(DM Cayzle) Welcome to the Hall of Heads Friday August 20th, 2021 9:30:42 AM
This chamber stinks of something worse than rotten eggs. It is cramped because it is full of pedestals. A black mildew covers the walls, the doors that lies ahead, and everything in between. There are torches in sconces along the walls, but the torches have not been lit. No one has been here for some time.
The chamber houses 20 chest high white marble pedestals evenly spaced throughout the room. The pedestals look to have resisted the mildew somehow.
On top of each pedestal is a sculpture of a head. The heads are made of stone or wax, frozen in time showing a range of emotions: Fear, anger, laughter, and so on. They are of a range of humanoid races, and both genders are represented.
At the other end of the room lies a solid stone door, much like the magic door from the spider room.
Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) Friday August 20th, 2021 11:59:55 PM
Honor puts a hand to her nose. "Is that black stuff merely foul, or is it actually dangerous?" she asks.
Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle d20+11=17 ; d20+3=16 ; Saturday August 21st, 2021 10:47:14 AM
Zeoll hears Honor and attempts to answer her question. He casts Guidance a couple times and looks.
Detect Magic
Know Nature 17 Know Dungeons 16
(DM Cayzle) Welcome to the Hall of Heads Saturday August 21st, 2021 10:51:50 AM
The party stands in shock at the sight of the Hall of Heads!
Honor wonders about the safety of the mold, but is too stunned by the Hall to make any checks to find out.
Zeoll determines that the mildew is non-magical. The pedestals and heads are magic. The mold is not magical, and Zeoll would say it is natural, not hazardous.
SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 d20+12=25 ; Sunday August 22nd, 2021 11:19:16 AM
Elron hums his little tune, softly. The lyrics he mutters are diffrent than usual. He-ere in the hall of heads, doo dah, doo dah, You look through the ke-eyhole, oh doo dah day. This is the hall of heads, One step through the doorway. Ro-oll out that special head, Don't leave the hall of heads..."
Nothing for it. Elron walks up to the nearest head with a pleasant countenance and says, "Howdy-do. D'you folks talk?" Of course, he's watching out as he goes. (perception = 25)
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will Sunday August 22nd, 2021 10:30:08 PM
The Twins consider a moment, then decide the only thing to do is approach a head and see what happens. They don't touch anything yet and try to pick a head that looks like it has a pleasant expression on it's face.
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2 d20+8=22 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+9=17 ; Monday August 23rd, 2021 12:03:03 AM
Asimov says, "The sculptor was nothing if not inclusive. Look at all the races and genders represented amongst their work."
He then examines the statues. Does his knowledge of history allow him to recognize anyone or his knowledge of engineering allow him to know anything about the sculptor's technique
Honor Bright [AC 19 (22 against Trevor); HP 31/32] (Kathy) Monday August 23rd, 2021 2:56:26 PM
Honor isn't keen on examining the busts. She is content to stay near her companions, ready in case of trouble.
Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 18/23hp | Cayzle Monday August 23rd, 2021 11:18:53 PM
Zeoll stands with Camel and Honor at the entrance. "I'm a little warry of these things," he says. "I think we may be getting a head of ourrselves!"
(DM Cayzle) Welcome to the Hall of Heads d20=16 ; d20=4 ; d20=19 ; d20+6=16 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+6=21 ; Monday August 23rd, 2021 11:31:55 PM
Elron is very sharp of eye, and he sees two things: (1) Interspersed amongst the stone and wax heads are a half dozen actual severed human heads! They are remarkably well preserved. and (2) Above the door written in underwold are some words. Those who speak the language can translate them: "It’s on the tip of my tongue".
Asimov, the Twins, and Elron each approach a head.
Asimov and Elron approach stone and wax heads. They animate and cackle with laughter and taunts that echo loudly throughout the chamber. The intense noise imposes a -2 penalty to all attack rolls and skill checks, and requires casters to make a concentration check of 15+spell level to cast a spell.
The Twins approach a preserved actual head, and it flies, SLAMMING at them twice! and BITES! However, the well-armored twins use their shields and heavy armor to deflect the things!
[OOC: We are in combat, friends.]
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 37/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2 2d4+2=9 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+4=21 ; d8+4=10 ; Tuesday August 24th, 2021 12:44:19 AM
Asimov orders Irony to attempt to smash the nearest head before firing off his wrist rockets at the nearest head.
Concentration: 22 vs DC 16 = success so the head takes 9 force damage.
Meanwhile the construct slams into the head (OOC: is the penalty to attack considered mind effecting? IF so Irony is immune and rolls at full attack)
21 vs AC; or 19 vs AC if Irony isn't immune to the noise; 10 damage to head if it hits
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41 d20+6=16 ; 4d6+8=20 ; Tuesday August 24th, 2021 7:01:31 AM
Mundhi, on noting the attack, and hearing Asimov's orders to Irony, she joins in the melee, hurling a stone at one of the grimacing heads. AC 16, 20 hp damage.
