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Planning the assault - DM Dan K 
Friday April 15th, 2022 3:08:04 PM

The group quietly discusses the next move.
Can they get in without being seen? Rakshasa have proven to be able to see invisibility and are highly perceptive creatures as well
How can the group protect the gnomes from falling under enchantment spells and become active threats?
Should the group simply charge in and hope for the best?

The sounds of mining continues...

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Friday April 15th, 2022 4:25:08 PM

"Alright, I unless anyone has a better plan, I say we rush in. On three. One, two..."

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Saturday April 16th, 2022 9:19:46 PM

Nira is happy to follow the lead of the others, though perhaps someone a little sneaky could take point to scout around?

It's strange not having the air vest on but it might be something she has to get used to if the spell no longer works for her.

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Monday April 18th, 2022 4:12:44 PM

" Since I'm sneaky... and can be invisible... how about I take point?"

Casts mage armor

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Monday April 18th, 2022 4:43:47 PM

Desdichado stops in his tracks. "Sneaking? You can try it. Just beware of rakshasa that can see you when you're invisible. Some of them could before, anyway."

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Monday April 18th, 2022 7:12:33 PM

Hmerrin nods at Danko.
"Sneak away. If we hear any screaming, we'll come running."

A quick look - DM Dan K 
Monday April 18th, 2022 8:46:34 PM

It is decided that it might be worth the risk for Danko to go invisible and try and sneak up and see what is going on.

He casts Invisibility upon himself and heads out. Danko returns without fanfare and more importantly without bringing the rakshasa with him.

Up in the cavern ahead, Danko spotted the 10 gnomes strung along the left wall mining. In a couple of groups are what must be the 6 Rakshasa, but nothing like Danko has seen before. They are richly dressed yes, but they are about the size of the gnomes themselves. Their faces are snarled and twisted and contain more teeth than one might believe possible to have. From Danko's short observation, they didn't appear overly interested in the gnomes, but did cast several side glances at them, their thick tongues slobbering about their lips.


Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Monday April 18th, 2022 10:12:18 PM

Well, if they're watching the gnomes instead of the door, we may be able to get pretty close before they notice. I have some spells that could help us sneak, but they seem to have a knack for seeing through that stuff. Let me know if you want to try it, or just buff up and go get them.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31) 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 2:43:32 PM

"If we can get the gnomes a bit closer together, and by the wall, we could wall them in, or rather, the rakshasa out from them."

He quietly casts Barkskin on himself while they prepare.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 2:46:29 PM

Desdichado considers Danko's report of what he saw. "So, we've got a few creepy, toothy gnome-shasa standing nearby. Should we open with a fireball or something similar?" he asks. With a quick glance at Danko adds, "Avoiding the miners, of course - and then Hmerrin and I can rush the closest weirdos."

Once the group is ready to move in, Desdichado will cast Holy Sword.

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 4:06:34 PM

Danko graphs where everyone in that room is. Squares for the Hobbies and circles for the Raks.

" They are to spread out. Now, if we could lure the raks towards the entrance and convince the Hobbies to move to the back of the room. How about we draw the Raks to charge at us in the corridor, we stay where we are now, cast a web spell or two at the mouth of the entrance to stick them to the floor, maybe a wall to block at the far entrance once the Raks are in ... the fighters stand in front while the spell slingers shoot off fireballs and chain lightning. Could work. As long as none of use are charmed... "

Mage armor

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 7:03:30 PM

Hmerrin shakes his head.
"They won't charge. They always try something else before getting into melee. They'll cast spells on us, or cast spells on the gnomes to attack us, or just grab some hostages."

The man thinks.
"If anyone has a silence spell, cast that on a stone or something that'll keep us quiet as we approach. Once we hit here (T13), me and Dez charge. You can chuck the silent stone into the cavern so you can cast your spells at the three in back."

The fighter readies a potion (Heroism)
"Also, hit us with a haste spell. Then, we go."

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 9:05:44 PM

Ramirez readies the requested spells, looks like silence, and haste. [b]I'll have to add some other boosts later after we see how it develops.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 9:45:01 PM

Nira isn't ready to make the first move. She looks at the others for direction. Once someone acts to give away their position she'll follow suit by casting Magic Circle vs Evil.

Ready...Set... - DM Dan K 
Tuesday April 19th, 2022 10:17:22 PM

The group discusses a couple options and looks to settle on a Silence spell to make their approach and a Haste spell to make it happen faster. Ramirez casts both.
Nira casts Magic Circle vs Evil.and the group is ready.

The passage to the cavern where the gnomes and Rakshasa are is completely dark. Anyone without Darkvision will be moving at 1/2 speed, thought the Haste spell will certainly help counter this disadvantage. Lighting up anything in the dark passage would instantly give the group away

The group heads down the passage

We are in combat rounds

Map https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P_l8ST1mE6s9-SnnAbFozXzjvhqFOUQTBcFTLnyJc4k/edit?usp=sharing

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 2:53:14 PM

Desdichado begins to hastily run down the tunnel (move to S:14).

Active Effects
Holy Sword: 12 rounds. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 5:33:33 PM

As the Haste and Silence spells are cast, Hmerrin downs his Heroism potion.

Then, he moves with Dez while pulling out his halberd.

Move to U14.

In Effect
Haste (rd 2 of 13): +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Heroism (30 minutes): +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31) 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 8:12:03 PM

Gaffer moves forward with the others, keeping a step behind the front line.

Move to U13

Extended Barkskin: +5 to AC, 5 hours

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 8:26:10 PM

Danko moves but stays behind the group, about 20 feet behind the fighters ....

Mage armor
MR 18
DR electricty 10

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 8:42:03 PM

Nira stays back with Danko, just clear of the effect of the silence spell. She casts a Spectral Hand spell in anticipation of people needing some healing soon.

Move: Move to S8
Standard: Cast Spectral Hand

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 10:05:48 PM

Ramirez readies his bow and follows down the tunnel with Nira and Danko. He will cast a light source once the action begins.

Active Effects:
haste round 1/15 - +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk

level 2 spells 5/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining

OOC- was Hmerrin going to grab the silence stone and carry it?

Ready...Set... - DM Dan K 
Wednesday April 20th, 2022 10:11:16 PM

Sorry cable out. Not going to try this from my phone. Update tomorrow morning

Fight! Round 2 - DM Dan K  d20+9=22 ; d20+20=36 ;
Thursday April 21st, 2022 7:58:46 AM

Des, Hmerrin take point and head down the passage
Gffer close behind
Danko and Nira come up about 20' behind the first group and Ramirez just behind them

Des, Hmerrin and Gaffer get to the chamber and begin to move into the dim light coming from the lit area
Several of the horrid gnome like Rakshasa catch the movement out of the corner of their blood red eyes and take notice.
"Treacherous Gnomes! You're clan will fill her larder!" one screeches (R3)
They turn and close some, but not completely
One of them (R2), moves up to your right and out of sight behind the wall. Perception DC 36 required to find him

Among the scowls and hisses, several cast spells Spellcraft DC 21 Highlight to display spoiler: {TrueStrike}

The gnomes shrink back away from the Rakshasa and their faces grow wide with terror at the threat levelled. None dare to move too far nor speak back against their watchers

Map https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P_l8ST1mE6s9-SnnAbFozXzjvhqFOUQTBcFTLnyJc4k/edit?usp=sharing

Rak 1 AC ? Dmg SR
Rak 2 AC ? Dmg SR
Rak 3 AC ? Dmg SR
Rak 4 AC ? Dmg SR
Rak 5 AC ? Dmg SR
Rak 6 AC ? Dmg SR

Battle Note: Please roll for SR for any spell at the Rakshasa

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Thursday April 21st, 2022 4:42:44 PM

Desdichado moves toward the nearest Rakshasa and swings his axe.

