Hamlin moves and boosts Aymar. But what he needs is curing, not luck.
Aymar is at -4, unconscious, and stable.
Seeing that his friend is in no position to drink a potion on his own, Frit pours it down his throat. Per the rules, "A character can carefully administer a potion to an unconscious creature as a full-round action, trickling the liquid down the creature's throat." That’s all Frit can do this round. Aymar, please roll your curing: 1d8+1, and reroll 1s.
Nora moves and reloads.
Kaida tries to talk with the bear, but it is crazed with pain and not listening. She casts another illusion, but since it has no scent nor sound, she’s not sure that the bear even notices it.
Finally, Ian shoots at the bear even though he is standing right next to it! Shooting while in square that an enemy threatens leads to an AoO. As Ian shoots, he leaves himself open to an attack from the bear. The monster swipes at him, and holy frijoles, it rolls a 3, that’s a 16, exactly one less than it needed! Ian shoots and inflicts 8 damage, then hightails it back and away. Usually, running away from a foe like that would also provoke an AoO, but it already used its one AoO this round! Ian backpedals to U11.
Then it is the bear’s turn! It is focused on Ian, a pesky stinging thing that has actually hurt it quite badly! It ignores the illusion, charging Ian. It bites hard, ripping into Ian for 13 hp damage!
BEAR AC18 (16 this round because it charged) Damage taken so far: 71
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 11 -- HP 16/17 Saturday December 9th, 2023 10:55:07 PM
Kaida really needs to learn better illusions, and she vows that she will. Someday.
She has the choice now. Pull back to somewhere much safer, or step in closer. Ian is in trouble though and needs some help.
Kaida ceases concentration on her illusion, and moves around the rock. She draws her dagger as she goes in the wild hope she can somehow defend herself with it. Now in range she casts a Color Spray spell at the bear.
---------- Free: Drop concentration on her illusion Move: Move to U9, drawing MW dagger as she goes Standard: Cast Color Spray to hit W12. Bear to make a Will Save vs DC18 or be affected in some way.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 11/11 d20+4=17 ; d8+1=8 ; Sunday December 10th, 2023 3:47:01 AM
Nadia charges into battle, hoping more friends will divide the attention of the bear. She moves behind it to flank with Ian while dropping her crossbow in the move, helping him also as her as she swings her battleaxe at the bear, and hitting the poor bear.
Move to x14 to flank, drop the crossbow, and pull out the battleaxe and attack. That's all I can do, but I think the 17 hits, so imma roll damage.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 d20+6=26 ; d20+6=9 ; d20+6=10 ; d6+6=9 ; Sunday December 10th, 2023 4:48:36 AM
Frit leaps forward toward the bear, spinning into a roundhouse kick. He connects with considerable force. He then attempts to slam his elbow down as he spins toward it again, but misses.
OOC Step up to U13 Attack 1 - 26 (Nat 20- but fails to crit with a 9) Attack 2 - 10 Damage - 9
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 13/23 d20+7=22 ; d6+1=3 ; d6=5 ; Sunday December 10th, 2023 9:39:10 AM
Aydi realizes that Aymar dropped an us kicking himself that he tried to just get the bear to leave. He is gald that Frit was there though. Aydi will move to X13 and flank the bear and attack (24 with flanking).
OOC Attack 24 8 Damage
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 13/23 Sunday December 10th, 2023 12:15:34 PM
OOC 3 regular damage 5 Sneak attack
Jason Whited - Ian Shadowcrest -- AC 17/14/14 -- CMD 14 -- HP 22/22 d20+7=15 ; d20+7=14 ; Sunday December 10th, 2023 3:23:34 PM
I an will shoot two more arrows at the bear right in front of him. He misses both shots.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 17/13/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 19/19 d20+2=4 ; Sunday December 10th, 2023 7:02:04 PM "I'm going on a bear hunt, I've got my friends with me, why isn't it dead yet?" Nora's lyrics improvisation continues.
She moves again a bit closer to Aymar, and sends another bolt at the bear, careful to avoid hitting Ian. Too bad she again is too careful and the bolt goes wide off.
--------------------- OOC: Move: Move to S12, Free: Inspire Courage, Standard: Shoot -4 for being in melee, nothing in way so shouldn't be cover, but roll of 2 misses everything.
Hamlin Vashtel -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 13/13 d8=7 ; Monday December 11th, 2023 5:59:53 PM
Hamlin uses his Cure Light wounds spell which is his last one on Aymar=9 points healed. " Wakey wakey friend. The bear got you good but you are back with us. We need to finish this nightmare before it finishes us!"
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 17/17 d8+1=7 ; d6=6 ; Monday December 11th, 2023 7:21:47 PM
Aymar comes too and sees Frit over him. "I was hoping the angels would be slightly prettier." He will attempt to laugh but groans from pain instead. He locates his sword and gets to his feet. He steadies himself, once again asking Domi for her blessing. He gives a nod to Hamlin, "Yes, lets finish this."
{OOC: 7 healing from the potion, 6 from LoH, 9 from Hamlin} {OOC: Full Round action to stand up defensively, avoiding AOO}
Kaida steps forward and carefully places a color spray onto the dire bear. It has a +4 Will save, rolls a 13, and fails. The monster is stunned.
Nadia moves up to attack, swings her ax, and inflicts 8 damage.
Frit leaps forward and hits for 9.
Nora and Ian attack but miss.
Hamlin cures Aymar, who stands up and looks around ...
... to see Aydi advance and attack for 8.
And that’s all she wrote! The bear goes down! Congratulations, you managed to bring down the great bear!
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 11/11 Monday December 11th, 2023 9:34:18 PM
Nadia is clearly saddened by the lose of the bear, but knows it was the progress forward. She sends a prayer to Fhorge that the bear spirit rest easy, and offers to the others " We should honor the great bear for we fought for this outpost. Bearcliff seems like a good name does it not?"
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 11 -- HP 16/17 Tuesday December 12th, 2023 1:35:58 AM
Kaida goes around to check on how everyone is doing. She can see a few injuries, but can't really do much to help other than rubbing a few shoulders. She's sad that it had to come to this, but maybe the area is a little safer now?
She nods enthusiastically at Nadia's suggestion. "That's a great idea Nadia! We should check to see if the clan had already named this area, but if not, Bearcliff is a fantastic name, and definitely a fitting tribute"
"Maybe with the bear gone we can search around that altar properly?" she adds.
Jason Whited - Ian Shadowcrest -- AC 17/14/14 -- CMD 14 -- HP 22/22 Tuesday December 12th, 2023 8:15:04 AM
Ian starts to bandage himself up. "I bet once we cook this bear up it will taste great!" he exclaims to no one in particular.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 d20+3=8 ; Tuesday December 12th, 2023 8:40:23 AM "Next time I'll, um, rouge my cheeks f--first so I'm a bit more comely," Frit replies to Aymar with a snort of relieved laughter and a small smile. His face becomes serious again, "Are you okay, though, sir?"
