DM Tanner Sunday August 18th, 2024 11:53:46 PM
With concerted effort, the party strikes down the bogeyman. He collapses in a shrieking heap of blood, smoke, and crumpled clothing. It's lit cigar still sends up lazy plumes of smoke.
The orphans are still crying, but are now experiencing natural terror instead of supernatural terror.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 d20+16=27 ; Monday August 19th, 2024 12:26:28 PM
Seeing the enemy drop Zarsellet moves into the room. He quickly casts an illusion to cover the mess of the body on the ground, making it look like a balloon slowly deflating rather than a bleeding body.
"Children! The enemy is defeated. He's just silly balloon now, deflating to nothing. Please relax and move out to the hallway and back to your rooms. We're here to protect you. Please go back to bed now. We'll stay the night and keep you safe."
OOC: Diplomacy 27 to sooth the fear of the children.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Monday August 19th, 2024 2:02:56 PM
Burton moves up to his friends and quietly says; "Did someone say this creature is fey? But didn't Ms Kane summon an abyssal creature? Have we killed the right one? Not that this one didn't need killing."
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. d20+14=16 ; Monday August 19th, 2024 2:16:12 PM
Kwarsk's nerves are still on edge at the (former) threat to the orphans and while everyone else focuses on consoling them he scans the room, looks out the windows, etc. for anything unusual. The thing fell so easily to Lothlo's arrows... did it have friends in hiding nearby?
(OOC - Perception = 16)
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 d20+11=15 ; d20+11=31 ; d20+11=15 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=10 ; d4+7=11 ; d4+7=10 ; d6+7=10 ; d4+3=7 ; d4+3=7 ; d6+3=4 ; Monday August 19th, 2024 2:23:51 PM
Naithi glares at the cigar, something about it rubs her the wrong way. Camalayaas, what does that smell like to you? Is it a regular cigar?
ooc: Naithi has speak with animal cast on Camalayaas. Naithi is worried that either the cigar is giving off a toxic/intoxicating/magic smoke to affect the group or that it is covering up the creature's presence. The previous Bogeyman she fought didn't perish like this, so she is worried it is using an invisibility spell, gaseous form, an illusion, etc.
Naithi holds a full attack action to attach the Bogeyman/Smoke/ Cigar if needed. If the Bogeyman is dead Camalayaas will keep using her scent ability to check for an abyssal creature. If there is something to attach and will attack it.
Naithi ----------- Full Attack Bogey / smoke/etc Claw Attack 1 hit AC 15 for 11 dmg Claw Attack 2 hit AC 31 (confirm crit 15) for 10 dmg Bite Attack hit AC 27 for 10 dmg (+2 added to dmg in the above rolls due inspire courage)
Camalayaas Use scent to look for enemy and check smoke Full Attack Bogey Claw Attack 1 hit AC 11 for 7dmg Claw Attack 2 hit AC 19 (confirm crit 15) for 7 dmg Bite Attack hit AC 14 for 4 dmg
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Monday August 19th, 2024 2:24:51 PM
ooc: Sorry, Naithi has Speak with Animals cast on herself to speak with Camalayaas
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 d20+9=21 ; Monday August 19th, 2024 3:12:00 PM
Rhys sheathes his blade and begins searching the other rooms in the orphanage, gathering any hidden or cowering children with him as he goes. (Perception 21)
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) d20+3=11 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+9=24 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=28 ; d20+9=15 ; d8+9=17 ; d8+9=15 ; d8+9=11 ; d8+9=10 ; d20+8=14 ; d8+9=10 ; Monday August 19th, 2024 5:58:06 PM
Lothlo tries to thing back to all the stories he heard about bogeyman and whether there is anything indicated the thread might not have yet passed.
Are you kids okay? Was that thing alone, or is there anyone else here we need to know about?
With everyone still very tense, Lotho tries not to let his guard down while the others verify the thread is now neutralized. He readies three more arrows and prepares to defend the orphans should any other threats appear.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 3d6(3+6+4)=13 3d6(5+2+2)=9 Monday August 19th, 2024 11:03:00 PM
Paige nods in agreement with Burton. She had the very same though.
Before the group runs off in different directions, she’ll channel healing energy a couple of times 13 +9 = 22 HP for everyone)
”Lets see if we can find Walid…or Sister Bonnie…” The cleric thinks back to what Musetta said, and wonders if the orphans minders survived?
DM Sanity info:
(Everyone gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects - 9 minutes - 7+/- remaining minutes)
DM Tanner Monday August 19th, 2024 11:54:25 PM
Despite all investigations, the bogeyman appears to be well and truly dead. A few greasy stains and it's crumpled clothing are all that remain. You do not see, here, or smell anything otherwise.
The spellcasters in the group may recall that the bogeyman was a summoned creature, and summoned creatures do not typically leave a corpse when they die. Also, while most fey speak Sylvan, it stands to reason that a particularly foul fey creature may speak a different tongue.
Your attempts to calm the orphans are successful. They stop crying, and shuffle their way into the hallway. A search of the premises finds the rest of the orphans and most of the adults tucked away in various corners. You find Walid unconscious and bleeding on the floor besides his bed.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Tuesday August 20th, 2024 10:50:50 AM
Zarsellet stays with the children, working to get them into bed for as much of a proper night's rest as possible.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Tuesday August 20th, 2024 12:43:26 PM
Naithi also tries to help the children. She calls out her trained mice, Pinky, Precious, and Mistoffeles. These are the same three mice she removed from the orphanage upon her arrival to town. She also lets the kids snuggle with her dog Fizzgig and giant rabbit Camalayaas.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. d20+14=26 ; Tuesday August 20th, 2024 12:59:50 PM
Kwarsk says, "Paige, over here. I think Walid needs healing...".
Kwarsk resumes his guard, ensuring no one interrupts the healing of Walid.
(OOC - Perception = 26)
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) d20+3=6 ; Tuesday August 20th, 2024 6:10:37 PM
With the area secure and there being now more threat Lothlo does what he can to try to entertain the children. He pulls out his lyre and tries to strum a cheerful song, but nightmarish visions continue to haunt him and he quickly puts the lyre away once he realizes his fingers just aren't able to pluck out a melody at the moment.
performance = 6
He then tries to help Zarsellet calm the children down and get them back into bed so they can put this horrible night behind them.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 d20+9=25 ; Tuesday August 20th, 2024 10:01:25 PM
Rhys helps round up the remaining orphans and searches the rest of the orphanage (Perception 25)
”So why here? I mean it can’t just be a coincidence. How did this creature know to come here to the orphanage?” The elf raises his concerns to the group.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 d20+13=16 ; 3d6=7 ; Tuesday August 20th, 2024 10:08:31 PM
Paige responds to Kwarsk’s summons, and after checking on Walid (Heal check = 16), channels energy into the fellow (7 HP restored) hopefully at least restoring him to consciousness.
DM Sanity info:
(Everyone gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects - 9 minutes - 7+/- remaining minutes)
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 d20=5 ; Tuesday August 20th, 2024 11:36:52 PM
Fingers sees that the children are in good hands, but he realizes that there were adults here too. He's a little surprised; as far as he can recall, Walid was the only adult he'd ever seen at the orphanage other than visitors.
He goes to meet them, and -- knowing that they could be traumatized in their own way -- gently encourages them to talk about what they witnessed. (Diplomacy: 5)
DM Tanner Tuesday August 20th, 2024 11:47:22 PM
Walid gasps and opens his eyes with a start, seemingly surprised to be alive. "Dear gods, that was dreadful. Tell me, is the bogeyman slain?" He sighs deeply at the good news. "Praise be! I am glad to hear of that horrible creature's demise." His face falls again at the sight of the crumpled clothing. "Did, did anyone search them?"
The orphans, exhausted from their terror, are easily shepherded into their beds. A few need to use the privy, but it is more or less a smooth operation.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 d20+14=17 ; Wednesday August 21st, 2024 10:34:50 AM
Seeing Lotho with his lyre, and the not particularly good performance Zarsellet chuckles. He doesn't have his 'good' instruments here, but with a low whistle he summons a small harp and settles down to sing quiet music to help the children sleep. OOC: Perform 17 isn't really good, but the theater is limited here....
Once he is able to exit and rejoin the team he looks around. "Has Musetta come in? If not I'll go get her. I told her to stay outside until it was safe?" If not certain that she is in he goes out to look for her.
Once that is settled he looks around the area and at the group. "Clean up detail? I'll try to get any blood out of here. No need for reminders tomorrow." He casts prestidigitation and starts working the magic to clean the area, and anybody's clothing that needs it.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 d20+11=18 ; d20+1=18 ; Wednesday August 21st, 2024 2:23:25 PM
With the battle concluded, Naithi listens to Walid's words and turns her attention to the fallen Bogeyman, her eyes narrowing as she surveys the lifeless heap. She steps closer, her movements graceful yet purposeful, and begins to methodically search through his tattered clothing.
Camalayaas joins her, using her keen sense of smell to sniff out any hidden pockets or compartments. The intelligent rabbit's nose twitches as she examines the Bogeyman's garments, occasionally pausing to paw at a suspicious bulge or tear.
Naithi's nimble fingers work deftly, untying knots and loosening fastenings with practiced ease. As she delves deeper into the Bogeyman's belongings, Naithi can't shake the feeling that something must be the key to unraveling the mystery surrounding his malevolent presence. She gathers the objects carefully, knowing that each clue could prove vital.
Actions: Perception to search corpse/clothing = 20 (+2 for aid another)
Camalayaas Perception=18
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Wednesday August 21st, 2024 6:00:54 PM
Lothlo turns to address Walid. We checked to make sure the creature was dead and gone, I don't think we thoroughly searched his robes yet. Making sure you there were no additoinal threads and getting you back on your feet were our top priority. It was better to have the kids in their beds first as well, just in case that bogeyman has one last terrifying surprise left in his pockets... is there anything specific you are thinking we may find?
