Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 25/38 CMD 13) 2d6=4 ; Monday July 31st, 2023 9:25:57 PM
Seeing that some of her friends are a little the worse for wear…and including herself in their number, Paige channels healing energy through her Holy Symbol and outwards to all her friends. (+4 HP)
DM Sanity info:
Channel energy - 4/6 used
( Patchers! Don’t forget to add +4 to your HP total if you are within 30ft of Paige!)
Burton misses the ghoul with his ray and tries to warn her to quit, but nobody seems willing to do so since you killed the guy who tried to run off.
Zarsellet also attacks the ghoul, much to her screeching. He tells Burton to get behind thim.
Fingers tries to make nice with Tiny and misses Skeleton Mook 2.
Linden's attack bounces off Linden's shield. He notes that the teams are committed now.
Paige gets into Roscoe's quite surprised face and bashes him in pretty well, a skeletal tooth falling to her feet.
Rhys reaches deep within himself and slices right through bone, dispatching Mook 2.
Kwarsk can't quite connect with Roscoe.
Ovius continues to remain paralyzed.
"Thatsh not very nishe of you," Roscoe whistled for a while before putting his tooth back. "I cannot believe that you all are so unreasonable about this. It's like you don't even care about the mermaid."
Roscoe considers his dwindling options but continues to keep his own anger at Kwarsk. "Take down whoever you can, guys. But Tiny, just get the gold and go on get out."
"But Horsey," Tim replies.
Roscoe swings at Kwarsk and barely misses himself.
Skeleton 3 continues to fight on against Rhys and connects for 9 damage.
Ghoul Mook looks very concerned at the new member, but ultimately continues to Pursue Burton, this time connecting with her bite. (She does 7 damage and you have to roll two Will DC 13 saves to avoid illness and paralysis respectively.)
Tim begins to easily tear free from the web (made his grapple check) but faces some difficult terrain between the webs and the grease. He continues to make his way until he is in striking distance with Fingers. He stands, eye to eye.
Jeb - dead Roscoe, AC 19 (21 w' raised shield), damage 24 (wounded) Mattie, dead Skeleton Mook 1 - dead Skeleton Mook 2 - dead Skeleton Mook 3, damage 14 Ghoul Mook 1, damage 10 Tiny Tim - grappled, half speed if escape
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 34/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. d20+9=11 ; Monday July 31st, 2023 10:23:12 PM
Kwarsk says, "Let's finish Roscoe first Fingers!" and flanking Roscoe with Paige, Kwarsk executes a diagonal swipe from upper right across and down to lower left of Roscoe, failing to connect but maintaining the flank. Kwarsk growls!
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 9/31 d20+13=27 ; d10+7=13 ; Monday July 31st, 2023 10:30:38 PM ”What about the mermaid? What mermaid? Rhys calls out as he tries to slide over into a flanking position before lashing out with his sword hitting Mook 3 AC 27 for 13HP
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 32 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 d20+6=12 ; Monday July 31st, 2023 11:55:29 PM
Zarsellet continues his bardic music to support the group while trying to stab the ghoul. His attack is a little better, but not enough.... "That's really not very nice biting my new friend like that. Especially with me right here in front of you!"
OOC: Still can't buy a decent roll of the die. But he keeps the bard song going: Inspire Courage: +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 24/38 CMD 13) 2d6=3 ; Tuesday August 1st, 2023 10:25:54 AM (If previous post deemed illegal…Paige will take the same action this round, only rolling worse.)
Seeing that some of her friends are a little the worse for wear…and including herself in their number, Paige channels healing energy through her Holy Symbol and outwards to all her friends. (+3 HP)
DM Sanity info:
Channel energy - 4/6 used
( Patchers! Don’t forget to add +3 to your HP total if you are within 30ft of Paige)
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/6 or 9 Fort: 3 Ref: 4 Will: 6 | d20=17 ; d20=13 ; d4+1=2 ; d3=3 ; d4+1=2 ; Tuesday August 1st, 2023 2:03:45 PM
OOC: 1. I'm not sure if Burton is within 30' of Paige so his HP is either 6 or 9. 2. For his saves last time Burton had to roll against Fort not Will so it's either illness (17 + 4 or + 7) and Paralysis (13 + 4 or + 7 ) doesn't really matter either way he passed both. 3. Point of order, the ghoul who was trying to chew his face off not escape. :D
IC: Burton takes a 5' step away from the ghoul before casting a magic missile spell at the ghoul (2x 4+1 for 4 force damage, I'm guessing the bard song doesn't effect magic.). Not sure what happened with the d3 roll. (New dice please). "Don't say I didn't worn you."
Fingers (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 22/34 | CMB:5 CMD:17 | Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:3 d20+3=4 ; Tuesday August 1st, 2023 8:00:51 PM "...Tiny, just get the gold and go on get out."
Finger swings his blackjack at Roscoe and whiffs again (Natural 1)
Hey, Tiny, I'm doing no good here. Wait for me and I'll help you carry the gold.
Samsons Tavern - DM Melvin d20+12=26 ; d8+4=9 ; d20+11=24 ; d8+2=8 ; d20+3=17 ; d6+1=5 ; Tuesday August 1st, 2023 11:14:00 PM
Paige calls in everyone to heal.
Kwarsk tells Fingers to keep the pressure up on Roscoe. (“Hey, no fair you mindless NPCs sitting there plannin’ stuff,” Roscoe protests in return.) Kwarsk misses but maintains the flank.
While continuing to damage Mook 3, he asks about the mermaid. “Daggum, you guys really don’t even know,” Roscoe shouts exasperated. “Y’all just come in here like you got any idea what’s goin’ on, all high mighty….”
