Lothlo (DM BatMark posting for WillD) Friday January 20th, 2023 10:17:23 PM
Lothlo adds the question most pressing in his mind. "If the Culverwood is telling us that Home is where our light is most needed, would that mean it’s telling us that we need to return to our village right away?"
When Trees Talk, Woldians Listen (DM BatMark) Friday January 20th, 2023 10:20:15 PM Zazu utters several crimes against Woldanity, and is summarily punished by Punny Bunny PoPo. Naithi turns to the others for help in formulating questions for the trees, focusing on the recent changes, the dryads’ locations, and whether the grove is holding back the darkness. Nightingale snickers at Zazu’s japes and punishment. Lothlo asks whether the divination from the Culverwood means that the heroes should return to the village right away. Sahabiel, Panzer, and Beech wait quietly.
It takes a while before Naithi is able to get information from the Grandmother’s Yew and others, but none of the dryads appear even then. ”Grandmother said darkness is coming, but we know not what comes with it. Must gather strength, save strength, feed the light. She dreamed of Dark Druids. She dreamed of something Darker behind them. In the Twilight, the Queen cries out. So sad. So dark. So dark.” The trees are not able to provide more insight into the meaning of the cryptic divination that you got from the Culverwood.
In the darkened distance–or is it in the deepness?–you hear an otherworldly howl, which is taken up by other voices. You may be imagining it, but it seems like a shiver runs through the trees of the grove. At long last, a face appears briefly in the bark of the old yew, ”Fly, my friends, lead them not to us!”
Zazu (AC20, HP52) and Boyo the bunny (AC19, HP26) (Cayzle) Friday January 20th, 2023 11:58:32 PM
"Come on everybody! Time to go!"
Zazu turns on his bunny mount and leads the party away from the dryad grove.
Panzer Braun (David F) AC 28 (T16, FF24) CMD 27 HP 87/87 ) Character Sheet Saturday January 21st, 2023 2:32:45 AM
Panzer is a badger of action. He finds the howls chilling, but his heart holds fast and he sees the wisdom of the Elder Dryad. He has a general sense of where home is and he turns and starts hustling that direction. He isn't sure Zazu knows where he is going, but Boyo is probably faster than he is so he follows the pair. It doesn't matter if they get lost right now The others are friends and servants of the Culverwood, they can find the path later. He breaks into a run and for the moment he tries to muffle the crashing sounds his armored bulk makes as he navigates the trees and underbrush. Once he can no longer see the dryad's home he abandons this ploy, and reverses it, making as much noise as he can. It isn't a far stretch, he is only just in control of his fear. He begins to make noises like prey. He crashes and thrashes his way through the brush, being sure that it sounds like he is in flight from those howls. When he thinks he is far enough from their grove, he actually nicks himself and smears the blood on the leaves as he passes, leaving an obvious and clear trail for whatever those predators are. A grim smile crosses his lips, because he knows the roles will change when they find him. Then they will be the prey.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: 24/16/19 HP: 68/68 , CMD = 18 Camalayas AC = 22/16/16 Monday January 23rd, 2023 2:00:16 PM
Naithi urges Camalayas forward as the group flees the Grove, trying her best to recall anything from their last visit that works help her guide the group to advantageous terrain.
Nightingale (JonS) HP 51/51 AC 21 CMD: 21 Perc Check: d20+10=23 ; Monday January 23rd, 2023 2:32:14 PM
Nightingale will follow her friends, on the look out for where the sound came from, and if she sees something chasing them
Beech (JohnC) AC 19(23)/14/15,HP 46/46 Character d20=15 ; Monday January 23rd, 2023 2:35:16 PM
Beech, having heard the information gathered, makes a decision. "Someone better lead the parade that seems to have already been started. Since it seems our destination has already been chosen, we need to go and go now." He looks over his shoulder at the retreating backs " And we are already behind, if we let them lead, we could end up visiting my mom, while visiting her would be nice, but I can hear her now..." do a poor imitation of her voice"You wanted to go to your home, and you end up at mine, now get out of here and go where you belong. And remember to eat your vegetables, you look skinny." He shakes his head, points at the retreating backs, and starts after them...
Survival check 15
Panzer Braun (David F) AC 28 (T16, FF24) CMD 27 HP 87/87 ) Character Sheet Monday January 23rd, 2023 3:18:03 PM
Panzer runs until he finds "The Place" to stand. Somewhere he can put a boulder, Tree, or thicket at his back. He then will stop and limber up, waiting for the creature to find him.
Sahabiel (EstherLauren) -- AC 23/12/22 -- HP: 60/60 Monday January 23rd, 2023 7:14:42 PM I must have just blanked out last Friday
Sahabiel quickly mounts up and ready to depart, following Zazu's lead - leaving behind camping gear if necessary. "Whatever that is, seeking us... our first aim must be to lead them away from here. How to deal with our pursuers, we will work out on the run."
