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Homeward Bound

Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Wednesday June 19th, 2024 9:30:03 AM

As you finish up and compare with each other it is clear the bodies of all the leaders have been accounted for but cleaning up would just be too big a task. There are suggestion as to what to do about the bodies including the very practical suggestion of walling them in a stone room. They all met a violent and unhappy desk so in a world were spirits and undead are a thing just leaving them lie here forever may not be the best.

After some discussion the group decides to head out.

{ooc: Top or bottom exit? When did you take the delay poison potions feel free to use that more as a role play element at this point./}

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Wednesday June 19th, 2024 12:15:19 PM

Kaze is ready for clean air. He'll put his sword and shield away. "I can help scout the path we take, to make sure nothing is waiting to ambush us."

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 4th AC 16/16/14 HP: 29/29 delay poison 
Wednesday June 19th, 2024 12:45:42 PM

[Let's estimate the listing of the dead took no more than two hours. So the toxic effects should occur within about 5-10 minutes of each other a couple more hours out.]

After carefully re-verifying the T-Rex is still no longer guarding the top entrance, the party emerges back onto the plateau. "Good idea, Kaze. Now, not too far ahead!"

Once the party gets to what seems a relatively safe spot in their journey back to Cloudhaven, perhaps twenty to thirty minutes out, Yofiel casts several instances of prestidigitation to fumigate herself and the other party members, including the doggies, and along with ridding themselves of the clinging smells of the mortuary, she uses the spells generally to help all to clean and freshen up.

As she helps Marest to clean up, she comments, "Sister, you seem a bit disquieted. How are you feeling? Are you doing all right?"

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Wednesday June 19th, 2024 2:44:42 PM

Dapple, who has been praying for 30 minutes straight, declines to say any more prayers. Instead, she makes ready to leave with the others.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 4th AC 16/16/14 HP: 29/29 delay poison 
Wednesday June 19th, 2024 6:54:22 PM

In the case of Dapple declining to pray further, Yofiel offers this brief petition, "Gargul, we trust you to watch over the souls of those who lie here. Hosts of heaven, we pray the bodies of these fallen not be further desecrated, and we ask that we, or others whom we inform, may see to a suitable resting place for their remains. And thank you that we have survived this place. Selah."

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Wednesday June 19th, 2024 11:33:52 PM

composite masterwork strength bow, +1 to hit/+1 damage
9 arrows from Yofiel
For +7 vs DC13 = 12
Rage Rds 1/12

OOC: we are going up to the top exit.

At some point during Grim's checking bodies, he freezes up for a few moments, then relaxes. While the paralysis was relatively short, it sure didn't seem so during combat.

Dapple's prayers start to get on Grim's nerves and when Yofile starts up, he growls 'You pray more for the dead than you do for those still ALIVE! Throw in a prayer to The Great One, now and then, for those still alive.'
He trudges up the stairs helping carry the laden travois.

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Thursday June 20th, 2024 12:05:24 AM

Colt watches the exchange from afar and comments quietly afterward to his dog. "What is his problem,Foggy? Why is he just so mean? I'm a little tired of the praying,too, but I'd never say anything. Dapple and Yofiel's hearts are in the right place and everyone ought to respect that."

He digs the fingers of both his hands into Foggy's neck, massaging around the base of the dog's skull and up over his ears. " I wish I could fight like him though."

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Thursday June 20th, 2024 12:45:23 AM

Siolo distances himself as the others focus on their prayers for the dead. Watching, he gets a little introspective.

Should I pray? Who to? Would Maab care? She help create the animals. Maybe I should be praying about the animal situation..

Siolo continues thinking as the group gathers and heads up, out of the upper entrance/exit.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 4th AC 16/16/14 HP: 29/29 delay poison 
Thursday June 20th, 2024 3:43:16 AM

At Grim's rebuke to Dapple and herself, Yofiel looks at her halfling friend and shrugs her shoulders. But she also then turns back to the warrior. "What is stopping you from doing so, Grim?" she asks sincerely. "I petitioned the Great One before we rested. He has revealed himself to you. I trust your words. When I addressed the hosts of heaven, is he not included?

"Your patience has been tried in dealing with the dead, I know. Had I prayed at length, naming each deity, surely your patience would have been further tried. Now, let us leave the dead behind, and walk together in peace with each other. Can we?" she asks him.

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 31/31 
Thursday June 20th, 2024 8:31:19 AM

"Well, I guess it's time to get going," says Ezekiel. "Remember, a journey of a thousand steps starts with a single mile."

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Thursday June 20th, 2024 11:53:33 AM

"Grim, do you know any prayers for the Great One that you could teach me?" Dapple asks. "You're right, of course, we should include everybody."

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Thursday June 20th, 2024 12:00:36 PM

Kaze, treating Patches to a good rub down, looks at the "prayers" in the group, "I was never one for praying, left that to the Shamans. I do meditate on the forest, how grand the trees are, and how awesome her ability to grow things in difficult places Kaze stops mid-sentence "I do pray don't I, huh, never thought about it until this moment."

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 4th AC 16/16/14 HP: 29/29 delay poison 
Thursday June 20th, 2024 3:53:19 PM

"Ezekiel, you have the lovely gift of inversion," Yofi tells him with a smile.

At Kaze's self-revelation, she nods at what he just said.

As they walk homeward, the bard ponders aloud, "I wonder what adventures await us next?"

Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Thursday June 20th, 2024 6:48:41 PM

They party heads to the top entrance retracing their steps as they go. A quick examination confirms that the t-rex is truly gone and they can get back with no problem. After making some distance Yofiel takes a bit of time to clean up the party and remove the various unpleasant scents that have acculimited in their trek. Once cleaned up Marest addresses the group briefly explaining that this has been too difficult of an experience and a break is needed. She apologizes and says she needs time and will walk back to Cloudhaven alone and just quietly help the community. The idea of just gathering foraged supplies to help out, like mushrooms and other plants, has a great appeal.

Everything is quiet on the plateau and the party is bothered as they head back to home.

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Thursday June 20th, 2024 11:07:44 PM

Siolo takes a deep breath and then speaks up, his hair muddled and the vibrant red certainly dampened with dirt. He looks tired and emotionally roughed up. "This problem seems far from over. Our enemies are strong, as are their minions," he starts matter-of-factly. "On top of normal thunder gods, we will likely have to combat modified thunder gods. We could go back to Clouhaven and begin finger pointing, but finger pointing doesn't stop a rampaging augmented thunder god directed by a vindictive person. We need more," with that he expels a heavy sigh.

"I understand Marests feelings. This has been tough." Siolo turns a weary face to Grim, "And your berating makes it harder. Yes, we're different. We see things a little differently. But, we need to focus more on our common cause. What's happening is a problem that needs solved. Surely we can agree to that."

"I'm going to start trying to get in touch with Maab," he says finally. "I'll probably do some praying. But the most recent developments I would figure might really concern her. Hopefully I'll find a way."

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Thursday June 20th, 2024 11:30:39 PM

composite masterwork strength bow, +1 to hit/+1 damage
9 arrows from Yofiel
For +7 vs DC13 = 12
Rage Rds 1/12

Grim answers gruffly but not angrily, "You live in The Great One's Domain, you don't need to petition anyone else. But that's our way, the way learned over a long time. The Great One knows all creatures here in his domain and therefore knows all of us. We petition to Him, and since he knows us, he takes that to Gargul. Who best to represent you in Gargul's court than The Great One? But then again, you don't serve The Great One, so I guess that's why you feel you need to call upon all gods you can think of."

He turns to Dapple, "It's not a critizism, but an observation. For me, The Great One petitions for the Dead. Our job is to petition for those still alive. The Chief Shaman garners the feelings of the Tribe and goes to The Great One in prayer. Individual Orcs may say prayers, but not in public or out loud. It might give the impression the orc is trying to bypass the Shaman."

He turns to everyone, "My prayer is to find the Monstrologers' Headquarters. Some can use trees to travel, but they have to get out somewhere, and then they leave tracks. All those big Thunder Gods leave tracks. Finding that entry point will be a step in finding their headquarters."

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 4th AC 16/16/14 HP: 29/29  d20+2=6 ; d20+2=20 ; d20+6=23 ;
Friday June 21st, 2024 1:48:47 AM

A couple of hours away from the cavern complex, Marest's delay poison spell wears off, and, though she does not fall on her face (Ref save 23), Yofiel's muscles freeze up on her, and she stands paralyzed by a now three-hour-and-50-minute dead white crawler's tentacle sting. After about 15 seconds, she breaks the paralysis, stretches out for a moment, then continues the trek.

"Marest, that is understandable. Go in peace. I trust we will see you once you have had a good chance to gather what you need." She hugs her and then watches for a moment as the tall surface drow walks her own path for now.

"My father once wrote a song about Maab, Siolo," she says. "He held her in high esteem, as do many elves."

She takes in but is silent as she hears other comments.

When they get near to Delilah's now abandoned dryad grove, she stops to take a look to see how it now fares. She will note changes, if any, and decide later whether to report what she has observed to their dryad friend.

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 31/31  d20+10=12 ;
Friday June 21st, 2024 10:48:48 AM

"Ezekiel, you have the lovely gift of inversion," Yofi tells him with a smile.

"Invert what now?" replies Ezekiel.


To Grim, he says, "Wait, did you say Monstrologer's or Monstrologers'? Is there's more than one now?"

Not knowing what else to do, Ezekiel will cast detect magic as they look around the grove.

Spellcraft: 12 (just in case).

Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Friday June 21st, 2024 12:28:08 PM

Siolo and Grim discuss discuss the Great Old One and Maab as they travel before Grim mentioned a Monstrologers’ Headquarters. As he talks he creates an image of some sort of gathering point for monstrologers where the gather t-rex.

The dryad grove has changed little from when you were last here and there is not much to report. You draw closer to Cloudhaven and will easily reach it today unless the group decides to go someplace else.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 4th AC 16/16/14 HP: 29/29 
Friday June 21st, 2024 1:11:34 PM

"You said, 'a journey of a thousand steps starts with a single mile,' but the common saying is 'a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.' That is inversion," Yofiel answers Ezekiel. "It is a reversal, where you place what goes before, after, and what goes after, before." After a moment, she thinks to add, "It might be rather like sailing backwards, aft-first, directly into the wind, without tacking."

After a five-minute visit to the old grove, Yofiel encourages the group. "We can make it in time for supper if we press on, right?"

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Friday June 21st, 2024 5:00:28 PM

Kaze looks at the trees in the grove, marveling at their height (heck, most things are taller than he is), "Who lived here? It feels like someone lived here or tended to this place."

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Friday June 21st, 2024 6:40:32 PM

Colt listens to the others talk while he marches along or takes his turn with the travois. At Delilah's Grove he's happy for a brief rest. He's also glad that he can answer Kaze's question.

"Delilah the dryad lived here, Kaze. Yofiel and the others worked hard to move her to a new grove closer to Cloudhaven. "

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Friday June 21st, 2024 11:38:31 PM

Until they reach the grove, Siolo keeps his distance. His head is hung and he seems lost in thought. Even at the grove and after he keeps a small distance and maintains his contemplative demeanor.

Meeting Maab was always a goal. But, I never really thought of praying to her... How would I even do that?... Did I ever meet a cleric of Maab in the City?...I don't think so... Would Lady Yofiel know?...

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Saturday June 22nd, 2024 1:12:28 AM

composite masterwork strength bow, +1 to hit/+1 damage
9 arrows from Yofiel

Rage Rds 1/12

Although Grim doesn't 'get along' with anyone here, all the brave fighting from everyone touches his human side and a sort of comradeship has sort of begun, so when Marest leaves, he briefly laments the loss of one of their group through the stresses this tough environment brings to those who choose to live here.

'It is hard enough as is, despite what Maya thinks, but harder when people medle with the natural order of things. Our Worgs are not magically enhanced, just bread over and over again, picking out those with the qualities we are looking for.' He shruggs then keeps on moving.

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Saturday June 22nd, 2024 1:01:12 PM

Dapple forages on the way home, looking mostly for medicinal plants and herbs, because that's what she knows. And, being low to the ground, she can spot them more easily.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 4th AC 16/16/14 HP: 29/29 
Sunday June 23rd, 2024 11:20:55 PM

Yofiel thinks upon what items and coinage were collected from among the fallen. Do we have a rough estimate?

"Ah, we are soon home again." Yofi hopes it is within the next post :-)

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Monday June 24th, 2024 10:06:23 AM

After a brief look at the grove the company makes good time on their way back to Cloudhaven arriving just before most will be settling down for a nice warm meal. Although you were not gone long you can see that the cleanup and revolver of the area has continued and that life is in its routine.

Rothlorien see the party approach and heads out to meet the group with a look of worry on his face. “You're all ok it seems, good. How did it go in there? How bad was it? You don’t look so bad.” As you walk back with him others notice and watch or approach.

