hit at the moment."

Perception 10

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 19/12/17, CMD 17, HP 39/39 Llew AC 15/14/11, CMD 15, HP 21/21  d20+8=20 ; d20+12=20 ;
Monday December 14th, 2020 6:41:02 AM

will save: 20
Perception: 20

Grindar stays on his rock hoping for a chance to return an attack on Connor. He refuses to run, even though he has heard the advice, but foe him it's a matter of principle, and honor. There is no honor in retreat, unless doing so means the protection of others, and no one else is retreating and in need of protecting.

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells  d20+9=23 ; d20+9=17 ;
Monday December 14th, 2020 11:48:34 AM

*Forgot to roll will save vs. the sound last round: 23 is pass. Perception roll to hear Cecil is 17, also pass.

"I ain't fighting dumb, dude!" calls 'Lil back. Knowing the difference between bravery and stupidity was a big deal to her. Once the casters were safe, she'd handle Conner and getting herself safe.

Assuming Sol gets on Akuno's disk and Thorondir can either fly or fight the elemental on its own turf, she's able to worry about herself now, so that's good...

She hears Cecil mention how slow earth elementals are, but in this bloody grass so is she. She casts a spell to help keep her safe now that she doesn't need to be bait.


Move: Retrieve scroll
Standard: Cast sanctuary, Will save DC 15 or Conner cannot target her with any attacks for 5 rounds.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 27/27 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 13/13 
Monday December 14th, 2020 3:56:31 PM

"Not Horrid, indeed."
Thorondir stomps his feet on the ground and gives a wink to Haemir.

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None  d20+1=9 ;
Monday December 14th, 2020 5:54:46 PM

Sol jumps on the disc, and appears to perk up a bit.

"You must teach me this spell... it would be useful to know it."

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Monday December 14th, 2020 6:58:56 PM

Akuno smiles. "Laziness meets function, I guess!" She casts another floating disk, for whomever wants it.

DM Steve -- Middle of Nowhere -- Heading back to the Stone Temple  d20+10=23 ; d6+8=10 ;
Monday December 14th, 2020 8:50:25 PM

Haemir tries to cast a cure but his armor interferes. He makes some suggestions on strategy and trades banter with Thorondir.

Thorondir returns to his natural form, and warns Cecil not to interfere.

Caelwyn makes other suggestions on strategy.

Grindar is intent on attacking Connor if he gets the opportunity.

'Lil remains intent on getting everyone else safe, but takes her own precautions by casting sanctuary. She and Thorondir are the only two still on the ground.

Sol jumps on the disc Akuno provided, and appears to perk up a bit.

Akuno casts a third floating disk, for whomever wants it.

Cecil moves over by Akuno and asks, indicating the discs, "Can they hold more than one person? Can other folks push or pull one?"

When Connor attacks this round, his target is Thorondir. He hits (AC: 23) for 10 points of damage.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 22/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 13/13  3d6=8 ;
Monday December 14th, 2020 9:27:11 PM

As soon as Connor comes up and attacks, Thorondir calls down a bolt of lightning that flashes down on him and into the ground beneath him. Thorondir's hair instantly sticks out and a crackle is heard, but he shows no harm from the lightning himself.
"Come again Connor"
Thorondir stomps his feet again.

Lightning 8 HP damage

Active spells:
Call Lightning
Prot from Energy, Elec.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15  2d6=5 ;
Monday December 14th, 2020 11:13:57 PM

Caelwyn moves over to Thorondir, laying his hand on his shoulder. "Domi's blessing upon you, Thorondir. We will prevail."

Thorondir heals 5 HP

Caelwyn then takes a defensive stance.

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:32/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d100=70 ; d6=5 ; d100=93 ; d20+8=10 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 6:30:02 AM

Seeing where Connor came from Haemir sends the floating incorporeal mist in to the ground (touch attack:14) to deliver Touch of Idiocy.

(Haemir uses two 1st level slots & Coalesce Spells to cast the spell. The touch attack includes +2 bonus from hand, +1 from Bloodwitch Lore & using a hero point (after the fact) granting +4. The miss chance due to Connor being technically invis:97% doesn't impact on the attack. If it hits Connor he acquires a –5 decrease to his Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores).

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 10:10:35 AM

'Lil ain't sure if her magic worked or not. "Thorondir, you ain't gonna like this, but if you wants I can pick you up off the ground if you need some cover while summoning something what can attack that jerk down there."

She's thinking she can give him a full round to cast summon nature's ally by just lifting him outside Conner's range, trusting her Sanctuary spell to keep her safe.

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 5:48:09 PM

Sol looks thoughtful.

"Akuno, could we stay here being targets for Connor while some of our allies try to make it to the Druids to see if they can be of assistance?"

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 19/12/17, CMD 17, HP 39/39 Llew AC 15/14/11, CMD 15, HP 21/21  d20+9=28 ; d20+9=14 ; d8+5=12 ; d8+5=13 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 9:17:52 PM

Grindar prepares another attack against Connor, should he provide a target.

Primary: 28 for 12 damage
Off-hand: 14 for 13 damage

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp  d20=2
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 9:28:43 PM

Akuno trembles, quite noticeably, at the idea. "Please don't misunderstand me, Wizard san. I'm not brave at all, I'm just confident in my friends and allies. Any queen should trust her subjects, its only natural. But if we stay and they go, I think Connor won't need these tactics to win."

In regards to her discs, she passes on information. "They can hold around five hundred pounds, but they follow me. We could make a train of sorts, but we'd need someone to pull them."

Ponies, 3 rounds remaining.

She keeps an eye out for danger. If Connor exposes himself enough, she'll go after him with her ray of frost, but miss.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 10:18:34 PM

Shield at the ready, Caelwyn glances toward Sol. "Fand has gone for help, friend. Hopefully the she flies faster than the North Wind itself!"

DM Steve -- Middle of Nowhere -- Heading back to the Stone Temple  d20=17 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 10:21:15 PM

Thorondir calls down the bolt of lightning he had prepared for as soon as Connor attacks. The bolt of lightning that flashes down into the grasses, through Thorondir, and into the ground where Connor is. "Come again Connor," he taunts.

Caelwyn moves over to Thorondir and heals him. At Sol's suggestion, he points out that Fand has already gone for help.

Haemir sends the spell-laden, floating, incorporeal mist into the ground where Connor was. The hand speeds into the ground, then returns to Haemir's side. No results of the spell can be seen.

'Lil isn't sure if her magic worked, but offers to lift Thorondir so he can cast a spell without risk of being attacked.

Sol suggests having some of the Sentinels stay as targets while others go for help.

Grindar prepares another attack against Connor, should he provide a target.

Akuno is scared by the idea of staying as a decoy. She explains what her discs can do, and keeps an eye out for damger.

Cecil points to Grindar, and says, "I've seen him move through the grass. He's the fastest one here."

(There is no obvious activity from Connor this round.)

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Tuesday December 15th, 2020 10:34:55 PM

Caelwyn looks around. "I'm not sure what he is up to, but we perhaps the spell worked? He looks to Cecil and Liam. "Any suggestions here? Perhaps we should start moving toward the town."

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 6:17:40 PM

Sol nods.