Zarsellet barely misses the ghoul. (And would have hit with flanking. He might not get a lot of strong rolls, but even an okay one should do the job.) He keeps up his bard song and admonishes the ghoul.
Burton resists the ghoul’s charms (Sorry, it was fort saves) and fires off some magic missiles.
FIngers can’t catch a break but he can confuse Tiny Tim for a moment. Roscoe has to yell at him to focus. (Obviously, I’ll need a bluff or diplomacy roll for him to change course.)
Roscoe tries to focus on the gold, telling Tiny to gather up as many of the lock boxes as he can. Even as Tiny continues to be obsessed with the Minotaur.
He continues to swing at Kwarsk and finally (if barely) connects, for 9 damage.
Mook 3 continues to swing at Rhys, hitting in turn for 8 damage.
Ghoul Mook turns to Zarsellet and strikes at him, managing to hit with her bite. (5 damage and roll two Fort DC 13 saves, first is disease, 2nd is paralysis).
Tiny Tim begins to lift safe after safe, gold bars sliding down his back and shoulders. It occurs to you that the survivors might use Tiny to punch through and escape.
Jeb - dead Roscoe, AC 19 (21 w' raised shield), damage 24 (wounded) Mattie, dead Skeleton Mook 1 - dead Skeleton Mook 2 - dead Skeleton Mook 3, damage 20 (bloodied) Ghoul Mook 1, AC 14, damage 14 (wounded) Tiny Tim - half speed movement
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 27/32 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 d20+5=14 ; d20+5=19 ; d20+6=23 ; d4=4 ; Wednesday August 2nd, 2023 12:00:13 AM
OOC: 14 and 19 for the saves.
Zarsellet takes the bite and grimaces. "Ouch! You're a nasty gal, and I'm not just saying that 'cause you're dead AND ugly! My turn now."
OOC: Better rolls this round. 23 to hit. 5 damage. He keeps the bard song going another round: Inspire Courage: +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
OOC: Sorry Burton, but Bard song only affects weapon to hit and damage. As I understand it, a spell can be considered a weapon, but only if you have to roll to hit.
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/6 or 9 Fort: 3 Ref: 4 Will: 6 | d20+6=10 ; Wednesday August 2nd, 2023 2:15:42 AM
Burton takes another 5' step away from the ghoul before casting Hand of the Apprentice to attack the ghoul now facing Zarsellet with his dagger (Ranged attack and misses) the dagger returns to his hand.
OOC: Good to know Bard Song helps Burtons touch attack ray spells just like Point Blank Shot. If only he could hit a barn door at 10 paces.
Melvin can I have a ruling on how far Paige & Burton are apart please re healing please?
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/6 or 9 Fort: 4 Ref: 4 Will: 7 | Wednesday August 2nd, 2023 2:17:44 AM
OOC: Just updating Burtons Saving throws in the post name thought I had in the first message.
Linden Haran (Jason) -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 30/32 d20+11=27 ; d6+5=8 ; Wednesday August 2nd, 2023 6:52:33 AM
Not liking the situation unfolding with Tiny Tim and the gold bars, Linden risks moving away from Roscoe and engages the large skeleton. Stepping smartly to him, Linden slices out with his shortsword. ”Oh no you don’t, leave that gold here!”
Mwk SS 1d20+10+1=27, Dmg 1d6+5=8
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 24/38 CMD 13) Wednesday August 2nd, 2023 9:59:47 AM
A passel of undead robbing an honestly run tavern in the Trade Quarter of it’s payroll and trying to pass their actions off as justified with some hokey story about helping a mermaid! ”Sheesh! Domi give me courage!” thinks Paige,, as she reaches out to her friend Rhys and casts Bears Endurance* on the fighter. ”This should help a little bit, my friend.”.
Rhys gets +4 enhancement bonus on Constitution, which adds the usual benefits to HP, Fort Saves, Con checks, etc. - 4 minutes.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 19/31+8 d8+2=10 ; Wednesday August 2nd, 2023 10:04:16 AM
Rhys staggers under the attack of Mook 3 but is immediately relieved by Paige’s spell. Still badly injured, the elf steps out of reach of the skeleton and quaffs a potion (CLW 10 HP).
(OOC Rhys has mobility, hence an AC of 24 vs AoO) ; Bears Endurance
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 34/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. d20+9=23 ; d8+3=10 ; Wednesday August 2nd, 2023 5:46:03 PM
Kwarsk says, "Let's finish him Paige!" and Kwarsk swings his warhammer over and down towards Roscoe, swiftly bypassing Roscoe's shield and blasting apart bones up and down Roscoe!
(OOC hit AC 23 for 10 damage.)
Samsons Tavern - DM Melvin d20+12=23 ; d10+5=11 ; d20+9=28 ; d8+2=4 ; d20+3=23 ; d20+3=15 ; d6+1=2 ; Wednesday August 2nd, 2023 11:35:03 PM
Zarsellet’s turn to do some damage yields some results.
Burton, after some healing (I am figuring you are close enough together in a small room that I’m not really watching the 30 foot radius), tries and fails to stab the ghoul.
Linden takes a swing hard against Tiny Tim. He’s easy to hit, but damage….
It occurs to Paige that this entire endeavor is just utter nonsense. (Or is it… No, probably it’s nonsense.) She takes a moment to buff Rhys.
Rhys takes the opportunity to five foot step away and drink a potion.
Kwarsk takes a strong swing against Roscoe, saying “Let’s finish this.”
Fingers and Ovius continue to watch the spectacle.
“Finishin’s fine by me,” Roscoe replied as he raised his longsword. “Let’s just end this now.”
Roscoe raised his longsword, his eyes locked upon Kwarsk… and immediately began to run from him, landing right upon Tiny Tim’s back. “Go, go, go….”