Active Effects
Holy Sword: 11 rounds remaining. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.
Haste: 12 rounds remaining.: +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+28=34 ; d12+13=18 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ;
Thursday April 21st, 2022 4:44:53 PM

(OOC: Hit submit instead of roll.)

Move to Q:17

34 vs AC; 18 damage, 11 holy damage

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:31 T:17 FF:27 CMD:33)   d20+26=36 ; d10+8=14 ; 2d6=8 ;
Thursday April 21st, 2022 7:04:14 PM

Hmerrin moves forward, dropping the stone with Silence on it as he charges the raka with the mouth.

Charge to U21, attacking R3. (Ac penalty applied to header)
Dropping stone at U17.

Atk w/ Holy Halberd.
Hits ac 36 for 14 + 8 holy damage.

In Effect
Haste (rd 2 of 13): +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Heroism (30 minutes): +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31)  d20+19=34 ; 15d6=60 ; d20+26=46 ;
Thursday April 21st, 2022 7:32:52 PM

Gaffer raised an hand and conjures out great sheets of flame to spread across the cavern.

Perception: 46

Cast Fire Storm: Spellcaster Check: 34; Damage: 60; DC 25 Reflex Save for half;
4d6 Fire Damage a round on a failed save until use of an action to extinguish flames with a DC20 Reflex save.
30 shapeable 10 foot cubes, should be able to catch all Rakshasa without harming allies.
Extended Barkskin: +5 to AC, 5 hours

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  12d6+12=52 ; d20+16=25 ; 12d6+12=45 ; d20+16=19 ; 12d6+12=52 ; d20+16=21 ; 12d6+12=57 ; d20+16=18 ;
Thursday April 21st, 2022 8:45:09 PM

Danko casts old faithfull chain lightning and braces himself for battle. Shenanigans, they have started.

Mage armor
MR 18
DR electricty 10

R5 Dam 52 Spell penetration 25
R4 Dam 45 SP 19
R6 Dam 52 SP 21
R3(if in range/30') Dam 57 SP 18

ooc> Poor roles. 'Sigh.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Thursday April 21st, 2022 8:57:20 PM

Nira casts a Wall of Stone spell to try and shield some of the gnomes from the fight.

Standard: Cast Wall of Stone. Hard to describe the shape so will send via email
Note: Nira is on the left side of the tunnel so can see down the right side

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d4+5=9 ;
Thursday April 21st, 2022 10:22:32 PM

Ramirez casts mirror image on himself and then moves up with the other casters. (to location T12)

Active Effects:
haste round 1/15 - +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
mirror image- 8/8 images remaining

level 2 spells 4/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining

Fight! Round 3 - DM Dan K  d20+22=35 ; d20+21=35 ; d20+21=26 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+21=33 ; d20+21=29 ; d20+21=26 ; d20+21=30 ; d20+21=36 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+41=51 ; d20+41=50 ; d20+41=42 ; d20+41=54 ; d20+41=60 ; d20+41=50 ; d8+4=10 ; d6+4=10 ; 4d6=18 ; 4d6=15 ; d8+4=8 ; d6+4=9 ; d6+4=10 ; 4d6=13 ; 4d6=18 ; 4d6=13 ; d20+41=44 ; d20+23=32 ; d8+4=9 ; d8+4=10 ; 4d6=21 ; 4d6=17 ;
Friday April 22nd, 2022 1:22:10 PM

Des moves in does not see the creature that moved up towards the cavern opening and so continues to head in to gang up on Hmerrin's opponent. Stabbing it in the shoulder. Perception 36 required to see the Rakshsa
Hmerrin charges in, dropping the Silence Stone and slashing the Rakshasa Gnome, wounding him.
Gaffer rakes the area in Fire, shaping the powerful spell to scorch only yhe Rakshasa. All of the Rakshasa are able to spin away or otherwise dodge the Firestorm and after it subsides, not one has been touched.
Danko sends a Chain Lighting spell at a Rakshasa and branches it to 3 others. The main target dodges the bolt! As the lightning branches to the others, 1 of them also dodges, but the other 2 are struck. The bolts , however, discipate upon impact, leaveing them unharmed as well
Nira Cats a Wall of Stone, sperating many of the gnomes from the rest of the battle.
Ramirez casts Mirror Image and moves a little closer

The Wall of stone takes a couple of them by surprise and there is a couple yelps from the gnomes as the Firestorm rages through the cavern
The Rakshasa converge on Des and Hmerrin, salivating with glee at the opportunity
R1 and R3 take small quick moves to re-position and attack with claws and needle like teeth.
Hmerrin Hit AC 51/50/42 and 54/60/50 Dmg 10/10/miss +18+15 And Dmg 8/9/10 +13+18+13 Total 124 +Bleeding
Des Hit AC 44 and 32 Dmg 9+21 and 10+17 Total 57+Bleeding

The two warriors find themsleves flanked and every strike coming at them finds the smallest of gaps in their armor, cutting into vital organs


Rak 1 AC 27 Dmg SR 25
Rak 2 AC 27 Dmg SR 25
Rak 3 AC 27 Dmg 51 SR 25
Rak 4 AC 27 Dmg SR 25
Rak 5 AC 27 Dmg SR 25
Rak 6 AC 27 Dmg SR 25

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 104/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Friday April 22nd, 2022 2:52:20 PM

Desdichado feels light-headed from the bleeding attack. "I feel like we made a tactical mistake here," he says faintly as he tries to continue the attack against Rakshasa 3.

Active Effects

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 104/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+28=41 ; d20+28=39 ; d20+23=30 ; d20+18=35 ; d12+13=20 ; d12+13=23 ; d12+13=23 ; d12+13=25 ; 2d6=11 ; 2d6=4 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=4 ;
Friday April 22nd, 2022 2:55:28 PM

41 vs AC; 20 damage +11 holy
39 vs AC; 23 damage +4 holy
30 vs AC; 23 damage +7 holy
35 vs AC; 25 damage +4 holy

Active effects
Holy Sword: 10 rounds remaining. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.
Haste: 11 rounds remaining.: +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+20=37 ; d20+20=29 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+20=40 ;
Saturday April 23rd, 2022 3:16:43 AM

The frontline look to be in a spot of bother.

Hmerrin has been hit hard, but Nira can't reach him to heal him. Even if she could, she'd have to make her way past at least 2 rakshasa.

She decides that the best she can do is to try and protect them.

Nira gets a little closer to the action and then casts a Living Voodoo Doll spell. "Let me know if anything gets too close to me" she asks of Ramirez. "I can't see"

Move: Fly to S14 (up high if possible)
Standard: Cast Living Voodoo Doll. SR checks: 37, 29, 37, 40. Rakshasa 1, 2, 4 and 6 are blinded for 14rnds. No Save. Nira is blinded as well.

Spells in effect: Arcane Sight ... Darkvision ... Mage Armor ... Magic Vestment ... Overland Flight ... Roses Temperature Control ... See Invisibility ... Resist Fire (5) ... Living Voodoo Doll (Blinded)

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 37/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)   d20+20=32 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+10=15 ; d20+20=30 ; d10+16=19 ; d10+16=24 ; d10+16=19 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=7 ;
Saturday April 23rd, 2022 10:25:45 AM

Hmerrin doesn't even have the strength to nod at Dez' assessment.
The paladin has stayed put, and the fighter does as well.

Finishing his assault on the mouth, he actually moves further into the fray.

