Jerry says: Experience. Please list in order of preference the top three characters as far as roleplaying and effectiveness was concerned during the last module. This will help me dish out experience. Everyone receives 5,000 xp. This survey is to help me determine bonus xp for roleplaying and effectiveness as I said redundantly above. Please send this privately to me. Do not send this to Woldian@usa.net, thanks.
Jerry says: Please bombard me with requests for hero points. Each character may have several now as per the House Rules which you should now all have access to. You may nominate yourself and/or others as many times as you see fit. These may be sent publicly with your turns.
Jerry says: Several of you have already approached me with what your character wants to do during the month off. I've answered these individually. All players have until the end of the week to let me know what you want to do. Otherwise I'll just assume you hung around the Giggling Ghost with Daphne......hehe.
Jerry says: OK, it's basic expenses time as per the House Rules. Everyone who eats and lives in an "ordinary" fashion needs to deduct 50gp per level for basic expenses. This covers things like fixing your armor, buying spell components etc. that would be boring to role-play. If your character lives in an opulent manner, by choice, or an ascetic one, double or half it. Ascetic status must be announced ahead of time and properly role-played to keep. Both Ascetic status and Opulent must be noted on the character sheet.
Jerry says: If you have gone up a level, consult the House Rules for the obtaining of new spells. I need for mages entire collection of spellbooks to be listed on their character sheets with current spells memorized noted with an asterisk or something. check your DMG for how to create a spellbook. I assume and all spellbooks weigh 20 pounds and take up 2/3rds of a backpack. I firmly suggest that you create a traveling spellbook or a series of them (say one for different settings). I also suggest that you inquire via one-one-one roleplaying with me into various spellbook protections that are available. You may of course shop for spells at anytime or arrange for trade with another mage.
Jerry says: The "care package" from Osto needs to be divided up or not. [evil grin]
Jerry says: Hold off on sending your updated character sheets until you receive your bonus xp from me, probably on Monday.
Jerry says: I'll be running the turns by myself until John returns from his vacation. Then he'll be teaming with me.
Jerry says: The next turn is due Monday by 7:00pm.
David says: On XP's:
Gareth was documented as killing the following monsters: 5 skeletons, 2 ghouls, 2 zombies; fighter #2 (1/2); Som, 1 unidentified undead Additionally ath the end there were a number of "non specific" battles in which he probably killed more.
Jerry says: Fine. You are responsible for doing your own individual xp points. Individual xp is found on p.48 of the DMG2 or by looking up Individual xp in the Core Rules CDRom. For your convience, I'm sending these rules cut and pasted from that source in another email. SAVE THIS for future reference. If you don't know the HD of each creature you deserve individual xp for, ask. The onus is on you.
Jerry says: As for the above, Skeletons are 1HD, Ghouls are 2HD, Zombies are 2HD, Som's warriors were 4HD, Som I'm not sure about. Keith would you look up his HD. If Keith doesn't remember, ask me again in a few days and I'll make an official guess. Keith? "Non-specific" battles that were role-played by Keith are assumed to be included in the "story" experience that I've already given.
Jerry says: I included the monster experience (for the group) as a part of the "story" award. I also included a survival award as per the DMG2 p.47.
David continues: Also, do we get more XPs for the rubies and the gems?
Jerry says: I did this for the last few modules, however, now that we're far enough along that I understand better how much xp is needed per level, it's not necessary. It is an optional rule that I'm choosing not to include this time. My usual response to this questions is, "Money and magic are their own rewards."
Jerry continues: Excellent questions David.
David says: Why were we asked for actions and to continue the story line if all our turns were ignored. I'm opposed to broad strokes that exclude the players from doing anything. I would have liked to go back to the tower the following day. I seriously doubt anyone would bother the place and it is not unreasonable to think there was stuff to be had and more undead to kill. Furthermore, if we are going to try and get new stuff, wouldn't more money be a good thing to have? Anyway, I'll get over it - maybe yesterday.
