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Battle for the Keystone (Round 8) (DM John) 
Monday May 3rd, 2021 10:12:27 AM

Emrys takes the momentary break in combat to heal Edson. Yes, Emrys’ true seeing is effective in seeing Edson. Then he gives Lanliss protection against fire.
Barratore manages to keep his footing and takes his potion of flying to avoid further issues.
Edson begins to relax, then decides otherwise.
Lanliss is surprised by the shear weight of the keystone. Avoiding being knocked prone by the lurching of the floor, he finds and takes his remaining potion of flying.
Tishe’ dimension doors herself, Edson, and Lanliss to join close with the others.
Velarin explains what he has deduced about interdimensional travel and attempts to plane shift out and suggests the need for a “plan b”.
Brom is ready to move.
Emrys suggests that they can teleport within the realm.

When Velarin attempts to plane shift out of the palace he realizes that he cannot visualize anything beyond the palace. The spell fails.

All surfaces of the chamber continue to convulse. Edson, make a reflex save DC 15 or be knocked prone--Also, he needs to make the save against this effect for last round.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Monday May 3rd, 2021 11:55:15 AM

Tishe’, warped up by the trap they are in, suddenly has an idea.

First... “Edson! Fly! I set the spell on you after the first tremor!” (Tishe’s post 22 Apr. Edson has 20 minutes of flying.

Then, “I can Reduce Person Sieur Barratorre, and then Sieur Velarin can teleport all of us to the tunnel we first came into the Palace. I just DimDoored so magical movement is OK, just not OUT of the Palace. So, we need to get somewhere they don’t expect and then cut ourselves out before we Plane Shift. “

Pending Barratorre and Velarin’s OK, Tishe’ will break a diamond with. Limited Wish spell to Reduce Person Barratorre.


Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 8. 4. 2. 1

Holy Aura: 4/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE  d20+22=40 ; d3=1 ; d20+22=37 ;
Monday May 3rd, 2021 12:18:26 PM

OOC: Thought Edson had it, but scanned back and didn't see.

Edson easily prevents himself from falling, and starts to fly... heeding Tishe's words. He looks back and forth between everyone, trying to figure out the best course for escaping was.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 
Monday May 3rd, 2021 6:10:14 PM

Lanliss drinks the flight potion.
"Lets do this...whatever we do ....the faster we get out the better". He says while holding the gem with concentrated effort.

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Monday May 3rd, 2021 10:20:22 PM

Barratore skrunches his face and suggests that perhaps Tishe or Emrys get shrunk down to make room. V quickly explains that is not how it works and with a snort, the minotuar agrees to the spell.

Potion of Flying
-4 Str
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 14/20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 18/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 140/167 
Tuesday May 4th, 2021 6:31:34 AM

"Good plan Tishe'. Let's do it."

"When I land us inside the pustule that we entered through, we will have to fly out. Once we are out, I can try and teleport us to either the edge of the lake, or back where we teamed up and met and made a plan after entering this realm through the fog which is a safer distance from this place."

As soon as Tishe' shrinks Barratore to medium sized, V will cast a greater teleport, placing them just inside the frequently bursting pustule that they entered this foul cyst through.

Protection from Fire: Emrys, 200 minutes, fire immunity up to 120 hp
Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx1, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);  
Tuesday May 4th, 2021 9:39:29 AM

Brom waits and watches for pursuers as the plan is set into motion.

The Great Escape (Round 9) (DM John)  d20=16 ; d20=17 ; d20=10 ; d10=5 ; d10=4 ;
Tuesday May 4th, 2021 11:07:30 AM

Tishe’ reminds Edson (and the DM) that he can fly. She then proposes to reduce Barratore and use a limited wish to teleport to the tunnel they entered into, correctly noting that interdimensional travel within the palace appears to work.
Edson takes to the air, avoiding the flailing floor and awaits departure.
Lanliss drinks his potion, feeling the burden of bearing the stone.
Barratore begrudgingly consents to being lessened.
After Tishe’ shrinks Barattore, Velarin casts greater teleport, attempting to send the Keepers to the pustule they entered through.
Brom is ready for transport.
Emrys awaits Velarin’s spell.

As Velarin’s spell activates, they see two balor Demons arrive in the chamber the Keepers are leaving, one at the entrance from the main chamber to the dwarf room (main chamber side of the wall of force), the other at the entrance to the gnome room (but not in the solid fog), each brandishing a vorpal sword and flaming whip. They quickly survey the destruction in the chamber , their eyes noting their fallen comrades. With roars of rage, they shift their attention just in time to see the intruders disappear.

The Keepers, transported by Velarin’s spell, appear in the duct to find that the pustule is closed and no pus is accumulating to burst it open. The tunnel they are in is about 10’ in diameter with a circular cross section. Its entire surface pulses and convulses. Despite the fact that they are flying, coming into contact with the walls of the violently heaving duct is nearly unavoidable.

Anyone attempting to avoid contact with the wall must make a successful Fly check DC 20.

Anyone who choses to contact the wall or who fails the fly check Highlight to display spoiler: {A character contacted by the wall must make a fortitude save DC 15 or become diseased--the immediate effect of failing this save is they gain the sickened condition. Also, anyone who is touched by the material of the palace feels a slight quiver in the fleshy substance, possibly one of recognition. }

What now?

We are still in rounds.

Those who are flying: Everyone
Those who are invisible: Edson
Those who are veiled: Everyone appears to be a gardener except for Brom.
Those with the Holy Aura: Barratore, Edson, Emrys, and Lanliss, Tishe, Velarin. SR 25

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+25=37 d20+26=39
Tuesday May 4th, 2021 12:21:38 PM

Tishe’ has no problem avoiding walls, but anticipates many of her friends won’t be so lucky. Still, there is nothing for her to do other than guard one end of the tunnel and wait for Barratorre, Brom, and Edson to cut them out another exit.

She puts her hand into her Pants O Plenty and pulls a scroll: her last Solid Fog. She readied to cast it down the corridor if she sees anything approaching.

Fly 37
Perception 39

Move action: retrieve scroll
Standard: Readied casting Solid Fog

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 4. 2. 2

Holy Aura: 4/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+23=36 ; d20+29=30 ; d20+24=37 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+14=26 ; d20+29=47 ; d20+29=46 ; d20+24=28 ; d8+9=15 ; d8+9=15 ; d8+9=15 ; d8+9=17 ; d8+9=10 ; d8+9=17 ;
Tuesday May 4th, 2021 4:34:50 PM

Barratore takes a deep breath and draws his blades, it was time to open an exit. Barratore floats into the wall and starts slicing.
PA two weapon fighting Primary Hit AC 30/37/32/26/47 Off hand Hit AC 46/28
Primary Dmg miss/15/15/15/17 Off hand 10/17

Fort Save 36

Potion of Flying
-4 Str
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 13/20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 17/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220  d4=1 ; d20+15=27 ;
Tuesday May 4th, 2021 7:03:13 PM

Fly 27
Ooc will post in 1 hour

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 
Tuesday May 4th, 2021 7:58:45 PM

Lanliss manages to stay away from the walls.
He was lucky enough.
He keeps his hand tight in the gem.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE  d20+6=20 ; d3=3 ; d20+10=11 ;
Tuesday May 4th, 2021 10:19:16 PM

Edson just manages to stay upright and not mess up his flight. (DC 20).

He backs up Barratore and Brom, keeping an eye out to make sure the Balors dont return.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp161/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+14=23 ;
Tuesday May 4th, 2021 10:53:21 PM

(Fly Check: 23)

Emrys barely keeps control of his flight; much relieved not to hit the wall. He thought he'd have a much better command of flight with all the various modes he's used before.

"Barratore has the right idea ... we need to pop this pimple!" If only he had a lance in his backpack.

He searches his mind for ideas while Barratore attempts to make a Barratore-shaped hole.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 140/167  d20+18=21 ; d20+14=24 ;
Wednesday May 5th, 2021 8:26:56 AM

V avoids the walls(fly 21), and stops Barratore and Brom before they start cutting an exit. "Give me a second fellas. If this spell works, it will be a lot faster. If it doesn't, cut away."

V casts a disintegrate spell at the wall where the pustule had previously opened, hoping to disintegrate a 10 cubic foot section of it, hopefully freeing them from this nightmare. (ranged touch attack of 24 if needed)

Protection from Fire: Emrys, 200 minutes, fire immunity up to 120 hp
Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx1, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+3=16 ; d20+22=29 ;
Wednesday May 5th, 2021 10:06:24 AM

Brom isn't able to keep from hitting the wall of the cyst (Fort save DC 29). Brom waits for V's spell before cutting an opening.

The Great Escape (Round 10) (DM John)  d20=4 ;
Wednesday May 5th, 2021 11:38:31 AM

Tishe’ flies masterfully, avoiding the walls and readies to cast Solid Fog.
Barratore, rather than avoiding contact with the substance of the palace, he initiates it, attempting to slice his way out. What weapons? +4 bastard sword? And what else?
Lanliss avoids the walls and retains his grip on the stone.
Edson also avoids the walls and watches for more guards.
Emrys stays away from the walls and graphically endorses Barratore’s course of action.
Velarin also proves to be an adept flier and adds to Barratore’s damage with a disintegrate spell. DM is ruling that Barratore characteristically acted instinctively, before Velarin could stop him.
Brom bounces into the wall and holds off joining Barratore in cutting. Brom roll attacks and damage as Velarin’s spell did not penetrate.

Barratore’s blades shred the surface of the fleshy barrier between the Keepers and relative freedom, but the damage is not yet sufficient to create an opening.

The thin green ray of Velarin’s spell strikes obstructed exit, its energy visibly causing damage, but not a breakthrough. He realizes the palace is alive! Velarin please roll 5d6 damage to the wall.

In the passage behind the Keepers, the two balors appear, fire spurting from their demonic flesh, one behind the other, their swords and flaming whips brandished menacingly.

Tishe’s solid fog engulfs them before they can react to the Keeper’s presence, their spell resistance not applicable against the clever choice of spell. The balor’s fire illuminates the dense fog from within creating a warm, orange glow.

The damaged portion of the wall convulses in reaction to the attacks upon it. Surrounding veins throb and pulse as restorative fluids are routed to the injured site.

Anyone who makes a melee attack against the wall must make a fortitude save DC 15 or become diseased--the immediate effect of failing this save is to gain the sickened condition.

Please confirm the marching order for the 10’ wide corridor The DM made a guess based on the Keeper’s actions above, but please modify as desired:
[Exit] [1st rank] Barratore, Brom; [2nd rank] Velarin, Lanliss; [3rd rank] Tishe’, Edson; [20’ feet of open tunnel]; Pit Fiend 1, Pit Fiend 2, [duct continues].

Balor 1: AC 36, touch 20 Damage: none, in front rank of guards, inside Solid Fog
Balor 2: AC 36, touch 20 Damage: none, in second rank of guards, inside Solid Fog
Wall: AC 20 touch 5, DR 10/slashing or piercing; Damage: -62, -27 (assuming B’s secondary weapon overcomes DR), 5d6 damage (from V’s Disintegrate), - (Brom’s damage from this round) +20 (fast healing).

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+29=45 ; d20+24=35 ; d20+19=31 ; d20+14=17 ; d8+27=35 ; d8+27=30 ; d8+27=30 ;
Wednesday May 5th, 2021 1:17:55 PM

V's spell fails and Brom lets loose on the wall. He continues to use the cold iron sword just in case the demons show up.

Attack (PA): AC 45, 35, 31; damage 95 (slashing)

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Wednesday May 5th, 2021 1:53:26 PM

Tishe’ keeps hovering easily and announces, “welcome committee is here, I think it’s time to leave! Keep close and Flying, and I’ll DimDoor us out as soon as there’s an opening!”

The Fateweaver Readies a DimDoor spell to have the Keepers go as far she can see on the other side of the hole (up to 1200’!)

Readied DimDoor (move all Keepers up to 1200’ on the other side of the hole Tishe’ hopes will soon appear)

Fly 37
Perception 39

Move action: retrieve scroll
Standard: Readied casting Solid Fog

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 4. 2. 2

Holy Aura: 4/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Wednesday May 5th, 2021 3:12:05 PM

Edson pulls out his frost khukri and steps 10' from Tishe. No sense letting the balors have one swing and two keepers. He waits for them to come out of the fog, waiting to see if they spot him or are blind to him like the others.

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+23=34 ; d20+29=38 ; d20+24=40 ; d20+19=23 ; d20+14=15 ; d20+29=35 ; d20+29=48 ; d20+24=25 ; d8+9=11 ; d10+9=19 ; d10+9=13 ; d10+9=11 ; d10+9=10 ; d10+9=18 ;
Wednesday May 5th, 2021 5:32:22 PM

Barratore receives the mental alert that the Balors have found them, perhaps the palace itself can somehow communicate with the guardians within. Indicating where it has been hurt. No time to ponder, Barratore continues to attack with Brom

Barratore lays into the wall

PA two weapon fighting Primary Hit AC 38/40/23/15/35 Off hand Hit AC 48/25
Primary Dmg 11/19/13/miss/11 Off hand 10/18

Barratore wields a +4 weapon primary and non magical Bastard sword in his off hand He has the feat Gtr Penetrating strike which ignore DR of any Type up to DR/10
Also remembered bastard sword is d10

Fort Save DC 34

Potion of Flying
-4 Str
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 12/20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 16/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220  d20+15=20 ; d20+42=46 ;
Wednesday May 5th, 2021 8:52:46 PM

Lanliss flies around looking around him.
'Last thing we need is to lose this thing', Lanliss thinks as he tries to make himself less visible to their pursurers.

Fly 20
Stealth 46

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+29=47 ; 10d6=39 ;
Wednesday May 5th, 2021 10:19:04 PM

Emrys doesn't like the idea, but the situation is becoming somewhat serious ... not to mention disgusting. He hates this place and he wants out. He speaks a few quick words and his skin becomes visible pale and sickly.

(Emrys casts quickened Surrender Blood, enhanced with Quicken Spell metamagic (5th level spell). His next spell is cast at +5 caster level. He takes 25 damage.)