"I would agree with Caelwyn, we should definitely head towards the druids... they will be able to help us with Connor."

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:32/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 7:17:55 PM

Haemir waits with baited breath to see if Connor resurfaces ..
"I can't say fer sure that my spell worked so for now don't move near where he was, don't give him reason to act instinctively. Let's get outta here"!

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells  d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ;
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 7:48:19 PM

'Lil ain't sure what spell Haemir cast, but she's good with moving. She channels some positive energy for her and Thorondir*, healing 12 damage.

She moves to Sol's disk and starts pushing, trusting Akuno can use her invisible dudes.

*If anyone else was injured and Carl didn't know, 'Lil will get them too.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 27/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 13/13 
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 7:52:40 PM

His legs aching from the attack from below, he feels the healing power from Caelwyn coursing through him.
"Thanks, I think I can stand here and deliver more lighting bolts down on Connor, but perhaps he has learned his lesson. That, or he is casting a counter spell so that he is not bothered by it."

Looking towards Lil, he adds "Thanks for the offer, I'm sure in the future you will have reason to pick me up, though Akuno is more my type." he adds with a smile.

"Okay, I agree. Let us go to Virgil while we can."

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Wednesday December 16th, 2020 11:58:31 PM

Caelwyn looks around to see if Liam and Cecil are accompanying them. "Come on, lets get going you two. If we want to sort this all out, we need to get back to Virgil first. Then we can try to make Connor see reason, perhaps."

DM Steve -- Middle of Nowhere -- Heading back to the Stone Temple  d4=2 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=20 ;
Thursday December 17th, 2020 12:01:56 AM

Caelwyn suggests, and is quickly seconded by Sol, that this would be a good time to go for help. Haemir and Thorondir more reluctantly agree, Thorondir brushing at the fine coating of ash left by his lightning bolt. 'Lil takes time to heal the group again before starting to push Sol's disc.

With three discs, seven Sentinels, and one captive satyr, it takes a few moments to get sorted. Liam no longer seems to be around. Akuno provides some advice on the best way to use the discs. Still, once the group gets going, they make pretty regular time through the grasses. There is a quarter-moon, so it is not especially light nor extremely dark. But the grasses are not a safe place at night, and the possibility that Connor will show up again makes the trip tense.

After a couple of hours, with the village less than an hour to go (according to Grindar and Thorondir), the Sentinels hear movement ahead, quickly followed by a shouted, "Declare yourselves!" There seem to be at least a half-dozen people ahead, moving the direction the Sentinels have come from. As yet, none are in sight.

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20+1=20 ; d20+7=25 ;
Thursday December 17th, 2020 7:02:05 AM

Haemir is relieved when Connor doesn't show... Setting off for the temple he holds his wounded hand up and the black-vapour encircles it, soaks in and the wound closes. Examining it he raises an eyebrow and thinks: 'Hmm, not over yet, quite sure Connor won't have learnt any lessons at all'. The professor couldn't help but acknowledge the irony: different classroom - same aspiration.

After nearly an hour travelling in the dark he breaks the silence: "Connor will be back up now, that's the best head start I could give today, stay sharp"!

As the sentinels approach the temple and are challenged he calls back: "The Sentinels and we have some company with us. If you're responding to our plea for help, thank you. Did Fand fill you in"?

Remaining still (till the guards recognise them) he remains vigilant (Perception:20 - darkvision:120'). If Fand has accompanied them (or simply catches up) he thanks her and the Macaw resumes an overhead patrol (Perception:25) before eventually landing on his shoulder.

"Connor was nearly an hour behind us but will make up that very fast if he wildshapes" he advises. "Are things ok here"?

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Thursday December 17th, 2020 4:09:14 PM

"Yea, mine too," 'Lil answers Thorondir with a smile.

She's real glad when they actually move and keep moving without getting ground punched. Turns out 'Lil don't much like getting ground punched.

Haemir answers, and 'Lil's heard the right words come outta his mouth enough times to feel comfortable when he does. She wonders about Liam, unsure when he could have gotten away. Stopping to search for him would have been the wrong call, so she figures it's best they kept moving.

Despite all the nonsense she'd been through with these three, she can't help but feel like this satyr ain't a bad guy. He did something real stupid and would have to face some reckoning, but not the villain here. She takes some comfort in knowin' he'll probably get a fair hearing.

She waits to hear from the voices what asked them to declare themselves, hoping it's not another band of folks looking to ruin her day.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 19/12/17, CMD 17, HP 39/39 Llew AC 15/14/11, CMD 15, HP 21/21 
Thursday December 17th, 2020 4:10:54 PM

Not sure who these people are, Grindar returns their shout, "As my friend said we are the Sentinels, but who are you?!"

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Thursday December 17th, 2020 6:02:06 PM

Thorondir thanks Lil for the healing before heading out. Akuno seems to have aroused everyone's interest. She is an interesting creature Thorondir thinks. Which can be deduced as Thorondir looks over to Akuno as Lil mentions her too.

Once they hear movement ahead, Thorondir stands and waits as Haemir and Grindar speak for the group. The only thing Thorondir does is whistle for Aewen, who he hopes is safe and nearby.

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Thursday December 17th, 2020 6:25:47 PM

Sol keeps quiet as they are challenged, but mentally prepares for another fight, though he strongly suspects these people are from the village.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Thursday December 17th, 2020 11:09:23 PM

Caelwyn readies his weapons, waiting for a response from the approaching party. He also keeps an eye on Cecil - he really doesn't want to lose their last prisoner.

DM Steve -- Middle of Nowhere -- Heading back to the Stone Temple 
Thursday December 17th, 2020 11:22:44 PM

Haemir answers the challenge, "The Sentinels and we have some company with us. If you're responding to our plea for help, thank you. Did Fand fill you in? . . . Are things ok here?" He explains that Connor might be along soon.

"We were told you might need help. I don't know any Fand."
"Fand is the familiar of one of their wizards." This voice is Liam's. "It was going to get help from Virgil."

'Lil reflects on the captives -- wondering when and how Liam escaped, and thinking this satyr ain't a bad guy.
Caelwyn readies his weapons, and keeps an eye on Cecil.

"Oh, Connor's already in the village talking to Virgil. Well, yelling at Virgil more like it. They don't get along anymore."
"Made some interesting claims about you lot, too."
"Can we trust Virgil to make fair decisions where these guys are concerned?"
"We can't exclude him."

Grindar also returns the shout, "As my friend said we are the Sentinels, but who are you?!"

"Did you leave a fire burning? That's the important question."

Sol keeps quiet as they are challenged, but mentally prepares for another fight. Akuno also stays silent.
Thorondir whistles for Aewen, hoping he is safe and nearby.

"Is that supposed to mean there is a fire?"
"Answer their question so they can relax, they'll be quicker to answer yours," Liam says. Then after a moment he answers himself, "Guys, I'm here with a group of druids. You're about a half hour from the village. You'll get there, but first please tell them you made sure there was no fire burning before you left the campsite."

Regardless of the answer given, after some discussion the Sentinels are told they may go on to the village.