To Nadia and Kaida, he says, "I am sorry that, uh, we killed the bear. Master Thrissa taught me that, um, it is folly to fight because you want to. Wisdom is fighting because you have to. I just hope that, um, it wasn't our f-f-f-foolishness that made this fight a necessity."
As the party regroups, he tries to keep an eye out for any danger that might have been attracted by the fight. He's a bit distracted, though, taking in everyone's injuries.
OOC Perception 13 (I selected the wrong modifier. It should be a +8 not a plus +3 for perception (that's what I get for trying to post without my glasses on).)
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 19/23 d8+1=6 ; d8+8=11 ; Tuesday December 12th, 2023 9:04:39 AM
Aydi pulls out one of his potions and takes it (Cure Light 6 points of healing). He will then go to the bear and apologize to while cutting a little fur walk to the cave opening and bury the fur. "Now you can still be a guardian for the cave." He will then go into the cave and douse the fire and double check that nothing else had changed (Perception 8) After checking he will go check on the group and notice Aymar is in good shape. While trying to hode his worry, [b]"That bear decided to show your age didn't it. I am glad that you are up now the springs definitely is getting used tonight." [b]
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 19/23 Tuesday December 12th, 2023 9:05:16 AM
6 points of healing Perception 11
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 19/23 d20+8=16 ; Tuesday December 12th, 2023 12:56:21 PM
Redid Perception just realized I rolled a D8
Perception 16
Hamlin Vashtel -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 13/13 Tuesday December 12th, 2023 5:52:09 PM
Hamlin sighs and helps with the clean up. "Whew I hope that ends our not so easy experience as professional hunters. I'd say we have abused the local fauna enough for one year. At least we can now rebuild this cave into something useful"
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 17/13/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 19/19 d6=4 ; Tuesday December 12th, 2023 7:21:14 PM
Nora comes to see the hurt people. "Let me call Flower's blessing on you," she says, and channels a warming energy to everyone.
Flush with the energy of victory, you work together on several positive activities. The wounded are tended. The bear is honored, then butchered. The cave is named. The altar is investigated.
You find, to summarize what you already mostly know, that the cave was once occupied by someone. There are sleeping niches in the walls for small size humanoids. In the back of the cave there is a crude altar, and you found the chest under it with antique coins and two black dragonbone rings. You have already heard about “Old Ones” -- immortal powers of the Scab. This is an Old Ones altar. Note that Fhorge, current biggest immortal power of the Scab, was an Old One before being elevated. This altar predates that elevation, so in a way, this is also an altar to Fhorge. Any other questions about all that?
Your next task will be to direct your dwarven allies (and to use your own efforts) to convert this cave into a defensible position that will be a good home to the piggies. Take a look at the map, cleansed of the remnants of combat.
Note that the area from column A to column N are underground. From column O onwards, there are rock outcroppings, but all is open to the sky. The cave mouth itself is about 15 ft high, and the ceiling of the cave is 20-30 ft up, descending to 10 ft high at the back.
Where do you want the new dwarf tunnel to connec to the cave?
How will the piggies have open air?
What are the defenses you want to include? The dwarves are happy to create stoneworks within reason.
Do you return to Drakesmeade now? Presumably you will need to head back, or else find a way to preserve the meat.
Jason Whited - Ian Shadowcrest -- AC 17/14/14 -- CMD 14 -- HP 22/22 Wednesday December 13th, 2023 2:48:17 PM
"I be needing some rest and recuperation. I be thinkin we head back to Drakesmeade." Says Ian as he takes finishes covering his wounds.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 d20+8=28 ; Wednesday December 13th, 2023 3:38:21 PM
Frit eyes the injured members of the party and agrees with Ian. "Plans for the cave would b--, would best be discussed after a bath and with a cup of tea."
He lifts a sizable portion of the bear meat and its skin to his shoulders to begin the journey back, keeping a lookout for danger as they walk back to Drakesmeade.
OOC Perception 28 (Nat 20) Not sure how much meat there is, but Frit can carry about 210 lb as a heavy load.
Hamlin Vashtel -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 13/13 Wednesday December 13th, 2023 5:45:02 PM
"Well we should have the tunnel come out away from the altar so we don't destroy it. These brambles provide natural cover do we could use them to hide part of the cave. What do you guys think about that as an option?"
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 17/13/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 19/19 Wednesday December 13th, 2023 5:51:31 PM "Maybe keep them inside when not guarded, and then a wall that pigs can't climb to have an area where they can walk around. Some kind of fortification for the entrance might be good if there's something nasty around, but I'm not sure what it would be? If we are afraid of giants, just make the way in quite narrow?" Nora chats about the design.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Wednesday December 13th, 2023 6:11:13 PM
Aydi will thank Nora for the last bit of healing. He agrees that they all should head back and talk about the defenses when we get back. He will go pick up his crossbow.
Once they are back he will suggest that we do build a lookout tower and a wall that surrounds the area for added defenses with murder holes that are throughout the wall that we could shoot from.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 11/11 Wednesday December 13th, 2023 7:19:58 PM " We can defend against giants by putting in defense works that will narrow the passage in to the cave, which may be smart to start with."
Nadia didn't have much else to add however, her knowledge of defensive building was small and limited
The party makes the relatively short trip around the mountain to the Drakesmeade gate.
Ian for one needs the rest.
Frit kindly carries the bulk of the meat.
Back home, there are lots of ideas on how to prep and finish the cave. - Hamlin wants to use the natural cover to help hide the cave. - Nora wants a fortified wall, with maybe a very narrow entrance. - Aydi wants a tower and a wall. - Nadia wants a narrowed opening to the cave.
When you have things you definitely desire, please think about how the map changes, and I’ll try to help realize them.
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 11 -- HP 16/17 Thursday December 14th, 2023 2:34:53 AM
Kaida thinks that all her friends have good ideas. She's like Hamlin's idea of using natural cover to conceal the cave, and Nora has a good idea about creating a small walled area for the pigs. Aydi's idea for murderholes is clever and so is Nadia's idea to keep the passage narrow. But the best idea is from Frit - head back to Drakesmeade, rest and enjoy some food!
Back at Drakesmeade, Kaida recalls that some of the coins the group found were pretty old. Maybe there's a story behind them, or maybe they're worth more than face value now? She tries to see if she can find an apple at the tavern to eat along the way, and then see if anyone wants to join her. Maybe a librarian would be the right person to start with? She's pretty sure that there has to be at least one dwarf here who is a historian. She'll take a couple of the coins with her to show them.
Jason Whited - Ian Shadowcrest -- AC 17/14/14 -- CMD 14 -- HP 22/22 Thursday December 14th, 2023 7:41:17 AM
Ian will get some food and rest. He will join Kaida on her quest
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 Thursday December 14th, 2023 8:53:37 AM
Frit doesn't feel like he has much to add to the conversation about the pigs and libraries have never really been his thing. So, as long as the rest of the party is okay with it, he spends some time taking the majority of the bear meat to the kitchens and the skin to the leatherworkers to see about getting it tanned. He's not sure what the party will want to do with the bear hide, but he doesn't want it (or the meat) to begin to rot and be wasted.
