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Mossy Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+20=37 ; d20+22=26 ;
Tuesday March 12th, 2024 1:46:14 AM

Armalad asks Dolgrim, "Just how often do you run these expeditions? Do you often hire outside contractors to participate or have our Silver Shields become a special case. Given the fact that pne of our goals of this expedition is to recover the journals of previous expeditions just exactly what is the success rate of these expeditions?"

Armalad and Joker continue to keep their eyes open

(Perception - 26 Armalad)
(Perception -37 Joker)

Spells Prepared
0th: Detect Magic, Message, Light, Read Magic
1st: Grease, Burning Hands, True Strike, Mage Armor -x, Mage Armor-x, Color Spray
2nd:Glitterdust, Eagle's Splendor, Eagle Splendor, Flaming Sphere, False Life, Mirror Image
3rd: Fly, Haste, Heroism, Heroism Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Selective Web(DC 18), Dispel Magic, Arcane Sight, Shrink Item
4th: Selective Fireball (DC 19), Black Tentacle, Confusion, Resilient Sphere
5th: Selective Shout (DC 20), Wall of Stone, Cone of Cold, Selective Ice Storm (DC 20)
6th: antimagic field, selective cone of cold (DC 21), greater dispel magic

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+23=29 ; d20+22=32 ;
Tuesday March 12th, 2024 10:09:38 AM

Stohp has always prided herself on her writing, drawing, and administrative skills. She may not know much about exploring dungeons and tunnels, but with a little guidance from the experienced Dolgrin she's soon expertly documenting the route, the various offshoots, and all the important details of their exploration. (Perception 29 to notice key details and Linguistics 32 to keep precise and copious notes.)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Tuesday March 12th, 2024 4:50:18 PM

Zander is glad he's not the one in charge of leading this expedition. Switchbacks and turns he can keep straight but the verticals, dead ends, holes in the ceiling and floor, and the fact that all the rock starts to look the same would leave him wandering down in this hole forever. But he has complete trust in Delia and a growing trust in Dolgrin that they are making progress.
"I don't suppose there's really anyway to tell if anyone else has passed this way recently? It would just be nice to know we're going the right way."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=33 ;
Tuesday March 12th, 2024 5:09:56 PM

Bartomus trudged along with the others working. Their way through the caverns that were associated with the path that they took. He tried keeping aware of the changes n rock and atmosphere within the different caverns.

When they stopped for a rest, he smiled at Armalad's list of questions and apprecited that they were being asked. He also nodded in agreement with Zander's.

"Was thinking the same thing Zander," Bartomus added. "Are the explorers just sent out every so often and not expected to leave any trace of their travel?"

General perception check for 33

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+27=35 ; d20+27=43 ;
Tuesday March 12th, 2024 5:39:55 PM

Longstrider, Darkvision

Delia smiles at Dolgrim's praise, in a moment of relaxation as they settle down for the evening, "I'll save my answer for if we all get out of this alive." Seeing Stohp's much neater map recording, she happily lets the other woman take over official cartography from her, giving input as needed.

At Zander's question, she looks to Dolgrim, "How long ago did the lost expeditions come this way? I'm no expert at tracking dwarves, but if they left a trail I might be able to find signs of it."

Survival 1: 35
Survival 2: 43

Potential modifiers: Aberration or undead +4, tracking +8

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 31/28/17; Per: +27; Surv: +16; SM: +16 
Tuesday March 12th, 2024 11:52:21 PM

”I’ve never been quite this deep underground before. Believe it or not, there just wasn’t much call for it. How about you Dolgrin? Ever been this deep before?

Delia - really impressive 3 dimensional mapping…”

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Wednesday March 13th, 2024 1:52:04 AM

Armalad says, "interesting with the 3 dimensional mapping. Hey Dolgrim have your people ever thought of getting some permanent images made of these 3 dimensional mappings in a map room or something?"

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+45=53 ; d20+33=43 ;
Wednesday March 13th, 2024 3:24:23 PM

Delia settles into the rhythms of high risk spelunking again, fading in and out of the shadows playing against the cave walls. Though she feels the weight of their responsibility, she doesn't feel burdened. Though danger could lurk in any cavern, there is a peace to the darkness. The ambient echos, drips, and scuffles have settled into the background. The musty air familiar. Though sharp, sight is the least useful here, maybe second to sense of taste...
She trails a hand along the wall, awaiting a change in any sense could alert her to danger.

Stealth with hide in plain sight (forgot -5 for moving): 48
Perception: 43 (+4 v aberrations or undead)
(From last post:
Survival 1: 35
Survival 2: 43

Potential modifiers: Aberration or undead +4, tracking +8)

The Fork (DM Wayne) 
Wednesday March 13th, 2024 10:24:49 PM

Armalad asks Dolgrin how often these mapping expeditions are run, and what their success rate is. Joker and Armalad remain on edge, expecting an ambush.

Stohp contributes her skillful scribing hand to the mapping tasks, enabling Delia and Dolgrin to focus more on mapping accuracy and less on pen-person-ship. As Delia and Dolgrin need more mapping symbols for the occasional ‘new’ landmark or cave shape, Stohp is ready with a some rare scripts from little-used languages so that a ‘cave type 8’ is distinct in symbol from ‘8 dead carrion crawlers’ and so forth.

Zanderallen marvels at the precise bucket of skills it takes to lead the mapping part of this expedition – much like merfolk in Turtle Lake, cavers must always think in three dimensions! He asks aloud, hoping someone knows, maybe Delia, “How can we tell if anyone has passed this way recently? Can tracks be spotted on stone in some way?

Bartomus found that while he was not the most precise cave mapper, keeping mental track of limestone patterns, stalactite and stalagmite formations, the freshness and humidity of the air, when a breeze was at all noticeable, these were things that jumped out and shook hands with him as seemingly the walls, floors, and ceilings did for Delia and Dolgrin! He relaxed as Armalad and Zanderallen asked their questions, and added, “how often are the expeditions sent, and are they expected to leave no trace of their travel?

Delia needed about two minutes to come out of focus and then it dawned upon her – Dolgrin… Dolgrin(!) of Clan Mountainheart, the clan with seemingly the most tradition up their… he had thanked her, a non-dwarf! And a woman! Perhaps there was hope for them after all, even though they appeared to prohibit their women from combat jobs like Delia’s! She knew Stohp was copying their work, never hurts to have a third copy, but then she really looked at Stohp’s drafting, and it was so effortlessly clear and without smudges! She shifted her own note-taking in the dark to a higher-level, and when she compared notes with Dolgrin, she explained all the nuances to Stohp who needed no second try to record them in her trademark ‘clean’ style. At Zanderallen’s question, she looked around, and then considered – this wasn’t snow – even skin oils would spread and decompose with time and, seeing nothing, asked, “Dolgrin, exactly how long ago did these missing expeditions come out this way?

Stock finally began to be impressed by just how far they’d traveled undergound, musing aloud about not having needed to do more than the minimum training given his profession, and asked Dolgrin about his experiences. He complimented Delia on being able to track the tunnel network in full on just paper!

Armalad agreed with Stock – Delia and Dolgrin had ingenious solutions to the matter of preserving spatial relationships on paper! She asked Dolgrin whether Clan Mountainheart had considered creating larger versions of these maps on walls in a special map room.

With that, Delia’s mind doesn’t stop racing as she and Dolgrin and Stock work to locate ‘shelter’ for the fourth sleep, yet it’s Bartomus who provides the key clue with observations about the local air currents that lead to a makeshift ‘travel cave’! Hooray, sleeping in open tunnels the last two nights had put us all on edge!

Over the last few hours, Dolgrin addressed each Shield’s questions in turn at the time they were asked, “Armalad and Bartomus, we used to send out groups regularly, maybe every few months, but it takes years to put together a group with the right mix of stealth, mapping, combat expertise and magic. A bit over ten years ago we had four such groups. About eight years ago, long after Stock left, we began to think it was a good idea to send two groups out to find out whatever had happened to one of our heroes of old, Klink Barrelchest. Klink had fought the good fight and done his part when all the dwarves collapsed the Western Wind Tunnel Entrance to defeat the Drow invasion. After that war, we wanted to gain enough power to ensure the Drow could never again come so close to defeating us. We turned to our ancestral knowledge and oral traditions and soon determined, and began writing down, as much as we knew about what we could only call the Crown, which of course we now believe to be one and the same as the Largon’s Dragon Crown that you speak of. We were still working on the teams to send when one day we found only a note in Klink’s room stating that we were taking too long and that he was going to find the Crown himself, and that with his mighty weapons and armor no Drow or Aberrant Horror could long stand between him and bringing the Crown home. Needless to say, Klink never returned, and he left no clue as to which path he had taken among the thousands and thousands of paths in the Underwold, just here alone in the Scab! Klink was unparalleled among our warriors at the time and we feared for our chances against Aberrant Horrors without him, our ranks depleted by the Drow invasion. So, we spent the next many, many years training replacements, and improving our spellcasters and scouts, all trained in scribing and map-making. So, eight years ago we sent out two groups, each following clues that led to either the mossy path or the barren path, and as we said earlier, they took many of our key scrolls with them, no time spent copying them because they were so well trained and equipped and the scrolls had been filled with annotations in shorthand known only amongst the groups. As you know, neither group ever returned, and with only two groups in reserve we could only wonder what Horrors had befallen them. So we began training replacements again, and we’re still in that training, with our remaining teams a key part of our home’s defense in case the Drow invade from the Eastern Wind Tunnel Entrance. So, long answer, but while I cannot speak for the Chief, I suspect he and others saw an opportunity here – we could spare one trained person, me, and it might be as though we suddenly had a third team and need not wait many years more to send out another two expeditions.

Delia, I believe I answered your question earlier, but if you’re looking for tracks… it’s been years, and our groups are trained in ways to hide our tracks, in large measure. That said, if we spot any limestone formations that appear broken in a way that a quake could not cause… well, that’s kind of a ‘footprint.’

Stock, yes, but in other tunnels. This being the more dangerous general route, based on the lost expeditions, we took different paths to practice survival, and to ‘take nothing but memories, and leave nothing if you can help it!’

The group settles into its new routines ‘for the night’ and their fourth sleep passes, the third since The Fork.

The fourth and fifth ‘days’ of mapping proceed much like the first, slightly difficult but nothing Delia can’t handle alone. Stohp and Dolgrin are much busier on mapping than usual given the increased pace, and the group advances another mile for each day.

The sixth day is as unreal as the second day, only worse! How many six-tunnel nexii with both up and down tunnels can there be!!! It is only by the concerted efforts of the whole group that they don’t get lost, and still, despite the three-dimensional looping side tunnels, the group manages to push ahead one half mile on the main mossy path.

As the Shields begin to settle in a side dead-end tunnel for the ‘night,’ Dolgrin speaks up, “Curious… recall when Grunyar, in the throne room, mentioned that sometimes we spot zombies or skeletons even a half-mile down the mossy path, and we’ve not only traveled nearly five miles on the main mossy path, but we haven’t seen any undead. Not that I mind, but I wonder, all the way down here, what creates them, and what, if anything or anyone, commands them. Tracks fade with time, but since we haven’t seen any tracks… what could that mean?

Dolgrin awaits replies.

What does each Shield do?

(OOC –
‘Tonight’ is the seventh sleep, sixth since The Fork.
Distance traveled along the main path – four and three quarter miles, plus or minus, and also plus all the side tunnels – the Shields’ legs feel like they’ve been hiking five to ten miles per day in rough terrain, and Dolgrin’s prestidigitation gets a workout keeping people’s boots sweat-free.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+13=16 ; d20+27=44 ; d20+1=5 ; d20+15=33 ;
Thursday March 14th, 2024 4:40:06 AM

Armalad - Know Religion - 16
Armalad - Know Arcane - 44

Joker - Religion - 5
Joker - Arcane - 33

Armalad recalls what she knows about zombies then relates that information which may be relevant to Dolgrim. She also recalls what she knows about arcane spells and the undead and if any of that information could influence the behavior of undead. Joker also tries to help but his knowledge isn't as vast as his masters in either category.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Thursday March 14th, 2024 8:47:44 AM

Stohp just shrugs at the question. "It means the undead are gone. With no knowledge of what caused them to be here in the first place it could be anything whatsoever. We could speculate all day but being careful and keeping our eyes open is the only real response we can give."

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 31/28/17; Per: +27; Surv: +16; SM: +16 
Thursday March 14th, 2024 11:15:09 AM

[b]”Dolgrin - didn’t your mother ever tell you not to question your good fortune? We all are quite surprised not to have to wear out more than our boots so far but whether undead or some other unspeakable horror, I’m sure our luck will catch up to us soon. And the Silver Shields are always ready to deal with that kind of trouble.”[b]

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+45=58 ; d20+33=47 ;
Thursday March 14th, 2024 2:12:54 PM

Delia nods along with Stohp & Stock's responses, equally as unwilling to allow the lack of danger to make her complacent. She settles in to take a long watch, melding into the shadows around the entrance to their cave.

