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AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Monday April 5th, 2021 12:10:46 AM

Tishe’ looks to Barratorre, not sure what his plans are, then readied a Wall of Ice to trap the hobbling figure if it tries to run. “Come here”, she says in a simple command, “we have questions of you.”

The sorceress knows she has next to no chance at bluffing the being, but maybe simple misunderstanding can get them a captive with information. She thinks to the others, ‘if this one was the hesitant voice preparing for a test, it may think WE are part of the test.’

Readied Wall of Ice to stop physical escape.
Dimensional Anchor to stop magical escape. (20 minutes)

Fly (potion).pending 5 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 40/ 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 1. 7. 6. 2. 0. 0. 0

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 167/167 
Monday April 5th, 2021 8:30:47 AM

V waits for Barratore to make his move, hoping that it's quickly and quietly enough to where the Dwarves don't notice.

V wonders if Tishe' or Emrys could come up with 5 invisibility spells between the two of them. With his two, it would give the group the possibility of sneaking by the dwarves.

Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: from potion
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2, fly X3, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop, Crushing hand

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+8=25 ;
Monday April 5th, 2021 12:30:49 PM

(Bluff: 25)

Emrys steps forward with Tishe and adds, "Choose your answers wisely ... you are being tested."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Monday April 5th, 2021 12:34:47 PM

If Velarin had mentally asked the question about Tishe's and Emrys' ability to cast Invisibility, he mentally answers, "I do have a wand of Invisibility."

Brom the Barbarian  d20+31=33 ;
Monday April 5th, 2021 2:50:38 PM

Brom also waits for the others to handle the following individual. He keeps an eye forwards listening for commotion from the larger chamber.

Perception DC 33

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:127/220  d20+27=36 ;
Monday April 5th, 2021 6:49:19 PM

Lanliss keeps an eye just in case.
'What in Gragul name were the dwarves doing there?', he thinks

Perception 36

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 260/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+32=33 ;
Monday April 5th, 2021 7:11:21 PM

Barratore stands still, he knows he should appear as one of the white robed and diseased ones like in the garden. Hi weapons could be found in less than a blink of an eye, there was no need to draw beofre hand. Tishe had the creature from magically running and he would ponce if the latter tried to physically flee. The presence of the dwarf miners had his mind split. Could all within this place not be evil. Could some have been captured, enslaved, tricked or mislead to be in this place. Vengeful righteousness might not be the correct first move

So the Fighter, having learned over the many years, waits.

If tries to flee, I'll cut him down he communicates with the others. Little did the fighter suspect that Warrd was watching

Readied Attack PA Gtr Vital Strike nat 1 - miss

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve) 
Monday April 5th, 2021 11:00:56 PM

Barratore waits, confident in his abilities.

Brom listens in case they are noticed by the dwarves.

Emrys supports Tishe’ by telling the figure he’s being tested.

Lanliss wonders about the dwarves.

Tishe’ commands the figure to approach and answer questions. She has a spell readied in case it tries to flee.

Velarin waits and wonders if they can make the entire party invisible. (Emrys thinks they can.)

Edson is quiet.

The figure approaches as commanded. When Emrys says this is a test, there is a flicker of relieved resignation on its face, as if something that had been troubling it has been answered even though the answer is unpleasant.

The figure appears human and male, but vaguely unnatural. It is very pale, somewhat sickly, and shows the scars of many tortures. In time with the pulsing in the area, it shows signs of pain and fatigue, then relief. As it approaches and talks, it’s eyes are on Brom -- the only one not dressed in white. It adopts a posture of submission so automatically that it must be subordinate to just about everything here.

“I will perform to my abilities, noble sir.” There is no pride in the comment. It, too, seems to be rote.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 12:29:32 AM

Tishe’ understands Emrys’ gambit and let’s the more charismatic Witch to take the lead. She thinks to the group. “Maybe tell him that past tests have tested body and will; this test lays bare obedience and knowledge. He may be able to give us information.”

Dimensional Anchor to stop magical escape. (20 minutes)

Fly (potion).pending 5 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 40/ 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 1. 7. 6. 2. 0. 0. 0

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 167/167 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 8:33:07 AM

(V asked mentally. I should have put that part in quotes.)

"If this tortured creature here does not give us away to the Dwarves, We may be able to go invisible and get by them."

"Do we want to ask him about the Dwarves? Send him back from whence he came to delay being discovered? Or take him with and go speak with the Dwarves? They could be prisoners forced to create the Keystone. For once, I am unsure of what is the best plan."

"Either way. What we seek is beyond the Dwarves, And time is not our ally."

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 4:56:44 PM

Edson is ready to pounce when the human is charmed. He slides his weapon away, and waits for one of the casters to begin the "trials".

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+8=27 ;
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 7:03:08 PM

"That is good to hear, we expect no less." He then asks, "Is everyone performing their tasks to order?" He allows the human to answer.

"We are installing this brute," Emrys points to Brom, "as a new guardian of the Key Stone. We need everyone along the path to remove themselves or blindfold their eyes ... he HATES to be looked upon. How many are along the way?"

(Bluff: 27)

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 260/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 8:00:39 PM

Well played Emrys, Barratore shifts to not fill the passage and waits

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:127/220 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 8:08:41 PM

Lanliss waits, looking to see what happens next.

Brom the Barbarian  d20+22=37 ;
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 10:53:40 PM

Brom quickly catches on with the ruse. He begins to play his role by grunting, foaming, and staring at the thing with fury in his eyes.

Intimidate DC37

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d20=16 ;
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 11:38:11 PM

Tishe’ suggests obtaining information from the man they encountered.

Velarin suggests sneaking past the dwarves invisibly, or several questions they could ask now. He also points out that time is limited.

Edson relaxes and waits to see what happens.

Emrys spins a quick tale and asks the man a question about how many people they should expect to encounter on the way to the keystone.

Barratore.stands aside.

Lanliss waits and watches.

Brom plays up the role of berserk guardian.

"Is everyone performing their tasks to order?"

“Of course. Only through testing are we shown the true way to power and success.” The clear, firm, and immediate answer is very unlike the talk you heard the man give himself when he was alone.

"We are installing this brute as a new guardian of the Key Stone. We need everyone along the path to remove themselves or blindfold their eyes ... he HATES to be looked upon. How many are along the way?"

The man averts his eyes as he answers. “There is nothing along this way but the dwarves and gnomes attending the forge. . . Perhaps three dozen.” He answers before he could have counted, and a look of relief crosses his face after a few moments.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 12:21:37 AM

Tishe’ mentally applauds Emrys. “Brilliant!” She keeps silent, but just can’t keep her mind from spilling to the other Keepers. ‘Now, how to weave this so he continues to think this is the test and not alert the whole palace. If he goes ahead, the dwarves and gnomes will tell him we aren’t the test and if he leaves his companion will tell him the same thing.’

‘I can turn 4 more invisible again’, she responds to Velarin.

Dimensional Anchor to stop magical escape. (20 minutes)

Fly (potion).pending 5 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 40/ 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 1. 7. 6. 2. 0. 0. 0

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 167/167 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 6:39:04 AM

"Well done Emrys. Let's hold off on the invisibility for now Tishe'. I believe we should let Emrys continue the ruse. Perhaps it can get us all the way to the keystone."

"What's next Emrys? Have hime lead the way and tell the Dwarves and gnomes to avert their eyes as the keystone guardian is put into place?"

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 11:02:45 AM

"Look at the big brain on Emrys. " Edson mentally jokes. " Seriously, great job. " The skinny elf likes the suggestion of the Emrys keeping the ruse up, but waits to see if the man is still able to do it.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 7:21:39 PM

Emrys replies to everyone mentally, "Thanks everyone, but it hasn't worked yet."

Emrys then tells deformed fellow, "I just knew it ... that's why too many. Tell everyone ahead to move out of the way, face the wall and cover their eyes. They mustn't look or speak ... not until we pass by and out of sight. We want to avoid another, um, incident!" Emrys gives him a concerned look. "Let's do this quickly, we can't have them away from the forge for too long."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 7:23:19 PM

Correction: "I just knew it ... that's way too many."

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 260/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 9:55:22 PM

Barratore waits to fall in as the last member of the party. I suggest Emrys near the front behind the man we send. Edson and Lanlisd, then Brom with V and Tishe, myself at the rear

Brom the Barbarian  d20+22=23 ;
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 10:02:52 PM

Brom waits for Emrys's plan to clear all the forge workers before falling in line with the others.

Should any need to play the rager's part Brom will intimidates any onlookers as before.

Intimidate DC 23

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d20=13 ; d20=8 ;
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 11:20:21 PM

Emrys provides more direction for the man they are “testing”.

Velarin thinks their ruse might be effective, and suggests they bluff it out as long as they are able.

Edson likes the idea of keeping the ruse up, but will be ready if the man isn’t up to it.

Barratore congratulates Emrys and waits.

Tishe’ thinks Emrys’ questions were brilliant but advises caution. She can cast a few invisibility spells.

Brom waits to fall in behind the others and prepares to intimidate onlookers.

Lanliss is quiet.

Emrys worries aloud that the man has identified too many onlookers. "Tell everyone ahead to move out of the way, face the wall and cover their eyes. They mustn't look or speak ... not until we pass by and out of sight. Let's do this quickly, we can't have them away from the forge for too long."

Obeying Emrys’ orders means walking past Barratore, who is giving the man as much room as he can, and Brom. The man, eyes still averted, manages the latter with a little hesitation. The man continues on through the party and then toward the stairs down into the large chamber where the dwarves work.

From their vantage point, Lanliss and Edson see that the dwarves are not paying their entrance any attention as the man reaches the stairs. When the rest of the party falls in behind and approaches the entryway, Velarin sees that the path to the keystone goes onto the platform in the chamber past the dwarves.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Thursday April 8th, 2021 12:14:13 AM

Tishe’ follows Barratorre’s suggested marching order, Velarin’s wait for the invisibility, and Emrys’ directions with the testing fellow.

Dimensional Anchor to stop magical escape. (20 minutes)

Fly (potion).pending 5 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 40/ 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 1. 7. 6. 2. 0. 0. 0

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 167/167 
Thursday April 8th, 2021 5:16:11 AM

V falls into line with the others, hoping that Emery’s’ ruse works, but mentally prepares himself to assist in trying to make quick work of any that try and stop them. He informs the others of the direction of the keystone

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 167/167 
Thursday April 8th, 2021 6:46:43 AM

V falls into line with the others, hoping that Emery’s’ ruse works, but mentally prepares himself to assist in trying to make quick work of any that try and stop them. He informs the others of the direction of the keystone

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:127/220  d20+27=47 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2021 5:20:18 PM

Lanliss stays near Edson.
'Is it really that easy ?', he thinks
'No ambushes...no surprises". he ponders about the lack of brutes or bad things in this area.
He looks around for signs of possible ambushes and sources of bad surprises.

Perception 47 (natural 20)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+20=27 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2021 9:54:21 PM

Not one for superstition, Emrys would have knocked on wood if he thought the sound wouldn't draw unwanted attention. He does his best to sense if they are, in fact, the victims of a ruse as they make their way.

(Sense Motive: 27)

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve) 
Thursday April 8th, 2021 11:14:20 PM

Tishe’ falls in to the marching order Barratore suggested and prepares.

Emrys worries that the party may be somehow being duped, but sees no sign of it.

Lanliss thinks this is too easy and looks for possible trouble.

Velarin falls in. He lets everyone know the direction of the keystone.

Edson, Brom, and Barratore are quiet.

The man goes down among the dwarves and gives them the news, “Everyone must look away. The master has sent a guardian for the keystone and he hates being looked at.”

“What?” One of the dwarves questions this -- the loud voice. “Why haven’t I heard of this before, bule?”

“I only report what I have been instructed. The berserker is to guard the keystone, and he’s been known to get very upset when people look at him.”

“We can’t work on the forge that way. I’ll see about this.” The dwarf picks up a small item from a nearby table. He glares at Brom, unintimidated, and directs his next statement to Brom. “We are doing as the master commands, and have no time for this distraction. What authorization do you have to be here?”

Lanliss sees no places for an ambush or guard to be lurking. There are many hammers in the area, and each dwarf carries at least one, if not two or three. Perhaps they can defend themselves. They do not look like combatants, however. Lanliss also notices that as the “pulse” goes through the area, not only do the ailments of people grow worse and improve with the cycle -- the materials in the area decay slightly and are restored.

The party is in the chamber with the dwarves, some of which are looking on to the conversation (a good three quarters are still hard at work). The dwarves are scattered throughout the room. The party is together at one end of the chamber, and Velarin said they need to go out the other end.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Friday April 9th, 2021 12:25:35 AM

Tishe’ winces as the dwarf immediately calls thier bluff and reaches for a means to talk to someone else. She thinks to the Keepers. “Well, Brom, he looked at you, I say you kill him quickly and with great violence, then Emrys pretends to make a spell to calm you down. That should intimidate them into obedience for at least long enough for us to get the Keystone. “

Dimensional Anchor to stop magical escape. (20 minutes)

Fly (potion).pending 5 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 40/ 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 1. 7. 6. 2. 0. 0. 0

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 167/167 
Friday April 9th, 2021 7:11:59 AM

“Sounds like a damn good plan Tishe’. If the others join the fray, we will have to kill them all quickly. The cost of not getting the keystone is too great to take chances.

V waits for Brom to “go berserk”

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Friday April 9th, 2021 9:19:25 AM

Edsons' eyes go wide with Tishes suggestion. Not that he disagreed, because he didn't.. he was shocked that it escalated that quickly.

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 260/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Friday April 9th, 2021 10:10:19 AM

Barratore simply decides the distraction currently underway is good enough for him to casually begin to walk to the desired exit. He tries to act natural so as not to endanger the mission, fly causally

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Brom the Barbarian  d20+40=41 ; 8d6+50=80 ;
Friday April 9th, 2021 4:17:34 PM

Brom hears the call and Brom goes to work. He rages draws his blade and charges the dwarf. Brom misses the dwarf and strikes the ground with his strike.

Attack (GVS, Rage, PA, SA, PB): AC (Nat1); Damage 80 points to the ground

(Nice way to start. Die roller and a nat 1)

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:127/220 
Friday April 9th, 2021 5:37:35 PM

Lanliss reports What he sees and feels.
"There is a....sort of a pattern things decay and then restore to their original state, It is very weird", Lanliss says.
"If they do start to fight they have the numbers and they have their hammers.", Lanliss reminds/cautions the group.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 167/167 
Friday April 9th, 2021 8:13:42 PM

“Sounds like a damn good plan Tishe’. If the others join the fray, we will have to kill them all quickly. The cost of not getting the keystone is too great to take chances.

V waits for Brom to “go berserk”

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d20+20=33 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+20=33 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=4 ; d4+2=4 ;
Saturday April 10th, 2021 10:02:25 AM

Lanliss tells the others what he has noticed.

Velarin agrees with Tishe’s plan and waits for Brom to go berserk.

Tishe’ suggests Brom kill the dwarf leader.

Brom attacks the dwarf leader, but misses.

Edson is surprised at how quickly things turned.

Barratore starts walking through the room the direction Velarin said to go

Emrys is quiet.

Brom swings, misses the dwarf, and digs a deep gouge into the floor of numerous small crystals. The head dwarf appears astounded that he was attacked, but recovers quickly. Shouting, “He’s after the keystone! Get him, guys!,” the lead dwarf then turns and runs. He makes it halfway to the next chamber (about 40’).

