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Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle  d20+22=36 ; d20+2=3 ;
Monday October 23rd, 2023 7:44:55 PM

Zeoll keeps the second watch with Bill.

Perception checks 36 and 3.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 56/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50'  d20+20=32 ; d20+23=39 ;
Monday October 23rd, 2023 7:47:08 PM

Perception = 32, stealth = 39

Elron blends in with the stones in any case, sleeping or on watch.

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+6=12 ;
Monday October 23rd, 2023 10:17:53 PM

Irony -12

One of the features Asimov added was this feature the ability to take watch so of course Asimov would take advantage of the ability and rest while Irony stood vigilant

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4"/10'5"/16'6") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 90/99  d20=18 ;
Monday October 23rd, 2023 10:22:59 PM

Mundhi makes sure someone takes first watch with Daris, as she does not really trust that he is in his right mind, and has put them in danger at least once. If no one else will. Then she will take 1st watch with him, as well as either 2nd or 4th watch.

Sense motive with Daris on 1st watch: 18+10=28

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map  d20=5 ; d4=3 ; d20=1 ; d4=3 ;
Tuesday October 24th, 2023 8:34:07 AM

Cyrion thinks the party will be fine.
Mundhildur sets up bells and tripwires for any midnight visitors. She doesn’t trust Daris is in his right might.
Zeoll has sharp perception as he watches.
Elron blends with the stone.
Asimov of course takes advantage of Irony’s ability to keep watch.

Daris is a bit creepy during first watch. He seems to admire Mundhildur greatly and does not hide it, giving her a few compliments and staring a lot before they turn in. The rest of the night (or whatever time it is on the surface) passes peaceably until morning. As people get up and start preparing for the day a startling discovery is made. Daris seems to have died in his sleep overnight.

Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Tuesday October 24th, 2023 1:58:56 PM

"Well, this is superr weirrd! Anyone with medical knowledge able to tell how he died? And what can we do to make surre he does not rrise as an undead?"

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Tuesday October 24th, 2023 4:41:35 PM

Cyrion wakes up, and discovers Daris is dead. Looking around, and up, he ponders aloud, "Was he really alive in the first place...this place is weird."

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+15=25 ; d20+5=24 ;
Tuesday October 24th, 2023 8:26:00 PM

Perception: 25
Heal: 24

Asimov studies the body and tells the others anything he knows.

He asks for input before making any devices asking if anyone has any specific requests.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4"/10'5"/16'6") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 90/99 
Wednesday October 25th, 2023 2:52:21 AM

Mundhildur looks at Daris' corpse with curiosity. She shrugs her shoulders, rolls up her blanket, and puts the rest of her gear away, taking down the trip lines and bells. "What do we do with his body?" she asks. She goes along with whatever the party decides.

Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Wednesday October 25th, 2023 6:36:27 AM

Zeoll is in favor of cremation.

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Wednesday October 25th, 2023 7:14:05 AM

Zeoll finds this very weird and asks for some professional medical advice
Cyrion wonders if Daris was even ever alive in the first place.
Asimov examines the body.
Mundhildur packs her stuff and asks what they should do with the body.
Zeoll likes cremation.

There are no obvious wounds or potential causes of death upon examination. The best Asimov can find is some strange sore or hole inside of his mouth.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 90/99 
Wednesday October 25th, 2023 6:28:39 PM

Mundhildur walks outside the cave and looks around. She sits down and waits for people to decide what to do.

Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Wednesday October 25th, 2023 6:44:14 PM

Zeoll will cast a produce flame spell to do the job of "interrment."

He is alert in case the corpse objects to this treatment.

If it goes well, then it is time to ascend and continue on our way.

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Wednesday October 25th, 2023 8:22:36 PM

Cyrion will watch as the body catches on fire, "May the spirits of your elders grant you entrance to the afterlife."

Cyrion is ready to move on

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 56/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Wednesday October 25th, 2023 9:45:51 PM

Elron isn't able to help with the cremation, but is glad Daris won't be spider food. "Back to the derro?" he asks.

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Wednesday October 25th, 2023 10:35:06 PM

Before Zeoll lights the body on fire, Asimov has Irony probe the strain sore in the mouth lest it have some sort of parasite or something

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Thursday October 26th, 2023 7:20:01 AM

Mundhildur walks outside the cave and looks around as she waits.
Zeoll produces flame to burn the body.
Cyrion says some words over Daris as he burns.
Elron is glad the body won’t be left to be a meal for spiders.
Asimov gets Irony to poke around in there.

Irony inspects the corpse further before shaking it’s head (It can’t talk right?) indicating it found no parasites. The body is burned and the party moves on.

Now knowing of the predator on the bridge the party is able to cross quickly and avoid being attacked. They find their way back to the signs indicating the start of Derro territory. The enemy is certainly aware of the party’s presence and have likely made preparations. Does the party have any preparations of their own or scouting they wish to do before proceeding?

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 90/99 
Thursday October 26th, 2023 2:23:29 PM

Mundhildur can't think of anything other than, "I can throw rocks."

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 56/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Thursday October 26th, 2023 5:10:55 PM

"I wonder how good these things are as trackers. I mean, if they're good, they'll know which way we went an' set up pretty well 'gainst our return. An' if they're not, or if th' caves wind a lot, then they'll have t' divide int' smaller groups t' cover everythin'." From what Elron recalls, there weren't many potential ways to bypass an ambush.

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Thursday October 26th, 2023 8:47:53 PM

Asimov says, "I can create a greater cloaking device and make someone invisible even if they attack someone. Actually I could make 3 of them but then I couldn't make anything else of that power level. If I do this I can't make portal guns, detoxify capsules, greater shrapnel grenades, dimensional anchor rayguns, electromagnetic spheres, improved protective shields or laser beam rifles if I make the greater cloaking devices. Thoughts?"

Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Thursday October 26th, 2023 10:55:29 PM

Before the group heads out, Zeoll casts Legend Lore about the place we are in right now. He is hoping to get a sense of what the derro are doing, but he is happy just to learn more.

Then he casts tongues and glibness. He casts Disguise self to make his human half look more derro-like.

"My hope," he explains to his friendsr, "is that with outrageous lying based on whateverr the Legend Lorre rreveals, we'll be able to get an edge, maybe talk ourr way in, maybe charm a derrro, and get some rreal answerrs to what is going on herre."