He leaves more than enough meat for the party, hoping that Nora will maybe cook some for them.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Thursday December 14th, 2023 3:48:37 PM
Aydi suggests to find a way to keep the smell (down wind) away from the pigs away from our living area and maybe see if Garog has any suggestions since he has taken the role as the caretaker of the piglets. In addition hi will suggest to have a warning beacon so they can easily notify the stronghold of an invasion.
After the meeting he will suggest that we need to let our bodies and Wounds heal. Who is up for the baths?
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 17/13/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 19/19 d20+2=4 ; Thursday December 14th, 2023 4:40:10 PM
Nora takes some of the meat, adds her spices and puts into the oven.
She overhears Kaida talk about possible stories about coins, and joins her and Ian on the quest for history. "Maybe they even have some songs of that time. The food needs to be in the oven for a while anyway."
After getting to bed at night, she suddenly remembers: "Oh no! The meat!" She runs over to see her cooking, finding charred remains in the oven. "Well... it might have been worse. But not much..."
------------------ OOC: Untrained survival 4 for cooking
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 Thursday December 14th, 2023 4:59:24 PM
After the fight and transporting the bear meat and hide, Frit thinks a bath is probably a very good idea and joins Aydi and whoever else goes to the baths.
Hamlin Vashtel -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 13/13 Thursday December 14th, 2023 6:31:16 PM
"To the baths!" Hamlin will later share some of his thoughts with Thaeden about ways to set up the cave.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 17/17 Thursday December 14th, 2023 9:02:06 PM
Aymar gladly takes part in the baths.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 11/11 Thursday December 14th, 2023 10:02:53 PM
Nadia takes a bit of an unusual approach, and goes to find any elders willing to talk, and ask them about anything they know or stories they remember of the previous time in this area of the Scab, mostly looking for an old priest or cleric for anything on the old gods that were here.
Back in Drakesmeade, Kaida talks to people to figure out the story behind these antique coins. With a full tally, there are 400 gold coins, 2,000 silver coins, and 800 electrum coins. If you melted them down or simply used them as currency, they would be worth about 1,000 gp. But on close inspection, the coins are remarkable. Some feature images of the Scab, or the Seven mountains, or mention the Old Ones. Most are in a form of common, but most of the silver and electrum is in halfling. If you could find a devout follower of Fhorge with deep pockets, you might get double that. And to a collector in Plateau City, you might get much much more.
With a Knowledge History DC25 check, you might deduce that Highlight to display spoiler: {These coins likely date back to the Second Age of the Wold}
Several of you join Kaida as she asks around about the coins. But Nadia gopes farther. The eldest dwarves recall living in Drakesmeade before the duergar came. “I recall the good times back in the day. Then the Enemy drove us out, and we wandered in teh Scab. That was hard. But then with the blessings of Domi and Fhorge, we won back our homes.”
That’s Tholtig, one of the eldest dwarves in the settlement. He tells Nadia, “but the times before that are pretty much ancient history now, and we lost our records and our loremaster when we were in exile. I understand that the Old Ones, the Immortal Powers of the Scab, had the task of keeping civilized folk away from the lands east of the Scab, But that task is done. The Big Float is aways to the east. And the Greatest of the Old Ones, Fhorge, is now a power with a different agenda.”
Frit makes sure that the bear meat is taken care of. “Wild bear can be tasty or gamey,” says Bomrek, a member of the quartermaster’s staff, “but at the worst, it makes a good stew.” You folks have not much yet explored the residential floor above, but it has quarters for families and a few dorms for single dwarves. The quartermaster tracks resources and provides an allocation to every family. There is also a communal kitchen that cooks for those living in the dorms.
[OOC: Forgive this DM’s bad brain. Have you all decided where you will live? The options include the common dorms, an apartment on the residential level, rooms at the Jolly Miner, or chambers at Bearcliff, carved from the rock.]
Nora tries her hand at some cookery. If she is living in her own rooms, then alas, she burns the roast. But if she is using the communal kitchens, then another cook will save the meal!
Aydi stays on track with more thoughts about the best way to prep Bearcliff for its destiny as a pig farm. Garog is sure glad to hear that you all have cleared the cave. He is worried about what happens if owlbears show up or dragons or something.
“I figure I’ll live up there with the piggies,” he says. “But I can’t fight owlbears all by myself!”
Aydi’s idea of a warning system is a good one, but how would you make it? It’s a good 1,000 feet by tunnel back to the top floor of Drakesmeade.
Ian, Aydi, Hamlin, and Frit retire for some R&R. The hot baths at the Jolly Miner are always very soothing!
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 11 -- HP 16/17 Saturday December 16th, 2023 8:03:55 PM "It might still be, uh, good?" she tries to console Nora. Kaida tries her best to stick a fork into the very well done meat, but she's not very strong. "Um, perhaps it could go in a stew?" She'll tag along with Nora that morning.
In terms of accomodation, Kaida has her room in the apartment area on the residential level and is happy to share with anyone. She wants to be part of the clan, but still have a room of her own. She heard earlier that living in the common area is a sign that someone is "available" and she doesn't want to send any wrong messages.
Garog shouldn't be the only one in Bearcliff though.
"We'll be off helping the clan with other things, so won't always be here to back up Garog. What about the remaining Native Sons and Rough & Tumblers? Kethril has been friends with Garog for much longer than we have and would probably be happy to stay with him. They're all pretty capable too based on what we've seen."
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Saturday December 16th, 2023 11:10:49 PM
Aydi will take his time relaxing and just letting his body heal. While in the baths he talks to everyone. "I have been thinking about a way to have some sort of signal. I know magic can only do so much. Would a large fire be able.to be seen by the guards at the gate. I remember as a child an elder talked about a story where multiple large signal fires were set up so a neighboring kingdom would answer a call if they were ever lit. Even though it would just be the one it would at least be a signal and if we do end up getting more encampments we would be able to use the larger set up."
Afterwards he would go around and see if there is anything he can do to help around the stronghold.
OOC: Aydi was thinking about living mainly in the stronghold away from the common area, but also spend sometime at the encampment as time progresses I could see him mainly living at the encampment.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 Sunday December 17th, 2023 1:04:14 PM
Frit leans back in the warm water, enjoying the feel of the warm water on sore muscles. He listens to Aydi talk through his plan for signal fires.
"It shouldn't, um, be too hard to test out signal f-f-fires. Light some at night and during the day. Try, uh, different locations. Make sure they're, um, visible from Drakesmeade. That's something we could do while the tunnel is finished. Might also be good to, um, good to make sure that our signals don't attract anything dangerous to Bearcliff."
OOC: When Frit arrived, Kaida invited him to share the party's accommodations, so that's where he's been staying. Like, Aydi, though, he'd be interested in leaving Drakesmeade for the encampment, at least part time.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 17/13/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 19/19 Sunday December 17th, 2023 5:37:43 PM
Nora mourns the coals in her hand, then notices a roasted bear with a sign on it: "Whose bear is this? I took it out before it burned."
