Tsak (BatMark subbing for Damien) Saturday June 12th, 2021 3:29:18 PM
When Mak mentions the Deep, Tsak gives a shudder. But it is a good reminder of an important issue, so he chimes in the ask Nyloth what he knows of the Deep.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | Saturday June 12th, 2021 3:40:07 PM
Rolth looks over at Tsak's interjection, and reminds himself that just because Tsak is usually the strong, silent type doesn't mean that he doesn't have depth and wisdom. He nods, and reiterates, "Yes, please do tell us about the Deep and any information or connection to it you have."
DM Dan - Nyloth Saturday June 12th, 2021 8:04:30 PM Tsak Rezar stays on his guard. Elyas let's Rolth talk Rolth Niheow begins questioning Nyloth Kiwina remembers Nyloth Falco Ambersier stays quiet and pays attention. Mak ensures he makes an impression, but remains on guard Wil follows the Petals upstairs
Nyloth seems to be pleased to see you.
"Well... I know Pholus came here for something to do with his people, he said he had a vision of this place, and of myself, and asked me about a metal doorway... now I knew of the place itself, so I took him to it, under his instruction, and then returned home. I can draw you a map if you'd like?"
He smiles knowingly at all of you.
Sense Motive DC 25 - Highlight to display spoiler: {Nyloth seems to know more than he's telling, and the way he's speaking seems to be with purpose.}
"However, only Brygape returned, and immediately booked passage on a ship, I feared the worst, but was... instructed to remain here. Bridge Isle is sacred to some Taurs, I didn't feel appropriate I interfered, as Bridge Isle is supposed to be some sort of proof that all Taurs can exist in harmony, and not being a Taur, I didn't want to step on anybody's toes, or hoofs, so to speak. As for the Deep, I can't say I've heard about it. What is it?"
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+14=15 ; Sunday June 13th, 2021 10:48:04 AM
(Sense motive = 15, fail)
Rolth is starting to be a little annoyed at Nyloth's continued coyness. If he is pleased to see us, perhaps he could be more helpful! But Rolth chokes down his frustration and forces out some polite inquiry, "I appreciate your efforts to avoid disrupting the taurs' efforts to reunite, as nothing would please me more. But if you don't mind me asking, by whom were you instructed to remain here? Did you or those you serve send those visions to Pholus in the first place? How did you know which metal doors to send him to? And what do you know of that which lies beyond those doors? And more broadly, why do you keep turning up at various points of our quest? I doubt it is coincidence, but do not understand your motivation."
Tsak (BatMark subbing for Damien) Sunday June 13th, 2021 10:54:54 AM
Tsak wonders whether it is really possible that this fellow, who keeps turning up in our quest, really knows nothing of the Deep. "Perhaps you know of the Deep without knowing its name. You may remember that Aaroth was wenging on about about us knowing nothing about what is to come, and that we had best join him and gain riches and rulership rather than dismal deaths. We heard similar from a Chuul priest on liontaur isle, who spoke more explicitly about some dark power called the Deep. It seems to be some tentacled horror that preys on minds, and is building its power here in the isles. We even saw a large rock formation in the sea that looked like the magical amulets that it uses to spread its power. Any of that ringing a bell? Will you help us defeat this evil?"
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None d20+12=22 ; Sunday June 13th, 2021 1:25:02 PM (sense motive = 22)
Kiwina is in less of a mood to persuade Nyloth. "I thought your patron was the god of courage, not of sitting back and watching. If you took Pholus there, you can take us. Let's make sure we're in the right location before we look for and hopefully rescue him."
"How long ago did you take Pholus to these doors? And how long ago did Brygape return?"
Mak(JamesM)(58/60)HP|AC:28(AO)/24/17T/18FF|CMD 28| Ebonstrike,+2 Rapier-Adman|14/9/-/-/-|(Full,WFin,PS)**|1d6 + 6(x2) Monday June 14th, 2021 8:37:49 AM "Brygape was killed at sea, but his tale of Pholus indicated that the centaur might have fallen to the Deep. Pholus was hearing voices and whatever happened there frightened Brygape. Based on the tales of Brygape before his death, he was frightened and for some reason he didn't want your name to be mentioned around him. What do you think it was that you did to anger the taur so?" Mak said as he shifted his stance and placed a hand on his sword. Mak didn't know this man, had completely missed the marks of Domi, and he'd been one of the last people to see Pholus alive or dead. Brygape wouldn't have left the taur unless something terrible had happened and Mak thought he was beginning to see that Pholus may have been lured in by the deep.
Mak resigned himself to the prospect that they'd have to face off against Pholus much as they did with the Chuul.
OOC: Sense Motive, Auto Fail.
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d20+11=30 ; d20+11=22 ; d20+9=28 ; Monday June 14th, 2021 9:02:07 AM
Wil listens quietly. Not wanting to intrude in a business that was clearly not his. He does try to recall anything from here-say to local lore that may help with the clues. Maybe even one of the voices in his head, may know something about this Deep. (Perception: 30)(Knowledge(local): 28) disregard second
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/6 | | +1 L d20+9=12 ; Monday June 14th, 2021 9:43:50 AM
{Sense Motive: 12}
Falco finds himself frustrated with the conversation, he is normally fairly perceptive but has a sense he is missing something. All he can do is follow along and nod at Kiwina's suggestion that the cleric travel with them.
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - XXBlindness/Deafness DC17FXX / XXBlindness Deafness DC17FXX / XXWater BreathingXX 2nd- Cure Mod / Bulls Strength / Hold Person / XXSOund Burst (DC16)XX / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bane / Divine Favor / Bless / Command DC15 / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mending
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+6=9 ; Monday June 14th, 2021 4:45:25 PM
Elyas listens to what is being said, but really doesn't pay much attention to anything below the surface Sense Motive = 9
when Rolth talks about the Deep, Elyas pulls out one of the noon-magical tentacle amulets.
"the people who were captured and corrupted by the Chuul priest were all wearing amulets that look just like this one. have you seen anything like this? when these things start showing up it always spells trouble. if you've seen one please tell us where
DM Dan - Nyloth Monday June 14th, 2021 6:12:50 PM Tsak Rezar asks more questions about the Deep Elyas shows his amulet Rolth Niheow presses harder into Nyloth, seeking answers. Kiwina also asks further questions Falco Ambersier get's annoyed. Mak prepares in case combat is incoming. Wil tries to think about anything he may have heard about The Deep locally.
Wil - Highlight to display spoiler: {You don't recall much about the local news, except that Pholus turning up was talked about for some time! Everyone was surprised when he didn't return in good order.}
"I was instructed by my God. No other instruction would cause me to remain here when others needed help. I have no idea who sent the visions to Pholus, only that he received them. The only metal doors like the ones he described are the ones I can take you too. I know not what is on the other side... it is not my place to enter. I don't know why we keep meeting, but I go where Domi tells me. I assume Domi has some plans, and I carry them out."
He takes a deep breath before continuing to answer your questions.
At Kiwina's terse response, Nyloth's eyes flash with a degree of anger, which quickly abates.
"I am happy to take you there, or draw you a map. Do not take my inaction for unwillingness. Domi instructed I do not help Pholus, something about humbling the Taurs, I assume using you as a lesson to them in some way, but I do not know. Domi instructed me to be here, and help where I can, but without actively taking a role in the what happens beyond the doors. Besides here on Bridge Isle, the tests Domi will put before you are of a personal nature, not something outsiders to your group should get involved in. I first met Pholus about a month ago... Brygape came down perhaps two weeks ago, and immediately tried to barter passage, but it wasn't as easy as he had hoped."
He turns to Mak
"I suspect not going to aid Pholus is what caused his anger towards me, but as I have said, I do as Domi guides. I think I may have seen that symbol... but not for some time. As for helping you, it is not my place to do so unless I am requested to do so by Domi."
Tsak (BatMark subbing for Damien) Monday June 14th, 2021 8:55:53 PM
Tsak knows that Rolth is a shaman of Domi, and so looks to him for cues, given all this talk of gods and taurs. Esmerelda continues to bask, what with all the droning on about gods and taurs and other insignificant matters.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | Monday June 14th, 2021 8:58:55 PM
Now Nyloth has Rolth's attention. "A test, a test from Domi? Specifically tied to the fate of the taurs? Sign me up, please! And please do show us to these doors, assuming that my fellow Petals are ready to be on with this quest. Perhaps Pholus yet lives, and we can bring him back! What say you all? Is there anything we need to do before setting off?"
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Monday June 14th, 2021 10:49:12 PM
Kiwina murmurs to himself, We have not had a minotaur in our group for some time now. Not since Gothruk left. Are we able to set an example? After a moment of thought, he says, "Well, Nyloth, we need you to take us to these doors. We can only hope that Pholus might be rescued."
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/6 | | +1 L Tuesday June 15th, 2021 9:23:01 AM "There is certainly more to this. Rescue is good but finding more on the Deep is the larger goal as well. Lets move on with our journeys."
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17F / Blindness Deafness DC17F / Water Breathing 2nd- Cure Mod / Bulls Strength / Hold Person / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bane / Divine Favor / Bless / Command DC15 / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mending
Mak(JamesM)(58/60)HP|AC:28(AO)/24/17T/18FF|CMD 28| Ebonstrike,+2 Rapier-Adman|14/9/-/-/-|(Full,WFin,PS)**|1d6 + 6(x2) d20=3 ; Tuesday June 15th, 2021 9:45:36 AM
Mak was all for anything that might humble the taurs, after all he'd been on the receiving end of that hubris on more than one occasion. The noblemen wasn't going to say as much though, but he almost did. To those outside they would notice him open and close his mouth as if he had something to say and then decided not to say it.
"Does he need to take us to the doors now?" Mak asked. "Perhaps in the morning?" then to Nyloth Mak asked "You've really no idea what might lie behind those doors?"
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d3=3 ; Tuesday June 15th, 2021 12:05:02 PM
Wil recalls that Pholus seemed popular and asks, "Quickly, why was this gentlemen so popular. Seems people were disappointed when he didn't come back. People tend to be a bit crazy at times, my opinion. I'm new here but it sounds a lot like we need to knock down a few doors. " Wil grabs a coin from his pocket and flips it.