The other dwarves react. Some of them merely look up from their work this round. But the three closest to Brom, who were more aware of what was going on, close on and attack him.
Dwarf 1: hits AC 33 for 5 points damage
Dwarf 2: hits AC 37 for 4 points damage
Dwarf 3: hits AC 33 for 4 points damage

Barratore realizes that one or two dwarves could have closed and be attacking him, based on their distance, but they’re ignoring him instead. Barratore and Brom have about 80’ to reach the exit. The rest of the party have 100’ to 120’ to go. There are ten dwarves in the way (including the three on Brom).

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+31=39 ;
Sunday April 11th, 2021 4:07:37 AM

Tishe’ sees how things decay in a pattern, but also how things can go to the Lands of Unrest in a hand basket. “The jig is up, the news is out, they finally found us! No spoof today, they’ve had us made, let’s blast all about us!”

The sorceress gets to work by sticking her hand in a pocket of her multi-dimensional Pants O Plenty and pulling a scroll. A quick read and the the dwarf leader is grabbed at by a Grasping Hand spell!

Tishe’ then tells the Keepers that she is ready to seal the Keystone Tunnel if necessary. She heroically Readies a Wall of Ice if any dwarf reaches the Keystone Tunnel.

Pull scroll move action
Cast Grasping Hand: standard action.
Grasping Hand. CMB. 39 to grapple dwarf leader
Hero Point: extra action. Ready Wall of Ice to seal off Keystone Tunnel

Fly (potion).pending 5 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 40/ 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 1. 7. 6. 2. 0. 0. 0

Grasping Hand. Highlight to display spoiler: { Its CMB and CMD 31. [20+10 (Str 31)+1 (Large)]. The hand holds but does not harm creatures. Directing the spell to a new target is a move action. The grasping hand can also bull rush a interpose as interposing hand. }

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+15=17 ; d20+27=43 ;
Sunday April 11th, 2021 3:58:59 PM

"YOU FOOLS!" Emrys growls at the dwarves. "You all FAILED your test!" (Intimidate: 17)

Oh well, that was NOT one of his best efforts at intimidation ... however it doesn't matter, they're all about to die. "Let's end this quickly!" Emrys begins speak dark words of necromancy. Words that cause ones soul to ache and chills the body down to the bones.

(Emrys casts Mass Suffocation, enhanced by Focused Curse (+3 DC & S.Penetration). Targets: Up to 10 dwarves. Range: 75 feet. Duration: 20 rounds. Fortitude Save: 36. Spell Penetration: 43, if necessary. If a target succeeds, they are merely staggered for 1 round as they gasp for breath. If a target fails, they immediately begin to suffocate. On the target's next turn, they fall unconscious and are reduced to 0 Hit Points. One round later, the target drops to –1 Hit Points and is dying. One round after that, the target dies. Each round, a target can delay that round's effects from occurring by making a successful Fortitude save, but the spell effect continues for 1 round per level, and each time a target fails their Fortitude save, they move one step further along the track to Suffocation.)

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 167/167  10d6=46 ; 5d4+15=24 ;
Monday April 12th, 2021 6:53:14 AM

V casts a wall of force over the front of the chamber to the keystone. If he's not able to block the whole entrance, He will place it where it will slow down the Dwarf headed for the keystone the most. He then uses his rod of quickening and casts a quickened lightning bolt at the Dwarf headed for the keystone. If he is unable to do that due to friendlies in the way, He will quicken a magic missile at the Dwarf. He then mentally informs the Keepers of the wall and it's location.

Lightning Bolt: reflex save DC 24 for 1/2 damage, Damage 56 or 33 for 1/2 damage
Magic missiles: damage 24

Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: from potion
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2, fly X3, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force cx1, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop, Crushing hand

Brom the Barbarian: AC 32 (30 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged)  d20+22=37 ;
Monday April 12th, 2021 9:32:35 AM

Brom ignores the damage from the dwarves as if it didn't happen (it failed to beat his DR). He forgoes attacks on the dwarves in front of him to use his boots to move directly in front of the dwarf foreman (using boots of teleportation).

"Yur not goin' anywhere, shorty. I hate ta have ta kill ya, but you looked at me and now you MUST PAY!!!"

Intimidate DC 37

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE  d20+25=26 ; d20+20=26 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+25=41 ; d4=4 ; d6=6 ; d4=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d4=2 ; d6=5 ; d4=4 ; 10d6=31 ; 10d6=37 ; 10d6=42 ; 10d6=33 ;
Monday April 12th, 2021 10:38:49 AM

Edson steps up to one of the dwarves on Brom and makes sure to flank with the big man.

Hit ac 26 , 9 dmg + 6 fire +31 sneak
Hit ac 26, 6 dmg + 2 frost + 37 sneak
Hit ac 31, 7 dmg + 2 fire + 42 sneak
Hit ac 41, 9 dmg + 5 frost + 33 sneak

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 260/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Monday April 12th, 2021 12:22:06 PM

Barratore thinks sealing the direction behind them so reinforcements cannot arrive to be a better option.

Barratore simply continues to the exit. Brom had the one dwarf, a Grasping Hand was on the same dwarf, Edson likely just killed one and Emrys likely just killed all of the others. The white robed diseased minotaur image, simply goes about his way

Move and Move 40+40 to the exit

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:127/220 
Monday April 12th, 2021 8:14:18 PM

"What about the keystone ?", Lanliss asks.
If possible, Lanliss takes pursuit after the lead dwarf.
If not possible

Lanliss runs quickly as possible to be near Edson, he takes a defensive stance ready for retaliation if needed.

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d20=14 ; d20+5=20 ; d20+5=19 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+5=20 ; d20+5=7 ; d20+5=24 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d20+20=23 ; d20+20=31 ; d20+20=30 ; d4+2=4 ; d4+2=6 ; d4+2=4 ; d20=15 ;
Monday April 12th, 2021 10:24:20 PM

Barratore, seeing that the others have the dwarves well in hand, quickly strolls over to the entrance to the next chamber. V has placed a wall of force in the way to keep the dwarves from escaping.

Tishe’, using a scroll, uses a grasping hand to stop the head dwarf from leaving. She lets the group know what she might cast next.

Brom teleports in front of the fleeing dwarf-- now held by a grasping hand -- and lets it know it made a mistake. It seems suitably intimidated.

Lanliss joins Edson and reminds everyone they need the keystone.

Velarin casts a wall of force over the entrance to the next chamber and follows it with a quick magic missile to the dwarf in the grasping hand.

Emrys casts mass suffocation, and six of the dwarves start choking (as many as he can get within 30’ of each other).

Edson handily drops one dwarf before Brom teleports away.

The three dwarves attacking Brom call for help, shouting that he is too well protected. This does not matter, as Brom is now gone and they have other problems. When the party is done, six dwarves are suffocating and one is dead, and the leader is caught. That leaves three able to act, each of which closes with someone to deliver whatever damage they can.
Dwarf 8 attacks Velarin hitting AC 23 for 4 damage.
Dwarf 9 attacks Edson hitting AC 31 for 6 damage.
Dwarf 10 attacks Velarin hitting AC 30 for 4 damage.

The leader is held in the grasping hand, and seems cowed by Brom’s display, but has no reaction to the magic missiles. The white-clad human that the group was “testing” earlier screams and runs back toward the stairs out, getting about halfway up them.

Velarin -- Highlight to display spoiler: {Somehow V missed this in the confusion before, but the dwarf leader is walking up the wall over there, invisible. V can see the dwarf trotting up to the ceiling with his enhanced senses, although he can also see the dwarf in the grasping hand.}

At the entrance to the next chamber, Barratore sees a platform with some sort of machine on it. It is fairly large, about 10’x10’x10’. The machine rusts and is restored in time with the changes the party has noticed for a while, but does so much more obviously. In fact, the effect is more noticeable at this end of the dwarves' workshop than it was at the other. Within the chamber are two dwarves and a gnome. One of them has noticed something is going on.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+31=42
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 12:27:23 AM

Tishe’ turns from the leader while the Grasping Hand tries to maintain its hold.

Her attention goes on Screaming White Clad. “Sorry sweetie, but we can’t allow you to escape, either.” Another spell, taking a full round of concentration, and he is trapped (hopefully) by a Resilient Sphere!

Grasping Hand. CMB. 42 to maintain grapple dwarf leader

Extended Resilient Sphere on testing guy. 40 minutes trapped in a bubble of force. Reflex DC 22 to dodge

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 40/ 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 1. 7. 6. 3. 0. 0. 0

Resilient Sphere: V,S,M; Close; 1min/lv; 1’diameter/lvl; Reflex negates; trapped as if Wall of Force

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 167/167  d20+33=40 ; 2d6+12=15 ;
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 8:15:01 AM

V mentally warns the others of the invisible Dwarf that looks to be an exact duplicate of the one in the grasping hand, walking up the wall toward the ceiling.

"I'll try and take care of the Dwarf near the ceiling."

V casts a crushing hand at the Dwarf, The hand attempts to grapple him and begin to crush the life from him. (40 on the grapple check, 15 damage if it succeeds in grappling.

Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: from potion
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2, fly X3, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force cx1, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop, Crushing hand-c

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE  d20+25=42 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+25=39 ; d4=4 ; d6=1 ; 10d6=30 ; d3=2 ; d4=3 ; d6=5 ; 10d6=34 ; d6=6 ; d4=3 ; 10d6=29 ; d4=2 ; d6=4 ; 10d6=33 ;
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 1:04:46 PM

Edson goes invisible, steps 5 feet and slashes back at the dwarf who stepped to him.

Hit ac 42, 9 dmg + 1 fire dmg, + 30 sneak
hit ac 33, 8 dmg, +5 drost dmg + 34 sneak
hit ac 19, 8 dmg + 6 fire dmg, + 29 dmg
hit ac 39, 7 dmg + 4 frost dmg, + 33 sneak

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:127/220  d20+42=47 ;
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 6:12:22 PM

Lanliss Tries to keep himself out of combat now...heading after Barratore to see the area.

Stealth 47

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+24=33 ; d20+17=22 ; d6+2=5 ; d20+24=35 ;
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 7:50:16 PM

Emrys hears Velarin's warning about the invisible dwarf ... looking up, he sees him too. 'How did I miss that,' he asks himself, 'has my True Seeing spell faltered?' It looks like both Tishe and Velarin have him well in hand. "Wait a minute, there are TWO blatherskiting dwarves," he says out loud realizing the same dwarf is grappled in two different Crushing Hands!

"That dwarf possibly astral projected himself, however remaining trapped in this plane," he tells everyone mentally? Being a master of necromancy, he looks for a silver cord connecting the two (aided by his True Seeing spell) . (Perception: 33)

"Finish off that pot licker!"

To test his theory, he sends his Spectral Hand after the wall climbing dwarf, alongside Velarin's Crushing Hand, to deliver a touch spell. Putrid words of power are spoken.

(Emrys casts Ghoul Touch on Wallcrawler Dwarf, aided by Spectral Hand. Hit TouchAC: 22. Fort Save DC: 29 vs. Paralyze condition. Plus, Carrion Stench (10ft radius) vs. Sickened condition. Duration: 5 rounds. Spell Penetration: 35, if necessary.)

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 260/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 9:49:43 PM

Barratore informs the party of the 2 dwarf and gnome in the chamber beyond and of the machine. Seeing the decay and restoration of the machine makes Barratore wonder of the effects upon themselves. Perhaps Emrys adaptation spell is keeping the affects at bay?

No matter for now. the invisible dwarf was something he could not do much about.

I think the other chamber has noticed the ruckus

Barratore stands filling as much of the entrance as he can to make seeing past him and to the ruckus in question all the more difficult

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d20+17=30 ;
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 11:00:46 PM

Lanliss heads over to Barratore, to see what’s going on there.

Edson handily kills another dwarf.

Tishe’ casts a resilient sphere on their erstwhile guide.

Emrys -- See below.

Velarin uses his magic to start crushing the invisible dwarf on the ceiling.

Barratore blocks the entry between the two chambers as much as he can to keep the three workers in the next chamber from seeing what’s going on. He warns his friends.

Brom is quiet.

My apologies for this delay, but I need to know whether Emrys has True Seeing up. Looking through the archives, I think the spell was cast before the party entered the castle. Normally it lasts one minute per caster level, and the party has been inside the palace for over forty minutes now -- closer to forty-five, actually. I am not familiar with who can extend what and for how long, though. If Emrys no longer has the spell up, then he should post a different set of actions for this round. If he does still have the effect, then I will allow folks to replay the round with a bit more explanation. Either way, Brom can act for the round.

Please post an acknowledgement for the Sheriff. It might be good to make sure your headers are up to date, there may have been some damage dealt by the dwarves last round.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 11:34:09 PM

Emrys being made aware there are invisible creatures about will recast True Seeing after realizing the earlier casting had ran its course.

(Emrys recasts True Seeing on himself. Duration: 20 minutes.)

"Ohh, there's that pot licker!"

(If Emrys is able to make the same assessment of the situation, and relay the same theory, he will send a Quickened Ghoul Touch spell delivered by his Spectral Hand. Using his Quicken Spell Rod.)

(Emrys casts Ghoul Touch on Wallcrawler Dwarf, enhanced by Quicken Spell and delivered by Spectral Hand. Hit TouchAC: 22. Fort Save DC: 29 vs. Paralyze condition. Plus, Carrion Stench (10ft radius) vs. Sickened condition. Duration: 5 rounds. Spell Penetration: 35, if necessary.)

Brom the Barbarian: AC 32 (30 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged)  d20+34=44 ; d20+29=47 ; d20+24=32 ; d20+19=34 ; 2d6+46=53 ; 2d6+46=53 ; 2d6+46=51 ; 2d6+46=55 ;
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 11:37:05 PM

The dwarf is trapped in the grasping hand, but Brom prefers a quick death to the dwarf instead of a slow one. Brom spends a turn to end the dwarf's life.

Attack (Rage, PA): AC 44, 47, 32, 34; damage 53, 53, 51, 55 (total 212 points)

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 12:13:54 AM

Tishe’ holds her breath to see if she successfully trapped the testing being the Keepers tricked into coming this far. She has another trick up her sleeve if she missed, and she’s hoping the Keepers can contain the alert to only this area.

Grasping Hand. CMB. 42 to maintain grapple dwarf leader

Extended Resilient Sphere on testing guy. 40 minutes trapped in a bubble of force. Reflex DC 22 to dodge

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 40/ 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 1. 7. 6. 3. 0. 0. 0

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 159/167  d20+33=41 ; 2d6+12=17 ;
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 8:11:11 AM

Velarin continues to use his crushing hand to end the wall crawler Dwarf. Grapple check 41, damage 17

"None of them escapes, and none of them can make it to the keystone. Stay on them, and let's finish this quickly."

Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: from potion
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2, fly X3, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force cx1, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop, Crushing hand-c

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 122/128 INVISIBLE  d20+25=41 ; d20+25=30 ; d20+25=36 ; d20+25=28 ; d20+20=23 ; d20+15=34 ; d6=5 ; d4=4 ; 10d6=37 ; d12=5 ; d4=2 ; d6=2 ; 10d6=42 ; d4=2 ; d6=3 ; 10d6=36 ; d4=3 ; d6=3 ; 10d6=35 ;
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 10:13:22 AM

OOC: I believe there are two left by Velarin,

Edson steps up, staying invisible and begins slashing at one of the remaining dwarves.

hit ac 41, 9 dmg + 5 fire + 37 sneak
hit ac 23, 7 dmg + 2 frost + 42 sneak
hit ac 34, 5 dmg + 2 fire + 36 sneak
hit ac 30. 8 dmg + 3 frost + 35 sneak

CDM Jerry [OOC post] 
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 12:25:26 PM

Hey Keepers!