(Kwarsk, Fingers and Linden all get AoOs).
Tiny, larded with gold and Roscoe, and hurting from Linden, proceeds to strike Linden with his horns for 11 damage. Roaring he proceeded to run… back through the door heading into the bar.
“Other way!” Roscoe shouted. “Other way!”
The skeleton and ghoul stare at this spectacle, then at each other. Its clear that they are considering grabbing a bunch of coins off the floor and start running for the alleyway. But of course they saw what happened to Mook 1, so…
Mook 3 moves to attack Paige, swinging his glaive and hitting for 4 damage.
The ghoul turns back to Burton… and crits with her claws (for 4 total damage and another Fort DC 13 roll for paralysis).
Jeb - dead Roscoe, AC 19 (21 w' raised shield), damage 34 (wounded) Mattie, dead Skeleton Mook 1 - dead Skeleton Mook 2 - dead Skeleton Mook 3, damage 20 (bloodied) Ghoul Mook 1, AC 14, damage 19 (wounded) Tiny Tim - AC 17, damage 3
Fingers (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 26/34 | CMB:5 CMD:17 | Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:3 d20+4=18 ; Wednesday August 2nd, 2023 11:50:10 PM Lemme help you, Tim! Fingers starts picking up the gold that the giant skeleton dropped. Hey, that web is still out there. Tell you what, leave me those safes and you go break that web down. I'll follow right behind you.
Bluff: 18
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 20/38 CMD 13) 2d8+4=18 ; Wednesday August 2nd, 2023 11:58:55 PM
Paige is torn between stopping the escaping miscreants - or ministering to a companion. People are more important than things, so the cleric moves up close to Burton and invokes Domi’s name as she pushes healing magiks into the wizard. (Burned a 3rd level slot - Cure Moderate Wounds for 18 HP)
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/23 Fort: 4 Ref: 4 Will: 7 | d20+4=17 ; d20+6=13 ; d6+2=7 ; Thursday August 3rd, 2023 2:30:03 AM
OOC: Burton was in the ally not the bar. Fort save (Paralysis) 17 (Pass)
IC: Burton takes another 5' step away from the ghoul; "I've just about had enough of you." he says to the ghoul as he casts Disrupt Undead against it AC 13 Touch attack for 7 points of damage. He nods his thanks to Paige "Thank you miss."
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 19/31+8 d20+14=28 ; d10+8=10 ; Thursday August 3rd, 2023 9:18:18 AM
With his wounds beginning to heal, Rhys rejoins the battle. He moves into position to flank the Ghoul who continues to threaten his compatriots. (Hit AC 28 for 10 HP)
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 27/32 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 d20+6=26 ; d20+6=17 ; d4+1=3 ; d4+1=3 ; Thursday August 3rd, 2023 11:42:14 AM
Zarsellet sees the ghoul turn on his new friend and furiously stabs the monster in the back. "Hey! Leave my buddy alone. I'm right here you ugly putz!"
OOC: Crit to hit, 17 to confirm. 6 damage if that confirms. 3 if not.
OOC: Extend the bard song another round: Inspire Courage: +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 34/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. d20+9=14 ; d20+9=23 ; d8+3=8 ; Thursday August 3rd, 2023 7:16:05 PM
Kwarsk can't believe his luck... almost! His Combat Reflexes spring him into action, his warhammer narrowly missing Roscoe!
Kwarsk moves to flank Roscoe with Paige still, as Tiny ran Roscoe right back into the bar! Kwarsk says, "[b]Good night Roscoe," as he swings his warhammer high for the hanging Roscoe, back-smashing Roscoe hard as Kwarsk does his best to shatter Roscoe's right leg.
(OOC: AOO - miss. regular attack - hit AC 23 (21 if DM says no flank) for 8 damage.)
Linden Haran (Jason) -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 30/32 d20+11=18 ; d6+5=11 ; d20+11=26 ; d6+5=8 ; Thursday August 3rd, 2023 8:21:09 PM
Linden lashes out at Tiny Tim as he retreats from the Patchers, short sword kicking across the bones and managing to gouge a piece free. Following after, he screams out as he swings again at the towering bones.
1d20+11=18; Dmg 1d6+5=11; 1d20+11=26; 1d6+5=8
Fingers (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 26/34 | CMB:5 CMD:17 | Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:3 d20+3=9 ; Thursday August 3rd, 2023 10:24:33 PM
(OOC: Somehow yesterday I missed the fact that Tim is carrying Roscoe through the bar. If I'm still allowed that AOO on Roscoe:)
Att: 9. Misses.
Fingers runs after Roscoe & Tiny. If he can get close enough (within a 5' reach, without having to double-move) he'll tackle them.
Grapple vs Tiny:
Remaining Spells: Message, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Sleep, Mage Hand (SLA)
Fingers (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 26/34 | CMB:5 CMD:17 | Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:3 d20+5=14 ; Thursday August 3rd, 2023 10:28:14 PM
Grapple vs Tiny: Att:14 less any damage to me when Tiny does his AoO. If successful, Fingers applies "pinned" to Tiny (and maybe Roscoe?)
Samsons Tavern - DM Melvin d20+12=32 ; d20+12=13 ; d10+5=9 ; d20+10=16 ; Thursday August 3rd, 2023 10:34:36 PM
Fingers tries to convince Tiny that they are working together and he should go clear out the cobwebs. The fighting around and Roscoe screaming into his back doesn’t help.
Paige decides to continue healing, even if it means the bad guys might get away.
Burton blasts away at the Ghoul that’s been vexing him, and she finally goes down.
With no more ghoul, I’ll say that Rhys finally dispatches Mook 3.
This leaves Roscoe as a target for Zarsellet, He connects, but the skeleton seems pretty well armored against swords.