She leans her head back against the cave wall as the night stretches on, filling the hours of wakefulness by telling herself stories in her mind like she used to do as a child. She decides to prepare a new spell tomorrow to assist their journey.

Stealth: 58
Perception: 47 (+4 v undead, aberrations)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Thursday March 14th, 2024 4:29:09 PM

Time had lost most meaning at this point for Zanderallen. While he didn't hold back in lending aid, other than acting as the occasional anchor to lower something down a drop or haul it back up he was outside he general skill set. His mind wandered even as he tried to stay focused on keeping watch. If it weren't for the steady time keeping of Dolgrin and Stock he would have lost all track of days. He almost wished for some undead to smite to break the monotony of mapping these infernal tunnels, but he bites his tongue before saying anything out loud. "We'll find what we find. And if it's nothing we follow our maps back to the barren tunnels and start again."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Thursday March 14th, 2024 7:54:34 PM

"I can see some aspects of your man Kilink's approach, but that sounds like a huge risk. " Bartomus then listened to all that was shared and thought about it as they continued onward.

Durinh the six days of grueling travel, Bartomus sometimes changing into a small earth elemental to let Dolgrin have at least one pair less of feet to worry about. When they decided to rest, Bartomus tried stretching just by laying down. Yet, Dolgrin's question snapped his head around and sat up.

"Where the undead a common occurrence? Cause if they were, might not your man Klink discovered their source and took care of that problem?"

sorry, posted this as private. Sigh.

Mossy Path (DM Wayne) 
Thursday March 14th, 2024 11:50:42 PM

Armalad shares her knowledge of the undead with Dolgrin, as well as the intersection with arcane spells.

Stohp suggests speculation is less useful than simply being ready when the undead do come.

Stock jokes with Dolgrin.

Delia agrees with Stohp and Stock and is soon lost in thought… and resolves to prepare a new spell.

Zanderallen mused on how time had become like a greased pig to him. Had they really been underground nearly a week, presuming their sleeps were at the same intervals as on the surface? He longed for battle, but not for threats to his fellow Shields… or Dolgrin. He urged the group to embrace the drudgery so that they would reach their reward.

Bartomus considered Klink’s desire for action both admirable… and foolhardy in the Night Below. He occasionally spent hours as a small earth elemental, finding it easier to reach nooks and crannies, and to enjoy the benefits of Darkvision… and Tremorsense! Hmmm… this feels useful… Bartomus asked Dolgrin whether Klink might have cleared out the undead.

Dolgrin listens intently to Armalad’s wisdom, but still drifts between explanations for the lack of undead. He nodded at Zanderallen’s summary. Dolgrin listened to Bartomus and replied, “Perhaps. Perhaps not. I hope we run into him, and he can tell us himself!

With that, the group falls into its nightly routine.

The seventh day brings a much-needed rest after the sixth day, with far fewer tunnels, and the group finally finds something of interest to anyone other than cave-mappers!?!

The group has traveled about a quarter of a mile and has begun investigating a side tunnel about ten feet wide and as tall, where if the main tunnel were a man walking forward this side tunnel is the man’s arm reaching backwards at an angle away from the man.

You’ve been traveling this tunnel for about forty-five minutes when it makes a sharp 135-degree bend to your left about sixty feet ahead of Stock and perhaps ten feet ahead of Delia, were she to allow herself to be seen. The tunnel is now lined to either side by small groups of bioluminescent mushrooms along the floor/wall edges, granting dim light ahead.

Your nerves glow with red-hot anticipation once more, expecting an ambush, but as you creep forward second-by-second Stock and Delia charge around the corner and find… more empty lava tube. They see the passage goes just twenty feet before it opens up into a chamber. The smell of death awaits you…

Knowledge: Religion DC 15: Highlight to display spoiler: {The smell of bones is ahead… though not so much as to rotting flesh… corpses decomposed to bones? Could there be Skeletons ahead?}

What do you do?

Mossy Path

[OOC –
You don’t see any foes, but your gut has a hunch, your noses notice something, and your adrenaline has put you in Combat Time.

0) The map is big. **Scroll around** because it starts in the Top Right, columns AL to AZ.
1) Keep talking/whisper actions short – what could your Shield say in six seconds?
2) If you move, state your starting and ending cell numbers (“Stock moves from AN5 to AV9, and if he sees no foes he advances up to forty feet more”).
3) The Shields are experienced heroes – I will give them the benefit of the doubt in stated actions even as this “maze of twisty little passages, all alike” communicates the Shields’ claustrophobic experience in the Night Below, right now. /OOC]

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d12=2 ; d20+13=20 ; d20+1=17 ;
Friday March 15th, 2024 5:02:42 AM

Know - Religion : 20 - Armalad
Know - Religion : 17 - Joker

Joker says to Armalad. "Smells like Skellingtons"

Armalad sniffs and says "Aye smells like bones ahead"

She isn't going to be the first to stumble into whatever undead horror lies in wait nor will she be left behind so she plans to advance with the group keeping some of the more melee oriented Shields in front. (OOC: Advance with group up to 60 feet but prefers 40 however if party is getting too far ahead go 60)

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Friday March 15th, 2024 9:26:32 AM

"Undead might mean a mage. Spread out.' Stohp comments. She'll try to walk 5 feet farther back from the front line so that a fireball or similar spell will hit fewer of them.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20=2 ;
Friday March 15th, 2024 9:43:06 AM

Bartomus found some benefit from the shifting between his taur form and that of an creature of stone and earth. It was fun, not as fun as being a wind elemental, but fun none the less in reference to the constant dark. He also realized he could sense if the rock was moving or shifting.

Interesting, he thought to himself.

He started to get a bit worried as they were moving forward with a good deal of ease, which was a bit more unusual than the days, were they days down here, before. Then as they discovered a sharp bend in the cavern they were working, there was a whiff of something. Not the usual sweat of the Shields, or the occasional odd damp smell, but when Armalad and Joker identified it as bones, he realized that that was it.

He continued walking along with the Shields and began preparing to cast a spell.

(move and begin casting stoneskin)

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+5=21 ; d20+40=43 ; d20+33=44 ;
Friday March 15th, 2024 12:49:45 PM

Delia continues creeping along, the chalky, musty bone smell sending her into high alert. She brushes a hand across her arrow fletching, ready to fire at a moment's notice.

Know (Religion): 21
Stealth+Hide in plain sight move from AM5 to AQ11: 43
Perception: 44 (48 v undead)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+15=31 ;
Friday March 15th, 2024 5:01:55 PM

Zanderallen recognized the smell. His hand instinctually goes for the hilt of his sword only to find nothing. He does a quick double take before remembering his sword was now stored in his glove. But for skeletons he had a different tool. Reaching slightly past where his hilt used to lie he grasps the solid haft of his war hammer, slipping his arm through the strap and drawing it. As he strides to the front he holds it out to the casters, "Light please"

Taking point unless someone beats him too it he squeezes through the twisting tunnel to AR9
Know (Rel): 31

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 31/28/17; Per: +27; Surv: +16; SM: +16  d20+1=12 ; d20+27=38 ;
Friday March 15th, 2024 5:37:28 PM

Delia- Want to sneak up ahead and see what you see?

Stock spreads out by moving forward to the opening.

Religion 12
Perception 38 or 40 with stonecunning

Mossy Path (DM Wayne) 
Saturday March 16th, 2024 12:38:17 AM

Joker and Armalad appear to identify a smell… Armalad delays for the vanguard to advance, when she’ll follow them.

Stohp warns the group not to be in ‘fireball formation.’ She allows the vanguard to go slightly faster than her to begin the spread-out.

Bartomus pondered the advantages of earth elemental form. He reacted to Armalad’s identification of the smell by casting Stoneskin.

Delia advances from shadow to shadow, the faint glow of the bioluminescent mushrooms providing plenty of shadows, looking for a foe to pin to the cave!

Zanderallen reaches for his sword, pauses on recognizing the smell, and pulls his warhammer instead. He advances to join Stock, requesting a Light spell as he goes.

Stock, in a low voice, asks Delia to go scout and then he advances to the opening, soon joined by Zanderallen nearby.

Dolgrin obliges Zanderallen with a Light spell on his warhammer.

Cautiously advancing to the entrance the Shields see… the tube widen to 15’ and likewise the ceiling rises to 15’. Seven stalagmites dot the floor on your left, each with active drips slowly building them taller and taller by mineral transference. The far wall is 50’ ahead but the tube then curves to the right, still 15’ wide. Then, rising from the piles of bone shards in the center of the chamber over several seconds, two giant-size humanoid skeletons stand before you, claws out!

What do you do?

(OOC – They are flat-footed, having just formed out of piles of bone, and have not taken an action of their own yet)

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+25=39 ;
Saturday March 16th, 2024 10:18:17 AM

Stohp will advance so that those around the corner can move up and get line of sight. She'd like to get in AR/AS 10/11 but will can only do so if K (Stock I'm guessing?) moves up. If he does that will let her move there and grapple, otherwise she'll just fill whatever space is open after the front line moves. Her grapple check is 39.

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used  d20+27=38 ; d10+32=36 ; d6=5 ;
Saturday March 16th, 2024 2:12:54 PM

Status Effects: Raging
Stock glances back at Dolgrin and says, "Ready to see the mighty Silver Shields go to work, cousin?" He smiles and then charges ahead, swinging his flail.

Charge to AT10
Power Charge with flail hits AC38, 36 bludgeoning+5 electricity
AC is 2 less from charge
Delia is protected by Bodyguard feat: When an adjacent ally is attacked, you may use an attack of opportunity to attempt the aid another action to improve your ally’s AC. You may not use the aid another action to improve your ally’s attack roll with this attack.

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+25=27 ; d8=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d8=7 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; 4d6=10 ; 10d6=33 ;
Sunday March 17th, 2024 6:47:34 PM

Armalad and Joker adavance to AG8 and then peering around the corner fires an arrow imbued AU 10 which is within 30 feet and qualifies as a sneak attack if it hits. She remembers to whisper the command word to turn off merciful

27 vs FF AC on G1 at AU 10 - 10 Magic Piercing + 5 fire + 4ice + 6 shock + 12 Magic Piercing + 3 fire + 4 ice + 6 shock from multishot + 10 sneak attack + DC 19 Reflex save or take 33 shock damage from lighting bolt with 16 on successful save and G2 will have to make the DC 19 reflex save or take 33 shock with only 16 on half.

If the arrow misses the spell fizzles

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=35 ;
Monday March 18th, 2024 12:07:54 AM

Bartomus shifted into the corner and let Armalad and Joker pass. He then quickly, as quickly as he could in the tight passage, to get to the opening of the hall.

He looked about and tried to find the source for the creature's creation from the bits about the cavern.

Perception 35

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Monday March 18th, 2024 8:08:55 AM

Stohp realizes that the tightness of the corridor will make grappling hard and switches her action to a trip (grappling would pull the monster to her which can't be done if someone is in front of her attacking it)

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+29=34 ; d20+29=33 ; d20+24=40 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=20 ; d20+14=23 ; d8+24=29 ; d6=2 ; d8+24=26 ; d6=4 ; d8+24=26 ; d6=2 ; d8+24=30 ; d6=3 ; d8+24=32 ; d6=3 ; d8+24=31 ; d6=2 ; d8+17=18 ; d20+17=23 ; d6+7=11 ;
Monday March 18th, 2024 10:33:43 AM

(Delia is at AQ11, in the corner, so no bodyguard feat for her)

Seeing her allies charge in, she fires at volley at G2.

Hawky will swoop down and spring attack at G1, ending his move at AQ10.

Undead +4, point blank shot +1
Attack 1: 34 to hit { 29 piercing, 2 cold + 26 piercing, 4 cold
Attack 2: 33 to hit { 26 p, 2 c
Attack 3: 40 to hit { 30 p, 3 c
Attack 4: 39, not confirmed { 32 p, 3c
Attack 5: 23 to hit { 31 p, 2 c

(accidentally rolled a d8)
Hawky attack: 23 to hit { 11 piercing

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34(32 Cleave) T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+27=47 ; d20+31=41 ; 3d8=16 ; 2d6=12 ; d20+22=27 ; d8+20=25 ; 2d6=5 ;
Monday March 18th, 2024 3:00:32 PM

Zanderallen takes the opportunity to slip past the closer skeleton while it's unable to react moving next to both. He then cleaves through both.
Move to AV11
Standard Action Cleave G1 into G2 with Undead bane warhammer -2 to AC

G1 (should be 3 lower forgot to subtract PA)
Nat 20, 38 to confirm, 88 damage (3d8+2d6+60)

27 to hit, 30 damage

Mossy Path (DM Wayne)  d20+5=8 ; d20+5=11 ;
Monday March 18th, 2024 11:23:41 PM

Stock summons a torrent of strength and then with but a few words to Dolgrin, Stock charges into battle! His flail strikes the skeleton like lightning from above, denting the shabby metal armor that rose from the ground with the skeleton, cracking several bones! Yet, the skeleton still stands after the heroic impact.

Stohp hesitates a heartbeat for Stock to charge into battle, and then she advances to his ‘right wing’ and leg-sweeps the skeleton with her own leg, but Stohp is suddenly… visibly woozy on her hooves!

