Much better turns this time kids! I didn't have to change nary a thing.
Oh, Hello Tim! Out there wherever you are! We're like missing you. I went by your parents house as per your request. It was before school and no lights were on so I didn't ring the bell, but left a note. If you're having online problems, please call me and let us know of the problem.
Kids, missing turns will affect your experience. It will affect it less if you let us know you are gonna miss some turns.
Next turn is due Saturday night at 10CT. Since everyone has a working home address, I don't see a problem with the weekend due date. If you need more time, just send a note. Oh, but then you could have just done your turn in the same amount of time.....hehe.
Kevin, please go ahead and give us a little discourse or a progression of conversation so that we can move on after this turn. No use spending a week to get a new character into the group. :)
David and John have both experienced email problems over the weekend. I was busy myself. For these reasons, mainly the third, this turn is late. Expect more of the same throughout the holidays. :) Still no word from Tim. I'll role-play his exit soon with the possibility of re-entering the game should he resurface. (Hi Tim)
Next turn due Wed. 12/18 at 10CT.
Sorry once again for the late turn.
Tim hopefully will rejoin us with this next turn.
Everyone meet Kevin who is playing Gideon, assuming he is accepted... hehe.
John dropped by our D&D game Sunday night and it was good to see him. He caught us not playing for once. I wasn't in the mood to DM after Granny's passing two hours earlier so we just goofed off.
This turn is due on Wed. at 10CT. I won't be upset though if it goes longer cause that is Xmas day.
No turn from Kevin, John, or David. I know all have been busy and have heard from all three. :)
As far as adding new members, we will use the same rules as in the local game. Anyone may join the group as long as there are no objections from any current member. Should we have a "checking each other out period as we do in the local game" of four weeks before giving new players full status?
Next turn is due on Sunday at 10pm CT.
Concerning our discussion on the size of the group and consequences thereof:
JK says: I think if we run two groups of four that they should be able to meet occasionally. Maybe have each group working on different parts of the same quest? Of course with the speed we're going at it might take a year until our paths cross again. Someone new is fine with me.
David says: Regardless of how the game is run, I have these preferences in no particular order of importance: 1) The group stays the same which I play in whether it be 4 or 8. 2) John and I are in the same group. 3) You DM the group I am in. Hope this helps. I'm easy on adding new players. I'll defer to your wisdom on that issue since you have more experience.
John says: Fine by me to include another person, you do most of the work (thanks again!).
Kids, we will therefore be adding Tom's character to the group just as soon as it passes muster with JK. (JK, will you send him a copy of the appropriate files to make a character? Thanks. Tim, also wanted another copy.)
Kevin has yet to get his turn in. Everyone write him and Kirk and yell and scream at them in a fun friendly sort of way.
Kevin! Get in gear!
Kirk! Ya gonna play or not!!!?
Tim is in the process of buying a computer of his own. He says he'll go inactive until about half way through January and then bring in a new different character. This brings me to my soapbox sermon #1. Develop characters you want to stick with! I'm letting Tim change characters this ONE time. It is not my policy, especially during the middle of a module. I expect all of you to stick with the one you have until 4th level when you may proposition me for a second character to play if you feel you must. This way we build characters who bond with each other as you each bond with your character. {Pass the collection plates now}
Tim, please roleplay your exit next turn or I will. :)
I waited this time until I had three players with turns in to proceed. In the future, I'll go ahead when possible. You see, this time if I had proceeded something nasty would have happened to the players that were active rather than the ones who hadn't sent in turns. If that situation arises again, it will be those who didn't send in a turn who will receive the nasty.
If you go out of town or will be inactive for a time, please let me know a set of dates. Remember that if you can't get online or send mail, you can always call me and leave your turn on the phone. At least you can leave a message saying what the problem is.
Next turn due Friday, 1/3 at 10:00CT that's 9MT for you John, and 8PT for you Tom/Tim.