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 31/31 
Monday June 24th, 2024 10:35:34 AM

"So we found the Thunder Rex, and he was like, 'Oh look, some yummy meats! Yum yum yum yum. That was good, I'll think I take a nice food-coma-nap.' Then he went to sleep and found the council, only they were all ghosts now and we like 'Boo! Oh hi, it's you guys, come on in. Stay a while and list. We were working on altering thunder lizards to make better guard animals and pets. But don't worry, we have great security. We spared no expense! But then they escaped and ate us, and then went back to Cloudhaven, and ate a bunch of other people too. We don't know what posibly could have went wrong? Oh and try to find that nice Maya lady, she was really nice,' and we were all like, 'Na-huh' and they were all like 'Ya-huh.' Then we found some slimey crawler things eating the coprses of man and lizard alike, and they were all 'Get out of here! This our a home!' and we were like 'make us' and fought a bunch. Then we found Maya with her Thunder Rex and some other thunder lizards, and she was like 'the Council was wrong for trying to alter the thunder lizards' and I was like 'but you're doing the same thing' and she was like 'that's different!' Then we fought her thunder lizrads while she and the Thunder Rex escaped. Then we fought some more of those slimey things and came back here, and then Rothlorien was all like 'what's up guys?' and then I told him what happened."

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Monday June 24th, 2024 10:52:10 AM

"Um. yeah, I guess that's what happened," Dapple says. "More or less. We brought some supplies. There are more back at the Facility, but it's pretty upsetting in there."

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Monday June 24th, 2024 11:31:56 AM

OOC - Just a first post of the week for the posting report
Waiting for the DM's to write Einar into the game.
Char sheet approved and ready to go - apart from the history that will be slightly re-written per DM's suggestions.

If Ezekiel's post is standard for you lads and lasses than we're up for a good time.
Thanks for having me join you.

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Monday June 24th, 2024 12:12:21 PM

Having skipped his original visit to Cloudhaven, Kaze looks around with interest at the community. He could see where the dino's had rampaged around, but it looked like those areas were being repaired. Given the chance he would offer to help. Listening to Ezekiel's explanation, Kaze added something to it, "The poor people who lived and worked there we tried to identify and then placed them in one room and said multiple prayers over them. When all is said and done, you might want to consider that place their mausoleum and perhaps a place of, hmmm, I don't know if worship is the word, or as a place of comfort for those who miss their family members...Oh, I'm Kaze and this is Patches."

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Monday June 24th, 2024 12:16:19 PM

"Ezekial has the jist of it." Colt adds. "And it was definitely worse than we look. Yofiel prettied us all up on our way home. There was a lot of fighting with giant slimey worms hatching in the dino's and people's dead bodies. There's a tunnel passage all the way down to the jungle. If we want to use it, then we need to make sure the carrion worms are all gone. That means going back and burning all the dino corpses, and doing something with the people's bodies."

[ooc]Ezekial's posts are the funniest. [/ooc]

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Monday June 24th, 2024 3:17:49 PM

OOC: For 5th level, is there a WLA training site/person available to us?

5th Lvl Kaze

[Yes, Rothlorian is our WLA trainer -Kim]

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Monday June 24th, 2024 10:50:32 PM

Siolo speaks up, albeit soberly, "We went through and made a list of those that we could identify." Siolo carefully pulls out the parchment list and hands it to Rothlorian. "You are probably the best one to give this to. "

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 4th AC 16/16/14 HP: 29/29 
Monday June 24th, 2024 11:57:30 PM

"My friends have summed it up pretty well, sir." Yofiel reaches into her bag, and pulls out a few sheets of paper. "I have written up details here for you to look over. Having spoken with Maya, there is a small sliver of conscience left in her not yet fully seared by bitterness. I am inclined to think that the latter will keep her heart hardened. She did recommend that we all leave this plateau."

She hands the papers to Rothlorian. "Anything here happen we should be aware of?"

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 12:10:04 AM

Grim rolls his eyes at Ezekiel's short version of the events but says nothing about it at this point. However, when Yofiel hands the list of names to Rothlorien, Grim says gruffly, "You'll be glad to know your name isn't in that list."
Rather than stand around and risk someone blurting out, in a more understandable verbiage than Ezekiel's, about the caves and have the bystanders go and spread rumors, he howls, "I smell FOOD! Let's EAT!" and follows the aroma of dinner.

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 7:48:00 AM

[ooc]Kaze, WLA training is available.[/ooc]

Sometimes Grim has priorities that serendipitously coincide with Colt's.


This is a word that Fogbank knows well, and he jumps up, and even utters an uncharacteristic sharp bark.

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 9:32:04 AM

Rothlorien looks at at Exekiel for a moment after he speaks and then turns to Dapple and speaks quietly. “Was he hit in the head a little too hard?” He nods to Kaze and Colt his face growing more concerned as he hears of the grisly conditions that have been left. “Carrion worms… well as much as I would like to seal the place up and make it a tomb tombs in this world often cause more problems later. No matter what it is not your problem now I guess.”

He listens to the rest of the conversation and smiles when Grim calls out about food. “The recovery is going well and you all clearly could use a break” He glances at Ezekiel again. “Some news did happen while you were gone. One of the people that we thought was missing has turned up, he was on a run to a trading outpost and has come back to find all the destruction that has happened and his partner unaccounted for.” He looks at the list he was given and nods not seeing her name on that either. “He is a smith, goes by Einar and I would imagine he will be looking for you all. Seems there is a fire in his belly. I am sure there will be more questions but you all deserve a break and our thanks.”

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 11:44:17 AM

Both Kaze and Patches know what FOOD means as well. Before following Grim, Kaze will ask Rothlorien, Is there someplace I can take a bath?"

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 3:01:49 PM

"Nah, he's always like that," Dapple assures Rothlorien. "A smith with a fire in his belly? What, did he swallow his own forge?"

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 31/31 
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 3:48:10 PM

"No, Dapple, I don't think he swallowed his own forge," says Ezekiel. "He wouldn't be able to fit it his mouth. At least, I think he wouldn't be able to. Or maybe he could? Snakes can open their jaws quite wide, no? Maybe we should meet with him first. Not sure I could eat while worrying about having to deal with a snake-headed fire-eating dwarf afterwards."

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 8:09:15 PM

A rather tall and muscular man, with long blond hair and an unkempt beard, comes running your way... panting heavily he stops right in front of you: "Selene!... did you... did you find her?"

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 8:31:33 PM

Grim takes advantage of the distraction the runner-up causes with his outburst and takes Lothlorien, a big arm around his shoulders and turns him away from the group, going a few steps.

"They still have an idea that Maya is the threat. Poh!, You and I know Maya's just one thorn on the bush! That cave complex was a laboratory for a small selection of younger Thunder Gods, not a breeding place for a large herd of Thunder Gods. The number of cages in the lower level don't come close to holding they horde that stampeded Cloudhaven. Not only that, many of the caged Thunder Gods were killed there, never made it out here. And certainly the caves are too small for the Thunder Gods that broke down the citadel's massive doors." He snorts, then adds "As you've seen, Maya can move into a tree and come out a tree somewhere else, a thing druid magic does, and she can also take Thunder Gods with her. We saw that she took that Greater Thunder God we left sleeping guarding the cave entrace down to the lower pen area, then she took it with her escaping us. But she can't alone move the massive numbers of Thunder Gods that overran and destroyed Cloudhaven. She had to have a lot of help. More Monstrologer help. But I believe also some warped divine help. Some deity or demigod may be trying to take over The Great One's Domain. The threat is so big that The Great One sent visions. Don't let Cloudhaven slip into complacency. It isn't over until the Orc Shaman sings the victory songs of praise to The Great One!"

He let's Lothlorien go and goes over to see about this new hairy dude.

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 10:35:32 PM

The firey haired half elf looks into the large man's eyes with regret. "You are Einar I take it? It would seem Selene was not among the bodies found and identified. Though some were...unable to be identified. I'm sorry we don't have what you are looking for."

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 4th AC 16/16/14 HP: 29/29 
Wednesday June 26th, 2024 4:57:21 AM

"Greetings," Yofiel says to the fellow who just ran up. She looks to Siolo as he guesses this is the one Rothlorian mentioned. "Are you Einar?" she asks, just to make sure. If he affirms he is, she says, "I am Yofiel. Take a moment, catch your breath. Let us eat together, and I will - we will - hear your story. Come, let us sit and become acquainted. This is Siolo. We can make more introductions over dinner. Agreed?" she asks. If he does, she finds a table with enough empty seats for folks to gather around.

As the meal is served, she thanks those who prepared and who bring the food. If it is good, she gives sincere compliments. "We all have stories," she says after taking a few bites followed by a good sip from her cup. "Yours first, or ours?" she asks Einar with an earnest expression.

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Wednesday June 26th, 2024 6:34:31 AM

(secondary post just to speed up the get to know each other phase)

Einar nods when Siolo asks if he is Einar. He is relieved to hear that Selene was not among the bodies found. “But then... where did she go? Just heard what happened here...'

When Yofiel suggests sharing stories over a meal, Einar happily agrees. Despite his scruffy appearance, friendly eyes stare at you during the meal as he shares some background information. "... was looking for ingots for blacksmith Tim... you know my father was a blacksmith... Selene and I traveled here for a new life... offered to work for blacksmith Tim... outpost wouldn't let me in... met me right outside... sensed something was wrong, so rushed back.”

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 31/31 
Wednesday June 26th, 2024 9:22:54 AM

Ezekiel turns to Patches. "I have no idea who this is or who they are talking about, do you?"

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Wednesday June 26th, 2024 9:49:39 AM

Kaze is interested in food and a bath while Dapple explains that Ezekiel is ‘always like that.’ As the group speaks Einar approaches and is disappointed not to have word of his partner.

While this goes on Grim spins a theory to Rothlorien who looks increasingly concerned. “Well I certainly hope we are not falling in as pawns for the immortal powers and the Great Old One. The business with the Sargrass a bit back was quite enough of that scale of thing for most of us. There has been a lot of talk among those left and a commitment to make this place our home remains so we will do what we must.”

As this happens food is prepared and made ready for the group in thanks for the task they have performed. Word of what happens spreads and there is generally concern about leaving corpses below and some people start to make plans to clean the place out and bury bodies. The meal is good and the group has time to relax and talk.

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Wednesday June 26th, 2024 7:54:48 PM

Sitting down behind a large plate of food, Colt looks across the table at Einar. He takes a morsel to slip to a small grey dog, that might look like a miniature sheepdog if its fur hadn't been hacked down to relieve the heat. Previously the dog had tirelessly circled the young man's legs closely, but now he sits quietly with eyes fixed on Colt.

Slight, gangly, ragged, and unusually clean thanks to Yofiel's cantrips, the young man has deep brown eyes under a cascade of brown hair. Eyes and hair contrast sharply against his pale skin. His clothes show the worn patches and frayed edges of long use. His shirt and breeches are short at the ankles and wrists. His leather jerkin bears a few long scars; one along his left ribs and a second just above his left hip. Under scrutiny, he shrinks in on himself and he doesn't move with the freedom he did when he thought himself unobserved.

He has a sturdy walking staff, and a knife at his belt. A pack, normally slung over his shoulders but now laid at his feet, has a shortsword bound on one side.

"Hi, Einar. I'm Colt. This is Fogbank. Sorry about Selene. She might still be out there. Siolo and Kaze and Patches all survived out in the jungle for a long time on their own."

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Wednesday June 26th, 2024 7:55:48 PM

Kaze will enjoy tidbits of everything offered, as everything smells good. He makes sure he grabs Patches some meat and cheese for her dinner.

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Wednesday June 26th, 2024 10:45:23 PM

Siolo takes the time to eat and it's pleasant during the meal. If asked, he tells that he is from the Floating City. He was raised in the Circle of Alder and decided to venture forth in search of the legendary Fae Skiemir. If pushed further, he gets passionate about his natural studies and occasionally gives praise to Maab for her 'ingenious creation ability'.

However, whenever it wouldn't be rude, he excuses himself and heads to Delilahs new grove.

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Wednesday June 26th, 2024 10:54:44 PM

Grim doesn't know what Lothlorien is talking about, has no idea what a Sargrass is and whatever happened, it wasn't around here so... he shrugs and makes it to the little crowd around the new guy in time to hear Colt introduce himself.

Einar sees a large half-orc about the same size as himself, adorned with shiny breastplate, guisarme, falchion, and bow, wearing orc style clothing of unusual make.
As the others have given their names in introducing themselves, he firmly growls 'Grim. Einar gets the impression that it's not an orc custom to throw out one's name to just anyone.

With his introduction being short and to the point, Grim has the opportunity to size this newcomer up. Fortunately for Einar, Grim does not intend to vie for any leadership role, otherwise there could be a rumble worth selling tickets for.

The smell of food is more enticing and probably more interesting than Einar's story, so he heads to the mess hall. Seems like it was a good idea for the others as well.

Despite not being interested in Einar's story, Grim has no option but to hear it anyway. He has learned to be a bit more polite, now that he's been with non-orcs for longer than any orc he's ever known and tries to keep his eating noises down enough so Einar doesn't have to shout it out.

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Thursday June 27th, 2024 2:13:04 AM

OOC - Einar has low CHA score. So he’s not good at talking, somewhat to himself. His appearance makes regular townspeople hesitant to interact with him. But underneath he’s kind and friendly.

