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DM Steven - On the road again... 
Monday October 18th, 2021 3:03:18 AM

Each of the Wardens prepares for the journey north. The Scab are a dangerous place and not knowing where exactly you have to find this White Goddess makes it even more dangerous.

Moridark studies some maps and prepares spells that will help him located creatures.

Armand is eager to go and thinks it might be interesting to wal by those guys that were reported earlier North of the Tree near the caravan trail. You also remember this so called Levin that you never actually saw... if he even exists...

Ready to go, Trellys gets in step with Armand. So is Elyngael.
Moridark nods at Armand's suggestion to go check out these sightings...

Yunn'Neshi thinks of something else! Rather than travelling through the Scab, why not teleport to Windhorne Hamlet. That means you'll be still travelling North but it will enable you to stay on the outskirts of the Scab. 'Osul likes this idea! Once in the wood and beyond sight Windhorn Hamlet sounds like a good waypoint.

And so a new journey begins... the Wardens walk North following the caravan trail.

If you have specific marching order feel free to let us know.
Perception and survival checks please

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+50=64 ; d20+38=56 ; d20+48=55 ;
Monday October 18th, 2021 7:29:49 AM

As is traditional, before setting off 'Osul (at least internally) forecasts the weather, noting that he will likely need to do so again in Windhorne Hamlet. {Survival: 64}

Irregularly, 'Osul walks in his human form - unless it becomes clear that he is slowing the party down.
{Perception: 56, Survival: 55}
He chats until they are a mile or so out from the camp.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+8=27 ;
Monday October 18th, 2021 5:29:34 PM

Perception 27 (d20+8)

Armand is glad to be on the road again. "Don't forget we can do some windwalking as well. I have one spell of that memorized. That could help when we want to do some scoping out of the land." He tries to keep his eyes open but figures Elyngael is usually on point so he lags to the rear and keeps an eye for anything following or taking an unusual interest in their passing.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+24=31 ; d20+29=39 ; d20+4=17 ; d20+4=6 ;
Monday October 18th, 2021 6:14:05 PM

Elyngael will take point and be about 20 feet in front of the group. She will have Brawn stay toward the back.
Elyngael Perception d20+24=31, Survival d20+29=39
Brawn Perception d20+4=17 (scent), Survival d20+4=6

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+13=29 ; d20+16=24 ;
Monday October 18th, 2021 6:56:13 PM

Perception: 29
Survival: 24

Trellus walks in step with Armand. The cleric is a kindred spirit, and so the man sticks close.
He is full of questions - what are the names of the trees, does it rain often, and again, what offerings would make sense once they got to the Scab.

"Oh, I can weave the Wind Walk spell. Just not today. Once we get where we going, I can help with that."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Monday October 18th, 2021 7:23:14 PM

Moridark falls instep behind Armand, and Trellus. The mage is not for one and lifts his eyes toward the sky as though he were looking for his usual steed. The mage looks around but doesn't spot much.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+16=26 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+16=36 ;
Monday October 18th, 2021 8:51:16 PM

Neshi, in the middle of the pack so he can easily aid either end, walks off to the left side and keeps an eye open for anything out of the ordinary.

Perception rolls: 26, 19, 36

DM Steven - Muddy tracks... 
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 3:09:32 AM

The Wardens leave Tree. The weather is overcast - chances are it will bring some rain later today.
As you leave town you notice some watching you, a kid running by waving at you, a cat on a hunt for it must have spotted a mouse... business as usual.

Elyngael takes point. She keeps Brawn toward the back close to Armand. The Cleric reminds his friends of the Wind Walk spells he has prepared but for now he just tags along. Trellus has found a like minded person in Armand. For sure a Cleric of Domi and a Cleric of Gargul have much to talk about. Both will be able to use the Wind Walks when needed. From Tree you follow the caravan trail. Moridark closes the ranks but doesn't notice much.

Yurr´Neshi takes a tactical position towards the group and keeps an eye out for trouble.

´Osul is the first to notice quite fresh tracks of a cart that is being pulled. That's not very odd is it?! ... But after showing his findings to Elyngael, they decide it's the depth of the wheel tracks that is remarkable... as if this cart has been overloaded. There are some donkey hooves in front of the cart. 'Osul's eyes are so keen he even notices boot tracks. People have been helping to push the cart and occasionally their boots slipped.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+21=26 ;
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 5:27:49 PM

Armand will continue his conversation with Trellus, trying to catch him up on things in the Wold that may have happened while he was stuck in that limbo plane.
Knowledge History 26 (d20+21)

"That's interesting. Anyone have an opinion on the cart? I'd say for now that it may not concern us. Wouldn't want to be accused of robbery. Ha, remember that time Atlas accosted the fur trader on the caravan trail." he sighs thinking how much the party has changed since then.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 6:23:08 PM

"Yes Armand." he replies with a grin.

"Robbery, no. However, if they were hampered and delayed in their travels..."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+29=39 ; d20+24=38 ;
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 6:27:40 PM

Is the cart going to the Tree or away from the Tree? What type of terrain are we in, does it allow opportunity for someone/thing to jump us from the side (tall grass, copse of trees, etc)?
Elyngael will examine the tracks closely. How long ago were the tracks made? Survival d20+29=39 She checks to see if Brawn can get a scent or not. Is this a 4 wheel cart or 2 wheel cart? What are the odds of a broken axle from being overloaded? She stays alert Perception d20+24=38

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 6:35:37 PM

"You don't think it might be one of those gold laden carts we've been trying to locate?" Trellus offers.

He awaits the results of the various trackers in their tracking.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20+10=29 ;
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 7:47:55 PM

Moridark stays quiet as the others discuss the tracks. The mage stands still as he tries not to mess up the tracks. Moridark tires to take note of the depth of the tracks, average out the weight of a cart, and does some quick math (Int 29) to figure out how many pounds the cart is and the distance it might travel with donkeys.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 8:45:56 PM

You know Trellus that was my first thought as well. an overladen heavy cart that needs to be pushed while being pulled by one or more donkeys..

DM Steven - Muddy tracks... 
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 7:31:01 AM

The tracks found get the Wardens talking among each other. Armand isn't too interested in them and does not want to get tangled up in something they have no business with... 'Osul agrees but wonders if perhaps these people would need some help?

Elyngael studies the tracks a bit closer. They are moving away from Tree and seem to continue on this Caravan trail for now it seems. The tracks are actually quite fresh... perhaps only a few hours but from the boot marks Elyngael gets the impression they are trying to make haste? The tracks are very easy to follow actually for the trail is quite muddy. The Weather is overcast and it must have rained during the previous night - there's more rain in those clouds.
It must be a two wheel transport but not knowing the exact cart it's difficult to estimate the odds of a broken axle. Even without Brawns nose it's easy to follow the tracks.

Trellus wonders if this could be one of the gold laden carts they've heard about before... which was the exact thought that Neshi had... a cart is usually pulled by 2 medium creatures. Here it seem to be 2 donkeys and it's even pushed by some more people. A cart normally holds 300lbs what is no problem to be pulled by a donkey... so could it be this wagon has been overloaded double or more? Hard to say. Moridark does not want to mes with the tracks so instead he tries to figure out how man,y pounds the cart holds and what distance they could travel with it... Now 300lbs would be roughly 6000 Gold... which isn't all that much for experienced adventurers such as yourself... maybe the cart is being tripple loaded even? Could it hold almost up to 20K so that it created these tracks? They can't go for miles like this!!

But like Armand said right when he saw the tracks... what does it concern the Wardens?

Survival 15 : Highlight to display spoiler: {In about a mile or so the tracks suddenly leave the main caravan trail and enter the forest.}
Survival 25 : Highlight to display spoiler: {The track you are following is not the only one leaving the caravan trail here. Some came from the opposite direction from where the Wardens come (the direction of Evenoak probably?)}
Survival 35 : Highlight to display spoiler: {A close look at the tracks, donkey marks and boot prints, reveals that there are carts coming and going from this area in the wood leaving back to where they probably came from... but these 'return' marks are a lot harder to spot simply because it seems the carts where a lot lighter when they left... }

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 5:21:04 PM

"Hmm. Well if it is a gold laden cart, we'd still have to be extra careful. Wouldn't want those...." he's at a loss for the right word to describe those 'people', "...people to go spreading more rumors about us being highway men and such. However, as 'Osul pointed out, maybe then need a hand moving whatever it is they are moving. So I guess let's follow, maybe at a bit of jog, in order to catch up?"

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+39=44 ; d20+48=65 ; d20+7=27 ;
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 6:22:21 PM

Over the mile or so, 'Osul tries focussing on quantifying and uniquely identifying the boot and other prints in the mud - building up a story.

"That wasn't quite what I meant, but if they are loading up some other form of transportation..."
He looks around in earnest for signs of the new full vehicle, or other indications. {Toros Taur's Try, Perception: 44, Survival (Tracking): 65, Spellcraft: 27}

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+16=22 ; d20+13=29 ;
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 6:45:40 PM

Survival: 22

"Well, if they are treadles, we're gonna catch up to them on this road," Trellus remarks.

But, in about a mile or so, he points to the road.
"They turned off here and went into the woods."

The cleric scans the woodline from the road, and waits for those more skilled to take a closer look, or decide to press on.
Either way, he's good.

[Perception looking at the woods: 29]

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 7:20:08 PM

Moridark looks around, "If we are not going to teleport I will be summoning my phantom steed. I am not built for walking." As the others begin walking Moridark takes the time to cast an extended phantom steed, and flies just above the others.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+29=47 ;
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 8:07:24 PM

Survival d20+29=47 Elyngael pauses and looks around a bit at the ground.
"They went off the trail here and entered the forest." forest as in the Culverwood? "Looks like another group coming toward the tree on this caravan route left the trail here as well and went into the woods. Actually looks like a lot of coming and going at this point, both with heavy carts and light carts. Might be some sort of way point or exchange point in the woods. Certainly doesn't seem normal. I say we check it out."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Wednesday October 20th, 2021 8:21:43 PM

Neshi, listens and watches.

So, is there a way we can do this without being seen. or shall we just walk in and say hi, we saw your tracks and was curious about who was out her and what they are doing?

DM Steven - Muddy tracks... 
Thursday October 21st, 2021 5:06:05 AM

The tracks prove to be interesting enough for the Wardens to investigate some more. Rain has started to come down... you find your gear getting all wet quick... basically you'll all feel chilly and wet in no time with this somber weather.

