DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20+4=10 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+4=13 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+13=16 ; d100=42 ; d20+13=23 ; d100=76 ; d20+12=31 ; d100=84 ; d4=1 ; d4=2 ; d20+4=15 ; d100=65 ; Monday June 5th, 2023 9:33:23 AM
Round 5
Ash cast glitterdust. {Save: 10/18/13/10} All are blinded except for the Malenti. Drack fails to connect while Torryn lasts one below. Mortiemr lands another hit on the barbarian while Gnubert watches for injuries. Manolo moves in and lands a good amount of damage on light blue, nearly ending it. Mole heals himself without opening further attack options.
Blinded, wounded and furious the barbarian lashes out at Mortimer. {Hit: Miss concelement/ 23/84 Dam miss/7/8}
Light blue moves away from the attackers stopping when it reaching the caster in its way. )Manolo gets an AOO}
Blind yellow swings in the general direction of Mole. {Hit: 15}
The caster (M4) swims back behind the large rock, readying a spell.
Sahuagin: Purple DEAD Blue DEAD Yellow AC: 16 HP: 4 Light Blue AC: 16 HP: 2
Drack (Chris J) - hp 35/35 - AC 17 d20+11=28 ; d10+5=8 ; Monday June 5th, 2023 10:24:59 AM
Drack will take a 5 foot step, and try and hit the barbarian instead of water. He finally connects, hitting ac 28 and deals 8hp of damage.
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 7/8
Drack (Chris J) - hp 35/35 - AC 17 d20+10=26 ; d20+10=21 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; Monday June 5th, 2023 10:30:45 AM
(subbing for Torry)
Trying to take advantage of flanking, Torry will try flurry of blows again on the barbarian. She hits ac 26 and 21 for 6 and 5 damage. If she weren't in the middle of combat, she'd do a little dance, knowing she was kicking butt, and giving Drack a run for his money in the damage department.
(NB: she can enter combat and use her Flurry ability- or if range is needed, she has a ranged touch attack for 1d6 - which is Lightning based - fun in water. Take care of Torry :)
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/31 Monday June 5th, 2023 11:15:35 AM
Ash drops down to L10 to get line of site on the fleeing sahugain.
"Here we go: he mutters to himself as he drops his last spell. Casting sleep in the vicinity of the creature.
Will Save, DC 16. (Not sure of the creatures HD but effects up to 4)
Active: Freedom of Movement 65 minutes Swimming 55 minutes Bless
1st 2nd 3rd
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. false life, freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+9=13 ; d6=1 ; Monday June 5th, 2023 12:36:21 PM
With the hulking creature blindly flailing about, the violent torrent of water and bubbles actually makes it more difficult for Mortimer to hit the beast.
(Mortimer attacks the Barbarian. Hit AC: 13. Damage: 1. typical!)
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K Monday June 5th, 2023 12:36:29 PM
Loyrn moves along the caves edge and forward to the right. He tells his fellow adventures that he circling out to get a line of sight on the far spell caster behind that rock.
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 7/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 3/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 31/31 ; d20=10 ; Monday June 5th, 2023 5:27:10 PM
OOC: is Manolo aware of the farthest enemy? Can he see him ?
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 31/31 ; d20=10 ; d20+7=18 ; d4=2 ; 4d6=8 ; Monday June 5th, 2023 5:34:02 PM
"oh no you are not", Manolo says as he sees a quick opportunity of a fast attack.
Attack 19 ,18+1bless Damage 3, d4+1. Sneak attack 8 if applicable in attack opportunity.
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 3d8+5=17 ; Monday June 5th, 2023 8:50:28 PM
Gnu5swims to Mole and uses a prepared spell slotto cast Cure Serious Wounds on him for 17 points of relief. "You got a little low for my liking. Be careful and mind your surroundings my friend!" The cleric says with a smile
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 37/48; CMD 16 d20+5=16 ; d8+1=5 ; Tuesday June 6th, 2023 7:21:32 AM
Mole ignores the comment from Gnubert and continues to lay siege to the sea devil. This time he connects with his hammer.
AC16, damage 5
0 - Flare, Know Direction, Light, Stabilize 1 - CLW x3 (c,c,c), Hide from Animals (c) 2 - Delay Poison, Hold Animal, Resist Energy 3 - Water Breathing x2
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 31/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=11 ; d4=2 ; Tuesday June 6th, 2023 7:51:28 AM
Manolo tries to attack the enemy one more time. Attack 19 ,11+7+1, +1 due to bless. Damage 3
OOC previous post was Attack of opportunity this post is normal attack
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20+4=15 ; d20+8=16 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+12=30 ; d4=3 ; d4=3 ; d4=1 ; Tuesday June 6th, 2023 9:42:43 AM
Round 6
Drack hits the barbarian dead on letting more blood into the water while Torryn land two solid hits. Ash move to where he can see the hiding sea devil and puts it to sleep! {Save: 15} Mortimer fails to catch the thrashing barbarian. Manolo lands an attack on the blinded light blue sea devil, as it tries to flee, ending its life. Seeing it dead he repositions and kills the yellow sea-devil as well. Gnubert heals some of Moles wounds as he strikes hitting the blinded barbarian.
The blinded sea-devil realizes it is alone and surrounded as the glitter finally clears from its eyes. It pauses a quarter second to admire how beautiful the glitter on the rest of its body is thinking that it could have been a designer in another life. With not future time it lashes out for what is probably the last time, swinging at Drack recently wounded it the most. {Hit: 24/28/34 Dam: 9/9/7}
Sahuagin: Purple DEAD Blue DEAD Yellow DEAD Light Blue DEAD
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/31 Tuesday June 6th, 2023 9:48:05 AM
"And thats how its done ladies and gents. " Ash says aloud. He was being boisterous, but part of him was hoping there was no more potential fights as he was clear out of spells.
Active: Freedom of Movement 65 minutes Swimming 55 minutes Bless
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. false life, freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+9=24 ; d6=4 ; Tuesday June 6th, 2023 11:02:26 AM "Yeah Manny!" He shouts to celebrate Manolo's slicing and dicing skills. Feeling a bit inspired, Mortimer attempts to do the same. He pauses for Manolo to move in to complete the three-way flank around the barbarian.
(Mortimer attacks the Barbarian. Hit AC: 24. Damage: 4 slash.)
Drack (Chris J) - hp16/35 - AC 17 2d6=6 ; d20+11=16 ; Tuesday June 6th, 2023 11:13:55 AM
Drack takes the hit, and just smiles back at the barbarian, knowing it was fighting a losing battle. He lays hands on himself as a swift action, healing only 6 damage. He then swings at the barbarian, trying to end it. but pathetically misses once again.
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 6/8
Drack (Chris J) - hp16/35 - AC 17 Tuesday June 6th, 2023 11:14:44 AM
"Gnubert, if you have a little bit of healing, i could probably use it."
Drack (Chris J) - hp16/35 - AC 17 d20+10=15 ; d20+10=29 ; d10+5=15 ; Tuesday June 6th, 2023 11:18:17 AM
Correction, Drack hit ac 18 now that he is flanking. Damage 15hp.
Drack (Chris J) - hp16/35 - AC 17 d6=5 ; Tuesday June 6th, 2023 11:20:45 AM
(Subbing for Torry)
Trying to once again take advantage of the flank, (the d20+10 was Torry. my bad) Torry uses flurry of blows once more, and hits once. for 5 damage
(NB: she can enter combat and use her Flurry ability- or if range is needed, she has a ranged touch attack for 1d6 - which is Lightning based - fun in water. Take care of Torry :)
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:20/34. speed:30'. false life, freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Tuesday June 6th, 2023 3:04:54 PM
Mortimer looks down ... he felt an odd sensation. It was actual pain! He had been wounded from the previous round. "Well now ... look at that! Slow bleeder, I am!"
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 3d8=5 ; 3d8=9 ; Tuesday June 6th, 2023 8:28:03 PM
Gnubert swims to n 15 where he is centered within the group and channels positive energy healing the group, and excluding any of the enemy. The cleric heals for 5 with his only hero point 9 to everyone.
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 31/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=12 ; d4=2 ; 4d6=13 ; Tuesday June 6th, 2023 11:35:23 PM
", thanks,we can flank him", Manolo says in response to Mole Manolo flanks the enemy if possible and attacks the remaining last enemy.
Attack 19 Damage 3 Flank attack/sneak attack 13
OOC: not feeling well henceforth a very late post so might not count as Tuesday on the post.
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art Wednesday June 7th, 2023 9:28:16 AM
The barbarian falls! Well they do not so much fall as kind of float, limply, in the water, with blood around them. It’s kind of nasty really.
The caster sleeps behind the closest rock. They are not a threat but they are there.
In the sudden calm Gnubert calls on a healing channel to close some wounds caused by the sea devils. Looking around, past the sleeping enemy, you can see that the cavern is quite large with multiple large rocks rising up and you can just make out a sunken longboat sitting on the bottom. The cavern is so large that you still cannot take it all in. You can however make out some faint lights in the distance, small lights that look to be leading from the bottom of the cavern up at an angle.
At least you have a moment of respite but there could well be more enemies in a cavern this large that are hidden in the dark.
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 2d6=9 ; Wednesday June 7th, 2023 11:15:32 AM
Drack gratefully accepts the healing from Gnubert, and then lays hands on himself for 9 more.
"What's the plan Loryn? I'm ready for another round, but Do the spell casters have much left? I'm thinking we should at least check out the rest of the cave. Either that or we have to come back."
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 6/8
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 Wednesday June 7th, 2023 11:18:34 AM
(Subbing for Torry) HP 27/27, AC 22
Torry gets healed but doesn't need it thanks to her amazing dance moves in combat. She waits for a quick decision from Loryn, but will say "We are already here. Might as well finish the job."
(NB: she can enter combat and use her Flurry ability- or if range is needed, she has a ranged touch attack for 1d6 - which is Lightning based - fun in water. Take care of Torry :)
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/31 Wednesday June 7th, 2023 2:30:00 PM
Ash shakes his head in the water. " I'm spent. I hope this was the last of them for us, but one did run away. I put another to sleep behind that rock."
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/31 Wednesday June 7th, 2023 2:30:03 PM
Ash shakes his head in the water. " I'm spent. I hope this was the last of them for us, but one did run away. I put another to sleep behind that rock."
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K Wednesday June 7th, 2023 6:02:02 PM
Loryn moves up and looks about. "I know Ash, all of us are in the same boat I think, but we need to see this all the way to the end Im afraid."
Loryn walks past the rock and pushes the Dancing Lights out further towards the far end of the cavern. He could move them quickly and through them, give a first past across the whole place. At least it would show if anymore are hiding in here, or if there are additional passages. The gnome hoped for not on both cases. "I need a weapon when we get back I suppose, and someone needs to put down that devil there. Mortimer?" Loryn figured he was a good person to ask to do the deed as he had no way of doing it himself.
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 5/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 3/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 31/31 ; d20=10 ; Wednesday June 7th, 2023 7:38:25 PM
"If we back off now, who knows what counter attack will they plan in retaliation"....better to continue now when they are still relatively unprepared." Manolo says
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 Wednesday June 7th, 2023 9:33:34 PM "I am low but we'd better push on. We are only going to get one good shot at this"
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/31 Wednesday June 7th, 2023 10:07:29 PM
" Oh, im not saying retreat,By no means. Just that i wont be the most useful."
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 37/48; CMD 16 d20+12=13 ; Wednesday June 7th, 2023 10:30:19 PM
Mole waits for a decision on the next course of action while keeping an eye out for trouble. (or not)
Perception DC13
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d20+7=17 ; d6=4 ; Wednesday June 7th, 2023 10:52:06 PM
Mortimer looks around at all the bodies with satisfaction. Before he could speak, he feels the sudden, agonizing sear of healing magics burning like a wildfire through his body. He grits his teeth and bears it. 'The cure is more painful than the wound,' he thinks, 'at least it fades quickly.'"Thanks Gnubert," he says sincerely. He's amazed how well the others take the pain of healing. 'Not a flinch or whimper from any of them.'
To answer Drack, he explains what magic he has left, "Have a few more castings in me, I do. Then all I got is the minor stuff."
When Loryn asks him to finish off the sleeping sea devil, he simply replies, "Sure," then adds, "Someone need ta check over those bodies. Who knows what bits and bobs are on them."
If no one objects, Mortimer swims over to the sleeping sahuagin, takes his sickle and gives it a death blow. If it doesn't work the first time, he will immediately give it a double tap.
