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Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Thursday April 11th, 2024 4:40:46 AM

zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz. zzz.

Cavern Battle Rd5 (DM Wayne)  d4=4 ; d20+5=15 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+5=9 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+15=35 ; d20+15=29 ; d20+15=26 ; d20+15=24 ; d8+5=7 ; 2d8+10=15 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+5=25 ; 2d8+20=26 ; d6=2 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+5=8 ;
Thursday April 11th, 2024 10:29:10 AM

Armalad, Joker, Stohp Highlight to display spoiler: {

Armalad and Joker race against time to Teleport themselves and Stohp to the Float with the Crown, and succeed in doing so just as a final ‘Chonk’ from Stock’s axe causes a dwarf-sized section of the Wall of Stone to fall towards Armalad and the rest.

Instantly, Armalad, Joker, and Stohp appear inside the Guild of the Star Mages’ leadership chamber, with the heads of the Guild assembled around the star-shaped meeting table!

Upon seeing the partial group of Shields and the unique and astounding Crown, the Guild Leader says, “Armalad! Most amazing! You’ve found Largon’s Dragon Crown! We’ll defeat Karkasan for sure now!

With that, the Guild leadership all stands, chanting, “Three cheers for Armalad! Three cheers for Armalad! Three Rests for Armalad! Rest… Rest… Rest… you’ve won![/b]”

The Guild Leader shouts, “All in favor of making Armalad Guild Leader, say Aye!

All shout in response, “Aye! … Rest… you have won… all of your goals are accomplished…

A Taur member of Guild leadership turns to Stohp and says, “Rest… great Shield, you can finally open your carpentry shop. Your days of battling threats are over! Rest…

Stohp, yes, you are here again.

1) Also, the failed save means you are asleep for 4 days, but you can be woken up as per what works for a 1st level Sleep spell: “Slapping or wounding a sleeping creature awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action).”
2) When thrown into the ‘illusion’ in this way, Stohp now has a -5 to her DC 29 Will Save to realize that she’s in the ‘illusion’.

Please post PC actions and also make another DC 29 Will save.


Stock, Bartomus, Zanderallen, Delia Highlight to display spoiler: {

Armalad and Joker advance five feet, continuing to drool.

Stohp falls asleep where she stood, snoring loudly, apparently caused by the skeleton’s strike on her.

Stock walked forward five feet, then shook his head as though in a daydream and found himself back at the cavern entrance, the Shields blasting apart several more skeletons before him!

Bartomus emits a Sunbeam above the jaywalking Armalad and Joker, which blasts apart the damaged (F7) and greatly blackens (F4) and (F2).

Zanderallen summons a heroic effort and continues battling, yelling at the Shields to prioritize killing the Fungus. He steps into the thick of it, and swings mightily at (F13), shattering it on the first strike, then continuing the swing into (F14), knocking out ribs on the way in and disassembling its spine on the way back with the third strike! Zanderallen aims his final blows on (F15), one damaging it severely.

Delia steps back five feet, refusing to be fascinated by a Colossal Purple Fungus at her vision’s limit, and launches more arrows to clear Zanderallen’s path of skeletons. Her multi-shot hits a couple of weak points in (F16) which promptly collapses into a heap! Delia’s next three arrows likewise take apart (F17) and her last arrow misses the Fungus.

Her last shot fired, Delia suddenly begins drooling.

F2 – 54 damage.
F4 – 54 damage.
F15 – 50 damage.
Fungus – 107 damage (healing continues)

Somehow instantly aware that Stock is not drooling, F3 and F6 take advantage of their flank and Stock’s confusion to claw desperately at him, hit, crit with confirm, and two misses (hits are for 7 and 15, respectively for DR purposes, total 22; Stock is still immune to the saves for skeleton melee damage.)

F2 moves a bit, pulling a rock out of its ribcage along the way which then glows with fire, and hurls it at Stock, the poorly-aimed rock hitting Stock on a lucky shot! (OOC – natural 20, confirming the crit on a second natural 20, as the nigh-molten rock burns Stock for 26 blunt and 2 fire damage, sum of 28!)

The damaged F4 squeezes a bit, but makes it in behind Stock (OOC – Stock, take an AoO!), and if it survives, it claws at Stock once, scraping along but bouncing off Stock’s armor!

F18 moves in front of the Fungus as though defending it, and then pulls a rock from its ribcage, hurling the fiery meteor with great force at Zanderallen, but too high, missing widely.

F11 continues to panic in the corner (round 3 of 10).

Go ahead and post a full round of actions.
Also, make two more Will Saves. If you save vs the first (DC 36), there is no need to roll a second time. If you fail the first, roll a second (DC 29)

Zanderallen gains +4 morale bonus from his aura.
All PCs gain +2 Aid Another bonus from the madly screaming hawk.

At the moment, of the Shields, only Bartomus, Stock, and Zanderallen are not drooling.


Delia Highlight to display spoiler: {

Delia trivially shatters the remaining skeletal opposition at one arrow per skeleton, and then the traitorous Armalad throws up a Wall of Stone blocking the other Shields from herself, Joker, and Stohp, who has Largon’s Dragon Crown in hand!

Famous dwarven hero (from the art and reliefs in Clan Mountainheart throneroom) Klink Barrelchest arrives and orders Stock to “use your Adamantine Dwarven Waraxe to chop down the Wall of Stone so we can pry Largon’s Dragon Crown from the traitorous Elven witch Armalad!” With a sinister smile and outrageously bushy eyebrows and Colossal twirling mustache, Stock agrees and begins chopping a dwarf-sized hole in the Wall of Stone, an outline of stone soon falling forward, but the witch Armalad, her fiendish Joker, and Stohp all Teleport out!

Klink says, “No problem Shields, we’ll get that wascally witch Armalad next time! Now, I know you’re all exhausted, so it’s definitely time to sit down and Rest…

Delia briefly wonders how Klink arrived and how he knows so much about the Shields and their mission, but it’s all so complicated… and she should really just Relax…

Please post PC actions and also make another DC 29 Will save.


Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  d20+17=34 ;
Thursday April 11th, 2024 10:57:55 AM

Delia looks at the situation around her, terribly confused.
How did Armalad get over there? And with the crown? Since when did Stock have a mustache like that? Where was Zander?
Wait. She can't hear Hawky. She looks around, worried. Where is he? He was just there... she could almost... hear him.
His calls bring her back to herself. To reality. She half-startles at the skeleton suddenly looming over her, but peers through his bones to survey the battlefield and pick her next targets.

Will: 34

Stock (JonM) HP: 276/316; AC: 29/27/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 8/44 used  d20+23=25 ; d10+31=32 ; d20+23=31 ; d20+18=27 ; d20+13=27 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+12=20 ; d10+31=36 ; d10+31=40 ; d10+31=35 ; d10+31=34 ; d20+18=24 ; d20+18=19 ;
Thursday April 11th, 2024 5:48:47 PM

Stock is getting pummeled again but is able to ignore most of the pain. Finding himself with his axe in hand, he starts swinging it wildly at the skeletons around him.

