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Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Monday October 14th, 2024 1:06:43 PM

Once Looma has taken her leave Panzer asks Falco if he can prepare Daylight a a spell the next time they are to meet her. Something about her only wanting to meet at night is tugging at the back of the Badgerkin's mind.

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Monday October 14th, 2024 5:24:37 PM

Falco looks at the Petals and back to Looma. "Wait a moment." He looks back to the petals. "Rather then send them into the rain lets have a snack and talk a bit more, get a sense of each other. A person coming up to us cold asking us to undertake a geas is bad form but so is just sending them back into the rain. No need to decide today but a bit of a chat never hurt anyone, especially if they may be partnering in a way."

He looks back and forth between the groups thinking that some discussion may help and is relieved when Ayotnom asks a question. He looks to the guards. "You all look like professionals, done any adventuring? We managed a Beholder with a bit of luck."

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Bears Endurance (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (2/2) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Remove Blindness (1/1) / Water Breathing (2/2)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

DM Mark - "Whaddyareckon?"  d20=17 ;
Monday October 14th, 2024 7:39:44 PM

As Looma and her guards turn to leave, Ayotnom stops her and asks her if she actually pays dues to be a member of the Star Mages Guild, and why the Star Mages Guild is not solving this problem. She waits for a moment before she replies, "My relationship with and standing in the Star Mages Guild is my own business. But yes, I pay my dues to them. As for why I came to you and not to the Star Mages or to this Armalad person you mentioned, are you not the Petals of the Eight Petaled Rose? Are you not the heroes of the Taur Isles? If you are not up to this task, I suppose I will have to seek out others. Frankly, I don't trust mercenary groups and I certainly don't trust all the Star Mages." (Hugh - how would your character in this game know your character in another game?)

Ayotnom senses she is more than she appears at first glance.

Though Falco feels badly about sending her out into the rain, neither she nor her guards seem troubled by this. She replies, "Thank you Falco for your kind offer, but it is clear that the heroes of the Taur Isles need to talk amongst themselves. I will return in the morning if I can, but certainly by tomorrow evening. That should give you all enough time to decide what you will do."

Beech mentions tales his mother told him as a child. He is inclined to work with this person for now.

Tsak voices his concerns, but also suggests working with Looma for now.

Panzer asks Falco to prepare a Daylight spell to throw on her when she returns.

Certainly, if the party is not going to pursue this, kindly let your DMs know right away. We work hard to write these modules in advance, and I'll need to put you in a holding pattern for a few weeks while we write another one.

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Monday October 14th, 2024 8:09:38 PM

Falco shakes his head as they leave and tilts his head at Panzars question. "I do not think I will cast a spell unprovoked and without permission as she asked about her use of a spell. Beside, we are clearly going to peruse this be it with her or without. I am all for being suspicious but I think our social graces are slipping as we gain power and we have not been betrayed over much so far. Lets gather what knowladge we can."

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Tuesday October 15th, 2024 12:02:12 AM

(OOC: Presumably High Level Groups are well known and while Crescent Moons Trading Company is the premier group, the Silver Shields of Lakeview Passage are the second strongest party on the site; failing that they would have met in a dream at Yule in the Giggling Ghost at least a few years in a row now)

Ayotnom says, "I say we work with her but I'm not sure if we give the sword to her should we retrieve it. While from what I can tell she seems to be more than meets the eye, I don't necessarily think she was lying but perhaps we work with her for now and see if she's willing to research how to destroy the sword while we hold onto it later instead of just giving it to her when we are done. If this sword is as dangerous as she says it is can she and her guards truly keep it safer than we can should we retrieve it?"

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Tuesday October 15th, 2024 3:05:24 AM

I'm happy to work with her. And we should proceed under the assumption that we will honor the contract to the letter. However should we learn that all is not as it seems we may need to adjust as we go. Now can we see about some dinner and a bed for the night?

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Tuesday October 15th, 2024 12:38:16 PM

Panzer shrugs and agrees to follow the group's lead. Looking for this blade sounded dangerous and that sounded like fun. The fact that he didn't entirely trust the lady that wanted them to find the sword just made it interesting.

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3)) 
Tuesday October 15th, 2024 2:12:14 PM

As far as Mak was concerned the Star Mages guild was like any other guild and could have people that were less than savory individuals, so he didn't blame the elf maiden.

"You've given us much to contemplate." Mak said as the woman left and he pulled back the minotaur duelist.

"Let us think about this matter. Could we not consult the sages at the palace?" Mak suggested, knowing full well one of their number could be there and back by morning.

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Tuesday October 15th, 2024 3:33:07 PM

Beech, listening, lets the others speak, then adds, "Checking to see if she is known, would be a good thing. The palace already knows we are looking into what's going on out here, but I would refrain from saying what we know, unless under direct questioning. The fewer who know all we know, the less likely it is that it gets spread, even by accident. There's also the plus side that even though it hasn't been verbalized yet, but I seem to feel we are in agreement that it needs proper disposal and not be handed over, unless it's who we determine can get rid of it. Right?"
Beech leaves the question hanging.....

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Tuesday October 15th, 2024 10:52:48 PM

Ayotnom says, "We need to understand how to destroy the sword since presumably it was reportedly destroyed already but then somehow came back. With that being said I'm still not sure our would-be patron is the best person to ultimately entrust the sword to with what we know, while she seems to be telling the truth and is more than she appears to be I'm not sure if she should be the ultimate keeper of the sword."

(OOC: Checking In)

DM Mark - Now can we see about some dinner and a bed for the night? 
Wednesday October 16th, 2024 2:19:47 AM

(Thank you Hugh - that was helpful and seems like a reasonable explanation on why Ayotnom might know that Armalad as a hero in the Wold.)

With Looma and her guards gone, the Petals discuss what to do.

Falco politely declined Panzer's idea to cast Daylight on the woman when she returns. Panzer shrugs.

Ayotnom suggests agreeing to work with Looma, but he's not sure about actually giving her the sword. Tsak replies that if the Petals make an agreement, they will stick to it. But right now he'd like to stick to a meal and some rest.

Mak suggests consulting the local sages to see what they may know. Beech agrees that checking up on Looma could be a good idea. He also thinks that whatever the Petals find should only be handed over to someone that can destroy it. Ayotnom is still reluctant to give her the sword.

As the Petals rummage around for some food, they find that Yuria has made a nice stock of local cheese and cured sausages. There are also a basket of apples and various veggies. Fortunately, she also used the funds the party gave her to bring in a cask of ale.

Though a cold meal, it's quite satisfying. And the rest does everyone good.
Upon rising, you find Yuria has arrived and is preparing some breakfast of eggs, fresh bread and sausages.

There is a knock at the door, and a rather damp looking Looma and her guards are standing at the door. Her regal beauty is both somewhat diminished and enhanced by her sodden clothing.

Assuming the Petals let her in, she and the four guards tromp in. The guards seem to stay by the door, somewhat embarrassed to be dripping water on the heroes' floor. Yuria scurries over with a few towels. As the guards wipe their faces, Looma waves the liontaur off and uses what you think is Prestidigitation to dry herself.

"Have the heroes of the Taur Isles come to a decision? Can we work together on finding the sword?"

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Wednesday October 16th, 2024 4:34:56 AM

As they enjoy their dinner Tsak gauges the feeling in the room. It seems they are in agreement to work on behalf of the elf whilst trying to ascertain what is the best outcome regarding the sword shard.

Somewhat against his better judgement, Tsak gives Mak the nod to step forward and speak on his behalf in the absence of Kiwina. Although he's sure the fighter has plenty of experience in dealing with nobility (Looma is obviously no farmhand) and negotiations in general, well, it's Mak.

When Looma and her guards arrive he waits patiently, as usual, to see what transpires.

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3))  d20+22=41 ;
Wednesday October 16th, 2024 8:57:55 AM

"Lady Looma." Mak started. "The Eight Petaled Rose is inclined to lend assistance in this matter, however we have resources at our disposal that we'd like to use. As such we will need a short amount of time before we depart on any quests. My companions may have other things to add, but rest assured we are intent on addressing any threat to the isles or the Wold in general."

It seemed that his exposure to Rolth had refined his approach somewhat as Mak was quite the diplomat in this attempt to accept the ladies proposal and he still wasn't convinced they needed to turn anything over to her.

Diplomacy +22, Roll 41

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Wednesday October 16th, 2024 9:58:00 AM

During his morniung prayers Falco does prepare the daylight spell and lets Panzar know it is available but he will not cast it without it being discussed which would be up to Panzar.

Falco nods along with Mak and does not chime in as he seems quite persuasive. Once Mak is done he looks at the guards. "Have you folks had breakfast?"

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Bears Endurance (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (2/2) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Daylight (1/1) / Water Breathing (2/2)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Wednesday October 16th, 2024 1:03:06 PM

Beech lets the others do the talking, he seems to be constantly shifting his new robe, trying to get used to it. He knows, he's as protected as he was before, but it'll take some time for him to get used to not having the armor's weight....

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Wednesday October 16th, 2024 5:44:58 PM

Ayotnom says, "You say the sword was destroyed once but somehow came back. How is that possible? If some sort of regeneration is a property of this artifact might we be better off keeping it locked away somewhere secure upon discovery rather than attempting another destruction attempt since destroying it might force it to reappear somewhere else unguarded?"