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 56/56, CMD: 23 d20+15=34 ; Monday January 23rd, 2023 7:15:04 PM
Lothlo follows the others, bow in hand. He keeps a close eye out for the dangers that they were warned about to make sure they aren't about to be ambushed.
Perception = 34
Not JK Howling (DM BatMark) Monday January 23rd, 2023 8:33:57 PM Zazu mounts up and urges everyone to get moving. Panzer prioritizes drawing away the howling creatures from the grove, making some racket once you move away, following Zazu and Boyo. He looks forward to the hunters becoming the hunted, and looks for a place to make a stand. Sahabiel agrees that leading your pursuers away should be the priority. Beech imagines being scolded by his mother, and follows the others, looking for ways to aid progress on the way. Lothlo follows, bow in hand and keen eye out for danger. Naithi urges Camalayas forward and tries to useful terrain nearby. Nightingale follows her friends and looks for the pursuers.
You are able to move rapidly away from the grove. The howling continues, although it is hard to pick out how many creatures are giving voice to the bloodcurdling sound–it certainly is many! Please make survival or other appropriate rolls to find an expeditious path through th Culverwood as you flee. You may also make a DC20 Perception check (Lothlo already passed this check) to Highlight to display spoiler: {As you move away from the grove and start to make noise, you can tell that the howling creatures have shifted course toward you and away from the grove.}
As you retrace your path home, you initially make good progress, and the howling seems to only slowly close the gap, if at all. The Wood, however, has a mind of its own as always, and the path soon becomes less clear. Do you continue to seek a rapid escape, or make a stand as Panzer seems intent on doing?
If you choose the former, please make appropriate checks vs DC32 to navigate the mysteries of the Wood as you have done before, or describe how you might improve your chances of success to lower the DC.
Regarding the latter choice, you can make DC16 Survival checks to find a spot that seems defensible against Wold-bound, mortal foes. Of course, not having seen your pursuers, you do not know what other means of approaching or attacking your position they might have, such as flight or more esoteric abilities.
Zazu (AC20, HP52) and Boyo the bunny (AC19, HP26) (Cayzle) Monday January 23rd, 2023 10:20:19 PM
This howling unnerves Zazu, who simply follows along with the others. kind of freaking out a bit.
Panzer Braun (David F) AC 28 (T16, FF24) CMD 27 HP 85/87 ) Character Sheet d20+6=10 ; d20+4=17 ; Tuesday January 24th, 2023 12:01:40 AM
survival 10 Perception 17 Panzer looks around once the others seem to lose the trail they were following. The p[ack sounds far enough off that he thinks he can catch his breath before they find the group. When Beech catches up he asks. " Can you spell me up Beech. The last thing to come at us had darkness with it. I want to be ready this time" He wraps a cloth around his wound to slow the bleeding and looks around for the Pack. Running just means you die tired. Panzer has run enough.
Nightingale (JonS) HP 51/51 AC 21 CMD: 21 Survival check: d20+7=10 ; Tuesday January 24th, 2023 3:49:50 AM
Nightingale stops and pulls out a wand, and uses it on herself, then her head snaps up and looks around, lost to spotting a "safe place" for her to fight from
[Wand of Divine Favor - lasts 1 minute - adds a +1 to hit and damage]
Beech (JohnC) AC 19(23)/14/15,HP 46/46 Character Tuesday January 24th, 2023 11:59:50 AM
When Beech catches up, he already has the scroll out, he'd been expecting this request. He reads one of the spells and targets Panzer, casting the Darkvision on him, as he reads the magic erases the words of one copy off the scroll.... Highlight to display spoiler: { DF, keep track of Duration and uses, 1 has been used} He stashes the scroll, draws out the ioun stone with the 6th level casting of Continual Flame on it, tossing it over his head, and is ready to use his bow....
Sahabiel (EstherLauren) -- AC 23/12/22 -- HP: 60/60 d20+26=38 ; Tuesday January 24th, 2023 5:52:53 PM Survival (navigate magical woods): d20+26 = 38, vs DC 32, success
Feeling at one with the woodland terrain for now, Sahabiel calls to her companions, "This way, ya can still keep ahead of them! Even if it is a small chance, if these creatures are the ones that benefit from the dimming of the light, then I'd say we rather face them past the edge of the darkened wood than in it!"