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will d20+6=12 ; d8=8 ; Tuesday August 24th, 2021 8:49:18 AM
Clarification: Do all the human heads fly up or just the single one?
The Twins quickly pull out a weapon and slash at the flying head attacking them (12 to hit, 11 damage)
Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) d20+9=18 ; d8=6 ; Tuesday August 24th, 2021 1:48:07 PM
Honor draws Virtue. If she is within range of an attacking head, she slashes at it.
[Hit AC 18 for 10 damage]
SteveM - Elron | AC 21, HP 40/40 d20+2=6 ; d20+2=10 ; Tuesday August 24th, 2021 9:52:34 PM
Elron picks one of the real heads that isn't already being pummeled, and attacks with a flurry of blows -- even if it's not flying. Unfortunately, he does not do so effectively (hits AC 6 and 10).
"Say, can anybody read that?"
(DM Cayzle) Welcome to the Hall of Heads d6=1 d6+3=6 d6=1 d20+6=13 d20+6=18 d20+6=13 d20+6=12 d6=3 d20+6=17 d6+3=4 d6=1 d6=3 d6=3 d6=1 d6=2 d20+6=9 d6=5 d6=6 d20+6=22 d6+3=5 Tuesday August 24th, 2021 11:38:10 PM
Asimov shoots and hits Head 1. Despite the noise, Irony hits for 10. [The noise is sonic, not mental.]
Mundhi throws a stone at (rolling randomly) Head 1. She smashes it, and it explodes! Asimov, you take 6 exploding head damage and must make a DC12 Fort Save because a bit flies right into your mouth! YUCK!
At this point there is no head within reach for the Twins to attack, but five more are stirring, about to fly up.
Honor draws her sword and prepares for an attack.
Elron moves up to an animated head, say Head 3, and attacks it, but misses.
Zeoll is too stunned to do anything!
Head 1 is dead and burst.
Head 2 flies over to Asimov and attacks with a bite! It hits AC13, a miss.
Head 3 is fighting Elron, and it uses a full attack with a bite and two slams. It hits ACs18, 13, and 12. All misses.
Head 4 flies over to Mundhi and bites AC17, exactly what it needs. Mundhi, please record 4 hp damage and make a DC12 fort save as its bite breaks the skin.
Head 5 flies to attack Irony, biting AC9, a miss
Head 6 flies to Zeoll, biting at the old taur, biting AC22 and inflicting 5 damage and forcing a DC12 fort save.
Please remember that the non-flying heads are still screaming, causing a -2 penalty to all attack rolls and skill checks, and requires casters to make a concentration check of 15+spell level to cast a spell.
Flying Heads: AC14
Head 1 - 39 damage = dead Head 2 (fights Asimov) - unhurt Head 3 (fights Elron) - unhurt Head 4 (fights Mundhi) - unhurt Head 5 (fights Irony) - unhurt Head 6 (fights Zeoll) -unhurt
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41 d20+6=11 ; 4d6+8=22 ; Wednesday August 25th, 2021 1:40:51 PM
"'It's on the tip of my tongue,' that's what it says, Elron. 'It's on the tip of my tongue.' Maybe that means if - I don't know. I'll see if I can go talk to the door.' She has another stone to throw at the head she aimed for earlier, but it likely does no harm, unless AC 11 is good enough to hit for 22 hp damage.
Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 13/23hp | Cayzle d20+5=17 ; d20+4=16 ; d4=1 ; Wednesday August 25th, 2021 2:30:50 PM
Zeoll tries to save vs head bite ... and saves with a 17!
The old taur starts singing to give everybody a +1 on attacks and damage.
His Camel spits at the head attacking Master ... it hits touch AC16 and sickens the monster for 1 round. It takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will d20+6=18 ; d8=1 ; Wednesday August 25th, 2021 6:06:24 PM
The Twins switch to their longbow and shoot head 6 (19 to hit, 2 damage. Really need the Str bow XD)
SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 raging), HP 40/40 d20+1=6 ; d20+1=9 ; Wednesday August 25th, 2021 7:21:53 PM
Elron finds the noise annoying, and decides to do something about it. Working himself into a lather, he lays about again -- with about as much effect as last time.
Flurry of blows hits AC 6 and 9 -- including -2 for the noise, +1 from Zeoll, and +2 for his rage.
===== Rage: 1/8
Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) d20+9=25 ; d8=1 ; Wednesday August 25th, 2021 9:41:49 PM
Honor moves to attack the head attacking Zeoll. [Hit AC 25 for 5 damage.]
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 31/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2 d20+6=19 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+6=8 ; Thursday August 26th, 2021 3:57:46 AM
Fort Save: 19 = pass
Asimov takes a 5 foot step away from the head and attempts to use his acid pistol thingamabob against it.
Concentration check 11 vs 15 = fail
Unfortunately the racket is too distracting.