Full attack, power attack on R3 (then R5 if down)
Atk 1 hits ac32 for 27 hp damage
Atk 2 hits ac32 for 31 hp damage
Atk 3 misses
Haste Atk hits ac 30 for 26 hp damage

Hmerrin finishes with 5' step to V22

In Effect
Haste (rd 2 of 13): +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Heroism (30 minutes): +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  12d6+12=55 ; d20+16=25 ; 12d6+12=54 ; 12d6+12=59 ; 12d6+12=50 ; 12d6+12=48 ; 12d6+12=55 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+16=35 ; d20+16=28 ;
Sunday April 24th, 2022 10:20:39 AM

" Ugh oh.... "

Casts Chain lightning and attacks all the Raks


Mage armor
MR 18
DR electricty 10

R1 Dam 55 Spell penetration 25
R4 Dam 54 SP 20
R6 Dam 59 SP 27
R3 Dam 50 SP 27
R5 Dam 48 SP 35
R2 Dam 55 SP 28

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Sunday April 24th, 2022 9:10:43 PM

Well, they know we're here, no need to be sneaky now.

Ramirez casts dancing lights into the room lighting up the combat with the same range as torches or lanterns. (centered at T20)

Active Effects:
haste round 1/15 - +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
mirror image- 8/8 images remaining

level 2 spells 4/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining

Fight! Round 4 - DM Dan K  d20+21=27 ; d20+21=33 ; d20+21=41 ; d20+21=27 ; d20+21=31 ; d4=1 ; d4=1 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+21=38 ; d20+21=27 ; d20+21=40 ; d100=17 ; d100=26 ; d20+21=41 ; d20+21=36 ; d100=67 ; d20+21=34 ; d20+21=22 ; d100=77 ; d8+4=12 ; d6+4=6 ; d20+21=29 ; d8+4=5 ;
Monday April 25th, 2022 7:30:11 AM

Des comments on the situation, but stays put and attacks, cutting into his opponent and killing him
Nira invokes a horrid power and blinds not only herself, but most of the Rakshasa as well. Nira cannot see target R4, i switched it to R5
Des stays put and so does Hmerrin. The fighter heavily wounds another opponent and steps away from the flank they had him in
Danko casts Chain Lightning, but all of the targets dodge the spell
Ramirez casts Dancing Lights, lighting up the area even more

The rakshasa are in complete disarray. Most are still in the Silence spell zone and now they have lost their sight.
A couple slash and bite at where they think Des or Hmerrin might be. Others flail simply in front of them in a panic. Hissing and cursing all the while
Des's opponents miss completely, but Hmerrin is simply unlucky
Hmerrin Hit AC 41 crit 36/34/22 Dmg 12+5/6 %67/77 both strike total 23

The only sighted opponent, comes in on Hmerrin, bitting at him, and then springs away to the side.
Hmerrin Hit AC 29 - miss

Both Hmerrin and Des continue to also Bleed from previous wounds Des and Hmerrin Dmg 1


Rak 1 AC 17 Dmg SR 25 Blind 1/14
Rak 2 AC 17 Dmg SR 25 Blind 1/14
Rak 3 DEAD
Rak 4 AC 17 Dmg SR 25
Rak 5 AC 27 Dmg 84 SR 25 Blind 1/14
Rak 6 AC 17 Dmg SR 25 Blind 1/14

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 124/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; 8d6=30 ;
Monday April 25th, 2022 4:38:33 PM

Desdichado is worried about Hmerrin. If he can move towards him, he'll try to give him some healing, but needs to get rid of this rakshasa between them first.

He swiftly heals himself (LoH: 21) and then uses Alignment Channel against the rakshasa around them.

Alignment channel (vs evil outsider; +2 DC improved channel): 30 damage vs. Will DC 25

Active effects
Holy Sword: 9 rounds remaining. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.
Haste: 10 rounds remaining.: +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Bleeding 1
Lay on Hands: 16/19 remaining

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31)  d20+19=24 ;
Monday April 25th, 2022 5:01:34 PM

Gaffer sees Hmerrin in trouble and levels a finger at the rakshasa inbetween him and his ally. A bolt of magic leaps forward to the creature but shudders and scatters against them.

Cast: Baleful Polymorph; SR Check: 24...
Extended Barkskin: +5 to AC, 5 hours

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 33/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)   d8=2 ; d8=7 ; d8=6 ;
Monday April 25th, 2022 5:44:31 PM

Hmerrin is also worried about Hmerrin.

He steps away from the battle, holding his halberd in his left hand.
With his right, he pulls a healing potion from the top of his haversack, rips the stopper off with his teeth, drains the contents, and lets the vial drop,

5' step to W23.
Retrieve CSW potion
Drink CSW potion, heal 20 hp, and stop bleed.

In Effect
Haste (rd 5 of 13): +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Heroism (30 minutes): +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  d20+16=34 ;
Monday April 25th, 2022 7:36:40 PM

This is getting dire. Hemi is not doing well. Danko is miffed that his lightning attacks are just bouncing off the Raks. Time to change strategy.

Five magic missles come into existance and fly towards the most injured Rak (5).

Mage armor
MR 18
DR electricty 10

Maximized magic missle
R5 Dam 25 Spell penetration 34

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Monday April 25th, 2022 8:11:35 PM

The world has gone dark and silent. There's a fight going on right now but Nira can't tell where or how the party are going. Normally she might have been able to detect her opponents by sound, but with a silence spell in the way she isn't sure how things are going.

"How are we doing? I've blinded four of them but also myself in the process. Let me know when I can drop the spell"

To DM: Highlight to display spoiler: {I've been moving Nira each round but I think it's being missed on the map. Can you please place her at S13? I'd moved her up close so only fair I point out that she's a bigger target than had I kept her at the back. Thanks}

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+24=29 ; d20+19=31 ; d20+14=30 ; d8+8=16 ; d8+8=11 ; d8+8=10 ;
Monday April 25th, 2022 8:56:11 PM

Ramirez grabs Nira's sleeve. Stop there, the silence should be close in front of us. The spell looks like it is hurting them more than us, keep it going for now.

Ramirez can't quite see the one that appears to have avoided the blindness, so he aims at R2 and fires his bow. Let's see if these are as tough as the other ones.

Actions: shoot at R2, hit AC:29, 31, 30 damage:16, 11, 10

Active Effects:
haste round 3/15 - +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
mirror image- 8/8 images remaining
dancing lights

level 2 spells 4/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
OOC- 24/19/14, 1d8+8

Fight! Round 5 - DM Dan K 
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 7:16:22 AM

Des Heals himself and the Bleeding wounds stop as well. He then channels energy into the Rakshasa around him
Gaffer attempts a Baleful Polymorph, but the spell does not overcomee the foul creatures resistance to magic
Hmerrin takes a potion from his Haversack and drains it. Some wounds heal and the Bleeding stops
Danko switches tactics, Dodge this. Loosing a Maximizied Magic Missile which slams into one
Nira asks how the group is fairing, as she is blind by her spell and the Silence spell prevents any sound from the battle in front of them
Ramirez informs Nira of where the Silence begins and how the fight is fairing. He then fills one of the Rakshsa with arrows. He finds theses Rakshasa more vulnerable to arrow fire

Hmerrin sees R4 look past him to the gnomes, but with a short snort seems to change his mind and casts a spell looking back to Hmerrin

The others have calmed from their initial panic at having lost their sight it would seem. The blinded Rakshasa all move back using various acrobatic techniques, from Des and Hmerrin and face off in thier direction. Some trick up their sleeve appears to allow them to know the general direction of Hmerrin and Des, but not their precise location


Rak 1 AC 21 Dmg SR 25 Blind 2/14
Rak 2 AC 21 Dmg 37 SR 25 Blind 2/14
Rak 3 DEAD
Rak 4 AC 21 Dmg SR 25
Rak 5 AC 27 Dmg 109 SR 25 Blind 2/14
Rak 6 AC 21 Dmg SR 25 Blind 2/14

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 124/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ;
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 12:52:16 PM

(OOC: Did the alignment channel do no damage on the rakshasa? I thought they are considered evil outsiders.)

Desdichado moves toward Hmerrin (V:22) and gives a quick heal.