Panzer Braun (David F) AC 32 (T16, FF28) CMD 27 HP 85/87 ) Character Sheet d20+12=20 ; Tuesday January 24th, 2023 7:35:20 PM " And the edge of the wood is however far the treacherous Culverwood decides it is? Nah, I'm good killing them here. The Culverwood and all its misdirection for people actually trying to help it can kiss my furry butt." Panzer would like to try a wand of his own while he waits for the pack. He holds his off hand Kukri in his teeth and draws his wand of shield, tapping himself on the head. UMD 20 success
Dashboard Shield 1/10 rounds used Darkvision 1/1800 rounds used
Fight Club (DM BatMark) d8=6 ; d8=1 ; d8=7 ; d20+20=28 ; Tuesday January 24th, 2023 9:41:04 PM Sahabiel finds a good path to follow, wanting to get a better lit place. Panzer catches his breath and asks Beech to use a darkvision scroll on him before the coming fight. He wants to stand and fight, not trusting the wood to let you find your way out. He uses a wand to cast shield on himself. Zazu freaks out at the howling and just follows the others. Beech catches up, pulling out the scroll and casting before launching his continually flamey ioun stone overhead. Lothlo Naithi Nightingale pulls out a wand and casts divine favor on herself.
As the Champions waver between fight and flight, the howling gets quickly closer, and you are unable to find a particularly defensible position. Almost too quickly to comprehend, a swirling pack of shadowy hounds sweeps into view and immediately descends upon the party. You’ve never seen the like. They are almost like a roiling cloud of smoke, insubstantial and flickering through the undergrowth and each other, too many to easily count. An almost tangible darkness presses in upon your party, but is held at bay by Beech’s Ioun Stone.
In the swirling chaos, hounds actually seem to pass through Sahabiel, Naithi, and Nightingale, who feel a chill that seems to reach their very souls. They must each make a DC20 WILL save. On a failed save Highlight to display spoiler: {You are shaken.}
Panzer is also physically attacked, but the hound’s powerful bite glances off of his shield spell.
You may make attacks if you wish. Please roll 50% miss chances to reflect the flickering shadows and mad chaos of this swarm of hounds.
You may also each make a Perception DC24 check. On a success Highlight to display spoiler: {You can see that within the swirling mass of shadowy hounds, there is one that is more substantial. You may attack it with only a 20% miss chance. You must make this check each round that you wish to find and attack it.}
Panzer Braun (David F) AC 32 (T16, FF28) CMD 27 HP 85/87 ) Character Sheet Tuesday January 24th, 2023 10:11:28 PM
How large do these hounds seem to be?
Nightingale (JonS) HP 51/51 AC 21 CMD: 21 Wednesday January 25th, 2023 1:55:50 AM
Nightingale's action is to cast a spell on herself [Domain: Protection from Evil - would last 8 minutes if she gets it off]
[9 rounds left of Divine Favor - +1 to hit & damage]
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 56/56, CMD: 23 Wednesday January 25th, 2023 8:02:14 AM
ooc: sorry, not sure why last nights post didn't go through.
Beech (JohnC) AC 19(23)/14/15,HP 46/46 Character d20+7=10 ; d20+7=25 ; d8+1=9 ; d20+8=12 ; d20+8=13 ; Wednesday January 25th, 2023 12:08:01 PM
Beech spins and shoots at the pack of Wolves.... He shoots his +1 Seeking Composite Longbow rapidly at them....
Arrow 1 AC 10 (assume it misses) Arrow 2 AC 25, Damage 9 (magic + seeking)
"Not sure how effective this will be, they seem shadowy or images or something, trying to figure out what though...."
Know: Arcane to determine what is effecting them rolled a 12 Spellcraft to determine what is effecting them rolled a 13
Panzer Braun (David F) AC 32 (T16, FF28) CMD 27 HP 85/87 ) Character Sheet d20+4=13 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+14=16 ; d100=59 ; d3=2 ; d20+14=32 ; d20+14=20 ; d100=92 ; d3=2 ; d3=3 ; d20+14=32 ; d20+14=22 ; d100=59 ; d3=2 ; d3=3 ; d20+14=23 ; d3=3 ; d100=59 ; d20+14=27 ; d3=3 ; d100=5 ; Wednesday January 25th, 2023 12:25:19 PM
OOC Questions Are the hounds standing and fighting when they make attacks or flitting in and out of combat. If flitting in and out due to their cloudy nature, are they provoking AoO's. ARe they incorporeal? Passing through opponents makes them sound incorporeal, but the miss chance makes them sound like they are displaced instead. What type of knowledge check do we need to identify them? IC Perception 13 Knowledge engineering 10 Panzer drops the wand and redraws his offhand blade (so no full attack this round) He lashes out at the pup that attacked him and any that pass near enough to allow him to strike.