Happy about the saved dinner, she tries it. "Well... not that special, especially now after getting a bit cold. But better than charred!"
--------------- OOC: Of course the communal kitchen, Nora hasn't still chosen her final residence. So, at the inn.
Jason Whited - Ian Shadowcrest -- AC 17/14/14 -- CMD 14 -- HP 22/22 Sunday December 17th, 2023 7:39:24 PM
Ian will sample the bear. He is willing to live with the majority of the party.
Hamlin Vashtel -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 13/13 Monday December 18th, 2023 5:16:13 PM
Ooc Hamlin is set up in an apartment in the residential area. With permission however he would ask the party if they are fine with him setting up a communal alchemy lab in the cave with better ventilation? When he finds out about them Hamlin would also request to keep one of each coin for his collection. On the subject of warnings. " Well sound travels better than light especially when our allies are partially underground so I would suggest using something loud primarily as a way of alarm"
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 17/17 Monday December 18th, 2023 9:04:45 PM
Aymar relaxes in the hot tub. Its been awhile since he was so close to death. He is quiet and reserved.
{OOC: When he got some money, he would prefer the residential apartments.}
Kaida, Aydi, Hamlin, and Aymar have a small apartments on the residential level. They can have individual studios or have roommates (apartments with individualrooms), as they like.
Ian and Frit are going along to get along, so they are in an apartment(s) too.
Nora is at the Jolly Miner.
[OOC: Waiting to hear from Nadia.]
There is also clear demand for living quarters at Bearcliff. So that’s a given: the final floorplan will include say a dozen bedrooms.
It sounds like you may invite some of the other recent immigrants to sleep there too?
Defenses, etc
But although there have been some good ideas about the final disposition / plan for Bearcliff, there has been no decision made on any of the particulars. It sounds like you want a good solid wall with a thin doorway, maybe two feet wide? What about a tower? What about being able to climb to and stand on the wall? You mentioned natural cover -- how will you make this cover to conceal the wall? How high do you want the wall to be?
Any other defenses, traps, inner doors, etc etc?
Keep in mind that Bearcliff is above and on the other side of the mountain from the entrance at Drakesmeade. There is no line of sight. A signal fire would not be visible, and also, it is an even question as to whether there would be any dwarf outside Drakesmeade to see a signal. As often as not, the gate is closed and there is no sentry outside.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 11/11 Tuesday December 19th, 2023 1:27:43 AM
Nadia presses the elders, not in a rude way, but in the way that clearly means she hopes for more information than they knew. Any old books that may have something they never read, anything at all that would explain the presence of Halfings in this area of the Scab. She wasn't aware of many worshipping Fhorge this far out as far as Halfings go.
As for quarters due to her having Stone, Nadia picks to help with the pigs and defend the second entrance. If anyone ask, her response is quite common sense of " We cleared it, we had you build it, so naturally some of us will defend it. Does no good to not oversee our own venture." Plus being close by let's her keep an eye on the room carved out for the temple, along with the pigs and the weather and other natural elements. She does request that her room be near the temple, and for some of the coins to be returned back to it, and then a few for her own collection. She would use her share of the coins for this project, however, so she can teach any who come to respect both history, nature, and progress.
However, she does have an idea for signals back in the cave system. She ask about, and offers the idea of drums. She knew other forces and people used drums for war, why not use them for a warning system?
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 11 -- HP 16/17 Tuesday December 19th, 2023 4:08:48 AM
Kaida heads over to the Jolly Miner to catch up with Nora. "You know, we haven't really explored all of Drakesmeade yet. I mean, you'd think there'd be some games or something"
Her legs can't quite reach the floor from the chair she sits on, so her legs just dangle. "Do you think there's anything fun we can do?"
She's prepared to follow Nora around - even to the library!
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 Tuesday December 19th, 2023 11:59:03 AM
Frit doesn't know much about architecture or fortifications or pigs, so he doesn't contribute too much to the conversations planning the outpost. Master Thrissa taught him that keeping quiet and listening doesn't make you a fool, but offering your opinion on subjects that you don't know the first thing about does. Wisdom isn't just what you know, but knowing what you don't. So, he's happy to let the cleverer members of party make decisions about how to best design the outpost.
However, he does want to contribute to the building of what he's hoping could become his home. So once he finds out who will be doing the building, he approaches them and asks if he might volunteer to assist. He tells him that he's not a builder or a mason, but he's strong, and he's not afraid of hard work.
Jason Whited - Ian Shadowcrest -- AC 17/14/14 -- CMD 14 -- HP 22/22 Tuesday December 19th, 2023 2:45:44 PM
Ian listens to all the suggestion and shrugs his shoulder. "I be wondering if there be any of that bear left?" He ask no one in particular and looks to find some food.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 17/13/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 19/19 Tuesday December 19th, 2023 7:39:29 PM "Drums might work as a messaging device. You can actually send quite complex messages with drums. Maybe I could learn to play them?" Nora wonders Nadia's idea.
Nora is also interested with a room at Bearcliff.
She agrees with Kaida. "Yes, you are right, we have seen mainly a handful of places. Like the baths and the library. I've been reading so much I feel like letters are overflowing out of my ears! Let's go look for something new?"
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 d20=10 ; Tuesday December 19th, 2023 8:00:16 PM
Aydi will look at ideas for some sort of warning system. We could go with a bell and runner set up in addition to the warning fire. That would help with light for us if there was an attack.
"I think we might need to set up traps around the perimeter We can go the rough of small hills with logs ready to be released. I also think a walkway around the wall will help."
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Tuesday December 19th, 2023 8:00:34 PM
OOC Ignore the d20 roll
Hamlin Vashtel -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 13/13 d20+8=22 ; Tuesday December 19th, 2023 11:25:07 PM
Hamlin will suggest the following. A tower be built with two guards protecting the entrance, a runner line with the bells, and some kind of door mechanism. I think that will be enough. Otherwise he will immerse himself in the library for awhile and really get into the history of the area focusing primarily on the old ones and their supposed exploits. history check: 22 with any Modifiers from the library.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Tuesday December 19th, 2023 11:34:10 PM
After a bit aydi has one request "Could we have a place that I build armor?"
Nadia asks the elders about halflings in the Scab. Elder Tholtig sighs. “My dear, it was evidently a very very long time ago. Whatever halflings lived on our mountain, well, it was before we had even founded Drakesmeade. They have been gone, or they moved on, before my grandfather’s grandfather came here. And as I mentioned, we lost almost all of our books and records when the druegar conquered us. I was younger then, and i recall that we survivors ran with whatever we could carry, We did not bring books out of that ruin. Mostly we grabbed picks and weapons.”
Nadia is the first one to really move to Bearcliff. There is no running water or bathroomn yet, and what she has for now is just an alcove off the main passage, itself just a 5 ft wide and 5 ft high tunnel. And it now terminates in a dead end -- about ten feet of stone seperates it from the back of the cave. She has plans for a small temple, though, and reserves her share of the old coins to stay there.