I probably should have done this as you started your last module, but will do so now.  I just sent you an email. I need a reply all from everyone stating what their restart game will be. I explain things in detail in the email.

Anyone who does not declare their game will not have a game to play in as I'll be recruiting to fill any openings in the new game. :)

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:127/220  d20=15 ;
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 4:24:14 PM

Lanliss helps Barratore if help needed.
Aid another 15

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 260/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 9:50:49 PM

'Welcome to the front lines and the danger Lanliss' Barratore jokes slightly

The minotaur galnces back in appreciation of what Brom is capable of and part of his heart wants to throw off the subtrefuge and simply take on the guardians in place with his brother.

'V you want to drop this thing and let Brom and I lead us to the Keystone? I'm about done with strolling'

He glances back at those on the other side

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d20+15=17 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+10=30 ; d4+7=9 ; d4+7=8 ; d4+7=8 ; d4+7=10 ; d20+10=12 ; d4+2=4 ;
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 9:51:35 PM

Lanliss heads over to Barratore, to see what’s going on there.

Edson handily kills another dwarf.

Tishe’ casts a resilient sphere on their erstwhile guide.

Emrys recasts true seeing.

Velarin uses his magic to start crushing the invisible dwarf on the ceiling.

Barratore blocks the entry between the two chambers as much as he can to keep the three workers in the next chamber from seeing what’s going on. He warns his friends.

Brom tries to kill the dwarf trapped in the grasping hand.

Emrys and Brom both realize about the same time that the dwarf trapped in the grasping hand is not real. Emrys sees with his spell that this is an illusion, and Brom notices that the dwarf in front of him is no longer responding appropriately to the things going on around it when he tries a coup de grace. Highlight to display spoiler: {Because he has see invisible rather than true seeing, Velarin did not automatically realize one was an illusion.}

The human is caught in the resilient sphere.

In opting to deal with the dwarf on the ceiling, Velarin has remained open to the two who hit him last round. They attack again.
Dwarf 8 hits AC 17 for 9 damage (probably a miss) and AC 21 for 8 damage
Dwarf 10 hits AC 27 for 8 damage and AC 30 for 10 damage

The dwarf in the crushing hand gathers his will to cast a quick spell. There is no obvious result.

Barratore and Lanliss notice the dwarves in the next chamber trying to see what’s going on in this one, but the gnome heads further into the chamber and around a corner. On the platform in the room, the machine chugs along, doing who knows what.

Because this is the same round as yesterday, Edson and Velarin don’t do damage again quite yet.

When V passed out potions of flying, Brom used his right away and Tishe’ stowed hers for later, but most people didn’t specify. Can everyone please note whether or not they are flying?

In this chamber there are still:
Six dwarves gasping on the floor, technically still alive but unconscious
Two uninjured worker dwarves
An injured dwarf leader - down 15 HP
A trapped human

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d4+5=6 ; d4+5=7 ; d4+5=7 ; d4+1=3 ; d4+1=4 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2021 12:20:16 AM

Tishe’ sees Erstwhile, he may as well have a name, is good and trapped and safe enough he will probably survive the Keepers. The waste of her Grasping scroll, when told its an illusion, makes her shuttlecocked, but not worried. And the dwarves on Velarin aren’t much of a threat once someone pays attention to them. Barratorre’s report of people in the next chamber knowing something is going on has her worried.

The Sorceress casts Magic Missles at one dwarf on Velarin, causing 15 damage. Then she starts moving towards Barratorre. “Need to end this quickly”, she cautions unnecessarily.

Magic Missle. 15 damage. (Ooc: sorry about rolling bonus wired, but if you -4 on each +5 rolls, it comes out to 15)
Move Action 30’ towards Barratorre.

Grasping Hand. CMB. 42 to maintain grapple dwarf leader

Extended Resilient Sphere on testing guy. 40 minutes trapped in a bubble of force. Reflex DC 22 to dodge

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 40/ 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 6. 3. 0. 0. 0

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+24=42 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2021 12:36:47 AM

Emrys wonders why his quickened spell didn't go off ... he really wanted that wallcrawling dwarf to be paralyzed ... and now that pot licker has cast another spell.

The dwarf just cast a spell, Emrys feels he needs to prevent him from using it while Velarin crushes the life out of him. This time he chooses not to employ the necromantic arts, choosing instead just plain old witchery. He speaks a few words of power with a metamagic flourish. Suddenly a sound fills the chamber likened to the crack of a whip.

(Emrys casts a Heightened Dominate Person on the Dwarf in the Crushing Hand, enhanced to an 8th-level spell. Will Save DC: 30. Spell Penetration: 42, if necessary. Range: 75ft. Duration: 20 days.)

Emrys then commands the dwarf to, "Drop all your Spells!" ... knowing this mental task will take him several rounds to perform.

Brom the Barbarian: AC 32 (30 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged)  d20+34=38 ; 2d6+46=56 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2021 12:42:18 AM

Brom isn't happy about the revelation. He moves to dwarves. If he can attack one he will.

Attack (Rage, PA): AC38, damage 56

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d20+17=30 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2021 6:56:36 AM

Addendum: Emrys had cast ghoul touch on the dwarf being crushed, but it continues to struggle.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 124/167 
Thursday April 15th, 2021 8:20:42 AM

(Since V is a round ahead apparently, He will hold his actions this round, and let last rounds actions take place before being caught up next post.)

"yeah Barratore. the charade is over. Let's make this quick and keep them away from the keystone. And Somebody can feel free to kill these two idiots beating on me please."

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 122/128 INVISIBLE 
Thursday April 15th, 2021 10:54:49 AM

Edson slashes one of the dwarves on Velarin. (use the rolls from yesterday)

hit ac 41, 9 dmg + 5 fire + 37 sneak
hit ac 23, 7 dmg + 2 frost + 42 sneak
hit ac 34, 5 dmg + 2 fire + 36 sneak
hit ac 30. 8 dmg + 3 frost + 35 sneak

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:127/220 
Thursday April 15th, 2021 6:28:38 PM

Lanliss stays with Barratore.
"Thanks but I am not as strong as you", he says seriously.

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 260/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Thursday April 15th, 2021 11:06:53 PM

Barratore lets the group know that the gnome appears to have exited the next chamber, I'm thinking to go get help or organize a defense.

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d20+17=31 ; d20+17=32 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2021 11:11:54 PM

Barratore warns the others that the gnome in the next chamber might be getting help.

Tishe’ uses magic missile on one of the remaining dwarves and worries about the time they’re taking.

Brom moves to attack one of the two dwarves on Velarin, and wounds it severely.

Emrys casts dominate person on the dwarf and attempts to make it dismiss its spells.

Lanliss stays with Barratore at the entry to the next chamber.

Velarin continues to crush the dwarf leader with his spell.

Edson attacks one of the two dwarves that are continuing to struggle, killing it..

Between the three of them, Tishe’, Brom, and Edson kill the two dwarves that were attacking. With six on the floor dead or about to be, that leaves only the leader being crushed by a grapsing hand and the human in a resilient sphere. The leader tries to cast a spell, this time targeting Velarin. While he is clearly hurt, it does not look like he’s fading fast. The human tries to keep running but ends up falling, unable to escape.

In the next chamber, the two dwarves also go around the same corner the gnome went around last round.

Velarin, make a DC 17 save vs charm person.
When V passed out potions of flying, Brom used his right away and Tishe’ stowed hers for later, but most people didn’t specify. Before the wall of force comes down, can everyone please say whether or not they are flying?

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Friday April 16th, 2021 12:13:28 AM

Tishe’ feels the human is of no threat, and a dwarf in the Realm of Shadows means even if she knows where he is, she can’t see him.

So she redirects her Grasping Hand to Interpose for her while the spell lasts, and moves to the Wall of Force and Barratorre.

Redirect. Move action
Move. Move action

Extended Resilient Sphere on testing guy. 40 minutes trapped in a bubble of force. Reflex DC 22 to dodge

Grasping Hand 10/13 rounds
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 40/ 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Flying potion in Pants O Plenty

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 6. 3. 0. 0. 0

House Rules
Spells and magic items that refer to the Ethereal or Astral Planes instead use the Woldian Realm of Shadows for the same purpose.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 124/167  d20+33=50 ; d20+20=35 ; 2d6+12=21 ; 5d4+15=29 ;
Friday April 16th, 2021 8:29:14 AM

(V drank his potion and is flying)
(I thought the wall of force sealed the entry way into the next chamber that leads to the keystone? are the bad guys still running that way, or am I missing how the battlefield is laid out?)

V continues his grapple (grapple check 50) upon the Dwarf in the crushing hand after shaking off the effects of the spell that was thrown at him(save 35) and doing 21 points of damage via the hand.

"Tishe' or Emrys, can either of you seal the way we came in so that more reinforcements do not arrive from that direction? I think everyone else should start moving after the keystone. If you want to turn this Dwarf into a pin cushion on the way, it will speed up my ability to follow with"

(If the bad guys were already on the other side of the wall of force, and it's between us and them and the Keystone, V will dismiss it. If not, he will put a round of magic missiles into the dwarf being crushed for 29 damage)

Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: from potion
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2, fly X3, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force cx1, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop, Crushing hand-c

Brom the Barbarian: AC 32 (30 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged) 
Friday April 16th, 2021 1:50:54 PM

Brom moves to where the wall of force is/was and is ready to move forward.

Brom is flying if the potion is still active.

Rage used: 4 rds

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Friday April 16th, 2021 4:23:59 PM

Emrys is getting rather aggravated with this tenacious dwarf. When Velarin asks for a wall to block their entrance, he decides to take a break from trying to kill the dwarf and fortify their six.

"Yes I can, excellent suggestion."

He speaks a few words of power and the thickest, thorniest wall of bramble erupts from the floor and walls.

(Emrys casts Wall of Thorns. Effect: Twenty 10-ft Cubes. Duration: 200 minutes. Have it fill up the entrance completely and then expand into the hallway beyond as much as 20 10-ft Cubes can do.)

Emrys then moves over to the other force wall with the others. "Barratore, can you split that dwarf's skull with one of your spear-sized arrows?"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Friday April 16th, 2021 4:29:50 PM

Emrys pats his belt pouch, knowing the Fly Potion is safe and secure.

(I had posted that Emrys decided to wait until he needed the potion, until then he put it into his belt pouch.)

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 122/128 INVISIBLE  d20+25=39 ; d6=4 ; d4=2 ; d20+20=31 ; d6=4 ; d4=2 ; d20+15=22 ; d6=3 ; d4=1 ; d20+25=36 ; d6=6 ; d4=3 ; 10d6=27 ; 10d6=36 ; 10d6=30 ; 10d6=38 ;
Friday April 16th, 2021 5:57:30 PM

Edson used the potion.

Edson nods to Velarin and starts moving for the keystone, but not before slicing into the held dwarf.

Hit ac39 7dmg +4 fire + 27 sneak
Hit ac 31 7 dmg + 4 frist + 36 sneak
Hit ac 22 6 dmg + 3 fire + 30 sneak
Hit ac 36 8 dmg + 6 frost + 38 sneak

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:127/220 
Friday April 16th, 2021 8:40:55 PM

Lanliss didn't use the potion
Lanliss takes pursuit of the Genome while preferring to still keep a safe distance in the case of needing to call for help.

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve) 
Saturday April 17th, 2021 1:10:30 PM

Emrys fills the entrance to the chamber they are in with a wall of thorns. He then moves about half the distance to the next chamber.

Lanliss chases after the gnome as soon as the wall is down.

Velarin dismisses the wall of force and continues to crush the dwarf.

Edson moves about half the distance to the next chamber, having paused to attack the dwarf.

Tishe’ uses the grasping hand to interpose and moves to the end of the chamber with Barratore and Lanliss.

Brom moves to the end of the chamber with Barratore and Lanliss.

Barratore is quiet.

The dwarf in the crushing hand is still struggling, but apparently has more to worry about than casting spells this round. The human has given up, and just sits in the resilient sphere.

Barratore, Brom, and Tishe’ are at the entryway to the next chamber. They see in it a platform on which sits a large machine (roughly a 10’ cube) with a great many moving parts, chugging through a cycle of actions with the same timing as the cycle of decay and renewal the characters have noticed. The machine itself rusts and tarnishes, then is restored. The platform consists of four wrought-metal legs that support the machine -- a collection of gears, rollers, spindles and assorted other parts. On one side of the contraption is attached a shallow metal rectangular pan. It glows with an unearthly green light. An arm high at the top of the machine holds a large gem.

Lanliss has entered the next chamber, chasing the gnomes and dwarves that were in there in previous rounds. He crosses the room to see that around the corner is another chamber, much like the one the party fought the dwarves in, but this one full of gnomes. They have gathered together, and one is pointing back toward Lanliss and talking to the others.

Velarin, Emrys, and Edson are still in the dwarves’ chamber. It will take Velarin two move actions to reach the entry to the next chamber, Emrys and Edson only one. Velarin repeats that the path to the keystone is up onto the platform.

Velarin and Brom: It has been about 5 minutes since taking the potions of flying. Please roll 1d6 each round -- on a 1, the character settles to the ground, the effect ended.

Brom the Barbarian: AC 32 (30 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged)  d6=5 ; d20+31=46 ;
Sunday April 18th, 2021 10:19:47 PM

Brom is still flying

Brom ends his rage and moves back towards the hall Lanliss entered. He gets to the opening and listens down the hall for signs of coming danger.

Perception DC 46

Rage used: 6

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+26=28 ; d20+10=23 ;
Monday April 19th, 2021 12:09:00 AM

Tishe’ ‘calls’ mentally to the others, “I think I see the Keystone! A green stone pulsing in a Gnomish contraption of some kind.”

The sorceress then drinks Velarin’s flying potion and delays her move to follow Barratorre into the Keystone chamber. She looks closely at the gnomes: are they decaying-healthier in timing of the beats of the Keystone too? What does it look like they are trying to do? Complete preparations, defending, or something else?

Perception. 28
Sense Motive. 23

Extended Resilient Sphere on testing guy. 40 minutes trapped in a bubble of force. Reflex DC 22 to dodge

Grasping Hand 4/13 rounds
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying

Flying potion in Pants O Plenty

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 6. 3. 0. 0. 0

House Rules
Spells and magic items that refer to the Ethereal or Astral Planes instead use the Woldian Realm of Shadows for the same purpose.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 124/167  d20+33=51 ; 2d6+12=19 ; d6=5 ;
Monday April 19th, 2021 8:35:09 AM

Velarin continues to crush the Dwarf with the crushing hand (grapple check 51, damage 19)

The Wizard then flies(rolled a 5) towards the chamber and the upcoming battle as he maintains concentration upon the crushing hand. As soon as he has a good visual upon the machine, he will try and determine the exact location of the keystone.

Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: from potion
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2, fly X3, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force cx1, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop, Crushing hand-c

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 260/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Monday April 19th, 2021 12:15:44 PM

Barratore moves into the chamber that looks to hold the Key Stone. Time to set off the traps or guards or whatever he thinks to himself.
Barratore draws both of his blades as he enters. Tishe, you got the stone, I got any threats coming in

Barratore continues across the chamber to stand between where the gnomes fled and the Key Stone

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 122/128 INVISIBLE  d20+39=40 ;
Monday April 19th, 2021 4:39:41 PM

Edson goes invisible and follows into the chamber with the stone. Searching for traps (40) as he goes.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp166/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Monday April 19th, 2021 5:18:54 PM

Emrys continues to catch up with the party at the entrance of the other room. He double or triple times it, if necessary, he's ready to be out of this place. When he gets there, he now sees the god machine, and the gemstone at the top. He agrees with Tishe's assessment, "I think you may be right."