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Wednesday October 16th, 2024 6:45:08 PM

" I'm in. Sounds like an adventure."

DM Mark - "Sounds like an adventure." 
Wednesday October 16th, 2024 10:16:09 PM

Tsak and Beech remain quiet, though Beech is a little fidgety. Tsak nods for Mak to speak for the group.

Mak says, ""Lady Looma, the Eight Petaled Rose is inclined to lend assistance in this matter, however we have resources at our disposal that we'd like to use. As such we will need a short amount of time before we depart on any quests. My companions may have other things to add, but rest assured we are intent on addressing any threat to the isles or the Wold in general."

As Mak speaks she draws herself up and nods to the noble Mak. Still, when he requests additional time she frowns. "And how much additional time do you need? What are these resources you need to draw upon? You see, if the powers seeking this thing get to it first, none of this really matters."

Ayotnom asks how it is possible that a destroyed artifact could come back, suggesting the Petals might be better locking it away than destroying it again if it only comes back.

She pauses for a moment before she replies, "And how would you keep it safe, Ayotnom Ogini?" She gestures around at the old manor house. "Would you keep it here? Do you think Bridge Island is safe? Would you give up your adventuring careers to serve as permanent caretakers of this thing? Or would one of you like to carry such an artifact, one that a religious cult thinks has the power to change the Lord of Death? Yes, imprisoning it may be best. Which is why I'm asking you to bring this thing to me. I need to see what it is first."

Ever the host, Falco asks the guards if they have had breakfast. One of the guards tries to subtly wave the kind cleric off as the discussion continues.

Then Panzer pipes up. "I'm in. Sounds like an adventure."

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Thursday October 17th, 2024 2:48:12 AM

Tsak stays quietly watching from his position near the window. He wonders how much time Mak thinks they need. No more than 48 hours surely? For himself he could probably walk out the door right now.

The lady's answers to Ayotnom's query make sense. It seems to Tsak that the gist of the Petals message is that they'd prefer to be partners and see the adventure all the way thru, rather than just paid retainers whose sole job is to locate the object and bring it to the elf.

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Thursday October 17th, 2024 4:28:54 AM

Ayotnom says, "If it really can't be destroyed I do not know where the best place to contain the artifact could be but we are new in our arrangement concerning this mansion on Bridge Island and our base of operations. I do know however that other adventuring groups in the past like the retired Iron Dragons of Hook City have a magic vault where they keep dangerous items. Perhaps such a containment vault could be built on our mansion or perhaps we could build a portable vault we could move between the Rose and the Mansion depending on where we are? Regardless if you end up serving as the artifact's ultimate keeper, we do, or we find some means to destroy it, we really want to make sure that once we retrieve this sword it is safe whether that involves locking it away or destroying it we don't want to find it from where it was lost only to have it end up in the wrong hands. I believe we are on the same side and want the same things but we want to make sure the job is done if you catch my meaning."

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3))  d20+5=25 ;
Thursday October 17th, 2024 10:17:28 AM

Mak wasn't about to commit the Petals to a strict timeline without them having a chance to consult with others should they choose to do so. In fact he seemed to remember that artifacts sometimes had specific conditions that would unmake them.

"Before Rolth left, he told me a tale of a man that was able to destroy an artifact simply by allowing a humble ant to step upon it. Might there perhaps be a similar method of destroying this one?"

Then to Tsak, "Tell Ramsey to collect the crew. We sail tomorrow."

KS: Religion +5, Roll 25

So, I thought the plan was to use the ships quartermaster to lead the renovation project on the mansion. I didn't however think that was Ramsey. I thought he was the defacto captain and just deferred to Kiwina when the centaur was on board. If Ramsey is the quartermaster we'll need to find someone to replace him temporarily aboard the Rose, unless we pull him from his duties on Bridge Isle.

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet  d20+8=25 ; d20+16=35 ;
Thursday October 17th, 2024 12:01:26 PM

Falco shrugs notching that the guards don't want to get multiple story lines going and considers how to destroy an artifact. {Know Arcana: 25 / Know Religion: 35} He wonders about simply putting it into a bag of holding and tossing that into a portable hole but guess it could still be recovered somehow. Once Looma provides the information she can and leaves he simply comments to the others.

"If it is religious in nature I might be able to work out how to destroy it once we get it and if we decide that is best, unless we turn it over."

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Bears Endurance (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (2/2) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Daylight (1/1) / Water Breathing (2/2)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Thursday October 17th, 2024 12:19:37 PM

" Why is it so important to know how to destroy it? It seems that securing it is paramount now, since there is competition. Let's get that done then figure the rest out."

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3)) 
Thursday October 17th, 2024 3:17:56 PM

Once Looma was gone Mak considered Panzer's comment, then replied. "Because if we can destroy it as soon as we lay hands on it, we won't have to worry about entities pursuing us once we have it...and if it's gone we don't have to worry about political pressure being brought to bear against us to hand it over to someone we'd rather not possess it."

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Thursday October 17th, 2024 4:16:51 PM

Beech pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and fore finger....
To the Petals, "It's a God's weapon, we could destroy it completely and even then, if it decides there is a need, it'll just reform and appear someplace at random."
Then directing his next comment to Lady Looma, "And there's the next rub as well, even giving the sword to someone or someones to watch over and guard, again the Sword is a God's weapon, it decides to go on a walk-about, it'll be gone before you could stop it. then to everyone,
So, in stead of arguing over who get's it when we find it, first lets just find it and we can take that next step once we do.
Of course, it is Lord Gargul's Sword, or at least legend says it is, he just might show up and say, "Hey, that's mine, I want it back now that it's been found". I know Panzer might say, no, but how many others would?"

DM Mark - "We sail tomorrow." 
Thursday October 17th, 2024 7:27:28 PM

Tsak stays quiet, watching from his position near the window and pondering what he hears.

Ayotnom suggests building a magical vault beneath the mansion. Or maybe a portable vault that could be carried around by the Petals. Looma asks, "How would you … what vault?"

Then Mak says he remembers a tale of destroying an artifact by having an ant step on it. He asks, "Might there perhaps be a similar method of destroying this one?"

Falco ponders how to destroy an artifact. There are legends of such, but in all the tales he's heard the method is always different and Falco is pretty sure most are just tales. He says, "If it is religious in nature I might be able to work out how to destroy it once we get it and if we decide that is best, unless we turn it over."

Beech adds that even if the Petals destroy it, if it decides it's needed it may reform itself. He tells Looma that even if they give it to her, the weapon may decide to just leave on its own.

Panzer wonders why it's so important to figure out how to destroy something you don't even have yet, particularly since there may be others seeking it as well. Beech seems to agree, suggesting the Petals first find it before trying to figure out what to do with it.

The woman listens to all these proposals and looks a bit confused. With worry and frustration in her voice, she says, "You suggest everything from portable magical vaults that you do not have, to simple destruction by as small as an ant, to this thing leaving on its own. All for something we don't even have. There are many tales in the Wold, but ... Look, I'm not asking you to solve this. All I am asking is that you find the thing and bring it to me."

Mak says to Tsak, "Tell Ramsey to collect the crew. We sail tomorrow."

This seems to satisfy Looma.

She pulls out a fine scroll case and walks over to a table. She gingerly pulls out what is clearly an old piece of parchment and lays it out. "This appears to be a map of Liontaur Isle. Up here is where research suggests the acid pits are where the sword was destroyed, and where I believe it has reformed." Looking at the map, you can see that the outline does look like Liontaur Isle, though there are no towns or villages identified on the map. There is an area labeled "Acid Pits" in faded common on the map. In addition, there are old notes of sea coves and landmarks like rocky outcroppings which should help in finding this location. There are newer inscriptions on the map as well, including lines drawn that intersect at these "Acid Pits", as well as a large circle around that area.

"This is where you will find this thing. At least that is what I hope. I will find a way to meet you back here once you have it in your possession, along with your reward."

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Friday October 18th, 2024 6:32:42 AM

Roger, roger Tsak straightens up and gives Mak a smart salute. When the discussion with Looma concludes he heads off to find Ramsey.

(OOC Ramsey is the NPC who is in charge of the Rose when the Petals aren't around. He's the helmsman and quartermaster and chief cook and bottle washer. He should be able to delegate the oversight of the updates to the mansion to another of the crew. Ramsey was one of half a dozen brambletaurs that joined with the Petals when we freed them from control of an evil witch. I think at least a couple of those others remain so they will have been with us just as long as Ramsey.)

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Friday October 18th, 2024 9:08:55 AM

"Anyone know anything about these acid pits?" {ooc} Would residents of the Taur Isle know any general knowledge? {ooc) "Should we make a catacombs stop for items that resist acid?"

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Bears Endurance (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (2/2) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Daylight (1/1) / Water Breathing (2/2)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Friday October 18th, 2024 11:41:39 AM

Ayotnom says, "Maybe buy an ant farm too, considering that worked in the past?"

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3)) 
Friday October 18th, 2024 12:05:26 PM

"You aren't coming with us?" Mak asked Looma. "I thought you said it's important."