DM Dan - Nyloth Tuesday June 15th, 2021 6:03:44 PM Tsak Rezar remains quiet, letting Rolth handle things Elyas Rolth Niheow seems surprised and wants to jump into the fray! Kiwina seems somewhat upset, but agrees they might be able to do as requested. Falco Ambersier tries to ensure you focus on the right things. Mak requests waiting until heading to the doors. Wil throws in his support.
Nyloth shrugs.
"I can take you now or in the morning. However, it takes the better part of a day to get there, so I would perhaps suggest the morning, I will meet you outside here at the crack of dawn."
He smiles.
"I'm afraid not, I have no idea. I have not been told to enter, so I don't know, only what Brygape said, and he didn't say much to me, and wasn't really willing to talk about it."
You have an afternoon to shop/prepare and evening to rest and recuperate, what do you want to do?
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | Tuesday June 15th, 2021 8:40:37 PM
Rolth thanks Nyloth, and wishes upon him the blessing of Domi. "very well, we will see you at the crack of dawn." After taking our leave, Rolth suggests that we drop by the Catacombs to sell our loot and possibly gear up, if needed. "it seems likely that we will face undead, and perhaps some sort of magical mirrors, based on Brygape’s story. Any ideas on how to prepare for that?"
Tsak (BatMark subbing for Damien) Tuesday June 15th, 2021 10:15:09 PM
Tsak has never been one to focus on loot, but recognizes the importance of gearing up, so he'll go along for the shopping trip before turning in for the night to be ready for the crack of dawn.
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Tuesday June 15th, 2021 10:52:45 PM
Kiwina agrees they should go in the morning.
Mak(JamesM)(58/60)HP|AC:28(AO)/24/17T/18FF|CMD 28| Ebonstrike,+2 Rapier-Adman|14/9/-/-/-|(Full,WFin,PS)**|1d6 + 6(x2) Wednesday June 16th, 2021 11:46:32 AM
Mak rode Elmer the second back to the inn where they had agreed to stay for the night and settled in with all the appropriate precautions for staying in a strange place. He saw to the horse personally and then carried his tack to his room. Afterwards he went to the common area and sat by the fire to warm his leg and get his evening meal.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/6 | | +1 L Wednesday June 16th, 2021 12:02:27 PM "I will prepare what I can to protect us for tomorrow. It has been a busy few days, some relaxing at the inn and a good nights sleep will be good I think."
He heads off after Mak, slower, to the inn. During the meal he spends time contemplating what spells to ask for the next day.
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mendin
Mak(JamesM)(58/60)HP|AC:28(AO)/24/17T/18FF|CMD 28| Ebonstrike,+2 Rapier-Adman|14/9/-/-/-|(Full,WFin,PS)**|1d6 + 6(x2) Wednesday June 16th, 2021 1:46:07 PM "It strikes me as odd that these leaders have been so entralled by these agents of the deep." Mak said quietly to Falco between careful bites of his food as he held the utensil properly as dictated by polite society.
Mak swallowed and continued. "These leaders are known to be wise, so how might they have succumbed to mental influence when we ourselves have not? Falco," Mak said as he leaned forward a bit. "I consider myself to have a normal measure of common sense, but I'm not a terribly wise man. I see a beer and it's everything I can do to not drink it. What if that kind of temptation was presented to me by the deep? It would be terrible trying to resist that pull. I wonder if we shouldn't all don those non magical amulets simply to make ourselves less of a target once we are in their domain. We certainly would benefit from divine aid to resist that evil call."
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor Wednesday June 16th, 2021 3:50:32 PM
Elyas also makes his way back to the inn, thinking through what they might face. he had to assume there would be conflict to prepare for, which meant fire. but they also needed to be protected from the magic of the amulets. even though Nyloth didn't think he had seen one recently, Elyas had to assume they would probably see more of the things. he would be sure to prepare several mental protection spells, as so far they seemed to be effective against the amulets' pull.
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) Wednesday June 16th, 2021 6:42:01 PM
Wil listens to Mak and speaks up. "What if someone within this adventuring group is taken by this Deep? What would you do? Just curious. It's something I had not ever thought of when I was with the Crescent Moons group." "Undead, you say? I was under Gargul at one point and thought I spoke to the dead but I know now it mainly myself and Cicero I talk to." "What spells do you think would be good to prepare for these undead?"
DM Dan - Nyloth Wednesday June 16th, 2021 6:45:05 PM Tsak Rezar knows you need to gear up. Elyas considers his spell choice. Rolth Niheow queries how to prepare Kiwina agrees to leaving early in the morning. Falco Ambersier wants to relax as well Mak just relaxed for the rest of the day Wil
You all meet with Nyloth in the morning, and once you are all assembled and indicate you're ready to leave, he takes you. The journey itself is mostly over flat, open ground, it takes the better part of a day to reach this place where Nyloth led the Centaurs. As evening draws near, the Petals see a hill rising above them. There is a rocky outcropping on one side.
Nyloth says to you, “Evening will be upon you soon. That is the outcropping I brought the centaurs to, so that is what you seek I think. I will take my leave of you now that you are here. May Domi’s blessing be upon you."
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+15=29 ; Wednesday June 16th, 2021 8:10:30 PM "And also upon you, Nyloth. Will you be awaiting our return, or is Domi calling you elsewhere?" Regardless of the answer, Rolth is ready to approach outcropping and find the metal doors. As we near it, he will cast Toros Taur Try minotaur version to improve his perception.
(perception = 29 to look for the doors and threats as we approach)
Effect Tracking: Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) duration 10 minutes Bardic Performance 0/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 0/17 rounds used (inactive) Channel Divinity 0/5 used Spell Slots: Stabilize 0/1 used Lesser Restoration 0/1 used 1st level 0/4 used 2nd level 0/2 used
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 70/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status:Waterbreathing, Hastened Wednesday June 16th, 2021 8:35:43 PM
Tsak agonises over whether to open the door whilst bearing arms whether his sword or bow or to adopt a more peaceful stance.
Is this still diplomatic envoy stuff, or are we heroic rescuers, or wrathful justice to an army of undead?
He highlights each option with a suitable pose and expression.
Just want to get it right is all, you don't get a second chance for a first impression...
Eventually he will opt to have his weapons away and exude nonchalance from every pore (sometimes hard to distinguish from nervous sweat). He needs no light source and has Barkskin in mind, but has not cast it as yet.
Esmerelda sits at Tsak's feet tail twitching in annoyance that this is all taking so long.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 76/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Wednesday June 16th, 2021 8:41:05 PM
(OOC forgot to update status', Tsak is not waterbreathing or hastened. Also Tsak should have recovered HP from last night's rest so I've updated that.)
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None d20+22=37 ; Thursday June 17th, 2021 12:54:30 AM "I assume you'll be all right out here," Kiwina says to Nyloth. He isn't sure that tackling the doors now is better than waiting until morning, but sees no reason to wait. As the party approaches the doors, he looks for signs of other things being in the area.
(survival = 37 for tracks, just to determine if anything has been around recently; adjust to 41 if it was a taur)
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|16/11/-/-(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8+8(x3) Thursday June 17th, 2021 10:53:46 AM
Mak rode easily upon Elmer to their destination and once in the vicinity he slid from the saddle. His limp was less pronounced and he appeared to be in good spirits as he secured his shortbow to the horse and lead it into a stand of trees where he watered it before leaving it loosely tethered on a sapling.
He strung his longbow and followed the others to the door where he nocked an arrow and readied himself for whatever was behind that portal. As Rolth and the others prepared to open the door Mak positioned himself in front of Elyas and Falco.
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d20+12=19 ; Thursday June 17th, 2021 1:36:56 PM
"May I step in?" Wil says. "I can search the door for some sort of trap. If you would like." (Perception: 19) "I have a little trap sense too. If not, I will stand back here but I can help... would be happy to help. Just want to contribute and earn my keep. I know.. I talk too much but they will have to hold.. why do you interrupt me? Please let me conversate without your input.." Wil begins to argue with himself. If allowed, Wil will search for anything that may be an issue with the door.
DM Dan - Nyloth Thursday June 17th, 2021 6:21:24 PM Tsak Rezar gives off an air of not really caring. Elyas Rolth Niheow queries if Nyloth will be sticking around Kiwina looks for signs of others Falco Ambersier Mak prepares for combat Wil offers to look for traps.
Rolth & Wilford - Highlight to display spoiler: {One of the large rocky areas seems to be metal disguised as stone.}
Rolth - Highlight to display spoiler: {There are some sort of runes or letters in the stone.}
Kiwina - Highlight to display spoiler: {You can see the tracks of several Taur, probably Brygape's party, however only one leads away... by following the tracks you quickly find a metal door disguised as stone. It's apparent several went into the door, but only one game out. You suspect that was Brygape.}
You come to the outcropping Nyloth gestures to it.
"Well, here you are... wait a moment..." he roots around in his bag and eventually pulls out a map. "This should guide you back to the settlement. I am not supposed to stick around, so I will be heading back to the fisherwoman's shop. It is up to you...[b]" he says 'you' pointedly as if referring to all of you. "[b]To figure out what happened here... and to solve the puzzles and mysteries within. However, I cannot wait around, if you are all to succumb to the same thing the others did, I don't wish to be waiting here forever."
He smiles
"It's nothing personal, and I'm sure you'll succeed!" with that, he heads off back in the direction he came, unless stopped.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/6 | | +1 L Thursday June 17th, 2021 7:05:45 PM
Falco moves along, suddenly he is a little behind on the conversation.
"We will do our best and hope to tell you what we find when this is done. Thank you for your guidance and I understanding not wanting to wait outside." ____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mendin
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+6=17 ; Thursday June 17th, 2021 7:44:56 PM
Rolth will accept the map from Nyloth, just in case we can't find our way back unaided. As the Petals approach the outcropping, he is able to point out the metal doors cleverly concealed to look like rock. Moreover, he warns the Petals that there are some sort of runes or letters on the doors, so we should be careful in approaching and interacting with the door, lest it be some kind of fell magicks. He knows that Elyas is better at dealing with arcane matters and will defer to him, but if said worthy is otherwise occupied, Rolth will cast a detect magic on the door and runes to see what that might reveal.
(Knowledge arcana = 17 to assist Elyas or try solo)
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor Thursday June 17th, 2021 7:59:20 PM
Elyas looks to where Rolth points and sees the metal doors. he casts detect magic and studies any auras he sees long enough to try to identify them.