He begins to speak miraculously words. His wooden-like hand fills with a raging ball of crackling witchfire with a black necromantic core. Emrys sends it crashing into the wall where the others have attacked.

(Emrys casts Miracle to duplicate Destruction. Cast at Caster Level 25. Range: Close, 75ft. Spell Resist: 47. Fortitude Save: 33. Damage: 250 points of Holy Fire damage, if save is failed. If the save succeeds, it deals 10d6 = 39 points of holy fire damage. If slain, it is utterly destroyed.)

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 140/167  5d6=21 ; 5d4+15=27 ;
Thursday May 6th, 2021 9:14:43 AM

(21 points disintegrate damage last round)

V hears the call that company has arrived, and attempts to quickly assess the situation. He decides to cast his last wall of force just past the last of the Keepers(Edson I think) trying to block the tunnel so as to delay the Balor's just a little longer as the party attempts to make their escape. Hopefully the Balors will go after Edson, not knowing the invisible wall is there, and it will cost them time to realize and teleport past it.

He will then quicken a set of magic missiles unless Emrys, Brom, and Barratore have already cut our way out and wait for a quick dim door from tishe' or prepare to fly out momentarily. magic missiles do 27 damage

Protection from Fire: Emrys, 200 minutes, fire immunity up to 120 hp
Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx1,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx1, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 140/167 
Thursday May 6th, 2021 9:15:33 AM

Adjusting used spells

Protection from Fire: Emrys, 200 minutes, fire immunity up to 120 hp
Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx2,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

The Great Escape (Round 11) (DM John)  d20=11 ; d20+20=24 d20+20=30
Thursday May 6th, 2021 11:28:01 AM

Brom adds to the damage to the wall. Brom needs to make a fortitude save DC 15 or become sickened.
Tishe’ stands ready to Dimension Door the party once the shell of the palace is breached.
Edson steps ten foot away from Tishe’ preparing to deal with the Balor’s as they step out of the fog.
Barratore continues his efforts to carve an exit.
Lanliss concentrates on his precious cargo and tries to hide, managing to lose himself in the crowd.
Emrys empowers his spell and miraculously casts destruction. The wall saves, taking 39 points damage.
Velarin responds to their company by casting a wall of force between them and Edson. magic missile not required

The combined attacks of Barratore, Brom, Velarin, and Emrys are sufficient to breach the wall!

Tishe’ stands ready to cast dimension door...but wait. Where is Edson? The invisible rogue stepped out of her reach.

The movement of the two orange glows within the fog indicate that the balors are advancing. The lead balor emerges from the obscuring cloud just at the edge of the newly placed wall of force. After a moment’s pause, it disappears only to reappear on the Keeper’s side of the invisible wall. Almost immediately, its partner appears directly behind it. Vorpal blades and flaming whips at the ready, they glare in the direction of the Keepers, seemingly oblivious to the invisible rogue standing adjacent to the lead balor. They both focus on Tishe'. Tishe' make a will save DC 23 or be drawn to the lead balor by quickened telekinesis. (Note that the other one attempted to do the same, but did not overcome Tishe's spell resistance.)

The pulsing substance of the palace wall attempts to repair the damage, but the gap is too large for it to reseal the opening...but the question remains: is the physical breach sufficient to disrupt the magical barrier to teleportation magic.

Balor 1: AC 36, touch 20 Damage: none, on Keeper side of wall of force, adjacent to Edson.
Balor 2: AC 36, touch 20 Damage: none, behind Balor 1 on Keeper side of wall of force.
Wall: AC 20 touch 5, DR 10/slashing or piercing; BREACHED!

[Exit] [1st rank] Barratore, Brom; [2nd rank] Velarin, Lanliss; [3rd rank] Tishe’; [10’ of open tunnel]; Edson; Balor 1, Balor 2, [duct continues into the palace].

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+18=27 ; d20+31=38 ; d20+26=27 ;
Thursday May 6th, 2021 2:40:14 PM

Tishe’ is thankful for Emrys’ spell resistance, and she steels herself against the insidious thoughts of the other demon of flame and darkness. “Maab, Gargul, and Saar defend me!”, she breathes, remembering all of the dieties she has personally met over a long life.

She is threatened by two demons, but keeps her place, ensuring she touches Barratorre, Brom, Lanliss, Velarin, and Emrys. And calls out through their mental communication. ”Edson! We have to leave, but I can’t see you! Touch me, and I’ll get us out of here! I have to cast whether you are here or not!”

It takes a full round for Tishe’ to touch each Keeper, and she Delays until everyone except Velarin have a chance to act. Then she Heroically casts a Defensive Dim Door to get out of the palace.

(OOC: This allows Velarin to delay and immediately cast his Plane Shift)

Will DC. 27. Success!
Cast Defensively. 38. Vs DC23 to cast 4th level spell
Perception. 27 to see Edson and Lanliss.

Delayed DimDoor (move all Keepers up to 1200’ on the other side of the hole)
Cast Defensive

Fly 37
Perception 39

Move action: retrieve scroll
Standard: Readied casting Solid Fog

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 4. 2. 2

Holy Aura: 4/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 140/167 
Thursday May 6th, 2021 6:02:58 PM

V will call forth his scroll of planeshift from his haversack(assuming the one he tried to cast before was wasted in failure) and readies to cast it the instant that Tishe' dim doors them all out of the opening created in the tumor wall.

"Come on Edson. Grab Tishe'. we have to go. The cargo we carry must get out of here safely, one way or another."

Protection from Fire: Emrys, 200 minutes, fire immunity up to 120 hp
Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx2,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220  d20+15=31 ; d20+27=41 ;
Thursday May 6th, 2021 6:44:24 PM

Lanliss heeds the call for possible freedom.
"Anywhere we teleport would do", he says mentally.

He doesn't focus on stealth at that exact moment.
He makes a note of where everyone is if possible.
'Is that it ? Out of here now ?', Lanliss asks himself.

Fly 31
Perception 41

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Thursday May 6th, 2021 10:51:40 PM

This is what going south looks like.

Edson had promised himself to the dark powers of Kosh Marr and perhaps this was his way around it. Lanliss had the stone and so he was the truly necessary one that needed to get out and Tishe was his ride The fighter was not in complete panic mode yet though. The pair of Balors were not the real problem, the endless stream that would be coming was the problem.

I thought the cube was are way home once we got the keystone out of the palace? Why are we trying plane shift spells?

Other than waiting, there was not much to do

Potion of Flying
-4 Str
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 11/20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 15/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+18=24 ; d20+24=28 ; d20+24=33 ; d20+24=27 ; d20+24=36 ;
Thursday May 6th, 2021 11:14:10 PM

Emrys is fully prepared to be whisked away by Tishe's Dimension Door ... BUT

IF... the Dimension Door spell doesn't activate ... and the Keepers remained trapped in the Tumor Palace of Marteus from a lack of an adequate opening from which to escape ... Emrys is not only going allow the Balors a free attack on his friends.

Emrys invokes the power of Necrogora, the Mother of all Curses! Targeting the first Balor that enters the room, Emrys unleashes an unholy trinity of curses upon the poor, unsuspecting demon. Emrys almost feels sorry, but he's not!

(Emrys casts Mother Of All Curses, 1/day, Standard Action. Enhanced by Focus Curse on all 3 curses.
The Balor has to roll three saving throws and must use the worst result for all three curses.

1st. Curse: Suffocation. Fort Save: 32 vs suffocation. Duration: 3 rounds until dead.
2nd Curse: Blindness/Deafness (Blindness). Fort Save: 29 vs Blindness. Duration: Permanent.
3rd Curse: Bestow Curse (50% chance to take no action): Will Save: 30. Spectral Hand delivers touch. Hit Touch AC: 24. Duration: Permanent.
Emrys rolls Spell Penetration three times and uses highest roll: 33.)

Emrys then heroically cast another spell (using hero point for another action) and cast another, even more potent, single curse...

(Emrys casts Mass Suffocation on both Balors, enhanced with Focus Curse. Fort Save: 36. Spell Penetration: 36. Duration: 20 rounds. The targets can attempt to resist this spell’s effects with a Fortitude save-if they succeed, they are merely staggered for 1 round as they gasp for breath. If the targets fail, they immediately begin to suffocate. On the target’s next turn, he falls unconscious and is reduced to 0 hit points. One round later, the target drops to -1 hit points and is dying. One round after that, the target dies. Each round, the target can delay that round’s effects from occurring by making a successful Fortitude save, but the spell continues for 3 rounds, and each time a target fails his Fortitude save, he moves one step further along the track to suffocation.)

Emrys thinks that if they save against his attack, they'll both be choking for air for at least one round. That will give the Keepers more needed time, if necessary.

Emrys still has movement, if he needs it. However ... if they are able to teleport away, then Emrys is not around to make his attack.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Friday May 7th, 2021 11:28:09 AM

Edson quickly steps back, and grabs Tishes arm.

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+22=39 ;
Friday May 7th, 2021 11:53:17 AM

Fort save DC39

Brom looks at the others for the next move.

The Great Escape (Round 12) (DM John)  d20+29=32 ; d20+29=41 ; d20+25=39 ; d20+29=37 ; d20+29=33 ; 10d6=36 ; d3=2 ; 10d6=37 ;
Friday May 7th, 2021 12:04:40 PM

Round 12
Tishe’ attempts to open a dimensional door, but finds she can not visualize a destination outside of the palace.
Velarin is ready to planeshift once out of the palace, but Tishe’s spell appears to not be working.
Lanliss awaits freedom.
Barratore considers what Edson may be considering. He reminds the others of plane shifting and Koshe Marr.
Emrys, prepares for the worst and unleashes a curse and on the lead balor, then doubles down on attempting to suffocate both of them.
Edson steps back to Tishe’
Brom awaits their departure.

Tishe’s cannot seem to open a door outside the palace. It appears that the barrier preventing teleportation magic is not disrupted by the physical opening in the palace wall. Perhaps if the Keepers were to fly out of the pustule, her spell might then function.

Velarin recalls that normal planar travel did not appear to function within the inner layers of Koshe’ Marr.

Emrys’ spells take out both balors. Gasping for breath, they fall unconscious: the first balor from his curse; the second from his heroic mass suffocation. The demons collapse in the 10’ diameter duct where they were.

Just as the fall, two pit fiends teleport in: both arrive on top of the fallen balors, apparently not expecting them to still be there. Without hesitation, they release their quickened fireballs on the intruders. Everyone is in the area of effect of both fireballs. Each character will take 36 points (reflex save DC 21 for half) and 37 points of fire damage (reflex save DC 21 for half).

The surface of duct they are all in continues to heave and ripple.

Balor 1: AC 36, touch 20, SR 31 Damage: none; on Keeper side of wall of force, adjacent to Edson; suffocating, blind, cursed (01-50 does not act)--.
Balor 2: AC 36, touch 20, SR 31 Damage: none, behind Balor 1 on Keeper side of wall of force; suffocating

Relative positioning in the 10’ diameter circular duct (from out to in):
[Exit] [1st rank] Barratore, Brom; [2nd rank] Velarin, Lanliss; [3rd rank] Tishe’, Edson; [10’ of open tunnel]; Balor 1 (unconscious), Pit Fiend 1; Balor 2 (unconscious), Pit Fiend 2, Wall of Force; Solid Fog [duct continues].

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+22=41 ; d20+22=36 ;
Friday May 7th, 2021 3:08:38 PM

Emrys is pleasantly surprised that the big curse worked so well, especially having cast it for the first time. He sighs when two more blink into position to take their place. "How many of you do we have to kill?"

When the fireballs explode (Reflex saves: 41 and 36. Half Damage: 36 total from both. Protection from Fire absorbs all the damage), Emrys is able to avoid the worst of the blast, but what does hit him does no damage at all.

He then suggests mentally to the rest ... "If we're all flying at the moment, then let's exit from the breach and continue on with our escape outside."

Emrys then opts to withdraw from the combat and fly over to the hole they made (Withdraw Action. x2 movement). If he has enough movement to make his way out, he does. He hopes the others are far behind.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220  d20+26=46 ; d20+26=30 ; d3=1 ; d20+15=25 ;
Friday May 7th, 2021 10:50:30 PM

Lanliss feels a slight panic attack raising.
'that can't be true', he thinks as their fast escape plant doesn't work.
He doesn't even have much time to comprehend everything and manages to halfway escape fire explosion.
He could smell a slight burned flesh.
He doesn't say anything and tried to fly after Emrys.
'The only way out is by flying', he thinks as he flies gracefully and fast as much as he can like he never did before.

Action :
Ooc will update hp next post due to posting mobile

Reflex 46
Reflex#2 30
Fly 25 Natural 20

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+17=22 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+25=31 ; d20+26=43 ;
Saturday May 8th, 2021 4:24:23 AM

Tishe’ can see the hole, she can see the other side of the hole, so she has a target... and the spell can’t ‘see’ beyond the Palace Barrier! Piggies!, she huffs, and then fireballs explode about her and the Keepers.

The Spellweaver avoids the worst of both spells, and Emrys’ fire protection spell does the rest. Mentally, she agrees with Barratorre: Any few things short of Marteus himself isn’t going to stop the Keepers, but hundreds of them will wear the heroes down. They have to leave!

Emrys withdraws, flying through the hole. ”Get shuttlecocked, Lanliss, you are the most important one right now, let’s fly!”. Tishe’ also withdraws (to avoid AOOs), completely defensive, and hustling 120’ in flying to get away from the Palace ‘shutdown’.

She looks about for other dangers!


Fly 31
Perception 43

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 36/ 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 4. 2. 2

Holy Aura: 6/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Saturday May 8th, 2021 2:56:45 PM

(OOC: I know my posts are usually riddled with typos and errors, but what I meant to say in the last sentence of my post was, 'He hopes the others AREN'T far behind.')