Not being used having this many strangers talking to him Einar feels a bit uncomfortable. Selene was the smart one... he was... well he never understood what she had seen in him. He nods at Colt who tries to give him a sparkle of hope... he enjoyes seeing this proud standing Panda ranger sharing his food with his mastiff...
At the mentionning of Queen Maab, Einar looks at Siolo : "Selene was to be Priestess of Maab in City... showed me ways of Queen... I too turn to Maab for guidance....

Einar is oblivious to Grim seizing him up. The fierce Half-Orc shouldn’t worry... Einar is not the leader type. "Nice blade Sir" Einar says pointing at Grim’s Falchion, "never worked adamantine... nice."

Einar talks while eating. But he constantly looks around hoping to catch a glimpse of Selene coming up from around the corner...

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 4th AC 16/16/14 HP: 29/29 
Thursday June 27th, 2024 3:36:24 AM

Seeing the many people talking with Einar, asking questions, telling bits about themselves, Yofiel listens, smiles, files away what she hears. She is delighted to hear that Selene was preparing to be a priestess of Maab. Silently, she prays, 'Lady Maab, co-filler of the Wold's cradle with flora and fauna - if it be possible, in time, let this man Einar find his lady love, Selene. In the meantime, let him grow and do well, and do good. It looks to be a blessing for Siolo to find one also who loves you, who yearns to learn more of you."

She sees her mother, Diennia, walking in, and rushes over to hug her. She takes the elf by the hand, and draws her to another table to catch up on local news and speak very briefly of a matter or two from the laboratory complex. After eating a small amount of food, her mother pats Yofiel on the hand, then stands and walks over to speak to those members of the group. "So, I gather you are very brave souls. Thank you for what you are doing to protect this little community, friends of my daughter." Then she steps out, apparently with something on her mind.

"So, Kaze, if you want that bath, we can offer you one at our place," says Yofiel. "Downstairs for men, upstairs for women. You'll have to draw your own water. Ask one of the boys to show you around. Some of us will be training with Rothlorien over the next day or two. I saw you wearing your WLA insignia." She points to her own. "He is our WLA outpost!"

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Thursday June 27th, 2024 9:08:45 AM

Siolo pauses at Einar's words about Maab. Without asking more, he instead waits for the gathering to end and/or Einar to be alone.

"Please teach me what you know of Maab," he pleads, probably weirdly.

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Thursday June 27th, 2024 9:43:11 AM

The groups talks as they eat though the new comer is not the best conversationalist. Still his story comes out a bit and his interest in Maab catches the attention of both Yofiel and Siolo in particular. Kaze tries to be optimistic about the chances tha Selene might still be alive someplace after the attack talking of how others turned up.

Seeing Grim looking at him but not realizing he is being sized up Einar complements Grims blade. Yofiel explains about Rothlorien being the WLA representative and some possibilities for bathing.

The community is interested and some come and thank the party as they eat though most are respectful of the work that they have been doing on their behalf. Clooudhaven is quite quiet with no current crisis pressing and it is clear that people are rebuilding their lives in earnest now. As the mean ends the sun is growing low but a small cask of amber beer is brought out for any of the group that would like.

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Thursday June 27th, 2024 11:58:57 AM

Now that the serious business of eating is completed, Dapple introduces herself to Einar. "Hi, I'm Dapple," she says. "Cleric and servant of Wardd"

Dapple is a brown-eyed, brown-haired halfling who, frankly, looks like a rogue. She wears leather armor and carries several knives.

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Thursday June 27th, 2024 12:00:26 PM

Kaze will tell Patches to, "Go play with the other dogs, just be nice, you're probably larger than most.". Then he'll go looking for someone to help him draw a bath, a hot one.....

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 31/31 
Thursday June 27th, 2024 2:22:36 PM

Ezekiel is a middle-aged dark-skinned man with salt-and-pepper beard and an unkempt mane of hair dressed in blue robes.

"I am Ezekiel, sorcerer of storms," says Ezekiel. "I am woorking on casting scorching rays of lightning! I've almost got that one figured out."

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Thursday June 27th, 2024 6:44:07 PM

Colt frowns some more. "I work with Tim the smith sometimes. Just simple stuff like fetching tools, holding the workpiece, some filing and such. He's got more work than two of him can do. I can't believe he'd turn down a trained smith."

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Friday June 28th, 2024 12:49:44 AM

Grim finishes eating, pondering something. Something didn't feel right. They were congratulated on what they did. What did they do? They found a secret cave used by the Founders to conduct secret experiments. Well, how secret was it? No gasps of horror here.

'Well, maybe all they know is that we found a cave were some townspeople ran to hide and got killed. Maybe.' he muses.

Grim gets up, "We got to get all that metal stuff to the smithy," he blurts and heads out the door.

He picks up an armload of weapons they scavenged and brought back on the metal gurney and heads to the smithy where he puts them in a corner. Some need a complete remake, but some just need some minor work and sharpening.

'That new guy, he seems to know his metals,' Grim admits he's a bit impressed. The blacksmith sure could use some expert help.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Friday June 28th, 2024 1:51:48 AM

"Siolo, or Colt, or someone - or Ezekiel, can you show Kaze the bath at our place?" Yofiel suggests. "I think it might be less than appropriate for Dapple or me to do that service."

"I'll pass on some of the food to the kitchen. We will keep a bit that we can use as we travel. I want to ask if someone can build us some bookshelves. I have some reading I want to do. I have skimmed Maya's journal. I plan to read it in greater depth. Also, Ellie's journals."

Before she heads off on her self-assigned tasks, however, she talks with Rothlorien. "If we can have a few days to rest and process what we have been through, that would be a grace. You can get to know Kaze a bit - he wants WLA training. If you are busy, though, or there is something urgent you need us to do, please say so.

"I'm thinking of organizing a group to pull the fallen out. Question is: Where do we bury them? I am not convinced Kaze's mausoleum where they fell is the wisest resting place. Yet I am not closing any options. There are five, however, that I think we should bring here. When you have time for a longer conversation, I shall say who they are, and what we learned of them. The story is deeper than what good Ezekiel told. And, there is Maya."

[Note: I've placed Yofiel's 5th level CS link in the header. It's still a work in progress. If DMs or fellow players would like to make comments on the sheet, please feel free to do so. I've granted DMs full editing rights.

Keep in mind, we were asked to have our updated 5th-level CSs be separate from our current 4th-level Character Sheets.]

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Friday June 28th, 2024 4:48:13 AM

Einar turns to Siolo as he asks about Maab. He stares into the half-elfs emerald eyes and sees kindness and serenity.

"Queen Maab everywhere... plants, animals, human, elf, fey... all... she is kind...
Selene saw I love animals and plants. Told me Queen not only likes nature folk... brutes can earn her gifts also... I learn about nature, plants, animals, live in open... if learn harder Selene said I be Champion of the Queen... I will learn... I will be...
Help me find Selene... she teach me... you... us”

There’s no place for Einar to go to. His place is in rubble. He managed to get his gear out but where to go now he does not know. Selene always knows...

Ooc no worries. Einar will stop ranting about Selene once we go out again. Upon DM to decide what happened with her and if she ever comes back as an NPC.

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Friday June 28th, 2024 9:16:16 AM

Dapple introduces herself and Kaze sends Patches off to play with the other dogs while the conversation with Einar goes on. Colt shares his smithing experience as limited as it is. Grim gets up and leaves. Einar speaks with Siolo about Queen Maab and wonders where he will go now that his place is destroyed.

Yofiel askes that people who want to be shown the baths and goes to find Rothlorien who listens and nods before responding. “You folks deserve a bit of rest that is for sure and I don’t think the cleanup needs to fall to you. A lot of the people here are still pretty numb from all that has happened but the aftermath is an effort for us now that we don’t risk attack. It may even bring some closure and seeing this secret area may be good for people. They don’t understand at this point, hell I don’t understand really.” He pauses for a moment considering. “I don’t know how the dead turn undead but making the place a tomb seems like that sort of thing that causes problems later, we will address it and I would love to hear more of the story. As far as the WLA training, well that at least is comfortable ground for me and I will happily assist with that when people are ready.”

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Friday June 28th, 2024 12:13:27 PM

Having found how to fill his tub, the short ranger is soaking in the hot water. He's absorbing the heat, and letting the cares and gunk from their adventure float away .... unless disturbed he'll be in there until the water turns cold. Then he'll get out, towel himself off, and the first person that mentions he's now a puffball, at least until his fur settles down, will get rocks thrown at them =)

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Friday June 28th, 2024 1:10:58 PM

If Yofiel becomes aware that Einar now has no place to stay, and senses that he has some adventuring skills - she thinks he would have to based on what he has survived, and that he spoke of his falchion - she quietly suggests to Siolo that he invite Einar to take one of the spare rooms at their place.

Sometime in the next few days, she will see if Rothlorien can direct her to some reading or exercises that might give her a bit of an edge in the skill of diplomacy.

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 31/31 
Friday June 28th, 2024 3:12:36 PM

"A lot of the people here are still pretty numb from all that has happened," says Rothlorien.

"People are still dumb from what happpened?" replies Ezekiel. "Is that how the thunder lizzies got so smart? Did Maya braindrain the town?"

OOC: I actually misread the post the first time as dumb instead of numb and decided to just go with it.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Friday June 28th, 2024 10:56:18 PM

"Ezekiel - clean out your earwax. Rothlorien said the people are numb - N U M B - that is, deprived of feeling or responsiveness," Yofiel responds. "He did NOT say they were dumb - D U M B - that is, unable to speak, or stupid, or unintelligent. So the conclusion to which you jumped is... well, never mind." She throws her hands up in the air as she walks away with a lopsided grin.

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Saturday June 29th, 2024 1:45:38 PM

"It's nice not to have to face the whole cleanup," Dapple says. "But do you think we should go along to protect the work crews? We didn't exactly go over the place with a fine-tooth comb; there could still be things there that would like to eat us."

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Saturday June 29th, 2024 8:16:17 PM

"Einar," Siolo says gently as he put a hand on the man's shoulder, "you should join us. We are seeking a solution to the situation that led to Selene's disappearance. Our travels take us around the nearby area."

Maybe letting him connect the dots might help..

"You look like you can handle yourself, and we can always use some help."

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Monday July 1st, 2024 12:17:03 AM

Grim makes sure all the metal items are stacked in the blacksmith shop and sorted into piles, one for weapons to repair, one for melting and remaking into other things.
When that's done he heads to the town's perimeter and checks on the patrols, assuming that while they were away the patrols were kept up, and asks the first guard he sees if they've seen anything unusual whiel they were gone.

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Monday July 1st, 2024 6:03:49 AM

Einar was thinking to search around town for clues about the whereabouts of Selene, so Siolo's suggestion to stick around with this adventuring group and perhaps find closure sounds interesting. After all, he would never be able to get to the bottom of this on his own.

"Thank you Sir. Will gladly travel with you and friends. Sword is yours."

Einar collects whatever things he can find, straps his Falchion to his back, his armor covered by a travelling shirt. Even though he is anxious to go look for Selene, the group just got back from an excursion. So Einar assumes they will first need some time to recover and gear up. Better to be patient...

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Monday July 1st, 2024 8:57:46 AM

Colt has a second helping of food, then he and Foggy go in search of Grimelda to see how she and her rats are doing. Eventually he winds up at the smithy, where he helps Tim.

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 31/31 
Monday July 1st, 2024 9:04:11 AM

"Are you sure about that Yofiel?" replies Ezekiel. "Making people numb to make thunder lizzies smarter doesn't make any sense."

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Monday July 1st, 2024 9:58:00 AM

Ezekiel frustrates Yofiel leaving Rothlorien staring at sorcerer yet again. Dapple wonders if the team should still lend a hand as security and Rothlorien thinks for a moment. “I understand your concern but if we travel in groups we should be safe enough and I am sure you all need some downtime. We won’t start tomorrow or anything so as I work with some of you on the WLA training you can tell me more about what you dealt with an how you dealt with it. If we prepare and bring numbers we should be as safe as anyone.”

Siolo invits Einar to join them an Einar accepts knowing he will need to be patient while things unfold. Grim finds the patrols are active and seem to be very keen on their jobs, when questions a younger member of the patrol, maybe fifteen responds. “Well Sir, not much has gone on.” He points off in the direction of the lower exit to the Facility even though he doesn’t know it is there. “There was some movement in he trees down that way a while back but it was moving away and I haven’t seen anything else.” He pauses. “Was it as bad as folks are saying down in the cave? People are talking like it was a massacre but you know how rumor is.”

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Monday July 1st, 2024 11:18:46 PM

At some point Yofiel will tell Rothlorien about the five - their names, their roles, and details of what they communicated. "Those five, at least, we might bury here, next to the other Cloudhaven gravesites."

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 6:00:30 AM

Now everyone is off training Einar spends some time with blacksmith Tim. He has always enjoyed the blistering heat of the furnace and the sounds of metal being worked.

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 8:01:31 AM

ooc: DMs, remember, the cave is at least a half-days journey from Cloudhaven through a dense jungle and in a bowl. The lower exit area could only be seen by someone peeking over the side of the plateau half-day journey away! So Grim ignores the young guard's comment regarding seeing movement in the trees down there.

IC: Grim is satisfied that the patrols are doing a decent job and returns to their headquarters to clean up and relax a bit.

