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Murphy (KimMc) Halfling AC 39/T26/F39(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 219+14/219+14 
Sunday April 3rd, 2022 1:57:50 AM

[Shoot - I posted Saturday for Murphy, at least I had everything written out for him, and thought the post went through, but I look now, and see nothing. Trying again. I've been traveling the past two days, so have been somewhat out of pocket, as Jerry used to say. --Kim]

Murphy listens carefully to Nikolai's explanation. As his interest deepens, he also begins to pick up on the notion that the talented monk is playing with him, as he has been playing back. He finds the conversation risible, and as Nik wraps up, Murphy slaps his knee, lets out a good guffaw, and says, "I'll get you a whole barrel of Brock's Best Beer when we wrap this up. And maybe I'll sign up for law lessons when things quiet down!"

[Really - this law conversation all should have been taking place in the ruins of Sorkos' place.]

As they are set to move out to the temple, Murphy offers this. "Pru, some of us speak giant. If you would like, I could be your magical iridescent corvid who is somewhat gifted with the ability to interpret between various languages. You, with your pulchritude and charm, can lay out your case in the Common tongue. Likely many of them - or at least a few - can speak it as well. I can interpret what you say into the Giants' language."

After his visit to the Catacombs, it seems that Murphy himself has of a sudden become more charismatic. [Charisma 20, Diplomacy 31 - although only 29 with giants, since WLA membership doesn't impress them].

"Here, I'll show you." Murphy wild shapes into a corvid, but his dark feathers are iridescent - changing colors with changing angles and intensities of light. Greens, blues, and purples predominate, yet there are also touches of yellow, and bits of red, in feathers which in dull illumination might appear simply black, or mainly so. He says in Common, I love mango fruit, then says the same thing in the Giant tongue.

"We also continue with the advantage of mental communication. I suppose now that the drow and dwarf are gone - I don't sense their minds among us - we should be able to maintain a measure of security in our communication."

[I will post one more time before the calendar changes to Monday, to make up for lost posts, and make certain I do not become a Bad Example.]

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling AC 39/T26/F39(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 219+14/219+14 
Sunday April 3rd, 2022 8:55:03 PM

Murphy also adds, telepathically to all, "I am reluctant to reveal the book or its contents to the fire giants. I am not opposed to leaking bits of what we gathered, but only enough to persuade, and not fully to inform them. We 'divined' several things, and can help rid them of the ongoing threat posed by him-who-shall-not-be-named. We need to cut him off from perversion to power. 'What he attempts will bring ruin upon the Fire Giants, and the fruits of heresy. We wish to protect you from destruction and chaos, as if unleashed, it will strike out against you, and against the whole of the Wold.'

"No doubt some of you can refine this approach. We can promise them that if they try to block our passage, that the Heretic will return, and his twisted plans will frost the giants."

"What do you think?"

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Sunday April 3rd, 2022 10:12:22 PM

Pressi wrinkled her nose at Pru. “I wasn’t the one who wanted to hide and still don’t get why these guys would care about the Mailed Fist. I am someone willing to talk or not talk as needed. If you want to give it a go, I’ll fall behind. Murphy can translate. If you’re not comfortable, I can step in.”

In regards to the book, “I don’t know, I think we need to punctuate that we know what we’re talking about. There can’t be any doubts as to our credibility.”

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 42/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 40/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Sunday April 3rd, 2022 10:25:38 PM

"I don't mind hanging back, but maybe I'll have Valerie accompany you. She can pose as an animal companion, oh wait she is an animal companion. I mean she can pose as one of your animal companions. since Murph will be acting as Pru's familiar, maybe I can instruct Valerie to act as Nik's companion. I doubt these giants would know all the details surrounding the members of your former party."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 36 Tch 33 Ffted 31 HP 144/144 CMD 46/48(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Sunday April 3rd, 2022 11:35:08 PM

Nikolai hands Kezzem his Hat of Disguise, "Here Kezzem, look more, let's say, taller and intimidating. Ever been a half orc? One of our Knight Commanders is a half orc. Take a good look at my uniform (Nikolai still proudly wears his Mailed Fist uniform with Knight Commander badge and all), stand tall and straight, make your voice forceful and deep, and don't shake in your boots. You'll do fine," he grins.

"Just say that the Mailed Fist has come across a plot to steal their most prized artifact and we need an audience with their high priest. The Mailed Fist is known far and wide and its reputation was well known even in Floating City, so there's a good chance these giants have at least heard of us."

DM Mitch 
Monday April 4th, 2022 8:31:06 AM

Kezzem volunteers to approach the guards asking for someone to clarify if they need to find a magic MacGuffin from the vaults to stop Flamescorn Scaldsworn from releasing Skald as he tends to knock off when the party discusses magic above his paygrade.
Pressi tells Harper to hold the dais and then tells the rest of the party that Ketia has left the pocket dimension so they don’t have to worry about her popping back up. She confirms Kezzem has it right. She then uses some magic to make herself look like a mailed fist member and buff her social skills. She then says they should just go up to the guards and tell them they would like an audience of a few minutes and then when granted tell the truth.
Tali casts invisibility and flies behind the rest of the party.
Pru frowns a little and points out that she didn’t think they wanted the giants to see the halflings as halflings given their history.
Murphy enjoyed the back and forth with Nikolai and offers to buy the monk a barrel of Brock’s best sometime. Murphy offers his services as translator to Pru since he speaks both common and giant. He also argues that they shouldn’t tell everything concerning the book but insinuate they divined their way into knowing what they know. He suggests other party members can refine this approach.
(OOC: see e-mail about talking in animal form please)
Pressi explains to Pru that she wasn’t the one who wanted to hide and doesn’t get why the Giant’s would care about the Mailed Fist. She explains she is willing to talk or not talk as needed but if Pru prefers Murphy can translate and Pressi will fall in line. She doesn’t like the idea of withholding information from the giants as she feels they need to prove their credibility.
Succotash suggests sending Valerie with them.
Nikolair gives Kezzem his hat of disguise and tells him to maybe look orcish. He suggests an angle of approach.

The diplomatic party approaches the giants. As soon as the yare within sight the giants draw weapons. However, they don’t instantly attack like might be expected given the attitude of every other giant you’ve met. They merely watch the party, blades drawn, until they’re relatively close.

Suddenly the biggest and meanest of them bellows out. ”HATL! You trespass on sacred ground. This plane and it’s inhabitants are sworn to Fhorge, and this ground is his holy temple. We are sworn to kill any non-giants who enter. Take not a step further lest you be prepared to prove yourselves our better in combat. To the death.”

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 42/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 40/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Monday April 4th, 2022 11:40:03 AM

In Giant, and than again in Common, Succotash chimes in, "Don't you think to the death is a bit extreme? We are here to help you not harm you, and we would prefer not to be harmed by you in kind. I mean really why is it always to the death? Why can't it ever be to first blood, or better yet why not try talking first and harming second?"

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 161/184](Kathy)  d20+24=25 ;
Monday April 4th, 2022 2:59:25 PM

"We seek an audience with a priest of Fhorge," Pru says. "If we cannot enter the temple, perhaps a message could be sent for a priest to meet us out here?"

[Diplomacy 25]

Tali (JPWard) -- Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Monday April 4th, 2022 9:43:02 PM

The Temple Fhorge

Invisible and flying behind her friends, Tali keeps vigilant.

Telepathically, Tali will ask Succotash, "What about, "To the Pain?" You know, “To the pain means this: if we duel and you win, death for me. If we duel and I win, life for you. But life on my terms...." as Tali giggles at Succotash!"

Spells in Effect:
Invisible | 20 minutes
Overland-Flight | 1200 minutes

Spells Used:
1x Invisible
1x Overland-Flight

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Monday April 4th, 2022 10:00:26 PM

Pressi is glad that she's not the only one to think of "To The Pain" at her first opportunity.

Since Prudence makes the diplomatic ventures first, Pressi hangs back after releasing her Like Calls to Like on Prudence (so Pru's diplomacy roll gets +19, Will DC 19, divination).

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 36 Tch 33 Ffted 31 HP 144/144 CMD 46/48(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)   d20+4=20 ;
Monday April 4th, 2022 10:17:30 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility, Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Ki pts 16/16

Nikolai puts his arm up, military style, to indicate the order to stop their advance. He hides his irritation that Succotash, who had just suggested he'd stay back and let the others initiate the diplomatic attempt to get entry, blurts out a rather feeble show of proper decorum and diplomacy.

"Guardians of Fhorge's Temple!" he says forcefully but at attention, military style. "Fhorge is by far a powerful god and it is good he has chosen great champions as yourself to guard his place! As Knight Commander of the Mailed Fist Prudence Komonov has said, I, Knight Commander of the Mailed Fist Nikolai affirm the truth of her words. The Mailed Fist would not enter your Sacred Ground without invitation. Our Honor would prevent it. But there are dire events our Seers have perceived to threaten this sacred ground. NO! NOT just this temple's sacred ground, the whole of your city, the whole of this Plane! We would have an audience with your High Priest, out here if necessary, in your presence. But we will have a parley with your HIgh Priest! It is too important for your Temple to simple turn and walk away!"

Aid Another (Pru) Diplomacy +2 (+2 magic) DC10 = 20

Pru gets a +2 bonus on her Diplomacy check.

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 41/21/36; HP 239/248; Rumpus AC 33/16/27; HP 101/101 + 16  d20+25=29 ;
Monday April 4th, 2022 11:19:56 PM

Kezzem uses the hat to disguise himself as an orc. And, because he's Kezzem who can't let a running gag go, the orc appears to be some sort of mushroom farmer.

"What if I was a giant disguised as an orcish mushroom farmer?" asks Kezzem in Giant. "Did you consider that? In any case, we have a common foe by name of Firescorn, Scaldsworn, or whatever his name is. We have it on good authority that he seeks an artifact contained within and will use to free Scald and have come to warn you. Perhaps he will attack Fhorge even, who knows what that mad god will do if free. Surely Fhorge will prevail in the end, but think of the destruction and chaos that will happen if that occurs! Certainly none of us want that."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 25 = 29.

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 39/T26/F39(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 219+14/219+14  d20+29=40 ; d20+34=44 ;
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 5:04:56 AM

Murphy faithfully interprets what Prudence says into the Giant tongue.

He works to try to keep emotional / motivational tabs on the guards - though it shouldn't be too tough.
Diplomacy: 40, and add +2 to Pru.
Sense Motive: 44

DM Mitch 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 7:13:52 AM

Succotash points out that to the death is a little extreme and asks why it can’t be first blood or talking first and harming second.
Pru tells the giant that they seek an audience with a priest of Fhorge and asks if a message could be sent for a priest to meet them outside.
Tali remains invisible and flying behind her friends. She telepathically suggests an alternative to Succotash called To the Pain.
Pressi agrees with the to the pain suggestion but says nothing. She let’s Pru make the diplomatic overture and places the Like Calls to Like on Pru so she gets the benefits of the spell.
Nikolai is irritated at Succotash and identifies both himself and Pru as Knight Commanders of the mailed fist seeking a meeting with a priest of Fhorge. He further explains the direness of the situation and why it is urgent they speak with a priest.
Kezzem talks a combination of nonsense and regular sense.
Murphy keeps tabs on how the giants are feeling and reacting.

The giant guards seem strangely unsurprised at the parties appearance and request. Almost as if they were expecting you specifically, or someone in general, to show up. ”We have our own seers who are aware of the danger. Do you come expecting to be hired to solve our problems for us?” the head guard says.

At the request a messenger be sent the guard frowns and considers. ”You seem honorable. Swear not to enter the sacred ground or engage in combat until the messenger returns and I shall send him.”

CDM Jerry [OOC post] 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 12:01:52 PM

You have email and the results of our vote for the new Woldian game is completed. There is one more task. So please head over to the Emerald Tapestry and let me know where you want to play after the Humble's Ford game ends.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 42/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 40/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 12:07:35 PM

Succotash chuckles telepathically, when Tali mentions "To the Pain", than waits as the guard sends for the priest.

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 161/184](Kathy)  d20+24=38 ;
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 1:16:04 PM

"I promise to stand right here and wait while a messenger is sent," Pru says. "And I promise to do all I can to dissuade my companions from doing anything foolish."

[Diplomacy 38]

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 41/21/36; HP 239/248; Rumpus AC 33/16/27; HP 101/101 + 16 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 4:40:30 PM

"I swear not to enter sacred ground or engage in combat unless attacked," says Kezzem.

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 39/T26/F39(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 219+14/219+14 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 8:19:40 PM

Murphy interprets into Giant whatever Pru and whoever else speaks in anything other than Giant.

He asks, in Giant, "Are birds allowed? Or only giant birds?"

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 9:47:27 PM

Pressi didn’t entirely trust this turn of events, and focused on the guards ahead (sense motive +26)

To the guard, “Your problems are our problems. Let’s not pretend this is anything more than that.”

She might not attack but she does begin to cast true seeing. Just in case.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 36 Tch 33 Ffted 31 HP 144/144 CMD 46/48(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 10:09:02 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (not active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Ki pts 16/16

Nikolai replies, "You have our word we will stay out here. If anyone of this group decides to enter, in whatever form they choose, you have the word of the Mailed Fist that no Mailed Fist will intervene in your choice of punishment to the interloper."

Having said that, he glares at Murphy. They are hanging in there by a very, very, thin thread and why provoke the guards by being entirely stupid? No halfling Mailed Fist recruit ever displayed such ignorance and plain obliviousness as these. It must be a local thing.

Tali (JPWard) -- Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 11:20:27 PM

Our Word is Our Bond

Tali telepathically agrees that Our Word is Our Bond while she hovers Invisibly behind her friends awaiting the High Priest of the Temple of Fhorge.

Spells in Effect:
Invisible | 25 minutes
Overland-Flight | 1195 minutes

Spells Used:
1x Invisible
1x Overland-Flight

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 42/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 40/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 1:15:14 AM

As they wait for the priest to arrive, Succotash telepathically communicates with only Tali saying, "I'm not sure why I thought of it just now, but when this is all done, and we all decide to do our own things, I would like to help you attempt to track down your family, or at the least your place of origin. Would you be OK with my company on such a quest?"

DM Mitch 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 7:21:40 AM

Succotash chuckles telepathically with respect to the ‘To the pain’ comment and then waits. He also talks to Tali about what to do when all is said and done
Pru promises to wait and to dissuade her companions from doing anything foolish.
Kezzem swears to not enter sacred ground or engage in combat unless attacked.
Murphy interprets for Pru and asks if regular birds or giant birds are allowed.
Pressi did not like the turn of events and remarks that their problems are shared. She watches the guards and casts True seeing.
Nikolai gives their word that they will stay there and if anyone decides to enter whatever their form no mailed fist member will interfere in the punishment. He glares at Murphy.
Tali telepathically agrees that their word is their bond and continues to invisibly hover and wait.

The giant dispatches one of his squad into the temple and there’s a long wait. When the giant returns she is notably alone. There’s a whispered conversation before the giant turns back to the party frowning. ”The high priest sends his congratulations to you for coming this far. However, he will only meet you if you can make it to him in the depths of the temple where the artifact’s vault is.”

”He also says that my duty remains unchanged.”

From his tone and expression, and those of the other guards as they grip weapons tightly, that apparently refers to their duty to kill any non-giants who enter the sacred temple. Or die trying.

Those with high perception who wish to listen into the whispered conversation can confirm that the guard reported what the high priest said accurately, and those trying to read his motive likewise are pretty certain he’s being honest. Though he might know a little more about the situation then he’s said so far.

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 39/T26/F39(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 219+14/219+14 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 11:39:54 AM

"Tali, what do you think about enclosing two or three of the guards in a cylindrical wall of force?" Murphy inquires. "And can you cap it off, to make it tougher for them to escape?" he inquires further.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 42/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 40/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 11:57:59 AM

"I'm not keen on a fight to the death, so why don't we just knock these guys out and than move on." Succotash says to his friends telepathically. He than casts Righteous Might, followed by a quickened (via his metamagic rod) Divine Power on Valerie. In giant Succotash says, "Well, if we have to fight, we have to fight. Come at us, for we will not be swayed from our path! I do have to say that this is probably one of the more foolish ways of doing things. If you kill us, we can't help you defeat Flamescorn, and if we kill you, than we just weakened your forces. Either way we are dealing with a silly situation, but whatever"

Active Spells:

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Telepathic Link

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Divine Power 20/20
Righteous Might 20/20

Daily Stuff:
Channel Energy 9/11
Quicken Rod 1/3
Agile Feet 15/15
Speak with Animals 23/23
Dimensional Hop 200/200

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 161/184](Kathy) 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 1:07:14 PM

"Oh, for pity's sake." Pru hadn't expected "trial by combat" to be anything like this.

She is reluctant to hurt the giants, so she starts with a Reverse Gravity, bouncing the giants 20 feet in the air. (Or as many giants as she can get; this is tricky without a map)

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 6:28:04 PM

Pressi’s mind boggles as the rest of the group begins to prepare an attack. “Guys, we got what we wanted. And we are fine to go through your test or entertainment room or whatever this is, as if we had any choice.”

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 9:44:04 PM

Sorry, I misread (relying on phone). She still probably insists that they can just let this pass.

But since this is looking bad, she fires a quickened ghost hand and a shield of faith.

Tali (JPWard) -- Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 11:30:01 PM

The most rigid and militaristic of all!

Tali telepathically answers Mister Murphy's question, "Unfortunately, the Prismatic spells are immovable walls, not cylinders."

Tali will delay her action.

{OOC: Is there a map available?}

Spells in Effect:
Invisible | 25 minutes
Overland-Flight | 1195 minutes

Spells Used:
1x Invisible
1x Overland-Flight

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 41/21/36; HP 239/248; Rumpus AC 33/16/27; HP 101/101 + 16 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 11:51:11 PM

"Okay, new plan. Bliss, can you make us a hero's Thanksgiving feast? We feed them giant turkey and stuffing and wine and before you can say Thursday Night Football, these guys will be asleep and we can turn invisible again to sneak past them. You know what, now I'm hungry."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 36 Tch 33 Ffted 31 HP 144/144 CMD 46/48(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)   d20+34=44 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2022 12:41:07 AM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Ki pts 16/16

Through the mental link, Nikolai chides the Humbles' Ford squad, 'You guys, they are not going to care how gentil and nice you treat them, they are going to try to kill you! We can't just walk away! We've got to put them down, unconscious if you prefer, BUT PUT THEM DOWN!'