Brom the Barbarian: AC 32 (30 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged) 
Monday April 19th, 2021 7:15:28 PM

Brom decides to follow the others into the key room.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:127/220  d20+27=45 ;
Monday April 19th, 2021 7:41:44 PM

Lanliss sees the gnome and stands speechless for a few seconds

He starts speaking in Gnomish
Hi there...nobody needs to get injured or harmed...
We are not here to hurt you"
Lanliss stops for a second waiting for reaction and says as convincing as he possibly can
"Official business by her great majesty"

Bluff 45

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d20+17=28 ; d20+15=16 ; d20+22=38 ; 4d6=16 ; d4=4 ;
Monday April 19th, 2021 9:48:54 PM

Brom moves into the next chamber and looks to see what might be coming.

Tishe’ guesses that she sees the keystone, drinks a flying potion, and follows Brom.

Barratore moves through the next chamber to defend its other entrance from any attackers.

Edson moves into the next chamber and looks for traps.

Velarin continues crushing the dwarf and flies to the next chamber, where he immediately spots the keystone.

Lanliss attempts to bluff the gnomes, or at least talk them down.

Emrys hustles to catch up with the others, and agrees with Tishe’s assessment of the stone.

The entire group has moved into the chamber with the machine. The keystone, as Tishe’ and Emrys surmised, and Velarin confirms, is a large gem set near the top of the machine. The gem is about the size of two fists, and looks brown in the green light given off by the machine. (It would be a deep red in sunlight.) It is 10’ above the platform, but easily reached by anyone able to fly. Edson sees no traps from down below.

When the party entered the giant kidney stone structure, they followed a tunnel that split, took the left passage, and found the dwarf chamber. Past the dwarf chamber was the chamber they are in now, with the machine. The chamber with the gnomes is connected to the other side of the machine chamber, such that the dwarf and gnome chambers are likely separated by a thick wall and continuing on would complete a loop back to the original tunnel.

One chamber over from the party, most of the gnomes (and two dwarves) are pointing and arguing. Probably about whether or not to attack, from the way they grip their hammers. One gnome, however, shows no hesitation, casting a spell. When the gnome finishes, a massive swarm of crawling and flying bugs fills the chamber with the machine and the party.

Everyone takes 16 damage from the insects, and must make a DC 23 Fort save or lose 4 dexterity (from poison) and another DC 23 Fort save or become nauseated.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+12=32 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+26=32 ; d20+26=35 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 12:27:35 AM

Tishe’ is suddenly surrounded by creeping (and flying) doom. Many many bites, but she is able to overcome the effects of poison and ensuing nausea. (Fort 32 and 26)

“Good plan Seiur Barratorre, but I think I must weave a tapestry to cover us from incoming spells. Seiur Lanliss, Sieur Edson? Can you shuttle over and do the pick?”

Rising 5 feet into the air, the Fateweaver casts a Dispel Magic targeted at the spell keeping the swarming insects, then uses her Spellweaver ability to Ready another Dispel Magic spell to counterspell the first gnome who tries to target the Keepers.

Targeted Dispel Magic vs summon insect. DC 32

Readied Targeted Dispel Magic vs first gnome cast spell that targets any Keeper. DC 35

Grasping Hand 4/13 rounds
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 6. 3. 0. 0. 0

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167  d20+16=19 ; d20+16=28 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+33=37 ; 2d6+12=19 ; 20d6=59 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 8:28:20 AM

Velarin heroically overcomes the dexterity loss caused by the swarm(-1 hero point for reroll of 28), and shakes off the nausea effect(roll 27)

V maintains concentration on the crushing hand to crush the Dwarf once more(grapple check 37, damage 19), and then launches an empowered chain lightning into the Gnomes, targeting the spell caster as the primary, and effecting all other gnomes within 30' of him.

Reflex save 29 for primary target, 27 for everyone else. 98 damage, or 49 on a save.

Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: from potion
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2, fly X3, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force cx1, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx1, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop, Crushing hand-c

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 106/128 INVISIBLE  d20+10=26 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+10=20 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 6:28:25 PM

Edson shakes off the bugs, but the sickness hits after. (Used 1 hero pt but failed).
Edson nods to Tishe.. and moves towards the keystone but does nothing else.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:204/220  d20+18=35 ; d20+18=19 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 6:57:19 PM

Lanliss overcomes the swarm at first but soon enough feels nauseated.
He can't focus much and shouts in Gnomish "Gragul Curse you !" and proceeds to move forward towards the keystone, trying not to vomit.

Fortitude check #1 35
Fortitude check #2 19 (epic fail)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp150/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+23=26 ; d20+23=42 ; d20+24=36 ; d4+2=5 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 8:20:41 PM

(Fort Saves: 26 and 42 vs poison and nauseated)

Emrys decides he going to distract the gnomes with a small army of shambling behemoths. He fortifies himself against the distractions of the swarm with his unbreakable concentration.
(Concentration Check to cast a 9th-level spell within the Swarm: DC 29: 36 success.)

(Emrys casts Shambler, a conjuration [creation] spell. Creates 5 Shambling Mounds with the Advanced Template. Range: Medium 300ft. Duration: 7 days. Emrys conjures them directly in front of the gnomes.)

Emrys simply commands them to, "Kill the Gnomes!"

Advanced Shambling Mound
N Large plant
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-Light vision; Perception +13

AC 25, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (+12 natural, –1 size)
hp 85 (9d8+45)
Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +7
Defensive Abilities plant traits; Immune electricity; Resist fire 10

Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee 2 slams +13 (2d6+9 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (2d6+9)

Str 25, Dex 14, Con 21, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +8; CMB +14 (+18 grapple); CMD 26
Feats Cleave, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Perception +13, Stealth +10 (+18 in swamps or forest), Swim +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth (+12 in swamps or forests), +4 Perception

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp150/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+13=26 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+13=31 ; d20+13=20 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+13=20 ; d20+13=25 ; 2d6+9=13 ; 2d6+9=20 ; 2d6+9=17 ; 2d6+9=14 ; 2d6+9=13 ; 2d6+9=13 ; 2d6+9=16 ; 2d6+9=13 ; 2d6+9=19 ; 2d6+9=11 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 8:25:35 PM

When Shambers Attack:

1. Hit AC: 26 and 25. Damage: 13 and 20 + grab..
2. Hit AC: 24 and 24: Damage: 17 and 14 + grab.
3. Hit AC: 25 and 31. Damage: 13 and 13 + grab.
4 Hit AC: 20 and 18. Damage: 16 and 13 + grab.
5. Hit AC: 20 and 25. Damage: 19 and 11 + grab.

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 249/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+23=34 ; d20+23=40 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 9:37:12 PM

The vermin bother Barratore very little and nearly as soon as they arrived, Tishe vanquishes them. With Emrys taking care of the gnomes, and robbing him of a little fun, Barratore pivots and heads to the key stone. 10' above the ground being a mere 12" over his head, he will arrive and grab the thing

If Everyone is done playing with the locals, let's initiate the getting the hell outta here part of the plan.'

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Fort save 34 and 40

Brom the Barbarian: AC 32 (30 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged)  d20+26=40 ; d20=16 ; d20+22=26 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 10:51:18 PM

HP lost: 9

Brom overcomes the poison from the insects. He's tempted by the thought of teleporting into the midst of the gnomes and wreaking havoc, but Barratore's words bring him back from the edge. He moves to a position out of the insects and to act as a first line for the escape with the Keystone.

"Come step up to yur death!" He says letting the Glamour fall from his armor revealing a full set of blood red mithril plate armor and a jet black great sword. He doubts the intimidation will delay them for more than a moment, but it may be enough to avoid a free for all.

Intimidate DC 26

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d20=1 ; d20=8 ; d20=10 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; 5d6=14 ; 3d6=10 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 10:57:45 PM

Edson moves toward the keystone and takes a moment.

Velarin continues to crush the dwarf in the other chamber, and casts chain lightning at the gnomes.

Lanliss curses the gnome and moves towards the keystone.

Emrys summons five shambling mounds that attack the gnomes.

Brom moves to maintain a path for the party to escape.

Tishe’ uses a dispel magic and readies another.

Barratore reaches up to get the keystone. When he has it, he suggests they leave.

Tishe’s spell disperses the insects quite effectively, and when they go so does the feeling of nausea. Velarin’s spell can affect more than the number of dwarves and gnomes in the room. Emrys’s shamblers have no problem disposing of the few gnomes that survive the lightning. The party’s most likely path to escape, guarded by Brom, seems to be through the gnome room and not through the wall of thorns now beyond the dwarf chamber.

The keystone is 10’ above the platform, but the minotaur easily has the reach. Barratore finds that the gem is held in place only by its considerable weight. As he lifts it from the arm where it sits, he finds it dragging him down. Then, as the pulse in the room grows, the stone crumbles in his hands.

Suddenly, there is a loud crash as the kidney stone cracks and collapses in part. A hole appears in the chamber with the machine, fully half the floor in size. The platform containing the machine adjusts to remain stable, and the machine chugs away.

(Both Velarin and Brom remain flying this round.) Non-flying characters make a DC 30 reflex save or fall to the writhing palace floor below, taking 14 damage. Even those who succeed take 10 points of damage as they are tossed around by the jumping floor.

Twenty feet beneath the chamber, the fleshy palace floor contracts in irregular spasms, any fallen adventurers prone on it.

Similar damage has happened in the other chambers, and the shambling mounds will also need to save or fall, and take damage.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+25=28 ;
Wednesday April 21st, 2021 12:29:32 AM

Tishe’ sees the second dispel isn’t needed, and turns to observe the impending disaster that is happening at the removal of the Keystone... the... Key Dust? The sorceress thanks the Sarr that she is hovering on Velarin’s potion, and is able to think and act.

“Keep ahold of it, Sieur!”, she calls mentally to Barratorre. “It pulses, so may turn back into a Stone. But it looks like the machine needs destroying too. Can you and Sieur Brom sunder pieces until it stops moving?”

The Warweaver begins her own contribution to her plan by hovering in place and casting a Fabricate spell. Starting at one corner of the machine, she begins trying to turn metal gears, flywheels, and pipes into a solid block of metal. It is slow going, she can only do 10’ square feet a round, and she’s not even sure if the machine is an artifact too, so may be impervious to her more normal magics.

Hover. dC 28
Fabricate. 10’ square per round.

Grasping Hand 6/13 rounds
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 6. 3. 1. 0. 0

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167 
Wednesday April 21st, 2021 8:32:11 AM

V watches in awe as the keystone crumbles. He stops concentrating on the Dwarf that he had been crushing, as there was no need to further crush him. He quickly concentrates on the keystone using the power granted by the wish spell from earlier, to see if it is indeed destroyed, or just a ruse or illusion. He then casts an extended fly upon himself, knowing that his potion is almost expired."

"Let me know if your spell works on the machine Tishe'. If it's not an artifact, I can disintegrate large sections of it before we leave."

"Who has the escape cube we picked up from the couple trapped in Woldsblood that we keyed to home? Once we are ready, Should we try that first or go for my plane shift? The other question would be wether or not they will work inside here, or if we need to fight our way out first. If the magnificent mansion worked here, planar transport should work as well. But I could try and greater teleport us to the shore we rested and observed this place from, or the pustule that we entered at."

Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2, fly X3-cx1, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx1, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop, Crushing hand-c

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp140/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+17=37 ;
Wednesday April 21st, 2021 12:47:19 PM

(Reflex Save: 37, natural 20)

Amazingly, Emrys is able to maintain his footing on the crumbling floor and avoids falling. If he had, he has his trusted Ring of Featherfall to save him. However he understands the precariousness of his position, he then takes the flying potion from his belt pouch and drinks it. Whatever movement he has left, he joins his fellow Keepers aloft.

He looks over the situation and tries to assess what is happening to the Barratore, the keystone and the god machine.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp140/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+7=14 ; d20+7=10 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=25 ; d20+7=27 ;
Wednesday April 21st, 2021 12:55:52 PM

When Shamblers Attack:

I was hoping that these shamblers would be caught up in Velarin's lightning attack as well. It's one of the reasons why I conjured them. Lightning gives Shambling Mounds a Constitution buff.

Shambler Reflex Saves: 14, 10, 12, 25 and 27.

The fifth Shambler rolled a natural 20 on its Reflex save, so he remains above on the top floor. The rest fall to the palace floor below in heaps and mounds. (Each taking 14 points of damage.)

Emrys commands the fifth shambler to help the others back up (they all have a 10-ft reach).

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 92/128 INVISIBLE  d20+22=28 ;
Wednesday April 21st, 2021 6:16:44 PM

" It must be the sickness " Edson thinks to himself as he falls to the floor.

He quickly scrambles up and gets into position if they're to attack the machine.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:194/220  d20+26=40 ;
Wednesday April 21st, 2021 7:43:49 PM

Lanliss dances with the floor trying not to fall into what seems a horror tale in unfolding,,,,
Lanliss bumps into something and gets hits but at least he didn't fall

Reflex save 40

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+25=30 ;
Wednesday April 21st, 2021 9:28:08 PM

The gem crumbles, Barratore's eyes go wide and then the whole place starts twisting and his eyes go all the more wide. Heroically, he moves with the shifting ground about him so as not to fall to the room below.
Hero Point before rolling granting +8 luck Reflex +25 =30

Barratore maintains as best as he can, ahold of the crumbled key stone. This could be part of a built in anti theft measure. Can't steal it if if crumbles and reassembles. Can we magically encase it it or lift it telekinetically?

Brom the Barbarian: AC 32 (30 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged) 
Wednesday April 21st, 2021 10:04:05 PM

"What'ya want me ta do? Destroy the machine?" Brom sends across the mental communications.

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d6=1 ; d20+17=34 ;
Wednesday April 21st, 2021 11:16:58 PM

Velarin casts fly to avoid troubles when his potion fails. He considers how to damage the machine, and talks about possible escape plans.

Tishe’ surmises the keystone may reform again. She attempts to alter the machine using a fabricate spell, without success.

Lanliss maintains his balance easily.

Emrys looks over the situation, assessing it, and drinks a flying potion. NOTE: The only reason the lightning did not hit the shamblers last round was an assumption by the DM. Velarin had the capacity, and if Emrys sent the thought that he wanted it, then they were hit by lightning.

Edson gets ready to attack the machine.

Brom offers to destroy the machine.

Barratore stays upright and notes that the keystone crumbling might be to deter its theft.

As Tishe’ guessed, the keystone reforms as the pulse gets to its restoration phase. It reappears back in the arm of the machine that Barratore took it from, and the machine shows no damage. The others might not have seen where it went at first, but Velarin immediately knew.

The palace continues to spasm, although it does not affect footing as badly as the initial lurch did.

* Folks only need to make DC 20 reflex save to retain their footing this round.
* Edson, who fell last round, was coated in goo from shallow pools of foul-smelling liquid as he was tossed on the fleshy palace floor and in the process of recovering his footing. Although he has no problem regaining his footing, he must now make a DC 24 fortitude save to avoid disease.
* Brom settles gently to the floor this round, his potion of flying expended.