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Friday December 18th, 2020 4:13:38 AM

Akuno .. literally cannot remember the answer to that question. She decides to let someone else allocate the thought space to that question. Her little brain is trying to figure out how Conner beat them here.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 19/12/17, CMD 17, HP 39/39 Llew AC 15/14/11, CMD 15, HP 21/21 
Friday December 18th, 2020 6:18:51 AM

Grindar thinks for a moment about the campfire, then finally answers, "I don't believe we ever lit a fire, not much need for warmth in this place, and we weren't doing any cooking, so we should be good there."

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20=6 ;
Friday December 18th, 2020 7:34:17 AM

Haemir sighs and places his hands on his temples, 'Will this stubborn idiot never cease'? He thinks and tries to remain calm: "Excuse me but I don't understand! are ye saying that Connor, the man who came here and started a fire n' we had to chase down has now tittle-tattled that we started a fire somewhere in the plains"? He gives Liam an incredulous glare. "You literally just came from being in our camp, you know no fire was started, admitted to us all of your roles of coming here to burn things that don't belong to Connor. Now he is here making stuff up n' you're playing along!? You didn't speak up. Is that what her sayin"?

Haemir gives a "really, that's what you're leading with" look, his anger rising again, "Will this lunacy never cease? I'm tired of it" ... After a few deep breaths he says: "Right Let's get back n' sort this nonsense once n' fer all"!

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Friday December 18th, 2020 12:32:12 PM

Thorondir has no patience with games, and it seems he is now part of a deadly game. Upon seeing Aewen, he calls her down to sit on his shoulder.

Cast: Speak with animals

In eagle "What have you seen and heard since I sent you back here yesterday?"

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Friday December 18th, 2020 3:15:03 PM

'Lil puts her hand on the satyr's shoulder. "Hun, why don't you go on ahead a bit. My dudes and I need to talk before we get back to town." Her voice ain't got malice because she ain't got no malice towards the satyr...at least not yet.

When he's out of ear shot, she talks. "This is seven kinds of stupid, and I swear if this devolves into more politics I'm gonna have a come apart." She moves her shoulders in big circles, limbering up. "I think we're well within our rights to say we're diplomats from Rattledam if they try and detain us. We need to make a decision should that happen. Won't do for some of us to play along and some of us resist." She twists her torso hard left for a moment, then right. "My vote is to make it clear we ain't gonna be detained, and thump anyone what tries to lay a hand on me." It's what her heart says, but her eyes look towards Caelwyn. She figures if anyone's gonna take issue with that plan, it's him.

"Regardless, I think we need to make it real clear to the powers that be that our patience for diplomatic intrigue has reached its limit."

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Friday December 18th, 2020 4:58:07 PM

Akuno pumps out her chest, and gives it a thump with a small fist. Somehow, the excess of lace and ribbons on her clothing make it more cute than intimidating. "Right? About time we exercise the option to do whats right, following the compass of our hearts rather than what some old people consider custom."

She stands atop her disk and puts balled hands to rest on her hips. Swaying like a sailor on a ship, she finds her disk legs and yokes her servants. They had permission to enter town, and she would do so as imperiously as possible. She mutters under her breath. "Sometimes the rabble must be reminded which pieces are queens, and which are pawns. They'll not come within arms reach of me!"

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Friday December 18th, 2020 9:43:31 PM

Haemir likes 'Lil's plan and grins but then his brow furrows and he leans in conspiratorially: "If Connor felt threatened it makes tactical sense to wildshape come here n' get the accusations in. He tells a few lies, we turn up and are met with a small force of" he nods towards the town-folk, "Believing us to be criminals they try to take our weapons... All Connor had to do was nudge them n' we react making his point. Looks bad for us". Shrugging he chews his lip. "Also if we fight n' end up having to leave we don't hear what lies Connor's manufactured, which he'll add to of course".

"I love the idea n' if it comes to it I'm in, but we need to consider this is their village, Virgil knows we didn't start the fire here n' we need to be seen to trust their justice". He pauses allowing everyone to mull things over.
"Note I said, 'be seen'. There's nothing stopping us putting backup weapons, spell books, components, whatever into 'Lil's magic bag, or something else? Stashing them with one of the birds n' then if our weapons are taken n' things get out of hand" he gestures with a hand - maybe indicating something flying out of his head? "we request a special delivery"?! He ends with a cheeky grin.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Friday December 18th, 2020 11:35:48 PM

Caelwyn smiles at his friends. "Alright, everyone, let's take a moment to settle ourselves before we head back. It seems, somehow, that Connor has arrived first and is telling his version of the story. We know exactly what happened, so what we need now is to be level headed about this. We were pursuing the ones who attempted to burn Genyielt's wood, and that is exactly what they have already admitted to. The fight in the camp was accidental, and Connor himself was the aggressor out on the plain. As long as we keep our heads, I think we should all come out fine."

He looks at Lil. "No, we will not let ourselves be unjustly detained, but we must also remember we are here as official ambassadors of Rattledam, and must conduct ourselves accordingly. May I offer to speak first, in this case?"

DM Steve -- the Stone Temple village 
Saturday December 19th, 2020 11:01:14 AM

The Sentinels are confused by the question they are asked, and the druids conclude they must go see for themselves, leaving the angry Sentinels to continue to the village. A grand entrance is planned, but it is already late and dark, and only two watchmen, Cecil, and Sprocket are there to see the Sentinels arrive. Sprocket says, "Virgil said you should get some rest before worrying about anything." One of the watchmen adds, "And this satyr will be coming with me."

Virgil and Attius show up the next morning, looking tired and a little annoyed. Virgil tells the group, "I've known Connor a while, used to be one of his teachers. So I know I haven't heard the entire story, but I don't doubt that the parts he chose to tell me are true. You can try to respond to him in front of the druids, or you can ignore him. Attius has already said the monks have no interest in what went on out in the grass."

Virgil runs down the accusations Connor made against the Sentinels. He made the group sound like a bunch of highwaymen. They attacked Connor's camp at night, using summoned creatures to attack while Caelwyn pretended he wanted to talk, then stole their gear and kidnapped them. But since they weren't able to hold Connor he escaped and returned later to free his friends. One again, the Sentinels attacked, despite precaustions Connor had taken that should have favored negotiation. This time Connor fought back. But when the group risked a brush fire by using lightning in the battle, and close enough to threaten the village, he knew he would be unable to reason with them.

Virgil adds that Liam agreed with the basic events that Connor laid out, but said Connor was making the Sentinels out to be bandits when they aren't. "He was most impressed that you healed him when you did not have to. He thinks you're basically good folks, just misguided."

And then Cecil -- well, Cecil's a satyr. He backed Liam up on good but misguided line, but added that Caelwyn and Thorondir spend so much time posturing and come across so arrogant from trying to one-up each other for Akuno's attention that he doesn't think the group will ever get their heads on straight without changes. He even suggested the druids appoint him in Thorondir's place to help the group get onto the right path.

"So, if you want the druids to hear your response to this, I can arrange it. But recognize that the local authorities do not plan to do anything," Virgil concludes.

Attius seems a bit annoyed with Virgil's last statement. "No one here was actually hurt when Connor tried to burn the wood, and a number of druids are sympathetic to what they see as an attempt to restore tradition. Besides, they found a lightning strike. Our focus has to be on getting the boat built. Which reminds me -- no one expects you testify at a trial or anything, but if witnesses saw you returning valuable belongings to our unwelcome guests it would put to bed any notion of banditry."