Careful, no one touch that until we know what magic might be here!
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Thursday June 17th, 2021 11:13:53 PM
Kiwina is able to add, "I see the tracks of several taurs going into the doors, but only one coming out. I didn't notice other tracks." He heeds the warnings of the others not to touch the doors until someone with more knowledge investigates the writing.
Kiwina is a bit surprised at Nyloth leaving so soon -- not because he expected Nyloth to go with them, but because he didn't expect Nyloth to travel at night.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 76/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: d20+19=38 ; Friday June 18th, 2021 12:10:03 AM
(Perception=38) Tsak finally settles on 'wary ranger entering unknown lair in the dark of night'. He draws his sword and prepares to go point man once they enter. He leaves the problem of the possibly magical doors to others and hums a little tune to himself: da dum da dum da da dum da dum He's not sure where he picked it up but for some reason it makes him think of ice-cream.
Esmerelda's tail continues to flick as she looks with utter disdain at all the people fussing about the door.
(Perception roll is for when the doors finally open and the initial entry into the beyond)
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|16/11/-/-(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8+8(x3) d20+3=7 ; d20+3=7 ; d20+7=25 ; d20+9=24 ; Friday June 18th, 2021 8:58:46 AM
Mak took a moment and looked into the sky to place the sun and estimate how much time they had until sunset. The archer then shifted slightly to get a better position to shoot into the space beyond the door as it opened. All the while he was looking carefully for clues as to what might be behind that door.
OOC: KS: The Planes +3, Roll 7, Fail KS: Religion +3, Roll 7, Fail KS: Dungeoneering +7, Roll 25 Perception +9, Roll 24
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) Friday June 18th, 2021 2:17:07 PM
Wil checks for his heavy crossbow and loads a bolt. He puts the crossbow back, arms himself with the new buckler and prepares to wait for whatever comes next. "I don't know what comes next. How am I supposed to know," he argues quietly. "We have to wait to see what those runes say. You ask too many questions."
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None d20+17=36 ; Friday June 18th, 2021 9:30:20 PM
Kiwina takes a second look at the doors. He hadn't noticed any writing, and wonders if it's a language he knows.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | Saturday June 19th, 2021 2:31:22 PM
Rolth hopes that the runes are not some sort of spell trap as the others begin to read them before hearing the results of Elyas’ detect magic investigation. Cue the Wold-shattering kaboom!
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|16/11/-/-(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8+8(x3) Monday June 21st, 2021 3:46:39 PM
Mak wasn't looking specifically at any writing, but it would be supremely difficult to not read anything he saw. He might be able to keep himself from reading aloud, that habit had faded when he was 7 years old. He was really more concerned with symbols that might be considered evil or that originated on another plane, not that he remembered any of them at the moment.
"What's Cicero think about that door Wil?"
DM Dan - Nyloth Monday June 21st, 2021 6:52:39 PM Tsak Rezar prepares for the doors to open Elyas tries to detect any magic - Highlight to display spoiler: {There is no magic on the door} Rolth Niheow tries to discern the runes Kiwina mentions the tracks he's seen Falco Ambersier thanks Nyloth for his help Mak checks when the sun is setting, knowing it's not too long to sunset, perhaps an hour. Wil prepares his crossbow for the doors to open.
You all can see three sets of Runes in the Taur language marked in the stone near the door -
Knowledge Religion DC 12: Highlight to display spoiler: {These are three sins of the Cowardice, Laziness, and Foolishness.}
((OoC: If you previously rolled perception you may use that roll for this))
Perception DC 14 - Highlight to display spoiler: {The letters of ELOMCWE can be pressed, like buttons, it must some how work the door...}
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+2=14 ; Monday June 21st, 2021 7:32:04 PM Huh, those are the Tauric runes for the three sins of Cowardice, Laziness, and Foolishness. And it looks like you can press the runes of the last one like buttons, maybe to make the door work somehow? But would it be foolishness to press them in order, or to spell out 'welcome'? I'm willing to give it a go if no one else has a better idea. What do you think?"
(Knowledge religion = 14, success!)
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/6 | | +1 L d20+6=13 ; d20+12=23 ; Monday June 21st, 2021 8:36:14 PM
{Know Religon: 13} {Perception: 23}
Falco sighs when he understands what was read by Rolth. All he can do is nod along to what Rolth says and know that if someone is hurt he can heal them.
"I don't mind pressing them. Welcome seems the obvious 'puzzle'." Assuming they are in reach.
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mendin
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Monday June 21st, 2021 11:19:10 PM
Kiwina agrees that the letters can be rearranged into "welcome", but wonders which "e" goes where. Hopefully that doesn't matter. "If we're worried about some traps, I suppose someone could use a tool to press the runes."
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|16/11/-/-(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8+8(x3) Tuesday June 22nd, 2021 8:16:52 AM
OOC: I had this whole rant written out about taur bigotry and then I reread the DM post... Argh!
"I've no idea what they say, so don't go asking me to push any buttons. I'd likely spell out cow, mule, or tiger or something."
Hey, Wil, Cicero have an opinion on this?
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d20+11=24 ; Tuesday June 22nd, 2021 1:12:01 PM
(Perception: 24) "Cicero offers opinions only if I don't ask for them," he snapped but then smiled. "Potentially... but whether it's relevant is out of my control. I had a reference to the dead when I studied under Gargul but under God of good Fortune I can only guess." "Sure.. sure..", he then says to no one in particular. "I'm sure you know quite a lot but you have not been one to speak of religion," he says. "Don't give me that I'm older then dirt speech, please."
He looks to the rune and quickly recedes back, not a fan of puzzles. He does though try to examine the runes for any signs of traps. Strings, levers, or anything that may potentially strike out and stab out an eye. "Any reference to Cowardice, Laziness, and Foolishness, recently in your travels?" He asks.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 76/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Tuesday June 22nd, 2021 5:35:28 PM
Tsak is able to see 'welcome' in the third word. He tries but fails to see any such thing in the other two words. No insights there, he waits to see what happens.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | Tuesday June 22nd, 2021 10:25:04 PM
There seems to be agreement to push the buttons, so Rolth warns everyone to stand back, and without cowardice or lazy pauses proceeds to push the buttons in the last word to spell out 'welcome'--foolishness, here we come!
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | Tuesday June 22nd, 2021 10:34:04 PM
Assuming that Wil didn’t find a trap, of course…
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Wednesday June 23rd, 2021 8:05:46 AM "I believe the other letters spell out ruin below zuzku. . ."
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|16/11/-/-(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8+8(x3) d20+7=8 ; d20+7=23 ; d20+3=18 ; d20+3=19 ; d20+5=14 ; Wednesday June 23rd, 2021 8:26:56 AM
As Kiwina spoke the words Mak searched his memory to see if the word Zuzku was in any of his studies; landmarks or regions, noblemen, religious figures, other planar beings, or even old sailors superstitions about the sea.
"What good is Cicero then if he has nothing important to add to the conversation?" Mak said as he tried to make out the runes on the door as if looking long enough would make him be able to read the language.
OOC: KS: Geography +7, Roll 8, Fail; KS: Nobility +7, Roll 23; KS: Religion +3, Roll 18; KS: The Planes +3, Roll 19; PS: Sailor +5, Roll 14.
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor Wednesday June 23rd, 2021 10:21:41 AM there is no magic coming from the door. so if there is a trap it is likely mechanical in nature Elyas informs the others.
Elyas stands back, ready to act as Rolth starts pushing buttons.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/6 | | +1 L Wednesday June 23rd, 2021 12:12:26 PM
When Rolth reaches to push the letters Falco steps back in case the whole thing does in fact blow up in their faces.
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mendin
DM Dan - The Door Wednesday June 23rd, 2021 7:28:17 PM Tsak Rezar finds some insight Elyas suggests the possibility of a trap Rolth Niheow presses the buttons Kiwina comes up with an alternative Falco Ambersier avoids getting hit Mak tries to think if he's heard of Zuzko, but has not. Wil searches for a trap
Wil finds no traps, so Rolth presses the buttons in the order of "Welcome", and the door grinds and the metal screeches slightly as it opens, rubbing along the stone, and allowing entrance to a dark passageway that leads on.
You cannot see the end of the passageway as all is shrouded in darkness, but almost as soon as the door is opened, you get an acrid smell assault your mouth and nose...
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+15=34 ; Wednesday June 23rd, 2021 9:10:38 PM "Well, that went reasonably well!" Rolth asks whether anyone can make a light, and listens intently for the shuffling of undead minotaurs or other threats.
(Perception = 34)
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Wednesday June 23rd, 2021 10:48:37 PM "What marching order do we want?" Kiwina asks. He looks at the corridor, judging whether he and Rolth could fight side by side.
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+9=25 ; Thursday June 24th, 2021 9:53:56 AM
Elyas is a bit surprised that the door opened so easily and with no traps! he smells something bad when the door is opened, and tries to think if the smell is familiar at all [knowledge nature = 25]
"I can give light to whoever is going in front Elyas says, clearly not being the one volunteering to be the first one in.
he picks up a small rock and casts light on it, holding it up for one of the larger party members to take and lead the way
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|16/11/-/-(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS)**|1d8+8(x3) Thursday June 24th, 2021 10:41:21 AM
Mak took a tentative sniff and commented. "What is it about you guys and all these odoriferous adventures? Falco, Elyas, either of you think we'll need some magical aid inside to ward off sickness?"
A minute later when Kiwina asked about marching order, Mak offered. "You two are really big. If you go in ahead of us you'll be by yourself on the front line with only ranged support from behind you. If our choices for front line person are Kiwina and Rolth, I vote for Kiwina as he's tougher and harder to hit. Also since it seems Wil and Cicero have some skill with traps it might be well for him to at least head up the group to look for those. If we choose Will and Cicero I'll accompany them up front."
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) Thursday June 24th, 2021 10:59:04 AM
"Well," Wil begins, "Last time I tried to lead I had to visit Gargul so I choose to allow you bigger folks to proceed me. I have some light myself if needed." -- Being an Eye of Gargul prior, I'm assuming Wil is familiar with the smell of the dead but Wil waits to confirm this with his memory. "I so want to be prepared for this... oi.." Wil murmurs as he becomes increasingly anxious. This also increases the frequency of interruptions in his head and his tendency to talk. "You know I have never really met any taurs in my travels. It's so interesting to be traveling with you. I feel so small comparatively... do you often hit your head.. I do so I imagine you have some trouble.. I'm sorry.. let me stop talking.. um.."