The familiar sounds and changes in air that accompany a teleport let the party know that something has arrived in the dwarf chamber. When folk whisper frightened tales of the demonic, what most envision is a towering figure of fire and flesh, a horned nightmare armed with flaming whip and sword flying through the night in search of its latest victim. That nightmare stands in the next room, a head or more taller than Barratore. It steps on the bodies of the dwarves as it stalks your way.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Thursday April 22nd, 2021 12:28:12 AM

Tishe’ is sad but unsurprised her magic is of no use, and tells the others. “Not even anything to try to Spell Penetration on, just unaffected.” Now it could be because it was the wrong spell, but there are other things to worry about...

She feels the presence of the demon from the deep, and nods. “Yes Sieur Barratorre, exactly like an anti-theft device, and we set it off neat as a Rapke eating a Bounder.”

“Lanliss, Edson, you find a way to Diable that Device. The rest of us will hold off whatever comes. And then we use the Cube immediately!”

But for Lanliss AND Edson to disable the device... Tishe’ flies down to Edson and, touching him, casts a Quickened Fly spell to get him mobile. And then casts a Dimension Door so they are standing on top of the Machine.

“Your time to shine, sweetie”, she says with confidence.

Fly to Edson
Quickened Fly spell on Edson. 60’ fly speed for 20 minutes
Dimension Door Edson and Tishe’ to top of Machine

Grasping Hand 7/13 rounds
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 6. 4. 1. 1. 0

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167  d20+16=32 ;
Thursday April 22nd, 2021 8:19:14 AM

(V retained his footing, but since he's airborne, it's irrelevant)

"Yes Edson and Lanliss. If the machine doesn't function. the keystone may not regenerate either. Brom and Barratore, we got company."

V flies to either Brom or Barratore, whomever is closer, and casts a stoneskin upon them(DR 10/adamantine, 150 hp max). "That'll help you ignore some of the damage."

V then quickens a haste on as many party members as he can get, making sure to get both Brom and Barratore in the spell if possible.

Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx1, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop, Crushing hand-c

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp140/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Thursday April 22nd, 2021 9:54:41 AM

Emrys had flown over to join his fellow Keepers by the god machine. With the arrival of the Keystone's true guardian ... and judging by the demon's flaming weapons and skin ... he thinks his next actions are highly justified. Emrys begins to cast several spells, aided with his Rod of the Quickening. Each spell is delivered by the touch of his Spectral Hand.

(Emrys casts Protection from Energy (Fire) on Barratore. Grants immunity to Fire, up to 120 points of fire damage. Duration: 200 minutes.)

(Emrys casts Quickened Protection from Energy (Fire) on Brom. Grants immunity to Fire, up to 120 points of fire damage. Duration: 200 minutes.)

He then orders his Shamblers to attack the Unholy Fiend. The Shamblers move as fast as they can to engage the demon. He hopes they can at least distract him for a moment to two.

(Was Emrys in range for Velarin's Haste? He did say he rejoined his fellow Keepers aloft last round.)

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 92/128 INVISIBLE  d20+10=16 ; d20+30=47 ; d20+39=43 ; d20+38=46 ; d20+38=39 ;
Thursday April 22nd, 2021 6:50:41 PM

Edson lands in the goo and immediately knows something is wrong. (Failed fort save)

He doesn't have time to think, and scrambles to Tishe and Velarin. Listening to their words.

He sees the demonic presence standing in the next room... " Make sure one of you name your firstborn after me... " he says with a smile and cough before hopping through the dimension door.

Once on the device, he goes to work... first scanning over everything (Perception 47), then making sure no yraps are apparent. (Trap Finding 43), and then finallu trying to disable the device. (Disable device 46).

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Thursday April 22nd, 2021 7:01:07 PM

Second shot yesterday is kicking my butt. Hope to be back tomorrow

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:194/220  d20+26=39 ; d20+27=43 ; d20+36=41 ;
Thursday April 22nd, 2021 7:38:09 PM

Lanliss maintains balance easily and goes to work not registering, or rather, denying the immense presence of the demonic thing....
He looks at Edson looking for traps and just goes on and focusing on the machine and the gem.
He looks at the rather ironic comedy of trying stealing something that you can't grasp for more than a pulse/spasm length of time
There should be a way....to trick fate or destiny...

"Should we just try to do things simultaneously..or rather perhaps do something a little bit out of the normal logic? ", Lanliss comments and asks Edson while trying to tinker with the machine.

Reflex save 39

Perception 43
Perception Trap/Disable device related 52 (43+9)

Disable Device 41

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp140/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Thursday April 22nd, 2021 8:00:48 PM

Emrys is hit with an unexpected realization ... while in the presence of the greatest evil they have ever had to face, a sudden warmth begins to grow within. A not so familiar touch, but not unknown to him either. A golden thread woven into the fabric of his soul that has been there all along, but never decided to shine until this very moment. The remaining vestige of his mother's love. It brings a tear to his eye.

Emrys looks to the demon and then to his friends and it all finally make sense ... something he never knew he could do ... and may never be able again.

He makes a simple request to all his friends, he asks,

"Please come close to me, I have a great boon to bestow. Allow me to share it with all my friends!"

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged); Heavy Fortification (from shield) 
Thursday April 22nd, 2021 10:25:57 PM

"A demon?" He says. "Think I'll treat myself ta some armageddon." Brom stows his greatsword and draws a longsword from his waist. Additionally, he dons a shield attached to his back.

As the sword is drawn, one could almost hear the cries of excitement from the blade as the blade's enchantment glows with a golden hue.

He takes the fire resistance spell, but doesn't care much for more. Before Brom is a foe worthy of him. He would like nothing more than to battle this fiend along, but Barratore would never allow that not to mention the others.

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve) 
Thursday April 22nd, 2021 11:16:47 PM

Tishe’ suggests that Lanliss and Edson disable the machine. She gets Edson flying and up to the top of the machine.

Lanliss works at disabling the machine and suggests trying various approaches.

Emrys casts protection from energy (fire) on both Barratore and Brom and orders the shambling mounds to attack the demon. After a moment, he requests everyone gather around him.

Edson checks for traps and tries to disable the machine.

Brom changes weapons and unslings his shield, wishing this battle could be his alone.

Barratore contemplates his strategy.

Velarin agrees with Tishe’s plan and casts a stoneskin on Barratore.

The shambling mounds have to cross from the gnome chamber to the dwarf chamber to engage the demon. They spend the round moving.

Edson sickens as the machine enters its cycle, rapidly going through flu-like symptoms -- fever, headache, muscle aches. Edson and Lanliss do considerable damage to the machine, but not enough to stop it from working. Then, at the end of its cycle, the damage is repaired. Edson mostly recovers.

Barratore accepts the protections bestowed by his friends, and prepares to attack when Emrys asks everyone to come together. Brom accepts only the protection from fire as he prepares for this specific enemy.

A thought enters the head of each party member. I COULD BANISH YOU WITH A WORD. BUT I WILL HAVE MY FUN FIRST. The demon concentrates on Brom, then speaks. Attack any who attack me.

The party feels the arrival of another guard, this one in the gnome chamber. THE MASTER WILL BE UNHAPPY TO FIND YOU PLAYING WITH HIS UNINVITED GUESTS. This guard is very handsome and carries no weapon, but is equal to the size of the first. It fills the entry between the chambers, having to fold its wings.WHERE IS THE SHAGGY ONE?

* Brom -- make a DC 27 Will save or comply with the demon’s request to attack those who attack him, not attacking him yourself.
* Edson -- make a DC 24 Fort save to see if the disease progresses.
* Non-flyers, DC 20 Reflex save to stay up.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167 
Friday April 23rd, 2021 7:18:24 AM

(ooc: who got the stoneskin, and who was effected by the haste spell?)
(Everything V says is telepathic to the group)

V moves closer to Emrys, as he requested.

"Edson, Lanliss, perhaps the gem and the machine work together, one repairing the other. Can you destroy both at the same time? If it can be physically destroyed, let me know, and I'll send you some destructive help"

"If the demon is right, which he very well may be, and can banish us at will, we need to do this quick."

"I'm going to drop a wall of force between him and us. Let's give Edson and Lanliss as much time as possible to deal with that machine."

V drops a wall of force, attempting to block and completely prevent the guardians from getting to the group physically, or at least slow them down as much as possible.(20 10'x10' cubes)

Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx1, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx1, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop, Crushing hand-c

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d8=6 ; d8=8 ;
Friday April 23rd, 2021 9:52:02 AM


Barratore got the stoneskin.

Given the rather vague arrangement of the combat, let's say that everyone was hasted.

Edited: Everyone was hasted, not all but Edson.

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+17=31 ; d20+33=52 ; 6d8+21=43 ; 6d8+21=44 ; 6d8+21=47 ;
Friday April 23rd, 2021 10:50:03 AM

Barratore has no issues in keeping his footing and is about to head in when V throws up a wall of Force and ends that. Barratore steps back towards V to be ready for something horrid to pop in right next to the wizard.

Readied attack: PA Gtr Vital Ignore DR 10 Hit 52 crit auto confirmed Dmg 43+44+47=134

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin - V
Haste - V 20 rounds
Protection Fire - Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

If I understand the battlefield, there is no on Barratore can attack at the moment. If there is, he heads straight in at them.
PA Gtr Vital Ignore DR 10 Hit 52 crit auto confirmed Dmg 43+44+47=134

Reflex 31

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+14=16 ; d20+24=25 ;
Friday April 23rd, 2021 11:04:57 AM

(Ooc: was my understanding there are two entrances to the Machine Chamber, probably on near-opposite sides of the current chamber
#1 dwarf chamber that has whatever a balrog is in the Wold.
#2 gnome chamber that had another balrog-demon-thing)

Tishe’ sees Velarin can only block one entrance, and besides that...” if they can teleport, the wall isn’t going to help much”. So Tishe’ targets the Demon of smoke and flame that isn’t momentarily protected by a wall of Forrce. Casting a Ray, she hopes to Dimensional Anchor the demon so a follow up wall can be more effective.

Hover (auto pass) 5’ above Machine
Cast Dimensional Anchor. Touch AC. 16. Spell Penetration 25

Grasping Hand 8/13 rounds. Provides Cover
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 6. 5. 1. 1. 0

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp140/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Friday April 23rd, 2021 12:04:18 PM

(ooc: It's important that everyone is within 20ft radius of Emrys. Since we arent using a map, it's hard for me to tell where everyone is. Im assuming that we are all gathered around the god machine. Brom didn't post he was charging into battle, only that he switched out his weapons. Emrys will wait until he can get everyone or as many as possible. Here we go.)

Emrys tries not to pay attention to the two demons as he surrenders a portion of his own life force to empower a Miracle. Then suddenly there is a great flash of golden light ...

(Emrys casts a Quickened Surrender Blood. +5 Caster Level to next spell. -25 hitpoints)

(Emrys casts Miracle to duplicate the 8th-level spell Holy Aura. Cast at a 25th caster level. Range: 20-ft radius burst centered on Emrys. Duration: 25 rounds.)

(The Holy Aura effects to everyone: A brilliant divine radiance surrounds the subjects, protecting them from attacks, granting them resistance to spells cast by evil creatures, and causing evil creatures to become blinded when they strike the subjects. This abjuration has four effects.

1. Each warded creature gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saves. Unlike protection from evil, this benefit applies against all attacks, not just against attacks by evil creatures.

2. Each warded creature gains spell resistance 25 against evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures.
Third, the abjuration protects the recipient from possession and mental influence, just as protection from evil does.

3. If an evil creature succeeds on a melee attack against a creature warded by a holy aura, the offending attacker is blinded (Fortitude save negates, as blindness/deafness, but against holy aura’s save DC).

Suddenly everyone around Emrys begins to glow with a golden nimbus of pure goodness.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp115/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Friday April 23rd, 2021 12:11:28 PM

(Correcting Hit Point Total ... forgot to subtract my damage from Surrender Blood.)

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 92/128 INVISIBLE  d20+10=24 ; d20+38=42 ;
Friday April 23rd, 2021 3:14:02 PM

Edson feels the disease stable. (Fort 24) He continues working while listening to Velarin.

" I think you're onto something Lanliss. Maybe we try to destroy them at the same time like V said. "

Edson takes one or the other and begins trying to disable it. (Dd 42).

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:194/220  d20+36=54 ; d20+26=37 ;
Friday April 23rd, 2021 5:48:41 PM

"Yeah, There is no other way and I don't have any other ideas", Lanliss says as he tries to stay stable in this chaotic landscape for non-flying people.
He hisses "Gragul Feet" as he manages to keep balance and mutters a quick "Gragul Kidney !" as he proceeds to synchronize his movements with Edson.
'Exactly the same time', he thinks as he proceeds with cautious but swift movement.

Reflex 37
Disable Device 54

The Palace of Marteus (DM Steve)  d6=2 ;
Saturday April 24th, 2021 1:05:10 PM

Velarin moves closer to Emrys andcasts a wall of force over the entrance to the room. He suggests destroying the keystone and the machine at the same time.
Since the wall of force is a single flat plane, not curved, V cannot get both entrances without trapping the machine and one or two of the party on the other side. It it currently protecting the party from the first opponent to appear, a balor demon.

Lanliss and Edson attempt to destroy the machine and keystone at the same time, as Velarin suggested.
They do credible damage to the machine with their disable device checks. How to destroy the keystone?

Barratore moves to attack the pit fiend, seeing that Velarin could only block one entry.

Tishe’ points out they their enemies can teleport and targets the pit fiend with a dimensional anchor.

Emrys casts miracle to provide protection to as many of his friends as he can.
Two party members are not protected. If Brom was dominated, then he was too far away to be protected. In any case, Emrys cannot protect both Barratore and Brom, and cannot protect Velarin if he protects Barratore or Tishe’ if he protects Brom.

Brom is quiet.
Brom must still make a will save vs DC 27 or have been dominated by the balor last round. The holy aura from Emrys is too late to affect this. If Brom is dominated, then he is on the other side of the wall of force (with the balor, fighting shambling mounds).

Recap: The party is in a chamber that has been carved into a giant kidney stone. There are two entries into the chamber -- one now filled with a wall of force with a balor demon on the other side, and another in which a pit fiend devil stands. The demon is a winged figure of smoke and flame, with both orange and black flames. Its exact form is difficult to make out. The devil is surrounded by black flames, but clearly visible and very handsome, with wings and tail. Both figures are close to 15’ tall.

The shambling mounds are on the other side of the wall of force and may fight the demon on the party’s next turn.

Barratore’s attack hurts the pit fiend, but Barratore must make a DC 26 save or lose 2 points of strength.

Tishe’s ray misses the devil (AC 16 does not succeed in a touch attack).

OOC: It is your opponent’s turn. The actions of your opponents or their results depend on some of the decisions above. Please resolve Brom’s condition, Barratore’s save, and who is protected by a holy aura. Even if you don’t have a part in these decisions, please make a post for the sheriff.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp115/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Saturday April 24th, 2021 1:47:34 PM

Emrys is disappointed that his great gift couldn't be shared by all; as was intended. Now sacrifices must be decided. Barratore would benefit more from this boon than Velarin, and Brom will need to be dealt with momentarily. Since Velarin is more capable at resisting the magics of this fiend, he decides to give it to Barratore and the rest.

(Those with the Holy Aura: Emrys, Barratore, Tishe, Edson and Lanliss.

Holy Aura: Duration 25 rounds. Caster Level: 25. Apply these 4 effects:
1. Each warded creature gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saves. Unlike protection from evil, this benefit applies against all attacks, not just against attacks by evil creatures.
2. Each warded creature gains spell resistance 25 against evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures.
3. The abjuration protects the recipient from possession and mental influence, just as protection from evil does.
4. If an evil creature succeeds on a melee attack against a creature warded by a holy aura, the offending attacker is blinded (Fortitude save negates, as blindness/deafness, but against holy aura’s save DC).