Kwarsk does not miss, giving him some massive damage.
Linden takes a couple of swipes at Tiny Tim, doing some damage.
“Oh, you gonna wish you hadn’t done that, Son,” Roscoe shouts, but it’s pretty clear he doesn’t know who to strike.
Tiny Tim stops being paralyzed with indecisiveness when Linden makes who to strike easy for him. He spins to give Linden the horns (crit unconfirmed) for 9 damage.
Roscoe finally takes a swing at Fingers, trying to shut him up. But with all of TIny Tim spinning, he just misses.
Jeb - dead Mattie, dead Skeleton Mook 1 - dead Skeleton Mook 2 - dead Skeleton Mook 3, dead Ghoul Mook 1, dead
Roscoe, AC 21, damage 42 (bloodied) Tiny Tim - AC 17, damage 12
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 19/31+8 d20+12=29 ; d10+8=9 ; Thursday August 3rd, 2023 11:09:59 PM
With the ghoul and Mook 3 out of action, Rhys chases down Tiny and Roscoe. If he can reach them he will swing at Tiny, hoping to bring the big skeleton down. (Hit AC 29 for 9 HP)
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 20/32 CMD 13 Friday August 4th, 2023 12:28:32 AM
Paige spins ‘round towards the fleeing creature Tiny, with Roscoe on its back, and channels more magiks through the silver holy symbol on a cord around her neck. In a strong voice she commands* Tiny to ”Fall” (Will save vs 15 or fall to the ground and remain prone with appropriate penalties for 1 round)
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/23 Fort: 4 Ref: 4 Will: 7 | Friday August 4th, 2023 3:07:01 AM
Burton sighs with relief as the ghoul finally goes down. He looks around the ally at the fallen bodies and scattered bones. Noticing the locals starting to gather around the entrance of the ally and the front of the tavern. Hearing the shouting and sounds of fighting still in the bar he the tells the locals to keep back as it's not over yet.
Burton will stay near the bar end of the ally watching the hole blown by the gang waiting to see who or what comes out.
OOC: Burton will hold his action this round.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 27/32 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 Friday August 4th, 2023 12:11:35 PM
Seeing how useless his sword is against the skeleton, (and all of his other weapons!) Zarsellet moves over by Fingers and casts a spell to help his fighting skill.
OOC: Casting heroism on Fingers. +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. Note: This stacks with the competence bonus from the bard song.
OOC: Free action to extend bard song another round. 7 rounds left after this. Inspire Courage: +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 25/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. d20+9=15 ; Friday August 4th, 2023 7:34:20 PM
Kwarsk says, "Roscoe, looks like you need a second dose of your sleepy medicine," and swings hard for the bones but Tiny turned at that moment, swinging Roscoe out of Kwarsk's reach! "Hang still and take your medicine like a good little skeleton," Kwarsk finishes... for now.
Linden Haran (Jason) -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 30/32 d8+1=6 ; Friday August 4th, 2023 10:38:50 PM
Linden stumbles back from being gored by Tiny Tim. ”Twice is a bit much Tiny, I’m not appreciating your barside manor. You’re an angry drunk.”
Pulling a small vial from his pouch, Linden takes a quick swig to stabilize his wounds.
Down 20 HP, Potion Cure Light Wounds 1d8+1=6, Current HP 18
Fingers (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 26/34 | CMB:5 CMD:17 | Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:3 Friday August 4th, 2023 11:42:13 PM OOC: Heroism: +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. Depending on when this was cast, this may raise the previous Attack roll to 16
Inspire Courage: +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
Remaining Spells: Message, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Sleep, Mage Hand (SLA)
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 20/32 CMD 13 Saturday August 5th, 2023 1:57:29 PM
Paige breathes heavily, her body taxed by the exertions of the fight. She takes in the damaged back wall of the tavern, exposing a view of the alley, and turns to take in the chaos wrecked by the attackers and the rampaging Tiny, and shakes her head, waiting for what is to come next.
(OOC: per the PTB request that players post 5x per week…)
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 25/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. Saturday August 5th, 2023 5:06:22 PM
Time seems to slow to the point that the droplets of sweat leaving the Patchers and heading for the floor are moving in slow motion as Kwarsk concentrates on the mantras of Pantheon, calming his anger and gaining heightened awareness of the fracas.
The last drop of sweat to separate from him falls like a feather, and Kwarsk readies himself to strike Roscoe again before it is halfway to the floor...
Linden Haran (Jason) -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 30/32 Saturday August 5th, 2023 6:13:41 PM
Taking in the small lull in the fight, Linden readies himself to rejoin his companions in the fight with Tim and Roscoe.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 19/31+8 Sunday August 6th, 2023 9:42:31 PM
Rhys awaits the reaction of the large skeletal creature to the insult of the various attacks launched it’s way and hopes to gain some advantage on his next attempt.
Rhys continues to hack away, this time at Tiny. (Tiny, however, has the same slash/pierce resistance as Roscoe).
Paige chooses to try causing Tiny to fall. Tiny barely stands upright but he makes it through.
Burton stands guard at the alleyway but nobody comes towards it yet (except for some onlookers).
Zarsellet casts heroism on Fingers (and continues her song).
Kwarsk tries to knock out Roscoe but Tiny keeps bucking away. Roscoe looks both defiant and ready to throw up.
Linden takes some time to heal, and calls Tiny an angry drunk.
"Shows how much you know," Roscoe replies. "This is him bein' angry hung over."
Tiny Tim burps.
"Whaddya mean also a lil drunk?"
Fingers tries to grapple, but can't quite lay a finger on Tiny, even with the heroism.
Everyone holds their breath, waiting for what to do next.
Roscoe continues to make his swings at Kwarsk. "Y'all been a mighty heap of trouble to me." (He manages to connect, for 12 damage.)