Armand however is worried... already the Wardens seem to be given some bad publicity. You don't want this to escalate even further! But maybe 'Osul has a point in trying to catch up with whoever these people are. What if they need a hand?! It's not quite what 'Osul had in mind but close enough. 'Osul examines the tracks as they follow them. The Druid notices two different boot tracks... one on either side of the cart. Two sets of donkey hooves. He notices another pair of boots... a bit more left of the cart. These tracks show no signs that someone is trying to push a heavy cart... this one is simply walking along. Now a keen eye does notice these boot tracks show evidence of this person being rather overweight or carrying a heavy load...

Trellus is in for the chase. As soon as the tracks go into the forest (no specific forest... just trees, some bushes... nothing peculiar) he's eager to press on and catch up with the cart. Before leaving the caravan trail Elyngael does point out the other tracks she could identify.... there seem to be a lot of carts that come and go from this place... The ranger agrees with Trellus and readies to follow the tracks as they enter the forest. It seems there has been so much traffic that even the worst trackers in the Wold would not have a problem following tracks. Undergrowth has been pushed aside, small tree trunks cut down to free the path...

Only Yurr-Neshi considers a more stealthy chase... Moridark doens't like walking so he summons his phantom steed and flies just above the others.

Once you leave the caravan trail the tree canopy protects you somewhat from the rain. In a different setting rain falling on a tree canopy can be quite relaxing but here and now it's either a nuisance or an advantage... depending on how you intend to follow the transport.

(please everyone give me the following rolls so I can incorporate them in the story telling next round :
Stealth / perception / survival / other rolls you think might be helpful.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+3=16 ; d20+48=49 ; d20+39=57 ; d20+7=24 ; d20+32=43 ;
Thursday October 21st, 2021 7:57:56 AM

OOC: I'm making skill check that we are a suffucent distance from both The Wood and

{Stealth: 16, Survival: 49, Pereception: 57, Spellcraft: 24}

'Osul nods in agreement with Elyngael.

He shares the tales of the bootprints and hoofprints.Is there any indication that either of the donkeys are injured? (Hoof, sole, frog, gate) {Heal: 43}

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+2=18 ; d20+6=8 ; d20+8=15 ; d20+10=28 ;
Thursday October 21st, 2021 6:24:43 PM

Armand nods at everything said. "Well I don't think I'm exactly going to be stealthy. So I'm willing to be blatantly obvious and draw attention allowing you more stealthy folk to get in quiet like."

Armand will whistle a tune while while he follows the path of the cart. He casts Detect Magic as he follows the rather obvious cart path.

Perform 18 (d20+2 = whistling a tune)
Survival 8 (d20+6 = to follow the path of the cart)
Perception 15 (d20+8 = keeping a watchful eye)
Spellcraft 28 (d20+10 = identifying any aura's from detect magic)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+13=15 ; d20+16=31 ;
Thursday October 21st, 2021 6:52:41 PM

"We're whistling now? Shady."

Trellus can't whistle, so he just sticks with Armand and tries to keep an eye on things.

Hopefully the sneaky dudes of the group will be able to take advantage.

[Perception 15, Survival 31]

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+25=36 ; d20+29=35 ; d20+24=34 ; d20+14=15 ;
Thursday October 21st, 2021 7:44:43 PM

Elyngael says "Brawn isn't much for stealth, so I'll have him stay with you two." She gives her commands to Brawn.

Elyngael will range off to the right and 60 foot forward of them. Woodland Stride: can move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, Swift Tracker - move at normal speed to and track no penalty, Camouflage: hide in favored terrain even when no concealment.
(Favored Terrain Forest +4 added in): Stealth d20+25=36 , Survival d20+29=35, Perception d20+24=34, knowledge Geography d20+14=15

Not calculated in but just in case, Favored enemy (human) +6 : bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival checks, attack and damage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20=17 ;
Thursday October 21st, 2021 7:51:36 PM

Seeing that Armand is not attempting to conceal his presence from anyone in the area Moridark doesn't either. the mage follows above Armand and Trellus as he keeps an eye from above (Perception DC 17)

DM Steven - "We're whistling now? Shady."  d20+27=41 ; d20+13=14 ;
Friday October 22nd, 2021 8:51:06 AM

'Osul agrees with Elyngael to go follow the tracks to see what they are all about. He adds his findings of the bootprints and hoofprints. There's no indication that any donkey is injured though - guessing from the weight they pull you do imagine they must be quite exhausted though.

Armand doesn't really care about stealth... why would you when you're carrying a glaive and a mitral breastplate. Instead he decides to whistle a tune... whistling in the rain... luckily he's not singing...

Trellus is quite surprised by this approach... he sticks with Armand and tries keeping an eye on things.
Well if the ones on the ground don't care about stealth why should Moridark?! He sits on his phantom steed and keeps an eye from above.

Now Elyngael is a different matter. She's in her favored terrain! She can walk these woods stealthy and quickly. So she moves about 60ft ahead of the noisy ones. Moridark too hovers over the main group so Elyngael can do some scouting carefully.

Elyngael quietly moves ahead of the group... the other ones are only 60ft behind them... she can almost hear them breath... rain continues to fall and rattle on the canopy above (unfavourable condition DC+2 ).

Elyngael Highlight to display spoiler: {After following the trail for about 500ft you hear something and it's not coming from behind you.

DC to hear 10 +2 condition +1/10ft vs Elyngael 34 means you can hear something about 220 ft in front of you. The trees are blocking your view to see what is actually there. You can hear people talking to each other, dragging stuff, scowling (to the animals most likely), ...

Armand whistling DC10 , +2 condition +1/10ft vs Counter perception check 41 means who ever is listening can detect the main group from 290ft out. You are is 220ft from them +60ft is 280ft...
While whoever is out there can't hear you, they do hear the rest of the Wardens approaching...

You hear someone with a deep impact making voice saying: "Someone's out there... on guard... "

You can hear another voice saying : "You sure? I don't hear anything... ". . Somehow this voice sounds familiar. You can't place it... but for some reason you don't put on a happy face hearing that voice...

"... you question me?! ..." says the first voice again. Now that voice sends shivers down your spine...

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d4=1 ; d20+2=10 ; d20+2=4 ; d20+2=20 ; d20+16=22 ; d20+16=24 ;
Friday October 22nd, 2021 4:28:05 PM

Neshi knowing that he moves faster than the rest of his friends (base speed 70) when left to their own motion keeps of to the left side of the group and moves into the woods. He is pretty sure that stealth and survival skills are out of the question (DC10/5) He uses his knowledge of nature and his perception (DC28/22) to try and make up for it and scouts to the left flank.

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Sunday October 24th, 2021 4:11:37 PM

'Osul moves 20' right and continues parallel, unhampered by the undergrowth and continues looking for signs.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+25=26 ; d20+29=48 ; d20+24=30 ;
Sunday October 24th, 2021 4:35:03 PM

Elyngael continues to move carefully forward, but now goes a little further to the right. She wishes there was some way to alert the others. They really need to work out a set of signals. She activates her ring of invisibility.

Not sure if you needed new rolls.
Woodland Stride: can move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, Swift Tracker - move at normal speed to and track no penalty, Camouflage: hide in favored terrain even when no concealment.

(Favored Terrain Forest +4 added in): Stealth d20+25=26 , Survival d20+29=48, Perception d20+24=30.

Not calculated in but just in case, Favored enemy (human) +6 : bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival checks, attack and damage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Sunday October 24th, 2021 4:38:45 PM

Armand's pucker is getting dry. He decides to stop whistling. He continues walking with detect magic going. "These guys don't appear to be too careful. Perhaps that means they are mere hapless cartiers." He winks to Trellus.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+8=14 ; d20+10=20 ;
Sunday October 24th, 2021 4:40:11 PM

Forgot my Perception 14 (d20+8 = keeping a watchful eye)
Spellcraft 20 (d20+10 = identifying any aura's from detect magic)

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156)  d20+13=22 ;
Sunday October 24th, 2021 7:25:31 PM

Trellus chuckles weakly at Armand's joke.

"Or they're just wondering what the three piggies are doing in the middle of the road in the rain," he answers.

"I don't believe I've ever been bait before. Can't say I like it."

[Perception 22]

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Sunday October 24th, 2021 8:19:07 PM

Moridark continues flying over the group as the progresses forward. The mage controls his steed with his knees as he draws his rod of quicken.

DM RobC - "I don't believe I've ever been bait before. Can't say I like it."  d20+27=28 ; d20+20=24 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+21=26 ; d20+21=25 ;
Monday October 25th, 2021 3:14:24 AM

Armand and Trellus keep following on the path, making no attempt to disguise or hide themselves. Hopefully they will prove enough of a distraction - or 'bait' as Trellus says - and help the others maintain their stealth against whatever has them jumpy.

Moridark flies above pair. From his elevated position he doesn't see anything out of the ordinary yet, but he draws a quicken rod in anticipation of trouble.

Osul heads to the right to continue along in the undergrowth. Neshi takes the left.

Elyngael goes invisible. She edges closer to where she heard the noise, moving around to the right as she goes to change up her position. Based on where she last heard the voices she figures she's about 180ft away from them. She can't hear any voices now though. It's gone quiet. All she can hear is the sound of the rain falling around her.

Elyngael is about 60ft ahead of the party.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Monday October 25th, 2021 6:16:37 PM

Armand turns to Trellus. "Bait? Well I guess we are. But only if whatever is in front of us is up to no good. We can't be totally paranoid can we? Or should we? I mean this is certainly off the beaten path. The likely hood of this being an innocent fork in the road is pretty small. Tell you what, if you have obscuring mist ready I have silence ready." Armand will continue to walk forward.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+25=35 ; d20+29=46 ; d20+24=29 ;
Monday October 25th, 2021 6:18:47 PM

Elyngael will continue forward still invisible.

Woodland Stride: can move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, Swift Tracker - move at normal speed to and track no penalty, Camouflage: hide in favored terrain even when no concealment.

(Favored Terrain Forest +4 added in): Stealth d20+25=35 , Survival d20+29=46, Perception d20+24=29.

Not calculated in but just in case, Favored enemy (human) +6 : bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival checks, attack and damage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Monday October 25th, 2021 7:41:45 PM

Trellus shakes his head.
"Domi and I had a very long talk there in the void," he responds matter-of-factly.
"We decided my service would continue with the sword, and I've prepared mostly buffs, with some attacking spells woven in."

