David-That's better ... I guess Gareth just has a way with words. On the Onrad thing: Not only did Onrad walk down the street, but in the two prior turns he was with Tiberion and Nonam around the back of the house (or on his way there). I imagine the rest of the party would not have heard Nonam's comments in their entirety, if at all - other than Tiburon of course. Since it appears everyone played the turn as if they heard the exchange I wrote Gareth's response as if he did too. Although I don't imagine he would have if we played the turn as it seemed to me to have happened.
Necromancers Stones (Missed turn)
Sorry, I didn't get home until late so I couldn't do a turn for Thursday. Here's a map of where everyone is though. at the start of next turn.
Empty Bld. Empty Bld. _____________I Z S S S I________________________I
Z G S S S S S ZZ S S Z Z S ZZ _____________ Z SS S ________________________ I ------------- I dr I I i i I c I I O F I I I I _h_ J I [] K [] G hI___Ih T [] I I h I I N I I I I wI I Ti I I _____________I bbb I___________bed_________ I SSS S Z ___________G_ ZZ SS ZZ ________________________ I I I I S S I I Empty Bld. I Z Z Z I Empty Bld. I
J-Jus, K-Kat, N-Nonam, G-Gareth, O-Onrad, Ti-Tiburon, F-Flaust, T-Thrasher, dr-dresser, c-chest, table in middle of room, h- chair, S- Skeleton, Z-Zombie, G-Ghoul, b-boxes, table in middle of street by Onrad
This is how the map looks after this turn:
<pre> Empty Bld. Empty Bld. _____________I I________________________I ZZ S G S S Z _____________ S SS GSSZ ________________________ I ------------- I dr I I O i i N I c I I F I I I I _h_ I [] K [] hI___Ih [] I I h I I I I I I wI I Ga Ti JI I _____________I ZZGbbb SSZS I___________bed_________ I ___________ __ ________________________ I I I I S S I I Empty Bld. I Z Z Z I Empty Bld. I
J-Jus, K-Kat, N-Nonam, Ga-Gareth, O-Onrad, Ti-Tiburon, F-Flaust, T-Thrasher, dr-dresser, c-chest, table in middle of room, h- chair, S- Skeleton, Z-Zombie, G-Ghoul, b-boxes, table in middle of street by Onrad, Creatures caught in net. </pre>
All mages get bonus spells according to their Intel. the same as Clerics do with their Wis. Use the Cleric Wis. Bonus table to see how many you get.
Introduction From The Jericho: Here we experience a new kind of combat....a role-playing style of combat whose purpose is to tell a story rather than see which of two groups is more powerful. No danger to the characters is evident, since no game statistics are mentioned. So instead of tactics and strategy, we get something else....I'm still not quite sure what, though.
JK says -so do I get the xp for zany combat situation winner, or is someone else going to write something????
Keith- Flaust, you lost the spell when you attacked.
Keith- chime in with your opinion next turn and what the majority says will occur unless you give me specific instructions to do one or the other if the vote goes against you. If this happens, you could be left behind or decide to go on ahead. Try to remember the importance in an email game of keeping the group together. [grin]
Keith- everyone will have their spells memorized by the next turn. Most of you have given me a spell list, but if you would, please include one under the line with your next turn. Thanks !!
JK says- due to Keith's e-mail trouble (he's not getting ANY mail - not just forwarded mail), I did this turn.
JK also says- when did DHott start doing such long turns? I thought for sure it was one of John's or DHill's, but it kept saying Gareth. :)
Dhott says- I'd say something about AOL but... OK I will: Just another of an > AMAZING list of reasons to go somewhere else for REAL service. They > can't support their users, and what's worse is when they DO support > their users with new releases of software. It's pathetic. No other > company I've ever seen has these kinds of problems at ALL. No lost > mail, no software incompatibility, no extra charges, no nothing. I > imagine there are issues with other major service providers but they > are so few and far between they are never an issue! I find it amazing > that people still put up with it. - OK I feel better now.
JK says- did anyone ever play that game Lemmings. Where all the little lemmings go in a straight line and follow the leader even if it means plummeting to their deaths. Maybe they should have called it AOLers.
Jerry says- To everyone: Writing stuff below the line is how we keep in touch with each other. Everyone please about once a week or so share an anecdote from your life so we can enjoy the fellowship part of doing this and the keeping up old friendships part as well. Those of you out there who are just reading the game, please chime in as well so we know you are still out there and can get to know you as well.
Keith, be sure to include all items written below the line that are not addressed to the DM only...like this one....Thanks.
David H-Lemmings: That's good... >>
John-Hey people! We are planning our vacation to the US (and maybe even Hawaii and Canada). If any of you have suggestions of places to go and things to see, PLEASE suggest! Just remember, we will have a 5yr old girl, 3yr old boy, and 1yr old girl.
J. Chapa flew down to visit for a few days two weeks ago. We showed him the sights, then took him down to Florida, up to Savannah, and out to the ocean. He dropped off several books on philosophy and theology, but it's difficult for me to make time to read any more that a couple of pages a day. J. spends his time on the Internet focused on religious research -- he's currently involved with an ongoing discussion of 'Insight', written by Bernard Lonergan, a scholastic theologian.
A few days ago he called asking for prayers regarding his mother's health.
Keith- combat MIGHT commence next turn so act accordingly.
Keith, one more question: Was the trap magical or mechanical in nature? Once we get through the combat, I'll go back over and observe the stairs carefully, as per the Find Trap description, to get an idea of how the trap is triggered (probably by stepping on any of the stairs). (( it was mechanical ))
Anthony says: Someone please send me the Woldian address, they upgraded my computer and I lost all my addresses.
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