Stock has resist fire 20 so ignores that part of the damage
AOO hits AC 25, 32 slashing damage
Target order F4-F3-F6
PA1 hits AC 31, 36 slashing
PA2 hits AC 27, 40 damage
PA3 hits AC27, 35 damage
PA4 hits AC28 with Nat 20(should have been +8 to hit), critical threat probably does not confirm vs AC 20, 34 damage
Will save 1 24
Will save 2 19…ugh bring on the drool

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 212/226 AC: 34 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6  d20+27=45 ; d20+31=33 ; d8+22=30 ; d6=6 ; d8+22=28 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d20+28=34 ; d20+28=33 ;
Thursday April 11th, 2024 6:02:11 PM

Bone fragments raining down around him Zanderallen spots his opening. Ignoring the skeleton behind him and the one blocking his path he charges forward with only one target in mind. He calls down Domi's wrath upon the fungus, leaving Domi to sort out whether the creature was hungry or some malevolent force. Either way his blade strikes true. But then his mind betrays him as he finally succumbs to the fungal song.
Divine Bond - Holy and Speed to Longsword - 164 rounds remaining

Smite Evil declared against Fungus

Charge to AS23 (this will provoke from F15 and F18 at AC32)

Attack on Fungus (since Holy and Smite only trigger on Evil I'll post separately for this attack)
Not Evil
45 crit threat, 33 to confirm - Normal Damage 36 (30 weapon, 6 fire) Critical Damage 64 (58 weapon, 6 fire)

51 crit threat, 39 to confirm - Normal Damage 56 (57 weapon, 6 fire, 3 holy) Critical Damage 101 (92 weapon, 6 fire, 3 holy)

Will save 1: 34 fails
Will save 2: 33 passes

Armalad (Hannah subbing)  d20+10=28 ; d20+8=9 ;
Thursday April 11th, 2024 10:15:30 PM

Armalad breathes a sigh of relief at their close escape - those dwarves had gone crazy! She smiles at the praises of her guild, graciously accepting their instant promotion.

Joker hovers just behind her, "Glad someone else sees that you're the best, boss!"

Armalad Will: 28
Joker Will: 9

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+8=12 ;
Friday April 12th, 2024 3:40:49 AM

At this point Stohp is well aware that this is all some sort of illusion or mental trap, but that helps her not at all as she finds herself again in the dream space playing along even as the rational parts of her mind rage in a prison in the back of her mind (will 12)

"Nah, if I'm going to retire I'm going to become a WLA administrator or something. Pushing paper for the rest of my life sounds great!" She accepts her rewards and accolades with dignity and respect looking forward to an eternity of bureaucratic excellence.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  17d6=50 ; d20+19=37 ;
Friday April 12th, 2024 10:34:34 AM

"Hating this cavern crap," he said aloud as he moved forward and came up behind Armalad and Joker. He reached over Armalad and let loose another beam of light at the giant skeleton off to his right and tried to make the emitting beam hit the creature further behind it.

Move to O22/23 and sunbeam against F3 and if the line is also seen the same by the GM - F2. 50 pts damage reflex save prevents blindness, as undead if they fail, I believe it kills them, otherwise reduces damage by 1/2.
Will save - 37, no second one needed.

Armalad (Hannah subbing) 
Friday April 12th, 2024 11:50:29 PM

Armalad continues to accept the accolades of the Starmages.

Friday April 12th, 2024 11:54:06 PM

Delia double checks that Stock's facial hair has returned to normal before drawing back her first shot.

Cavern Battle Rd6 (DM Wayne)  d20+5=22 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+15=26 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+5=6 ; d20+23=37 ; d20+43=50 ; 2d8+10=16 ; d20+23=29 ; 2d8+10=16 ; d20+23=25 ; d20+23=25 ; d20+23=41 ; 2d8+10=23 ;
Sunday April 14th, 2024 10:09:07 PM

Armalad, Joker, Stohp Highlight to display spoiler: {

Armalad graciously accepts the leadership of the Star Mages Guild, noting in the back of her mind that they should have made her Guild Leader years ago!

Merfolk arrive and report that Karkasan slipped in his own bathtub and died. The Float is safe forever! The Merfolk Princess finishes with, “You Shields can Rest now, especially you, powerful and mighty Armalad…

The Float being saved, Stohp heads over to the WLA where Pip says, “So glad you’re here, WLA Office Leader Stohp! Look at that line of novice adventurers going out the door! I’ll stay on them if you’d be so kind as to ink-stamp this pile of requests as ‘received.’” The pile of requests is impossibly high, but Stohp’s work is routine and easy… even Restful…

Please post PC actions and also make another DC 29 Will save;
for Stohp that’s still at a -5 penalty.


Delia, Stock, Zanderallen, Bartomus Highlight to display spoiler: {

Delia ceases drooling.

Stock takes advantage of the mindless (F4) as it tries to maneuver into position, and swings at it in a slicing manner, forgetting that he never stopped holding his flail in the real world, still connecting and totally destroying F4! Next he begins his regular attack routine, his first strike and swingback second strike demolishing F3! Stock pivots quickly to (F6), his third and fourth strikes likewise making bone bits out of F6!

Pleased with himself, Stock agrees with the soothing mental voice that his work is done and he can Rest… and begins drooling.

(OOC – I adjusted Z’s endpoint to AS22; per charge rules, a straight line from any part of Z’s square to any part of the target square cannot intersect with an obstacle, including a foe.)

Zanderallen spares a fraction of a second to raise his sword to Delia in thanks and charges forth in the same motion, trusty sword already slicing at the Colossal Purple Fungus! His sword seems to be the key to easily harming the Fungus, facing none of the resistance that Delia’s arrows faced, effective though they were! The Fungus is hurt significantly by Zanderallen’s slice, but its uncanny healing factor restores some of the cut ‘cage bars’ before Zanderallen’s very eyes! Of note is that the glow of Domi’s power, visible when an Evil opponent is struck… does not appear. Whatever this foul Fungus is, it’s not Evil…

Zanderallen then becomes fascinated with the Fungus, but seeing it lit up by his shield and sword before his very eyes, shakes off the fascination, and then steels himself, throwing off its repeated mental commands to “Rest…

Bartomus’s fine Tauric mind once more ignores the mental entreaties to “Rest…” as he moves forward , his main targets having vanished, achieving a clear line of sight between over the snoring Stohp and then emits another Sunbeam at (F2), blasting it out of existence despite it moving to the side and only being half-hit!

F15 – 50 damage.
Fungus – 151 damage (healing continues)

F15 and F18 smash at Zanderallen as he leaves their vicinity, missing! F18 is still in reach, and so tries to slam Zanderallen into the ground twice, still missing. F15 moves to just outside of its reach, pulling a rock out of its ribcage along the way, and hurling it at Zanderallen, missing wide!

The Colossal Purple Fungus, it turns out, has four tentacles and a fantastic reach, and takes the Opportunity to reach for the charging Zanderallen… and grabs him, (hit CMD 50!) pulling him in close (which is when Zanderallen slashes the Fungus) and then Constricting him (16 damage)!

