Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:93/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Friday August 19th, 2022 8:50:11 PM "Until now we've usually had recovery time, but that is a luxury we may not be able to afford this time. Like it or not, we are heroes, and it's about time I for one started to act like it. The hero doesn't arrived home to a well earned rest - they have problems to attend to first. Recuperate, and be ready to find where we are going. I know we aren't there - I haven't been torn to shreds by the plantlife yet."
"What about the leprechaun?"
__________ Foresight (+2 insight bonus to AC and on Reflex saves - 165 min - still in effect) Control Winds (680 ft. radius cylinder 40 ft. high - 165 min - still in effect blowing clouds, etc. north) Bonuses not factored into Header.
Aftermath (DM Cayzle) Friday August 19th, 2022 9:00:00 PM
Healing is expended, thanks to Trellus.
Grindar is glad to have the night to rest.
Moridark considers casting his Mansion ... but this deep into the Culverwood, will a dimensional spell be safe?
Armand notes that things are weird here. His glove is gone, time passes oddly, and yet the party needs a rest.
'Osul notes that the leprechaun left back to the Wold's cradle after ... a minute per caster level. He knew nothing of value about the Culverwood, but seemed willing enough to help you out while it was there.
Fortunately, the night passes peacefully. Nothing bothers the party until morning.
Elyngael is alert to the forest, and around dawn, hears a sound faintly. Maybe ... sobbing?
You have not had time to prep spells for the day, but you have had enough rest to do so. You have gained the normal benefit of natural healing.
'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:29, ST:(F18/R14/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 d20+32=33 ; Saturday August 20th, 2022 4:25:22 AM
'Osul offers 8 hours of long term care for up to six patients - The patient recovers hit points or ability score points (lost to ability damage) at twice the normal rate - before taking his rest for natural healing. {Heal: 33 vs DC15} With a normal night's rest 'Osul recovers 1 hit point per character level, so 18 HP. ________ 'Osul tries to meditate with The Wood with dawn.
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Sunday August 21st, 2022 9:46:59 AM
Armand notes the trouble he had casting spells and wonders if the connection between Gargul is more distant in this realm. Therefore he allows extra time in his early morning prayers for spells and general benediction of Gargul.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Sunday August 21st, 2022 10:47:33 AM
Level up completed on Elyngeal and Brawn. with 'Osul's healing Elyngael is recovered on on Con, Brawn is still down 4 con (he was down 6).
Elyngael says, "I hear a sobbing in the woods somewhere. I'm not sure if it's from a humanoid or some animal though." Elyngeal will meditate to add another spell.
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 101/101 (125/125) CMD 27 (-4 con is going to be -2HP/hd-level (hd12) for 24hp total)
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) d20+14=25 ; Sunday August 21st, 2022 8:04:04 PM
Moridark sleeps soundly. The mage wakes and takes the time to prepare his spells. ”I may need to invest in some scrolls of maze when we get to civilization again. They came in pretty handy yesterday.”. Moridark peers around to see if he can also hear the crying ( Perception 25)
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 69/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 126/126 HP d20+26=41 ; Monday August 22nd, 2022 12:51:24 AM
(Perception 41)
At Elyngael's mention of the sobbing sound, Grindar does his best to pinpoint the source of the sound.
Aftermath (DM Cayzle) Monday August 22nd, 2022 12:39:14 PM
Elyngael reports that she hears sobbing a ways off.
Grindar focuses on the sound and is pretty sure he could lead people to the weeping.
Then Elyngael, 'Osul, Armand, and Moridark sit down to meditate on spells for the day.
You all still clearly hear the sound of a person in pain and frustration, but softly, seeing as the sound is coming from a ways off. The crying is not loud enough, at this distance, to interfere with your meditation and arcane study. After about a half hour the crying diminishes and then stops. Some time after that, you have completed your spell prep for the day.
Grindar only, if you would like to post your actions while the others are meditating on spells, that would be fine. Everyone else can post their actions after their spell prep, unless they would like to interrupt it in the middle.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 69/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 126/126 HP d20+27=43 ; d20+26=31 ; d20+37=53 ; Monday August 22nd, 2022 1:52:59 PM
Since Grindar didn’t cast any of his small allotment of spells, except commune with nature, and due to his overwhelming desire to protect the innocent, he and Cotton follow the weeping sound, while his friends are prepping for the day. As he approaches, while still out of sight and ear shot, he tells Cotton to stay as he sneaks forward to investigate.
Survival 43 Perception 31 Stealth 53
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) d20+14=25 ; Monday August 22nd, 2022 3:18:23 PM
Moridark sleeps soundly. The mage wakes and takes the time to prepare his spells. ”I may need to invest in some scrolls of maze when we get to civilization again. They came in pretty handy yesterday.”. Moridark peers around to see if he can also hear the crying ( Perception 25)
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) d100=60 ; d100=60 ; d20+16=23 ; Monday August 22nd, 2022 4:28:17 PM
Trellus takes the time to meditate and recover spells.
He then casts Magic Vestment twice, once on his armor (d100 roll = 60) and once on his shield (d100 roll = 60..huh).
Once finished he looks around.
"And I guess we go after Grindar and Cotton now?" he asks.
Assuming the team is in agreement, he'll start off in the direction everyone last heard the crying. [Perception 23]
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet d4=3 ; Monday August 22nd, 2022 5:39:13 PM I'm going to assume that since the DM hasn't mentioned it and there's been some divine spells cast since Arcanotheigns were defeated, that the roll for divine spells was related to their presence.
Armand will go over to Brawn and cast Restoration (lesser). restoring 3 con.
"IE ya, will Grindar not learn. I guess we need to get after him. But I'll stay to the rear, since I'm going to be very noisy moving around here. Unless we all need to bunch up around 'Osul again?"