It seems to be Virgil's turn to be annoyed with Attius' statement. "I can deal with an irate elementalist," he tells Attius. ". . . Grindar, I think you were interested in the Harvester's Bazaar. If you leave within the next couple of days, you can be there for it."

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15  d20+11=15 ;
Saturday December 19th, 2020 9:05:00 PM

Caelwyn listens to Virgil and Attius, his face betraying nothing. He is silent for a moment, then speaks.

"Virgil, I hope you know us well enough by now to know that we are neither robbers nor liars. In both cases, I can prove on behalf of my companions that our actions were undertaken in good faith. I won't pretend at all that there were not mistakes - on at least one occasion, a rash action on our part did cause problems. But Connor's story also has several falsehoods - at least, from our point of view. His own stubbornness and pugnacity made the situation far worse, although I think a problem of communication is the main theme of the story here."

He pauses for a moment, then continues. "I can tell you everything now, if you like, but I would prefer to make my case in front of all the druids. I want everyone to hear our side of the story, and to see that our honor should not be called into question. Can you assemble the druids to hear what I have to say? And at that point we would also certainly return anything belonging to Connor, IF the local authorities deem it just and right. They may think otherwise after hearing our side of the story."

Diplomacy 15

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20+10=17 ; d20+7=9 ;
Sunday December 20th, 2020 6:39:15 AM

Haemir relaxes that evening, marking a student's paper before sleeping heavily. The next morning he finds a quiet spot and meditates (Concentration:17) successfully tearing a temporary whole in reality to relearn his spells.

At the meeting he listens to what is said: "If the monks n' druids don't care about this n' Connor isn't being detained them why was Cecil taken away? Besides if anyone was mislead here it was him"! He asks Virgil before adding "I would also like to say something after Caelwyn".

When the meeting with Virgil is over he says: "The bazaar sounds fun, we still have a bunch of gems from that plant-like-thing to evaluate" he holds a small handful out (appraise:9). "Hmm, not sure any ideas"?

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 19/12/17, CMD 17, HP 39/39 Llew AC 15/14/11, CMD 15, HP 21/21 
Monday December 21st, 2020 6:52:01 AM

Grindar is fuming mad at Connor's accusations.

"How dare that dishonorable whitehand accuse us of wrong doing, when he is the one who started this whole thing!? Even after we gave him ample opportunities to submit, and or at least come along at his leisure, he chose to escape and then when he returned instead of heeding warnings, he decided to try to encase one of our numbers in stone. Last time I looked, that is an attack, and if Haemir didn't have the magical means to escape, he may have suffocated. We had every intent to return his gear to him upon arrival here at Stone Temple, as we plan on returning Liam and Cecil's gear, but to my eyes, Connor forfeited his right to his gear, when he broke faith with us. If my fellow Sentinels feel otherwise, I will go with their judgment, as their words are valuable to me, but I have nothing to say to that shadeless one, and nothing he says will justify his actions, either with the druid wood, or his dealings with us. If the other druids chose to hear the words of a drug using whitehand, over the word of people who were willing to die to help them fight off the mutant attack, they have exceptionally poor judgment, and should be ashamed at their lack of honor!"

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Monday December 21st, 2020 11:18:57 AM

Feeling the call of the solstice, Thorondir wildshapes into an eagle and he and Aewen fly off in search of a tall fir tree to perch atop. He knows it is far away but it calls to him.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Monday December 21st, 2020 10:21:31 PM

Caelwyn waits silently, his eyes fixed on Virgil, waiting to hear his response to his own statement.

DM Steve -- the Stone Temple village 
Monday December 21st, 2020 11:02:01 PM

Virgil nods at the request to speak with the druids here at the Stone Temple Village. "I will see that you have the opportunity to talk with them. The ranking druid helping here at the moment is Trosdan, He was in the negotiations about building the boat in the first place,and he follows Eberyon. He has no conviction that the boat should be built, but he will honor the agreement to help build it in return for restoration of forest."

"You may have gotten the impression that Connor, Liam, and Cecil talked with them together, but that is not the case. Each was alone, but the questions Liam and then Cecil were asked were based on the things the druids had previously heard. You, too, will be asked to say what you have to say one at a time, although those who speak later will probably get a good idea of what has already been said."

Virgil says he will arrange for you to speak as soon as possible, which turns out to be shortly after midday. Whether a given Sentinel attends or not is up to them.

Trosdan is there with three other men. They briefly tell you what Connor had to say, in no more detail than Virgil did before, then ask what you have to say in return.

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2020 8:42:40 AM

Haemir thanks Virgil and says: "I'll go last. Caelwyn, Grindar... 'Lil"? He steps back holding an arm out gesturing for the trio to speak before him.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15  d20+11=12 ;
Wednesday December 23rd, 2020 12:10:16 AM

Caelwyn inclines his head to the druids, speaking slowly and deliberately.

"Thank you for hearing what we have to say. We, as you know, are the Sargrass Sentinels, the protectors of New Rattledam. I will not tell you our full tale, for it would take a long while. But in giving an account of what happened over the past few days, I hope to show you that while we have made some mistakes, we are not the ones most at fault here."

Caelwyn tells of how they were alerted to the fire, which had threatened the precious timber of Genyielt's body, and set off to find the culprits. "By the time we encountered them, we were exhausted and on edge. When we approached their location, I attempted to initiate contact with them peacefully. We wanted to avoid a fight if possible. However, one of our group members thought we were under attack and struck out, which resulted in a brief struggle. During that struggle, I and several others were attempting to END hostilities, calling for everyone to put down their weapons."

"After the struggle concluded, Liam, Cecil and Connor were all taken into custody. We healed them and told them we would bring them back to the town for judgement - they admitted that they had started the fire, and not only endangered Genyielt's precious wood but risked starting a larger fire that would threaten the local area. Cecil and Liam gave no trouble, and were indeed helpful. We promised to return their gear should the authorities deem it proper. But Connor took the first opportunity to escape, ignoring our request."

"We continued, hoping to arrive here safely. But Connor met us once again, and before we could even say anything to him he began to cast a spell, without so much as a comment. We immediately acted to defend ourselves, which is how the second fight began. That fight was one that Connor initiated, without question. I even attempted to initiate diplomacy before taking up arms. "

"One of our team did, acting in desperation, cast a lightening bolt to strike at Connor, who had transformed into an earthen figure and was attacking us from below ground. This was a mistake, and one we must be careful not to repeat. But several of us were hurt by his aggressive and unnecessary attack, and someone could easily have been killed. All he needed to do was accompany us back here, so the situation could be dealt with, but he decided to assault us instead."

"We may have made some mistakes, but we are not the group that should be on trial here. There may have been some communication errors at times, as well, on both sides. But Connor and his companions attempted to burn Genyielt's wood. Connor then made persistent and deliberate attacks on us as we tried to return here. He could tell we were returning to this place, but he chose to attack us anyway. All we have tried to do is our duty - to protect Genyielt's wood, and to see that evildoers are brought to justice."