LoH: 36

Active effects
Holy Sword: 8 rounds remaining. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.
Haste: 9 rounds remaining.: +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Lay on Hands: 15/19 remaining

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 3:33:06 PM

" Let's cut some of these Raks off from the rest "

Danko moves forward 5 feet and casts Wall of Force (s16 to x21) floor to ceiling essentially trapping two of the Raks (1 and 4) behind the wall.

( ooc Delayed action until the last of the players have their turn and before the ennemies attack)

Wall of force 1/12 round
Mage armor
MR 18
DR electricty 10

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 69/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)   d20+24=37 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+14=18 ; d20+24=36 ; d10+8=14 ; d10+8=18 ; d10+8=13 ; d10+8=9 ; d10+8=17 ; 2d6=4 ; 2d6=3 ; 2d6=4 ;
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 4:03:49 PM

Hmerrin gives Dez a quick nod in thanks.
Danko's spell is well placed, and the fighter notes H5 got itself a bit too close.

With a quick step, the young man is on it.
His halberd cuts devastating arcs.

5' step to V24.
Full attack on H5.
Atk 1 hits ac 37 for 22 hp damage
Atk 2 Nat 20. Crit Threat hits ac 38 for 43 hp damage
Atk 3 misses (ac 18)
Haste atk hits ac 36 for 17 hp damage.

In Effect
Haste (rd 6 of 13): +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Heroism (30 minutes): +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 27*/14/23* -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 8:34:16 PM

Nira isn't quite sure what's happening. The only spells she can cast right now are those on herself.

She buffs up her armor a little with a Barkskin spell.

Standard: Cast Barkskin

Spells in effect: Arcane Sight ... Darkvision ... Mage Armor ... Magic Vestment ... Overland Flight ... Roses Temperature Control ... See Invisibility ... Resist Fire (5) ... Magic Circle vs Evil ... Living Voodoo Doll (Blinded) ... Barkskin

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31)  d20+19=37 ; 3d6+15=21 ;
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 9:30:00 PM

With Danko's wall seperating the rest of the Rakshasa, Gaffer focuses the most powerful spell he can at the Rakshasa closest before him, clenching his fist as the magic flies over hoping it can do something to the creature.

Cast at R1: Finger of Death; SR Check 37; DC 26 Fort Saving Throw, Partial; 150 Damage if failed, 21 if succeeds.
Extended Barkskin: +5 to AC, 5 hours

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+24=35 ; d20+24=33 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+14=34 ; d20+14=31 ; d8+8=15 ; d8+8=9 ; d8+8=13 ; d8+8=16 ; d8+8=9 ;
Tuesday April 26th, 2022 10:04:37 PM

Ramirez continues firing at R2, hoping to give Hmerrin a little bit of room.

Actions: shoot at R2, hit AC35, 33(haste), 22, 34(crit check = 31)
damage: 15, 9, 13, 16(+9 if crit confirms)

Active Effects:
haste round 4/15 - +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
mirror image- 8/8 images remaining
dancing lights

level 2 spells 4/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
OOC- 24/19/14, 1d8+8

Fight! Round 6 - DM Dan K  d20+11=25 ; d20+11=14 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+20=22 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 7:10:54 AM

Des moves over to Hmerrin and heals him of some of his wounds
Hmerrin moves in on the nearest opponent and kills him
Nira Casts Barkskin
Gaffer casts Finger of Death and slays one of the Rakshasa
Ramirez looses another volley, critically wounding the Raksasa
Danko Casts Wall of Forcetrapping 2 Rakshasa and sealing the group from the rest as well

The Rakshasa (R4) in the Silence moves towards the group and out of their visual range, putting part of the cavern wall between it and them
Perception DC 22 to see him once you come around the wall[/i]

The other 2 stand their ground and turning slightly back and forth until they both settle to face the direction of Hmerrin and Des. Both them cast a spell

Applied the Channel attack, thanks for the reminder

Rak 1 DEAD
Rak 2 AC 17 Dmg 129 Blind
Rak 3 DEAD
Rak 4 AC 27 Dmg SR 25
Rak 5 DEAD
Rak 6 AC 17 Dmg 15 SR 25 Blind

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 124/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+28=41 ; d12+13=22 ; 2d6=9 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 1:03:54 PM

Desdichado runs back toward R2 and attacks.

41 vs AC; 22 damage +9 holy

Active effects
Holy Sword: 7 rounds remaining. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.
Haste: 8 rounds remaining.: +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Lay on Hands: 15/19 remaining

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 69/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)   d20+20=38 ; d10+16=25 ; 2d6=8 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 7:33:42 PM

Hmerrin closes on the other raka, and attacks.

Move to S24

Power attack on R6 hits ac 38 for 33 hp damage.

In Effect
Haste (rd 7 of 13): +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Heroism (30 minutes): +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill check

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31)  d20+19=30 ; 15d6=60 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 8:06:33 PM

Gaffer cheers to himself as his spell downs one of their goes, but puzzles slightly still at what can hurt them.

He raises his hand once more and a slightly different blaze of fire erupts beneath the enemy.

Cast Empowered Flame Strike on W18: DC 22 Reflex Save for half. SR Check 30; 60*1.5=90 damage, half Fire, half Divine

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 8:42:30 PM

Danko sighs deeply.

" Time to get into some shenanigans"

He draws his short sword and moves forward ( ooc U15) . He then waits, anticipating an attack from the hiding Rak.

Mage armor
MR 18
DR electricty 10

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+24=26 ; d8+8=10 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 9:26:43 PM

Nira, stay here for a moment, we're moving into the silence Ramirez follows Danko(move to T16), if he can see the Rakshasa, he fires a shot.

Action: hit AC 26, 10 damage

Active Effects:
haste round 5/15 - +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
mirror image- 8/8 images remaining
dancing lights

level 2 spells 4/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
OOC- 24/19/14, 1d8+8

Fight! Round 7 - DM Dan K  d20+41=47 ; d20+41=57 ; d20+41=47 ; d8+4=7 ; d6+4=7 ; d6+4=7 ; d20+21=28 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2022 7:34:21 AM

Gaffer cheers his spells success and looks for another target, but the only one visvible is on the other side of a Wall of Force, which prevents line of effect for his spell
Danko draws his blade and moves into the Silence, waiting for the attack
Ramirez tells Nira to stay put and follows Danko into the Silence. He does not see the creature among the debis about, but knows he must be in there somewhere
Nira stays put

The Rakshasa before Hmerrin strikes back. Drawing blood with each strike
Hmerrin Hit AC 47/57/47 Dmg 7/7/7 + Bleed

Emerging from a shadow and just behind some rock comes the rakshasa at Danko and Ramirez.
He blots right bewteen the 2, slashing at Danko as he passes. The Mage Armor spares him any pain.
The Rakshasa continues past and starts moving by Gaffer as well

Gaffer can make an AoO IF he has a weapon in hand.
Ramirez has a bow and cannot make AoO
R4 has Spring Attack and thus Danko does not get an AoO


Rak 1 DEAD
Rak 2 DEAD
Rak 3 DEAD
Rak 4 AC 27 Dmg SR 25
Rak 5 DEAD
Rak 6 AC 17 Dmg 48 SR 25 Blind 3/14

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 124/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+28=48 ; d20+28=34 ; d20+28=43 ; d20+23=27 ; d20+18=26 ; d12+13=15 ; d12+13=22 ; d12+13=22 ; d12+13=20 ; d12+13=23 ; d12+13=20 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=5 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2022 2:18:35 PM

Desdichado takes a 5-foot step forward and continues the attack on R6.

48 vs AC (crit confirmed - 34); 59 damage +25 holy
43 vs AC; 20 damage +7 holy
27 vs AC; 23 damage +9 holy
26 vs AC; 20 damage +5 holy

Active effects
Holy Sword: 6 rounds remaining. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.
Haste: 7 rounds remaining.: +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Lay on Hands: 15/19 remaining

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 48/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)   d20+22=29 ; d20+17=24 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+22=28 ; d10+16=21 ; d10+16=17 ; d10+16=21 ; d10+16=23 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=4 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2022 7:04:58 PM

"Hope you enjoyed that," Hmerrin grates out.