She also has a great idea for signalling -- drums! But the DM wonders, does anyone have any proficiency in the art? Garog is willing to learn, once he hears of the idea.
Nora thinks that drums are a good idea too, and is willing to learn. She plans to have a room at Bearcliff too.
Interested in fun, Kaida finds that yes, the Jolly Miner stocks a range of games, from chess to darts to an unusual naval battle simulation played with dice and tiny boats in one of the hot tubs. “I take the name of the place seriously,” says Kada, with a merry and jolly twinkle in her eye. “And this time of year, there’s a special portal to the Famous Giggling Ghost that opens soon for some extra holiday fun!
However, Kaida and Nora have some wanderlust, so they decide to look around. [OOC: Please consult the Drakesmeade page and let me know where you want to go.]
Frit listens and lets others decide on the defenses for Bearcliff. He does get to know the team of miners who carved the tunnel to the cave, and who will be working on the chambers still to come. “We’ve set aside the stone we mined for the tunnel to use in making the defenses you all want to build,” says one, a stout dwarf with a long thick beard and a bald head named Drogan. “But we can always use help with hauling jobs.”
Ian is not interested in the defenses, and wanders off to find some food. listens to all the suggestion and shrugs his shoulder. "I be wondering if there be any of that bear left?" He ask no one in particular and looks to find some food.
Aydi gets to some specifics. A wall, a catwalk, a log trap, and bells to sound the alarm.
Hamlin agrees, and adds a tower and a door in the wall. Presumably a very narrow one, based on earlier conversations.
Maybe fire for illumination?
Hamlin also reads about the Old Ones and the history of the Scab. The book shelves in the Museum/Library are made up of acquisitions made after the druegar sacked the place, but there are some real gems here.
[OOC: You can have free range over the Wikipedia -- and anything you find there is canon -- but your kindly DMs cannot fabricate more lore without approval by the Powers That Be.]
Aydi also wants access to the smithy. There’s only one place in Drakesmeade to do such work -- Duli Bluntchin’s Axe & Anvil Blacksmith Shop. You’ll have to ask Duli if you want to come do work there.
Based on the party’s comments, here is a revised map of Bearcliff. Please offer comments and changes before we lock it down as “set in stone.”
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 11/11 Wednesday December 20th, 2023 4:54:43 PM
Nadia seems a bit defeated upon learning none of the books survived, but it also means she has a starting place. There was no guarantee the evil before destroyed all the books. She considersand ask the elders " Is there a chance any books were spared and just not recovered yet? Those might be found. As for any other knowledge you remember of the old times would help as well Elder. Including defense works that failed back then."
As for helping the defenses, Nadia would have Stone help watch the wall some, even though he probably just lays around. She offers to help with drum watch, but has no playing skills herself. She will help haul stones however, as many hands make light work, and the wall being proper is a dwarven goal.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 Wednesday December 20th, 2023 4:54:50 PM
Frit grins at Drogan. "Hauling is something I can, um, definitely help with, sir."
He'll inform the group of his plans to work with the miners to see if anyone else wants to join in. "I know I, um, wasn't much help in deciding what to bbb--, what to build," he says to the others. "But if this is to be our, um, home, I want to contribute to its creation somehow."
Once the building starts, he'll begin his days before the sun rises with a run, strength training, yoga, and meditation before heading to work moving and lifting whatever stone the dwarves tell him to.
Hamlin Vashtel -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 13/13 Wednesday December 20th, 2023 5:32:47 PM
Hamlin looks over the plans and agrees with the current floor plans with the addition of torches to provide additional illumination for those without darkvision. Hamlin will then go to the Jolly Miner for drinks.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Wednesday December 20th, 2023 5:38:13 PM
Aydi after hearing from Frit will see what he can do to help. Since he has some skills constructing traps he will help with the different traps and warning systems throughout Bearcliff. He will do his best to pick the brains of the Dwarves to help better hone his skills. Along with helping set traps he will continue to train and also go on hunting trips with different hunting parties that way he can know the land around as well as the back of his hand.
After a bit he will go relax a bit along with doing a little bit of research about the surrounding area and life in the mountins.
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 11 -- HP 16/17 Thursday December 21st, 2023 2:28:30 AM
Kaida decides that the school might be fun. Surely there are kids there playing games! Some kids are probably the same size as her too. Worst case, she learns something new.
She grabs Nora's hand and heads towards the stairs for the Residential level.
"Was school fun for you? Lots of books I'll bet" Kaida's learning was more self-teaching as opposed to the rigors of classes and books.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 11/11 Thursday December 21st, 2023 9:10:28 AM
Nadia joins Frit, asking him questions about his upbringing. " So wise Sir Frit, you seem to be a learned man. Care to tell me what was the best thing you were taught? Mine happens to be herbs in the various parts of the Scab back where I am from. A bit different here though, but I figure some things are similar enough."
Despite some dwarves being hostile to outsiders, Nadia seemed more welcoming, and interested in someone joining her in the outpost, because they would rely on each other more for the short term. She also did enjoy helping form the rock formations into a more natural look, hoping that will help hide the interior more. Her only major complaints would be if the outpost was attacked, how would those staying fall back and collapse the tunnel, perhaps sealing it off to those who invade.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 17/13/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 19/19 Thursday December 21st, 2023 3:25:31 PM "OK, let's go to school! School was fun, for a while. But you know my clan is very traditional, so at one point it started to be only about how things should be done. How some ancient forefathers did, and just do what they did. Not much room for thinking for yourself there", Nora chats to Kaida as she follows her to the school.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 Thursday December 21st, 2023 5:07:24 PM
Frit blushes at Nadia's question, nervously running his hand over his hair. "I'm, um, no 'sir,' ma'am. Just an orphan. Or close enough. I, um, I never knew my f-f-f-, my father. I guess he could still be alive, but, um, I don't know. And I don't think I'm all that learned. I, um, I only learned to read properly when I was thirteen. Not for lack of trying. But I, uh, have a hard time sitting still and concentrating on stuff like that. The meditation Master Thrissa taught me in helps some, I guess. So does my other training."
"Most everything I know she, um, Master Thrissa taught me. The best thing, or at least, um, what I try to remember is that being a fool is less a matter of what you know and more how you act. She told me that, uh, I could read every book in the library and I would still be a fool if I acted the part--and didn't get my temper under control. She's the wise one, not me." His cheeks turn an even brighter red. "I'm, um, I'm just doing my best to try to make her proud, to, uh, prove that her faith in me wasn't misplaced. And to avoid the tongue-thrashing that's sure to come my way if I don't." He smiles, almost fondly, at that.
"Maybe later today, you could, um, show me some of the herbs around here that might be useful? I could help you collect them. If you want?"
He also holds a hand out for Stone, whom he has not interacted with much, to sniff.
Nadia asks if there is any chance that old treasures of lore have survived, somewhere, somehow. “Certainly, there is always hope,” says Elder Tholtig. “That’s why we have adventurers!”
