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M17: Welcome to Plateau City

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22*/14*/18* (+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 21 -- HP 109/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Sunday August 14th, 2022 9:06:01 PM

For Nira, it's been a little longer than two years. The Wold changed considerably during that 100 years she was stuck in the Teucri time bubble. She looks forward to seeing Dirt City and perhaps getting a tour from the party.

She thinks about the loot the party have collected and offers an idea.

"You know, I was thinking. More than once now it's been difficult for us to communicate over distances or without giving away positions when we're hiding. What would everyone think about being linked telepathically? I can cast the spells if you'd be willing to give up a small share of your split of the loot - just to cover the cost of the spell mind you. By my workings, everyone would need to kick in 12,500gp. It's just a thought."

Nira is suggesting castings of Telepathic Bond and Permanency. The group would buy the permanency scrolls at level 20 to make them much, much harder to dispel.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:122/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Sunday August 14th, 2022 11:40:09 PM

Desdichado is puzzled at Nira's excitement. "You [b]want[b] to tour Dirt City? That's the first time I've ever heard someone look forward to seeing that town. We should probably give you a rundown on the situation before we get there - while we've carved out a - supposedly - independent space of our own, when we left the Houses were in bad shape with both intramural fighting and the small problem of many of them having been taken over by rakshasa in disguise. We may be personas non grata when we get back."

The paladin is enthusiastic at Nira's suggestion of a permanent Telepathic Bond. "Oh, we've used something similar in the past to great effect. Having something permanent would be very handy."

No matter which direction the team decides to move, Desdichado decides it's well past time to write back to the temple in Plateau City with an update.

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