Main hand Kukri (Power Attack) Hits AC 16 for 17 damage (adamantine magic) Miss % 59 % so hit
AoO ( Panzer has combat reflexes) 1 hits AC 32 and confirms to AC 20 for 17 damage or 35 damage if critical is confirmed Miss %92% so hits 2 hits AC 32 and confirms to AC 22 for 17 damage or 35 damage if critical is confirmed Miss %59% so hits 3 Hits AC 23 for 18 damage Miss %59% so hits 4 hits AC 27 for 18 damage Miss %05% so miss
Dashboard Shield 2/10 rounds used Darkvision 2/1800 rounds used
Naithi (JamesD) AC: 24/16/19 HP: 68/68 , CMD = 18 Camalayas AC = 22/16/16 d20+8=13 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+13=29 ; d20+2=7 ; d20+13=15 ; Wednesday January 25th, 2023 3:07:34 PM
As the chill sweeps over them Naithi is nearly shaken by the sensation, but Camalayas comforting body calms her. (Naithi only passed because of Camalayas)
Clears her head and realizes they one if the shadows is more substantial than the others and quickly points it out to the others.
Naithi and Camalayas charge at it together, but their new coordinated attack needs some more work.
Hit AC 15 for 12dng (5 flaming 3 Frost)
Naithi (JamesD) AC: 24/16/19 HP: 68/68 , CMD = 18 Camalayas AC = 22/16/16 Wednesday January 25th, 2023 3:08:46 PM
ooc: I'm not sure why my damage rolls vanished, but I would have made up much higher;)
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 56/56, CMD: 23 d20+15=23 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+18=36 ; d20+13=17 ; d8+9=15 ; d8+9=10 ; d8+9=14 ; d100=14 ; d100=53 ; d100=95 ; Wednesday January 25th, 2023 3:38:08 PM
Lothlo looks around at the swirling mass of hounds that has enveloped them. They seem almost like a wall of shadows before him, he can only hope that his arrows can still land true against such foe. He pulls out a handful of cold iron arrows and decides to see how well they fare against the shadowy hounds.
Perception = 23
Attack 1 = 28 Damage 1 = 15 Miss chance=14
Attack 2 = 36 Damage 2 = 10 Miss chance=53
Attack 3 = 17 Damage 3 = 14 Miss chance=95
***Active spells and abilities*** Spells and Conditions in effect on self:
Sharpshooter Skills "Can shoot ranged weapons at opponents in melee without penalty, +1 bonus on attack and damage with ranged weapons at ranges up to 30 feet, can take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls (increases at +4 bab), Only a –1 penalty per full range increment between you and your target, threat range is doubled, +4 bonus on rollsto confirm crits." -Trick shots available: Disarm Trick, Ricochet Trick, Staple Trick, Slice Trick, Sunder Trick, Grapnel Trick Consumables Tracking: 0 arrows, 0 hero points
Sahabiel (EstherLauren) -- AC 25/14/24 -- HP: 60/60 d20+10=30 ; d20+7=10 ; d2-1=0 ; d20+13=31 ; d8+6=9 ; Wednesday January 25th, 2023 8:05:24 PM Will save: d20+10 = 30 (Natural 20), success Perception check: d20+7 = 10 vs DC 24, failed
A battle it is then. Sahabiel feels one of the hounds passing through her, and a bit of an uncomfortable chill aside at the experience she does not feel any worse for it. It makes her wonder if these things exist either only partially or are not quite on the same 'depth' of the Culverwood as them yet...
She casts a Shield of Faith to shore up her defenses against such a foe, and stands ready to receive the next shadowy beast with her weapon if another should try that trick... while keeping close to Beech for the effect that her companion's floating gemstone seems to have at keeping darkness at bay.
Spells in effect: Shield of Faith (80 rounds remaining)
If an attack of opportunity comes up this round, she puts her morning star gloriously through the provoking hound (roll to-hit d20+13 = 31), in an blow that would have hurt it (d8+6 = 9 damage)... if it had not phased right through it's target (d2-1 - 0, failed the 50/50 check).
Its BIte is Worse than its Bark (DM BatMark) d8=7 ; d8=6 ; d20+20=38 ; 3d6+6=23 ; Wednesday January 25th, 2023 9:53:56 PM Sahabiel steels herself against the fear, and casts Shield of Faith to bolster her defenses. Panzer sees that the hounds are smaller than human sized, and are not standing and fighting, but rather flitting about in a dizzying, chaotic mass. His attempt to strike out with his kukri does not make contact. Zazu seems frozen for the moment. Beech shoots and hits a shadowy hound with his bow of seeking. That hound disappears in a puff of shadowy mist, but of course there are many more. He is unsure what these creatures are. Lothlo fires a series of cold iron arrows, two of which strike home, scattering those shadow hounds into sheds of mist and causing the pack to bay in dismay. They must not like cold iron! Naithi is saved from being terrified by the comforting presence of Camalayas. She discerns that one of the hounds is more substantial than the others and points it out to her allies. She and her companion charge this hound, but are unable to strike it. Nightingale cast protection from evil on herself.