(Dan K) AC: 47 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 244/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+19=38 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+20=31 ; d20+31=49 ; 4d10+32=56 ; d10+32=42 ; d10+32=41 ; d20+31=47 ; 4d10+32=65 ;
Saturday May 8th, 2021 3:04:22 PM

Barratore easily avoids the pair of fireballs and the protection from fire prevents any harm coming to him.
Reflex DC 38 and 36

Emrys Lanliss and Tishe were all out, and that just left V and Edson to follow and he and Brom would buy a little time

Barratore drops the mundane weapon from his left hand and switches back to his more practiced 2 handed style. The fighter uses his skill in Acrobatics to close safely with the Pit Fiends and attacks
Acrobatics DC 31
Gtr Penetrating Strike/PA Hit AC 49 Crit Auto Dmg 56+42+41 DR 10/any type ignore
He then Heroically attacks again
Gtr Penetrating Strike/PA Hit AC 47 Dmg 65 DR 10/any type ignore

Potion of Flying
-4 Str
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 150/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 10/20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 14/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee
Reduce Person - Tishe +1 AC/+2 Dex, +1 Attack -2 Str

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100   d20+15=22 ;
Sunday May 9th, 2021 4:50:08 PM

Lanliss tries to escape/withdraw from this starting to become battlefield.
All that was important was that they got the gem.
And soon they would have to find a way out.
''Gragul's head, how are we actually...?', Lanliss briefly thinks about how they are going to get out of this plane/dimension.

"I don't want any of us to die", He shouts to the Keepers, as the thought of Gragul himself makes him think about death....and the consequences of dying here .

Fly 22
To OOC: subtracted 37 (2 halves damage and 0.5 rounded up) from temp HP

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Sunday May 9th, 2021 10:26:22 PM

(ooc: Lanliss didn’t take any fire damage. He has Protection from Energy (Fire) cast upon him. He 120 points of fire protection.)

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+16=34 ; d20+16=31 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 8:50:22 AM

HP: 215/291

Brom manages to avoid taking the fireballs full on. He moves out the whole with the others.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 140/167  d20+16=33 ; d20+16=34 ; d20+18=22 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 8:58:47 AM

Velarins jaw drops at the display of power put forth by Emrys. He is about to relax for half a second as the Balors drop...until the Pit fiends show up. And then he sees the fireballs explode. He manages to avoid the worst of it from both, and the rest is fortunately absorbed by Emrys' protection from fire spell.

"Agreed. Time to go before the hole closes itself. These Demons are just going to keep on coming, and It's only a matter of time before Marteus himself makes an appearance."

V will fly up and out of the open hole(fly 22), joining the others that are already out there. Everyone stay close. We need to be together when we use the cube."

"The cube is still plan number one Barratore. The Planeshift is a back up to that, just in case,"

Protection from Fire: Emrys, 200 minutes, fire immunity up to 84 hp
Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx2,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

The Great Escape (Round 13) (DM John)  d20+18=26 ; d20+18=30 ; d20+26=45 ; d20+26=35 ; d20+26=31 ; d20+26=45 ; d3=1 ; d4=4 ; d6=4 ; 2d6=4 ; d3=2 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=2 ; 2d6=4 ; 6d6=18 ; 6d6=23 ; 6d6=20 ; 6d6=20 ; 10d6=43 ; 10d6=40 ; d20+5=6 ; d20+20=31 ; d20+20=38 ; d20+32=42 ; d20+24=26 ; d20+32=51 ; 2d8+37=46 ; 2d8+13=23 ; d100=14 ; d100=22 ; d100=8 ; d100=53 ; d20+30=46 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 12:45:21 PM

Emrys takes satisfaction in the efficacy of the Keeper’s spells, tempered somewhat by the continuing arrival of powerful guards. He then attempts to fly out of the palace.
Lanliss reacts to the failure of the dimension door, then attempts to fly out.
Tishe’ is temporarily frustrated by the magical barrier, then attempts to fly out as well.
Barratore delays to buy some time, nimbly engaging the pit fiend and heroically striking it twice.
Brom moves out with the others.
Velarin is impressed by Emrys’ powers. At the arrival of the pit fiends, he flies out, preparing to magically transport them away.
Edson joins the others outside.

Lanliss feels the burden of the keystone as he flies out of the palace with everyone except for Barratore. It slows him somewhat, but does not stop him.

Both pit fiends unleash their quickened fireballs on the group of Keepers just outside the palace. Save DC 21 for each fireball. First one does 43 fire damage; second one, 40.

Barratore’s attacks strike deeply into the fiend, but the creature counters with an attack of its own. The first claw misses, but the second claws scores, doing 23 points of damage. Barrator’s holy aura flashes bright in retaliation, blinding the pit fiend! The devil desperately continues its attacks, but is unable to land another attack.

The second pit fiend, seeing that the intruders have exited the palace, attempts to take out a caster that might magically transport them away. Since all but Brom appear to be gardeners and he can’t see Edson, he randomly selects a target from the remaining four. Four flaming, 2-foot diameter stones hurl toward Velarin. Touch attacks 45, 35, 31, and 45. All hit doing 4, 6, 2, and 4 points of bludgeoning damage. Each meteor strikes the wizard, bursting into flames, potentially doing 18, 23, 20 and 20 points of fire damage. Everyone except Barratore needs to make a reflex save DC 27 against each meteor for half fire damage. (Being struck by each meteor, each of Velarin’s saves against the meteor bursts are at -4. )

Remember that protection from energy blocks 120 points of fire damage before being discharged. Please keep track of the amount of fire damage each character takes.

Barratore only Highlight to display spoiler: {Barratore sees two of the medium size toad-faced, bat-winged humanoid shaggy demodands, emerge from the fog, only to be, at least temporarily, thwarted by the wall of force.}

All of the Keeper’s, except for Barratore, are flying about 40’ outside of the tumor wall and 100’ above the surface of the puss lake.

The exterior of the palace is notably absent of any open pustules, its surface pimpled but no longer having any visible openings. The entire structure pulses and vibrates violently, different sections of it alternatingly protruding and retracting without any discernible pattern.


Balor 1: AC 36, touch 20, SR 31 Damage: none; on Keeper side of wall of force, adjacent to Edson; suffocating, blind, cursed (01-50 does not act)--.DYING
Balor 2: AC 36, touch 20, SR 31 Damage: none, behind Balor 1 on Keeper side of wall of force; suffocating; DYING
Pit Fiend 1: AC 29, touch 9, SR 31 Damage: -164 from Barratore. Blinded. AC has been corrected to disregard dexterity. All attacks gain a +2 bonus against the blind devil.
Pit Fiend 2: AC 38, touch 18, SR 31;

Relative positioning in the 10’ diameter circular duct (from out to in):
Brom, Edson, Emrys, Lanliss, Tishe, Velarin [~40’ open space]; [Exit] [~20’ open tunnel] Barratore; Pit Fiend 1(blind); Pit Fiend 2; Balor 1 (dying); Balor 2 (dying), Wall of Force; Demodand 1, Demodand 2; Solid Fog [duct continues].

For simplicity, the DM is making one SR check for area of effects spells. In this case the castings of Meteor Swarm and both fireballs overcame the SR from holy aura.

Similarly, the DM is ruling that the previously successful spell penetration check to cast Holy Aura applies to all pit fiends and balors.

Note that there are a lot of inapplicable rolls in the roll report: poor DM kept remembering rules that disallowed or altered his initial actions.

(Dan K) AC: 47 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+31=32 ; d20+26=45 ; d20+21=31 ; d20+16=33 ; d20+31=48 ; d10+32=36 ; d10+32=37 ; d10+32=34 ; d10+32=38 ; d10+32=39 ; d10+32=35 ; d10+32=40 ; d10+32=41 ; d20+20=32 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 3:59:13 PM

The Pit Fiends claw draws some blood, but he drew more and grins. This was a battle. This was what he had been seeking for so long. This would be The Ballad of Barratore or Steelwind's Song! It rang so well to his ears. The voice of Metascar though once again steadies the adrenaline and rights his fame seeking He did need to leave, before the wound healed, but he could slow pursuit yet a little more

Barratore strikes the unwounded Fiend with his more powerful attacks and then looks to finish off the blind one as well

unwounded Fiend PA Hit AC: 32/45 crit Hasted 48 crit Dmg: Miss/36+37+34/38+39+35
wounded Fiend PA Hit AC: 31/33 Dmg: 40+41

Barratore then Heroically and prudently retreats. The Fighter backflips in a half spin and takes flight out the hole
Hero Point for Standard Action Fly with Acrobatics DC 32

Feat Note; Greater Penetrating Strike ignores the first 10 point of DR
Benefit: Your attacks with weapons selected with Weapon Focus ignore up to 10 points of damage reduction. This amount is reduced to 5 points for damage reduction without a type (such as DR 10/—).

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100   d20+26=28 ; d20+26=46 ; d20+26=46 ; d20+26=45 ; d20+26=45 ; d20+26=27 ; d20+15=25 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 9:14:14 PM

Lanliss flies as fast as he can considering the burden he had to carry he wasn't fast like he used to be.
The protection from Emrys was a blessing but it didn't help with Lanliss deep desire to get out of that confined place to the outside world and hopefully to be in a safe place or on the way to a safe place.

Reflex #1,2 28 46
Reflex #1-4; 46, 45, 45, 27
Fly 25
Fire protection is either 52-10 or 52-20 out of 120

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+22=31 ; d3=3 ; d20+22=33 ; d20+22=42 ; d20+22=34 ; d20+22=30 ; d20+22=29 ; d20+24=37 ; d20+24=31 ; d12=3 ; d12=12 ; d12=4 ; d12=8 ;
Monday May 10th, 2021 10:00:53 PM

(Reflex Saves: 31 and 33. The d3 was an accident, the buttons moved.)

Again, Emrys is able to dodge the majority of fireball's flames ... his fire immunity takes the rest.

Then comes the meteor strike! (Reflex Save: 42, 34, 30, 29. Half Damage: 41 fire damage, absorbed by Prot. from Energy (Fire): 2/120.)

Emrys is able to perform a feat of aerial acrobatics to avoid most of the second fiery attack.

Not wanting to take another attack like that (if the visually-capable pit fiend still lives), Emrys has nothing but a single word to say about that!

(Emrys casts Power Word Blind on the sighted Pit Fiend. No Save. Spell Penetration: 37 [I hit the roll button multiple times, the buttons had stopped working. The results finally appeared a minute later. Im using the first roll that finally showed up.])

Emrys then casts a quickened healing spell on Velarin after receiving such a brutal attack.

(Emrys casts quickened Cure Critical Wounds, empowered by Spiritual Healing. Heals 4d12+20 = 3+12+4+8+20 = 47 points of healing.)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Monday May 10th, 2021 10:05:52 PM

REMINDER: Everyone but Edson has Protection from Energy (Fire) cast upon them. That's 120 points of fire immunity.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE  d20+22=26 ; d20+22=32 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 12:24:11 AM

Edson easily evades the fireballs. He flys to Lanliss. Helping him with the great weight.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+17=18 ; d20+17=21 ; d20+25=44
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 1:41:49 AM

Tishe’ gets fired again, and flinches at the meteor swarm about the elf! She gets one full blast (Nat 1) and barely dodged the other. She again is thankful for Emrys’ fire protection, which probably saved Velarin’s life (and the Keepers means to get out of here!).

The Fateweaver flies to Barratorre. “Time to leave sweetie”, and casts DimDoor to get her and the Minotaur back to the group. “Cube time, Velarin!”

Fly 44
Dim Door (5th level slot)

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 98/ 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 5. 2. 2

Holy Aura: 6/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167  d20+16=31 ; d20+16=23 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+12=14 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+12=21 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 8:42:54 AM

V is able to avoid the majority of the damage from both quickened fireballs, and allows his fire protection from Emrys to absorb the rest. The follow up meteor strikes, however, he can do little about the impact, and then takes the full brunt of fire damage from all four meteors. His fire protection was used up about half way through the meteor explosions, resulting in 54 actual damage from the impacts and explosions. He then feels Emrys' healing magic wash over him again.

"Thanks Emrys. That wasn't a fun one."

V calls forth the cube from his haversack, has everyone link up, and activates the side that we set to return us to our home plane, once the entire group is together and connected. Should the cube not work for any reason, V will heroically cast his scroll of planeshift to take us home.

Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx2,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

The Great Escape (Round 14) (DM John)  d20+32=38 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 10:58:33 AM

Barratore takes it to both pit fiends, grievously wounding them both. Then he heroically and dramatically disengages. The pit fiend that can still see, attempts to claw at Barratore, but is so surprised by the move, that it is unable to make it count.
Lanliss dodges the fireballs and is more than ready to leave.
Emrys attempts to blind the other pit fiend. Thanks to the wounds received from Barratore, the fiend is vulnerable to the spell. The bloodwitch then attends to Velarin’s wounds.
Edson evades the fiery assaults and flies to Lanliss.
Tishe’ survives the assault and ensures that Barratore is with the group.
Velarin expresses his thanks to Emrys. Then he pulls out the cube and activates it to take them home.
Brom is ready to leave.

Both pit fiends are heavily wounded and also blind. As Barratore leaves, he sees them both disappear, departing the field of battle. Behind them, the two demodands are clawing and chewing at the fleshy substance of the tunnel around the wall of force.

The cube vibrates as Velarin depresses it, but nothing happens.

Velarin then attempts to cast plane shift. Again, nothing happens. Velarin recalls that they were unable to enter Koshe’ Marr except through the gate and could only get to the palace district by traveling along the mist-filled Lonely Road.

The Keepers see several dark masses appear along the horizon flying toward the palace. Several of these masses appea, in any direction not obstructed by the massive tumor palace. Given how far away they must be, whatever it is must be hundreds of feet across.Sight based perception DC 40 Highlight to display spoiler: {Still some distance away it is difficult to make out details, but these masses appear to be gargantuan flocks of tiny black birds. It is not yet possible to determine how long it will take before they are near, but it appears that it will take them some time, perhaps a minute or so.}


Balor 1: Dead
Balor 2: Dead
Pit Fiend 1: Retreated
Pit Fiend 2: Retreated
Demodand 1: Behind the wall of force, 60’ inside the tumor. Currently out of view.
Demondand 2: Behind the wall of force, 60’ inside the tumor. Currently out of view
Several massive dark clouds along the horizon. Identity not yet known.

Keepers are together about 40’ outside the tumor and 100’ above the lake of puss.