(Mortimer preforms a coup de grace on the sleeping sahuagin. Full round action. Crit Damage: 6. Fort Save DC 16 vs. Death. If necessary, Double Tap: Hit AC: 17. Damage: 4.)
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 31/31 ; d20=10 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+2=8 ; Thursday June 8th, 2023 10:14:46 AM
Manolo goes quickly through the belongings of the dead, if he finds anything he will try to quickly appraise it. He does so without much thinking or care.
Perception 11 Appraise 8
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20=14 ; Thursday June 8th, 2023 10:17:33 AM
Taking a breather the party takes stick of what abilities they have left. The magic is mostly spent but steel is still steel and it tends not to run out at least. The decision to push on comes quickly and it is the only natural thing to do but first the sleeping sea devil must be dealt with and the bodies checked.
Mortimer moves and finishes off the sleeper with a deft strike with the sickle. {ooc: Not dealing with the save, it is pointless.} More blood is released into the water around them as the body drifts a bit in the currents.
One of the barbarians, the last to perish, had a nice shield but it is not magical. On the front of the shield is a small wolves head and inside the words The Loyal Wolf can be seen in small lettering. {Masterwork Heavy Shield} A few gold coins are found as well. {I will total the gold at the end, no need for a bunch of little entries.}
Even with the dancing lights there are still large rocks that block your vision so not all the room ca be seen from the mouth of the passage most of the party is still in.
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 Thursday June 8th, 2023 11:12:15 AM
Drack is happy that he wasn't asked to kill a sleeping bad guy, because he wasn't going to do that. They were very likely evil, but Drack didn't know for sure.
Drack takes a move and a move further into the cave, looking for any sign of a threat.
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 d20+7=9 ; Thursday June 8th, 2023 11:14:15 AM
Perception check 9.(good old die roller did it to me again.)
"Alright folks. Let's finish this."
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 6/8
(I will sub for Torry tonight if Nick hasn't posted.)
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 Thursday June 8th, 2023 12:50:50 PM
Gnubert smiles at the others,there's no quit in them for sure. Just the understanding of what must be done. I'm proud the Gods blessed me with them, the cleric thinks to himself. The gnome swims to Drack, "Should we check out that wreck in case of enemies left behind, or supplies we can use?"
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/31 Thursday June 8th, 2023 1:58:02 PM
"We know there is atleast one more creature down here, plus the possibility of more. So let's get this done and be thorough. "
"I'm happy to lead the way." Torryn offered. "I can still call up another Fey shield if necessary and my Fey Armour is still in place. It seems that these Sea Devils aren't very good at dancing." She grinned at the last statement. Clearly there was more than one way to 'dance'.
Torryn quickly moved forwards, spear in hand.
OOC: Many thanks to Chris for looking after Torry so ably! I am now back from vacation :)
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K Thursday June 8th, 2023 4:40:57 PM Let's sweep around, right to left about the perimeter. If no one is hiding to stick Drack some more, we can move and hit that wreck to see what may be there."
Loryn will sweep the Dancing Lights before them about 50' ahead and a towards the center of the chamber as the party moves.
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 4/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 3/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+2=12 ; Thursday June 8th, 2023 11:06:15 PM
And then there was one! Mortimer is glad he could dispatch the aquatic magic user quickly and painlessly. 'Everyone should be so lucky,' he thinks. There are worse things than death. 'Much worse things!'
With his darkvision still active, he makes his way along the north side of the cavern, checking the dark places for hidden surprises.
(Perception: 12)
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art Friday June 9th, 2023 9:46:27 AM
Drack calls for the party to finish this and the suggestion is made to go clockwise around the room. Loryn sends the dancing lights to the middle of the room. As they move the shadows in the dark cavern shift around causing distortions here and there. While underwater can be a place of breathtaking beauty the cave dese not reflect that being simply worn stone.
Drack, Torryn and Mortimer lead the way as the group moves out from around the rock in the mouth of the cave. Much of the cave is still in darkness and/or blocked from view by large rocks. There is no hint of movement but no one feels like the cave is empty at this point. Only Drack can now see the line of faint lights leading from near the bottom up towards the surface of the water.
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 Friday June 9th, 2023 10:17:04 AM
Drack points out the light he sees to the others. "We should check that out. Do we want to split into two groups so that we can each go on different sides of these rocks to make sure we see everything? The distance isn't too great to prevent quick assistance if something happens. I can go down the right side while everyone else stays in this pattern. I'm well healed and have plenty of lay hands left should i need them. Loryn?"
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
"Sure, I'll go left." Agreed Torryn. She then matched her actions to her words and moved to peer around the first of the large pillars of stone - not wanting to be surprised by anything there, before moving on the check out the second pillar. That at least was her thinking. Pleased that she'd actually remembered, Torryn invoked her Sacred dancer ability to Detect the presence of Evil.
Her delight at recalling and actually using this ability was tempered by her clumsy attempts to swim forward. What was it with the whole swimming thing? Just when you thought you'd mastered it, the rules all seemed to change. (Swim:12.)
Torryn peered around, suspicious of her surroundings. Perception: 15
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K Friday June 9th, 2023 4:57:33 PM
When Drack mentions the lights and the surface, Loryn agrees. You, Mole and Mortimer have Darkvision. You guys hit the surface and have a look about. The rest of us will keep moving along the wall in the same direction."
Loryn moves along and brings the lights to E/Fx13/14
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 4/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 3/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 31/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=1 ; d20=15 ; Friday June 9th, 2023 9:49:41 PM
Manolo is happy to finish looking for loot from the dead bodies. He moves further into the unknown.
Perception 10 or 24
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/31 d20+4=8 ; Friday June 9th, 2023 10:00:20 PM
Ash swims along, watching his hair flow in the water. Perception 8
DM-Jon - Ryan's evil twin Saturday June 10th, 2023 1:51:59 AM
OOC: Dumb question, but does anyone know what time of year this adventure is taking place? I'm brewing something up for Ryan and I to do following this adventure
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K Saturday June 10th, 2023 10:02:43 AM
Dragon renewal just occurred, making it spring
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+2=10 ; Saturday June 10th, 2023 11:54:12 AM
(ooc: I thought the yellow dot on the map was Loryn's dancing lights. Didn't know it was a point of interest. So is there a surface to the water in this cavern ... with an air pocket above? Not really understanding the direction of the light. Is the source from above or below?)
Mortimer takes advantage of his darkvision, as Loryn had suggested. He moves in that general direction.
(Perception: 10)
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 37/48; CMD 16 d20+12=32 ; Sunday June 11th, 2023 3:27:57 PM
Mole lifts his head above the water and glances around looking for other sea devils.
Perception DC32
0 - Flare, Know Direction, Light, Stabilize 1 - CLW x3 (c,c,c), Hide from Animals (c) 2 - Delay Poison, Hold Animal, Resist Energy 3 - Water Breathing x2
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 d20+12=32 ; Monday June 12th, 2023 10:28:32 AM
Gnubert follows the others as they search for the enemy. Gnubert keeps an eye out for signs of which direction to go (Perception DC32)
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art Monday June 12th, 2023 10:28:32 AM
Drack volunteers to travel down the right side while Torryn will head to the left. As he moves she remembers to detect evil which immediately picks up the presence of evil at the edge of its range.
Loryn suggests that mortimer and Mole check the surface while the rest keep looking. The others move and Mortimer and Mole swim up the thirty foot depth to look above the water. As they move they track the chain of lights to the surface of the water where they find roughly teen feet of stale but breathable air. Floating on the surface of the water is a platform that is just large enough for the four foot cube of a cage that is attached to it. In the cage is the shape of a small humanoid that is either sleeping or unconscious. His clothing is reminiscent of the gnome that came ashore after the attack.
On top of the large rocks more shapes can be seen moving in an unfriendly manner as Sahuagin are silhouetted by the dim light from the cage chain. Several sahuagin leap into the water or stand and grab their tridents spreading out near the top of the water! They give a deep cray that, despite not knowing the language, can only be attack!
Those underwater see figure enter from above AND two sleep shakes move in the darkness towards the group. The unmistakable form of great white sharks can be seen with sahuagin like those that were casting spells riding on their backs!!
Further there is movement back in the dark as though the final remnants of this tribe may be preparing. There are crates from the surface and they move about them.
S1 - AC: 16 HP:15 - On Rocks S2 - AC: 16 HP:15 - On Rocks S3 - AC: 16 HP:15 - On Rocks S4 - AC: 16 HP:15 - Water @ +30 S5 - AC: 16 HP:15 - Water @ +30 S6 - AC: 16 HP:15 - Water @ +30
SR1 AC: 23 HP:69 - Water @ +30 SR2 AC: 23 HP:69 - Water @ +30
M1 AC: 15 HP: 15 M2 AC: 15 HP: 15 Shark Mount 1 AC: 19 HP: 42 Shark Mount 2 AC: 19 HP 42
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Monday June 12th, 2023 10:48:57 AM (ooc: I recall Mole casting 'Hide from Animals' on us before the previous combat. The sharks shouldn't be able to perceive us at all: sight, sound or smell ... as long as we don't attack the sharks or any other animal. RichP - Is that the case?)
{ooc from Co-GM: That is true though, off the top of my head, I would say an attack on the rider would negate the effect as well. Beyond that it gets wide latitude as a shark is pretty dumb.}
In view of the great evil around her and the sudden swarm of activity, Torryn decided that now was the perfect time to invoke her last spell. She again summoned her Fey Shield. (Now AC:26) She then swam up slightly to confront the nearest creature approaching over the rock. She had her spear ready in case of a charge, but was ready to drop it in favour of using her hands. She was really starting to get the hang of those scything chops and penetrating finger strikes.
(On second thoughts - Torryn stays exactly where she was! Swim 1.)
It was a good plan, but pulling through the water had no effect. She was stuck! At least for the moment. At least she could hold her spear ready.
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 Monday June 12th, 2023 2:04:38 PM
"Loryn...i think we are in trouble here."
Drack moves next to Manolo and readies for the first of them to come into range of his sword. "Let's all stay tight together and form up the best circle we can. Fighter types on the edges, and spellcasters behind. If they can't surround any one of us, we will have a better chance. Form up on me. Let them come to us, at least for now."
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 6/8
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/31 d3=3 ; d20+2=14 ; Monday June 12th, 2023 3:40:56 PM
Ash really had to dig down into his repitoire of spells, relying on basic party tricks that he didn't cast in a while. Pulling out a bit of wool, he lets loose a bit of electricity. Cast jolt at S4, hit touch Ac 15 3 dmg.
0-Level Jolt x3
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+10=20 ; Monday June 12th, 2023 4:20:23 PM
Mortimer's eyes go wide with what he sees floating on the water's surface ... a caged gnome! He quickly notices all the other movement and realizes their job is far from over. He immediately begins to swim back down and regroup with the others.
(Swim: 20. Full-round action to move at half speed: He moves 15ft back down.)
"Oye! They 'ave a gnome caged up there!"
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+5=8 ; Monday June 12th, 2023 5:33:13 PM
Loryn was not overly tactical, he nods dumbly at Drack's comment and direction, "Hold til they close."
Loryn readies a spell and keeps an eye on the splash that came from Ash's direction by the rock.
Readied Scorching Ray - converting to acid Ranged Touch Attack Hit AC 8 that should miss
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 3/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 3/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 31/31 ; d20=10 ; Monday June 12th, 2023 7:37:39 PM
Manolo tries to find a good spot near Drack and reloads his cross Bow to be ready if needed.
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 Monday June 12th, 2023 8:06:20 PM "Stay close, I can cast prayer when they close in on us. I have one more channel available. If we can prevent any flanking we can minimize extra damage." The cleric swims forward to be right behind Drack.
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20+5=9 ; Tuesday June 13th, 2023 10:39:04 AM
Round 1
Torryn readies her spear but can change at a moments notice. Drack call out for the group to circle up. Ash manages to make a spark even with wet soggy wool landing the first damage. Loryn tries to follow Drack’s directions and launches an attack that misses by a fair margin. Manolo moves near Drack and loads his crossbow. Gnubert moves closer to Drack calling out some of what resources he has left to call on.
Seeing the party circle up the Sahuagin move to surround the group. There some communication in the unknown tongue and they spread out in groups looking to work together.
The shark riders do not join the others in encircling you,, the sharks move them but keep more distance as the riders cast spells. The first, M1, casts a ray of energy at Drack that sails harmlessly past. {9 vs Touch AC}. The secone, M2, focuses on Mortimer and attempts to blind him. {DC15 Fort}.