He grins.

"But, be assured I'll do something to attract attention."

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Monday October 25th, 2021 7:47:28 PM

Moridark looks down at Armand and Trellus, "I have an obscuring mist available. I will cast it on your command. On us? or them?" The mage continues to ride forward his eyes darting around looking for trouble.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+16=30 ; d20+2=19 ; d20+2=10 ;
Monday October 25th, 2021 8:45:30 PM

quickly casting invisibility upon himself, Neshi moves up and right another 45 feet angling to flank anything that might be ahead. (Perception DC 30), (Stealth DC 19)

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+39=44 ;
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 3:02:26 AM

'Osul tries to follow (with his eyes only) invisible Neshi as he moves. {Perception: 44}

He also continues mooving up on the right, and gives serious consideration to his shape as he goes.

DM RobC - "We can't be totally paranoid can we? Or should we?"  d20+20=29 ; d20+20=30 ; d20+27=31 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+19=28 ;
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 3:29:38 AM

Armand and Moridark talk spells and tactics, with Trellus quite happy to let his sword do the talking.

Speaking in a strong voice Neshi casts an invisibility spell on himself and disappears from sight.

The main group is Armand and Trellus side-by-side with Brawn, Moridark flying above, Neshi taking the left flank and Osul taking the right. Elyngael is somewhere up ahead. By Osul's reckoning she's 60ft ahead of you. Noone else can see her though. The ranger is far too stealthy.

You don't see or hear anything out of the ordinary. Just an uneventful walk in the rain.

Elyngael ... Highlight to display spoiler: {

Elyngael keeps quietly moving forward. She can hear a voice from up ahead though can't understand what is being said.

After that... silence.

The ranger keeps moving forward until she can get a view of the trail ahead. Stopped in the middle of the path she can see five men (four humans and a dwarf) around a horse led cart. They are currently crouched low and looking down the trail towards where the party will be approaching. One has a bow drawn, another has a crossbow loaded and aimed, but the other three are unarmed. One of the unarmed men is quite tall and has white hair - vaguely matching the description of that 'Levin' man. He is focused in Elyngael's direction but the others have their attention on the direction of the rest of the party.

Elyngael now realizes why one of the voices sounded familiar. She can see now that the man with the bow drawn is Frampton.

This group are approx 100ft ahead of Elyngael and around 160ft ahead of the rest of the party. You're nicely concealed at the moment, but based on their speed you suspect the party will shortly be coming into view on the trail.

Trellus - MikeK - (AC32 T14 F28, CMD 33, HP (156/156) 
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 6:13:06 PM

Trellus keeps walking along, looking up occasionally.

"I don't think I'll ever get over the idea of falling water," he confides.
"Does it rain a lot here?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+25=30 ; d20+29=36 ; d20+24=40 ;
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 7:52:15 PM

Elyngael doesn't like what she sees. She will stealth back to the party and warn them quietly, "Hey guys, there's a bunch up ahead, that sot Frampton that tried to duel me is readying an arrow, and there's another with a crossbow. There's 3 others not armed, not sure if they are casters or bystanders. But one of them matches the Levin the guy passing gold out at the Tree. And that Levin guy seemed to be looking right at me while I'm invisible. They are a bit over 100 feet away."

Woodland Stride: can move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, Swift Tracker - move at normal speed to and track no penalty, Camouflage: hide in favored terrain even when no concealment.
(Favored Terrain Forest +4 added in): Stealth d20+25=30 , Survival d20+29=36, Perception d20+24=40.

Not calculated in but just in case, Favored enemy (human) +6 : bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival checks, attack and damage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 7:57:05 PM

Armand tries to hide his surprise at Elyngael's voice coming from the shrubbery. "Well that's interesting." He makes sure his metamagic rod of quicken is still tucked in his belt. Then he casts Bless. "Better safe than sorry. Should we see what they are about?"

Bless +1 to hit, and +1 vs fear. 16 minutes.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Tuesday October 26th, 2021 8:09:24 PM

Moridark nods after hearing Elyngael's voice from below. "Well I guess we should see if they need any help. Sounds like the poor folks are a bit nervous being out here in the woods." The mage rotates the rods he is carrying and prepares to move forward with the group.

DM RobC - "Well that's interesting"  d20+20=27 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+27=38 ;
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 3:22:25 AM

Elyngael backs away from the men on the road and stealthily makes her way back to the group to report back on her findings.

Armand and Moridark prepare to move out, with Armand casting a spell in anticipation of trouble.

The rest watch on with interest.

What to do now?

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 4:25:53 AM

OOC: I didn't see a response to the Question asked in Elyngael's post on the 20th. Please confirm if we are again insides the borders of The Culverwood -- the Immortal Power that is the wellspring of 'Osul's gifts.

He speaks quietly in Sphinx, "I think I need to see this from a different perspective. A part of me wants to set the donkeys loose, and then sink the cart where it stands."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 6:17:30 PM

I'm assuming we're not in rounds, because I just took 4
Quietly Armand says "Okay, flankers out, let's try not to make a central target." Armand then casts Shield of Faith on himself.

He then activates Divine Presence (8th) 30ft aura grants allies Sanctuary spell DC = 10 + 1/2 level(8) + wisdom mod(6) so total Will DC 24 to attack us and then Touch of Glory (6/d) grant touched creature cleric level bonus on charisma based skill check on himself as he moves forward "Hello, we're here to help. Are you lost or injured? Do you need a hot meal?"

Bless +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (all)
Shield of Faith (+4 to AC)

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (156/156) 
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 6:39:26 PM

Trellus also casts Shield of Faith, followed by Spell Resistance.

He moves forward with Armand, while ranging a bit to the left so that there's 10' space between the two.


In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes. +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
Spell Resistance - 13 minutes. SR 25

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 7:40:22 PM

Moridak nudges his mount forward and flies about 20 feet apove Armand and Trellus creating a bit of a triangle. The mage keeps a smile on his face but is prepared for battle.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+25=38 ; d20+24=37 ;
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 8:03:51 PM

Elyngael moves stealthily 40 feet off to the side.

Woodland Stride: can move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, Swift Tracker - move at normal speed to and track no penalty, Camouflage: hide in favored terrain even when no concealment.
(Favored Terrain Forest +4 added in): Stealth d20+25=38 , Perception d20+24=37.

Not calculated in but just in case, Favored enemy (human) +6 : bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival checks, attack and damage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+3=11 ; d20+3=22 ; d20+16=24 ;
Wednesday October 27th, 2021 8:42:17 PM

Out wide and in front of the others Neshi is still moving forward trying to find the people/cart they are tracing and trying to flank them and not be heard while he is invisible.

Survival DC 11
Stealth DC 22
Perception DC 24

DM RobC - "Well that's interesting"  d20+16=26 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+20=35 ; d20+27=42 ; d20+14=19 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+14=18 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+14=33 ; d20+9=13 ; d8+10=18 ; d8+10=14 ; d8+10=17 ; d8+10=11 ; d8+10=11 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 1:58:43 AM

Armand and Trellus take some time to cast a few spells in anticipation of a fight. Hopefully your potential opponents aren't doing the same!

Neshi, Osul and Elyngael take the flanks. Osul knows that they are certainly within the borders of the Culverwood, but far from the 'deep' Culverwood where things get dangerous and chaotic.

The group moves forward.

Armand calls out a greeting but only gets as fast as "Hel.."

The man with the white hair loudly calls out. "ATTACKERS!" he moves to sit atop the cart, facing the direction of the party. He is unarmed and makes no attempt to cast a spell of any kind. For now he simply sits there and waits to see what will happen. "And watch out for the invisible ones. There's one over there" he points in Neshi's direction "And there" he points in Elyngael's direction.

The two archers that had been hiding in the bushes stand and open fire at the visible opponents.

Archer 6 fires a volley of arrows at Armand. The Sanctuary spell doesn't appear to have had any effect on him. Only one manages to pierce through the Shield of Faith (Hit AC35. Armand takes 18pts damage!)

The other archer is also able to ignore the effect of the Sanctuary spell. Archer 7 fires a volley of five arrows at Moridark. He gets hit by several of them. (Hit AC22 (Manyshot), 36, and AC33. Moridark takes 14 + 17 + 11+ 11pts damage!)

Elyngael Highlight to display spoiler: {...
Elyngael can't see the three unarmed men, but she does spot Frampton sneaking through the bushes (R22 on the map). His bow is still drawn as he crouches and quietly moves. He seems unaware of Elyngael's exact position, but the white-haired guy said she was around here somewhere.

Map: Link to Map
Notes: The bushes are considered difficult terrain

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:16, S. Burst:14  d20+39=54 ; d20+19=25 ; 6d6=21 ; 13d6=38 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 8:43:46 AM

Well, if he's just going to sit and watch...
Elyngael said "a bit over 100 feet away" and hopefully he heard the whitehaired man's shout, if not his clambering up the cart. {Perception: 54}.
'Osul (on the understanding that they've attacked us and the gloves are off) casts Sunburst {SR: 25, Reflex Save vs 32 to halve the 21 damage and not be permanently blinded. Undead (just in case) take the 21 and another 38 for 59 damage, if they aren't outright destroyed with a susceptibility to light}
He finally decides that what he really wants to be is a bat, and takes a 5' flit to a bush.

OOC: We had rain falling through the canopy of trees (and rain), so how tall are the bushes?

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 99/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  15d6=58 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 2:27:43 PM

"Ouch. Well I guess that settles that." Armand grabs the metamagic quicken rod in the belt. He doesn't like the self confidence that the cart rider is showing. He casts Silence on the cart, thus no save or magic resistance applies. Then he casts Flame Strike on number 6 because he seems to have quite the wad of arrows.
Flame Strike reflex 21 for 1/2 damage. Damage 58 (15d6)

In effect
Bless +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (all)
Shield of Faith (+4 to AC)
Silence on the Cart

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+21=34 ; d8+12=18 ; d6=6 ; 2d6=9 ; d8+12=18 ; d6=6 ; 2d6=7 ; d20+21=33 ; d8+12=15 ; d6=5 ; 2d6=8 ; d20+16=20 ; d8+12=19 ; d6=1 ; 2d6=11 ; d20+11=13 ; d20+3=6 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 4:32:05 PM

Elyngael see's the archers and shoots at #7. Not sure what they are, favored enemy human is going to add +6 to attack and damage, favored enemy evil outsider is +4 not including in rolls using Rapid Shot, Improved Precise Shot (no cover), Many Shot, Deadly Aim (-3 to hit, +6 damage).