We are still in rounds.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 5:30:55 PM

"Swarms of incoming birds boys and girls. Gonna try and teleport us back to the Garden we entered right after we came through the mists. Once we get there, we will likely have to walk through the mists again. Neither planeshift nor the cube will work until we get out of the castle realm. We will have to be quick. they will know where we are going."

V will teleport the group back to the Garden where they first entered the castle realm after walking through the mist, and spent several minutes there preparing and learning of Edson's sacrifice.

Haste: from V, duration 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx2,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx6
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2-cx1, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167  d20+36=56 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 5:32:07 PM

(sight based Perception check 56 on the birds)

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100   d20+26=28 ; d20+15=21 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 10:48:33 PM

"We have company?", Lanliss asks.
He fails to see what the others see.
He keeps flying.....unsure what to do anymore.
"So we go to the mist ?....I don't like that mist"
"It scares me" , he says plainly with a scared voice.
"Edison" , he simply says as edson comes to help him with the gem..
"Thank you.... certainly this is the most crazy heist", he says trying to cheer himself up.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100   d20+15=24 ;
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 10:50:57 PM

"We have company?", Lanliss asks.
He fails to see what the others see.
He keeps flying.....unsure what to do anymore.
"So we go to the mist ?....I don't like that mist"
"It scares me" , he says plainly with a scared voice.
"Edson" , he simply says as edson comes to help him with the gem..
"Thank you.... certainly this is the most crazy heist", he begins to say , in an effort to regain some composure.

Perception was rolled but it was a fail/ lower than DC
Fly was 21 but now 24

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);  
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 12:28:18 AM

"Looks like a fun fight, but can we teleport to this place you guys got here?"

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 12:32:32 AM

Tishe’ stamps her foot on the air while flying, “piggies!”, she curses. She continues flying at 60’ per round, staying with the group and putting even a little distance from the Palace.

If Velarin’s teleport doesn’t work, the Fateweaver isn’t willing to just sit here for another round, they have done this too many times while thier enemies have been a coordinated hunt (Ooc: due to the PbP format, which is frustrating to no end). So, if the group is still hovering or slowly faulting away, Tishe’ uses another diamond and casts Limited Wish to emulate a widened Invisibility Sphere, making all the Keepers invisible!

Fly 44
Dim Door (5th level slot)

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 98/ 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 5. 2. 2

Holy Aura: 6/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 12:54:47 AM

Emrys holds to see if Velarin’s teleportation works, otherwise he will continue with their great escape.

“I do hope this works. I’m beginning to believe we have out stayed our welcome.”

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE  d20+26=46 ;
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 7:05:35 AM

Edson sees the incoming flock and his heart skips a beat. (Perception, 46 Nat 20)

Not taking his eyes away he nods to Lanliss " Theyre gonna tell our kids about this one."

Edson waits to see if Velarins spell works or not.

If, and only if... he asks " What if its me. What if we can't teleport because I have to stay?"

(Dan K) AC: 47 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 7:47:48 AM

"Sounds like an excellent idea V" Barratore also lets the group know of the big Shaggy demon things eating their way around the Wall of Force to be able to come at them from the palace side.

If the teleportation does not work, Barratore starts flying towards shore, reminding those using potions to stay aloft, that time is against them and no one wants to go swimming in Puss Lake

Potion of Flying Round 5
-4 Str
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Haste - V 8/20 rounds
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys
Holy Aura - Emrys 11/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes Barratore in melee
Reduce Person - Tishe +1 AC/+2 Dex, +1 Attack -2 Str

The Great Escape (DM John)  d100=8 ;
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 10:31:51 AM

Velarin informs the others of the incoming flocks and prepares to teleport the Keepers back to the garden.
Lanliss is not pleased by the thought of them returning to the mists.
Brom would like to fight, but turns his attention to their escape.
Tishe’ prepares a backup plan should the teleport not work.
Emrys awaits teleporting.
Edson is a bit unnerved by the incoming flocks and expresses his concern that he may be the reason they cannot depart.
Barratore informs the others of the demodands.

The Keepers gather around Velarin in preparation to teleport away. As they do so, three pit fiends appear by teleportation in the duct the Keepers recently exited through and immediately begin to fly toward them.

Velarin’s spell is cast....

...and the group suddenly finds themselves at the garden where they first entered this realm!

The mist stands before them. Behind them are more of the gardeners, apparently disinterested in the sudden appearance of the party. Beyond the gardeners, far in the distance, the sky is darkened with swarming flocks, all currently headed away from the newly arrived Keepers.


We are no longer in rounds.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 2:57:54 PM

Tishe’ is thankful that she doesn’t have to use her most powerful spell. “Shady picks!”, she congratulated Velarin. “Now let’s weave fast!”

She hustles with the others into the mists.

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 98/ 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 5. 2. 2

Holy Aura: 8/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Wednesday May 12th, 2021 8:12:25 PM

Lanliss feels relief as they are out of harms way for the time being.
He thinks about the mist and what he needs to truly desire.

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);  
Thursday May 13th, 2021 8:21:44 AM

"Anyone got one of those cleaning spells ta get rid of this goo. Gonna stink fer years." He says as he waits for the next step. Since he did not come this way, he has no idea what is to come next. Seeing Tishe go into the mist, he follows.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Thursday May 13th, 2021 8:39:39 AM

V stops Tishe' before she wanders into the mist.

"I think we need to do this together Tishe'. The last thing we want is to all end up in different places in these realms. We all need to concentrate on which realm we wish to go to, and I think we should do it while all holding hands to keep us together. Most especially Lanliss, who is carrying the cargo. We don't know if the guardians will want it back, or try and divert us, so staying together is important. Where do we want to desire to go? The Inn? the land of the dead? The instant we all get somewhere together, we are using the cube or a planeshift hopefully."

"Lanliss, I suggest you stow that gem. Probably best not to have it out in plain sight."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Thursday May 13th, 2021 8:41:04 AM

"I'll clean you up after we get out of here Brom."

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Thursday May 13th, 2021 9:44:49 AM

Upon arrival at the Garden, Barratore takes a moment to activate a power from his family torc, Restoration removing the affects of the strength drain.

"Tishe, if you could dismiss the Reduction spell, that would be great"

Barratore agrees with V on moving into the Mists together, but wants to rope up again like last time. Barratore wants Tishe and Lanliss to be between him and Brom. "Anything that comes at us, we kill while Tishe gets Lanliss out of harms way"

"As to where to go, I think we should focus on the land with the colorful houses and the man from the Sages Guild. We know we can take some refuge there if need be and work on getting all the home from there."

Barratore will lead the group, once all roped in, into the Mist, sword drawn

Potion of Flying Round 5
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Thursday May 13th, 2021 9:45:01 AM

"Yes, let's not get separated." He then turns to Velarin and asks, "When exactly were we supposed to use that escape crystal? Oddly, I don't remember what the instructions were."

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Thursday May 13th, 2021 10:11:06 AM

Tishe’ heeds Velarin’s advice and waits. She also dismissed the Reduce Person spell on Barratorre, but not without some teasing. “But Sieur Barratore, it was refreshing that you were only three inches taller than I instead of feet!”

Return to the Mists (DM John) 
Thursday May 13th, 2021 11:31:16 AM

Tishe’ congratulates Velarin and heads into the mists. Before entering, she dismisses Barratore’s reduction.
Lanliss is relieved and thinks about his true desire.
Brom follows the others’ lead into what is, for him, unfamiliar.
Velarin pulls the group together and proposes possible destinations. He advises Lanliss to hide the stone out of sight.
Barratore restores himself, checks that they are roped together, and prepares to lead the way, suggesting that Manfrit in Prohovia might be a useful contact.
Emrys asks what they are to do with the keystone. He recalls that the Azata was never specific about where to take it. He can safely assume they will be contacted once they safely make it back to the Wold.
Edson joins the others.

The Keepers waste little time preparing to reenter the mists. Roped together, with some ideas as to where to head, they step into the heavy fog.

As they do, all sight and sound of the garden behind them disappears. Fully enshrouded in the heavy fog they, except for Brom, once again experience the sense of isolation and separation being within it produces. Visibility is limited to about an arm’s length; for Barratore, that is elbow’s length. Sound is muffled such that each others’ steps are inaudible. Were it not for the ropes, it would be easy to lose track of each other. Additionally, this time, their mindspeak appears to not be inhibited! This is not quite the Lonely Road they experienced before.

Though they cannot see it, the path before them appears to be paved and straight.

It appears the Keepers have a freer path this time. Where do they wish it to lead them?

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Thursday May 13th, 2021 12:48:31 PM

Edson wraps himself up, taking point, and heading out. " Which way?" He asks.

He mentally starts prepping for a possibility he isn't allowed to leave.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Thursday May 13th, 2021 7:05:56 PM

Emrys mentally suggests that they all return to the gate where they entered from the Shadow Realm. “That is our desire, correct? Let’s go directly there.”

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Thursday May 13th, 2021 7:45:32 PM

Lanliss agrees with Emrys suggestion to return to the gate.
He tries to put the gem in a way that will make it less obvious to be seen and more easily to keep out of others reach, Velarin was right, he should be cautious about this.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Thursday May 13th, 2021 9:16:51 PM

Emrys mentally suggests that they all return to the gate where they entered from the Shadow Realm. “That is our desire, correct? Let’s go directly there.”

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Friday May 14th, 2021 12:19:41 AM

Tishe’ thinks to the group, “This feels different than lastly time. Let’s try the Cube again. If it doesn’t work in the Mists, we think ourselves to a place.” Tishe’ will think with all her heart to go wherever Velarin suggests.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Friday May 14th, 2021 6:50:23 AM

"The only escape route we have Emrys, is the cube, or a plane shift."

"Fair enough Tishe', I'll give the cube a try again."

V tries to activate the cube again to take us home

(If the cube fails to activate) "Hopefully we can use the cube once we are clear of the mist. I think Barratore has the right of it. Everyone focus on the realm with the colorful houses and the man from the sages guild that we stayed with for a night. Let's try and go there, and try to use the cube as soon as we do."

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Friday May 14th, 2021 3:44:03 PM

the road did seem far less imposing and unfamiliar this time in, perhaps the powers wanted them gone, perhaps they too were distracted. Barratore was not very confident in the cube part here in the mists, but it was worth a try.

Barratore originally planned to get to Prohovia, but Tishe's suggestion made sense and now so did Emrys's. Maybe they should try and go all the way to the gate, why stop part way. The fighter's thoughts are everywhere at this point. If a single focus point was required like last time, the other's suggestions while in the mist just made that a moot point.

If the cube fails again, let's just put it away until we are home and go straight to the Gate as Emrys suggested. No need to go to Prohovia, if we can go all of the way to our entry gate

Potion of Flying Round ?
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Friday May 14th, 2021 4:38:30 PM

“My bad Emrys, I did not quite hear your suggestion. The gate does indeed make more sense(assuming the cube does not work in the mist). Let’s all think to go there. Hopefully the castle defense plan did also shut down travel route via the mist.”

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Friday May 14th, 2021 4:38:55 PM

“My bad Emrys, I did not quite hear your suggestion. The gate does indeed make more sense(assuming the cube does not work in the mist). Let’s all think to go there. Hopefully the castle defense plan did also shut down travel route via the mist.”

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Friday May 14th, 2021 7:20:23 PM

Lanliss agrees.
,"I think it's better to just get out of this place as fast as possible... We have to assume we are not very far head....and hiding in this place .....might not be easy anymore.", Lanliss says.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Friday May 14th, 2021 7:48:43 PM

Edson listens to the suggestions. Mentally he adds, " I agree. No stopping and hiding, we need to book it... those demons are going to keep coming.

In the Mists (DM John) 
Friday May 14th, 2021 8:43:03 PM

Edson takes point and considers his future.
Emrys suggests they return to the entry gate.
Lanliss agrees and tends to the keystone.
Tishe’ suggests using the cube in the mists.
Velarin replies to Emrys, explaining that the cube or plane shift are their only options.
Barratore is willing to try the cube while considering many other options for departing.
Brom relaxes a bit.

The Keepers continue along the path until Velarin activates the cube.

There appears to be a slight swirl in the mist. A hint of movement teases the senses to the left of them, then disappears.

Nothing else happens and they remain on the path. In the fog. In Koshe’ Marr.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Friday May 14th, 2021 9:22:57 PM

“Did you all see that. I didn’t like that at all. The cube appeared to try to work, and was stifled. I would guess that a plane shift spell would do the same. The land and the mist may be trying to prevent us from leaving. In the past, didn’t the mist always ask us what we wanted or where we wanted to go? That has not happened this time, and the mist seems different.”

“ I feel like it’s time to get drastic together out of here quickly. Emrys? Tishe’? Thoughts on using a wish to request that the following plane shift spell works? It would be my last wish. Not sure if it’s a waste or not, but the longer it takes to get out of here, the worse the odds get.”

My only other thought would be to throw the magnificent mansion. It worked in marteus’ castle, so why wouldn’t it work here?. Not only that, but Q brought Brom to us through it. If she can bring Brom into the extra dimensional space, we should therefore be able to depart extra dimensionally.”

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Saturday May 15th, 2021 6:21:05 AM

Tishe’ nods. “Try the Magnificent Mansion, that’s a great idea. If that doesn’t work, I think we need to go to out of the Mist to try again, but we need the prompt on where to go to get anywhere else.”

Privately, Tishe’ contemplates the Keepers never getting out and wonders what it would be like being an undead minion of Koshe Lord Edson. Tortured forever to have no free will, cooped up in a chamer instead of roaming, and all the time knowing it. She shudders. She would rather live forever lost in this fog!

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+31=44 ;
Sunday May 16th, 2021 1:26:07 PM

Brom doesn't understand the mage speak. Instead he listens to their surroundings looking and listening for signs of other things besides the group.

Perception DC 44

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Sunday May 16th, 2021 6:40:13 PM

"Velarin, I see the cube's performance as encouraging. Think about it, it activated as soon as we exited the palace, but it didn't work. Here in the Mists of the Inbetween, it almost opened a portal, but was unsuccessful. That means we are getting closer to where we need to be. Id say we continue on until we reach the Gate to the Shadow Realm. I also have the ability to open Gates to other realms, but I don't wish to waste that power when the Cube has shown to be unsuccessful."