"So no attacking if therre is a chance of me fast-talking ourr way in!"

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Friday October 27th, 2023 3:24:06 AM

Cyrion will concentrate for a moment and then his skin and equipment take on the color and texture of nearby objects, including floors and walls.

Effect: He gains a +10 enhancement bonus on Stealth checks - lasts 100 minutes

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 90/99 
Saturday October 28th, 2023 1:11:30 AM

As others prepare, Mundhildur sits on the floor, and begins to take everything out of her Jotun bag (aka bag of holding), taking inventory.

She dumps everything out. Weapons. Tools (shovels, hammers, picks, crowbars, machetes, iron spikes, grappling hook, an assortment of ten different knives or varying utility, etc.). Ropes and twine, and a few sets of block and tackle. Food (vegetables, fruit, tubers, spices, grains, cheese, salted meats, bread, a few dozen hard boiled eggs, pickled items, coffee, tea). Soap - she nibbles on a corner of the bar, then spits it out. Finds some honey and dips her finger in the jar, eating some. Alchemical items, including a spare everlasting torch, besides the one she usually keeps out while underground. A few healer's kits. A few combs and brushes, a mirror, some short lengths of leather. A blowing horn. Whistles. Multiple waterskins, mostly empty. Several flasks of oil. Jars, vials, flasks. Two kettles and an iron pot. Candles, torches. Several woolen blankets. A large canvas, folded and rolled. Other items. A crushed basket. Other items.

She also empties her efficient quiver to see what is inside. More weapons - including more longspears.

If anyone asks what she is doing, she replies, "Reminding myself of what I have with me."

She looks at herself in the mirror for a moment, makes a few faces, then puts it down, and places the items from the quiver back inside, following up by dumping everything else back in the bag.

Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Saturday October 28th, 2023 6:48:31 AM

Derro-Zeoll practices Derro Talk via his Tongues spell:

"La Plume De Ma Tante Est Un Pickaxe Pouvre."

With Tongues, he is able to mitigate his usual accent.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Saturday October 28th, 2023 12:37:35 PM

"Those barbarians!" Elron exclaims upon hearing what Zeoll says.

(OOC: I have healed Elron by a night's rest.)

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map  d4=4 ;
Sunday October 29th, 2023 10:44:03 PM

Mundhildur can’t think of any preparations beyond throwing rocks.
Elron wonders how good at tracking the enemy is.
Asimov says he can create greater invisibility devices.
Zeoll casts legend lore and talks about negotiations or charms to get answers.
Cyrion camouflages.
Mundhildur goes through her stuff.
Zeoll practices his conversation skills.
Elron reacts to Zeoll’s statement.

Zeoll gets a vision of what is presumably the founding of the colony. Of the Derro discovering the fungus they use to make their strange poison. Of the twisted ideas it spawned in them, the plots to destroy and control others, the mad genius it sparked in them. It is perhaps fortunate they are so paranoid about staying hidden, else they might have done far worse through the years then making this one prisoner colony vanish.

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Sunday October 29th, 2023 11:15:12 PM

Asimov says, "The device doesn't have to be used offensively. I could create it for scouting. If you guys don't have input then I'll make an assortment of devices I feel are useful. Last chance."

When he hears about Zeoll's vision he says, "So if the Derro are all twisted by this poison is a peaceful outcome even possible or for the good of the land are we going to have to destroy them all? Personally I find genocide a bit extreme."

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Monday October 30th, 2023 8:02:56 PM

Cyrion shakes his head, "I don't like the idea of killing all of them, but is there a chance we can just trap them down here. We also need to find out if any other prisoners are here."

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Monday October 30th, 2023 10:38:26 PM

Asimov waits for other input (OOC: checking in)

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Monday October 30th, 2023 10:59:58 PM

Elron has trouble following what Asimov is saying. Making someone invisible sounds straighforward, but guns and electro-mages and whatnot just don't. He suggests invisible thingys and shields.

"What we really need is for Zeoll to make th' mushrooms not so poisonous. Can you do that? An' if'n not, can we seal off th' mushrooms or are they all over?" He doesn't really think they can seal things off so well that some determined tribe can't dig them out again, but maybe they can make it take a long time.

Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Monday October 30th, 2023 11:43:26 PM

"Well, before we rresorrt to mass death, we can rreturn and rreporrt and let the leaderrs of this nation decide on the best courrse of action."

"Meanwhile, let's trry to talk ourr way thrrough this."

After casting the legend lore and discussing the ramifications, Zeoll ponders a potentially credible back story and then casts Glibness and Tongues.

[OOC: If anyone has ideas on a base story we can use to bluff these derro, please speak up. Right now, my best guess is that I am a derro-taur, sent by the derro god to praise this group for discovering and using this poison. It would help a lot if anyone had any idea what the derro god is called? Or anything about him/her/it?" Do we have samples of this poison yet?]

Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle  d20+13=19 ; d20+8=25 ;
Monday October 30th, 2023 11:45:09 PM

Know Nature check for an antidote to this poison ... 19

Know Religion about the derro god ... 25

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 90/99 
Tuesday October 31st, 2023 6:57:50 AM

"I'll watch the rear of the party," says the woman. "In case anyone sneaks up on us."

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Tuesday October 31st, 2023 7:23:48 AM

Asimov asks about if a peaceful outcome is even possible.
Cyrion is not a fan of mass murder but maybe they can trap them underground after freeing any remaining prisoners.
Elron wonders if they can seal off the mushrooms.
Zeoll suggests they report back and ponders ways to bluff past the Derro.
Mundhildur is ready to play rear guard.

No one in the party can make any guesses about Derro religion. As for the strange glowing stuff they use to make their poisons it’s less of a mushroom and more of a lichen and seems to grow in dark, earthy places with just the right amount of moisture. They could perhaps try to destroy or seal it all away, but that would likely include fighting the Derro to destroy any stored stuff that might be used to replant what gets destroyed. Given that there are many tunnels leading to other areas it’s possible the underground connects up to the mainland at some point, not to mention the great skill at tunneling shown in the attack on the outpost making sealing them in also an unlikely option.

With a vague plan of reporting back and asking for orders at hand the party presumably is ready to head out - I need a marching order and I need to know who, if anyone, is going forth invisibly.