-------- Orisons: Detect Magic x1, Resistance: x2 Light: 1 Lv1: Protection from Evil/Chaos..etc, Entropic Shield, Hide from Undead, Magic Weapon - D: True Strike Lv2: Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Consecrate, D: Touch of Idiocy (if needed - Cure moderate Wounds) Lv3: Magic Vestment, Speak with Dead, Blindness/Deafness - D: Rage Lv4: Holy Smite, Summon Monster IV - Domain: Freedom of Movement -- Channel energy 5d6
Tsak volunteers to go first. If allowed to do so it will be without the glowing rock as he sees better without it. He enters quietly and moves a bit (10 metres) ahead of the group.
(OOC Perception of 38 previously rolled upon entering the doorway)
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|11/6/-/11(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS,DA,RS)**|1d8+14(x3) Thursday June 24th, 2021 1:22:43 PM
Wil deferred the front spot and Tsak headed in so Mak followed his friend all the while commenting. "If this is what death smells like I want no part of it."
At the moment Mak was counting on the light from the open door but as he moved further in he stopped and drank a potion. "There, much better." he said as he gripped his bow tightly and continued inside.
DM Dan - The First room...Map Thursday June 24th, 2021 6:46:39 PM Tsak Rezar Elyas casts light and sees if the smell is familiar - Highlight to display spoiler: {It's some sort of acid} Rolth Niheow proclaims it went well. Kiwina asks about marching order Falco Ambersier volunteers to go first. Mak gives himself darkvision, and joins the front with Wil Wil doesn't recognise the smell, and defers the front spot to someone else
((OoC: Map in header, I have placed you, feel free to change it. We will have each post be 1 round while you explore, unless I skip over stuff.))
You continue into the dark corridor, those in the front either with a light to help them or darkvision, and as you continue down into the corridor you see a room opening up, the acrid smell is much stronger here, and you can see there are channels around the edge of the room, with some sort of fluid running into them and into a drain.
It appears to be coming from eyes and mouths which cover the walls completely, all contorted in what appears to be wailing. The eyes are blinking and from them falls this liquid onto the floor, which is then caught in the channels and directed near the entrance you came in.
The room is approximately thirty feet by thirty feet, and you can see no other exit...
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/6 | | +1 L d20+12=18 ; d20+6=26 ; Thursday June 24th, 2021 7:23:46 PM
{ooc: Map access restricted.}
Falco does not approach but looks at the fluid to try and determine what it is.
{perception: 18} {Know Nature: 21} ____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mendi
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+15=26 ; Thursday June 24th, 2021 10:23:44 PM
Rolth is suspicious of the acrid smell and liquid, no wonders whether they are connected. Seems like a trap! He waits to see what Wil or Elyas might have to offer, while looking for any other clues like the half hidden runes on the outer doors.
Perception =26
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d20+11=19 ; Friday June 25th, 2021 8:40:32 AM
Wil wonders aloud if the faces made around the room is made from the stones in the walls or something organic. "I once heard a rumor of this horrid creature with many mouths. I've had dreams of fighting it since childhood," Wil adds. (Perception: 19) Wil casts Hide from Undead on himself as a safety measure then begins to explore the room. He searches for traps (+1), switches or anything that may move them forward.
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|11/6/-/11(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS,DA,RS)**|1d8+14(x3) d20+9=28 ; d20+7=23 ; Friday June 25th, 2021 11:16:27 AM
As soon as they came into the room Mak stepped to one side to let the others in while he held his bow at ready for anything that might jump out at them. He tentatively moved to the center of the room and leaned over to glance down the drain as he checked it out.
"No exits. Prolly a trap waiting for us all to enter the room, or the floor is going to drop out beneath us. I won't be happy to be splashing in this goo."
OOC: Perception +9, Roll 28; KS: Dungeoneering +7, Roll 23 (Can he identify the fluid without touching it?)
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None d20+17=21 ; Friday June 25th, 2021 5:13:53 PM
Kiwina is also reluctant to enter without scoping the place out as well as he can first. He looks it over, but also tries to identify the smell. (perception = 21)
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 76/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: d20+19=36 ; Friday June 25th, 2021 8:03:17 PM
(Perception =36) Tsak searches the room looking for buttons, switches or any kind of mechanism.
Esmerelda stands in the centre near Mak.
DM Dan - The First room...Map Saturday June 26th, 2021 2:09:17 AM Tsak Rezar enters the room, looking for any kind of switches or mechanism. Elyas waits at the back. Rolth Niheow looks for clues without entering the room. Kiwina tries to figure out what the smell is. - Highlight to display spoiler: {It smells like some sort of acid...} Falco Ambersier doesn't approach and tries to figure out what the liquid is. Highlight to display spoiler: {It's acid, nasty stuff.} Mak enters the room to get a better look around. Wil casts Hide from Undead (who else are you touching to give them the spell?)
As soon as Tsak and Mak enter the room, you see them pause for the briefest moment
Tsak and Mak - Highlight to display spoiler: {Make a DC 17 Will save, if you fail, you are filled with despair and sadness and unable to act for an hour. At the end of the hour you may make another save, please RP it accordingly.}
Tsak, Mak, Rolth - Highlight to display spoiler: {You can see some writing on the far wall from you, opposite the door, but cannot make it out from here, it seems to be in the Taur language, but you'd need to be closer to read it.}
The room itself is made of stone, with the eyes and mouths carved into it. They continue to move, blinking and wailing, in a very unsettling manner. The smell of the fluid is very pungent and assaults your throat and nose, even beginning to make your eyes sting...
d20+3=19 ; Saturday June 26th, 2021 8:31:32 AM
Mak moved into the room and paused. As he did so he looked again at the faces crying and thought of the loss he’d suffered. After a moment or two he remembered his mother’s advise about carrying on. Stiff upper lip and all that, she’s say. Mak straightened up sorted himself and moved on about his business.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+6=17 ; Saturday June 26th, 2021 11:46:35 AM
Rolth sees Tsak and Mak pause, and asks them what drew them up short--even after Mak then proceeds to check out the drain. He then notices and points out the tauric writing on the far wall, and suggests "Don't read it out loud until we check it out more carefully." Still in the hallway, he will aid Elyas in magically inspecting the room and writing, or do it himself if Elyas is otherwise occupied.
(Detect magic and Knowledge arcana = 17)
Effect Tracking: Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) duration 10 minutes Detect Magic HIde from Undead (50 minutes) Bardic Performance 0/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 0/17 rounds used (inactive) Channel Divinity 0/5 used Spell Slots: Stabilize 0/1 used Lesser Restoration 0/1 used 1st level 0/4 used 2nd level 0/2 used
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+8=22 ; Saturday June 26th, 2021 4:25:14 PM
Elyas casts detect magic again, getting close enough to sweep it over the room.
he looks over the walls, looking too see if any of the spots on the wall look like they might be a passage of some sort perception = 22
acid everywhere... be careful. don't step into the room or touch anything just yet. if someone does go in, I can make them float above the ground and possibly give them some protection.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/6 | | +1 L Sunday June 27th, 2021 6:34:24 PM
Falco confirms what Elyas says .
"If there is a fight watch your footing or you will lose a foot to that I fear, unless Elyas can keep them in the air."
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mendi
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Sunday June 27th, 2021 7:22:51 PM
Heading Elyas and Rolth's warnings, Kiwina still does not enter the room. He did not notice the writing himself, until Rolth pointed it out, and spends Until the room and writing have been checked with spells, he will have to be content to wait. Meanwhile, he tries to estimate how much acid must come from those mouths. And he looks up. How high is the ceiling?
"If there's no other exit from the room that we can see, perhaps there's one back this direction?" Mak or Tsak might be able to look for that.
===== He still has his travelling spells for the day, and will change them at the next rest. Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: O - create water, detect magic, flare, light 1 - obscuring mist, CLW, produce flame, summon nature's ally I Amakua have 1 ranger spell Storm burst, 0 used
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor Sunday June 27th, 2021 9:30:38 PM There must be more to it than this one room. we just have to find an opening. unless the previous group was foolish and just ran into a room full of acid, it must have been something further that killed most of the group
which means something worse than acid if we do find the next door.... Elyas thinks, but then gets back to the task of looking for magic or secret doors
Tsak steps into the room and is immediately assailed by feelings that rise unbidden within him. Every slight he's suffered, mistake he's made or degradation he's witnessed seems to come flooding back and it all threatens to overwhelm him. With a huge effort he puts it all aside to concentrate on the here and now.
The smell in the here and now is horrible. It is acrid and pungent and feels like it is eating away at the inside of his nose. He moves around the room carefully - only stepping in dry areas and not touching anything with his hands or clothes.
He checks for another entry.
It's horrible in here. Not just the acid. Some oppressive force or will is operating here. Between that and the acid maybe everyone else stay outside whilst we work out what we're dealing with.
The very act of talking almost has him choking on his bile. Tsak picks Esmerelda up and holds her in his arms to protect her from the hostile environment. Tears stream down his face as he tries to make sense of what he's seeing.
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) Monday June 28th, 2021 6:55:36 AM
Wil waiting behind Kiwina and in front of Rolth touches them gently to add hide from undead. Falco, who is to his right is then added. “Hoping this helps you big guys,” he says, just before he begins to get into an whispered argument with himself over what monster may be coming and how to handle it. “It’s acid… you can’t fight in acid.”
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|11/6/-/11(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS,DA,RS)**|1d8+14(x3) Monday June 28th, 2021 9:06:58 AM
Mak was about to add his own two coppers to the answer to Rolth's question when he realized that the source of his woeful feelings wasn't his own.
"It's true, there does appear to be some force working at our minds and trying to overwhelm us with woe and sadness." Mak said as he took one last look into the drain before he made his way back to the entrance.
"This acid is really bothersome." he stated as he looked at the floor to see what effect it might be having on his boots and if it were possible to walk without stepping in it.
CDM Jerry [OOC post] Monday June 28th, 2021 4:31:40 PM
Greetings Woldians!
We have TWO games that have achieved Level 20 and just retired over the weekend! So in our usual tradition, we're holding a celebration for the next few days on the Giggling Ghost board!