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Wednesday August 21st, 2024 6:17:59 PM
Paige reminds Muuru that Sister Bonnie was the minder they met when the children dug up the chest with the dead dog inside. Has anyone seen the woman? And what about Musetta? Why was she at the orphanage? What had happened to the placement she and Kwarsk had arranged with master Tobrel? The opportunity to train as a monk should have been the making of her! Had the troublesome kid gotten herself kicked out of the temple of Pantheon? And what was the link between this…bogeyman…and the other creatures that had been terrorizing the Outcast Quarter, Trade Quarter and now the Nightmare Quarter? Was their a link to the cultists of Ga’al? To Duncan? The Scar? The cleric is more confused than ever…
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. d20+14=25 ; Wednesday August 21st, 2024 9:45:26 PM
Kwarsk hears Walid's words and turns his attention to Naithi, rifling through the Bogeyman's garments. She seems to have it well in hand so Kwarsk focuses on watching for anything small falling out of a fold in the cloth of any garment...
(Perception = 25)
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Wednesday August 21st, 2024 10:48:11 PM
After failing to hit the monster during the fight, and his clumsy attempt to get Sister Bonnie and any others to give more information, Muuru feels a little useless. He'll just stand by unless anyone needs help with something.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Wednesday August 21st, 2024 11:22:38 PM
A curious Rhys heads outside to inspect the burial site of Vandy in the back garden. The interred dog was meant to ward off evil, wasn’t it?
DM Tanner Thursday August 22nd, 2024 1:27:39 AM
Zarsellet is able to help lull the children to sleep, and spies Musetta tucked into her bed. Sister Bonnie, looking rather disheveled, assists in helping the children.
Walid looks confused. "Yes. The bogeyman came into the orphanage and walked straight up to Inda, one of the boys. Just right through the front door, picked him up by the neck, reach into his shirt with his other hand, and jerked something from around his neck. Like he knew what he was looking for and exactly where to find it. I think Inda was wearing a necklace or something under his shirt. I could not see what it was. The bogeyman looked at it in his hand, smiled a bit, then started unleashing terror on everyone. Almost like he came for the object, and decided to torture everyone in the building as an afterthought."
As Naithi digs through the clothing, her fingers close around a small hard object. Pulling it out of the clothing, she finds what appears to be a talisman of some sort. It is made of silvery metal and resembles an egg, covered with human facial features arrayed across its surface, giving it a rather disconcerting appearance. A loop at the top of the egg is threaded by a leather thong. She feels a chill run down her spine and soft whispers in a foreign tongue in her ears. A heavy sense of foreboding washes over her.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 d20=1 ; Thursday August 22nd, 2024 9:30:05 AM
Naithi's fingers tremble slightly as she holds the unsettling talisman aloft, her eyes widening as she takes in its grotesque appearance. The whispering voices grow louder in her ears, their alien words sending shivers down her spine. She swallows hard, trying to push back the wave of unease that threatens to overwhelm her.
Despite her instinctual desire to cast the object away, Naithi's curiosity gets the better of her. She turns the talisman over in her hands, examining the intricate details etched into its silvery surface. The human faces seem to shift and change before her eyes, their expressions contorting into grimaces of pain and despair.
Shaken, Naithi quickly threads the leather thong around her neck, tucking the talisman beneath her armor. She knows she should destroy it, but something deep within her resists the idea. Perhaps, she reasons, thisthis strange artifact holds the key to unlocking the secrets behind the Bogeyman's power... and her own growing connection to the fey realm.
With a determined set to her jaw, Naithi rises to her feet, the weight of the talisman heavy against her chest. Whatever mysteries it holds, she vows to uncover them - no matter the cost.
Knowledge check = 1 ooc: Naithi has no idea what this thing is... So it must be an important for clue!
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. d20+6=19 ; d20+6=9 ; Thursday August 22nd, 2024 12:08:53 PM
Kwarsk sees the small talisman in Naithi's hands and ponders what significance it might have.
(OOC - Knowledge: Religion = 19 Knowledge: History =9)
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Thursday August 22nd, 2024 2:25:32 PM
Rhys re-enters the room while Walid is recounting how the Bogeyman took the pendant from the orphans neck. ”Naithi, better let Paige have a look at that! If it’s some sort of evil religious symbol, she may recognize it.”. The elf then turns to question Inda if he is still in the room, or Walid if the orphan boy is no longer there. ”Where did you get this pendant? Who gave you such a thing?”
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Thursday August 22nd, 2024 2:33:44 PM
Paige turns to fix Naithi with an enquiring look.
DM Sanity info:
(Everyone gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects - 9 minutes - 7+/- remaining minutes)
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) d20+3=8 ; Thursday August 22nd, 2024 5:36:46 PM
Lothlo looks quizzically at Naithi as she appears to become shaken by the talisman and puts it around her neck. Let me get this straight... you found an evil looking talisman, the only thing we know about it is that an evil bogeyman seemed to be hunting it. The best word to describe how it looks is probably "cursed". Then it terrifies you when you touch it for some reason... and your first reaction is to PUT IT AROUND YOUR NECK! I just... I can't... why?!
Lothlo shakes his head and tries to remember whether he's heard of any talisman that match the one Naithi is currently wearing. knowledge(all) = 8
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Thursday August 22nd, 2024 9:15:15 PM
Zarsellet finishes up with the cleaning and looks around. "OK. Now, Who's hurt? Paige? Are you coordinating the healing. I can do 4 Cure Light Wounds spells before we tap any wands. I don't think we've got any immediate dangers here, but we shouldn't be bleeding...."
He hears the discussion about a pendant the Naithi had picked up from the body and put around her neck..... ?? He watches and listens, wondering if he was wrong in his previous statement.
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 d20+11=23 ; Thursday August 22nd, 2024 11:18:56 PM Obviously, Lothlo, that thing is cursed, or otherwise compelled to make short people put it on. As to its purpose.... Knowledge (Arcana): d20+11 = 23
DM Tanner Thursday August 22nd, 2024 11:36:47 PM
Muuru is able to correctly identify the talisman. It is a banestone -- the spiritual opposite of a luckstone. Once picked up, the stone cannot be disposed of by any nonmagical means—if it is thrown away or smashed, it reappears somewhere upon the possessor’s person. If a Remove Curse spell is cast upon a banestone, the item may be discarded normally and no longer haunts the individual.
(Naithi takes a –1 penalty applies on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and all saving throws until further notice.)
The boy, Inda, is terrified once again. Roused from his sleep, he stammers and stutters as he tries to answer questions. "I- I- I just found it! We were playing by the Scar. Me and a few of the other boys. We were playing hide-and-seek in the empty buildings. We know how close we can get without getting hurt, and I wasn't near the danger line or anything, and I just saw this in a gutter. It was covered in mud and I could barely see it, but just a tiny part was shiny. I cleaned it off and I thought it looked funny so I kept it. I haven't felt right since I picked it up. I tried to get rid of it, but it just keeps coming back. It actually felt good when the bogeyman first took it away, like a weight off the top of my head, but then I was scared again when I saw it was a bogeyman instead of a human or something."
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Friday August 23rd, 2024 12:45:20 AM
Paige arches one eyebrow in query when Muuru identifies the thing around Naithi’s neck and Inda tells his tale, then volunteers: ”I can probably sort her out - but not before tomorrow. I’ll have to pray to Domi in the morning, and hope he sees fit to bestow the ability to remove curses on his servant.” The cleric pats the symbol on her chest.
Turning to Zarsellet she suggests folks should be pretty much back to normal (22 HP restored to all via channeling Aug 19), but maybe Walid needs a little TLC (9 HP restored via channeling didn’t get any feedback on the heal check Aug 20)
Addressing the group as a whole she asks if they should take turns keeping a watch on the orphanage - or return to the Patch?
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Friday August 23rd, 2024 12:35:09 PM "We don't think the bogeyman was the thing summoned that's been killing folk do we? I mean, it feeds on fear...."
OOC: Unless I'm missing something?
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Friday August 23rd, 2024 6:12:01 PM
Lothlo looks over at Naithi and the cursed amulet. Well, as far as curses go, that could have been a lot worse. Still, let's try to avoid trying on cursed necklaces for a while. He then looks at the remains of the creature the defeated. It's hard to say if it's the same. From the attacks we saw I think it probably could have been the same creature the killed the people, though we may want to confirm with the coroner that the claws we saw would match the wounds. It could be that the Bogeyman was feeding on an entire terrified city before. Then when it came here for the amulet and found a group of terrified children it decided to stay and feed on this new source of fear. A different MO, but still in line for a Bogeyman's behavior. The fear equivalent of creating an all you can eat buffet you can gorge on at any time but still having your mouth water when you smell a home cooked meal.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Friday August 23rd, 2024 6:21:55 PM
Kwarsk, noting Naithi is well enough in hand, turns to Sister Bonnie and Walid, and says, "Walid, Sister Bonnie, thank you for tucking away the kids. When the Patchers last saw Musetta, she had signed on with the Monks of Pantheon for training - how did she end up back at the orphanage?"
Kwarsk waits expectantly for the explanation.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 d20+8=10 ; Friday August 23rd, 2024 11:06:31 PM
As the leather thong settles around her neck, Naithi immediately feels a chill seep into her bones, emanating from the sinister talisman. The whispers in her mind grow more insistent, their foreign words taking on a mocking, taunting tone. She shivers involuntarily, a sense of dread settling heavily upon her shoulders.
Naithi reaches up to remove the necklace, but her fingers refuse to cooperate, as if an unseen force is preventing her from undoing the clasp. Panic begins to rise in her throat as she realizes the true nature of the cursed object she now wears.
Gritting her teeth, Naithi tries to focus on the task at hand, but she can feel the talisman's malevolent influence already affecting her. Her movements feel sluggish, her thoughts clouded by a haze of negativity. Each step seems to require more effort than usual, and a pervasive sense of bad luck hangs over her like a dark cloud.
As she rejoins the group, Naithi's eyes meet Paige's concerned gaze. The other woman's offer to remove the curse tomorrow brings a flicker of hope to Naithi's troubled expression. She nods gratefully, knowing that until then, she'll have to endure the talisman's ill effects and trust in her own skills and the support of her companions to see her through.
For now, though, Naithi squares her shoulders and sets her jaw, determined not to let the cursed object break her spirit. She has faced worse in her life, and she refuses to be defeated by a mere trinket - no matter how powerful its dark magic may be.
Sorry, I'm not sure what came over me. Still, I suppose it is better than that pool in The Culverwood that turned me into a puppy and Ash into a snake.
Paige, thank you for your offer. Let me know if you need any reagents or anything for the work spell. Once this curse is broken in placing the bane stone in a tangle foot bag and gifting it to the next enemy we face.
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Friday August 23rd, 2024 11:48:24 PM
Muuru looks through his belt pouch and pulls out a small object. Naithi, here. Wear this tonight.