DM Mark - "Roger Roger" 
Saturday October 19th, 2024 12:51:08 AM

Falco asks if anyone knows about the acid pits Looma mentioned. Looma replies, "All I know is that heroes of the Wold are said to have destroyed the sword ages ago in acid pits, or at least some sort of acid. Divinations and much research have narrrowed things down to the map you now have."

Ayotnom suggest buying an ant farm. One of the guards mutters, "Not a good idea to talk about buying the farm before heading into the unknown." Another guard chuckles quietly before Looma silences them both with a glance.

Mak says to Looma, "You aren't coming with us? I thought you said it's important."

She give him a half smile as she touches his face. "It's crucially important, my dear. That's why I'm sending you. I'll look for you upon your return." Mak's knees get a little weak. She's really pretty.

With that, she signals to the guards and they all head out into the rainy morning.

Tsak heads out to tell Ramsey to gather the crew since they sail tomorrow.

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Saturday October 19th, 2024 5:52:08 PM

"We can always make a stop at the Clans meeting area. It's not far from where the youth were tests back when mom was coming of age.
But if we do, I'll be standing back, I don't want it to look like I'm asking for a favor. And other than in passing, you'll probably meet Aztyr, unless she's off doing something else important, or at least what she or Alemi thinks is important.
The tribal clans all meet up two times a year and decisions are made by the elders so conflicts are kept to a minimum. Mom keeps a permanent yurt set up there, and spends her time there, at home at Blackbird Lake or running errands to various temples of Alemi.
But there is always twenty people or so there, keeping the area safe, kept up, and who can get messages to those who need, or at least it was four years ago, the last spring meet I attended, been busy since then...."

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Saturday October 19th, 2024 8:32:21 PM

Tsak helps Ramsey put out the call for the sailors to return to the Rose. Then he joins him on board to have a look at their maps and point out where they are going, as he remembers it from what he was shown by the elf lady. I think for you guys it will be the usual deal. Drop us off then anchor a safe distance off shore and wait for our signal to pick us up. No real idea what we're walking into or how long it will take. Best that you have at least a weeks provisions, just in case.

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Monday October 21st, 2024 3:12:29 AM

"So are we taking some ants with us to see if having one of them step on the sword does something?" he asks

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Monday October 21st, 2024 9:58:11 AM

"I am going to pick up something from the Catacombs and I will be ready to go. Something so my feathers don't melt off I think."

Falco will quickly slip out to hit the catacombs before the they are ready to sail.

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Bears Endurance (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (2/2) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Daylight (1/1) / Water Breathing (2/2)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Monday October 21st, 2024 9:33:55 PM

Beech boards the ship and is ready to go....

DM Mark - Ready to go? 
Monday October 21st, 2024 9:38:23 PM

The Petals suggest some next steps as they prepare to go.

Beech suggest contacting the Clans on Liontaur Isles when they get there. Tsak makes sure Ramsey has the ship well in hand. Ayotnom thinks some ants may prove helpful, and Falco makes a run to the Catacombs.

You had wanted an extra day before leaving. Anything more to attend to?

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Monday October 21st, 2024 11:27:46 PM

" Can't clerics protect folks from things like Acid?"
"Beech, can you?"
"Either way I'm not planning to swim in the Acid,Let's go."

Panzer boards the ship and is ready to go.

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 12:07:18 AM

(OOC: I realize I've had spells to copy from the captured spell book on my character sheet for a while. We've had plenty of downtime and I finally got some gold so can I go ahead and just add them?)

Assuming Ayotnom could copy the captured spells he says, "I'm not a cleric but I can prepare energy resistance and protection from energy. Those 2 spells combined will confer acid resistance 10 and anything over 10 damage can be absorbed up to 66 points of damage. It might not be much but it might allow us a little leeway.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 5:40:55 AM

As the inevitable delays put off their departure Tsak makes sure that the ship is provisioned, the crew are all aboard and aware of whats going on, and everything is, well, ship-shape. He and Ramsay also ensure that work will continue on the mansion whilst the Petals are gone. They leave behind a trusted crew member who understands what needs to be done and who his contacts are in the village.
(OOC should we each kick in some gold to leave with this guy to pay for stuff?)
He also gets the walking chest back aboard from the mansion and squared away in his room.

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3)) 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 8:22:52 AM

"I don't like it." Mak said to the others. "Yeah, yeah, she's pretty. But I feel like I'm being manipulated...kind of like those damn plants back home. As son as we get our hands on this thing, we should teleport it someplace safe, like the Purple Dukes palace or the Steadfast on Liontaur isle. Make it political and have her have to work to get it...I'm mean if we can't destroy it."

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 9:32:35 AM

Once he hits the Catacombs Falco waits on the ship for the others to be ready and considers his spell list. He bought a couple of potions and will prepare some resist energy spells but, given the size of the party, he cannot protect everyone.

{ooc: I don't think Resist Energy, Communal is Wold compliant as it is from Ultimate Combat, can anyone point to anything allowing it?}

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (1/1) / Water Breathing (2/2)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 11:10:48 AM

In reply to Panzer, "Of course I can protect against the elements, and Acid counts as an element. It's linked to the Earth, like Electricity is linked to the Air. My spell will endure a couple hours and provide probably three times what Ayotnom mentioned."

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 9:12:12 PM

(OOC: checking in)

Assuming things are set on gold Ayotnom finishes copying the spells from the captured spell book

DM Mark - Hoist Up The Thing!  d20=16 ;
Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 9:15:17 PM

The Petals take care of last minute tasks.

Seeing "Acid Pits" on the map from Looma, Panzer asks if Falco or Beech can provides some protection against acid. Falco says he can, but he cannot protect everyone. Beech also offers up some protection spells. Ayotnom says he has spells that will help, thanks to a found spellbook. (Ayotnom had time to learn and write any spells from the captured spellbook into his own spellbook. Assume 3 weeks of available downtime for this?)

Tsak walks the strange chest down to the ship. About halfway there, the chest inexplicably just folds up it's legs and sits down. It take a couple minutes of tugging before Tsak gets it moving again.

Aboard the ship, Tsak works with Ramsey to make sure that the ship is ready to go. He asks about someone to oversee repairs to their house. He is pleased to learn that the large house they are in is pretty much repaired. Or at least as repaired as it's going to be. It is an old stone house with all the challenges that come with an old stone house, but it's certainly water tight now, and pretty comfortable.

The Petals have engaged Calaphon (centaur) and Yuria (liontaur) as grounds keeper and house keeper/cook, whichs is actually working out rather well. They live nearby in town and assure the Petals that they will watch over the place while they are away.

Mak still does not trust Looma, and he makes his thoughts on this known. He suggests some courses of action involving the rulers of Minotaur Isle or Liontaur Isle . Mak is not proposing they actually take control of the item, since neither the Purple Duke nor the Liontaur Council of Clans has the strength or ability to deal with such an artifact. But as he thinks about it, it occurs to Mak that involving either entity could put them in some danger, as anyone powerful enough to be seeking such an artifact may post a significant threat to either.

The following morning, the sun is shining as they walk down to board The Rose. Ramsey calls the crew to order. He turns to the Petals. "Beggin yer pardon, but with Cap'n Kiwina not here, who's the Captain now?"

(The answer is not Ramsey. Perhaps this song might help as you ponder this.)

Within a day, The Rose pulls into the harbor at Chessford on Liontaur Isles.

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 9:38:56 PM

Panzer looks around upon landing and asks Beech where they can secure transport to the Acid Pits. Beech knows the island and should know how to get where they are going.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2024 4:40:52 AM

Tsak is equal parts bemused and frustrated with the strange actions of the chest. It strikes him that he has no idea how it works and what its limitations might be. He forces himself to remain calm and talks gently to it until it seems ready to finish the journey.

At Ramsey's query Tsak turns and gives an encouraging smile to Falco who he believes is the most experienced sailor on the boat.

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2024 10:34:42 AM

Falco sees Task's look and shrugs. "Well I have learned quite a bit about sailing so I could probably fill the roll well enough. If there is a threat we tend to deal with it ourselves so I wouldn't need to command a sea battle." He looks about. "Unless anyone else wants to do it I will take the helm, I have keen senses and know enough at this point."

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (1/1) / Water Breathing (2/2)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3)) 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2024 4:25:09 PM

Mak listened and spoke up. "I've been studying and know the waters around here almost as good as Kiwina. If you think you can handle it Falco, I'll support you, just keep in mind I can be as effective as anyone from any point aboard the ship. I don't need to move about."

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character  d20+12=15 ;
Wednesday October 23rd, 2024 9:50:38 PM

"And I'll try not to blow up the ship with magic....." Beech says with a completely straight face... Or at least tries too....(Bluff roll 15) "But party favors sometimes have a mind of their own and just explode..."

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2024 11:09:43 PM

It took a little less than a week for Ayotnom to copy the spells from the captured spellbook into his own but partway through he realizes he doesn't have enough pages so he pays to have the book rebound with 100 more pages added.

Ayotnom says, "I'll also try to not blow up the ship with magic now that I know fireball and lightning bolt. My arcane power is more limited than some of you other folks as I've spent most of my time pursuing martial abilities."