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Tuesday October 31st, 2023 12:51:45 PM

Cyrion is willing to be up front, his chameleon ability should help him to not be seen immediately

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Tuesday October 31st, 2023 12:56:00 PM

Oh, also roll stealth if you’re stealthing

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50'  d20+23=24 ;
Tuesday October 31st, 2023 4:47:05 PM

Elron stealths along, using his ring to blend in with the background. (Stealth = 24, which is a natural 1 -- likely he keeps talking to the others as he goes). His whappin' stick is in his hands, blending in as well.

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Tuesday October 31st, 2023 7:37:36 PM

You don't auto fail skill checks on 1 so maybe he'll still stay hidden!

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+15=18 ; d20+6=8 ; d20+6=18 ; d20+2=20 ;
Tuesday October 31st, 2023 11:10:49 PM

Asimov says, "I made one greater cloaking device after all. I'm not going to use it right now because it will only last a little more than a minute and I don't know how far out we are."

Stealth: 8
Perception: 8

Stealth: 20
Perception: 18

0th: light projector, magic detector, poison detector, corrosive pistol, freeze ray
1st: wrist rockets, door detector, medihaler light x 2, parachute x2, grease ray
2nd: medihaler medium x2 - weird science, flamethrower x 2 - weird science, fire eater capsule
3rd, jetpack, accelerator device, blastbomb, electomagetic charge emitter, medihaler serious
4th: greater cloaking device, medihaler critical, electromagnetic spheres

weird science devices:

double flamethrower - 2x scorching ray
double medihaler medium - 2x cure medium wounds

Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Tuesday October 31st, 2023 11:24:28 PM

Zeoll walks with Mundhi in the back, Dancing Lights active in addition to the Tongues and the Glibness.

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Wednesday November 1st, 2023 8:03:53 AM

Cyrion leads from the front with his stealth bonus.
Elron is surprisingly stealthy despite the noise he makes Yay chameleon!
Asimov just makes one greater cloaking device and saves it.
Zeoll sticks to the back.

The party advance slowly up the tunnel. They reach the point where they can see the room full of glowing moss that connects to all the other places in the complex. A small group his huddled there in the light, standing out against the darkness of the various cave entrances. They’re too tall to be Derro, and they don’t look hostile.

Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Wednesday November 1st, 2023 1:13:33 PM

Zeoll speaks to them, using his tongues

"Hello! We are here to help you! Please step forward. I am Zeoll, leader of this band, and you are safe with us!"

(no accent using TONGUES!)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84 
Wednesday November 1st, 2023 1:16:18 PM

As Zeoll steps forward, Mundhildur remains at the back.

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Wednesday November 1st, 2023 2:39:58 PM

Cyrion, expecting trouble, will slide cautiously into the room

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+19=21 ;
Wednesday November 1st, 2023 9:38:37 PM

Asimov listens for a reply from the taller folks and prepares to turn his polyglot brain to the language they reply in.

Linguistics: 21

Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle  d20+23=28 ;
Wednesday November 1st, 2023 10:21:38 PM

Oh, and that's a Diplomacy check ... 28

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50'  d20+13=28 ;
Wednesday November 1st, 2023 10:31:16 PM

Elron approaches close enough to intercept anyone who tries to attack Zeoll, but tries to remain unnoticed. (Stealth = 28, doing better)

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map  d20+6=25 ; d20+6=9 ; d6=3 ; d20+11=25 ; d20=16 ; d20+14=25 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d4=1 ; d6=5 ; d3=2 ;
Thursday November 2nd, 2023 7:31:02 AM

Zeoll goes to speak to them.
Mundhildur hangs back.
Cyrionmoves forward cautiously
Asimov listens in.
Elron covers the flank.

As Zeoll starts to talk to them it becomes clearer that these are some of the missing people from the colony. Their clothing is similar to Daris’s and they’re too tall to be Derro. Huddled together in a circle so they’re all facing each other they do not react to the party until Zeoll speaks.

The attempt to communicate provokes immediate, drastic action. They all turn towards him revealing dead looking faces and eyes glowing the soft blue of cytillish. They scream in rage and rush the liontaur, attempting to beat him to death. Fortunately the narrow corridor he didn’t full leave only lets two of them approach him, but he still takes a hit for 8 damage and feels poison running through him - DC 18 fortitude save or be dazed 2 rounds

The scream seems to signal more derro waiting in ambush. With a warcry a Derro woman charges around a corner on her Cytillipede towards the party. Not seeing Elron, the woman in green leather armor and wielding a wicked looking shortsword rides right past him provoking an AoO and hits Cyrion. Her mount also bites down on him. He takes 7 slashing damage, 17 bite damage, and must save vs DC 20 fortitude or take 1d3 dex damage and be dazed this round. It lasts 6 rounds or until he succeeds in making 1 save.

Another Derro appears from behind the party as he casts a spell, causing his invisibility to fade away. His wild hair is woven with feathers and he wears a simple grey tunic covered in pockets full of bloody surgery and torture implements. With a snarl he targets Mundhildur with Hold Person - DC 19 will save or be paralyzed for 7 rounds or until you make the save (which is a full round action each round after the first)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84  d20+8=26 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+15=31 ; 3d6+5=18 ; 3d6+5=20 ; 3d6+5=14 ;
Thursday November 2nd, 2023 11:38:40 AM

Shrugging off the spell (Will save 26 vs 19), the tall woman with auburn hair roars back, and slams the male Derro with the wild feathered hair and bloodied grey tunic. She strikes 3 times:
AC 32 - 18 hp damage
AC 23 - 20 hp
AC 31 - 14 hp

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus  FORT save: d20+9=14 ;
Thursday November 2nd, 2023 1:44:00 PM

Cyrion is definately caught off guard, although it's because he felt "invisible". The bite has him reeling and dazed ... "UGH. I don't feel too well guys!"

Survival Path - Damage Reduction: 4/ while he maintains focus - unless he dismisses his focus it's always present

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Thursday November 2nd, 2023 4:20:50 PM


Zeoll (AC22, HP85 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle  d20+9=11 ; d20+11=23 ; d20+11=22 ; d20+11=27 ; d4=3 ; d4=3 ; d4=1 ;
Thursday November 2nd, 2023 10:05:44 PM

Zeoll's save: 11 fails. Dazed round 1 of 3.