After a short pause, he tries to think of the words that will give his friends the confidence they need ...

"Here we are, born to be Kings. We're the Princes of the Universe. Here we belong, fighting to survive ... in a world with the darkest powers. We just stole from a god. That proves no one is free from our influence. We are the Keepers of the Vale!"

At this point in the speech, Emrys looks behind himself because that's the point when the Big Bad makes his presence known, especially after saying such things.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Sunday May 16th, 2021 10:01:00 PM

Lanliss thinks about the fact that he really wanted to be in closest place to get out of this plane or dimension.
He didn't understand everything that was said....he was too lacking in magical knowledge and power.
He feels inspiration from Emrys but unable to act.
Only asking the group if they can...perhaps use the gem ?

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Monday May 17th, 2021 8:56:46 AM

“Alright. Let’s follow the mists for now. If we don’t get out shortly, I’ll try the magnificent mansion.”

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Monday May 17th, 2021 9:14:32 AM

“Alright. Let’s follow the mists for now. If we don’t get out shortly, I’ll try the magnificent mansion.”

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Monday May 17th, 2021 9:32:08 AM

"Let's not get all jumpy here. We move through the mists until we get to the gate, and if we cannot seem to get to the gate we can go for Prohovia"

Barratore continues leading the group and trying to make for the Gate

Potion of Flying Round ?
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Protection Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

In the Mists (DM John) 
Monday May 17th, 2021 12:14:32 PM

Velarin attempts to find a means of leaving. He concludes to attempt to travel through the mist for now.
Tishe’ supports the mansion idea.
Brom stays alert.
Emrys makes some observations about recent planar travel experience. He then strives to encourage the others and feels inspired himself. Emrys gains one hero point for simultaneously referencing one of the DM’s favorite bands AND movies in a game fitting way.
Lanliss desires out of this plane and asks about using the gem.
Barratore attempts to refocus everyone and tries to head for the gate.
Edson travels along.

Led by the unwavering Barratore, the Keepers continue on the path.

Soon after Emrys finishes his song, a hunting horn sounds from behind them, the odd acoustics of the fog causing its call to linger mournfully.

Brom hears the unmistakable sound of hoofprints behind them.

Please confirm your marching order on this 20’ wide road.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Monday May 17th, 2021 1:44:53 PM

Edson nods and smiles to Emrys rousing speech. Then the horn blasts.

They were being hunted.

"Can we hide in the mansion... will they miss us?"

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Monday May 17th, 2021 7:24:34 PM

Lanliss heartbeat starts to beat faster and faster as he starts to feel panic starting to arise as he hears the hunting horn sounds.
"We Are being HUNTED", he says.
He holds to the gem dearly as he stops moving for a few moments.
It sparked something in his brain but in his state he couldn't think about what piece of information.
'I think we are being hunted !', he shouts as he thinks and hallucinates ...a smell of cinnamon and pie ?
"IF we can't go out of here we might need to GO "., he says loudly and stops talking for a moment.
A few moments of walking aimlessly and thinking
'moon...something with moon...what that that place name.'.
"We might need to go The Harrowing Moon", he shouts happy, as he remembers this.
He follows everybody and to think about the gate again.
Unless the others in the party have a different plan.

OOC: refer to Unusual Visitor in the archives.....might help us....unless one of you have a better idea (:

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+31=43 ; d20+9=27 ;
Monday May 17th, 2021 10:15:28 PM

"They're on horses or something with hooves." Brom says. Brom moves closest to the sounds shuffling the casters away from the sound and draws his sword. He rages and sniffs the air in the direction of the sound the scents of the area enters Brom's nose and his brain selects out smells he's familiar with. (Brom has scent while raging) Using the telepathic connection, Brom will use the images of the scents to communicate what is coming.

Nature Knowledge DC27
Perception DC 43

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 12:29:24 AM

Tishe’ pulls a scroll of Hallucinatory Terrain out of her Pants O Plenty and prepares to cast the illusion of the road turning into craggy pits and stones of a barren and Difficult landscape.

That is, if someone doesn’t have a better plan. “Hunts. The worst thing we can do is run, then. That’s what they want.” The Fateweaver doesn’t know anything about magical hunts or things.

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 98/ 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 5. 2. 2

Holy Aura: 6/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 5:58:46 AM

“Should I throw the mansion? From the story that the halfling told us before we came here, he is a dangerous foe. “

V moves to put Brom and Barratore between himself and the incoming threat

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 7:57:58 AM

“Should I throw the mansion? From the story that the halfling told us before we came here, he is a dangerous foe. “

V moves to put Brom and Barratore between himself and the incoming threat

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 9:59:12 AM

Emrys halts Tishe and suggests that he casts Screen, like they did before. "They're going to know something is up when they encounter a terrain that shouldn't be here. I suggest putting up a Screen and avoid all sorts of detection, both sensory and by divination."

If they all agree to that. He prepares to cast Screen, and make the place look and sound completely undisturbed, while they plan to take up refuge in a Mansion.

(Screen: Duration: 24 hours. Save: None (Will to disbelieve). Spell Resist: None.)

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+35=50 ; 9d8+41=79 ; d20+35=44 ; d20+35=37 ; d20+35=55 ; d20+35=51 ; d20+35=53 ; 3d8+41=53 ; 3d8+41=53 ; 3d8+41=55 ; 3d8+41=48 ; 3d8+41=55 ; 3d8+41=54 ; 3d8+41=53 ; 3d8+41=56 ;
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 10:26:17 AM

Barratore bristles a bit and thinks to possibly correct Lanliss, "More like pursued."

Barratore moves with Brom to take position between the party and the incoming threat. As exciting as hiding under a magical skirt sounded, he was more of the destroy them as they come in kind of mind. Activating 2 powers of his family Torc, the fighter prepares to negotiate with the would be pursuers.

"Save the magic and give Brom and I few moments"

Divine Favor

Barratore readies to attack the first creature to enter his 15' reach
Readied attack - PA gtr penetrating strike Improved Vital Hit AC 50 Dmg 79

Combat reflexes x5 PA gtr penetrating strike
Hit AC 44 Dmg 79
Hit AC 37 Dmg 53
Hit AC 55 crit Dmg 53+55+48
Hit AC 51 Dmg 55
Hit AC 53 crit Dmg 54+53+56
Enlarge +2 str/-1 AC to hit/15 ' reach Rounds 10/10
Divine Favor +3 Luck bonus Hit/Dmg Rounds 10/10
Potion of Flying Round ?
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Resist Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Hunters (round 1) (DM John)  d20+19=29 ; d20+19=25 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+19=27 ; d20+19=21 ; d20+19=24 ; d20+19=29 ; d20+19=23 ; d20+19=33 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=37 ; d20+19=28 ; d8+3=8 ; d8+3=5 ; d8+3=4 ; d20+19=38 ; d8+3=6 ; d100=34 ;
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 1:45:54 PM

Edson proposes hiding from the hunters.
Lanliss feverishly reacts to being hunted and reminds the others of The Harrowed Moon they heard about. Lanliss earns one hero point for recalling this information from last year.
Brom shares what he heard and attempts to smell more.
Tishe’ prepares to cast hallucinatory terrain but recalls that casting time for a scroll of a spell with a ten minute casting time is still ten minutes. She then comments on the nature of hunts.
Velarin offers to cast the mansion then puts Brom between him and the threat.
Emrys proposes to cast screen rather than have Tishe’ cast her spell.
Barratore clarifies that he is not prey and prepares to face the incoming hunters alongside Brom.

Brom senses the unmistakable smell of sweating equines, rust, and steel, coupled with the sound of spells being cast. The hoofbeats intensify as their pursuers close in. Suddenly, large shadowy creatures appear on the edges of the fog. Bow wielding centaurs shifting in and out of the fog as they rush past, six on passing in single file on either side of the defenders. Each launch an arrow as they run by, before disappearing again into the mist.

All six arrows launched at Barratore fail to penetrate his defenses. The centaurs, however, misjudge the enlarged minotaur’s reach. Barrator may take attacks of opportunity against up to six on his side. Their armor class is 22. Any attacks have a 20% miss chance (01-20) given their ability to partially blend into the mist.

One scores a critical hit on Brom and another also hits. Critical hit does 17 points of damage; second hit does 6 points. Brom needs to make two Will Saves, DC 17. Brom only: If either save is failed Highlight to display spoiler: {Brom spends this round babbling incoherently.}

Though dampened, the Keepers can hear the riders are circling back for another pass, this time from the direction opposite of where Brom and Barratore are.


Fog Centaur Hunters [C1 - C6 are on Barratore’s side; C7 - C12 are on Brom’s.]
C1 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C2 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C3 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C4 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C5 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C6 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C7 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C8 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C9 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C10 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C11 AC 22 Damage Taken :
C12 AC 22 Damage Taken :

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind  d100=30 ; d100=3 ; d100=51 ; d100=92 ; d100=78 ; d100=66 ;
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 2:22:12 PM

Rolling Barratore's miss chance and copying in above rolls
Readied attack 30% hit PA gtr penetrating strike Improved Vital Hit AC 50 Dmg 79
Combat reflexes AoO 3% MISS
Combat reflexes AoO 51% Hit AC 37 Dmg 53
Combat reflexes AoO 92% Hit AC 55 crit Dmg 53+55+48
Combat reflexes AoO 78% Hit AC 51 Dmg 55
Combat reflexes AoO 66% Hit AC 53 crit Dmg 54+53+56

Will post later with next actions

Enlarge +2 str/-1 AC to hit/15 ' reach Rounds 10/10
Divine Favor +3 Luck bonus Hit/Dmg Rounds 10/10
Potion of Flying Round ?
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Resist Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+14=15 ;
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 3:31:34 PM

Tishe’ grumbles, again remembering why she has never cast this silly spell despite keeping the scroll for years and years.

She puts it back in her pockets and prepares to help Barratorre and Brom. She pulls her Gem of Brightness: BloodWeed Shard from her pants and Readies a blast to affect the largest group of centaurs that try to run by. (30’ Cone. Fort DC 14 or be blinded d4 rounds). Not being able to see, the centaurs may have to slow down and be easier targets.

Ranged Touch (Readied). Nat 1

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 98/ 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 5. 2. 2

Holy Aura: 6/25 rounds. CL 25. 1. +4 deflect AC, +4 resist bonus saves. 2. SR 25 v evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures. 3. Protected v possession and mental influence. 4. Evil creature melee attack success = Save DC 31 or go blind and deaf.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100   d20+27=34 ; d20=18 ;
Tuesday May 18th, 2021 8:32:59 PM

'I can't panic....Barratore and Brom can deal with everything....even with a manically hunter or pursuer '
He breaths in and out, regaining his composure.
Lanliss keeps an eye on his surroundings and will communicate any thing that might help the keepers.

Perception 34
Aid another 18

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+17=30 ; d20+17=22 ; d20+34=49 ; 2d6+46=52 ; d20+31=46 ;
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 7:54:27 AM

HP: 272/391

The arrows strike Brom from the fog but Brom fights off the poison.

Brom waits for the smells to tell them when they are close. Brom will move to the line of the centaurs and attack.

Perception DC 46 (to track centaurs by scent)

Attack: AC49, damage 52

OOC: How far are they shooting from?

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 8:53:15 AM

"The lands and it's occupants are trying to keep us occupied until the master of the realms returns. We need to keep moving, and do so as quickly as we can. With limited sight in the fog, I think Brom and Barratore will have to deal with this problem."

V moves next to Lanliss and casts a greater invisibility upon himself, and then quickens a regular invisibility on Lanliss

"Stay close to me Lanliss. I have made you invisible, so please try to stay that way. You have the gem, and getting it out of here is all that matters now. You keep it safe, and the rest of us will do everything we can to keep you safe. Even if they don't know it, the entire Wold is counting on us."

Greater Invisibility, 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx2,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx7
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2-cx1, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2-cx1, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+35=50 ; 9d8+41=92 ;
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 9:55:21 AM

Landing 5 strikes as the centaurs pass, blood sprays everywhere and the minotaur spins and moves to the end of the group where the centaurs will be wheeling to come about. Barratore occupies 15' of the 20' road and makes a quick check of the terrain on either side of the road itself.
What lies off the road terrain wise? He telepathically conveys the information to the others

The centaurs would learn quickly and not make the same mistake and so he moves to the far side of the road so that he is on 5' of road and 10' off of it, forcing the centaurs to be much further off the road if they intended to go by unimpeded by his blade. Barratore readies to take a 5' further out and swing if need be

Readied attack - PA gtr penetrating strike Improved Vital Hit AC 50 Dmg 92

Enlarge +2 str/-1 AC to hit/15 ' reach Rounds 9/10
Divine Favor +3 Luck bonus Hit/Dmg Rounds 9/10
Potion of Flying Round ?
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Resist Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+24=29 ; d20+24=39 ;
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 11:15:41 AM

Emrys holds his action until the sound of their hooves are upon them and they're in range. He then steps up beside Barratore (to make sure no one else is in his area effect) and unleashes a wave of negative, necromantic energy.

(Emrys casts Wave of Exhaustion. Range: 60' Cone Shape Burst. No Save. Spell Penetration: 29, hero point reroll: 39, if necessary.)

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE  d20+28=31 ; d20+23=37 ; d20+23=39 ; d20+18=27 ; d20+28=38 ; d8+5=11 ; d6=5 ; d8+5=10 ; d6=6 ; d8+5=12 ; d6=5 ; d8+5=7 ; d6=6 ;
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 12:33:07 PM

Edson moves behind Barratore's huge frame, using rbe minotaur for some cover. His flaming bow comes out waiting for the centaurs to return. Once seen.. he unleashes.