(OOC: I took 15 gold for this since a single spellbook costs 15 gold and that is 100 pages; let me know if having the spellbook rebound with more pages cost more than 15 gold)

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2024 11:19:02 PM

Panzer just watches. He is a miner, not a sailor and has no skin in this game.

DM Mark - "I'll try not to blow up the ship with magic." 
Thursday October 24th, 2024 1:44:50 AM

There is some discussion aboard the ship on who would serve in the role of Captain of The Rose. Tsak has confidence in Falco, and Falco volunteers. Mak will support that, but points out he would also be able in that role.

Beech chimes in that he will try to not blow up the ship. Ayotnom addes he too will try not to destroy the ship, since he now has the spells to do so, which comforts no one.

Ramsey makes a forced chuckle, desperately hoping Beech and Ahyotnom are joking. "Ah, ha ha. You Petals and your jokes…"

Tsak is a bit worried about his ambulatory chest and begins to wonder about how reliable it might be.

Panzer asks Beech about transport to the location on the map that says, "Acid Pits."

The Rose is in the harbor at Chessford. As the Petals come ashore, they attract a good deal of attention. They're celebrities here, though the tales may have grown a bit.

"The Petals! The Petals have returned!"
"How long will you stay?"
"They were offered a clan, maybe they've come to claim it."
"The Petals seem to come here to stop problems! Our doom is upon us!"
"That's it - I'm outta here."
"Nonsense, if there's a problem, they'll handle it."
"They defeated a gargantuan demon that had destroyed an entire clan."
"They even vanquished a giant dragon from the isle, and then roasted and ate it!"
"What's dragon taste like?"

What now?

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Thursday October 24th, 2024 5:54:25 AM

As interesting as Chessford is, Tsak doesn't like having so many eyes on them when there is important work afoot. He largely ignores those folk hanging around the harbor and hopes when they set off out of town they'll leave most of this behind. He assumes its a few days walk and grabs some food stuffs from the market to see him thru a couple of days.

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Thursday October 24th, 2024 9:14:28 AM

Falco works with the crew to make sure the boat is secured at the docks before he joins the others on off of the boat. He hears the conversations and chuckles to himself looking at those who are worried. "No threat to you good folks at the moment we are just investigating a rumor and possibly acquiring ground transport."

{ooc: How far is the trip to the acid pit area?}

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (1/1) / Water Breathing (2/2)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3))  d20+19=25 ;
Thursday October 24th, 2024 10:42:12 AM

Mak reminded Falco that ground transport on Liontaur island consisted of ones own two feet. Of course he did this as he mounted his horse and offered a hand to pull the small owl man up with him.

To the bystanders, Mak smiled and waved back. "Dragons taste like chicken." he joked, then added "Dragons are noble beasts, but just like anything else can fall prey to dark thoughts and ideals. We were saddened that it had to be done, but it was a threat to the isles and all it's inhabitants. We'd do the same with any threat to the isles, so be vigilant and look out for your fellow taurs."

It was weak, but Mak felt like he/they needed to keep the locals spirits up and being seen as harbingers of doom wasn't in his plan.

Diplomacy +19, Roll 25

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Thursday October 24th, 2024 7:18:11 PM

Panzer follows along, glad that Mak has diffused the 'bringers of doom' idea running through the crowd.

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Thursday October 24th, 2024 7:56:52 PM

Beech does his best to not be noticed, He's happy being part of a group, but his mom is the famous one in the family. He does grab a half bag of rice, some fairly stable vegetables. (like winter squash, potatoes, onions, and not squish ones)
He also grabs a couple goat legs, and of course the ever-present meat on a stick, this time it smells like venison. Enough eat for the 1st day.....

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Thursday October 24th, 2024 11:56:56 PM

Ayotnom also decides to keep a low profile. He is anxious to be off and after the sword. When the party is away from the crowds he asks, "So when do we set off for the sword?"

DM Mark - "So when do we set off for the sword?" 
Friday October 25th, 2024 1:09:11 AM

Both Falco and Panzer are a bit of a novelty still, their small size dwarfed by the large liontaurs.

Tsak does his best to avoid all the attention from the liontaurs at the docks. He finds a food seller and buys as few days food to take with him.

Cap'n Falco pitches in to help secure the ship at the dock, but he finds the crew have this well in hand. He tries to assure the folk at the docks that the appearance of the Petals does not suggest there is a threat to them. He says the Petals are looking for ground transport.

The mention of ground transport earns him some puzzled looks. There is mention of a local mason that has a horse and wagon for transporting heavy loads, but it would lack a driver's seat and driver's reins to use.

Mak mounts his horse and offers a ride to Falco as he explains that the need for ground transportation is not really part of liontaur society. Which also means that outside the more civilized areas, there are no roads.

Mak jokes to the townsfolk that dragons taste like chicken, and goes on to add more info about actual dragons. His joke is met with nervous laughs by some, and serious acceptance by others.

Panzer stays with his friends, keeping a sharp eye on the crowd.

Beech gathers some food to tide him over on the journey.

Anxious to go, Ayotnom asks, "So when do we set off for the sword?"

Ready to go, the Petals look at the map provided by Looma. It's early afternoon, the sky is cloudy.

Survival DC 15:Highlight to display spoiler: {The clouds look like rain, possibly thunderstorms.}

Beech, or anyone with Knowledge Geography DC 20:Highlight to display spoiler: {The location of the Acid Pits on the map is probably about an 8-10 hour trek.}

Do you set out now or wait for morning? Do you seek out the one wagon you heard about? If you set out now, what is your marching order and are you prepared to make camp in a few hours?

Also, please give me a Survival roll - in addition to the one above.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status:  d20+10=18 ; d20+6=23 ; d20+10=24 ;
Friday October 25th, 2024 5:06:52 AM

(Survival=18 pass, KnowGeog=23 pass, Survival=24)

Tsak looks at the map and looks off in the direction they'll be heading, and looks at the map and looks at the clouds.
S'gonna be a fair walk, 8-10 hours I reckon. We'll be able to do it in a day, but not of we start now. Either we'll be camping halfway tonight or walking right thru in the dark (which I doubt is a good idea). And it's lookin like rain over yonder. Do we tarp up and walk in the rain for a few hours before a wet camp, or grab a few ales and a bite to eat and head off in the morning?

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet  d20+7=27 ; d20+7=11 ;
Friday October 25th, 2024 8:13:47 AM

Survival - 27
Survival 2 - 11
" Yup, looks like rain and definitely before we would camp. II vote for staying the night here and leaving in the morning."

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Friday October 25th, 2024 11:26:54 AM

Falco considers that he has his bed roll but has generally not traveled with a tent. He figures finding a tent that would not be to large for him to deal with would not be easy.

"Agreed, wait until the morning rather then a wet camp."

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (1/1) / Water Breathing (2/2)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Friday October 25th, 2024 2:46:27 PM

"The Clans that still migrate and hunt the central areas would laugh at us, but they'd already be setting up the yurts for the coming storm. Those take a lot longer than most tents to set up.
Personally, having magic makes it easier when you get your fur soaked...Most Taurs, no matter the race, all seem to hate getting their fur wet, smelling like that for a few days gets old fast. I was taught the clean up spell early, but it wasn't the first spell I learned. That was reserved for stealing snacks from the kitchen while out of sight. Still got in trouble though, hard to do spells quiet enough not to get caught by my mom..."

Beech's eyes seem to laugh at a memory he has, but then he's back here in town....

JonS Co-DM - "Moving Onwards"  
Friday October 25th, 2024 10:45:07 PM

I'll be sneaking back into the GM chair on Monday ... Mark said Mak got married to a bar maiden? Or did I just imagine that ... hehehehehehehehe

DM Mark - Nobody wants to smell like a wet Taur 
Saturday October 26th, 2024 12:40:06 AM

Tsak looks at the sky and thinks they may be in for rain - or worse. Looking at the map, he'd guess it's an 8-10 trek to the Acid Pits marked on the map. Panzer concurs. Beech adds that Taurs generally don't like their fur wet, and nobody wants to smell like a wet Taur.

There is general consensus to rest either in town or aboard The Rose and set out in the morning.

That evening, those that visit the local tavern find the food and drink very nice. They also find there is no shortage of folk wanting to buy the heroes a drink. It's really a rather pleasant atmosphere here, and they are asked several times for stories about their travels and exploits. That night it does rain, and you hear thunder in the distance.

The following morning is overcast and the air has a chill to it. What is your general marching order?

Please make a Survival roll for following the map - one for the group will do, but add +2 given Beech's general familiarity. Also everyone make a Perception roll.

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Saturday October 26th, 2024 3:18:56 PM

Beech enjoys the dinner and heads back aboard The Rose to get some sleep.
In the morning, he grabs some fresh muffins and more meat on a stick as the group leaves town....
"I know the general direction is in that basic direction." He points probably in a direction that should lead them towards the pits. "I usually take the permanent portal from the castle at Black Bird Lake to the Clan's meeting site. She set it up when she was named Tribal Shaman. Oh, Nomadic Clans are much more traditional in following the ancient ways, I managed not to have to do the coming of age trial, because I was being apprenticed to a Hero that was Wold known, that's where I gained a love of using a bow and then I figured a to mix magic with it..."
Beech casts Overland Flight, and then as the group comes to the edge of it's range, Beech casts Silent Image, making an illusion of a fireball, exploding just above the poop deck and then makes it vanish just as fast, it'll look like a fireball, but no heat or actual fire, he knows he'll pay for it later, but if you can't have fun sometimes, then what's the use.....