Stohp Highlight to display spoiler: {Something doesn’t ‘feel’ right here. ‘Woozy’ is not a condition with any penalties, but it seems like touching this skeleton for even a second longer than she had just done might be… unwise.}

Armalad advances, Joker close behind, until she is able to peer around the corner and, seeing giant skeletons in combat posture, launches an imbued arrow which just hits the skeleton solidly at an angle, avoiding Stohp’s leg as it returns, and piercing one of the armor dents Stock’s flail left, front and back, and continues on as a Lightning Bolt into the second skeleton! The front skeleton’s bones are ashen dust falling to the ground before it could collapse! The other skeleton likewise takes the full brunt of the Lightning Bolt but remains standing.

Bartomus looked for a way to move forward some distance, but it wasn’t happening in Taur form just yet, so he bided his time.

Delia began firing through the gap between Stohp’s right side and the cave, and though her third arrow was drawn back as her initial double-shot hit the skeleton, she instantly relaxed as the two arrows each struck and shattered a rib to either side with such violent impact that the shockwaves shattered the skeleton entirely, its haphazard metal armor falling to the ground on top of the inanimate bone shards!

As silence descended upon the cave Bartomus quickly advanced past his compatriots and began examining the ashes and shattered bones of the two giant skeletons as well as the now-not-so-large pile of bones in the center of the chamber. Perhaps magic was involved, but what kind? He also took a gander around the corner, the dim light beyond the chamber showing the 15’-wide exit was a switchback, shrinking to just 10’ wide.

Zanderallen had begun moving, but the arrows had outpaced him and the battle was over before he’d taken two steps!

Sensing safety, and wanting some light to be in, Hawky flew ahead and perched on Delia’s shoulder.

Likewise sensing the battle was over, Dolgrin advanced around the corner, his eyes confirming his suspicion, and was soon adjacent to the Shields, “I heard the lightning bolt but…” Dolgrin looks around at the ash and the bone shards, “Skeletons. Giant ones at that. Hm, I think that metal armor remnant… notice the burn marks. Half-Plate, originally, blackened steel… Fire Giants! Who… or what… is powerful enough to first kill and then animate Fire Giants as Giant Skeletons?!?

The Shields’ nerves are still aflame with adrenaline.
(OOC – with the battle over, your posts can be more talky than ‘six seconds,’ but we remain in round-by-round as far as movement/exploration.)

What do you do?

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+27=46 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+27=35 ; d20+15=16 ; d20+1=3 ; d20+15=34 ;
Tuesday March 19th, 2024 2:48:45 AM

Armalad and Joker move forward and join the rest of the group in investigating the skeletal remains. At Dolgrim's question Armalad tries to apply her knowledge of religion and the arcane to answering it.

She'll also study the skeletons themselves from a spellcraft perspective to see if they were perhaps created by some variant of an animate dead spell.

If she can at least tell the spell if one was used she could tell Dolgrim how powerful a caster would have to be to animate the fallen giants.

Know[arcana] - 46
Know[religion] - 18
spellcraft - 35
Joker - Know[arcana] 16
know[religion] - 3
spellcraft - 34

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Tuesday March 19th, 2024 8:55:52 AM

"They were just coming together as we rounded the corner. Whoever or whatever is making them is probably near, and there may be more further in. We should advance before the enemy realizes we're here."

She starts to move, then stops to add. "Also, touching them felt strange while they were animate so try to only hit them with weapons."

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used 
Tuesday March 19th, 2024 9:07:53 AM

Stock’s rage leaves him and for once is not exhausted. ”Too slow, Big Z!” Hearing Stohp and agreeing with the need for swift action, Stock moves ahead down the path, trying to keep a wall on his right and stopping at the first sign of trouble.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Tuesday March 19th, 2024 11:30:19 AM

"Well done with the arrows!" Bartomus exclaimed as he hurried as best he could through the narrow passage and began his investigation.

" Could be Stohp, or could we have tripped something like a ward that started their coming together?" He asked. The he followed it up with a couple of questions to Dolgrin.

[B]" Any other creatures that you recognize the skulls of that seem odd here? Oh, and I'm assuming burying these in a wave of mud is out of the question as we were told don't soften the stone and such. "[B]

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34(32 Cleave) T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Tuesday March 19th, 2024 1:45:17 PM

Zanderallen considers investigating the skeletons further but agrees with the assessment that if they triggered something they best keep moving before more things have time to prepare for them. "Too slow, humph." He's about to make an asthma joke but then stops himself short when he realizes Stock doesn't seem winded coming out of his battle rage. Seem you can teach an old dog new tricks. Instead he keeps his mouth shut and matches Stock, staying on his left side alert for more danger.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+40=47 ; d20+33=47 ;
Tuesday March 19th, 2024 4:23:16 PM

Delia switches back into stealth mode, whispering “Fetch" to Hawky about her two arrows (if salvageable). Hawky will then alight on Zander's shoulder.

Delia slips past everyone to resume her scouting position, about 15ft ahead of their frontline.

Stealth: 47
Perception: 47 (51 v undead/aberrations)

Mossy Path (DM Wayne) 
Tuesday March 19th, 2024 11:34:07 PM

Dolgrin belatedly casts a Light spell on ZanderallenÕs shield.

Armalad and Joker move further into the chamber, looking over the bones, shards, and ash, ArmaladÕs arrow-Light overtaking the dim light of mushroom patchesÉ taking note of the pieces of worn half-plate armorÉ and with the bone pile minus some of the bones that became ash, she also sees many bits of giant-size clothes, rotted. Exposure to the mushrooms? Tiny cave insects? Necromancy? HmmmÉ. Armalad pondersÉ Highlight to display spoiler: {arcane formulas tell you with sufficient material components a powerful cleric could have done this in but a single casting, but thereÕs no visible spellcasters nearby, and none of the group has reported having heard spellcasting. Where even to begin Ð mortal spellcastersÉ donÕt some demons and devils summon undead? Too many possibilities without more cluesÉ[/b] } She tells Dolgrin, ÒWe might be dealing with a wizard or cleric of the fifteenth circle at the minimum, but I think itÕs someone or something more powerful than thatÉ if not a mortal spellcaster, maybe an extraplanar being?Ó

Stohp observes that who/whatever empowered the skeletons, they must be somewhat nearby. She relates the strange effect just physically touching one had on her and warns the group to rely on weapons instead.

Stock jokes with Zanderallen and then moves ahead on StohpÕs conclusion.

Bartomus congratulates the archers. He muses whether the group had tripped a magical trap of some sort. Bartomus asks whether Dolgrin recognizes the bones of any other creatures amidst the pile.

Zanderallen considers spending more time investigating, but nods in agreement with Stohp and Stock about moving forward. He tilts his head slightly in curiosity, realizing that StockÕs battle-rage did not leave Stock winded for once! Zanderallen moved full speed ahead to keep pace with Stock.

Delia is far more surefooted in the Tunnels than Zanderallen, or even Stock at times, and is soon ahead of them and ZanderallenÕs new Light-shield. A brief whisper and Hawky flits near where the arrows hit and grabs what he can. A quick glance from Delia and she tosses them into one of the bags of holding to avoid leaving any more evidence of the groupÕs presence than necessary.

Dolgrin listens to Armalad and nods, ÒAny of those, or maybe something else entirelyÉ two Fire Giants takes a lot of power to animate at once, I like your thinkingÉÓ he trails off, his gaze hanging for a moment on the floorÉ or maybe on a patch of the mushroomsÉ before he turns and looks to resume his place in the middle of the marching order.

The remainder of the group then move to follow Delia, Stock, and Zanderallen in case thereÕs a spellcaster to stomp and question!

The skeletons and their prey (?) behind you, the tube does a somewhat-quick 180-degree turn to the right and shrinks back to 10Õ wide for the next 50Õ when it turns slightly to the right and a 5Õ-wide, 2Õ-deep stream blocks your path, flowing fast, but no rapids. Occasionally Stock spots a blind cave fish or three, but none of the Shields knowledgeable about fish notice anything unusual. The ingress and egress of the stream are filled to the top with water, and likely nothing is there but cave fish.

Ropes of Climbing are soon brought to bear, with Delia, Stock, and Stohp simply taking running leaps across and safely landing on the other side. It barely takes a minute for the group to move on, if that.

Having forded the stream, the Shields make another slight turn to the right followed by a sharp turn to the left, and then a second such turn. You reach an intersection. To your right the tube goes 45Õ and hits a wall, with a 15Õ-wide opening at the end-right, nothing but a few stalagmites in sight. To your left the tube goes 10Õ and then opens up into a medium-size chamber, with the far wall only 30Õ away and a 20Õ-wide opening on the right Ð more interesting is that Stock points out the remnants of a dwarven ÔcampsiteÕ Ð scraps of rotting leather, spoiled food with the stink of years, but no bodies, bones, and so forth.

Stock Perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {The rotted remnants of the dwarven campsite must be eight years old or more.}
Other Shields Knowledge: Nature DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {The rotted remnants of the dwarven campsite must be eight years old or more.}

What do you do?

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+27=43 ; d20+25=28 ; d20+22=28 ; d20+20=37 ;
Wednesday March 20th, 2024 3:28:17 AM

Armalad and Joker survey the campsite.

Joker says, "This campsite aged like milk."

Armalad says, "I'd say its at least 8 years old."

To Dolgrim she asks, "On the off chance the giant corpse animater wasn't other-wordly, did any of the previous expeditions include a high powered cleric? I'd hate to think that one of your own went evil but if there are undead horrors down here I have to wonder if it is possible if a hypothetical cleric was slain by and came back as a powerful intellligent undead if it still might be able to tap into some of the power said cleric possessed in life only perverted in undeath or perhaps a hypothetical high level cleric could be possessed or mind controlled by something else?"

Both the elf and her familiar keep an eye out for potential threats

Perception - 28 - Armalad
Perception - 37 - Joker

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+22=40 ;
Wednesday March 20th, 2024 8:27:58 AM

Stohp hrms to herself as she thinks. No sign of a caster nearby, but fire giants aren't exactly known to be an underdark species and even if it was some weird confluence of magical nonsense that made the skeletons animate someone had to bring the skeletons down here. She files it away as weird but currently unanswerable. The campsite is promising and may have answers so she helps search it for clues. (Perception 40)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+8=21 ; d20+16=31 ;
Wednesday March 20th, 2024 9:48:49 AM

Bartomus looked into the camp site and took some time to see what the others had described. He joined Stohp in the investigation of the site pulling out a moonrod to better see if necessary.

"So, they were eating, maybe repairing something?"Bartomus asked aloud as he looked at the few remnants of the camp. "Or, could something have gotten their attention and a food storage bag was left and other things over time pulled it apart? I mean, I don't think that a group of dwarves are going to run off without finishing their breakfast unless there was a sudden emergency."

He snickered and winked as he thought of a dwarf missing a meal and glanced over at Stock.

Knowledge natured 21 and perception helping Stohp 31

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used  d20+27=44 ; d20+27=38 ;
Wednesday March 20th, 2024 9:53:15 AM

Stock nods at Armalad’s and Joker’s observations. He moves among the camp detritus and does his own search.

Perception vs dc15: 44
Perception searching the campsite: 38

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+33=50 ; d20+45=53 ; d20+16=18 ;
Wednesday March 20th, 2024 10:25:24 AM

Seeing the others begin a thorough examination of the campsite, Delia will stand guard at the new opening.

Hawky hops to Stohp's shoulder, peering around with her for anything of interest at the campsite.

Perception to stand watch: 50 (54 v undead/aberrations)
Stealth: 53
Hawky aid for Stohp: 18

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Wednesday March 20th, 2024 10:55:10 AM

"Well, looks like we chose the correct path. But I still don't like what I'm seeing. I wouldn't expect the scribes to purposefully leave behind a camp site like this. They would have cleaned up behind themselves. So they were either attacked or felt the need to leave in a hurry. How long would blood stains last down here?"

He answers Armalad's question, "If they were followers of Domi, they would no longer be getting power from him. But there are plenty of less honorable powers that love to tempt mortals away from the path of good with promises of power."

He moves to the mouth of the stalagmite filled tunnel ready to continue on once they're done investigating the campsite.

Mossy Path (DM Wayne) 
Wednesday March 20th, 2024 10:10:20 PM

Armalad and Joker review the campsite, with Armalad concluding there’s at least 8 years of deterioration of leather and other bits and bobs. She discusses with Dolgrin the possibility that a past expedition had a powerful dwarven cleric who was desecrated into undead, or worse.

Stohp ponders. The Fire Giants’ presence this far in the Underwold without nearby lava didn’t make sense to her. She too looked over the campsite for clues.

Bartomus joined Stohp. He suggested there was something unusual about dwarves leaving remnants of food behind, given the need to carry everything with them to avoid being tracked by foes. Bartomus returned to helping Stohp.

Stock nods with Armalad and then does his own search of the campsite.

Delia stands guard at the tunnel not yet traveled. Hawky joins Stock.