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 d20+23=30 ; d20+27=40 ; Monday August 22nd, 2022 5:45:15 PM "Thanks Armand. Let's get after Grindar. Brawn, guard Armand." Elyngael will see if she can pick up Grindar's tracks. Survival d20+23=30 Perception d20+27=40
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) d20+14=25 ; Monday August 22nd, 2022 9:20:27 PM
Moridark sleeps soundly. The mage wakes and takes the time to prepare his spells. ”I may need to invest in some scrolls of maze when we get to civilization again. They came in pretty handy yesterday.”. Moridark peers around to see if he can also hear the crying ( Perception 25)
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Monday August 22nd, 2022 9:25:13 PM
Moridark finishes preparing his spells and casts overland flight on himself. The mage waits until the group is ready and then follows above the group after Grindar
'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:29, ST:(F18/R14/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 d20+48=58 ; d20+41=59 ; d20+37=57 ; d20+40=54 ; Tuesday August 23rd, 2022 9:06:07 AM
After his meditations, 'Osul heads out with those seeking Grindar and the weeping.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Tuesday August 23rd, 2022 5:33:17 PM "I think he went this way....maybe it would be easier to track Cotton?" Elyngael says.
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet d20+33=47 ; d20+8=16 ; d20+29=42 ; d20+10=15 ; Tuesday August 23rd, 2022 5:39:26 PM
Armand examines and tries to analyze his surroundings to determine what is different from this Culverwood and the last. He mutters slightly to himself composing what he knows in his mind so that he can record it better in his journal and not waste paper. Profession Liberian 47 (d20+33) Perception 16 (d20+8) Knowledge Planes 42 (d20+29) Knowledge Nature 15 (d20+10)
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 69/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 126/126 HP Tuesday August 23rd, 2022 6:55:09 PM
Even though Grindar is in one of his Favored Terrains, he is choosing to leave a trail so his friends can follow him.
Stuck in a Tree (DM Cayzle) Tuesday August 23rd, 2022 8:11:03 PM
Grindar puts the sound of a person in distress above other priorities, and serves as a model of heroism for his friends.
Grindar, please accept a hero point.
Grindar finds a surface drow glued with dark sap partially inside a tree. His head and left arm are free but the rest of him is stuck in the black tar oozing from the tree. It’s almost like the tree was trying to swallow him up.
The rest of the party arrive.
“I yield. I yield. Please don’t kill me.”
The man is obviously stuck but (in this state) doesn’t look like a threat. Trapped like this and with creatures around, you doubt he’d last a day.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 69/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 126/126 HP d20=7 ; d20+9=18 ; Wednesday August 24th, 2022 10:56:02 AM
Grindar sees the engulfed drow, and his first instinctively is to grab his free arm and pull with all his might. "I'm not going to kill you, I'm here to save you!"
Strength check 18
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet d8=4 ; Wednesday August 24th, 2022 10:58:32 AM "Oh my we need to do something. I remember Neshi experimenting with that black stuff. Does anyone remember how best to get rid of it?"
He moves in and burns his bless spell to cast Cure Light Wounds on the Drow. (9 hp healed d8+5) "Don't worry we're not going to kill you, but getting you out of that may take some doing."
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) Wednesday August 24th, 2022 11:39:03 AM
"We could try this pick," Trellus considers.
The man removes a ring from his finger, and places it on one on the drow's free hand. Ring of Freedom of Movement
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Wednesday August 24th, 2022 2:29:49 PM
Moridark starts to open his mouth and say he can free the draw as Trellus places a ring on the drows finger. The mage waits to see what happens next.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 d20+5=13 ; Wednesday August 24th, 2022 2:48:03 PM
Elyngael grabs just below Grindar and helps pulls. She will let go though if she hears or feels the poor Drow's shoulder pop. Strength 13 aid another.
Stuck in a Tree (DM Cayzle) d4=4 ; d4=3 ; Wednesday August 24th, 2022 10:08:34 PM
The drow is happy to see you, but worried too. "Be careful," he says, "“If you fight the trees, they’ll fight back”
It does not look like pure muscle will work, but the free action is a clever addition, and you manage to haul the drow out without hurting the tree.
Once free, he casts a goodberry spell to get some food and create water to drink. He offers the leftover six berries to you, with his thanks.
'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:29, ST:(F18/R14/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 d20+37=50 ; d20+48=60 ; d20+40=59 ; Thursday August 25th, 2022 6:18:21 AM
'Osul considers this as a natural phenomenon {Knowledge(Nature): 50 + Forest Walking} or natural trap {Survival: 60 + Forest Walking}. He is glad the drow is free, and also glad that Grindar and Elyngael didn't end up in a pile on the ground. He smiles and asks what brings him here, and if there are any others in similar circumstances. {Sense Motive: 59}
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 69/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 126/126 HP Thursday August 25th, 2022 11:48:09 AM "My name is Grindar, Son of Grindor , and I am very glad we were able to get here in time to weave your rescue. How did you weave yourself into such a predicament?"
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) Thursday August 25th, 2022 2:24:07 PM
Trellus gets his ring back.
"Many shadows, I'm Trellus."
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet d20+21=26 ; Thursday August 25th, 2022 5:25:10 PM "We thank you for your gift." Armand will eat the berry even though he has no need of its properties at the moment. "Can you tell us more about this place? We have just arrived here and are a little bit lost. I'll start off by introducing us. We are the Wardens of the Tree of Parting. We came to the Culverwood because or rumors of strange goings on and whispers of dark druids." He will then introduce each of the wardens in turn. Diplomacy 26 (d20+21)
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 d20+31=50 ; Thursday August 25th, 2022 5:42:08 PM
Elyngael looks around at the trees. Perception d20+31=50 "How exactly do these tree's attack you? What should we be on the lookout for?"
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Thursday August 25th, 2022 8:20:09 PM
Moridark thanks the elf for the berry and tucks it away for later just in case
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Thursday August 25th, 2022 8:20:12 PM
Moridark thanks the elf for the berry and tucks it away for later just in case
Stuck in a Tree (DM Cayzle) Thursday August 25th, 2022 11:57:04 PM
[OOC: In regard to casting divine spells and other odd effects ... the Culverwood is not a being that follows rules all that consistently. Expect the unexpected. We have hinted at this with odd effects, dimensional clues, summons gone awry, etc.]
'Osul wonders if the sap is a natural phenomenon or a natural trap. Can't it be both? His intuition is that this is natural; also that he has never seen nor heard of the like.