Bill cries out and attacks one of the ones that attacked his master. Ac23, 22, and 27 for 4, 4, and 2

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+10=11 ; d20+10=19 ; 4d6=19 ; d20+10=25 ; 4d6=11 ; d20+10=17 ; 4d6=14 ; d20=8 ; 4d6=14 ; d20+10=15 ; 4d6=15 ;
Thursday November 2nd, 2023 11:03:30 PM

Asimov has Irony wrap around him by activating power armor mach I and takes to the air.

He then heroically fires off his double flame thrower at the Derro caster causing 6 rays of flaming energy to come it's way.

11 vs touch - nat 1 - miss
19 vs touch - 19 fire damage
25 vs touch - 11 fire damage
17 vs touch - 14 fire damage
8 vs touch - 14 fire damage if that hits
15 vs touch - 15 fire damage

0th: light projector, magic detector, poison detector, corrosive pistol, freeze ray
1st: wrist rockets, door detector, medihaler light x 2, parachute x2, grease ray
2nd: medihaler medium x2 - weird science, flamethrower x 2 - weird science, fire eater capsule
3rd, jetpack, accelerator device, blastbomb, electomagetic charge emitter, medihaler serious
4th: greater cloaking device, medihaler critical, electromagnetic spheres

weird science devices:

double flamethrower - 2x scorching ray - used
double medihaler medium - 2x cure medium wounds

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50'  d20+14=30 ; d4=1 ; d6=3 ; d20+16=18 ; d4=1 ; d6=2 ;
Thursday November 2nd, 2023 11:12:18 PM

(I have no idea where on the map we are, but I don't think it's either place Elron is shown. I've got a map and a prior map, and both look familiar for previous action.)

Elron takes the AOO -- attacking the derro and hitting AC 30 for 4 damage (1 weapon + 3 electrical).

He then follows the derro attacking Cyrion, rages, and attacks again -- hitting AC 18 for 5 (1+2+2) damage.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Thursday November 2nd, 2023 11:12:46 PM

I guess that should be AC 20 if Elron and Cyrion flank the derro.

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map  d20=14 ; d20=5 ; d20=3 ; d4=3 ; d20=13 ; d20=18 ; d6=5 ; d3=3 ; d20=1 ; d20=9 ; d20=17 ; d8=1 ; d8=1 ;
Friday November 3rd, 2023 9:11:54 AM

The Twins see Zeoll being swarmed and pull out their bow to help them. They take down a zombie minor.

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Friday November 3rd, 2023 9:12:46 AM

Mundhildur resists the spell and smashes into the enemy caster (he was not in melee, can you move and attack three times?)
Cyrion is dazed. (You got +10 to stealth but never rolled it - I checked back a week of posts!)
Zeoll is dazed even worse. Bill attacks the zombie who attacked his master and actually manages to kill it.
Asimov moves back to attack the caster.
Elron presses the attack against the derro rider.

The rider, caught by surprise, whirls her mount and attacks Elron who is able to ward off but 1 attack (4 damage (I did not include your DR)

The sorcerer falls to the ground, possibly dead.

The zombies press forward to continue to attack, ignoring Bill. Though unable to act he is able to defend himself (you get full AC) and ward off one of them, but the other gets another hit in for 10 damage and another dose of poison (DC 18 fort or be dazed an additional 3 rounds.)

Mi1 - dead
Dr - 9 damage
Derro sorcerer - 62 damage (or 96)

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus  FORT Save: d20+9=23 ;
Friday November 3rd, 2023 9:43:09 AM

Cyrion tries to fight off the dazed feeling, but still doesn't feel good

OOC: If he gets an additional action, I'll post it later today

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Friday November 3rd, 2023 3:28:03 PM

If you make the poison save you can act

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle  d20+9=25 ; d20+11=23 ; d20+11=18 ; d20+11=20 ; d4=3 ; d4=4 ; d4=1 ;
Friday November 3rd, 2023 10:39:16 PM

Zeoll takes another 10 hp. Fort Save 25! Zeoll resists this second dose of poison, but is dazed for a second and final round.

Bill attacks the one that just hit Zeoll for ten. The eagle hits ACs 23, 18, and 20 for 4, 5, and 2 damage.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50'  d20+14=15 ; d20+14=17 ; d4=4 ; d6=3 ; d20+9=20 ; d4=1 ;
Friday November 3rd, 2023 11:15:11 PM

Elron, still raging, attacks what's at hand -- the same derro if it's up, or it's mount if not.

Flurry of blows #1: AC 15 -- natural 1 misses
Flurry of blows #2: AC 17 -- 9 damage (4+3+2)
Spirit wisps: AC 20 -- 1 damage

Rage -- 2 rounds

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus  1st Swing: d20+12=13 ; d20+7=13 ; if a 13 hits then damage is: 2d6+5=9 ;
Saturday November 4th, 2023 2:51:23 AM

Cyrion will lash out with Carver at whichever foes are within his reach ... his first swing flies wild, and he hopes his second bit into the centipede thing in front of him (if a 13 hits)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84 
Saturday November 4th, 2023 5:39:03 PM

Friends... I've been sick, flat on my back, unable to do much of anything except to cough and ... I won't go into further detail. Will try to catch up posting by tomorrow. -Kim

Putting the link where we can get it easily:


Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84  d20+15=29 ; d20+15=21 ; 3d6+5=11 ; 3d6+5=12 ; 3d6+5=19 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+9=21 ; 6d6+8=35 ;
Sunday November 5th, 2023 1:55:38 AM

To answer your earlier question, she gets 2, but not 3, slam attacks in that circumstance.

If 82 hp was enough to 'dead' the Derro sorcerer, the giantess (in her 7'4" height) moves on.

If not: To ensure the sorcerer is really dead, she slams him twice more: AC 29 for 11 hp; AC 21 for 12 hp

If he then appears down and out, she moves to where there is more action. If he still seems alive, she slams a 3rd time: AC 20 for 19 hp. If alive, but prone, the AC changes to AC 22.

If zero attacks were necessary [sorcerer already dead with 82], the woman moves up taking a rock in hand, and, arriving at T11, chucks it at the centipede, hitting AC 21 for 35 hp damage.