Hit ac 31 11dmg +5 flame
Hit ac 37 10dmg +6 flame
Hit ac 27 12 dmg +5 flame
Hit ac 38 7 dmg + 6 flame

Hunters (round 2 (DM John)  d20+10=24 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=30 ;
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 12:58:53 PM

Tishe’ attempts to blind some of the centaurs with her gem. She is able to flash three of them, but they all manage to avoid its effects. Saves, 24, 17, 30. Note also these creatures have SR 18, not an issue for the casters being able to penetrate, but may come into play with spells from magic items. Because they each saved, overcoming SR is moot.
Lanliss attempts to aid the others. Who is Lanliss aiding?
Brom steps up as they come in and attacks one, bloodying it. They were within 10’ of the road as the ran by.
Velarin advises the others to keep moving, noting that magic is limited by the concealment of the fog. He then makes himself and Lanliss invisible.
Barratore exploits his reach, wounding three and killing two. He then takes a position to one side of the road readying for another run by the centaurs. Thank you for adding the prepared rolls--the DM missed them being there.
Emrys casts wave of exhaustion on the centaurs on Barratore’s side. SR is 18; no need for a hero point. He manages to effect all of the remaining centaurs on Barratore’s side.

Barratore devastates the centaurs running on his side, killing two. Emrys’ spell greatly hinders the surviving hunters on that side. Brom is able to step into one rushing by on his side, wounding it grievously.

The centaurs move around to circle back, but stop suddenly and quietly, somewhere ahead. The fog becomes eerily silent as the hunters wait somewhere within the mist.

Two slain centaurs remain where Barratore slew them.


Fog Centaur Hunters [C1 - C6 are on Barratore’s side; C7 - C12 are on Brom’s.]
C1 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken : -79 from Barratore, Bloodied
C2 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken : -53 from Barratore, Bloodied
C3 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken : -156 from Barratore, DEAD
C4 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken : -55 from Barratore, Bloodied
C5 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken : -163 from Barratore, DEAD
C6 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken :
C7 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken : -52 from Brom. Bloodied.
C8 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken :
C9 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken :
C10 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken :
C11 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken :
C12 AC 22 SR 18 Damage Taken :

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100   d20=17 ;
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 2:38:08 PM

OOC: Was trying to aid anyone that I can possible help.....

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100   d20+42=62 ;
Wednesday May 19th, 2021 7:13:28 PM

Lanliss tries to keep himself and the gem out of harms way as much as possible breathing slowly trying not to give their pursuers any indication of his existence.

Stealth 62 Natural 20

OOC: Assuming Helped Edson if possible ?

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+31=39 ; d20+34=44 ; 2d6+46=52 ;
Thursday May 20th, 2021 8:39:10 AM

Brom waits at the edge of the mist. He uses his sense of smell to locate the centaurs.

He waits for one to appear and then moves again to attack.

Readied attack: AC44, damage 52

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 9:51:16 AM

V casts true seeing so that he can see everyone in the party

"Let's keep moving guys. If they come back we will deal with them. The longer we take, the more forces they will send against us. If we don't get out of this shortly, I'm going to try the mansion."

True seeing, 20 minutes
Greater Invisibility, 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx2,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx7
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2-cx1, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2-cx1, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing-cx1
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Hunters (round 3) (DM John) 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 1:11:40 PM

Lanliss now invisible, hides further. Lanliss please note in your header of post, that Lanliss is invisible--the DM has trouble keeping things straight.
Brom stands ready for another run by.
Velarin casts true seeing to keep tabs on everyone. And nothing else is revealed. He prompts everyone to continue and cast magnificent mansion.

Velarin casts his spell, the door to the mansion appears before them, tendrils of the clinging mist creep around the portal, attempting to fill the suddenly appearing fogless space, but the magic keeps it at bay.

The mist remains eerily silent, though Brom can sense that the hunters remain somewhere out there waiting in the mist. Suddenly, a hunting horn resounds ahead of them, its mournful note trailing off eerily in the concealing fog.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 1:40:27 PM

Tishe’ puts away her BloodShard, it’s not gonna be useful with the spell resistance of the centaurs. The horn calls again, closer, and the sorceress realizes Velarin is right: they are merely keeping them at bay until the Hunter arrives.

A quick glance sees that the Mansion isn’t going to work, either. “The fog is going to be a dead giveaway.” She casts a Wall of Ice that covers the Keepers in a dome of Ice, blocking line of sight.

“OK, that will give us a couple seconds, do we teleport again? Or do we just admit this plane wants to get us and we stand here and fight until we die?”


Wall of Ice. Dome. 60’ radius, 20’ tall. 60hp per 10x10 section, D6+20 cold damage to move through once broken

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Veil - white clad diseased and limping laborers, 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Fly 5 minutes
Fly on Edson. 20 minutes
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 98/ 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 6. 2. 2

CDM Jerry [OOC post] 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 6:38:38 PM

I have sent an important email to the DMs of Keepers. DMs please reply. This may be deleted once both DMs have replied. ;)

CDM Jerry [OOC post] 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 6:52:13 PM

Hear Ye Hear Ye!

I'm starting a Woldian recruitment blitz to fill what looks to be 10 spots.  We have 2 new games starting which accounts for 6 of the openings.  The other 4 are in existing non-veteran games.  The two new games will be called:

Bearclaw Keep

The icons for these are already up on in the Career Games section, but the links just go to the LnB until the games begin.  [THANKS ROB FOR DESIGNING THOSE!!!]

I want to start with recruiting from 1) you good people and 2) inactive players.
SO!!!  If you have a friend [someone that still talks to you] talk to them and see if they want to play!  All they have to do to start the progress is to email me. [gericko@gmail.com].

I am going to send out some emails starting tonight to former players so I do not know whether this push will fill us up quickly or not.  :)  Better to play it on the safe side and talk to your friends immediately!

Enjoy your evening and the weekend AND talking to your friends about joining us!

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Thursday May 20th, 2021 8:17:26 PM

Lanliss shrugs his shoulders, "either way is not easy"
" Fighting till death ? Or we still try to run away", he asks himself.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 9:12:27 PM

"Mist Hunters and now some Mist Cryer's proclamation for recruitment of players ... who are these demented fiends? Do they actually think this is some kind of GAME?! I'm losing my patience for such blatherskite. Let's try this teleport or move on. I'm growing weary of this madness."

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 9:14:18 PM

V brings up the mansion and Barratore snorts, "Why do we keep changing the plan 12 seconds into it. We were moving forwards, working the Mist to get to our destination. Prohovia folks, we are going to Prohovia. Not stopping to try the cube, not stopping to try and plane shift, or the mansion, or a teleport or anything else. Move with me and lets get to Prohovia."

Barratore continues on down the road. The centaurs were out there, but he really didn't care. 2 were dead, 5 were wounded and that was in just the opening salvo.

Enlarge +2 str/-1 AC to hit/15 ' reach Rounds 8/10
Divine Favor +3 Luck bonus Hit/Dmg Rounds 8/10
Potion of Flying Round ?
DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Resist Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 10:34:28 PM

"Sure ... let's go to Prohovia; I could use a good stiff drink. However, after that short respite, why not then go to the actual Gate that brought us here from the Shadow Realm? The mists should take us straight there if we concentrate on it."

Emrys motions for everyone not to separate and keep going.

"Prohovia and the Undead Realm could have been avoided if we had done that in the first place."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Friday May 21st, 2021 9:41:50 AM

(V never actually cast the mansion, just mentioned it as a near future possibility.)

“Barratore is right. Everyone keep moving and concentrate on Prohovia.”

V follows along after Barratore, keeping a close eye on Lanliss,

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Friday May 21st, 2021 10:52:22 AM

Everyone going to Prohovia?? Tishe’ belays her Wall of Ice spell and continues moving towards Prohovia.

Prohovia again (DM John) 
Friday May 21st, 2021 12:11:59 PM

The party continues on their trek to Prohovia. Just out of sight and other senses, the hunters appear to pace them, occasionally confirming this with a sound of their horn.

Suddenly the mists part. The Keeper's find themselves in the familiar territory of Prohovia.

The sky that is now visible is filled with rolling clouds. The sun, as before, is hidden from view, the clouds ahead appear to be brighter off to the horizon.

Low rumbling thunder periodically sounds in the distance, but with no indication of any rain. .

A slight breeze comes from ahead, carrying with it the faint smell of wood smoke.

Before them lies the wood cut clearing on the outskirts of Unity, its brightly painted buildings visible in the distance. Moments after the Keepers step out of the mist, a horn sounds from somewhere on the edge of town. Different from the horn of the centaurs, this sounds brighter and more musical than the hunting horns of their pursuers. Residents quickly respond to the trumpet call, running from within the town to form along the track entering this side of town.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Friday May 21st, 2021 1:46:05 PM

Edson keeps heading into the town, periodically peering over his shoulder at the mist. He does look back at the townsfolk, just making sure they're not taking up arms against them.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Friday May 21st, 2021 9:29:49 PM

Lanliss is happy to have a respite from the feeling of being pursued or hunted.
"What now ?", he asks the group while still being invisible for the time being.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Saturday May 22nd, 2021 5:26:24 AM

“Now we try the Cube again”, responds to Lanliss’ question

And failing that, the Fateweaver thinks to the Keepers, “ we’ll have to confront the happy heroes to find our way to another exit location.”

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Monday May 24th, 2021 6:34:25 AM

“Agreed. We have to get out of here, and do it quickly. Our time is likely running out. Let’s go everyone, huddle up and we use the cube. I’ve had enough of these realms.”

As soon as all the group is huddled together, V grabs the cube, ensures that lanliss is holding tightly to the gem, and uses the side of the cube that we set to return us home.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Monday May 24th, 2021 8:12:43 AM

“Agreed. We have to get out of here, and do it quickly. Our time is likely running out. Let’s go everyone, huddle up and we use the cube. I’ve had enough of these realms.”

As soon as all the group is huddled together, V grabs the cube, ensures that lanliss is holding tightly to the gem, and uses the side of the cube that we set to return us home.

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+31=51 ;
Monday May 24th, 2021 8:22:23 AM

Leaving the mist, Brom finds himself in unfamiliar lands. "Where we at now?" He asks. He continues to listen for the sounds of the horns behind them.

Perception DC 51

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Monday May 24th, 2021 11:07:31 AM

Barratore gives Brom a quick run down of the place, Prohovia. Oddly happy peoples where a bunch of werewolves run the place kinda and they have this crazy festival of stories and songs and probably werewolf stuff and there is also a member of Sages Guild here. we skipped out on the party last time as we came through and there was talk of the big bad wolf and all, but again we opted out on on way to get the gem and now we prolly shouldn't stay on account of having the gem.

Barratore returns to normal size as the magic of his Torc wears off Barratore looks out at the gathering residents, they were a queer lot to be sure. If the cube performs as expected, I think we head into town and see if there is any news of anything. The mists separate realms right? So until we go back in, I don't think we are in danger overly of pursuit. Lanliss, I highly suggest you stick the keystone into an extradimensional space and not wave it about so everyone knows whom they should be trying to kill

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Resist Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Prohovia again (DM John) 
Monday May 24th, 2021 11:11:23 AM

Edson heads forward staying aware of things in front of and behind him.
Lanliss asks, “What now?”
Tishe’ answers, “Now we try the cube again.”
Velarin, worried about how much time they have remaining with their diversion, calls everyone together to use the cube.
Brom asks where they are, not having been here before. He remains alert.
Barratore gives Brom a quick summary of Prohovia. He becomes his normal size and shares his perspective on their immediate threats.
Emrys gathers round.

Velarin once again attempts to leave using the cube. Once again, it fails to function.

More people gather at the outskirts of the town. They do not seem to be gathering in defense; rather, they appear to be forming as if in anticipation of a parade.

Further in the town, the sounds of cheers can be heard. Soon a group of foot soldiers come into view approaching along the road, but still within the boundaries of the town. They quickly form ranks on either side of the road, townsfolk quickly shifting to make room for them. A group of five then approach, obviously a leader and an honor guard of two before and two behind.

They come to a halt about fifty feet inside the edge of town. Apparently waiting for the Keepers. No weapons are drawn. By all appearances their posture is one of welcome.

Barratore Highlight to display spoiler: { He does not see or hear anything. In fact, this spoiler content is here to make all the private postings about the same length. So is this sentence.}

Brom Highlight to display spoiler: { He does not see or hear anything. In fact, this spoiler content is here for filler. }

Edson only Highlight to display spoiler: {Edson mentally gets the impression of a strong presence. It disappears so quickly, that he is uncertain that it wasn’t merely his imagination.}

Lanliss Highlight to display spoiler: { He does not see or hear anything. In fact, this spoiler content is here to make all the private postings about the same length. }

Tishe’Highlight to display spoiler: { Shee does not see or hear anything. In fact, this spoiler content is here to make all the private postings about the same length. And here is an extra sentence to add some variation. }

Velarin Highlight to display spoiler: { He does not see or hear anything. In fact, this spoiler content is here to make all the private postings more or less the same length. }

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Monday May 24th, 2021 11:52:28 AM

" What was that?" Edson asks Mentally.

He starts spinning around, looking in every direction. " Did you guys feel some presence or something. I felt it for a split second. It felt real strong.. but then disappeared. "

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+26=42 ;
Monday May 24th, 2021 3:19:38 PM

Tishe’ is not even disappointed about the Cube not working, that’s been the pattern since they grabbed the Keystone. Trooping toward the people looking like they are expecting a parade, she shakes her head, “No, Emrys, I haven’t noticed anything. What I want to see, though, is our Sage Guild friend. We need answers and a way to escape.”

Another thought and.. “so, someone should say hi at least”

She looks for their associate.

Perception. 42

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Monday May 24th, 2021 8:07:29 PM

....Lanliss keeps quiet.....not sure what is going on.
"I am not sure that we see or hear the same thing", he says with a concerned voice, "Something is definitely wrong."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 8:10:12 AM

V looks annoyed at the cube, and it appears the group is seemingly resigned to join a parade of sorts. And the Edson speaks.

"Everyone wait...You felt a strong presence Edson? Did you feel it just as we started to use the cube? Did anyone else feel it?"

"It pains me to say, but I believe that the lands or powers or guardians, or whatever here, are not going to let you leave. A deal is a deal, and you saved the Wold by making one. I think the cube will work, but not if you are amongst the people going."