Finally the last sea-devil, before leaving the rock, launches its Trident back into the darkness to the east before jumping into the water near one of the shark riders.
{ooc: With everyone in the water were going to be less concerned with depth. Moving to the surface would be of note but assume you can swim over or under most creatures unless noted.}
M1 AC: 15 HP: 15 M2 AC: 15 HP: 15 Shark Mount 1 AC: 19 HP: 42 Shark Mount 2 AC: 19 HP 42
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 37/48; CMD 16 Tuesday June 13th, 2023 11:31:48 AM
Mole begins to chant "As an tìr, an t-uisge, an speur, agus an teine thig gu m' chòmhnadh..."
0 - Flare, Know Direction, Light, Stabilize 1 - CLW x3 (c,c,c), Hide from Animals (c) 2 - Delay Poison, Hold Animal, Resist Energy 3 - Water Breathing x2 (c)
Torrynashkabbeth (Nick) HP:27/27 AC:26 F9: R:10 W:12 d20=10 ; d6=3 ; Tuesday June 13th, 2023 11:54:44 AM
With the enemy refusing to close, Torryn called forth her Fey Spark. (Ranged Touch. Hits AC:17. Damage:3.) That spark took the form of a coruscating tiny sprite. It leapt unerringly from her hand to lance into (S5) the Sea Devil closest to her leaving a scintillating trail behind it. She could do that again if need be and more than once. Holding their distance would cost them; at least she hoped so.
Fey Spark (actually a lightning ray) used 1/6.
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K Tuesday June 13th, 2023 12:41:02 PM
Loryn casts Glitterdust at the trio coming up to cut off the escape route should it come to that. "Does anyone have magic that can get the gnome out of the cage.? If so we should push to him, get him and get out"
There are an awful lot of sea devils swimming about...
Glitterdust Will DC 15 blind targets: S2; S4; SR2
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 2/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 1/5
(OOC: Sharks are fish and can therefore detect objects through vibrations in their spine (lateral line). They also possess an incredibly refined sense of smell - although the latter is largely used to track blood in the water. Thus they won't be as impaired by blindness as the Sahuagin, unfortunately.)
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+6=14 ; 3d4+3=13 ; Tuesday June 13th, 2023 1:15:38 PM (Fort Save: 14 vs Blindness. Applying Hero point after the roll:+4 bonus. Revised Fort Save: 18, success.)
Mortimer 'heroically' shakes off the effects of blindness. He is quite perturbed by this, being the second time today. He offers up a bit of solid advice to his mates. "Bollocks! If ya gonna go through the trouble of shootin' at these bastards ... THEN target the casters that can hit you back!
Mortimer then targets the caster that tried to blind him with a flurry of shadow bolts.
(Mortimer casts Shadow Bolts on M2, using a 2nd level slot. Damage: 13.)
"Bobs your uncle, ya bastard!"
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Tuesday June 13th, 2023 1:20:11 PM
Mortimer also moves another 5ft down closer to Drack.
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 Tuesday June 13th, 2023 5:15:52 PM
"Great. They don't want to close. I am not great with a bow. Try and take out the spellcasters. if we do, they will want to close."
Drack sheathes his sword and pulls his bow.
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
(Another OOC: I didn't think that bows worked underwater; which was why Torryn left hers behind.)
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 d8=8 ; Tuesday June 13th, 2023 8:37:25 PM
Gnubert casts Sound Burst at the 3 enemy behind them attempting to get all 3 (Fortitude DC 21 to avoid being stunned each takes 8 damage).
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 Tuesday June 13th, 2023 9:57:08 PM
(Ooc. You are right Torry. I forgot the terrain. Drack will stick with the sword and ready for an opponent.)
DM, please disregard the bow move. I forgot where we were
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 31/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=15 ; d8=3 ; Wednesday June 14th, 2023 4:36:56 AM
Manolo stays put and tries to shoot the nearest enemy.
Attack 24 (15+7+1+1) Damage 4 (3+1) Action :attack with crossbow if viable. +1 to attack from bless spell effects and +1 from point blank feat.
OOC: didn't apply negative mods ):
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 Wednesday June 14th, 2023 7:01:47 AM
(Ooc. You are right Torry. I forgot the terrain. Drack will stick with the sword and ready for an opponent.)
DM, please disregard the bow move. I forgot where we were
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 37/48; CMD 16 Wednesday June 14th, 2023 7:29:06 AM
Mole finishes his chant and a small quick swirl in the water develops (the aqua circle on the map).
0 - Flare, Know Direction, Light, Stabilize 1 - CLW x3 (c,c,c), Hide from Animals (c) 2 - Delay Poison, Hold Animal, Resist Energy 3 - Water Breathing x2 (c)
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20+4=15 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+7=22 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+5=8 ; 3d4+3=9 ; 3d4+3=10 ; d20+4=15 ; d20+4=11 ; d20+6=16 ; d8+4=7 ; d8+4=6 ; d100=60 ; d8+12=16 ; d6=3 ; d8+4=8 ; Wednesday June 14th, 2023 9:57:16 AM
Round 2
Mole begins a chant which reverberates through the water until a quick swirl in the waer developes. {What is this?} Torryn launches another bit of magic as they sea-devils set up. Lorryn casts glitterdust {Saves: 15/6/22} blinding one. Mortimer snipes one of the casters nearly killing it and making his mount aware of his presence! Drack considers using his bow but quickly realizes that it would be pointless unless he was going to stab with an arrow. Gunbert casts sound burst but is really only able to get two targets with it. {Saves: S6 10 SR1: 8} A trident and short sword drift to the bottom of the cave. {ooc: Well done.} Ash holds his spells for the moment. Manolo firsts off a bolt at S6 which hits despite the ten foot of distance underwater.
The shark rider fires back at Mortimer launching purple shards back in his direction. {Magic MIssile:9 Damage} It then directs the shark to relocate though the shark seems to hesitate for a moment.
The second shark rides its mount around the smaller rock formation before launching its own set of purple magic shards at Torryn. {Magic Missile: 10 Damage}
S1, having thrown a trident back into the dark, swims back towards Drack and Mortimer but does not make it close enough to attack. S3 moves and tries to claw Manolo [/’b] while S6 an SR1 float in place for a moment. {Hit: 15}
S4 moves near Ash and Loryn stabs at [b] Ash able to sense his location even if blind. The same blindness causes it to miss. {Hit: 11 Concelement: 60} At the same time S2 moves to the other side and also attacks Ash. {Hit: 16 Dam: 6}
SR2, glittery like a fist grade art project, moves quickly through the water to engage Manolo as well in response to the glitter! {Hit: 16 Dam: 3}
Finally, S5 moves to engage Torryn, not knowing how hard to hit she is. {Hit: 8}
M1 AC: 15 HP: 15 M2 AC: 15 HP: 02 Shark Mount 1 AC: 19 HP: 42 Shark Mount 2 AC: 19 HP 42 - Is aware of Mortimer
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Wednesday June 14th, 2023 10:09:29 AM
Mortimer's shield spell completely negates the barrage of magic missiles that were fired at him.
(More to come later ... at work ;)
Torrynashkabbeth (Nick) HP:27/27 AC:26 F9: R:10 W:12 d20=8 ; d20=7 ; Wednesday June 14th, 2023 10:15:53 AM
(OOC: Torryn takes no damage from the Magic Missile as her fey SHIELD stops them from hitting)
Torryn dropped her spear. her attacker close now - really close. She decided that using her speed would be her best option. Sadly that supposition proved inaccurate as she was unable to land a blow on her assailant.
(Hits AC:15 and 14 with Bless)
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 d20+11=24 ; d10+5=8 ; Wednesday June 14th, 2023 10:31:48 AM
Drack takes a 5' step and swings at S3. hit ac 24, damage 8
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 6/8
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+10=18 ; 3d4+3=10 ; d20+10=12 ; Wednesday June 14th, 2023 10:41:28 AM
Mortimer was planning on finishing off the caster that attacked him, but it retreated behind the rock like a coward (he would send a single missile to him, if in view.).
Being weary of the attackers nearby, Mortimer takes special care and casts the next spell in a defensive manner. (Casting Defensively: 18, success.) Another volley of shadow bolts streak forward and slam into the other magic user (M1).
(Mortimer casts Shadow Bolts (Defensively) at M1, using a 2nd Level Slot. Damage: 10.)
Mortimer then moves down next to S3, opposite of MANOLO, allowing the rogue a flanking attack. (Swim: 12, quarter movement speed 7.5ft.)
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Wednesday June 14th, 2023 10:49:51 AM
(ooc: The letters and numbers are missing from the edges of the map.)
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art Wednesday June 14th, 2023 3:30:26 PM
Slide two shows the whole battle.
I will never make a map this big again.
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K 2d4+2=9 ; d4+1=4 ; Wednesday June 14th, 2023 4:49:28 PM
Loryn backs away from the devils that have come right up on him and seeing where Mortimer just sent a retaliation of magic, Loryn does the same.
Cast Magic Missile sending 2 missiles at M1 and 1 missile at S2 Dmg 9 and 4
If I survive this, I definitely need to buy a weapon
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 2/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
(OOC: Torryn will happily loan Loryn her spear +1 :) Currently it's sitting on the ground at her feet.)
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 d20+12=20 ; Wednesday June 14th, 2023 7:41:02 PM
Gnubert smiles as he managed to stun two of his 3 targets. The cleric holds his remaing spells as he watches over the battle (Perception DC 20)
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 31/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=20 ; d20=14 ; d4=2 ; 4d6=13 ; Wednesday June 14th, 2023 9:05:24 PM
Manolo attacks the nearest enemy. 'We just need to flank them', he thinks.
Attack roll#1 20 Attack roll #2 14 ( to confirm critical roll if I remember the rules) Mods for the attack (+7 roll +1 bless and +1 flank ?) Damage 3
Flank/sneak attack 13
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 25/31 d3=2 ; Wednesday June 14th, 2023 9:49:29 PM
Ash sends another jolt spell out, this time aimed at s4. (2 dmg)He figured he could pepper them, and hopefully have another drop the killing blow.
Jolt x2
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 37/48; CMD 16 d20+4=23 ; d6+4=7 ; Wednesday June 14th, 2023 10:15:32 PM
Mole's summoned water elemental strikes at S4. Mole cast a spell and the shark for SR2 must make a Will save, DC16 or be held in place.
Small water elemental attack (PA): AC23, damage 8
Small water elemental AC17, HP 13
0 - Flare, Know Direction, Light, Stabilize 1 - CLW x3 (c,c,c), Hide from Animals (c) 2 - Delay Poison, Hold Animal (c), Resist Energy 3 - Water Breathing x2 (c)
Torryn goes for speed over accuracy. Drack wounds one of the sahuagin. Mortimer hurts the other caster, alerting the second shark to his presence. Loryn moves and casts a magic missile killing a caster AND alerting a shark to his presence. Gnubert holds his spells and looks around. He is sure that there will be more company at some point but it will probably be the last of them. Manolo strikes and kills the flanked sahuagin that is flanked by Mortimer. Ash harasses the blinded seadevil with shocks. Mole’s summoned water elemental slams the sparkling and blinded sahuagin as he casts a spell that holds the shark in place. {ooc: I am not getting into how sharks breath}
Shark 1, mountless, is held in place by Moles magic which does get a glance from some of the sahuagin. S4 and the blind S2 swing at the flanked Ash. {S2 Hit: 13/12 Dam: 3/3} {S4: Hit: 15/23 Concealment: 34/63 Damage: 6}
S5 continues to attack Torryn but suddenly realizes it is pointless and after one swing moves to another target. {Hit: 22 - Take an AOO}
S1, holding no weapon but armed with claws and teeth move to intercept Drack and allow for flanking on Mortimer by someone else. {Hit: 23 Dam: 4}
SR1 is no longer stunned but has no weapons beyond claws which is enough as he moves into flanking with of [/b] Mortimer [/b] and attacks. {Hit: 14 - well poop}
SR2 moves into flanking of Manolo with a flick of his webbed feet and attacks with his short sword. {Hit: 15/26 Damage: 0/10+12 sneak attack}
SR six takes a moment to pick up his weapons and moves to what he think will be a better spot to fight from.
Finally M2 and Shark 2 peak out around the rocks and again cast a spell at Drack targeting his hearing rather than sight this time. {Deafness DC15} He then swims off his mount and orders it to attack!