Folks are already beginning to gather. We expect everyone to join in and post daily on the GG board, but all are excused from posting in their "regular career game" through Wednesday at least. :) It doesn't mean you can't post, just that you don't have to.
DMs if you're in combat, feel free to just post a "pause until after Wednesday" if you'd like, or you can do that anyway. These celebrations are important as both of these games have players who have been working for at least 9 years to achieve this retirement for their PCs.
--DMs may take the role of an NPC or 2 if they wish and hand out dishes, create action, help out, etc. --Anyone may take the stage and tell a story or sing a song. --Post as many times a day as you'd like on the Giggling Ghost board.
Entertain yourselves and enjoy!
Yes you may go there now and post. Yes you should go there now and post. What are you waiting for? Yes, now is fine. Are you still reading this? Why?
DM Dan - The First room...Map d20+19=33 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; Monday June 28th, 2021 6:31:13 PM Tsak Rezar suggests everyone else waits until they can figure out what is going on. Elyas also looks for magic and can sense a faint magical enchantment in the walls Rolth Niheow tries to see if there's any magic at work Kiwina tries some quick maths! Falco Ambersier suggests not walking if possible Mak reacts to entering the room Wil protects some of you from undead
Tsak - Highlight to display spoiler: {During your investigation of the room, you notice there is a doorway of some sort at V/W 12/13.}
Tsak moves to the north centre of the room, and is splashed but seems distracted by the wall.
Tsak - Take 7 acid damage
Between all of you, you find no magic other than the enchantment that keeps the mouths and eyes moving, and producing the acid. Which is constant and clearly dangerous. The writing, now that it's been pointed out is clear on the other side of the room from where you came in.
You can just about make out that it's in Taur script, but it's too far away for all but Mak to read
Mak - DC 12 Knowledge or Linguistics - Highlight to display spoiler: {“Two are stronger than one, and a cord of many strands is not easily broken.”}
Anyone else who enters the room and gets more than half way in can also make the check.
However if you enter the room - Highlight to display spoiler: {Make a DC 17 will save, if you fail, read the spoiler below}
Highlight to display spoiler: {You are overwhelmed with sadness, you cannot act at all and can only stand in despair. Please roleplay accordingly.}
((OoC: Don't forget to move yourself on the map!))
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | Monday June 28th, 2021 8:23:20 PM
Rolth looks on in alarm as Task seems to stride right into the acid channel. When the fellow seems a little distracted, Rolth walks into the room to try to pull Tsak to safety, all while reading the Tauric on the far wall.
Effect Tracking: Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) duration 10 minutes HIde from Undead (50 minutes) Bardic Performance 0/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 0/17 rounds used (inactive) Channel Divinity 0/5 used Spell Slots: Stabilize 0/1 used Lesser Restoration 0/1 used 1st level 0/4 used 2nd level 0/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Monday June 28th, 2021 10:53:50 PM
Kiwina remains outside of the room, but casts create water to wash out the channel where Tsak walked into it (4 gallons created). He looks to see whether the spell seems to dilute the acid enough to help, knowing that Rolth is helping Tsak if the water does no good.
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|11/6/-/11(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS,DA,RS)**|1d8+14(x3) Tuesday June 29th, 2021 8:29:12 AM
Mak was concerned about the acid so he stepped out of the room briefly to talk about it. "I saw the words on the wall opposite the entrance, but I can't read taur." Mak admitted. Speaking of taurs, you and Kiwina might want to put something over your feet. A bag, or something, in case you step in one of those pools of acid.
OOC: Mak doesn't have any ranks in linguistics and it's a trained only skill.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/6 | | +1 L d20+9=12 ; Tuesday June 29th, 2021 9:37:10 AM
{WIll Save: 12}
Falco moves cautiously into the room to get a better look. Once in his shoulders slump and his boddy shutters.
"I abandoned my parents and they would not even recognize me now." he shudders a little "What kind of son does that?"
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mendi
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19 (+20 temp); Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) Tuesday June 29th, 2021 12:07:10 PM
Wil waits behind Kiwina "I can help you out," Wil shouts from behind. "Just a little mend Tsak. I just need to get past the big guy. Unless you want to just brush it off as a flesh wound... that would be understandable." Wil casts magic vestment on himself (+1 AC) "No pressure, big guy," he says to Kiwina. "I'm sure we still have plenty to put up with. I'm sure we will need plenty of healthy energy." Wil smiles, his unending energy increases as his anxiety/excitement builds.
Orisons: Detect Magic x1, Resistance: x2 Light: 1 Lv1: Protection from Evil/Chaos..etc, Entropic Shield, Hide from Undead - (50min), Magic Weapon - D: True Strike Lv2: Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Consecrate, D: Touch of Idiocy (if needed - Cure moderate Wounds) Lv3: Magic Vestment (50min), Speak with Dead, Blindness/Deafness - D: Rage Lv4: Holy Smite, Summon Monster IV - Domain: Freedom of Movement -- Channel energy 5d6
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 69/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Tuesday June 29th, 2021 12:41:43 PM There is another here Tsak points vaguely in the direction of the other door. He is clearly still struggling with the impact to his emotional core.
We should probably go thru quickly to get out of the acid.
He moves to the door and tries to open it. He sits Esmerelda across his neck so as to free his hands.
(OOC will update the map tomorrow when i can get to a pc.)
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+8=11 ; Tuesday June 29th, 2021 3:50:43 PM
Elyas moves into the room when he doesn't find anything other than the obvious magical effect on the walls.
He moves towards where Tsak is standing to see the doorway. [will save = 11, fail] Elyas stops in the doorway, and his shoulders slump. "what are we even doing here? this is all pointless. we're no closer to figuring out how to stop the Deep than we were days or weeks ago! people are dying and being turned into abominations, and we're in a pit full of acid for no good reason. nothing we do matters...
he goes on like this for a while, unable to focus on the task at hand
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+8=16 ; Tuesday June 29th, 2021 6:00:18 PM
(OOC: forgot my save)
Rolth feels an overwhelming feeling of ennui. "Why are we even here, we don't even have a minotaur, this is hopeless. Domi, how have I lost the path?" But upon thinking of Domi, a flicker of hope emerges, and digging deep, he pushes back on the despair, and focuses on the present. With this aid from his faith, he continues on as planned.
(Will Save = 16+4 for burning a hero point = 20, success!)
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Tuesday June 29th, 2021 11:20:01 PM
Hearing Tsak say there's a door, Kiwina looks to see if he can enter the room. He's worried, however, about accidentally bumping someone else into the acid around the edge of the place.
===== He still has his travelling spells for the day, and will change them at the next rest. Hide from Undead (30 min) from Wil Ranger: 1 - entangle, speak with animals Druid: O - create water, detect magic, flare, light 1 - obscuring mist, CLW, produce flame, summon nature's ally I Amakua have 1 ranger spell Storm burst, 0 used
DM Dan - The First room...Map Wednesday June 30th, 2021 2:11:15 AM Tsak Rezar mentions he seems to have found a door Elyas is also grabbed by a sense of foreboding. Rolth Niheow moves into the room to help Tsak Kiwina uses a touch of magic Falco Ambersier moves into the room, but immediately stops... dragged down. Mak sees the words but doesn't know the meaning Wil mentions he can help Tsak
As two of your party get caught in a deep slumbing depression, Kiwina's water falls into the channel, it clearly dilutes some of the acid, but the flow continues. It only lasts for a few seconds before being washed away.
However Rolth has over come the uncertainty and moves Mak away from the wall where he discovered a door...
((OoC Further to Jerry's post, posting here is optional. I will keep up with you guys as you post, but we're changing DM on the 1st as a heads up))
Mak(JamesM)(60/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|11/6/-/11(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS,DA,RS)**|1d8+14(x3) Wednesday June 30th, 2021 9:01:11 AM
Mak moved over to Elyas and tried to comfort the man while simultaneously keeping him out of the channels of acid. "Here, drink this." Mak insisted as he put a potion to the wizards lips.
OOC: Anything Potion: Good Hope, CL8, Duration 8 Minutes. Good hope counters and dispels crushing despair.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/6 | | +1 L Wednesday June 30th, 2021 9:06:00 AM
Falco stands where he is lost in thought.
My dad was not a good man but to leave them. To take on a new species. I... I don't know, I just don't know.
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mending
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 69/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Wednesday June 30th, 2021 11:29:50 AM
Tsak tries the door. If he's able to open it he'll have a look thru. If nothing seems amiss he'll try to guide Falco through and hope his condition improves on the other side.
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor Wednesday June 30th, 2021 4:27:53 PM
In his mood, Elyas takes the potion and swigs it expecting hard liquor to be Mak's solution for depression. he is surprised at the taste, but it sure works wonders on the depression that clouded the wizard's mind.
"Oh yes, much better. thank you, Mak. seems something magical has affected me, though I didn't find a trap. some presence here is pressing down on us.
He notices that Falco is also out of sorts. "you'll be ok Falco, whatever thoughts you're having right now are not fully your own. here, let me help
He casts Protection from Evil on Falco, helping him to throw off the mental enchantment
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: 2X protection from evil, protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, burning hands Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, darkvision, web, scorching ray Level 3: dispel magic, Haste, lightning bolt, fireball, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, summon monster 4, greater invisibility Special: Acid Dart (8/8 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item, dimensional steps (240/240)
Active effects: Mage Armor (8 hours)
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+15=32 ; Wednesday June 30th, 2021 8:27:36 PM
Rolth is glad to see the Petal's teamwork in overcoming this latest mental challenge. He smiles, clasps Tsak's shoulder in a comradely way, and tries to look past the hopefully open door to what is beyond.
(Perception = 32)
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Wednesday June 30th, 2021 11:07:33 PM
Kiwina looks on, worried that Tsak is still standing in acid -- at least that's how it looks from his vantage. He casts another create water just in case.
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19 (+20 temp); Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) Thursday July 1st, 2021 9:05:04 AM
Wil steps forward, behind Kiwina. He looks on with some confusion as the others seem to be stressed beyond anything normal. "That room is certainly cursed," he says to Kiwina. "Any thoughts?" "This is certainly a sign of bad mojo.. bad luck all around."