Jerry says: JK did the Actions thing. I didn't see anything wrong with it. Everyone else seemed to understand that there would be a new beginning the next turn. As far as going back is concerned, I DID NOT want to go back to the tower to conduct a boring search of the place. That would be boring and anticlimactic. We're "storytelling" here. Creating our own piece of "fiction" so to speak. That's why I had the care package arrive from Osto of your share of what was found there. Did you not think that the people who had suffered in the town also deserved a share of what was found there?
David says: On experience: Are you giving experience based on monsters killed in addition to a story line base? Or is everyone getting the same?
Jerry says: There is a difference between individual experience for monsters and group experience for monsters. Look it up in the DMG pp.46-47. I hope I answered this above in today's turn.
David Hill says: I was a little confused about obtaining spell books for the priest -- was that part for mages only? I'll draw up my character sheet tonight, listing all possible spells available, and notate the ones requested.
Jerry says: Spell books are only necessary for Mages...look it up...:) I don't do anything that weird....just play by the rules :)
Keith says: I nominate Gareth for a Hero Point because he was always willing ( sometimes foolishly ) to place his body between the foes and the party.
Jerry says: I agree that Gareth probably deserves a Hero Point. I need a specific instance of when he was heroic and placed his body between the foes and the party. Check the website for former turns if it has all become fuzzy to you. I'll try to get the final turns posted in a few days. It may be the weekend, though, cause I'm running all the turn for the next few days, plus all this "month off" stuff.
Jerry says: Please send all "month off" stuff separate from your turn, please. Use the Subject line of "Gareth's Month Off: Turn 1" with your character's name and the proper turn number interposed, unless you're Gareth and it's your first turn.. :)
Jerry says: I included all discussion about treasure dividing with this turn because it fit ok. It won't fit tomorrow, so here's what we'll do. You guys can email each other and discuss it in character....That's right, Email each other. I suggest that you send your comments to everyone so everyone can enjoy it. If it gets to be too much mail, let me know. We can designate a player that is not the current DM to compile these and send them out separately. (Too much work for me and besides it's your money. Want it? Do the work! It can stay in the group kitty for all I care. :) Include both my school address and home in all correspondence in character so I can keep up. Thanks. Questions?
John says: I REALLY hate doing this. Silly as it may seem, I don't like nominating my own character (if he even has something to be nominated for). But, here are a couple of nominations:
Flaust: For sneaking into the tower by herself and scoping things out.
Jerry says: Granted. Flaust add the hero point and the 200xp. There was risk involved, although I'm not so sure of the selflessness of the act. :)
Nonam: For being a true friend, putting his own stubbornness aside, and apologizing to Onrad. This should be given a hero point since JK altered his character's persona to keep the party together.
Jerry says: There was no physical risk involved here. I will award a xp bonus of 500xp for his actions, however.
Jerry says: John, Ifn ya want the points do the nominating.....or sneak it to David and have him nominate you if you're shy....hehe. Guys there's lots more hero points out there. But it's not me that wants them. Ifn ya want 'em, ask for 'em. [grin]
John says: Is the Common Expenses Fee a per-week, per-month, or one-time-between-modules deduction?
Jerry says: Hmm....normally we've said it was a per-month fee. However, it works out easier to just do it by the module. :) Good question. I'll check with the local group about changing the House Rule there.
Jerry says: Received no turn from Anthony as of 1157pm. Anthony are you out there?
Jerry says: The turn tonight along with the 20 odd other emails that had to be answered took me about 3 hours. Whew. If it takes me a few days to get back to you on your individual stuff, please understand.
Jerry says: I didn't receive turns from JK, Keith, Anthony, or John. However I did hear from some of these people concerning what they wanted to do during their month off and other issues, but no turn actions were sent. Hey guys! The regular game comes first! We need to hear from you every day. I couldn't legitimately move forward from this point until everyone, or at least nearly everyone chimed in with a yes or no.
Jerry says: I haven't received bonus experience from everyone yet. If I don't hear from you tomorrow, consider any bonus experience you would have earned to have been lost. I'm not going to spend over an hour a night on this stuff if I don't get feedback on stuff when I ask for it. [slightly miffed smile]
David Hott says: First, was Kat mentioned in a turn so far? I didn't see her.