Caelwyn hopes his speech will demonstrate the the Sentinels only acted in good faith, despite any mistakes, and that Connor and his friends are the ones who are at greatest fault.

Diplomacy: Natural 1 (or 12, if I can add my +11 bonus - hopefully that speech can boost my roll a bit. Nat 1, figures...ugh)

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20+13=28 ; d20+15=28 ;
Wednesday December 23rd, 2020 7:51:02 AM

Diplomacy, the art of telling someone to sling their hook and then making them look to the journey! Well, no doubt this will be a true test. Am I up to it'? He had his doubts. Having learned many things since his arrival the one thing he underlined was: druids were a wild, stubborn lot. Worthy of respect and he doubted he'd change anyone's mind but he had to try! Some battles were fought with spells and blades and others with words. 'Well words are magic in their own right. Just as capable of cutting or healing, after all why do they call it spelling'? He reminded himself.

A deep breath, a cleansing of anything negative, his anger buried. He was 115 and would do his best to conduct himself accordingly. After Cae and everyone else spoke of course.

He sees the Paladin return and notes a slight angst on his features:
"Tough crowd"? He asks with a smile.

(Please note: family stuff impacted on my time & had to cut my post short - will carry the two rolls (for better or worse) over to my next one).

DM Steve -- Talking to the druids #1 
Thursday December 24th, 2020 12:05:39 AM

"Thank you, Caelwyn. We have heard you."

DM Steve -- Harvester's Bazaar #1 
Thursday December 24th, 2020 12:13:32 AM

When the Sentinels visited the Harvesters, one of the things they noticed was a distinct set of weapons that looked like macuahuitl. These are made from specially treated grasses and sharpened stones. There are different varieties. Each is like a club, a greatclub, a longsword, a greatsword, or a variety of axes. (Note that each weapon is a specific variation.) Cost is similar to the cost of the weapon being reskinned. This is how the Harvesters get along without metal weapons.

Some types of grasses can be shaped while pliant and then dried and treated to be equivalent to wooden items. The weapons described above are made this way, but other possibilities are available. Quarterstaffs made from braided and treated grasses are popular. Chests, hafts, shields, etc., can be made this way. The technique offers different opportunities for artistic expression in the items created than wood or metal offer. This is not steelgrass, which only the Manfri know the secret of. It is as close as the Harvesters have been able to come.

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Saturday December 26th, 2020 6:39:56 AM

Concluding his armor was becoming a hazard Haemir stashes it with his weapons, the leather had already caused mis-casts and as naked as he felt without it he acknowledged it was time to move on. Attending the meeting unarmed, wearing his cloak, simple clothes and displaying his 'Woldian League of Adventurers' badge openly, he bows respectfully to the assembled druids, introduces himself and extends his own invitation.

"Esteemed council, if it is within your power n' you wish, please take this moment to cast any spells at your disposal to ascertain if I am lying or to read my intent, I will not resist n' will answer any questions you have to determine they're functioning".
(Haemir will observe any obvious spell-casting and will not resist - unless he notes someone abusing the offer: Spellcraft:28). When the druids indicate they are ready, or after a few seconds of silence he takes that as his cue and begins.

"I am sure that Caelwyn the Paladin has addressed your concerns regarding our actions, however if any seeds of doubt remain please ask. Also, I assume you'll question Liam n' Cecil again with any new information? So, on that note I'll address some of the past but look more to th'future...

Connor didn't leave the fight to prevent a fire, he was defeated n' left to recover underground, at which point he flew here n' made stuff up! Did he mention that I placed a letter in his pocket inviting him to talk with Virgil? Since when do highwaymen write letters begging for peace?

Also, two members of the Sentinels are servants of Domi, a newcomer to the Southern Continent. They're copper-bottomed, I'm honoured to stand by them, ye see regardless of where they are, their soul aim is to live honorably n' honestly, to defend the weak, n' to protect the innocent from harm. They couldn't treat Connor the way he claimed even if pushed to their limit! In fact, I'd go so far as t'say, they'd rather chop off one of their hands than display cowardice or dishonesty
"! He pauses unable to think of any better way to show his trust for them, shrugging he moves on.

"In most societies it falls to relatives, guardians, priests or shaman's to oversee the burial duties, n' personally, I believe that no-one, druid or otherwise should be allowed to enter other peoples homes n' burn things sacred to others. Obviously Connor has no respect for this! In fact I see irony n' hypocrisy in his incongruence, that he accused us of starting fires n' yet it was his very first act in this story to do just that, deliberately n' intentionally. It was fortunate that Virgil was able to quell it. Speaking of Virgil, the fact remains that it wasn't actually the council wronged - nor Rattledam! The victims of this crime were Virgil n' Genyielt"! There it was again, anger and overwhelming pain regarding Connors disrespect for the dead. Haemir's father had always claimed he had the making of an 'Eye of Gargul', but he'd been too busy sailing Wold. He was still amazed and honoured that Gargul and Eberyon had agreed to place the Ent-soul somewhere special. "Genyielt now bends to the moonlight breeze within Queen Ma'ab's Vales of Twilight knowing peace. I would beg you to reconsider n' propose an alternate. Something in between punishment n' inaction that will hopefully prevent future misunderstanding n' bring these two druids hopefully some peace as well", the professor pauses to allow thoughts/replies.

"The Manfri hold a tradition that the wronged party is recompensed in a manner fitting to the crime. I beg Virgil be afforded that respect, that the council places a requirement for the old mentor n' his ex-student with fifteen or so years of bad-blood n' differences an opportunity to talk n' resolve them, or I honestly believe situations like this will only repeat themselves with a different catalyst next time.

I believe that through my words you will see our innocence of these accusations - I know this because there is no truth in them - other than the lightning strike bit, but to be fair this as was done as Connor was smacking Thorondir around, so they both traded blows n' no fires were started. But that's druid business so I stand aside there

Passing the protection for electricity vial to one of the druids, he says: "I took this from Connor just in case he used lightning against us. There is a chance here for Connor who was described to me as being a bull-headed as a Minotaur with a toothache for some closure n' peace. Perhaps also for Connor too? Really, this is not about us, Connor has used guile n' denial to avoid facing his own inner-demons, on that note thrice I beg PLEASE do not turn your back on this opportunity"!

After any questions Haemir bows again and turns to leave but glimpses back with his last thought.
"All it takes is for someone to adjust the ship's wheel one degree n' days later you're in an entirely different country". He hoped the council understood his meaning - the choice was there's now, they would either adjust the wheel and steer the two druids to better land of not. Out of sight he quietly prays to Ma'ab, Gargul and whatever manner of being it was that watched over him granting his witch-like powers. Now certain it probably wasn't one of the Sar afterall. 'Please grant these druids the peace they deserve', he didn't know if the Sentinels could face fighting Connor again, if they did he imagined they would probably do everything within their power to recycle Connor's spirit and he didn't want that!

([i]Diplomacy:28 - please see previous post for rolls).

DM Steve -- Talking to the druids #2 
Saturday December 26th, 2020 3:11:11 PM

"I think perhaps you misunderstand what we are here. We are simply the druids who have been assigned to help build the boats that Virgil donated Genyielt's body to have built. Our presence here means that our grove has accepted that the boats will be built, and that we personally have no qualms about building them. A number of the grove do have qualms -- mostly, as you have referred to, dealing with the lack of proper funerary rites for Genyielt. A funeral pyre is traditional, for the entire tree and not only the branches."