There is no face or other part of the Fungus wherein a man like Zanderallen might try to read body language or facial expressions, there is only the flurry of action as it continues to hold Zanderallen in place (OOC - taking the -20 penalty for doing so, with a CMD roll of 29 that Zanderallen may try to beat on his turn, if he chooses to do so.), constricting him again (16 damage), and then its other three tentacles each slap at Zanderallen, one of them hitting (23 damage).

(OOC – per grapple rules, Zanderallen can continue using his one-handed weapon (longsword) to attack the Fungus, or to try to escape from the grapple.)

F11 continues to panic in the corner (round 3 of 10).

Go ahead and post a full round of actions.
Also, make two more Will Saves. If you save vs the first (DC 36), there is no need to roll a second time. If you fail the first, roll a second (DC 29)

Zanderallen gains +4 morale bonus from his aura.
All PCs gain +2 Aid Another bonus from the madly screaming hawk.

At the moment, of the Shields, only Bartomus, Delia, and Zanderallen are not drooling.


Stock Highlight to display spoiler: { So strange, one moment you were cutting a wall of stone with your axe, and then your flail in hand you were smashing giant skeletons, and now once more your axe is in hand, the traitorous Armalad and Stohp have escaped, and Klink says, “Yes, we’re all done here Stock. How about we sit down and I tell you about some of my adventures, help you get ready for sleep, so you can Rest…

Please post PC actions and also make another DC 29 Will save.


Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+19=33 ; d20+27=40 ;
Sunday April 14th, 2024 11:17:53 PM

With the evaporation of the giant skeletons, Bartomus continued to hear something. Something trying to lure him to rest, but also something like battle, and in the distance Zander's shield seemed to be a glow. Bartomus ran as fast as he could straight ahead.

"Save the Zman, Shields, save the Z!"

Running - 30x3 = 90 to Ag 22/23; Bartomus is immune to the poison's affect past the green line.
Failed first will save with a 33; Using a hero point before rolling the next one so 19+8= +27 --> 40.
Also, 3/5 sunbeams used.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20=4 ;
Monday April 15th, 2024 6:13:55 AM

Stohp starts to do that whole sequence from Control with the endless office tasks and things getting more and more off but unlike the game she fails to question it and break free (will 11)

Stock (JonM) HP: 225/265; AC: 31/28/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 9/44 used  d20+18=28 ;
Monday April 15th, 2024 10:41:42 AM

"Klink - What is happening? It's like I'm in two places at once! I don't like it! I need to help the Shields...and I'm not even tired. How can I sleep?"

Raging at the start of the turn
Will Save 28 vs DC29; Hero Point used to add 4 and pass the check, 1 point remaining!
End Rage; tireless rage means he is not fatigued

Delia (Hannah) HP 124/124 AC: 29/21/23  d20+19=32 ; d20+19=25 ; d20+23=37 ; d20+23=36 ; d20+18=27 ; d20+13=16 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+12=31 ; d8+19=20 ; d8+19=20 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d8+19=21 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d8+19=20 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; 3d8=15 ;
Monday April 15th, 2024 11:53:32 AM

Delia zeroes in on the fungus. Her arrows may not be the most effective, but they still did something and it needs to die before the Shields succumb to its magic completely.

Hawky's cries fade as her mind wavers again.

Will 32 v 36
Will 25 v 29
5 ft step to Q26, full attack at fungus with flame arrows, last attack w/ normal arrow at F15
37 to hit | 20 +12 fire/cold & 20 + 9 fire/cold damage
36 to hit | 21 +11 fire/cold
27 to hit | 20 +8 fire/cold
16 to miss
31 to hit, 31 to confirm crit at F15 | 72 crit damage (frost has no effect)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 190/226 AC: 34 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6  d20+25=35 ; d20+25=45 ; d20+29=44 ; d20+20=36 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+10=24 ; d8+22=25 ; d6=5 ; 2d8+44=53 ; d6=4 ; d8+22=28 ; d6=4 ; d8+22=27 ; d6=2 ; d8+22=29 ; d6=1 ; d20+28=34 ; d20+28=32 ;
Monday April 15th, 2024 4:45:14 PM

Zander roar of exhilaration is cut short with the creaking of crushing metal as the fungus crushes the air from his lungs. But to hold him it had to be within reach of his blade, and that's all he cared about at the moment. His blood was up, his friends were in danger, he'd worried about his ribs later. This creature might not be worthy of being sent screaming back to the abyss but it sliced up just fine. He then blinks and fades slightly before refocused on the fungal mass squeezing the life from him.
Divine Bond - Holy and Speed to Longsword - 163 rounds remaining

Full attack on the fungus

35 to hit - 30 damage (25 weapon, 5 fire)
45 crit threat, 44 confirms - 57 damage (53 weapon, 4 fire)
36 to hit - 32 damage (28 weapon, 4 fire)
21 to hit - 29 damage (27 weapon, 2 fire)
24 to hit - 30 damage (29 weapon, 1 fire)

1st Will 34 fails
2nd Will 32 passes

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+10=26 ; d20+8=26 ;
Monday April 15th, 2024 5:26:35 PM

(OOC: rolling rolling rolling against impossible saves )
Armalad - 26
Joker - 26

Armalad asks the mermaids how it is possible that Karkasan slipped in his bathtub when he is bound to the wood and how they would know being water creatures who do not venture into the wood and if Karkasan somehow made it to the sea how is it possible to slip in an underwater bathtub.

Joker says, "Those are some good points"

Cavern Battle Rd6 (DM Wayne)  d20+15=24 ; d20+15=27 ;
Monday April 15th, 2024 10:40:13 PM

Armalad, Joker, Stohp Highlight to display spoiler: {

Stohp enjoys her ‘retirement,’ no matter how busy it is!

The Princess replies, “Armalad, if you’re wondering how Karkasan slips in the bathtub, and other logical facts, just repeat to yourself, ‘it’s magic, I should really just Relax…’

Please see the non-spoiler text below.


Delia, Stock, Zanderallen, Bartomus Highlight to display spoiler: {

The drooling Armalad advances another five feet, as does Joker.

Stohp snores.

Bartomus races to help Zanderallen, and also Heroically resists the mental voice once more!

Stock ceases drooling.

Delia wonders how tough the Fungus really is as she unleashes another stream of arrows at its now-well-lit self! Four arrows hit it, but none critically, and it seemed to be primarily wounded by the fire and cold enchantments this time… Delia briefly ponders whether she just had relatively poorer aim this time than last time, as her final arrow causes a chain reaction in (F15) making it fall into a pile on the ground!

Delia begins drooling.

Zanderallen is taken aback by the Fungus-tentacle whipping out and squeezing him harder than Giant Constrictor, but the power of Domi drives him to continue slashing the Fungus, missing only his fourth of five slashes! Finally, the strange Fungal Cage falls apart, and the mental voice with it!

Zanderallen was fascinated by the soothing mental voice, but as the voice trailed off into silence, his Light shows him only a torn-apart Colossal Purple Fungus, with piles and piles of coins and glowing weapons and armor and not-glowing weapons and armor, and many other trinkets and objects in excellent condition.