First shot d20+21=34, first arrow damage 1d8+12=18, electrical d6=6, if evil (holy) 2d6=9, second arrow damage 1d8+12=18, electrical d6=6, if evil (holy) 2d6=7
Second shot d20+21=33, damage 1d8+12=15, electrical d6=5, ifevil (holy) 2d6=8
Third shot d20+16=21, damage 1d8+12=19, electrical d6=1, if evil (holy) 2d6=11
Forth shot d20+11=13 (I'm going to assume if they are human if the +6 is not going to hit )
Fifth shot d20+3=6

Dang it forgot the +1 for bless.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Brawn is still guarding his area.

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (188/156) 
Thursday October 28th, 2021 7:34:32 PM

"Light," Trellus sighs.

He casts a spell, doubling his size.
And then strides forward while pulling out a very big sword.

"You still have time to quit and not die," he points out to the attackers.

Cast Righteous Might.
Move forward 30'

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes. +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
Spell Resistance - 13 minutes. SR 25
Righteous Might - Rd 1 of 13. Large. +4 size bonus STR and CON. -2 Dex. +2 Nat armor. DR 5/evil. -1 AC due to size, +1 atk due to size.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20+20=21 ; d20+21=38 ; d6+4=9 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 7:52:48 PM

Moridark shakes his head, and places his rod of silene away. [/b]"Gods! That hurts!"[/b] The mage nudges his horse upwards (Ride DC 21) and draws a scroll of black tentacles from his haversack. The mage casts the tentacles on the cart attacking the man on the cart and attempting to grapple him, AC 38 9 damage.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   15d6=53 ; 15d6=39 ;
Thursday October 28th, 2021 8:19:08 PM

Neshi moving as he speaks. " Well we never attacked you, so calling us attackers is a bit premature. However, NOW we will be defenders of your attack, and I feel No compunction to hold anything back.

Casts Cone of cold - Should catch 2,6 & 7 in it. Reflex DC 25, Damage 53 points 26 if save

AND then follows it up with a quickened Prismatic spray which should also catch 2, 6, & 7.
Reflex DC 27.

Eight multicolored rays of light flash out from Neshi's hand. Each ray is a different color and has a different power and purpose. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. For each target, roll a d8 to determine which color ray affects it.

1. Red. The target takes 10d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
2. Orange. The target takes 10d6 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
3. Yellow. The target takes 10d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
4. Green. The target takes 10d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
5. Blue. The target takes 10d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
6. Indigo. On a failed save, the target is restrained. It must then make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it successfully saves three times, the spell ends. If it fails its save three times, it permanently turns to stone and is subjected to the petrified condition. The successes and failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of both until the target collects three of a kind.
7. Violet. On a failed save, the target is blinded. It must then make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of your next turn. A successful save ends the blindness. If it fails that save, the creature is transported to another plane of existence of the GM’s choosing and is no longer blinded. (Typically, a creature that is on a plane that isn’t its home plane is banished home, while other creatures are usually cast into the Astral or Ethereal planes.)
8. Special. The target is struck by two rays. Roll twice more, rerolling any 8.

DM RobC - "I feel No compunction to hold anything back."  d20+13=14 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+13=15 ; d8=6 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+13=15 ; d8=7 ; d20+18=30 ; d20+13=18 ; d100=13 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+14=15 ; d20+22=26 ; d20+22=33 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+12=28 ;
Friday October 29th, 2021 2:48:54 AM

Osul decides he isn't going to mess around. He casts a very powerful Sunburst spell and covers a ridiculous area with it. He hears screams coming from the bushes and realizes that those that were hiding in them were unlucky enough to be within range.

Armand is wary of the guy in the cart. Who turns up to a fight unarmed and doesn't attack? That's suspicious. He casts a silence spell on the cart and then follows up with a Flame Strike on one of the archers giving him a good frying.

Elyngael decides to put one of the archers out of his misery. It takes all three shots but she puts him down.

Trellus steps up and gives his attackers a chance to surrender.

Neshi doesn't. He casts a Cone of Cold and follows up with a Prismatic spray. The archer dodges all of the Cone of Cold but gets hit bit a Violet ray which has no effect on the already blinded guy.

Moridark casts a spectral hand spell to cover the area around the cart in the hope of trapping the mysterious white-haired guy.

White haired guy - the unarmed one who made no action to attack or harm the party - has now been attacked by a Silence Spell, Sunburst, Cone of Cold, Black Tentacles, and Prismatic Spray. Despite all of this he hasn't been hurt at all! The Sunburst had no effect on him, he dodged some of the cone of cold but what hit him didn't do anything, he was hit by the indigo prismatic ray but it had no effect, and he was able to walk out of the area of the black tentacles!

White-hair calmly walks off the cart and outside the radius of the Silence and Tentacles spells. Once outside the area he turns to look back at the party and dusts off his hands. His eyes change to glowing bright white with narrow, black oval shaped irises. "Good thing I wasn't a random innocent person. I'm sure your gods would have been truly pleased at the 'attack the unarmed man' bit!" he scoffs. His voice is loud, deep and reverberates more than a human's voice should. "No matter. This has been quite illuminating. Do with these ones as you wish." he says with a dismissive gesture towards the other attackers. "We will wait for you... Wardens"

Ok, maybe attacking him was a good idea.

White-haired guy casts a spell and promptly disappears from view.
Spellcraft DC20: Highlight to display spoiler: {Teleport}

The remaining enemy act...

Frampton has been blinded but based on sound he still has a good idea where Elyngael is standing. He fires two arrows in her direction. One isn't even close and the other flies harmlessly over Elyngael's shoulder.

Crossbow guy casts a spell and then holds it as he moves through the bushes to one of the unarmed guys. Once there he releases the spell.
Spellcraft DC21: Highlight to display spoiler: {Heal}

The unarmed guy who had been hiding on the south side 'blips' across the area to appear behind Neshi!
Spellcraft DC21: Highlight to display spoiler: {You didn't see him cast a spell however the effect looks very much like a Dimension Door spell}

The unarmed guy on the north pushes through the undergrowth to get adjacent to Neshi. He attacks and trips the taur (CMB: 33. Neshi is tripped/prone!). He tries to drop a knee in but misses.

The area around Neshi is very quiet. It is apparent that both unarmed men have silence spells centered on them.

The lone ranger (hehe) may be blind but he's not going to let something like that stop him. He unloads a collection of arrows towards where he believes Trellus to be. Three arrows miss Trellus by a long way. The fourth one harmlessly deflects off his armor, leaving the tiniest of scratches on the surface of the metal. Nothing a good buff and polish won't fix.

A great round for our heroes!

Map: Link to Map
Notes: The bushes are considered difficult terrain. They are between knee and waist level. Hadn't considered how high the treetop canopy is so happy to go with whatever fits in your plans.

#1: Frampton: 21dmg (Blind). AC15 now.
#4: Silence spell.
#5: Silence spell.
#6: 79dmg (Blind). AC21 now.

#2: White-haired guy. Teleported away.
#7: Dead (and Blind)

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:14, S. Burst:14  d20+7=20 ; d20+7=10 ; d20+7=16 ; d20+19=24 ; d20+19=24 ; 3d10=15 ; 3d10=20 ; d20+39=42 ;
Friday October 29th, 2021 9:16:02 AM

{Spellcraft: 20!, 10, 16}

Teleport - sure.

'Osul hopes the white-haired being paid these people well, and let them know in advance that he had no interest in looking after them in return.

He calls lightning bolts (Lightning Lord) down on the silence twins (4 & 5) {SR: 24 & 24, damage 15 & 20, Reflex save vs 27 for half damage}, before keeping a a close eye on Frampton. {Perception: 42}

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   15d6=39 ; 15d6=41 ; 15d6=49 ; d20+17=27 ;
Friday October 29th, 2021 11:15:50 AM

(OOC: No Attacks of opportunity???)

Neshi decides to release an Elemental Blast (spell like ability**) Casting Defensively DC 27, Concentration check 27 and just manages to pull it off, engulfing his opponents and the surrounding 20' radius area in flames. Being a quadruped, Neshi then springs up and forward 5 feet to M/N 11.

Damage 39 points Reflex save DC 26 for 20 points. (will there be a save as they believe they have silenced the sorcerer?)

**A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus or have an XP cost. The user activates it mentally.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 99/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+10=15 ; 10d6=37 ;
Friday October 29th, 2021 3:24:59 PM

Spellcraft 15 (d20+10)

"Let's try and take some alive. I don't have Speak with Dead granted me today and I really want some questions answered." Armand walks forward 30 feet and casts Destruction on number 5.

Destruction: target takes 160 points damage or Fortitude save 23 and he takes 37 damage (10d6).

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC38 T20 F32, CMD 39, HP (188/156) 
Saturday October 30th, 2021 11:38:04 AM

"That guy might be your best pick," Trellus answers Armand, while pointing the tip of his sword at #6.

"Hey blind guy on the road. Drop that bow and you might survive this," he calls.

Meanwhile, the large sized human makes for Frampton.
He tromps into the brush, holding his shield up defensively.

Fighting Defensively for +2 dodge to AC.
Move 60' toward Frampton (I updated on map)

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes. +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
Spell Resistance - 13 minutes. SR 25
Righteous Might - Rd 2 of 13. Large. +4 size bonus STR and CON. -2 Dex. +2 Nat armor. DR 5/evil. -1 AC due to size, +1 atk due to size.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20+29=36 ; d20+29=31 ; d20+29=47 ;
Sunday October 31st, 2021 7:34:38 PM

Moridark makes all 3 three spell craft checks (36, 31, 47) as he surveys the battlefield. Hearing Armand call out the mage casts web centered on Frampton. The mage swiftly twists one of the pearls on his wrist (Peal of Power 2nd Level), and casts a quickened web on #3. DC 22 Refelx to not be grappled. "Armand, I have webbed a few in place Ihope for your questions!"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+27=37 ;
Sunday October 31st, 2021 9:19:57 PM

Elyngael will draw her sun blade as she closes up on Favored Terrain Forest, Woodland Stride Frampton and then do a disarm on his bow.
CMB d20+27=37
+6 for favored enemy and +1 for bless I added to my CMB, if it doesn't apply you'll have to -7 from the roll..