You may attempt Knowledge nature or arcana checks at DC20 to identify your foes. These foes are confounding, to be sure. As you have observed, they seem to have some degree of incorporeality or phasing ability, confound the eye, and perhaps have some characteristics of a swarm. The swirl of hounds is so confusing that you are generally unable to take advantage of the fleeting opportunity presented by their moving into and out of reach. (OOC: This is a bespoke creation; enjoy the challenge, a foe worthy of our Champions!)
Your efforts to attack the hounds have made no discernible difference in the size of the pack, but only one manages to pass through a party member–Sahabiel–this time. Sahabiel, having already fought down the fear in her soul, is able to shrug this effect off again. Naithi is not so lucky. She is bitten savagely by the hound that she was attacking, taking 23hp of damage, before it flits away into the shadowy swirl. Naithi may Highlight to display spoiler: {You were bitten by the more substantial hound that you had seen. Because you made your perception check last round, you may make an attack of opportunity as it whirls away, in addition to your normal actions this round.}
Fey Hound Pack AC25
Zazu (AC20, HP52) and Boyo the bunny (AC19, HP26) (Cayzle) d20+10=13 ; 7d6=22 ; Wednesday January 25th, 2023 11:32:29 PM
Zazu takes out a scroll as a move action, then Zazu readies a color spray and casts it when one or more hounds are within the 15 ft range. CL5, Will DC17 negates...
2 HD or less: The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.)
3 or 4 HD: The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.
5 or more HD: The creature is stunned for 1 round.
If one is stunned, Zazu uses a hero point for an extra action and blasts it with a scorching ray from his scroll. Hits touch ac 13, and not only does it loses its dex bonus to ac, but it also takes another -2 to ac.
damage 4d6 with +3d6 sneak att ... 22 fire damage.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: 24/16/19 HP: 68/68 , CMD = 18 Camalayas AC = 22/16/16 Thursday January 26th, 2023 1:41:05 AM
ooc: Does Camalayas get an AoO as well?
Beech (JohnC) AC 19(23)/14/15,HP 46/46 Character 8d6=27 ; Thursday January 26th, 2023 12:09:01 PM
Beech, uses the hand that usually draws a arrow, to point, and toss a bead sized sphere he pulled from a pouch. As he tosses, "Party favor being delivered to the uninvited guests, look out." His target is the middle of the wolf pack, when it lands, it explodes in a flash of fire.
Fireball, 27 damage, DC 18 Reflex for half.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: 24/16/19 HP: 68/68 , CMD = 18 Camalayas AC = 22/16/16 d20+13=16 ; d20+2=11 ; d4=4 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+5=24 ; d20+5=13 ; d6+1=2 ; d6=2 ; Thursday January 26th, 2023 2:50:13 PM
Naithi and Camalayas swipe at the fleeing hound, but their aim is no better. Once the hound is gone they heed Beech's warning and get out if the frey, making sure not to trigger any AoOs themselves.
They both choose to fight defensively(-4atk +2 Dodge) and hold attacks for anything that approaches them.
Naithi Hit AC24 for 2 dmg + 2 flaming Camalayas Hit AC 13, miss
Panzer Braun (David F) AC 32 (T16, FF28) CMD 27 HP 85/87 ) Character Sheet d20+12=31 ; d20+12=28 ; d100=85 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+7=8 ; d20+9=19 ; d3+15=17 ; d3+15=18 ; d3+12=13 ; Thursday January 26th, 2023 4:40:30 PM
Panzer steps into the pack and starts attacking everything he can reach. Main hand 1 Hits AC 31 and confirms to AC 28 for 35 damage Off hand 1 Hits AC 20 Miss Main hand 2 Hits AC 20 Miss Off Hand 2 Hits AC 27 and does not Confirm for 13 damage Bite Hits AC 19 Miss
Dashboard Shield 3/10 rounds used Darkvision 3/1800 rounds used
Nightingale (JonS) HP 51/51 AC 21 CMD: 21 d20+7=18 ; d20+7=14 ; Perc Check: d20+10=28 ; Miss Chance 1st: d100=18 ; Miss Chance 2nd: d100=88 ; 2nd Attack: d20+13=18 ; Miss Chance 3rd: d100=23 ; Thursday January 26th, 2023 5:58:44 PM
Seeing how her enemies are acting and reacting, she spots the more "substantial" creature, and goes after it, using a KI point to grant herself a 3rd attack ... but unfortunately, none of her attacks hit
KI Points: 1 of 5 used Domain: Protection from Evil - lasts 8 minutes 8 rounds left of Divine Favor - +1 to hit & damage
Sahabiel (EstherLauren) -- AC 25/14/24 -- HP: 60/60 d20+12=30 ; d2-1=1 ; d8+10=17 ; Thursday January 26th, 2023 7:15:56 PM Attack roll, d20+12 = 30 (I made a slight mistake - since her BaB is over +4, I should have applied -2 for Power Attack instead of -1, so this result should be read as 29. Total number is +6 BaB, +5 Strength, +1 Weapon Enchantment, +1 Weapon Focus, -2 Power Attack for total modifier of +11, not +12. Thankfully doesn't matter as the target AC was given as 25, so a 29 still hits)
1d2-1=1, success on the 50/50 to affect the target
Damage roll 1d8+10=17 (+5 Strength, +4 Power Attack, +1 Weapon Enchantment)
When Naithi recognizes which hound in the pack seems to be the most real, though at a dear cost as they are attacked by it, and points it out to the rest of them, Sahabiel wastes no time and rushes in with an intent to knock that more 'solidly there' beast out, to keep it from attacking Naithi further. This time her signature weapon does not pass through the enemy, instead the heavy, spiked metal head slams into the creature with all the righteous fury that Sahabiel can put into it. As a militant member of the Culverwood's clergy, all this corruption the excess of darkness is causing --to the worldly embodiment of the ancient power she has devoted her life to-- has her feeling a lot of such fury indeed. "Wood's. Will. Be. Done!", she yells at the creature.