He smiles and asks the drow what brings him here, and if there are any others in similar circumstances.
The drow says that he and his friends found a grove at the top level of the Culverwood, and that it led them deeper. He says that his friends are lost or dead.
Trellus and Grindar introduce themselves, and the drow replies in kind, and says his name is Tondle. He explains in more detail that his party sought to enter a magic clade, and then they got lost within.
Trellus gets his ring back.
Armand asks about this place. Tondle explains as best he can. “Did you notice things aren’t ‘normal’ around here? Something unnatural is happening. Is that why you’re here?”
He looks around at each of you. "It looks to me like you may be followers of the Culverwood. Are you? I came to learn more about the Culverwood and its mysteries. Do you know what’s happening here?”
"Our sage told it like this: The Culverwood is made of layers, sort of, and you can end up deeper. And these layers are not exactly planes and not exactly demiplanes and not exactly easy to navigate."
When Armand mentions dark druids, the fellow freezes up and looks around nervously.
"Now, we had a theory, but I'm not sure I know anything, really. Some information is very dangerous." But Armand's diplomacy gets him to open up a little. "We think maybe the Dark Druids are experimenting with controlling the upper levels of the Culver from their place in the mid-levels. Maybe they have some new knowledge of how to manipulate the magical forest and are trying to learn more. Only by experimenting can they learn how to manipulate it further. So the surface level is becoming more volatile. They can make it happen, but can’t control it yet."
Alert to immediate danger, Elyngael asks about the trees with the black sap. Tondle answers, "I am still wounded, and I was even more so, when I laid down to rest. It was while I slept that the tree tried to engulf me."
Moridark thanks the elf, and the surface drow bows in return.
He tells you that with the loss of all of his friends, he is eager to escape the Culverwood and head back up and out.
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) Friday August 26th, 2022 7:44:18 PM
Trellus frowns a bit as he tries to follow Tondle's statements.
"The rest of your group is gone?" he asks. "How did that happen?"
'Upper layers and middle layers' also is interesting. "How many layers are there"
And finally, "Do you know how to get up and down? Is it always through the rings? Do you know where the nearest ring is?"
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet d20+16=27 ; d8=1 ; d8=8 ; d8=1 ; d8=2 ; d8=2 ; Friday August 26th, 2022 9:06:51 PM
Armand tries to assess the Tondle to see if he needs more healing. Heal check 27 (d20+16). He will then burn a third level Protection from Energy and cast Cure Serious Wounds. 27 hp healed (3d8+15).
"Well I can say we're not to sure about how to move about these levels either. There's a fairy circle not far from here but getting it to activate can be ..... cumbersome."
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 d20+31=32 ; Friday August 26th, 2022 9:10:19 PM "Is this then the middle level? Is this where those dark druids reside?" She continues to look around the trees to see if she can spot any of them moving, even if it's just the limbs. She will also look to see if other trees display the dark sap. Perception d20+31=32
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Stuck in a Tree (DM Cayzle) Friday August 26th, 2022 11:03:14 PM
"The trees attacked us," the surface drow tells Trellus, "and we got lost and separated."
"I don't know how many layers there are. Maybe there are more in some places and fewer in others. I don't know if there is a bottom. All I know is that we went darker to go deeper, and I intend to head for the light to go up."
Tondle is very grateful for the healing. "Bless you," he says to Armand. "I will try this fairie circle, if I can."
Elyngael asks about the dark druids. "Maybe?" he says. "But if you head darker, you will likely run into them?"
'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:29, ST:(F18/R14/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Saturday August 27th, 2022 12:21:52 AM "Tondle, are you aware if there is there a core... circle of druids and others working to protect the upper layer, or is it just us? And, tell anyone you meet on the way up that the Wardens of The Tree of Parting are down here."
'Osul awaits a reply before commencing a search for more fairie rings.
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Sunday August 28th, 2022 8:51:08 AM
Moridark thanks the elf for the berry and tucks it away for later just in case
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Sunday August 28th, 2022 8:52:07 AM
Moridark listens to the conversation and casts detect magic on the sticky substance oozing from the trees.
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Sunday August 28th, 2022 9:28:15 AM
Seeing Moridark cast detect magic Armand decides on a different tactic. He casts Read Magic to see if there are any glyphs or sigals on the trees, rocks, whatever.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Sunday August 28th, 2022 1:29:35 PM
Since Elyngael didn't see anything to immediately worry about in the forest she will ask, "Should we escort him back to the fairy circle? I wouldn't want him to get lost or attacked by a tree again before he got there."
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Monday August 29th, 2022 12:21:59 AM
Moridark listens to the conversation and casts detect magic on the sticky substance oozing from the trees.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 69/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 126/126 HP Monday August 29th, 2022 1:45:58 AM
Grindar listens to the drow's words, but doesn't fully understand them. He realizes the he and his friends have traveled to a different "layer", but the whole thing has him very confused, and he remains quiet, hoping his friends have a better understanding than he does.
'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:29, ST:(F18/R14/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Monday August 29th, 2022 4:59:35 AM "That sounds like a kind gesture, Elyngael. Good call!"
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) Monday August 29th, 2022 3:39:18 PM
"Shady idea," Trellus agrees with Elyngael.
He'll go with the group back to the faerie circle.
On the way, he asks the drow. "Did you use the same picks on each circle to go deeper, or did you have to change to something new each time?"
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Monday August 29th, 2022 5:10:28 PM
Armand continues to look around for magical writing, but follows along with the group.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Monday August 29th, 2022 6:34:12 PM
Elyngael pushes Grindar on as they both work their way back to the fairy ring. "I think they're saying the Culverwood is like a book. More pages is deeper, it's still the same book but you've gotten further into it."
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 69/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 126/126 HP Monday August 29th, 2022 11:49:27 PM "Thank you friend Elyngael, your explanation makes a little sense. Of course there are some things that I fear I will never fully understand."
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Monday August 29th, 2022 11:50:44 PM
'Osul asks if Tondle knows of a circle of druids working on the upper layers to protect the forest. He does not!
Moridark senses that the sticky sap has transmutation magic in it.