Jerry says: I didn't receive a turn from her. I emailed Anthony at work today about his turns. Hopefully things will smooth out here pretty quick.
David says: Second, here are my hero point nominations for Gareth:
Gareth specifics:
1) Pressing the attack on the undead in Osto as they retreated to the swamp when some of the others wanted to let them go.
(That's a choice, not something heroic. No special risk involved. No selflessness.)
2) Attacking Som when he went invisible and risking several back attacks to prevent him from casting spells on the party.
3) Correctly assessing the use of his bow to prevent Som from casting in the room with the four fighters instead of closing with sword. (at least additional XP. Yeah, I guess I'm now an XP-grubbing fighter as opposed to an XP-grubbing MU...)
(300 xp)
4) In Osto undead attack, focused attack on Ghouls at great risk instead of allowing other party members to take their attacks.
5) Several times rushing to engage the undead army to prevent them from getting through doors or successfully advancing on the parties position. (The door of the castle [when party entered AND left], the front of Thrasher's (spit!) house, etc.)
(Personally I thought everyone was being pretty selfish about that time. Doing their own thing with no concern for each other in the group. In fact Keith commented on that about that time to me. No one acting as a group.)
Gareth has slots for two additional hero points. I think he deserves both.
(I do too.)
Good thoughts on several other characters already noted. I'll continue to look for others...
Just a thought on hero point nominations: I think the person most qualified to nominate a character - other than the DM - for hero points is the person running the character. They made the turn decisions, they worked the character, and therefore they have the best recollection of the actions their character took. DM, of course, did too. This comes as no surprise I'm sure but if you have nominations for your own character a person should not be bashful in nominating them. This is really for the best I think because the adventures we play go back months and it is simply hard to remember every valid situation - even for your OWN character. And consequently to give every character equal consideration would require a review of all the turns which takes a lot of time. Time which could be used to move the adventures forward. This is MHO, of course and not intended to discourage the nomination of characters other than your own. In fact, by nominating your character you may give others the information they were looking for in reference to your character so they can second a nomination if appropriate.
(Thanks for your opinion and sermon, David.) [evil grin]
David continues and continues: Some crossing in the mail. Some of the questions were repeats. Sorry for the extra 'chatter'. Actually my comment about the abrupt ending of the turn was made prior to the care package turn. Not a bad way to handle it. Like I said, I'll get over it, maybe 2 days ago now...
David Hill says: What are the house rules for carrying excess experience over when raising a level? The experience gained from the previous adventure goes well beyond the 3000 xp needed for Flaust to raise to 4th level. Is it lost?
Jerry says: No. Again check the AD&D rules for this. They say you can go up one level, not two. So anything up to, but not including what it would take to go up two levels is allowed.
David Hill says: Regarding the Hero Point: I'd like to convert it to a Role-playing Point, to be used to provide influence in a critical situation.
Jerry says: No, I don't think so.
Jerry says: Again I reiterate. I will not handle treasure period. Write each other. Deal with each other. New rule. No treasure can be taken unless the group has been notified...unless you're stealing it. If you choose to do that, let me know privately. Otherwise is stays in the kitty. Remember the group may not be too happy to just say, I'm taking this. I wouldn't be. Onrad won't be. There I said it.
Jerry says: Well as you can see I finished getting ready for Friday night with the help of JK last night. I know that this is an awkward place to end the turn. I wanted to continue, however, as I looked ahead I realized that I was just about to open another grand discussion between the characters and felt we should finish the treasure discussion before beginning another. We're in no hurry, guys. Remember this is a game and we're not on a schedule. Continue to roleplay the treasure thing to your hearts content. We won't run the next turn until then to avoid that kind of confusion. Two discussions at once while also doing things during our month off would confuse you and it would kill me. I had 45 emails in my box tonight counting duplicities concerning the game....whew. Go ahead and send in any responses to this turn that you want to. If you have no response, just send me an email saying, "No response." I'll keep these and wait until we're finished with the treasure thing before proceeding.