Tiny continues to run, blasting into the bar.
Jeb - dead Mattie, dead Skeleton Mook 1 - dead Skeleton Mook 2 - dead Skeleton Mook 3, dead Ghoul Mook 1, dead
Roscoe, AC 21, damage 42 (bloodied) Tiny Tim - AC 17, damage 16
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 20/32 CMD 13 d8=4 ; d8=8 ; Monday August 7th, 2023 3:56:45 PM
Though disappointed that Tiny doesn’t succumb to her command, the cleric smirks when she remembers that she bolted the front door of the tavern after shooing the patrons out! (July 22 post).
Paige notices Kwarsk is looking a little ragged, so she moves to be close to the dwarf and casts a healing spell (burned last 3rd level slot for CMW - 2d8+4=16 HP for the dwarf!) “You owe me a drink…and an oatmeal cookie when this is over!” she calls out to her friend.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 19/31+8 d20+12=31 ; d20+12=20 ; 2d10+8=19 ; Monday August 7th, 2023 4:23:17 PM
Rhys continues to chase down the large skeleton and takes another swing with his sword. He is aware that a different weapon might be more effective, but alas he does not have one, so the sword it is. (Hit AC31/ 20 confirmed critical for 19 HP)
Linden Haran (Jason) -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 30/32 d20+11=13 ; Monday August 7th, 2023 7:19:18 PM
A bit refreshed, Linden runs forward with a bellow and aims at Roscoe this time for a swipe with his blade. As he closes in, Linden stumbles on the fresh debris from the bar and his swing goes wide.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 27/32 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 d20+4=5 ; Monday August 7th, 2023 7:39:23 PM
Zarsellet considers his weapons, then sheaths his sword. It'd be a miraculous hit for him to draw a chip off of either enemy. He casts a spell and moves forward, reaching at the big skeleton, but the thing moves out of his reach before he can touch it.
OOC: Bard song continued another round, 6 rounds left after this one, I hope it's over soon!
OOC: Casting Cure Light Wounds and trying to touch the enemy, but failed....
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 29/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. d20+9=20 ; Monday August 7th, 2023 9:46:32 PM
(OOC - Zarsellet still "holds the charge" and may attempt to touch again next round.
Kwarsk grunts, "Lucky swipe," and seeing Paige now behind him but Linden on the opposite side of Roscoe from him, providing the flank, swings right for Roscoe's ribcage... as Tiny takes a half-step forward at exactly the wrong moment for Kwarsk, leaving Kwarsk's warhammer sparking across Roscoe's shield!
(OOC: hit AC 20, just shy...)
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/23 Fort: 4 Ref: 4 Will: 7 | Tuesday August 8th, 2023 3:27:51 PM
Burton stays in the ally but moves to a position where he can see into the pub through the hole blown in the wall by the gang. He takes no further action but is ready to duck out the way if anything comes towards him.
Paige notes that he isn't going out the front door, and heals Kwarsk.
Rhys continues to hit Tiny, doing some decent damage with this swing.
Linden tries to hit Roscoe but misses.
Zarsellet prepares CLW against a skeleton.
Kwarsk misses Roscoe by that much.
Burton continues to watch carefully.
"Other way," Roscoe shouts as Tiny finds himself trapped. "You stupid non bone head, why can't you do anything right, stupid!"
Roscoe continues to swing at Kwarsk, murder in his eyes. The blood vendetta between the two characters is obvious but mutual. Which means he misses yet again.
Tiny, cornered and clearly upset at everyone in the room, decides to try his horns on the tiny man that done hurt him (In this case, Rhys). He connects for 6 damage.
Jeb - dead Mattie, dead Skeleton Mook 1 - dead Skeleton Mook 2 - dead Skeleton Mook 3, dead Ghoul Mook 1, dead
Roscoe, AC 21, damage 42 (bloodied) Tiny Tim - AC 17, damage 30
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 27/32 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 d20+4=10 ; d8+4=5 ; Tuesday August 8th, 2023 7:45:55 PM
Zarsellet again reaches for the big skeleton, but has trouble reaching the big 'guy' with everyone else around it....
OOC: I'm assuming that a 10 doesn't "touch" him? If it does, 5 damage from the positive energy. Personally I hope not. Minimum damage! DC14 Will save for half. How's that for some CRAP numbers!
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 29/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. d20+9=23 ; d8+3=9 ; Tuesday August 8th, 2023 8:11:05 PM
Kwarsk steels his eyes, searching for a weak spot in Roscoe's defense... there... it must be there! Kwarsk rocks his tower shield like a hypnotist's watch and then strikes with his warhammer, aiming to shatter Roscoe from skull to metatarsal, solidly connecting with satisfying crunches and causing fractures all the way down!
(OOC hit AC 23 for 9 damage)
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 13/31+8 d20+12=30 ; d20+12=32 ; d6=6 ; 2d10+8=12 ; Tuesday August 8th, 2023 9:24:32 PM
Rhys spins away from most of the damage from the massive skeleton’s horn and in doing so spies a weak spot. The blade of his sword spins with him and connects solidly with Tiny Tim. (Hit AC 30/32 to confirm critical for 12 HP damage).
Fingers (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 26/34 | CMB:5 CMD:17 | Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:3 d20+7=11 ; Tuesday August 8th, 2023 11:30:21 PM "You stupid non bone head, why can't you do anything right, stupid!"