She helps put where she can, and thinks about learning drums. She is sure she could teach herself the basics pretty fast. [OOC: Remember that we are levelling up with the new year, and picking up ranks in Perform (Drum) would be fine.]
Nadia volunteers with Frit to help with hauling and construction tasks.
Hamlin likes the new plans, and he suggests torches for light.
Aydi Aydi volunteers to help set up the log trap. Will the log trap be triggered by a person pulling a lever a the right time, or will it be automated?
What other traps, if any, do you envision?
Kaida pops by the school. Nora comes along. For once, though, the pair get a vibe that they are not welcome. The teacher is a person who keeps to a schedule, and does not adapt to disruption well. She is nice, but asks if you would mind scheduling a visit when she can fit that into her lesson planning. You two are not even welcome to sit in the back, since the kids turning and staring is pretty disruptive.
Nadia engages Frit in conversation.
Frit stutters a bit in his shy way, but opens up to his new friend, and is nice to her pet, too.
Well the plans are decided, and when you settle everything about them with the dwarves, Thaeden is pleased as well. His only addition is to add a huge raised stone wall and collapsing ceiling at the Drakesnmeade side of the tunnel. If there is any attack that gets through the defenses, he can still seal off the settlement.
“You all have done well. We’ll go ahead with the construction, and I know some of you will help.”
“Let me ask you, however, as a rough estimate, how much of your time will you be spending at your ‘Bearcliff’ pig farm?”
[OOC: to use an abstract figure, please give your percent of time at Bearcliff. For example, Garog says he will spend 90% of his time there, and Kethril, 50%.]
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 11 -- HP 16/17 Friday December 22nd, 2023 5:38:09 AM "But.. you see.. um... awwww" Kaida isn't going to argue with the teacher. With slumped shoulders she leaves the area and sighs. "Oh well. I'm sure there are other things to do."
Kaida then perks up as she gets an idea "Want to go play by the waterfall? I hear the water can make things glow! I want to see what happens if I put my face in it!"
In terms of how much time she will be spending at the pig farm, then answer she gives is "very little". Staying still and looking after pigs is all good and well and an honorable thing for any farmer, sure, but she's an adventurer! She wants to get out and do things. Big things! Amazing things! She has talents that are of use to the clan (she's pretty sure) and wants to use them. Kaida will only spend time with the pigs when called or asked to, but will do so happily.
At some point she also wants to count how much gold she has a share of. She's heard of a few things that might be handy to have. Oh, and a rope! She must buy a rope.
Jason Whited - Ian Shadowcrest -- AC 17/14/14 -- CMD 14 -- HP 22/22 Friday December 22nd, 2023 9:06:27 AM
Ian had been checking on Penelope. When he returns he answers “I am not a farmer. I came here to seek more than that. It be an honorable trade but not one that interests me. I be thinking we need to be exploring more of the country side.”
CDM Jerry [OOC post] Friday December 22nd, 2023 1:27:03 PM
Dominick, please shoot Stephen K and myself an email please. Stephen has been trying to get ahold of you and I see you haven't posted since the 18th? DMs if you know why Dominick hasn't posted since the 18th here, please let me know.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Friday December 22nd, 2023 1:44:42 PM
After working on the log traps he decided that it is almost better if a sentry controls the release. It would do no good if a deer sets off the trap. He will also look out past the gate maybe if we had tripwires out there that can slow any advance as well as have them hooked to some type of large sound. He will also see if anyone would help him dig a few pit traps without spikes just deep enough and slick enough that it would take some skill or rope to climb out of, by magic or good old hard work that could be hidden. Also he will ask the dwarves if there are any older crossbows that still work that could be setup near the murder holes to speed up any defense.
OOC I think Aydi will do a 60/40 split with bear cliff and the apartment. He knows even though it is meant to help for a food source having the pigs there will also increase the chance of unwelcome visitors he knows there will be times that he will have to do a watch at the gate.
Hamlin Vashtel -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 13/13 Friday December 22nd, 2023 4:40:06 PM
Hamlin says he is willing to do a shift at Bearcliff basically everyday which is 4 hours in a 24 hour day (so 20%). The rest of the time will be spent between reading and getting to know new people in Drakesmeade. Also Hamlin is willing to take on odd jobs for a reasonable fee.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 17/13/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 19/19 Friday December 22nd, 2023 5:35:16 PM
Nora blushes and leaves the classroom. When outside, she whispers to Kaida: "See, most dwarves have trouble adjusting to surprises. Everything has to happen as it always has."
"OK, let's try it! Maybe there's some other people playing around there. But maybe you can get used to everything, even getting a glowing face?"
Nora mixes some pig care among her tasks, but with music studies, religious studies, planning an apartment and everything else there often isn't much time.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 Friday December 22nd, 2023 8:23:14 PM
Frit works with the miners, helping to build the fortifications and dig pits for Aydi's traps. The more time he spends working and living there, the more he finds that he prefers Bearcliff to the Drakesmeade--though he still appreciates the stronghold for the teahouse and the baths. He likes that Bearcliff is quieter, less crowded, and he enjoys the fresh air and open sky.
OOC Frit will do a 70/30 split with Bearcliff and Drakesmeade.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Friday December 22nd, 2023 9:12:45 PM
In addition to the traps that were said Aydi will also make different game traps around as well as net traps that will help catch any intruders.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 11/11 Friday December 22nd, 2023 10:56:32 PM Nadia will do a 90/10 split, with the majority being at bearcliff looking over everything.
Nadia is more than able to help show Frit the local herbs, but cautions that she can not always guarantee they will be right given some look slightly different than what she is used to. Stone is more than happy to be petted, allowing most people to pet as he is not discerning to much.
The time Nadia spends in Drakesmeade she does visit the bathhouse, the only luxury not in Bearcliff, but she doesn't mind. It gives her more time to study the surroundings and wildlife, as she notes down what she sees and uses it with the older folks knowledge and the recent knowledge they gathered. The only real thing left is... A question only the elders can answer.
"Elder, you mentioned some books may have survived. Where would be a good place to start looking? We can learn much from those mistakes if we can trace where and when it occured."
Even as a druid, Nadia was not blind and knew her party needed to explore more. Pigs can be farmed later when she is older and can use druidcraft to do it. But for now, those mysterious times may be a good starting point. If they existed.
Once Nadia has the answer to the books possible location, she will ask the group, either together or whenever she sees them, would they like to sally out to find books that may help the defense of all.
Time spent at Bearcliff: Kaida ? Nora ? Ian ? Aydi: 60% Hamlin: 20% Frit: 70% Nadia: 90%
Nora and Kaida leave the school for another time, choosing to go play in the waterfall. You see that the dwarves have diverted a portion of the falls to use for drinking and other use. There are ovens here to heat water for laundry, and to melt icewater for drinking in winter. The glow comes from algae that grow on the sides and bottom of the falls and its pool -- your face does not glow -- except a rosy red from the icy chill!
Ian is not interested in farming or pig-farming, for that matter. He checks on Penelope, who appreciates the attention. He is eager for adventure.