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet  d20+7=19 ; d20+27=37 ; d20+7=22 ;
Saturday October 26th, 2024 10:47:49 PM

Panzer sleeps on the ship, getting to bed early and waking at dawn to ready his gear and get the others moving. Haste was the watchword from their employer and they had chosen comfort over haste last night, time to make up ground.

Survival to aid the actual guide 19 success( probably one of our rangers)
Perception 37

Panzer takes point. He has a general idea of where to go from the map but listens to the actual navigator on where to head . He keeps his eyes peeled and watches for signs of this 'group' they are trying to keep the sword fragment away from.

Survival 22 to notice tracks from the 'other' group

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status:  d20+10=17 ; d20+20=28 ;
Sunday October 27th, 2024 4:30:30 AM

(Survival =17, Perception=28)

Tsak leaves the clockwork chest on board the Rose, it doesn't seem like a two day trek to an acid pit and back is a good idea for the device. As he adjusts his cloak the following morning on the docks near the Rose he casts an eye over his fellow Petals. Its heartening to see the good-humored professionalism that the group employs,

We've played with our walking order a few times recently, how do we want to do this one? I'm happiest either taking point or rear guard.

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm)  d20+22=28 ;
Monday October 28th, 2024 2:04:21 AM


Ayotnom keeps his eyes peeled for danger as the party gears up to follow the map.

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3))  d20+8=15 ; d20+20=35 ;
Monday October 28th, 2024 8:22:55 AM

Mak was up before dawn and looking at the sky as he saddled his horse and readied himself for the journey. He secured his shortbow and a few arrows in a quiver attached to the saddle since his longbow wouldn't be suitable from horseback.

As they departed Mak wasn't concerned about where he was since his height advantage from horseback would allow him to see things before the others and with his super cool purple lensed glasses he could even see in the dark, unlike last time he was here.

Survival +8, Roll 15 (weather check, not the group roll)
Perception +20, Roll 35

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet  d20+26=27 ; d20+8=23 ;
Monday October 28th, 2024 10:55:12 AM

{Perception 27 - wow a nat 1 on my best skill, lame}
{Survival Aid: 23}

Falco take Mak up on the offer of riding with him, he is lighter then most children so it should not strain the horse. Sadly, not a natural rider, his keen senses are a bit dulled.

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (2/2) / Water Breathing (1/1)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Monday October 28th, 2024 4:08:20 PM

Beech will fall in near the middle, but also 15' above the party. He can play spotter, and with his ability to apply AoE's to his arrows, they really do make a wonderful early warning target indicator....

Perception take ten 33

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Monday October 28th, 2024 10:29:09 PM

Panzer shrugs. If Tsak wants to go first he will not stop the Ranger. He expects that Tsak is probably way better at navigating the woods than Panzer is. Panzer tries to make sure he is the one to get in front of anything that tries to ambush Tsak though, since the Badgerkin is pretty hard to kill.

JonS Co-DM - "Moving Onwards"  
Monday October 28th, 2024 10:48:35 PM

OOC: Ok, I feel like I missed something along the way. Did Mark post a map for y'all to put yourselves in some kind of, riding, flying, wandering aimlessly, order?

He sent me a map, but it doesn't contain any of that kind of info ... Map I Got

I'll let y'all decide where you want to start from

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Tuesday October 29th, 2024 12:51:20 AM

(OOC: Checking in)

Ayotnom will take a position in the middle of the pack and will be walking as flying is something he can only do for 1 or 2 short bursts

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status:  d20+10=11 ; d20+20=40 ;
Tuesday October 29th, 2024 1:29:18 AM

(OOC hey Jon, the party slept aboard the Rose and is setting up for an 8-10 hr walk to the acid pits. Mark asked us to nominate a marching order which is looking something like Tsak, Panzer, Beech and Ayotnom flying and then Mak on a horse with Falco. I'll pick a spot on the map, umm AC27 looks good...)

(Beautiful, Nat 1 on Survival (11) and Nat 20 on Perception (40))

Tsak happily leads the party up hill and down dale following his nose and the map in roughly equal measure. At the end of a full day's walk he sees the path start to narrow. Stopping the party he announces I think we're pretty close, maybe half a mile. Do we want to rest here or move forward? Could start to get dark soon

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet  d20+27=46 ;
Tuesday October 29th, 2024 9:22:00 AM

Falco is content to act as watch from the back of Mak's mount. Not having to focus on movement he find his eyes quite sharp. {Perception: 46!}

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (2/2) / Water Breathing (1/1)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Tuesday October 29th, 2024 9:40:55 PM

Beech is 15' up in the air, Overland Flight may not be as fast as regular Flight, but it's faster than most people can maintain during travel, plus he gets a higher view and can see better.... or at least that's his excuse...

Take 10 on Perception....33

He looks to see if he can pick up any landmarks that are near the Tribal Meeting camp... Another comfortable night is never a bad thing...

JonS Co-DM - "Moving Onwards"  
Tuesday October 29th, 2024 10:41:51 PM

Tsak looks around, and is surprised at the number of flowers and plants that seem to be growing, both in the brush and in the rocky region ... Tsak looks for signs of anyone else passing, but the rains have washed away any spoor that might have been left

Ayotnom also notices a variety of flowering and berry bushes mixed in with the brush, and a few mixed in with the rocky terrain

Beech, Panzer, Falco, and Mak all swivel their heads towards their right, where something seems off, or just not right Highlight to display spoiler: { Around T36 and the couple of spaces around it }

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm)  d20+11=22 ;
Tuesday October 29th, 2024 11:50:42 PM

Ayotnom tries to figure out if the berries in the bushes are edible (Know{Nature]: 22)

If he actually recognizes any of the species of berries and that they are edible he'll pick some for a snack later but if he's uncertain as to what they are or their edible ness he'll leave them.

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet  d20+27=42 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2024 3:26:10 AM

Panzer draws his blades and squints at the area, trying to figure out what is wrong in that area.
Perception 42

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status:  d20+20=35 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2024 4:59:47 AM


Tsak hears Panzer's blades come out of their scabbards. He drops to one knee and holds his left fist in the air. According to the bards this means stop, at least that's what the heroes in their ballads do.
He keeps his eyes front (Perception) and quietly draws his own sword.

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3)) 
Wednesday October 30th, 2024 9:33:11 AM

Mak swung his shortbow from his shoulder and looked at the area that looked a little off to him. When Tsak indicated they should stop he pulled back gently on the horses reins to stop the mount as he noted Tsak had seen the same thing he had.

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet  d20+27=43 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2024 9:33:24 AM

Falco points to where something looks off. {I put a box on the central point} "We should investigate I would think." {Perception: 43}

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (2/2) / Water Breathing (1/1)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Wednesday October 30th, 2024 12:19:54 PM

Beech points out the direction of movement and as he does, he nocks an arrow, but holds fire...
"Youth still use this area for survival testing, so not just dropping a party favor and working it afterward..."
Readying to cast a Cone of Cold, via an Arrow....

JonS Co-DM - "Moving Onwards"  
Wednesday October 30th, 2024 10:10:21 PM

Ayotnom, spots the berries, and determines they are Sheepberry bushes, and they are loaded with berry's. (they have a unique taste, described as sweet with hints of vanilla and spice.) Ayotnom would easily able to gather several days worth of berries, for he and his friends from what he sees in the area.

Panzer draws his blades and concentrates on the "odd spot." Once his eyes focus, he can tell that someone or something has tried to hide "something", under the rocky terrain, and scrub brush Highlight to display spoiler: { You can clearly see bones of somekind, from here its hard to tell specifics, poking out of the poorly designed grave. }

Tsak, stops, takes a knee and holds his fist up to stop the others, he hopes. Scanning the area, he knows he can see something Highlight to display spoiler: { From where you are and are looking, you can tell that someone has disturbed the rocky, hard earth around that spot, probably trying to hide or bury something.}

Mak stops his horse, and pulls his bow out ... he scans the area of note Highlight to display spoiler: { From where you are and are looking, you can tell that someone has disturbed the rocky, hard earth around that spot, as well, someone has disturbed the plants and brush around about a 20' area centered on that spot.}

Falco, remarks about the area everyone is basically looking at, as an area to "Check out," Highlight to display spoiler: { You can clearly see bones and cloth of somekind poking out of the poorly designed grave. }

Beech provides input into what this area is used for, but also draws his bow, and prepares a "welcome" present for whatever may pop up

Da Map

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet  d20+27=34 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2024 10:37:22 PM

" Looks like someone tried to hide a body up there. Let's go have a look."
Panzer starts walking to where he sees the body hidden.
Perception 34 looking for booby traps

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm)  d20+22=35 ; d20+11=28 ; d20+3=13 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2024 12:25:02 AM

Ayotnom gathers a few minotaur handfuls of Berries for later and then heads over to play CSI: Taur Isles whatever that is.