"Nor do I have any doubt that the most complete and unadorned account we heard was given to us by your paladin friend."
Trosdan continues to explain that the druids you have been talking to cannot and would not stop Connor from telling his story to others. However, since the Sentinels have told their story as well, these druids can and will relate it back to their superiors, who have already been told by Virgil that Connor tried to burn Genyielt and that the Sentinels still have his full confidence. That Liam's and Cecil's belongings are being returned, and that Haemir has offered one of Connor's items to the grove will do something to diminish the impact of Connor's claims of robbery.

The conversation seems to be going well. Trosdan makes a last observation. "You Sentinels are not of the grove. In some ways, you seem to want to be. In other ways your actions are quite foreign. You are outsiders in this land. Explain to me how you see things and I will listen. Explain to me how I should see things and I will not."

DM Steve -- Harvester's Bazaar #2 
Saturday December 26th, 2020 3:22:18 PM

Alchemical items made from local ingredients are available.

In addition to those items that the Sentinels are used to from their pre-Sargrass days, they learn about the following items:

* Fastgrow drops -- Created from a grass called fastgrow, if one of these pills is consumed, the character consuming it will heal from rest twice as fast over the next 24 hours as they normally would have. This extends to regaining ability points from rest as well as hit points. If a character takes a second pill within the same day, there may be bad side effects. Costs 1 gp per pill.
* Glowtruffle Paste -- This unguent will cure most diseases and poisons caused by mutated grass. Alternately, if eaten within one day of being afflicted by mutated grass, it will provide a +4 save to attempts resist further effects from the grass affliction. Costs 10 gp.
* Badjujustool Spore Bag -- When thrown, the bag bursts open and releases spores gathered from certain mushrooms. The spore dust causes forgetfulness. An opponent hit by a bag with a successful ranged touch attack, may be subject to the spore effect. Costs 30 gp.
* Angel Blood -- If this paste is applied to slashing or piercing weapons or ammunition and allowed to dry, the weapon will cause 1 hp bleeding damage per round for 1d4 rounds in addition to their normal damage on the next successful hit. Costs 5 gp per application.
* Dhashalainn -- This condiment is added to food to decrease the amount of water a person needs to drink. May not be important to characters with the ability to create water, but very important to the people living there. Costs 1 gp for enough to cut the amount of water needed in half for a month. Using more will make a person sick.

If the Sentinels think about it, they have had dhashalainn before. The taste reminds them of the food they received when visiting the Manfri.

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Sunday December 27th, 2020 6:37:14 AM

"I wouldn't dream of telling anyone how to think, all I did was tell you how I think n' offer a possible solution! Which I hope will be passed on".

Haemir didn't understand why the grove had been mentioned, was it some kind of tentative offer of education or a way of seeing if there was interest in joining? All he had seen (which included even the immortal powers) was constant pushes to join a side. Personally he was torn, being a keen botanist and gardener he appreciated the wisdom druids held, but the bunch stood in front of him seemed more divided than anything else he'd seen here! Haemir had set off to the Sargrass in awe of druids but his experiences were changing that opinion very quickly. He actually surprised himself that he didn't feel like asking why they'd bought it up! These druids were exhausting and made him feel sick.

"I think perhaps you misunderstand why we are here. We are simply guardians who by an act of honour found ourselves risking life n' limb to prevent one of yours from a gross violation, n' how would you say that effort has been repaid by the druids? With thanks, gratitude? It seems to me that there was at least one of two of you could have predicted this happening n' yet no one came forward nor gave a warning. You knew there were mumblings n' claim to be here to lend support, yet when that support was needed you chose not to"!? He holds his arms out absolutely flabbergasted.

"Regarding the claim we are strangers, yes we are yet I was 're-born' here from Ma'ab's cocoon. Of course we have lots to learn, but regardless of where anyone lives show me a person that doesn't, we're all work-in-progress. That doesn't give anyone rights either way. What becomes dangerous is when people be they druids or otherwise feel they know everything, or they know best. Queen Ma'ab claimed the druids would need guidance" ... He lets the sentence drop he was beginning to feel like the Sargrass druids were some kind of old boys club that did their own thing and he shrugs in resignation. It was clear now nothing he said would be acted upon unless they chose to take a negative interpretation of his words, in which case the less he said, the less ammo they had. The best he could hope for was that the other sentinels' reputation remained intact. Best give up hope of finding peace between Connor and Virgil, but there was one last thing.

"Connor didn't tell Liam n' Cecil that it was a funeral right he was passionate about, he told them he'd taken mushrooms n' that they told him to burn the oak because it would help strengthen it like it was loblolly pine! So, either his brain is so muddled he can't tell trees apart or he's lying! I'm beyond caring anymore. I feel like it is the druids problem to keep Connor in check from here on in. Or as you say - you won't prevent him from 'speaking, even when we all know he speaks with violence".

There was something about the way the druids spoke that grated him. They had presented themselves as a panel, he'd poured his soul out and then they claimed to be monkeys working for an organ grinder. It seemed all that was important to them was pointing out everyone's failures whilst ignoring their own, just like Connor had been. He really didn't want to see another druid in years! Except Thorondir and of course maybe Bigby again one day, Virgil hadn't even spoken of acknowledged him so the jury was out on that one. He seemed a decent guy though. He waisted enough time on them .. Off to the bazaar.

Haemir (Rich) AC:15/13/12 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand: AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20+14=19 ;
Sunday December 27th, 2020 7:38:06 AM

Haemir gathers the new Rattledam member of his coven and with Fand they perform the ritual of the Grimalkin.
(Handle Animal:19 + a hero point after the fact = 23 - includes bonus for their asst). Ritual successful he morphs in to a Russian Blue with bright blue eyes and and pads off to find somewhere nice and warm to watch life, ponder and doze, after all he tellshimself': 'Who's ever heard of cats doing anything useful? Except for staring at you in a supercilious manner, although now that I think about it, I suppose that does have a kind of moral usefulness, making you feel uncomfortable and encouraging sober reflection upon your imperfections'. He didn't count Akuno as a cat - more like a 'super-cat' - who'd done quite a few useful things already.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 19/12/17, CMD 17, HP 39/39 Llew AC 15/14/11, CMD 15, HP 21/21 
Monday December 28th, 2020 7:01:31 AM

At the Council

Grindar listens to the councils words, and the words of his friends, and particularly the words of Haemir. When the druids ask about their view on things, he listens to the witches answer, and then adds, "As my friend has said we are guardians. I would like to elaborate on that a bit if I may. I original hale from the northern continent and came here in search of adventure. My greatest desire has been, and continues to be, to be known as a hero of justice, as such I strive to serve Pantheon faithfully. I have heard that at one time the god of justice and fairness was chief among those revered here, though there seems to be fewer followers of Pantheon than in the past, which I don't fully understand, but accept as the natural way things have played out here in the Sargrass Plains. My desire, and I know it to be the desire of my teammates as well, is to be the kind of people others look to as heroes. We don't seek such a recognition just for recognition's sake, but rather to earn the distinction through acts of heroism. As heroes to the masses, which is how we wish to be seen, we strive to remain outside of the different groups here in the Plains. Though if one of more of the peoples here wishes to adopt us in spite of that, I'm sure we would see the honor in that and accept graciously, assuming the group understands, that we must remain impartial. I believe part of the reason we seem so foreign to you is due to that very fact. Since we have arrived, it seems as though we have constantly been asked to take a side, or join a group, but we are already a group, the Sargrass Sentinels, a name we chose to tell the Wold exactly who we are, and where we stand. We are Sentinels, or guardians of you prefer. We guard the innocent and the weak. We guard against injustice and wrong doing. We guard against evil in all it's forms, both intentional and unintentional.