Armand finds no glyphs or writing in the area.
Grindar listens and tries to understand.
Elyngael considers escorting the drow back to the fairie circle. "Since we did not use one to get here, I don't want to try one to get out, thanks," Tondle says. He adds that he does not know what you mean about the "shady picks."
"I'm not picking any shade. Shade leads deeper. I'm going to keep heading into the brighter and brighter areas."
He is happy to go off on his own. He worries that if you accompany him you will go lighter and shallower, but it sounds like you all need to go darker and deeper.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 69/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 126/126 HP Tuesday August 30th, 2022 11:04:33 AM " I fear you misunderstand my friend's lingo." Grindar explains to Tondle, "To those from the Sargrass Plains, shade is a good thing, as it brings relief from the sun's heat, but I understand your reluctance to join us, as I fear we must travel into the darkness, to right whatever is wrong."
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) Tuesday August 30th, 2022 2:23:52 PM
Trellus rephrases.
"You did not use faerie circles to travel between levels? Then what method are you using?"
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Tuesday August 30th, 2022 5:20:23 PM
Armand considers Tondle's words considering how to go darker and deeper, or if it is needed since Tondle already feels the druids are already in this layer. The he does a double take, first Tondle said he was going to try to find the fairy ring, now he doesn't want to use one to get out. This is very peculiar. He casts Detect Magic with the pretense of examining the sap and tree but maneuvers around so that he can observe Tondle from the rear and not let on that he's looking him over.
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Tuesday August 30th, 2022 6:41:45 PM
Moridark listens to the conversation and casts detect magic on the sticky substance oozing from the trees.
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Tuesday August 30th, 2022 6:46:38 PM
Moridark is clearly confused. The mage let’s the group know about the sap but flies above as they escort the dew to the circle for his safety.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Tuesday August 30th, 2022 8:11:53 PM
Elyngael is not sure what to do so she waits to see what plan forms.
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Tuesday August 30th, 2022 10:28:15 PM
Tondle explains that the fairie ring is towards the lighter area, so that's where he plans to go. He says that his group did not use the fairie circle. They just did their best to draw the attention of the Culverwood, and looked to move always into the darker areas, and that worked.
"Thank you for rescuing me. And if you do not mind, I will be on my way."
Any final words or actions before he heads off?
'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:29, ST:(F18/R14/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 d20+40=56 ; Tuesday August 30th, 2022 11:29:24 PM
'Osul considers Tondle's words and actions. {Sense Motive: 56} He is for letting Tondle leave.
Afterwards he shares any insight with the other Wardens. Getting the attention of The Wood shouldn't be too difficult, but knowing which part is a diferent matter.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 69/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 126/126 HP Wednesday August 31st, 2022 11:34:21 AM
Grindar has nothing more to say to Tondle, so he simply says farewell.
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) d20+16=20 ; d20+17=20 ; Wednesday August 31st, 2022 3:34:36 PM
Trellus shrugs. If Tondle wants to go off on his own, that's his pick. The blond man is fairly sure his packmates would have said something if the drow wasn't on the level.
Go darker, and get the Wood's attention
Trellus looks around for 'darker'. [Perception 20 Survival 20]
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Wednesday August 31st, 2022 5:29:00 PM
Armand says, "Farewell Trondle. It's just over that way."
To 'Osul, "Well does darker and deeper mean metaphysical or actually deeper into the woods?"
Armand looks up to try and judge if there is actually sunlight coming in, some other light, whatever.
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Wednesday August 31st, 2022 5:30:25 PM
Moridark is clearly confused. The mage let’s the group know about the sap but flies above as they escort the dew to the circle for his safety.
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Wednesday August 31st, 2022 5:31:52 PM
Moridark waves goodbye to the drow and prepares to follow the group towards darkness.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Wednesday August 31st, 2022 6:21:24 PM "I seem to remember fairy circles in my dreams though. It was like they were anchor points or something. But if deeper is the goal maybe all we have to do is keep walking away from the last fairy circle."
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Wednesday August 31st, 2022 11:46:52 PM
The group bids the surface drow farewell and looks around for a "darker" area within this level of the Culverwood. Trellus feels sure that he has found a darker patch. You travel onwards.
Marching order? Any other prep?
As you walk, you sense shadows forming behind you, where you cannot see. The trees become darker, and more of them ooze the dark sap you have seen. You do not get any sense of sunlight above. The lighting condition is dim (20% miss chance) unless you have some other light source.
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) Thursday September 1st, 2022 3:10:39 PM
Trellus points out a patch of woods. "That looks 'darker' to me," he states.
Once Grindar or Elyngael or both decide to take point, Trellus will move about 20' behind.
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Thursday September 1st, 2022 5:04:09 PM
Armand puts on his googles of night. "I hope everyone can see okay. If you need a light spell cast on something let me know." He looks around. "This is all very strange to me."
'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:29, ST:(F18/R14/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 d20+41=44 ; d20+50=69 ; d20+50=64 ; Thursday September 1st, 2022 5:12:52 PM
'Osul takes Trellus' direction, adopts a huge air elemental form, cats Toros' Taurs Try, calibrates his darkness senses, and moves to a close overwatch.
Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Darkvision 60', Fly 120' (Perfect), DR 5/-, Whirlwind, and Immune to Bleed, Critical Hits, and Sneak Attacks.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 d20+31=50 ; d20+27=45 ; d20+35=46 ; Thursday September 1st, 2022 5:44:43 PM
Elyngeal also puts on her googles of night. "Okay, lets see what's out there. Brawn, stay with Armand." She will move about 20 feet in front. Perception d20+31= 50, Stealth d20+27=45, Survival d20+35=46 (favored terrain forest still count? if not minus 4 to the rolls)
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
OOC DM - I don't see any sort of check off on my character sheet. I'm not sure where to look though.
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Thursday September 1st, 2022 8:01:16 PM
Moridark waves goodbye to the drow and prepares to follow the group towards darkness.
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Thursday September 1st, 2022 8:06:26 PM
Moridark waves goodbye to the drow and prepares to follow the group towards darkness.