Zanderallen was simultaneously pleased at finding clues and melancholy about the implications. He replies to Armalad regarding a cleric amongst the scribes. Then he stands with Delia, waiting for the others to complete their search.

Dolgrin, too, takes a turn reviewing the campsite. In the middle of that task, he replies to Armalad, “Possibly. I agree with Bartomus, the food remnants are a clear sign they faced imminent danger, or perhaps were slain or captured before they could react. Yes, each team had a cleric, but other than Klink, who went his own way, barely a few are at the Shields’ power level amongst all four teams we trained. Though we’ve traveled a good distance to get here, if the servants of some dark power traveled this route, that’s close enough to be troublesome for the Clan. As for mind control… I shudder to think of the power required to bend the mind of a trained cleric, or druid for that matter.

The camp-searchers spend more than a few minutes sifting through the detritus – no weapons, armor, or similar gear – a crushed lantern whose oil has long-since evaporated, a few blackened backpack straps and a few untouched backpack straps… broken sticks of chalk…

Stock reaches into a thick pile of torn clothing bits and pulls out a signet ring with a partial finger inside, the dried skin shredding at Stock’s lightest touch, leaving just a finger knucklebone piercing the ring-shaped void within. He says, “Dolgrin, what do we have here? I don’t recognize the family crest.” Dolgrin reaches out and Stock drops the ring into his right hand. Dolgrin pulls out a cloth from his belt pouch and cleans off the ring. He stares intently at it. “That’s the Mountainmane crest. Dalognan was in the group of scribes that came this way, a fine tracker and decent combatant… but something strong must have ripped off or cut off at least one finger to leave this behind… this was our first expedition not to return from this general area, far along the mossy path. Presuming we survive whatever killed them I’ll have a sad report to make if… when… we return.

The others find more of the same detritus. Whatever fate befell the scribes, it took them bodily with virtually all of their possessions. The searchers conclude their work and the Shields reform into standard marching order.

The Shields having learned an unfortunate truth, you press on to the other tube which stays 15’ wide at the sharp right turn, but it’ll be a bit of slow going as a large number of stalagmites will slow the Taurs as they walk. Some 40’ ahead on the left corner the tube continues to the left. Dolgrin comments, “I should name this chamber Taurs’ Misery! Heh heh heh… sorry… no, I was lying, I’m not sorry.” Dolgrin finishes with a smirk. (OOC – Taurs have to squeeze through this room, as the openings between the many stalagmite columns are no more than 5’ wide, at most, and not often that wide.)

Having squeezed by the small maze of stalagmites, the Shields take the slight left about 15’ and then take another slight left, entering a T-intersection from the side. The tube continues straight 30’ when it thins to just 5’ wide by 5’ tall, yet also there’s a 20’-wide opening on your left which doesn’t have a far wall in view yet you hear the low roar of a stream with not-quite-rapids… waterfall?

Delia and Stock whisper to the group that there’s a big hole in the ground ahead, 20’ wide, and longer than they can see with Darkvision from where they’re standing.

What do you do?

Mossy Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Wednesday March 20th, 2024 10:55:12 PM

Armalad asks, "Can the taurs squeeze through the tighter passage or is the risk too great? Should we investigate the watery abyss ahead but be weary lest we potentially accidentally lose footing and slip?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Thursday March 21st, 2024 5:12:27 AM

"I'm good for anything that doesn't require you guys to squeeze through." Stohp says. She's quite agile, and though it's slow she's able to weave through the stalagmites without to much trouble.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+40=52 ; d20+33=45 ;
Thursday March 21st, 2024 9:01:04 AM

"Be right back," Delia creeps towards the edge of the hole, stopping before she reaches it. Even if she can't see anything, she will listen for any sounds other than water.

Stealth move to M12

Stealth: 52
Perception: 45 (49 v undead/aberrations)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Thursday March 21st, 2024 12:22:44 PM

When the size of the chamber in front of them is revealed Zanderallen pulls out the bull's eye lantern he acquired and preps it to be lit. "If we want to risk the light this lantern will illuminate much further than I believe your dwarves can see." He awaits the decisions of the scouts to light the lantern.
Bull's eye lantern - 60ft cone bright light, 120 cone dim light

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used 
Thursday March 21st, 2024 3:46:32 PM

[b]”I’m fine with more light here. Let’s keep moving. Let Delia scout ahead…wait where did Delia go? Oh I see or don’t see that is…”[b]

Stock pushes forward, once they have light at a pace that he assumes wouldn’t allow the party to catch up with Delia.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=35 ;
Thursday March 21st, 2024 7:11:41 PM

"Going to change into a rock hound to start getting around here," Bartomus said after struggling with the squeezing and the twisting. He then came up to where the others had stopped.

"Light it up Zman." Bartomus said as he closed his eyes wanting to avoid being flash blinded by the sudden sharing of light.

Perception - 35 - listen and look before the lights come on.

Mossy Path (DM Wayne) 
Thursday March 21st, 2024 10:04:17 PM

Armalad wonders whether the Taurs will make it through the stalagmite columns (all the Ms on the map) but with great effort and patience each of them does so, helped by torso-twisting and other tactics that might not have worked so well in full plate! She then asks whether the sound of water ahead, combined with the gaping hole in the floor, is worth investigating.

Stohp, perhaps the limberest Taur ever, still has to sweat her way through the stalagmites but she makes it look easy!

Delia asks the group to wait while she investigates the low roar of water.

Zanderallen readies his lantern, reminding the group of the risk of lighting it.

Stock tells Zanderallen to Ôlight that candle.Õ

Bartomus had a bit harder time than Stohp though he was making progress. Once done, he promised to wildshape the next time ÔTaurs MiseryÕ showed up! He too asked Zanderallen to light the lantern.

Delia advanced into the Night Below, and her Darkvision rewarded her sooner than she expected. The hole is both twenty feet wide and long, and who knows how deep! Ahead on DeliaÕs right she sees vast quantities of water rushing at herÉ but falling harmlessly into the hole! ItÕs a leap of some twenty feet to reach the stream flowing swiftly towards you and then thereÕll be some resistance from the fast-moving stream Ð could be five feet deep the whole way ahead towards its source, and itÕs ten feet wide with ten feet of open air above it before the cave ceiling. It goes back farther than Delia can see, standing at the lip of the pit.

Then DeliaÕs Darkvision is colorized as ZanderallenÕs lantern flickers on and the group advances some twenty feet towards Delia and the hole, the group now seeing in color everything Delia saw in monochrome. The Shields look at each other, considering whether to wade through the shoulder-high stream, use tools to side-climb along the walls, or perhaps use magic? Dolgrin squints and spots something, ÒScratches. Giant-hand-size scratches Ð looks like the giant skeletons came from beyond the water and just side-climbed because they have skinny fingers, or claws, or whatever.Ó

Delia looks down, her Darkvision taking her farther down the pit than the lantern shows, the pit going some forty feet to a large pool of water, and the water too murky to see how deep it goes. The pitÕs water level is not rising, but neither is it sinking, so the water is going somewhere. She looks up at the giant hand scratches on the river walls, above the water, and agrees with DolgrinÕs assessment that the giant skeletons travel that way, crawling along the walls, and somewhat often, often enough that even she, the best tracker in the Float, if not all of the Elennian Peninsula, canÕt tell exactly how many unique skeleton claw marks there are Ð too heavily travelled, too recently Ð as in the last few months, or less.

What do you do?


Mossy Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Friday March 22nd, 2024 12:21:00 AM

Armalad says, "I guess the question is do we risk the unknown of the water or the heavily traveled side path the Giants take. I have a single Fly spell I can cast and Joker can always fly being a Mephit otherwise I'll have to share in the climbing gear if we are taking the side climb approach. I don't think it is a good idea to chance the water personally being that it has to go empty somewhere to keep the water level consistent and who knows if there is an undertow that could drag us down there?"

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44 
Friday March 22nd, 2024 11:13:08 AM

"I agree, Armalad. Unknown cave water is bad news, I wouldn't want to risk it either.
"I have spider climb boots and could ferry all but the Taur across - if piggybacking isn't too undignified for y'all - without use of spells. And if we have pitons, I could help place them so that Stohp and Bart could climb across with secure hand and footholds."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Friday March 22nd, 2024 3:59:54 PM

Zanderallen sighs as he looks the pit, waterfall, and scratch marks. There really wasn't any option other than to climb across and find out where those fire giants had come from. "Let's be smart about how we cross, if we run into trouble on the other side whoever is over there needs to be able to defend themselves while everyone else gets across. Stock, do you want to go first? Delia can bring me over right after."

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used  d20+15=27 ;
Friday March 22nd, 2024 4:35:43 PM

”i have two potions of fly as well. For now let’s proceed with caution. Maybe tether together with a rope.” He makes his way to the wall, ties his rope around his waist and starts free climbing.

Climb 27

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Friday March 22nd, 2024 6:46:08 PM

Stohp eyes the distance. "I could jump that with no problem as long as there's space for me on the other side. There's also a tunnel back that way we could try."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=30 ;
Friday March 22nd, 2024 9:35:50 PM

"Would be interesting to see where that water goes. But, can also find away to cross over to the other side if that is our goal - always fun to try out a new form - air elemental for example." Bartomus said as he looked over the revealed portion of the cavern.

Perception 30

Mossy Path (DM Wayne) 
Saturday March 23rd, 2024 7:32:05 PM

Armalad muses about strategic tunnel choices.

Delia agrees on the danger of chancing the water, and suggests how she could help create a climbing route for the group.

Zanderallen declared the need to track the giant skeletons was imperative, and involved all in the tactical decisions.

Stock noted he had two potions of Fly to contribute to the mission, if needed. Then he gathered some rope around himself and with his prodigious muscles began climbing to assist Delia with getting the group over and past the underground stream.

Stohp considers jumping the twenty-foot pit to speed things up, then reminds the group of the unexplored tunnel.

Bartomus is curious about where the water drains to, and suggests he Wildshape into an air elemental to bypass the stream.

Dolgrin listens silently, nodding at the ideas of each Shield in turn.

What do you do?

Mossy Path

(OOC Ð DM Mike takes the chair on Monday. IÕll be back for the April 6 post in exactly two weeks!)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=21 ;
Sunday March 24th, 2024 11:20:40 AM

Bartomus shrugs and then wanders back to the small tunnel that was behind him. He wildshaped into a small earth elemental and wanders down that passage peaking about as he proceeded. He stopped at the opening and peaked into the larger chamber.

Wildshape; move to G3; then perception 21, not sure how tremor sense would work but would wave that into this effort to get a sense of the next chamber - specifically if there is any movement in that chamber and if possible is water associated with it as well.

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Sunday March 24th, 2024 3:29:21 PM

Armalad says, "Let's wait for Bartomus's scouting report to get an idea of how we should play this. He turned into an earth elemental yes? Perhaps his tremor sense can tell us something about what might be in the next chamber."

(OOC: A creature with tremorsense is sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground. Aquatic creatures with tremorsense can also sense the location of creatures moving through water. The ability's range is specified in the creature's descriptive text. - I think he should just know if there is anything within 60 feet of him as he scouts)

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Monday March 25th, 2024 6:49:55 AM

Stohp comments, "For all we know the path in the back meets up with this river further down so lets just go that way instead of spending time getting past this hole for now."

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44 
Monday March 25th, 2024 2:25:22 PM

Delia looks between the two paths. If Stock is continuing to climb she'll go with him, walking on the wall underneath where he's climbing.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Monday March 25th, 2024 2:26:30 PM

Zanderallen waits to hear back from the scouting effort. He thinks it unlikely the caves join together with all the evidence of passage seen on the rocks, but he's open to suggestions.

Checking with the tremorsense (DM MikeK) 
Monday March 25th, 2024 7:58:03 PM

Bartomus wildshapes into a small earth elemental and wanders down the path behind him.

Armalad, Zanderallen and Stohp hold positions, waiting for his report.

Stock hesitates.
Delia waits with him.

From his position at the mouth of the chamber, Bartomus notes it is quite spacious – you’ve entered through a mere 5’ by 5’ tube that goes 10’ before opening into a 25’ by 55’ chamber with no visible exits. A beautiful selection of stalactites slowly grow from the 25’ high ceiling with none of them extending more than 10’ in length. The chamber appears to be empty.

Mossy Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Monday March 25th, 2024 11:42:57 PM

Armalad says, "if the chamber is empty and there are no exits I guess we have to go other way, unless it is possible there is some sort of hidden exit in the next chamber."

This is assuming Bart came back and told the team what he figured out.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Tuesday March 26th, 2024 8:39:20 AM

Stohp shrugs. "If the other way is a dead end then lets get moving past this hole. Looks like it's time to get wet." She'll let the others figure their own way past as if she jumps across first she'll block people from crossing (and is not the best front line).

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=29 ;
Tuesday March 26th, 2024 9:45:10 AM

Bartomus took in what he could about the open chamber. He paused for a moment and then walked into chamber. He stood in his elemental form for a moment, took a sense of the space, and then returned to the small tube that he had come through.

a. If empty - Bartomus returned and made it known that the adjacent cavern was empty, but had some interesting geological features.

b. If not empty, Bartomus will react when he learns more.