If there is one still standing, Nikolai rushes over to him/her while pulling out his Kama +2 and tries to trip the giant.

Improved Trip (no AoO) CMB d20 +30 + 2 (Feat) + 2 (magic) = 44 vs CMB

To Pru he messages [i]'If you got any cold spells, start using them.['/i]

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 39/T26/F39(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 219+14/219+14  20d6=78 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2022 6:23:34 AM

Murphy casts chain lightning, with the first bolt hitting the giant closest to the center of the group, and the lightning arcs then going out in a circle from there. Each giant takes 78 hp electrical damage. The first one struck takes full damage unless he (she?) makes a Reflex Save DC35 for half damage (39). The remaining targets require a Reflex Save DC33 for half damage.

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 39/T26/F39(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 219+14/219+14 
Thursday April 7th, 2022 6:31:00 AM

Oh, and shiny Murphy flies up into the air so as to be out of reach of all except for ranged attacks.

[a map would be sweet, if possible]

DM Mitch  d20=10 ; d20=16 ; d20=4 ; 3d6+20=29 ; 3d6+20=30 ; 3d6+20=32 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+20=28 ; d8=5 ; d6=2 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2022 8:26:01 AM

Murphy asks Tali if she can trap some of the giants in a wall of force.
Succotash casts Righteous Might and Divine Power on Valerie then gives the giants his opinion on the whole exercise.
Pru casts reverse gravity causing some of the giants to fall upward.
Pressi casts a quickened ghost hand and shield of faith.
Tali says walls cannot make cylinders and delay’s her action
Kezzem talks about feeding the giants until they go to sleep, missing that combat has already started
Nikolai goes to trip one and tells the others not to hesiate
Murphy goes for chain lightning

The giants are no fools and spread out as soon as combat seemed likely. The reverse gravity is only able to catch two of them in the back. Nikolai tries to go for a trip on the leader, but while it makes him stumble slightly it doesn’t bring him down (CMD 46, so close).

Experienced combatants, the giants look over the diplomatic party and pick out the biggest threats - the bird that flew up and had lightning strike down and the woman who chanted and caused two of them to float up. (know, they didn’t roll arcana to identify the spell, but as it wasn’t stilled or silenced it was still obvious you cast something)

The three on the ground charge right past the melee fighters to Prudace, provoking 1 AoO from Kezzem and 2 From Nikolai and Succotash. They strike at her for 102 damage total.

The two in the reverse gravity throw rocks at the bird in the air. One misses, but one hits him for 25 damage +2 fire damage (By my count current AC should be 32, please double check current AC in current form and update your header)


Succotash (Jeremy) AC 42/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 40/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells  d20+18=20 ; d6=3 ; d20+35=53 ; 4d6+25=40 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d20+35=44 ; 4d6+25=38 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d8=6 ; d8=8 ; d8=7 ; d8=8 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2022 1:17:53 PM

I added Valerie, who was enlarged last round by Succotash's Righteous Might spell. Since Succotash can only cast divine power and righteous might on Valerie as touch spells she would have to be adjacent to him, and based on the map, where I put her is the only place she seemed to fit. So unless I'm mistaken, she would also gain an AoO.

Succotash's AoO hits AC 20 for 4 damage
Valerie's AoO hits AC 53 for 40 damage plus 6 bane, 4 shock and 6 frost (All Valerie's damage is non-lethal)

At Succotash's command, Valerie moves into position, and than takes a swipe at #3, with a talon, hitting AC 44 for 38 damage plus 7 bane, 4 frost, and 3 shock (all Valerie's damage is non-lethal)

Meanwhile, Succotash burns an Inflict serious wounds, mass, to cast cure serious wounds, mass, healing Pru, and any of his other allies, who may need it, 49 damage.

Active Spells:

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Telepathic Link

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Divine Power 19/20
Righteous Might 19/20

Daily Stuff:

Channel Energy 9/11
Quicken Rod 1/3
Agile Feet 15/15
Speak with Animals 23/23
Dimensional Hop 200/200

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32)  3d12+19=30 ; 3d12+19=48 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2022 1:38:36 PM

Pressi swings her spectral hand over to Prudence, casting a quickened CMW (48 points back).

With a flourish, she casts living voodoo doll (exhausted) on herself and all the giants.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Thursday April 7th, 2022 1:40:41 PM

OOC: the first roll, 2 of the healing dice came up 1s, so I rerolled)

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy)  d20+32=46 ; d4=4 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2022 6:25:53 PM

Well, if they're going to be like that...

Casting defensively [46, success], Pru casts Time Stop, gaining 5 rounds of relative time.

During the first round, she casts Summon Monster VIII.

At the beginning of the second round, her summoned monster, an elder air elemental, appears. Let's call him Breezy. Breezy appears in the Reverse Gravity effect, ready to make life interesting for those giants. Meanwhile, Pru casts Haste on herself, Nikolai, Succotash, Murphy, and Kezzem, and saunters over to Nikolai.

During the third round, she casts Greater Heroism on Nikolai. And kisses him, but that doesn't really have a tactical effect.

During the fourth round, she casts Haste on Tali and Valerie, then saunters the rest of the way to the temple door.

During the fifth round, she begins casting another Summon Monster VIII, this time seeking 1d3 greater air elementals, but this is a full-round action, and time begins normally, so these elementals will show up next time.

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 41/21/36; HP 239/248; Rumpus AC 33/16/27; HP 101/101 + 16  d20+38=54 ; d20+38=43 ; d20+38=46 ; d20+28=29 ; d20+23=25 ; d3+25=28 ; d3+25=26 ; d3+25=26 ; d3+25=28 ; 2d6=5 ; 2d6=2 ; 2d6=3 ; 2d6=7 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d20+36=46 ; d20+31=47 ; d20+26=35 ; d3+23=24 ; d3+23=26 ; d3+23=25 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d10+6=9 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2022 7:47:20 PM

"Or we could just zap them with lightning I suppose," says Kezzem.

Kezzem SMITES EVIL on Fire Giant 1 and full attacks with his daggers. As he is disguised as a orc mushroom farmer, it appears that he's stabbing the giants with giant mushrooms, because of course they do.

"Some mushrooms are deadly if you eat them. These mushrooms are even deadlier if I stab you with them."

+3 Shock Giant-Bane Returning Dagger
Attack: 1d20 + 32 + 5 (Smite Evil) + 2 (Bane) + 1 (Haste) - 2 (Greater Two Weapon Fighting) = 1d20 + 38
Damage: 1d3 + 7 + 18 (Smite Evil) + 2d6 (Bane) + 1d6 (Shock) = 1d3 + 25 + 2d6 + 1d6

Haste Attack:
1d20 + 38 = 54.
Damage: 1d3 + 25 + 2d6 + 1d6 = 28 + 5 + 2 = 35.

Attack #1:
1d20 + 38 = 43.
Damage: 1d3 + 25 + 2d6 + 1d6 = 26 + 2 + 6 = 34.

Attack #2:
1d20 + 33 = 41.
Damage: 1d3 + 25 + 2d6 + 1d6 = 26 + 3 + 4 = 33.

Attack #3:
1d20 + 28 = 29. Natural 1.

Attack #4:
1d20 + 23 = 25.
Damage: 1d3 + 25 + 2d6 + 1d6 = 28 + 7 + 3 = 38.

+3 Frost Returning Dager
Attack: 1d20 + 32 + 5 (Smite Evil) + 1 (Haste) - 2 (Greater Two Weapon Fighting) = 1d20 + 36
Damage: 1d3 + 5 + 18 (Smite Evil) + 1d6 Frost = 1d3 + 23 + 1d6

Attack #1: 1d20 + 36 = 46.
Damage: 1d3 + 23 + 1d6 = 24 + 1 = 25.

Attack #2: 1d20 + 31 = 47.
Damage: 1d3 + 23 + 1d6 = 26 + 5 = 31.

Attack #3: 1d20 + 26 = 35.
Damage: 1d3 + 23 + 1d6 = 25 + 4 = 29.

Two-Weapon Rend:
1d10 + 6 = 9.

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121  d10=5 ; d8=6 ; 2d6=7 ; d3=1 ; 2d6=5 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=11 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2022 8:32:35 PM

Header update.

Also, the second dagger is also giant-bane, and thus should be:

+3 Frost Returning Dager
Attack: 1d20 + 32 + 5 (Smite Evil) + 2 (Giant-Bane) + 1 (Haste) - 2 (Greater Two Weapon Fighting) = 1d20 + 38
Damage: 1d3 + 7 + 18 (Smite Evil) + 1d6 Frost = 1d3 + 25 + 2d6 + 1d6

Attack #1: 1d20 + 38 = 48.
Damage: 1d3 + 25 + 2d6 + 1d6 = 26 + 7 + 1 = 34.

Attack #2: 1d20 + 33 = 49.
Damage: 1d3 + 25 + 2d6 + 1d6 = 28 + 6 + 5 = 39 .

Attack #3: 1d20 + 28 + 2 = 40.
Damage: 1d3 + 25 + 2d6 + 1d6 = 27 + 6 + 4 = 37.

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135  d4=1 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2022 9:18:15 PM

Why can't we just all get along?/u]
{OOC: what's the scale? 1 sq = 5 feet?}

Tali, now that she can see what's going on, although invisible, will use the action she had delayed. Tali casts Time Stop for the first time, gaining 2 rounds of relative time.

During the first round, she casts a Polymorph Any Object on the ground underneath the giants starting at S24 going to Y24, then from Y24 going to Y28. From Y28 back to S28, and then from S28 back to S24 making a large rectangle and turning approximately 2,000 cu. ft of the earth into Ice water.

During the second round, she casts Summon Monster VII, seeking greater water elemental and time begins normally, so this elemental will show up next time.

[u]Spells in Effect:

Invisible | 20 minutes
Overland-Flight | 1190 minutes
Polymorph Any Object
Summon Monster VII

Spells Used:
1x Invisible
1x Overland-Flight
1x Time-Stop
1x Polymorph Any Object
1x Summon Monster VII

DM Mitch 
Thursday April 7th, 2022 10:15:03 PM

(Yes 1 square = 5 feet. Giants are Huge sized.)

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 36 Tch 33 Ffted 31 HP 144/144 CMD 46/48(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)   d20+28=44 ; 2d10+10=25 ; 4d10=21 ; d20+33=41 ; 6d10+10=38 ;
Friday April 8th, 2022 12:48:48 AM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16

OOC: correct me if I'm wrong, but the three grounded giants should be surrounding Pru's starting position, so the Polymorph Object might be a wasted spell.

IC: AoO on the leader w/ Greater Vital Strike: d20 +28 = 44 dmg = 2d10 +10 = 25 or with Greater Vital Strike add 4d10 = 21 for 46 damage.

Nikolai keeps his cool despite his wife being attacked. Feeling the enhanced power and speed wash over him, he follows on the heels of the leader striking him and then rushing back to Pru.

Move Spring Attack (no AoO): Move to attack leader, spring back to Pru
Stunning Fist attack w/ Greater Vital Strike d20 +28 + 4 (G. H. spell) + 1 (Haste) = 41
GVS dmg = 6d10 +10 = 38
Stunning Fist: stunned for 1 round Fort save vs DC 33 (or with Greater Heroism DC 37 if that + 4 counts)
See Stunned for effects.

Mentally he tells his friends about the possibly stunned leader and to take advantage of that incapacitation for the round.

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 32/T23/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 218/219 
Friday April 8th, 2022 1:54:06 AM

[Did the lightning seem to do any damage? If so,, were all 5 affected? If not, which ones were? The large black areas on the map - are they towers, walls, pits, what? If towers, and possible to hide behind, or fly up on top of, that would be useful to know]

If it is possible for Murphy to alight on top of a pillar or building, he may do so, if, by peering over, he can see the action below.

If the chain lighting seemed to have some effect, Murphy casts Call lightning storm. If not, he will...

I'm at the hospital. Have to stop posting for treatment. Will get back on when I can...

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 32/T23/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 218/219 
Friday April 8th, 2022 7:10:06 AM

Murphy does say in the giant tongue, "You know, you fire giants keep on thinking it's a good idea to try to get us to kill you. We have managed to avoid killing any giants on this plane so far, despite your people's numerous invitations. Are you certain you don't want another day or more of life to continue inhaling ashy smoke? We can keep this up for a long time, and you are definitely tough people, but... well, it's your turn."

He ducks behind a pillar or wall or whatever is available. (Usung my phone, can't do the map)

[P.S.: I've got C-19, just found out]

DM Mitch  d20=5 ; d20=7 ; d20=11 ; d20=17 ; d20=4 ; d20=14 ; d20+31=41 ; d20+31=46 ; d20+31=49 ; d20+31=40 ; d20+31=47 ; d20+31=41 ; d20+31=41 ; d20+31=40 ; 3d6+20=27 ; 3d6+20=29 ; 3d6+20=34 ; 3d6+20=27 ; 3d6+20=30 ; d20=18 ; d20=19 ; 3d6+20=34 ; 3d6+20=34 ;
Friday April 8th, 2022 8:27:13 AM

Succotash misses and Valerie hits on her AOO. Valerie then hits giant 3 while her master heals Pru.
Pressi also heals Pru using her spectral hand she then casts living voodoo doll on herself.
Pru casts a timestop summoning monsters, casting some haste spells, casting greater heroism and starting another summon spell
Kezzem says the party could just zap them with lightning he supposes and then smites giant 1 dealing 222 damage total
Tali then casts her own timestop before casting a polymorph spell turning a swath of ground underneath the giant’s collective feet into icewater and then begins summoning her own elemental to join Pru’s
Nikolai takes out the giant leader with his AoO. He was going to follow him, but since he’s gone he’ll hit the next closest who just barely makes her save. (Pru moved during the time stop so I’ll just return you to your starting position)
Murphy casts call lightning and comments on giants making the party kill them.

For a moment the giants flail in the water. Then something unexpected happens. They blur into inhumanly fast streaks, their hair and bears of fire leaving a lingering red glow.

The two in the water attack Valerie, first with a sword then with a thrown rock that misses. Then they blur out of the water (possibly by grabbing the edge, hard to make out) and flank her with two more strikes. All three sword swings hit for a total of 90 damage.

The two in the anti gravity field take advantage of the sudden appearance of a creature between them. Striking out at Breezy for 57 damage, they then use him as leverage to shove themselves out of the anti-gravity field, going in opposite directions (technically they can do that with each other even if Breezy is actually 30 feet up)

They land and rush Kezzem, striking him for 64 damage.

Giant 1 - Unconscious
Giant 2 78
Giant 3 - 78 lethal 52 nonlethal
Giant 4 78
Giant 5: 78

Giant AC 30, CMD 46
(OOC: Please note all giants have SR 22)


Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells  d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d8=4 ; d8=2 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ; d20+35=54 ; d20+35=52 ; d20+35=53 ; d20+36=45 ; d20+36=41 ; d20+36=53 ; 4d6+25=37 ; 4d6+25=35 ; 4d6+25=44 ; 3d6+25=35 ; d6+25=26 ; d6+25=28 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ;
Friday April 8th, 2022 12:00:20 PM

Succotash takes a 5 ft step, than channels energy for 38 healing, than swiftly, via his metamagic rod, casts Cure Moderate wounds, mass for another 30 health to all his friends minus Pru, who is just outside the spells and channels range. In total everyone receives 63 health.

Meanwhile Valerie takes a 5 ft step and than goes full round attack on #3

Right Talon hits AC 55 for 37 damage plus 9 bane, 4 frost and 4 shock
Left Talon hits AC 53 for 35 damage plus 4 bane, 4 frost and 2 shock
Divine Talon AC 54 for 44 damage plus 8 bane, 3 frost and 2 shock
Bite hits AC 45 for 35 damage plus 8 bane, 6 frost and 4 shock
Right Claw AC 41 for 30 damage plus 7 bane, 6 frost and 4 shock
Left Claw AC 53 for 33 damage plus 6 bane, 6 frost and 5 shock
All Valerie's damage is non-lethal

Active Spells:

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Telepathic Link

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Divine Power 18/20
Righteous Might 18/20

Daily Stuff:

Channel Energy 8/11
Quicken Rod 0/3
Agile Feet 15/15
Speak with Animals 23/23
Dimensional Hop 200/200

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 244/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121  d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d20+33=34 ; d20+33=36 ; d20+28=29 ; d20+23=36 ; d20+18=25 ; d20+33=52 ; d20+33=48 ; d20+28=35 ; d20+23=39 ; d3+7=8 ; d3+7=9 ; d3+7=9 ; d3+7=10 ; d3+7=10 ; d3+7=9 ; 2d6=4 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=9 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d10+6=13 ;
Friday April 8th, 2022 12:37:34 PM

"Hey, I'm sorry I hurt your friend, but remember, this whole operation was your idea. I wanted to give you guys a nice sleepy dinner!"

Kezzem will lay on hands (swift action):
Healing: 9d6 = 2 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 3 = 32.

He then 5 ft steps and full attacks Giant 2.

+3 Frost Giant-Bane Returning "Mushroom"
Attack: 1d20 + 32 + 2 (Giant-Bane) + 1 (Haste) - 2 (Greater Two Weapon Fighting) = 1d20 + 33
Damage: 1d3 + 7 + 2d6 Bane + 1d6 Frost

Haste Attack: 1d20 + 33 = 34. Natural 1.

Attack #1: 1d20 + 33 = 36.
Damage: 1d3 + 7 + 2d6 Bane + 1d6 Frost = 8 + 4 + 6 = 18.

Attack #2: 1d20 + 28 = 29. Natural 1.

Attack #3: 1d20 + 23 = 36.
Damage: 1d3 + 7 + 2d6 Bane + 1d6 Frost = 9 + 6 + 2 = 17.

Attack #4: 1d20 + 18 = 25.

+3 Giant-Bane Returning Shock "Mushroom"
Attack: 1d20 + 32 + 2 (Giant-Bane) + 1 (Haste) - 2 (Greater Two Weapon Fighting) = 1d20 + 33
Damage: 1d3 + 7 + 2d6 Bane + 1d6 Shock

Attack #1: 1d20 + 33 = 52. Natural 19.
Crit Threat: 1d20 + 33 = 48.
Damage: 1d3 + 7 + 2d6 Bane + 1d6 Shock = 9 + 6 + 2 = 17.
Crit Damage: 1d3 + 7 = 10.

Attack #2: 1d20 + 28 = 35.
Damage: 1d3 + 7 + 2d6 Bane + 1d6 Shock = 10 + 7 + 2 = 19.