Meanwhile Irony attempts to slam the head fighting the construct but the construct isn't having much luck either. 8 vs AC; miss
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 37/41 d20+7=15 ; d20+9=21 ; 2d6+4=6 ; 2d6+4=15 ; d20+9=24 ; Thursday August 26th, 2021 6:50:24 AM [My last post for Mundhildur was 14 hours after the DM's "coming soon" post, with no content, and I could not wait to post, as a busy day was ahead. So here is a post for her keeping in mind the filled-in DM post. Does that make sense?]
With the #4 head fly-biting her, Mundhi goes ahead and slams it (AC 21) for a measly 6 hp damage (rolled two 1s) on the first slam, and (AC 24) 15 hp damage on the second - if it's staying around to nibble on her. ====== Fort Save 15, needed 12 - made it.
Head 2 attacks Asimov and hits AC17 -- just what it needs. two more slams both miss. Asimov takes 6 damage and must make a DC12 fort save.
Head 3 is fighting Elron, and it uses a full attack with a bite and two slams. It hits ACs 23, 12, and 20. That's a bits and a slam. Elron takes 18 damage, the unfortunate max, and has to make 2 DC12 fort saves.
Head 4 flies over to Mundhi and bites and makes two slams. All three miss.
Head 5 slams and bites Irony, biting, and missing.
Head 6 bites Zeoll, hitting AC25 and inflicting 8 damage and forcing a DC12 fort save.
Please remember that the non-flying heads are still screaming, causing a -2 penalty to all attack rolls and skill checks, and requires casters to make a concentration check of 15+spell level to cast a spell.
Flying Heads: AC14
Head 1 - 39 damage = dead Head 2 (fights Asimov) - unhurt Head 3 (fights Elron) - unhurt Head 4 (fights Mundhi) - unhurt Head 5 (fights Irony) - unhurt Head 6 (fights Zeoll) -2, sickened
SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 raging), HP 22/40 d20+8=12 ; d20+8=12 ; d20+1=6 ; d20+1=20 ; d4+2=5 ; Thursday August 26th, 2021 8:06:55 PM
(Fort saves = 12 & 12, success) Flurry of blows = AC 6, 20 -- the hit does 5 points of damage
"I ain't got the best feelin' about this!"
===== Rage 2/8
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 25/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2 d20+6=25 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+6=24 ; d8+4=10 ; Friday August 27th, 2021 1:06:27 AM
Fort Save: 25
Asimov takes another 5 foot step attempting to fire off his acid pistol again but sadly he can't seem to concentrate. (7 fail)
Irony continues to try to slam the head attacking it; 24 vs AC; 10 damage
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 37/41 Friday August 27th, 2021 2:29:38 AM
With the #4 head fly-biting her, Mundhi goes ahead and slams it (AC 21) for a measly 6 hp damage (rolled two 1s) on the first slam, and (AC 24) 15 hp damage on the second - if it's staying around to nibble on her. ====== Fort Save 15, needed 12 - made it.
[See rolls in Mundhildure's previous post - you and I are off in posting sequence, so this should synch us up, I trust. Also, already had included -2 from screams, and +1 from Zeoll]
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will d20+8=11 ; Friday August 27th, 2021 6:17:29 AM
The Twins switch to their greatsword and charge the nearest head, hopefully getting into flanking position. Despite that they miss the target (11 to hit, 9 if they can't flank)
Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) d20+7=15 ; d8=3 ; Friday August 27th, 2021 1:44:45 PM
Honor takes another swing at the same head. [Hit AC 15 for 7 damage.]
He steps back and casts a produce flame spell. He has no first level slots left, so he uses a second level slot. He hurls the flame at Head 6, hitting touch AC11 for 10 fire damage.
If it is still standing, Camel steps between Head 6 and his wounded master. He bites Head 6, hitting AC20 for 8 damage.
Zeoll is still singing [everybody please add +1 attacks and damage]. He backs up and casts a spell, throwing 10 hp of fire damage on Head 6. Camel steps up to protect the liontaur. It bites and ends Head 6. Honor and Camel take 2 hp damage each as the head explodes, and both have to make DC12 fort saves.
Head 1 is dead and burst.
Head 2 slams and bites Asimov -- he is hit twice, taking 13 damage and having to make two DC12 Fort Saves.
Head 3 slams and bites Elron -- he is hit once, taking 8 damage and has to make a fort save DC12.
Head 4 slams and bites Mundhi -- she is hit twice, taking 13 damage and having to make two DC12 Fort Saves.
Head 5 slams and bites Irony -- it is hit thrice, taking (24-6 hardness) = 18 damage. I think it does not have to make those saves, as a construct.
Head 6 is dead and burst.
Please remember that the non-flying heads are still screaming, causing a -2 penalty to all attack rolls and skill checks, and requires casters to make a concentration check of 15+spell level to cast a spell.