Move to F7 pause and then return if in fact it continues to appear to be empty. When he returns, he will communicate the fact that the chamber was empty.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Tuesday March 26th, 2024 9:46:50 AM

Perception check was 29 - sorry forgot to include it.

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used 
Tuesday March 26th, 2024 11:14:59 AM

”If that spot is truly empty of hostile, it is basically another travel cave…we should note it on the map and move on. I agree though, it’s probably time to get wet. Let’s see if Bart spots anything first.”

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Tuesday March 26th, 2024 4:27:29 PM

Zanderallen prepares himself to climb or be carried, securing his pack and gear so they don't wash away.

Preparing for the descent (DM MikeK) 
Tuesday March 26th, 2024 6:51:34 PM

Bartomus moves into the chamber. In his earth elemental form he pauses, allowing his senses to take in the room. He sees nothing and senses no movement. The taur returns to report that the adjacent cavern was empty but had some interesting geological features.

The rest of the party continued preparations, but no one has started climbing or otherwise attempting to traverse the waterfall.

Mossy Path

OOC - If attempting to climb please make three climbing checks vs DC 20

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Tuesday March 26th, 2024 11:21:01 PM

Armalad says, "If the next room has a hidden exit might Stock or Dolgrin notice being Dwarves and all? Don't they tend to have a natural sense for out of place stone work? Is it worth entering that room together save maybe the Taurs and just seeing if our Dwarven friends notice anything and then if they do and there is a secret exit we squeeze the Taurs through"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20=16 ;
Wednesday March 27th, 2024 6:59:30 AM

Once a couple people are across Stohp will make the jump easily (35 acrobatics to jump the gap vs DC 20 for a 20 foot jump)

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used 
Wednesday March 27th, 2024 9:02:28 AM

”It sounded like Bart had a good look up there. It seems like we either go upstream or down the falls. .

Stock ties his rope around his waste and begins climbing the wall, taking his time and leaving the end of his rope behind for anyone else who wants to climb.

Take 10 on climb for 25

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44 
Wednesday March 27th, 2024 12:52:06 PM

Delia will get Zanderallen situated on her back and very slowly make her way across the gap with slippers of spider climbing.
She takes a moment to recover once he is dropped off, muttering something about not letting him eat dwarf food anymore, then runs back over to get Armalad as well.


ooc Heavy load up to 400lb, her own gear takes up ~35lbs of that. Zander in full plate cuts it close, but if my math is right he's between 250-300lb total.
Slippers of Spider Climb only give 10 minutes of being sticky a day, so Delia is sticky for a full minute

Geronimo! (DM MikeK) 
Wednesday March 27th, 2024 7:01:18 PM

Armalad suggests investigating the eastern chamber further, but the rest of the Shields determine to press on.

Stock patiently works his down one wall beside the waterfall, rope dangling below him.

Delia carries Zanderallen down the other wall, relying on her sticky slippers to stay attached.

Hawky, naturally, flies down.

Dolgrin winks at Bartomus, and glides into the rock.

Stohp takes a jump. She clears the deep reservoir beneath the waterfall with ease, landing in the middle of the flowing stream beyond.
She finds the water is about waist high to a taur and not fast enough to cause concern.
She and a taur sized Bart should be able to wade to the end without issues.
She notes medium sized folk might have a bit more trouble.

Regular claw marks in the walls leave tell tale signs that the giant skeletons avoided the water and climbed through this tunnel.

Up ahead, the water continues under a ledge, while a dry tunnel leads up and to the left.

Mossy Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Wednesday March 27th, 2024 11:24:21 PM

Armalad will let Delia climb her across the gap seeing as it would save her a Fly spell. Joker will fly and keep pace with Armalad and Delia

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Thursday March 28th, 2024 7:09:38 AM

"The water's kind of deep, watch yourselves" Stohp calls back to the others.

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used 
Thursday March 28th, 2024 8:04:11 AM

[b]”You have a few options here Bart-and almost all involve you transforming into something else to get over here. As for me, I will keep climbing and moving forward. Wouldn’t want to get trench foot from wet boots if I can avoid it.”[ b]

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=22 ;
Thursday March 28th, 2024 11:13:49 AM

Bartomus watched in alwonder as Dolgrin disappeared into the rock yet could sense his movement. The Taur turned elemental followed suit in a burrowing glide downward.

It took him a bit longer having gotten fascinated with the feeling and a quartz crystal he passed along the way down. When he found a good place to pop up in the pool filled chamber, he rose up out of the earth. He shook himself and returned to his taur form.

sorry for missing yesterday's post. Earth glide to BC 29, perception 22. Now in Taur form

Another chamber (DM MikeK) 
Thursday March 28th, 2024 7:21:50 PM

Delia is already carrying Zanderallen.
Thus, to conserve her spells, Armalad must hitch a ride tied to the rope below Stock.

Bartomus elects to follow DolgrinÕs lead and earth glides to the open chamber.

He arrives last and moves into the next chamber behind the others.

Thankful to leave the stream behind, the Shields walk just 20Õ into a medium-sized chamber, about 40Õ long to the far wall and 20Õ wide. ThereÕs a 10Õ-wide opening in the far left corner, marking a hard left.

Once more itÕll be a bit of slow going as a large number of stalagmites will slow the Taurs as they walk. The floor is reasonably clean here, only two or three small bone scraps.

Perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {thereÕs some whiff of some kind of stinky scent coming from the opening in the far left corner, but itÕs too faint to try to identify, yet.}

Mossy Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+20=33 ; d20+22=29 ;
Thursday March 28th, 2024 11:40:06 PM

Perception - 33 - Joker
Perception - 29 - Armalad

Joker says, "Okay who farted?"

Armalad says,"That's not a fart, but it does stink and it is coming from that opening in the far left corner."

Armalad warily stays with the rest of the group as they get nearer to the stinking corner staying towards the mid rear of the group.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Friday March 29th, 2024 7:27:54 AM

Stohp is cautious in her advance as the party approaches the stench. Something that smells like that down here is likely either a powerful monster's musk to scare away lessers or something dead that would draw scavengers.

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used 
Friday March 29th, 2024 8:18:00 AM

[b]”I think this is one of those ‘Yes, and’ type situations, Joker. I broke wind back there but this is something else. And probably nothing good. Prepare yourselves. Dolgrin Cousin…is that some kind of cave smell I don’t recognize?”[b]

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+33=46 ; d20+45=55 ;
Friday March 29th, 2024 3:19:07 PM

(sorry for spotty posting this week. I'll be back on track next week)
Longstrider, Darkvision, Favored Terrain +2

Delia takes one breath in and her eyebrows draw together.
"Climbing can do that to you," she absently responds to Stock as she tries to identify the smell.

She creeps forward slowly towards the opening to get a better whiff.

Perception: 46 (+4 v undead/aberrations)
Stealth: 55

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+10=30 ;
Friday March 29th, 2024 3:59:06 PM

Zanderallen thanks Delia for the lift and catches his bearings in the new room. Catching the same whiff of something as everyone else he readies himself. He keeps his right hand free, knowing he can summon his sword with a thought. He moves towards the opening, shield raised to illuminate the space with the light cast upon it.
Move to H30

Perception 30

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=18 ;
Friday March 29th, 2024 9:01:19 PM

Bartomus sighed when he saw the thin passages that now stood before them.

He changed back into a creature of stone and glided first to where he could see into the chamber keeping himself a part of the rock wall.

perception 18/ wildshape 2nd time into large stone elemental. Erth glide to E27 & 28

Trouble (DM MikeK) 
Sunday March 31st, 2024 7:36:49 PM

With heightened senses on full alert, the Shields cautiously move forward.
Zanderallen raises his light enspelled shield to illuminate the space before them.

By the light of his shield, the party quickly confirms the 15’ by 25’ chamber with a 10’ wide opening in the far right corner, sharp right, has nothing but cave…but all of the Shields’ nerves are on fire.

Maybe he’s not paying attention or maybe his senses aren’t as attuned to potential dangers as the experienced adventurers.
For whatever reason, Dolgrin moves past the group into the chamber and peeks around the corner.

He doesn’t say a word, but you notice a lengthening trickle of drool leaving his lip, and then he walks slowly ahead, only covering another 5’.

Mossy Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Monday April 1st, 2024 2:00:23 AM

Armalad and Joker move to I29 and cast Resilient Sphere on Dolgrim attempting to protect and trap the Dwarf. Dolgrim gets a DC 21 Reflex save to avoid being trapped in the sphere.

"I'm trying to protect Dolgrim while immobilizing him. In this way we can take out whatever is drawing him forward and then dismiss the protective sphere once the threat is gone." She explains to the others

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+25=32 ; d20+23=35 ;
Monday April 1st, 2024 7:51:27 AM

Something's wrong here, Dolgrim wouldn't advance ahead of the party without cause and the drool is a huge warning flag. If he somehow avoids Armalad's sphere Stohp will grab him (Grapple 32), otherwise shell advance ahead of him looking about for what could be causing him to act strangely.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+13=14 ;
Monday April 1st, 2024 9:41:34 AM

The crystals were distracting and slowed the Taur turned elemental's movement. He shrugged as he sensed that someone who was short and stout was moving faster than the rest of the party.

He emerged from the wall and sawy their guide, cave mentor moving forward and hearing the party talking about capturing him. He watched Stohp go by reaching for Dolgrin. He reached out and tried to help in the grapple. But things went wrong.

Sorry wrongly typed where I wanted to be. Finish earth glide out of the wall and come to I/J 26. Grapple attempt - fumble with a 1 plus modifier. SIGH, I am blaming the crystals.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44 
Monday April 1st, 2024 11:30:34 AM

Delia curses as Dolgrin meanders forward. She grabs onto Hawky and moves up to H28.
She'll wait to see if Stohp or Bartomus are affected by this call before advancing further.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Monday April 1st, 2024 2:11:21 PM

Zanderallen starts to reach out for Dolgrin as the dwarf starts to move past, concerned about his apparent lack of focus. When he hears Armalad magically containing the dwarf he switches focus to what might be causing the compulsion. "Good thinking Armalad. Everyone take care, something seems to be messing with his mind. Stay near me and Domi's power will aid you." He then moves forward to the front, his sword seemingly appearing his hand as it wills it to full size and to flame up.
Move to I27
Aura of Resolve (Z immune to charm spells and spell-like, +4 for allies within 10 ft)
Aura of Righteousness (Z immune to compulsion spells and spell-like, +4 for allies within 10 ft)

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used 
Monday April 1st, 2024 4:11:10 PM

”I was about to say we should let Dolgrin lead us to the threat before restraining him…but this works too.”

He keeps close to Zanderallen albeit ahead of the paladin not wanting to take additional chances getting clear of the auras.

Snaring Dolgrin (DM MikeK)  d20+5=7 ;
Monday April 1st, 2024 7:40:12 PM

Armalad moves up and casts resilient sphere over Dolgrin. The spell easily encases the dwarf, who is now contained.

Stohp advances ahead of Dolgrin.
Stohp - Roll 2 Will Saves.

Bart glides out of the rock behind Dolgrin.
Bart - Roll 2 Will Saves. Include +4 morale bonus from Zanderallen.

Delia moves up, followed by Zanderallen and Stock.
The ranger intentionally keeps back a bit.
The paladin and dwarf are forced to do the same by the presence of Bartomus.

Mossy Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Monday April 1st, 2024 9:00:43 PM

Armalad says, "A resilient sphere is not without its weaknesses so ideally we shouldn't let Dolgrim out of our sight on the off chance a caster appears however that possibility is probably low considering we've cleared the area behind us so theoretically he should be safe enough until we deal with the threat unless you want Joker to stay behind and use an illusion to hide Dolgrim's sphere"

Depending on what the team suggests either Joker hangs back and stand next to Dolgrim creating a silent image of a rock formation with his wand or Joker advances with Armalad who stays toward the middle of the group

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+21=24 ; d20+21=38 ;
Monday April 1st, 2024 10:47:33 PM

Bartomus moved forward and slid back into the corner of the wall. He had just emerged next to Stohp after failing his attempt to grapple the drooling dwarf.

Will saves with Z's added bonus - 24, 38 - Move to J/K 24

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+12=13 ; d20+12=20 ;
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 7:57:03 AM

Stohp makes two will saves to an unknown result (13 and 20)

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 2/44 used  d20+27=46 ;
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 10:03:50 AM

Annoyed at the slow pace, Stock enters a rage and pushes ahead, looking for threats.

Perception looking for threats 46
Move to any threats Stock spots

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 4:31:00 PM

Zanderallen blinks as he realizes how far ahead some of the party has gotten. He pushes around the taurs to keep pace with Stock, deciding his best bet is to keep the angry dwarf in as sound a mind as possible. Or at least as sound as Stock ever got.
(OOC: This is what I get for not checking the legend close enough, got Dolgrin and Delia confused on the map last round.)

Moving with Stock to at least O24

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+16=35 ;
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 6:41:59 PM

Delia frowns in concern as everyone moves forward, she will however advance with Zander and Stock, weapons out, staying right behind her paladin friend.