Though unintentional, Connor's act of fire, was an act of evil. Even though he may have meant good by it, to do such an act, without permission, is an evil act. I hold no malice towards the druid, but his lies dishonor both himself and us, and prove him a whitehand. We have fought along side the grove, when the mutants attacked, and was there when the mighty Genyielt fell. We shed many a tear at the loss of such a majestic being, and have vowed to fight. to the death if need be, to protect the secret of the grove and the location of the others of Genyielt's kind, and have warned both the monks here in Stone Temple and the settlers at Rattledam, that they would have to face us if they ever thought to attack the sacred groves. We would never take something that didn't belong to us, but since Connor showed himself faithless to us, and attacked us, his possessions, became forfeit, as we promised to return them upon arrival here, assuming he acted in good faith, just as we have done for both Liam and Cecil, both of whom acted in good faith. Haemir chose to return the potion as an act of good faith, though, as I have said, he had every right to keep. I will, in turn, return this armor of his, if you deem it wise, but in truth, I see no honor in honoring one who has no honor, and will do so only if this council asks me to, and even then, doing so will be a distasteful act to me, one that has no shade to it what so ever, yet one I will do to show good faith, to this council, not to Connor. I couldn't care less what Connor thinks of me, as think of him as less then a pile of Rapke dung!"

After saying his piece, Grindar waits to see if the council thinks he should return the breastplate.

At the Bazaar
At the bazaar, Grindar tests the heft and feel of some of the weapons, more out of curiosity than anything. He is surprised to find they are quite well balanced, as well as well built, but his desire to see his father's ax reforged encompasses his thoughts, and pushes out any desire to replace his weapons. If the council of druids feels he should return the breastplate, he will continue to peruse the goods in hopes of finding some armor that may be superior to his hide armor, and yet allow him to maintain his few druid abilities.

DM Steve -- Harvester's Bazaar #3 
Monday December 28th, 2020 12:40:38 PM

Some armors are available. There are leather and hide armors made from local animals, which include one non-traditional item:

* Rapkeskin Cuirass and Leggings -- Leather armor that blends into the grasses, giving the wearer a +1 stealth bonus (+2 if masterwork) only while in grasses taller than the wearer. Costs 25 gp.

Other armors are pieced together from what's available. While most of these are inferior to the leathers and hides, the Harvesters have learned how to use giant beetle carapaces for armor. The carapaces are cut into small plates that are sewn onto a sturdy fabric made from the grasses. This armor is not as good as the metal armor of the more civilized lands, but it can be more effective than leather and hide armors. Further, these armors are made from all natural materials, so prohibitions against wearing metal armor do not apply to them. The following are available:

* Beetle Scale Mail -- This is equivalent to scale mail in all respects except that it weighs 20 lb and provides an armor bonus of +4.
* Lamellar Beetle Cuirass -- This is equivalent to a breastplate in all respects except that it weighs 20 lb and provides an armor bonus of +5.
* Beetle Banded Mail -- This is equivalent to banded mail in all respects except that it weighs 25 lb and provides an armor bonus of +6.

While a steelgrass shield or two is carried by individuals at the bazaar, such items are not for sale.

DM Steve -- Talking to the druids #3 
Monday December 28th, 2020 1:30:52 PM

The Sentinels do not remember Trosdan as being a particularly patient person from the negotiations of the building of the boats, and the more they talk to him, the more easily he seems to become distracted. The other druids listen, but defer to Trosdan.

Haemir clearly is frustrated by the situation.

Grindar clarifies his perspective on what the others have said.

What he says seems to give Trosdan some pause, but still does not get much of a response. "Any items of Connors that you provide to me will be sent to the grove, where the council will decide what to do with it. As long as Murnian leads the council, you may be assured Virgil will hear of those decisions -- and not strongly disagree with them. As for advising you, all I will say is that if you do not keep what was once his, Connor's incentive to try to damage your reputation and his ability to succeed among the druids are both diminished."

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Tuesday December 29th, 2020 6:19:52 AM

After dozing for an hour Haemir jumps down from the hut roof and morphs back in to his usual (s)elf and starts to look around the bazaar, even going so far as to buy a heavy macuahuitl-style mace.

Taking the crystals that the Sentinels found (when the weird plant thing died) he takes them to be evaluated, hoping that there will be enough funds to help the party out and after catches up with them:
"I hate to say it but I think we should give Connor his equipment back. Hopefully we will be able to buy replacements, but it does appear all eyes are on us. What's everyone's thoughts"?

DM Steve -- Prep for further adventures #1  100d4=248 ; d8=7 ;
Tuesday December 29th, 2020 12:23:54 PM

Haemir has the crystals from the "grass ooze" the Sentinels fought on the way to the Manfri appraised. They are small, 1/8 to 1/4 inch in diameter. Grindar had thought they must be worth a small amount each. At that size there are hundreds of them.

The appraiser says they are worth 1,736 gp all together. He can cash out 500 gp worth right away if the party prefers to carry gold.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 19/12/17, CMD 17, HP 39/39 Llew AC 15/14/11, CMD 15, HP 21/21 
Wednesday December 30th, 2020 6:28:34 AM

At the Council
Grindar, begrudgingly, removes the ironwood breastplate and lays it at the feet of the council. "If anyone would take the word of a mushroom using whitehand over those of us who have bleed for others, they have very little shade to them. However to show that my shade is the stronger, and to avoid casting any doubt that the Sentinels are indeed moonshade, I leave this to you to return to the grove to allow the others to see for themselves Connor's shadeless ways!" After saying his piece, Grindar turns and walks away from the assembly of druids. He's had his fill of politics and diplomacy. If he had know he was going to have to be a diplomat and a politician, he would have stayed in the northern continent. He would rather face an army of dragons then another diplomatic or political council. Outside, and out of sight of the council, Grindar looks for something indestructible to take out his built up aggression, and by the time he is done punching the boulder he chose as a punching bag, his hands are a bloody and broken mess, and the stone is covered in his blood. He seeks out Lil to heal his hands, after the fact, and when she asks what happened, he simply says, "I needed to release some frustration"

At the Bazaar
Grindar looks at the different armors and his eyes are drawn towards the Lamellar Beetle Cuirass. Something about the way the plates of giant beetle caprice are overlapped and sown together, coupled with the iridescent sheen of the caprice plates themselves, he finds appealing. He digs through the suits, looking for the one with the highest quality construction, and finally pulls out one that is obviously of higher quality (masterwork) then the rest. He turns to the sales person and pulls his mundane steel breastplate out of his backpack. "I know that steel arms and armor are a rarity here in the Sargrass, how much would you give me for this breastplate, and may I apply it towards the price of this armor?", he says as he holds up the masterwork Lamellar Beetle Cuirass.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Wednesday December 30th, 2020 8:59:25 AM

Haemir adds the paper note/credit slip to the link party loot pile.
"We will have to use it here but that brings our loot up to 4,700 gold".