Attack #3: 1d20 + 23 = 39.
Damage: 1d3 + 7 + 2d6 Bane + 1d6 Shock = 9 + 9 + 5 = 23.

Two-Weapon Rend (if 36 hits):
1d10 + 6 = 13.

Kezzem turns towards his frost dagger. "Stop trying to stab them and stab them!"

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy)  d20+25=32 ; d8=1 ; d8=1 ; d20+25=27 ; d3=2 ; d20+21=35 ; d20+21=30 ; d8=4 ; d8=5 ; d8=1 ; d8=6 ; d20+17=29 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+17=28 ; 4d6=10 ; 4d6=14 ; 4d6=13 ; 5d4+5=22 ;
Friday April 8th, 2022 2:31:21 PM

Breezy's damage reduction means he didn't take all the giants' damage. When they moved away, he got an attack of opportunity, and hit Giant 2 for 11 damage.

Now, he pursues Giant 2, attacking again but missing.

Pru's greater air elementals show up, and attack Giants 2 and 4. Giant 2 is hit for 16 more damage, and Giant 4 is hit for 14 damage.

Pru casts a Scorching Ray, and aims the resulting 3 rays at Giant 2. [The rays hit Touch AC 29, 32, and 28, which I assume all hit. Damage is 10, 14, and 13, but it's fire damage so it may not have any effect.]

Then Pru casts a quickened Magic Missile, also at Giant 2, who takes 22 points of force damage.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 36 Tch 33 Ffted 31 HP 144/144 CMD 46/48(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Friday April 8th, 2022 11:26:46 PM

OOC: I'm trying to figure out how the two giants accomplished:
Standard Action: attack air elemental
Standard Action (Bull Rush): push against each other and move out of the anti-gravity zone
Move Action: rush Kezzem
Standard Action: attack (again) Kezzem

Can any PC do a Move Action and three Standard Actions in one round? Even spending a Hero point you just get one extra Action (Move + Standard + 1 other of choice). And Haste won't do it either, it only gives an extra attack if you use Full Attack Action (no Move involved).

Consider the push-away as a Bull Rush, which it actually is but against a willing target, that's a Standard Action in itself.

I'm just puzzled, but maybe there's a monster feat that allows an Attack, Standard, Move, and Attack.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 36 Tch 33 Ffted 31 HP 144/144 CMD 46/48(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)   8d10=44 ; 8d10=30 ;
Friday April 8th, 2022 11:47:26 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16

Nikolai does not hesitate. The giant leader said 'To the death' and that's exactly what he'll get.
Nikolai quickly moves back to the leader and executes a coup de Grace.

Punch attack at vital part on helpless target:
Hit is automatic, and Critical automatic confirmed, Crit x2
Greater Vital Strike 8d10 + 8d10 +10 = 44 + 30 + 10 = 84 Fort DC 94 or die.

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135  d4+1=5 ; d6+6=9 ;
Friday April 8th, 2022 11:47:40 PM

Why can't we just all get along? {pt.2}

DM:Highlight to display spoiler: {What are the dark blue rounded squares? }

At the beginning of this round, Tali's summoned Greater Water Elemental enters the pool previously created. Let's refer to him as Mr. Wet. Mr. Wet will delay his attack until after Tali finishes. When it's Wet's opportunity, he will use a Vortex attack against FG3 & FG5; Vortex (DC 25, 10-60 ft.) (1d6+6 = 9)

Tali now hasted[/b, flys at 80 feet.

Trying again, Tali casts Time Stop for the second time, gaining 5 rounds of relative time as she giggles with [b]Glee!

During the first round, she flies higher to make sure she is above the Fire Giants' reach & moves from AB27 to AB20. Tali believes she is still invisible. If she is not, she will cast Invisibility on herself!

During the second round, she casts another Polymorph Any Object on the ground underneath the giants' extending the pool from its original size to:

S23 going to AH23, then from AH23 going to AH31. From AH31 back to S31, and then from S31 back to S23 making a larger rectangle and turning approximately
2,000 cubic feet of the earth into Ice water.

During the third round, she casts Prismatic Wall starting at M21 going to W21 with the shimmering side in the direction of both FG4 & FG2. The wall is 55 feet wide and 40 feet high.

During the fourth round, she casts another Prismatic Wall starting at M18 going to V18 with the shimmering side in the direction of both FG4 & FG2. The wall is 50 feet wide and 40 feet high.

During the fifth round, she casts yet another Prismatic Wall starting at S22 going to AH22 with the shimmering side in the direction of both FG3 & FG5. The wall is 80 feet wide and 40 feet high.

Spells in Effect:
Invisible | 25 minutes
Overland-Flight | 1185 minutes
Polymorph Any Object
Prismatic Wall | 200 Minutes

Spells Used:
1x Invisible
1x Overland-Flight
2x Time-Stop
1x Polymorph Any Object
1x Summon Monster VII
3x Prismatic Wall(s)

Greater Water Elemental | CR 9

XP 6,400
N Huge outsider (elemental, extraplanar, water)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16


AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural, –2 size)
hp 123 (13d10+52)
Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +4
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits


Speed 20 ft., swim 90 ft.
Melee 2 slams +20 (2d8+9)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks drench, vortex (DC 25, 10-60 ft.), water mastery


Str 28, Dex 20, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +24; CMD 40
Feats Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +18, Escape Artist +20, Knowledge (planes) +12, Perception +16, Stealth +10, Swim +30
Languages Aquan

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 36 Tch 33 Ffted 31 HP 144/144 CMD 46/48(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Friday April 8th, 2022 11:48:42 PM

if not dead already by damage, that is

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 32/T23/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 218/219  20d6=58 ; 5d6=18 ; d20+45=53 ;
Saturday April 9th, 2022 1:35:53 AM

Since they are not responsive to bird talk, Murphy chucks another chain lighting at the giants. It starts with Fire Giant 3, then splits out to include FG2 and FG5. Each takes 58 hp electrical damage. If FG3 gets a Reflex save DC 35 the damage is halved to 29. For FG2 and 5, each must make a Reflex save DC 33 for half damage.

As call lightning storm allows him up to 15 lightning bolts spread out over a 20-minute period... and DMs have allowed Murphy to discharge one after other actions (including spells) while hasted, should that still be the case, he drops a 30' tall, 5' diameter lightning bolt on to FG4 for 18 hp damage, Reflex save DC34 for half damage.

He notices Nikolai executing the leader, and all of a sudden, notes several prismatic walls springing up. DId Tali do that?

Murphy takes stock of the current battle status.
Perception: 53

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Sunday April 10th, 2022 9:10:03 PM

OOC to Jonathan: As established through Pressi's link, the giants are heavily templated. As part of that, they all have an ability to basically move as if in two places at once. (For the record, it's Split Second under the Alacritous Creature template.) My only issue is that the "exhausted" condition should limit it, even if it's a supernatural ability.

OOC to group: I'm back from my trip, and will have my new sheet ready after the fight. I'll try to update my spells tomorrow.

Pressi frowns at the turn of affairs, attempting to determine her next move.

Targeting her cone at giants 2 and 4, she whispers to teammates like Kezzem her apologies. "Since it seems appropriate, I feel like I should come clean. I'm the one who did the strange snowstorm and all that nonsense in the back gate. Used a few strange tricks... like this."

Pressi moves back 15 feet and procedes to cast Forbidden Spray. (Cone shape burst, bypass SR. Every giant (and most teammates) 10+HD will save or dazed 1 round. Giants 2 and 4 also get 1d3 Wis and Con damage.)

Ritual of Warding
Ritual of Healing
Ritual of Charming
true seeing
spectral hand
exhausted (voodoo)
shield of faith
moment of prescience

L1: 1
L2: 1
L5: 2+1
L6: 2
L7: 1
L8: 1

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 36 Tch 33 Ffted 31 HP 144/144 CMD 46/48(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Sunday April 10th, 2022 10:20:07 PM

OOC: OK, i just don't know what an 'Alacritous Creature template' is, never seen one on the Woldian website.
'As a full-round action, it can move up double to its movement, then take a standard action at its original location, and one at its new location. It may use the action at its new location to charge and/or pounce, or to make an attack using Spring Attack (which counts as its additional standard action).'

This is still short by a Standard Action of all the actions the two giants took. So I guess I'm missing something else.

This ain't criticism, but if I understand the actions, I can DM better as well. Pulling out of a bag of tricks something like 'Alacritous Creature template' is something I'll need to know if I decide to DM again.

DM Mitch  d20+12=18 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+31=47 ; d20+26=43 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+16=29 ; 3d6+20=27 ; 3d6+20=34 ; 3d6+20=29 ; 3d6+20=30 ;
Monday April 11th, 2022 7:31:05 AM

Succotash does 63 hp worth of healing for all his friends minus Pru who is just out of range. Valerie attacks giant 3 hit with all attacks and does 247 damage after the giant’s defenses are applied, knocking it out.
Kezzem lays on hands then attacks Giant 2 for 65 more damage total. Some of his attacks hit, some miss and one is a critical. Both daggers seem to be dealing less damage than he’d expect but the frost dagger seems to be dealing substantially less.
Pru has her elementals press the attack then fires off some spells at giant 2. Giant 2 ignores the scorching ray but takes full force damage
Nikolai executes a coup de grace on the helpless giant leader killing it.
Tali uses timestop again to get higher, make more earth into water and make 3 prismatic walls. When time resumes her elemental uses its vortex ability.
Murphy uses chain lightning striking Giant 3 full on and getting the other 2 partially even though it looked like they didn’t avoid the spell. (OOC: improved evasion) The same thing happens with the lightning on Giant 4.
Pressi uses forbidden spray dazzling some of the giants and negatively impacting their wisdom and con.
(OOC: Please remember EVERYONE in melee with the giants needs to will save vs 10 + their HD or be unable to take action for 1 round under the daze effect per Pressi’s spell)

Only one of the giants is able to act this round. He full attacks the air elementa? That he’s next to, killing it.

Giant 1 - dead
Giant 2 78;131 lethal; dazed, 1 wis, 1 con damage, exhausted
Giant 3 - 140 lethal 299 nonlethal - unconscious
Giant 4 96 1 wis, 1 con damage, exhausted
Giant 5: 110 dazed , exhausted

Giant AC 30, CMD 46
(OOC: Please note all giants have SR 22)


Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells  d20+8=27 ; d20+27=38 ; d20+24=40 ; d20+35=54 ; d20+35=45 ; d20+35=45 ; d20+35=42 ; d20+35=36 ; d20+35=55 ; d20+35=40 ; 4d6+25=35 ; 4d6+25=40 ; 4d6+25=42 ; 3d6+25=30 ; 2d6+25=37 ; 2d6+25=31 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=5 ; 2d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ;
Monday April 11th, 2022 11:53:14 AM

Valerie's will save = 27 (needed 24 -- pass)
Succotash's Will save = 38 (needed 30 -- pass)

Both Valerie and Succotash feel Pressie's cone wash over them, but they are able to brush off the affects. Valerie immediately turns and full round attacks #5. Succotash takes a 5 ft step back and than casts Implosion on #4. (SR roll -- 40) #4 must make a DC 31 fort save or take 200 damage every round Succotash concentrates on the spell, including this round.

Right Talon hits AC 54 for 35 damage plus 7 bane, 4 frost and 3 shock
Left Talon hits AC 45 for 40 damage plus 7 bane, 5 frost and 2 shock
Divine Talon AC 45 for 42 damage plus 7 bane, 4 frost and 4 shock
Bite hits AC 42 for 30 damage plus 5 bane, 6 frost and 1 shock
Right Claw -- Nat -- miss
Left Claw -- Confirmed crit for 68 damage plus 6 bane, 4 frost and 1 shock
All Valerie's damage is non-lethal

Active Spells:

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Telepathic Link

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Divine Power 17/20
Righteous Might 17/20

Daily Stuff:

Channel Energy 8/11
Quicken Rod 0/3
Agile Feet 15/15
Speak with Animals 23/23
Dimensional Hop 200/200

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)   d20+25=27 ;
Monday April 11th, 2022 7:43:33 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16

Will d20+ 25 = 27 vs DC 30

Nikolai looks up for his next target and meets the Forbidden Spray square in the eyes.
Dazed for 1 round.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32)  d20+19=20 ;
Monday April 11th, 2022 9:04:30 PM

Unable to think of anything else, Pressi casts suffocation on giant 2. (Spell Resist roll fails.)

Ritual of Warding
Ritual of Healing
Ritual of Charming
true seeing
spectral hand
exhausted (voodoo)
shield of faith
moment of prescience

L1: 1
L2: 1
L5: 3+1
L6: 2
L7: 1
L8: 1

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy)  d20+25=29 ; d20+25=29 ; d20+21=24 ; d20+21=34 ; d8=5 ; d8=7 ; d20+18=26 ; 2d4=5 ; d20+25=26 ; 5d4+5=21 ;
Monday April 11th, 2022 9:52:34 PM

Breezy and the unnamed greater air elemental continue pummeling Giant 2. Breezy's attacks both miss, but the greater elemental hits once for 19 damage.

Pru casts an Acid Arrow at Giant 2, hitting Touch AC 26. If that hits, Giant 2 takes 5 points of acid damage. [No SR]. She follows up with a quickened Magic Missile. [SR check 26; Pru can't actually fail a 22.] Giant 2 takes 21 force damage.

[If Giant 2 goes down, Pru instead targets Giant 4.

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135  d6+6=9 ;
Monday April 11th, 2022 9:56:55 PM

Why can't we just all get along? {pt.3}

When it's Wet's opportunity, he will use a Vortex attack against FG5; Vortex (DC 25, 10-60 ft.) (1d6+6 = 9)

Spells in Effect:
Invisible | 25 minutes
Overland-Flight | 1180 minutes
Polymorph Any Object
Prismatic Wall | 195 Minutes

Spells Used:
1x Invisible
1x Overland-Flight
2x Time-Stop
1x Polymorph Any Object
1x Summon Monster VII
3x Prismatic Wall(s)

Greater Water Elemental | CR 9

XP 6,400
N Huge outsider (elemental, extraplanar, water)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16


AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural, –2 size)
hp 123 (13d10+52)
Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +4
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits


Speed 20 ft., swim 90 ft.
Melee 2 slams +20 (2d8+9)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks drench, vortex (DC 25, 10-60 ft.), water mastery


Str 28, Dex 20, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +24; CMD 40
Feats Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +18, Escape Artist +20, Knowledge (planes) +12, Perception +16, Stealth +10, Swim +30
Languages Aquan

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 244/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121  d20+23=27 ;
Monday April 11th, 2022 11:31:40 PM

SV Will DC 30: 1d20 + 27.

Kezzem is dazed.

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 32/T23/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 218/219  d20+30=33 ; d20=14 ; 5d6=19 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 6:14:02 AM

Murphy saves (just in case, though I think he's outside the range), casts dispel magic vs Pressi's spell only as it affects Kezzem. He succeeds (dispel 14+20=34 vs DC 31, I think).

He drops a 19 hp lightning bolt vs whichever gives is nearest to Kezzem and still operational.

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 32/T23/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 218/219 
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 6:15:47 AM

'whichever gives' = 'whichever giant'

DM Mitch  d20+9=27 ; d20+31=41 ; d20+31=38 ; d20+26=28 ; d20+21=39 ; d20+16=23 ; 3d6+20=30 ; 3d6+20=28 ; 3d6+20=30 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 8:09:31 AM

Succotash and his trusty dinosaur resist the spray of the Wold’s blood. Valerie knocks out number 5 while Succotash casts implosion against giant number 4 who resists (DC 31) the implosion.
Nikolai is dazed by Succotash’s spray
Pressi casts suffocation on 2 but fails to overcome its spell resistance
Pru and Breezy gang up on 2 to do some damage. The acid arrow hits and magic missile cannot miss
Tali has her water elemental do a vortex and it does damage against the unconscious 5
Kezzem is dazed
Murphy remove’s Kezzem’s daze and lightning’s a giant.

Giant two full attacks the second elemental but doesn’t roll as well as the last one so only does 88 damage to it.

Giant 4 has no way to get past the walls of force and the elemental so runs off in a blur on around the building.

Giant 1 - dead
Giant 2 185 lethal;, 1 wis, 1 con damage, exhausted
Giant 3 - 140 lethal 299 nonlethal - unconscious
Giant 4 96 1 wis, 1 con damage, exhausted
Giant 5: 118 dazed , exhausted , 233 nonlethal - unconscious

Giant AC 30, CMD 46
(OOC: Please note all giants have SR 22)


Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells  d20+35=36 ; d20+17=18 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 12:01:30 PM

In her hastened state Valerie, who already travels exceptionally fast, is able to airwalk over to #4 and take a swipe at it with one of her talons, but she misses with a natural one.

Succotash fires off a searing light aimed at #2, but he also misses with a natural one.

Active Spells:

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Telepathic Link

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Divine Power 16/20
Righteous Might 16/20

Daily Stuff:

Channel Energy 8/11
Quicken Rod 0/3
Agile Feet 15/15
Speak with Animals 23/23
Dimensional Hop 200/200

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135  d4+1=2 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 8:21:53 PM

Why can't we just all get along? {pt.4}

Trying again, Tali casts Time Stop for the third time, gaining 2 rounds of relative time.

During the first round, she casts Prismastic wall starting at S21 and going to S18 with the shimmering side in the direction of FG2. The wall is 20 feet wide and 40 feet high.

During the second round, she casts another Prismastic wall starting at V21 going to V18 with the shimmering side in the direction of FG2. The wall is 20 feet wide and 40 feet high.

This should effectively box the second fire giant inside FOUR (4) Prismastic walls!

Spells in Effect:
Haste | 17 rounds
Invisible | 25 minutes
Overland-Flight | 1180 minutes || Hasted flight speed is 80 Ft
Polymorph Any Object
Prismatic Wall | 195 Minutes

Spells Used:
1x Invisible
1x Overland-Flight
3x Time-Stop
1x Polymorph Any Object
1x Summon Monster VII
5x Prismatic Wall(s)

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121  d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 9:23:19 PM

Kezzem, seeing that the giant before him seems to be dealt with by the spellcasters, double moves to protect Pressi from the remaining giant, although Valerie seems to have had the same idea.

He takes a moment to lay hands of himself.

Healing: 9d6 = 4 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 6 = 36

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32)  d20+23=39 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 9:27:44 PM

Pressi's eyes follow Valerie as she moves towards Giant #4.