She tells Hawky to Stay and Guard their backs. He will alert if he sees anything.

Hawky Perception: 35 (39 v undead/aberrations)

Rest (DM MikeK) 
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 7:29:51 PM

Bartomus Only Highlight to display spoiler: { All Bart can hear in his mind is “You’ve won. You can rest now. Rest.”
Please make another Will Save vs DC 29. Zanderallen’s +4 bonus is still in effect.

Stohp Only Highlight to display spoiler: { Several more Fire Giant Skeletons fill the front end of a large cavern that stretches out into the darkness beyond. One dies under a fusilade from Delia and another is shredded by Armalad’s arrow borne lightning bolt. Zanderallen move forward to meet the remainders.}

Everyone except Bartomus and Stohp Highlight to display spoiler: { Bartomus stops. His arms hang limply at his side and drool drips from a lip. Stohp is similarly affected. But unlike Bart, Stohp slowly moves forward, walking another 5’ into the cavern before you.

Annoyed at the slow pace, Stock enters a rage, works his way through Bart’s unmoving legs and cuts around Stohp.
Zanderallen and Delia follow the raging dwarf.

Armalad and Joker keep pace behind.

Hawky stays where Delia told him to guard.

As you delve deeper into this unknowable chamber, apparently devoid of stalagmites, with a ceiling out of your sight, all your mind (your mind!!) can hear is, “You’ve won. You can rest now.”

Everyone make two Will Saves. First vs DC 36 and Second vs DC 29.
Stock, Zanderallen, and Delia gain +4 morale bonus from Zanderallen’s aura.
This is a charm effect, but not a spell. Zanderallen is not immune.


Bart and Stohp - please do not look at the map.
Mossy Path

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+21=25 ;
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 7:33:39 PM

Bartomus smiled and then sat down with a feeling of accomplishment.

Will save for 25

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+18=27 ; d20+8=12 ; d20+10=25 ; d20+8=28 ;
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 9:07:42 PM

Will Save 27 - Armalad (with Hero point) - fail
Will Save 12 - Joker - fail
Will Save2 - Armalad - fail
Will Save2 - Joker - succeed (nat 20)

Arnalad fails both saves despite making a heroic effort on the first. Joker fails the first.
Both take a seat.

(OOC: Will DC 36 really? Does anyone in the party have a chance at making that w/o rolling a nat 20? And so the shields get setup for a TPK off an unbeatable will save; hope I'm joking)

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 8:20:40 AM

Stohp will take up position behind Zander and reach over him to trip the enemy.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+21=41 ;
Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 9:47:17 AM

Ohhh ohhh hero point - roll - oh wait, NVM - have to use the hero point before the roll - shucks!

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 2/44 used  d20+8=18 ; d20+20=23 ; d20+20=22 ;
Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 10:38:54 AM

Stock hears a buzzing in his head trying to break through his rage that grows into a voice. He swats at his head and looks around…

Save 1with hero point- I screwed up the modifiers but that should have been +28 to the roll for a total of 38
Save 2 - 23 for the love of…a natural 3?
Clear Mind ability to re-roll: 22 you know…

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+26=29 ; d20+26=45 ; d20+26=30 ; d20+10=25 ;
Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 2:46:41 PM

Zanderallen starts to relax and slow his pace, almost willing his sword away. But with a heroic effort his sense of danger comes roaring to life and he yells out at the top of his lungs to counter the voice in his head, "THIS IS NOT OVER! DO NOT ENTER THE CAVERN! He then spins around looking around him as he calls for the aid of Domi's power to empower his blade "Show yourself!"
Will(1): 29 Fails HERO POINT REROLL Will(1): 45 Passes
Will(2) 30 Passes

Perception 25

Divine Bond - Holyand Speed to Longsword for 17 minutes

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+29=44 ; d20+21=33 ; d20+33=37 ;
Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 4:44:25 PM

(Darkvision 60ft, Longstrider, Favored Terrain (Underground +2))

Delia gives her head a sharp shake, thinking "Shut up" back at the voice. She glances around at the glazed looks and slowed paces of her allies. Her grip tightens on her bow. Am I alone?, she starts to ask herself, before Zander's bellow and suddenly glowing sword startle her out of that line of thinking.
She nods to him, advancing cautiously. She stays within 10 ft of Zander for now, and looks into the cavern.

Hawky holds position.

44 heroic will save 1
33 will save 2

Perception: 37 (41 v undead/aberrations)

Cavern Battle (DM MikeK) 
Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 7:27:11 PM

Stohp, Armlad and Stock Highlight to display spoiler: { Several Fire Giant Skeletons fill the immense cavern before you, but you mow them down without effort. Across the cavern, the true enemy becomes visible in a violet light - a gigantic purple fungus, spheroid shaped and 50’ high, dominates the far side of the cavern.
Armalad identifies it as a zygomind. The creature must be destroyed quickly before its supernatural charming effect takes hold.

Please post PC actions and also make another Will save.

Bartomus, Zanderallen, and Delia Highlight to display spoiler: {
Stohp, Stock, Aramalad and Joker, all drooling at the mouth, shuffle slowly eastward into an immense, stalactite free cavern.

At the edge of Zanderallen’s light, he and Delia can make out a line of stationary Fire Giant Skeletons. The cavern continues on behind them, but darkness obscures any details.

Bartomus is pulled from his reverie by the sound of a hawk screaming in his ear and the shock of a set of talons digging into his arm.
Hawky has dug in to the taur and flapping for all he is worth, apparently trying to pull Bart back behind the K 27 - K29 wall.

The voice in the trio’s minds continues on - “No, rest. Rest now.”
Hawky’s piercing screeching demands otherwise.

Go ahead and post a full round of actions.
Also, make two more Will Saves.
Zanderallen and Delia gain +4 morale bonus from Zanderallen’s aura.
All three PCs gain +2 Aid Another bonus from the madly screaming hawk.


Map for Zanderallen, Delia and Bart only.
Mossy Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+18=27 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+24=33 ; d8=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d8=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ;
Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 9:20:54 PM

(OOC : What is the DC of the save?)

Armalad = 27
Joker = 22

Armalad explains to the others that the zygomind must be stopped quickly and then imbues her arrow with antimagic field supressing the merciful ability against the plant creature.

33 vs AC; 6 + 2 fire + 4 ice + 1 electirc and 5 + 2 fire + 6 ice + 4 electric and 10 foot antimagic field centered on where the arrow hit

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+12=20 ;
Thursday April 4th, 2024 5:38:27 AM

Stohp will wait for the front line to charge the enemy and advance behind them. She can't really trip or disarm a fungus. (Will 20, 24 if close to Z's aura)

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 4:44 used  d20+20=39 ; d20+25=42 ; d20+29=40 ; d10+32=42 ; d10+32=36 ; d6=6 ; d8=7 ;
Thursday April 4th, 2024 9:21:54 AM

Stock bellows in rage and then moves past the shattered remains of the giants to get to the fungus to “kill” it…

Will Save: 39
Power attack hits ac42, critical threat confirms vs ac40
If not a crit: 42 bludgeoning damage + 6 electricity
If it is a crit: 78 bludgeoning damage + 6 electricity + 7 sonic + the target is sickened for 1 minute

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+19=39 ; d20+19=38 ;
Thursday April 4th, 2024 9:53:01 AM

He was comfortable sitting there relishing the fact that they had done rather well. That they could rest. WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THERE WAS A SCREECH IN HIS EAR! Followed by three sharp pinches into his arm and with feathers all about.

Bartomus shook it off and realized that others are following along with their dwarven guide in a weird shuffle towards the darkeness further on the cavern. Someone was telling him to res, but Hawky's screeching and fluttering flaps were trying to bat that away.

"Alright, alright," Bartomus shouts at the screeching hawk. He moves quickly forward while the other voice echoed in his head.

He began preparing a spell as he saw what was coming at the edge of Zander's shields.

"Folks, It might get a bit brighter in here."

Move to KL 22; Will Save one - Critical at 39; followed by a 38; cast Sunbeam and hold first strike to next round. - just putting this here so I remember tomorrow! [0/5 used at 17d6 reflex save reduces damage by half, removes blindness]

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 34 T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+26=40 ; d20+26=46 ;
Thursday April 4th, 2024 12:17:55 PM

Confused and worried Zanderallen defaults to decisive action. He motions for Delia to follow, "Have Hawky try and wake the others, we've got to try and find the source. Let's go." Waiting just long enough to give Delia the chance to start moving Zanderallen sprints into the cavern, flaming sword held out to provide illumination. He'll run past the fire giants unless they move to block him.
Run 120 ft to AK 23 unless blocked by fire giants or something else.
Will Saves 40 and 46

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+23=43 ; d20+23=35 ;
Thursday April 4th, 2024 2:10:22 PM

"Get eyes on something and I've got your back from here," She calls after Zander, running over to Stock.
"No rest until we're dead. And that might not even stick," she tells the dwarf, slapping him sharply.

"BART! There might be something behind us! Hawky was on guard mode. Hawky, Alert! Stay behind the corner and keep us grounded, buddy," she shouts, continuing to shake Stock until his eyes come back into focus.

Hawky will turn and prepare to fight if there is something to fight. If not, he finds something to perch on (not Bart, he might move). Either way, he continues his ear piercing screech as requested.

Will save 1 nat 20 for 43
Will save 2 35

Move to P26 and attempt to wake Stock

Cavern Battle rd2 (DM MikeK)  d20+15=27 ; d20+15=35 ; d20+15=26 ; d8+5=7 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+15=22 ; d20+15=34 ; d20+15=19 ; d8+5=8 ;
Thursday April 4th, 2024 9:17:31 PM

Stohp, Armlad Highlight to display spoiler: { Armalad encases the zygomind in an anti magic field, effectively reducing the dangerous creature to a big fungus. Stohp is unable to grapple, but the rest of the Shields, led by Stock, batter and slice until there is nothing left.

As the Shields clear away the debris, Stohp notices a shiny box at the base of the former zygomind’s perch.

Please post PC actions and also make another Will save - DC29
Stohp gets +2 bonus.

Bartomus, Zanderallen, Stock, and Delia Highlight to display spoiler: {
Stohp and Aramalad and Joker, all drooling at the mouth, continue to shuffle slowly eastward into the immense, stalactite free cavern.

Stock’s raging mind refuses to accept what he sees. Suddenly, the dwarf finds himself in a completely different reality. Now he’s back at the start of the cavern with Zanderallen and Delia. A line of fire giants stand to his front.

And Hawky is being awfully loud.

Zanderallen races into the darkness, his shield casting light throughout the immense cavern.
The fire giant skeletons react slowly. Two swing at the paladin as he runs past.
One hits.
Zanderallen takes 7 hp damage

By Zanderallen’s light, all can see the chamber is very big, is filled up with quite a few fire giant skeletons, and is occupied at the far end by an enormous cage shaped plant of some kind. A strange glowing emanates from within it.

Delia sees Stock has snapped out of it. She instead shakes Stohp frantically.

Bartomus moves up and casts a spell.

Fire Giant Skeletons close in and attack Zanderallen.
One hits. Zanderallen takes 8 hp damage.

The rest move to cut off the rest of the party.

The voice in each of your minds continues on - “Rest Rest. Rest now.”
Hawky’s piercing screeching continues unabated.

Go ahead and post a full round of actions.
Also, make two more Will Saves. If you save vs the first (DC 36), there is no need to roll a second time. If you fail the first, roll a second (DC 29)

Zanderallen gains +4 morale bonus from his aura.
All PCs gain +2 Aid Another bonus from the madly screaming hawk.


Map for Zanderallen, Delia, Stock and Bart only.
Mossy Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+27=40 ; d20+29=38 ;
Friday April 5th, 2024 1:59:34 AM

Assuming Stohp tells Armalad about the shiny box she casts detect magic and attempts to identify if magical.

Know - Arcana = 40
Spellcraft - 38

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+18=28 ; d20+8=24 ;
Friday April 5th, 2024 2:04:03 AM

Saves - 28 = Armalad (Heroic still failed)
24 - Joker

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20=14 ;
Friday April 5th, 2024 7:11:04 AM

Hrm. That felt to easy and do fast. Doesn't combat usually take what feels like at least a week even though it's only 30 seconds? Something niggles in the back of Stohps mind but she can't quite resolve it so shrugs and picks up the box (28 will)

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 4:44 used  d20+25=45 ; d20+29=39 ; d20+20=23 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+10=11 ; d10+32=39 ; d10+32=40 ; d6=1 ; d8=2 ; d20+18=22 ; d20+18=29 ;
Friday April 5th, 2024 11:55:23 AM

Stock shakes his head and growls at Delia trying to wake him. He steps forward now that he has a different target and tries to cut a path to big Z.

He yells, [b]”Get out of my head!”[b]
5 ft step east
Full attack vs F8 and then F9
PA hits AC45, critical threat probably confirms vs AC39, 79 bludgeoning + 1 electrical + 2 sonic + sickened although that probably is not relevant
PA2, 3 and 4 probably miss vs AC23, 23 and 11
Will save 1 fails with 22
Will save 2 passes with 29

+4AC vs giant subtype

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 144/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  17d6=56 ;
Friday April 5th, 2024 4:04:19 PM

Bartomus sends a beam of bright reddish light at the skeleton in front of him (F7) and yells.