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  5d4+5=21 ;
Sunday November 5th, 2023 8:17:40 PM

Ironic Asimov fires off wrist rockets at the rider assuming the rider is still up and about.

21 force damage

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Monday November 6th, 2023 6:52:22 AM

updating link before I forget again

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map  d20=2 ; d20=11 ; d20=20 ; d20=7 ; d8=4 ; d8=5 ;
Monday November 6th, 2023 7:43:18 AM

The Twins roll better then a 1 on damage this time and take out two miners.

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map  d6=3 ; d20=5 ;
Monday November 6th, 2023 7:49:52 AM

Cyrion recovers and swings wildly but neither attack is able to hit.
Bill tears apart another miner. It doesn’t bleed like it should, instead bleeding more like a long dead corpse would when pecked at by a vulture.
Elron strikes out at the rider. She wards off all of his blows
Mundhildur did not finish off the Derro after all (he had 87 hp)
Asimov shoots the rider in the face.

The last miner continues to ignore the bird to attack the one who spoke to it. Zeoll manages to keep it off him.

The sorcerer, being not dead, got 1 chance to cast before Mundhildur’s turn and tries to defensively cast invisibility. Unfortunately a 2 on concentration won’t do it and she crushes him before he can finish the spell.

The Derro rider says a command and covers her eyes. The Cytillipede reacts instantly, flashing out it’s bright light. Zeoll, Elron, and Cyrion must all make a DC 22 will save or be stunned 1d4 rounds. The Twins, Mundhildur, and Asimov are shielded from the worst of the blast of light but must still make DC 22 will saves or be confused 1d2 rounds (everyone roll separately so I don’t have to worry about rolling a 4 for the half party)

Mi1 - dead
MI2 - dead
MI3 - dead
MI 5 - dead
MI6 - dead
Dr - 31 damage
Derro sorcerer - dead

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84  d20+8=20 ; d2=2 ;
Monday November 6th, 2023 8:15:08 AM

The one called Mundhildur is confused for 2 rounds.

Will save 20 vs DC22 - ah, but I forgot one thing. Will send you a note, DM Mitch.

As I think she can still act, Mundhildur casts two more stones. Using the roll from last post of AC 21 for 35 hp vs the centipede, and likely missing the Derro rider with an AC 15 for 31 hp.

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Monday November 6th, 2023 6:20:16 PM

Zeoll awaits the end of his days.

"No wait, I may be old, but I meant DAZE, not days."

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle  d20+12=31 ; d20+7=13 ; d6=6 ;
Monday November 6th, 2023 6:28:01 PM

Then there is a FLASH!

Will save 31, no problem!

Zeoll is fine, but the last enemy standing soon will be gone!

Produce Flame and a ranged touch vs AC13 ... if it hits, that's 11 hp fire damage.

===== ===== =====
What has Zeoll used up so far today?
1 - Produce Flame x2
2 - Bull Str, CMWx4, Tongues
3 - Confusion, Invisibility (x2), Calm Emo, CMW
4 - Leg Lore, Spike Stones, CMW, SNA IV (domain)
ALSO 4 rounds bard perform, 1 Fey Summons, Cloak Web

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50'  d20+15=27 ; d20+14=26 ; d20+14=24 ; d4=3 ; d6=3 ; d4=4 ; d6=4 ; d20+9=11 ;
Monday November 6th, 2023 7:41:54 PM

(Will = 27, includes superstition bonus)

Elron makes another flurry of blows.
#1: AC 26 for 8 (3+3+2)
#2: AC 24 for 10 (4+4+2)
Spirit wisps: AC 11, miss

Rage -- 3 rounds

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus  WILL Save: d20+7=13 ; Stunned: d4=4 ;
Monday November 6th, 2023 9:11:06 PM

The bug creates an intense amount of light, leaving Cyrion stunned and weaponless as Carver drops to the floor

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+14=26 ; d20+10=12 ; d3=2 ;
Monday November 6th, 2023 10:27:07 PM

Asimov heroically saves against the bright light (26 vs DC; used a hero point)

He then flies toward the rider to get within 50 feet of him. He then fires off his corrosive pistol at him.

(12 vs touch AC; 2 damage)

0th: light projector, magic detector, poison detector, corrosive pistol, freeze ray
1st: wrist rockets-x, door detector, medihaler light x 2, parachute x2, grease ray
2nd: medihaler medium x2 - weird science, flamethrower x 2 - weird science, fire eater capsule
3rd, jetpack, accelerator device, blastbomb, electomagetic charge emitter, medihaler serious
4th: greater cloaking device, medihaler critical, electromagnetic spheres

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map  d20=2 ; d20=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d20=9 ;
Tuesday November 7th, 2023 6:27:51 AM

Mundhildur avoid the bright light and smash! Much damage.
Zeoll takes out the last of the strange miners.
Elron gets his hands on the slippery rider for two hits.
Cyrion is stunned
Asimov saves and shoots a pistol at the rider who dodges.
The Twins switch to their greatsword and attack the rider. Surprisingly they hit with 2 2s and kill her.

The mount is left all alone but is enraged by the death of it’s master and continues the assault. It rolls just shy of hitting and is warded off.

Mi1 - dead
MI2 - dead
MI3 - dead
Mi4 - dead
MI 5 - dead
MI6 - dead
Cytillipede - 35 damage
Dr - dead
Derro sorcerer - dead

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84  d20+9=27 ; d20+9=15 ; 6d6+8=27 ; 6d6+8=24 ;
Tuesday November 7th, 2023 12:16:00 PM

Two more stones are hurled against the bioluminescent cytillipede.
Ac 27 Damage 27
AC 15 Damage 24

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Tuesday November 7th, 2023 10:03:19 PM

Cyrion attempts to regain control of his mind and body, but fails

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  10d6=42 ;
Tuesday November 7th, 2023 10:19:44 PM

Asimov flies to W18 and unloads his electromagnetic charge emitter into the creature.

(OOC: since the lightning bolt travels in a straight line and Asimov is flying it should not effect the twins

Creature takes 42 electricity damage with a DC 18 Reflex save for only half.