Flying Heads: AC14
Head 1 - 39 damage = dead Head 2 (fights Asimov) - unhurt Head 3 (fights Elron) - 5 damage Head 4 (fights Mundhi) - 21 damage Head 5 (fights Irony) - 10 damage Head 6 - 27 damage = dead
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 24/41 d20+7=22 ; d20+7=24 ; d20+9=28 ; d20+9=22 ; 2d6+4=10 ; 2d6+4=9 ; Saturday August 28th, 2021 1:07:04 AM
The tall auburn woman saves twice (22, 24), and slams twice (AC28, AC22), for 10+9=19 hp damage to head #4.
"Who are you, anyway?" she asks the nasty head.
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will d20=6 ; d8=5 ; Saturday August 28th, 2021 7:43:51 PM
The Twins press the attack (not sure which I'm hitting actually, 15 to hit 9 damage)
Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 5/23hp | Cayzle d20+4=24 ; d20+4=5 ; d6=3 ; d20+5=15 ; d20+7=25 ; d6=3 ; Sunday August 29th, 2021 10:43:58 AM
Still singing, Zeoll hurls another flame (flame 2 of 4 in this casting), hitting touch AC24, a crit threat! He follows up with a nat 1, so that's not confirmed. He does inflict 8 fire damage.
Camel takes 2 damage and makes a fort save ... 15! No problem.
Camel charges another Head. He bites a Head and inflicts 10 damage.
Camel is at 15 of 17 hp.
Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 5/23hp | Cayzle Sunday August 29th, 2021 10:50:28 AM
Oh, forgot to include my -2 to hit, but both my rolls were in the 20s, so it's moot.
SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 raging), HP 22/40 d20+1=8 ; d20+1=2 ; Sunday August 29th, 2021 8:52:43 PM "No one likes a show off, Zeoll."
Elron continues attacking. His attempts, however, are abyssmal.
===== Rage 3/8
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 12/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 11/29 Hardness 2 d20+6=22 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+6=18 ; d8+4=8 ; Monday August 30th, 2021 12:38:50 AM
Asimov succeeds on the first save and he would have failed the second but he digs into his heroic resolve to resist the effects. (uses a hero point)
He then takes a full round withdraw action to put as much distance between himself and the flying head that keeps attacking him as he can.
Irony attempts to slam into the head that is attacking it again and succeeds
18 vs AC; hit for 8 damage
Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 31/32] (Kathy) d20+8=16 ; d8=7 ; Monday August 30th, 2021 7:23:48 PM
Honor keeps after Head 2. [Hit AC 16 for 12 damage.]
(DM Cayzle) Welcome to the Hall of Heads d6=2 ; d3=1 ; d3=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d20+6=22 ; d20+6=17 ; d6=2 ; Tuesday August 31st, 2021 12:01:44 AM
Mundhi hits Head 4 for 19 damage. It explodes, inflicting 5 damage and forcing another fort save.
... The heads do not answer her.
Elron attacks and misses.
Still singing, Zeoll burns Head 5 for 8. Camel bites that Head for 10. Head 5 explodes, inflicting 3 hp each to Camel and Irony, plus DC12 Fort Saves please.
Asimov withdraws. Irony, looking for a target, attacks and slams Head 2 for 9.
The Twins do 9 damage to Head .
Honor slices Head 2 and hits for 12. It explodes in death, inflicting 8 damage to Honor and forcing a dc12 fort save.
Head 1 is dead and burst.
Head 2 is dead and burst.
Head 3 slams and bites Elron -- he is hit once, taking 5 damage and has to make a fort save DC12.
Head 4 is dead and burst.
Head 5 is dead and burst.
Head 6 is dead and burst.
Please remember that the non-flying heads are still screaming, causing a -2 penalty to all attack rolls and skill checks, and requires casters to make a concentration check of 15+spell level to cast a spell.
Flying Heads: AC14
Head 1 - 39 damage = dead Head 2 (fights Irony) - 30 damage = dead Head 3 (fights Elron) - 5 damage Head 4 (fights Mundhi) - 40 damage = dead Head 5 (fights Irony) - 28 damage = dead Head 6 - 27 damage = dead
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 12/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 10/29 Hardness 2 d20+6=23 ; d20+2=22 ; d20+2=5 ; d3+1=2 ; d20+6=8 ; Tuesday August 31st, 2021 12:36:59 AM
(OOC: Irony takes 1 damage from the exploding head due to hardness and doesn't need to make a fort save being a construct)
Asimov finally concentrates on being able to use his thingamabob and fires the device at the skeleton.
22 vs touch Ac; threat of critical 5 to confirm = no critical; 2 acid damage to head
Irony attempts to slam into the remaining head but misses.
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 19/41 d20+7=13 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=21 ; 2d6+4=7 ; 2d6+4=11 ; Tuesday August 31st, 2021 3:47:03 AM
Mundhildur absorbs the additional damage from exploding head #4, and manages to elude whatever the effect requiring a saving throw (13). She takes a step over to help Elron and Irony battle head #3, flanking if possible, hitting AC 26 and 21 (or 28 and 23 if flanking works), for 7+11=19 damage.