F11 continues to panic in the corner (round 5 of 10).

F18 swipes twice at Zanderallen, both missing.

With the destruction of the Colossal Purple Fungus, at once (!) the Shields snap back to reality!

Zanderallen stands before the wreckage of the Colossal Purple Fungal Cage, Domi’s Light illuminating it well, a vast mountain of treasure within shining brightly!

Delia had just begun to drool again, with dreams of retiring as Captain of the Guard of the Float, when she sprang back into the reality of this stinky cave!

Bartomus, readying a Sunbeam to blast more skeletons, likewise heard the cries of confusion as the Shields returned to normal.

Stohp continues to snore.

Armalad and Joker, as one, say, “I knew it was all an illusion” as they respectively wipe away their own drool.

Stock stares long and hard at the flail in his hand, testing it, as if expecting it to be something else. Then, the pile of shiny treasure across the cavern catches his eye. Weapons and armor on top… something familiar about them, even from over a hundred feet away.

Dolgrin is still encased in the Sphere Armalad created.

At Delia’s sigh of relief, Hawky comes swooping around the corner to rejoin her, oddly silent after over half a minute of continuous squawking at peak volume.

Zanderallen notices the stench slowly lessening, but still there.

(OOC – no more Fort saves, but this would still be a very unpleasant room to spend time in)

Bartomus and Zanderallen finish off the last two skeletons with ease.

No foes remain.

Dolgrin is still Bubbled, and Stohp is still Sleeping, and a pile of treasure awaits!

What do the Shields do?

(OOC – The DM has not been generous enough with Hero Points, and this was quite the battle!

No one tell Jerry, but… two (2) Hero Points for everyone!)

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29 
Tuesday April 16th, 2024 1:28:29 AM

(sorry will fix my header next post

Delia silences and calls Hawky with a short command. He lands on her shoulder, preening himself and seemingly unconcerned with the damage he may have done to their ears and the fact that everyone in this cave system now knows there is a hawk about somewhere.

She steps over to Stohp, shaking her awake and offering her a hand to stand up. Then she takes a long, hard look at Stock, "Your mustache. Keep it like that. It's better for everyone."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Tuesday April 16th, 2024 5:21:27 AM

Stohp wakes up on the cave floor wondering why on earth she was sleeping there. Vague memories of battle mix with insane ramblings and events from the illusion. It's not that hard to figure out she fell under some sort of spell, and the dead fungus and other monsters indicate clearly what was affecting her. "Good thing there's so many of us so a few could resist the monster." she comments while rubbing her temples.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=28 ;
Tuesday April 16th, 2024 9:49:40 AM

They had done it. The skeletons were destroyed and then the purplish mushroom like thing was destroyed by stroke after stroke from the Zman. With it, things seemed to return to normal, or at least the voice constantly trying to encourage Bartomus to rest was gone. But now, the Taur really needed a moment to catch his breath. In doing so, he realized how terrible the room smelled. Like the fish market on the Float on a hot day. It wasn't all that welcoming.

"Well that was a challenge," Bartomus finally said has he looked about. "Suspect that that played a role in killing the various creatures that were then turned into the attack squad that welcomed us here."

Bartomus nodded over towards the remains of the purple mass hacked to bits with the slice and dice maneuvers of Zander. He then began studying the cave and particularly looking for any signs of the party of dwarves they were sent to find. He cast a light spell on his glave and used it as he walked about the larger cavern.

Perception 28
Sunbeam 3/5
Hero Points adjusted upward! ;-)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Tuesday April 16th, 2024 12:31:56 PM

(OOC: I didn't do anything that battle except fail will save after will save. But I burned a bunch of hero points doing so so I'll take the re-up)

Armalad and Joker head back to Dolgrim and verify he is back to normal. If so she will dismiss the protective sphere

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 190/226 AC: 34 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6 
Tuesday April 16th, 2024 12:41:11 PM

Zander barely keeps his feet as the fungus collapses, not longer entangling him. The weight of it's psychic presence lifting from his mind feels like a giant hand finally letting him off the floor. He blinks several times and takes a few deep breathes to steady himself. After dispatching the skeleton in the corner he goes back to check on the others. "That was extremely unpleasant, but I'm guessing we may have found what caused the disappearance of the dwarven scribes. If that thing got into their heads, I fear we'll find their remains in that pile. Is everyone OK?"

Stock (JonM) HP: 225/265; AC: 31/28/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 9/44 used 
Tuesday April 16th, 2024 5:58:59 PM

Stock gives Delia a look and says, “mustache?”
He then walks over to Dolgrin and tries to get the dwarf’s attention. “You in there, Cousin?

What a weird experience that fight was!”

All that glitters... (DM Wayne) 
Tuesday April 16th, 2024 9:48:26 PM

Delia brings Hawky to her, then begins shaking Stohp, trying to wake her. It doesn’t work. In desperation Delia tries a light slap to Stohp’s left cheek which finally awakens Stohp from the Extraordinary Sleep Stohp was in!

Stohp wakes up, surprised to find herself on the cavern floor, her left cheek oddly warm to the touch. Confusing memories mix with her present perceptions. She notes how fortunate the Shields were that not all of them fell to the Fungus’ mental entreaties.

Bartomus took in the Shields’ hard-fought victory, marred by the lessening, but still awful, stench of the destroyed Fungus. He reasons that the Fungus must have killed other creatures and turned them into its skeletal defenders. Bartomus casts a Light spell on his Glaive and begins exploring and examining the cavern. He finds nothing remains but piles of bones, giant-sized armor that the bones were wearing, and the Fungus-cage full of shiny treasure.

Armalad and Joker confirm Dolgrin is no longer drooling. Armalad dismisses the sphere.

Dolgrin says, “Armalad, thank you! I was in a waking dream, I think, all of the… battle? Are those piles of giant bones and… in the distance, is that some sort of colossal fungus?

What did I miss, and (wipes face)… why is there so much drool on me?

Zanderallen narrowly avoided falling as the Fungus dies, its tentacle still wrapped around him. He took a moment to clear his mind before felling the giant skeleton in the corner. Zanderallen turns his attention to the Shields, and also the once more free Dolgrin. He expresses his concern that the dwarven scribes were lost to this… Fungus.

Stock is puzzled by the mustache reference from Delia, and then moves over to Dolgrin, who is now appears to be acting normally.

Dolgrin says, “Thank you Stock… all of the Shields. I fear Zanderallen is probably right. Judging by the shining pile of treasure in the Fungus’s cage-like body I think our research needs to begin there.

Shall we?

What do the Shields do?