"Those are not friendlies folks."

Sunbeam at F7 - 1/5 used at 17d6 reflex save reduces damage by half, removes blindness.

56 points of damage from 17d6 as the creature is undead. Reflex save - to take 1/2 and if fails, undead creature dies. Reflex save I believe is 21 - 8+ 8 (1/2 of 17) + 5 from Wisdom Bonus with the headband.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 221/226 AC: 34 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6  d20+26=38 ;
Friday April 5th, 2024 9:33:57 PM

Zander sprints through the skeleton horde his mind screaming against the voice inside his head, barely noticing the claws tearing his flesh. As the light from his sword illuminates the tree he gasps, but he had no doubt this thing was responsible for the voice. It must have lured an entire tribe of fire giants to be enthralled and then devoured them. Pointing his sword at the tree he roared out to his friends, "BRING IT DOWN!!" Then brandishing his blade above his head he spoke with authority as a flash of white light emanated from the holy symbol of Domi inscribed on the hilt, "Turn aside, creatures of undeath." Slowing his mad dash to a walk he awaited the results of his turning, hoping to clear a path to the tree.
Damage taken after DR/5: 5

Will Save 38 passes

Standard Action: 2 use of Lay on Hands to Turn Undead (feat)
All undead with 30 ft (1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14 I think) must make a DC 26 Will Save or flee as if Panicked for 1 minute (intelligent undead can make a new save every round)

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+19=26 ; d20+19=21 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+28=48 ; d20+28=38 ; d20+28=44 ; d20+23=37 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=27 ; d20+13=17 ; d8+19=20 ; d8+19=25 ; d8+19=23 ; d8+19=26 ; d8+19=22 ; 2d8+38=42 ; 2d8+38=42 ; 2d10=13 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d4=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; 2d10=9 ; d6=5 ;
Saturday April 6th, 2024 2:27:49 PM

Longstrider, Darkvision, Underground +2
ooc(sorry for any formatting issues or mistakes, I had to post from my phone today)

Delia let's go of Stohp's arm, turning at Zander's call and, if able, will take her full turn to light the tree/fungus/thing up.

save 1 w/ improved iron will reroll: 21
save 2: 36
Range penalty -1 for ~150 feet, looked at the wrong line in my character sheet for modifier in roller, but I always use Deadly Aim so subtracted below, if undead +4 attack and damage, 6 flaming arrows used

Nat 20, 33 to confirm | 20 + 5 cold + 4 fire damage (if crit, 62+18+4 damage instead) & 25+6+6 damage
39 to hit | 23 + 4 c + 4 f damage
32 to hit | 26 + 5 c + 5 f damage
Nat 20, 22 to confirm | 22 + 1 c + 5 f damage (if crit, 64 + 10 + 5 instead)
12 to hit

Cavern Battle Rd3 (DM Wayne)  d20+19=27 ; d20+19=30 ; d20+5=18 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=26 ; d3=2 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+15=30 ; d8+5=8 ; d20+15=16 ; d20+15=26 ; d20+15=33 ; d8+5=9 ; d20+15=35 ; d20+15=24 ; d20+15=27 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+15=24 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=17 ; d8+5=8 ; d20+5=22 ; d20+5=21 ;
Sunday April 7th, 2024 10:52:33 PM

Armalad, Joker, Stohp Highlight to display spoiler: {
Armalad casts Detect Magic, and magic comes from the box, but truly from within!
Stohp effortlessly picks the lock on the box and opens it.
Inside is a magnificent crown with twin dragons.
Armalad nonchalantly notes, “That’s it Stohp, we’ve found Largon’s Dragon Crown. We can go home now.

A voice calls out from behind them, in Dwarven, “Oh no, ya lousy elf witch! I’ve been searching for that Crown for years and I’ll be taking it, or my name’s not Klink Barrelchest, greatest hero of Clan Mountainheart!

The Shields seem stunned for a moment. Then Stock says, “Klink Barrelchest, it is you, just like the legends said! Of course we’ll bring the Crown back to Clan Mountainheart together, and leave this elf witch buried under a cave-in!” Stock uncharacteristically draws his flail and begins menacingly advancing on Armalad along with Klink Barrelchest. No surprise to Armalad that the dwarves always had it out for her… or did they? This is all so confusing… maybe that mental voice telling her to Rest has the right idea…

Stohp is elated that the Shields have found the Crown and can return home… but all this talk about killing Armalad is so confusing… maybe that mental voice telling her to Rest has the right idea…
Please post PC actions and also make another Will save.


Stock, Bartomus, Zanderallen, Delia Highlight to display spoiler: {
Armalad, Joker, and Stohp each advance another five feet towards the cavern.
Dolgrin is still in his Resilient Sphere.

(OOC – Stock, these Skeletons are Undead only, so +4 AC does not apply, sorry.)

Stock’s first blow completely shatters (F8) into thousands of pieces, but (F9) slides back a foot, narrowly avoiding Stock’s next three attacks.

Stock is fascinated by the soothing voice in his mind telling him to rest, but with Bartomus’s and Zanderallen’s light sources illuminating the cavern, the source of the mental voice sits revealed, the same Colossal purple fungus spheroid in the shape of a cage as Stock saw when he was… elsewhere… and with this knowledge he heroically throws off the fascination, and then resists re-entering that other place through sheer dwarven stubbornness!

(OOC – Spell DC formula: 10 + spell level (7) + WIS bonus (5) = 22.
Skeletons are not “specifically harmed by bright light” and so only take the increased damage (17d6) of the Sunbeam.)

Bartomus evokes a Sunbeam at (F7), extending sixty feet from his earthen hand, and (F7) is fully caught in it, is blackened and scorched, but somehow still standing (though heavily damaged).

(OOC – Bartomus, you didn’t roll the two Will saves at +2 per the last DM post, so I hope you’ll forgive me for rolling them for you in order to not delay things.
I see Will Save +17, +2 for Hawky’s Aiding, total +19.
Results of 27 (DC 36, fail, but see below) and 30 (DC 29 success).

Bartomus likewise is fascinated, and like Stock because he can now see the source of the mental voice he also heroically throws off the fascination, and then resists entering that other place through sheer druidic stubbornness!

(OOC – two skeletons did damage to Zanderallen, and as hinted by the time Stohp touched one earlier and “felt weird,” caused two DC 29 Will Saves for Zanderallen, who presently has a +26 Will Save vs. this effect. I presume Zanderallen would have saved on both and continued on, but will be requiring that DC 29 Will Save going forward, each time a Skeleton does melee damage.)

(OOC – STENCH – the Fungus STINKS! Everyone within 20 squares, Fort Save DC 29 or Sickened 2d4 Rounds. Once you save, you’re immune. Poison Save Bonuses/Immunities Count!)

Zanderallen make that DC 29 Fort/Poison save above at start of your next post, and apply this condition if failed:
Sickened: The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Everyone else: when you enter/cross the green line, make the same save as above.)[/i]

Zanderallen points out the Colossal Purple Fungus in Cage-Shape, shouting for the Shields to destroy it, and then he summons Domi’s Might and Turns Undead.

(OOC – 10 + CHA Bonus (6) + half-paladin-level (17/8 = 8.5, which rounds down to 8) = DC 24.
Website threw in a d3 for some reason; please ignore.)

F1 – Runs away from Zanderallen and towards the rest of the Shields.
F2 – unaffected.
F3 - Runs away from Zanderallen and towards the rest of the Shields.
F11 - Runs away from Zanderallen and cowers in the corner to the left of the Colossal Fungus.
F12 – unaffected.
F13 – unaffected.
F14 – unaffected.

Zanderallen’s mind is one with Domi and he continues to ignore the soothing voice telling him to Rest.

Delia takes advantage, her line of sight lit up by Zanderallen’s Shield, and unleashes a torrent of arrows, all of which hit the Colossal Purple Fungus!

Multishot - Arrow 1 – sinks in, but Delia expected more; Arrow 2 – doesn’t go in very far at all. Flames and Ice crystals are seen and appear to be having normal effects.
Arrow 3 – like arrow 2, doesn’t go very deep.
Arrow 4 – same.
Arrow 5 – like Arrow 1.
Arrow 6 – goes through a space between the “bars” of the Colossal Fungus Cage and breaks against the far cavern wall.

Large patches on the Fungus quickly grow to repair some of the wounds.

Delia suspects Damage Resistance of some form or another, but of what type? She also suspects unnaturally quick self-healing.

Delia likewise is fascinated, and like Stock because she can now see the source of the mental voice she also heroically throws off the fascination, and then resists entering that other place through sheer ranger stubbornness!

F7 – 56 damage.
Fungus – 147 damage

F7 moves to attack Bartomus (hit AC 30 for 8 damage. DC 29 Will Save or Fall Asleep), striking a telling blow.

F9 claws at Stock twice, missing twice.

F10 unintelligently moves to R24, granting Stock an AoO. If it’s not destroyed, it claws at Stock, (hit AC 33, for 9 damage. DC 29 Will Save or Fall Asleep) scoring a bloody hit!

Moving by some unknown direction, F4, F5, and F6 move in formation closer to the front of the cavern.

F2, F12, F13, and F14 all swipe twice at Zanderallen, but only F2 hits once (8 damage; DC 29 Will Save or Fall Asleep)

F15 and F16 move to the side of F14, and each pulls a big rock from within their ribcages, each rock heating up until it’s on fire (!), and then each throws a heated rock at Zanderallen, but their aim is poor and the rocks harmlessly hit the far wall beyond.

F17 retreats back slightly and F18 maintains position.

The Shields think to themselves, so eerie, as if the skeletons had some semblance of tactics, but not the common sense to avoid walking within Stock’s flail range… could they all be directed by the Colossal Purple Fungus?

Go ahead and post a full round of actions.
Also, make two more Will Saves. If you save vs the first (DC 36), there is no need to roll a second time. If you fail the first, roll a second (DC 29)

Zanderallen gains +4 morale bonus from his aura.
All PCs gain +2 Aid Another bonus from the madly screaming hawk.


Armalad, Stohp, do not view map.
Mossy Path

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+17=28 ; 2d20+12=50 ; d20+12=19 ; d20+12=17 ;
Sunday April 7th, 2024 11:24:18 PM

Bartomus heard the voice again in his head, and managed to shake it off just in time to be slashed by the skeleton he had hoped he was going to melt. He tried smashing it by slamming both fists into the creature, but neither seemed to strike the charred bones.

TY GM for rolling the will saves.
Stench - Bartomus is immune to poisons so no roll needed for the Fungus funk.
Will save - 28, will spend a hero point after the fact for a +4 to that roll and it is a pass.
Attack - two slams against F7 - for 19 and 17 - ugh - miss

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+18=25 ; d20+8=18 ;
Monday April 8th, 2024 3:32:32 AM

Armalad: 25 - Heroic (almost out of hero points not that they are helping here really
Joker - 18

Armalad uses wall of stone to create a barrier cutting the Dwarves that would see them harmed off from the rest of the Shields. She says to Stohp "Start breaking out the scrolls of greater teleport and we'll aim for a spot just outside the float. It will take a bit to buff Joker and me but hopefully the wall of stone holds. I know Stock, Klink and Dolgrim will be sore at us but Klink's a legendary hero, and Stock can look after himself so they'll see Dolgrim back to the gate. Once they've had time to cool off we can send some of you back here to apologize to the Dwarves for what happened, but they turned on me first so we might as well get out of here while we can since we've found what we came for."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+8=28 ; d20+20=40 ;
Monday April 8th, 2024 9:33:56 AM

(Rolled with +8 from hero point without remembering to include her actual bonus XD. Rerolled in case you asked for it... and got another 20, Stohp is done with this nonsense).

Ok, this is just absurd. None of this chain of events makes any sense and her party members are acting like nuts. With the clear evidence of what she sees being a lie and a heroic effort she tries to wrest herself free from whatever is influencing her (40 will save)

Stock (JonM) HP: 316/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 6/44 used  d20+25=38 ; d10+32=38 ; d6=5 ; d10+18=26 ; d20+25=44 ; d20+29=46 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+24=39 ; d20+15=28 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+14=18 ; d10+32=42 ; d10+32=33 ; d6=6 ; d8=7 ; d10+32=42 ; d10+32=38 ; d6=1 ; d8=4 ; d10+32=40 ; d6=6 ; d10+32=41 ; d6=2 ; d20+18=34 ; d20+18=20 ;
Monday April 8th, 2024 9:52:05 AM

Stock reacts quickly to the passing skeleton, lashing out with his flail. He adjusts to the skeleton too slowly though and takes a glancing blow. He feels a growing torpor in his mind but heroically shrugs it off and goes back to smashing skeletons for now.