"Uh, uh," she utters as she swings her spectral hand (move action) and activates her focused curse (+3 to spell pen, DCs.)

With a blast, she hits him with Heightened and Focused Bestow Curse. (SR Roll 39, Will DC 27, -4 to attack rolls and saves).


Rituals: Ritual of Warding, Ritual of Healing, Ritual of Charming
true seeing
spectral hand
exhausted (voodoo)
shield of faith
moment of prescience

L1: 1
L2: 1
L5: 3+1
L6: 2
L7: 2
L8: 1

Focused Curse: 1/3

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 10:27:19 PM

Giant 2 is surrounded by walls, and is badly damaged to boot. From her current position, Pru can't even see Giant 4, but she trusts her friends to finish mopping up. She dismisses her air elementals.

Murphy (KimMc) Iridescent Corvid (Raven skin) AC 32/T23/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 23 CMD 45 HP 218/219  d20+35=45 ; d20+10=23 ; 5d6+10=20 ; 2d6=4 ; 2d10+10=24 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 12:01:27 AM

Adult male Fire giants typically weigh around seven thousand pounds, at a height of 12-16 feet tall. A muscular wrought-of-stone-and-earth huge earth elemental weighs about 32,000 pounds, 32 feet tall.

Murphy sees the fire giant standing beneath him. He wild shapes from a tiny, iridescent corvid, into an earth elemental of dimensions as listed above. He gauges the height (as the map does not provide a building height, nor has any been provided, I'm going to say it's 50' at the top - I was thinking maybe 40'-60', so let's go middlin' - adjust if needed), and pictures the fire giant as a large heap of hay. He got in trouble with some cousins and siblings by jumping off the roof of a barn into a pile of hay below with some of his cousins at a farm just outside of Hovel some years back. But he didn't get hurt. The hay absorbed the fall. Well, a fire giant is not going to be squishy compared to hay. However, likely he'll be squishy enough for his current form.

His head as he bends his neck to look down is about 80' above the stone pathway. The giant's head is about 64' feet below, and his shoulders 67'. The druid's feet are only 37' above the shoulders - should be good landing pads.

As an earth elemental, he also has jumped from heights onto earth and stone before, as though the ground beneath were a pool of water. If for any reason he misses the giant, he is prepared to earthglide upon contact with the otherwise solid surface.

Murphy looks carefully, mindful of his foresight, seeing if that might help his aim a tad, then steps off the roof descending to the mound of fire giant 'hay' beneath.

AC 45 - Looks like he landed fairly squarely. His accelerating mass drives into the temple guard, perhaps causing bones to bend and snap, flesh to compress and rupture, sinew to surrender as the mass, 4.5 times that of the giant himself, flattens hay while the sun shines.

Once full compression of the giant and deceleration of the druid conclude, Murphy rests upon the heap and growls, "SAY, 'UNCLE.'"

He does not get off of the giant, but rather uses his size and mass to keep the guard down.

[I'm not certain just how to calculate damage to the giant, nor, if any, to Murphy. A 50' fall, unmitigated, would do 5d6 damage - I rolled (sum(4,1,1,3,1)) - low rolls :-) - and mistakenly left a +10 from the acrobatics roll just before. Total should be 10, not 20. However, he was seeking to maximize damage to the giant, and I think that much aimed weight landing on him would cause the giant much greater harm. There is also the magic fang, greater +5 damage, and 2d6=4 giant bane damage from his legacy item. Would it be considered a slam attack (2d10+10=24) (using the [link ref="https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/elemental/elemental-earth/greater-earth-elemental/"]Earth Elemental, Greater[/link] stats due to the [link ref="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/powerful-shape/"]Powerful Shape[/link] buff from the legacy item)? Would this whole thing be some sort of a grapple thing? I don't know. Will bow to the greater wisdom of our DMs, while hoping the things I've listed might be factored in.]

Acrobatics check: 23 vs DC 15
Attack: d20+35=45 ; Acrobatics: d20+10=23 ; Falling damage: 5d6+10=20 (should be 10) ; Giant bane extra damage: 2d6=4 ; Slam attack: 2d10+10=24

Murphy (KimMc) Huge buff Earth Elemental AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 258/259 
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 12:15:40 AM

[fix header, fix links in OOC query]

[I'm not certain just how to calculate damage to the giant, nor, if any, to Murphy. A 50' fall, unmitigated, would do 5d6 damage - I rolled (sum(4,1,1,3,1)) - low rolls :-) - and mistakenly left a +10 from the acrobatics roll just before. Total should be 10, not 20. However, he was seeking to maximize damage to the giant, and I think that much aimed weight landing on him would cause the giant much greater harm. There is also the magic fang, greater +5 damage, and 2d6=4 giant bane damage from his legacy item. Would it be considered a slam attack (2d10+10=24) (using the Earth Elemental, Greater stats due to the Powerful Shape buff from the legacy item)? Would this whole thing be some sort of a grapple thing? I don't know. Will bow to the greater wisdom of our DMs, while hoping the things I've listed might be factored in.]

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 12:32:20 AM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16

Nikolai goes to join Pru.

Murphy (KimMc) Huge buff Earth Elemental AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 258/259 
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 1:11:50 AM

Effects in place (refreshed just before heading out with group)
Heroes' Feast (14 temp hp) 12 hours
Longstrider 18 hours
Magic Fang, Greater (+5) 18 hours
Planar Adaptation 7 hours (of 18) (from Prudence) "Planar adaptation grants you immunity to the harmful environmental effects of a particular plane of existence, including such hazards as toxicity, extreme temperatures, and lack of air. Additionally, you gain energy resistance 20 to a single energy type prevalent on that plane (choose one if more than one type is equally prevalent)." (fire chosen)
Protection from Energy (fire) 3 hours
Resist Energy (cold) (30 points per damage incident) 3 hours
Has natural resistance to electricity: 20 points
Stoneskin 3 hours (150-10 hp, adamantine DR/10)
Freedom of Movement 3 hours
Foresight (9th level divination spell) 3 hours
Mage Armor 3 hours
[I don't know how much time remains on these...]

DM Mitch  d6=6 ; d20+14=33 ; d100=1 ; d20+31=34 ; d20+26=37 ; d20+21=30 ; d20+16=25 ; 3d6+20=27 ; 3d6+20=27 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 7:37:42 AM

Succotash fires off a searing light and Valerie strikes at the fleeing giant but both miss.
Tali continues to have more fun with timestop and prismatic walls boxing giant 4 in. She also dismisses her water elemental.
Kezzem moves up to protect Pressi and lays hands on himself.
Pressi swings her spectral hand around and fires off a focused curse at the fleeing giant.
Pru can’t see Giant 4 and dismisses her air elementals trusting the team will mop up.
Murphy decides to go diving. He lands on the giant but his tough armor and size lets him not get crushed by the weight (there are rules for dropping heavy objects - they rule you do 6d6 damage so I rolled 1 more for 16 total). Murphy gets a nice slam in as well for another 24 damage

The running giant resists Pressi’s curse (Will Save: 33). He slashes at the giant pile of rock that just jumped on his head hitting twice for 54 damage.

The other giant has nowhere to go so tests his luck with the wall. He runs through it only to stop a few steps later and stare vacantly at nothing (got the insanity effect)

Giant 1 - dead
Giant 2 185 lethal;, 1 wis, 1 con damage, exhausted, confused
Giant 3 - 140 lethal 299 nonlethal - unconscious
Giant 4 136 1 wis, 1 con damage, exhausted
Giant 5: 118 dazed , exhausted , 233 nonlethal - unconscious

Giant AC 30, CMD 46
(OOC: Please note all giants have SR 22)


Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells  d20+17=31 ; 5d8=16 ; d20+35=50 ; d20+35=44 ; d20+35=50 ; d20+35=52 ; d20+35=49 ; d20+35=42 ; 4d20+25=49 ; 4d20+25=78 ; 4d20+25=49 ; 4d6+25=36 ; 4d6+25=40 ; 4d6+25=37 ; 3d6+25=37 ; 2d6+25=32 ; 2d6+25=34 ; 2d6=10 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=10 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 12:55:51 PM

Valerie goes full round attack on #4, as Succotash fires off another Searing Light. This time he hits Touch AC 31 for 16 damage.

Left talon hits AC 50 for 36 damage plus 10 bane, 4 frost and 1 shock
Right talon hits AC 44 for 40 damage plus 6 bane, 1 frost and 5 shock
Divine talon hits AC 50 for 37 damage plus 8 bane, 3 frost and 5 shock
Bite hits AC 52 for 37 damage plus 10 bane, 2 frost and 6 shock
Left claw hits AC 49 for 32 damage plus 7 bane, 2 frost and 6 shock
Right claw hits AC 42 for 34 damage plus 6 bane, 5 frost and 6 shock
---All Valerie's damage is non-lethal---

Active Spells:

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Telepathic Link

Heroes Feast
Planar Adaptation
Divine Power 15/20
Righteous Might 15/20

Daily Stuff:

Channel Energy 8/11
Quicken Rod 0/3
Agile Feet 15/15
Speak with Animals 23/23
Dimensional Hop 200/200

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy)  d20+25=40 ; d20+25=26 ; 5d4+5=15 ; 5d4+5=22 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 2:39:53 PM

"Huh. He got out," says Pru, unperturbed. She fires off a Magic Missile, followed by a quickened Magic Missile. [SR checks 40 and 26]

Giant 2 takes a total of 37 force damage.

Murphy (KimMc) Huge buff Earth Elemental AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259  d20+33=41 ; d20+33=44 ; d20+28=41 ; d20+23=40 ; 2d10+17=26 ; 2d10+17=23 ; 2d10+17=30 ; 2d10+17=28 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=10 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=4 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 4:17:49 PM

The well-grounded Murphy wails on the poor Fire Giant temple guardian. Lowest of 4 rolls hit AC41 (I forgot one +1 to attack when I rolled - also need to apply to damage). Slam damage + giant bane 2d6 per blow: 26+7+1=34; 23+10+1=34; 30+6+1=37; 28+4+1=33, total 138 hp damage.


Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121  d20+35=47 ; d3+7=9 ; 2d6=8 ; d6=3 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 5:29:19 PM

Kezzem advances and throws one dagger at the giant in combat with Valerie.

OOC: Ooops, forgot I can move further when hasted. Too used to 2e version of haste.

+3 Giant-Bane Returning Shock "Mushroom"
Attack: 1d20 + 32 + 2 (Giant-Bane) + 1 (Haste) = 1d20 + 35 = 47.
Damage: 1d3 + 7 + 2d6 Bane + 1d6 Shock = 9 + 8 + 3 = 20.

"Hope you're ready to give up," says Kezzem. "Cause I get a full attack next round, and I've got five more smites left today."

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 9:03:04 PM

Why can't we just all get along? {pt.5}

Tali, making sure she is out of reach of any Fire Giant, makes sure she is 28 feet above the ground (at the position AB20) now that she is visible. She will cast Prismastic Spray starting at the position AB20 downward in a cone in the direction of FG2 and most likely reaching R20. (60-foot cone)

Spells in Effect:
Haste | 12 rounds
Overland-Flight | 1155 minutes || Hasted flight speed is 80 Ft
Polymorph Any Object
Prismatic Wall | 170 Minutes

Spells Used:
1x Invisible
1x Overland-Flight
3x Time-Stop
1x Polymorph Any Object
1x Summon Monster VII
5x Prismatic Wall(s)
1x Prismatic Spray

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32)  d20+20=38 ; d20+17=19 ; d10=10 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 10:42:17 PM

"Ok, guess I've got to dig deeper into my bag of toys," Pressi muttered.

Pressi swings her spectral hand towards Giant 2 (or whoever's left/can be targeted) and uses Fester (SU, SR roll 38, no save. Melee 19+2=21 vs Touch AC. Applies Witch's choice - Blinding Sickness.)

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)   d20+33=53 ; d20+33=50 ; 8d10=32 ; 8d10=40 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 10:50:01 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16, Stunning Fist 17/18

OOC: dang, just realized if forgot the +4 for Greater Heroism, would have made the save. Oh well...

If FG2 is still alive:

Nikolai isn't going to risk the giant (FG2) going berserk and rushing Pru, so he takes proactive action, rushing forward, clobbering him, then right back next to Pru.

Spring Attack (no AoO): total movement 80', hasted Nikolai has 110'
Attack w/ Greater Vital Strike d20 + 28 + 1 (Haste) +4 (Gr. He.) = 53 N20
Critical confirm roll = 50 confirmed

dmg = 8d10 + 8d10 + 10 = 32 + 40 + 10 = 82pts

DM Mitch 
Thursday April 14th, 2022 6:18:06 AM

Succotash and Valerie continue to attack 4 knocking it out.
Pru hits giant 2 with some force missiles.
Murphy finishes off fire giant 4
Kezzem goes to throw his dagger but Murphy and valerie took care of that Fire Giant
Tali keeps going with the prismatic theme opting for a spray this time. The good news is the giant is struck by 2 rays. The bad news is one of the rays does fire damage so nothing happens, the other ray does acid damage and the giant takes all of it.
Pressi afflicts Giant 2 with blinding sickness.
Nikolai puts the last conscious giant out of its misery protecting his wife from danger in the process.

3 giants are dead, 2 are only unconscious. The Giant Priests were expecting a battle to the death. What do you do?

Murphy (KimMc) Huge buff Earth Elemental AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259  d20+45=61 ;
Thursday April 14th, 2022 12:34:10 PM

Murphy picks up the sword that Giant 4 was using. He does a quick detect magic on the fellow to see what outstanding items he may be wearing. He asks his companions, telepathically, "Shall we ask the priests if they really want us to kill the last two, or is all right if they remain alive and be nursed back to health in time? There is no particular heroism in offing them, and we had avoided killing any giants so far until this moment. 'You sure you want us to kill the last two? They'll sleep this off eventually.' Or, what do you say? By the way, pretty walls, Tali. Anyone need healing?"

Out loud he says, "Hi K-Z. Hi Valerie."
Perception: 61 - as he looks over FG4's gear.

Murphy (KimMc) Huge buff Earth Elemental AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259  d20+16=23 ; d20+16=18 ; d20+16=33 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+16=33 ;
Thursday April 14th, 2022 12:36:44 PM

Adding in 5 Know: Arcana rolls: 23, 18, 33, 27, 33

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Thursday April 14th, 2022 12:58:45 PM

Succotash is saddened that only 2 remain alive. "What senseless death, what can possibly be accomplished by it? I for one refuse to dispatch the two unconscious giants, and will consider such an act a grave evil. If you priests wish them dead than by all means come out and kill them yourselves!"

Succotash, in his sadness is also angry. He had hoped that they would have only rendered the temple guards unconscious, and he is fuming over the fact that that wasn't possible. He is a little upset with himself as well as his friends, for not being able to keep the other three alive, but mostly he blames the priests and their barbaric tradition.

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Thursday April 14th, 2022 3:17:15 PM

"Thanks, sweetie," Pru says to her husband.

Pru is not interested in killing unconscious giants. She's ready to head into the temple.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32)  d20+25=33 ;
Thursday April 14th, 2022 6:58:50 PM

"What's accomplished is whatever this particular culture requires, and I presume whatever this test requires. I'm not a fan of unconscious killing either, but for all we know our mercy has cost these two their souls, and I doubt that their peers are interested in mercy.

"Deep down, I think this world needs them to die."

Pressi gathered her materials and headed up the temple. "But it doesn't have to be by us. And if they really did need a ritual death, they picked the wrong chaos halfling for the job."

Pressi made her way to the doors of the temple and immediately began searching for traps (Perception 34).

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Thursday April 14th, 2022 8:29:04 PM

What about sending them to another...

Realizing she is not "wearing" Mage Armor, Tali casts it on herself. Tali then turns around and says to her friends, "Since they are unconscious, I could send them to another Plane of Existence...if you think that would suffice for a "death"?

Tali then proceeds to close the gap between herself and Ms. Pru by flying over to join Ms. Pru & Nickolai.

Spells in Effect:
Mage Armor | 20 Hours (3600 minutes)
Overland-Flight | 1100 minutes

Spells Used:
1x Mage Armor
1x Invisible
1x Overland-Flight
3x Time-Stop
1x Polymorph Any Object
1x Summon Monster VII
5x Prismatic Wall(s)
1x Prismatic Spray

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Thursday April 14th, 2022 9:14:42 PM

"Silly giants," says Kezzem. "They didn't have to die, but we can take some solstice in that they chose their fate. Also, that Gargul judged them of ill character so their deaths here will at least likely spare the deaths of others in the future. So if they are attacking with lethal force, I'm not pulling my punches as that would put you guys at risk of getting hurt or killed. Besides, I'm not sure how to stab someone nonlethally."

"That said, I'm not in favor of killing them unconscious, though I'm not entirely against it either. If they survive and kill others, shouldn't we try to prevent it? You would think being able to tell if someone is evil with a glance or not would make such ethics less complicated not more".

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Thursday April 14th, 2022 10:04:19 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16, Stunning Fist 17/18

Nikolai has spared many in the past, but that was with the knowledge that they would not be ostracized by their people by surviving. Nikolai also knows a lot about contracts, and this was a contract as good as any on paper. To the Death! Besides, in Nikolai's mind, he understood that the priests wouldn't see any of them until they defeated the guards, and an unconscious guard is not really defeated when he regains consciousness and takes after the group right in the middle of talking to the high priest.

Nikolai again does not hesitate and executes the closest unconscious guard to him while the others are debating the issue.

To Pru he mentally says, 'The Law is the Law. If the Law says a fight to the death, we break the Law by not obeying the Law as Written.'

He then takes the moments necessary to execute the second one.

If he gets any ugly looks, he shrugs and says, "You want to chance them barging in and attacking us again whilst we are in the middle of a battle to protect the artifact? You think these giants are going to hold that over their sworn duty to keep us Unclean Ones out of their holy ground? Sow your generosity, kindness, and goodwill to those who will truly appreciate it, not to the .... well, you know the proverb."

Two giants executed as per their own choice of the terms of the battle.