Talk at you soon,
Here are some comments from David: to respond to your 'probing': No problem with any of the scenarios you laid out. I'm not real intolerant or anything. Its just my major goal in doing this is to establish regular communication with you and John. As secondary issues I like stability in a game. I do not like constant changes in the group of players (i.e. here this week gone the next here again, etc.). It makes it too confusing and people make mistakes and false assumptions as to players ideas actions and such. In addition, I have no aversion to meeting new people but my primary interest lies in communicating with old friends. New friends are good but guys just out of high school can't really relate to life in the 'real world' yet and probably would like to be with guys their own age as good friends anyway. Although I imagine it would lend itself to opportunities to be a good influence and all that I'm interested in simplicity in my 'discretionary' time.
Those are my thoughts on the issue(s). I'll probably be happy with just about any scenario. Hope this helps.
I agree with David in that we need to strive for some stability. I'm therefore declaring that we will have groups of four. Others may adventure with this group of four until a second group of four forms. We'll proceed in this manner as a group of four is ideal for email gaming in my opinion.
Right now, I see three active players: JK, John, and David. They will be the first three to be in a group. The others of you have not been regular enough yet to be added as a permanent player to a permanent group. The race is on. I'm not gonna tos the others from playing. That's not the idea of online gaming. I'll keep on encouraging them. However, I'm not going to keep the active players waiting on players who may never become dependable either.
Dave, I don't know Tom yet, but everyone else in this group is way past high school. JK teaches at Midwestern while working on a masters degree. Tim is 26 or so and has experienced much of life. Kevin has been a marine and Kirk is a college graduate. JK and Kirk are both married. Everyone here is a close friend of mine and I hope that with time, you can all become friends with each other.
Dave continues: Sorry for the lapse in email. Will you still give your bonuses if we can prove we sent you our turn but it didn't get to you?
Yes, David I will. Also if you are using an internet provider and request it I'll send a quick reply when receiving email from you to let you know it got here. I'm assuming David would like me to do this.
John pontificates: Yea, Yea. We all know the real story with Tim's character. Kolath is just afraid to be near Jus and decided to turn yellow and run.
Kevin? Where are you?
Kirk, thanks for the note, but I've received no call yet to meet. You're a businessman! Take the initiative!
David, don't forget what your stats are in the area of Int. and Wis. Those are awful big words in your quotes. <G> I made an intel. check and oops you missed it.
(This is my official pick on David issue. Sounds like it huh? Dave, I Loooove you Maan!...and I did pick on some others too!)
And Um...JK? You failed a save as well. Go fig?
Attached is a simple drawing of the hill and everyone's position. The rings are the rings of the explosion. Most of the debris seem to lie in expanding rings of rubble. You can read it using "Paint"
The next turn due Sunday 1/5 at 10CT.
See everyone soon!
p.s. If you don't hear from me anymore, it means Kirk actually rolled up a character and I had a heart attack as a result. :)
Intro. From The Jericho: We now seem to have the idea of how to word a turn so that the DM doesn't have to change much before running the turn. We're still playing somewhat sporadically. The characters are developing nicely with each one finding a niche within which to role-play.
Jerry says: I apologize to David for making a mistake on his intelligence.
Tom says: So that everyone knows, I am 26 years old, spend 2 years in Germany in the army, and a few months in Desert Storm. I have an associates in electronics engineering, and am working on my bachelors. (though I may not spell very well). Is that well enough out of High School?
Tim says: It's Tim Wybiral...learn to spell my last name correctly!!!!!! It's also Tacoma, not Takoma. And starting either next week or the week after, I will be having a new aol address.
Jerry says: Wybiral.....Got it. Or was that Winebarrel?
Next turn due Tues. Night. I'm sending this Mon. morning. As we played past 1AM last night. I still think we can make a Tue. Deadline.
Kevin expresses his regrets, but his work hours are not matching times that he can get access to his brother Kirk's computer so he apologizes and drops out for now. His dad is putting in a new modem at home within a month or so and hopes to be back on soon.
Remember, that "you" as characters are not required to accept anyone into your group of adventurers, if that is what we have yet. At the same time, remember that it takes time to develop a character as a player. You know your character and how he/she will react to certain things. Balance those two things and roleplay as you see fit. Those who roll up unusual characters are being told by JK and I that they run the risk of not being accepted at which point they are back to the drawing board to roll up a new character. However don't pick on the new guys. Is that enough to wash some mud over the whole issue? Good.
Enjoy the day,
John says: I know, I know. This is only the second time it has happened, but...