M1 AC: 15 HP: 05 - DEAD M2 AC: 15 HP: 02 Shark Mount 1 AC: 19 HP: 42 - HELD Is aware of Mortimer and Mortimer Shark Mount 2 AC: 19 HP 42 - Is aware of Mortimer
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 d20+12=32 ; Thursday June 15th, 2023 2:39:20 PM
Gnubert follows the others as they search for the enemy. Gnubert keeps an eye out for signs of which direction to go (Perception DC32)
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 d20+11=31 ; d20+11=14 ; d10+11=17 ; Thursday June 15th, 2023 3:48:42 PM
Drack takes a 5' step towards S5 so as to flank him. "Back shortly Manolo. helping out the casters"
Drack swings, power attacking by 2. hit ac 31, nat 20, 14 on the crit chance, miss. Damage 17
"Keep up the damage folks. we are gaining ground."
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 6/8
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+14=32 ; d20+11=19 ; Thursday June 15th, 2023 4:19:40 PM
Mortimer see's the magic user slide off the sharks back and then says something to it in their gibberish language. That can't be good! Then a very wicked thought enters his head ... and its success all depends how stupid these sharks really are.
Firstly Mortimer activates his magical hat ... and suddenly he takes on the form of the sahuagin caster (M2), or a close as he can get. (Disguise: 32)
Mortimer then side steps the two sahuagin, (5ft Step to I0) and begins pointing vigorously at S1 and SR1 in a commanding tone. (Bluff: 19)
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:34/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Thursday June 15th, 2023 4:20:52 PM
(ooc: I forgot to mention the magical hat is a Hat of Disguise.)
Torryn lashed out with a ridge hand chop to the creature as it sought to pull away. This time she struck true and hit with a well-placed blow. (5 damage). However, given that Drack had delivered such a mighty blow, it seemed her effort was largely superfluous. She very much doubted that the Sea Devil would be getting up again any time soon - if ever.
"Who needs help?" She asked. With her Fey Shield in place as well as her Fey Armour, she was again a troublesome target for the enemy. That she couldn't do anything remotely resembling Drack's mighty damage was a fact she hoped the Sahuagin were oblivious of. Still, those protections were yet to be fully tested - by the sharks. They were BIG! And they had a LOT of sharp, pointy teeth. Nonetheless, she believed in her magic and was sure that she'd still be a harder target for those sharks than her friends. She attempted to spot any incoming shark attacks so that she might interpose herself between it and its intended target.
Perception: 24
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 d20+3=5 ; Thursday June 15th, 2023 4:49:52 PM
Gnubert hefts his mace, says a prayer to Domi and swings (AC5 ). The cleric can't help but laugh as he nearly spins in a circle missing horribly.
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+5=21 ; d6+2=5 ; Thursday June 15th, 2023 5:23:41 PM
Loryn calls out to the others that in 6 seconds, his Lights are going to turn off. "If you have a light source, you need to be getting it ready"
Loryn, down to his last targets the non Blind devil near him and Ash
A ray of acid leaps from his hand and plows through the water and into the creature Ranged Touch Attack AC 21 Dmg 5 target S2
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 1/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 13/31 d3=3 ; Thursday June 15th, 2023 6:13:25 PM
Ash didn't think he could take much more.. he called fow and hit another jolt to S4 for 3 dmg.
Spells Jolt x1
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 13/31 d3=3 ; Thursday June 15th, 2023 6:13:29 PM
Ash didn't think he could take much more.. he called fow and hit another jolt to S4 for 3 dmg.
Spells Jolt x1
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 9/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=2 ; d4=4 ; d20=14 ; 4d6=17 ; Thursday June 15th, 2023 9:39:04 PM
Attack #1 22 or 23( d20+7+1(bless), didn't add flank) Damage 5 (d4+1) Sneak attack/flank 17
OOC : used hero point to reroll attack roll
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 9/31 ; d20=10 ; Friday June 16th, 2023 7:56:27 AM
OOC: forgot to say, Manolo attacks the enemy that he can flank, I think it's the same enemy that hurt him.
Gnubert continues to keep watch. More movement can be seen behind Shark2, it may be sahuagin gearing up for battle. Drack puts down another of the normal sahuagin encouraging the group to keep fighting. Mortimer tries a truly ingenious plan and while it doesn’t work as intended it does confuse the shark enough that it pauses for a beat before swimming forward. {ooc: Note in email} Torryn strikes at the same time is Drack so who is to say who got the kill. She then takes care to look for sharks. Gnubert’s attempt to attack is more of a bit of water acrobatics. Loryn [/b hits S2 for decent damage. [b] Ash takes advantage of the disabled killing the blind attacker. How heroic. Manolo is in a battle of the sneak attackers and slashes back at his attacker for substantial damage.
Shark 2 for a moment thinks that Mortimer is one of the sahuagin and pauses just long enough that he is only able to move forward towards the party.
Shark 1 shakes its head having shaken off the spell. {Save: 17}
M2, using the shark for cover, launches some glowing shards at Drack. {Damage: 9}
S1 closes on Mortimer with a five foot swim and attacks with claws and teeth. {Hit: 23/17/6 Dam: 3}
S2 works on Ash with claws and teeth. {Hit: 23/8/16 Damage: 6/2}
S6 moves and attacks the water elemental. {Hit: 12/24/16 Dam: 6/6/3}
Finally the rogues shift their position and attackt to attack the flanked Manolo and unflanked Gnubert. . M2’s short sword flicks twice at Gnubert. {Hit: 31/27 Dam: 6/10} M1 attacks the already bleeding Manolo with claws. {Hit: 22/ Dam: 6 Sneak: 12} It holds after the first attack seeing the results.
Toryn moved forward to confront the Sea Devil attacking Ash. (S2) Swim:15 It was but a short distance from where she was, but she was still gratified to close that distance without difficulty. (Hits AC's 21 & 13. 1 hit. Damage: 1) To her dismay, she could only land a single, glancing blow. Still, she undoubtedly had the creature's attention and could at least thwart any attempts to stab Ash in the back.
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:31/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise d4+1=3 ; 2d4+2=5 ; Friday June 16th, 2023 12:30:24 PM
A sly smile forms across Mortimer's face. Apparently his ruse has had partial success. He needs to bring this performance home and win over the shark. This kind of sahaigin is known to cast spells, so maybe he can entice the shark with a little bloody motivation.
Mortimer swims back (5ft-Step) and puts S1 between him and the shark. He then makes loud gurgling noises, similar to their own language. He hopes the stupid shark doesn't know the difference. He then casts shadow bolts with his last 2nd level spell slot. One missile targets M2, the other two slam into S1. He hopes it bloodies him up. Enough to attract the shark.
(Mortimer casts Shadow Bolts, aka magic missile, using last 2nd Level spell slot. Damage: M2 = 3. S1 = 5.)
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 5/31 d3=1 ; Friday June 16th, 2023 12:59:34 PM
"Heres the end of it. " Ash mutters to himself as he lets the last jolt spell fly. ( 1 dmg to S2).
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 Friday June 16th, 2023 5:00:25 PM
(Out of town for the weekend. Won’t be able to post until I get home. Hopefully Sunday. Possibly Monday late morning.)
Drack will do what he does best - destroy evil. A small step and SR1 will feel his blade. (7 Damage) In his positioning he made sure that Gnubert was well protected.
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 9/31 ; d20=10 ; Friday June 16th, 2023 10:09:45 PM
OOC: is Manolo dead ?
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:31/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise Saturday June 17th, 2023 9:50:20 AM
(ooc: I believe Manolo has -9 hit points. That would make him still alive, but hanging on by a thread.)
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+5=21 ; d6+2=4 ; Saturday June 17th, 2023 11:35:08 AM
Loryn curses silently, "Gnubert get to Manolo!
He turns to try and stop one of the wounded ones sending another ray of acid
Ray Touch attack Hit AC 21 Dmg 4 Target S6
The Dancing Lights wink out
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 6/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Torryn wanted to help Manolo, but was now engaged in combat and he was just too far for divine ability to heal. However, he was very close to Drack and she knew that Drack could heal far better than she could. No doubt he would hear the cry and intercede - just in time!
OOC: Apologies, I'd entirely missed that Manny was sore sorely stricken. Given Chris' absence I had Drack attack. Mayhap Chris would have acted more defensively and aided Manolo. All I can hope now is that Drack's next action comes off before Manolo's loss of health, but perhaps Manny will make his Fort save and NOT lose any further health :) Equally, Gnubert may save his skin.)
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:31/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise Saturday June 17th, 2023 1:54:33 PM
(ooc: I think Manolo may also have a Bleed effect that will deal its damage at the beginning of Manolo’s turn. A heal before his turn is the only thing that will save him. A Cure spell will not only stabilize him, but will end the Bleed effect.)
Drack (Chris J) - hp34/35 - AC 17 d20+13=18 ; Sunday June 18th, 2023 6:21:11 AM
(Thanks for subbing Nick)
(Fortitude save for deafness 18. I’ll update hp when I return home)
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 3d6=10 ; Sunday June 18th, 2023 9:02:52 PM
Gnubert wines and hisses as he is attacked. Gnubert turns as Loryn calls out and selectively channels one last time calling out to Alemi as heheals those around him for 10 points. Manny hold on. I'm coming!"
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP -9/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=7 ; d4=2 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 8:51:03 AM
As Manolo takes a 5 step to escape the dire combat .situation he found himself into, he thinks, 'Gragul, I didn't take any potions'. "It's been a honour", he simply says as he proceeds for a last attack... probably.
Move action: moving to be below SR2 ( unless anyone has any other suggestions) Attack 15 Damage 3
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP -9/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=7 ; d4=2 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 8:51:03 AM
As Manolo takes a 5 step to escape the dire combat .situation he found himself into, he thinks, 'Gragul, I didn't take any potions'. "It's been a honour", he simply says as he proceeds for a last attack... probably.
Move action: moving to be below SR2 ( unless anyone has any other suggestions) Attack 15 Damage 3
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20+4=17 ; d20+4=5 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+4=5 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+4=19 ; d4=2 ; d4=2 ; d4=4 ; d20+4=16 ; d20+4=22 ; d3=2 ; d20+4=12 ; d4=4 ; d4=2 ; d4=1 ; d20+12=22 ; d20+7=21 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=16 ; d6=6 ; d20=19 ; d8=8 ; d8=2 ; d20=4 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 10:43:30 AM Torryn smacks S1. Mortimer finishes off the last caster and then tags S1 hoping for some blood. Drack further bloodies S1. Ash launches another bolt at S2. Loryn sees Manolo go limp and calls to Gunbert before killing S6. Gnubert hears the call and heals the party, brining Manolo back from the brink and stopping the bleeding. Manolo is only unconscious for a second and has the presence of mind to move to a less perilous position before attacking for minor damage.
The sahuagin are feeling the pressure of the battle as our the heroes from Bearclaw Keep. S2 lashes out at Torryn missing over and over.
S1 closes on Mortimer and keeps attacking. {Hit: 16/22/12 Dam: 6/4/3} SR` seems to have moved on and moves to attack Drack {Hit: 22/21 Dam: 9/6}
SR2 looks for another target that he can flank and spots Mortimer engaging a wounded sahuagin. It moves and attacks with its short sword. {Hit: 32 Confirm: 16 Damage: 11}
Shark 2 really wants to eat Mortimer but there is something in the way, that something is a bloodied S1 which it immediately kills.
Shark 1 again just floats in place thanks to a very effective spell.
S1 - AC: 16 HP:00 - DEAD S2 - AC: 16 HP: 07 - S3 - AC: 16 HP:00 - DEAD S4 - AC: 16 HP: 00 - DEAD S5 - AC: 16 HP:00 - DEAD S6 - AC: 16 HP:00 - DEAD
SR1 AC: 23 HP:61 - No Weapons SR2 AC: 23 HP:49 -
M1 AC: 15 HP: 00 - DEAD M2 AC: 15 HP: 00 - DEAD
Shark Mount 1 AC: 19 HP: 42 - Is aware of Mortimer and Mortimer Shark Mount 2 AC: 19 HP 42 - Is aware of Mortimer
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 d20+12=32 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 11:00:40 AM
Gnubert follows the others as they search for the enemy. Gnubert keeps an eye out for signs of which direction to go (Perception DC32)
Torrynashkabbeth (Nick) HP:27/27 AC:26 F9: R:10 W:12 d20=9 ; d20=2 ; d6=1 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 11:07:26 AM
There was clearly something in the water. Well, it wasn't that clear, because Torryn couldn't actually see it, but it must be there, because neither she nor the Sea Devil could hit each other! That wasn't quite true though, because her very first thrusting drilling punch did strike home. (AC:16) Torryn was convinced that this was solely due to Drack's divine intervention and not any great skill on her part. As before, it was only a glancing blow. She hoped that the others were faring better than she. At least her defences were holding and judging by the movement and proximity of the shark (1), they would need to be their best.