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 31/31 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 9:05:33 AM

Ezekiel catches up on reading some WLA journals about spellcraft.

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 9:52:37 AM

The team settles in and enjoys various forms of relaxation. Rothlorien agrees with Yofiel though he admits he is not sure what to say at an occasion like that. It is clear he is working hard to grow into a leadership role in the community but some things are a challenge for him. The young guard watches Grim walk off and shrugs mumbling that he is sure he saw something.

All Highlight to display spoiler: { Don't forget to work on leveling up, two are done already. }

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 1:08:26 PM

Others spend time in training; Dapple spends time in prayer. "That was nice work in the lab, Boss," she says. "Thought we were goners for a minute there."

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 2:50:52 PM

After Einar's agreement, Siolo makes his way to Delilah's grove. The red-headed half-elf takes his time approaching the grove, crouching down and admiring the flourishing vegetation.

Now that is a curious idea, he thought to himself as he examined a maturing tree. If I can take the form of an animal, what would it be to do so as a plant?

He pondered on that thought for a while before he dismissed it for much later. He had just recently begun taking the shapes of animals, he should probably spend a little more time on that before he moves to completely different shapes. At that, he rights himself and continues on to Delilah.

"Umm..Delilah..?" he says loudly to announce his presence. "I wanted to talk a little more about Maab."

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 3:00:04 PM

Once Kaze is clean, he puts on clean clothes and goes in search of food, and to talk to Rothlorien about WLA training.

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 10:45:07 PM

Grim enjoys the down time but doesn't allow that to let him slack up on maintaining his warrior's physique and works out each day.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 3:19:29 AM

"When the time comes to say something about the five as they are laid to rest, I would speak of them, Rothlorien," offers Yofiel. "I had known three of them in life, yet only lightly. In death, and through their deeds and writings, I know them more."

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 6:21:03 AM

Whenever there's nothing to do in the smithy Einar uses the various blades available there to practice.
At some point he sees Grim working out... he wonders if the half-orc would be keen on a sparring partner for some blade practice.

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 8:57:21 AM

Colt presents himself to Rothlorien on the first day of WLA training. "Yofiel thought this would be a good idea." Is all he says.

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 11:01:47 AM

Yofiel considers her conversations and says she will say a few words when it is time to but the five to rest.. Kaze and Colt find Rothlorien about WLA training ove the next few days while Grim keeps himself in shape. Einar plies his trade while considering sparing with Grim.

Dapple spends some time praying while Siolo goes to visit Delilah after some consideration about his transformations Deliah is in her new small grove tending the plantlife and smiles when Siolo approaches and nods her head. “Of course I am always happy to discuss, particularly with one connected to nature, what aspect are you curious about.”

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 12:01:01 PM

Prayers finished, Dapple returns to the task of working on the makeshift temple, built on the ruins of the former temple.

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 12:09:12 PM

OOC: Dumb question, do we pay something each level in the WLA, or only where it shows a payment? I know Nightingale was in the WLA, but the whole "when to pay thing" was fuzzy for me

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 11:40:04 PM

It's not easy to avoid people the size of Grim, or Einar, and eventually Grim sees Einar in the smithy. Grim is bringing in a score of straightened sticks he's worked on. He's soaked them for several days to soften them, then put them in straighteners so they can be fashioned into arrows. Now he needs points, sharp metal points.

He greets Einar, "Been watching you. Seeing if all that brawn will measure up to what's out there. You come running up all panicky like over your woman. Need to know if you going to go wobbly leg when the Thunder Gods attack again or stand firm as a tree. At least you know your metals. These arrow shafts need sharp metal heads. You make them, I'll put the fletching on. Then we take a couple quarterstaffs out in the street and see who can get 3 touches first." He drops the arrow shafts in a corner and heads back out."[/b]

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Thursday July 4th, 2024 1:17:38 AM

"Honestly," he says earnestly, "I'm trying to get in contact in some way. Many of the troubles we are having relate strongly to alterations to Maab's designs and I guess I'm hoping that she has a problem with that. Do you have any ideas a to how to get in contact?"

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Thursday July 4th, 2024 3:54:43 AM

The bard will set aside four or five hours to help out Dapple in repair of the chapel.

And, on a day of good weather, with the ability to see a fair bit into the distance, Yofiel will climb up to the tops of the walls and parapets to garner as good a territorial view as she is able. She looks left and right to see how far one can see along the plateau in each direction. She asks some of the guards about what they have been able to see of the activity of the larger dinosaurs in the jungle below, as well as the various pteranadons and flocks of birds.

She spends perhaps the larger amount of time in reading Ellie's journals, and some of the other books they gathered from the cavern complex. She wishes to piece together more of the history of the people and area.

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Thursday July 4th, 2024 6:14:03 AM

Einar smiles as he welcomes Grim's challenge.

"First make arrows for Sir Grim... sharp... bite deep... if ... aim is good...
Then we go out with sticks and train."

The moment Grim leaves, Einar happily starts on the arrows. He'll spend the better part of the day on casting, working and sharpening.

Grim Ripr 4th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Thursday July 4th, 2024 1:01:46 PM

OOC: this link should point to Grim's 5th level sheet.

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Thursday July 4th, 2024 1:05:32 PM

OOC: seems to work, just need to give permissions and it's ready for review.

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 38/38 
Thursday July 4th, 2024 1:30:34 PM

"I did it! I can now shoot rays of scorching feathers!," says an overly excited Ezekiel. "And I learned how to fall like lightning too!"

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Thursday July 4th, 2024 1:44:31 PM

Dapple finishes her prayers and works on a makeshirt temple joined by Yofiel. Yofiel also question the guards about what they have seen going on around the air and learns that nothing unusual has been seen from their vantage point. The occasional predatory bird is seen swooping down for a kill but the jungle blocks much detail from the ground.

Grin crafts some shafts for arrows and asks Einar to make tips shule he questions his bravery.

Ezekiel’s hard work pays off and he learns some new spells…. At least it sounds like he did.

Grim Highlight to display spoiler: { Taking your time on those or should you be making a crafting roll? If I remember right you can craft 20 arrows in half a day but since your just doing the shafts and there is time I am not going to worry about quantity a this point. }

All in all the time passes as you pursue various tasks in the downtime.

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Thursday July 4th, 2024 2:39:13 PM

During her downtime, Dapple writes a letter to her kin, who are still traveling. She knows that they do stop in specific places, but not at specific times. She's already written the "Don't worry, I'm safe," letter after the dinosaur attack. Now she writes of the rebuilding, the dryad, the exotic and delicious fruit, and the crazy monkeys.

Kaze (JonS) HP 23/36 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Thursday July 4th, 2024 3:45:50 PM

If Kaze doesn't have anything to do, he'll go see what Yofiel and Dapple are working on, and pitch in

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Thursday July 4th, 2024 10:11:03 PM

OOC what I figured, since the arrows are for the town guards, these shafts would have been collected during previous downtime, using 'Take 20', and now ready for arrow points. The main idea was to engage Einar in doing some craft work by crafting the points. My Craft roll would be irrelevant for that, but I'll make one anyway. Certainly, if they were for personal use I would have to follow the rules on crafting, I won't see these nor will Einar.

IC: using Craft - Bows to craft 20 arrow shafts = Take 20 + 5 = 25

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Thursday July 4th, 2024 11:25:52 PM

Siolo continues rambling to Delilah. "Because now there's this human guy whose wife is missing. His wife apparently was a priestess. Does Maab have priests and priestesses? And talked with the monstrologer and her t-rex when we went down into the labs. We tried to reason with her but she was so convinced that augmenting the animals so that they kill people is the right thing. How do you reason with that? But I figured maybe Maab might care, ya'know. I mean she helped create the natural things of the wold right?"

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Friday July 5th, 2024 4:58:21 AM

"Ah, Kaze, thanks for helping! Can you help us move this icon shelf?" It has multiple shelves for the placement of various religious symbols. "Dapple told me it goes in this corner here." Looking to the halfling, Yofiel asks, "Right?" Once confirmed, Yofiel takes one side low, and points her chin towards the other side for Kaze to hold onto. "On three, let's lift together - with the knees, right? One - two - three!" Once they properly nudge it into place, the elf tells him, "You should have seen what the chapel was like after the dinosaurs ripped through. Dapple and some of the folks here have been working hard to get it back into shape."

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Friday July 5th, 2024 9:55:59 AM

Delilah listens to Siolo for a bit. “Yes, that is her role but the other immortal powers have sway as well.” She talks about Maab in general terms. “I don’t know how to attract the attention of an immortal power other than the ability granted to some to borrow their power for healing and spell casting. It is something to think on but helping maintain the natural order would be something that is looked well on.”

As the end of the third day approaches Rothlorien finds a few of the group together. “I spoke with Tim, the blacksmith, and I think it might be time to check on the outpost that he has gotten supplies from in the past. I know our founders had some dealings with them as well and Einar has been there on a run for smithing materials. There is a concern that they don’t know what has happened and may be caught unaware.” He pauses. “I don’t think it is a rush and I can send someone else but you folks would be the most equipped.”

Kaze (JonS) HP 45/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Friday July 5th, 2024 12:36:11 PM

OOC: Updated character sheet link

IC: Kaze helps lift the Icon shelf into place. Looking around he shakes his head, "Our gods travelled with us. We had the means to set up temporary altars, but nothing like this. We moved around a lot following the herds of animals we hunted for food and leathers, or to add to our own herds for milk. How long do you think it will take to get the town back to how it was?"

CDM Jerry [OOC post] 
Friday July 5th, 2024 5:10:47 PM

All PC sheets need to be leveled and DMs notified that they are ready for approval by this coming Monday! You have 3 days. :)

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Friday July 5th, 2024 10:31:13 PM

Siolo looks at Delilah curiously, "Is there no history passed down among dryads or Fey as a whole about Maab? According to the literature I've read, Maab helped create the Fey, right?"[/b]

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21   d20=8 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=24 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=23 ;
Saturday July 6th, 2024 9:48:30 AM

Einar spent the better part of the day crafting the arrow tips Grim needed (taking 20 on profession Blacksmith). When done he grabs the tips and two quarterstaves.

"Here Sir Grim. Good sharp arrow tips. Will bite deep! "

Next he hands from one of the (non-masterwork) quarterstaves.

"First to three hits. Loser buys ale this evening!"

(Just rolling untill Einar makes three hits - if Grim rolls also the one who needed the least amount of rolls wins :-) ) As this is just a game Einar does not go into a Rage fight.

1 - Einar hits AC11 - miss
2 - Einar hits AC12 - miss
3 - Einar hits AC11 - miss
4 - Einar hits AC14 - miss
5 - Einar hits AC19 - HIT
6 - Einar hits AC24 - HIT
7 - Einar hits AC14 - miss
8 - Einar hits AC10 - NAT 1 - miss
9 - Einar hits AC14 - miss
10 - Einar hits AC23 - HIT

Einar needed 10 strikes to hit Grim 3 times... not the best impression if the group wants to take Einar along on their adventures....

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Saturday July 6th, 2024 12:39:36 PM

Dapple listens to Rothlorien as he describes the proposed trip. "I'm in," she says.

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Saturday July 6th, 2024 11:23:32 PM

Under Rothlorien's tutelage, Colt works long and hard on the training pitch, and picks up many new skills fairly quickly, weight training, bows, and all sorts of hand weapons, especially a heavier sword. He fills his days with exercise and practice and comes home sweaty, with aching shoulders and back. Evenings he just goes to bed early.

[ooc] New header should link to 5th level Colt. Added a level of fighter. Rolled 6 for Hit points on Loot 'n Booty -- Saturday July 6th, 2024 11:08:15 PM [/ooc]

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Saturday July 6th, 2024 11:48:09 PM

When Rothlorien suggests a trip to the outpost, Colt seconds Dapple. "I'll go. Maybe we could combine the trip with exploring all around the base of the plateau?"

[ooc] I've got a ton of 'cash' available. Like Kaze (JonS) I'm unsure about paying for WLA training. And what's the benefit of WLA training? I spent two evenings looking for a description of the mechanical or RP effects and came up dry except for it's a world-wide band devoted to might for right. Like Colt we're doing it 'cause Yofiel (Kim) thinks it's a good idea. [/ooc]

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Sunday July 7th, 2024 11:27:14 AM

[ooc] Tim, the mechanical advantages include enhancements to one skill per level, periodic additional feats, prestige bonuses among the noble races when displaying the WLA badge, and access to knowledge when at a WLA house (in our case, Rothlorien constitutes the WLA 'house' :-) ) beyond what one might otherwise know. Also, as our group ventures further afield over time, should we come across other WLA houses: "Most local chapterhouses ... can provide food, lodging, information, and training. Most chapterhouses have access to healing and other spell-casting services for the regular price." -Kim [/ooc]

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Sunday July 7th, 2024 12:35:46 PM

Yofiel also takes time to visit Delilah. She takes time to view the progress of the grove now newly tended by the dryad, and asks after her welfare. The bard gives her a rundown of what they discovered in the caves. She mentions the party's intention next to carry out Rothlorien's suggestion.

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Sunday July 7th, 2024 1:53:35 PM

Over the downtime, Siolo stays at Delilah's grove (if she's okay with it). He offers to help with casting Plant Growth once a day as well as any other 2nd or 1st level spells that could be useful. He spends other amounts of the time exploring different animal forms and other time he tries out praying to Maab.