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will Tuesday August 31st, 2021 7:15:15 AM
Seeing that the fight is over (last two attacks should be plenty to end it) the Twins decide to go try the door to try to get out of the annoyingly noisy room.
SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 raging), HP 22/40 d20+1=20 ; d4-1=2 ; d20+8=11 ; Tuesday August 31st, 2021 9:44:13 PM
(Rolls 11 on saving throw... guess we'll be finding out what they do)
Elron turns his attention to one of the screaming heads, hopfully one no harder than his whappin' stick, and hits it. (Hits AC: 20 for 2 damage) Even so, he does not put his all into the attack.
"Aaawwww shaddup!"
===== Rage =3/8, inactive
Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 23/32] (Kathy) d20+9=29 ; d20+8=11 ; Tuesday August 31st, 2021 10:33:26 PM
Honor is hit by exploding bits of flying head, and is not the least fazed by it [Will save 29, natural 20].
If head 3 isn't destroyed yet, Honor walks over and slashes at it. [Hit AC 11, which I assume won't even hit these things.]
Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 5/23hp | Cayzle d20+15=19 ; Tuesday August 31st, 2021 11:50:43 PM
Seeing his efficient friends dealing with the last head. Zeoll cares for Camel (12 of 17 damage).
Camel's save is a 19!
The beast nuzzles Zeoll, who is clearly the more wounded of the pair.
(DM Cayzle) Welcome to the Hall of Heads Tuesday August 31st, 2021 11:52:57 PM
The party's combined efforts succeed, and brave Elron deals the killing blow!
The other heads stop their noise.
Congrats, combat is over. Actions?
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 12/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 10/29 Hardness 2 Wednesday September 1st, 2021 1:09:12 AM
Asimov begins taking the requisite 10 minutes for his rapid repair nanobot capsules to start up so he can patch some of the damage that Irony took.
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 19/41 Wednesday September 1st, 2021 2:05:38 AM
Mundhi, silent, looks up to learn each face. She then walks behind the pillars (if such be possible) and looks at the backs of their heads. She looks at the wounds her friends have sustained. She picks up some pieces from a few of the shattered heads, pulls out an empty bag, puts the debris within, and walks over to the door, reading more closely the words enscribed thereon. She is prepared to ask the door to open, but does not do so until the disposition of the group becomes more apparent.
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will Wednesday September 1st, 2021 7:18:05 AM
Again, The Twins try the door. Maybe it'll be simple this time and they just leave. Are the stone faces still making noise?
Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 23/32] (Kathy) Wednesday September 1st, 2021 3:34:54 PM
Honor takes a deep breath. Then another. That had been....disturbing. She's glad the other heads have stopped their clamor. She wishes her own head would follow suit.
Finally, she is able to say, "Many of us are hurt, but I only have one healing left for today. How is everyone else doing?"
Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 5/23hp | Cayzle Wednesday September 1st, 2021 4:33:11 PM
Zeoll declares that his bard songs are low and he can only create a handful of goodberries.
"Maybe we should back into the hall and rrest until morrning? I doubt therre is anything to thrreaten us between the closed doorr and Trrevorr's pit."
"I'd spike this doorr open though in case the heads rregenerrate or rrespawn when the doorr is closed."
SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 raging), HP 9/40 Wednesday September 1st, 2021 6:25:13 PM
(OOC: Forgot to update hit points twice, and find Elron was more hurt than I realized. Still up, though.)
An exhausted Elron starts up his song again. . . Hi-ide underneath the porch / Doo dah, doo dah / Hide down 'hind the furnace / Oh doo dah day / You can't get away / You can't really hide / Once you he-ee-ear the call / The song of the hall of heads
With that he slumps. "We'll get out of here in a moment, folks. Just need a little set down first." In a minute or so, he looks more his old self -- severely battered, but unbowed.
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 19/41 d20+3=14 ; Thursday September 2nd, 2021 3:56:10 AM
Mundhildur asks the Twins to forestall opening the door until all are ready. Then she hears the others. "Maybe Zeoll's counsel is wise. Let's go back a bit, rest, recover some. We are too weak to face new dangers, it seems."
[i][Friends, I have surgery in a few hours, and the doc says I'll be somewhat out of commission for a day or two. Here is a post for now...]
If the group agrees, then Mundhi will use her healing skills to help everyone out over the next 24 hours. If someone also with the healing skill can give her a +2 boost. Oh, I forgot, she has the healing kit - so that means she did get the 15 needed, with the adjustment to 16. Her ministrations can lead to +16 hit points per person - but her application of the skill does not help her directly. If someone else can help her regain hit points, that would be good.
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will Thursday September 2nd, 2021 7:30:33 PM
(The post in progress must be truly epic, for it has been being worked on for 18 hours! :P)
SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 raging), HP 9/40 Thursday September 2nd, 2021 11:08:17 PM
(I think he's got his hands full in real life. No worries here if it takes a while.)
Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 23/32] (Kathy) d6=4 ; d6=4 ; Thursday September 2nd, 2021 11:11:38 PM
Honor has also been trained in healing, and will gladly help Mundhildur look after the group. [If kindly DM Cayzle will allow it, Honor will take 10 and get 18.]
Before the group retires for the night, Honor uses her last Lay on Hands to cure Elron of 9 damage.
DM Cayzle - A Rest Well Earned Thursday September 2nd, 2021 11:44:41 PM
[OOC really sorry to have missed a post. Thanks for understanding.]
In her perusal of the heads and bits, Mundhi notices something odd. There is writing on one of the dead heads' tongues. It is an Old High Woldian Sigil or Rune.
The party settles in for the night. Thanks to Honor's care, each person regains 2 hp per level.
There's also a little magical healing to pass around ...
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 20/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2 4d6=20 ; 4d6=21 ; d20+4=6 ; Friday September 3rd, 2021 5:26:03 AM
Asimov uses his rapid repair nanobots on Irony repairing 20 damage on his mechanical minion on the first use putting the construct up to full health
Before turning in for the night he asks his friends if he should prepair some healing devices the next day as they are still a little banged up.
Irony stands guard while Asimove rests. Perception - Irony: 6
SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 raging), HP 20/40 Friday September 3rd, 2021 5:12:58 PM
Elron's feeling much better after Honor's ministrations. But still not ready to go. He has a potion of CMW that he or someone could make use of.
"I do believe that may be the first time I've encountered a head flying above a joke, an' not th'other way 'round."
OOC: Not sure I read Mundhildur's actions right -- +16 HP?
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 19/41 Friday September 3rd, 2021 7:34:20 PM
Mundhildur's actions (since she used her healing kit her roll adjusts to 16, needed a 15 to qualify) will allow all characters except herself to regain +16 hp - that is over a 24-hour period (4hp/level, Mundhi is 4th level, thus 16 hp). Do we go for 24 hours of rest?
"Say, Zeoll, you are a bard. See this sigil on that head there? Isn't that Old High Woldian?" She tries to puzzle it out. "Can you tell what it says?"
Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 23/32] (Kathy) Friday September 3rd, 2021 10:09:06 PM
[I don't think there's a difference between resting 8 hours, healing ourselves with spells, then resting again to get them back--or, resting 24 hours and healing naturally. I'm good either way.]
Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 23hp | Cayzle d20+4=16 ; d4=1 d4=4 Friday September 3rd, 2021 10:57:37 PM
Zeoll does not know Old High Woldian. But he says a prayer and tries his linguistics skill on the tongue rune:
A 16.
Also, he casts Goodberry and applies 5 hp of berry healing. Stacked with the +16 overnite, both he and Camel are back in good shape.
DM Cayzle - Door of Ear Saturday September 4th, 2021 10:14:44 AM
A new day of adventure, and aside from the smell of burnt troll and rotting heads, you are safe and sound and healed, spell slots renewed and ready to proceed.
In case it mattered, the non-living heads stopped their wailing at the end of the fight ... in case your forgetful DM neglected to mention it.
Zeoll's lore is not perfect. The liontaur says that to him that the rune recalls Lord Gargul, and has something to do with ... maybe ... travel? [OOC: Your kindly DM gives a hint for a roll of 16 -- the DC was 18].
The obstacle before you is another door. Where the keyhole of a normal door would be, you see a small inset iron ear.
SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 40/40 Saturday September 4th, 2021 10:15:29 PM
Elron ponders a bit before saying, "I bet we can get th' door t' open by makin' it flinch. . . Speakin' o' flinchin', did I ever tell you about my friend Kay?"
Kay was a knight. Not the best at fightin', but an upright fellow and well respected. No, when it came t' fightin', he was 'bout as useful as a constipated elk gettin' religion. When his village was attacked by goblins, Kay flinched away from a risin' blow an' knocked his head on a door jamb. When he keeled over, th' goblins thought he was dead an' moved on.
But th' boys in th' village loved t' follow Kay 'round an' the parents liked that too, 'cause he was a good role model. There came a point, though, when Kay decided it was time t' get married. He set about trying t' figure out who he should ask t' be his wife. It weren't th' easiest thing to do with a bunch of boys following you around, see. So he struck upon this idea that he would tell jokes to th' ladies. He would tell fairly lame jokes, see, so that if they liked 'em he'd know they really liked him.
Well, Daniel's family had just come t' th' village. Th' village he grew up in had been beset by ogres, and all th' folks had'ad t' flee. Danny's fatha' had done business with one o' th' cooks in th' castle at this village, an' he didn't know no one else who weren't fleein' themselves, so he figured this was th' best place t' come t'. It weren't as if th' lord o' th' place would want pasta everyday -- that's what Danny's fatha' did, he made pasta for folks in his village an' sometimes shipped it elsewhere, though th' only time he'd accompanied th' shipment hisself was when he came there before. But he was a resourceful man an' figured where there's folks with a castle he could find somthin' to do, and all the betta' if they did want more pasta. Anyway, Danny was new t' th' village, and seein' how th' other boys followed Kay around, he started followin' Kay 'round, too.