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:26/21/23. temp/hp:33/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise d20+12=23 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+7=10 ; d20+6=8 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 12:37:38 PM
Mortimer is not liking this spot he's in, between a murderous rogue and a great white shark. He decides to put a little distance and a sahuagin between himself and the shark. He performs an acrobatic feat to avoid any unwanted knifing.
(Acrobatics: 23 vs SR2 CMD, to avoid attacks of opportunity by moving through threatened squares. Moves to X8, the left side of SR2.)
Mortimer decides to take on a more defensive posture, but he still tries to smack SR2 with a spell-like ability.
(Mortimer is now Fighting Defensively, +3 AC/ -4 Hit, because he has 3 ranks in Acrobatics.)
For his attack he attempts to slap the SR2 with his Grave Touch.
(Mortimer casts spell-like ability Grave Touch. Cast Defensively: 17, success. Hit Touch AC: 10-4 = 6. No Save. Target is Shaken with Fear for 2 rounds.)
He then turns to the sahuagin rogue (SR2) and says, "OYE, that big bugger there is comin' for ya!" He points at his fellow sahuagin (S1) currently being chomped on by the great white.
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:26/21/23. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise Monday June 19th, 2023 12:48:15 PM ooc: Correction on Hit Points.
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP -9/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=7 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 1:21:58 PM
Manolo feels almost completely out' I feel weak', he thinks momentarily as everything becomes dark.
HP -10 Save roll 7 (not sure if any mods are needed) OOC: possible even more - HP as actions taken during combat also cause negative HP
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP -9/31 ; d20=10 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 1:24:45 PM
OOC: I reread the posts....did Gnubert healing work on Manny as well ?
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:26/21/23. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise Monday June 19th, 2023 1:32:44 PM
ooc: Manolo got 10 points of healing last round from Gnubert. He has 1 hit point and awake.
Drack (Chris J) - hp31/35 - AC 17 2d6=6 ; d20+13=18 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 3:35:50 PM
"Gnubert. Keep the others alive. Ill heal myself for now."
Drack swiftly lays hands on himself for a pathetic 6hp, and swings at SR1 standing right next to him, missing pathetically. (Banner rolls this round.)
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 5/8
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+5=15 ; d6+2=6 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 5:26:30 PM
Loryn moves back slightly to get a line on the devil attacking Mortimer. Need to give that devil something else to think about
An Acid ray leaps from his hand at SR 2 Touch Attack Hit AC 15 Dmg 6
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 5/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 32/36 CMD: -1 3d8+5=21 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 8:13:23 PM
Gnubert reaches over and touches Manny on the shoulder as he burns a prepared protection from evil (3rd level for a cure serious wounds healing him for 21 points. [ b]"That should help! Who is next?!"[/b]
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 5/31 Monday June 19th, 2023 10:14:58 PM
"I don't have much Torry, but I'll give you what i have. Maybe we use one of these dead creatures as a morsel of food to that shark so it doesn't look at us as food."
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 22/31 ; d20=10 ; Monday June 19th, 2023 10:52:08 PM
"Thanks Gnubert", Manolo shouts.
Torrynashkabbeth (Nick) HP:27/27 AC:26 F9: R:10 W:12 Tuesday June 20th, 2023 5:39:54 AM
"Huh? What's that, Ash?" Torryn managed to ask as she fought furiously with the Sea Devil before her. She really wasn't sure that she needed anything - other than the skill and ability to actually hit the creature. Strangely, the shark didn't worry her overly. Perhaps it should, but she was entirely focused on defeating her current enemy. Her magic would, she hoped, also protect her against the shark
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20=19 ; d20=3 ; d20=19 ; d20=6 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+5=18 ; d20+12=27 ; d20+7=20 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d20+9=11 ; Tuesday June 20th, 2023 10:06:49 AM
Round 6
Gnubert looks for enemies, beyond the two sharks, two rogues and the one remaining sahuagin all he sees are shadows. Torryn smacks the remaining sahuagin for a little more damage. Mortimer shows off some serious moves to get out of a flanking position and then touches the rogue causing some damage and shaking its confidence. He yells to the shark as well. Drack heals himself, a little, and misses the rogue. Loryn moves and sends a ray at the rogue engaged with Mortimer scoring a hit. Gnubert heals Manolo for a substantiation amount (21 points). Ash offers advice.
Five enemies are left and the party is nearly tapped on spells, fortunately the last remaining normal sahuagin cannot land an hit.
Shark 1 still floats in place, the magical spell holding him there is very effective against its week mind. {Save: 10}
The shaken rogue continues to attack Mortimer. {Hit: 19/18} While it is hard to read the facial expression it does appear frustrated at its inability to kill a caster.
The other rogue continues to duke it out with Drack. {Hit: 27/20 Dam: 8/8}
Shark two is only really aware of one enemy. It killed an allie last time in an attempt to get to Mortimer but has a clear path now. It flashes though the water, rows of discolored teeth exposed. The jaws snap, just short! {Hit: 11}
Shark Mount 1 AC: 19 HP: 42 - Is aware of Mortimer and Mole Shark Mount 2 AC: 19 HP 36 - Is aware of Mortimer
Drack (Chris J) - hp35/35 - AC 17 2d6=12 ; d20+13=23 ; d10+5=8 ; Tuesday June 20th, 2023 10:20:14 AM
Drack swiftly lays hands upon himself once more for 12, and then attempts to hit the rogue attacking him.
attack: hit ac 23, damage 8
"Hang on Manolo. As soon as I finish this guy, I'll be right there. Fight defensively until you get help."
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 5/8
Torrynashkabbeth (Nick) HP:27/27 AC:26 F9: R:10 W:12 d20=12 ; d20=1 ; d6=6 ; Tuesday June 20th, 2023 10:50:53 AM
At last! Thought Torryn. She'd finally hit her opponent. She'd spotted a small opening in the Sea Devil's defences and managed to send a fist through it. The subsequent hit was satisfying - from her perspective. She doubted that the Sahuagin felt that way. Sadly, her attempted follow-up was woeful and almost caused her to lose her balance.
Hit AC: 19 for 6 damage, then rolled a 1.
Like Drack, she was concerned for Manny. If she could have helped, she would, but also like Drack, she was more than a little preoccupied.
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+5=17 ; d6+2=5 ; Tuesday June 20th, 2023 10:55:52 AM
The gnomes eyes goa bit wide as the shark lunges for Mortimer. That has to be the luckiest human I have ever seen.
Loryn sends another ray at SR2
Touch attack hit AC 17 Dmg 5
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 4/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:29/24/26. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise Tuesday June 20th, 2023 2:50:29 PM (Mortimer switches to Total Defense. +6 AC, standard action. With ≥ 3 ranks in Acrobatics, his bonus goes from +4 to +6. New AC: 29.)
Mortimer could always take a punch ... or kick. He was quite successful in pub brawls. Usually the other combatants would become fatigued from the fight. Their blows didn't seem to have much effect, like kicking a dead horse. It wasn't until they'd start beating him with the furniture, or drawing weapons, that things took a turn for the worse. When things turned sideways, a kind of instinct would take over; untapped experience would float to the surface. This was happening now.
Mortimer draws his dagger in his offhand, and in tandem with his sickle and shield, all his weapons came to his defense. He dodged and blocked each attack from the far more talented rogue. Everything was in slow motion.
Then the shark lunged forward. Mortimer stares into the open maw of this massive, apex predator. There, caught between the second and third rows of serrated teeth, was the lifeless head of the sahuagin it had just consumed. The expression of complete shock was still frozen on its face. Its bottom lip flapped as if it were mumbling. Mortimer finds its final expression quite humorous and lets out a mild chuckle, "Heh!"
Suddenly the shark slams into his shield, its jaws furiously chomping. Mortimer's concentration is temporarily broken as he lets out a, "STONE THE BLOODY CROWS!!" The force slams him back into the wall, but he quickly recovers and readies for the next attack.
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 22/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=8 ; d4=3 ; Tuesday June 20th, 2023 7:19:59 PM
Manolo moves near Drack just below the enemy either south of the enemy or south east of the enemy and attacks defensively.
Attack 12 (8+7+1-4) Damage 4 (3+1)
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 5/31 d20+2=10 ; Tuesday June 20th, 2023 7:42:39 PM
"Sorry thought you had this in check. " Ash says a she steps 10' to his right, giving Torryn flanking on the creature.
He does lash out with a punch, but misses.
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 36/36 CMD: -1 d20+12=32 ; Tuesday June 20th, 2023 10:30:07 PM
Gnubert follows the others as they search for the enemy. Gnubert keeps an eye out for signs of which direction to go (Perception DC32)
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 32/36 CMD: -1 3d8+5=24 ; Tuesday June 20th, 2023 10:36:23 PM
Gnubert watches the ease in which Mortimer dodges, and moves out of the way of attacks headed his way before snapping out of it and swimming behind Ash where the cleric converts a prepared waterbreathing (3rd level) to a cure serious wounds. The cleric reaches out and touches Ash on the shoulder healing him for 24 points.
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 37/48; CMD 16 d20+6=10 ; d20+11=26 ; Wednesday June 21st, 2023 10:19:47 AM
The water elemental moves to attack the nearest opponent, but misses.
Mole tracks shark1 and notices it has sensed his presence. He moves to prevent the shark from moving through the others to engage him.
Water Elemental Attack AC10; KS-Nature DC26
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20=3 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+12=23 ; d20+12=16 ; d20+7=16 ; Wednesday June 21st, 2023 11:14:54 AM Drack lands the first hit on Rogue 1 while Torryn finishes off the last of the stand sahuagin. Ash swings at the sahuagin that Torryn just knocked out but has no effect on the dieing thing. Lorryn sees how luck Mortimer is to avoid the jaws of the shark which he then attacks. Mortimer adopts a defensive stance hoping to simply weather the storm of the shark and rogue 2. Manolo moves to assist with Rogue 1 but misses his attack. Gnubert snaps out of his trance from watching combat and heals Ash. Mole directs his water elemental to attack rogue 1 as the closest enemy, shark 1, is is still under the effects of hold monster.
Shark 1 again fails its save against hold monster, again. {Most effective spell of the fight.} Shark 2 again staps at Mortimer but he cannot get his teeth on the caster.
Rogue 2 moves above Mortimer and around behind him though he cannot get to a flanking position. {open to an AOO} He swings with his short sword missing. The sahuagin pauses for just a moment looking at the hard to hit caster and then glancing at the others of the party.
Rogue 1 misses twice with attacks at Drack and yells something unintelligible to Rogue 1.
{ooc: Mortimer gets a hero point for excellent role play.}
SR1 AC: 23 HP:53 - No Weapons SR2 AC: 23 HP:43 -
Shark Mount 1 AC: 19 HP: 42 - Is aware of Mortimer, Mole and Lorryn Shark Mount 2 AC: 19 HP 31 - Is aware of Mortimer - Held
Torrynashkabbeth (Nick) HP:27/27 AC:26 F9: R:10 W:12 d20=13 ; d20=1 ; Wednesday June 21st, 2023 11:29:02 AM
Having dispatched her attacker, Torryn spun around and swam to assist Mortimer. (Swim 18)
(I am not sure of the scale, so cannot fully assess the distance. If less than a half move, she'll still get an attack. Plus, she can 'hustle' to close the distance faster. I will add 1 attack only. Disallow if the distance was too great.)
"Here, fishy-fishy!" Torryn called to the shark. It was big. She had no idea what a "great white" was, but she recognised that this 'fish' had a LOT of teeth - big, sharp teeth. She took a deep breath and focusing her efforts, completely failed to hit the shark.
(More 1's. That solves the issue of whether she can attack or not.
"Ugh! This water is so ...watery." she complained at a loss as to how to explain her ineptitude in the strange medium.
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+5=23 ; d6+2=8 ; Wednesday June 21st, 2023 2:57:53 PM Going to be resorting to harsh language in another 30 seconds....Smile you sunovab...