It's a pendant, a delicate web of silver threads.
It gives you nice dreams. I'm hoping you'll at least be able to sleep well tonight.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Saturday August 24th, 2024 5:23:44 PM
Burton stands to one side as the others move around being useful. He tries to help but the fear caused by the Bogeyman knags at him, so remains still trying to gain control of his emotions.
(Sorry been on holiday and my mobile refused to let me log in to the game. And Burton is still suffering from the fear effect unless it passes on the bogeyman's death).
From what he has seen Burton agrees with Muuru assessment of the object the bogeyman took from Inda.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Sunday August 25th, 2024 10:22:54 AM
Rhys relaxes just a little as the source of Naithi’s secretive behaviour is revealed and a course of action is decided.
DM Tanner Sunday August 25th, 2024 11:08:24 PM
OOC: Any outstanding fear effects ended with the death of the bogeyman.
When the Patchers last saw Musetta, she had signed on with the Monks of Pantheon for training - how did she end up back at the orphanage? Sister Bonnie smiles. "Oh, she visits quite often. Even stays the night when she feels like it. She happened to be here when the attack happened."
Walid is overwhelmingly grateful for your actions. "You have saved us. You have saved me! If there is anything that you ever need, and it is within our ability to grant it, you shall have it. I will see to the children and ensure everyone is safe and sleeps well."
The hour is late. You return to your quarters and rest. In the morning, you will have the time and energy to start the investigation again. Naithi, however, spends the night with fever dreams, and awakens with sunken eyes and clammy skin.
(Naithi takes a –2 penalty applies on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and all saving throws until further notice.)
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Monday August 26th, 2024 12:01:54 AM
As sleep claims her, Naithi finds herself plunged into a nightmarish landscape, the boundaries between reality and illusion blurring into a surreal haze. The cursed talisman pulses against her chest, its eerie glow casting long shadows across the twisted terrain.
In the dream, Naithi wanders through a labyrinthine forest, the trees gnarled and misshapen, their branches reaching out like grasping claws. The air is thick with an oppressive fog, and the ground beneath her feet is spongy and treacherous, threatening to swallow her whole with each step.
Strange, distorted figures lurk in the shadows, their forms shifting and changing like smoke. They whisper to her in the same alien tongue she heard when she first touched the talisman, their words both enticing and terrifying. Naithi tries to block out their voices, but they persist, growing louder and more insistent with each passing moment.
Naithi wakes up in a come sweat and buries her face in Camalayaas' fur. That was... unpleasant. I hoped my dreams would provide some insight, but it was nothing but nightmare. Naithi takes a couple calming puffs from her magic pipe that never needs tobacco never calming herself. She them casts lesser restoration on herself before feeding Camalayaas, Fizzgig, Jen and the three mice.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Monday August 26th, 2024 10:41:26 AM
Burton doesn't sleep well, twice now he has been stopped by overwhelming fear. He will not let his friends down again. At first light he heads out to the Star Mage Guild to investigate spells that can strengthen his will.
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Monday August 26th, 2024 4:07:43 PM
Lothlo awakens and puts on a strong pot of coffee, and offers Naithi a cup. I take it the obviously cursed necklace made for a long night? Hopefully we will able to remove it with no issues once the spell is prepared. Here, have a cup of coffee, you look like you need it.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Monday August 26th, 2024 4:44:52 PM
Zarsellet wakes slowly, but once awake he gets to work. He notes the recent events in his journal, mentally adding possible musical notations. If events were ever sufficiently slow perhaps he could scribe an epic ballad of the Heroes of the Patch!?! Sadly he smiles as he decides that he will remain unnamed if he ever published it. Being the composer he couldn't be seen as having any part in it, or it would lack credibility....
Later he moves to the kitchen to join the others breaking their fast and getting a stimulating drink. "Do I smell coffee? Thanks to whoever brewed it! Where's the sugar?" Once he has his mug he settles in a chair and sips it with his eyes closed. More of the morning could wait just a bit longer.
"Should we check with the guard to see if the monster was active? I still don't think it was the bogeyman. Of course I could be wrong.... Maybe even I hope that I'm wrong."
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 d20=1 d20=16 Monday August 26th, 2024 7:31:05 PM
Paige sleeps well and awakes refreshed. She talks to her god, Domi, in a familiar way convinced in, and comforted by her faith. This time she prays for a different set of spells - ones that can be used for her ailing friend Naithi and others that would be beneficial for looking after folks injured or trouble by recent events.
When she feels ready, she goes downstairs and joins those of her friends dawdling over their breakfasts. She’ll open up her small infirmary and invite Naithi and Camalayaas (the two seem inseparable) and their friend Lothlo inside. The cleric will leave the door open. What she’s about to do is no secret. Channeling through the holy symbol hanging from a leather thong ‘round her neck, she casts Remove Curse. Paige checks her work, then double checks it (used a hero point to re-roll a 1 and got a 16+6=22). If she was successful, Naithi should be able to removed the talisman from around her neck and discard it.
For good measure, Paige channels another spell Calm Emotions joking: ”this is an antidote for all the caffeine in that brew you’ve been drinking!”. Adopting a more serious tone, the half elf continues: ”On the off chance the curse was not removed, the second spell should suppress any fear effects and remove any confusion, and we can try again…”
Hero point total now 3
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Monday August 26th, 2024 8:23:38 PM
Rhys wakes early and heads to the back courtyard where he works through a sword training routine that has been drilled into him since his earliest days. The exercise helps clear his mind its completion leaves him both mentally and physically at ease.
Inside, he joins the others in breakfast while the cleric does what she can to remove the curse from Naithi.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Monday August 26th, 2024 9:36:34 PM
Like Rhys, Kwarsk also joins the others at the breakfast table, asking if anyone knows whether Paige has aided Naithi in removing the evil talisman. "Hmm... you know, when I first came here, I never thought the city would hold so many mysteries, some of them quite vile." He is then quiet for a time, downing a liberal amount of 'white gold'.
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Monday August 26th, 2024 10:23:33 PM
Muuru comes down for breakfast, starting with large quantities of fruit. So what's the plan today? I haven't prepped my spells yet.
Is Naithi up yet? I wanted to know if my pendant helped at all.
DM Tanner Monday August 26th, 2024 11:49:04 PM
The Patchers eat breakfast while Paige attempts to help Naithi. Despite a valiant effort, she is unable to break the curse with this attempt.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 d20=3 ; d20=5 ; Tuesday August 27th, 2024 1:40:52 AM
Paige will make two further attempts to remove the curse upon Naithi, but then she is tapped out of her highest level spell slots. She informs her patient of her lack of success (Caster level check 3+6=9, and 5+6=11. If 22 didn’t work, these certainly won’t). Exiting the infirmary she looks at the Patchers hanging out in the kitchen waiting for news. Her lips pressed together in a thin line, she shakes her head in the negative.
Taking the stairs two at a time, the cleric enters her room, and slams! the door shut.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Tuesday August 27th, 2024 10:55:24 AM
Rhys nods his head in recognition of the cleric’s failed attempts to remove the curse. ”Must be a powerful curse on that pendant. I can’t imagine how that young lad carried it so long. At least Naithi is strong enough to carry it a bit longer!”. After a few moments of thought the elf adds ”We can always bring Naithi to the Black Cathedral. they could remove the curse. We also need to check in with the guard to see if any other attacks have occurred. maybe this bogeyman isn’t the only evil summoned. It will go wherever I can be of the most use.”
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | d20+12=27 ; d20+12=24 ; Tuesday August 27th, 2024 1:27:17 PM
Burton sits in the library flicking through dusty tomes. He quickly finds a lead and finds the spell called 'Owl's Wisdom' which enhances a person's wisdom. Some notes also point to a mental discipline called 'Iron Will' which fortifies those so trained against metal strife. Making a note of both he decides to hunt them out but for now he returns to the Patch after being gone for a few hours.
Knowledge (arcana) +27 Spellcraft +24
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Tuesday August 27th, 2024 2:57:58 PM
Zarsellet watches as Paige heads to her room and slams the door. He understands the disappointment and wishes that there were some way to help....
"I'll go with you to the guard Rhys. If there wasn't another attack we can at least bring back good news."
OOC: Heading to the guard with Rhys and anyone else that wants to?
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) d20+3=12 ; Tuesday August 27th, 2024 5:04:39 PM
Lothlo emerges with Naithi a few minutes later, surprised at the power of the amulet that Naithi had put around her neck.
This may take a little longer to fix than when you were turned into a dog, but we'll get you fixed up soon enough.
While he sips his coffee, Lothlo tries to remember whether he's heard about this necklace before, and whether the inability to remove it was just due to the strength of the curse, or if the stories point to there being something more to this object that is impeding it's removal.
Knowledge = 12
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Tuesday August 27th, 2024 8:59:25 PM
Naithi reaches up to the half elf and grabs her hand before she can re-cast her spell or storm off. I appreciate your effort, but I think we need to find another way to remove this curse. It's really not a big deal with Camalayaas here.
This isn't the first curse we have encountered while treasure hunting. As long as I'm riding Camalayaas we are fine. She can deal with enemies while I assist her and with my ride skill I can protect her. The same thing happened to us while we were searching for the legendary Dwarven Stone of Gravity Detection.
Besides, I'm a demi-fey from The Culverwood. Our entire village was haunted by fey dread, and Bogeymen. This isn't something I can't handle for the time being.
Naithi thanks Muuru and take him off her dreams, but that she suspects they may have been worse without the pendant. Still, you never know what mysteries dreams hold. There may yet be a clue in them that I haven't unraveled yet
She then agrees with Rhys that the Black Cathedral would be a good stop to either get the curse lifted or learn how to go about breaking it.
I also think we should check out the place the lad found it. The Bogeyman was clearly looking for it. I can't help but think that there is a connection between this necklace, the dog under the orphanage, and the thing that was summoned. As long as this is linked to me, they can't get it. This is a good thing.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Tuesday August 27th, 2024 9:15:33 PM
Kwarsk says, "So, a team to the Guard, a team to the Black Cathedral, including Naithi, and a team to follow up on where the talisman was found.
I'm on the talisman-finding team - Fingers, Burton, care to join me? Could use both good eyes and wizards' intellect for this task I think."