[B]Hey! Stop calling him names![b]
Fingers hurls his blackjack (Hand of the Apprentice) at Roscoe. Att: d20+3+2 (heroism) + 1 (Inspire Courage) +1 (Point-blank range) = 11
The flying weapon goes wide and returns to Fingers' hand, but hopefully Tiny will realize who his real friend is.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 20/32 CMD 13 d20+6=26 ; d20+6=15 ; d8+3=6 ; Tuesday August 8th, 2023 11:59:18 PM
Paige still has her morningstar in her hand. Since folks aren’t looking too bad, the cleric wades into the fray, and takes a swipe at the big’un (Tiny) and connects under the creature’s jaw with an upward swing (d20+6+1 for Zarsellett’s bardic inspo = hit AC 27, crit not confirmed (15), d8+3=6+1 for 7 dmg.)
The redhead spares a moment for Roscoe’s wacko tale of ‘helping’ a mermaid, but figures with all the crazy intel the orphan network has, they should be able to scrounge up some information - if there is anything to the story that is.
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/23 Fort: 4 Ref: 4 Will: 7 | d4+1=3 ; d4+1=3 ; Wednesday August 9th, 2023 2:38:55 AM
With Roscoe high up on Tiny's back Burton holds his action until Fingers is out the way before casting Magic Missile at Roscoe; (causing 6 points of force damage) to the skeleton gang leader.
Zarsellet can't quite get the big guy, though 10 isn't terrible for touch AC.
Kwarsk makes it so that only Roscoe's bones continue to make noise.
Rhys makes another chunk in Tiny's body.
Fingers sends his weapon towards Roscoe, but he's already stopped calling Tiny names.
Paige smacks Tiny for some more damage.
Burton fires at the last target left, Tiny.
With Roscoe gone, Tiny suddenly stops. He seems in a daze, unsure of what to do next, unsure of what to feel.
Even with all the damage, Tiny seems only to focus on his dead brother... and on the horsey that stood up to him.
"Wh... Why you do that? Tiny is stupid. Why did...?"
He looks at Fingers, as if expecting an answer.
(OOC: I'll give people a round for skill rolls.)
Sampson peeks up from behind the bar. "Wha... What are you waiting for, finish that undead freak! My entire back of the bar!"
Jeb - dead Mattie, dead Skeleton Mook 1 - dead Skeleton Mook 2 - dead Skeleton Mook 3, dead Ghoul Mook 1, dead Roscoe - dead
Tiny Tim - AC 17, damage 50 (wounded)
Linden Haran (Jason) -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 30/32 Wednesday August 9th, 2023 8:24:48 PM
Linden hears Tim's question and sensing a good opportunity to end this without further pain, steps back and slightly lowers his sword. While he values Sampson's patronage and understands his justifiable anger, Linden encourages Fingers to interact with the poor creature "Give him your best Fingers, I think he's looking for a friend so to say. Kindness may be in order here over intimidation."
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 29/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. d20+7=12 ; Wednesday August 9th, 2023 8:32:46 PM
Kwarsk pauses, and tilts his head to one side, quizzically. He contemplates what Tiny is saying, searching for truth and dropping his warhammer arm to his side, still gripping it.
(OOC - Sense Motive = 12)
Kwarsk looks to Fingers, and then to Paige, nodding.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 27/32 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 Wednesday August 9th, 2023 11:38:43 PM "Yes! You can do it Fingers. There's been too much hurting already. Let's all calm down and be friends." He starts a low key tune, adding a different bit of Bardic power to it.
OOC: Inspire Competence, +2 to skill checks.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 20/32 CMD 13 d20+5=24 ; 2d6=9 ; Wednesday August 9th, 2023 11:42:30 PM
Paige ponders the question of Tiny and whether or not an undead creature can return to the shadowlands of its own volition (Knowledge Religion=24). Having unwittingly collected a passel of orphans, the cleric doesn’t want to add undead folks to the entourage.
The half-elf clasps her silver symbol of Domi and readies herself to take action if Tiny moves to hurt any of the Patchers.
(OOC: Paige will Channel Energy in an attempt to wound Tiny and send him ‘home’ - 9 pts damage - readied action)
Fingers (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 26/34 | CMB:5 CMD:17 | Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:3 d20=4 ; Wednesday August 9th, 2023 11:48:25 PM It's all right, Tiny. I'm sorry we had to do that, but Roscoe was stealing and fighting and he was being mean. We don't do that around here. Well, sometimes we fight.
But I think you can help us. Let's go back out to the alley where we can talk.
Do you know anything about the mermaid?
Diplomacy: 4 (plus any "aid another" rolls, hint hint)
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/23 Fort: 4 Ref: 4 Will: 7 | Thursday August 10th, 2023 2:17:11 AM
Having the empathy skills of a house brick Burton will leave the talking to the other Patchers. He will stay in the ally watching through the hole in the wall while bring his spell 'Disrupt Undead' to mind just encase.
OOC: When does the Disease Burton is inflicted from start to effect him?
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 13/31+8 d20-1=7 ; Thursday August 10th, 2023 11:15:57 AM
The sudden turn of events catches Rhys by surprise. Unsure quite what to do, the half-elf sheaths his sword, takes one step back and calls out to the massive skeleton. ”Yes. Enough of this. If you drop the gold and promise not to cause any more problems, we can escort you back to your home and you can tell us about this mermaid that your friend spoke of.” (Diplomacy=7)
Kwarsk, not detecting any deception from Tiny, drops the warhammer to his side (but doesn't let go).
Zarsellet uses encouragement (and a new song) to boost Fingers' chances.
Paige is less than thrilled with the idea of adding undead to the things to take care of, and is prepared to blast him if he moves to attack.
She also wonders whether a creature can return to the shadowlands of its own volition (taking into account that these undead do have some intelligence... grading on a curve but still...)
Paige Highlight to display spoiler: {The answer is generally that it's up to what raised Tiny and why, though you can't quite square that with skeletons that have relationships, lie, etc. Did these undead... raise themselves? Still, you figure that if Tiny was raised to rob this bar, the animating magic might release if he decides he can't rob the bar.}
Fingers tries his best at diplomacy but doesn't do very well.