0th: light projector, magic detector, poison detector, corrosive pistol, freeze ray
1st: wrist rockets-x, door detector, medihaler light x 2, parachute x2, grease ray
2nd: medihaler medium x2 - weird science - x, flamethrower x 2 - weird science, fire eater capsule
3rd, jetpack, accelerator device, blastbomb, electomagetic charge emitter - x, medihaler serious
4th: greater cloaking device, medihaler critical, electromagnetic spheres

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle  d20+7=11 ; d6=4 ;
Tuesday November 7th, 2023 10:47:13 PM

Zeoll tosses fire at the last enemy standing.

Touch AC11 for 9 fire damage.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Tuesday November 7th, 2023 10:49:58 PM

Elron drops his rage and averts his eyes, so the splattering caterpillar doesn't get in them. He looks for the next target.

Rage -- 3 rounds used, recovering

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map  d20=12 ;
Wednesday November 8th, 2023 7:32:57 AM

Mundhildur throws more rocks.
Cyrion fails his save
Asimov lightning bolts the bug
Zeoll throws fire
Elron calms down.

The cytillipede mostly avoids the lighting but even the backwash is enough to finish the heavily injured creature. It curls into a circle twitching, then dies.

The sorcerer looks like the leader fellow Zeoll saw while invisible while the mounted warrior is unknown to the group. The miners, upon further examination, were dead before the fight started. They seem to be some sort of reanimated zombie created with the fungus somehow - their bodies seem full of the stuff growing all through their muscles and organs.

Loot -
The rider had:
cytillesh extract (5 doses); Other Gear +1 chain
shirt, +1 repeating light crossbow with 20 bolts, masterwork
short sword
The sorcerer had:
blue whinnis (6 doses), cytillesh extract (4
doses), potions of cure serious wounds (2), scroll of fireball
(CL 7th), scroll of haste; Other Gear +1 aklys, masterwork
injection spear, handy haversack, ring of protection +2, metal key
The zombies had nothing but the rags of their former lives.

Cyrion the Black HP 91/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Wednesday November 8th, 2023 3:20:29 PM

Once Cyrion can move around, he picks up Carver and sheathes it. He then wanders over to the pile of loot, poking his finger through the smaller items, "I can't imagine that all this didn't come from the miners or their camp. Knowing that these two were well equipped, I'd say we need to pay attention to what we're being attacked by weapons-wise."

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Wednesday November 8th, 2023 9:49:21 PM

Asimov says, "Is any of our party hurt? I have some healing capacity to use if anyone needs it."

0th: light projector, magic detector, poison detector, corrosive pistol, freeze ray
1st: wrist rockets-x, door detector, medihaler light x 2, parachute x2, grease ray
2nd: medihaler medium x2 - weird science - x, flamethrower x 2 - weird science, fire eater capsule
3rd, jetpack, accelerator device, blastbomb, electomagetic charge emitter - x, medihaler serious
4th: greater cloaking device, medihaler critical, electromagnetic spheres

healing available:
4d8+11, 3d8+11, 2d8+10 + 2d8+10, 1d8+5, 1d8+5

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Wednesday November 8th, 2023 10:36:49 PM

"We've learrned a lot now, my frriends, and I'm thinking we should head above grround, rrecoverr ourr health and magic, and send off a solid rreporrt to the captain of the ship."

The liontaur casts detect magic and scans the area just to be sure. He stays away from the fungus.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Wednesday November 8th, 2023 11:16:30 PM

"I could use some healin'," Elron admits. It looks like Zeoll could, too.

"D'you really want t' leave an' report?" he asks Zeoll. Elron doesn't think they'd be able to do anything useful like sealing the derro in -- they seem to have mined into the colony, after all. That leaves fighting them, or giving them a chance to prepare for the next colony. (Elron's betting the mines are too valuable to be abandoned.)

Mitch - The Twins Tunnel Network Map 
Thursday November 9th, 2023 8:00:28 AM

Cyrion makes a confusing statement with a double negative and says they should pay attention to the gear of the enemy.
Asimov has healing.
Zeoll wants to go above ground and report.
Elron could use healing and doesn’t think they could seal the derro underground considering how expert they seem to be a tunneling.

The party has learned their way around fairly well and could go to the surface briefly to report. It looks like there’s maybe 4 or so tunnels they haven’t looked down yet. They seem to have delt with the enemy leadership, but they still haven’t found the fate of the remaining miners and staff of the colony. Only about 6 zombies were present in the battle so either the Derro held some back or the others met some other fate. Not to mention the healer they came all this way to find.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84 
Thursday November 9th, 2023 2:50:17 PM

Mundhildur pulls the ring off the sorcerer. "He doesn't need this anymore," she says. She takes a little water to wash it off, dries it on the lower edge of the green dress, and places it on the left middle finger.

She makes no comment as to what to do next.

Cyrion the Black HP 74/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus  Body Adjustment Healing: d12=8 ; d12=3 ; d12=2 ;
Thursday November 9th, 2023 5:29:54 PM

Cyrion steps away from the others, and then goes through a kata, at the end of which his body seems to turn to liquid, and then back to solid

[spent 7 of his power points, so he has 20 left until he rests again] [he regains 13 health, and is still down 17 more]

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Thursday November 9th, 2023 8:33:22 PM

Asimov has Irony no longer be Power Armor and votes that they explore some of the tunnels they haven't before.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Thursday November 9th, 2023 10:58:30 PM

Elron has no serious opposition to sending a report, but would much rather spend his time exploring more tunnels than waiting for Bill to return.

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Thursday November 9th, 2023 11:27:12 PM

Zeoll agrees. We'll return to the surface briefly, send Bill off with a report, and then descend again. He does warn his friends that he is just about tapped out, spells-wise.

Mitch - The Twins Non-combat Tunnel Map 
Friday November 10th, 2023 6:07:44 AM

Mundhildur takes the ring and has no comment on where to go next
Cyrion heals himself
Asimov drops his armor and votes to explore some more
Elron doesn’t want to wait for Bill but is willing to report otherwise
Zeoll agrees and sends Bill off to report. He comments on his spell slots (we just rested and you were stunned for most of the fight - did you forget to refresh your spells, or spend them all healing post fight?)