She then calls to Brawn to help.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

DM RobC - "Hey blind guy on the road"  d20+11=26 ; d20+11=24 ; d20+11=22 ; d20+11=14 ; d20+10=15 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+5=23 ; d20+10=26 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+15=29 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+5=24 ; 2d6+3=7 ; 7d6=20 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 1:12:33 AM

Osul calls down some lightning on the two men flanking Neshi. They didn't even see it coming and take the full brunt of the bolts.

To add to it, Neshi then sets fire to the surrounding area, burning the two even more! (Highlight to display spoiler: {Correct. Neshi should have been able to make an AoO last round. The opponent was going to use acrobatics to avoid it but I forgot to roll/explain it. To keep things fair, neither of these two will get an AoO on Neshi for standing up. Also, can you link your sheet in your header please?})

Then to finish things off, Armand absolutely destroys one of them.

Trellus gives the blind archer a chance to surrender. Now, the archer can't see what has been happening, but in the past few seconds he has heard "*bzzzt* 'Arragh!' *bzzzt* *whoosh* 'It burns, it burns!' *sizzle* 'Urrgh!'". That's enough for him to drop his bow and raise his hands in the air.

Moridark casts some web spells to tangle up Frampton and the caster. He makes sure to position the one on Frampton so that he doesn't catch the rest of the party in the webs. Frampton gets well and truly stuck, but the caster is unaffected.

Elyngael has no problems stepping up to Frampton and relieving him of his bow.

The unarmed guy next to Neshi sweeps the legs and drops Neshi prone once more. There is a flurry of kicks and punches but only one lands (CMB: 38. Neshi is prone and has -4AC! Hit AC29. Neshi takes 7pts damage)

The caster to the north rips a bead from his necklace and throws it towards Armand. It doesn't make it all the way, but makes it far enough to still catch him in the blast. (Armand, Brawn, and Trellus to make a ref save vs DC14. Fail=20pts fire damage. Pass=10pts fire damage).

Frampton isn't going down without a fight. Though blind, he still manages to twist free of the web and steps aside. "Hardly a fair fight" he grumbles as he draws a dagger.

Map: Link to Map
Notes: The bushes are considered difficult terrain. They are between knee and waist level. Hadn't considered how high the treetop canopy is so happy to go with whatever fits in your plans.

#1: Frampton: 21dmg (Blind). AC15 now.
#4: 54dmg. Silence spell.

#2: White-haired guy. Teleported away.
#5: Destroyed
#6: Surrendered. 79dmg (Blind).
#7: Dead (and Blind)

[link]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjMHUslZAE1Dmu5emM-L_lpE3hoebSQ-YRTVApOsJDc/edit ] (Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d20+11=21 ; d20+6=10 ; d4+3=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d20+7=14 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 4:15:27 PM

(OOC: He is talented sweeping four Taurine legs)

As his opponent comes in to trip Neshi, he lashes out with his two fore paws (AOO) AC 21 & 10 and if he connects with the first his opponent takes 4 points of claw damage, 6 points of fire damage and 2 points of frost damage.

Using his legs and his acrobatic knowledge, Neshi springs upward into a ten foot acrobatic long jump (dc 10 +2 partial obstructed terrain total DC12 and lands, ready to attack his foe with a web spell hoping to immobilize him and place a barrier between them.. Reflex DC 20 to avoid.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 89/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+10=29 ; 15d6=58 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 6:09:13 PM

Reflex save 29 (d20+10)

Armand is mildly singed. He looks to the spellcaster to the north. "You really want to do keep this up?" He draws down a Flame Strike on the caster.
Flame Strike, Reflex sv 21, for 1/2 damage damage is 58 (15d6)

In effect
Bless +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (all)
Shield of Faith (+4 to AC) (self)
Silence on the Cart

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (188/156)  d20+27=30 ; 2d8+13=22 ; 2d8=11 ; d20+14=27
Monday November 1st, 2021 6:19:32 PM

Ref: 27.
DR 5.
Also, Trellus has Spell Resistance 25. If caster overcame it, Trellus will lose 5 hp.

"You're still fighting?" Trellus marvels at Frampton.
"Truly twisted."

The man tromps in behind Elyngael, and reaches over her to skewer the man.

Move to behind Elyngael
Swift action to activate domain's weapon master, taking Vital Strike feat.

Vital Strike attack on Frampton
hits ac 30 for 33 hp damage.

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes. +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
Spell Resistance - 13 minutes. SR 25
Righteous Might - Rd 2 of 13. Large. +4 size bonus STR and CON. -2 Dex. +2 Nat armor. DR 5/evil. -1 AC due to size, +1 atk due to size.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+27=47 ; d20+14=32 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 8:10:26 PM

Elyngael says "Gee overwhelmed by unfamiliar actions, now you know how it feels. And combat for one's life is not a fair game." She disarms Frampton again. CMB d20+27=47

Brawn's Reflex save d20+14=32, evasion, no damage.

"Brawn fetch that spellcaster." Brawn will move through the brush toward the mage.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 113/113 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Monday November 1st, 2021 8:59:16 PM

Moridark is definitely impressed at the spellcaster ability to dhrug off all of his spells thus far. The mage flies towards teh spellcaster to keep him in sight as he begins casting Summon Monster V..

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 89/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+18=37 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 10:10:48 PM

Spell resistance check on the firestorm. 37 (d20+18)

posting for Osul  d20+19=37 ; 3d10=18 ;
Monday November 1st, 2021 10:14:44 PM

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:14, S. Burst:14
Teleport - sure.

'Osul brings down another lightning bolt on the bandit that tripped Neshi.

He calls lightning bolts (Lightning Lord) down (4 ) {SR: 37, damage 18, Reflex save vs 27 for half damage}

DM RobC - "Gee overwhelmed by unfamiliar actions"  d20+15=27 ; d20+5=8 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+20=29 ; d100=45 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+15=16 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+10=24 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+5=23 ; 2d6+3=10 ; 11d6=42 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 1:08:12 AM

Neshi tries to do a few things but finds himself still in trouble. He gets to his feet narrowly avoiding a kick as he does so. He tries to jump his way out of trouble but is only able to get 5ft away from his assailant and still within the radius of the Silence spell. Highlight to display spoiler: {Uh... a few things. There's no AoO from the trip attempt as the enemy has Improved Trip. It's a Move action to stand up, so you can't stand up (Move action) and jump (Move action) and cast (Standard action) in the same round. Also, the Acrobatics Jump DC is doubled if you don't have 10ft run-up, which would make it DC24. With 20ft silence, even if Neshi had been successful on the acrobatics check, being 10ft away he couldn't have cast a spell with a verbal component. Neshi keeps the spell slot.}

The caster to the north takes a hit from Armand's Flame Strike spell, but you notice he avoids a little of it.

Trellus can smell some of his hair burning but it doesn't stop him from stabbing Frampton. Highlight to display spoiler: {From what I read Spell Resistance doesn't apply vs the Necklace. Also, DR only applies against weapon attacks so I think Trellus takes 10pts}

Elyngael disarms Frampton once more, feeling no pity for the rogue. Brawn is sent to take care of the caster.

Moridark guides his mount northwards as he starts casting a summoning spell. The way the fight is going it might be over before he finishes his spell!

Osul calls down some more lightning on the bandit attacking Neshi.

Frampton draws another dagger and stabs at where he thinks Elyngael is. It's a decent attempt but he fails to find her and stabs harmlessly in the air.

The bandit attacking Neshi takes a step towards him keeps up the now familiar routine by tripping the sorceror and then flurrying a number of attacks. Only 1 lands. (CMB: 35. Neshi is prone and has -4AC! Hit AC31. Neshi takes 10pts damage)

The archer keeps his hands raised and drops to his knees. He will play no further part in the combat and hopes to receive mercy from the imminent victors.

The caster has no intention of surrendering like that coward of an archer. He calls down a Flame Strike on Moridark to try and interupt his spell. (Flame Strike. Moridark takes 21pts Fire damage + 21pts damage. Ref Save vs DC22 to halve. Moridark to make a concentration check of 15+Damage or lose his spell. Phantom Steed takes 42pts damage... I think)

Map: Link to Map
Notes: The bushes are considered difficult terrain. They are between knee and waist level. Hadn't considered how high the treetop canopy is so happy to go with whatever fits in your plans.

#1: Frampton: 54dmg (Blind). AC15 now.
#3: 48dmg
#4: 72dmg. Silence spell.

#2: White-haired guy. Teleported away.
#5: Destroyed
#6: Surrendered. 79dmg (Blind).
#7: Dead (and Blind)

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156)  d20+23=31 ; 2d8+21=25 ; d20+18=29 ; 2d8+21=23 ; d20+13=20 ; 2d8+21=34 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 8:07:02 AM

Trellus can only shake his head at Frampton's insistence on fighting.

But, that doesn't stop him from finishing off the man.

He swings with heavy blows.

Swift action (2/13) to activate domain's weapon master, taking Power Attack feat.
Full attack, Power attack on Frampton
atk 1 hits ac 31 for 25 hp damage
atk 2 hits ac 29 for 23 hp damage
atk 3 hits ac 20 for 34 hp damage
Total Damage = 82 hp

In Effect
Shield of Faith - 13 minutes. +4 Deflection bonus to AC.
Spell Resistance - 13 minutes. SR 25
Righteous Might - Rd 4 of 13. Large. +4 size bonus STR and CON. -2 Dex. +2 Nat armor. DR 5/evil. -1 AC due to size, +1 atk due to size.

[link]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjMHUslZAE1Dmu5emM-L_lpE3hoebSQ-YRTVApOsJDc/edit [/link ] (Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d6+8=12 ; d6+8=14 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+11=18 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 6:10:08 PM

Getting a bit frustrated at this pesky fly, Neshi, mot bothering to get up, once again activates one of his spell like abilities. Elemental Ray ** sending a fiery ray at his opponent.ranged touch Ac 16 for 12 points of damage. (I don't know what is going on with my computer. I click the roller once and I am getting multiple rolls every time)

**A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus or have an XP cost. The user activates it mentally.

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+19=23 ; 3d10=20 ; d10+39=42 ; d20+39=49 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 6:15:28 PM

'Osul calls another lightning bolt (Lightning Lord) down on the remaining silence twin (4) {SR: 23, damage 20, Reflex save vs 27 for half damage}, and continues to keep a close eye on Frampton. {Perception: 49}

{3rd roll made in error, should have been d20}

[link href] 'https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjMHUslZAE1Dmu5emM-L_lpE3hoebSQ-YRTVApOsJDc/edit] Yurr'Neshi [/link ] (Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 95/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 6:16:52 PM

trying to fix header

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 95/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 6:20:49 PM

trying again


Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 95/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 6:21:33 PM

ok I think I give up

Robert says, I fixed it. Hopefully it stays there the next time you post. You had extra spaces and some extra brackets.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+27=46 ; d20+16=19 ; 2d6+7=16 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 7:41:09 PM

Elyngael laughs at Frampton and disarms him again. CMB d20+27=46. "Really. Know your limits. Surrender."