Loryn casts his Acid ray at the shark trying to eat Mortimer
Hit Touch AC 23 Dmg 8
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 3/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:26/21/23. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise d20+10=14 ; d20+11=12 ; Wednesday June 21st, 2023 3:44:05 PM (ooc: Sadly, Total Defense does not allow attacks of opportunity.)
Mortimer was planning to flip around to the other side of the rogue, but Torynn and Loryn starting attacking the shark and he wasn't going to leave them alone with it. Though he does have something to say to the rogue...
"Help ain't comin'! We killed them already!"
(Mortimer switches back to Fighting Defensively: +3 AC/-4 Hit.)
Mortimer moves over into the rogues old spot (5ft-Step, Swim: 14) and attempts to use his Grave Touch again. However this time he loses his concentration (Concentration: 12, natural 1) and the spell fizzles. At least for now, Torynn can easily move into a flanking position (+2 Hit) If he can keep the shark looking in his direction, he won't turn on the others.
Drack (Chris J) - hp35/35 - AC 17 d20+13=19 ; Wednesday June 21st, 2023 4:36:38 PM
Seeing that everyone appears to be good, and not down. Drack takes a 5' step so as to be flanking the shark and the rogue. He swings again at the rogue, power attacking by 2.
Attack: hit ac 19. Miss.
"these buggers are as tough to hit as Torry is."
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 5/8
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 29/31 Wednesday June 21st, 2023 6:11:52 PM
"Much appreciated Gnubert" Ash thanked. " the Mage begins swimming towards the rogues and shark, but not close enough.
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 22/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=6 ; d4=3 ; 4d6=13 ; Wednesday June 21st, 2023 7:53:49 PM
Manolo will try to move and flank one of the enemies and will also proceed to attack defensively if possible ( only if not provoking attack of opportunity)
Attack 10 (6+7+1-4) (possibly+2 if flanking I think) Damage 4
Flank /sneak attack 13
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 32/36 CMD: -1 Thursday June 22nd, 2023 8:52:36 AM
Gnubert smiles at Ash, "You are most welcome my friend!" Gnubert holds his position and waits to see who needs help
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20=8 ; d20=12 ; d4=4 ; d4=2 ; 13d6=50 ; 3d6=15 ; 3d6=12 ; d20+9=16 ; d20=3 ; d20=19 ; Thursday June 22nd, 2023 9:26:05 AM
Round 8
Torryn, having disposed of the sahuagin, moves and misses the shark. A frustrated Loryn hits a shark, 2 as his friends call him, with some acid. Mortimer gets some distance from the rogue but fails to cast a spell. Drack moves so he is flanking a shark and a rogue who are now also flanking him, and misses. [b Ash [/b] thanks Gnubert and swims closer to the action. Manolo is back in his preferred, flanking, position but misses. Gnubert smiles and holds his position.
Rogue 1 smiles at Drack’s positioning and unleashes two claw attacks at the paladin which they are now flanking.. {Hit: 18/22 Damage: 6/4 Sneak Damage: 15/12 Bleed: 3}
Shark 2 reacts to Torryn’s miss, spins and bites at her. {Hit: 16}
The rogue, called two by his friends, moves to flank Torryn and attacks with a short sword. {Hit: 17}
Shark 1 finally shakes its head and starts to move, locking its unnerving, unthinking eyes on Mole.
SR1 AC: 23 HP:53 - No Weapons SR2 AC: 23 HP:43 -
Shark Mount 1 AC: 19 HP: 42 - Is aware of Mortimer, Mole and Lorryn Shark Mount 2 AC: 19 HP 23 - Is aware of Mole due to Hold Animal Spell
Torrynashkabbeth (Nick) HP:27/27 AC:26 F9: R:10 W:12 d20=3 ; d20=9 ; Thursday June 22nd, 2023 9:58:15 AM
The creature that had tried to hit her was in a most advantageous position - for him. That certainly wasn't the case for Torryn. She backed up. it was a small movement (5' step: no AOO), but one that deprived that particularly Sea Devil of sneaking up on her blindside or getting her stuck between two adversaries. She drew closer to Mortimer and the rock wall, knowing that such positioning would restrict her assailants' options. Now if only she could remember her forms properly and actually hit something!
No, was the answer.
It was sinking home that she was plainly not the fighter that she thought she was. She could only hope that it didn't cost one of her friends their life. She tried to settle herself and focus, but it was difficult with the massive shark intent on chomping her to pieces. So many teeth!
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:26/21/23. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise d20+10=29 ; d20+9=19 ; Thursday June 22nd, 2023 10:36:06 AM
Mortimer grows frustrated after his failure to cast one of his simplest spell-like abilities (that doesn't require verbal, somatic or material components). He gives it another try. This time a black, gloomy aura envelops his hand.
(Mortimer casts Grave Touch. Cast Defensively: 29, success. Fighting Defensively +3 AC/-4 Hit. Flanking +2. Hit TouchAC: 19-4= 15. No Save. Shaken condition for 2 rounds.)
Mortimer connects and the Shark, for the first time in its life, becomes shaken with fear of the grave. He hopes this new sensation has startling results.
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 29/31 d20+2=11 ; d20+2=6 ; Thursday June 22nd, 2023 10:49:12 AM
Ash was out of spells, and didn't believe in mundane weapons.. that left one choice. Himself. Ash throws himself at sr2 and begins grappling the sahugain rogue. (Cmb roll is 11, I don't know his cmd, but I am guessing thats not enough)
Drack (Chris J) - hp -2/35 - AC 17 Thursday June 22nd, 2023 11:23:00 AM
As the rogues blades rip deep into his body, Drack realizes he made a major tactical error. While trying to flank the rogue, he let the rogue flank him. One of the first lessons he had learned as a student of war, and one that he had neglected in his haste to finish things.
His eyes go wide as the blades go deeper, "I'm sorry Domi" is the last thing that utters from his lips as his eyes go blank. His body begins to float lifelessly, his blood moving through the water like a fog in the morning hours.
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 5/8
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:26/21/23. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise Thursday June 22nd, 2023 11:35:30 AM
(ooc: Not sure the Shark counts as a flank. The shark is unaware of Drack and therefore not a threat.)
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+5=10 ; d20+5=10 ; Thursday June 22nd, 2023 12:12:08 PM
Bad to worse as the devil shreds the groups main weapon at this point.
Loryn backs up 5' from the devil right in front of him and at point blank range heroically misses
Ray of Acid Touch attack AC 10 hero re-roll for an identical result
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 2/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 37/48; CMD 16 Thursday June 22nd, 2023 9:55:01 PM
Mole moves and with a quick word stabilizes Drack.
Cast Stabilize on Drack.
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 32/36 CMD: -1 Thursday June 22nd, 2023 10:25:23 PM
Gnubert sees Drack float and a lump develops in his throat. Gnubert watches as Mole stabilizes Drack, and double moves to end up behind paladin. "Drack just hold on buddy. It's coming I swear! By all the Gods I swear!" Gnubert looks around aware he isn't in the best position defensively but in the best position for healing in just a moment
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 22/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=6 ; d4=1 ; 4d6=22 ; Friday June 23rd, 2023 7:12:14 AM
Manolo keeps attacking the enemy defensively. " Heal Drack !", He says as the sight of a lifelessDrack scares him while attacking. Attack 12 (6-4+7+1+2?) Damage 2 Flank 22
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d6=5 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+8=27 ; d4=2 ; d4=2 ; d20+12=26 ; d6+5=8 ; Friday June 23rd, 2023 10:04:42 AM
Round 9
Torryn continues to be frustrated by the gods of combat. Mortimer gets it together and the chill of the grave passes through the shark affectionately known as 2. Ash attempts to grapple rogue 2 but it is like trying to grab a fish in water, futile. Drack apologies to Domi as he slips into unconsciousness. Loryn fires a ray of acid that misses, he feels confident it would have it the shark however. Mole insurers that Drack will not die, at least not from his current wounds. Gnubert moves closer to Drack but slightly out of reach. {ooc: He stops short so he could cast a spell and then move to touch if necessary.} Manolo continues attacking while yelling for Drack to be healed.
Shark number 2 is in a pure blood furry at this point, caused but the cloud of blood around Drack. It turns again snaps at Mortimer. {Hit: 13} Again its jaws miss.
Round 1 swings at the closes targets aiming once claw at Manolo {Hit: 25 Dam: 4} and one at the elemental despite it just sitting idle so much. {Hit: 27 Dam: 4}
Rogue 2 swims back behind Loryn and Mole, opening itself to attacks, and swings once at Mole with a short sword. {Hit: 26 Dam: 8}
From the dark of the cave more sahuagin appear. They are armed and stream towards the party!!!!!!!! Four normal sahuagin warriors, one the female who was injured earlier a move fast lead by one of the casters. The loop around behind the party the caster moving directly to the legendary shark 1. With them are two of the smaller young sahuagin.
Perception DC10: Highlight to display spoiler: { While armed this group is also carrying a sort of nets as a bags full of what look like shells and food. }
SR1 AC: 23 HP:53 - No Weapons SR2 AC: 23 HP:41 -
Shark Mount 1 AC: 19 Touch: 10 HP: 42 - Shark Mount 2 AC: 19 Touch: 10 HP 23 - Shaken 2/2
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 29/31 d20+4=23 ; d20+2=7 ; Friday June 23rd, 2023 10:43:06 AM
Ash stops to look at the newcomers. "Don't worry about them, they're fleeing. "
He tried to grab the sahugain again, but the creature is too slippery.
Mortimer notices nothing but a huge shark in front of him ... and Torryn off to the side. So he attempts to be dodgy, like before, and move into a flanking position.
(Acrobatics: 20, to move through threatened squares and avoid AoO. I swear the dice hates me.)
Mortimer them defensively casts Grave Touch again and slaps the shark across his face.
(Mortimer casts Grave Touch. Defensive Casting: 30, success. Fighting Defensively. Flank +2. Hit TouchAC: 26-4 = 22. No Save. Shaken condition applied to a creature who's already Shakened becomes Frightened condition instead. Shark must flee from combat.)
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 32/36 CMD: -1 d20+12=13 ; 3d8+5=20 ; Friday June 23rd, 2023 11:19:18 AM
Gnubert converts his last 3rd level spell to a cure serious cast it before swimming to Drack and touching his friend healing him for 20 points. "That should work for the moment! More enemy coming but it looks as though they are leaving"
Torryn quickly looked across. The movement had caught her attention. (Perception:29. What a time to get a 20). Equipped as the Sahuagin were, Torryn was inclined to believe Ash's assessment: they were leaving! She immediately turned her attention back to the massive shark that was currently seeking to menace Mortimer with extreme prejudice. Her first thrust missed woefully. Again! Gritting her teeth in frustration she tried again. The heel of her left palm slammed into its flank. (Confirmed critical!)
"Hya!" She cried with the effort. (Damage:10 That had most certainly garnered its attention, or would have had not the creature been so spooked by the strange magic that Mortimer had called forth.
"How's Dracky?" She asked in concern whilst not taking her eyes off the shark. There had been a LOT of blood in the water around him. She felt almost guilty. Her own magic had protected her impeccably. No blows had landed. In a way though, that didn't surprise. Her own inability to hit anything testified to the difficulty of fighting in water. Clearly, even the experts had some trouble.
Drack (Chris J) - hp 26/35 - AC 17 2d6=8 ; Friday June 23rd, 2023 12:09:26 PM
Floating lifelessly for a few moments, Drack sees a light, and begins to move towards it. As he does, he hears a powerful and commanding voice declare "Your job is not done. Go back." he then finds himself conscious again, with Gnubert near him.
"Thanks Gnubert."
Drack swiftly lays hands on himself to continue the healing for 8 more. He then takes a 5' step out of the flank, denying the rogue the chance to do it again. Assuming he dropped his sword when he died, he will pull his backup Elven curved sword. It wasn't magical, but it would do the trick.(if pulling another weapon invokes an attack of opportunity, he will forego that, and just move the 5')
"I don't care if the rest flee. This one is not going anywhere if i can help it. We have unfinished business."
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 4/8
AC 13 HP 34/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+5=20 ; d6+2=7 ; Friday June 23rd, 2023 5:46:53 PM Just two shots left Loryn old boy. make them count. the others may believe the reinforcements are heading out, but Loryn was not about the take the chance by swimming towards them.