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Wednesday April 17th, 2024 5:38:16 AM

Armalad tells Dolgrim, "Well ironically enough shortly after we stashed you here for safe keeping Joker and I were in a waking dream for all of the battle which was ashame because I guess it started out mirroring the layout here and I identified the creature as a Zygomind and pretty much neutralized it with an arrow imbued with an anti magic field so that we made short work of it. I guess the lesson of this battle is maybe sometimes I should hang back because maybe I could have gotten a line of sight to it without being impacted had I been more careful in my movements? Oh but if this is anything like my dream in that treasure pile they'll be a box containing Largon's Dragon Crown but I think I'll let other folks dig through that first and then help identify stuff after if it's all the same."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+28=47 ;
Wednesday April 17th, 2024 7:22:34 AM

Before anyone touches the corpse or treasure Stohp will look it over for traps. Maybe not mechanical ones, but they don't need some organ in the thing to rupture and poison the party or send them to lala land again when they try to access the treasure (47 to find traps)

Stock (JonM) HP: 225/265; AC: 31/28/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 9/44 used 
Wednesday April 17th, 2024 9:23:39 AM

After helping to get everybody to their feet, Stock heads over and helps cut away the fungus cage and dig through the pile of treasure.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+33=41 ; d20+16=17 ;
Wednesday April 17th, 2024 12:55:05 PM

Delia pats Stohp's shoulder apologetically for the wake up, then sets herself at the tunnel they came in to keep watch with Hawky on her shoulder while her party investigates the loot pile.

Perception: 41 (45 v undead or aberrations)
Hawky perception: 17

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 190/226 AC: 34 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6 
Wednesday April 17th, 2024 1:18:58 PM

"Care for the stench. Old fungal apparently figured his wit would cover his scent." Satisfied everyone is physically well Zanderallen heads back over to the pile of treasure and starts dragging it out of the fungal mass, piling it for the others to sort and identify.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=26 ;
Wednesday April 17th, 2024 6:50:18 PM

Bartomus looked over at Armalad and nodded.

"Can't say that I've ever seen, let alone heard of a Zygamogamoniama before,["/B] He said and turned his attention to the pile of shiny baubles. He waited for an all clear sign from Stohp before he started poking at things in the pile.

[B]"Dolgrin, so I hate to ask this this way, but I don't see or recall any dwarvish spelling. So, could they have gotten away from this Zygomorphianika and hidden themselves somewhere?"

Perception 26 treasure pile

All that glitters... (DM Wayne) 
Wednesday April 17th, 2024 10:54:14 PM

Stock helps anyone get to their feet who needs it.

Armalad relates her “battle” experience to Dolgrin.

Stohp looks very carefully for traps amidst the Fungal Wreckage and all that glitters within. She pronounces the whole thing, “trap-free!”

At those words, Stock is at once arriving at the treasure pile and sorting things before anyone can stop him, which is briefly dangerous as he’s stacking fire-giant-size longswords and greatswords quickly into separate piles of about nine each, with each sword removed revealing more and more of a brighter glow beneath!

Soon, all within sixty feet or so can see that amidst the pile of weapons, armor, other stainless gear that’s probably magical, tattered-but-still-full backpacks and the like, Stock has separated out, with some care, items with intricate carvings and symbols that everyone suddenly realizes they last saw on some of the battle murals in the Clan Mountainheart Throne Room:

A set of dwarf-sized black-matte-painted full-plate armor that seems to absorb all light.

A rustless heavy steel shield of such quality even Zanderallen’s magical shield pales in comparison.

A warhammer filled completely with dwarven runes, some of which lightly glow blue from time to time.

A dwarf-height composite longbow with not a hint of wood rot, and a bowstring that might just be made out of metal!

Stock is uncharacteristically silent longer than usual.

Dolgrin has been looking over these items as Stock assembled them. After a moment, he falls to his knees and weeps softly, in an odd, gravelly, kind of way, as if dwarves can do nothing without reminding others of the rocks of the Wold.

Delia pats Stohp’s shoulder in apology and then sets herself to guard the only exit as Stohp goes to search for traps. She realizes, as she takes in her surroundings, that she still cannot see the ceiling. From the sounds of combat echoing much less harshly than she would have expected she guesses the cavern height here must be over one hundred feet. She thinks to herself, Great, there could be ambush tunnels above, full of carrion crawlers, and we wouldn’t know until we smelled their stench, if we even could smell their stench over the fungus stench!

Zanderallen warns the others of the Fungus’ stench, but with its death the stench has lessened enough to just be a big annoyance instead of a danger. He helps Stock by better sorting the items Stock throws away from the center, and then, like the rest, he stops for a moment when Stock stops and Dolgrin weeps.

Bartomus nods with Armalad. A rare fungus indeed, that he had not heard of before! He pauses when Dolgrin is weeping.

Dolgrin does not weep for long, wiping away tears and summoning dwarven stoicness, he says, “Keep going Stock. If any scribes’ journals are here, we must have them and decipher them right away! These… his… artifacts can wait a few more moments for proper Identification.

Stock nods and begins pulling backpacks from the pile, the first few of which fall apart in his hands due to leather rot and the papers inside becoming soggy dust as they are removed! Dolgrin says, “Keep going Stock, the Fungus’s stench probably came from musk, and we all know what too much moisture does to paper.

Bartomus takes the opportunity to ask Dolgrin whether the scribes they’re looking for could have escaped somewhere else.

Dolgrin is lost in thought, not hearing Bartomus’ question, or ignoring him, his eyes continuously following Stock’s hands.

Stock removes the final rotted backpack, and inside is a journal, not all of which has become soggy dust. More Shields gather around as Dolgrin shines a Light spell on the partially-intact single page, written in Dwarven.

Dolgrin reads it aloud in Dwarven, pausing as he skips past damaged parts of the page to move on to the next legible part: Highlight to display spoiler: {
…-sk’s Guide to Caverns of the Scab said the cavern ceiling couldn’t be seen with dwarven eyes in the dark, and even when a lightstone was slung as high as it could go, some 500 feet, no ceiling could be seen… though as the lightstone hit its zenith alongside one wall, its light caught in full above the lightstone one of many flowing limestone formations fit for a monarch… …-spair we will never find the crown so we can break the curse and free K-…

Stock ONLY Highlight to display spoiler: {Although every fiber of your being wants to make the ‘K’ for Karkasan, a legend, a myth, the truth (?), you grew up with was that centuries ago a great dwarven hero had gone looking for a crown, an artifact, that was said to be able to break any enchantment. Chief Sternbough’s distant ancestor, King Sternbough, so the story goes, had fallen under a bloodwitch’s curse of sleep, never to awaken again. The hero, the dwarven knight Klink Barrelchest, one of the greatest dwarven warriors ever, a dwarf, it is said, without fear… had set out into the Underwold alone to find the crown. All were too scared to accompany him, but dwarves enchanted his armor to enable him to escape any beast that might swallow him whole, and sneak around caverns almost as well as a trained trapfinder. Traveling alone, stronger in body than brain, he must have been no match for this great fungus and sleepwalked to his doom, just like the fire giants must have. At least now, presuming the Shields survive, you’ll be able to complete his quest to obtain the crown, you hope, although old King Sternbough’s body eventually faded away into death and old age when Klink never returned… Dare you wield the legendary Warhammer of Klink Barrelchest himself?!? If it would help you get the Crown, perhaps he wouldn’t mind at all…}

As Dolgrin finishes, Stock’s gaze turns, ever so briefly, to the runed warhammer.