Brawn moves in and attacks #3 (reach). To bite d20+16=19, if hits damage is 2d6+7=16, fire d6=4, cold d6=2

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 89/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d20+13=20 ; 5d8=23 ; d20+13=25 ; 5d8=26 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 8:01:27 PM

I missed something, where, or who is the guy with the crossbow that healed someone? Wasn't he a dwarf? Is that #6?

Armand considers some options, that spellcaster is proving to be vexing, and poor Neshi seems to be getting knocked around. Still touching his metamagic wand he cast Searing Light first at the spellcaster,
Range touch 20 (d20+13) damage 23
and then at the presumed monk attacking Neshi.
Range touch 25 (d20+13) damage 26

Oh wait does +1 from bless count? if so then +1 to to both rolls.

In Effect
Bless +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (all)
Shield of Faith (+4 to AC) (self)
Silence on the Cart

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 60/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended)  d20+15=22 ; d20+26=28 ;
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021 9:14:23 PM

Moridark yells in pain as the spell strikes him, and although hemanages to avoid half of the damage (Refelx 22) the spell still causes him to loose his spell. The phantom steed manages to stick around but appears a bit more insubstantial. Moridark casts fly on himself as a precaution.

DM RobC - "Really. Know your limits." 
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 2:44:13 AM

Neshi's elemental ray misses it's mark, though it makes little difference as Osul brings a lightning bolt down and zaps the poor attacker to death.

Frampton is no match for the blows of Trellus and falls dead at Elyngael's feet. She has no trouble kicking the dagger from his lifeless hand. She notes he still has another two daggers sheathed, so the whole stab-and-disarm gig could have kept up a couple more rounds.

Brawn gets close enough to the caster to reach out and bite, but he isn't able to pierce the caster's armor. (Brawn to make a DC22 combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check or become grappled in the web)

With the monk dead Armand fires both rays at the enemy caster and fries him to a crisp.

Moridark takes a little damage but shrugs off half of it. (Highlight to display spoiler: {How many HP does the steed have? It took 42pts I thought})

All of the enemy are defeated - either dead, escaped, or surrendered.

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 2:06:02 PM

"Huh," Trellus grunts, surprised Frampton is down.

He reaches down, throws the man's body over one shoulder, carries him back to the cart, and drops him upon it.

Then, he steps over to the archer.

"Congratulations," he tells the man, while searching for more weapons. "You're going to live."
"And as long as we're being friendly, what can you tell me about who the guy who told you all to attack us is, what he wants, and what you're all doing here."

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 89/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 5:44:10 PM

Armand shakes his head sadly at all the carnage. Gargul's tasks are never finished, perhaps though it was these peoples time.

Armand casts Discern Lies and goes over to the archer. "I'm afraid I can't heal your blindness right away. But should you prove truly repentant then I will heal you. Now please, answer my friend and tell us what is going on."

Armand waves Neshi over to healed.

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+39=42 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+39=53 ;
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 6:19:33 PM

'Osul flits to a near-by bush to observe the questioning {Perception: 42, Sense Motive: 22}.
He also keeps an eye and echo out for interlopers (invisible or otherwise) {Perception: 53}.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+16=36 ; d20+24=41 ; d20+24=37 ;
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 8:22:07 PM

Brawn uses CMB d20+16=36. Brawn picks up the dead caster and fetches him back to the cart.

Elyngael picks up Frampton's knives and checks to see if they were poisoned. Perception d20+24=41. She will then go over to the cart and examine it to see what's in it, besides Frampton. Perception d20+24=37

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 60/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 8:47:24 PM

OOC: Sorry I misread the hitpoint section as 7 +1 per lever not 7 and +1 per level. My mistake I am sorry.

Moridark lands or hits depending on the kindness of the GM. Whichever you choose Moridark limps over to Armand, "If you are passing out a bit of healing I could use quite a bit. I didn't expect to be quite so large a target."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,   d8+5=12 ; d8+5=10 ; d8+5=7 ; d20+16=22 ;
Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 9:23:47 PM

Neshi stands up with a growl. That was not at all fun. He waves off Armand's healing. I'll take care of this over the next few minutes. Neshi activates his Brahma's tattoo three times over the next few moment and is soon back to full health.

While Armand and Trellus are questioning the captive, Neshi takes a gander at what is left of their opponents doing a search of each. Perception DC 22

DM RobC - "Congratulations. You're going to live." 
Thursday November 4th, 2021 3:34:57 AM

Moridark lands gracefully and rejoins the group (Highlight to display spoiler: {All good. Just making sure we're on the same page for any future encounters})

Osul keeps an eye out for any other folks about but doesn't see or hear any in the immediate area. The rain is starting to ease up a little though.

Trellus pats down the archer and finds a couple of kukris stuffed into his belt. He relives the ranger of them and then begins the interrogation under Armand's watchful eye.

The archer remains in a kneeling position with his hands above his head. His head is dropped low and the perceptive of you notice his hands are trembling. "I.. I don't know. I've never seen him before. I.. I was just hired by that guy Frampton to escort this shipment is all." Armand doesn't detect any deception in the mans words, and anyone else watching believes the same.

Elyngael checks over Frampton's gear but doesn't detect anything poisonous. She makes her way over to the cart to examine it. It's a standard cart being pulled by a chestnut colored light pony. In the back there are at least a dozen hessian sacks piled up. Elyngael opens up one and can see it is filled to the top with gold coins! There must be thousands of them. Moridark is quite good at appraising the value of items. Based on the size of the bags he estimates there to be around 15,000 gold coins here (totalling around 300lbs).

Neshi isn't too happy about how the fight went, but the party were never in doubt of being the victors. He goes corpse to corpse to gather their gear.

OOC: At this level it's safe to assume you can ID everything, so.....

01,350 ... 1 x +1 Breastplate
02,310 ... 2 x +1 Buckler (@1155gp each)
03,750 ... 3 x +1 Chain Shirt (@1250gp each)
04,604 ... 2 x +1 Dagger (@2302gp each)
36,640 ... 2 x +1 Frost Keen Rapier (@18320gp each)
01,170 ... 1 x +1 Heavy Steel Shield
09,232 ... 4 x +1 Kukris (@2308gp each)
08,600 ... 1 x +2 Composite Longbow (+2 Str)
08,350 ... 2 x +2 Studded Leather (@4175gp each)
00,002 ... 20 Crossbow Bolts
00,008 ... 40 Shuriken
00,010 ... 100 Arrows
08,000 ... 2 x Amulet Of Mighty Fists +1 (@4000gp each)
06,000 ... 3 x Amulet Of Natural Armor +1 (@2000gp each)
16,000 ... 4 x Belt Of Giant Strength +2 (@4000gp each)
12,000 ... 3 x Belt Of Incredible Dexterity +2 (@4000gp each)
02,500 ... 1 x Boots Of Elvenkind
11,000 ... 2 x Boots Of Striding And Springing (@5500gp each)
08,000 ... 2 x Bracers Of Armor +2 (@4000gp each)
07,000 ... 7 x Cloak Of Resistance +1 (@1000gp each)
07,200 ... 1 x Cloak Of The Manta Ray
00,004 ... 2 x Daggers (@2gp each)
12,000 ... 3 x Headband Of Inspired Wisdom +2 (@4000gp each)
00,100 ... 1 x Magnifying Glass
01,200 ... 2 x Masterwork Composite Longbow (+2 Str) (@600gp each)
01,600 ... 2 x Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 Str) (@800gp each)
00,312 ... 1 x Masterwork Heavy Mace
00,335 ... 1 x Masterwork Light Crossbow
00,600 ... 2 x Masterwork Quarterstaff (@300gp each)
00,100 ... 1 x Masterwork Thieves’ Tools
00,301 ... 1 x Masterwork Whip
04,350 ... 1 x Necklace Of Fireballs (Type III)
00,100 ... 2 x Potion Of Cure Light Wounds (@50gp each)
00,300 ... 1 x Potion Of Delay Poison
00,150 ... 3 x Potion Of Disguise Self (@50gp each)
00,600 ... 2 x Potion Of Mirror Image (@300gp each)
00,300 ... 1 x Potion Of Spider Climb
03,000 ... 4 x Potions Of Cure Serious Wounds (@750gp each)
12,000 ... 6 x Ring Of Protection +1 (@2000gp each)
00,002 ... 2 x Sap (@1gp each)
00,025 ... 1 x Silver Unholy Symbol
00,080 ... 4 x Smokesticks (@20gp each)
01,000 ... 1 x Spyglass
00,200 ... 4 x Tanglefoot Bags (@50gp each)
00,060 ... 2 x Thieves’ Tools (@30gp each)
00,105 ... 1 x Wand Of Shield Of Faith (7 Charges)

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Thursday November 4th, 2021 2:15:14 PM

"Light," Trellus grunts with annoyance at the man's answer. "Guess I shouldn't have hit Frampton so hard. Ah well, the grass grows where it wills."

Pointing to the prisoner, he asks Armand, "Does that wear off, or are we waiting till morning to cure it?"

"And what about this stuff?" he asks, sweeping his arms to indicate the wagon and sundry equipment.
"Some of this equipment looks handy, but do we take the gold back to the Tree?"

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+19=25 ; d20+17=31 ;
Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:17:33 PM

'Osul reverts to human form, shifts to donkey form and goes with a mouthful of food (grass, etc.) to give to the other donkey. They get to communicate, 'Osul casts Charm Animal {SR:25, Will vs 25} and follows up with Wild Empathy {Cha vs 31}. He asks how the donkey is, if there was another donkey pulling the cart as well (DM notes 21 Oct), and if the cart feels any lighter to pull (and how much so). He is honestly concerned for the welfare of both donkeys, particularly if one has been taken away to carry specific items onwards. I'm already assuming that the donkey made its save versus the Sunburst, based on its actions during and after the combat.
In amongst the interaction, he also takes the time to confirm if this is something else in changed shape.