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 38/38 
Sunday July 7th, 2024 2:29:08 PM

"Tell me more about this Tim the Blacksmith," asks Ezekiel. "Does he enchant his weapons? I met a halfling once who told me of a man named Tim the Enchanter, though from his descriptions he sounded more like Tim the Invoker to me."

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19  d20+9=14 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=28 ;
Sunday July 7th, 2024 11:46:51 PM

Grim is approached by Einar and directed to the smithy, something about some metal arrow points to inspect.

"Quick work," he says gruffly as he picks up a couple and rolls them over in his big, rough hands. "Hmm.. This one's... eh, it'll do. The shaft is the key to an accurate arrow, and the fletching."

He looks up to see Einar holding two quarterstaffs and tosses him one. Grim gives a vicious looking smile and heads outside.

They take up positions and when the signal is given, they start the bout. First to get three hits is the winner.

1 - Grim hits AC14 - miss
2 - Grim hits AC10 - miss
3 - Grim hits AC27 - Hit
4 - Grim hits AC27- Hit
5 - Grim hits AC28 - HIT

Took a bit to get the hang of the quarterstaff but Grim quickly masters it.

[b]"Good fight there Einar. You gave it a fair try. Since you chose the weapons, I don't feel bad to beat you so soundly. The weapon's training for the guisarme starts out with the quarterstaff. You owe me an ale tonight." He slaps Einar on the shoulders, but this time the 'victim' doesn't go tumbling, rather takes the wallop without flinching.

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Monday July 8th, 2024 9:19:52 AM

When Yofiel visits Delilah, an ocelot, with some red borders on its spots, wanders into the clearing and approaches Yofiel. After it gets close it stares at Yofiel and bows it's head.

Homecoming - DM Jess- Maps and documents  
Monday July 8th, 2024 9:40:15 AM

Kaze discusses the customs of his people and wonders how long it will take the town to rebuild.

Deliah nods to Siolo. “Yes, she is our Queen. Was consort to the Fey King Eberyon, and she still rules in Vales of Twilight, though few remain in her court in the Lands of Rest now that Eberyon has risen once again.” She is delighted for him to keep her company in her grove.

Grim beats Einar in some friendly sparring, which means drinks are on Einar.

Dapple agrees to check on the outpost. Rothlorien thanks her and the rest of the group. “Thank you. The matter is pressing, but not too urgent. Take some time to accomplish what you must to ready yourself before you feel compelled to venture forth again. I appreciate everything that you’ve done for our community, and I wish that I had more to show you my thanks--and to help you on this latest task. While we were rebuilding, one of the workers found these potions. I’m not sure precisely what they do, but I hope that they will be of aid to your group.” He hands the party three Potions of Anything.

To Ezekiel he says, “I have heard stories of a great wizard called Tim the Enchanter by some, keeper of a cave guarded by a beast most foul and most cruel, though I could not say for sure the truth of them. I am afraid that our Tim has no such power.”

Colt begins training with Rothlorien, developing his skill with various weapons. He suggests combining their trip to the outpost with some additional exploration.

Kaze (JonS) HP 45/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Monday July 8th, 2024 1:25:09 PM

Kaze will work on some of his skills with Rothlorien, hoping to extend his knowledge before he and the others head out

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Monday July 8th, 2024 4:22:58 PM

Even though Einar was at first slightly offended by the gruff appraisal of his work, he does enjoy the friendly sparring.

"Good fight! Good you on our team! Come drinks on me!"

Einar finds his bed rather late that night. But when everything is quiet his thoughts grow dark until an uneasy sleep overcomes him.

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Monday July 8th, 2024 6:42:10 PM

Dapple does not participate in any training, although she is more than happy to watch and heckle.

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Monday July 8th, 2024 11:04:12 PM

Grim enjoys the ale but says little. Even half-orcs get tired after such a long excursion. He finds his room well before Einar does and after some brief armor and weapons cleaning, slumps into his bed.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 3:57:20 AM

At the grove
"Ah, little one - are you not Siolo?!" the elf asks the ocelot. "I see the tell-tale bits of red fur on you, which echoes so fairly the glorious red of the hair of your head!" She smiles at Delilah. "All right, Ossiolot, what can you do in this new form? Run and dodge with agility? Climb up trees and hide yourself among foliage? Leap from limb to limb?" Yofiel takes the stance of a clawed predator, and whispers in a mock growl, "I am going to GET you!" as she leaps forward in his direction to see if he will play keep away with her. She chases him about, invites Delilah to join in the game, and lets him chase her about as well.

After a while, she collapses in a heap, and laughs. "I think you almost got him that last time, Delilah!" She giggles like a girl, then gives forth a sigh. "Ah, my little brother and I used to play such games. I think you should have liked him, Siolo."

After catching her breath, she asks the dryad, "Have you any siblings, Delilah?"

Getting ready her kit
In preparation for the task Rothlorien has requested of them, Yofiel prepares the things she will take along with them. She rearranges things four or five times until she is mainly satisfied.

She chats with the local smiths, carpenters, barrel makers, and cart wrights (or anyone who has shown abilities in working wood and/or metal) about taking the idea of the travois, and adding a pair of sturdy wheels to add to the end of the dragging wooden poles. "Wheels could make it oh-so-much-easier to draw behind us," she posits. "Maybe you can think it over, and when we get back from our trek, have a sample of a sturdy wheeled travois to show us!" the bard sets before them the notion of this task.

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 7:09:40 AM

For the planned trip, Colt draws some new equipment from the town's tiny armory. First is the guisarme that the party found in the cave complex. Colt had admired the smooth cherry-toned shaft and the broad sweep of the edged hook when they found the weapon; if you looked closely, and he had several times, you could see a faint trace of runes graved along the blade. The polearm had driven him to ask Rothlorien for training as much as Yofiel's suggestion.

Unfortunately it meant the loss of his trusty quarterstaff for it would be impractical to walk with both weapons. He left the staff in the armory for a future ersatz warrior.

Also from the stores he took a longbow recovered from the detritus of the dinosaur attack on the village and a full quiver of arrows to match his arm's length. The others had shown him the value of the bow over a sling in combat, and Rothlorien had shown him how to use it in hours of practice at the butts. He kept his sling however, and a handful of bullets.

His leather jerkin and leggings had been shredded in the latest adventure, but there was a chain shirt, also recovered from the caves, that was just a little too large for him. With the new weapons, some studded leather greaves and a tight fitting leather cap, it changed Colt's appearance from vagabond youth to young warrior.

The last day before the expedition, Colt spent the hours training with his his new gear.

[ooc] DM, I guess this means I'll have to update Colt's inventory on his sheet. Do I still have to go to the catacombs for the guisarme since it was found loot? [/ooc]

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 38/38 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 8:08:48 AM

"Hey guys, mind if I take that lightning bow?" asks Ezekiel. "It really fits my theme, and I think I might be able to use it now."

Homecoming - DM Jess- Maps and documents  
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 9:37:29 AM

Colt begin training with Rothlorien, learning how to use a guisarme. He picks up some new gear well suited to his new martial skill. Saw your email request and will be in touch about that soon!

Kaze joins him in the training. Dapple does not, preferring to heckle the others form the sidelines.

Yofiel plays with Siolo in Delilah’s grove. Delilah seems confused by her question, cocking her head to the side.. “Of course. My brothers and sisters are all around us.” Yofiel also prepares for the journey.

Einar and Grim have drinks together at the tavern. Grim goes to bed early and sleeps well. Einar’s sleep is troubled.

Ezekiel asks if he could take the lightning bow as it is thematically appropriate for him to wield it.

The party spends some time balancing training with resting. One night, while at the tavern, they are approached by a male halfling. He appears to be in his late 20s in human years, with strawberry blond hair, blue eyes, and a lot of freckles. He has a wide smile, and it comes easily as he walks toward the group. “Well met! You have the look of adventurers about you.” He peers at the group more closely. “And I see that some of you, like myself, are members of the esteemed Woldian League of Adventurers. Well met indeed! I’m Danric Bramblemoon at your service!”

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 38/38 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 10:27:46 AM

"Yes, we seem trustworthy," says Ezekiel. "Would we care to join you on a noble quest?"

Kaze (JonS) HP 45/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 3:02:39 PM

Kaze will check over his armor, shield, and weapons. Then look through his "gear." The only thing he really needs is some more pipe tobacco. He does look the halfling up and down when he greets the party, but says nothing as he himself is a new member.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 3:55:02 PM

When Ezekiel asks if he can have her shock longbow, Yofiel's face turns ashen. The bow had belonged to Silvyr Norro. She thinks of the five spirits who had faced them, blocking the way to the lower caverns, and telling their story in images and thoughts, and of the brutal end each one met at the Mara-triggered onslaught of enhanced dinosaurs. She thought it would be hers to use for a long time. She would not mind so much Ezekiel or another party member using the rapier, but... her bow?

"Uh, uh, um," she stammers. "You want this bow?" She points over her shoulder, and pauses. "The one I've been using?" she asks with a raised eyebrow.

The elvin bard takes a few deep breaths, exhales as fully as she can, and again invests in another deep breath.

She unshoulders the weapon, and holds it in front of her, looking it up and down, running her hand along the grain of the inner wood, then again along the single growth layer of the outer side of the smoothly curved shaft. She pulls out a small square of beeswax, and lightly refreshes the string, rubbing by hand to allow the wax to warm and melt into the tough linen strands.

She sets one end of the bow on the ground, holding towards the top with her left hand. Then Yofiel commands, "Look at me, Ezekiel. Look. This bow belonged to Silvyr Norro. He was an elf fighter, head guard among The Five whose spirits and bodies we found in the laboratory cavern complex. Young Colt here almost gave his life in seeking to take up this weapon and deliver it to me." Perhaps Colt was just getting it for the party in general, and she was reading into his motive. But that is how she remembers it.

"You are an important member of our team, Ezekiel. But you get distracted at times. Often, in truth. If you take up this bow, will you commit to upping your game - to gain in focus for the defense of your mates, and the accomplishing of our goals? Will you practice with this bow, and increase in skill? I am an elf, and have an advantage in that with such weapons. You are a human, and somewhat light in... muscle. Yet, you are nimble enough, I'll grant."

She adds with a smile, "Yes, the electrical discharge does fit in with your - what did you call it - theme?

Then she gets more serious again. "If you will in your own words describe how your use of this bow will be of greater advantage to our team than if I continue to use it, then I am open to turning it over to you. If you will. Your turn. Speak, Ezekiel, and make sense to us as you do so."

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 4:19:19 PM

[OOC: I, Kim, am happy to have Brian's Ezekiel take over the bow, especially as I just discovered it puts Yofiel way over WBL. But his PC will need to convince my PC :-) /OOC]

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 5:25:57 PM

One night at the Cracked Hoof Tavern
"Well, hello, Danric Bramblemoon! My name is Yofiel. So, what brings you to Cloudhaven? It's not exactly on a well-beaten path any longer." The tallish elf wears two long red braids, a red and white checkerboard scarf over her shoulders, a knee-length off-white dress with lovely embroidered sleeves, and, somewhat incongruously with the dress, a nice heavy cloth bandolier from left shoulder to right hip. Her WLA token is pinned to the upper right of her chest.

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 7:55:38 PM

The following night Einar sees Danric entering the tavern. From a distance he observes the Halfling. Never good with words, Einar is happy to see Yofiel greeting this Danric in name of the group.

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 8:00:39 PM

"Bramblemoon?" Dapple says. "Any relation to the Tanhollow Bramblemoons? My Auntie Fern is related to them, although I don't remember exactly how."

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 9:02:50 PM

[ooc] Is Danric new in town? If not, are there other strangers around? Did anyone mention visitors at the homecoming feast? Colt'll take 10 on know local for 14 to find out. [/ooc]

At the tavern Colt's dressed in simple travelling clothes, and weaponless except for his shortsword and a pair of knives. A hard day with the new armor and other weapons has left him sore and tired. He listens to Yofiel challenge Zeke, contributing 'idiom' just a second too late when Yofiel says, "the electrical discharge does fit in with your - what did you call it -..."

Still he's happy to see a less familiar face. "Danric, is it. I'm Colt. Foggy's under the table."

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 11:29:55 PM

If the Great Mystery of the Catastrophic Demolition of Cloudhaven by the Thunder Gods, they'll need some more brave enough to join The Great Search, but Grim was thinking bigger, like Einar, not smaller, like Dapple. But Dapple was holding up her own end pretty good, sooo... if this was the Will of The Great One, so be it. He'd been meditating a lot on the vision the Shaman had and the dream he had. He trusted something would be revealed soon.

He lets the others talk to this newcomer, and listens. Much to learn by just listening.

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 11:57:30 PM

Siolo enjoys playing as he aclimates to the form of the medium cat. He finds that, as always the tail serves a balancing purpose.

((Siolo was spending the time in Delilah's grove. Would he be present for the intro to Danric?))

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 38/38 
Wednesday July 10th, 2024 8:08:08 AM

"On second thought, you will probably get more use out of it than me," replies Ezekiel. "Especially if its your primary means of attack. I just mostly liked the lightning."