What do you do?

(OOC – Items from the treasure pile:

9 fire-giant-size greatswords
9 fire-giant-size longswords
heavy steel shield
Dwarf-sized Full Plate
Two (2) rings
Ten (10) potion vials
Composite Longbow

20,000gp in assorted coins from copper to platinum, and a variety of gems, jewelry, and other non-magical baubles.

Rotted backpacks, rotted clothing, soggy paper dust.
One surviving, and damaged, journal page.)

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Thursday April 18th, 2024 7:22:20 AM

Stohp considers. "Sounds like some sort of magical darkness may await us. Hopefully we can dispel it."

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+16=35 ; d20+33=38 ;
Thursday April 18th, 2024 10:56:40 AM

"Can someone read the journal out in not-dwarven when you get a chance?" Delia calls over.

She pulls her everburning torch out of her pack, helps Hawky get a grip on it with his talons, and then sends him up to find the ceiling. She watches him, ready to call out a warning if she spots something he doesn't.

Hawky: fly speed 85ft, HP: 90/90, AC 26/17/20
Hawky Perception: 35 (39 v undead/aberrations)
Delia Perception: 38 (42 v undead/aberrations)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 190/226 AC: 34 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6 
Thursday April 18th, 2024 11:59:58 AM

Zanderallen pauses as the dwarven equipment is found and sorted out. He shares the loss even if he doesn't know the people. He stands next to the weeping dwarves, wishing he knew the words in dwarven, chants a warrior death dirge of Domi over the fallen. Short and bitter he wipes away a tear as he finishes and goes back to sorting the rest of the gear, leaving the dwarves to mourn as they need. He holds silent as he ponders the fragmented journal.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=36 ;
Thursday April 18th, 2024 5:20:13 PM

Bartomus felt a bittersweet sense of relief in at least knowing that the lost party was not trapped somewhere. Yet, the response by Dolgrin made it clear that the remarkable items that were in the pile were the personal goods of the Keeps beloved heroes. He fished out the bag of holding he had purchased to bring along on this journey.

He examined the piles looking for something that might be holding the crown they were in search of as part of their quest.

Perception 36...natural 20

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+29=47 ; d20+29=43 ; d20+29=35 ; d20+29=36 ; d20+29=38 ; d20+29=41 ; d20+29=33 ; d20+29=44 ; d20+29=44 ; d20+29=36 ; d20+29=42 ; d20+29=38 ; d20+29=48 ;
Thursday April 18th, 2024 5:59:34 PM

Armalad gives the Dwarves a wide berth concerning the recent dream she had and the fact that these magic items might be culturally important to them and says, "Is it okay if I attempt to identify the rings, potions, and wand?"

Assuming people are okay with this she casts detect magic and takes a look:
Spellcraft to identify: 47, 43, 35, 36, 38, 41, 33, 44, 44, 36 -> potions
Spellcraft to identify: 42, 38 -> rings
Spellcraft to Identify: 48 -> wand

All that glitters... (DM Wayne) 
Thursday April 18th, 2024 11:02:42 PM

Stohp considers the words from the journal page.

Delia asks for a translation into Common. Then she sends Hawky, everburning torch in talons, to find the ceiling.

Hawky spirals upward until it seems the ceiling is one hundred and fifty feet up, plus or minus. His spiral flight reveals to all that there’s no carrion crawler-size set of tunnels up there, though there are cracks on the ceiling and the highest parts of the walls large enough to be seen 150 feet away, but not so large as to be ‘tunnels’ in any true sense of the word.

Zanderallen notes the loss felt deeply by Dolgrin, wondering if Stock feels the same, though it seems Stock never weeps, over anything. He stands with the dwarves, respectful, and then moves on to sorting the rest of the gear, pondering the words in the journal.

Bartomus hoped the lost scribes’ fate was painless. He pulled out his bag of holding, and looked for the crown, but despite Armalad’s report from the ‘illusion’ there was no crown to be seen. Had the Fungus simply reflected their own memories and desires as part of the ‘illusion’?

Bartomus’ attention is drawn more closely to the four items Dolgrin knelt in front of. Bartomus had seen the runed hammer before… on the murals in the Throne Room… was this the hammer of some dwarven hero of the distant past, mythic heroics forever captured on royal murals, and not the more recent missing scribes?

Armalad, though often cold and analytical, gives the dwarves room to grieve. She asks if it’s alright to identify the other items. Stock gives a thumbs up. Dolgrin might not be listening.

Armalad proceeds with identification.

Stock continues to stare deeply at the runed hammer.
Did his right hand flex in empty ‘hammer grip’, even a little?

What do you do?

(OOC –
Two (2) rings of swimming
Ten (10) potions of cure serious wounds
Wand of cure critical wounds (30 charges))

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Friday April 19th, 2024 6:43:04 AM

Stohp is ready to continue on but will wait of the others aren't done.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Friday April 19th, 2024 10:32:28 AM

"We probably need to get moving, folks." Bartomus said as he watched Hawky spiral upwards with the light. "These sacred relics need to be taken to their rightful home and we still have a special crown to find to stop the world coming apart."

He moves closer to the items that have captivated the two dwarves and stepped, if possible to where he was now standing behind the four items looking at Stock and Dolgrin.

"Is there something we should say or do before we remove them from this chamber? An homage or blessing or something."

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  
Friday April 19th, 2024 11:02:30 AM

Delia calls Hawky back, tucking the torch back in her pouch and offering him bits of jerky. Despite the Ioun stone circling his head sustaining him, he was less tolerate of the lack of eating than the rest of them.

She waits patiently for everyone to be ready to leave, maintaining her watch on the tunnel.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 190/226 AC: 34 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 33 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6 
Friday April 19th, 2024 2:30:21 PM

Zanderallen pauses as the information about the gear is processed, "Wait so is this the scribes or did we find something older?"

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Friday April 19th, 2024 8:47:02 PM

Armalad says, "Wow we have quite the haul of potions. I think we should probably each take one considering they are cure serious wounds. As for the wand of cure critical wounds I'm assuming we are giving that to either Zander or Bart."

"As for getting moving does this mean we have to go back the way we came and investigate the dry path afterall? I mean yay we found the plant thing that can turn people into unwitting zombies but does that mean there are worse actual undead along the dry path?"

Stock (JonM) HP: 225/265; AC: 31/28/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 9/44 used 
Saturday April 20th, 2024 12:46:35 AM

”Yes Armalaf, that is indeed what it means. “

Stock walks over to the hammer and grasps it by the handle. [b]”Anybody know what kind of magic this thing has?[b]

All that glitters... (DM Wayne) 
Sunday April 21st, 2024 12:07:26 AM

Stohp waits impatiently for the others to simply gather the loot and move on to more exploration.

Bartomus voices what Stohp was thinking.

Delia calls Hawky back, then resumes her watch, waiting for the treasure collection to finish.

Zanderallen asks whether the pile of treasure was from the scribes, or something older.

Armalad remarks on the identified magic items. Dreading the answer, she asks whether they still need to investigate the barren path.