If the Sentinels don't mind Haemir piles up the pile of loot that belonged to Connor and his party.

a masterwork ironwood breastplate, (200 + 150 + ironwood?)
masterwork club, (300)
4 spears, (4 gp)
93 GP,
oil of protection from energy (electricity 60hp) (1,125)
a scroll of lesser restoration, (150)
Scroll of protection from energy, (375)
a scroll of wall of fire; (1,125)
the (+1) ironwood breastplate, (1,200 + ironwood)
masterwork heavy wooden shield, (157 gp)
masterwork club, (150)
3x masterwork short spears, (453 gp)
headband of inspired wisdom +2, (4,000)
a spell component pouch, (5 gp)
60 GP,
masterwork pipes, (100)
short bow and 20 arrows (31)

"That's roughly 9,678 gp's, excluding whatever permanent ironwood costs. Seems a crying shame t'give it all back, that's nearly ten grand n' one of the toughest fights I've ever had. But clearly the druids are pressuring us to give these villains their gear back. Despite an agreement being struck that we would return it if Connor accompanied us back, which he didnt" ... He sighs.

"We need to gear some of you up desperately. I mean Sol hardly has 80 gold's worth of equipment n' that's including spells in his book"!

DM Steve -- Harvester's Bazaar #4 
Wednesday December 30th, 2020 12:28:41 PM

The conversation turns to magic items. . .

* Masterwork versions of Sargrass items can be enchanted just like any other masterwork items (e.g., in the Catacombs).
* Individuals with the appropriate skills to enchant items live in the Sargrass, but are not always easy to find.
* Realize that that party knows there is a Catacombs entry in Zaran City (although that is far from the Rattledam / Stone Temple areas).
* Word of mouth says there's a dwarf in Rattledam who is able to make +1 axes. The Harvesters haven't really dealt with him, because they prefer the weapons and tools they're familiar with.
* The monks in the Stone Temple Village can make/enchant minor items using crystal found in the Crystal Mountains.
* There is little chance of the characters getting reasonable value trying to sell expensive magic items in the Sargrass. A buyer can probably be found for items valued at 25 gp or less. Almost no one will be ready to spend 500 gp on an unexpected purchase. Best bet for getting reasonable value for a pricey item is to barter for services (such as spells cast).

DM Steve -- Prep for further adventures #2 
Wednesday December 30th, 2020 4:17:22 PM

Grindar checks on the possibility of selling his old breastplate.

The Harvester offers him 200 gp equivalent in goods for it, or a similar reduction on the cost of a more expensive item. Grindar could obtain the amor he is eyeing for 150 gp and the breatplate, for instance.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Wednesday December 30th, 2020 6:57:20 PM

Haemir buys: 4 Fastgrow drops, 4 Glowtruffle Pastes, 5 Badjujustool Spore Bags, 10 AngelBlood & a coup!e of Dhashalainn (totalling 246gp).

He wraps the vials in cloth and stores them within small herbal boxes within his bag. He also takes a moment to wipe some of the AngelBlood on to a couple of his hand-bow bolts and allows them to dry in the sun later that day (and dozes next to them in cat form).

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 17/12/15, CMD 17, HP 39/39 Llew AC 15/14/11, CMD 15, HP 21/21 
Thursday December 31st, 2020 6:04:10 AM

Grindar thanks the merchant, and accepts the offer. He reaches into his coin purse and pulls out 150 gold coins and hands them the the gentleman, along with his old steel breastplate. Rather pleased with his purchase, he removes his hide armor and dons his new iridescent beetle armor. He walks around the rest of the bazaar, as well as the rest of the Harvester encampment, getting the feel of his new armor. He is surprised to discover how light it is, and how similar to his old breastplate it feels.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Thursday December 31st, 2020 11:58:08 PM

Caelwyn appreciates his friends' efforts, and their frustrations. "We should return the armor...we will have enough to get by, and while it sits badly with me as well, given what Connor has done, we must be beyond reproach in our actions."

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Friday January 1st, 2021 7:24:45 PM

"I hear ye Caelwyn"! If no one disagrees with the plan, Haemir will help return the trio's gear to the not-council.

DM Steve -- Prep for further adventures #3 
Saturday January 2nd, 2021 1:57:33 PM

It sounds as if the plan is to return Liam's and Cecil's items and to turn Connor's over to the druids.
As the boats are being built, the Sentinels are engaged in numerous tasks of the sort that they find to be tedious -- mostly convincing different groups of people to get along and stay focused on the overarching task. Many months go by in these tasks. Further, the druids and later the monks assign a sort of "liaison" with the Sentinels to make sure that they understand the perspective of the druids/monks. Rattledam keeps Sprocket at the Stone Temple much of the time. Sprocket, a few monks, and some druids also set about ensuring there is a path for the boats to use to cross the Crystal Mountains.

By the time the boats have been built, though, the characters have amassed significant goodwill with the community of Rattledam and at the Stone Temple, and with numerous folks among the Harvesters and Druids. They also have more experience with the Manfri.

See also your email for starting back up after the winter holiday.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20+14=24 ; d3=3 ;
Sunday January 3rd, 2021 1:47:22 PM

Haemir is surprised to learn Grindar had taken up the druids mantle, but then considers it a natural flow and the discovery raises his opinion of druids again.

At first the prospect of months and months of diplomacy, resolving arguments and making the peace between groups (some of which had probably lived in the plains all their life) seemed likely to become tiring, but as his memory of Connor's fades he embraces it, always patient, diplomatic and open to approach he never looses his centre and has an almost inner glow of peace.

In his freetime he throws himself into learning as much as he possibly can about the plains and grasses, examines every inch of the stone temple/museum, asks questions of Manfri, monks, the occasional druid and anyone else who knows anything interesting! He makes notes, sketches, presses and dries grasses and (if possible?) learns how to make the Fastgrow, Glowtruffle, Badjujustool bags, etc. Even taking time to pick up some shipwright skills. Haemir gives (for free) his services/manual labour/magic and even knowledge, offering to open a small school (or just teach in the open) if any of the locals show any interest in learning anything.

The professor even marks the students papers (he bought from Hook City) and sends a dream report back to an old friend and fellow teacher before the term resumes. Being able to do the research and exploring the fauna keeps him motivated and happy and time flies by. After a few months he also assists passing messages (via dreamwalking) for anyone who wants to get in touch with loved one's and makes a point of personally thanking everyone involved in clearing path for the boats to cross the Crystal Mountains.

Now-and-again Haemir gathers Idiya (the stone Temple member of his coven) and with Fand they perform the ritual of the Grimalkin. Sometimes it works and sometimes it fails (he keeps himself to himself when it goes awry) and he teaches her what he can.

On the day we resume: (Handle Animal:24 - includes bonus for their asst) the ritual is successful but he remains in elf-form...

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