Spells in effect: Shield of Faith, 79 rounds remaining
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 56/56, CMD: 23 d20+15=35 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+18=31 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+13=21 ; d8+9=15 ; d8+9=17 ; d8+9=14 ; d100=70 ; d100=25 ; d100=98 ; 2d8+9=16 ; Thursday January 26th, 2023 8:24:30 PM
Lothlo notices the hound bight Naithi and is able to follow the more substantial one. Taking another handful of cold iron arrows from his quiver, he shoots them at the hound as best he can
Perception=35 (nat 20)
Roll each twice: D20 + 17(+1 within 30'), 1d8 +8 (+1 within 30') , and +4 to confirm crits Roll each once: D20 + 12(+1 within 30'), 1d8 +8 (+1 within 30') , and +4 to confirm crits
***Active spells and abilities*** Spells and Conditions in effect on self:
Sharpshooter Skills "Can shoot ranged weapons at opponents in melee without penalty, +1 bonus on attack and damage with ranged weapons at ranges up to 30 feet, can take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls (increases at +4 bab), Only a –1 penalty per full range increment between you and your target, threat range is doubled, +4 bonus on rollsto confirm crits." -Trick shots available: Disarm Trick, Ricochet Trick, Staple Trick, Slice Trick, Sunder Trick, Grapnel Trick Consumables Tracking: 3 arrows, 0 hero points
Bad Doggy! (DM BatMark) d8=8 ; d8=1 ; d20+10=28 ; d100=69 ; d20+10=28 ; d8=3 ; d8=4 ; d8=3 ; Thursday January 26th, 2023 8:50:17 PM Zazu casts color spray from a scroll, but aside from lighting up the darkness for a moment, it seems to have no effect on your foes. Beech tosses a bead of fire into the midst of your foes, causing a wailing howl of pain to go up, and adding a fair amount of smoke to the shadowy swirl around you. Yet the mass of shadow hounds persists, even if somewhat diminished. Naithi and Camalayas take swipes at the whirling hound, but fail to connect. They take up a defensive stance, ready for more. Nightingale spots the more substantial hound, but even with focused ki is unable to land a blow. Sahabiel spots the more solid hound, and smites it with the Will of the Wood, eliciting another howl of pain. Lothlo fires three more cold iron arrows, this time striking the substantial hound each time. Panzer launches a flurry of attacks, with the off hand striking a shadowy hound into the mist, and his main hand luckily landing a solid blow on the more substantial creature!
With Panzer’s mighty blow, the leader of the pack lets out one last, un-Woldly howl before slumping to the ground in death. The remaining hounds dissipate into dark shreds of shadow that quickly fade away into nothingness, leaving no trace behind. Were they even real?
With the death of the hound, the surrounding darkness returns to the new “normal” for the darkened Culverwood. A quick search of the dead hound and the area reveals no treasure or other material goods. You are able to resume your journey back to the village, as the divinations suggested, if you wish.
Fey Hound Pack AC25 -127hp = DEAD
Zazu (AC20, HP52) and Boyo the bunny (AC19, HP26) (Cayzle) d20+9=14 ; Thursday January 26th, 2023 10:17:01 PM
[OOC: The spray was from Zazu's head, the scroll was for the ray if the spray worked. Just niggling, sorry.]
Zazu asks, "Should we track them back to their lair? For one thing, they are bad things of shadow, and not helping the situation. For another, there might be loot."
Not wanting to let anything go to waste, Zazu skins the dead hound for its fur. Survival 14, and maybe someone can help?