Stock gives the answer Armalad dreaded, the barren path awaits. But first… Stock walks over to the runed warhammer, grasping it, wielding it, and asks what kind of magic it has.

As Stock’s dwarven fingers surround the warhammer’s shaft, and is lifted upward, readied for war, the runes shift from glowing a faint blue into a steady and somewhat bright blue, like the runes of a scroll dancing across the page before the fire of the scroll’s spell consumes it! The blue radiance that lights up the runes does not consume the warhammer, nay, the warhammer suddenly speeds up Stock’s arm, enabling him to flick the warhammer back and forth quickly, not quite hypnotically, but at supernatural Speed!

Dolgrin comes out of his weeping at the sight of Stock’s tree-thick thews hefting the runed hammer aloft! His eyes go wide as Stock lightly flicks the hammer back and forth, considering its weight and balance and the hammer glows somewhat brighter!

He says, “Stock… the hammer has chosen you! If only Klink Barrelchest were here to see a worthy successor to wield his warhammer and finally find the crown! Ahem… The hammer is a Dwarven Thrower, magically enhanced when wielded by a worthy dwarf! The runes translate as, “Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Speed.” The warhammer is, in your hands, enhanced to the third degree and enchanted with magics similar to a Haste spell, though only your arm moves faster when attacking at length, and not your legs. It also can be hurled with great accuracy and strikes giants for extra damage. This was Klink’s warhammer, and sadly it was of no help to him against this fungus, as I was no help to you in this battle… his head droops a moment, then he lifts it again…

These others were his as well, and I am sure Chief Sternbough would not object to you, or even the Shields, using any or all of them on this mission.

Here was his longbow, enchanted to the fifth degree for exceptional accuracy and penetration, but no other enchantments. The bowstring is a special alloy, and so the user must have exceptional, even legendary, strength to pull it and still be able to aim properly.

The shield was also his, likewise enchanted to the fifth degree for maximum protection.

The Mithral full plate armor was enchanted to the fourth degree, plus… do you see the shadows constantly playing on its surface beyond what our spells should cause? When worn, the armor makes its wearer one with the night, and nearly as silent as a trapfinder. Also, see how my hand just glides across its surface and won’t stop? The armor is also enchanted to help the wearer escape the maws of giant beasts, entangling nets, and the like, the slightest body twist enough for the wearer to slide out of the entrapment!

The others can be wielded by anyone trained… the armor, Stock, is only of use to you. First, it is dwarf-sized, and second, I am not trained in even mid-range armor, which the Mithral Full-Plate is, so that leaves you, unless your present armor, which also seems to be Mithral Full-Plate, is better?

As for the Shields’ other questions, who knows where the scribes’ bodies are, or Klink’s… enough time has passed that I’m thankful that even rotted backpacks, perhaps that stand-alone breastplate, and a partial journal was found. It’s not yet enough clues to point us to the crown’s resting place, but it is a start, if we can find more journal pages…

Yes, just gather up the treasures, and remember – these four items that belonged to Klink Barrelchest… when we return to Chief Sternbough with the crown, they must be turned over to him. But until then… no dwarf will shed tears over the Shields slaying more monsters that have slain our scribes and Klink! Onward!

Dolgrin watches to see the choices of Stock and the other Shields with regard to the treasures, and then asks, “Do you have enough bags of holding to quickly gather everything and then head back to The Fork, so the Barren Path can be pursued to its end?

What do you do?

(OOC – if a Shield selects one of Klink’s items to carry for the meantime, note it in your post.
Any items that no one claims I will presume to be in a bag of holding, which the Shields can specify in their posts.

Your next post should include “and then s/he races out of the cavern and back to The Fork” or similar transition language.

Since the Shields will be on the road for a bit and therefore Armalad will have time…

Klink Barrelchest’s items:

Dwarven Thrower +2 (Corebook p.473), of Speed (when wielded by a Worthy Dwarf).

(This weapon functions as a +2 warhammer in the hands of most users. Yet in the hands of a dwarf, the warhammer gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus (for a total enhancement bonus of +3) and gains the returning special ability. It can be hurled with a 30-foot range increment. When hurled, a dwarven thrower deals an extra 2d8 points of damage against creatures of the giant subtype or an extra 1d8 points of damage against any other target.)

(Speed is accessible only to Stock, activating only when a Worthy Dwarf is the wielder, “Worthy” is defined by the DM. Speed does not stack with Haste. Corebook p.472)

(One-handed weapons can be wielded in two hands, so Stock can fully Power Attack to his heart’s content.)

Composite Longbow +5, built for +6 STR bonus (22 STR minimum to use without penalties).

Heavy Steel Shield +5

+4 Greater Slick (+15 escape artist), Greater Shadow (+15 stealth) Mithral Full Plate (sized for Dwarf)

Other items:

+4 Breastplate (Whoever takes it can wear it, as with normal loot; Dolgrin intimated it belonged to a scribe, but he spent no time discussing it compared to Klink’s legacy.)

Armalad identified all the other items.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+22=36 ;
Sunday April 21st, 2024 5:51:20 PM

Armalad says, "That bow is beyond my strength, plus I like how I have mine enchanted up the ying yang with all sorts of goodies, merciful, icy burst, flaming burst and thundering and then my arcane archer ability allows me to make my arrows shocking burst so my bow is my preferred weapon. I guess we head back the way we came."

Perception: 36

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Sunday April 21st, 2024 11:03:38 PM

"Well now, that's rather fetching for you Stock! I think I saw that hammer in one of the murals in the Great Hall." Bartomus said with an approving nod. Then Bartomus listened to Dolgrin and as he explained each weapon, he got a bit puzzled.

"Dolgrin," Bartomus said as he held open his bag of holding for the others to help load things into it. "Were there more of the heroes along with the scribes?"

He helped load things into the bag and then slung it into place.

He then worked his way back the way they came. Where necessary, he changed into a stone elemental to make the effort well, effortless as he stoneslid through the various chambers.

Bag of Holding Type IV

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 8:24:07 AM

Stohp has no interest in the fancy magic items. The history is cool to hear but she does not have the reverence for the ancient dead the Dwarf does. She'll help load everything up and head back with the group.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+45=52 ; d20+33=47 ;
Monday April 22nd, 2024 2:27:31 PM

Darkvision, Longstrider, Underground +2

Delia curiously begins to draw the metal bow string, then shakes her head, "A little too legendary for me as well. Zander or Stock I'm sure could manage it if they ever decide to execute a plan other than 'run up and hit it'.

As they begin their trek back to the Fork, she comments to Armalad, "The barren path was infested with dwarf/scorpions and other aberrations, not undead. So at least this time we probably won't have to deal with mind control. Probably."

She resumes her place at the front, not lowering her guard despite the fact that they've already traveled this way. Hawky perches on whoever is in the front behind her that is willing to have a ridealong bird.

Stealth: 52
Perception: 47 (51 v undead or aberrations)

Stock (JonM) HP: 225/265; AC: 31/28/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 9/44 used 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 3:08:31 PM

"Yeah. I'll use this hammer and also this armor for now and honor Klink's memory. I have no use for that shield, however nice it is. And while I could use the bow, I can't see myself putting down the hammer to pull it out. Z? Would you wield those in Klink's honor?