DM Mitch 
Friday April 15th, 2022 5:56:50 AM

Murphy picks up the giant sword and looks for magic items. Surprisingly enough the breastplate and sword it used were not magic. The giant’s body itself has a magic aura that appears to be fading with its death. He mentally asks the others about what to do with the 2 unconscious giants. He then says hi to Kezzem and Valerie.
Succotash refuses to dispatch the last 2 giants and suggests the priests come out to do it themselves.
Pru thanks Nikolai. She isn’t interested in killing the giants.
Pressi gives her own opinion on the fate of the last 2 giants. She suggests the wold needs them to die but it doesn’t have to be them and if a ritual death was needed it doesn’t have to be this chaos halfling.
Tali casts mage armor on herself and offers to send the giants to a different plane of existence.
Kezzem says the giants are silly and they didn’t have to die but they can take solace in the fact that they chose their fate. Also their deaths will probably spare others’ deaths in the future. He says he isn’t for or against killing them while unconscious and you would think being able to detect evil would make things less complicated.
Nikolai is a man of action, a veteran of the Mailed Fist Civil War and other campaigns, he also understands a thing or two about contracts. He dispatches the last 2 remaining giants. He tells his wife that the law is the law mentally and they agreed to a fight to the death in a binding manner and then explains what happens verbally to his companions.

With the giants dispatched the party makes any final preparations and heads into the temple. The inside is a massive cathedral with no benches - presumably the giants stand. Carved out of the stone and lit by tiny lavafalls in the walls, it’s so big that hundreds of giants could fit inside, leaving the much smaller party dwarfed in its expansiveness.

In the back of the area is an alter, massive enough for a giant priest to stand behind and use for rituals, and behind that is a door deeper into the area where things are stored and the vaults. Scaldsworn’s information indicates the vaults are a maze of chambers, traps, and guardians both magical and constructed. Fortunately he managed to map out a route that lets you navigate the maze safely except for one unavoidable challenge.

Said challenge apparently involves an area that nullifies any and all magic. Some sort of storage place for magical artifacts considered too dangerous to be allowed to remain active. His notes indicate that non-giants entering, or the removal of any artifact, sets off the security which can be reset with difficulty.

The vault in question is a large room that seals itself and activates powerful golem guardians that will continuously attack until multiple mechanisms are disabled - one requiring Alchemical skill, one mechanical, one involving arcane devices. If all three are disabled the vault resets.

You have as much time as you want to make a plan before heading out. You even have a map to help out your plans!


DM Mitch 
Friday April 15th, 2022 6:01:49 AM

Loot is gathered. Surprisingly, the giants don't seem to have much in the way of magical items. Very high quality work, just not magical. Each giant is wearing masterwork half-plate and has a masterwork greatsword and composite bow.

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259 
Friday April 15th, 2022 7:52:55 AM

"Well done, friends," Murphy telepaths. "I could be mad at you, Nikolai, for being mad at me for asking a bird question earlier. Yes, I saw that glare. I won't be mad at your completing the 'contract.' Let's try not to be overly 'judgy' with one another, eh? I've been with this group since day one. You and Prudence are very welcome and highly capable newcomers. Mailed Fist and Humble's Ford have variant styles from each other."

Murphy changes back to his halfling self, walks over to Nikolai, and holds out his hand. Out loud he asks, "Friends? I think we make a good team."

He looks at Pru and says, "You and Tali can do a surprisingly large amount of things in a very short time." He bows at the waist to her, stands up straight, and gives them both a salute.
Will fix rest of header later. Have to run now.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Friday April 15th, 2022 10:39:09 AM

Succotash is mortified by Nikolai's, and the horror of the event is written all over his face. He is fuming over the nonchalant and mercenary way in which he ended the lives of the two giants, and finally he says, "I don't know why I spent good coin to have mercy added to Valerie's Amulet of Mighty Fists, obviously I wasted my money choosing a non-lethal approach, since the enemies she renders unconscious someone else is just going to kill! I don't care if this is their law. I used to be a paladin, and if I still was, I still would have chosen to disregard such a barbaric law, even if it meant risking the loss of my paladin statues."

It will take a bit for the sensitive cleric to get beyond this, but he moves on until they come to the anti-magic room. "I have nothing to add to this situation. I have no arcane skill, I have no skill at disabling devices, and I have no skill with alchemy. To top it off, I'm useless in a fight without magic, and Valerie loses the majority of her power without it as well. Any suggestions?

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Friday April 15th, 2022 1:02:02 PM

Brute Force...Not so much!

Tali says, "If it's an anti-magic zone...I will not be much help nor will I be able to be useful as I would actually have to walk somewhere! Or would it just nullify the magic that is not BloodLine granted? In either case, I would prefer to meditate for at least 2 hours before moving onward."

"Say, what if this foray was a way for Flamescorn to keep us busy while he steals away into the temple himself?"

Spells in Effect:
Mage Armor | 20 Hours (3600 minutes)
Overland-Flight | 1100 minutes

Spells Used:
1x Mage Armor
1x Invisible
1x Overland-Flight
3x Time-Stop
1x Polymorph Any Object
1x Summon Monster VII
5x Prismatic Wall(s)
1x Prismatic Spray

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Friday April 15th, 2022 7:19:41 PM

"Hey Succo, can I talk to you a minute?"

If I did this right, highlight to show text.

Highlight to display spoiler: {"So I got this spell-storing dagger and was hoping you could hook me up with a dispel magic. Last time we face Ketia, she stoneskinned her way out of getting stab and I don't want to let that happen this time if we have to face her again."}

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Friday April 15th, 2022 7:23:30 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16, Stunning Fist 17/18

Nikolai takes Murphy's handshake and says, 'We are different. We will learn to live with those differences. The Mailed Fist is made up of all manner of people of all skills, halflings being an important part. Glad to be on your team."

In a friendly manner he speaks to Succotash, 'You spent good coin for a good cause and there will be plenty of adversaries spared the realm of Death because of your goodness. It was not a waste of coin. It's just not always an option that will benefit the immediate and future. You just have to know what choice to make and when. I had to fight my own comrades in our Civil War and when I could I spared their lives. You learn about people and their motivations and then know how to choose. And so it was here, eliminating the risk of jeopardizing the entire mission and loss of our objective was an easy decision. You just do what you have to do.'

Technically, Nikolai is unaware of Pru's new Timestop spell, he just knows she is really good and really fast.

Picking up one of the masterwork greatwords he tries to fit it into his Handy Haversack. If it fits he's got another trophy for the Last Assignment tavern. If it doesn't, he tosses it.

Once inside, Nikolai was half expecting to find a priest, any priest, but there is none. 'If you need two hours, then take them. I just hope the temple bells don't start ringing announcing time for services,' Nikolai grins.

Of course, they could locate the bells and disable them?

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Friday April 15th, 2022 8:10:29 PM

"I have studied arcane lore," Pru says. "Unfortunately, I'm not too bright, but I'll do my best. I can't help with mechanical or alchemical matters, though. And, like Tali, I'm not going to be much use in a non-magical fight."

Idly, she wonders whatever became of her old long spear. It had been her constant companion when she'd first joined the fist, but at some point she'd just stopped lugging it around with her. It hadn't seemed worth the effort.

"Anybody have a crossbow?" she asks, without much hope.

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259 
Saturday April 16th, 2022 12:25:35 AM

Part the First
Unless otherwise mentioned, all of the following communication takes place telepathically with group members. "Crossbows, Pru? Have not a few of the giants in the city used crossbows against us? Of course, they would be rather large for us to wield.

"What if golems get all tangled up in strong silk ropes? What if we have many alchemical items, not magic, just alchemy, that gums them up? What if we use leverage against them?

"I may be able to help with the alchemical puzzle, or use magic device. I'm not that good at the disabling side of things. I do understand engineering to a large extent. Wait, that is, if my headband is working. Otherwise my understanding of engineering is quite a bit more rudimentary.

"We all have come to rely heavily upon the magical skills, abilities, and devices we have acquired over the years. In pouring through some of the WLA archives, though, it seems that many of the upper echelon adventurers have come to similar situations, wherein those sorts of things were lost to them, or somehow disabled. And now it comes to us. It is our turn. So, perhaps we can inventory what items we have with us that may be able still to give us some advantages even though they have no enchantments."

Alchemist's Lab
Alchemical Items: Acid flasks 5; Alchemist's Fire 6; Antitoxin vials 7; Everburning torch 8; Holy Water 33; Oil 10; Smokesticks 5; Sunrod 11; Tanglefoot Bags 9; Thunderstones 13; Tindertwigs 20
Also I have many acorns. Follower of Eberyon, y'see.
And, lots of other things. Cooking pots, sickle, shovel, caltrops, sewing needles, sealing wax, soap, inks, paints, papers, food, flour, pepper, spices, bedrolls, block and tackle sets, lots of canvas, candles, chalk, fishooks, fishing nets, flint & steel, other camping tools, lots of rope.

"Let's see - Adamant golems. Pressi - the wedding ring I gave you is made of adamantine. Who else has items of adamantium? Or adamantite? How many different names does that metal have, anyway? Hey, in the rubble of the instant fortress - the walls of it were adamantine. Did we keep any of the pieces?" he asks the group. "The Iron Giant also has adamantine in key portions of its structure." He chuckles. "Maybe we can find a priest and ask if we can borrow a few cups of adamantine."

"If I race back to Flamescorn's place, I could see if the portal to the Catacombs is still open. If so, I could pick up about sixty thousand worth of non-magical adamantine items - crossbows with lots of adamantine crossbow bolts, adamantine swords, daggers, longspears, what have you. They'd all be masterwork..."

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Saturday April 16th, 2022 9:25:31 PM

Pressi, for her part, chooses to remain outside the Nick-Succotash discussion, though it's no secret that this agents of fist stuff is starting to get on her nerves. (Almost as if she's used to being the last word morality-wise.)

Ok, there is one. "You should know, Nick, that if you had held off, I would have had options like charming them so the non-giant condition wouldn't go off. I have a lot of necromancy abilities under my belt but raising them isn't one of them."

"Ok, well you can put me down for both traps and alchemical, and I'll just have to run it, then. I'll lose a little from gear but it's mostly skill. (Remind me, alchemical is still under disable device, correct?) I have my sling staff, and a few alchemical items, and even a few things like flour to conceal, oils to slide across. But no crossbow. (I still haven't made my catacombs run, though.) I assume this antimagic field and detection covers everything, no mind blanking or just sneaking while crawling on the ceiling, nothing like that?"

(Apparently, she does still have her adamantium spiked chain, regardless of the number of times she's considered selling it. She gives it to anyone who wants to fight, but it sounds like range and makeshift moveable cover is a better chance.)

To Tali, "I figured he's waiting outside for us once we actually get the device, or something. But we don't really have any options."

She thought for a little more. "Can anyone cast Wall of Force?"

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Saturday April 16th, 2022 9:28:16 PM

She thought for a little longer. "There is one other thing that can work in an antimagic field. Polymorph, as long as we do it before entering."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Sunday April 17th, 2022 12:13:06 AM

Nikolai pulls out of his Handy Haversack his Master Work Light Crossbow and a dozen bolts and hands them to his wife with a smile. "Here you go, sweetie'.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Sunday April 17th, 2022 12:21:53 AM

Nikolai shrugs at Pressi, "Well, you could have just said so in the first place and done it. However, for that to work you 'd have to wake them first and then you have no guarantee that it would work. I don't like letting the success of a mission hang in the balance of such chancy things. You guarantee you have a 100% chance of charming them, then says so and I'll hold off next time."

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Sunday April 17th, 2022 3:49:02 AM

"I guess I'll keep the golem busy. "Kezzem readies his short sword. "Good thing I picked up this old thing."

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Sunday April 17th, 2022 5:43:58 PM

Adamantine Anything

"Ms. Pru, I am able to cast Wall of force, what would you need?" asks Tali. "If I am able, I will meditate for two hours if you don't mind. Wake me if there is trouble!" Tali says before assuming a perfect yoga position, and then goes into a meditative posture.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32)  d100=61 ;
Sunday April 17th, 2022 9:03:53 PM

"Ok, but what we really need are shields, preferably of the tower variety. Maybe take the benches and chairs... oh right, no benches... take the panels of the walls or roof around here, or grab some chairs from a nearby building if we have to. Remember, we don't need to hold them off, just keep them busy.

"Here's my thinking. I'd really like to try shapechange (Giant) but I don't know how fast those chamber doors seal. I think we all rush in behind whatever armor and barriers we got. Then we move barriers until we reach the center of the room. I'll disable behind the barrier, Tali or Pru will follow a barrier holder like Nick to the magic device area to the side. And, was there anyone besides me willing to try the alchemical? If so, you should head that way as well.

"Nobody engages the devices except for the purposes of pinning it down or distracting it. If you're a melee, you grab and keep a panel. If you're an unlocker, you move fast under whatever cover a melee can give you. If you're range, your job is to get those things shooting anywhere but at an unlocker."

Pressi took some time to use divination while Tali rested. She couldn't rest herself and wasn't going to use the spell slot anyway. Having passed, she asks "Beloved Goddess, what might be needed in the chamber ahead?"

In the rest of the time, Pressi took out her masterwork thieves tools. Then, she took out and began to shine her one "barrier," her dragon buckler.

And then, a thought occurred.

"Hey, who here wants to wear giant-skin armor and see what happens?"

DM Mitch 
Monday April 18th, 2022 7:21:33 AM

Murphy congratulates the party and offers the olive branch between himself and Nikolai considering their variant styles. He also observes Pru’s and Tali’s time stopping abilities.
Succotash isn’t as nonchalant as Murphy about what transpired. He remarks that he doesn’t know why he spent good coin to have mercy added to Valerie’s amulet. He doesn’t care if that was their law he wouldn’t have gone along with it even if he was a paladin. He isn’t sure what to do with the next room given he isn’t good with traps or alchemy and antimagic makes him and Valerie much less formidable.
Tali points out that she won’t be much use in the antimagic field either. She says she would prefer to meditate a few hours before moving forward. She raises the possibility they are being kept busy while Flamescorn steals things for himselves.
Kezzem asks Succotash for a favor
Nikolai exchanges a handshake with Murphy and remarks he’s glad to be on the team. He then tells Succotash the enchantment on the amulet wasn’t a waste, it just wasn’t useful in this situation and that one needs to know when to choose what approach. He takes another trophy in the form of a giant sword and is on board with Tali taking her break before they proceed as long as the bells aren’t going to announce its time for service but they could always disable them.
Pru says she has studied arcane lore but she isn’t very bright and will do her best. She also says she isn’t really useful when it comes to mechanical or alchemical matters and the antimagic field is going to be a problem for her too. She longs for her old longspear and asks if anyone has a crossbow instead.
Murphy suggests some ideas for dealing with the golems using ropes or alchemical items. He suggests he may be able to help with alchemy or engineering but he isn’t good at disabling things. He then starts inventorying his items and asking for adamantine items before suggesting using the portal to purchase more adamantine items.
Pressi raises the possibility that she could have charmed the giants rather than killing them. She then volunteers to handle the alchemy and the traps. She adds her stuff to the inventory. Tells Tali she figures Skaldsworn is waiting for them but they don’t really have a choice. She also asks if anyone can cast wall of force and raises the possibility of using polymorph prior to entering the field.
Nikolai provides his wife with a masterwork crossbow and some bolts. He suggests that Pressi could have said something about charming sooner and he doesn’t like having the success of a mission hinge on a variable but if she can guarantee the charming would work 100% she should tell him and he’d hold off next time.
Kezzem volunteers to keep the golem busy considering he has an adamantine short sword.
Tali says she can cast Wall of Force asks why it is needed. She then proceeds to meditate for 2 hours.
Pressi suggests they need shields preferably of the tower variety and suggests they start gathering objects in the vicinity to slow things down as they don’t need to hold them off just keep them busy. She says she’d like to try to shapechange into a giant but she isn’t sure how fast the chamber doors seal suggesting they rush in behind barriers and armor until they reach the center of the room. Once there Pressi will start disabling the device. Tali and Pru would follow Nikolai holding a barrier to the magic device area and that anyone willing to try alchemical should head there as well. She suggests no one engage the devices except to pin them down and distract them. She suggests the melee folks hold items to cover for the unlockers who will move fast under whatever cover the melee can give while the ranged folks keep things shooting at other things besides the unlocker. She casts a divination spell while Tali rests asking what might be needed for the chamber ahead while Tali rests. She readies her bucker and thieves tools then asks the others if anyone wants to wear the giant skin armor and see what happens.

Some more consultation of the notes clears up a few things. It seems the golems will activate after the party enters, but will reset once the devices are reset. There should be a few seconds to reach your positions (IE, you can move yourself to any spot on the map you can reach in 1 round before the encounter begins). The golems are simple commanded to kill anything in the room not them so will just hit the closest target rather then intelligently try to stop you resetting the security.

Though the devices are complex, they are designed to be quickly disabled if you know what you are doing. Someone skilled or lucky enough could disable a target device in seconds so you may not have to deal with the golems much at all (IE, it takes 1 round to disable them so you could, in theory, all roll well enough to end the encounter in a single round). However the devices won’t be able to be disabled until after the golems activate (IE, no winning the round you enter, before the golems even get a chance to do anything).

It’s also a bit clearer what you have to do with them. It looks like it’ll take 3 different skill checks, one alchemy, one disable device, one use magic device.


You have a map and can probably draw your starting positions on it before going in to make it easier to figure out a plan.

DM Mitch 
Monday April 18th, 2022 7:27:47 AM

Disabling one of the three devices is a standard action so you can move into the room before the encounter starts, then the next round move to a device and make your first attempt.

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Monday April 18th, 2022 10:49:01 AM

Kezzem will cast GMW on his sword and then Divine Favor on himself once everyone is ready to begin,

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Monday April 18th, 2022 12:03:52 PM

Succotash tells Kezzem that he would be happy to help, and than casts the desired spell on Kezzem's dagger. He does remind Kezzem that Paladins are able to cast dispel magic, but realizes that he has a higher caster level than his holy friend. The cleric merely shrugs his shoulders as Nick makes his case. He is convinced that the monk is right, but is willing to let it go. "I have my Darkwood Heavy shield Press, and of course my mithril breastplate, but upon entering the room, they will become simple masterwork versions of themselves. I'm probably better either staying back and firing a crossbow, if I had one, or acting like a meat shield for one of the lock disablers. Man, I haven't played that role since I was a paladin!"

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Monday April 18th, 2022 7:13:29 PM

Mage’s Disjunction

After two hours of meditation, Tali stands up and for the first time in a very long time, doesn't cast her usual round of daily magic.

Tali asks the collective group, "Would a Mage’s Disjunction spell work to get rid of the Anti-Magic field? What about a Wish spell?"

"As for the skill, Use Magic Device, I have a very high ability in this area, so if I can't be of use anywhere else, the least I can do help would be this task.", explains Tali to the assembled.