He shifts position, now flanking with Dez.
"So you can die happy."

The fighter's halberd swings as it cuts its deadly arcs.

5' step to R25, flanking with Dez.
Full attack, power attack, on R6.
Atk 1 hits ac 29 for 29 hp damage
Atk 2 hits ac 24 for 28 hp damage
Atk 3 hits ac 17 for 25 hp damage
Haste hits ac 28 for 27 hp damage

In Effect
Haste (rd 8 of 13): +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Heroism (30 minutes): +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill check

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  d20+15=28 ; d6+3=7 ; d6=6 ; d20+9=20 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2022 8:05:23 PM

Danko moves up 5 feet and swings at the Rak...

{ This should be interesting.. }
He thinks to himself.

Mage armor
MR 18
DR electricty 10

Hits AC 28 for 7 physical and 6 shock damage
Hits AC 20 miss

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31)  d20+23=30 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2022 8:56:55 PM

Gaffer doesn't carry a weapon, his hands occupied with his focus and shield, but leans back into a defensive positions inbetween Nira and the Rakshasa, calling up stone from the ground beneath him to form a wall preventing the Rakshasa moving further away.

Cast Wall of Stone Defensively; Concentration Check: 30, success
Walls between S T and U, 12 and 13, preventing the Rak from fleeing.
As well as a wall directly between himself and the Rakshasa.
Both walls going up to the ceiling as much as possible.
----- Active Effects
Barkskin, extended - +5 AC 5 hours

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+24=31 ; d20+24=36 ; d20+19=31 ; d20+14=24 ; d8+8=13 ; d8+8=15 ; d8+8=12 ; d8+8=10 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2022 9:40:13 PM

Ramirez is about to ask something, then remembers the silence. Instead he fires some arrows at the rakshasa by Gaffer and Nira.

Actions: hit AC: 31, 36(haste), 31, 24
damage: 13, 15, 12, 10

Active Effects:
haste round 6/15 - +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
mirror image- 8/8 images remaining
dancing lights

level 2 spells 4/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
OOC- 24/19/14, 1d8+8

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 27*/14/23* -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Friday April 29th, 2022 6:16:51 AM

OOC: Can someone please sub for me? In hospital (nothing serious) but might be here a few days. Should be easy for Nira :)

Fight! Round 8 - DM Dan K  d20+21=23 ; d20+21=25 ; d20+21=40 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ;
Saturday April 30th, 2022 10:14:32 AM

Des and Hmerrin kill the last Rakshsa on their side of the Wall of Force
Danko steps up and stirkes the Rakshasa, drawing a light would
Gaffer puts up a Wall of Stone sealing off the Rakshasa's ability to get away
Ramirez puts 3 arrows into the Rak
Gaffer also tells Nira it appears all but 1 of the enemy is dead, adn she releases the spell causing her own blindeness. Things are well in hand here, but there is not reason to remain blind

With no other options, the Rakshasa attacks. This time going after Gaffer
Gaffer Hit AC 23/25/40 Dmg miss/10/11

The last wound on Hmerrin continues to Bleed. Dmg 1


Rak 1 DEAD
Rak 2 DEAD
Rak 3 DEAD
Rak 4 AC 27 Dmg 48
Rak 5 DEAD
Rak 6 DEAD

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  d20+15=27 ; d6+3=6 ; d6=4 ; d20+9=10 ;
Sunday May 1st, 2022 5:51:54 PM

Danko curses to himself the silence zone and his inabillity to casts any spell while in it. Also meas that he can't drop the force wall. And with a shrug he stabs at the Rak.


Mage armor
MR 18
DR electricty 10

Wall of force - 3/12

Attack Hits AC 27 Physical damage 6, shock 4
Attack Hits AC 10 miss

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 124/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Monday May 2nd, 2022 4:34:33 PM

With the wall still up, Desdichado can't do much to help his friends on the other side. He runs over to the gnomes (W:23) and asks "Are you all okay? Anyone need healing?"

Active effects
Holy Sword: 5 rounds remaining. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.
Haste: 6 rounds remaining.: +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Lay on Hands: 15/19 remaining

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 48/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Monday May 2nd, 2022 6:40:27 PM

Hmerrin gives Dez and the gnomes a quick glance, but turns back to watch the last raka take on his friends.


In Effect
Haste (rd 8 of 13): +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
Heroism (30 minutes): +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill check

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31)  d20+23=43 ;
Monday May 2nd, 2022 7:17:52 PM

[OOC: Had forgotten to update my header for Barkskin, which makes the second attack miss as well, recording 11 damage.]

Gaffer staggers for a moment under the Rakshasa's attack but holds his footing. Using the little space between them available, he raises his focus to the Rakshasa and focuses hard on the image of a cute, less stabby, bunny.

Cast: Baleful Polymorph on R4; Foritude & Will Save DC 23; Transform into a small rabbit.

----- Active Effects
Barkskin, extended - +5 AC 5 hours

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31) 
Monday May 2nd, 2022 7:18:40 PM

Rolled to cast defensively in initial post: 43, success

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+24=34 ; d20+24=36 ; d20+19=33 ; d20+14=30 ; d8+8=12 ; d8+8=12 ; d8+8=12 ; d8+8=10 ;
Monday May 2nd, 2022 10:31:59 PM

Ramirez shoots the rakshasa again.

hit AC: 34, 36(haste), 33, 30
damage: 12, 12, 12, 10

Active Effects:
haste round 8/15 - +30' move, +1 atk, +1 dodge AC and Ref saves, extra atk on full atk
mirror image- 8/8 images remaining
dancing lights

level 2 spells 4/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
OOC- 24/19/14, 1d8+8

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 124/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Tuesday May 3rd, 2022 1:32:13 AM


With the blindness has gone, Nira discovers she is very close to a rakshasa. Feeling vulnerable at being so close, she tries to stand very still and remain un-noticable as a target.

More gnomes - DM Dan K  d20+16=21 ; d20+11=30 ;
Tuesday May 3rd, 2022 7:27:42 AM

Des speaks to the gnomes and Hmerrin glances over, but focuses' more on the fight beyond the wall
Danko, slices into the Rakshasa again, but his blade does little damage
Gaffer turns the Rakshasa into a bunny
Ramirez puts another group of arrows into it, wounding it severly

The gnomes give a small wave in return greeting to Des. The gnomes are all in good shape, like those you met earlier. "Who under the earth are you people?"

The Rakshasa bunny blinks a couple of times and shifts back to it's former self

Seconds later it is dead with another volley of arrows DM speeding this to its conclusion

All of the Rakshasa lie dead about you and a small group of 10 gnomes have gathered themselves together and are staring at you. Some in slight bewilderment, but most with grins. One of them turns to a fellow gnome, "I believe you owe me a ruby ring."

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ;
Tuesday May 3rd, 2022 1:34:30 PM

"Oh, we were just walking by and decided to hunt some rakshasa. We stumbled in and here they were!" says Desdichado. He looks over the group. "If everyone is alright, would you like to join your friends back in the main room? Let's see what we can do about getting everyone out of here."

Before they leave, he gathers anyone injured nearby and does a bit of healing.

(Channel Energy: 38)

Lay on Hands: 15/19 remaining

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Tuesday May 3rd, 2022 5:29:12 PM

With a wave and a few sounds, Danko dispells the wall of force.

He then gets to the task of searching the Raks.

" Hi Ho me good little fellows" he says to no gnome in particular.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 86/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Tuesday May 3rd, 2022 6:31:05 PM

Hmerrin helps himself to Dez' healing, and now only looks half dead, rather than mostly dead.

"Gelflind says hi," he asides to the gnomes.