Burton decides he's no good at talking, and prefers to ready another attack.
Rhys is blunt, telling him to just drop the gold and move.
Tiny seems unsure of what to do. Though only the bartender is hostile, half the group has weapons at the ready, and the other half seem quite clumsy at their friendliness.
Kwarsk Highlight to display spoiler: { You can tell that the mermaid gets a large reaction but you aren't sure why. Still, pressing on the issue seems to be angering Tiny. }
Tiny simply looks around. "Me cannot. Let everyone down. Be big dummy. Don't know, why I should, why you stop...."
(OOC: No attacks/spells are fired, and can be held at the ready or taken back.)
OOC: Anyone who failed the disease rule feels fine for now, and the characters shouldn't be aware. You do need to roll another Fort DC 13 the next in game day.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 27/32 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 d20+9=22 ; Thursday August 10th, 2023 10:37:58 PM
Zarsellet moves closer to Tiny and speaks loud, responding to his words. "Tiny? It's simple Tiny. Too many people have been hurt. Look around. All of your friends are prone and in pieces. You actually seem like a more reasonable creature than them. You've stopped fighting so we don't want to hurt you. But the treasure you carry belongs to this business. You have to leave it here and then we'll let you leave in peace."
OOC: Trying to recover the diplomacy with a 22.... and any Aid?
Fingers (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 26/34 | CMB:5 CMD:17 | Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:3 d20+2=9 ; Thursday August 10th, 2023 11:55:08 PM That's right Tiny. You can just go if you want. Aid to Diplomacy, d20 + 2 (inspire Competence) = 9
(Missed by one, unless there's a bonus somewhere I've forgotten)
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/23 Fort: 4 Ref: 4 Will: 7 | Friday August 11th, 2023 2:50:45 AM
Burton will continue to watch as event unfold while holding any further action.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 20/32 CMD 13 d20+6=13 ; Friday August 11th, 2023 10:59:28 AM “What this guy says,” Paige says, gesturing at the gnome with the orange hair. ”If you give up this idea of robbing Samson’s tavern, you can go back where you came from…without it hurting.” The cleric tries to keep the message as simple as possible so Tiny can understand.
Diplomacy = 13
(OOC: Paige will Channel Energy in an attempt to wound Tiny and send him ‘home’ - 9 pts damage - readied action - from August 9 post)
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 13/31+8 Friday August 11th, 2023 11:35:32 AM
Rhys decides to hold his tongue as his previous offer of peace did not seem to ‘soothe the savage beast’. Perhaps the Bard will have more luck.
Linden Haran (Jason) -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 21/32 Friday August 11th, 2023 12:41:16 PM
Linden stays quiet, having never been known to be the most persuasive or diplomatic. He tries to smile through his pain and make sure Tiny doesn't catch them off guard.
[ooc]Ready action[/ooc]
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 29/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. Friday August 11th, 2023 3:54:56 PM
Kwarsk nods as each of Zarsellet and Paige speak in turn, and then slings his warhammer onto its belt hook and, hands empty, smiles a big sheepish grin at Tiny.
As everyone stands down, and as words begin to fill, Tiny looks like he might cry happy.
Cash box upon cash box is dropped to the floor, bouncing.
For a moment, Tiny looks like he might say thank you. But he instead does what you ask, he just leaves.
"Well, that was... that was something," Sampson replied. "Sorry about that last burst up.
"To make it up to you, and as a reward, I want to send to you guys in Nightmare Quarter a lifetime supply of our finest label ale."
And as he speaks, he holds up a nearby barrel of the ale, close to where Roscoe was originally fighting.
On the side of the barrel was printed a picture of a mermaid.
Congrats all, and I'll be posting a new module starting on Monday. As a reward, every PC gets two hero points.
Fingers (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 26/34 | CMB:5 CMD:17 | Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:3 Friday August 11th, 2023 11:44:24 PM I should follow him, thinks Muuru. Are there any more where he is? Will they be a problem?
Will he -- be okay?
But the group said he could just go; following him seems like it would be wrong.
Actually, there is something we can do...
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/23 Fort: 4 Ref: 4 Will: 7 | Saturday August 12th, 2023 4:47:05 AM
Burton nods at Tiny as he? walks past and watches the large creature walk off.
Ovius (David) | AC 16 HP 8/19 CMD 13 Saturday August 12th, 2023 1:02:43 PM
Ovius continues to grunt on the ground, paralyzed by the ghoul's poison.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 29/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. Saturday August 12th, 2023 10:44:34 PM
Kwarsk watches Tiny go, bemused, but at peace. Hopefully Tiny can find a place to rest and not get pulled into robberies. People could have been killed when the wall was blown out! How did they do that, anyways? None of them cast spells...
Kwarsk notices Ovius on the ground, twitching. "Ovius my new friend, it's all right, you don't have to get up," Kwarsk finishes with a knowing grin... waits a second for panic to perhaps settle into Ovius... and then reaches down, picks up Ovius and stands him up against a wall, checking to see if there's any obvious bleeding. "Don't go anywhere. [turns] Paige, I think Ovius needs your prayers... and healing magic. Lots of that."
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 20/32 CMD 13 d20+13=21 Saturday August 12th, 2023 11:05:18 PM ”Yoikes! What happened to you, Ovius!” asks the cleric, not really expecting a response. The cleric riffles through her kit to see if she’s got anything that will help. ”If it’s poison, I’ve got something for that. If it’s paralysis,“ the half-elf winces ”I can sort you out tomorrow morning first thing….Domi willing”.