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) d20+12=21 ; Thursday September 1st, 2022 8:07:59 PM
Moridark allows his dark vision to adjust and takes his place flying just above the middle of the party. The mage keeps an eye out from above (Perception 21)
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) d20+13=20 ; d20+13=30 ; Friday September 2nd, 2022 11:58:16 PM
You start your travel, seeking ever-darker paths and deepening pools of dim in the thick woods.
After about 50 minutes, you hear a rustling in the underbrush ahead, but you do not see anything. It sounds like a LOT of somethings! Maybe 40-60 feet ahead.
Using the perception checks posted, Moridark: Highlight to display spoiler: {you see an ugly blue halfling creeping up to the group from the east.}
'Osul and Elyngeal: Highlight to display spoiler: {you see an ugly blue halfling creeping up to the group from the east, and another from the west.}
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Saturday September 3rd, 2022 10:43:13 AM
Elyngael stops and makes a subtle hand motion for the others to come up. When they get to her she whispers, "There's some rustling in the underbrush ahead, but there's two blue skinned hafling looking things trying to sneak up on our left (?west) and right (?east) side."[/i]I don't think we had a direction of travel north/south just into the darkness.[/i]
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet d20+22=24 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+29=45 ; Saturday September 3rd, 2022 5:28:26 PM
Armand tries to search his brains for what he may know of blue skinned halflings....possibly evil in nature. Knowledge Arcane 24 (d20+22) Knowledge History 37 (d20+21) Knowledge Planes 45 (d20+29)
Trellus - MikeK - (AC39 T18 F35, CMD 39, HP (176/176) Sunday September 4th, 2022 4:29:35 PM
"Rustling up front and sneaking on the flanks? Hmmm"
Trellus casts Shield of Faith on himself.
----------- In Effect Shield of Faith: +4 Deflection bonus to AC for 13 minutes.
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Sunday September 4th, 2022 8:28:15 PM
Moridark calls softly down to the group, "there is a blue halfling approaching from the east. Ido not know what his intentions are." The mage casts invisibility on himself as a precaution, and drwas his rod of quicken.
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) d20+5=11 ; d20+5=18 ; Monday September 5th, 2022 10:22:42 PM
Elyngael and Moridark warn of the approaching small humanoids.
Armand thinks they sound fey.
Trellus thinks they should be prepared for defense.
'Osul moves a little forward -- and suspects the sounds ahead are not made by a humanoid. Too many feet!
The two small creatures seem to hear your whispers, if not your exact words, and that spooks them. They dash off, and the rustling sound ends soon too.
Do you chase them down, or do you prefer to keep going?
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35+5/18/32+5 CMD 39 69/133HP Cotton AC 31+5/13/28+5 CMD 126/126 HP d20+27=28 ; d20+38=39 ; Tuesday September 6th, 2022 1:16:43 AM
Not seeing the halflings, Grindar is unsure which way to go. he looks for footprints. (Perception 28) and if he sees any, or someone points them out to him, he prepares to follow them (Survival 39)
"Shall we follow them?", Grindar asks
What the heck, two nat 1's in a row!
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Tuesday September 6th, 2022 6:43:48 AM
Armand shakes his head. "I don't relish the idea of following them. They know these woods. As it is the woods are not likely to be neutral toward us either. If they were friendly they would not have been trying to sneak up on us. And as my uncle used to say. 'It's a trap!'"
Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 d20+41=46 ; d20+50=55 ; Tuesday September 6th, 2022 8:51:47 AM
Large Air Elemental 'Osul has a quick look around for the source of the many footfalls ahead, hoping to have something to contribute to the discussion.
{Perception: 46, Survival: 55 + Forest Walking}
When he gets back he lands and reverts to human form and shares. ______________________________________________________
Two 5s - someone elses turn.
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Tuesday September 6th, 2022 9:28:56 AM "we should continue on our way. Be vigilant but continue" Moridark continues flying above the party
Trellus - MikeK - (AC39 T18 F35, CMD 39, HP (176/176) Tuesday September 6th, 2022 2:21:32 PM
"What he said," Trellus opines, pointing toward Moridark.
The man continues following after Grindar and Elyngael.
In Effect Shield of Faith: +4 Deflection bonus to AC for 13 minutes.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 d20+31=44 ; d20+27=35 ; d20+35=36 ; Tuesday September 6th, 2022 5:27:58 PM "Next time I'll use hand signals." She steps out to her 20 foot lead again. Perception d20+31=44 , Stealth d20+27=35, Survival d20+35=36 (favored terrain forest still count? if not minus 4 to the rolls)
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Tuesday September 6th, 2022 11:25:03 PM
The group lets the blue fellows go, and a couple hours later, walking the dark paths, you are hailed by a group of six bald gnomes dressed in clothes made of leaves. They have red eyes.
"Hello travelers!" they say. "Under the Culverwood, we greet you!"
The biggest one (by a couple inches) steps up. "I am OverGrower, of the Leafbrother Clan. Will you sit and eat with us?" If you agree, they offer to share some fresh venison, but they are not offended if you make your own food. "It is good to eat under the leaves of the Culverwood!"
After lunch, they invite you to a game. Close your eyes, then open them at the whistle, and see who can find the hidden LeafBrother first. -- OOC: Highest Perception roll wins a prize.
Will you participate in lunch? Will you play the game? The prize is a special blessing, they say.
Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 d20+40=59 ; d20+41=55 ; Wednesday September 7th, 2022 9:08:05 AM
Something about this seems amiss {Sense Motive: 59}, but the chat with the drow was brief and the blue halflings did the bolt - it must be time for chat and breaking of bread. 'Osul offers to play, but not if everyone else does - thinking that someone should be watching what is going on. Either way, {Perception: 55}
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35/18/32 CMD 40 144/144HP Cotton AC 34/14/30 CMD 35 126/126 HP Wednesday September 7th, 2022 10:15:38 AM
Grindar is happy to join in the meal and says to their hosts, "Thank you for your hospitality. Many Shadows to you and yours, it is indeed nice to dine in the shade of the trees."
Grindar refrains from joining in on the game, instead, he leans back against a tree and watches to see who will win, enjoying the down time.