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac17 hp115/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Saturday April 24th, 2021 1:54:53 PM

(OOC: I forgot to mention ... The save made by Evil Creatures against Blindness/Deafness from the Holy Aura is Fort DC 31.)

(Dan K) AC: 39 (T 30 FF 34), CMD:44; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Saturday April 24th, 2021 5:01:28 PM

Second shot yesterday is kicking my butt. Hope to be back tomorrow

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged); Heavy Fortification (from shield)  d20+13=16 ; d20+31=39 ; d20+26=28 ; d20+21=28 ; d20+16=24 ; d8+27=31 ; d8+27=32 ; d8+27=35 ; d8+27=35 ;
Saturday April 24th, 2021 6:53:45 PM

Brom fails to prevent the control of the demon (the +4 wouldn't have mattered). He attacks the shamblers for the demon. Brom focuses on one shambler.

AC37, 26, 26, 22; damage: 31, 32, 35, 35 (133 total)

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Sunday April 25th, 2021 1:58:10 AM

Tishe’ looks on, biting her lip, as Brom is effectively turned and then sealed off from the rest of the Keepers with the Demon, and without Emrys’ protections! In the other room, the devil continues to taunt, and on the machine... she thinks to the team, “if Edson and Lanliss’ plan doesn’t work, I think we will need everyone smashing it at the same time.”

Hover (auto pass) 5’ above Machine
Cast Dimensional Anchor. Touch AC. 16. Spell Penetration 25

Grasping Hand 8/13 rounds. Provides Cover
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 6. 5. 1. 1. 0

Holy Aura: 1/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+23=28 ;
Sunday April 25th, 2021 1:19:59 PM

Barratore Fort save 28 success,
Header updated for affects

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 25/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 92/128 INVISIBLE 
Monday April 26th, 2021 12:56:20 AM

" what if we destroy it while its healthy, and heal it while its diseased." Edson asks the others mentally.

Either way, he starts trying to destroy the keystone when its healthy.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167 
Monday April 26th, 2021 8:19:04 AM

"Give me a moment, and I'll send Edson and Lanliss a couple very large earth elementals to help destroy the machine."

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:194/220 
Monday April 26th, 2021 9:39:12 AM

"Edson, You are a genius. Its a good idea and it might work", Lanliss smiles as realizes it Edson's idea.

Battle for the Keystone (Round 3?) (DM John)  10d6=37 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+28=47 ; d20+28=29 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d20+31=39 ; d20+25=29 ; d6+5=8 ;
Monday April 26th, 2021 12:09:56 PM

Reminder: Wall of Force blocks line of effect of spells, so Brom cannot currently be targeted by spells.

Brom hits a shambling mound with three attacks (SM AC is 25). It dissolves as the magic empowering it is disrupted. The balor gave him no further instructions, so Brom will continue to attack the mounds.

The Balor bypasses the wall of force by teleporting into the room next to the forge. With a roar, it releases a burst of telekinetic energy focused on the two rogues.

Lanliss and Edson make a Will Save DC 23 or be hurled against Barratore. (If Lanliss is hurled, he does 8 points of damage to Barratore and takes 1 point of damage himself. If Edson is hurled, he lands next to Barratore and takes 2 points of damage himself.) Rolled 33 and 37 to overcome SR of 25. Note that this is a quickened telekinesis spell.

The remaining shambling mounds, no longer seeing the demon and having lost one of their own to Brom, see him as an enemy and attack him. Emrys please roll the mounds’ attacks on Brom.

”By Domi’s stinking armpits!,” exclaims a creature flying into the chamber the pit fiend is in. “I wish I could teleport.” This new arrival is an obese humanoid with folds of obsidian skin hanging down beneath two immense bat wings. It is just under seven feet tall and its face has toad-like broad-set eyes and a toothy underbite. It pauses a moment to assess the situation before unleashing a flashing beam of light that strikes the minotaur. Barratore takes a -8 penalty to strength. Fort Save DC 16 for half. 39 ranged touch attack hits Barratore. (rolled 29 to overcome Barratore’s spell resistance)

The newcomer you recognize to be a shaggy demodand, among the highest ranks of its accursed type.
The pit fiend roars in outrage at the wounds inflicted by Barratore and a burst of flame erupts around it. Barratore, Edson (if hurled), and Lanliss (if hurled), make a DC 21 reflex save or take 37 points of fire damage from a quickened fireball. Save for half.

With a smirk to the newcomer, it then teleports (automatically making its concentration check to cast defensively), to the chamber behind the wall of force but away from the shambling mounds. You see its wounds start to heal themselves.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:194/220  d20+17=27 ;
Monday April 26th, 2021 5:32:08 PM

Lanliss is amused by the new surprises arriving every minute.
'What to do what to do', he thinks to himself.

Will 27 (assuming Lanliss is not hurled and no reflex save needed)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp115/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+18=24 ; d20+29=48 ;
Monday April 26th, 2021 7:44:43 PM

'The fat one wishes he could teleport,' Emrys thinks, 'very interesting.'

He turns to the recent arrival (the shaggy one) and with the help of his Rod of the Quickening, he very quickly casts a very quick, quickened spell. His spectral hand delivers a touch.

(Emrys casts quickened Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog. Hit Touch AC: 24. Save: None. Spell Resist: None. Duration: 20 hours. If successful, Emrys gathers a bit of matter (hair, scale, skin, blood, etc.) from the Shaggy one. The Shaggy one suffers -2 penalty on all saves vs Emrys' spells and attacks made against Emrys.)

Emrys then follows up that spell with another at the obese, Shaggy demon. His words of power have a bit more sting.

(Emrys casts Banish Immortal on Shaggy. Will Save: 33, Shaggy suffers a -2 to this roll. Spell Resist Check: 48. Duration: Instantaneous. Spell banishes target back to their home plane.)

"You need the exercise!"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp115/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+13=31 ; d20+13=20 ; d20+13=29 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=26 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+13=18 ; d3=3 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+13=26 ; 2d6+9=17 ; 2d6+9=15 ; 2d6+9=18 ; 2d6+9=17 ; 2d6+9=18 ; 2d6+9=16 ; 2d6+9=15 ; 2d6+9=13 ; 2d6+9=19 ; 2d6+9=21 ; 2d6+9=16 ; 2d6+9=11 ; d20+18=26 ;
Monday April 26th, 2021 8:03:46 PM

When Shamblers Attack: (Ignore the d3, the buttons moved, clicked by accident.)

The shambling mounds swarm Brom.

1. Hit AC: 31 and 20. Damage: 17 and 15 + grab..
2. Hit AC: 29 and 32: Damage: 18 and 17 + grab.
3. Hit AC: 33 natural 20, confirm 26. Hit AC: 17. Damage: (34 crit) or 15 and 13 + grab.
4. Hit AC: 28 and 18. Damage: 19 and 21 + grab.
5. Hit AC: 30 and 26. Damage: 16 and 11 + grab.

If one of the Shambers is able to get a grab on Brom, Emrys commands them all to grab Brom and hold him.

Shambler #3 Grapple CMB: 26, + any bonuses for being larger than Brom. IF Shambler #3 is successful, the other Shamblers will assist in the grapple. Let me know what rolls are required. They CMB grapple bonus is +18.

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged); Heavy Fortification (from shield) 
Monday April 26th, 2021 11:54:55 PM

Posting in a bit. Just got home.

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+18=38 ; d20+23=32 ; d20+33=38 ; d20+28=43 ; d20+23=43 ; d20+18=37 ; d20+33=35 ; 2d8+21=29 ; 2d8+21=33 ; 2d8+21=24 ; 2d8+21=31 ; 2d8+21=28 ; 2d8+21=30 ; 2d8+21=31 ; 2d8+21=27 ; 2d8+21=29 ; 2d8+21=36 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 12:02:27 AM

Barratore side steps and shifts away from anything hurling towards him. DR 5-
The fireball [reflex 38] gives him no pause but to smile at the retreating fiend, 'So powerful but to run and hide under the skirt of others. You are nothing but a Lemure. Cower as I Destroy all you know

Barratore moves against the newcomer, 'Looking for a taste as well'
Barratore attacks the new comer
Hit AC 32/38/43/43 crit/37crit/35 Dmg 29/33/24/31+38+30/31+27+29/36

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 19 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 24/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Reflex 38 Fort 32

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 25/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), HP 291 (371 raged), DR 5/- (8/- raged); Heavy Fortification (from shield)  d20+29=49 ; d20+29=37 ; d20+24=43 ; d20+24=30 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+14=31 ; d8+29=36 ; d8+29=33 ; d8+29=32 ; d8+29=30 ; d8+29=37 ; d8+29=34 ; d8+29=30 ; d8+29=36 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 12:28:57 AM

Lost HP: 19
Note: Brom cannot be critically hit because of shield.

The Shamblers attack Brom but only one fist comes through. Despite all the attempts to grab Brom, none can get a hold of the barbarian (his CBD is 47).

Following his commands, he attacks another Shambler.

Attack (PA): AC49(37 for crit), 43(30 for crit), 38(26 for crit), 31; Damage: 36(+33 if crit), 32(+30 if crit), 37(+34 if crit), 30

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  10d6=31 ; d20+26=35 ; d20+26=40 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 12:33:16 AM

Tishe’ has no line of sight except to the newcomer of obsidian skin, so she backs up Barratorre’s play with a Lightning Bolt at the demon(?). [31 damage, SP 36, Reflex DC 22 for half]

She then does what a Spellweaver does best, readying a Dispel Magic to counter the first spell an incoming evil thing will cast. [Ready Counterspell. DC 40]

Grasping Hand 8/13 rounds. Provides Cover
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 7. 5. 1. 1. 0

Holy Aura: 1/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 92/128 INVISIBLE  d20+9=26 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 8:25:17 AM

Edson resists the mental attack. "Keep it up lanliss... if we werent doing something right, they wouldn't be trying to get us away from here,

Edson continues working on the machine.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167  d4+1=2 ; d3=1 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+21=28 ; d20+21=29 ; d20+21=38 ; 2d10+10=22 ; 2d10+10=29 ; 2d10+10=18 ; 2d10+10=26 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 8:31:08 AM

"This is getting out of hand quickly. The longer we stay and fight, the more of them will arrive."

"Lanliss and Edson need more help destroying that machine."

V casts time stop and begins summoning earth elementals for the duration of the spell(stupid die roller). He will start will start by using an 8th level summons to call forth only a single greater elemental, and then use his 7th level summons to call forth another before the spell ends. He will direct both elementals in Terran to destroy the machine.

Both elementals appear next to the machine and begin beating on it with massive earthen fists. 2 swings each elemental 1 hits ac 37 and 28 for 22 and 29 damage, elemental 2 hits ac 29 and 38 for 18 and 26 damage.

"Lanliss.. Edson.. Hopefully they can help you destroy it. One of you may need to try and maintain contact with the gem so it falls apart as the machine is destroyed. Not sure it's gonna work, but I got nothing else at the moment."

"Emrys? what are your thoughts on a miracle or wish to destroy that thing?"

N Huge outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65)
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack
Skills Appraise +10, Climb +25, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (planes) +13, Perception +16, Stealth +7

Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx1, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx1, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged); Heavy Fortification (fr 
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 9:59:26 AM

Updating the header.

Battle for the Keystone (Round 4) (DM John)  d4=4 ; d20+17=19 ; d6=5 ; d20+31=51 ; d20+31=32 ; d20+26=29 ; d20+29=44 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+16=32 ; 4d6+13=28 ; 4d6+13=23 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 12:45:33 PM

Lanliss avoids being hurled.
Emrys hits Mr. Shaggy with Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog Penalty applied. His banishment does not appear to work. The shamblers attack Brom but the barbarian proves to be a difficult target for them. Note that one was slain by Brom last round. How are you commanding them? The wall of force blocks sound.
Barratore taunts the departing fiend and attacks the demodand. It will require a move action for Barratore to attack. Also, Barratore needs to save against the ray of enfeeblement. Even with a save the first attack will miss. Target AC is 32.
Brom attacks the shamblers, shredding them furiously, leaving three more motionless. Heavy fortification provides a 75% chance of negating a critical hit. Please roll with 01-75 indicating no critical. HP for each is 85. The DM spread Brom’s attacks as he slew one.
Tishe’ fires a lightning bolt at Shaggy overcoming its spell resistance and prepares to counterspell.
Edson also resists and keeps working on the machine.
Velarin wisely warns everyone of the potential for reinforcements arriving. He then stops time and attempts to summon forth, but realizes he cannot open a channel to another plan and deduces that this a planar lockdown must be part of the palace defenses. Please choose other actions for the time stop. You deduce the shambling mounds must have just beaten this security measure being implemented.

The shaggy demodand laughs contemptuously when Emrys’ banishment attempt fails. He speaks, (For those who understand celestial Highlight to display spoiler: {”They don’t understand what a lockdown is!”}) and laughs again. Its eyes widen a bit at Barratore’s blow nearly lands, and even more so when Tishe’s bolt catches him full in the face. He responds by attempting to summon a cloud of poisonous gas, but finds Tishe’s counterspell nullifies his attempt to cast cloudkill. Eyes even wider now, he draws a vicious morningstar, its head shimmering black with unholy power.

In the other room, the Pit Fiend uses a spell like power. Spellcraft DC 23 Highlight to display spoiler: {Unholy aura}.

The balor focuses its attention on Lanliss, lashing out with his unholy sword as it exclaims, “You should have stayed with your plants, Gardener”. He scores a critical hit with his vorpal sword, but is unable to sever the rogue’s head (nat 20 followed by a nat 1) a flash of light bursts forth as the demon's blade strikes home, but it avoids being blinded (save 44). With a flick of its wrist, it manages to connect another blow. (to hit 37). Note that the deflection bonus from holy aura will not stack with Lanliss’ prior deflection bonus Lanliss takes 28 points from the first blow and 23 from the second one.

The forge and the keystone show spreading streaks of green and gray. The cycle of disease appears to be repeating.


Pit Fiend AC 38 SR 31 Damage: -124 , regenerating; In chamber with Brom and shamblers
Balor AC 36 SR 31 Damage: none; near the forge, attacking Lanliss and Edson.
Shaggy AC 32 SR 29 Damage 29+6d8 + 31; in chamber with Barratore

Shambling Mounds AC 25, HP 85 Only one of the original five now remaining.

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged); Heavy Fortification (fr 
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 1:03:58 PM

OOC: Who is attacking the Balor? If the Balor is not near the shamblers, Brom has no reason to attack them. If someone else is attacking the Balor is makes a big difference because Brom has means of teleportation.

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);  
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 1:52:19 PM

Lost HP: 19

Since no one is currently attacking the Balor, Brom has no compulsion to attack back. So, Brom uses the second of his teleports to move to the other side of the wall of force nearest Emrys and Tishe but not within view of the Balor. He says, "No one is attacking the Demon. I'm gonna stand here. So do yur thing before I gotta kill ya'll."

Battle for the Keystone (Round 4) Some Clarification (DM John) 
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 8:38:38 PM

There are three chambers. The center one has the forge. On opposite sides are two other chambers, one with dwarves, the other with gnomes. They are connected by large openings.

1 Center Chamber with Forge. Currently contains Lanliss, Edson, Tishe, Velarin, and the Balor.
2 Dwarf Chamber. Blocked off by wall of force. Currently contains the Pit Fiend, Brom, and the remaining shambling mound.
3. Gnome Chamber. Currently contains Barratore and Shaggy Demodand.