I admit I have been ignoring my character's desire to refuse allowing characters to just walk in and join the group. I feel that any allowance of this role-playing, albeit appropriate, would keep us in the "Intro Turns" for even longer. It seems it would disruptive with e-mail every time someone comes in -- even without role-playing the questioning and acceptance of the new character.
I had made the personal "assumption" that Sir Gideon had some type of letter with Loren's seal which was recognizable to Nonam. I know that it circumvented "real" character reactions, but it also allowed play to continue uninhibited. If you would allow it, I would like to make the same type of assumption again. If not, please let me know and I will react to Korok's appearance in the next turn.
Jerry says: I agree John, and if you feel you can adventure with the new PC's as they come in, fine let's get it over with and move on. I've used the same reasoning for some of the things I've done so far. However, don't let a PC join up that you don't feel you can't live with. You were here first.
Gentlemen, as things stand now, we have a group of three. These three are a permanent group. Hopefully, Tom will complete this group with four people. At that point, we will work on getting a group of at least three to form a second group. These two groups may get together occasionally or work together on something if they want to. By having two separate groups, I can run the same adventures with both groups and at the end we can compare how each did.
Possible players for the second group could be: Tim (once he gets his own computer), Kevin (once he gets set up with a modem at his parents house), Anthony (once he saves up for a modem) [he does have the disk for the free Juno email software which Scott Carpenter is now using-he emailed me the other day], Kirk, if he ever gets around to rolling up a character, or anyone else who is recruited. We're not going to advertise on AOL or anything, but spread things by word of mouth. I have my doubts about some of the above as to when or if they will join....best intentions don't stack up against real life sometimes as you know. Feel free to recruit a friend if ya want.
Why do I have a feeling that Tim will be begging us to add a fifth sometime soon when most of the others wash out. (No cut to the others, of course. I looove all of you maaaan!)
Ya know, if we weren't friends, I couldn't jibe you guys or open up all these cans of worms, now could I?
I really feel privileged to get to play with your guys again. You too Tom. This is really bringing back memories and I hope creating new ones.
Thanks for everyone turning in their turns on time. Yippee!
Next turn due Thurs. 1/9 at 10pmCT.
Tom - Thanks for the welcome. I hope I can be a good addition to the game...do not fear, I do not start in games that I do not intend to continue playing (barring unfortunate circumstances of course).
John- Your last message came across moderately laced with garbage and was difficult to read. You doing anything different or did I just receive line-chatter?
Jerry- I did nothing different. I'm guessing it was line chatter.
John- What is the free Juno e-mail and does it have non-WF,TX dial-ups.
Jerry- It is a free email service paid for by advertisers. Instead of paying a monthly fee, you have to read advertisements in areas of your interests. Scott Carpenter is using it now and could make you a copy. Email him and ask him about it. Anthony has it as well, but hasn't used it yet. I'll ask him for a copy to send you so you can check it out. Local numbers are being added and they have a 800 number until then.
When desired, I have a few local friends that may be interested in playing. I was also thinking of contacting Sydney Deem in London. Any thoughts?
Jerry- I think it would be great to add Sydney. Guys, I played with Sydney and John in another campaign once. I don't think Sydney ever played in my campaign. He is a great guy and would fit in well. That would give us two in the second group. You are the best judge of your friends. Introduce them to us as you see fit.
Guys, also if someone ever wants to switch to the second group and has someone to take his place in the first group, we can do so if no one objects, but we want to keep movement to a minimum. I suppose, a player could play a character in both groups if he wanted to.
I'm adding Scott Carpenter to our mailing list (Hi Scott) to interest him in playing and so he can read the adventures for his amusement. Most of you know him as David's little brother. Hehe.
I'm selecting/writing the next adventure now and am open to any input as to things you would like to do and places you'd like to visit. This will make more sense when you get the maps and legends for the campaign. Possibilities....Lankhmar, The Floating City, Plateau City, Dirt City, The Underdark, Culverwood, The Scab, Orc hunting in Izen or the Red Hills, etc. Most of the usual plot lines are there. Tell me what you envision your character doing or becoming or wanting to do.
Next turn is due Saturday 1/11CT at 9:00pmCT (I'm changing the time to 9 so I can get the turn done earlier in the evening.
Have a great day,
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