He returns to the hoard counters reverts to human form and lets everyone know the results, and if they have a second donkey to pursue.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ;
Thursday November 4th, 2021 7:57:42 PM

Armand dismisses the silence spell on the cart. He asks the bowman. "Where did he hire you? What was the destination of this shipment?"

He also channels to heal everyone, (25 points healed, 8d6) Who still needs healing?

He turns to Trellus, "Do you mean the blindness? I'm not sure I didn't cast that spell so I don't know the particulars. I'm sure if this guy, say What's your name prisoner? wants to follow a path of repentance I will try to cure his vision, but it would have to wait until tomorrow."

To the Wardens he says. "Well I can get Speak with Dead tomorrow and we can ask Frampton some questions. Do we want to bury the rest of the dead and camp here?"

In Effect
Bless +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (all)
Shield of Faith (+4 to AC) (self)
Discern Lies

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday November 4th, 2021 8:02:55 PM

Elyngael details the loot she has discovered. Are the gold coins one normal "old" coins from the people of the Tree or are they the "new" gold coins that being brought in to force the exchange?

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Thursday November 4th, 2021 8:43:22 PM

"Armand thank you. That helps quite a bit but I am still quite injured. About twice again I think." Moridark looks over the coin, and items and shakes his head. "All of this was worth their lives as they tried to take ours? For what? We didn't hide we were coming. We tried to speak with them. We intended no harm. What are they hiding? Doing? If it wasn't suspect before it is now." The mage looks over the items after Trellus mentions it might come in handy, "That necklace, and a few of the potions might be helpful for me but the rest not so much."

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday November 4th, 2021 10:03:16 PM

Neshi joins Elyngael in letting everyone know what they recovered (everything is already on the TOP party treasure page) and ponders the results of what just went down.

DM Steven - "Do we want to bury the rest of the dead and camp here?" 
Sunday November 7th, 2021 12:28:53 PM

(apologies for not posting last Friday as I was supposed to)

Trellus grunts with annoyance at the archer's answer and is frustrated he hit Frampton so hard. Armand joins Trellus and dismisses the Silence spell as he continues to question the archer.

"My name is Derlin... I live in Edenmoor with my wife Camelia and our twin sons... in fact most of us come...", he stops a moment and looks around at the carnage around him, "... came... from towns in New Elenna. Sir Frampton hired us to set up a trade route between the Evenoak, Tree and New Elenna. It felt like a genuine business... but we never got to bring transports in New Elenna... every time we were lead here in the forest. We only got a few donkeys and 2 wheel carts. We don't know why they were taking all this gold here... we had to leave it here and then return with the empty carts. When we got back with a new load the previous gold was gone... When we asked Sir Frampton about it he got nervous and threatened us saying the White Goddess would turn us into ice statues... Maybe the one with the white hair took it? " The man speaks truth. He also seems to be quite tired an famished.

Osul' feels for the donkeys. It's obvious they have been treated poorly. But he finds only one?! This one is still tied to the cart... eyes wild in fear... fuming... trying to pull the reigns to escape but to no avail. Where did they other one go?? He sees one of the reigns snapped... the poor animal ran into the forest in panic. If Osul' wants he can quickly find the second animal. From the marks on their neck it's obvious they have been pulling loads that were far to heavy for them. He also notices how they have been beaten numerous times to make haste. The young druid calms both animals with soothing words.

Elyngael and Yurr'Neshi rummage through the spoils and detail what they have found. That's perhaps too much to drag along - provided you're interested in pursuing 'white hair'... Moridark heals up and checks the loot. Shaking his head he contemplates why this battle even had to take place... they were not out for a fight! This could have ended differently... if it wasn't suspect before... it is now.

Armand suggests he can speak with the dead tomorrow so they can ask Frampton what this is all about...
"Do we want to bury the rest of the dead and camp here?"

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Sunday November 7th, 2021 9:11:43 PM

"Thank you Armand." Moridark ponders what Derlin told them. As Armand continues the questioning Moridark takes notes.

(Bat Familar) Diminuitive Beast-'Osul (Graham) AC:21 (T:20, FF:17), CMD:27, ST:(F14/R13/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):9, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14  d20+28=35 ; d20+28=31 ;
Monday November 8th, 2021 7:24:38 AM

'Osul takes the time to bring in the second donkey. Before that he asks his friend the donkey if he would know if the donkey is his friend? He sees to their wounds, assessing their injuries before washing and binding their wounds . {Healing(Treat Deadly Wounds, First Aid Kit (2 uses each, +4 required but not added to the results): 35 and 31 respectively, healing 1HP/Level (or 1HP/HD I guess) for DC 15 and add 13 for DC 20}. He keeps an eye on them both for the hour, and tries to observe if they heal the expected 15HP or if one or both are moderate to higher level druids, others in donkey form. : )

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet  d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d20+20=40 ;
Monday November 8th, 2021 6:04:49 PM

Armand does some more healing, including the donkeys and the archer in it.
Channel 39 hit points healed (8d6) Armand offers the ranger some iron rations.

Armand then goes to each of the dead, except Frampton and begins the rights of passage. He takes out s shovel and looks around for a bit. Finally he settles on a spot and begins digging. He talks as he digs he talks, "I've got 3 pair of manacles if you think we should put one on the Derlin...and maybe Frampton, I don't want him to get up and walk away before we get a chance to question him and that's something devious that white hair may try." He continues to dig. "Anyone know where New Elenna is? Derlin, I'm not sure what Frampton was up to but setting up a legitimate trade route with the Tree of Parting was not it. He and his 'boss' have been doing some weird racket with exchanging gold pieces at profit to them. I'm sorry you're friends were too...well that they wouldn't surrender when repeated called upon to do so." He continues to dig, "I think we should take those potions, the disguise ones could be useful."

To DM, I noticed a silver unholy symbol in the loot, any chance to identify that with a knowledge Religion? 40 (d20+20)

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Monday November 8th, 2021 8:09:09 PM

Trellus breaks out his own shovel, and steps in to help out Armand.

"Derlin's fine," he answers. "I say the man can leave or stay as he sees fit. If you're planning on Speak with Dead in the morning, let's wrap Frampton up and keep an eye on him. But, my bet is White Hair paid him to not ask questions."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147  d20+14=21 ; d20+14=33 ;
Monday November 8th, 2021 8:51:12 PM

Knowledge Geography d20+14=21 to try and figure out where all the places names are.
Elyngael will direct Brawn to help dig. Then she will cast speak with animals and talk to the donkeys. Handle Animal d20+14=33. "What has you so frightened? Do you know the route these men take? Can you take us there?"

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Monday November 8th, 2021 9:21:42 PM

Neshi looks over at the pile of stuff.

We could load a bunch of this into our bag and I could teleport it back to the tree if you think that we need to not just leave it here. It might take me a couple of trips but.....

DM Steven - "Do we want to bury the rest of the dead and camp here?" 
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 9:24:06 AM

(Tuesday post)

Neshi looks over at the pile of stuff and suggests teleporting it back to the Tree.

Moridark, Armand and Trellus are occupied with Derlin and the ones that have fallen in battle. Armand first makes sure everyone, including the animals are back to full health. Derlin casts a thankful smile at Armand.
Then he starts digging graves for the deceased. Meanwhile he talks to his fellow Wardens. Trellus sees no reason to use manacles on Derlin. but he agrees to wrap Frampton up. Neither he nor Armand wants to see Frampton getting back on his feet... Armand then addresses Derlin. Genuinely thankful of being healed and spared Derlin offers to help digging the graves for the other men. As he does he answers.

"New Elenna is East of the Culverwood. It's the Kingdom of the Plateaus. The highest plateaus are for the rich and snobbish. You must have heard from Plateau City have you not? I live below the plateaus in a town called Edenmoor ... in fact all of us here came from below. Elyngael nods at Derlin's description of New Elenna. Maybe this description of the higher plateaus is a bit biased since Derlin seems to come from below. Most of the towns on the frontier's edge are ... well peculiar. Windhorn Hamlet that you all know is the most Northern town of New Elenna.

"Frampton there... we think he came from one of the higher plateaus... we don't know. He hired us to work for him for his trade route. You are probably right that what he did here wasn't very legit. I assure you Sir we... I didn't know anything oft this gold exchanging. We had to bring loads of Gold here and it was gone the next time we were here. Please Sir let me go home... or if you plan on punishing me as well please let me get these few gold coins to my wife... " Armand notices Derlin is holding a few of these new gold coins - it's questionable that these gold coins will be of any additional value... IF they are accepted...

'Osul and Elyngael take care of the donkeys. 'Osul can confirm they are just donkeys... no druids or other shape shifted beings. Elyngael casts speak to animals and asks them why they are so frightened and if they know the route these men took. Other than braying Elyngael learns the two animals were scared of these 'traders' but even more of you and the sizzling spells you cast earlier... the Ranger also understands these Donkeys never went any further. Once their heavy loads were here, they returned with an empty cart. Both donkeys preferred the return trips obviously... But none of the animals know where the gold went after it was brought here...

Perhaps Frampton will be able to tell more in the morning when Armand has the spells prepared.
Provided Frampton doesn't turn in some undead creature when full moon sits on the horizon...

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 5:57:16 PM

OOC DM, I asked a bit ago on if the coins in the cart are 'standard' coins or the 'new' special coins they have been forcing everyone to trade for.

Armand says to Derlin "Excuse me a minute sir, I would like to talk privately with my friends." He sort of circles everyone in. "Okay, here's some thoughts. Most of this masterwork stuff isn't of use to us. I'm fine with giving it to Derlin and have him either take it back home and sell it, or take it to the Tree and sell it. I guess it will depend on him what sort of market his home town has for that stuff. I'm fine with him keeping his payment."

Armand will then finish the rites with the dead and then finish the burial.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 8:09:56 PM

Moridak assists Armand with the graves. "I have no issue giving him the masterwork items as his part 9f the payment. However, we do need to figure out our next step."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 8:15:09 PM

Elyngael agrees with giving the stuff to Derlin. For now she and Brawn will keep an eye for things and put the manacles on Frampton's arms and legs.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 9:26:57 PM

That works for me. We will likely need to leave him the cart and donkeys as well, so he can carry it all. (list to follow. He is going to pretty well of from this :>)). Do you want me to take the rest of the stuff back to the tree?