Kwarsk patiently waits to see who's going with him to see where the talisman was found. Once this team is assembled, Kwarsk and 'Krew' will head for the orphanage to meet with Walid, Sister Bonnie, and the lad who found the talisman.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 d4=3 Tuesday August 27th, 2024 9:30:00 PM
As the group talks Naithi realizes that the necklace is the opposite of a luck stone, like a luck curse. Perhaps going on a luck quest today might help change her fortunes...
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Tuesday August 27th, 2024 10:01:45 PM Sure, Kwarsk, I'll join you. Give me an hour to prep my spells He grabs a last orange and stands from the table.
Naithi, you're not allowed to take off my pendant until after you've taken off the bad-luck charm. He heads back to the lab.
DM Tanner Tuesday August 27th, 2024 11:25:06 PM Burton successfully researches a new spell. Zarsellet decides to join Rhys. Lothlo believes that the curse is simply strong, likely due to the proximity of the Scar. Rhys suggests taking Naithi to the Black Cathedral, and checking with the guard regarding any other attacks. Muuru agrees to join Kwarsk. Paige attempts to break the curse, but the talisman proves to be too strong. Two more attempts are likewise unsuccessful, but her party thanks her for her efforts. Kwarsk suggests that Muuru and Burton join him in searching where the talisman was found. Naithi agrees to join Rhys to the Black Cathedral.
Rhys, Zarsellet, and Naithi head toward the Black Cathedral to see if anyone can assist in breaking the curse. An acolyte answers the door, "Praise be Gargul, may his blessings shine upon the faithful. How may I help you?"
Kwarsk, Muuru, and Burton head toward the orphanage. They inquire regarding Inda, who is eager to help make amends for his role in the bogeyman incident, and more than happy to lead them toward the spot where he found the talisman. It is a section of town abandoned due to the shifting borders of the Scar, an empty street flanked by empty buildings. (OOC: Feel free to make any relevant skill checks)
Lothlo and Paige remain at the headquarters.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 d20=12 ; d20=14 ; d20=4 ; Wednesday August 28th, 2024 1:16:53 AM
Lying down on her bed in her room, Paige stares at the ceiling and thinks. She thinks (Knowledge Arcana = 16) and thinks (Knowledge Planes = 18) and thinks (Knowledge Religion = 10). What does she know about bogeymen and cursed talismans?
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Wednesday August 28th, 2024 2:27:38 PM
Naithi bows her head, unsure how to act in such a place. She waits a moment to see if one of the others will make an introduction. In her homeland the gods were all dead or had abandoned the people. If you please, I am looking for help in breaking a curse and destroying an abomination in the Nightmare Quarter. One of the orphans found a cursed necklace and was hunted by a Bogeyman seeking it. We destroyed the foul mockery of a man and rescued the orphans, but as you can see, I have now become it's next victim.
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Wednesday August 28th, 2024 3:21:39 PM
After having faced the bogeyman and saved the children, Lothlo knows there is a good chance that some official will come to the door today to ask them about the events of last night. He volunteers to stay back and talk to anyone that comes by and to debrief any officials on what had happened.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Wednesday August 28th, 2024 4:32:28 PM
Before heading to the Scar Burton switches out a couple of his spells. Once they get to the area the amulet was found Burton will caste 'Detect Magic' and do a slow sweep of the area to see if there is any sign of other items or magical residue. He will try to not direct the spell at the Scar itself as he likes his brain in his head.
OOC: "Burton successfully researches a new spell." do you mean he learnt the spell or learnt of the spell?
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Wednesday August 28th, 2024 5:35:30 PM
Rhys accompanies Naithi to the Black Cathedral and seeks out Berem and Clarisse. ”This is Naithi. She has joined us at the Patch and has been instrumental in defeating a number of unpleasant creatures over the past several days. She halos helped recover the fragment of a scroll we dropped off the other day. As you may have heard by now, a Bogeyman attacked the orphanage and it seemed to be after the pendant that Naithi now wears. It seems to be cursed is some fashion, and despite Paige’s best efforts we have been unable to break the curse. Could you please have a look and see if you can remove it? When that is done we can chat about these indecipherable scrolls.”
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. d20+6=16 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+7=22 ; d20+14=19 ; Wednesday August 28th, 2024 9:21:15 PM
Kwarsk looks over the area generally, then begins considering the construction and age of the buildings and the street cobblestones. He wracks his head, but knows woefully little of the history of this area of the city, let alone Plateau City and its origins. Thinking about the gruesome Talisman now cursing Naithi, he looks for similar images, sculptures, and patterns - gargoyle statues atop any of the buildings? Then he mentally sections off areas of the street and begins looking for the tracks of unusual humanoids like the Bogeyman. What's that over there? Once he's done with that he stands back and takes another general and long look at the place, given how long Burton plans to be scanning with his spell, and whatever Fingers chooses to investigate.
(OOC - Kn: Engineering = 16 Kn: History = 7 Kn: Religion = 15 Survival (Bogeyman Tracks/anything out of place) = 22 Perception = 19)
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 d20+12=25 ; d20+7=13 ; Wednesday August 28th, 2024 11:29:22 PM
Muuru looks around, considering anything he may have heard about this neighborhood.
0th (4) Read Magic (x99) Ray of Frost (x99) Detect Magic (x99) Message (x99)
1st (2+1) Floating Disk Grease Feather Fall ( 3 Medium/Small creatures (1 Large = 2 Med)
2nd (1+1) Detect Thoughts Levitate
Other Mage Hand 3/day (SLA) Hand of the Apprentice 5/day Brooch: Any unprepared spell in spellbook (1/day) Wand of Mage Armor (45 charges, active now)
DM Tanner Wednesday August 28th, 2024 11:52:10 PM
Paige ponders and ponders, drawing the conclusion that bogeymen and cursed talismans have little to do with each other. However, she remembers that the summoning that called the bogeyman was amplified by its proximity to the Scar, and the talisman was found by the Scar, and it stands to reason that like draws to like.
The acolyte blinks. "Oh, well... um, a curse? Right." The issue seems above her paygrade. "I can ask. Please wait right here, okay? Wait, a bogeyman? At the orphanage? No, we haven't heard anything. Or I haven't. Please wait right here." She disappears inside the temple.
(Burton learned a new spell.)
Inda leads the group to where he found the talisman. Kwarsk investigates. In a nearby ditch on the side of the road he sees what appears to be tar. There is no good reason for liquid tar to be in a street gutter.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Thursday August 29th, 2024 11:58:39 AM
Kwarsk stops by the side of the road for longer than Fingers or Burton expected. He then turns and calls both of them over. "Burton, aim your detecting spell over here, and both of you... why would this liquid tar be here in the gutter? I don't see any construction going on, and even then tar is something best used for waterproofing not building."
Kwarsk patiently awaits their analysis.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Thursday August 29th, 2024 4:48:34 PM
Paige heaves a heavy sigh, and hauls herself up off the bed. After making her way downstairs, she heads for the kitchen. Hopefully Kwarsk left enough ‘white gold’ for her to lighten her cuppa.
Spotting Lothlo she speaks: ”So it’s just us two to hold down the fort, eh? What do you make of this bogeyman business? The skin stitcher, the choker, the blood golden, etc.? Do you figure we should focus our investigations on the Scar now?”
Paige will listen to what Lothlo has to say and volunteer that she is curious what those who accompanied Naithi to the Black Cathedral have learned. She’ll let the fellow know that one of the clerics, Clarisse, is the party’s liaison with the Cathedral, and she - Clarisse - spends a lot of time patrolling the Scar. Hopefully that group learns something meaningful.
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Thursday August 29th, 2024 6:11:36 PM
When she comes downstairs Lothlo sees Paige and offers her a cup of coffee. I'm not an expert at the Scar, but my gut says that's not where we should be looking. I don't doubt it's connected, but our primary lead there was the Bogeyman, and he's no longer lurking in there.
It sounds like there are several groups involved in all the chaos we've been seeing here, and my hunch is that it's Duncan and the Pyramid Industries group that's the key to understanding all this. I wouldn't be surprised that it again leads back to the Scar in the end, but it's a large and cursed area and we don't really know what we are looking for in it. And with the Bogeyman gone and Ms. Kane out of the picture there is a good chance that Duncan is changing adjusting plans he had in response, giving us more opportunities to learn about his activities.
Lothlo takes another sip of his coffee. That said, I'm still new to this area. I could be overthinking the challenges of investigating the Scar. Last night was the closest I've been to it.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Thursday August 29th, 2024 7:10:37 PM
Burton scans the area, but nothing seems to appear out of the ordinary. He looks at the tar Kwarsk has found but can't explain it.
He feels like the Patchers are being distracted everything points towards Duncan but the one person they are not focusing on is Duncan. He turns to the the other Patchers "I see nothing here to detain us and think we should head back to the Patch to regroup and discus our next move. "
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Thursday August 29th, 2024 7:35:15 PM
Zarsellet waits with the others for a more experienced cleric for the curse. "It seems to be a pretty strong curse. Paige tried, several times...."
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Thursday August 29th, 2024 9:29:23 PM
Naithi agrees. Thank you. I have never come across a curse like this one, and I'm afraid this is somehow tied to the murders occurring around the city.
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 d20+12=27 ; d20+11=20 ; d20+10=15 ; Thursday August 29th, 2024 10:51:55 PM
Fingers bends down to look at the tar -- if that's what it is.
From his belt pouch he pulls a small vial, empty but for a short rod. (He typically uses it in dungeons when he comes across substances that may have alchemical use.)
He uses the rod to scoop some material into the vial, regarding it carefully (Perception: 27, Knowledge (Arcana): 20, Craft (Alchemy): 15) before closing it tightly
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Thursday August 29th, 2024 10:55:16 PM
While Rhys waits for either Berem or Clarisse to show up, he fills in the others about how they had previously recovered a scroll that was supposed to be useful in removing the curse that lies upon the scar but that it had proved unintelligible. They did not know until now that it had only been a piece, one of three it would appear, of the entire scroll. The third piece is now reportedly in the hands of Duncan, a dwarf that is known to Clarisse when they were both in the same adventuring group before falling out.
DM Tanner Thursday August 29th, 2024 11:55:54 PM
The door of the Black Cathedral opens again, and you see Berem step outside. "Greetings! I was told you have urgent business? We were just eating breakfast."