As he approaches the body he says, "Make no bones about it, this guy was murdered." and he pretends to pull down imaginary sunglasses over his eyes

When nothing happens after that he says, "Odd I thought there'd be a yell and then an opening musical number."

He then investigates the corpse (Perception: 33, Know[Nature]: 28, Heal: 13)

(OOC: I couldn't help myself)

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 94/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet  d20+16=23 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2024 9:34:58 AM

Falco considers if this could be an undead creature that is trying to lie in wait. {Know Religion: 23} In reality there is only one way to find out. He hops off Mak's horse so both he and Mak have more freedom of movement and approaches with the others.

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (2/2) / Water Breathing (1/1)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Thursday October 31st, 2024 1:10:33 PM

Beech stays where he is, because he can cover well enough from here., he's still ready with an arrow and a spell with it....

Mak(JamesM)(146/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36| Arrows/20+1 CLB|18/13/8/18(RS)/-|(FA,WF,WS,WT,DA,RS,MS,IG)**|1d8+15(MS)(20)x3)) 
Thursday October 31st, 2024 1:46:56 PM

Mak moved his mount to avoid line of sight issues and waited.

JonS Co-DM - "Moving Onwards"   HH2: 2d6=11 ; HH3: 2d6=7 ; HH1: 2d6=7 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2024 9:56:29 PM

So the party splits, with Beech, Mak, and Tsak holding their ground, while Panzer, Falco, and Ayotnom move in to investigate the bones ...

They aren't undead ... in fact they look odd

Four large beasts come charging across the field, having sprung from prepared holes in the ground:

HH4 - charges, and ends up growling and snapping at Falco and Panzer
HH2 - moves up and breathes a 10' cone of fire at the three friends

HH1 - moves up and breathes fire at Beech and Mak
HH3 - moves up and catches Beech and Tsak in a blast of fire

The critters trying to eat y'all

HH2: deals 11 damage; DC REF 14 for half (Ayotnom, Panzer, Falco)
HH3: deals 7 damage; DC REF 14 for half (Beech & Tsak)
HH1: deals 7 damage; DC REF 14 for half (Beech & Mak & Mak's horse)

Updated Map

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm)  d20+16=36 ; d20+17=21 ; d8+9=12 ; d20+12=26 ; d8+9=17 ; d20+7=15 ; d8+9=14 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2024 11:25:17 PM

(Reflex: 36)

Ayotnom easily avoids the damage from the breath weapon thanks to quick reflexes and evasion

He then makes a full attack against HH2 with his +3 keen rapier

21 vs AC; 12 damage if that hits
26 vs AC; 17 damage if that hits
15 vs A C; 14 damage if that hits

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status:  d20+14=26 ; d20+22=39 ; 2d4+6=14 ;
Friday November 1st, 2024 6:27:38 AM

(RefSave=26 pass, + evasion, dmg taken =0: Attack1 Vital Strike=39, Dmg=14)

Well, whaddya know, thinks Tsak, didn't see that coming.
Reflexes honed by years of gruelling training kick in and Tsak is able to evade the canines firey first attack. He takes a step in and aims for somewhere that's really gonna hurt (vital strike).

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 97/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character  14d6=42 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+15=27 ; d20+13=31 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+8=26 ; d8=2 ; 2d6=10 ; d6=1 ; d8=8 ; 2d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d8=8 ; 2d6=7 ; d6=4 ;
Friday November 1st, 2024 8:48:21 AM

Beech is 15' up in the air.... And had a ready action...
if the ready went off, it was a Cone of Cold, using an arrow to start the cone, so probably would catch all as they appeared.... (42 cold damage, Ref DC 21 for 21 damage)

Saves 31 & 27 3 damage each

Still 15' in the air, Beech just shoots a few cold arrows...

Arrow 1 : AC 31 Damage 2, Holy 10, Cold 1
Rapid : AC 28 Damage 8, Holy 4, Cold 6
Arrow 2 : AC 26 Damage 8, Holy 7, Cold 4

Starting on HH3 and moving to HH1 if it drops

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 87/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet  d20+18=37 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+8=23 ; d6+1=7 ; d6+1=2 ;
Friday November 1st, 2024 9:57:26 AM

Falco easily hops out of the way of most of the damage and slides back a step. It doesn't feel worth using a big spell so her fires a couple of arrows at HH1. {To Hit: 28/25 Dam: 7/2} "Ugly buggers, anyone know what they are?"

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (2/2) / Water Breathing (1/1)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Mak(JamesM)(142/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36|CSB: Arrows|13/8/3/13(RS)/-|(FA,WT,DA,RS,Range Penalty,MS)**|1d6+12(MS)(20)x3))   d20+13=20 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+3=21 ; d20+13=16 ; d6+12=14 ; d6+12=15 ; d6+12=15 ; d6+12=14 ; d6+12=17 ; d20+14=33 ;
Friday November 1st, 2024 3:37:02 PM

Mak was ready with his bow as he directed Elmer his warhorse to one side. He didn't have a magic payload like Beech, but he was confident his arrows would have an impact on the beasts. Even as the fiery breath threatened to scorch him and his mount, Mak aimed and readied his shots.

"If Rolth's tales were true, these are Hell Hounds." Mak called out to Falco as he released two arrows, followed by a flurry of others.

Mak - HH1, Roll 20(MS), 27, 21, 16(RS). Damage: 29(MS), 15, 14, 17(RS).
Mak, Reflex save +14, Roll 33. Success.
Elmer (11/15 hp)

**Full Attack, , Weapon Training, Deadly Aim, Rapid Shot, Many Shot, Range Penalty(100'/0)| Darkvision| Encumbrance:53 lbs| Move: 30 | DR1 (Adamantine Armor) | Condition: Feelin' Fine! | | Range: 0-100 Feet |

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet  d20+14=30 ; d20+22=24 ; d20+17=23 ; d20+12=26 ; d3=3 ; d3=2 ; d3=1 ; d20+21=39 ; d20+16=23 ; d20+11=22 ; d3=1 ; d3=3 ; d3=3 ; d20+19=31 ; d4=3 ;
Friday November 1st, 2024 4:52:41 PM

Reflex 30 no damage due to evasion
Panzer then mauls the he'll hounds
Main hand kukri hits 3 times for 25,24,23 damage.
Off hand hits 3 times and the 1st hit crits for 34, 19, and 19 damage. If any are still alive panzer bites them for 18 damage. Posting from phone sorry.

JonS Co-DM - "Moving Onwards"   HH1 REF: d20+5=23 HH2 REF: d20+5=22 HH3 REF: d20+5=11 HH4 REF: d20+5=7
Friday November 1st, 2024 11:03:28 PM

Beech, as soon as he sees movement, fires his enchanted arrow, a frigid cone of cold and ice slams into the four figures that were charging the party

HH1: Makes it through, even though it took damage

HH2: Also makes it through, even though it took damage

HH3 & HH4 both end up as frozen statues caught in mid run

Ayotnom easily avoids the flames, and strikes back at HH2 with his rapier, hitting twice, HH2 whines as it slumps to the ground, dead

Tsak watches as the large hell hound that was charging towards him flash freezes in the wake of Beech's attack

Falco, not seeing the point in wasting a spell, fires two arrows at HH1, which drop it in it's tracks

Mak and Panzer watch as Beech's spelled arrow and a couple of attacks easily stop anyone from being harmed

Updated Map

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Saturday November 2nd, 2024 5:15:28 AM

Tsak looks over at Beech Shot! Umm will that kill 'em or has it just slowed them down a bit?

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Sunday November 3rd, 2024 2:12:11 PM

Panzer toes the dead hellhound in front of him. ' these were easy meat. Are there tougher ones here Beech?"

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 97/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Sunday November 3rd, 2024 8:52:35 PM

Beech thinks for a moment, obviously recalling a conversation about something from quite a while ago...
He blinks and comes back to the present..."Well, if we are where I think we are, the clans that live out here use this area and that around it as a test for the youth to progress to an adult with a say in their clans decisions. You remember when I told you not to pay attention to my mom's scars Panzer? Well, most of them are from her adventuring days, but her left hind leg was mauled by a hellhound on her quest to become an adult, something about burning hands not working, is the story I've heard. Usually as a Sorcerer, a child is obviously the same Bloodline, and well mom is a Gold Dragon descendant, well, her adventuring in the Tecuri tunnels which surround the Wold, well, while I am her son, I'm not the same Bloodline.
Anyways, I've wandered off the question, Hellhounds are all that can usually make it into the Wold, but I don't see why more powerful types can't make through...Especially if they were assisted by someone on this side."

Beech, involuntarily has a shiver run the length of his body, and you notice his right hind leg, bends like a human's leg instead of like a regular Taur's, you are certain it wasn't like that the last you noticed...

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Sunday November 3rd, 2024 11:54:22 PM

Ayotnom goes back to investigating the corpse (OOC: I assume I can use my previous rolls)
(Perception: 33, Know[Nature]: 28, Heal: 13)

Mak(JamesM)(142/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36|CSB: Arrows|13/8/3/13(RS)/-|(FA,WT,DA,RS,Range Penalty,MS)**|1d6+12(MS)(20)x3))  
Monday November 4th, 2024 8:08:52 AM

Mak sighed. "Well that was anti climatic. Let's check to see if anything else is lurking about."