Aydi sets the log trap to be triggered manually by a person in the tower with a lever. He plans tripwires and crossbow traps, but the DM really needs some Craft Traps checks to do that.
Frit puts his back into the work at Bearcliff, and makes himself very useful.
Nadia asks about loot and lore from before the place was sacked. The elders ponder and come up with two options. First, there are other dwarfholds in the Scab, never looted, ahd who knows what they may have. Second, the druegar hauled off their loot into their underwork homes. The elders have no idea where those may be.
When the work is about to begin in earnest at Bearcliff, there is a small ceremony with Thaeden, Brother Orim, Elder Tholtig, Kada, Garog, Kethril, Tob and Clob, and the miners who will be working here. Brother Orim blesses the workers and their mission. He also offers his blessing to any heroes present (no mechanical bonus, just a blessing).
Thaeden talks briefly about how this expansion is a great thing for Drakesmeade, and that it offers a chance for further growth. He thanks the heroes present and offers a reward to the party: two magical (+1) longswords. Brother Orim has a gift as well: 12 stones enchanted with the everburning torch spell. You may use them personally, or place them wherever you prefer.
The small event ends with a sit-down and meal.
Some peaceful time passes while the defenses are set at Bearcliff and the pigs settle in. == Hamlin spends time reading, socializing, and doing odd jobs. He finds that coin is not really the main wage of the place. Instead, everybody has tasks, and coin is an extra paid for going above and beyond. Nobody has yet asked you guys to do any actual work. That said, Hamlin gets paid for his odd jobs not in coin (which is scarce), but in goodwill. == Nora is busy with the pigs, music, religious studies, setting up her apartment and more == Frit works at Bearcliff. == Aydi works at setting up game traps as well as traps at Bearcliff. [Need some rolls please] == Nadia works with Frit at Bearcliff, and the DM imagines that she is in high demand growing the bushes and undergrowth that hides the place from casual inspection. She finds that Stone makes friends with the half-dozen dwarves working on the site.
In this time, the gnomes visit with a trading caravan, and they also open a gate to the Catacombs Magic Shop, so you can engage in commerce.
[OOC: Have a peaceful Yule and a joyful holiday season.
- This is the last ‘official’ DM post of the year, and the start of the Woldian Yuletide Slowdown. You may post role play type activities, or take a vacation from the board, or bring your character to the Giggling Ghost. We will check this board, and post responses as appropriate if you do. Regular play/posting resumes January 8.
- If you have some in-game posting to do, like the percent of your time you spend at Bearcliff, or Trap Crafting checks, or if you would like to post your “down-time” activities, please do. Optional!
- When we return, you will have about a week to level up your characters. If you like, you can get a head start now, but that is entirely optional.
- If an ambitious soul wants to tally up all the loot and winnings, and then to start a conversation about the loot split, please do. Otherwise one of us will go through and do that in the days ahead.
Thank you for a great start to the game in 2023, and we are looking forward to an even better year ahead! That said, feedback, ideas for adventures, and wish lists are always welcome. DMs Steve and Cayzle]
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 d20+6=12 ; Saturday December 23rd, 2023 6:01:11 PM
OOC Craft Traps 12 for a roll Could I take 10 or take 20 to make sure Aydi takes his time
Jason Whited - Ian Shadowcrest -- AC 17/14/14 -- CMD 14 -- HP 22/22 Saturday December 23rd, 2023 9:17:59 PM
Ian will try to work with the local hunters to get a better pay of the land.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 11/11 Sunday December 24th, 2023 1:36:17 AM
Nadia will help support the bush growth as much as she can, and will spend the time caring after any old ledgers, maps, and anything else that will lead to a new adventure for the group. After figuring the two options, she shares with the group the druegar dragged their loot off, and so for now unless they think they can defend against a druegar attack they should probably be left alone. The other option is other old abandoned outpost and dwarf strongholds, but there is no guarantee of anything outside of traps and who knows what may be there.
"We can fight the druegar maybe, but I say we risk the older outpost. The druegar have attacked here before and won, so drawing their ire NOW seems unwise. But make no mistake, nature and Fhorge balances all, and I have no issue being the balance for their previous attack."
Outside of that, Nadia tries the drums so when it comes time, her and some others have worked out a warning system, with a few other rotations of dwarves so both locations are able to be manned all times. She even mentions due to the previous attack, perhaps a way to trigger a collapse between Bearcliff and Drakesmeade to be smart, in case Bearcliff has to be the retreat point.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Sunday December 24th, 2023 1:11:06 PM
Aydi spends sometime around the perimeter of Bearcliff. After a while he will start to notice that a small snow leopard cub following him around. As time progresses Aydi decides to keep the cub around him as it grows unnaturally fast.
Hamlin Vashtel -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 13/13 Tuesday December 26th, 2023 5:27:26 PM
Hamlin engages in more study of the Woldsblood and believes he can access a new tier of magic. Many days are spent in his apartment practicing new and old spells alike trying to master his arcane craft. But most importantly he always has time for his friends. Never able to truly sit still Hamlin in all his randomness shows up at all of your endeavors, tries to help, gets bored and fritters off to his next hobby a day or two later. His only real commitment seems to be the bear cave where he does his due diligence in watching said cave daily. He seems to collect various " trinkets" from these exploits that he uses to adorn his apartment.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 Wednesday December 27th, 2023 2:08:37 PM
Frit quickly fall into a routine at Bearcliff. He wakes early to exercise, discovering a couple of animal trails through the grass and undergrowth that he uses for his pre-dawn runs, making sure not to stray too far from his new home. He then does his strength training, yoga, and meditation before joining the miners to work on the construction of fortifications.
In the evening, if Aydi is around Frit often sees if he wants to train. If not, he spends some time going through his forms and practicing against a straw dummy.
At night, he is exhausted, but satisfied, and sleeps well.
When he has breaks from work and training, he tries to learn what he can from Nadia about the local flora. He listens to what she's learned from her research, and he agrees that it is likely not a great idea to provoke the druegar to attack again, especially because they do not know much about them or their numbers.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Wednesday December 27th, 2023 4:31:11 PM
Aydi during this slower time he will help with defenses and work with armorer. While not doing that he will scout with Yuki the area surrounding Bearcliff or go out with the various hunting parties. At night he will train with Frit and also work with Yuki while not training he will take advantage of the baths.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 17/13/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 19/19 Saturday December 30th, 2023 4:19:53 PM
Nora arranges her apartment, singing several old songs and improvising some new of her own. "I can't keep singing children's songs, what if we met a dragon? It would just laugh at us."
She's happy that the bear cave is close to the piggies, so that she can pop there between her many tasks.
As she passes the hall, where Fritjof and Aydi are training, she offers her help: "If you want, I can be your practice dummy. With my shield and Flower's blessing I can defend pretty well, I can't hit anything but you'd get some experience in hitting an elusive target. And I can heal the bruises afterwards."