Loryn swims back away from SR2 and lets fly with an acid ray Touch Attack Hit AC 20 Dmg 7
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 1/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 29/48; CMD 16 d20+12=30 ; Friday June 23rd, 2023 11:45:24 PM
Perception DC30
Mole moves back to shield Loryn from the sea devil. He goes defensive. He points his hammer towards the opening and then waves his hammer towards sea devil.
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20+8=14 ; d4=3 ; d20+14=29 ; d20+9=13 ; d6=5 ; 3d6=11 ; Monday June 26th, 2023 9:37:00 AM
Round 10
Ash lets the group know to not worry about the new arrivals. Mortimer fails to get into a flanking position but does manage to frighten the shark. Gnubert patches up Drack further. Torryn lands a solid hit on the frighten shark. Drack sputters back to life and draws a new weapon. Loryn gets some distance and fires a ray at the frightened shark nearly killing it. Mole moves into a defensive position with Loryn.
The large and bloody shark 2 does something an eating maching like itself rarely does, it knows flees. Deep fear that causes it to run from these dangerous predators.
Rogue 1, seeing the shark flee, looks for its partner and moves over toward Mole, Loryn and Ash. He swings with claws once at Loryn. {Hit: 14 Dam: 3}
Roge 2 sees his opening and movies to flank Mole swinging with its short sword twice. {HIt: 29/13 Dam: 9 + Sneak 11 + Bleed 3}
The other group flees with shark 1 and the caster waiting to insure everyone is out. At the last moment one of the littlest of the sahuagin revers course and starts to swim back. The cast yells something unintelligible and casts darkness on the little one!
SR1 AC: 23 HP:53 - No Weapons SR2 AC: 23 HP:41 -
Shark Mount 1 AC: 19 Touch: 10 HP: 42 - Shark Mount 2 AC: 19 Touch: 10 HP 6 - Frightened 1/2
Torrynashkabbeth (Nick) HP:27/27 AC:26 F9: R:10 W:12 d20=14 ; d20=17 ; d6=2 ; Monday June 26th, 2023 11:26:02 AM
Torryn quickly moved the short distance forward to aid Mole. Hoping that the short, circular drilling punches would cut through the water with ease, she attempted to strike the nasty Sea Devil (SR2) It seemed that she was getting slowly used to this strange element, because her targeting was much improved. her first punch narrowly missed (AC:21). The second struck true! (AC:24) The damage though was minimal. Torryn simply didn't have the muscle that Drack possessed. Still, she had hit and shown it that it wasn't impervious to harm - even from a little, unarmed Fey.
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:26/21/23. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless, disguise d20+2=14 ; d20+7=26 ; d3=3 ; Monday June 26th, 2023 12:50:22 PM
With the giant-sized shark having been taken over with fear, a grin of grim satisfaction forms across his face.
(Preception: 14)
With the beast out of the way, Mortimer is finally able to see that the last remaining sahuagin are trying to flee, though there appears to be a bit of drama within their ranks.
As he emerges from the sharks blood cloud, Mortimer reverts back to his natural form ... something reminiscent to a pale, overgrown bat ... especially with his cloak wafting in the watery currents.
He moves closer to the remaining combatants and fires a frozen, indigo ray at SR1 that's attacking Loryn.
(Mortimer casts Ray of Frost at SR1. Hit TouchAC: 26. Damage: 3 frost damage.)
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Monday June 26th, 2023 12:56:31 PM
(ooc: Mortimer is no longer Fighting Defensively. Adjusting AC in the name line.)
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Monday June 26th, 2023 1:32:30 PM
Noticing Ash in need of a weapon, Mortimer suggests, "Oye, Ash! There's plenty of weapons scattered at your feet!"
He points to all the various tridents and spears laying on the sea floor from dead sahuagin.
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 6/48; CMD 16 Monday June 26th, 2023 3:12:17 PM
Mole finds himself in serious trouble. He doesn't see a way out of his situation. His only option is continue to go defensive.
Total Defense AC 22.
AC 13 HP 31/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+5=17 ; d6+2=7 ; Monday June 26th, 2023 6:03:17 PM
The scrape was minor from the claw and Loryn didn't worry about it. What Mole was just put through concerns him greatly. The pair of devils they currently faced could essentially flank and nearly kill any one of them at will and Loryn could think of nothing to change that grim fact.
He targets (SR2) with his last attack Hit Touch AC 17 Dmg 7
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 0/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 18/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=12 ; Monday June 26th, 2023 7:44:27 PM
Manolo wakes up from his daydreaming...or rather a small fear of being attacked and killed if he was to be honest with himself. Manolo sees Mole in the same bad flanking situation, 'tough decision', he thinks as he proceeds to do something completely ridiculous and deadly. He starts to run and charge towards the enemy (SR1) with the intent of pushing him out of the flanking position....and as Manolo Charges and Bull Rushes the enemy he shouts "leave him alone !"
Combat Maneuvers : Charge + Bull Rush
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 18/31 ; d20=10 ; Monday June 26th, 2023 7:51:03 PM
CMB for Bull Rush is: 18 12(d20) + 3 (BAB,Base Attack Bonus)+1(STR Mod) + 2 (charge bonus)
Also Manolo AC is -2 Until his turn and updated HP.
OOC Might be wrong? First time I am using this feature from mathfinder (:
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 29/31 d20+2=22 ; Monday June 26th, 2023 7:59:02 PM
" I am not in need of a weapon Mortimer, I don't believe in them. Bug difference. "
Watching the young one come back, Ash can only think its some last ditch, sacrifical attack, throw the youngest and weakest, knowing the group wont kill him.. but also make it so dark to be able to attack.
Ash again tries wrestling the rogue in front him, 22 cmb, Natural 20.
Drack (Chris J) - hp 26/35 - AC 17 Monday June 26th, 2023 8:55:10 PM
(I will post tomorrow. Long day today)
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 32/36 CMD: -1 2d8+5=10 ; Monday June 26th, 2023 11:45:52 PM
Gnubert swims 20 feet and ends up behind Mole. The cleric converts a second level sound burst to a cure moderate wounds and touches Mole on the shoulder healing him for 10 health. "Starting to get real low folks!"
Drack (Chris J) - hp 26/35 - AC 17 d20+13=29 ; d10+5=9 ; Tuesday June 27th, 2023 7:27:05 AM
Drack moves next to Rogue one and takes a swing while flanking him. Drack hits ac 29 for 9 damage
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 4/8
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20+10=26 ; d20+5=13 ; d4=3 ; d4=3 ; d20+13=26 ; d20+8=23 ; d6=1 ; Tuesday June 27th, 2023 11:33:18 AM Torryn manages to move and strikes rogue 2. Mortimer lands first blood on rogue 1. In a bad spot Mole moves to a defensive stance. Lorryn is concerned for Mole and lands some damage on rogue 2. Manolo tries something heroic (heroic enough to get a +2 bonus) but it is not quite enough to move Rogue 1, it is enough to get its attention away from Mole. Ash comments on his feelings about weapons and attempts ot grapple the rogue, thanks to the work of Manolo he actually gets a grip on him. Gnubert heals Mole {10} and comments that he is almost tapped. Drack attacks the grappled rogue 1 causing a deep cut.
Both of the rogues are looking a little beat up, oddly about the same amount of beat up. The expression on rogue one’s face changes as it appears to enter some sort of frenzied state!! While grappled it attacks with claws at its tormentor Ash. {Hit: 26/13 Dam: 6/6}
Rogue 2 also slips into a Blood Frenzy lashing out at Torryn with its sword. {HIt: 26/23 Dam: 7}
The darkness spell blocks what little you could see of the retreating sahuagin for a moment until the littlest one just sticks its head out at watches. After a moment you see the caster on the shark appear, grab the little on, and pull it away.
Beyond that you see the shape of Shark 2 making for the entrance at top speed.
Drack (Chris J) - hp 26/35 - AC 17 d20+13=15 ; Tuesday June 27th, 2023 11:49:20 AM
Drack continues to attack SR1. He would like to power attack, but they are too hard to hit. And typically, Drack hits ac 15
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 4/8
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+7=12 ; Tuesday June 27th, 2023 12:05:03 PM (Note: The Rogues' AC's dropped to 21 while in Blood Frenzy.)
Mortimer casts a spell and his hand radiates a shadowy darkness. He then moves within reach of SR1 to deliver a touch.
(Mortimer casts Touch of Fatigue and touches SR1. Hit TouchAC: 12. Fort Save DC: 15 vs Fatigued condition, -2 Str, -2 Dex. Can't run or charge. Anything that causes them fatigue will make them exhausted instead.)
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Tuesday June 27th, 2023 12:08:32 PM (Forgot to mention, the Spells Duration is 5 rounds.)
Torryn made a small move to her left. It wasn't much, but was enough to grant her flanking against the Sea Devil. That would also mitigate any advantage it might have against Mole., or so she hoped. She again resorted to her drilling punches. They seemed to be the best option for cutting through the water, albeit she still wasn't hitting an awful lot. That, she attributed to her lack of skill more than anything else.
(On this occasion she hits AC: 26 and AC: 21, courtesy of the flanking offered to her by Bless and more especially Mole. Given its frenzied state and reduced AC, that results in 2 hits!)
The punches land. Torryn snaps each back with as much speed as she delivered them. Her Fey Shield had just winked out. She'd be a lot easier to hit now and her opponent appeared to be blood crazed. Fortunately, she had healing that she could call upon after the fight - IF she survived it.
(Total: 8 damage.)
AC 13 HP 31/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+9=29 ; Tuesday June 27th, 2023 3:37:51 PM
Loryn stares back at the young sahuagin, She will remember the surface dwellers that came to her home and slew her people. This is how humans keep enemies the fight quickly has his attention again and Loryn with not but his soft hands, swims towards the surface.
Swim check 29
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 0/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 29/31 d20+7=21 ; Tuesday June 27th, 2023 7:24:44 PM
Ash must have read a book on different wrestling tactics and used it to his advantage Grapple Roll 21, hold grappled and advance to pin, putting Sahugain rogue 1 in pinned condition.
"See Morty, no weapons needed".
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 18/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=8 ; d4=1 ; Tuesday June 27th, 2023 8:53:23 PM
Manolo tries to stab the nearest enemy but he finds it too difficult as he he is still catching his breath from charging at the enemy and failed to push the enemy over.
Attack (d20 result is not good enough) Damage 2
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 6/48; CMD 16 Tuesday June 27th, 2023 10:08:47 PM
Mole maintains his defensive stance. He breaths for a few more seconds as if some divine being saved him from death when he should be a corpse.
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 16/48; CMD 16 Tuesday June 27th, 2023 10:09:12 PM
fixing current HP
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 32/36 CMD: -1 2d8+5=11 ; Tuesday June 27th, 2023 11:24:19 PM
Gnubert converts another second level spell and reaches out to touch Mole again healing him for 11 points of healing. "With a little luck these are the last 2 and we can breathe a bit."
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20+5=7 ; d20+11=20 ; d20+14=19 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=10 ; Wednesday June 28th, 2023 9:39:07 AM Drack heroically misses. Thanks to the sahuagin going into a frenzy Mortimer to land Touch of Fatigue. {Save: 7} Torryn lands two strikes on rogue two. Lorryn sees the young sahuagin be pulled away and starts swimming to the surface. Ash gets an even stronger grip on the sahuagin, pinning it. Manolo fails to stab an enemy. Mole maintains a defensive france as Gnubert heal him further.
Rogue one thrashes about in a frenzied attempt to break the grapple of oddly competent wizard (Escape Artist: 20} but fails.
Rogue two swings twice at Torryn for punching it. Both attacks are ineffective.
Shark two continues to swim away, most likely the fleeing sahuagin will keep it with them as another resource while fleeing the area.
SR1 AC: 23 HP:32 - No Weapons - Pinned by Ash - Blood Frenzy (AC-2) SR2 AC: 23 HP:24 -
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+12=16 ; d20+9=10 ; Wednesday June 28th, 2023 11:25:23 AM (Just to clarify... SR1 has three conditions:Frenzied +2 Str/-2ac, Fatigued -2 Str/ -2 Dex and Grappled -2 Hit/ -4 Dex ... correct? That would mean he currently has an AC18.)
Seeing the obvious advantage, Mortimer swims a somersault maneuver over SR1 to position himself opposite of Manolo. (Acrobatics: 16, not really necessary, SR1 cant make AoO in his condition) He then attacks with his sickle. His weapon naturally clangs against a rock instead.
"Bollocks!" A visibly mad Mortimer looks to his mates and requests, "Oye, finish off that squirmy bastard!"