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Monday November 4th, 2024 10:38:08 PM

Panzer gets ready to move on. They were not being paid to sight see.

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Tuesday November 5th, 2024 5:03:38 AM

Tsak watches as the light fades from the hell hounds eyes, and their nostrils, and, yep there too, who knew. As the moments passed a thankful maiden failed to materialise, as did a hidden lair filled with riches beyond measure or even a sign pointing to a lonely treasure chest, The next time he met a troupe of wandering minstrels words would be had!
If nothing else happened and the group was ready to move on he'd resume on point heading north.

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 87/94 Channel 7/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Tuesday November 5th, 2024 7:03:27 AM

"I guess they just look much tougher then they were. Even my arrows had some effect. Anyone hurt enough to need tending?"

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (2/2) / Water Breathing (1/1)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Mak(JamesM)(142/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36|CSB: Arrows|13/8/3/13(RS)/-|(FA,WT,DA,RS,Range Penalty,MS)**|1d6+12(MS)(20)x3))  
Tuesday November 5th, 2024 9:36:14 AM

"Elmer here could use a touch up." Mak responded to Falco's inquiry about aid.

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 97/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Tuesday November 5th, 2024 11:30:16 AM

"I've got just a scratch..." Beech adds

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Tuesday November 5th, 2024 8:54:54 PM

(OOC: Checking In)

Ayotnom says, "I dodged the fireball so i'm good"

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Tuesday November 5th, 2024 10:31:00 PM

Panzer keeps watch while Falco tends to the wounded. He himself is unscathed.

JonS Co-DM - "Bad Doggies, No Treats!"  
Tuesday November 5th, 2024 10:34:42 PM

In the aftermath of the rather quick fight, the party looks around for anything else wanting to try and eat them. Although Tsak was hoping more for a fair maiden or a loot vault, but only finds the rugged landscape around him.

Ayotnom is looking at the "grave", while some of the others look on. What's in the shallow hole is a collection of random bones, shoved into the scraps of someone's cloak and breeches. Highlight to display spoiler: { You can tell that the Hounds are the most likely culprits behind this fake grave, as they are intelligent, and evil. }

After some healing is done, the party faces the choice of continuing or making an early campsite here.

OOC: As I told David, I got to come home to no power last night, it didn't come back on until almost 10pm, I'm sure some idiot ran into a transformer or something as several sections of town around us lost power too

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 87/94 Channel 6/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet  7d6=16 ;
Wednesday November 6th, 2024 3:17:37 AM

Even though it is overkill Falco gathers everyone and calls on the power of the Warper-Sar to close the few wounds that happened. {Channel Energy: 16}

"We may as well keep moving, that was not much of a fight."

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (2/2) / Water Breathing (1/1)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status:  d20+10=11 ;
Wednesday November 6th, 2024 4:45:59 AM

(Survival =11, Nat 1 whoops)

Tsak, remembering what he can of the map, sets off in the direction that he thinks leads to the acid pits.

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character  d20+1=15 ;
Wednesday November 6th, 2024 3:22:07 PM

Beech, tries to remember the general area, he never went on the Adulthood Quest, his bodies contortions worried the other elders, and his mother was outvoted. She had some of her friends prepare him at Black Bird Lake, so he was never out in the wild over here on the Isle.
He will point as best he knows the direction of the Clan Meeting Camp. (Survival roll 16)
"I think the Clan site is that way. We can probably camp there with out much notice."

JonS Co-DM - "Bad Doggies, No Treats!"  
Wednesday November 6th, 2024 10:40:46 PM

The direction Tsak sets out as going "to the acid pits", lies very close to where Beech has pointed out is a meeting site for the Taur Clans.

Falco calls upon his diety, and the Petals receive healing, enough to cover all damage they've taken

A little over an hour passes, and the group catches sight of several younger Liontaurs shadowing the party. Whether they meant to let you see them, or they believe they are being sneaky, who knows. Half an hour later, the party finds the Clan Meeting Site. As Beech said, there are a number of sturdy looking yurts being put up, rather skillfully. A long tent has been erected, to cover a communal eating place, and the fire pits where food is cooking.

An older Liontaur moves towards the party, "You boys lost, or you looking for a dry spot to sleep?"

OOC: I'm working under the assumption that the acid pools are within an hour's walk or less from this camp ... that sound good to y'all?

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Wednesday November 6th, 2024 11:16:14 PM

Ayotnom says, "I'm disappointed by the Hellhounds and their rudimentary trap. Shall we momentarily rest with the clan or head on to the Acid Pits?"

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Wednesday November 6th, 2024 11:54:59 PM

Beech pretends to not see youth, letting them think they are sneaky...
"A dry night's rest before we carry on is my suggestion."
Beech tries to remember the old liontaur's name as he addresses him.
"A dry night before we continue to the pits would be appreciated. And we apologize for interrupting a coming of age quest. We ourselves are also on a quest, seems that something has returned to the Wold that should have stayed lost. We are on our way to search one of the locations it possibly returned to.
Are all of the Elders in residence currently? It would be only polite to say hello to those that are."

Hopefully being white the elder just assumes Beech is ancient and doesn't feel it's needed to gather the entire council.... He can feel Panzer off to the side and if he's laughing, a murder might be considered justified.....

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet  d20+7=20 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2024 1:07:19 AM

survival 20
Panzer looks up at the sky, trying to judge the time. If it is afternoon or earlier he says. " Maybe we should just head on to the Acid Pits. You know, save the world and urgent mission and all that."

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 87/94 Channel 6/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Thursday November 7th, 2024 1:18:40 AM

Once they start talking Falco give a little wave to the younger lionatur that had been following them. He is happy to get a nights rest and let conversations with the elders take place. He does not feel a ticking clock on this mission.

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (2/2) / Water Breathing (1/1)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Thursday November 7th, 2024 2:22:03 PM

To the Elder, "Dry is preferred, and truth be told, a floor that only rocks slightly rather than one where you need to cap water glasses during a storm.... Yeah, we usually travel around via Ship, I'm slowly getting used to it. Are they expecting a storm? or just some rain?"

Mak(JamesM)(142/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36|CSB: Arrows|13/8/3/13(RS)/-|(FA,WT,DA,RS,Range Penalty,MS)**|1d6+12(MS)(20)x3))  
Thursday November 7th, 2024 5:43:18 PM

Mak agrees with Falco. No use rushing off when the liontaurs here might provide them with useful information about the acid pits.

{b]"A dry place and a little information about the Acid Pits."[/b] Mak said as he dismounted the horse and helped Falco down.

JonS Co-DM - "Dry ground is better than a wet Taur"  
Thursday November 7th, 2024 11:46:03 PM

The Elder looks at Beech, "Yes, some are here. Most are at the lodge, I am here as a guide, and to determine who we let break bread with us, and who we run off with spears, arrows, and blades. Now, those two yurts over there (points at two colored yellow and red) are free to sleep in. There is meat, and food in the hall, along with, hmmm," He looks the party over and smiles, "adult beverages to try. The young ones are always trying to sneak in a see who can drink the most beer before they get caught ... so if you see one sneaking around, then swat it good. If you need to talk to someone about the acid pits, I will send someone to you in the Hall."

The yurts are made from a collection of thick, treated hides and heavy quilted blankets (which look like sailcloth material or something similar to it). The inside is spacious, and the ground/floor is covered in a thick layer of fresh hay. In the center of the room is a small, well-constructed fire pit with a pot full of water hanging over it, but the tinder and wood haven't been lit yet.

The meal consists of different meats cooked over open flame, and in stout pots. There are raw and cooked vegetables, and plenty of warm bread with butter and honey. While you get plenty of odd looks, no one bothers you. The tables are set, so the Taurs can rest their arms on them, but seating can be found for the, hmmm, vertically challenged adventurers.

Everyone roll a Perception check: DC20 Highlight to display spoiler: { You do notice three older males patrolling the area where the alcohol is. You've also spotted two faces pop in, look around, and then pop back out, definitely not of age to sample the meads and ales.}

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status:  d20+20=28 ;
Friday November 8th, 2024 12:56:20 AM

(Perception vs spoiler=28 pass)

Tsak will partake of a small serve of cooked meat and vegetables a single mug of ale to wash it down. He notices the extra 'guard' on the alcohol supplies and, when they sit to eat, politely asks Mak if he's well known in these parts.

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm)  d20+22=41 ;
Friday November 8th, 2024 1:58:16 AM


Ayotnom takes a Taur sized helping of food and drink and then takes a pot at the table.

He compliments the clan on their cooking

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Friday November 8th, 2024 9:04:11 AM

Panzer shrugs, if the others aren't going to worry about a timeline then he won't either. He hopes they are right.

Mak(JamesM)(142/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36|CSB: Arrows|13/8/3/13(RS)/-|(FA,WT,DA,RS,Range Penalty,MS)**|1d6+12(MS)(20)x3))  
Friday November 8th, 2024 10:30:09 AM

"If I'm known at all." Mak replied. "It's as the butt of a few jokes. Me and Elmer here didn't have a good beginning and it served as entertainment for the taurs."