The Pit Fiend, described as handsome, first appeared in the gnome chamber. It teleported into the dwarf chamber after being damaged by barratore.

The Balor was in the Gnome Chamber, but teleported into the center chamber to attack Lanliss.

The shambling mounds were trapped in the dwarf chamber with Brom and the Balor, but the Balor teleported out.

Something changed, preventing banishing and summoning here.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:143/220  d20+36=43 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 8:50:59 PM

Lanliss sees a flashback to the past, Manolo , his Father, his Mother, only to be back to reality as the Vorpal sword hits him While Edson's words sink into Lanliss mind.
It Hurted him bad.
'It Hurts'.
'Now I am angry...really pissed', Lanliss thinks.If they die he will never see Manolo.....everything..... ended up in vain
He shouts to the Balor thing In Celestial interspersed with Common Woldian "Well Try Again you Sad of Unholy thing...I DARE YOU IN GRAGUL NAME !"
"WE are going stop this right now !", He shouts as he tries his best....everything depended on them.
He continues to work with Edson on the machine and the gem.

Disable Device 43

(Dan K) AC: 48 (T 34 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+29=48 ; d20+24=34 ; d20+19=29 ; d20+14=34 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+29=32 ; 2d8+18=30 ; 2d8+18=27 ; 2d8+18=29 ; 2d8+18=33 ; 2d8+18=29 ; 2d8+18=30 ; 2d8+18=31 ; 2d8+18=26 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 11:19:30 PM

Barratore made the Fort save; 32

Barratore eyes the morning star and then his opponent. While he wanted the Pit Fiend or Balor more, this fight would do for now. The fighter was not so brash to think this would be easy though

Fighting Defensively PA Hit AC 48 crit/34/29/34 crit/12/32 Dmg bypasses DR 10/any Type 30+27+29 / 33 / miss / 29+30+31 / miss / 26 Total = 235

-4 Str
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 18/20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 23/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp115/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+20=39 ; d20+30=35 ;
Tuesday April 27th, 2021 11:20:30 PM

"Brom, old friend, it's so nice you could join us," he says with a sly smile as he turns to face Brom. Emrys knows full well what the Balor did you him (Knowledge [Planes]:35) ... he could have done the same. "I understand you have a lot on your mind." And just like that, Brom's mind receives a magical slap.

(Emrys cast Dispel Magic on Brom. Targeted Dispel on the Dominate Monster spell cast upon him by the Balor. Dispel Check: 39, good enough to dispel a spell by a 28th caster level.)

Knowing the potency of his attempt (natural 20-1), he follows it up with another.

(Emrys invokes Divine Appeal 1/day, Swift Action, and casts Protection from Evil on Brom. Spectral Hand delivers the touch. Duration: 20 minutes.)


When Shamblers are blocked:

With no one controlling them, the remaining Shambling mounds try to follow Brom, but walk into a wall of force.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 164/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+14=33 ; d20+26=35 ; 5d4+5=16 ; d20+26=30 ;
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 12:32:36 AM

Tishe’ agrees with Velarin, the Keepers need to concentrate on the Machine and then get out of there, but as Trellus had said before long ago on the Plains, “it’s hard to remember you are supposed to harvest the GlassGrass when surrounded by Rapkes.”

The Spellweaver sees Brom arrive and Emrys take care of the evil magic on the barbarian. She tries to pin down the Balor. A Dimensional Anchor spell should slow it down (touch AC 33), a Quickened Magic Missle spell against Shaggy, and the Fateweaver again sets to protect her Keepers by Readying a Dispel Magic to counter the first spell one of the Denizens of the Unrest try to cast!

Dimensional Anchor. Touch AC 33. No magical movement
Quickened Magic Missle (4th lvl slot). SP 35. Damage 16
Readied Dispel Magic (move action). (Use 4th lvl slot) Vs DC 30

Grasping Hand 11/ 13 rounds. Provides Cover
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 1. 1. 0

Holy Aura: 3/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 92/128 INVISIBLE  d20+38=43 ;
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 8:00:32 AM

Edson's eyes go wide as Lanliss literally almost loses his head. The thief whispers a quick thanks to Gargul, before turning back to the machine. (Disable Device 43)

"Tishe" he mentally starts " what if someone tries healing the machine while its diseased. "

Fly on Edson. 20 minutes

Holy Aura: 3/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167  10d6+10=41 ; 20d6=74 ;
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 8:20:52 AM

V's options are limited regarding available spells during the wasted time stop, so he will cast displacement on himself and ready a greater dispel magic to counter anything thrown their way.

"Brom, can you either beat the hell out of the machine when it's healthy, or occupy that Balor."

"Worht a try Edson. Tishe' or Emrys, can either of you try and heal that machine in it's diseased state?"

As the time stop ends, and he returns to normal, V unleashes on shaggy with a quickened lightning bolt, and an empowered chain lightning.

Quickened lightning bolt: 41 damage, reflex save 24 for 1/2
empowered chain lightning: damage 121, reflex save 29 for 1/2

Displacement: V
Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx1, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);  
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 10:55:31 AM

I misunderstood the dominate ability Brom didn't teleport out of the wall of force.

Brom will not take any action since the command he was given cannot be followed. However, he may still defend himself against the shambling mound.

Battle for the Keystone (Round 5) (DM John)  d20+25=41 ; 20d6=72 ; 10d6=32 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+20=25 ; d20+20=39 ; d20+20=23 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+20=26 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+20=35 ; d20+20=22 ; d20+20=24 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+20=32 ;
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 12:48:33 PM

A bit of retcon here: Brom actually did not teleported into the chamber, but the DM did not post this publicly; rather than erase Emrys’ actions, let’s rule that Brom slayed the last shambler then DID teleport so that Emrys could dismiss the domination. At the end of this round, Brom is in the central chamber and of clear mind.

Brom being unable to follow the command to attack anything that attacks his master (the balor), defends himself against the remaining shambling mound, then teleports by his master’s side.
Lanliss shouts his defiance against the balor and doubles down on determining how to remove the keystone.
Barratore cautiously assaults the shaggy demodand. The minotaur connects several times until the winged abomination drops to the ground.
Emrys dispels the compulsion on Brom then casts protection from evil on him.
Tishe’ hits the balor with dimensional anchor, covering the fiend with a shimmering emerald field. [This would need a SP check, but the DM will apply the roll for the MM, so the balor is anchored. She then blasts the demodand with magic missiles and readies another counterspell. Fog of war ruling that the MM went to the Shaggy even though Barratore dropped it.
Edson focuses on the device with Lanliss and notices Highlight to display spoiler: { the Balor seems to be ignoring Edson. Is it possible that this powerful creature is somehow unable to see through his invisibility?}
Velarin returns back to normal time. The shaggy was slain by Barratore and Tishe’ knows that the Balor is immune to electricity, so Velarin can take different actions for round 4.

The shaggy demodand’s corpse oozes putrid black ichor on the pulsating floor of the chamber. It appears that Barratore has slain its actual form. The symbol of Marteus tattooed on its chest starts to fade.

The Balor successfully casts (rolled a 44) fire storm and it is not countered by Tishe’s dispel magic (target is 31). It will completely fill the chamber the forge is in and will also engulf Barratore. Barratore, Brom, Edson, Emrys, and Valerin takes 72 points of fire damage, Reflex Save DC 26 save for half. Creatures that fail this save catch on fire, taking 4d6 fire damage each round until extinguished. (Extinguishing requires a full round action and a DC 20 reflex save.) The balor did not overcome Tishe’s and Lanliss’ spell resistance.

The pit fiend teleports in and immediately adds a quickened fireball of its own to the conflagration, affecting everyone in the central chamber (including Brom). Brom, Edson, Tishe’, and Valerin take 32 points of fire damage, Reflex Save DC 21 for half. This time it was Lanliss’ and Emrys’ SR that was not overcome and Barratore is not in the area of effect.

Despite the onslaught of fire and fiend, Lanliss keeps his head. Although he and Edson have never encountered a device like this, in a sudden flash of insight, they collectively deduce that the decay mechanism protecting the stone might have a slight delay before reactivating. It is possible that the keystone could be snatched immediately after reappearing from a decay cycle and remain whole. They estimate it may be half a minute or so before that would occur.

The stone and the forge do not appear to be affected by the flame, but do show signs of further decay.

The very walls of the chamber continue to pulse and lurch, creating a noise that resembles the combined sounds of an avalanche and the sloshing of bilge water.

Pit Fiend AC 38 SR 31 Damage: -119 , regenerating; In central chamber
Balor AC 36 SR 31 Damage: none; in central chamber
Shaggy Dead by Tishe’ and Barratore.

No shambling mounds remain. For simplicity, let’s assume Brom dispatched the last one.

Everyone except Barratore is in the central chamber. Everyone is within a move action of the pit fiend or the balor.

A wall of force continues to block off the former gnome chamber.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167 
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 12:52:01 PM

posting round re-do momentarily

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167  d20+24=38 ;
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 12:58:57 PM

V curses as he is unable to summon assistance, and shaggy is down, negating his lightning. He will cast displacement, and then ready a greater dispel magic to counter anything that the balor throws(dispel check dispels anything up to a 38th level caster.)

"My evocation spells are close to useless on that Balor guys. Gonna need Brom and Barratore to cut him apart."

Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.

Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx1, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2, Disintegrate X2, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx1, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 92/128 INVISIBLE  d20+36=56 ; d20+28=43 ; d20+28=47 ; d20+23=30 ; d20+18=31 ; d4+5=8 ; d6=1 ; d4+5=8 ; d6=5 ; d4+5=7 ; d6=4 ; d4+5=8 ; d6=5 ; 10d6=27 ; d20+28=31 ; 10d6+5=39 ; 10d6+5=35 ;
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 1:43:52 PM

Edson catches the eyes of the Balor and notices he hasn't looked at him much. Either Edson was so far beneath him or his true seeing was down.

" Grab the keystone Lanliss.. i have to try something. "

Edson swings his leg over, and replaces his fire khukti. He sneaks up, hoping the balor wasnt tricking him, and couldn't hear him. (Sneak 56, Nat 20).
The skinny elf feels like his whole life goes by in a flash.. and he starts swinging. The first shot is all his training as a rogue in one strike. (Master strike - death).
Wasnt sure of flanking. If so.. ac would be 2 higher.

Hit ac 43, 8 dmg + 1 frost + 27 sneak(fort save 24 or die)
Hit ac 47, crit not confirmed, 8 dmg + 5 frost + 34 sneak

Missed the last 2.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+17=18 ; d20+14=21 ; d20+26=30 ; d20+26=33 ; d20+14=18 ;
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 3:53:34 PM

Tishe’ is so surprised she couldn’t Counterspell the Friestorm, she is flat footed at the Pit Fiend’s fireball, and takes full damage!

She targets the Pit Fiend with a Quickened Dimensional Anchor, and a Maximized Sonic Lightning Bolt. “No lightning? How’s sound in your eye!” She snarls. And then readied a Counterspell against the devil too!

Quickened Dimensional Anchor. (7th slot) Touch AC 21
Maximized (Sonic) Lightning Bolt ( 6th slot: use 1 Metamagic feat without extra time 1 of 2 used). 60 Sonic damage Reflex DC 23 for half
Ready Counterspell. (5th slot) DC 30 hero point re-roll. 33

Grasping Hand 12/ 13 rounds. Provides Cover
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 8. 2. 2. 1

Holy Aura: 3/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167  d20+26=34 ;
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 4:24:42 PM

(Since V’s actions were retro, does that mean the Balors last spell didn’t occur? I’m a little off on where things are. 34 to overcome SR.)

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 108/167  d20+26=34 ;
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 4:43:20 PM

(Since V’s actions were retro, does that mean the Balors last spell didn’t occur? I’m a little off on where things are. 34 to overcome SR.)

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:143/220 
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 6:05:22 PM

Lanliss eyes fixate on the keystone area as he begins to count the time remaining.
"''As long as I snatch this immediately after it appears Everything will be ok ", Lanliss thinks and communicates to the group telepathically .
"Just a small delay before the activation mechanism takes effect", He adds to the group.

Battle for the Keystone (Round 5) Accounting for Velarin's counterspell (DM John) 
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 6:06:13 PM

No one took damage from the Balor's firestorm and no one has to worry about being caught on fire. The pit fiend's fireball, however, did activate.

The balor roars in frustration as his firestorm is countered. He then focuses his menacing visage on the mage. Velarin only Highlight to display spoiler: {Velarin hears a voice in his head. "How long can you keep that up, mortal? Crushing you will be a joy."}

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+32=52 ; 6d8+18=46 ; 6d8+18=51 ; 6d8+18=50 ;
Wednesday April 28th, 2021 11:18:06 PM

The hasted fighter moves away from the corpse of his first kill, covering 60' and heading towards the Pit Fiend, "We've unfinished business. Your companion died far too quickly"

If 60' move gets Barratore in range with 10' reach
PA gtr Vital strike Hit AC 52 Crit Dmg 46+51+50 = TTotal 147

-4 Str
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 17/20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp161/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d12=10 ; d12=3 ; d12=3 ; d12=12 ; d12=5 ; d12=12 ; d12=4 ; d12=5 ;
Thursday April 29th, 2021 12:37:09 AM

Emrys thought he was about to be burnt to a crisp. Thankfully, Velarin's counterspell stopped a powerful Firestorm. Then the fireball came and his spell resistance (from Holy Aura) prevented that! The witch is surprised that he didn't take a single scratch. He does notice several among their group were injured, including himself, but Emrys' injuries mostly came from his own self-inflicted spellcasting.

Emrys heroically begins casting multiple spells.

(Emrys casts Cure Critical Wounds on Velarin, enhanced by Spiritual Healing. Touch delivered by Spectral Hand. Cures 4d12+20 = 10+3+3+12+20 = 48 hitpoints.)

(Emrys casts a Quickened Cure Critical Wounds on himself. empowered by Spiritual Healing. Cures: 4d12+20 = 5+12+4+5+20 = 46 hitpoints.)

(Emrys uses a hero point for another action. He casts a Heal spell on Lanliss with Reach metamagic. Range: Close, 75ft. Heals: 150 hit points. Plus a whole list of conditions: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, and stunned.)

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:143/220 
Thursday April 29th, 2021 7:28:50 AM

Lanliss focuses on the keystone.
He keeps counting knowing full well that missing the timing to snatch the damned thing might mean further delaying their escape.

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+35=38 ; d8+33=38 ; d20+16=28 ; 2d6=6 ;
Thursday April 29th, 2021 8:57:24 AM

HP lost: 35
Active spells: protection from evil

Brom turns on the Balor, "Now we dance," as he let's his anger take hold.

Brom comes in with his sword and shield striking at the monster.

Attack (rage, pa, cold iron, holy): AC 36, damage 42

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 140/167  d20+16=36 ; d20+26=43 ; 20d6=77 ; 10d6+10=45 ; d20+26=41 ;
Thursday April 29th, 2021 9:06:55 AM

V dodges most of the effects of the Pit Fiends Fireball, but feels the pain as he takes partial damage. He then feels Emrys' healing magic wash over him, and is relieved.

"I think I ticked off the Balor pretty good. If you would be so kind as to prevent him from cutting me in half Brom, I'd appreciate it. Him being immune to both fire and Lightning does not work in my favor.