Dolgrin...Cousin...I am humbled by this moment. I will dedicate my life to returning these items to our people.

Did anybody see where Delia went?...oh she's already off. Not one to mince words, that woman."

Stock (JonM) HP: 225/265; AC: 35/31/18; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 9/44 used 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 3:10:08 PM

Header updated
I've also added the treasure to the party tracker...

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 190/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 5/6 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 4:53:54 PM

Zanderallen watches Stock wield the hammer, some of the dwarf's awe spilling over as he watches the weapon respond to its wielder. When Stock offers the bow and shield he salutes, "It would be an honor to carry on Klink's legacy. I will do my best to honor him as we work to restore the knowledge of the clan.' Moving his own bow and shield to his bag of holding (and offering space for any other items needing to be stored) he takes Klink's bow and shield. He first gives the bow a few experimental draws, it had a hefty draw but well within his capability. Satisfied it would serve him well if needed he stows it on his back. He then straps the shield to his arm, stepping through a quick guarding exercise. The balance and coverage was a little off from what he was used to it being sized to protect a dwarf but with a little bit of practice he could adjust. Both items were works of art and he would be happy when he could return them to their proper place.

"Off to the barren path then, we've exhausted the possibilities here. Hopefully another journal fragment, combined with what we found here will lead us to the crown." Once everyone is resumes his position as rearguard.
Wielding Klink's Bow and Shield

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 8:53:03 PM

Armalad declines Klink’s longbow and gets ready to move with the group.

Bartomus comments on Klink’s warhammer that Stock is wielding. He then asks Dolgrin whether there were additional heroes with the scribes. Then Bartomus set about helping the group return to The Fork.

Stohp declines any of Klink’s items. Like Bartomus, she helps the group pack and ready to head back to The Fork.

Delia tests Klink’s bow, but finds it just a tad too difficult to pull the bowstring properly. As the group heads back to The Fork she points out to Armalad that the foes down the Barren Path are probably not undead… Delia returns to leading the way in the Night Below.

Stock takes Klink’s hammer and armor, to honor his memory. He asks Zanderallen to wield the shield and also the longbow. Stock swears an oath to his clan before Dolgrin. He then fails to locate Delia, but deduces she must be scouting ahead!

Zanderallen stands rapt, watching Stock wield and test Klink’s warhammer. He agrees to carry the shield and the bow. Zanderallen tests each, marveling at their craftsdwarfship! He calls the group to head on back to The Fork!

The journey back goes much quicker than the journey here – Ropes of Climbing, dwarven muscles, and Taur height make quick work of the watery path out!

As Dolgrin passes by first the Dwarven ‘Campsite’ and then the Bone Pile, he muses aloud in Common, “I wonder whether this group of scribes became local guardians of the Fungus, giving it time to mind control various aberrations, or whether the Fungus sent them further afield as guards? Did the scribes have to destroy a skeletal Klink, who had gone adventuring long before them, only to become skeletons themselves? Sadly, we may never know!

Delia quickly finds each hidden mark she left on the way in, and though getting back to the Fungus might be more difficult, they shouldn’t need to do so. Still, she adds additional marks to indicate the path to the Fungus just in case!

The Fork

At The Fork, Dolgrin wastes no time leading the Shields down the two or three hours of the Barren Path that he knows, and then calls for Delia to lead once more.

Delia continues to lead the group, Stock and Stohp watching for attacks from the front, Stock much more shadowy than before, and quieter too! Then Bartomus in his elemental form, then Dolgrin, Armalad and Joker, and finally Zanderallen guarding the rear.

What do the Shields discuss during the first five (5) sleeps down the Barren Path?

(OOC –
In anticipation of path exploration beginning, let’s get some Survival die rolls out of the way for how well the group maps and explores the seemingly uncountable number of side tunnels a dwarf could fit through!

I checked – Delia, in her Favored Terrain, is clearly the main roller.

Delia – please roll five (5) Survival checks and note all sums in an OOC line in your post.
Everyone else – I recall all of you can Aid Another DC 10 easily, so Delia, please just take the +12 bonus from six assists (including Dolgrin).

This represents up to five (5) days of exploring and mapping, should the DM need to use that many – each path is of unknown length after all!

After you’ve all posted and we know where we’re going then Tuesday night’s DM post will send you on your way!

Elapsed Time:
It was seven sleeps, six since The Fork, to reach the Fungus. The trip back is almost twice as fast, so four more sleeps, total of ten (10) since The Fork and the Mossy Path, and eleven (11) since entering Wind Tunnels.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 11:02:05 PM

Armalad says, "So we are sure the crown has to be down the barren path? I really don't want to get to a dead-end on the Barren Path only to find some heartbreaking story of what became of the other Dwarven scribe expedition and no dragon crown of Largon. Also while we were investigating the moldy path could it be possible that Karkasan's people somehow got down here too and when we get to the end of the barren path we'll end up having to fight them to secure the crown?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 1:05:49 AM

"These tunnels connect up to the greater underdark so I doubt we'd hit a second dead end. How else would Drow and other dangers find their way up here if this cave system ended? I'm sure we'll end up fighting something along the way one way or another."

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 35/31/18; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 0/44 used 
Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 11:22:57 AM

Before he leaves the cave with the fungus, Stock pockets a small dull blue stone to commemorate the spot.

Stock reacts to Dolgrin’s grim thoughts on what became of Klink with his typical brusqueness. ”Both Klink and the scribes died down here. That’s all we need to know. It’s fortunate that none of their minds would remain attached to a skeletal form and so after that, their skeletons are just a mindless bunch of bones. It is sad but true”

To Armalad he says, ”that feels unknowable. This is a lost artifact we are talking about. We don’t even know if this new path is hours or days or weeks long…”

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 190/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 5/6 
Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 4:48:20 PM

Zanderallen had to fight to remain alert, while the closeness of the cave walls had felt like the Float back home at first after more than a fortnight down here they took on a completely different feeling. The lack of any light beyond their own, the oppressive silence, and the constant feeling that something was down there with them slowly took their toll. But his mental fortitude was every match for his physical fortitude and Zanderallen found ways to keep pushing on. He enjoyed the quickened pace of the return journey before settling back into the drudgery of tunnel mapping.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+39=53 ; d20+39=45 ; d20+39=45 ; d20+39=57 ; d20+39=47 ; d20+45=55 ;
Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 5:25:41 PM

Delia settles into her guide role again, spending the days quiet, focused, and marking their path and the nights keeping watch and double checking her maps.

Survival 1: 53
2: 45
3: 45
4: 57
5: 47

Stealth: 55

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 7:04:25 PM

Bartomus joined in the conversations about the Crown and where it might have gotten to. Yet, what intrigued him more was the fact that they had found a dwarvish legends last battle site.

After the second full test, Bartomus asked Dolgrin if he could share a tale or two about Klink and what he had accomplished to earn a spot on the walls of the Great Keep's royal hall.

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