"Also, who wanted to know about the Wall of Force spell? I can cast these!" says Tali to the assembled.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Monday April 18th, 2022 7:57:16 PM

OOC: short post before supper, then the real one.

Nikolai reminds those that will be trying to disable/reset the device that the best tinkerer should be the one to try, then everyone else 'Aid Another' to ad that bonus to the attempt. He also states, 'If your Shapechange is in anyway magical, then you'll just revert back to your normal self when entering the room. If it is a Supernatural ability not based on magic, then that might work,' he grins.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Monday April 18th, 2022 8:44:08 PM

Pressi shook her head at Tali. "Well, maybe the wish spell, but I don't know how it will react on this plane or with this chamber. Besides, we don't know where the source is or how it works.

"As for Wall of Force, that was me, since there's some question as to whether an antimagic field suppresses it. I know a prismatic field specifically says you can't stop it, and that would really go a long way to building us safe zones until we shut it down."

Pressi begins to realize that it's a craft: alchemy skill they are looking for, which seems unlikely so this will be an untrained based on int. "And as the only intelligence based caster and the only rogue, it really looks like I'll have to do both. So, it's going to be a while."

(Note to the entire group. Pressi also has masterwork tools (thieves tools, cauldron) to help with the checks. If anyone else wants a shot, Pressi will give the tools.)

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (32), HP 150, CMD 26 (28); Harper AC 31 (32), HP 109, CMD 31 (32) 
Monday April 18th, 2022 8:55:35 PM

As Pressi begins to look through this, she realizes that Murphy happens to be trained in Craft: Alchemy. Dude, you been holding out on us," she whispered.

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Monday April 18th, 2022 9:22:19 PM

Pru is disappointed. "I know about magic, but I have never studied how to activate a magic device I wouldn't normally have access to," she says. "I never saw the need."

[OOC: If we're looking for ranks in UMD, Pru is not our girl. And UMD can't be done untrained.]

"One good thing, I guess. I'm fast. I mean, naturally fast, even in an antimagic field. I suppose I could run around and distract them. ." [OOC: Pru's base move is 60 feet. It's a bloodline feature, and nonmagical.]

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26, HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33 
Monday April 18th, 2022 9:26:48 PM

(OOC: Header Update - Pressi's L20 sheet aside from gear. Also, I forgot to reconfigure my skills for things like ability score increases at level ups, so my disable device is a bit higher than last calculated.)

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26, HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33 
Monday April 18th, 2022 9:28:08 PM

In response to Prudence, Pressi turns to Tali. "Looks like it's up to you," she remarked.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Monday April 18th, 2022 9:57:03 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16, Stunning Fist 17/18

Nikolai starts thinking up stuff while they are paused. "I'm pretty fast on my feet, so if it is just a matter of running around trying NOT to get hit, I can probably do that. On the other hand, running around JUST trying not to get hit seems too simple. We need some strong ropes where, by pairs, we run around them and entangle their feet. Le't go back to the house and see what we can find, or if that portal is still open, we can purchase miles of very thick ropes at the catacombs."

Nikolai stands up and is ready to go back to the house. For ropes and a bunch of other stuff he didn't think he had time to purchase in the catacombs.

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 3:27:05 AM

"Oh wait, they're going to antimagic our gear too? I though we were just talking about magic not working so great on golems. Stupid magic rules."

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 3:54:00 AM

Walls of Force

Tali asks her friends assembled, "Does anything stop Prismatic Walls or Sphere's? Can we try it? I have all three spells: Prismatic Walls, Prismatic Sphere, & Wall of Force! Also, the Prismatic spells last 200 minutes each! Unfortunately, the Wall of Force only lasts 20 rounds!"

DM Mitch 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 7:37:34 AM

Kezzem casts greater magic weapon on his sword and divine favor on himself.
Succotash casts the desired spell on Kezzem’s dagger. He was going to remind Kezzem that Paladins can cast dispel magic but realizes his dispel is more potent. The cleric shrugs his shoulders as Nikolai makes his case. He tells Pressi he has his shield and breastplate but once they hit field the armor will become simple masterwork versions of themselves so he’d be best either sitting back and firing a crossbow or acting as meat shield.
Tali finishes her meditation. She asks if Mage’s Disjunction or Wish would help the situation. She also volunteers for use magic device duty and says she can cast wall of force.
Nikolai reminds the others that the best tinkerer should do the disable device he also differentiates between shapechange due to magic and shapechange caused by supernatural abilities.
Pressi suggests the wish spell might be able to help but there are too many unknowns. She tells Tali that she requested the wall of force because maybe it could work in the antimagic field since prismatic fields still do and that that way maybe they could make safe zones until they shut things down. She also realizes she’ll have to handle the device disabling and the alchemy until she realizes her husband is trained in alchemy and he’s been holding out on them.

Pru is disappointed since she knows about magic but she’s never studied how to activate a magic device she didn’t have access to since she never saw the need. She also suggests that since she is fast due to her elemental bloodline she could probably help distract the guardians.
Pressi tells Tali using Magical Devices is up to her.
Nikolai talks about ropes and tangling up the golems and suggest they head back.
Kezzem realizes belatedly that oh hey, anti-magic field. Not just golem immunity.
Tali wonders if various spells will work inside the room.

For those interested in doing so a quick trip back to the manor find that the portal to the catacombs is still open. The catacombs doesn’t usually stock non-magical items, but it gets you out of the demiplane and it’s easy enough to find what you need nearby (non-magical gear isn’t bought using the catacombs board so just subtract the gold and add whatever you want to your inventory).

Prismatic Wall, Prismatic Sphere, and Wall of Force are discussed. Some magical research/inquiry is done and comes up with a probably disappointing answer - though if you cast a wall and someone brings an antimatic field to it the field will fail to penetrate it does not work in the reverse. Magic has to be able to create the wall first, so in an area of no magic the spell will simply fail, even if you’re standing outside the area casting into it. It is possible that if the anti-magic field was moved or disabled the wall might pop into existence and then not be dispelled when it returns, but there is no way to test that.

Mage’s disjunction may or may not affect the area. It depends a lot on how the field works. A better question might be will disabling the anti-magic field kill everyone in the demiplane - the items stored in the vault are supposed to be incredibly dangerous, to the point where the powerful, evil giants with no qualms about doing horrible things to their enemies felt that they were so dangerous they had to be locked away in a field to disable them never to be released. Though details are sparse, Scaldsworn’s notes indicate that he discarded any such ideas out of the possible risks of horrible instant death.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 12:39:04 PM

"I really don't need anything, and I'm kinda in favor of just rushing in and getting the job done. I can ride on Valerie, and we can run right up to one of the golems. If someone does the same for the other golem, the rest can disable the locks, with, like Nick suggested, the best person doing the work, and the rest aiding."

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 1:43:43 PM

"Go ahead and rush in while Tali is asleep and a few of us are at the Catacombs. Also, what about the other other golem, and the other other other golem? There are four. Would you like a weapon that can bypass their resistance to anything other than adamantine, Succotash?"

[Note pricing for adamantine items seems vague and hard to access. Any help out there? Several adamantine crossbow bolts, and sling bullets, and perhaps a staff, a masterwork adamantine bludgeon or sword or daggers could come in real handy. A pair of adamantine gauntlets might be useful, too. A

Without the augmentation of his magic items, Murphy's alchemical roll is d20+16. Not terrible, but less than stellar. Can anyone do better?

Does the book talk about what is beyond the other side?

Murph will head back to the Manor with whoever else wants to join him, and Catacombs visit.

[Sorry for no post yesterday. I was traveling the whole time.]

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 1:57:41 PM

"Before we go rushing in," Pru says, "[b]We need to decide who is doing what. Is there anyone who knows how to disable devices or use magic devices without magic?"

[OOC: Disable and UMD can't be done untrained, so if nobody has ranks in them we're stuck.]

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 8:22:26 PM

UMD & other sundries

"Er, Ms. Pru," Tali exclaims with her her extended and waving about. "I'm skilled in the use of that skill Use Magic Devices, my skill is very developed and is equivalent to d20+30!"

"Also, while we are discussing these other sundries, What happens to our stuff in the extra-dimensional spaces when we walk into an Anti-Magic field with a Bag of Holding, or other such devices? Would we lose what is in those containers? Would it explode like a bomb?" Just wondering aloud...hoping someone knows the answers" explains Tali.

DM Mitch 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 8:40:28 PM

Those in the party knowledgeable in the arcane can assure the others that items will merely be suppressed while in the anti-magic field. You won't be able to access things in extradimensional space while in the field, but as soon as you exit they will work normally again.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 9:15:18 PM

"And I'm able to disable devices, and if Murphy doesn't want to do the alchemy thing, then I need a way to move down the hallway quickly and do it soon after. I'll take a hit from my belt and headband deactivating but the rest is skills, stats and masterwork gear. Frankly, I'm greatful that I don't have to do all three.

(Pressi's skill with disable device w/out augments but with masterwork tools is 26. Her craft alchemy untrained but with her masterwork cauldron is +9, which isn't great. If Murphy borrows the cauldron, he can bump it up to +18.)

"Everyone else can do whatever, but I really don't know if toe to toe with constructs is the right idea, especially since we don't know what the constructs are or what they can shoot. I'd rather people rely on range, cover and making paths for unlockers. But I won't go so far as to forbid fighting the devices themselves."

To Murphy, "it's hard to find, but it's really a straight fee on top of the normal masterwork price. +3000 for any weapon, +60 per ammo. You can also do adamantium armor and shields, I assume material effects like light fort and energy resistance will still work."

She considers what else she might conceivably need - a tower shield, lots of armor? But for now, she can't really think of anything.

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 12:03:21 AM

Ah, come to think of it, with his alchemical lab, that gives Murphy a +2 circumstance bonus, too. Would adding the masterwork cauldron into the mix grant him an additional +2 insight bonus? I think it gives witches a +4 insight bonus to craft: alchemy. With the lab, that takes him to d20+18; if the cauldron stacks, it goes to +20. Murphy's UMD, w/o his enhancements, is 22 - Tali should do UMD, absolutely. And Pressi, disable devices looks to be your bailiwick.

A fair-sized mithril chain could hobble a golem, maybe even trip it. With enough strength, and/or leverage, some doubled- or tripled-up silk rope might also do that trick, as Nikolai was suggesting. It's harder even for a golem who is wrapped up in rope to be as effective. Lots of tanglefoot bags, too, can gum them up. Who can rope run with Nikolai?

"Succotash, sorry for my earlier remark. I appreciate your enthusiasm, and what I said was rather snarky. I think what you outlined for yourself and Valerie is good. We just need to get the rest of the pieces in place. Forgive me?"

"A thought: If I wildshape into a huge earth elemental prior to entering the room, there's a chance I can retain that form, maybe. If so, after doing the alchemical trick, I'd be in a better position to match the golems, and help with the rope. If all of us succeed at our three tasks, though, that may obviate the need to do so." He gives his friend four tanglefoot bags. "Maybe you can put these to good use, too."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 12:27:57 AM

Nikolai is at the Catacombs, while he waits, he will pick up a couple hundred feet of stout rope as well as a bag of steel marbles.

OOC: don't know if steel marbles are admissible, but surely someone with one of those bags you put coins in in exchange for mundane items can produce a bunch of steel marbles.)

DM Mitch 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 5:30:18 AM

Succotash opines he doesn’t need anything from the catacombs and he’s in favor of just rushing in and getting the job done. He volunteers to ride Valerie and run right up to the golems with other people doing the same while the best people for the tasks handle the skill tasks.
Murphy points out that rushing in isn’t the best strategy while Tali is sleeping and others are trying to access the catacombs. He also points out that there are 4 total golems not 2. He then hits up the catacombs.
Pru suggests they figure out who is doing what since 2 of the skills expected cannot be done untrained.
Tali reminds Pru she’s doing the Magic Device skill test and asks about what happens to their bags of holding while in the field.
Pressi also reminds Pru she can do the disable device and the craft alchemy if Murphy doesn’t want to do it. She suggests Murphy take her cauldron to help with the alchemy and that the party doesn’t go toe to toe with the golems since they don’t know the capabilities of the constructs. She then tries to figure out what other items she might need.
Murphy has an alchemy lab that he can pair with the cauldron. He suggests using some rope or chain to trip up the golems and asks Succotash to be patient while they put the rest of the pieces in place apologizing for being snarky earlier. He suggests wildshaping going into the antimagic field.
(OOC: wildshape is a Supernatural ability and as such antimagic fields affect it. Only extraordinary abilities can be uses in an anti-magic field)
Nikolai pops over to the catacombs. He wants to pick up rope and steel marbles. (OOC: I’m not sure about steel marbles, caltrops are a thing, you could theoretically get iron marbles since a pound of iron is a silver piece and it doesn’t say what form that pound has to take)

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 11:23:45 AM

"Well these golem are probably not too bright and expecting someone giant size and we halflings are much smaller. Maybe they won't notice us if we are sneaky enough. I know, we could put boxes over are heads and sneak in that way."

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 12:07:58 PM

"No worries Murph, I'm not offended, though I still think if all the golems were engaged, it would give those doing the disabling the window they need to get the job done, which hopefully is rather quick. Maybe that's just the old paladin coming out again, you know, that whole putting your life in danger to protect others thing."

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 9:13:36 PM

Pressi doesn’t really have much more to add, so she waits.

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 9:57:45 PM

Pru tries to re-familiarize herself with the workings of the crossbow. It seems an age since she's held one.

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 10:46:29 PM

So the plan is...

"So, what's the plan folks?" asks Tali of the group.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 11:18:24 PM

Nikolai wishes he could be there to help Pru re-familiarize herself with the crossbow. As is he is stuck in the catacombs waiting for the attendant to return from lunch. While he waits, he finds a smithy and orders up a bag of iron pellets the size of large grapes.

He also goes to weaponsmith looking for an adamantite bolts for the crossbow.

DM Mitch 
Thursday April 21st, 2022 7:39:52 AM

Kezzem suggests that the golems are probably not too bright and expect someone giant size so maybe they could get past them by sneaking or putting boxes over their own heads.
Succotash tells Murphy he isn’t offended and that it is probably best if all golems are engaged so the disabling folks can get their jobs done.
Pressi doesn’t have more to add so she waits.
Pru refamiliarizes herself with the crossbow
Tali asks the others to reiterate what the final plan is.
Nikolai is still waiting in the catacombs while their he goes to the local blacksmith and requests large grape size iron pellets. He also looks for adamantine bolts.

The plan that had been previously discussed by the party were for Pressi to do the DIsable Device challenge, Murphy to borrow Pressi’s Cauldron, set up his alchemy lab and do the Alchemy challenge. (OOC: it might take a round to setup the portable lab and I’m not sure how long it takes the Cauldron to grow to the appropriate size) Tali would handle the Use Magic Device Challenge. Everyone else would keep the golems busy either through direct combat, creative use of shields and armor, or ranged hit and run tactics. Has anything changed?

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Thursday April 21st, 2022 12:23:13 PM

Succotash is ready whenever Nik returns.

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Thursday April 21st, 2022 5:28:31 PM

"I think we're ready," Pru says. "Are we ready?"

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Thursday April 21st, 2022 7:03:02 PM

"So...is that a no on the box idea, or...."

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Thursday April 21st, 2022 9:00:29 PM

Oh, I said are you ready, are you ready? ...For what's to come?

Tali states, "I believe we are ready but are waiting for the rest to be ready. Say, when."

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33 
Thursday April 21st, 2022 9:00:39 PM

Pressi nods. "We are ready."

Unless anyone objects or volunteers, she opens the doors.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Thursday April 21st, 2022 9:43:08 PM

OOC: updating Cha Sheet, will post soon

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259 
Thursday April 21st, 2022 9:44:04 PM

At the Catacombs Murphy picks up:
- 20 tanglefoot bags
- Adamantine masterwork sling staff (adamantine at least on the striking surface, so he can hit hard things hard). 3000 + ?
- 25 adamantine sling bullets 1500gp?
- Adamantine masterwork scimitar. 3000 + ?
- A new alchemical lab
Murphy asks, "If one of us fails at our task, and needs another to step in, in the very unlikely case, I can backup Tali on use magical device, or give her a little boost, at least. If Pressi has issues on disabling her device, who can stand in to help or take over? And if I cannot do what needs to be done in the alchemical side of things, who can come in to take over or assist?"

"Hey, Kezzem, the boxes over the head sound great. Another idea: What if we bring in about a dozen chickens, or goats? The golems might be so busy dealing with those intruders, that they may leave some of us alone until they've gotten their goats."

"If we can cover the golems' eyes with paint, or glue, or canvas sacks, maybe using a tanglefoot bag to help stick it in place, and they can't see - that might help."

"Maybe we can bring in buckets of warm grease, and spread the grease on the floor as we come in right in front of where the golems will walk."

"No, Pressi, I won't wear that giant skin armor for you. Not even in the bedroom." He also adds, "You didn't know I knew alchemy? Remember the tests I ran on the solutions we found in the cave that helped determine, at least partially, how the alloys were made? I know, there was a lot going on there."

He takes out his new lab gear to check and ensure all is well. He recalls he had used his lab once before, and figures a new one cannot hurt when stakes are so high. He spends a bit of time working on memorizing where everything is, and on opening it quickly without disrupting or breaking things, so that when seconds count, he will be ready to do what needs doing with efficiency. The druid worries about whether it will be fairly apparent what needs doing at the alchemical station, and runs through various possibilities in his mind. He spends some time with the book, to see if there may be any hints therein about the alchemical task - or the other two tasks - which may help them each operate quickly and rationally.

"Pressi, can you tell me how the cauldron works, and how it might help me? I've seen you with the cauldron before, but I've never been trained in how I might use it."

"I object! Don't open the door yet..." [I've been working on this post off and on during minute slices of time during a very busy day. Had hoped to post sooner. We had police action in the area.]

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Thursday April 21st, 2022 11:34:37 PM

Nikolai returns from the Catacombs carrying two lengths of stout rope 50' in length each, a bag of iron marbles about the size of large grapes, and 30 adamantine crossbow bolts.

He hands the adamantine bolts to Pru and offers anyone else some if they need any.