"Unfortunately my friend, It seems to me that our time together may be at an end. The only way to test it, is for the rest of us to try and use it without you."

On the outskirts of Unity (DM John) 
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 12:52:01 PM

Edson describes a presence he felt.
Tishe’ stoically accepts the failure of the cube. As they approach she looks around for Manfrit.
Lanliss expresses his concern about the unexpected behavior of the citizens.
Velarin asks about Edson’s news. He speculates that Edson may not be allowed to depart Koshe’ Marr. He proposes attempting to leave without Edson.
Emrys, Brom, and Barratore keep to themselves.

The crowd, now fully formed, expectantly awaits the arrival of the Keepers. Those with keen sight notice a bit of confusion among the crowd, indicated by the appearance of whispers accompanied by speculation glances in the direction of the travelers.

The central figure among the honor guard summons someone in the crowd. Even at this distance, the gaudy clothing of Abelord, the village leader, is readily identifiable as he reluctantly advances toward the armored figure who beckoned him. He has what appears to be for him, an uncomfortable conversation with the person who is obviously his superior. This man looks ahead at the Keepers, his posture visibly revealing a bit of impatience.

Invisible: Edson, Lanliss, and Velarin
Appear to be gardeners: all but Brom.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 1:59:48 PM

Edson nods to Velarin. "Thats what I thought before, and I think you're right. If this is goodbye, its sooner then I hoped... but it needs to be done for the Wold. "

Edson looks to the others, hoping this isn't the end, but anticipating it is.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 3:47:17 PM

"Well this is odd. When we arrived the first time, they'd barely give us an idle glance. Now we are apparently the toast of the town. I wonder what communication these people were given ... and what they're expecting. By the looks of the confusion ... it wasn't us!"

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+17=29 ;
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 4:01:12 PM

Barratore is still unsure what to do about Edson. Letting him become a dark power was not really on his list of To Do's, but he also currently did not have an acceptable solution.

"I'm not ready to leave Edson quite yet V. You make a good point though, and I think Lanliss should try and use the Cube to get the Keystone out of here. Anyone not named Edson can tag along with him. I can find my way back to the gate, or perhaps to the Inn the halfling spoke of"

Barratore looks at the gathering and nods, "i'm going to see what's going on."
Perception 29
Barratore moves forward towards the gathered people. Upon arriving at 10' away, the minotaur speaks, "I am Barratore Steelwind of the Starlight clan. What can i do for you good sir?"

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Resist Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Veil - White clad gardener person - Tishe
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 8:02:17 PM

"I'm not ready to leave Edson here either. Ive been considering multiple plans since the deed was dealt. I thought I could simply steal Edson's soul and return it to a reincarnated body once we were back in the Wold. Or Imprison Edson within a crystal and take control of his body... like a meat puppet. Disintegrate and reassemble and so on. But everything I can do, so can the Powers ... and they will prevent our exit until Edson's covenant is satisfied. I don't believe there is anything we can do while we are here in this realm. However, the Gold Dragons might have the answer. The lands surrounding Windhorn Hamlet were pulled into Koshe-Marr. They were able to return the Hamlet to the Wold. Maybe we can do the same, once Edson becomes established as a Dark Lord and is in control of his own realm."

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 9:34:01 PM

Lanliss looks at Edson in disbelief.
" Nope,not going to happen".
Only now he truly understanded.
'Edson a dark lord?', he thinks.
"Edson, promise me whatever happens you......you will never lose yourself", Lanliss manages to say with a tear in his eye with a slight sob.
" I prefer you become a Heist Lord, a Lord of mischief rather than to become something evil or sinister"

"There is no other way? Even Gragul couldn't steal him from us"

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 12:20:42 AM

Tishe’ waits for the conversation with Abelord, and the decision from Edson. “I’m not making a decision, but if Sieur Edson says try and leave him behind, that is no more noble than Sieur Barratorre ready to do the same thing.”

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 5:14:14 AM

(ooc: when v attempted to cast plane shift, was the spell wasted, or did nothing happen, and he still has the spell?)

"Barratore, while I agree with your sentiment, we must get the gem out of here, and it's possible there will be forces looking to retrieve it from us when we return to our home plane. We must protect the gem until we safely turn it over to Q. If we fail in that, then Edson's sacrifice was for naught."

"I very much would also like to see what we can do to prevent Edson from becoming a dark lord, but the gem must be our priority. I would also like very much not to lose more than one friend today because of stubbornness. Once Marteus returns, there is no place in this realm that he will not find each and every one of us."

V stays very close to Lanliss, ready to use the cube at any moment to get Lanliss and the gem out of here, while he tries to talk to Barratore.

True seeing, 20 minutes
Greater Invisibility, 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx2,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx7
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2-cx1, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2-cx1, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing-cx1
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 8:48:35 AM

"Agreed, separating this stone from Marteus is bigger than all of us."

Welcome to Prohovia (DM John) 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 11:42:57 AM

Edson consents to Velarin’s to attempt to leave without him.
Emrys comments on the unexpected behavior of the residents of Unity. He comments on potential options regarding Edson and agrees with Velarin’s statement of priorities.
Barratore adds to the discussion, then advances to the town.
Lanliss wrestles with the implications of the deal Edson made.
Velarin states that escaping with the gem is their first priority. Regarding the casting of plane shift: the spell failed when it was attempted, so it was lost.
Tishe’ puts Edson’s offer to remain behind in context. She is ready to meet with Abelord.
Brom goes along with the group.

As Barratore leads them forward, stopping just at the edge of the gathering. As the Keeper’s approach, the crowd begins to cheer. A path in the center of the street remains clear for them to progress. The Keeper’s note familiar faces in the crowd. Heimrich, who rented his mother’s house to them, lifts on his toes to make himself more visible among the gathered, cheering citizens. He waves to them as they approach. The young man who was caught tracking them, seems unashamed as he joins in the cheering. Manfrit, the halfling scholar who aided them, calls to them from the second floor window he, along with several others, are watching from.

Ahead of them, the four bodyguards step aside to allow their leader to step forward. Abelard, stands to one side, visibly happy to no longer be the object of his master’s attention.

This is undoubtedly Malgard, Darklord of Prohovia. He stands over six feet tall, muscular and moving with the grace of a dancer or a skilled swordsman. He wears no armor, but an elven curve blade rests on each hip.

Survival or Knowledge Nature DC 15 only Highlight to display spoiler: { As he steps forward, the wind shifts such that the Keepers are upwind of Malgard.}

He silently surveys the Keepers, his nostrils visibly flaring. He then turns to Abelard. In a deep voice, he calmly says to the Meistersinger, “You told me there were five. I smell six.”

He then returns his focus to the Keepers, nodding in acknowledgement of Barratore's greeting, but not directly answering his question. “Welcome to Prohovia....again. I am sorry I missed your visit last time,” he pauses to look at Abelord, who withers at the gaze. “I hope that you will accept my hospitality this time. I would like to know what you did that caused such changes. It is as if a shadow has been lifted from the land.” He pauses, awaiting their response. His bodyguards, each a tall elf equipped with an elegant long bow and a curve blade, warily watch the exchange.

Invisible: Edson, Lanliss, and Velarin
Appear to be gardeners: all but Brom.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE  d20+36=56 ;
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 8:07:32 PM

" One hundred percent the keystone is the priority" Edson says mentally. " Don't worry about me. I am not going anywhere, and plus... Darklord is so passe. I'll be the Gray Lord or.. perhaps the blue lord. Always liked Blue. "

At the site of the original Dark Lord, Edson gets tipped off to something. He cannot be seen. To test his theory, Edson moves away from the group, but tries to stay thirty feet from the old DarkLord. While doing it, he sees if anyone follows his movements.
Sneak 56(Nat 20)

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind  d20+10=15 ;
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 10:07:47 PM

Barratore detects the shift in the wind and mentally tells the others, The lord just changed the direction of the wind itself. Seeing him take in the scent of the group confirms Barratore's suspicions, this is indeed the lord here and he carries the powers of the wolf

As Barratore started the conversation, he continues it. "We were joined by a companion after leaving here and as we were not expecting him, there was no way for Abelard to have known." Barratore pauses a moment to gauge any reaction or rather to let the others pick up on any reaction and continues on to the question posed.
"We are unfortunately in some haste to return to our homelands and do not wish to be a burden, but it would have been rude to simply have stepped back into the mist once we saw such a welcome to our arrival."

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 10:53:29 PM

Lanliss agrees with Val after a few moments of thinking.
"Try to make use of the cube whn ready....."
"And when the time is right", he adds after that.
They were right...the keystone was priority.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+10=29 ; d10=2 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+10=14 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 12:11:58 AM

Tishe’ mentally applauds Barratorre, the biggest and strongest-looking Keeper being the talker is a mirror for how the Prohovia people are treating Malgard. She only wishes she were better at sensing people’s motives!

Nevertheless, she tries to get a better hunch for the intentions of Malgard, Abelard, and her Sages acquaintance.

Sense Motive. 29. 18. 14

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 6:34:36 AM

V speaks to the group mentally “This is dangerous. Lead on with it Barratore, but at the first sign of any hostility, I’m getting Lanliss out of here. The gem must be removed from these lands at all costs, and we can afford to take no chances.”

V moves his hand to firmly grasp Lanliss’ upper arm(assuming Lanliss needs both hands to carry the weight of the gem). “Stay close Lanliss. If the mood changes, we are getting the gem out of here.”

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);   d20+18=21 ; d20+31=41 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 7:59:52 AM

Brom notices the wind change as well. He remains quiet and lets those familiar with the village and its people do the talking.

Survival DC 21, Perception DC 41

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada  d20+17=25 ; d20+28=40 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 12:33:48 PM

(Survival: 25)

Emrys also knows which way the breeze is blowing. He hopes the others get the hint of what that means.

He then realizes he is still disguised as a gardener and understands how this could be insulting to someone's intelligence. He immediately deactivates his circlet of persuasion and disguise, steps forward next to Barratore and presents himself to the Lord and the townspeople.

(Diplomacy: 40)

"Greetings Lord Malgard. Emrys Myrridanmyl at your service. It is nice to finally meet you. You have a fine community here. We felt most welcome when we first arrived and had an excellent stay. Please forgive your good Meistersinger, we did not announce our visit."

Emrys then mentally tells his friends, 'Maybe it would be wise to present yourselves. To remain invisible would be insulting to the Darklord's intelligence, especially after revealing that he knows you're here.'

The Darklord says "Hi" (DM John) 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 3:08:47 PM

Edson affirms that the Keystone is first priority. He stealthily moves to the side.
Barratore informs the others of the wind change. He then diplomatically addresses the Darklord.
Lanliss agrees with Velarin’s plan and makes himself ready.
Tishe’ attempts to gauge the attitudes of key individuals. Malghard the Darklord, seems wary but interested. Abelord is very clearly terrified, in all likelihood, of the Darklord. Manfrit seems a bit confused.
Velarin remains wary and prepares contingency plans.
Brom does not miss the wind change and allows those who have been here before to the lead.
Emrys attempts diplomacy and encourages the others to end their invisibility.

The cloud cover is the same as it was the last time the Keepers were here. The distant thunder of storms continue to provide an auditory backdrop to the scene. Barratore approaches the Darklord and explains, "We were joined by a companion after leaving here and as we were not expecting him, there was no way for Abelard to have known."

Malghard inclines his head. Without looking away from Barratore, he responds, “Well. It is reassuring to hear that my Meistersinger is not entirely incompetent.” He does not sound reassured.

"We are unfortunately in some haste to return to our homelands and do not wish to be a burden, but it would have been rude to simply have stepped back into the mist once we saw such a welcome to our arrival," continues the minotaur.

“No burden. As lord of this demesne it is my duty and honor to extend hospitality to notable visitors, especially ones who, shall we say, have made an impression upon the very fabric of this realm.”

Emrys intervenes, adding to Barratore’s diplomatic approach, "Greetings Lord Malgard. Emrys Myrridanmyl at your service. It is nice to finally meet you. You have a fine community here. We felt most welcome when we first arrived and had an excellent stay. Please forgive your good Meistersinger, we did not announce our visit."

“Why thank you, Herr Myrridanmyl. It is pleasant to encounter one with both power and manners.” After a moment's pause, Malghard continues, “ Your bodyguard mentioned that you are in a hurry. Therefore, I will not detain you unnecessarily with a fete or other time consuming social observance. However, would you indulge my curiosity by sharing what you just did? Whatever it was, its impact was felt even here. ”

The Keepers suddenly realize they are no longer within the town square. It appears that, without any indication of him doing so, Malgard created a pocket plane within the plane of Prohovia, shifting only himself and the Keepers within it.

“Your secret is safe with me,” he adds.

Invisible: Edson, Lanliss, and Velarin
Appear to be gardeners: all but Brom.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 7:08:37 PM

V watches the exchange carefully, unsure of what is to come until the pocket dimension is created with a thought.

“Interesting” says V mentally, as he dismisses his own invisibility, but leaves Lanliss’ in place. Before responding to the dark lord, V quickly mentions to the others “perhaps each land and or dark lord is a reflection of the other. As this land had wolves and death, it also had peace and happiness.” V briefly has a glimmer of hope that dark lord Edson will be able to fashion his realm in his own image, and not the other way around.

V looks toward the dark lord. “Greetings Lord Malgard, I am Velarin Xilontheel. I apologize for most of our deceptive measures, but we wish to leave this realm as quickly and as quietly as possible. Perhaps I can answer your question. My friends and I have destroyed a machine that created disease within the lands. It caused disease and plague in everyone and everything associated with it. A machine who’s only purpose was to corrupt and rot. It was intended to do the same to every land in every realm.”

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 9:35:25 PM

Edson continues waiting, still invisible. He watched and listened as Velarin shared what happened, but didn't want to add any more info.

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 10:09:52 PM

Barratore raises an eyebrow at being labelled a bodyguard, but there was no gain to be made in correcting the lord. With Emrys taking the lead, Barratore remains silent. The shift in location does put him off however, he was not expecting such power to be at this beings command. Now the master of the realm was being far more direct.