Burton casts detect magic. The tar-like substance radiates magic. Muuru successfully wrangles some into a vial.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Friday August 30th, 2024 2:25:50 PM
Zarsellet smiles when Berem comes out. "Well, we're sorry to interrupt your breakfast. We've run into a bit of a problem. I wouldn't say life threatening emergency, but.... One of the orphans found this amulet. Later the orphanage was attacked by a bogeyman that stole it from them and terrorized them. We got called and rushed there, and got rid of the bogeyman. But then Naithi put the amulet on, and it seems to be cursed. And.... Paige has tried several times but can't remove it. Either it's more than a simple curse, or it's very powerful."
"Oh, and we're not certain but this may be tied into the murders that have been happening around the city."
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | d20+12=20 ; d20+12=15 ; Friday August 30th, 2024 4:48:18 PM
Burton will keep his Detect Magic spell focused on the 'tar' to see what else he can learn.
Knowledge (arcana) +20 Spellcraft +15
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Friday August 30th, 2024 7:14:38 PM
For the first time since she’s come down from her room, Paige smiles. ”I like where you’re going with this, Lothlo - and I think your ‘gut’ is right. I bet the dwarf is looking to assemble the bits of the scroll, but so far we have the upper hand since we’ve got two pieces locked away safely with the folks at the Black Cathedral. I wonder if he’s got the missing fragment?! Let’s go over what we know about Duncan, and when the others come back, we can figure out how best to go about gathering information on the fellow.”
(OOC: I’ll try to do a game lore review over the weekend - Carla)
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Friday August 30th, 2024 10:00:13 PM
Kwarsk says, "I knew you big brains would know what to do with that stuff! I didn't spot anything else of interest around here, so unless you two know of something, let's head back to the Patch and let you two figure out what this stuff really is!"
Kwarsk stands at attention, waiting to see whether they've found other clues or whether it's team to lead the group back to the Patch.
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Friday August 30th, 2024 11:21:13 PM Yes, let's head back. I think there are some tests I can run on this. Thanks, Inda
He peers at the pool of tar in the gutter. If it looks like someone could step in it, or some urchins might fiddle with it for urchin reasons, he asks Inda to find an old board or dropcloth or something to cover it with.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | d20+12=32 ; Saturday August 31st, 2024 7:10:29 AM
OOC: While I think about it Burton will do a Craft (alchemy) roll as well to try and support any magical finding he gets from his detect magic.
Craft (alchemy) 32 (Natural 20) (Possible a +2 if Fingers would like to assist Burton)
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Saturday August 31st, 2024 8:33:49 AM Now that I am thinking about it, that missing fragment is probably a bigger concern than Duncan himself. I'm sure Duncan's organization was threatening enough before all this, but the monsters they have figured out how to summon have been getting steadily stronger. I hate to think what the next abomination they call forth could be capable of.
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Sunday September 1st, 2024 11:38:44 PM
Fingers discusses the...stuff we found (+2 assist with Craft Alchemy)
DM Tanner Sunday September 1st, 2024 11:43:46 PM
Inda runs off to search, and returns with several planks to lay on top of the gutter.
Physical examination of the tar shows it is a viscous, dense, greasy, black substance that flows slowly and sticks readily to any surface.
Magical examination of the tar reveals it radiates energy identical to the magic of the Scar. In fact, you are certain it is made of the same essence. It appears to be a concentrated form of the energy, like sugar boiled down into caramel. Whether it formed into the talisman over time, or if the talisman was once mundane and was infected with prolonged contact, you couldn't say.
Berem listens, his eyes growing wider by the second. "Good heavens! You are heroes over and over again! May I see this talisman?" He visually examines the talisman around Naithi's neck. "I'll be honest -- I have no idea what I am looking at. It looks cursed. We can try to break the curse. Come by tomorrow morning and I will cast the spell myself."
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Monday September 2nd, 2024 4:54:16 PM
Zarsellet smiles and nods acceptance. "Thank you Berem. We'll return in the morning. Hopefully this thing will be over then."
OOC: Possibly join the others in their investigation?
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Monday September 2nd, 2024 4:57:27 PM
Once Burton has finished his examination of the tar he will check the others are done before heading back to the Patch.
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Monday September 2nd, 2024 5:03:36 PM
After a few cups of coffee Lothlo feels the exhaustion from their long night starting to fade. He wonders whether the others have found anything interesting and can't wait to hear all about it.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Monday September 2nd, 2024 7:49:35 PM ”Berem. Thanks for this help. But in addition to removing this curse, we need to talk about the scroll from the blue cave and what we believe to be the second part of that scroll that we handed off to one of your acolytes. We have also come to understand that Duncan, the former leader of the Delvers and Clarisse’s former friend, has the third part and clearly wants it all! Are the two parts in your possession secure? Have you told us all we need to know about these scrolls?”. Rhys waits for the man to answer.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Monday September 2nd, 2024 10:18:07 PM
Paige shares what she knows of Duncan with Lothlo explaining the party first heard about the dwarf when Berem from the Black Cathedral sent them off to retrieve a scroll from a cave in the wilds outside Plateau City after Clarisse had a vision that the scroll was required in order to ‘cleanse the Scar’. Whilst gathering information, the party met some folks that used to run with Clarisse, and learned the group’s leader was named Duncan. The party had a falling out, and Duncan lashed out violently at those who didn’t side with him. They revealed that Duncan and Clarisse had been an item before the falling out.
Another time the Patchers were hired by the owner of a gambling establishment called the Crypt. Some people from a business or organization called The Pyramid Group were shaking down the business. They were trying to put the owner out of business so they could buy him out - or possibly have him turn a blind eye to their doing bad things at the place. In the course of busting up the operation, the party discovered a warehouse owned by Pyramid Group and though sufficient evidence was found to link the bad guy they caught - they couldn’t find anything pointing to Duncan - though it was rumoured he is involved.
”Clarisse has warned us that Duncan is bad news, and has referred to him as ‘a hunter’. We’ve also heard him described as a dwarf with a beard shaped like an upside down pyramid, which, frankly, sounds like a goatee!”
Paige will describe how Rhys reported following a guard who was transporting a wheelbarrow full of ammunition to a mansion described as Duncan’s home - and that he was preparing to host some sort of shin dig for a diplomatic group or trade delegation. Rhys thought it odd that the guard was working on behalf of the dwarf. ”During our enquiries, no one suggested Duncan was a city official, so why were guardsmen working for him?”
The cleric will confide to Lothlo that she is frustrated by the distraction of working nights to chase down fierce bad creatures, when the party has bigger fish to fry! She’ll volunteer that she thinks Duncan is behind some of the troubles, although that wacky antiquarian seemed to be willing to summon some pretty bad things in order to keep Duncan away from her piece of the scroll.
There’s also some speculation Duncan might be involved with some obscure cult of Ga’al, though the cleric hasn’t seen any proof as of yet. But then, she’s not yet met the guy either!
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 d20+11=29 ; d20+10=25 ; Monday September 2nd, 2024 10:22:37 PM
So this "tar" is ichor of the Scar itself? A curse in tangible form? Fascinating! I mean, horrible, totally horrible
Being a practical sort, Muuru wonders what could be made of this stuff. Obviously, it could be the base of all sorts of evil potions; but to no good end.
Hey, Burton, about this you think it could it have a... benevolent use? Like as bait in a trap for evil things? If we dilute it and brush it around the pantry, would it kill off the vermin? Could it inoculate someone against greater curses?
Knowledge: Arcana: 29 Craft: Alchemy: 25
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 d20+11=29 ; d20+10=25 ; Monday September 2nd, 2024 10:22:37 PM
So this "tar" is ichor of the Scar itself? A curse in tangible form? Fascinating! I mean, horrible, totally horrible
Being a practical sort, Muuru wonders what could be made of this stuff. Obviously, it could be the base of all sorts of evil potions; but to no good end.
Hey, Burton, about this you think it could it have a... benevolent use? Like as bait in a trap for evil things? If we dilute it and brush it around the pantry, would it kill off the vermin? Could it inoculate someone against greater curses?
Knowledge: Arcana: 29 Craft: Alchemy: 25
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Monday September 2nd, 2024 11:01:12 PM
Naithi thanks Berem. I will be in your care then and will see you in the morning about this curse. Hopefully Gargul will reveal more to us by then.
DM Tanner Monday September 2nd, 2024 11:55:03 PM
Berem holds up his hands at the barrage of questions. "Yes! Yes. They are both safe. We have thus far identified them as being written in a sort of Abyssal and Primordial pidgin, with very idiomatic, almost flowery prose. We need the third fragment to help provide context, because right now everything is very literal when we translate it. 'Don’t feed autumn eggplants to your bride.' See what I mean? If this Duncan has it, then every means should be used to obtain it. Including sneaky means.... But you didn't hear me say that. Anything else? If not, I'll see you in the morning!"
Paige provides a very thorough summary of the recent developments, and keen insight into where the party should head next.
Muuru has numerous ideas! It could likely be used as a bait to draw in any creature associated with the Scar. It could also be used to seriously harm a living creature, should they ingest it or have prolonged physical contact. An unscrupulous spellcaster would likely pay dearly for such a reagent.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Tuesday September 3rd, 2024 11:52:19 AM
Zarsellet thanks Berem again and heads back to the Patch.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Tuesday September 3rd, 2024 2:07:27 PM
Burton shakes his head at Fingers suggestions; "I don't know my friend. If your done we should head back to the Patch and see how the others have got on."
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Tuesday September 3rd, 2024 2:48:10 PM
Paige brews another pot of coffee and checks to see if there are any cookies left in the cookie jar.
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Tuesday September 3rd, 2024 5:21:47 PM Duncan may end up being the big fish we need to fry, but stopping mass murderers and saving an orphanage full of helpless children is a delay we can be proud of having taken. And in the end, if everything ties back to Duncan we have that much more evidence against him to make sure he is never able to hurt people again. Lothlo joins Paige in looking to see if there are any cookies left.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Tuesday September 3rd, 2024 9:05:08 PM
Naithi nods in agreement, when though she doesn't understand a thing about Autumn Eggplants.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 57/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Tuesday September 3rd, 2024 9:36:19 PM
Kwarsk taps his foot a bit. "Fingers, do you want to grab all the tar there, or will that sample do you? I have a hunch we should check in with the rest of the Patchers, trade tales... I'm curious what they've learned from Berem and Clarisse!"
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Tuesday September 3rd, 2024 9:45:42 PM
Rhys nods in acknowledgement of Berem’s words, ”Right then, we will see you again tomorrow!” and returns to the Patch with the others. Once there he fills everyone in on what he heard from Berem and suggests what should probably happen next.