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Wednesday July 10th, 2024 8:37:34 AM

"No, no, Ezekiel. It can be yours, friend. Try harder. If you want something, and it fits, go for it. Besides, If you take it, and it's yours, maybe sometimes we can share." Yofiel's challenge modifies now to encouragement. "I would love to have more members of our party competent with the bow."

Homecoming - DM Jess- Maps and documents  
Wednesday July 10th, 2024 9:58:19 AM

Yofiel is a bit hesitant about giving up the lightning bow to Ezekiel. He changes his mind and tells her to keep it. She relents and insists that he take it.

Siolo continues to scamper above Delilah’s grove. OOC: You can decide, Joe, how often Siolo joins his friends for dinner and drinks and whether or not he would likely be there.

Ezekiel tells Darin that the group looks trustworthy and asks if they could join him--though that may or may not be what he actually meant.

Kaze wants to pick up some more pipe tobacco before heading out. He doesn’t say anything to the traveler. Einar is likewise quiet, as is Grim, who is not sure what to make of this small-statured visitor.

Colt doesn’t recognize the newcomer--nor has he seen any others since returning to town. As far as he can tell, Tanric seems to have traveled here on his own.

Dapple asks if Danric is related to the Tanhollow Bramblemoons. He smiles broadly, “There’s a good chance of it. Us Bramblemoons are all related one way or another. Would have never thought that I’d meet a fourth cousin two or three times removed all the way out here. But that is Wardd’s way is it not? ”

“And you are quite right, madame. This place is quite far from the beaten path” he says, turning to Yofiel. “And, truth be told, I was not expecting it to be quite this much of a, er, fixer-upper when I made plans to travel here, but nevertheless, I am convinced of its potential.

“You see, I am not only a member of the esteemed WLA,, but I also represent an establishment specializing in the sale of magical artifacts and curiosities of all sorts: the Catacombs. You may have heard of us--there are branches in all of the larger cities. Part of the mission I am currently on is to scout out possible new locations. And, well, I proposed this very town as a possible wilderness waypoint for wayward adventurers in need of weapons, potions, scrolls, cloaks, armor and a very fine assortment of enchanted accessories, if I do say so myself.

“Some of my superiors were a bit, er, skeptical about such a venture, but I remain convinced of its viability and that such an expansion would be profitable not just for our organization but would benefit the town as well. So, you’re adventurers, what do you make of this proposition?”

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21   d20=11 ;
Wednesday July 10th, 2024 6:13:39 PM

When Einar hears this Danric is working for the Catacombs he becomes very interested. Back in Hook City his father’s smithy was supplying masterwork weaponry in all sorts of metals to the Catacombs. Often blades would be magically enhanced by them but there was no magic blade that wasn’t first worked in a blacksmith’s furnace.

"Catacombs here be good business...", he says from his barstool as he continues observing the discussion (sense motive 11)

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Wednesday July 10th, 2024 7:37:45 PM

Colt is no businessman. He doesn't consider the size of the market, the costs of shipping, the relative poverty of the populace relative to likely item prices. In short, he ignores all the factors which make the possibility of turning a profit here infinitesimal. All he thinks about is the potential for more caravans and interaction with the rest of the world.

"That sounds great! "

Kaze (JonS) HP 45/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Wednesday July 10th, 2024 7:41:53 PM

OOC: Took a +1 skill bonus to Know: Local for 5th level WLA benefit

IC: Kaze cocks his head as people kept mentioning these "Catacombs." He gets a serious look on his face, then leaned over and quietly asks Grim, "Is that where people go to buy stuff and sometimes get lost? We were always told to tread with care if we visited."

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Wednesday July 10th, 2024 7:59:01 PM

"That sounds great," Dapple says. "But what kind of supplies and things does it require to build a Catacombs entrance? And, once built, how secure will it be? Things can still get...exciting here."

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Thursday July 11th, 2024 1:08:45 AM

Grim listens intently to the conversation around this Catacombs thing. They've talked about it before but he still hadn't grasped what it really was. Now this halfling Danric says it's a trading bazar and Dapple mentions a portal or such.

The orcs sought to help out Cloudhaven (and the other outposts that came and went) because the access to many things the orcs, in their isolated jungle realm, didn't have. Now a magical portal to a trading post for anything you could want (or afford)?

Grim leans over and gruffly says 'You mean anyone can pop over to this Catacombs bazar for anything they want and back again anytime? Will there ever be a need again for caravans?"

That night Grim goes to sleep wandering about this bizar bazar. However at some point a dream creeps into his sleep. He's in a cave with others and he's fighting crawly tentacly things. He's moveing slow and his falchion feels clumsy. He fights off a number of tentacles but soon one wraps around his right forearm. It stings and he tries chopping at it but his clumsy sleepy self keeps missing. He belts out a roar of anger and instantly wakes up.

At first he thinks he's been stung by one of those spidery things with a stinging tail and looks for it around the bed but sees nothing. It's dawn but not enough light to see the swelling on his forearm where it stings and burns so he lights a lantern.

Under the lantern's light he sees not a sting or critter bite but an engraving. It's the shape and make of an orc battleshield and bringing the light closer he sees a symbol. He immediately recognizes The Great One's Holy Symbol.

Not sure of the meaning, he dresses quickly and goes looking for Dapple, someone he things has knowledge of such divine markings.

Finding Dapple, he shows her his new tattoo. "Know what it means? Does it do anything?'

Grim now has Great One's (Brahman's Tattoo) level B: Shield of Faith on his muscly right forearm.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33  d20+15=26 ;
Thursday July 11th, 2024 3:58:56 AM

Yofiel smiles as she learns the purpose of Danric. She listens to the questions of others. Finally she tells the halfling - and those around at the time, this story. "It was about thirty years ago, Danric Bramblemoon, I traveled with my father along an old Teucri highway in a carriage. The horses' hooves seemed to fly above the smooth stone road. Soon we came to the edge of a plateau, not unlike the one upon which we sit. They, too, had an elevator. It was of greater height than our own. Up we rose, and soon could see a broad swath of territory, and we saw Dragon Bay in the distance. Through many areas we passed beyond, then came we to Plateau City, after ascending another elevator.

"The city was vast. Temples, a pyramid, a small bosque, shacks, castles, inns. Bakers, urchins, street vendors, entertainers. People begging for alms. Noble fighters in battle finery. Aromas pleasant and odors unpleasant. Clerics - pious, imperious, humble - various sorts of religious folk. We stopped and listened to a brother and sister singing, one playing the vielle, the other a hurdy-gurdy.

"My father had business of the bards, some of which I attended to, some of which I now forget. I doubt I shall ever forget, though, seeing a very tall tower - perhaps over 300 feet high, shaped like an immense star. Across from Star Tower was a good-sized mall, with a sign above heralding it as The Catacombs.

"We went inside the mall. Many marvels were displayed behind glass cases. Many counters had folk lined up in front of them. There was a little round roll of colored paper on a large spool, and my father instructed me to tear off the portion showing a number. I think it was seven hundred and something. We had come in through one entrance. I saw through an archway several dozen feet away that people were suddenly appearing therein, and stepping from there to the sales floor.

"'From around the Wold they come, Yofi,' Papa told me. 'Adventurers of all stripes have portals scattered across our world, and they can get here, into Plateau City, via shops local to them.'

"We heard numbers called, and they got closer to our own. Ours was called out by a fellow who looked like a cleaning fellow, with a mop and bucket on the floor next to him that I could see through a gap in the counter. He and my father spoke, and the mop man said, 'We'll see what we can do,' and walked into a back area.

"As we waited, I saw folks with sacks of coins and gems pour them out upon the counters, and those who helped them scooped up the wealth. One tall slender fellow was given a maille shirt which he drew over his head, and jumped up and down to allow it to settle properly. 'That is mithril, woven by our smiths,' my father told me. Soon our mop man came back with a small sack, and carefully emptied it on the counter. Many small items. The one I remember though was a cap. My father set it on his head, and said a strange word - and disappeared! Then I heard his voice say another word, and he reappeared! 'Nice, eh, my canary?' he asked me. Then he shouted the word 'SOLD!' to the mop man, who collected the jingling sack my father gave him, and we left."

"So, regarding your query, good fellow, I say, yes, please, and SOLD!"

She pauses, then asks, "And what might you want us to do to help you out with this wonderful project?"

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Thursday July 11th, 2024 6:05:15 AM

Listening to the back and forth, Colt's understanding of Danric's proposal changes, and he's even more excited. A magic portal? To Plateau City? Taller than Cloudhaven? What would it be like to go? Colt imagines the market scene, and the city outside.

Would the portal hurt, or tingle? Would it be like walking through a door? Colt laughs softly to himself. Or -- a doorway? I'm spending too much time with Zeke. And Yofi!? Yofiel's got a pet name?

This thought stops Colt's train of thought. Why wouldn't she have a pet name? She has a mother right here in Cloudhaven; obviously had a father too, and a brother until recently. She didn't spring full-grown onto the Cloudhaven plateau. She wasn't always Yofiel, the compassionate protector of the village, the surehanded, charismatic leader, that she was now.

Nor was Zeke always the eccentric lightning and fire tossing sage savant who spoke like he lived in an upside down world. Marest wasn't always a frightening, silent, spewer of spiders. Grim wasn't always a real orc! -That drew another quiet chuckle.- Rothlorien had been a caravan guard before the Attack, not the de facto head of Cloudhaven.

Dapple though, somehow Colt couldn't reimagine Dapple other than herself as he saw her now, kind, a little reserved, small but brave. Maybe it was because he'd seen her around the village more before the attack, or because their first real meeting was when she tended his ankle in the cave amongst all the refugees. She'd been a healer then, not a hero.

Although usually not one for thinking too heavily about people and relationships, Colt couldn't help comparing his perspective on the Heroes of the Attack with the more recent arrivals Siolo and Kaze. They could change their skins, cast spells, fight almost as well as Grim. Why were they less grand, less intimidating, more like real people to him?

And Einar was like something out of a story, the grief-stricken warrior prince searching for his lost bride. But somehow Einar was a little bit pitiable than a story-prince. Colt hoped that they would find the man's love.

Homecoming - DM Jess- Maps and documents  
Thursday July 11th, 2024 8:17:43 AM

Einar, Kaze, and Colt, readily agree to Danric’s venture. No questions asked. As far as Kaze can tell, the halfling’s enthusiasm seems quite genuine--and, in fact, it’s a bit infectious.

Grim is also intrigued. That night, he has a dream about being bitten by a crawler. When he wakes, his forearm has been marked with the Great One’s holy symbol. Confused, he seeks Dapple’s guidance.

Yofiel tells a story of visiting the catacombs with her father. She is also in favor of a portal here.

Yofiel’s story puts Colt in a contemplative mood. He wonders about the multitudes contained in each of his companions.

Danric smiles at the party’s enthusiasm for his business venture. “Wonderful! That is truly fantastic. And I am delighted that the Catacombs reputation precedes me and that some of you have already had an opportunity to see all of the fine goods we have on offer.”

To Grim he says “I’m afraid that caravans will still be necessary for some of your more mundane adventuring needs. The catacombs are concerned with more specialized stock--the sort that ordinary merchants rarely carry. We’re not looking to put those fine folks out of business--just expand the kinds of items available across the Wold.”

At Dapple’s and Yofiel’s questions, his grin broadens. “The overhead for establishing a portal is rather low--though don’t tell him that I said that. He can be a bit, well, cranky at times. Don’t tell him I said that either.

“You might have noticed that I said that establishing the portal here is part of my mission. The other part is locating an associate of the WLA. Master Ebin Waelius, a very powerful--if a bit absentminded and cantankerous--wizard. I’d be much obliged if you didn’t mention that description to him. He seems to have, well, quite disappeared. At least, he’s missed a number of his monthly check-ins and my superiors are concerned about him. His last known location was an outpost that’s supposed to be not too far from here where he was studying the indigenous plants or something of that nature.

“I can provide a portal to the catacombs for you now, but it would only be temporary. Eb--I mean Master Waelius will be able to provide this location with a more permanent arrangement. If he can be found, that is.”

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Thursday July 11th, 2024 4:37:17 PM

Einar is surprised to hear Dandric’s first goal seems to be the Catacombs branch and only as a side quest he is " searching" for some very powerful wizard who is gone for a couple of months...

"Powerful wizard perhaps no WANT to be found?! Why only look for him now? Been gone for months! "

Kaze (JonS) HP 45/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Thursday July 11th, 2024 6:31:13 PM

Kaze scratches behind his right ear, "Do powerful spellcasters just randomly wander this region, or is there a season for it? First there's that Maya lady, now there's this, Master Waelius..."

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 38/38 
Thursday July 11th, 2024 8:24:47 PM

"Wandering randomly around this region does sound like something I would do."

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Thursday July 11th, 2024 9:54:16 PM

"It does," Colt agrees with Ezekial. Then he goes back to Danric. "So did you work with Waelius? Did he work at WLA?"

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Thursday July 11th, 2024 11:18:32 PM

((I've racked my brain over the last two days whether Siolo would be present and I just don't think he would.))