First Kay goes up to Margaret. Margaret was a little older, but real pretty, an' she'd been married t' a man who'd died in th' goblin wars. So Kay goes up to her an' he says, "Knock, knock." An' Margaret gets a big grin an' says, "Who's there?" An' Kay goes, "Doctor." Well, Danny don't know why Kay's tellin' knock-knock jokes t' this woman, so he asks th' other boys, "Why is he tellin' her a knock-knock joke?" An' Betram, th' oldest o' th' boys who weren't bein' put t' work in th' fields, answers. "Miss Margaret's a widow, an' her husband used to tell knock-knock jokes. So Kay's tellin' her a knock-knock joke 'cause he knows she appreciates 'em." Well, th' joke was a big hit. After breakin' th' ice that way, they got to talkin' and talked most an hour before rememberin' their chores. Before th' conversin' was done, Kay was callin' 'er Maggie and they agreed t' meet that weekend t' continue.
Now, Priscilla also lived in th' village. She was younger, an' had several beau's after her. So Kay heads out to search up th' jesta'. Usually th' jesta' was with th' lord in th' castle, but they'd had a fallin' out over a political joke th' jesta' had told. Really, I think th' lord liked th' joke, but he was in a position where he couldn't been see t' like th' joke, as it was told at the expense o' one o' his guests. That might be why th' fool had enough of a start that th' guards wasn't able t' catch him when th' lord decreed he should be imprisoned in th' dungeon. Seein' how he's now got to go hunt up th' jesta', which was gonna take some time, Kay went to th' kitchen first to' get somthin' he could eat on th' go. Th' cook quickly made him a sandwich.
Kay went lookin' for th' jesta'. He looked all over town, but didn't find him 'til th' last place he looked. By this time' Kay was het up, and was ready t' take th' jesta' t' th' dungeon hisself, but Danny asked Kay why he'd been lookin' for th' jesta' in th' first place. That reminded Kay what he wanted, an' he asked th' jesta' for his favorite joke. In return for not bein' taken t' th' dungeon, th' jesta' told Kay a joke.
Kay went an' found Priscilla, and he says to her, "What do you call a fish with no eyes?" Danny, who'd just heard th' same joke from th' jesta', was confused. "Why is he tellin' her th' joke th' jesta' just told him?" he asked. Bertram answered, "Priscilla's not too bright. The jesta' likes jokes that just about anyone can understand -- they don't get him into as much trouble." Once again, th' joke leads to a conversation -- not as long this time, but just as intense. Kay and Priscilla agree to meet the next day.
Later on, Kay caught up with Dawn just outside her chambers. He asks her a question, too, and after th' punch line Dawn asks him in t' talk. Th' boys was left outside, confused. "Was that a joke?," they asked each otha'. Pretty soon, they wandered off back to their homes, seein' it was gettin' towards evenin'.
After supper, Daniel starts squirmin' around on th' floor. His mother asked him what was goin' on. "Mom," he answers, "I can't stick my knee in my ear." His mother looked at him, "Why would you think o' doin' that?"
"Well, th' knight Kay was trying t' woo several maidens he knew with some jokes. He had different jokes for each maiden, as he knew they each had different kinds o' humor. Margaret was first, and Kay stood before her and tried out a knock-knock joke. I asked, "Why did he tell her a knock-knock joke?" An' I was told, "That's because her husband used to always tell them, so she appreciates them more." Next was Priscilla, and as the knight stood before her he tried out th' joke th' court jesta' told him. "Why did th' knight use a court jesta' joke?," I asked. "That's because Priscilla ain't very bright and she wouldn't understand most other jokes." Finally it was Dawn's turn. . ." But Danny's mother stopped him right there.
"Daniel, you are too young for that sort of humor," she says, "A knight is always darkest before Dawn."
"O' course, the best way to make someone flinch is this," says Elron as he gently runs a feather across the ear.
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will Sunday September 5th, 2021 6:34:07 PM
The Twins merely stand and observe the antics of their fellow party members.
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 20/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2 d20+8=28 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=22 ; Sunday September 5th, 2021 11:07:39 PM
Asimov studies the door w/ the ear.looking for some hint on how to get past it.
Perception: 28 or 30 vs Mechanical traps Know[Engineering]: 26 Know[History]: 22
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 19/41 d20=2 ; d20+10=27 ; Monday September 6th, 2021 4:40:33 AM
Ignore 1st roll - fat-fingered on smartphone while trying to set the bonus. So, Mundhildur spends a whole hero point just to see if she can dredge up from her memory (and slightly aided by Zeoll's speculations) in order to ascertain just what that Old High Woldian rune / symbol actually signifies. Needed 18. Rolled with +2 (trained in linguistics) and +8 (hero point) at 27.