Orisons: Detect Magic x1, Resistance: x2 Light: 1 Lv1: Protection from Evil/Chaos..etc, Entropic Shield, Hide from Undead - (50min), Magic Weapon - D: True Strike Lv2: Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Consecrate, D: Touch of Idiocy (if needed - Cure moderate Wounds) Lv3: Magic Vestment (50min), Speak with Dead, Blindness/Deafness - D: Rage Lv4: Holy Smite, Summon Monster IV - Domain: Freedom of Movement -- Channel energy 5d6
DM Mark - And there was a great wailing and woe - Map 2d6=10 ; Thursday July 1st, 2021 5:08:32 PM Mak moves to Elyas and gets him to drink a Potion of Good Hope. Rolth waits expectantly for Tsak to find a way to open the door. Tzak reaches into the splashing acid, searching for a way to open the door. It takes a bit, but he finds that one of the mouths is a handle and he is able to open the door. Still, he takes 10 points of damage as the acid burns his skin. Elyas is bolstered by the potion and shakes off his feelings of despair. He casts Protection from Evil on the despondent Falso. Falco stands there looking sad. Elyas kind words of encouragement seem to get through to him, and Falco may make another DC 17 Will save. For Falco: Highlight to display spoiler: {Success frees him from his despair, failure leaves him despondent and unable to take any actions.} Kiwina tries to wash some of the acid from Tsak, but the effet is fleeting. Wil looks on, noting that this is a bad place and a bad sign for the group.
For everyone standing in the room, the wailing is quite loud and the acrid smell makes your eyes water. And it’d kinda stinky.
Remember, if you enter this room for the first time - Highlight to display spoiler: {Make a DC 17 will save, if you fail, you are overwhelmed with sadness, you cannot act at all and can only stand in despair. Please roleplay accordingly. Once you have succeeded on this save you need not save again.}
Tsak has seemingly opened a part of the north wall and a passage is before you and then bends to the east. Once you get to that turn, the east passage extends beyond what is on the map into darkness...
((OoC: Don't forget to move yourself on the map!))
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor Thursday July 1st, 2021 5:16:10 PM Well done Tzak! Elyas encourages his friend, who found the way through despite the injury taken.
He casts light on the weapon of whoever will be going in first
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None d20+9=15 ; Thursday July 1st, 2021 7:53:53 PM
Seeing the doorway that Tsak opened, Kiwina is ready to follow the others through it or to take the lead, whatever order the group decides upon. The only thing that slows him is making sure everyone is able to avoid the acid.
When he gets the opportunity to enter the room, though he stops. A wave of deep, dark depression engulfs him. There's no point in going on. If it weren't for bad luck, he'd have no luck at all.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | Thursday July 1st, 2021 9:54:13 PM
Rolth accepts the light spell on his morning star and moves around the corner to Z-AA/8-9, moving quickly but smoothly to try to avoid the acid splashes as much as possible.
(OOC: on my mobile device, I can’t seem to edit the map,if someone would be so kind as to make the changes for Rolth and Mak, thanks!)
Mak (BatMark subbing for James) Thursday July 1st, 2021 10:00:46 PM
Mak sees the liontaur go through the acid spray and steels himself to follow. "Noworse than the rain of arrows at the storming of Iron Hill, eh, old bean?". He moves to V10 and covers his friends in both directions with his bow at the ready.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/7 | | +1 L d20+9=13 ; Friday July 2nd, 2021 10:06:33 AM
{Will: 13+4= 17 - Using a Hero Point}
Falco uses an excerise of exreme willpower to force himself out of the funk. He turns to look at Elyas. "Thank you friend. I, well, I am not prone to such thoughts. Lets move on with the others."
Almost over compensating Falco moves up to just behind Rolt, bow at the ready.
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mending
The burn to his hand wakes Tsak completely from the pall of the horrible room. He uses some water from a skin to dilute the acid on his hand then moves ahead to scope out what lies beyond the doorway (Perception). If it is safe to do so he'll seek some assistance with healing and bandaging the wound.
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19 (+20 temp); Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d20+12=21 ; Friday July 2nd, 2021 4:40:29 PM
Wil follows Kiwina into the room from the hallway and suddenly stops. His head fills with angry shouting and accusations. Guilt piles upon the young man's shoulders and he can move no further. "I did not kill my parents!" He shouts. "They killed my family, the assassins in that cursed family. You stay away from me! Go no further." He turns and glares at a corner of the room. He growls but he pauses. (Will Save 21) "I will not allow you to overtake me, room with weird faces and acid and such.. and you," he points. "you don't own me."
DM Mark - And there was a great wailing and woe - Map 2d6=10 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=8 ; Friday July 2nd, 2021 5:29:17 PM Elyas encourages Tsak and Light on Rolth’s morningstar. Kiwina steps into the room and the effect of the crying eyes and wailing mouths hits him like a wall of despair. She stops in the room with a hopeless look on his face. Rolth steps through the doorway in the north wall, trying to avoid the acid spray. (Rolth takes 10 acid damage, DC 13 reflex save to take zero damage.) Mak follows Rolth through the acid spray. (Mak takes 7 acid damage, DC 13 reflex save to take zero damage.) Falco calls on his heroic reserves to resist the effects of the room and follows his friends. (Falco takes 8 acid damage, DC 13 reflex save to take zero damage.) Tzak looks ahead and sees a passageway lit by Rolth’s receding light. Of course, the he doesn’t actually need the light. (Remember Esmerelda will need to make the same save when moving into this room. Where is she?) Wil enters the room and shouts back at the accusing eyes and wailing mouths professing his innocence and rebuking their accusations.
For everyone standing in the room, the wailing is quite loud and the acrid smell makes your eyes water.
If you enter this room for the first time - Highlight to display spoiler: {Make a DC 17 will save, if you fail, you are overwhelmed with sadness, you cannot act at all and can only stand in despair. Please roleplay accordingly. Once you have succeeded on this save you need not save again.}
From where he stands, Rolth’s light shines down a long, wide hallway; his keen eyes reveal large stone doors of some sort in the low-light at the end. He smells the acrid smell of the acid as it mixes with a musty order in this hallway.
Does anyone approach the doors?
(Remember to move yourselves on the map.)
Mak (BatMark subbing for James) 53/60HP AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27 d20+7=9 ; Friday July 2nd, 2021 8:04:08 PM
Mak manages to catch a jet of acid at just the wrong moment, and gives a yelp as it burns his exposed skin. But he makes it through and continues to provide overwatch with his bow as others help his stricken comrades. He grouses, "Could use a medic when someone has a moment."
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+9=17 ; d20+14=29 ; Friday July 2nd, 2021 8:11:12 PM
Rolth manages to dodge the spray of acid as he moves into the tunnel. (Reflex save = 17, success!) But after spotting the door in the far dimness, he realizes that Kiwina remains behind and turns back to see if he can help his comrade. He sings out in a loud voice, in the hopes that his stirring lyrics will snap his despairing fellows out of their funk. (Countersong = 29, which gives a new save and replaces the allies' saves if higher than their own rolls; works against effects that depend on sound.)
Effect Tracking: Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) duration 10 minutes HIde from Undead (50 minutes) Bardic Performance 1/12 rounds used (active) Rage 0/17 rounds used (inactive) Channel Divinity 0/5 used Spell Slots: Stabilize 0/1 used Lesser Restoration 0/1 used 1st level 0/4 used 2nd level 0/2 used
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None d20+9=19 ; Friday July 2nd, 2021 11:01:41 PM
Kiwina watches his companions go on and leave him behind -- which is no more than he deserves. He's such a useless lump, he might as well grow roots in this spot.
Then Rolth sings out. Perhaps he's not entirely without worth after all...
(Edit: Perhaps Kiwina is not entirely without worth...)
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 59/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: d20+5=12 ; Saturday July 3rd, 2021 9:47:59 AM
(Esmerelda save vs acid retrospective =12 fail) (OOC Esmerelda is already in the room, currently draped across Tsaks neck)
Tsak moves out of the room into the corridor. He explores about 20 metres/60 feet in to make sure no nasty surprises are waiting for the party as they exit the room of doooooom.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/7 | | +1 L d20+13=23 ; d20+12=27 ; Sunday July 4th, 2021 6:42:05 PM
{Stealth: 23} {Perception: 27}
Falco slips further down the hallway attempting to make out any details of the door. He keeps his eyes open for anything out of the ordinary and potentially dangerous, stopping short of the door to wait on the others. The memory of the previous room has pushed him forward, wanting distance from whatever that was.
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mending
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+6=19 ; Monday July 5th, 2021 12:41:29 PM
Elyas sees Kiwina succumb to the same thing that kept him from moving moments ago. If Rolth's song doesn't seem to life the effect, Elyas will cast another Protection from Evil on the captain, giving them another chance to shrug off the effect.
Then Elyas follows the others, trying to time a jump through the dripping acid to not get splashed. [reflex save=19]
[ooc:if Kiwina didn't need the protection spell, Elyas will be a little further in the tunnel and will not use the spell.]
Spells prepared:
cantrips: Resistance, detect magic, light, acid splash Level 1: 1X protection from evil, 2X protection from evil, mage armor, magic missile, burning hands Level 2: mirror image, glitterdust, darkvision, web, scorching ray Level 3: dispel magic, Haste, lightning bolt, fireball, fly level 4: black tentacles,black tentacles, summon monster 4, greater invisibility Special: Acid Dart (8/8 remain), pearl of power 1, bonded item, dimensional steps (240/240)
Active effects: Mage Armor (8 hours)
DM Mark - And there was a great wailing and woe - Map d20=11 ; Monday July 5th, 2021 9:53:40 PM Mak gets annoyingly burned by the acide leaving the room. Rolth strikes up a song to protect his friends from the wailing in the room, granting Kiwina another save and protecting Esmerelda. Kiwina resists the despair of this place with Rolth’s help. Tzak carries Esmerelda as he explores the hallway beyond. (I will have to give some thought to the impact of carrying a 90 pound cat across your shoulders.) Falco moves further down the hall, but finds it is dark down there unless he has a light source. Elyas is ready to help Kiwina when he sees Rolth’s song seem to have helped. He moves into the hallway. Wil
For everyone standing in the room, the wailing is quite loud and the acrid smell makes your eyes water. Outside the room, the wailing is disturbing but has no effect and the acidic smell us much less.