Siolo, this day, did not prepare the incantation to enhance plant growth. Instead he decided that it was the day he was going to start is worship of Maab in earnest. He gathers some fallen pieces of wood and a hefty stone and places them at the base of a healthy tree. He kneels before the gathered pieces, closes his eyes and takes several deep breathes. As he breathes, he visualizes a small stone altar supported by legs wood with a dragon made of wood protruding from atop the stone as if lifting off.

Once the image was rooted in his mind he began a series of incantations he had seen his uncle use. The wood and stone slowly shifted as if becoming viscous. The pieces entwined together to become a composite whole in the shape that occupied Siolo's mind.

When he finished his series of incantations he opened his eyes to find that, while the detail he envisioned was not present, everything else was a he had envisioned. He was happy.

((Casting a couple shape woods and a shape stone.))

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Thursday July 11th, 2024 11:25:47 PM

Grim, after finding out the function of his new tattoo (either by Dapple or Lothlorien), find his friends still talking to Danric about the portal to the Catacombs. However he catches the mentioning of another outpost, somewhere out here, where the halfling has a friend wizard that's gone missing.

He approaches Danric and asks "You really don't know what happened here do you?" then goes into gory detail of the Thunder Gods attack and butcher of Cloudhaven. "This other outpost may have suffered the same fate, specially if it is smaller than Cloudhaven."

He is more than eager to visit this new outpost and wanders if the Monstrologers know about it and how it escaped the notice of the orcs.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Friday July 12th, 2024 2:02:31 AM

"Well, it seems settled that we will be seeking the other outpost. What is that outpost called, again?" Yofiel asks. "And which direction, and how far away?"

Homecoming - DM Jess- Maps and documents  
Friday July 12th, 2024 8:06:10 AM

Siolo is not present for this conversation. He is busy magically constructing an altar to Maab.

Danric purses his lips in response to Einar’s question. “Well, he does have a bit of a habit of, er, not following reporting protocols. But I do believe that this is his longest absence, which is why my superiors are becoming antsy. And it’s not like he’s a bad fellow. Just a bit crotchety and a bit of a kook, though a real accomplished wizard from what I understand.”

He cocks his head to the side as Kaze speaks. “I don’t know no anything about this Maya person. But I can say that there is a bit of excitement about this region for those with interest in matters of the arcane. Apparently, the local flora and fauna are quite something--though what that something is, well, it’s far above my paygrade. But perhaps your own mage could explain it better.” He gestures toward Ezekiel, nodding gratefully at his corroboration.

“I’ve only met Master Waelius once. And I wouldn’t say that he works for the WLA, but he is an affiliate. A very valued one. Our organization helps to fund his research into magical matters and he reports some of his finds, does some favors when needed, that sort of thing. The entire arrangement is mutually beneficial and we obviously have an interest in his well being, which is why I’m supposed to put my ear to the ground and check up on him,” he replies to Colt.

Danric pales as Grim explains what happened at Cloudhaven. “Oh my,” he says, his tone considerably less jovial than it has been. “I am truly sorry for all that you have suffered. I certainly hope that the outpost has not endured the same. The last thing this world needs is more tragedy. There is far too much of that already.”

“I don’t know that it has a proper name. It’s always just been referred to as ‘The Outpost Near Cloudhaven.' Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue does it?” he says to Yofiel. “It is a few days' journey eastward. Toward the Floating City.”

Einar Highlight to display spoiler: { This description matches the route that you recently took. You suspect that the outpost you traveled to and the one that Danric described is one and the same.”}

Kaze (JonS) HP 45/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Friday July 12th, 2024 12:03:25 PM

Kaze looks at everyone,"Well I'm ready to do some random wandering, and checking on this outpost sounds like a great idea. Hopefully they have escaped notice from all the ruckus that's been happening in the region lately."

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Friday July 12th, 2024 12:38:51 PM

"It probably depends on whether Maya knew it existed. A lonely outpost would be a good practice field for her attack on Cloudhaven. "

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Friday July 12th, 2024 8:03:55 PM

"Few days East... sounds like Outpost I was to go to collect ingots for smithy... never let me in last... but didn’t see like what happened here."

Einar nods at Kaze, ready to go.

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Friday July 12th, 2024 10:01:12 PM

With the veritable shrine in place, Siolo kneels before it, bows his head and closes his eyes. When he does so, his mind floods with the multitude of thoughts, concerns, fears, and worries he has more and less suppressed since the crew came upon him as he was studying the big herbivores.

So much had happened since that day. It seemed so long ago, but it really wasn't. He was enjoying a trip across these jungles and it was halted so that he could help deal with a problem that required a contribution from a trained member of the Circle. He was far from the best candidate from his Circle. So many He could think of would serve this mission better...even Edenn. But, none of them were here, he was.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Friday July 12th, 2024 10:48:02 PM

Yofiel, after this conversation about finding the missing mage, and scouting the 'Outpost near to Cloudhaven,' thinks she has the gist of it. She excuses herself from the group, and returns in about fifteen minutes.

The elf holds a gray-brown six foot length of - a four inch wide tube of wool? The top of the tube is bent back and parallel to the longer section. A linen cord is tied in a bow over the extended wool sock to keep the bent-over portion in contact with the longer portion. Also attached is a wax-coated (waterproof) small pouch. Inside is a small rectangle of beeswax in one compartment, and two bowstrings in the other.

On the sock are two linen-backed wool handles sewn on, one in the middle, one 18 inches higher.

"Here, Ezekiel. Take. It gives you, and us, more options." She hands it to the sorcerer.

As he takes it, it feels like a wooden shaft lies beneath the wool.

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Friday July 12th, 2024 10:48:18 PM

The conversation over a trip to this new unknown outpost continues and Grim's eyes narrow, then he grabs Danric by his shirt collar and lifts him off the ground to look at him face-to-face, at Grim's height, 6 feet off the ground.

"Looky here! I'm tired of these secret unknown places THIS place seems tied to! We just found one that was used by Monstrologers and now we hear of another secret place that your friend has been doing strange studies of plants? And he's suddenly not calling in? Couldn't it be he's a Monstrologer as well and turned on that place just as Maya did here? Kinda fits according to what we've seen! You'd better start praying to whatever god you pray to that this hidden place is intact and that your friend is just a senile dingbat and lost track of time! Or pray he's dead! Because I'm going there hunting Monstrologers!"

He then gently puts Danric down and walks out the door for some fresh air and to calm himself down by inspecting the skull tipped guardian poles place along the village's perimeter.

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19  d20+12=19 ;
Saturday July 13th, 2024 10:58:32 AM

OOC: forgot my Intimidate roll

Intimidate +12 = 19

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Saturday July 13th, 2024 11:20:41 PM

Danric suggests that our mage could explain it better.

"Have you talked to him?" Dapple asks.

Then Grim starts doing Grim things.

"I'm sure there's a valid explanation, Grim. You know how sometimes the universe decides we need to go on an adventure and there's really nothing around here, so the universe comes up with something, and poof! that thing has been here all along." She frowns thoughtfully. "I've heard the gods have a spell called Retcon that makes it all happen." She sighs. "Wardd probably did it."

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 38/38 
Sunday July 14th, 2024 4:05:34 PM

"I'll take the bow if you insist, but I after putting some thought into it, others might get more use of it than I," says Ezekiel. "I'd only really use it if I was out of spells for the day."

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Sunday July 14th, 2024 9:03:53 PM

Siolo continues to attempt to focus his mind on praying to Maab, but cannot seem to. Many futile minutes go by before he opens his eyes and stands up.

I can't do this now. Maybe Einar can help. Or Dapple, she's a priestess of Wardd. I bet she'll have good advice.

With that, Siolo waves a goodbye to Delilah and heads back into town toward the tavern, as that is the first place people are likely to be at this hour.

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Sunday July 14th, 2024 9:42:29 PM

[ooc] I do believe the fourth wall is tottering. [/ooc]

Colt looks at Danric. "You're lucky he's in a good mood today. Grim's a real orc." ~Sideways glance at Ezekiel, then back to Danric.~ "But we won't get through the jungle without him. He knows the jungle and how to fight when needed. Will you be coming with us? "

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Monday July 15th, 2024 9:46:46 AM

Danric nods to Kaze’s comment. “Hopefully all is well and Master Waelius is just being, well, himself.” At that point Danric caught unaware by Grim and hoisted into the air. You see the halflings eyes narrow and his fingers twitch before he calms himself and glares at the half-orc. His eyes move to follow Dapple as she leaves with the barbarian.

Danric stands for a moment when he is set down but his head snaps to Colt when he speaks. “Lucky he was in a good mood? Real orc! No one in this group has access to the WLA at this point and you are not considered members in good standing until you sort yourselves out!” He rubs a wooden ring with a red gem on his finger as he talks his anger growing.. “Adventuring is stressful but do not think manhandling a representative of the WLA is acceptable and picking up a halfling is a good way to lose a finger! A bit quieter he mumbles. "Monstrologers hunting... off all the... may as well say your going alchemist hunting.”

He takes several deep breaths calming himself before he continues.

“I do understand your friends concerns and can see he is new to the life of an adventurer and I should not meet anger and ignorance with anger myself.” He takes another deep breath and forces a smile that slowly becomes more natural as he speaks. “Many adventures find that tings in their communities are not what the thought completely. There is even a theory that the presence of those who will fight draws out the more unsavory things in the Wold.”

As to The Outpost the WLA is involved to a degree, as I said, but it is also the fancy of a wizard who has been, um.. wizarding longer then I have been alive. Seclusion is desired for some.”

He pauses for a moment. “Honestly, if The Outpost is attacked and he is there things will have been handled I am sure. If he was out, maybe not so much.” Darnic looks a little rattled. “Look, I don’t have all the answers this is a rough area and it attracts certain things. One of the power centers is gone with the loss of this communities founder so I assume things are in flux. It will some time before the land is stabilized again and you all can be a force for good in your home or chaos I guess.”

Kaze (JonS) HP 45/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Monday July 15th, 2024 12:31:55 PM

Kaze watched the whole Grim intimidating Danric with a shake of his head. That Grim was volatile had been made known to Kaze when he first met the party. He will walk over to Danric and pull out a small flask, "Take a drink. It's strong, but can make unpleasant things look a little better. Besides, Grim is a bit high-strung about these Monstrologer folks. I've never met anyone with such a singular focus for rage in anyone." (drink is equivalent to peppermint schnapps)

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 38/38 
Monday July 15th, 2024 3:38:00 PM

"To be fair to Grim, monstrologer is a loaded term," says Ezekiel. "The root 'monster' doesn't leave a lot for interpretation. If we called alchemists instead mad-bombers-who-will-blow-up-your-town-peoples, I'm sure Grim would want to hunt them too."

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Monday July 15th, 2024 5:55:25 PM

From his place at the bar Einar witnesses Grim going berserk and he can't help it bus smiles at first. "He both trouble and fun all wrapped in one... " Einar thinks as he empties his pint. Since everyone is already trying to unload some of the pressure Einar sits and waits. He's eager to travel to that Outpost again.
"With this wild bunch we'll make it"

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Monday July 15th, 2024 7:13:21 PM

Colt's taken aback at Denric's vitriolic response to a harmless little double pointed jest. When the halfling says, "... you are not considered members in good standing ...", the young man shoots a can-he-do-that look at Yofiel. But then, surprising himself, he literally rises to Grim's, and the party's, defense.

Standing over the Catacombs representative he says, "We're already doing the WLA's work, stabilizing the land and being a force for good. Grim's hard to get along with, but he's done nothing but help the town since the monstrologer's attack when he could have just gone home. Rothlorien's a real WLA knight and he's held the town together and been teaching us. Dabbler and Yofiel are about the two best people I know. Siolo and Kaze and Patches might have been found in the woods, but they're willing to help too. "

Fortunately or not, Colt's vocabulary doesn't include words like self-important, profiteer, or carpetbagger.

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Monday July 15th, 2024 7:52:17 PM

"Also," Dapple says. "I'm not WLA, so you're not the boss of me."

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Monday July 15th, 2024 11:33:53 PM

OOC: Ezekiel makes the most sense he's made since we started. LOL
OOC: Einar, you not seen real berserk yet, but give it a little time. :)

Grim catches Dapple's comment as he leaves the eating room but his human side warns him to just keep on going. Primarily because it didn't make much sense but also because he liked Dapple and didn't feel like arguing. The vision that his Chief Shaman had didn't just stop a Cloudhaven, but spread out over the whole jungle and he wasn't going to let some pipsqueak outsider interfere. He has very good reasons to suspect oddball wizards, sorcerers, druids, and maybe oddball anybody. Even plant lovers.

Later, he catches Dapple (maybe in the litte chapel), "Excuse my outburst, but my clan, my tribe, my HOME is in danger. Didn't we see Thunder Gods half flesh and half plant? I know nothing of this WLA and even though we got friends here that are members, they were here and suffered like all of us. This Wallrus guy we know nothing but that he dabbles in plants. Remember how the founders trusted Maya? I'm not trusting this Wallrus wizard guy until I know he's clean of all Monstrology."

He gently pats Dapple on the shoulder and says with a smile, "The Great One is watching and Guiding. We'll be fine in the end."

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 1:15:57 AM

As Siolo heads toward the tavern, he sees Grim heading away and can't help but feel relieved. One less possible difficulty, he thought.