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet d20+21=34 ; d20+22=30 ; Wednesday September 7th, 2022 5:11:38 PM
Armand shakes his head at the offer of food. He seems to recall old legends about sharing food with fey. He makes a signal to the others, "I thank you for the offer but I have plenty of my own food. I would hate to inconvenience you. As to your game of spotting one of your kind, I must decline. I am not the most eagle eyed of our bunch. But I'd be delighted to hear stories of your life here." Diplomacy 34 (d20+21)
He does his best to try and determine the motivations of OverGrower. Sense Motive 30 (d20+22)
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 d20+31=36 ; Wednesday September 7th, 2022 5:55:16 PM
Elyngael takes Armand's cue and declines the meal. "I will attempt your challenge." Perception d20+31=36. Elyngael will resist as best she can any spell casting. If offered a physical gift she will find something she can offer in return, maybe her small steel mirror.
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) d20+16=26 ; d20+16=22 ; d20+17=27 ; Wednesday September 7th, 2022 6:02:11 PM
If OverGrower appears to be what he says he is [Sense Motive 26] Trellus bows.
"Many Shadows, OverGrower of the Leafbrother Clan. I am Trellus, of the Wardens. I would be delighted to eat under the leaves of the Culverwood."
Trellus eats the venison, and also partakes in the game of hide and seek. [Perception 22]
After the game, Trellus echos Armand request for stories of the Culverwood. [Aid Another on Armand's Diplomacy - 27 - +2 to Armand's roll]
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) d20+14=21 ; Wednesday September 7th, 2022 6:28:34 PM
Moridark lands and bows deeply. The last night orc declines the offer to eat but does offer to play the game with the game even though he is not the most perceptive. (Perception 21)
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Wednesday September 7th, 2022 11:49:00 PM
Several people get a hunch that these fey are wanting to play a trick on you! Some heroes choose not to eat any food offered. The fey tells marvelous stories, though, in which their heroism and generosity always save the day. There's the story of when OverGrower tricked a green dragon into giving away a dragon egg. The time when FernBiter stole an Ogre Magi's regeneration. And when Salmonberry saved a dryad of the Culver from a clan of lumberjacks.
They delight in the contest, and 'Osul wins!
'Osul 55 Elyngael 36 Trellus 22 Moridark 21
"Sir Adventurer, we can tell that you will do great deeds. Will you accept our blessing as your prize?"
Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Thursday September 8th, 2022 7:16:19 AM "'Osul, a Warden of The Tree of Parting, and Druid of The Culverwood, accepts your blessing."
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Thursday September 8th, 2022 7:42:33 AM
Moridark bows his head and humbly accepts their blessing
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35/18/32 CMD 40 144/144HP Cotton AC 34/14/30 CMD 35 126/126 HP Thursday September 8th, 2022 11:20:13 AM
Grindar watches as Osul receives his reward. He is ready to spring into action if things go side ways.
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) Thursday September 8th, 2022 3:37:08 PM
Trellus takes another bite of venison, making it a point to himself to not remember that the last time he got this involved with fey, well, he died.
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Thursday September 8th, 2022 5:27:07 PM
Armand senses that these fey are the kings of the making tall tales. He will ask OverGrower what ever happened to the dragon egg. And Fernbiter if he/she still has the regeneration that was stolen.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 d20+31=36 ; Thursday September 8th, 2022 6:02:30 PM
Elyngael is not sure what to make of these strange creatures. She keeps her eyes peeled for anything. Perception d20+31=36.
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Thursday September 8th, 2022 10:15:32 PM
OverGrower chuckles at Moridark. "Only the winner gets the blessing!"
Five of them ready the blessing, a spell-like ability, to go off when OverGrower blesses 'Osul. All six bald gnomes use their power!
'Osul please only: Highlight to display spoiler: {Please make six saving throws vs Charm Person, Will DC13. If you fail a charm spell from one of these fey, please treat it as if it were one of your own party members, that is, as if they were one of your best friends. Your attitude towards those who you save against is your own to decide.}
Everyone else: Highlight to display spoiler: {You cannot use SPellcraft to tell what is going on because there are no components. But you can use Knowledge (Arcana) to "Identify a spell effect that is in place." So IF 'Osul is affected, then you can tell with a Knowledge Arcana check DC21 what is going on. Feel free to make that roll in your next post. You have to be trained in Know Arcana to try.}
Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 d20=2 ; d20=15 ; d20=14 ; d20=2 ; d20=15 ; d20=2 ; Friday September 9th, 2022 4:23:35 AM "Thank you for the blessing, OverGrower of the Leafbrother Clan." He pauses to look at them each in turn, before stating, "I see the meal is at an end, and that we should continue on our journey." __________________ Blessed? Other effects?
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) d20+32=39 ; Friday September 9th, 2022 6:36:29 PM
Moridark blushes at his mistake. The meeting watches the blessing placed upon Osul (Arcana DC 39). Moridark then prepares to continue the trek.
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 d20+31=35 ; Friday September 9th, 2022 8:37:48 PM
Elyngael isn't sure what to make of all this. She will start to study the forest they are in to see if there is anything strange or more trees leaking the strange black stuff. Perception d20+31=35
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet d20+17=25 ; d20+21=38 ; Friday September 9th, 2022 8:43:12 PM
Knowledge Arcane: 25. (d20+17) In Sphinx he will say to 'Osul, "Well they cast something on you but I don't think it's a bless, it seems to connect you to them somehow."
Turning to the creatures. Diplomacy 38 (d20+21) "What can you tell us of some blue faced halflings? They tried to sneak up on us a bit ago. Also have you noticed anything strange going on with the trees?"
Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Saturday September 10th, 2022 8:26:43 AM
'Osul replies to Armand (also in Sphinx), "I sensed many somethings woven about the blessing, but they washed over me - I resisted them. Not wanting to repeat a previous incident, I thought to return to our journey."
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) d20+11=18 ; Saturday September 10th, 2022 9:46:59 AM
[Know Arcana 18 - fail]
Trellus half watches the blessing ritual, distracted by the taste of the venison.
As his packmates make to leave, he rises, thanks the fey, and prepares to move out.