”I think we need to get more information about Duncan and his manor first. What exactly is that flag he flies above the manor? It may tell us more about who he is in league with. Perhaps a trip to the library or the cartographers guild might provide some information. A visit to Captain Garrick is in order, partly to fill him in on the recent goings on and also to find out why Duncan needed ammunition brought to his manor, and what kind of ammunition was it? And lastly, a reconnaissance of the manor. How many ways in or out, how many guards, any magic auras, that kind of stuff. I wonder if the city planners have any information about the manor itself, old plans? Sewers?”
OOC: I'd assumed we'd left right after I gave Inda instructions.
DM Tanner Tuesday September 3rd, 2024 11:43:55 PM
The party reconvenes at their headquarters.
One group has informed Berem of their recent activities, and secured a promise from him to attempt to break the curse. Berem confirmed that the third scrap of the scroll would be necessary to translate the other two scraps, and an attempt should be made to secure it.
One group investigated the origins of the talisman, and found that solidified curse-goo is leaking out of the Scar. It either formed into the talisman, or corrupted a mundane talisman. Muuru took a sample, and has plans to discuss possible uses with the party.
Paige outlined the recent developments of the party's investigations, and determined that Duncan has been behind much of the chaos they have been attempting to contain. If everything they suspect is true, the dwarf has blood on his hands, and possesses the third scrap of the Scar Scroll. His business and political connections may make it difficult to move against him directly without additional information.
Rhys suggests investigating Duncan's holdings, researching city records, or visiting Captain Garrick.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Wednesday September 4th, 2024 12:30:18 PM
Seeing that Paige has brewed a pot of coffee Zarsellet quickly pours himself a cup. There are a lot of people in the guild and the pot only holds so much.... He also snags 2 cookies and settles down for the discussion.
"Berem said to return tomorrow and he'll try to help break the curse. I think Paige should come along too. Strange that the curse is so strong."
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Wednesday September 4th, 2024 5:31:37 PM ”Yeah. How about we keep a low profile today, and just ‘hang out’. I wouldn’t want to risk Naithi getting hurt before her appointment with Berem at the Black Cathedral. Could make things worse, if you know what I mean.”
Paige wonders if the group has enough resources to afford a housekeeper/cook. Someone to do the provisioning and stock the larder. A body can’t subsist on coffee and cookies…
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Wednesday September 4th, 2024 5:55:46 PM I agree, breaking the curse should come first. That talisman has already caused a lot of problems for the prior owner, I would hate to see a similar thing happen while we were trying to investigate Duncan... or even walking down the street for that matter
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 62/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. d20+14=32 ; Wednesday September 4th, 2024 9:12:21 PM
Kwarsk says, "Passing time here is fine. Still can't let our guard down."
Kwarsk moves to watch the front door and peek out any side windows in the Patch.
(OOC - Perception = 32 for a sudden ambush battle at the Patch by Duncan's forces, etc. Yes, Kwarsk is maybe a little paranoid... but it's all Duncan's fault!)
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 d20+13=32 ; Wednesday September 4th, 2024 9:28:27 PM
Zarsellet gets up and grabs another cookie. "That sounds great. I never seem to have enough time to practice my music!"
He moves to a comfortable chair and kicks his feet up. Thinking for a moment he whistles a short tune and snaps his fingers as a lute appears in his hands. He strums and listens a moment but the instrument is of course in tune so he immediately starts with a bawdy bar tune designed to make young lads laugh and their lasses blush.... Grinning at the end of that he tosses the lute and snaps his fingers to make it disappear. He starts again, this time summoning a small harp. He settles himself and this time sing a sweet ballad.
OOC: Not bad! 32 for that performance...
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 d20+8=28 ; Wednesday September 4th, 2024 10:16:59 PM
Rhys retreats to the courtyard at the back of the Patch where his small forge lies idle. The elf picks up the rough forged blade of a kukri and spends the next several hours at the grind stone refining the shape of the blade and honing the edge to a lethal sharpness. If time permits he will shape a handle from a block of exotic wood and wrap it in strips of dark leather. The final product is his best yet, well balanced and ornate, the blade streaked with dark way lines that seem to change as the light strikes it at different angles. (Craft Weapon 28, nat 20)
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Wednesday September 4th, 2024 11:24:19 PM So the breaking and entering of Duncan's place won't be until tomorrow at the earliest? Right! I'm going to see what I can learn about the Scar tar. He stands, takes some cookies, and heads towards his lab. Then he stops and turns back.
It's probably safe to work with as long as I treat it like...I dunno, caustic acid or something. But...feel free to check on me. If you like.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Wednesday September 4th, 2024 11:32:25 PM
Naithi guess along with the group, but tells them that they should keep investigating. She doesn't want to risk anyone else dying because they are worried about her. Besides, with the curse she can still partner will with Camalayaas by using her ride skill.
In the mean time and will experiment by placing the cursed item in her lead lined sack and other such methods of evading magic.
DM Tanner d20+8=9 d20+8=13 d20+8=23 d20+8=21 d20+8=12 d20+8=25 Wednesday September 4th, 2024 11:57:37 PM
The party decides to enjoy a bit of rest before tackling the next phase of the ongoing plot of the Scar Scroll.
Zarsellet enjoy cookies and coffee. Paige muses that perhaps the party should subsist on something besides cookies and coffee. Lothlo agrees the party should rest prior to attempting to break the curse with Berem's help. Zarsellet decides to practice his music. Rhys maintains his weapons. Muuru eats some cookies and continue to experiment with the curse-goo, learning that it is largely heat resistant. Naithi experiments with putting the talisman in a lead-lined sack, but finds that it does little to disrupt its magical influence.
The party rests at the end of their day. Except Naithi, who once again has distressing fever dreams.
(Naithi takes a –3 penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and all saving throws until further notice.)
In the morning the party makes their way to the Black Cathedral and calls on Berem to break the curse. He greets them at the door and ushers them into a small foyer. Pushing up his sleeves, he intones a prayer and gets to work.
(He is an 8th level caster and devoted all of his 3rd-level and 4th-level spell slots to this attempt.)
After numerous attempts, Berem is finally able to remove the curse (DC 25). He is sweating from the effort. "Great googly-moogly! That was a nasty piece of work. If this talisman came from the cursed tar you retrieved from the Scar, I would be very careful. The curse seems to start with a mild effect, but it quickly snowballs, and it is incredibly difficult to remove."
Berem offers to take the talisman for safekeeping, but does not force the matter if the party wishes to keep it.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Thursday September 5th, 2024 2:20:59 AM
On their return Burton will join the coffee drinkers while he updates everyone on their finding at the Scar.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | d20+12=20 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=20 ; Thursday September 5th, 2024 2:30:25 AM
OOC: Please ignore my last post or treat it as if Burton had done it on their return from the Scar.
IC: Burton heads back to the library and researches the Scar looking for any information on a 'Tar' like substance.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Thursday September 5th, 2024 5:24:52 PM
Zarsellet looks at the cursed amulet, and Berem, and nods. "It should be put somewhere safe until it can be destroyed. It seemed like somehow Naithi had been convinced that putting it on was a good idea. Who know what else it might have done other than the initial effects of the curse?"
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 d20+9=28 ; Thursday September 5th, 2024 8:30:53 PM
Rhys joins Burton at the Library, pouring through materials on the flags and symbols of the Wold and historic plans of that part of the city where Duncan’s manor is situated. He hopes to learn more about the flag flying above Duncan’s manor as well as any alternate routes into the manor via connecting buildings, sewers and other service tunnels that may exist. (Perception 28)
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Thursday September 5th, 2024 9:02:42 PM
Naithi takes a few minutes to fully contemplate what to do with the necklace. Zazu would have loved this item. Do you have any idea how powerful a tool this would be in the hands of an Arcane Trickster? I didn't suppose Burton, Zarsellet or Fingers has any interest in applying their arts in such a way?
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Thursday September 5th, 2024 10:21:47 PM
Paige shakes her head. ”Give it to the nice cleric, Naithi! Playing around with that thing is not a good idea.”
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 62/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Thursday September 5th, 2024 10:28:27 PM
Kwarsk nods as Paige finishes, "What Paige said.
(turning) Thank you, Berem!"
Kwarsk looks around the rest, "We'd best get to it, then."
After the group returns to the Patch (and/or splits for the Library), Kwarsk says, "I guess Burton and Rhys will be busy for a while...
Fingers, mind if I watch while you experiment on that stuff in your workshop?"
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Thursday September 5th, 2024 10:44:42 PM Before we go, Berem, we told you that I've been working with a sample of the tar back at my lab. So far I haven't felt any effects, but have you got any suggestions Should I keep it in a blessed box or something? Wash my tools in holy water?
DM Tanner Thursday September 5th, 2024 11:07:29 PM Burton Burton heads to the library to investigate the curse-tar. He finds numerous historical anecdotes regarding random, wild magical effects emanating from the Scar, but nothing specifically regarding concentrated curse energy taking physical form. However, there is enough information to form a hypothesis -- namely that the recent summoning have torn holes or vents into the Scar, causing the energies to leak into the prime material plane. This may be the origin of the curse-tar. Zarsellet suggests keeping the talisman somewhere safe. Lothlo Rhys joins Burton at the library and investigates any reference to the Duncan's manor or the flag flying above it. (OOC: Real-talk, I do not know anything about the manor or the flag. I emailed Brian for additional info.) Muuru inquires regarding the curse-tar. Berem is at a loss. "I really have no idea. I have never seen or heard of anything like that, but basic safety precautions are never a bad idea." Paige insists Naithi hand it over to Berem. Kwarsk seconds gives the talisman to Berem. Naithi suggests using the talisman for some shenanigans.
Berem looks at Naithi. "I won't take it from you. If you want to give it to me, we will try to keep it safe. If you want to keep it, it is your property."
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Friday September 6th, 2024 9:08:27 AM I'm just glad we decided to make taking it off a priority, if we had waited a few days who knows if we would have ever been able to get it off.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Friday September 6th, 2024 11:40:00 AM
Zarsellet is shocked at Naithi's suggestion. "Keep it? Use it? No! We don't even know the full extent of what it does. It somehow convinced you to put it on. That means that just touching it gives it some control over you. And it was VERY hard to get it off of you. Paige couldn't. Berem was just able to. What if it has some higher power after you've had it on for a week or so? Maybe you would be possessed by a major demon!?! I say get rid of it, store it where nobody can touch it until the means to destroy it can be determined!"