V speaks up and Barratore mentally nods his agreement. The far smarter people were talking now and he was happy to take a back seat to what could be a mental chess game, a game he was woefully outmatched in by present company.

At Emrys' suggestion he tries to dismiss the Veil spell

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+26=43 ; d20+10=23 ;
Friday May 28th, 2021 2:06:18 AM

Tishe’ also nods, she was about to say the same as Velarin, and she is happy he is taking the lead. She dismisses her Viel spell on the Keepers, returning them to their true images. “Many Shadows”, she inclines her head politely, “I am Tishe’. Forgive me if we seem guarded, but even in your realm, are we not still in Koshe Marr? How safe are any secrets or any life when they are held in the palm of the Diseased One?”

The sorceress continues to be wary.

Perception. 43
Sense Motive 23

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Friday May 28th, 2021 10:41:46 AM

Emrys also nods with Velarin's account. "I don't wish to invoke his name, but I would assume you know who we are talking about."

Interview with a Werewolf (DM John) 
Friday May 28th, 2021 11:45:07 AM

Velarin cancels only his own invisibility and considers the implications of what he just observed with this darklord. He then answers Malghard’s question.
Edson observes, while remaining invisible.
Barratore reacts to being called a bodyguard, but only subtly. He allows the others to do the talking.
Tishe’ dismisses the veil spell, restoring them to their normal appearance. She introduces herself and comments on the Diseased One.
Emrys supports Velarin’s account and implies the darklord knows who they are talking about.
Lanliss and Brom remain wary.

Velarin addresses the Darklord, “Greetings Lord Malgard, I am Velarin Xilontheel. I apologize for most of our deceptive measures, but we wish to leave this realm as quickly and as quietly as possible. Perhaps I can answer your question. My friends and I have destroyed a machine that created disease within the lands. It caused disease and plague in everyone and everything associated with it. A machine whose only purpose was to corrupt and rot. It was intended to do the same to every land in every realm.”

As Velarin tells this, Malghard tilts his head slightly, a gesture canine in nature. “Impressive. And I assume you are fleeing the owner of this device. Thus, the desire for haste. ”

Emrys adds, "I don't wish to invoke his name, but I would assume you know who we are talking about."

“Him?” he asks, obviously surprised or confused, “I assumed it must have been Izzozentia’s machine you destroyed as she does have a strange obsession with diseases. If not hers, then whose machine did you destroy? ”

Tishe’ further adds, Forgive me if we seem guarded, but even in your realm, are we not still in Koshe Marr? How safe are any secrets or any life when they are held in the palm of the Diseased One?”

He nods in answer to the first question, but appears puzzled by the second one. “The Diseased One? The machine was his and not Izzozentia’s? You mean to tell me that he has a realm within Koshe’ Marr?

“I dare say you are mistaken. The Powers are the overlords of Koshe’ Marr with Darklords ruling the individual demesnes such as I do here in Prohovia.”

“Please, tell me more. But first, perhaps we could use a scholar’s perspective.” He turns slightly and calls, “Manfrit, please join us for a private conversation.” The Keepers note a slight flicker in their surroundings, momentarily the blur around them coalesces into the street and the crowd filling it before returning to the substanceless gray they were in. They quickly realize that Manfrit, the halfling member of the Sage’s Guild they met before, has now joined them.

Manfrit looks around, a bit surprised. After a moment, however, he recovers, a broad grin spreading across his chubby face. “Ahh, you were disguised. You succeeded! Welcome back.” He then appears to realize the current situation and turns to the Darklord. “As always, it is a pleasure to visit with you, Malghard. Thank you for including me in this...private gathering.” He waits silently, obviously curious.

Invisible: Edson and Lanliss
Appear to be gardeners: no one here.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Friday May 28th, 2021 7:46:56 PM

Lanliss remains invisible for the time being, unless instructed otherwise by the others.

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Saturday May 29th, 2021 2:17:56 PM

“Him”, repeats Tishe’, “and you are doing nothing other than fishing for information. Help us, Sieur, or stand aside and let us pass! For we will save the Wold with your help or in your despite!”

Tishe’ is done with this charade and the whole mission. They need to be done.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Monday May 31st, 2021 11:03:54 AM

Taking a cue from tishe', V tries to move things along.

"I will answer your question Malghard, and perhaps even offer you a little more to think upon, but then we need to be on our way. Yes indeed, the diseased one has a realm within these lands, and if the powers you are referring to, are the ones controlling the fog and the transportation between realms, then they appear to answer to him, but not so much at the same time. They allowed us to go to his realm, knowing what we were going to do, and exacted a heavy price from us for knowing he would be displeased if we succeeded. They reasoned that they were simply helping him to test his defenses. His realm was full of nothing but disease and death. Everything was poisonous and infected."

"Your questions have been answered, and it is time for us to be on our way Lord Malghard."

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Monday May 31st, 2021 12:51:05 PM

Edson nervously shifts from foot to foot. He's waiting for either a fight or another attempt to leave, and maybe he wont make the trip this time.

DM Steve -- 5/31 -- I will answer your question, Malghard. 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 12:21:19 AM

Velarin tries to move things along.
Tishe’ grows impatient with their current host.
Lanliss remains invisible.
Edson grows nervous.
Emrys, Brom, and Barratore watch and wait.

Velarin answers, "I will answer your question Malghard, and perhaps even offer you a little more to think upon, but then we need to be on our way. Yes indeed, the diseased one has a realm within these lands, and if the powers you are referring to, are the ones controlling the fog and the transportation between realms, then they appear to answer to him, but not so much at the same time. They allowed us to go to his realm, knowing what we were going to do, and exacted a heavy price from us for knowing he would be displeased if we succeeded. They reasoned that they were simply helping him to test his defenses. His realm was full of nothing but disease and death. Everything was poisonous and infected. Your questions have been answered, and it is time for us to be on our way Lord Malghard."

“Enough!” Malghard snaps. “You make an extraordinary claim, and I will need an extraordinary proof. Indeed, there can be only one place you are looking for if you came here with a tale like that, and you will not find it until I am satisfied that you speak truly. Manfrit, what did they tell you of this when they were here?”

“Only that the Gods of Testing fell, my lord,” Manfrit squeaks out. “When they gave me news of the Wold. They were mostly interested in moving on, sir, looking for their companion who we can clearly see they found.”

Malghard breathes in a heavy sigh before saying, “I can smell the lie, Manfrit. What are you holding back?”

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 8:25:20 AM

Barratore before Manfrit can reply, "We only came here based as it was a clear path form the current pursuit we were facing. From here, we had planned to simply move on to our gate and be gone and possibly see if Manfrit wished to come with us. But make no mistake we are leaving and your satisfaction is not required." Barratore rests his hand upon his blade and mentally prepares himself for the negotiations to get more aggressive

DR 5/- Fighter ability
Stoneskin 135/150 DR Adamantine- V
Resist Fire - Ignore first 30 Fire damage per hit. Emrys
Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 200 minutes. Ignore first 30 acid damage per hit.
Planar Adaption - Emrys
Hide From Undead - Emrys

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 8:47:44 AM

"We have told you no lies Malghard. All is as I have said."

V waits to see his response, and depending upon it... Barratore's.

True seeing, 20 minutes
Greater Invisibility, 20 rounds
Hide from undead: 200 minutes(from Emrys)
fly: extended fly via spell
Planar adaptation: (from Emrys)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
Holy Aura - Emrys 22/25 rounds: SR 25, immune mind affecting spells/possession, Evil must make Fort DC 31 or be blind if evil strikes

SR 18, total to overcome SR is 1d20+26, rolling 2X for best roll.
Spell DC 21+
1st: Prot from evil X2, Magic missile X6-cx2,
2nd: Invisibility X8-cx7
3rd: Haste X2-cx1, fly X3-cx1, Displacement-c, Fireball, Lightning bolt-c
4th: Dim Door X3, Greater Invis.X2-cx1, Stoneskin-c, Black tentacles
5th: Teleport X2-cx1, Empowered fireball, Wall of force X2-cx2, Passwall X2
6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic X2-cx1, Disintegrate X2-cx1, wall force-c, True seeing-cx1
7th: Plane Shift-c, grtr teleport X2-cx2, Mage's mansion, Limited Wish, Summon 7-c1, mass Invis.
8th: empower chain lightningX3-cx2, greater Prying eyes-cx1, Maze, Summon 8-c
9th: Meteor Swarm, Wish X2-cx1, Quickened empowered fireball, Time Stop-c, Crushing hand-c

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 12:07:41 PM

Tishe’ reviews in her mind what took place the rainy night in Manfrit’s quarters. That the Halfling had been here for about 5 years, that he probably knew the mission to regain the companion was a lie, but don’t the Keepers have a companion here in the form of Brom? And that Velarin has already told him of the machine and the breaking thereof by the Keepers. So what does Malghard want?

She mentally tries to slow Barratorre’s shuttle. “We want to go, but don’t know where. He claims he knows. If we keep jumping from realm to realm we will definitely lose. We need to take a chance.”

The Fateweaver tries a new pattern. “You say you know what we are looking for, which we want. You say you want to know more. So, Sieur Malghard, what is your proposal to exchange this information. You tell us and I tell you, no strings attached.”

Emrys Myrridanmyl, Stephen F. ac22 hp136/170. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Spectral Hand, True Seeing, Planar Ada 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 2:04:13 PM

"Possibly we can you show you the proof you need." Emrys removes a large black onyx, the size of his fist, from his side pouch. "Maybe the Unerring Eye* can pierce the veil and show us what we need. We can scry that soft spoken fellow that Tishe incased in a sphere. I remember that troublesome dwarf said his name. Or is there anyone else that would reveal the truth better?"

(*Spherical black onyx as large as a fist. The gem acts as a crystal ball with telepathy and true seeing. The activation time is one minute, not one hour. Once per day, the target only saves vs the scrying if a natural 20 is rolled (usually a target resists the magic with a DC20 will save.) Also, the orb can pierce the Divine Veil currently shielding the Party.)

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 31(T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 128/128 INVISIBLE 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 3:35:59 PM

Edson asks mentally.. " Should we tell him we made a deal with the testing powers. Me for the gem. Maybe if he knows there are powers bigger than us involved, he'll be more inclined to listen and let us move on.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 36 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:220/220 Extra Hp Temporary 63/100  
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 8:35:02 PM

Lanliss keeps himself invisible and doesn't intervene for now.

Brom the Barbarian: AC 35 (33 rage), Touch AC 16 (14 rage), CMD 47 (51 rage), HP 291 (371 rage), DR 5/- (8/- raged);  
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 9:49:32 PM

The Lord's seems not use to dealing with people who do not bow to his whims. This isn't going to end well...for him.

Tishe speaks and Brom thinks it won't work. This is his kingdom and he doesn't need to bargin for his info. He will refuse us and we will be force to make him.

This will end in a fight. Brom is has seen this play out before with nobles before.

OOC: Sorry for missing so much last week. So many kids activities. Thank goodness this is the last week.

DM Steve -- 6/1 -- Possibly we can you show you the proof you need 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 11:45:44 PM

Barratore has short words for Malghard.
Velarin reiterates what he has already said.
Tishe’ tries to figure out what Malghard wants. She offers to exchange information for information.
Emrys retrieves a scrying device and suggests there may be a way to find the information Malghard wants.
Edson wonders about telling Malghard what they have promised the testing powers.
Lanliss stays invisible and quiet.
Brom anticipates that this will end in a fight.

“You say you know what we are looking for, which we want. You say you want to know more. So, Sieur Malghard, what is your proposal to exchange this information? You tell us and I tell you, no strings attached.” Tische’ offers.

“Indeed,” Malghard responds. “You claim that Marteus has a realm in Koshe Marr. But the Darklord of each realm is confined to that realm. And the Darklord of each realm is aware when powerful beings enter the realm. You may be formidable, but your wounds did not come from the Diseased One, and he should have been aware of you as soon as you arrived. If, as you say, he has a realm here.” Malghard clearly doubts Marteus has anything to do with whatever the party has done, or any presence in Koshe Marr.

He continues, “I approached you out of curiosity. But now -- well, you seem to have done me some good but your story makes no sense and I want to understand. Convince me that you speak truly, and I will help you. Or do not, and spend your time running from realm to realm in the mists until the Powers that dwell there grow tired of you.”

AC 27/ T27/ F23 CMD24 (Fdom of Move) HP 132/164 Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 12:29:51 AM

Tishe’ pouts in concentration. Proof? The cube and the keystone would both be highly powerful but not proof of Marteus. The voices in the mists could tell him but Malghard wouldn’t be able to leave his own realm. She thinks to the others, “I have nothing other than my thoughts and memories and...

“We can all tell you what we know under a Detect Lie spell, or Detect Thoughts, not only what we have experienced but have been told by divine powers that had no cause to lie. We also, if you have the ability to loosen the bar on inter dimensional travel, and we your permission, can summon a being that could confirm what we say.”

Resist Energy (Acid) on Barratorre. 41/200 minutes. Ignore first 30 damage from every hit. , 20 hours
Planar Adaption (from Emrys)
Extended Endure Elements
Extended Detect Scrying
Protection from Fire from Emrys. 98/ 120 hp of immunity.

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 7. 8. 7. 5. 2. 2

(Dan K) AC: 45 (T 31 FF 35), CMD:45; HP: 226/260 Barratore Steelwind 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 6:52:14 AM

Barratore feels the best chance here is for Emrys to use the Unerring Eye and show him the palace as it were.
"We are special when it comes to Marteus and his attention. But we knew he had a place here, those helping us knew, the voices in the Mist knew and the lich in another realm knew. We went and dealt a blow for the Wold and those within it and it would seem we also dealt a blow for those here across Koshe Marr. The affects you have seen and felt. You also have a choice, believe what we tell you, backed by your own knowledge as the results, or choose willful ignorance."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 18(FF 18), hp 133/167 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 8:37:25 AM

"No Lord Malghard, our wounds were not made by the diseased one, but by the scores of Pit Fiends and Balor's he had guarding his machine and his domain."

"I see no other recourse than to use your spell Emrys. He will not believe anything we say."

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