20 Crossbow Bolts 2
40 Shuriken 8
100 Arrows 10
2 Daggers 4
2 Masterwork Composite Longbow (+2 Str) 1,200
2 Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 Str) 1,600
1 Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 Str) 312
1 Masterwork Light Crossbow 335
2 Masterwork Quarterstaff 600
1 Masterwork Thieves’ Tools 100
1 Masterwork Whip 301
2 Sap 2
4 Smokesticks 80
4 Tanglefoot Bags 200
2 Thieves’ Tools 60

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Tuesday November 9th, 2021 9:44:27 PM

Trellus nods.
"Shady to me," he answers, apparently in agreement.

"Gonna have to wait till morning and question Frampton," he answers Moridark.
"If he comes up threadless, we go back to Plan A, and weave toward Dragon Coast."

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 3:47:19 AM

'Osul reverts and agrees, except he expresses a concern about being exactly here - where white-haired guy departed.

DM Steven - "Do we want to bury the rest of the dead and camp here?" 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 5:33:11 AM

The coins in the carts are indeed standard gold coins used al over the Wold. The Gold Derlin has in his hands are these "new coins" which supposedly are worth double but in fact weigh just as much as a standard coin.

Having gained sufficient info from Derlon, Armand has a private talk with his friends. Derlin is visibly worried to death now... he's just been digging some graves and now the Wardens seem to decide over his fate...

Perhaps as it is to be expected from the Wardens they all agree to let Derlin go. But on top of that he will be given a cart, 2 donkeys and load of expensive weaponry. Just realize that Derlin comes from Below the plateaus... the poorer and more peculiar regions of New Elenna. The loot you are giving him is probably larger and more valuable than anything he as ever had. Yurr'Neshi is right to say Derlin will be going well when he leaves. Let's just hope he'll trade in the weaponry for something more constructive.

Moridark is eager to figure out the next steps but Trellus reminds him that they need to wait till morning to question Frampton. 'Osul is ok with that but he just doens't like to stay right here... where white-hair teleported from . If he can teleport out... he might as well teleport back in. But he did say he... no they... would be waiting for you right?

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 6:22:35 PM

"Well Derlin we're not one to hold grudges, usually. So tell you what. We're going to allow you to take the cart and donkeys, and all this miscellaneous gear home with you. That is if you think you can find a market for it there, or you can go to Tree and sell it there, though I'm not sure how well you will do there right now. There's a bit of trouble at the Tree which is why we're doing some investigation. You can stay with us overnight and set of in the morning or you can go now. I think we're going to move off a ways and continue our journey before setting up camp." Armand looks to the others. "Neshi maybe hold off on teleporting until after we set up camp so you can jump there and back. Though I'd recommend dropping the stuff with James so he can oversee it."

OOC DM - how much time left in the day? If at least 2 hours I say we move off and then set up camp with the tree house

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 7:36:16 PM

Trellus nods along at moving off a bit, just in case White Hair decides to come back unexpectedly.

Moridark (Wade) AC: 20 T: 16 F: 16 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 85/134 CMD: 28 Mage Armor (Extended) 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 8:32:41 PM

Moridark finishes his notes and looks over the pile of items for Derlin. The mage settles in only casting his mansion if Armand does not use the tree house.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Wednesday November 10th, 2021 8:52:36 PM

Elyngael agrees and will scout a trail out of their present position.

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

'Osul (Graham) AC:13 (T:13, FF:12), CMD:26, ST:(F14/R10/W25 + RNL), HP:103/103, Wildshape(XVIII):7, L. Lord:12, S. Burst:14 
Thursday November 11th, 2021 6:09:04 AM

'Osul offers to accompany Elyngael for the scouting. He puts his mind to the environs - low bushes - wind swept? The tree house might stick out nearby.

Yurr'Neshi(Kent)AC:(33)25 / T(26)20 / F(24)20; HP: 116/116: Evasion, Spell resistance 18%, fire resistance 30,  
Thursday November 11th, 2021 8:13:06 AM

Neshi agrees to delay the teleporting of the remaining stuff back to their abode at the tree until they are finished with their walk for the day and have set up camp.

Once camp is set in the tree fort, Neshi makes one last comment before heading out.

"So, is there anything here that any of you want or need to keep with us before it pop it back to the tree?"

Neshi pops the spyglass into his pack and then looks at the "silver unholy symbol."

"Umm can we consecrate this or turn it into silver slag. I'm not sure I want this with us or at the tree as it is."

Neshi gives everyone a chance to look over the remaining things to see if anyone wants any of it then pops back to their abode in the tree.

(OOC, Speak now, or it is at the tree.)

DM Steven - Time to move on...  
Thursday November 11th, 2021 9:37:44 AM

Derlin's eyes grow wide as Armand tells him about the Wardens' plans with him. This was not what he had dreamed of. He looks at the sky and says : "Well Sir with your approval I would prefer spending the night in your company but if at all possible I'd rather not stay here... If we could follow the caravan trail back home for a few hours before dusk I'd feel a lot safer than here. Besides I don't want to be on the road alone for too long with this treasure... I'd welcome you to my humble home if you visit Edenmoor. It's not much but it's home... and when Camelia bakes cookies the whole house smells wonderful of cinnamon, ginger and chocolate. But I guess you lords have more urgent business to attend to."

'back home' for Derlin means taking the road towards New Elenna - it's also the road you might take if you want to go by Windhorn Hamlet. You'd come to a crossing. Taking left will lead you to Windhorn Hamlet. Right will lead to Edenmoor. Making the detour to Derlin's home will cost you two days supplementary - that is without any magic tricks of course.

The Wardens make a fine team. No one wants to stay here in the event that white hair returns. They all agree to leave this place and walk the rest of the day before making camp. Does that mean you will take Frampton's body with you? Elyngael and 'Osul will scout ahead.

Neshi takes care of the spoils. If no one speaks up, she'll get everything back to their Tree mansion.

(ooc - The silver unholy symbol... nothing special noted about it... just something the slain cleric was carrying)

Trellus - MikeK - (SR25, AC36 T18 F32, CMD 37, HP (178/156) 
Thursday November 11th, 2021 7:05:28 PM

Trellus slings Frampton's wrapped body into the cart for the several hours long trip away from the ambush.

"If no one minds," he asks the group. "I could use one of those Headbands of Wisdom, and a potion of Mirror Image."

The man hasn't had homemade cookies in an awfully long time, and sends Armand a questioning look.

Armand (Robert D)AC 25norm /touch 11/flat 24norm HP 117/117 CMD 25 Character Sheet 
Thursday November 11th, 2021 8:08:56 PM

OOC DM yes we are taking Frampton with us

Armand looks at Trellus and shrugs. "Let's set up camp near the crossroads. Maybe Frampton's spirit can give us some direction tomorrow." He walks a bit off the side and then will pop up the tree-house.

"What can you tell us about your home Drelin? What is your chief crop...or whatever it is your village produces?"

Armand will take first rest and then can be up the rest of the night because of his ring of sustenance. He will try to be restful while wakeful though.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 26 T:15, FF:22, CMD 34 , HP 147/147 
Thursday November 11th, 2021 8:10:43 PM

Since the cart is still going to be overloaded for the donkey's to pull Elyngael will rig some rope from the cart, past where the donkeys pull to tie onto Brawn's saddle and he will help with pulling the wagon (he has a strength of 26).

Brawns Stats
AC 30/16/28 hp 117/117, CMD 26

DM Steven - To cookie or not to cookie...  
Friday November 12th, 2021 6:52:02 AM

The Wardens are ready to move on. There's still a few hours before dusk so let's get going. Derlin is happy to hear he won't be riding the cart solo.

( DM OoC : I apologize, I made a mistake on my geography. In fact Edenmoor in right on the trail towards New Elenna and if you want to take the caravan route towards Windhorn Hamlet you'll be passing through Edenmoor... so visiting Edenmoor means no delay at all IF you want to go to Windhorn Hamlet... If you want to go North of Dragon bay through the Scab you'll come to a crossing... North through the scab, East to Edenmoor and then Windhorn Hamlet - the White Queen is said to live somewhere North of Dragon Bay. )

The remaining treasure is taken care of, Frampton wrapped body is also loaded onto the cart. The dead have been buried.

Elyngael had Brawn help the Donkeys to pull the cart. At first the towing animals are quite afraid of the large Wolf but the Ranger's soothing words help a lot. The pace is slow until you're out of the forest again and back on the road. Then you head East on the road. The Wardens... a cart pulled by 2 donkeys and a wolf... Derlin... a load of weapons and a dead body on the cart... They make a nice group.
Elyngael and 'Osul keep an eye out for trouble.

It rains for about another hour. It's still overcast and it feels like there's more rain to come but at least for now it's not coming down on you anymore. The animals are soaking wet. So is Brawn. Derlin's not really dressed for hiking in the rain so he's visibly shaking from being cold and wet.

As you walk Derlin talks about Edenmoor. It's a hustling and bustling town surrounded by a 20" high stone and earth reinforced wall. A second wall, 15' high and 10' thick, surrounds the original Fort Edenmoor now anchoring the north end. Edenmoor, for its size, is crowded. The last true staging area for goods headed west toward the Emerald Kingdom. Most roads still packed earth, houses are of timber. Livestock is the number one inhabitant of Edenmoor, outnumbering people by over 20 to one.

Over time the Wardens' have had people leave and join. 'Osul though, the eldest Warden member, remembers hearing about Edenmoor... in fact Edenmoor was where some of the very first Wardens were ever recruited... Atlas, Mack and some of the other initial Wardens were enlisted by the Mailed Fist back in Edenmoor. 'Osul joined the Wardens only a bit later when he was passing through Tree already. Back then they often were considering a trip back to Edenmoor but it was never actually on their agenda. The Wardens found their home in Tree and never went back.

Other than the cookies Derlin's wife Camelia might bake, you have no immediate business in Edenmoor... but of course if you want to visit the birth place of the Wardens you can go down a trip memory lane at Edenmoor's premier Tavern, The Baying Hound. Chances are however not many will remember any of the Wardens for back then, the Wardens were still rookie adventurers and none of you have ever been there before.
But Derlin does assure you the cookies are mouthwatering and you have to pass Edenmoor anyhow if you take the route towards Windhorn Hamlet and then North crossing the Dragon Bay.

When Dusk settles in you've come to the crossing. North through the Scabs. East to Edenmoor.
Time to rest?

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