Jerry continues: Tell you what, we'll finish dividing it up Monday night, then see if what we decide is ok with David Hill and Keith.
Jerry says: Be sure to bring your character sheets with you for Monday. If you forget, I can print out your latest one to play. Erin of the local group has to go out of town Monday. She owes me 10 cookies for backing out...she set the price. I asked for one...hehe. I should try that more often....[evil grin].
Jerry says: Yes is playing Starplex July 30th. I am now a Yes VIP through the internet and can get up to 6 tickets up close for about $50 each. Anyone interested? I need to know asap to get some before they are gone. This is getting ticket vouchers for seats in a certain area, usually the VIP rows, before they go on sale. They are supposed to be playing in surround sound this tour. Very exciting. Until then Yes has two new albums out this month. One is called Beyond and Before and has the first stuff they ever recorded for the BBC in 1969 remixed and in some cases replayed. The other is a special edition of their latest release from last fall in quadraphonic called "Open Your Eyes." Other news. Tommy Shaw one of the three singers in Styx has a new solo album coming out in June. Styx goes into the studio in June and is supposed to tour with a brand new "theme" album like Kilroy and Paradise Theatre in the fall. They have a new record deal for 5 albums in the next 4 years. Dennis De Young the main singer of the group also has a new album out of his new broadway musical "Hunchback" featuring the song "Paradise." Go fig. It gets high ratings for that kind of song. If you haven't picked up their live album of their recent tour called "Return to Paradise", your missing some great remixes and a couple of new songs as well.
David Hott says: Jerry, I'm not sure I asked the question properly in my turn 3 email: What exactly are you referring to when you say 'bonus experience'? I looked back and could only see references to 'role play and effectiveness'. Is this what you meant or is there more? Sorry if I just missed it. I really did look.
Jerry says: Ok, I've answered this for some and not for others so here it is a final time [grin]. There are two kinds of experience group and individual. The bonus experience I was refering to was individual experience. To help me decide how much bonus experience to give each character for "role-playing and effectiveness" I asked each of you to rate each player character in these areas and send me your top three rated characters. I would use this survey to help me determine how much bonus experience to give each character in this area. I didn't hear from 3 of you. John abstained not wanting to rate himself. John I didn't want you to rate yourself. Just the others. They will rate you. If you haven't and don't object to this on moral grounds...[grin], please do so and send your top three players according to how they were "role-played" and how "effective" they were to help me be fair. I'll send out this bonus experience privately and no one, not even the other DMs will know who has received what. :) Does that clear it up? Questions?
David says: [David Hott] I'm kind of surprised to hear your assessment that 'everyone was being pretty selfish about that time'. I'm assuming your referring to the way the battle with Som went. There were several instances that people wanted to slow up and regroup. There were times that Gareth in particular ignored suggestions of fellow party members that involved not pressing the attack on Som. This was my best attempt to role play his attitude as follows: [Gareth saw that some of the party members had little if any offensive effectiveness against the undead and Som (and they were making the suggestions on how Gareth should fight!). He was also a bit intimidated and angered by Aventine who pushed the assault and 'goaded' Gareth into action at times (being young, impressionable, and having his leadership unexpectedly threatened by an outsider). Add to that Som had the audacity to not die real easy and Gareth concluded it best to press the attack against him at all costs not allowing him to reset and get an edge. Also, there was no way he was letting Aventine get a leadership edge and he was angry that his attacks were not killing Som even with major damage.]
Jerry says: No that was not the combat to which I was referring. I was referring to the combat in Osto by Thrasher's house. No one seemed to be working together leading up to that battle.
David says: I thought the fighters worked well together in that situation. During this time there were also several 'edits' to my submitted turns. Words put into Gareth's mouth and actions that were not put there by me. Even so I would say that Gareth was pretty true to character as represented by me. It may be accurate to say 'Gareth was being selfish' or 'the party members were being selfish' but I'm not sure I agree that the players were being overly so.