V instead targets the Pit fiend with an empowered chain lighting (43 to overcome SR) 125 damage, reflex save of 29 for half. and follows it up with a quickened lightning bolt for 45 more, reflex save 24 for 1/2(41 to overcome SR)

Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx1, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Battle for the Keystone (Round 6) (DM John)  d20+29=42 ; d20+21=39 ; d20+29=38 ; d6=4 ; d20+26=44 ; d20+21=28 ; d20+21=41 ; d20+30=34 ; d20+33=37 ; d4+7=9 ; d6=6 ; d20+31=48 ; d20+26=34 ; d20+21=34 ; d20+16=31 ; d20+30=35 ; d20+25=29 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+33=43 ; d20+33=34 ; 2d6+13=24 ; 2d6+13=17 ; 2d6+13=17 ; d4+7=8 ; d4+7=8 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ;
Thursday April 29th, 2021 12:22:03 PM

Please confirm the following:
Those who are flying: Velarin, ?
Those who are invisible: Edson
Those who are veiled: Everyone appears to be a gardener except for Brom.

Edson attempts a sneak attack on the Balor, catching the demon by surprise! He lands at least two solid hits, his magical kukri overcoming its damage resistance. The cold damage, however, is resisted. With Esdon having greater invisibility, the balor is flat footed against all his attacks. Its FF AC is 29. Also, the flank bonus applies. It appears the second crit is confirmed and the other two attacks hit as well. Please verify the rolls hit vs AC 29 and roll your additional damage. [balor saves vs. master strike, twice if needed; the cold damage is resisted; Edson’s kukri overcomes its DR. Edson is flanking.]
Tishe’ hits the pit fiend with a quickened dimensional anchor. [Need to roll to overcome SR. Target is 31.] and hits it with a sonic lightning bolt. It saves against it. [Need to roll to overcome SR for this one, too.] She then heroically prepares a counterspell.
Barratore moves up to the pit fiend and lands a mighty blow on it, wounding it deeply. Dark energy course’s up the minotaur’s blade, threatening to sap his strength. Take 4 points of strength damage from its unholy aura; Fort Save DC 26 negates.
Emrys marvels at the effectiveness of their defenses. He heroically pulls forth multiple spells, healing Velarin, himself, and Lanliss.
Lanliss shares his insight about the artifacts defense mechanism and watches the keystone for his opportunity. Lanliss please update your header to reflect the healing received from Emrys.
Brom engages the balor, striking it solidly, but not before provoking an attack. Brom takes 9 points of lethal damage from the whip and 6 fire damage.
Velarin blasts the pit fiend with lightning. It fails its save against the chain lightning! But manages to partially avoid the quickened bolt. The beast collapses!

The mighty blow of Barratore combined with the might of Velarin’s electrical charges, slays the pit fiend. The massive creature drops to the heaving floor of the chamber. Its chest born Marteus tattoo, also begins to fade.

“And dance we shall,” hisses the flaming demon. Lashing out with sword and whip, he lands three strikes with the former and two with the latter. Damage is 24, 17, and 17 from the sword; and 8 weapon + 3 fire, and 8 weapon + 2 fire from the whip. Both of its grapple checks failed.

The Keepers note that the body of the shaggy demodand is slowly being absorbed into the floor of the chamber that it fell in.

The forge and the orb continue to decay…and crumbles into dust. The moment Lanliss is waiting for is about to arrive.

With a frown of concentration, the sole remaining guard attempts to hurl the rogue at the keystone away from the focus of his attention with a quickened telekinesis. Lanliss needs to make a Will Save DC 23 or be hurled 100’ away, striking the far wall of the dwarf chamber and taking 6 points of damage.

But wait. Tishe’s counterspell prevents the demon’s attempt to hurl Lanliss!

The keystone should reappear at any moment...

"REINFORCEMENTS!" shouts the demon, its bellow resounding telepathically in the minds of each Keeper and physically echoing through the pulsing chambers and corridors of the Palace.


Pit Fiend Dead by Barratore and Velarin
Balor AC 36 Touch 20, FF 29 SR 31 Damage: -119 plus the additional damage from Edson’s other hits.

Everyone in the central chamber.
Anyone can get in a flank with the balor.
Brom will need to move to attack the balor.
It is in reach of Barratore.

A wall of force continues to block off the former gnome chamber.

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+23=40 ; d20+32=33 ;
Thursday April 29th, 2021 1:25:38 PM

Black energy crackles across Barratore as his blade runs the Pit Fiend through, but the spell cannot take hold. The minotaur knows he has won, even as the flashes of Lightening strike as his blade withdraws. Barratore leers at the Pit Fiend as it falls, "How disappointing you were" Straightening his flexes and levels his sword towards the Balor.

Barratore hesitates though, This foe was Brom's and he would not rob his brother. Instead he would Ready for the reinforcements to arrive

Readied attack w/ 5' step if needed
Pwr Attack Gtr Vital Strike Hit AC 33 nat 1 miss

Fort Save 40

NOT Flying
-4 Str
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 67/20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 21/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Brom should be in melee, Barratore I think would need to move. Think you reversed us

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+26=37 ; d20+31=46 ; d20+26=29
Thursday April 29th, 2021 1:29:01 PM

Tishe’ is confident Brom and Barratorre is going to make short work of the Balor, but is concerned about the yell for reinforcements. The wall of force will stop opponents coming in from the dwarf area, but the gnome chamber is open. So Tishe’ pulls a scroll and casts Solid Fog as far as she can see into the Gnome chamber. “That should slow down any reinforcements!”

Tishe’ is flying, hovering 5’ above the Machine, auto success
Tishe’ as a Spellweaver, can Ready a Counterspell as a Move action, no hero point used.
Tishe’ SP vs Pit Fiend 37. Not that it apparently matters because it’s dead?
Tishe cast Veil on all but Brom for the white clothed people. Duration 20 hours.

Move action. Pull scroll from Pants o Plenty
Standard. Read Solid Fog. Cast Defensively. 46

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 8. 3. 2. 1

Holy Aura: 3/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 92/128 INVISIBLE  d4+5=7 ; d6=2 ; 10d6=35 ; 10d6=37 ; 10d6=37 ; d4=2 ; 10d4+5=26 ; d4+5=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d20+28=43 ; d20+28=34 ; d20+25=35 ; d20+18=23 ; d4=3 ; d4+5=6 ; d4+5=7 ; d4+5=8 ; 10d6=35 ; 10d6=22 ; 10d6=34 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ;
Thursday April 29th, 2021 5:09:19 PM

From previous round:

Extra crit damage
2 +1 frost+35 sneak
Extra attacks
7+2 frost + 37 sneak
6+4 frost + 37 sneak

This round:

Edson seeinh the demons flesh fly, continues slashing.

He connects three times.
6 dmg + 4 frost + 35 sneak
7 dmg + 5 frost + 22 sneak
8 dmg + 6 frost + 34 sneak

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220  d20+36=47 ;
Thursday April 29th, 2021 6:45:59 PM

Lanliss keeps watching.
Waiting for this elusive moment to grab the elusive Keystone.
Emrys magic healing him from all wounds.
He feels Refreshed, calm and focused, "Thanks", he shouts.
"This is going to be a baby heist ", he shouts confidently with a sly smile.

The Demon call for reinforcement didn't faze Lanliss, on the contrary, it made his think about their next move.
Shouting,"Prepare for escape !"

Disable Device/Sleight of hand 47

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp161/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+30=35 ;
Thursday April 29th, 2021 8:12:56 PM

(Knowledge [Planes]: 35) (Flying)

Calling for reinforcements, a Balor's pride makes way for self-preservation. He knows it's inevitable now... and when cornered these fiends have a propensity for contingencies, Emrys thinks to himself. He has a very good idea of what's to come. He would like nothing more than to deliver a killing blow, but instead he choses to deliver life.

Brom and Barratore are already protected. Lanliss and Edson have the uncanny ability to dodge these kind of things, so he decides to concentrate on those who are not so quick and nimbly gifted.

Like the previous round, Emrys begins another heroic casting of spells...

(Emrys casts Protection from Energy (Fire) on Tishe. Spectral Hand delivers touch. Duration: 200 minutes. Fire Immunity up to 120 points.)

(Emrys casts a Quickened Protection from Energy (Fire) on Velarin, with a Reach Spell metamagic (8th-level spell). Range: Close 75ft. Duration: 200 minutes. Fire Immunity up to 120 points.)

(Emrys uses a hero point for another action. He casts Protection from Energy (Fire) on himself. Duraton: 200 minutes. Fire Immunity up to 120 points.)

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 140/167 
Friday April 30th, 2021 8:44:19 AM

(Velarin is flying)

V feels Emrys' magical protection from fire wash over him, and nods in Emrys' direction.

V knows that the Balor would likely cause as much mass destruction as possible via spell or use magic to prevent the removal of the keystone at the correct time prior to his death. V chooses to ready a greater dispel to counter anything the Balor throws, and let Brom and Edson continue to cut him apart.

Protection from Fire: Emrys, 200 minutes, fire immunity up to 120 hp
Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx1, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+33=46 ; d20+28=30 ; d20+23=29 ; d20+18=19 ; d8+31=37 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ;
Friday April 30th, 2021 9:27:04 AM

HP left: 295/371
Active spells: protection from evil, holy aura, protection from fire (27 off)
Rage: 8

Brom laughed aloud as the whip's attacks don't harm him. "Yur gonna have ta do better."

Brom continues his onslaught of the devil.

Attack (rage, pa, cold iron, holy): AC46, 30, 29, 19; damage 37+11holy (48 total)

Battle for the Keystone (Round 7) (DM John) 
Friday April 30th, 2021 11:04:23 AM

Barratore insults his dying foe and stands ready for the arrival of more guards.
Tishe’ fills the gnome chamber with solid fog.
Edson continues to tear into the balor. not dead yet...but close
Lanliss, restored by Emrys’ healing, prepares to grab the stone when it reappears.
Emrys, prepares the Keepers for the appearance of reinforcements, granting Tishe, Velarin, and himself Protection from Fire.
Velarin prepares to counter the Balor’s magic.
Brom laughs at the balor and strikes it a lethal blow. Now it's dead.

Lanliss watches the forge. The keystone, a double fist sized ruby, suddenly appears, fully restored, perfect, vibrant and whole. The rogue quickly takes hold of it, successfully removing it from the forge!
Lanliss only Highlight to display spoiler: {As soon as Lanliss grasps it, he feels an immense presence, a sensation of mass much greater than this gem should possess. Along with it, he feels a sudden invigorating surge of health. [In game terms Lanliss now has 100 temporary hit points and regeneration of 1 hp per round. Also this functions as a stone of weight. Lanliss’ land speed is halved and his normal fly speed from the spell would be 40 feet.] }

As Lanliss grabs the keystone, the entire chamber violently convulses in reaction. Anyone not flying is knocked prone, Reflex DC 15 negates. The floors and walls continue to pulse and vibrate erratically. The floor is difficult terrain.

As happened with the two other guards, the balor collapses to the floor and its Marteus tattoo begins to fade.

The spasming floor, walls, and ceiling create a near deafening sound, akin to waves crashing on a rocky shore. The forge and other equipment shriek in protest as the are tossed about by the violent thrashing of the chamber.

But no creatures other than the Keepers remain alive in the chamber…

...for now.

[We remain in rounds.]


Balor DEAD

Everyone is in the central chamber.
A Wall of Force continues to block off the former dwarf chamber.
The gnome chamber is filled with Solid Fog
Anyone not flying risks being knocked prone and the floor is difficult terrain.

Those who are flying: Velarin, Tishe’
Those who are invisible: Edson
Those who are veiled: Everyone appears to be a gardener except for Brom.
Those with the Holy Aura: Barratore, Edson, Emrys, and Lanliss, Tishe, Velarin. SR 25

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp161/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d12=12 ; d12=11 ; d12=7 ;
Friday April 30th, 2021 1:06:59 PM

(Still flying)

Emrys was expecting much more from the Balor ... he still does. He makes good use of the postmortem moments to heal Edson. (If Emrys can see though Edson's invisibility with True Seeing.)

(Emrys casts Cure Serious Wounds on Edson. Spectral Hand delivers the touch. Cures 3d12+15 = 12+11+7+15 = 45 hit points.)

He then sees how weighed down Lanliss is and doubts he could dodge like he should. He then casts another quickened spell.

(Emrys casts quickened Protection from Energy (Fire) on Lanliss, with Reach Spell metamagic (8th-level spell). Range: Close 75ft. Duration: 200 minutes. Immune up to 120 points of Fire damage.)

"There was an escape plan, correct?"

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+17=22 ;
Friday April 30th, 2021 2:39:34 PM

The Balor was dead and that was that. Lanliss grabs the stone and again the place violently shakes. Barratore takes a couple quick steps to keep his feet Reflex 22 'Now is a good time' he thinks to himself and pulls the Flying potion from his belt pouch and drinks it

V, looks like it is time to go

Potion of Flying
-4 Str
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 15/20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 20/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 92/128 INVISIBLE 
Friday April 30th, 2021 3:38:36 PM

Edson spins the kukhri around his finger, thinking the fight is over. Seeing everyone on edge still, he puts his game face back on and heads over to Lanliss to assist.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Friday April 30th, 2021 3:39:30 PM

Header fix

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220  d20+23=32 ;
Friday April 30th, 2021 7:15:45 PM

Lanliss manages to grab the Keystone but the heaviness the mass of this thing surprised him.

"Its heavy....really heavy", Lanliss says surprised and then continues " But I feel refreshed from this gem"
Lanliss tries not to fall and be prone.
He considers taking the potion of flying....if he had it.....did he ?
Reflex 32

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 
Friday April 30th, 2021 7:20:48 PM

Lanliss searches for the flying potion and stows it for a quick drink/sip when needed.
"I will have to drink this potion of flying it might help with the my movement", he comments.
He looks at Edson and says "Check this out"..."touch it if you dare" he continues and winks.

OOC: I think I go one potion of flying.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Saturday May 1st, 2021 8:16:34 AM

Tishe’’ reaches out to Edson and Lanliss, casting Dim Door with them to get to Velarin and Emrys. “Time to go, Sieur Brom, Sieur Barratorre! Sieur Velarin, if you get that Shuttlecocking escape thing ready, let’s pick out of here before Marteus and crew warp up and get through our magical delays!”

Move action get to Edson and Lanliss
Standard. Dim Door w Edson and Lanliss

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 8. 4. 2. 1

Holy Aura: 4/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Comments on flying (DM John) 
Saturday May 1st, 2021 5:28:52 PM

Lanliss never used his potion of flying, so he still has one.

Thank you for pointing out Emrys' flight status.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 140/167 
Monday May 3rd, 2021 8:24:49 AM

"The Balor said that the place had been put on lockdown. After the shambling mounds were summoned, I was unable to summon anything else. It is very likely that we will need to get out of here without the aid of magical transport. We have more people than I can teleport now as well. I can try and plane shift us back to our home plane. Once the machine was destroyed, it's possible that the lockdown ended, but if that fails, we will need to get out of the heart of this place before we can use the cube.

V will attempt to plane shift the party to a remote location a day or so from Cinnamon Valley. "Everyone grab hands and let's give it a try."

Should the plane shift fail..."We gotta get out of the heart of this place. Anyone have a better thought besides taking the tunnel that's not walled, and fighting our way through?

Protection from Fire: Emrys, 200 minutes, fire immunity up to 120 hp
Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx1, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift, grtr teleport X2-cx1, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);  
Monday May 3rd, 2021 8:27:00 AM

Brom has extra flying potions once his runs out.

Brom moves to the others and looks for more pursuers.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp161/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Monday May 3rd, 2021 8:44:51 AM

Emrys replies to Velarin's statement, "I was able to conjure the Shambling Mounds because they were magical creations, they weren't summoned from another place. We should be able to teleport to different parts of this realm. Im all for removing ourselves from this tumor."

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