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Monday September 12th, 2022 12:50:30 AM
All of the small guys grim with very wide and toothy mouths. They declare, "We want to give you gifts!"
Each of you receive a cleverly woven bracelet made of three braids of rabbit fur.
They look at you expectantly, and one says, "Our tradition is that the gift givers should receive gifts too. Especially gems, if you have any!"
One responds to the question about the blue halflings. "There are many odd creatures in the Culverwood. These sound like some cousin fey of ours. Most are friends of the Magical Forest. Treat with them fairly, and odds are you will benefit. Betray them and doom may follow."
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35/18/32 CMD 40 144/144HP Cotton AC 34/14/30 CMD 35 126/126 HP Monday September 12th, 2022 10:17:15 AM
Grindar looks at the bracelet gift and shakes his head as he chuckles. "I suppose we must keep with tradition. Here is a fine opal. It is on the small size but look at the fire within!" As he says that, Grindar reaches into his sack and pulls out an opal worth 10 gp, and hands it to the gnomes.
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) Monday September 12th, 2022 3:16:10 PM
"I've got something you've never seen before," Trellus promises.
He reaches into his haversack and hands over a red t-shirt. "Happy Early Yuletide!"
A dark red, size large T-shirt with the image of a shield on which is emblazoned a hammer and anvil. High Woldian symbols arc over the image exclaim "Courage!". When the lights are turned off, the white lettering and images glow in the dark.
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Monday September 12th, 2022 5:38:14 PM
Armand looks over the bracelet. "Well I'm afraid I don't have any gems. How about this?" He reaches in his pouch and fishes around and then brings out some chalk. (Piece of goblin chalk whose markings can only be seen by those with darkvision. 5 uses remain. (gift from ‘Osul Christmas 2015) "This is very special chalk. What you write with it will show up if you have the darkvision."
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Monday September 12th, 2022 6:08:34 PM
Elyngael thinks about what she could offer the fey. "I don't carry gems either. However, I have some nice shiny gold coins." She takes some coins out and offers it to them.
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Monday September 12th, 2022 7:26:29 PM
Moridark smiles and reaches into a pocket and pulls out an emerald (about 10g) hands it over and smiles.
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) d4=1 ; d4=1 ; d4=4 ; Monday September 12th, 2022 10:27:04 PM
The fey bow down, glad to have their gifts. They wish you well and depart, giggling. The rustling you heard up ahead was never seen, and it too is gone.
You proceed onwards. After a few hours, you encounter 6 tiny fey, with tiny short swords, huge bat ears, and glowing orange eyes.
One steps up and says, "Who wants to sit still for an hour and then be cursed by us? For free?"
The others chime in. "Yeah, for free!" "It's a great deal!" We can do it!"
Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Monday September 12th, 2022 11:42:29 PM
'Osul find a comparable gem to Moridark and shares it before they all left.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35/18/32 CMD 40 144/144HP Cotton AC 34/14/30 CMD 35 126/126 HP Tuesday September 13th, 2022 1:49:27 PM
Grindar shakes his head in disbelief at the words of the newcomers. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not a big fan of curses."
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) Tuesday September 13th, 2022 2:21:56 PM
Trellus frowns and considers. Perhaps he misheard.
"What would this curse do?" he asks.
Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 d20+37=43 ; d20+40=44 ; Tuesday September 13th, 2022 5:22:00 PM "Well, at least these guys are up front and honest about it, even if they aren't interested in introductions." 'Osul looks at their new friends and tries to understand them and where they are coming from. {Knowledge (Nature-Fey): 43, Sense Motive: 44}
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet d20+21=38 ; Tuesday September 13th, 2022 5:37:41 PM
Armand cocks an eyebrow. Diplomacy 38 (d20+21). "I thank you for the offer but we don't have the time right now to sit for an hour. And we're not in the market for a curse, which I'm sure you would be quite good at casting. Perhaps there is something else around here that would allow you to curse it. Have you seen any strangers besides us in your fine woods?"
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Tuesday September 13th, 2022 6:12:46 PM
Elyngael wonders, "Is the common tongue not your native language?"
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Tuesday September 13th, 2022 9:31:21 PM
Moridark declines with a shakes of his head.
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Tuesday September 13th, 2022 10:53:10 PM
Seeing that their offer is not going very well, the fey shrug and keep on walking.
Another couple hours, and the light dims. You have encountered several shady fey on your journey deeper, and you feel that you have walked a fair amount today.
Press on, or rest?
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35/18/32 CMD 40 144/144HP Cotton AC 34/14/30 CMD 35 126/126 HP Wednesday September 14th, 2022 12:20:22 PM "Shall we rest for the night? These fey are wearing me out!"
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) Wednesday September 14th, 2022 3:26:11 PM
"Agreed," Trellus remarks. "Between the fey and the light, its getting hard to tell time."
"We should probably rest to be ready for these druids."
Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Wednesday September 14th, 2022 4:39:56 PM
'Osul nods in agreement. "Keep a good eye and ear open on watch. I'm not expecting much by way of rest here."
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Wednesday September 14th, 2022 5:11:47 PM "Sounds like a good idea. Can Moridark get his secret mansion spell up?"
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Wednesday September 14th, 2022 6:28:09 PM
Elyngael shrugs. "One place is as good as another. But if we can't use the mansion I suggest we do double watches."
Brawn AC 33 /touch 17/flat 28 HP 125/125 CMD 29 (-1 con)
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Wednesday September 14th, 2022 6:39:39 PM
The party decides to rest. Is it with the mansion spell or not? What watches will you use?
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Wednesday September 14th, 2022 8:47:05 PM
Moridark stops with the others, "I can cast the mansion anywhere. It is a door on this side and I determine who can enter when the spell is cast. If we want to stand watch we have to either do it with the door open or step outside. " The mage casts the spell making sure there is space for all including companions, and a large bath.
Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy) AC 35/18/32 CMD 40 144/144HP Cotton AC 34/14/30 CMD 35 126/126 HP Thursday September 15th, 2022 11:43:04 AM "Thank you friend Moridark. your accommodations are second to none, very shady indeed!"