Rolth has gone back to bolster his friends, and his light goes with him. Tsak moves down the corridor with a leopard slung across his shoulders, his sharp eyes can see the hallway ends ahead in two large doors.
Falco moves ahead of the ranger, but he cannot see in the dark. What is his light source? The owlman smells a musty smell in the air he cannot quite place.
(Remember to move yourselves on the map. If you cannot do so, post what your location is.)
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+15=24 ; Monday July 5th, 2021 10:05:44 PM
Seeing Kiwina snap out of his fugue, Rolth encourages him and Wil to dodge through the acid into the hallway, then moves down the corridor himself to shine his light on the end of the hallway with the doors. As he approaches with the light, he will look to see if there is anything interesting or unusual about them.
(Perception = 24)
Mak (BatMark subbing for James) 53/60HP AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27 d20+9=15 ; Monday July 5th, 2021 10:09:15 PM
Mak watches the proceedings with grim stoicism. He thinks to himself, "I'm getting to old for this stuff," but moves up closer to the light to cover the Petals as the move down the hall.
(Perception = 15 to notice threats or other interesting tidbits)
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Monday July 5th, 2021 10:36:56 PM
Kiwina hurries on to keep up with the others. Moves to V-8/W-9.
DM Mark - And there was a great wailing and woe - Map Tuesday July 6th, 2021 1:31:29 AM
(I checked on Esmeralda. She's actually a medium creature. So she's probably about 180 pounds slung across Tsak's shoulders?)
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19 (+20 temp); Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d20+12=18 ; Tuesday July 6th, 2021 8:34:15 AM
Wil grumbles after a bit of a delay and checks on Kiwina. "How are you doing?" If Kiwina is ok Wil moves to V10. He should be behind Kiwina. "You all had me for a moment there," he says as he left the room. Looking at the face. "Luckily, I caught on quick." Wil strikes up his own magical light near the rear of the party.
Orisons: Detect Magic x1, Resistance: x2 Light: 1 - used Lv1: Protection from Evil/Chaos..etc, Entropic Shield, Hide from Undead - (50min), Magic Weapon - D: True Strike Lv2: Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Consecrate, D: Touch of Idiocy (if needed - Cure moderate Wounds) Lv3: Magic Vestment (50min), Speak with Dead, Blindness/Deafness - D: Rage Lv4: Holy Smite, Summon Monster IV - Domain: Freedom of Movement -- Channel energy 5d6
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/7 | | +1 L Tuesday July 6th, 2021 9:35:31 AM
A little late Falco remembers to cast light on his bow so he can see what he is looking at.
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mending
Mak(JamesM)(53/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|11/6/-/11(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS,DA,RS)**|1d8+14(x3) Tuesday July 6th, 2021 9:58:39 AM
Mak moved up behind Rolth with his bow as the acid continued to burn his skin. When the wemic paused a moment he brought out his waterskin and washed off as much as he could before putting the skin away and getting ready for the area ahead.
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor Tuesday July 6th, 2021 10:32:54 AM
[ooc: in addition to Falco's light, Rolth's weapon is still lit up from Elyas' spell]
Elyas casts detect magic again, checking along their path and the large door at the end of the hall. he is a bit behind the front line, but still close enough to detect any magic that might be going on.
DM Mark - Ooooh that smell - Map 2d6=8 ; 2d6=6 ; Tuesday July 6th, 2021 9:50:33 PM Rolth checks on his friends and moves down the hallway to look at the door. Rolth keeps a sharp eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Kiwina moves out of the room of wailing an acid and into the hallway. (Kiwina takes 8 acid damage, DC 13 reflex save to take zero damage.) Wil is glad to see Kiwina released from the infinite sadness of the room, and he moves out of the room of wailing an acid and into the hallway. (Kiwina takes 6 acid damage, DC 13 reflex save to take zero damage.) Once out, he creates a light is his general area, (but unless he casts it on an object it will not move with him.) Falco casts light on his bow and looks around. Mak moves up and puts some water on his skin where the acid burned him. Though it was no longer burning, the water is soothing on his skin. Elyas casts Detect Magic while in the hallway and focuses on the doors. This takes two rounds for Elyas to concentrate and filter out the party’s magic items. He does not detect any magic beyond what the party has on them.
At the end of the corridor the musty smell becomes stronger as the acidic smell diminishes. There are large stone doors ahead of them. They look heavy and solid.
Rolth looks around and it occurs to him that, while this place seems old with a worn floor and stonework that seems to have been cut into the stone some time ago, there is not much dust or dirt here. In fact, it’s rather clean for such a seemingly old place.
As Roth, Mak and Falco approach the end of the hallway the musty smell resolves into a smell of old and new death. Like there is a dead body about, but also the old smell of a tomb. Yech.
(Remember to move yourselves on the map. If you cannot do so, post what your location is.)
Kiwina (Steve M) 77/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None d20+8=15 ; Tuesday July 6th, 2021 10:37:59 PM
Kiwina moved quickly when he entered the corridor, and escaped the acid he'd seen others hit by (save = 15).
Kiwina moves as far up the corridor as he can without squeezing past someone else. (At the moment that would be AA-8/AB-9, unless Tsak and maybe Elyas moves.)
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d6=6 ; Tuesday July 6th, 2021 10:52:22 PM "Smells like death, old and new. Maybe those undead minotaurs and the recently slain centaur? In any event, maybe we should heal up a bit those who were scalded by the acid, before we try this door. Speaking of which, anyone handy at looking for traps?"
Rolth will wait until the wounded close to within 30 feet, and channel energy to heal them a little bit.
(Channel energy = 6hp of healing)
Effect Tracking: Toros Taur Try (Minotaur) duration 10 minutes HIde from Undead (50 minutes) Bardic Performance 1/12 rounds used (inactive) Rage 0/17 rounds used (inactive) Channel Divinity 1/5 used Spell Slots: Stabilize 0/1 used Lesser Restoration 0/1 used 1st level 0/4 used 2nd level 0/2 used
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 59/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Wednesday July 7th, 2021 12:00:43 AM
Tsak pauses in the corridor and takes a minute. He carefully puts Esmerelda down on the ground. Whew, you've grown a bit little girl He carefully checks her over to make sure there's no acid on her fur.
Once that's done he holds up his injured hand Can anyone assist with this the skin is mottled red and already starting to swell where the acid has impacted it. And it's starting to sting quite a bit...
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | Wednesday July 7th, 2021 7:29:20 AM
Seeing Tsak's struggles, Rolth will actually move back to be closer before sending out the wave of healing energy. (The 6hp of healing should reach Tsak, Kiwina, and Mak.)
Mak(JamesM)(59/60)HP|AC:28(AO)/24/17T/18FF|CMD 28| Ebonstrike,+1 Agile Rapier-Adman|13/8/-/-/-|(Full,WFin,PS)**|1d6 + 6(x2) d20+9=29 ; d20+7=14 ; Wednesday July 7th, 2021 9:02:25 AM
Once Rolth's healing energy washed over him Mak felt much better if not a little sensitive where the acid struck him. Still, compared to a dead body pile and a grievous injury it was nothing, so Mak carried on as he moved up to the door.
The condition of the hallway and it's relative cleanliness concerned the noble archer as he knelt to examine the floor where the door intersected with it, and then the door itself. Aside from the smell he also listened for anything in the next room.
"Wil, see if Cicero can find any traps." Mak asked the man with the crazy clinging to him like a floosy on a rich client.
OOC: Perception +9, Roll 29; Dungeoneering +7, Roll 14
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19 (+20 temp); Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d6=5 ; 3d6=9 ; d20+12=23 ; Wednesday July 7th, 2021 9:08:34 AM
Wil lights the end of his staff and uses it as a walking stick. Wil moves to 'Z8'. He sends a wave of healing energy from the back of the group forward. Starting with Kiwina, Tsak, Elyas, and possibly Rolth. "I would be happy to search for traps for you," Wil says from the back. "Once I make my way through the crowd." (Perception: 23)
Orisons: Detect Magic x1, Resistance: x2 Light: 1 - used Lv1: Protection from Evil/Chaos..etc, Entropic Shield, Hide from Undead - (50min), Magic Weapon - D: True Strike Lv2: Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Consecrate, D: Touch of Idiocy (if needed - Cure moderate Wounds) Lv3: Magic Vestment (50min), Speak with Dead, Blindness/Deafness - D: Rage Lv4: Holy Smite, Summon Monster IV - Domain: Freedom of Movement -- Channel energy 5d6
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/7 | | +1 L Wednesday July 7th, 2021 1:37:16 PM
Falco waits for the others to catch up, staying just behind Mak.
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mending
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19 (+20 temp); Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; Wednesday July 7th, 2021 5:07:15 PM
With a little positive energy Wil heals Kiwina for 6 hp. He slips past the centaur but the wave of energy warms Tsak, like a friendly neighbor saying hello, for 8 hp. He approaches the doorway but is still a little behind (I assume he can squeeze past the taurs?)
DM Mark - Ooooh that smell - Map d20+6=13 ; Wednesday July 7th, 2021 7:14:29 PM Kiwina moves into the corridor, escaping damage from the acid. Rolth says he smells death, old and new. He suggests someone check for traps and mentions that a number of folks need healing. He channels energy to heal everyone for 6 points. Tzak puts Esmerelda down and mentions that he is indeed injured from the acid. Mak looks at the door and the area in front of it for traps. There are no traps that he can find. He also listens at the door but hears nothing. (For future checks, these should involve two separate Perception checks.) Wil moves up and channels energy, healing everyone for 14 points. He offers to check for traps once he moves up, and he even checks where he is in the hallway, but finds no traps on that part of the hallway floor. Falco waits.
The healing energies offer welcome relief from the acid burns.
Mak’s dungeoneering check doesn’t tell him much, but he does think a seemingly old, stone corridor like this should be full of dust and debris that seems to be mostly missing here. He can see that there is some dust here, just very little. Also, it seems to Mak that this place is sized for larger creatures than himself.
He stands before two great stone doors. Light from several magical sources illuminates the hallway. There is a bad smell here that hangs in the air like, well, like a bad smell. And it’s not an overwhelming smell - but it lingers. It makes Wil wonder if Cicero perhaps had beans for dinner. Like, maybe beans that were spoiled.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 73/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Wednesday July 7th, 2021 10:16:26 PM
Tsak sighs with relief as the healing washes over him. The stinging, burning sensation in his hand dulls to an itch and the skin returns to normal elasticity and colour.