The young man helps Danko search for goodies on the Rakas.

Then, its back up to rejoin the rest of the gnomes.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Tuesday May 3rd, 2022 10:09:27 PM

Ramirez asks the gnomes if there are any more rakshasa about. If not, he agrees rejoining the rest of the gnomes would be best.

level 2 spells 4/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
OOC- 24/19/14, 1d8+8

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:31) 
Tuesday May 3rd, 2022 10:59:29 PM

Gaffer stretches himself to ease the itching as Des' magic seals his single wound.
"We have had a number of engagements with the group these Rakshasa belong too, and are quite keen to help your clan regain their full freedom."

[i]----- Active Effects
Barkskin, extended - +5 AC 5 hours

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Tuesday May 3rd, 2022 11:46:04 PM


Nira warmly waves at the gnomes and checks to make sure everyone is okay.

More gnomes - DM Dan K 
Wednesday May 4th, 2022 7:47:05 AM

The party speaks with the gnomes and they readily agree to head back up to the others and they confirm that there are no other Rakshasa about
Des channels some positive energy healing some of the wounds on Hmerrin and all of the injuries to most others.
A quick search of the Rakshasa produces a set of leather armor, a cloak and bejeweled belt on each of them.

Back with the rest of the group the talk turns to getting the gnomes out. The gnomes are not completely sure on how that would actually work.
"Our clan signed a contract as you know. We work happily and without trying to cut and run and such and in return, we are not part of the 'normal' operations right? It was made pretty clear that if any escape or leave or what have you, things would go very south for the clan."
"Course we cant just stay here right, only have so much in the way of supplies"
"But we do have that next shipment to put up right, in what, a couple days?"
"Right. So we make the shipment, send up the lift and then follow soon after."

The gnomes start nodding in agreement to their plan and then look at you
"You have our thanks by no small measure and we will see you recognized for it as well. You say you been hunting these things, well I would think an opportunity is fast approaching then. This last hoist up the lift will make 10, and through the stone we hear things. Things that sound like loading wagons and and such. Our bet" he looks about his fellow nodding gnomes, "Someone's coming to get it tomorrow of the next day."

Treasure 6 each- Leather +2; Cloak +3, Belt of Dex +4

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Wednesday May 4th, 2022 4:22:22 PM

"Well, then, it sounds like we have a bit of time to plan. The constructs up top are a problem, though. They'll inform whoever arrives that we're here, I'm sure" says the Paladin.

(FYI - I have a doc tracking the treasure from the Nymph fight as well. No one has gone to catacomb yet to sell, I think?)

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Wednesday May 4th, 2022 5:23:37 PM

Danko gathers up the loot and says to Des

" Agreed"

{ ooc - I have a list as well of the last three battles. On my character list/bottom. No cash outs but some loaned gear }

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 86/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Wednesday May 4th, 2022 6:33:23 PM

"Yeah, Step One is gonna have to be deal with Korlis and company. Anybody know of any way to keep them from healing themselves?

The fighter tries to recall the healing of the constructs. Did they regenerate, or did the parts recombine? He's half considering giving the gnomes various pieces to be scattered/buried all over the mine.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:31) 
Wednesday May 4th, 2022 9:59:25 PM

"If we can weaken the constructs enough to move them, I reckon we could bury them in one of these tunnels? Sink them into the stone and then collapse the tunnel."

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Wednesday May 4th, 2022 10:25:49 PM

As long as we dont break the contract, they may not act. We need the details of that contract. Maybe the Rakshasa have done something to break it?

Aside from that, I guess we need to plan an ambush.

level 2 spells 4/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
OOC- 24/19/14, 1d8+8

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Wednesday May 4th, 2022 11:59:56 PM


Nira agrees with the others that finding a way to keep the kolyruts from telling the rakshasa the group is here is very important.

Dealing with Korliss - DM Dan K 
Thursday May 5th, 2022 10:55:57 AM

The topic moves to how to deal with Korliss and the other 2 Kolyruts. Hmerrin recalls that they were regenerating, no question.
How they would react would likely depend on the parties actions.
Nira can add that Kolyruts are not simply constructs, they are outer planar beings. Inevitables. Intelligent, thinking beings that happen to be artificial. Yes, that might make things more complicated, but it is something everyone needs to understand.

Ramirez points out that as long as the party doesn't break the contract, things should be good. Question is, what is in and what is not in the contract. The gnomes about have a basic understanding. They don't rise up and kill Rakshasa, not that they were capable of doing so, they mine for gems and ore and they send that cargo up the lift. Leaving would obviously break the last part

Currently the party is at the bottom of a 300' shaft with the lift at the bottom as well

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 86/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Thursday May 5th, 2022 4:39:42 PM

Hmerrin ponders.

"Korlis and company likely won't do anything until and unless the gnomes break the contract. When we got here, Korlis was stationed at the top of the lift, with the others in the back room.

It's possible if the Tide went up, and moved out into the courtyard, and ambushed the rakas at the gates, no contract would be broken.

Now, the gnomes have to leave sometime. I mean, there are shift changes and all that. So, what if the gnomes send up the last shipment, and then come up after for a shift change, but no one is there to replace them?

Or maybe...can we just ask Korlis what the contract says?

Failing all that, we go up, kill them again, bring the pieces down here, and do the Bury in Stone thing.


Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Thursday May 5th, 2022 4:44:54 PM

"When we tried to ask him about the contract before, he wasn't willing to tell too much. I'm not sure what could get it out of them - I doubt an appeal to pity would work very well," responds Desdichado.

"I like your plan, though. If we can walk past them we could try to ambush rakshasa before they arrive. And maybe leave the gnomes down here for the fight?"

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 27*/14/23* -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Thursday May 5th, 2022 8:00:43 PM

"If we're potentially going into another fight, I better treat some of those wounds" Nira places a hand on Hmerrin and casts a Heal spell.

Cast Heal. Hmerrin is healed for 140pts

Thanks for subbing Ryan!

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Thursday May 5th, 2022 9:22:04 PM

Should we go talk to the kolyaruts again? We won't find out anything by debating it. The gnomes should probably stay down here for now until we can let them know it is safe.

level 2 spells 4/6 remaining
level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
OOC- 24/19/14, 1d8+8

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Thursday May 5th, 2022 9:31:05 PM

" If we're likely going into battle again, I'm down to one chain lightning spell for today. Some rest and a recharge may be wise. "

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:31) 
Friday May 6th, 2022 8:33:11 AM

"If we did get the gnomes out, we could send forst the Kolyruts down here and set an ambush up top for the Rakshasa, plus once the gnomes are safe we can be a bit more confident incase anything goes wrong and we need to flee. Let's not forget that some of the Raks seem to know we are hunting them."

That was easy - DM Dan K 
Friday May 6th, 2022 9:49:43 AM

The group does a bit of healing and discusses the possibilities of Korliss and the other Kolyruts up top and then make the decision to head up and hopefully just be able to move past Korliss. The gnomes area all perfectly happy to wait.

And if things go wrong, the group will simply have to go plan B and take out Korliss again and seal their parts up in the mine.

The group heads up the lift and at the top are greeted by the 3 Kolyruts. Korliss unfolds his arms and steps aside to allow you to past and waves the others back to the main room.

It would seem you are able to simply leave without incident

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 27*/14/23* -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Saturday May 7th, 2022 10:59:30 PM

Nira is relieved that the Kolyruts aren't looking for another fight.

"Have we learned why the people here are acting strange? Was it possible they were under the rakshasa's enchantments?"

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 178/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Sunday May 8th, 2022 6:29:00 PM

Hmerrin gives Korlis a jaunty salute, and leads the Tide out of the room, and away from prying ears.

"That gnome said their next shipment was due in a couple days," he replies to Danko. "Hopefully, that means we get some rest and prep time.

Let's take a look around, and see what we've got out here and in front of the gate.