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 17/31 d20+7=10 ; Wednesday June 28th, 2023 11:26:58 AM
* SR 's AC is now 19, and minus any dex bonus*
Ash figures to hold the sahugain as long as the others can get a shot in on him while his defenses are down. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold the pin forever... and forever seemed to be now. ( Grapple roll 10)
Torryn was pleased that she'd managed to draw the Sea Devil's attention away from Mole. Perhaps it was being overly optimistic, but she hoped to hit the creature twice more.
It was.
Once more the strange element worked against her and she joined Drack and Mortimer in completely failing to land a blow. She said nothing, though; she needed to retain her focus just as Agratha had taught her, because it would certainly attack again and she needed to marshal her defences.
AC 13 HP 31/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+9=21 ; Wednesday June 28th, 2023 12:56:05 PM
Loryn keeps swimming up for the surface. Once there, he looks for the cage and the gnome he was told of by Drack and heads that way.
Swim check 21
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 0/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Drack (Chris J) - hp 26/35 - AC 17 d20+11=14 ; Wednesday June 28th, 2023 1:29:04 PM
Drack continues to attack the rogue from a flanking position, but due to him being grappled and fatigued, Drack will power attack by 2 this time. missing (I hate this stupid die roller. it's getting ridiculous.)
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 4/8
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 32/36 CMD: -1 Wednesday June 28th, 2023 2:23:33 PM
Gnubert holds his ground and waits for his next moment
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Wednesday June 28th, 2023 2:39:31 PM
Mortimer wonders how a group of mindless zombies can tear and rip a body apart so easily. 'They'd be suckling on the bones by now,' he thinks. And here we are ... !
He offers up a little encouragement. "Mole ... bring your hammer down so LOUD and HARD that your ancestors will hear it!" Maybe he should have been a bard.
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 18/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=7 ; d4=2 ; 4d6=12 ; Wednesday June 28th, 2023 2:58:11 PM
"It's seems we are unlucky despite trying our best !", Manolo says as he tries to attack once again. If he misses he also says "We need a Miracle Here GRAGUL !" Attack 17 (7+7+1+2)(d20+BAB+Bless+Flanking) Damage 3 (1d4+1) Flank/Sneak Attack 12
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 27/48; CMD 16 d20+5=14 ; Wednesday June 28th, 2023 10:15:01 PM
Mole switches to offense. He attacks with his hammer, but fails to strike the sea devil.
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art d20+12=19 ; d4=2 ; d20=4 ; d20+12=24 ; d4=1 ; Thursday June 29th, 2023 9:40:59 AM
Round 13
Mortimer feels confident he can strike the very messed up Rogue 1, that confidence is misplaced. Torryn, shocked by Mortimers ineptitude, ties to show him how it is done and fails. Lorryn continues to swim to the surface his head breaking though easily enough. Drack, not to be outdone by Torryn, fans at the water with his blade missing the target. Gnubert waits. Mole, likewise flails about. Manolo catches a lucky break and clips rogue one for decent damage. {ooc: GM granted circumstance bonus as your opponent beginning to panic, not mechanically.}
Rogue two, even frenzied as it is, sees its fellows escape the cave and swings once more at Mole before attempting to retreat as well. {Hit: 19 Dam: 4}
Rogue one finds itself free of the grapple, still fatigued and frenzied though, and attacks ash with its claw. {Hit: 24 Dam: 1}
Above the water Loryn sees the shape of a cage floating at the end of the long chain. There is a small shape laying, unmoving, inside the cage.
AC 13 HP 31/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K Thursday June 29th, 2023 9:59:47 AM
Loryn makes for the cage, though his mind has not come up with a plan once he arrives, but one problem at a time. Take 10 Swim check 19
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 0/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
Potion swimming provides +10 bonus to swim
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+9=16 ; d6=6 ; Thursday June 29th, 2023 10:04:52 AM
Mortimer is coming to a realization that whatever luck he had coming into this battle ... it has been spent. The well is dry, for now.
With his next attack, fate continues to mock him. As the fatigued sahuagin continues to squirm around his blade. Their bones must be very flexible, he thinks.
(Mortimer humiliates himself by attacking SR1. Hit AC: 16. Damage: 6.)
Drack (Chris J) - hp 26/35 - AC 17 d20+11=17 ; Thursday June 29th, 2023 10:08:30 AM
Drack, cursing his luck, and firmly believing Domi is testing him, swings once again at R1. He continues the power attack in hopes of connecting a good hit once. He yet again misses. (I roll below a 10 a high percentage of the time. Are we sure this die roller works properly?)
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 4/8
Drack (Chris J) - hp 26/35 - AC 17 Thursday June 29th, 2023 10:25:47 AM
(my last 10 20D rolls are 20,3,5,5,10,6,16,2,3,6. that's 80% at 10 or less, and 70% at 6 or less. It's really starting to tick me off.)
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Thursday June 29th, 2023 12:12:21 PM
Mortimer considers, after they all get back to Windhorn, that they all go with him to the Chapel of Wardd. There's an overabundance of bad luck in this group. Wardd can fix that. He heard Manolo beseeching Gargul for help ... 'good luck with that,' he muses skeptically, 'you'd havta be dead first before he'd have anything ta say 'bout it.'
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 16/31 d20+2=10 ; Thursday June 29th, 2023 12:46:06 PM
Ash Silently agreed with Mortimer. They really were a motley crew of bad luck compounded.
Not to be outdone by the others, Torryn too contrived to miss the sahuagin that she was fighting. It was retreating and there wasn't much more that she could do about that - except unleash a Fey Bolt - next time?
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 18 T: 13 F: 16 R: 5 F: 8 W: 10 HPS: 32/36 CMD: -1 Thursday June 29th, 2023 8:55:17 PM
Gnubert watches his friends swing and miss,all of them! The gnome shakes his head and continues to wait
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 18/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=14 ; d4=4 ; 4d6=11 ; Thursday June 29th, 2023 9:50:29 PM
Manolo screams out of frustration and anger, "Bygone already!", as he attacks, thinking about how everyone is so unlucky....more than what he would call....'normally unlucky'.
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Thursday June 29th, 2023 10:40:58 PM
Mortimer offers up a possible reason for their recent misfortune.
"Back away an let 'em go. Wardd took away our luck 'cause we've done enough killin' today. Let's not push it any further."
DM-Ryan: Bath Time - Maps and Art Friday June 30th, 2023 9:42:32 AM
Round 14
Lorryn moves to the cage. Mortimer defies fate and loses. Drack curses the mysterious gods of dice games. Ash attempts to punch the sahuagin and misses because punching in water is hard. Torryn joins the fun by missing as well. Gnubert watches the show. Manolo lashes out connecting.
As a furious stream of ineffective assaults take place one of the group finally gets lucky. Manolo slips a blade though his allies, burying it in the sahuagian. A cloud of blood is releases into the water as the light of life leaves togue one’s body. It is quite as the blood spreads around you. Someone stops to consider that with water breathing you might be actually breathing blood!
Lorryn swims closer to the cage that floats in the dark cavern above the water. The large rocks nearby rise just above the water and would be a dry place to sit.
In the cage he sees a stocky beared figure dressed as a merchant. The male dwarf is unconscious but does not appear to have visible wounds.
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/34. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless Friday June 30th, 2023 12:02:46 PM
Mortimer looks at the dead sahuagin rogue and then Manolo ... and back to the sahuagin. "I guess his luck ran out too!"
"And let that be a lesson to you!" Torryn told the retreating figures. She couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of it. The Sahuagin were devilishly tricky to hit whilst in their natural element, but somehow the group had prevailed and driven them off. Perhaps it was for the best that they had not shed any more blood than they had. That thought prompted another: there was blood in the water - a lot of it. She swam upwards to go check on Gnubert. She hoped he hadn't encountered any more of the slippery aquatic denizens. Then another thought - how much longer would the water breathing potion last? She was already looking forward to getting back on dry land and was quite sure that she wasn't alone in that regard.
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 16/31 Friday June 30th, 2023 12:38:42 PM
Ash laughs to Mortimers joke before swimming to the surface for some air. The potion let him breathe underwater, but he wanted actual air and not some fluid.
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 16/31 Friday June 30th, 2023 12:38:44 PM
Ash laughs to Mortimers joke before swimming to the surface for some air. The potion let him breathe underwater, but he wanted actual air and not some fluid.
Drack (Chris J) - hp 26/35 - AC 17 2d6=9 ; Friday June 30th, 2023 12:42:43 PM
Drack watches R1 go down, and a look anger crosses his face. "Nice shot Manolo. I wish the killing blow had been mine, but we have accomplished our mission. Anyone badly injured, come to me before you get the wand, as I have some lay hands available. After that, let's search this place to make sure there are no further problems or anything worth them coming back to."
Drack looks around at his companions, and watches Torry swim up to check on Loryn. He moves next to Manolo and lays hands on him for 9. "Manolo, why don"t you see what you can find here. I am pretty sure that they all left. Anyone else not badly injured, feel free to go with him and search as well. Let's search it, get the prisoner, and get out of here. Mortimer, you are next up on the healing, so stay by me."
Active effects: freedom of movement Bless: +1 attack and saving throws protection from evil. +2 saves and ac
Spells: Bless-cast Protection from evil-cast
Lay hands: 3/8
AC 13 HP 31/34 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K Friday June 30th, 2023 12:49:55 PM
Loryn moves over to the rock and gets completely out of the water, "Psst! You awake friend." if he can reach, Loryn foolishly sticks his arm into the cage the touch the dwarf on the shoulder and attempt to rouse him.
Spells: Active: Freedom of Movement 70 minutes Swimming 60 minutes Bless
Acid Ray 0/8 30' range Innate: Dancing Lights 0/10 rnds 1st lvl: 0/7 2nd lvl: 0/5
'Ugh! Why was Dracky always so clever?' Thought Torryn. She opened up her senses and detected for evil even as she swam upwards. Like Drack, she too could call upon the favour of her patrons to deliver some healing: a small measure in her case, but perhaps Loryn would welcome that. She could not recall if he had taken a wound or not. there had been a lot of blood in the water and she'd been very much focused on missing - HITTING! - her enemy.
OOC: If the merchant requires healing, Torryn can do that next round.
Mole; (RichP) AC 18; HP 27/48; CMD 16 Saturday July 1st, 2023 9:23:39 AM
"Save your healing magic for combat situations. The wand isn't very potent, so it's better to use when we have time." He says hoping the paladins will not use their healing when combat has ended.
DM-Jon - Ryan's evil twin Saturday July 1st, 2023 12:09:34 PM I know that the time for levelling is right around that tree over there, no not that one, the other one ... if y'all have any questions or concerns please ask for help ... we'll help make sure you don't drink a super Soldier potion and turn into the Hulk, or worse, Loki - hehehehehehe
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 18/31 ; d20=10 ; d20=20 ; d20=1 ; Saturday July 1st, 2023 8:47:00 PM
"Definitely out of luck",Manolo replies to Mortimer. ," I just got lucky", Manolo replies to Drack as he gets healed.
Manolo looks around the area, searching the bodies and the surroundings for anything shiny or valuable.
He tries to appraise the value of the items on the fly.
Drack (Chris J) - hp 51/60 - AC 17 Sunday July 2nd, 2023 10:50:25 AM
header update
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:23/18/20. temp/hp:23/42. speed:30'. freedom, swim, darkvision, shield, bless d20+4=14 ; Sunday July 2nd, 2023 7:26:52 PM
Agreeing with Mole, "Feelin' a bit peakish, I am. Hit me with your heal wand; once or thrice." Mortimer will wait for the sudden jabs of searing pain that always comes from healing magics.
"Good idea, Manolo. Pick all the bodies clean. I'll out the rest of this cavern for shinies.
Mortimer casts a divination before he starts. Hopefully it will help locate any magical valuables.
(Mortimer casts Detect Magic. Range: 60'. Duration: Concentration, up to 6 minutes.)
As he moves through the cavern, he makes sure to check every nook and cranny. His darkvision certainly helps with the dark areas. (Perception: 14)
For several moments during the battle, after their luck had failed them, Mortimer was certain they were all going to die. This cavern was to be their tomb, he thought. He's felt that certainty of death before; much like when the goblins had stole him as a child. What's different now is a sense or feeling that they've cheated death in some way. Mortimer hadn't ever felt that way before. Upon reflection, he thinks back to when he escaped from the goblins. His mind draws a total blank! In fact, he has no memory of running away at all. Almost as if he hadn't!