As they are in the safety of Moridark's mansion, Grindar allows himself to let his guard down. He takes a nice bath, cleaning the filth of the day off himself. He also gives Cotton a good bath, and than rejoins his friends for dinner."[/b]
'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:29, ST:(F18/R14/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Thursday September 15th, 2022 4:49:53 PM "Thank you. I won't summon anything outside. Let's see what the night brings."
He settles in, takes a bath, realises that that would be more fun as an otter.
Eventually he dries, reverts to human form, dresses and returns to the common room.
"So, what have we learned about the three groups of fey we've met today?"
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet Thursday September 15th, 2022 5:30:02 PM
Armand goes into the mansion and sits and rests briefly. I think since we're inside this hidden place we can just do our normal watch inside the doorway. No need to go out of the mansion and watch."
He takes a quick bath and then rejoins the others. "I'm not sure what we've learned. There doesn't appear to be any sort of rhyme or reason to how they act. And the one's we've actually interacted with seem a bit off mentally."
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 Thursday September 15th, 2022 6:20:57 PM
Elyngael agrees with Armand. "Yeah I only thought we should do double watches if we didn't have your cool mansion to stay in Moridark." She shrugs her shoulders at 'Osul's question.
DM I'm assuming these were all types of fey we've never seen or heard of? Is there a knowledge roll the intelligent types can try?
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) d20+16=33 ; Thursday September 15th, 2022 6:58:38 PM
Trellus stretches once inside Moridark's mansion, tension quietly releasing from his form.
"Standard watch it is then," he agrees.
From the game page on Woldipedia, plus adding Grindar: 19:00 - 22:00 : Moridark, Trellus 22:00 - 01:00 : Neshi, Grindar 01:00 - 04:00 : Elyngal, Brawn 04:00 - 07:00 : Armand, 'Osul
He can only shrug at Osul's question. "I've never met a fey who didn't have several threads missing from his loom," the man comments. "Can't say these are any different."
On watch, the warrior keeps an eye out. [Perception 33]
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) d20+32=43 ; d20+32=34 ; d20+32=45 ; Thursday September 15th, 2022 7:36:39 PM
Moridark runs ponders his knowledge of nature, arcana, and planes (43,34, 45) as he attempts to answer any questions he can.
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Thursday September 15th, 2022 11:58:57 PM
The Mansion is cast, but it is more like a Garden. Inside, the "walls" are dense stands of bamboo that you cannot force your way through. The greenery covers the ceiling. the baths are hot springs and cool pools. The furniture are soft giant toadstools, the tables are huge cut tree trunks and fallen logs. The beds are comfy piles of moss. The servants are all leprechauns! They are eager to serve, though they do tend to giggle and sometimes stop work for a drink or a dance.
The party members talk about the creatures you met here in the deeper, darker Culverwood. The fey you have encountered today are rarer ones, known for trickery and even cruelty sometimes. But that's how many fey are, especially dark fey, and you have been moving into the dark.
When you awaken, you do find that your shoelaces are all in tight knots, there are burrs in your clothes, and ... evidently mice have been in your gear, based on chew marks and little mouse droppings. The leprechauns are all gone, too. But otherwise, you spent a restful night.
Your plan for the day?
'Osul (Graham) AC:26 (T:21, FF:25), CMD:29, ST:(F18/R14/W29 + RNL), HP:111/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Friday September 16th, 2022 7:59:21 PM
Meditate, checking for missing items, breakfast, dealing with what now lies beyond the door and proceeding deeper.
Lighter and Darker Paths (DM Cayzle) Friday September 16th, 2022 11:51:44 PM
Following 'Osul's lead, the party heads out of the garden-mansion.
Outside, you see signs that small and medium two-legged creatures danced a circle into the forest floor in the night. The leaves and twigs are all smushed down, and you find seven dead frogs equally spaced around the circumference of the circle. There is no sign of whoever those dancers were.
On the far side of the circle, shadows deepen into the darkest pitch black that you have yet encountered.
Huge Air Elemental-'Osul (Graham) AC:31 (T:22, FF:27), CMD:36, ST:(F18/R17/W29 + RNL), HP:115/115, Wildshape(XX):Unlimited, Hero Pts:3/18 Saturday September 17th, 2022 6:59:04 AM
'Osul asks how everyone is, before adopting the shape of a Huge Air Elemental
Armand (Robert D)AC 36 (30) /touch 12/flat 24norm HP 149/149n CMD 30 Character Sheet d20+22=36 ; d20+17=30 ; d20+29=48 ; d20+21=37 ; Saturday September 17th, 2022 9:04:15 AM "I think we're all good at this point. I wonder if this is some new form of a fairy circle? I mean if we're moving further away from 'light' then would the signs of a fairy circle take on more dark or ominous aspects?"
Moridark (Wade) AC: 25 T: 16 F: 21 R: 14 F: 12 W: 23 HPS: 58/134 CMD: 28 Phantom Steed (Extended) Saturday September 17th, 2022 9:19:49 AM
Moridark prepares his spells, and casts overland flight on himself. Once everyone is outside the mage dismisses the mansion. Moridark notices the arrangement outside and ponders aloud, threat, or a warning?
Trellus - MikeK - (AC35 T14 F31, CMD 35, HP (176/176) d20+16=23 ; Saturday September 17th, 2022 11:25:35 AM
Trellus relaces his boots, fixes his buckles, and mumbles to himself a lot.
After preparing his spells, he emerges from the mansion and looks around.
"Maybe they wove a new passageway for us," the man offers. Indicating the darkness on the far side of the circle, he adds, "Guess we go that way."
The blond man waits for Elyngael and Grindar, and then follows the pair into the woods. [Perception 23]
Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: currently 28n (32 w/buckler)T:17, FF:22n, CMD 39, HP 197/197 d20+35=38 ; d20+31=49 ; Saturday September 17th, 2022 7:33:39 PM
Elyngeal surveys the scene and whispers. "I think this an ill omen. Which is what we want right?" Elyngael will look at the tracks in the circle to try and determine what made them. She will have Brawn take a sniff so that if he scents something like them again he can give an alert. Survival to identify the tracks d20+35=38. Perception to look around for lurking things d20+31=49.