---------- OOC: Maybe 20% in general Bearcave, 20% her own apartment? Rest for music, religion, pigs, and more.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 d20+8=24 ; Tuesday January 2nd, 2024 10:18:15 AM
OOC I just realized I never added my +2 from the artisan tools for traps.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Tuesday January 2nd, 2024 10:20:04 AM
Aydi will accept Nora's offer to be a sparring partner and will work with Yuki to get her use to flanking.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 Wednesday January 3rd, 2024 8:28:12 PM
Frit will thank Nora for offering to spar with them. He practices footwork and form, but is very careful to try to make sure that she doesn’t have anything to heal. Instead, he works on controlling his blows so that, when he manages to connect, they have barely any impact.
“Master Thrissa, she taught, um, she taught me that power is, uh, it’s about control. When she, um, took me in, she told me that I fought like a drunkard. She said I was, um, plenty strong and could wail away hard as I liked, but I’d never be able to do much about it if I didn’t, um, learn some control.” He smiles a bit sheepishly, running his hair over his hair. His undercut, which was shaved sort when he arrived, has lengthened to the awkward stage of growing out.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 Friday January 5th, 2024 11:27:55 AM
During some of the down time Aydi will look for Nadia. He wants to talk to her about what it means to be a druid and will ask for some help to understand being a druid. He also will have Yuki with him as well (she is never really that far behind anyway.)
Jason Whited - Ian Shadowcrest -- AC 18/15/14 -- CMD 14 -- HP 31/31 Friday January 5th, 2024 2:11:45 PM
Ian has been working on getting to know the area around the bear cave and working on his bowmanship.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 17/13/14 -- CMD 12 -- HP 19/19 Sunday January 7th, 2024 5:46:15 PM
Nora loans a drum to test the idea of using one as a communication device, and goes to play it at the bear cave. When she tries some rhythms, she suddenly notices the piggies come to see what is happening on some beats, and leaving again on others. "Well... that is strange? But it might be quite useful if it really works every time", she wonders their reactions.
Time spent at Bearcliff: - Kaida: 0% by default - Nora: 30% - Ian: 0% by default - Aymar: 0% by default - Aydi: 60% - Hamlin: 20% - Frit: 70% - Nadia: 90%
Weeks pass. You settle into the routine of living in Drakemeade.
Aydi takes his time and places a handful of traps around Bearcliff. [OOC: Please email or post right away what those are and where you put them. I’m arbitrarily ruling that you have time to make up to 5 traps, but with no CR higher than your character level -- 3.]
Also, Aydi befriends a snow leopard cub.
Ian works to sustain the community, contributing to hunting and gathering. He finds that the dwarves who range out of doors, such as Muriel and Marnish, stay close to home, setting traps and looking for small game and fowl, and never stay out after dark. They always emphasize stealth and retreat from possible danger.
Nadia works on her drumming, encourages the concealing bramble outside Bearcliff, and pores through what records the community has about the area roundabouts. [OOC: Please accept a +2 competence bonus on your next three Knowledge Local checks made regarding places in the Scab. Be sure to track this on your PC sheet.]
Hamlin studies magic and socializes with friends.
Frit works hard with construction, and as Bearcliff is finished, with his own monkish training.
Nora busies herself with the piggies, who are settling into their new home just fine. She also spends time with her comrades training her skills.
Aymar and Kaida keep busy with training their skills and settling into life at Drakesmeade.
One day, there is a visitor outside Bearcliff. At the time, the people there are ...
Garog is always there. Nora is there 30% of the time -- the DM rolls a 00, and determines that Nora is back in Drakesmeade. Aydi is there 60% of the time -- the DM rolls a 70, so he is not there. Hamlin is there 20% of the time -- DM rolls an 89, so he is not there. Frit is there 70% of the time -- DM rolls 45, so Frit is there. Nadia is there 90% of the time -- DM rolls a 4, so Nadia is there. Kaida, Aymar, and Ian tend not to spend time at Bearcliff.
Nadia, Frit, and Garog are at Bearcliff when the visitor arrives. Garog was in ther tower, and quickly summons the two heroes.
The visitor is an unimposing man, dressed in skins but also carrying an oversized battleaxe. He looks up at the tower, and seems to be looking for an entrance. The overgrowth and brambles are thick, and he has not yet seen the door. You are not sure if he has seen you in the tower.
“I’ll sound the alarm!” whispers Garog. He races back to the drums and starts pounding on them. With the doors shut between you and the drums, in the tower, Frit and Nadia can hardly hear them. Frit and Nadia, what do you do?
Back in Drakesmeade, the alarm is heard, and you heroes are quickly alerted. Aymar, Kaida, Nora, Ian, Aydi, and Hamlin, please roll Perception checks to see how alert you are when the alarm comes in.
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 11 -- HP 24/24 d20+2=4 ; Sunday January 7th, 2024 11:26:00 PM
Kaida potters about Drakesmeade finding small tasks to do. She tries to meet as many of the dwarves as possible and get in the habit of greeting them on a first name basis when she passes by them in the corridors. Kaida is a very social gnome and wants to ingrain herself in the clan. If she passes someone that she doesn't know she'll stop to speak with them until she gets the hint to move on.
She's busy talking with one of the hunters she's cornered when the alarm comes in. "So let me get this straight, you were face-to-face with a wolf and your crossbow locked? That would be so scary! What did you do?" She's so engrossed in the conversation that she fails to notice much else.
------------- Sheet updated to level 3.
Perception: 4
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 23/23 d20+8=21 ; Monday January 8th, 2024 12:05:09 AM
Aydi is about to head back to Bearcliff with Yuki to check the traps when he hears the sound of the drums. "That is never good we need to get down there." Aydi picks up Yuki and sprints to the outpost.
OOC Perception 21 ------- Sheet updated to Lvl 3
Jason Whited - Ian Shadowcrest -- AC 18/15/14 -- CMD 14 -- HP 31/31 d20+13=31 ; Monday January 8th, 2024 9:58:24 AM
Ian grabs his bow and heads to the outpost
Perception 31
Sheet updated
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 15/15/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 23/23 d20+7=11 ; d20+8=20 ; Monday January 8th, 2024 11:11:12 AM
Frit observes the man and scans the area to see if there is anyone else with their visitor or if he appears to be alone. He then turns to Nadia. "We should, um, talk to him. See what he w-w-, see, um, why he's here. Make sure he's not a threat. But we don't, um, I don't think we want to jump to conclusions about him about him, just because he's, uh, got that nasty-looking axe."
He runs his hand over his hair and looks down, avoiding eye contact with her. "You should, um, probably do the talking, though, ma'am."
While they converse with the man, Frit attempts to sense if the man is telling the truth in his responses to Nadia's questions, but has a difficult time reading him.
OOC Perception 20 Sense motives 11
Sheet is updated to level 3!
Hamlin Vashtel -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 13/13 d20+9=28 ; Monday January 8th, 2024 2:04:21 PM
Perception 28 to hear the drums. Hamlin studying a Geology text book hears the sound of distant drums and realizes the danger. He jumps up from his comfy chair and heads from the apartment area in a run to see what is amiss. Sheet should be updated to level 3!