AOO vs F10 hits AC38, 38 bludgeoning and 5 electric damage
I’m assuming this does not kill it
Will save 26, unless my +4 bonus from Indomitable Will vs enchantment Spells, then I will use a hero point to add +4 and pass
Power attacks vs 10 and then 9 hit AC44, crit confirms vs AC46, 75 damage +6 electrical +7 sonic
Vs AC 37 crit confirms vs AC39, 80 damage + 1 electrical +4 sonic
if 10 and 9 are destroyed, 5 ft step to R24
Vs AC28, 40 damage +6 electrical
Vs AC29, crit doesn’t confirm vs AC18, 41 damage + 2 electrical
Will save 1: 34
Will save 2: 20

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+15=31 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+29=46 ; d20+29=33 ; d20+24=42 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=34 ; d20+14=23 ; d8+24=29 ; d6=4 ; d8+24=30 ; d6=4 ; d8+24=25 ; d6=4 ; d8+24=32 ; d6=3 ; d8+24=26 ; d6=2 ; d8+24=32 ; d6=3 ; 2d8+48=56 ; 2d10=7 ;
Monday April 8th, 2024 11:28:48 AM

Longstrider, Darkvision, Underground +2

Delia curses, then narrows her eyes at the fungus' regenerative powers, racking her brain for any knowledge of such creatures and using that assessment to force it out of her brain.

Hawky continues his raucous cries as Delia switches targets to clear a path to the fungus. When F10 and F9 are dead, she will edge forward.

Know (Nature): 31
Know (Dungeoneering): 19
Will save 1: 38
Target order F10->F9->F5->F13->F14, F13 & F14 out of point blank range so -1 to hit and damage on them
46 to hit | 67 damage (29 + 4 cold & 30 + 4 cold)
33 to hit | 29 damage (25 + 4 cold)
42 to hit | 35 damage (32 + 3 cold)
39 crit, 34 to confirm | 26 + 2 cold, if crit 82 + 9 cold
23 to hit | 35 damage (32 + 3 cold)

if F10 and F9 die, 5 ft step to Q26

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 221/226 AC: 34 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6  d20+26=30 ; d20+22=28 ; d20+28=40 ; d20+25=44 ; d20+29=30 ; d8+22=29 ; d6=6 ; 2d6=7 ; d8+22=23 ; d20+25=31 ; d8+22=27 ; d6=5 ; 2d6=10 ; d20+20=22 ; d8+22=29 ; d6=6 ; 2d6=6 ; d20+15=23 ; d8+22=28 ; d6=4 ; 2d6=4 ; d20+10=22 ; d8+22=28 ; d6=4 ; 2d6=5 ;
Monday April 8th, 2024 10:57:35 PM

Zander is barely phased by the stench as he hits it almost like a wall during his mad dash. Coughing once he shrugs off any further ill effect. As one of the skeletons scores a hit through his armor he begins to feel drowsy but shoves through it, his blood roaring in his ears. He had hoped to drive off more of the skeletons with his flash of Domi's power, but it looked like it was back to the old fashioned way. Almost wishing he'd kept his hammer out Zander slipped under the guard of the line of skeletons and lashed out with his blade, moving in a blur due to the spirit of Domi empowering it. "IT IS TIME FOR YOU THE REST!" he roared back at the voice in his head.
(OOC: 6+8 equals 14 not 16, thank you for correcting that Wayne, don't know what happened to my math there)

Fort Save vs Stench: 30 passes
Will save vs Sleep: 28 (+4 hero point after roll bonus) passes
Will save vs Voice(been forgetting my +2 from Hawky): 40 passes

Damage taken after DR:5/Evil: 3

Divine Bond - Holy and Speed to Longsword - 166 rounds remaining

5 ft step to AL23

Full Attack F12 into F13
44 crit threat, 30 to confirm - 42 normal damage (29 weapon, 6 fire, 7 holy) or 65 crit damage (52 weapon, 6 fire, 7 holy)
31 to hit - 42 damage (27 weapon, 5 fire, 10 holy)
22 to hit - 41 damage (29 weapon, 6 fire, 6 holy)
23 to hit - 36 damage (28 weapon, 4 fire, 4 holy)
22 to hit - 37 damage (28 weapon, 4 fire, 5 holy)

Cavern Battle Rd4 (DM Wayne)  d20+19=34 ; d20+19=31 ; d20+14=25 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=26 ; d8+5=10 ; d20+15=26 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=22 ; d20+15=16 ; d20+15=35 ; d8+5=11 ;
Monday April 8th, 2024 11:34:02 PM

Armalad, JokerHighlight to display spoiler: {
Armalad walls off the Dwarves via Wall of Stone, and hatches an escape plan with Stohp.
Stohp agrees and tells Armalad and Joker to stop wasting time!

There is a loud chonk and Armalad sees Stock’s seldom-used magical Adamantine Dwarven Waraxe slowly carving a doorway in the Wall of Stone. Time to get us out of here, she thinksSo you can Rest … the soothing mental voice adds…

Please post PC actions and also make another DC 29 Will save.


Bartomus, Stohp, Stock, Zanderallen, Delia Highlight to display spoiler: {

Armalad and Joker advance five feet deeper.

(OOC – I’d forgotten to add the “DC 36 and DC 29 Will Saves” line to my first post back, and Bartomus had already posted before I made the edit, so here are those saves for Bartomus, again at Will +19 including Hawky: 34 and 31)

Bartomus is fascinated, and because he can now see the source of the mental voice he also heroically throws off the fascination, and then resists entering that other place through sheer druidic stubbornness!

Bartomus is startled by the skeleton’s strike, and not wanting his Sunbeam, which could hit three skeletons in a line, to damage the sleepwalking Armalad and Joker, instead punches at (F7) with earthen fists twice, missing both times. Then he realizes too late that he could have aimed above Armalad’s head and still hit the skeletons…

Stohp’s keen mind unravels the inconsistencies of her eyes and ears and suddenly she is jolted back to reality, back to the very cave entrance she thought she’d ran ahead of. Stock was fighting Giant Skeletons at his raging best, but Bartomus was failing to connect with the blackened Skeleton in front of him, so she shrugged and recalling the weird feeling from her leg touching a skeleton earlier, drew her magical Flail, stepped into position to flank (F7), and swung for its spine with gusto, narrowly missing it as its spine flexed out of the way from dodging Bartomus’s fists.

(OOC – Stock, the effect is not an Enchantment Spell; please note the hero point spent.
Stock, you alone are now immune to the save caused by melee damage from the skeletons.)

Stock continues his raging fury, damaging (F10) on its approach, and then destroying it outright with his follow-up strike! He cleaves into F9, likewise shattering it utterly and taking a step towards (F1). Stock needs his final two blows to likewise disassemble (F1).

Stock is fascinated, and because he can now see the source of the mental voice he also heroically throws off the fascination, and but then begins to drool in place…

(OOC – Knowledge: Nature is the correct skill for the Fungus)

Delia’s brow furrows, but the Colossal Purple Fungus is too obscure for her to identify at this time. She advances five feet and, switching targets, unleashes a storm of arrows at the skeletons before her. (F5) is hit in the sternum by the double-shot, vibrating madly, and the next arrow finishes it off. Her next shot hits (F13), though not in a weak spot, as does her final shot. The skeletons seem impervious to frost damage.

Zanderallen grits his teeth and bears the Fungus’s stench, also ignoring a hit by a skeleton, and steps forward into a flurry of sword slices, barely taking two blows to drop (F12), then missing (F13) with his final three attacks.

(OOC – Zanderallen, now both you and Stock are immune to the save caused by melee damage from the skeletons.)

F7 – 56 damage.
F13 – 48 damage.
Fungus – 127 damage (healing continues)

F4 steps five feet and punches at Stohp twice, missing. F3 walks forward and narrowly hits Stohp (10 damage) because she was focused on F7.

Stohp, DC 29 Will or fall Asleep.

F6 steps five feet and punches at Delia twice, missing.

F2 advances to reinforce the cavern entrance.

F17 advances into a defensive position, apparently ready to block any attack.

F11 still cowers in the corner (round 2 of 10).

F18 holds position.

F13 and F14 each strike twice, missing.
F15 moves up and strikes once, hitting (11 damage), but Zanderallen is now immune to the strange effect from being struck by it.
F16 moves into position to shore up a gap between the Zanderallen and the Fungus.

Go ahead and post a full round of actions.
Also, make two more Will Saves. If you save vs the first (DC 36), there is no need to roll a second time. If you fail the first, roll a second (DC 29)

Zanderallen gains +4 morale bonus from his aura.
All PCs gain +2 Aid Another bonus from the madly screaming hawk.


Stock alone Highlight to display spoiler: { Stock and the Shields quickly vanquish the skeletons and the fungus, but then Armalad, closer to the fungus, throws up a Wall of Stone separating herself, Joker, and Stohp from the dead fungus and what must be Largon’s Dragon Crown that Stohp just pulled out of an opened box in the fungus’s loot hoard!

The great dwarven hero Klink Barrelchest, looking just like he does in the paintings back in Clan Mountainhome, arrives and says, “Stock, we need to break that Wall down quickly to get the Crown back from that witch, Armalad! Draw your Adamantine Waraxe and cut a door in the Wall!and then a soothing voice adds, ‘yes, and afterwards, you can Rest, your Crown quest complete…’

Please post PC actions and also make another DC 29 Will save.


Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+10=26 ; d20+8=18 ; d20+12=16 ;
Monday April 8th, 2024 11:42:47 PM

(OOC: Oh I'll never make these saves these saves...I'll never make these saves. How in the heck will I contribute again if I'll never make these saves)

Armalad - 26 vs Will
Joker - 18 vs Will

Armalad grabs the scroll from Stohp and since it is just the 3 of them and that Stock is chopping through rock with his axe decides to just try the straight up CL roll taking her Joker and Stohp to the nearest location to the Float it is safe to teleport to.

1d20 + 12 vs Scrolls CL of 13 + 1 = 16 = success

Armalad successfully activates the scroll and her, Joker, Stohp and the crown should be unerringly teleported to where she designated outside the Float.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+12=27 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+12=13 ;
Tuesday April 9th, 2024 4:11:12 AM

Stohp's trip back to the land of the aware proves very brief for she falls asleep (27 will) and potentially falls victim to the illusion again (will 26 and 13)

Stock (JonM) HP: 312/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 7/44 used  d20+18=31 ;
Tuesday April 9th, 2024 9:39:28 AM

”Klink! I…don’t entirely understand but I do appreciate a little impromptu mining. I’ll have it down in an instant.”

Move action- stow flail
While moving toward the “wall” Stock will draw his axe
Will save 31 vs dc 29

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+19=39 ; 17d6=54 ;
Tuesday April 9th, 2024 4:46:13 PM

Bartomus took his shot. He let loose another sunbeam at the line of giant skeletons that stood between him and the weirdness that was occurring.

Will save = 39; sunbeam 54 pts damage reflex save of 21 prevents blindness and reduces damage by half.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 212/226 AC: 34 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6  d20+25=37 ; d20+25=42 ; d20+29=42 ; d20+20=29 ; d20+15=34 ; d20+19=33 ; d20+10=22 ; d8+22=24 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; 2d8+44=54 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d8+22=26 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; 2d8+44=48 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d20+28=32 ;
Tuesday April 9th, 2024 5:19:30 PM

Zanderallen yells back at the rest of the Shields, "WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING BACK THERE!? KILL THE FUNGUS!" He then continues madly hacking at the wall of skeletons in front of him, desperately trying to fight his way through. His eyes lock on the fungus just out of his reach and everything else starts to lose focus in his mind. His grip starts to loosen before he pulls himself back from the brink.
Divine Bond - Holy and Speed to Longsword - 165 rounds remaining

Damage taken: 6
Will Save: 32 +4(after roll hero point) 36: passes (Last hero point used)

5 ft step to AL24

Full attack F13 into F14
37 to hit - 37 damage (24 weapon, 6 fire, 7 holy)
42 crit threat, 42 to confirm - 69 damage (54 weapon, 6 fire, 9 holy)
29 to hit - 36 damage (26 weapon, 1 fire, 9 holy)
34 crit threat, 33 to confirm - 53 damage (48 weapon, 4 fire, 3 holy)
22 misses

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+19=28 ; d20+19=27 ; d20+28=47 ; d20+28=31 ; d20+28=38 ; d20+23=32 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+13=23 ; d8+23=24 ; d8+23=27 ; d8+23=26 ; d8+23=29 ; d8+23=28 ; d8+23=24 ; 2d8+46=49 ;
Tuesday April 9th, 2024 8:32:45 PM

Delia dodges back from the giant in her face, yelling back at Zander, "There's a lot of skeletons IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED and I was TRYING to get you a dwarf." She will fire at the skeletons in front of Z, letting the frost crackle harmlessly over their bones.

She puts a hand against the wall, shaking her head as her brain starts to fuzz out.
Will save 28
Will save 27
5 ft step to P26, full round attack at targets F13-16-17
potential crit 47, 31 to confirm | 73 & 27 damage (first shot 24 non-crit)
38 to hit | 26 damage
32 to hit | 29 damage
33 to hit | 28 damage
23 to hit | 24 damage

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Wednesday April 10th, 2024 5:09:22 AM

Stohp regrets all the things. Especially failing her saves, but all the other things to.

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