Mak didn't pay attention to anything, trusting in the taurs to keep an eye on things and certainly wasn't of a mind to inhibit anyone from a mild beverage or three. Maybe he'd feel differently if the youths went for his portion, but otherwise he was intent on looking the other way.

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Friday November 8th, 2024 2:39:22 PM

Beech does his best to avoid drawing attention, he helps himself to a dinner and a stein of ale. He'd usually drink wine, but very few Liontaur's drink wine, so sticking to ale should help. Digging into the food, it brings back memories of this place, most good ones.
"Been a while, at least the shaman's residence looks empty, means she's probably at Black Bird or visiting various cities on business. Hopefully we can be on our way before she returns, she can be just a bit overbearing at times.
So, enjoy the food, because from memory, you don't want to eat anything that grows or lives near the pools, they have become tolerant to the acid levels, and I don't think any of us have cast iron stomachs..."

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 87/94 Channel 6/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet  d20=8 ; d20+17=27 ;
Friday November 8th, 2024 5:05:07 PM

{Perception 30 somethings, I am in Ireland and a touch drunk so its close enough}

Falco looks about seeing those popping in and checking those popping in and out. When he notices the youngsters he wonders how embarrassing it would be for them to be caught by a little owl-folk. "I will meet you all back in the yurts, its been a long day."

He slips out and finds a good hiding spot near the entrance. {Stealth 27} His intention is to startle the youngsters.

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (2/2) / Water Breathing (1/1)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

JonS Co-DM - "Dry ground is better than a wet Taur"  
Friday November 8th, 2024 11:19:28 PM

Tsak notices the guards and the youth. He also spots what looks like someone trying to slowly cut through the wall of the Hall close to where the drinks are. The food he'd grabbed is rather tasty, and the ale, being homebrewed has a flavor better than at some Inns he's visited

Ayotnom, follows Tsak's gaze and can tell that someone has heated the blade so it won't rip, and it will make the cut easier to repair at a later date. Ayotnom also grabs a mound of food, a Taur-sized pint of ale, and makes his way to a table

Beech grabs food and is glad the Shaman is not around as she can be "overbearing" at times

Panzer, who is a tad disappointed that the party didn't push on, hopes that he and his friends are going to be ok with their new timeline

Mak discusses he might be the "butt" of a few jokes, thanks to Elmer, but other than that, no one should know who he is

The plucky Falco, also noticed several youth doing "youthy" things, and has an idea. Finishing his food, he tells the other Petals that he's headed back to the yurts ... instead he finds himself a good hiding spot

Half an hour later, Ayotnom spots a youth, trying to slip in through where the opening had been sliced, he's about 10 paces from a barrel of mead.

Falco, who's patiently waiting for the "kids" to arrive, spots three of them. One is keeping watch, one is holding open a piece of the wall, while a third starts to slide inside the tent ...

OOC: Ryan, If you want to post what you do to the kids, go ahead, none of them know you are anywhere nearby

Tsak Rezar (Damien) AC22(22) (T15/F14) 140/140 HP| Falchion +4 2D4+6|Crossbow1 1D8+1 Status: 
Friday November 8th, 2024 11:48:59 PM

Tsak sits patiently on the second half of his ale waiting for someone to come by who was going to talk to them about the acid pits. For once it would be good to have some idea of what they might be walking into. He ignores any goings on over near the beverages.

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Saturday November 9th, 2024 12:28:48 AM

" C'mon Beech, your mom is just protective of you. It's like she knows what she was like at your age and is trying to protect you from...well you."
Panzer eats the food provided and drinks as much mead as they will let him have. This brewer is good at his craft and Pnazer wants to pay homage to him in the best way he can, by drinking his creations. He sees the youth but feels it is part of their right of passage to try and sneak some drinks. Gods know the reward is worth it.
Panzer does know moderation though. He is careful not to get tipsy and create a bad impression.

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Sunday November 10th, 2024 11:32:25 PM

Ayotnom casts message targetting the youth trying to slip through the flap.

"What would Imod do?" he asks the youth in a whisper

JonS Co-DM - "Dry ground is better than a wet Taur"  
Monday November 11th, 2024 7:55:54 PM

So Falco, Mak, and Beech haven't posted yet ... once they do I'll get a proper post out lol ... I'm also looking for some awesome maps, so you don't have to suffer with one of my own creations

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Monday November 11th, 2024 9:39:24 PM

Beech continues to try not to draw attention, and works on drinking some wine, he usually stays with ale, so wine is way out of character.... plus he really doesn't care too much for it...

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Monday November 11th, 2024 11:40:20 PM

Ayotnom waits to see what the youth he whispered a warning to does.

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Monday November 11th, 2024 11:41:28 PM

Panzer continues to eat and drink, and watch the kids out of the corner of his eye.

'Falco (RyanM) AC23 T19 F16, CMD 28, HP 87/94 Channel 6/7 (7d6) | Hero Points: 5 Loot Sheet 
Tuesday November 12th, 2024 9:31:16 AM

Falco spots the kids, casts lights on a rock which he tosses near them as he steps into view.

"Lads, what you doing over there tonight? I would hate to see you get in trouble playing about."

Level # DC - Concentration: d20+23 | Spell Penetration: d20+15 | Dispel Check: d20+15 vs. 13+Caster
0 (DC18): Detect Magic , Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1 (DC19): CLW (D) (1/1) / Bless (2/2) / Endure Elements (2/2) / Shield of Faith (2/2)
2 (DC20): CMW (D) (1/1) / Lesser Restoration (2/2) / Resist Energy (3/3) / Silence (1/1)
3 (DC21): CSW (D) (1/1) / Bestow Curses (1/1) / Dispel Magic (1/1) / Blindness Deafness (1/1) / Protection From Energy (2/2) / Water Breathing (1/1)
4 (DC22): CCW (D) (2/2) / Restoration (2/2) /Dimensional Anchor (2/2)
5 (DC23): Break Enchantment (1/1) / Breath of Life (D) (1/1) / Flame Strike (3/3)
6 (DC24): Heal (D) (2/2) / Dispel Magic, Greater (2/2)
7 (DC25): Destruction (1/1) / Greater Restoration (1/1) / Resurrection
8 (DC26):
9 (DC27):

Mak(JamesM)(142/146)|AC:28/18T/--FF|CMD 36|CSB: Arrows|13/8/3/13(RS)/-|(FA,WT,DA,RS,Range Penalty,MS)**|1d6+12(MS)(20)x3))  
Tuesday November 12th, 2024 3:27:26 PM

Mak sat back and watched, but he was only going to do so for a short while. If they hadn't a local to speak with, he was going to go find one.

Beech (JohnC) AC 20(24)/15/15,HP 103/103 See Invis/Darkvision Character 
Tuesday November 12th, 2024 9:07:24 PM

Beech dreads the person they plan on sending to discuss the Acid Pits, going invisible wouldn't help, he doesn't have the skills to disguise himself, so, if his mom walks in, if he hits his head hard enough on the table, maybe he'll get amnesia....

Ayotnom Ogini Hugh C 102/102 AC : 32; Touch 27; Flat 26 CMD 39(41vs Trip, Grapple or Disarm) 
Tuesday November 12th, 2024 9:34:14 PM

(OOC: Checking In)

Ayotnom continues to patiently wait for the youth's reaction to his whispered message

JonS Co-DM - "Dry ground is better than a wet Taur"  
Tuesday November 12th, 2024 11:41:49 PM

Several things occur during dinner:

Tsak waits patiently for someone to come and talk to him, or the Petals in general about the acid pits

Panzer drinks in moderation, but eats good, and he chooses to ignore the youngsters trying to sneak in and grab some booze

Ayotnom uses a tiny bit of magic to send a "message" to the youth trying to slide in through the slit in the wall

Falco, who'd already excused himself, snuck up behind two youths, who were probably on watch, but completely missed the owl folk

Panzer had tried to offer Beech some encouragement towards other Taurs recognizing him, but Beech still bears concerns over whether his Mom may walk in

Mak sat back and people, well Taur watched, while also waiting for someone to come talk to them about these acid pits

The one youth, who by this point has half of his body in the tent, suddenly stops, looks around, and if he could turn white, has, and he suddenly, and somewhat violently backs out of the opening ...

Faclo easily catches these two youth by surprise, and they both yip, as Falco asks them what they're doing, and admonishes them not to get into trouble tonight ... to which they take off at full speed, a few moments later Falco watches as a third youngster comes barrelling past him following the other two youths

A youngish Liontaur approaches Tsak, and Mak since they're both waiting for someone, and asks, in a deep voice, "You are the ones going to the pits in the morning, I have some knowledge of the road and what's outside of the place, but no one has been in there in years ... acid and Taurs don't mix well. What do you want to know?" He has a drink with him, smells like hot mulled wine

Panzer Braun (David F) AC 34 (T17, FF29) CMD 35 HP 180/180 ) Character Sheet 
Wednesday November 13th, 2024 12:05:19 AM

Panzer listens to the New visitor. "Acid and most living things don't mix."

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