DM Mitch 
Friday April 22nd, 2022 7:45:35 AM

Succotash is ready when Nikolai gets back.
Pru thinks she is ready and asks the others if they are ready.
Kezzem asks about the box idea
Tali says she thinks they are ready but waiting for the rest to be ready
Pressi nods that they are ready preparing to open the door
Murphy shows up with tanglefoot bags, a brand new alchemy lab, and some adamantine weapons and ammunition. He suggests the box idea Kezzem suggested might work and raises the possibility of having backup for the various skill challenges. He also suggests they might use grease to trip up the golems or other items to interfere with the golem’s eyes or bringing some chickens or goats with them. He then proceeds to practice with the alchemy lab and tells his wife he wouldn’t even wear the giant armor in the boudoir
Nikolai returns from the Catacombs carrying rope, grape sized iron marbles and 30 adamantine crossbow bolts giving the bolts to his wife.

With most everyone seeming to be ready the party heads into the depths. There’s a whole lot of dungeon to clear before reaching the anti-magic vault, but Scaldsworn’s notes let the party avoid fights and survive dangerous traps. Some highlights along the way -

At one point everyone has to walk through a hallway blind, else be petrified by the a trap that replicates the magical gaze of the Medusa.

At another the party has to pass through a door that asks difficult questions and kills anyone who answers incorrectly. Scaldsworn’s notes indicate the door is never actually locked though, so the party passes through without actually having to answer the question. Possibly after casting a silence spell on Kezzem so a smart remark won’t be interpreted as an answer and get him killed.

A small maze full of magical traps, all avoidable by taking the right path which was clearly documented by Scaldsworn. There are some particularly nasty ones that would have destroyed all magical items the party had if they had tried the maze without the guide.

After navigating a few more minor obstacles the party makes it to the door to the anti-magic vault mentioned. As soon as they enter through the door they will be assaulted.

If you’re ready to start the encounter, post your starting positions on the map. You have 1 round to move into the room and take another action before the golems activate (or double move). You can’t disable the devices until the next round after the security has activated.


Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Friday April 22nd, 2022 12:23:45 PM

"I remember a bit about device disabling from my rogue days, but I'm quite rusty (+11)."

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259 
Friday April 22nd, 2022 12:36:58 PM

"Okay, Kez, you'll be backup if needed, then. Here, take these." He hands him four tanglefoot bags. "These might slow up the golems a bit."

He has several more of the tanglefoot bags available. "Maybe everyone take at least one," he suggests, "Or up to four, if you'd like." He keeps three for himself in a larger sack.

He has his alchemical lab, ready to open up, and has Pressi's cauldron under the other arm. His new adamantine staff sling is out, and he has two normal pouches with 15 adamantine sling bullets each. "Anyone need some adamantine sling bullets?" he asks. His adamantine scimitar is sheathed at his waist. He has a few other items as well available. The rest will go dormant once they enter.

"Are we set?" Murphy would like to be among the first three to enter so he can get quickly to his alchemical station.

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Friday April 22nd, 2022 12:37:47 PM

"Guys guys, wait, my brain is doing something. Check out the room? If we cover the openings with blankets or something, the golems won't even know we're there, assuming they work on sight. We could tie the ends of the blankets to arrows or daggers so we don't even need to enter the room to cover the first two up. Mirrors! We could use mirrors, and they would even see an almost full length hallway and another golem at the end so everything will look almost the same. Well, except for the devices on the sides...that might be a problem. I mean, we could make some forgeries to place in front of the mirrors, but I don't think we really have time for that."

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Friday April 22nd, 2022 1:07:43 PM

Succotash takes a couple of tanglefoot bags from Murphy and says, "I'm not sure how well these will work against such large creatures, but it's worth a try."

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33 
Friday April 22nd, 2022 9:03:49 PM

Pressi looked at Kezzem. "That... might actually be a good idea. Hey, Nick, ready for another trip?"

If others are interested in the plan, she'll travel this time to see if there are any mirrors or blankets to buy. If everyone just wants to go in, she's fine with that, too.

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Friday April 22nd, 2022 9:56:51 PM

Pru is ready, but the squishy mage should not be the first one into the room. She waits.

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259 
Friday April 22nd, 2022 11:58:09 PM

"Mirrors, blankets. I've got one mirror, and you have one, Pressi. I have lots of blankets. I have lots of canvas. I have wood for campfires. If you want to get some larger mirrors, though, that's not a bad idea. I'll stay here and get to know the cauldron."

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33 
Saturday April 23rd, 2022 9:11:38 PM

Pressi runs off to purchase a few minor items

- Four full body mirrors
- a dozen blankets
- two dozen smokesticks
- a half dozen each torches and flint

(someone can light torches, then use the torches to light and throw smokesticks)

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Sunday April 24th, 2022 11:08:24 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16, Stunning Fist 17/18

"Ok, when we go in there, who wants to take the other end of this rope? By the way, do we really know how many golems are there? Do we really know what kind? Do what you think is best but be ready for anything. Anyone wonder how the magic that animates them works in an anti-magic field? Or maybe the anti-magic field is in another room, one these golems are guarding. Hmmm... just wondering."

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Sunday April 24th, 2022 11:34:32 PM

Magic that animates them...

Tali also wonders how magical constructs work inside an "anti-Magic" field. "That's an awesome thought, Mister Nikolai!" exclaims Ms. Tali. Tali goes on to add, "Perhaps they only operate on the outskirts of the actual "Anti-Magic" field."

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Sunday April 24th, 2022 11:35:57 PM

Kezzem summons Rumpus and instructs him to guard those making skill checks.

"We're going to try my plan," he tells his pony, who seems quite agitated. "I know, boy, I'm scarred too."

DM Mitch 
Monday April 25th, 2022 7:05:49 AM

Kezzem reports that he remembers a bit about disabling devices but he’s still a bit rusty.
Murphy tells Kezzem he’s the backup if needed and starts distributing tanglefoot bags to the party. He’s getting ready with his alchemy lab cauldron and adamantine gear and asks if they are ready.
Kezzem has a flash of insight and asks if they can cover the openings to the room with blankets or mirrors if the golems wouldn’t even know they are there except for the devices on the sides.
Succotash takes some tanglefoot bags and remarks he’s not sure how well they will work on large creatures but it is worth a try.
Pressi suggests Kezzem’s idea might not be a bad one and starts suggesting they get any mirrors or blankets together to use for Kezzem’s suggestion.
Pru is ready but being the squishy mage does not want to be the first one through the door.
Murphy starts taking inventory of the blankets, canvas, mirror and wood he has. He suggests someone get larger mirrors while he gets to know the cauldron better.
Pressi purchases 4 full body mirrors, a dozen blankets, 2 dozen smokesticks and a half dozen torches and flint.
Nikolai asks who wants to try to help him trip up the golems and then asks if anyone knows what kind of golems they are and just how they are functioning in that antimagic field.
Tali suggests the constructs possibly operate on the outskirts of the antimagic field.
Kezzem summons Rumpus his faithful steed and has the poney play guard to those making the skill checks. He confides in the creature he is scared because the party is trying his plan.

New plans are made and new supplies gathered. They’re at the gate, is the party ready to proceed?

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 224/259 
Monday April 25th, 2022 11:55:39 AM

"Say, I have four grappling hooks. Might it be handy, Nikolai, to use a grappling hook on the end of each rope? Could be easier to wrap around and secure that way." Murphy makes those available to whoever wants to use them - except he keeps one for himself, and secures it to the end of a 50' length of silk rope.

"Pressi, Kezzem, how do you want those mirrors and blanket set up? Say, it'd be nice to have a few of those full-length mirrors set up in our place." He pauses. "Should I put a blanket over my head and cut holes for my eyes?" he asks.

He adds, quietly, "I wish Hobie were here."

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 43/21/38; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 39/17/32; HP 121/121 
Monday April 25th, 2022 12:04:37 PM

"Wait, isn't the antimagic field itself magic? Should it negate itself then. Then again, if negates itself, then won't it cancel out the cancelling? This is breaking my brain."

"Well, we could just slide the first two in at the doorway without having to enter the room. I'm no Hobie, but I'm still a high-Dex high-level martial type, so I'm better than most with bows even if I don't use them too often. I could try shooting some blankets over the thingamabobs but I'm not too confident in getting the blankets to fall just right. That's about as far as I got with my plan."

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Monday April 25th, 2022 12:12:45 PM

Succotash is ready, and maybe a bit impatient, but he waits for his friends to be ready. He shares that his plan is to charge in, on Valerie's back. Ride up to within 15 ft of a golem, and toss both tanglefoot bags, hoping to entangle the construct.

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Monday April 25th, 2022 2:29:53 PM

"Oh. We're still planning." Pru isn't sure that stopping to plan in the literal doorway is such a great idea, but she doesn't want to start an argument.

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Monday April 25th, 2022 5:15:19 PM

Once more into the fray, Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day!

Tali is ready, but then asks, "What would you like for me to do, after I finish my task?" to the group.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33 
Monday April 25th, 2022 9:02:14 PM

Pressi activates her lesser summons, the Graven Guardian. "Good to see you again, Gerry. You look well as always."

She hands him the lit torch. She orders him to light smokesticks as requested, and then toss the torch under the door just as it's about to leave.

Ok, here's my thinking. Succotash and Nick head in first with the mirrors and slide them in place in front of the two watching constructs (along V26-27 and Y26-27, so it looks like the hallway is complete). Prudence, Kezzem, you take a bunch of blankets and at least one lit smokestick to throw, because that's going to be our main form of obscuring. I don't think a trick shot over the construct is going to work, so I envision it more like spreading blankets out on poles so they can't directly know where we are. And you should head towards the disable device column. It's our only form of cover.

"That leaves me, Murphy and Tali. We each take a couple of marbles, a blanket and a lit smokestick, we roll the marbles to check for floor traps, and we make a beeline for our respective traps. You want to throw the smokestick towards the doors when we reach position.

"That leaves our melees in position and relative cover, our ranges in the center, and our trappers spread out, each with some cover. You can override your part of the plan as needed, but this is how I see it. When the door shuts, Gerry throws us at least one lit torch, and we can use that as needed."

For those who are impatient, she indicates that she considers planning to be over, and that she plans to enter right after Succotash and Nick.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33 
Monday April 25th, 2022 9:03:52 PM

"Oh, if you are a trapper who finishes, I leave it up to you and your skill. But it's probably going to be more range stuff. Unless Murphy needs an aid another, I plan to just start lobbing alchemical weapons and more smoke."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Monday April 25th, 2022 10:39:58 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16, Stunning Fist 17/18

Nikolai takes hold of one of the tower mirrors. [b]"Pru, summoning elementals out here first. Once here, the anti-magic area can't do anything to them when they enter it as they are not magical creatures."[/i]

Rehashing the plan, Nikolai asks, [b]"Ok, so I take this here tower mirror and hold it such that it blocks me from the view of the golem on the right corner and Succotash or Kazzem does the same to the golem on the left side, everyone else hussles past us into the main room. We do the same thing when we are ready to tackle the alchemy puzzle and the use device puzzle. Sounds simple enough to work and too simple to work. But let's do it.

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 31/T22/F27(becuz Foresight) CMB 27 CMD 48 HP 199/199  d8+1=3 ; d8+1=6 ; d8+1=7 ; d8+1=7 ; d8+1=8 ; d8+1=4 ;
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 1:56:52 AM

A note: Murphy would have made sure that all were healed up full before they begin this next effort, probably before Tali started her two hour nap/meditation. I'm marking 6 charges off of one of his wands of cure light wounds. If anyone else needs that sort of help, roll yourself, and tell me so I can take care of more. We should all be at full hit points. Hope it's okay to retcon that.

"Hold on just one more moment, Pressi, and all," Murphy requests. He figures it does not much matter what spells are active on him, as they will dissipate once they enter the room, according to the notes. Perhaps his foresight spell may give him a heads up on some aspect of what they are about to do, or a precaution he ought to take just before they go in.

He gives Tali a couple of tanglefoot bags. "You can try hitting the golems with these, if such is needed after you are finished." He also hands out one sunrod to each person. "Just crack it lightly on something hard, and it will light right up. It's alchemical, not magical, so will likely work." Just before the door opens he raps his on the floor just hard enough to activate. He's used enough of them in his life to know how they work.

"I you're right, Niko, that summoned critters aren't magical, I can summon help to harass the golems." He summons a Storm Giant and an elder Earth Elemental over the next 15 seconds. The giant arrives first, and he says, "When we open that door, go attack the golem in the far right corner. Beat it up as much as you can." When the Earth Elemental arrives, he gives similar instructions, but specifies the golem in the far left corner. He speaks in their respectives languages. "And, thanks in advance. You are helping to save the Wold."

Once those summonings are complete, he already has his gear arranged and in carrying mode, and is ready to head into the middle left side to work on the alchemical items after the door opens. "Ready when you are!" he says. "Eberyon, guide me well, I pray!"

DM Mitch 
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 8:16:49 AM

Murphy offers some grappling hooks to the party. He keeps some rope and grappling hook for himself. He asks about where the mirrors should be and if he should be wearing a blanket with eye holes before wishing Hobie was there.
Kezzem wonders if the antimagic field should negate itself. He then suggests they slide the first two mirrors into the doorway without having to enter the room. He offers to try shooting blankets over the golems eyes but he doesn’t know if he could get the blankets to fall just right.
Succotash is ready and waits for the others. He shares that his plan is to charge forward on Valerie’s back, ride to within 15 feet of a golem and toss both tanglefoot bags.
Pru says the party is still planning though she isn’t sure if stopping in a doorway to plan is the best idea.
Tali is ready and asks what she should be doing after she finishes her task.
Pressi activates Gerry the Graven Guardian and hands him the lit torch. She orders him to light smokesticks as requested and then toss the torch under the door as it is about to leave. She suggests Nikolai and Succotash head in first the mirrors to complete the hallway. Then Kezzem and Pru come in with blankets and smoke sticks as trick shots with the blankets probably aren’t going to cut it. She says then her Murphy and Tali take some of the marbles, a blanket and a lit smokestick. They would use the marbles to check for traps, the smokesticks to obscure the door when they get in position and plan to make a beeline for the skill stations. She opines that when the skill check is done what happens next is up to the skill check doer she suggests Murphy may need help but she’s planning to lob more alchemical items for cover.
Nikolai takes hold of one of the tower mirrors. He suggests pru summon elementals outside first as an antimagic field can’t do anything if the elemental isn’t magical. He then confirms that the plan is for him to take the tower mirror so it blocks the view of the golem while Succotash or Kezzem do the same to the other golem. Meanwhile everyone hussles in to the main room and they do the same thing when ready to tackle the alchemy puzzle and the use magic device puzzle.

With the plan set and everyone ready the party rushes into the room. Seeing it in person possibly clarifies a few things that Scaldsworn’s map was unclear on. The vaults are set up in two tiers and are of all sizes, from small cubyholes to large enough to hold a giant. The lines on the map are actually long ramps along the wall where the upper level of the vaults are and the ramps themselves have a variety of vaults in them. The giants stand at the apex of the ramps, getting a clear view of the entire room.

Please place yourself on the map where you end up and add things to indicate smoke/mirrors/blankets where you want to place them. Remember you only have 1 round after entering before the golems activate. If you throw something into the room before entering you must have line of sight from outside the room.


Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 17/T11/F16 CMB 23 CMD 41 HP 199/199  d20+18=26 ; d20+37=38 ;
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 11:59:29 AM

[DM Mitch - you have only given us 'Comment Only' rights to the map - we can't place ourselves anywhere. Also - Murphy summoned a Storm Giant and Elder Earth Elemental before letting the door open, with their instructions to head to the corners on the far side of the room to deal with the golems. -Kim]

Murphy gives his adamantine scimitar to the giant, and adamantine slingstaff to the elemental, to use, if they want, against the golems, telling them they resist injury from anything less than adamantite. It's up to them as to whether they choose to use them, though.

After Succotash opens the door and enters with Valerie, the druid rushes in as soon as he can to head to the alchemical alcove. Laden down with his gear as it is, he is not in much of a position to be tossing marbles or smokesticks. He did wrap a blanket around his shoulders.

He feels his loss of strength, and a slight dulling of his extremely sharp senses as the antimagic of the room neutralizes the augmentations granted him by his various enchanted accoutrements, but rather anticipated that.

On arriving at the alcove, he drops the cauldron, hoping it does not bruise easily, and gets to work looking at the alchemical challenge, then taking what steps look to be appropriate to deal with it, using his kit. It may take a round or two for the cauldron to come into play, so I do not include that in his skill check (by the way, should it grant him, once it grows, a +2 or +4 insight bonus, if any?).

Murphy's first stab at it, without the help of the cauldron, gives him a craft: alchemy skill check of 26. Will that be good enough to solve the puzzle?

[Will post later for details of Storm Giant vs Adamant Golem 1 and Elder Earth Elemental vs Adamant Golem 2. Giant will enter the ramp near the UMD alcove and ascend to AG1. Elemental will enter the ramp near the Alchemy device and ascend to AG2. Have to leave for work.]
Craft: Alchemy: 26
Perception: 38

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 12:43:18 PM

Succotash grabs one of the tower mirrors, while on Valerie's back. He directs her to Q/25, and places the mirror in front of Valerie and himself, blocking the golem's view of them and hopefully the rest of the party.

DM Mitch 
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 6:58:45 PM

(Updated link)


Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 22/21/17; HP 276/276; Rumpus AC 33/16/27; HP 151/151 
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 7:07:50 PM

Before heading in, Kezzem will instruct Rumpus on how to activate and throw a smokestick. (I'm picturing them working like a glowstick where you activate it by snapping it in half; Rumpus should be able to hold it in his mouth, bite down, and toss it; as paladin mount, his Int is 6 so he's much smarter than a typically pony and should be able to follow these direcitons; if this is not feasible, just let me know, and Kezzem will hold onto the smokestick).

Kezzem will also test the hardness of the wall against his mundane daggers. If they seem like they can pin the blanket in place, we will prepare one by either tying or piercing two corners of one blanket to his dagger. Otherwise, he will prepare to hold the blanket using sticks/poles.

Finally, he'll mount up on Rumpus.

Kezzem will ride Rumpus to O18 and position or pin the blanket between N18 - P18 and N19 - P19. Rumpus will break the smokestick and toss it to the south.

OOC: Wow, Kezzem's AC is terrible without his magical gear.

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 9:32:20 PM

There wasn't time for Pru to summon anything; she'll just have to do the best she can. Once inside the vault, she stops to look around, uncertain what to do next.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33  d20+34=38 ;
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 9:44:50 PM

Pressi moved in as far as she could (without boots her move speed is 20) and dropped her lit smokestick near the device. Quickly, she surveyed the area (Perception 38+1 for traps).