Also, there's likely to be a bunch of gnomes with them that we want to keep alive. I don't know, maybe a sleep spell or something to knock em all out?"

Hmerrin will begin searching the grounds for good places to jump out and attack.
[How about a Take 20 on Knowledge Engineering for 25?]

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+22=42 ;
Sunday May 8th, 2022 10:44:05 PM

"Oh yeah," says Desdichado, "we should see if those people are still out here and if they are doing any better.

He's ready for an ambush, so he helps Hmerrin with planning out their preemptive strike.

He takes a look around the area to see if there seems to be anything that mihht give an advantage, or looks interesting. (Perception: 42)

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Monday May 9th, 2022 6:36:37 AM

Danko nods at everyones' suggestions.

He'll focus on resting and preparing his spells.

A couple of days to prepare - DM Dan K 
Monday May 9th, 2022 10:01:37 AM

The group heads outside and encounters very much the same scene that was going on 2 days ago when they entered.
There is a guard sitting by the front gate.
A dwarf is carrying some tack and harness gear from the stables to the storage shed across the way.
The group can hear someone, presumably the same human, rummaging in the root cellar to the right
The group can hear some faint noise from the barn that sounds like someone mucking out a stall.,

A brief investigation finds all of the humans and dwarf in the small camp doing the exact same thing they were doing 2 days ago. As if the people were stuck in a programmed loop of activity

Hmerrin and Des can locate several good spots to see the gate without being seen. The barn has an upper loft with a window that sees the gate. The Storage shed has a ground level outer fence that could conceal someone who has some skill in stealth. The same applies to the back corner near the root cellar. The backside hill also provides some light cover to hide in while being able to see the front gate.

To Nira's question as to why the people are acting so odd, it is more powerful than what the group has seen at other farms or even from the controlled and dominated races the Tide has seen before, but it all screams of the twisted and vile pleasures of the Rakshasa.

The days past, the people continue through the routines assigned. they do eat and they do sleep. But all waking hours seem to be the same 90 minute loop.

The pick up should be anyday/anytime now

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Monday May 9th, 2022 4:10:59 PM

Desdichado watches the people go through their routines, and his anger at what the rakshasa are doing grows.

"These things make deals with constructs who are apparently living, but make the Noble Races act like constructs."

Consulting with the others, he tries to think of what useful tactics might be. There will probably be 6 more of those toothy rakshasa, plus probably at least another two rakshasa to act as handlers for the next shift of gnomes.

"I can briefly lend everyone some of Domi's holy power, but we'd all need to be huddled for that. I'm not sure that's the best positioning for us here."

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 178/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Monday May 9th, 2022 6:16:23 PM

"You and me should be together," Hmerrin responds to Dez. "Under that holy power, I can use my axes, and put some hurting on them.

Nira should probably be close enough to us to provide healing."
He grins.
"You may have noticed I tend to bleed a lot in these fights."

"So, if the three of us are hiding out of sight in Whatever building is closest to the gate, Danko can signal us with something large and explosive, and Dez and me come pelting out and jump whatever we see. Not sure how the rest of you would like to play it."

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:31) 
Monday May 9th, 2022 6:47:21 PM

Gaffer will spend some time in the day or two they have to search the local area for holly berries that could be used for the Fire Seeds spell.

"I don't want to risk giving anything away, so reckon I should wait inside and step out once the fight starts."

He'll cast an extended Barkskin on himself early, it doesn't do much to help with the restlessness he feels while waiting.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Monday May 9th, 2022 9:12:03 PM

"I could use a Veil spell to disguise us as the gnomes we saw below, but if the rakshasa suspect something is wrong they might see through it. Hiding is probably a better idea"

Nira will happily hide in whatever building the group agree on.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Monday May 9th, 2022 9:34:42 PM

I can give everyone a boost with a rousing song, if you want other boosts, we will need to be close for the spells that dont last long to affect everyone.After that, I can pepper them with arrows. Does everyone have weapons that can hurt them?

And...are we going to talk to Korliss?

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Tuesday May 10th, 2022 6:10:08 AM

Danko speaks
" I have some improved invisibility spells that could help. And haste and mirror image. And Stoneskin. Between the chain lightnings and fireballs I should be able to do some damage. "

A couple of days to prepare - DM Dan K 
Tuesday May 10th, 2022 9:32:58 AM

The group goes through what their plans of action and what they anticipate coming there way to be. There are prep spells to cast, positions to take and an unknown timeline of when things will get interesting and the wild card of Korliss and the other 2 Kolyruts and of course innocent noble race victims present wandering about that may or may not be part of the loading process.

The barn has a second floor loft that can see the gate, about 40' plus 18' up.
The Storage shed has a fence along the side that someone with Stealth could hide well behind, about 40' away
At the back by the root cellar has a area that Stealth could be used to hide, about 90' away
Atop the hill has light cover that Prone individuals could use Stealth to hide, about 120' away

Gaffer casts Barkskin in the morning
Danko has multiple spells that could help, but when to cast them as none of them last very long.

The caravan could arrive this morning or this afternoon, or even tomorrow

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:31) 
Tuesday May 10th, 2022 6:33:00 PM

"If some of them are on open ground, I'm hoping some gravity magic will keep a few out of our hair."

Gaffer finds a chair to take with him up to the second floor of the barn so he has somewhere to sit out of sight while they wait.

----- Active Effects
Barkskin - 5 Hours - +5 to AC

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Tuesday May 10th, 2022 7:18:17 PM

Ramirez asks Korliss if a fight with the rakshasa would count as breaking the contract.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Tuesday May 10th, 2022 7:25:20 PM

Not being stealthy, Desdichado waits in the barn as well, wondering about the jump down.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 178/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Tuesday May 10th, 2022 7:47:58 PM

Is there a first floor opening in the barn or closer that one could completely hide behind?

Hmerrin doesn't need to see the rakas come in. He plans to wait until Danko or Gaffer or Rameriz gives a signal.

In the meantime, he finds a spot where he can as far down the road as possible, and sets up shifts to keep watch.

He also is interested in Korlis' answer to Ramirez' question.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+14=31 ;
Wednesday May 11th, 2022 4:04:28 AM

Nira is careful to stay out of the way of the workers. She tries casting Break Enchantment on one of them, just in case it has some effect.

After that, she takes up a position on the second floor of the barn with the others.

Cast Break Enchantment on a nearby worker. Caster check: 31 against a DC of 11 + caster level of the effect.

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  d20+15=21 ;
Wednesday May 11th, 2022 6:21:18 AM

Danko takes position behind the storage shed.
He casts mage armour on himself.
He readies great invisibility to cast on himself as well as soon as they Raks make their appearance.
He keeps an eye out for them

Mage armor

Perception - 21

Caravan - DM Dan K 
Wednesday May 11th, 2022 10:43:04 AM

Gaffer begins his day with Barkskin, shortly after midday, the spell ends as he sits in a chair in the barn loft, watchful eye on the gate.

Ramirez heads back into the hill mine area and finds Korlis. The Kolyrut is basically right where you first encountered him and he comes forward into the first room. "The contract is not really yours to break. It is between the gnomes and the Rakshasa. Presumably you have already fought the Rakshasa in the mine at this point. Odd time to ask. What I can tell you is this. I have yielded to to at this location and we shall not raise arms, but to defend ourselves or to assure the gnomes and Rakshasa abide to the contract between them."
From the loft of the barn, it will be a 18' drop to the ground. Des considers his ability to tuck and roll.

Hmerrin finds none of the buildings in the camp have a view over the wall. To see down the road, he will need to take up a position on the hill. That allows for about 200' of road. but leaves him 120' from the gate with 35' jump down first. Without concern for being able to see the gate, Hmerrin and anyone else could gather just around the nearest barn corner and wait. Leaving about 65' to cover to get to the gate

Nira casts Break Enchantment upon the man walking back and forth with the harness and tack supplies, between the barn and storage shed. As the spell falls over him, he pauses and turns to look at Nira. His eyes are vacant, his face slack, the last vestiges of hope left him long long ago. He turns away and slowly continues to bring the gear to the storage shed.