He enters to find Colt raising his voice to some halfling he didn't know. What was happening? Who was this halfling? And where was Einar?

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 2:17:45 AM

[Yofiel had exited for about 15 minutes, then returned. Let's say she walked back to the Cracked Hoof Tavern right after Grim set Danric Bramblemoon down, just as he was headed out of the tavern. She had been able to hear Grim's hearty voice bellowing, and was actually able to discern the last four or five passionate sentences. She was there for Danric's passionate rebuke, and threat, and self-de-escalation. She figures he is a spell caster, the way his fingers were beginning to move.

When Colt looks toward her regarding the 'no longer members in good standing' of the WLA statement, she moves her hands in a soft motion as though gently pushing down, as a signal for calm.

She just listens for a bit to the good comments from her adventuring mates, and Danric's softening tone.

"Good Danric, we are a mixed lot, as you can observe. Many of us hold strong opinions on things. We are like iron - as we mix, and clash, sparks may fly, and heat may rise - yet through what we do together, we sharpen one another. Forgive, I ask you, our friend Grim in allowing his passion to step over the line so far as to pick you up. That was an affront to your dignity, and no doubt he will reconsider the next time he is tempted to 'persuade' a new friend of his perspective on things. That was not good. Yet I have seen his heart values justice, and there is much good in him. Also, his god speaks to him. Our half-orc friend abhors the work of monstrologers. We are trying to persuade him there is not one hidden under every bush, though there may be more than Maya, who appears to have aquatic elvin heritage.

"Grim is not a member of the WLA. As you have seen, some of us are, some are not," and she nods to Dapple. "Nonetheless, we are deeply appreciative of the Woldian League of Adventurers, and would be most grateful to gain local access to the curated offerings of the Catacombs. I can see that you are a fellow capable of exercising a good deal of self-control. That is a mark of maturity, and wisdom, and humility - each of which is a strong character trait.

"It can take time, with a stumble or two along the way, to learn to march together."

She waits a moment, then says, "I believe if you ask them, each member of our group would be willing to travel to this Outpost. Einar already has been there, and should serve as a good guide along the way. We will seek out Master Ebin Waelius.

"Would tomorrow be a suitable time to begin our journey? Or is there something else we need attend to?" Yofiel asks those party members still at the tavern.

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 9:16:46 AM

*Those in the room still*
Darnic runs his hands through his strawberry blond hair and leaves it standing on end as he lets out an exasperated sigh. “At least you stand together even if one of you should learn when and where to use his temper. A good group of adventurers stands together, though picking up a halfling is about as welcome as tossing an unknown dwarf. Lady Yofiel I appreciate your words and it is my hope all of you will one day join the WLA as it is a boon to those risking their lives..”

“I am glad Rothlorien was here and he is a good member but I am here to bring the full experience of the WLA which offers several resources to adventurers and the community. This does come with some basic responsibilities for me and for members. One of the key precepts is ‘To foster the excellent behavior and sterling reputations of adventuring groups,’ and displays of rage on their representatives or other ‘civilians’ flies in the face of that.”

“I am here to foster growth and aid as I can but my adventuring days, and I hope my fighting days, are done.” His hand drifts to his chest gently rubbing it. “Some wounds don’t heal right at first and leave permanent issues. If pressed I will defend this community just as you but I am past field work.”

He shakes his head, his youthful face returning to its natural smile and he claps his hands together once. “Now, this area had a rough go. The WLA, through me, wants to lend its support to the area and to those of you that want it. I want to be an aid and an ally but for Gods' sake don’t pick me up and yell at me.” He smiles. “It's bad manners and unbecoming and potentially dangerous for all of us..”

He runs his hand though his hair again. “I will not suspend your memberships as I was going to but your friend may need to broaden his mind. The Outpost is not a rush, it is a concern but there is no ticking clockwork counting the time. I appreciate your willingness and I will hold up my end of things in the community.”

{ooc: Dapple you indicated you left with Grim as you were speaking to him so have not heard any of this and I did not take your response into account.}

Kaze (JonS) HP 45/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 11:41:42 AM

Kaze clears his throat, "Grim is an interesting fellow. I for one am ready to go, having restocked provisions for Patches and I. I just need to give her a good rub down and check her paws before we wander back out into nature."

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 11:58:44 AM

"The WLA are generally the good guys," Dapple assures Grim, "even if some of them are a little full of themselves."

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 38/38 
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 12:07:24 PM

"I'm ready to head out," says Ezekiel. "I had to stash some of my gear for now as it was getting a bit too heavy to carry everything. But I've got a new point stick that's a little lighter than my staff!"

Ezekiel shows everyone the incredibly ordinary spear he found.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 2:34:09 PM

"I'll be back, I hope shortly," Yofiel tells Darnic. "Grim, for whom I have a good deal of respect, showed undeserved disrespect to you. Let us see if he will come to understand."

She tells the other adventurers in the group her intention to talk this over with Grim. If any care to join her, they may.

The bard heads out the tavern, looking to see where Grim may have gone.

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 3:08:27 PM

When she catches up to Grim - and, it seems, also Dapple
"Hi Dapple, Grim. Grim, I was out when you decided to pick up our WLA representative, and just heard the tail end of it.

"But WHAT in the WOLD moved you to assault and insult someone one-third your size? Was he about to attack you? Did he insult you? What in KASHMAR incited you to so disrespect this friendly fellow who came offering us help and support? Had you planned to place his head on a spike? Do you want to pick ME up and yell and spit in MY face? It shouldn't be too tough - I'm half your weight. You could wipe the floor with me, right?!" Her own face is red, and she turns her back on him for a moment.

Then she turns back around. "Can you defend your actions? Will we see you doing something similar to our friends and allies in the future?"

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP68/68 - AC19/13/16 - CMD 21  
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 7:48:13 PM

Einar just nods when Yofiel informs Danric that he has already traveled to the outpost.
"Easy to find but they not let me in... scared of strangers"

When Yofiel heads out to confront Grim Einar is interested to see what will happen. That Half-Orc is not to mess with but this half-Elf lass looks pretty feisty too... intriguing...

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 16 T 14 FF 12 HP 31/31 CMD 19 
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 9:20:36 PM

Colt watches Yofiel follow Grim and Dapple out the door. Then he turns back to Danric and offers his hand.

"Yofiel thinks you're all right. Sorry if we got off to a rocky start. I'm Colt. How'd you get here?"

Grim Ripr 5th (JonathanT) AC 17 Tch 11 HP 40/51 CMD 19 
Tuesday July 16th, 2024 9:22:57 PM

Grim doesn't look at Dapple when she puts a good word in for the WLA, just grunts loudly.

Grim takes Yofiel's rant with a stone face and would let her steam dissipate somewhere else but she turns back and gives Grim the wonderful opportunity to teach her a lesson too.

He starts with "Your NOT my ..." then cuts it short and moves within a few feet, plants his feet firm and glares down at her. "I don't need to scare the *(*#W#) orc for Thunder God droppings out of you, you were here, same as most of the others, and had that scared out of you already. That pipsqueak needed some encouragement to get a true appreciation of what happened here. When he got here what was his concern? That the town was in total shambles? That most of the residents had been eaten? No! "Just gotta find my friend," was his concern. Big Fat Hairy Deal! Oh! you accuse me of assaulting him?!!! Pft, he lived didn't he! Does he still have his head? Leg? Arm? Not even a scratch, eh?"

He steps up to Yofiel and puts his heavy right hand on her left shoulder and adds, a lot more calmly though, "You his friend, fine. I'm your friend. He'll be my friend when I can fully trust him. Those Thunder Gods half plant, half flesh didn't just magically happen. Someone Monstrologer meddling with plants did it. How do I know it wasn't this Wallrus guy? Maya was very trustworthy, wasn't she? Pray she's not a WLA member."

He takes his hand off her shoulder and continues, "This Friendly Fellow of yours is the first chance we've gotten to get the word out to the rest of the Wold, primarily the investors and caravan merchants. Seems he can pop in and out as he pleases. You not interested in that? Just this portal to this catacombs place? Your brain is addled more than mine. You loosing your focus. Get a Grim Grip on the Fate of this place and the jungle. You get him to contact his WLA friends out there about what happened here and the war of survival we are fighting first, then mess with this portal. This place isn't going to make it if the caravans don't come back and we need to give them a good reason to, starting with them knowing we survived and are rebuilding. If his concern is to make a profit here, he'll do what is necessary to keep this place going. He has to show me reasons to trust him, not use the WLA as a crutch for my Trust and Respect. You didn't, so he can't expect to. And remember, I'm not a member of this WLA. My allegiance is to The Great One who spared our lives because we chose to live in harmony with his Domain. My allegiance to The Great One and my Tribe take precedence over any WLA ambitions. The Monstrologers usurp The Great One's Order in his Domain pretending to be protecting it so you know what I'll do if I find he is a Monstrologer or has been dealing with Monstrologers. You'll have to make the tough decision on that as well, pray you make the right one. If he's been duped like those Founders, I might get the Divine Insight to be a bit more lenient than otherwise. Pray for that too."

He steps back and with big bulging arms crossed, he waits to see if Yofiel would like to say something else.

OOC: Grim doen't know of Danric's retort and attempt to save face by putting Grim down. Ah, things coulda gotten ugglier. :)

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 33/33 
Wednesday July 17th, 2024 2:56:24 AM

Yofiel lends Grim her ear and listens carefully to the reasoning and arguments he puts forward. She agrees with most of what he advances, thinks that a bit of nuance or broader perspective might be useful here and there - and thinks that will come over time. He also was bothered that the halfling did not seem to understand Grim's perspectives on things but rather had his own priorities. And she thinks about his desire to get important information across, earn trust, and more. But it is not the concerns he expresses that need to be addressed in detail at the moment, but rather something else.

"Grim, you have a mission in life. I am convinced that mission was given you by The Great One. I think the mission a good one, and support you in that. Monstrologers cause huge problems, and shift the nature of ... nature! Also, as you acknowledge, you are my friend, and I am yours - and we are surrounded by more - like Dapple here. And we share much of your vision, and you of ours, I have seen.

"But you need to learn how others take things, and how they will react. Honestly, if you had done what you did to Darnic and a couple of other WLA reps had been in the room, a huge fight could have broken out. The assault - and 'assault' does not simply mean breaking another's bones or cutting off a limb, but even just physically lifting a small person up in the air in a threatening way as you did qualifies as assault. The part where you break their bones is called 'battery'.

"You did assault him, and could have gotten yourself or others killed. Let me make it plain.


"Now, you can speak passionately about something you believe in. You can even bellow as you work to communicate what you mean. But - DON'T PICK THEM UP!

"If you had said whatever you wanted to say without grabbing the halfling and lifting him into the air, I would have been fine with that. Darnic probably would have been fine with it and considered your words. But when a very large person picks up a very small person, the large person looks like a brute and a bully and even, believe it or not, a coward, for picking on someone so much smaller than himself. It's hard to listen to someone yelling at you when you fear for your life or health.

"I am going to ask you to do something that likely no orc would ever ask you to do. Some of them might laugh or scoff at the mere idea, or even, inside, feel some fear at even considering it. And I don't know whether you have what it takes to do it. Would you like to know what I am going to ask you? Are you wise and courageous enough to consider a new idea?

"I'll tell you what it is if you ask, my passionate and brave and strong Grim." The bard finally shuts her mouth, and waits to hear what Grim will answer.

Siolo (Joe) - AC 15/13/13 ; HP 28/28 , NL 0 
Wednesday July 17th, 2024 6:21:09 AM

Siolo sighs as he listens to people speak of what happened. Apparently some halfling guy was a WLA representative. Siolo knew of the WLA in the Floating City. They weren't the be all end all, but they were strong. He finds himself a little disappointed that Grim wasn't given a good thrashing. Not permanently wounded or maimed, just taught a lesson. Grim is a bully. Maybe someday someone will make him regret it.

Homecoming | Co-GM Ryan (Falco in Taur) 
Wednesday July 17th, 2024 9:04:25 AM

Darnic looks to Kaze and nods. “There are a lot of interesting adventures, it takes a special sort to put yourself in harm's way. If supplies beyond what you can find in town are needed I am sure the WLA can precoure them for you.”

He listens to Yofiel speak and smiles. “I appreciate you saying that and I am sure I could have handled it better but it is hard when there is an obvious threat of violence not to respond the same. I hope your talk goes well, it is probably best for me to wait here.”

Darnic smiles at Colt and shakes his bigger hand. Colt can feel that Darnic has more of a grip then would be expected but knows that there is the implication that he has seen combat. “I am sure we will get back on track with a little time. I really am here to help the community and you good folks. As to how I got here, easy enough with the spell casting abilities of some of our members. Some scrying, a teleport and and here I am complete with Catacombs access. The plan is to construct a WLA facility here to aid in training and to help stabilize the community.”

He looks at those few left with him. “I had not heard of the tragedy that has happened and it is a complication but I have staked my name on this. Can you tell me how many people are actually living here at this point and what the biggest concerns are, from a livability standpoint I mean. Clearly the dino business is the top threat, I mean the more day to day.”

He wonders how things are going with the party members that went outside but is happy to wait.

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