Gerry, still carrying the lit torch, began to move his way inward.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 11:54:21 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16, Stunning Fist 17/18

OOC: Keeping 'spells in effect' listed just in case the anti-magic field goes down.

Nikolai positions his mirror (see map) and with the mirror propped against him, he pulls out the bag 'o iron marbles.

OOC: that's probably a Move and Standard.

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 17/T11/F16 CMB 23 CMD 41 HP 199/199  d20=10 ; 2d6+14=18 ; d20+26=35 ; 2d10+12=16 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 4:51:39 AM

When Murphy gave him the small adamantine scimitar, the storm giant simply slipped it in his belt. Once the door was opened by Succotash, he headed straight ahead, then at a 45 degree angle toward the opening to the ramps on the left side, and then up the ramp reaching to O12. With his hustle to Adamant Golem 2, he makes only a single slam attack. Hits AC36 (10+26) for 18 hp damage.

The elder earth elemental wrapped his fist around the small adamantine sling staff Murphy had given him, and shrugged a shoulder. Coming in after the storm giant, he ran to make it to the lower part of the ramp, heading toward Adamant Golem 1, reaching as far as to AG13. Likely does not have enough to make an attack, but just in case, a single slam hits AC 35 for 16 hp damage.

DM Mitch  6d10+13=52 ; 6d10+13=45 ; d20=13 ; d20=2 ; 6d10+13=36 ; 6d10+13=51 ; d20+41=60 ; d20+41=46 ; d100=35 ; d100=28 ; d20+41=43 ; d20+41=54 ; 6d10+13=55 ; 6d10+13=47 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 7:48:58 AM

Murphy gives his adamantine scimitar to the giant and adamantine slingstaff to the elemental. After Succotash opens the door Murphy rushes in to head to the alchemy alcove. Seeing as he has the lab and cauldron he isn’t suited to carrying smoke sticks or marbles but he did wrap a blanket around his shoulders. He feels the antimagic field affecting his gear then moves to handle the challenge. He drops the cauldron so it may grow while he puzzles out what the alchemy puzzle requires.
Succotash grabs one of the tower mirrors while on Valeries back. He moves to Q/25 and places the mirror in front of himself and Valerie hopefully blocking the golem.
Kezzem instructs Rumpus how to activate and throw a smokestick before heading out. Kezzem also tests the hardness of the wall against his mundane dagger to see if they can pin a blanket in place, if they can’t he prepares to use sticks poles to manipulate a blanket. Kezzem mounts Rumpus preparing to pin some blankets while Rumpus snaps a smokestick.

Pru doesn’t have time to summon anything so she wild o the best she can. Once inside the vault she stops to look around.
Pressi moved in as far as she could and drops her lit smokestick near the device. She quickly surveys the area of traps while Gerry carries the torch ready to work his way inwards.

The summoned creatures may have been a good plan, but one that sadly doesn’t work. As they charge into the anti-magic field they wink out of existence (per the description of the anti-magic field any summoned creature that enters it winks out until it is removed). The adamantine gear given to them falls to the floor.

The mirror and blanket plan is equally uncessessfull. The golems are 25 feet tall. They are also standing on top of a ramp when those holding the items are about halfway down it. From that vantage they easily see the people behind the curtain.

Theres a rumble as the security activates and the constructs come to life. Carved to look like heavily armored giant warriors, they draw massive blades from decorative sheaths and advance to the nearest targets.

Golem 1 doesn’t reach anyone with it’s double move.

Golem 2 advances on Kezem. It’s massive sword slams into him for 97 damage.

Golem 3 advances on Succotash. Valerie follows instructions and breaks the smokestick. Unable to see the halfling it would have walked right past them but bumps into the pair (ouch?) and strikes at them blindly. It misses Valerie in the darkness

Golem 4 just reaches Ge. If that is a summons ( think it is but not 100% sure) it’ll just keep moving towards Pru but doesn’t get an atack. If Ge is not a summons it swings twice, hitting AC 43 and 54 for 55 and 47 damage


Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 142/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells  d20+17=19 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+8=10 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 12:41:59 PM

Succotash's AC minus magic: 21
Valerie's AC minus magic: 35

"Hurry up and deactivate these things! I'll stay here and hopefully occupy this one for as long as I can, but speed would be nice!"

Knowing that his efforts are probably futile, Succotash drops his mirror and swings his mace at his golem hitting AC 19, 24, and 10. if he manages to land a hit the damage would be 6, 3, and 5.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP 157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33  d20+26=34 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 1:54:01 PM

Pressi makes her way to the mechanical trap in the center, sliding her tools before her.

"Well, here goes nothing..."

Disable Device 34.

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 22/21/17; HP 179/276 - 60; Rumpus AC 33/16/27; HP 151/151 - 45  d20+25=29 ; d20+20=39 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+10=21 ; d4+1=5 ; d4+1=3 ; d4+1=5 ; d4+1=5 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 5:36:46 PM

If Rumpus has not done so, he will activate the smokestick.

If Kezzem thinks he can get the blanket up onto the golem's head, he will attempt to do so. Then quickdraw and lob a tanglefoot bag at him to stick in place. (Use the first two attack rolls below; ignore the second two and all damage).

Otherwise, he will drop the blanket and direct rumpus towards number 2 to the north. Kezzem will Quickdraw his adamantine short sword and attack.

Attack: 1d20 + 19 (BAB) + 5 (Dex without magic belt) + 1 size = 1d20 + 25
Damage: 1d4 + 1 (Str without magic belt) = 1d4 + 1

Attack #1: 1d20 + 25 = 29
Damage: 1d4 + 1 = 5.

Attack #2: 1d20 + 20 = 39.
Natural 19, but I assume the golems are immune to critical hits.
Damage: 1d4 + 1 = 3.

Attack #3: 1d20 + 15 = 20.
Damage: 1d4 + 1 = 5.

Attack #4: 1d20 + 10 = 21.
Damage: 1d4 + 1 = 5.

Of course the one I roll with the highest to hit is the one I roll the lowest damage.

Kezzem attempts to lay on hands himself but then remembers that doesn't work either.

"Yeah, this is not going well. Hurry up there Murph!"

Rumpus will go total defense if doesn't need an action to activate the smokestick.

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 8:38:56 PM


Tali uses a full move run to reach spot AH28. Next round she will do the same to reach the "Use Magic Device" position in the room -- location AH18. Then she will try her hand and using said device!

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy)  d20+15=31 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 10:23:32 PM

Pru steps back and throws a tanglefoot bag at golem 4. She hits AC 31, which is presumably good enough. The golem is pretty big, but maybe the tanglefoot will slow it down a bit.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Thursday April 28th, 2022 12:28:56 AM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16, Stunning Fist 17/18

OOC: it is my guess from your description that the ramps slope down towards the Entrance, etc.

Free move (drop item), Nikolai empties half his bag of iron marbles towards G4.
Standard, Picks Pru up
Move: Heads to T-U 18

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 17/T11/F16 CMB 23 CMD 41 HP 199/199  d20+37=49 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2022 1:32:27 AM

Murphy works to solve the alchemical issue. [Already rolled in prior post: Craft: Alchemy: 26]. If for some reason that does not solve it, but he seems to be pretty close, then Murphy will boost it by 4 with a hero point. Only if needed.

Perception now that the druid has settled down and heard Kezzem get bashed rather solidly is 49.

DM Mitch  d100=92 ; d100=35 ; d100=58 ; d100=62 ; d100=89 ; d100=20 ; d20=17 ; d100=98 ; d100=4 ; 6d10+13=51 ; 6d10+13=45 ; 6d10+13=45 ; 6d10+13=45 ; 6d10+13=52 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2022 7:49:33 AM

Succotash tells the others to hurry as he’ll stay and occupy the golem as long as he can but speed would be nice. He then attacks feebly with his mace but every strike bounces harmlessly off the golem’s thick armor.
Pressi makes her way to the mechanical trap in the corner sliding her tools before her as she attempts to disable the trap. As her tools work their way around the presented lock she hears a satisfying click.
Kezzem has Rumpus activate a smokestick then seeing as how the golem is 25 feet tall and he is in an antimagic field Kezzem thinks better of using the blanket and draws his adamantine short sword. He hits with his second attack only and it is a critical hit so the golem takes 5 damage. He attempts to lays on hand, realizes that isn’t going to work and then calls for Murphy to hurry up.
Tali sprints toward the Use Magic Device challenge realizing she has a bit of distance to cover before she can get there
Pru hits the golem in the face with her tanglefoot bag.
Nikolai empties his bag of marbles toward the forth golem, picks his wife up and then gets her across the battlefield to T-U 18.
Murphy almost fails the alchemical device but heroically pushes himself to trigger it.

Golem 1 starts to walk through the smoke towards Pru and Nick, bumps into Pressi hiding in it, and starts swinging, hitting her once for 51 damage

Golem 2 strikes at Kezzem but the concealment lets him avoid one of the blows. He takes 45 damage

Golem 3 keeps after Succotash and hits twice despite the concealment. 90 damage

Golem 4 sees golem 1 attacking something in the smoke and targets the same square, hitting Pressi once for 52 damage

The scratch from Kezzem’s short sword appears to repair itself on the Golem’s turn.

Two of Three locks are disabled.


Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 22/21/17; HP 179/276 - 60; Rumpus AC 33/16/27; HP 151/151 - 45 
Thursday April 28th, 2022 10:36:42 AM

"How come nobody thought to give Talia a mount or something?" wonders Kezzem. "Can one of you fast biggies run over and carry her or something? She doesn't weigh much, usually she just floats along the ground."

Kezzem will wait for Murphey to leave the hallway and then have Rumpus move over towards the UMD alcove, doing his best to keep out of AoO range of the golems. Kezzem will total defense.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 52/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Thursday April 28th, 2022 12:03:29 PM

Succotash's AC minus magic: 21 +4
Valerie's AC minus magic: 35 +4

Realizing he can't harm these golems without the help of magic, Succotash goes total defense, and instructs Valerie to do likewise. He knows he can't withstand another hit like that, but figures his life for his friends is well worth the sacrifice, if it gives Tali the time she needs.

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 17/T11/F16 CMB 23 CMD 41 HP 199/199 
Thursday April 28th, 2022 12:33:45 PM

Murphy does not wait around, seeing he has figured out the alchemical device by the skin of his teeth. [OOC: How was the device set up? What did he have to do? Some flavor description would be nice :-) ]

He runs flat out past Kezzem and golem 2 (who gets an AoO vs Murphy), then diagonally up to the top middle opening to the ramps, up the ramp to the right, and around the corner toward the UMD device. His move (due to fleet feat) is 25, he has the run skill, thus 5x normal speed, for 125 feet total.

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 22/21/17 + 6; HP 124/276 - 60; Rumpus AC 33/16/27; HP 151/151 - 45 
Thursday April 28th, 2022 5:53:05 PM

Header update for total defense.

Also, I moved Kezzem on the map. Only 2 will provoke an AoO as Kezzem/Rumpus stays at least 20 feet away from the golems (and 2 only gets one if he didn't use his AoO on Murphey and/or has Combat Reflexes).

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135 
Thursday April 28th, 2022 8:19:08 PM


Tali uses a full move run to reach spot AH18. Next round she will attempt to disable the device "lock" by using her skill "Use Magic Device".

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP 54/157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33  d20+24=38 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2022 8:53:21 PM

Pressi smiles in triumph.

The smile is short lived.

Pressi got knocked around, first by one and then the other. "Didn't anyone ever tell you to wipe your feet NOT on the halfling."

Pressi considers hiding behind Nick and Prudence but that doesn't seem nice, and Nick has already been judgy judgy all day. Instead, she flips around the lock (Acro 38 out of the threatened square) to the other side of the pole.

"Come on, come on...."

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy)  d20+13=23 ; d6=1 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2022 10:09:39 PM

Pru isn't entirely sure how she got way over here, but staying with Nikolai is probably a good strategy so she doesn't question it. Instead she fishes out a flask of alchemists fire and lobs it in the direction of golem 4.

[Hit AC 23 for a point of fire damage.]

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Thursday April 28th, 2022 11:51:29 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Ring of Invisibility (active), Iridescent Ioun Stone (sustains without air)
Haste (+1 on attack, AC and Ref saves, extra attack, +30 speed), Greater Heroism (+4 on skill, attack, saves, +20 temp hp)
Ki pts 16/16, Stunning Fist 17/18

"Honey, these golems are just too close! They've got a heck of a reach! I've got to move you to a safer location!"

He picks Pru up again after dropping the rest of the iron marbles at G4 and moves to w9.

Out loud he shouts, "Why are you trying to engage? Full Defense! You know you can't harm them yet! Just keep moving and dodging!"

DM Mitch  d20=5 ; d20=7 ; d20=2 ; d20=16 ; d20=17 ; d20=13 ; d20=11 ; 6d10+13=45 ; 6d10+13=50 ; 6d10+13=37 ; 6d10+13=45 ; 6d10+13=47 ; 6d10+13=54 ; 6d10+13=47 ; d100=30 ; d100=74 ;
Friday April 29th, 2022 7:30:04 AM

Kezzem asks why no one thought to give Tali a mount and asks if someone could carry her. He then waits for Murphy to leave the hallway and have Rumpus move over to the UMD alcove.
Succotash Realizes he can’t hurt the golems without magic so he goes total defense and instructs Valerie to do the same. He knows he can’t take another hit like that but it would be worth it if it gave Tali the time she needed.
Murphy does not wait around seeing as how he go the alchemical device by the skin of his teeth. He runs past Kezem and Golem 2 toward the UMD device and takes a hit for 45 damage.
Tali runs to the slot near the magic device.
Pressi smiles only to find that short lived as the golems attack she then flips around the lock to the other side of the pole.
Pru isn’t sure how she got way far away but staying with her husband is probably a good strategy so she lobs a flask of alchemical fire at golem 4.

Nikolai explains how he got Pru out of the reach of the golem. He picks Pru up again after dropping more marbles. He berates some of the others for trying to engage and tells them to go total defense.

With their 30 foot movement and 15 foot reach the two golems easily catch up to Pressi, who probably wishes she stayed in the smokestick’s concealment. With no miss chance from it every attack strikes true for a total of 187 damage.

Golem 2 is able to reach Prudance and Nikolas but not attack them since it had to double move.

Succotash is missed once, but the second blow hits for 47, taking him to 5 hp.

DM Mitch 
Friday April 29th, 2022 7:36:03 AM

Those dealing with the security resets see that they are devices that seem to trigger or lock when the security system is set off. Each is a large pedestal with a complex mechanical set up that has to be reset. For the alchemical one a complex reaction starts and Murphy had to figure out how to reset it so the reaction would stop. Similarly the others involve a complicated mechanism that locked in place and had to be reset and the third a series of mystical reagents that somehow let a current pass through that has to be interrupted.

How exactly these devices trigger the golems and how resetting them sends orders to the golem is unknown. You'd probably have to take apart golems, devices, and half the room to figure out the complex system.

Prudence Komonov [AC 28; HP 107/184](Kathy) 
Friday April 29th, 2022 3:54:09 PM

"Oh, no. Pressi." With no magic available, Pru can't help her now. Hopefully later. And hopefully she was able to finish disabling the golem.

Pru takes a Withdrawal action to scamper out of the way of the golem.

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 22/21/17 + 6; HP 124/276 - 60; Rumpus AC 33/16/27; HP 151/151 - 45 
Friday April 29th, 2022 4:17:42 PM

"Somebody get Pressi!" shouts Kezzem.

He delays until after Tali. If Tali succeeds at he her check, he grabs her and has Rumpus double move towards the gate.

Otherwise, he and Rumpus go full defense.

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 17/T11/F16 CMB 23 CMD 41 HP 199/199  d20+20=34 ;
Friday April 29th, 2022 4:45:29 PM

Murphy headed over to help Tali with the Use Magical Device reset. Rolled 34 on UMD. Then he hears Kezzem call out about Pressi. Something twists in his gut. He says nothing right away though, wanting to ensure he can help Tali stop these killing machines.

Tali (JonPaul) AC:38 (T:34, FF:32), CMD:x, Saves:(F:16/R:18/W:21), HP:135/135  d20+30=49 ; d20+16=20 ;
Friday April 29th, 2022 9:13:45 PM

Use MD Device

Tali takes a 5-foot step forward using her ability to disable the Magical Device in hopes of stopping the obvious menace! As soon as she is finished her "try", Tali spins around (Acrobatic Check) in an effort to see her handiwork!

When the dust settles, Tali asks both Mister Murphy & Mr. Nikolai, "Is everyone alright?"

Skill Check(s)
Acrobatic Check: 20
Use Magical Device: 1d20+30 = 49

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Saturday April 30th, 2022 12:46:08 PM

OOC: Tali's UMD of 49 now adds +2 from Murphy's Aid Another.

Murphy (KimMc) Halfling druid AC 17/T11/F16 CMB 23 CMD 41 HP 199/199 
Saturday April 30th, 2022 12:48:27 PM

"Well done, Tali." A look of worry on his face is all he is able to answer her question as to everyone being all right. He turns and looks out. "Pressi? Pressi? What happened to Pressi, Kezzem?" If he sees the golems starting to move toward them, the counsels his friends to get out of their way, and does so himself. And tries to figure out how to get to where Pressi is.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 43(42)/18/40 CMD 25 HP 5/142 Valerie AC 41(40)/16/34 CMD 34 HP 143/143Spells 
Saturday April 30th, 2022 5:06:21 PM

Succotash sees the blows Pressi recieved, and his heart sinks. He's almost certain that even if they weren't in this anti-magic field, a quick casting of breath of life wouldn't be enough to bring her back from the brink of death. His only thoughts now are whether or not she can somehow heroicly cheat death, and whether or not he will be joining her.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (24 w/buckler, no magic), HP -9/157, CMD 27; Harper AC 31, HP 117, CMD 33 
Saturday April 30th, 2022 10:00:48 PM

(Succotash reminds me, I can burn my last two hero points. I use them to cheat death.)

As everything continues to swirl and echo, she reminds Murphy to leave her, and keep going for the device.

Also, if Nick so much as makes a single comment or suggestion, Murphy has her permission to hit him.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 41 Tch 33 Ffted 35 HP 175/175 CMD 52/54(Grapple/Trip/Disarm)  
Sunday May 1st, 2022 1:14:03 PM

OOC: Nikolai is not in the habit of commenting to someone who is dead. :)

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