Panzer Braun (David F) AC 32 (T16, FF28) CMD 27 HP 85/87 ) Character Sheet d20+6=8 ; Thursday January 26th, 2023 11:23:49 PM " Don't do that." Panzer warns Zazu. ' I want us to take this back to the village, where the light is still normal and have those that really know what a hound like this SHOULD look like and such take a look at it. The hunters can then skin it. If this creature was perverted by the shadow, or darkness or whatever we are calling this thing, then I want to know how. It might help us later." "Now, which way is home?" Panzer will try to aid whomever is finding the path ( and suggest that the higher survival skill person in the group use the compass if that'll help and everyone else aid them) Survival 8 He then promptly fails the check
Beech (JohnC) AC 19(23)/14/15,HP 46/46 Character d20=10 ; Friday January 27th, 2023 1:48:09 PM
Under his breath, "I don't think I'll tell her, but mom was right, Party favors are always a good idea." He reloads the quiver, then says, "Knowing what it was is important, how it was tainted even more so. But taking the corpse back with us, could draw a direct reaction by whatever is causing this upon the village. Even taking the hide, could cause the same reaction. Personally, I say leave it to rot, and after the fireball, it's probably mostly ruined anyways." He also tries to assist finding the most direct route back home.... He actually gives some useful aid in the survival. (rolled a 10)
Sahabiel (EstherLauren) -- AC 25/14/24 -- HP: 60/60 d20+26=27 ; Friday January 27th, 2023 8:36:19 PM
Sahabiel is not done fighting yet.. although she takes the disappearance of the phantom-like dogs as the victory it is, her duties to the forest have not quite ended there. "Beech!" her voice rings while she furiously stomps on any remaining flames licking at the materials on the forest floor. "It was yer idea to throw a fireball in the forest, now ya help me put all this out."
The knight-cleric of the Culverwood is too preoccupied with preventing a forest fire starting at their back to take any lead on finding the way ahead for the party right now. Even at her most distracted though, she can still call out some helpful things whoever is making the check could try to look for.
Aid Another (survival) d20+26 = 27 vs DC 10, success despite being the lowest it is possible for Sahabiel to roll on that particular check.
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 56/56, CMD: 23 Friday January 27th, 2023 9:06:16 PM
Lothlo surveys the scene and makes sure the threat has gone. Taking something that is evil and corrupted by darkness with you is seldom a wise course of action, I say we leave it here. Besides, we need to make haste back to the village. If a pack of these things are heading for there we could be in big trouble.
Are we lost? Friday January 27th, 2023 9:45:31 PM Zazu wonders about tracking the creature back to its lair. Just as he begins to skin the dead critter, he is sharply criticized for even thinking about it by Panzer. Panzer warns Zazu about skinning the dead critter and instead suggests taking the entire thing back to Freedom's Landing. Beech doesn't like the idea of skinning or bringing that tainted critter back home believing it may acerbate the situation in the darkening forest. Sahabiel is beyond miffed that Beech unleashed a fireball in the forest and demands he assists her in putting out the last of the flames. Lothlo suggests that taking anything from the forest that is evil and corrupted by darkness is seldom a wise course of action and recommends leaving it. He is concerned that if these critters are headed their way, making it home should be their highest priority.
You are able to resume your journey back to the village after giving some thought to fire-fighting & what to do with the deceased Fey Hound Pack. Question is, which way is home to Freedom's Landing? And who is leading the group?
With all the assists, coupled with the Compass tool, and a druid to boot, you find yourselves on the correct path home without delay.
Beech (JohnC) AC 19(23)/14/15,HP 46/46 Character d20=6 ; Monday January 30th, 2023 10:20:16 AM
Beech decides to comment about the fireball. "The forest is terrible to begin with, I know that and I've tried to refrain from making it even more so. With this spreading darkness, I'm not gonna hold back on anything, including using fire pretty much at will. Once the darkness it forced to retreat or is defeated, I'll go back to normal. I'm not going to tie one hand behind back when we are fighting not only to protect our town, prevent whatever is happening from spreading, but also to keep our skins mostly intact and us breathing to boot. So if half the forest burns down ridding it of the shadow, I won't shed a single tear over it. Now let's get home, I believe we've been forewarned that this will strike there, or at least near there next." After being so loquacious and spinning about to point out the shadows all around, beech isn't sure exactly where to go... (fails aid on survival)
Nightingale (JonS) HP 51/51 AC 21 CMD: 21 Monday January 30th, 2023 1:38:53 PM
Nightingale was stunned that her attacks failed, then the light and fire show ensued, and she remained in shock, Beech is intentionally trying to burn down the 'Wood, no, fire against shadow creatures, hmmm, I may need to consider that somehow."
Panzer Braun (David F) AC 32 (T16, FF28) CMD 27 HP 85/87 ) Character Sheet Monday January 30th, 2023 4:38:42 PM " Nice job hacking down their numbers. Without that blast I would have never seen the more real one." "Lets get home before the forest forgets we are trying to help it." (From the sound of the DM post we can find our way home...?) Panzer moves on through the forest back to Freedom's landing.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: 24/16/19 HP: 68/68 , CMD = 18 Camalayas AC = 22/16/16 d20+20=22 ; Monday January 30th, 2023 5:37:11 PM
Naithi helps the group find their way through the forest, but even her keen senses have to work over time for the task.