Thank you Wil, err and friends.
The pair carefully make their way to the front with Mak. Tsak sniffs and gives Mak a sideways glance Did you taste test Elmer's grains?
Kiwina (Steve M) 83/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Wednesday July 7th, 2021 10:55:06 PM
Kiwina suggests that if there should be dust here but isn't enough, then something moved it. If there's a few weeks worth, then he guesses it must've been something Pholus'es group did. Like maybe opening the door, depending on what's on the other side.
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19 (+20 temp); Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d20+11=18 ; Thursday July 8th, 2021 8:29:43 AM
"Beans? Why do I smell beans?" Wil says loudly. "Are you cooking in my head?." He then adds in a whisper. "No, not possible, why would you... you're messing with me aren't you." "They are rotten.. I know.. I know you helped out. It's much appreciated. What do you think of these doors, here? Any way to get in?" He says to Cicero or anyone that is listening. "Personally, I'm eager to figure out what's behind this thing." (Perception: 18)
Orisons: Detect Magic x1, Resistance: x2 Light: 1 - used Lv1: Protection from Evil/Chaos..etc, Entropic Shield, Hide from Undead - (50min), Magic Weapon - D: True Strike Lv2: Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Consecrate, D: Touch of Idiocy (if needed - Cure moderate Wounds) Lv3: Magic Vestment (50min), Speak with Dead, Blindness/Deafness - D: Rage Lv4: Holy Smite, Summon Monster IV - Domain: Freedom of Movement -- Channel energy 3d6
Mak(JamesM)(59/60)HP|AC:28(AO)/24/17T/18FF|CMD 28|Dagger|12/7/-/-/-|(Full,PBS WFin)**|1d4 + 3(x2) Thursday July 8th, 2021 8:41:00 AM
Mak looked over at Tsak and then to the ground. "Elmer's a pig, he doesn't share....Floors too clean. Maybe got washed out by water from behind this door, gelatinous cube even, if it is water we might get washed back into that acid room where the drain is, you think? Still if Pholus came this way and was washed back into the other room that acid likely did away with the body. Might be wise to anchor ourselves here before we open that door. Anyone bring spikes? ummm rope? how about a hammer? Yeah..me neither."
Mak pulled out a dagger. Conceivably he could drive the blade of this into a crack in the mortar and hold on, he thought as he moved back to give the others a chance to look the door over. "I'm smelling a trap here, among other things." Mak said.
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/7 | | +1 L d20+12=19 ; Thursday July 8th, 2021 9:12:36 AM
{Perception: 19}
Falco is surprised the idea of water coming from the doors is brought up. He takes another look to see if there is any trace of that happening, if water came though it would evaporate and maybe leave marks on the walls from any minerals it contained. Sadly he does not feel as confident in his senses as he did earlier.
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mending
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor d20+8=11 ; Thursday July 8th, 2021 9:49:28 AM
Elyas looks with the others for traps, but there are too many people all trying to do the same thing and he isn't able to see much perception = 11
"if there is a trap it is not magical. I am not detecting anything in here. stll, a trap feels likely. If you think that this may be a trap that would push us out into the acid room, Mak, I may be able to help. I could put up one of my web spells in the corridor behind us, that way if we get pushed we would get caught in the web until i dismiss it. but if the threat is not water or something pushing us we may be cutting off our escape by doing that. thoughts?
DM Mark - Ooooh that smell - Map Thursday July 8th, 2021 12:06:13 PM
The Petals stand in the hallway and look at the great stone doors in front of them. They smell a trap, but cannot seem to find one. Well, no, they actually smell death - they only suspect a trap. They wonder about this place, they wonder about water and acid and webs and dust. They consider several options.
The great stone doors silently mock them.
The wailing seems to have stopped though, so that’s something.
Mak(JamesM)(59/60)HP|AC:28(AO)/24/17T/18FF|CMD 28 Thursday July 8th, 2021 1:46:31 PM "I'm no dungeon expert, Mak started knowing full well he likely was the expert here. "but I'll defer to those more knowledgeable than myself. Elyas, perhaps if you ready that web spell and cast it if water comes rushing out from behind those doors?"
Rolth and Kiwina were quiet, so provided that Elyas and the others agreed, Mak moved to open the doors and hope for the best.
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | Thursday July 8th, 2021 7:28:49 PM
Rolth realizes that events had moved on more quickly than expected, but quickly catches up to current events and nods when Mak suggests opening the door. He waits for the undead gelatinous cube to spring out...
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 73/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Thursday July 8th, 2021 9:32:20 PM A rush of water would nullify the acid, I doubt that will happen. And stringing a web across will only drown us quicker if the corridor fills with water. It's a door, open it and we'll deal. He hefts his sword, sets his feet and nods that he's ready.
If Tsak had a tail he'd be twitching it just like Esmerelda currently is.
Kiwina (Steve M) 83/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None d20+17=19 ; Thursday July 8th, 2021 10:09:22 PM
Kiwina checks behind the party when the wailing stops, walking to the corner to see what's going on in the room with faces on the walls before moving back into position. (Perception = 19)
Falco Ambersier (Ryan M) Status: +2 AC | 51/51 HP | | AC 19(21) (T15/F15) | Channel (3d6) 4/5 | Hero Point 4/7 | | +1 L Friday July 9th, 2021 9:29:02 AM
Falco shifts from foot to foot waiting.
"Someone going to open them? Too big for me."
____________________________________ CURRENT SPELLS: 3rd - Blindness/Deafness DC17 / Prayer / Magic Circle against Evil 2nd- Lesser Restoration / Bulls Strength / Silence DC16 / SOund Burst (DC16) / CMW (2d8+8) 1st- Bless / Divine Favor / Bless / Protection from Evil / CLW (1d8+5) C - Create Water / Detect Magic / Light / Mending
Elyas (Ben A.) (59/59 HP | AC: 18; Touch:13; Flat: 15; CMD:15) | mwk Light Crossbow +7( 1D8, 19-20) | Status: mage armor Friday July 9th, 2021 9:43:24 AM
Elyas nods as Tsak explains the issue with his plan overthinking it again, Elyas he reprimands himself. just because you CAN web something doesn't mean you SHOULD web something. if there's no magical trap maybe we don't have to start with the magical solution.
all right, open it he says out loud, his mind racing with possibilities of what nasty thing or things could be on the other side of the door.
DM Mark - Ooooh that smell - Map Friday July 9th, 2021 10:23:31 AM Kiwina wonders about the fact that the wailing sound stopped. As he goes back to look, he see that the door to the acid room has closed. Everyone stands ready as Mak opens the stone doors.
The smell of death rolls out, both old and new, as you open this door.
This room is 30’ by 40’, with a door at either side. Written on the wall opposite the door you enter, is something in an archaic form of Taur.
If someone reads Taur, they may make a DC 12 Knowledge or Linguistics Check to read, Highlight to display spoiler: {“Might and magic are often mistaken as the path to power, when they usually only lead to death.”}
As you enter, you see two large stone sarcophagi, both of which have been opened. Lying on the floor is a week's dead centaur and the destroyed remains of two mummified minotaurs.
Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19 (+20 temp); Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 21) d20+12=21 ; Friday July 9th, 2021 12:14:56 PM
"There are minotaur mummies," Wil says excitedly. He moves into the room carefully looking for traps as he goes but stops at the destroyed remains to inspect the wrappings. He does not touch anything out of respect for the dead. "This is amazing. Look at this." Wil then realizes that this is the destruction of something sacred and whoever did this may have been looking for something. "Guys, outside of this being a despicable show of disrespect for the dead. I think whoever did this was looking for something." "Yes, Gargul would be furious if he saw this," he begins to no one. "I agree it's not awesome but we are no longer associated with Gargul, remember? We are clerics of Wardd."
(Perception/ Looking for traps: 21) Orisons: Detect Magic x1, Resistance: x2 Light: 1 - used Lv1: Protection from Evil/Chaos..etc, Entropic Shield, Hide from Undead - (50min), Magic Weapon - D: True Strike Lv2: Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Consecrate, D: Touch of Idiocy (if needed - Cure moderate Wounds) Lv3: Magic Vestment (50min), Speak with Dead, Blindness/Deafness - D: Rage Lv4: Holy Smite, Summon Monster IV - Domain: Freedom of Movement -- Channel energy 3d6
Mak(JamesM)(59/60)HP|AC:23/16T/18FF|CMD 27|+1 CLB:Arrows(20)|11/6/-/11(RS)/-|(Full,WFs,WS,WT,PBS,DA,RS)**|1d8+14(x3) Friday July 9th, 2021 2:47:38 PM
Once the doors were open Mak stepped back out the way and pulled out his bow. It would be better to let the clerics in the room given all the dead and possibly undead that might be there. He was also leary about traps. That this was now revealed to be a tomb said a lot about the builders of the thing and that they might have put some devices in the place to discourage looters.
"Can we put those mummies back in the boxes and bless them or something. People are real funny about their dead."
Rolth Niheow (BatMark) (62/62 HP | AC: 20; Touch: 13; CMD: 24) | d20+2=18 ; Friday July 9th, 2021 4:53:35 PM
Rolth has no particular insight regarding the dead, but knows more than a bit of Tauric, so he takes a look at the writing on the opposite wall. He's more of a spoken word guy but manages to puzzle it out nonetheless. (KS = 18 , success)
Hey guys, it says “Might and magic are often mistaken as the path to power, when they usually only lead to death.” He looks around but doesn't see anything obvious that makes sense of this, unless it was a warning to not be greedy and open the sarcophagi in search of powerful items. He shrugs and waits to see what the others find and think.
Kiwina (Steve M) 83/83 HP | AC:20 (or 21 using 2 weapons) | HeP: 5 | Status: None Friday July 9th, 2021 9:23:37 PM
Kiwina catches up with the group. (He would like to move up at least to AH-8/AI-9.)
"Mak, I think Wil is the one to ask about respecting the dead." The burial at sea practices that Kiwina knows from his childhood with would do no good here.
Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC17 (T15/F12) 73/76 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+3|Crossbow +1 1D8+1|Status: Sunday July 11th, 2021 9:17:19 AM
Tsak moves just inside the door to AN10 and stands with his sword ready in case anythi g moves that shouldn't.