She figured that out just before Elron launched into his courting-by-humor story. And she listened, rapt, then laughed heartily at his punchline.
Then she lets the others know what she figured out about the symbol up on the pillar.
Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 23/32] (Kathy) Monday September 6th, 2021 9:32:31 PM
Honor looks at the door. "It seems to be expecting an ear," she says. "I wonder of one of the heads would do? I wonder what happens if we get the wrong ear?"
DM Cayzle - Door of Ear Tuesday September 7th, 2021 1:24:52 AM
You ponder the options. Mundhi considers that someone has to whisper a password in the ear. The password is likely related to that old rune you found, considering the inscription that said it was on the tip of a tongue.
You recall that the rune is a word something like "travel." But that's not it.
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 20/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2 Tuesday September 7th, 2021 2:05:58 AM
Asimov says "Mellon" and waits then says "Open Sesame". If nothing happens he said I think I heard about some stories where those were the passwords.
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will Tuesday September 7th, 2021 6:47:41 AM
The Twins try a few words. "Walk." "Run" "Drive" "Ride" "Road."
Honor Bright [AC 19; HP 23/32] (Kathy) Tuesday September 7th, 2021 4:21:52 PM
Honor stands stupidly and is stupid.
SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 40/40 Tuesday September 7th, 2021 7:30:48 PM
Elron isn't sure what Gargul-related travel word there could be. He doesn't really want to consider that the lord of death might travel. Roaming the shadow realms is close enough. "If'n he thinks embracin' death as th' door to rebirth is travel, just where does that leave us what gets hatched?"
Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 23hp | Cayzle Tuesday September 7th, 2021 10:36:33 PM
Zeoll asks, "If we cannot think of the passworrd, is therre any otherr way to get thrrough this doorr?"
DM Cayzle - Ear of Door Tuesday September 7th, 2021 10:39:31 PM
The party struggles to try different passwords.
Asimov's fail utterly.
The Twins's words cause the lock to click, but it does not unlock. Still, that's encouraging.
The rest try ... sort of?
SteveM - Elron | AC 21 (19 if raging), HP 40/40 d20+12=19 ; Tuesday September 7th, 2021 11:11:53 PM "Hey, it's clicking. Can you repeat those words slowly, so's we can see if one o' 'em seems to do more'n the otha's?"
(perception = 19 trying to identify the "best" words)
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 20/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2 d20+11=23 ; Wednesday September 8th, 2021 1:30:11 AM
Linguistics: 23
Asimov thinks about the words the Twins used and the way the door clicked linguistically trying to get a better idea.
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will Wednesday September 8th, 2021 7:45:40 AM "Someone try the words in Undercommon." the Twins point out. They repeat the words slowly, as requested, then try some more. "Travel." "Journey." "Trip". "Path." "Pathfinder." "Walk" "Run"
DM Cayzle - Ear of Door Wednesday September 8th, 2021 9:57:04 AM
The door -- click click -- unlocks at "Journey." Twins, please accept a hero point.
"I was just about to say that," are words that the linguistically talented Asimov may have been thinking about saying!
This scene is over. Everyone please add 3,000 xp. We started this module at level 4 on March 30 at 9,000 xp. In addition to the earlier xp award, this should put everybody at 15,000 xp, and 5th level. Do please let's update our sheets before the next scene. Which, by the way, will be run by DM Mitch as soon as someone opens the door.
Zeoll the Greensinger | AC18, 23hp | Cayzle d8=4 ; d8=1 ; d8=5 ; Wednesday September 8th, 2021 10:40:31 AM
"Good job everybody! Forr a moment I fearred we'd have to brreak that doorr down!"
[OOC: HP roll for me - 4. For Bill the Camel - 5]
[OOC: My sheet is up to date. If anyone has time to vet it, that would be great. I'll try to vet others' sheets too.]
Asimov and Irony | Hugh | AC 17/12/15 HP 20/37 | AC 14/11/13 HP 29/29 Hardness 2 d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d10=5 ; Wednesday September 8th, 2021 11:24:15 PM
Asimov thinks about everything he has learned. (OOC: I'll make time to update Asimov and Irony tomorrow but they each get +1 HD this level so d6 for Asimov is 1 reroll, 1 reroll, 4 and d10 for Irony is 5)
Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant (large 10'4") (Kim) AC 17 Touch 13 FF15 HP 41/41 d8=3 ; Thursday September 9th, 2021 2:06:28 AM
HP 3 (brings HP to 48 w/18 con). Working on updates.
Thanks for running this section, Cayzle! Welcome aboard the DM spot, Mitch!
The Twins (Mitch) HP 38/38 AC 24/12/22 Saves +4 Fort/+3 Ref/+1 Will Thursday September 9th, 2021 6:17:32 AM
The Twins open the door.