Survival= 22 (+6 for Forest Walking)
Sahabiel (EstherLauren) -- AC 25/14/24 -- HP: 60/60 d20+26=37 ; Monday January 30th, 2023 6:39:36 PM
Sahabiel grins at Breech, not at all unkindly. "I know, and ya didn't hear me complaining when ya used it. I am going to make ya take responsibility for the aftermath still though. By the way, with this darkening the climate in the forest feels a bit more damp too... I am sure I am seeing more lichen and mushrooms this time than on our previous trip."
She peers at the forest, and then confidently raises an arm to show a direction of travel. "When everyone is ready then? The way back home is through here, and I am getting a feeling most of ya can't wait to be out of the woods again.", she adds.
Survival (navigate magical woodland): d20+26 = 37, vs DC 32, success
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 56/56, CMD: 23 Monday January 30th, 2023 8:41:06 PM Fire is a natural part of a forest's cycle, it's even required for certain tree seeds to sprout. So I'm sure that as long as you are responsible with the fire it will be forgiven if you are fighting the darkness... just don't go out of your way to viewed as a new threat.
I noticed they really didn't like the cold iron as well, though I'm not sure there is a magical equivalent you can use to replace a fireball.
DM Jon-Paul - Trekking to Freedom's Landing d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; Monday January 30th, 2023 10:03:43 PM Beech Beech decides to comment about the fireball and proceeds to expound on his beliefs about the forest & Fire. He gets so wrapped up in his diatribe he finds himself discombobulated. Nightingale remains in shock after the battle. Believes Beech is purposefully using fire to burn down the shadows... Panzer congratulates the team on hacking down the Fey Hound Pack. Then turns about face and makes haste to Freedom's Landing stating that they don't want to outstay their welcome. Naithi is taking care of business and working overtime to help the group find their way home. Sahabiel grins at Beech saying that she didn't complain but holds him responsible for the firey aftermath. She then makes a connection between the Fungi growth and the darkening of the Woods. She also does her best to help the group find its way.
Lothlo Mentions that fire is also a part of the life cycle. Recalls that the Fey Hound Pack didn't like the cold iron weapons and that no one wishes to outstay their welcome...and become a foe.
With group affords, you find discover the correct way back towards Freedom's Landing. As you progress toward home you can see the forest changing in hue from the darkness you experienced to the dimming of the once bright & normal light. As you progress home, it begins to look more and more like the Culverwoods you once knew.
The trip back to Freedom's landing is uneventful except for the visible changes in the forest.
Zazu (AC20, HP52) and Boyo the bunny (AC19, HP26) (Cayzle) Monday January 30th, 2023 11:24:54 PM
Zazu does not touch the dead thing, and indeed feels a little upset that friends spoke harshly like that. The elf is quiet on the way back home. And worries about Beech's strong negative feelings towards the Culverwood.
Zazu quietly mutters, "But I was born in the woods. I like it here." And otherwise does not argue.
Beech (JohnC) AC 19(23)/14/15,HP 46/46 Character Tuesday January 31st, 2023 2:06:13 PM
As they travel home, "No, there's not one that duplicates the effects of cold iron. I do have a cold based area of effect, but that'll hinder everyone's movement as well. And as to hating the Culverwood, I don't actively hate it, but I strongly dislike it when it tries to kill me. As to burning it down, I won't go out of my way to burn it, but I'm not going to back off from using the most effective magic I wield, a lot of my magic is based around what my mother used so effectively when she adventured. That just happens to be fire. I've learned to curb my own interests into my magic, the Ice spell is a good example of that. I probably won't be able to weed out what magic flows through my blood, but I'm not a carbon copy of my mother either. If you don't know, she is a Golden Dragon Blood Sorcerer, and Dragon blood has a lot of power, even diluted as it is in me." Beech will answer simple questions and such on the rest of the way home, as they travel, he tries to spot what the shadows have in store for them....
Sahabiel (EstherLauren) -- AC 25/14/24 -- HP: 60/60 Tuesday January 31st, 2023 5:58:42 PM
Sahabiel, also born and raised within the familiar landscape of the Culverwood, gives Zazu a nod. She watches the changes to the forest as they travel closer to its outer boundaries, and with every mile towards Freedom Landing, she feels more eager to see the little settlement again. The divinination that was given her, told them their light was going to be more needed 'at home', which right now was there, where her tree stood. Although she is confident that they left enough capable defenders there, in the absence of specifically targeted attacks that would have followed the senior adventurers that were more directly entangled with the druids behind this mess, she would like to see it again with her own eyes sooner rather than later...