”Maybe we can carry him back to the Patch on your shield, Kwarsk? Paige asks while performing a heal check (21) to learn what ails the man and what might best help him in the immediate moment.
Linden Haran (Jason) -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 21/32 Sunday August 13th, 2023 4:18:43 PM ”I’’ll help with a carry, we can’t leave the poor fellow rigid like this in public. I’d be mortified.”. Linden steps over to help with lifting and placing Ovius on the makeshift stretcher.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 13/31+8 Sunday August 13th, 2023 9:01:05 PM
Rhys watches as Tiny wanders off. He can’t help but feel a little bit sorry for the…the… whatever he is. He is now alone in the Wold and without the mental acuity to deal with it. The mention of a lifetime supply of ale brings him out of his reverie. That is until he sees the mermaid on the barrel. “What pray tell is that?” he points at the picture of the mermaid.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 27/32 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 Monday August 14th, 2023 3:23:24 PM
Zarsellet watches as the big.... guy? leaves. He hopes he won't be trouble for someone else.
"So hi guys! That was a bit of a tough go. Has that been the usual lately? Maybe I should pick up a little mace of something."
"Oh, I guess I shouldn't just assume. Can I re-join the team? It's just not the same by myself!" He hears the question and glances at the mermaid picture. "Looks like a mermaid, or at least a popular version of one. Can't say it's to my liking, but well, being a gnome...."
OOC: Sorry I didn't post Friday. Was on the road and I thought I'd be able to post at the hotel. I was wrong!
Ovius (David) | AC 16 HP 8/19 CMD 13 Monday August 14th, 2023 7:31:57 PM
Ovius sputters once he's able to move again. "I'm sorry . . . I just. I thought my magic would keep them at bay. I'll do better next time."
A Simple Night of Fun - DM Melvin Monday August 14th, 2023 10:04:39 PM
Many of the members of the group remain worried about Tiny but they let him disappear into the sunset.
Ovius reminds the group that he is still paralyzed (though by this point, it will have worn off, sorry about that. It was supposed to last 5 rounds max but I lost count). Kwarsk helps him get up as the paralysis ends and asks in regards to healing.
Paige uses a heal kit on Ovius. Others volunteer a carry but as I said the paralysis is over.
Rhys asks about the mermaid. Sampson just figures its a run of the mill mermaid picture.
All who thought about the mermaid Highlight to display spoiler: {It begins to dawn on you that Roscoe might not be a good and truthful person.}
Zarsellet notes that this was a tough go, and wonders if a backup weapon might be a good idea.
Ovius feels a little sheepish. "Eh, you all looked like you did a good job," Sampson replied.
It's the next afternoon when the group makes it home to the Pumpkin patch. The errands are complete, the potions have been replenished, and you settle in for what to expect.
(Everyone in the group can post what they did at the end/while traveling/when they get in.)
Burton Highlight to display spoiler: {Unless it occurs to Burton to be checked out, go ahead and roll another Fort DC 13 save as your character begins to itch.}
The group stops in entering the patch, to see a couple of ogres in full tuxedos standing around. "Hey, you guys the patch patrol? Wes got a message for youse."
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 25/T 13/FF 22, HP 44/44, CMD 18/22 vs. Bull Rush & Trip. Monday August 14th, 2023 10:37:37 PM
Kwarsk steps forward, stopping right in front of the two ogres, looks up and down the two ogres, and says, "Yeah, we're the Patchers. Go right ahead, you can tell me, starting with the name of your boss."
Fingers (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 26/34 | CMB:5 CMD:17 | Fort:3 Ref:5 Will:3 Monday August 14th, 2023 10:52:49 PM I hope the message is where I can get a tux in that size.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 17, HP 20/32 CMD 13 d20+1=2 ; Tuesday August 15th, 2023 12:33:00 AM ”Anyone who needs to get checked out, come see me in the infirmary” Paige says, turning to look over her shoulder at those following behind, as she follows Kwarsk and Fingers through the front door of the party’s lair. ”It’s good to have you back, Zarsellet. Your old room is still available.”
The cleric nearly walks smash into Fingers, then peeps ‘round the taur’s big body to see the two ogres. ”Who let you in?” she asks, but it comes out with a squeak, and isn’t intimidating at all. (Intimidate = 2)
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 32/32 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 Tuesday August 15th, 2023 9:54:00 AM
Zarsellet enjoys the camaraderie of the group as they stroll back to their home. Paige welcomes him and mentions that his old room is still available bringing a wide smile to his face. He'd had no significant success trying to get a a religious group to take over the caves and with the magical fountain, but he had enjoyed performing to some temporary friends on the road and in a couple of roadside inns. Over-all.... It wasn't home with his friends!
Seeing the strange display of ogres in tuxedos gets everybody's attention. Zarsellet moves up behind Kwarsk to clearly hear the answer from the strange messengers
Rhys (Bob W) AC 20/24vs AoO; CMD 21/23vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 31/31 Tuesday August 15th, 2023 10:59:13 AM
Rhys thanks Sampson for his generosity and looks forward to a lifetime supply of some of the finest ale in the city. The walk back is quiet and the elf takes the time to consider the ineffectiveness of his blade against the skeletons. Perhaps some kind of light mace… he ponders.
When the group is accosted by the well dressed ogres, he hangs back and quietly circles behind them in case hostilities break out.
Burton Fleming (Alex)AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 25/23 Fort: 4 Ref: 4 Will: 7 | d20+4=15 ; Tuesday August 15th, 2023 3:00:09 PM
Burton feels rather sick and very sweaty but starts to feel better a few hours later (Fort Save 15 Pass).
Burton stands to one side while he watches the exchange with the ogres. Rather hoping it will not take to long for the ogres to get to the point as he could really do with a bath and his shirt is ruined with all the slashed and ghoul juice on it.