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Friday September 6th, 2024 6:39:10 PM
Burton returns to the Patch far more troubled then when he left.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Friday September 6th, 2024 9:19:03 PM
Paige waits for Naithi to do the right thing.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 62/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Friday September 6th, 2024 9:34:22 PM
Kwarsk nods at Zarsellet's words, and stares at Naithi, with his trademark half-smile.
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Friday September 6th, 2024 10:14:17 PM I think they are right Naithi, if nothing else we would have a hard time disabling or removing it if it were to be activated again. It is safer in the hands of someone trusted who can keep it safe and has the skills to resolve any issues that pop up from it. I know we haven't been here long, but if the other Patchers trust them to keep it safe, I agree that's the best option.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 62/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Saturday September 7th, 2024 11:15:10 PM
Kwarsk glances back at Berem to see his reaction, and then returns his gaze to Naithi.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Sunday September 8th, 2024 7:32:13 PM
Rhys continues his investigations into Duncan’s Manor as well as looking into the nature of the diplomatic event that Duncan was hosting.
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Sunday September 8th, 2024 11:50:49 PM
Naithi shrugs and hands over the necklace. I will placing it in your care then. Thank you so much for your help. We will do our best to help you with that translation.
DM Tanner Monday September 9th, 2024 1:33:44 AM
Naithi gives the talisman to Berem. The cleric happens to have a small lead-lined chest in his robes, and opens it for Naithi to place the talisman inside without the need for physical contact. "We will begin a thorough examination, and relay any details we may discover."
Burton is disturbed by his findings, and hypothesizes that the recent summonings have weakened the barrier between the energies of the Scar and the prime material plane, resulting in cursed energy leaking into the Wold and forming clumps of curse-tar.
Rhys continues his investigations into Duncan's manor and the flag flying overhead. (OOC: I have not heard from Brian yet.)
The Patchers return to their home to discover a small assembly waiting for them at their front door. It is Walid, accompanied by a gaggle of orphans from the coffee shop. Each of them holds a wrapped bundle. "Hullo, Hullo! We hope we are not interrupting important hero-work. Some of the orphans and I wanted to come and give you a proper thank-you for all that you have done. We have brought food and drink, and even a few games. I should have sent an invitation, but it was rather spur of the moment. May we join you?"
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Monday September 9th, 2024 6:00:27 PM
Lothlo returns home to see the gathering of orphans waiting for them.
I'm glad to see everyone here, and looking so well. I would love to play a few games with you, what games did you bring? Did you bring a deck of cards?
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Monday September 9th, 2024 6:23:45 PM
Burtons mood is slightly lifted by the arrival of Walid and the orphans. He will join in with the activities that follow. Once things quieten down he will discuss his hypothesizes with the other Patchers.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 62/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Monday September 9th, 2024 9:05:45 PM
Kwarsk says, "Of course!"
And as the festivities begin, Kwarsk ever keeps one eye rotating amongst the Patch's doors, watching for Duncan's agents!
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Monday September 9th, 2024 9:31:56 PM
Rhys, tired from his day in the library and the basement of the city administration returns to the Patch with little to show for his time other than a headache. He arrives just as Walid and the orphans show up. The elf retreats upstairs to his room to doff his armor and weapons before coming back downstairs and pours a tankard of ale for himself before joining in the festivities.
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Monday September 9th, 2024 10:30:04 PM
Paige will make sure the door to the infirmary is firmly locked, before joining her friends, the orphans, and Walid. She hopes they’ve brought something more sustaining than the usual donuts!
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Monday September 9th, 2024 11:05:21 PM
Fingers breaks into a smile. Well, aren't you a welcome sight! -- I'm talking to the food of course. The kids giggle. Let me put my...stuff into in a nice lead box and I'll be right back.
DM Tanner Monday September 9th, 2024 11:51:40 PM
Everyone gathers inside and begin rearranging tables and chairs. The food and drink are spread out. You find inn-style yak cracklings and pickled raspberries in a huge tin chalice, swamp porcupine ham slices glazed with fried tuber juice with barley stir fry served on gnarled oak bark, country-fried sow skins, lemons on young fruit sauce with a side of nut skewers, and more than enough horseradish biscuits topped with colby cheese. They also brought an entire barrel of chilled melon juice.
For games, you may choose between:
Crush the Lemon in Your Hand (Strength check) Hand-Slap Game (Dexterity check) Totally Not Star Wars Holo Chess (Intelligence check) Pin the Tail on the Dragon (Wisdom check)
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | d20=17 ; d20+2=20 ; d20+4=23 ; d20+2=3 ; Tuesday September 10th, 2024 4:56:31 AM
Burton will make sure his notes are secure before joining in the activities.
Crush the Lemon in Your Hand (Strength check = 17) Burton is very surprise when he manages to 'crush' the lemon until a stream of lemon juice hits him in the eye and he drops the lemon in shock.
Hand-Slap Game (Dexterity check = 20) Being a mage Burton has good hand eye coordination and is actually quite good at this game.
Totally Not Star Wars Holo Chess (Intelligence check = 23) Burton has played this game before and takes on all comers until he is beaten by one of the younger orphans.
Pin the Tail on the Dragon (Wisdom check = 3) (Natural 1) Burton roars out loud, but not as loud as Fingers when Burton pins the tail on him.
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) d20+4=8 ; Tuesday September 10th, 2024 5:44:40 PM
Gathering around the table, Lothlo enjoys a plate full of local foods he has never had the pleasure of trying before. He joins in on the laughing and jokes as everyone shares a good time and a good meal.
After eating, Lothlo joins the young ones in the hand slap game and has a wonderful time, though he just doesn't have the heart to give it his all and lets the younger ones get the better of him in the game. slap = 8
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 d20+5=17 ; d20+2=7 ; d20+2=5 ; d20+1=19 ; Tuesday September 10th, 2024 8:02:02 PM
Rhys enjoys his ale and a few snacks before participating in the games. He manages a few victories in the hand slap game (Dex 17)before succumbing to one of the orphans. He then makes a big show of trying to squeeze a lemon, only for it to slip from his hands (Str 7). He fares no better at the chess board (Int 5) but does a reasonable job of pinning the tail on the rear half of the dragon (Wis 19).
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 d20+18=20 ; d20+14=32 ; d20+1=19 ; d20=10 ; Tuesday September 10th, 2024 8:56:48 PM
Naithi joins in the festivities, glad to be free of the curse! She still feels drained from the lack of sleep, but her mood is lighter
Crush the Lemon in Your Hand (Strength check = 6) Naithi presses on the skin of a firm lemon releasing a fragrant scent into the air as she bruises the skin.
Hand-Slap Game (Dexterity check = 20) Naithi's battle experience has helped her develop her reflexes.
Totally Not Star Wars Holo Chess (Intelligence check = 10) Naithi enjoys the erratic movements of the mounted character and does well for a while, but is soon beaten by players that know how to utilize all the pieces
Pin the Tail on the Dragon (Wisdom check = 19) Naithi is very familiar with all manner of animals and instinctually places the tail with accuracy
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Tuesday September 10th, 2024 10:01:14 PM
Paige pokes around the odd assortment of comestibles looking for something that will agree with her digestion.
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 d20=6 ; Tuesday September 10th, 2024 11:50:47 PM
Fingers tries some of every food - but in small portions. That's the secret to eating at a buffet, kids -- pacing! Why make yourself full until you know what you like best?
He does try to pin the tail: Wisdom check = 6. Better than Burton, at any rate.
He won't play chess himself, but he assists a youngster who's learning to play. (...but if you move your Griffon there, then your opponent's Kobold can take your Tower...) Her opponent is roughly her age, and is assisted by Burton (at Finger's insistence) .
DM Tanner Tuesday September 10th, 2024 11:52:21 PM
Burton the bookish scribe gains a sudden surge of strength and pulverizes the fruit in an instant, easily winning Crush the Lemon in Your Hand.
Burton and Naithi are at a standstill in the Hand-Slap Game, easily defeating all comers but proving unable to best each other.
Burton, high on adrenaline from his strong showings in the previous two games, utterly dominates Totally Not Star Wars Holo Chess.
Naithi and Rhys likewise tie for Pin the Tail on the Dragon, both mutually acknowledging the other after several rounds ending in a tie.
Muuru, Paige, and Lothlo enjoy the good food and good company. The orphans are positively beaming in admiration of your heroics.
For dessert, Sister Bonnie presents each of the party members with a special treat -- Bonnie's Blessed Buttermilk Biscuit.
(OOC: Consumption of a Bonnie's Blessed Buttermilk Biscuit will bestow a +2 bonus to the next skill check attempted by the character.)
After a time, you hear a polite knock at the door. It is Captain Garrick! He is surprised by the party, but recovers and clears his throat to speak. "I, uh... I don't mean to intrude, but we have a lead on the next 'scrap.' Or that's what Berem tells me. I just spoke with him and he asked me to come and discuss it with you. When you have time, of course. You look a bit occupied!"
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Wednesday September 11th, 2024 5:59:33 PM
Zarsellet hadn't been feeling well and didn't participate in the games. He did watch and if any children did he 'might' have given them a little Bardic boost to their skills, all in fun!
When Captain Garrick shows up he greets him. "Come in. Just a little fun with the kids. But of course, that 'scrap' is important. We can wrap things up.... Or perhaps just move to a more private room."
OOC: Sorry for my absence. I need to bookmark this on my tablet for the next time I don't have my computer available.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Wednesday September 11th, 2024 6:12:07 PM
Burton grabs a plate of snacks and walks over to see what news Captain Garrick brings.
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Wednesday September 11th, 2024 6:42:45 PM
Lothlo realizes that with dessert having been serverd that Sister Bonnie is probably preparing to bring the kids home once they've finished their treats and sees no reason to rush them out the door if they are leaving soon anyway. Come and join us for a glass of melon juice and a game of slaps Captain! We can discuss it after the party is over.
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 62/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Wednesday September 11th, 2024 9:10:02 PM
Kwarsk wordlessly gestures in a welcoming way at Lothlo's invitation to Captain Garrick.
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Wednesday September 11th, 2024 9:46:34 PM
Rhys follows Burton over to Captain Garrick and welcomes him in.