Danko opts for the storage Shed and casts [Mage Armor[/i]

A couple hours after midday, Hmerrin spots movement on the road. It appears to be a 4 team horse drawn covered wagon, with 2 riders in front. There might be another pair at the rear, but Hmerrin is not positive. The wagon should be arriving at the gate in less than 1 minute (10 rounds)
Hmerrin Perception DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: { 2 Riders in front, look like soldier types. 2 men driving the wagon, 1 looks soldier type. 2 men riding at the rear, look like soldier types. 6 in all, 5 are well armed}

Please keep your actions to under 5 rounds worth.

Hmerrin is the only one that can see and knows they are coming

The barn has a second floor loft that can see the gate, about 40' plus 18' up. Gaffer and Des
The Storage shed has a fence along the side that someone with Stealth could hide well behind, about 40' away. Danko
At the back by the root cellar has a area that Stealth could be used to hide, about 90' away
Atop the hill has light cover that Prone individuals could use Stealth to hide, about 120' away Hmerrin
just outside of the barn out of sight 65' away Ramirez and Nira

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Wednesday May 11th, 2022 4:02:38 PM

Desdichado stays in the barn, waiting for a signal or if he sees anyone in view.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 178/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)   d20+14=20 ;
Wednesday May 11th, 2022 6:54:14 PM

[Perception 20 - Fail]

Hmerrin starts at the sight of the approaching wagons. There might be more to see, but they're surely the rakas, and he's in a hurry.

The fighter chugs the potion of fly he's been holding for just this moment, and launches himself off the hill.
Landing in the courtyard, he waves frantically at Gaffer, Dez, and Danko before pelting off at dead run to join Ramirez and Nina.

"They're coming," he says. "Listen for the gate."

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:31) 
Wednesday May 11th, 2022 10:14:58 PM

Gaffer casts his second, and last extended Barkskin when the first runs out.

When Hmerrin lands in the courtyard he bolts out his seat and stands against the wall beside the window.

He's unsure who's going to start the fight, but the more of the Raks fully in the courtyard, the easier it will be to hit them all at once.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d4+5=9 ;
Wednesday May 11th, 2022 11:01:29 PM

When Hmerrin arrives at the barn to provide the update, Ramirez casts good hope on Hmerrin, Nira, and himself. Then he casts mirror image on himself. Looks like we're ready. Who's going to make sure they are bad guys before we open fire?

Active Effects:
good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. (duration 15min)
mirror image- 8 images remaining (duration 15 min)

5/6 2nd level remaining
5/6 3rd level remaining

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Thursday May 12th, 2022 2:33:42 AM

"I really need to learn some sort of telepathy spell" Nira mutters to herself. It would have come in handy multiple times these past few days.

She gives a nod of thanks to Ramirez for the spells, and then casts a Spectral Hand of her own. She holds on to the rest of her spells just in case those approaching aren't rakshasa.

Nira stays out of sight and waits for a call from one of the others to say when to jump out.

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Thursday May 12th, 2022 6:32:50 AM

Danko nods at Hemerrin and ducks back into hiding... waiting

Mage armor

Anyone home? - DM Dan K  d20+5=11 ; d20+5=20 ;
Thursday May 12th, 2022 10:52:18 AM

Hmerrin downs a flying potion and quickly makes his way the others to let them know and then takes a spot on the ground by the barn
Des stays put in the barn loft
Gaffer casts Barkskin and stays with Des
Ramirez casts Good Hope on Hmerrin., Nira and Himself and and then Mirror Image on himself and asks about verifying the caravan is bad guys before firing
Nira casts Spectral Hand and keeps out of sight with Hmerrin and Ramirez by the barn
Danko nods to Hmerrin's alert and ducks back down by the storage shed

About a minute later there are several bangs on the gate and a loud voice calls out, "Open up, it's Parsons.!"

Des and Danko can see the guard at the gate stand and slide back a view window in the gate, he closes it as the group hears the same voice, "Hello again." The guard then slides back a bolt and pushes the gate on a slide to the far left.

Danko and Des, can see the group has all dismounted, save the wagon driver. The man who apparently was doing the talkng begins to lead the the group in, but quickly slows his pace with his hand drifting to the hilt of his broadsword. He calls out questioningly "Korliss? You sleeping? Hello?"

Three of the men are about 5' in the gate, hands on weapons, but not drawn.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 178/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Thursday May 12th, 2022 6:29:12 PM

Hmerrin waits against the wall of the barn, brows furrowed in confusion as he listens.
Sure doesn't sound like a raka.

In effect
good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. (duration 15min)

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Thursday May 12th, 2022 6:32:47 PM

Desdichado relays to Gaffer what he sees in a whisper. He glances over and shrugs his shoulders with a "what do you think?" look.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:31) 
Thursday May 12th, 2022 10:23:45 PM

Gaffer tights his hold on his staff and keeps his position, unsure if Korlioss will give them away, but still hoping for the others to come through the gate.

If Des' tells him that at least five people have come through, or if things kick off anyway, he'll step out and cast Reverse Gravity, targeting the squares they're in and columns as far upward as possible for all of them. (15 ten foot cubes.)

Barkskin - +5 AC; 5 hours

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Thursday May 12th, 2022 10:52:10 PM

Ramirez waits on a signal to see if there will be a party.

Active Effects:
good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. (duration 15min)
mirror image- 8 images remaining (duration 15 min)

5/6 2nd level remaining
5/6 3rd level remaining

Private party - DM Dan K  d20+5=15 ; d20+5=15 ; d20+5=7 ;
Friday May 13th, 2022 11:09:02 AM

Hmerrin stays put, beginning to wonder what might be going on
Des relays to Gaffer in the loft what he sees
Gaffer gets ready to step forward and cast a spell, he just wants a couple more...
Ramirez holds as well
As does Nira and Danko

The lead man takes a few more steps, now beginning to actively look about. The man on his left and right draw their swords and take up flanking spots, also looking about.
"Keep that wagon right there." he gestures with his off hand back out the gate where the wagon waits. The three men move forward 20'

Des spies 2 more riders have caught up to the group still outside the main gate, making a total of 5 men. 3 inside and 5 outside

The barn has a second floor loft that can see the gate, about 40' plus 18' up. Gaffer and Des
The Storage shed has a fence along the side that someone with Stealth could hide well behind, about 40' away. Danko
Outside of the barn out of sight 65' away Hmerrin, Ramirez and Nira

The 3 men are 10' apart and 25' from the gate

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:31) 
Friday May 13th, 2022 12:33:56 PM

Well, if they are already suspicious...

Gaffer steps out from behind the wall to get a full view of what Des is describing, and unleashes a wave of magic that causes the air to shimmer and shake for before suddenly rushing upwards. He tenses for the moment while hoping the spell is effective.

He looks to Des beside him a moment after and says, "I think you're better suited to telling them to surrender."

----- Actions
Cast: Reverse Gravity: Range 250 feet, 15 ten foot cubes; No SR, Reflex DC 26 if they have something to hold onto.
He will create five 'pillars' each 30 feet high. One on each of the 3 inside the main area, and two that catch as many of those outside the gate as possible, and the wagon.

----- Active
Barkskin - +5 AC; 5 hours

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+14=20 ;
Friday May 13th, 2022 12:48:46 PM

Desdichado nods to Gaffer and steps forward to be fully seen in the barn loft. He directs his words to the one who called out to Kohlis.

(Intimidate: 20) Hero Points Used: 1

"We've already defeated the rakshasa inside. Plus several other groups of them before we made our way here. I'd suggest you set down your arms before you are the next group aiding rakshasa that we put down."

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