Bill flies off to report. Now that the party is ready to explore some more I need a direction. I updated the map link back to the general tunnel map, directions options are north, south, west, and northwest. I labled the options on the map.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84 
Saturday November 11th, 2023 5:41:28 AM

Mundhildur feels the muscles in her shoulders, arms, thighs. She likes the feeling of strength. She follows along wherever the party decides to go. Things have worked well so far.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50'  d4=3 ;
Saturday November 11th, 2023 9:15:56 AM

"I gotta good feelin' 'bout west," Elron says, although he suspects slaves may also have been kept south. It depends on how close the derro wanted their slaves.

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Saturday November 11th, 2023 10:04:53 PM

Outside, Zeoll blinks to see daylight.

[OOC: Sorry, did not realize we rested that long.]

"Huh, I lost track of time underrgrround!"

Back with the party (but without Bill), Zeoll is happy to follow Elron's intuition.

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+15=28 ;
Sunday November 12th, 2023 8:31:57 PM

(Perception: 28)

Asimov is ready to look around with the rest of them to see what he could see.

Cyrion the Black HP 74/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Monday November 13th, 2023 5:36:32 AM

Cyrion is good to go with the flow ... while he misses being outdoors, he is kind of enjoying being down here with his friends ... he just doesn't like the caterpillar things

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Monday November 13th, 2023 8:58:17 PM

Elron, who'd never until here seen a caterpillar that he wouldn't like to taste, agrees with Cyrion.

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Monday November 13th, 2023 10:27:58 PM

Time slows down for Asimov as he looks around (OOC: checking in)

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84 
Tuesday November 14th, 2023 12:01:55 AM

Mundhildur picks up stray stones found along the way for future usage. This rock-throwing seems a good habit to get into.

Mitch - The Twins Non-combat Tunnel Map 
Tuesday November 14th, 2023 9:05:54 AM

Mundhildur is willing to follow along.
Elron likes west.
Zeoll blinks in the sunlight and sends off his report before following Elron.
Asimov keeps a sharp eye out.
Cyrion is not a fan of the centipede things, though he calls the caterpillars.
Elron agrees.

The group heads down the westernmost passage. After about 30 feet they find a heavy iron grate blocking an opening into a large cavern lit by patches of glowing blue fungus. Several shallow craters near the center of the cavern appear to contain clusters of luminescent pale blue pods. Suddenly the head of one of the caterpillar things lowers from the roof and it hisses at the viciously before retreating.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84 
Tuesday November 14th, 2023 7:25:37 PM

From toward the back of the group, the woman asks, "Shall I open the grate?"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84 
Tuesday November 14th, 2023 8:45:17 PM

She takes 20 for a total of DC25 to open the grate... if the people in the party want her to do so, and if it appears to be designed to be liftable, like a portcullis. If it looks simply like a full grate, embedded in the walls and not designed to be lifted, then she will not bother.

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle  d20=6 ;
Tuesday November 14th, 2023 10:25:08 PM

Zeoll is not strong, but the old taur lends a hand ...

Str check 6 is no help! Alas.

"Oh, my lumbago!" the liontaur groans.

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+15=20 ; d20+18=24 ; d20+23=35 ;
Tuesday November 14th, 2023 11:30:03 PM

Asimov inspects the gate for traps (Perception: 20 or 25 vs mechanical)

If he finds any he disables (24 or 29 vs mechanical) otherwise he picks the lock(35)

Mitch - The Twins combat Tunnel Map 
Wednesday November 15th, 2023 8:40:54 AM


Mitch - The Twins combat Tunnel Map  d4=1 ;
Wednesday November 15th, 2023 8:44:49 AM

Mundhildur moves forward to pull open the heavy gate.
Zeoll is willing to help but is ineffective
Asimov Moves forward to pick the lock, should there be one.

Mundhildur pulls on the gate but it turns out to be locked. A lock Asimov deals with quickly. In a few moments the gate is open. The cytillipede that hissed at the party immediately attacks, dropping from the ceiling and flashing the entire party with it’s lights - DC 22 will for everyone, on failure you are stunned 1d4 rounds.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50'  d20+11=17 ; d4=4 ;
Wednesday November 15th, 2023 10:34:55 AM

(will save = 17)

Elron looks at the pretty light show.

Stunned 1/4

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+14=30 ; 3d6=7 ; 3d6=14 ; 3d6=11 ;
Wednesday November 15th, 2023 8:42:29 PM

Will: 30 - Asimov used hero point for +8
Irony - Immune Stun condition

Asimov has Irony become power armor mach 1 again and then sends 3 electromagnetic spheres at the creature.

ball 1 DC 19 reflex save or take 7 damage; 3 on success save
ball 2 DC 19 reflex save or take 14 damage; 7 on success save
ball 3 DC 19 reflex save or take 11 damage; 5 on success save

You create two globes of lightning that fly in whichever direction you indicate. For every 4 caster levels above 7th, you create an additional globe of lightning (3 globes at 11th, 4 globes at 15th, to the maximum of 5 globes at 19th). These globes fly at a rate of 20 feet per round and have perfect maneuverability. Wind does not affect a flying sphere's course.

If a globe enters a space with a creature, it stops moving for the round and deals 3d6 points of electricity damage to that creature, though a successful Reflex save negates the damage. Creatures wearing metal armor take a –4 penalty on this saving throw.

Each globe moves as long as you actively direct it (it's a move action for you to direct all the spheres created by a single casting of this spell); otherwise they stay at rest. These globes have no mass and cannot push aside unwilling creatures or move solid objects. A ball lightning globe winks out if it exceeds the spell's range.

0th: light projector, magic detector, poison detector, corrosive pistol, freeze ray
1st: wrist rockets-x, door detector, medihaler light x 2, parachute x2, grease ray
2nd: medihaler medium x2 - weird science - x, flamethrower x 2 - weird science, fire eater capsule
3rd, jetpack, accelerator device, blastbomb, electomagetic charge emitter - x, medihaler serious
4th: greater cloaking device, medihaler critical, electromagnetic spheres - x

Cyrion the Black HP 74/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus  WILL Save: d20+5=9 ; Length of stun: d4=3
Wednesday November 15th, 2023 8:52:23 PM

Cyrion looks right into the light as the cytillipede attacks the party ... and once again is loopy for a bit

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle  d20+12=16 ; d4=1 ;
Wednesday November 15th, 2023 9:41:07 PM

Will save 16 -- Zeoll is just a-looking! Stunned one round -- this one!