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 d20+2=7 ; Wednesday September 11th, 2024 10:38:02 PM Captain Garrick! Fingers shakes welcomes him in an overly overt manner. Children, you all know the Captain? The leader of the City Guard? They're very important allies of us in the fight against the menaces of our city! He takes a bite of the Bonnie Biscuit.
So remember -- the next time you have any trouble or see something suspicious, you can go the nearest Guard as well as to any of us! And if a Guard ever tells you to do something, no arguments! Isn't that right, Captain!
Bluff check (to deliver the secret message to the Captain: "Hoping some of our hero worship rubs off on your guys") : d20+2 = 7. Unfortunately, Finger delivers the wrong message....
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Wednesday September 11th, 2024 11:36:08 PM
Paige selects one of the matron’s biscuits and stuffs it in her pocket for later.
She follows Captain Garrick and the others to a quieter corner of the place.
DM Tanner Wednesday September 11th, 2024 11:50:11 PM
Captain Garrick smiles at Muuru's joke. "Ha ha, ha, yes. Yes, well, I will pass that along. I suppose what I have to tell you can wait for a few minutes."
All of the assembled guests enjoy some chilled melon juice and chit chat before the adults start to signal to the orphans that it is time to clean up.
Captain Garrick motions for you to join him in an nearby room for some privacy. "Cute kids. Now, after having spoken with Berem, we have determined that it is imperative the next and final piece of the scrap scroll be found. We believe Duncan is keeping it at his base of operations, the headquarters of Pyramid Industries. We originally suspected he would keep it at his manor, but there are too many guests who visit his home for real privacy, and the security at his business can double as security for the scroll scrap. We are in luck -- Pyramid Industries is currently hiring. We would like you to get hired by the company, infiltrate their headquarters as new employees, find the scroll scrap, and retrieve it to safety. What do you think?"
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Thursday September 12th, 2024 8:09:37 AM
Burton rubs his chin before saying: "We would need something to change our appearances as we have been a bit of a pain in the rear of Duncan and Pyramid Industries recently, and Duncan would have to be a bit of a half wit not to know who we are and what we look like, and by all accounts he's not. And some of us don't blend in very well. It also would be useful to know who or what they are trying to hire so we can possible get the 'right' person or persons for the job."
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Thursday September 12th, 2024 11:43:35 AM
Zarsellet agrees with Burton. "I doubt he does the interviews and such himself, but there's no possibility that he wouldn't notice some" He nods at Fingers.... "of us, disguise of not. But I think most of us could be hidden from him."
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Thursday September 12th, 2024 6:06:27 PM
Lothlo sips some melon juice. I'm sure that if us being recognized was going to be an issue that this request would have been delivered to someone else. What kind of jobs are they hiring for? Are we trying to get hired as a group for security or something like that, or in a variety of jobs that will spread us out throughout their headquarters?
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 62/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Thursday September 12th, 2024 9:18:14 PM
Kwarsk also smiles and pockets a biscuit for later.
Then he follows the group, including when they all move into a private room to speak with Captain Garrick.
As Captain Garrick explains, Kwarsk adopts a curious expression, his mouth in his trademark half-smile but his brow furrowed... anger... thinking... concern... why ishis brow furrowed?
Naithi (JamesD) AC: (21/14/18) HP: 55/46, CMD: 19 | Camalayaas AC: 22/14/18, CMD: 18 Thursday September 12th, 2024 9:28:28 PM
Naithi thanks Bonnie for the biscuits and the children for the wonderful games.
I remember The Iron Dragons got their start taking down a band of lumpy goblins, which ended up being a gang of hoodlums using hats of disguise. Could we utilize something like that? Camalayaas is quite identifiable, but if she not close by I can't receive any healing spells.
DM Tanner Thursday September 12th, 2024 10:16:36 PM
Captain Garrick nods. "Pyramid Industries is the largest producer of alchemical products and remedies in the region. Their headquarters is a sprawl of warehouses, processing plants, administrative offices, and employee barracks. They employ several hundred people. There are portions of the facility that Duncan rarely, if ever, visits. He has numerous middle managers to handle that for him. You will seek employment as common laborers and guards, and I doubt the high and mighty Duncan is going to interview a warehouse worker, let alone look one in the eye. We are not concerned with you coming into contact with him. Besides, every employee wears a company-branded jumpsuit, so you don't even need to worry about a disguise. As for your mount... If there were some way to disguise it as a horse, it would be able to blend in without difficulty." He claps his hands. "They are starting interviews in two days. How does the plan sound to you?"
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Thursday September 12th, 2024 10:16:44 PM
Rhys also has concerns about being recognized but keeps them to himself for the moment
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Thursday September 12th, 2024 10:42:30 PM Zar, you think I'd stand out? You've never seen my disguise as an eight-foot gnome with horns. But I'll probably get hired faster as a mighty Minotaur who can lug barrels and stuff.
Zarsellet Fahring (Randy) AC 16, CMD 14, HP 35/43 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Perception +8 Friday September 13th, 2024 8:45:43 AM
Zarsellet chuckles as he imagines Muuru as an eight foot tall gnome.... "Well, they do say the best disguise is to look common.... And since there are uniforms, clothing won't matter much." He hums for a moment, then nods and waves his hands over his head changing his bright blue hair to a dirty blond.
"That should do for me!" Looking in a mirror he grimaces, then changes it back. "I guess I can wait 'til we have to...."
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Friday September 13th, 2024 11:45:57 AM ”You want us to infiltrate Pyramid Industries as ‘employees’ and locate Duncan’s ‘headquarters’ amongst a sprawl of warehouses, processing plants, administrative offices, and employee barracks? Once these ‘headquarters’ are discovered, we locate a scrap of parchment and retrieve it without being discovered?”
Paige shakes her head in wonderment at Captain Garrick’s suggestion. Corporate espionage seems a bit of a stretch for this group.
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Friday September 13th, 2024 2:46:58 PM
Burton nods; "Not the worse plan I have ever heard. and it would be nice to have a nose around to see what they are up to. And if we happen to find any evidence of criminal activity I'm guessing you might be interested in it Captain? Secondary to finding the bit of scroll of course."
Kwarsk (Wayne) AC 30/T 18/FF 23, HP 62/62, CMD 22/26 vs. Bull Rush & Trip, Ki 3/5. Friday September 13th, 2024 4:05:55 PM
Kwarsk says, "Captain, it does seem a bit iffy - few of us are particularly stealthy, and we'd have to be there without our weapons and armor if things went haywire, which is no trouble for me but our other warriors are... more dependent on having their weapons and armor at all times.
On the other hand, we are a resourceful bunch.
(Turns to Patchers)
What say the rest of you, comrades?"
Lothlo (WillD) -- AC: 20/15/16, HP: 27/51, CMD: 21 (Bless, Inspire Courage) Friday September 13th, 2024 5:21:04 PM
Lothlo considers the proposal. People tend to have a hard time recognizing me without my red hoot, so I'm not too worried about blending in. Are we expecting to get access to the correct building as a low level laborer, or are we just looking for information at this time? In any case, this will get us closer than we could get without the jobs, so I think it's a good idea.
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Friday September 13th, 2024 11:55:38 PM Paige, if we have any say, we should each try to get jobs in different locations. And spend the first day just keeping our eyes open.
Now we have about two days to decide how to get our bare minimum equipment in with us. I could hide a wand inside my clothes, for instance, and spell components in my belt pouch. Lockpicks would be tricky...who here is the best at concealing things?
Burton Fleming (Alex) AC:13 T:12 FF:11; HP: 39/39 Fort: 5 Ref: 5 Will: 8 Alchemy, Arcana & Spellcraft +12 | Saturday September 14th, 2024 10:17:48 AM
During the conversation Burton will add; "I can give four of you Mage Armour for roughly 6 hours but it will mean I have non of my lowest circle spells available. Though I don't tend to use them that much anyway, I don't have to give you them straight away I could hold the Mage Armour until we need it or ideally just before. If I can get my wand in that is my main offensive weapon, and I have a couple of higher circle spells that I can use to protect myself."
Paige Potter (Carla) AC 19, HP 45/45 CMD 13 Sunday September 15th, 2024 6:47:00 PM ”Captain Garrick says they’re looking for common labourers and guards. Getting on as security might give us access to the whole place as well as an opportunity to scrutinize the staff. You wouldn’t have to worry about weapons and armour either.
Paige suggests she, Kwarsk, Rhys and Lothlo apply for guard work. The smaller folk and Muuru might consider trying for work in the alchemical labs, or possibly as office workers - so they can get access to paperwork.
”I wonder if Duncan’s interest in the completed scroll is to some get access to whatever is creating the scar-tar for some nefarious purpose?”
Rhys (Bob W) AC 22/26 vs AoO; CMD 23/25 vs Disarm or Sunder; HP 44/44 Sunday September 15th, 2024 9:58:49 PM ”Right, a guard job it is then. I’ll get myself dirtied up a bit…maybe a bad haircut and a generally sour attitude.” The elf hopes it will be enough.
DM Tanner Sunday September 15th, 2024 10:22:32 PM "Excellent! I am glad to hear you are willing to cooperate. I do not know exactly what positions are available at Pyramid Industries, but the posters they have recently put up say that they are looking for guards and laborers. As to your purpose... You can play it by ear. Maybe you just discover some insider knowledge regarding their facilities and logistics. Maybe you find some sensitive information regarding shady dealings. Maybe you find a restricted area or a vault where something valuable is hidden. You can be flexible according to what you discover. If you find anything criminal, let me know and we can coordinate our efforts. If you need to break in, the city guard showing up and demanding to investigate would make a great distraction and cover." Garrick tips his hat. "Let me know if you need anything. We can certainly requisition some equipment if you require it. Enjoy your party! You should report to the side gate of Pyramid Industries in two days."
The captain leaves, and the orphans are still winding down the party. Unless there is anything else you would like to do, they pack up and leave with one last thank-you.
Muuru "Fingers" Murgirun (Shawn) | AC:13(17), T:12 FF: 11(15) | HP 47/47 | CMB:6 CMD:18 | Fort:4 Ref:6 Will:6 Monday September 16th, 2024 1:11:43 AM Burton, the wand I mentioned happens to be Mage Armor. It's first level so each charge will only last an hour, but if I can smuggle it in I can cast it on any of us. I'd have to refresh it every hour, or wait until we're about to see trouble. Less convenient, true, but saves you some spell slots.