Jerry  d4=4 ;
Thursday November 16th, 2023 9:29:42 AM


Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 21 Touch 15 FF19 HP 84/84  d20=8 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+9=20 ; 6d6+8=26 ; 6d6+8=34 ;
Thursday November 16th, 2023 5:49:23 PM

Mundhildur is unaffected by the flash. She hurls two stones against the light show critter hitting AC 21 for 26 hp and AC 20 for 34 hp. She steps from Y8 to X7.

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Thursday November 16th, 2023 11:51:36 PM

Time slows down for Asimov as he waits to see the results of the orbs
(OOC: checking in)

Mitch - The Twins combat Tunnel Map  d20=13 ; d4=3 ;
Friday November 17th, 2023 6:45:04 AM


Mitch - The Twins combat Tunnel Map  d20=11 ; d20=20 ; d20=15 ; d20=5 ;
Friday November 17th, 2023 6:48:47 AM

Elron, Cyrion, Zeoll, and the Twins are stunned.
Asimov is able to blast the creature with lightning.
Mundhildur hits it with a rock.

The cytillipede jumps at Mundhildur with a viscous bite fighting like only a cornered animal can but the giant manages to ward it off.

Cytillipede - 41 damage.

Cyrion the Black HP 74/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Friday November 17th, 2023 6:58:12 AM

Cyrion is cursing under his breath at his inability to do anything

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Friday November 17th, 2023 9:29:34 AM

Elron looks at the pretty light show.

Stunned 2/4

OK, so the light show is over, but Elron can still see it. . .

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Friday November 17th, 2023 11:48:20 AM

Zeoll quickly comes out of his fugue and sees the threatening vermin.

He declaims, "I pledge to you that we will root out the vermin that live like vermin within the confines of this dungeon!"

Zeoll reads a scroll of Haste to buff all his friends. Maybe that will cut the stun duration in half?

The usual Haste bennies apply: When making a full attack action, you make one extra attack. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. All move rates are up by 30 feet,

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 84/84  d20+16=25 ; d20+16=28 ; d20+16=17 ; d20+16=34 ; 3d6+6=14 ; 3d6+6=11 ; 3d6+6=17 ;
Friday November 17th, 2023 11:56:43 PM

The Jotunar, now hasted, steps from X7 to W7, and slams 4 times into the bioluminescent centipede. She hits:
AC 25 - 14 hp
AC 28 - 11 hp
AC 17 - nat 1
AC 34 - 17 hp
Total: 42 damage

I believe that puts her in a flanking position as regards Asimov (I did not, however, add to attack rolls due to flanking - don't think it matters atm).

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  3d6=14 ; 3d6=12 ; 3d6=12 ;
Sunday November 19th, 2023 11:32:53 PM

Asimov sends the balls of lightning back at the creature with a move action

ball 1 DC 19 reflex save or take 14 damage; 7 on success save
ball 2 DC 19 reflex save or take 12 damage; 6 on success save
ball 3 DC 19 reflex save or take 12 damage; 6 on success save

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 84/84  d20+19=22 ;
Monday November 20th, 2023 11:58:22 AM

Is the cytillipede adequately deaded?

If so, Mundhildur looks behind her, above and to the sides to see what she can see, hear what she can hear. Blindsight 60'. If not, she will continue fighting... will post again for combat if that is necessary.

Perception: 22

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle 
Monday November 20th, 2023 6:51:01 PM

Zeoll hopes it is dead, but also does not want to have wasted his Haste. Well, either way is fine by the old taur.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 84/84 
Monday November 20th, 2023 8:22:49 PM

Has Zeoll's haste helped anyone shake off their light-induced stupor early?

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh 
Monday November 20th, 2023 10:09:57 PM

Asimov waits to see what happened (OOC: checking in)

Cyrion the Black HP 74/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Monday November 20th, 2023 10:20:06 PM

This is Cyrion's last round of being stunned

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 84/84  d20+16=31 ; d20+16=18 ; d20+16=31 ; d20+16=24 ; 6d6+6=29 ; 6d6+6=23 ; 6d6+6=25 ; 6d6+6=34 ;
Monday November 20th, 2023 11:50:00 PM

Just in case it's not yet dead, Mundhildur's slam rolls:
AC 31+2(flanking)=33 29 hp; AC 18+2=20 23 hp; AC 31+2=33 25 hp; AC 24+2=26 34 hp.

Mitch - The Twins combat Tunnel Map 
Tuesday November 21st, 2023 8:06:17 AM

The party quickly finishes the cytillipede. It cries out desperately as it dies, still scrabbling to defend the little cave until it’s final breath.

The cave behind the gate is relatively small and almost looks like a stable. There’s posts with things to tie down the centipede, little stalls, and various foods, especially stocks of the fungus. Strange, glowing eggs, tiny in comparison to the grown creatures, are gathered together in some sort of small incubation hole, only a food or so deep in the stone.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 10 (7'4") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 84/84 
Tuesday November 21st, 2023 10:44:06 AM

"It is a mother," Mundhildur states flatly. She leaves the cave, waiting to see what the rest of the group wants to do.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Tuesday November 21st, 2023 5:35:59 PM

Elron comes around after a few moments. It seems his guess as to where to find the prisoners wasn't right. That means his second choice may be suspect, too. He'll follow the lead of one of the thinker people.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 66/94 | AC: 24 | DR: 2/-- | Move: 50' 
Tuesday November 21st, 2023 5:35:59 PM

Elron comes around after a few moments. It seems his guess as to where to find the prisoners wasn't right. That means his second choice may be suspect, too. He'll follow the lead of one of the thinker people.

Ironic Asimov(23/13/21; 87 HP; CMD 20) Armor (42/53 HP; Hardness 5) -- Hugh  d20+15=24 ;
Tuesday November 21st, 2023 8:25:17 PM

Asimov has Irony turn back into his normal self.

He takes a look at his surroundings (Perception: 24)

Zeoll (AC22, HP75 of 90) | Bill the Eagle (AC21, HP68 of 68) | Cayzle  d20+13=15 ;
Tuesday November 21st, 2023 10:52:01 PM

Zeoll looks at those eggs, trying to learn and deduce all he can.

Know Nature 15

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