Jerry says: It seemed to me that the start of this module up through about the time that combat's tide turned, that the group was acting as individuals. Onrad was probably the worst, only concerned that he be listened to. Nonam was next enjoying his torture of Onrad to the exclusion of group unity. Gareth was so focused on the discussion with the priest of Wardd in the bar that he (and he said this) purposefully ignored the situation until the business with the "outsider" was taken care of. People were running off and doing this and that without even seeing if that was what the group wanted to do. True, such things are open to interpretation, so I guess that's my interpretation of things.
David continues: Just a couple of related notes about the game if your interested: As we have discussed before people's turns were modified on a number of occasions which resulted in more forceful language being used in their subsequent turn submissions. We also had instances where people's intent was misinterpreted (i.e. Kat). Add to this a number of character 'insertions' which were not totally agreed upon in advance by DMs and differences in the handling of the story line between DMs and I'm not extremely surprised that the turns became more 'inward looking' as perhaps there was some discouragement or frustration. I want to emphasize that I never really became aggravated but I got the impression that others may not have been as passive.
Jerry says: I totally agree. We, meaning Keith and I honestly (I'm sure I can speak for Keith here) did our best. I hope you still had fun. That and using this as a means for keeping old friendships active daily is the reason for doing this. If those goals are not being met, then we need to something less competitive....which is an odd thing to say about a role-playing game. But then we were always competitive and have always gotten over it. I remember many a Risk game where differing ones of us got upset at times. That's the by-product of competing with your friends. I even remember Karl Lillie turning the table over when he lost a few times. [big grin]
David continues: I think the game is going great but I imagine, being the perfectionist you are, you would want honest feedback to make it as good as possible. I really don't have a lot of suggestions about how it could be better except that the DM(s) more carefully consider edits to peoples turns. Being 'guided' through a story line is like reading a book. Not playing a game. The end or beginning of an adventure obviously requires it but if the group totally messes up on what the DM(s) had in mind is see that as no reason to edit. The other issues on story line handling I believe will improve over time as you guys get used to working with each other and the players get used to each other. Even though it's been a while everyone has never really met and there have been additions and deletions of characters and players as well. I think this Monday will do great things to improve this area as I'm sure you well know. Probably preaching to the choir but I figured you'd like to have my thoughts since you seem to be indirectly expressing concern over the groups overall performance. Thanks for your hard work. Hope my notes are a help not a burden.
Jerry says: You're welcome. Not many take the time to say they are enjoying or appreciate the time the DMs spend running the turns. Be honest at all times. Dishonestly breeds miscommunication.
David says: Good news. I had lunch with Joey Chapa yesterday and told him about Monday. He is considering coming to the Monday festivities with me. This I think would be a good time for him to be introduced to the group (as if we've all met...) and bring in his new character.'
Jerry says: Great! Looking forward to seeing him after all these years.
JK says: I'm going to have to take a couple of weeks off the game. We're making plans to move in a couple of weeks as well as planning the trip to Mich.
Jerry says: We'll miss you in the local group alot JK. Hopefully you can make friends with David and his wife Kim.
Anthony says: Sorry about no turn yesterday, I was at home. I had surgery on my foot tues.
Jerry says: Ouch! You should have said something.
Jerry says: Joey, I apologize for taking so long to get your macro added. I just kept forgetting. Someone should have reminded me. It's added now as you can tell.
Jerry says: No turn again received from Keith. Hey Keith, don't forget. I'll send Flaust over to your house to kiss you!
Jerry says: I did not receive a turn from Tiburon.
David Hill says: I take it that David Hott doesn't care to have his turn submissions edited :) Here's my (re-expressed) feeling on the matter: I don't have loads of time to lay out twenty possible areas of action each round. We want to retain some semblance of round-by-round D&D action, but I want don't want it to move at a crawl, either. That's why I like for some 'words to be put' in my character's mouth -- I want some movement to occur in the story line.
Jerry says: Uh, oh...here we go. ::ducking::
David says: In reference to your response to my comments: I have indeed greatly enjoyed the game. Both playing and dialogue with friends.
David says: Not to belabor the point. I just want to get it right. Are you looking for specifics such as what I put down for Gareth for all the other characters/players from me or is what I gave you already in the form of nominations cover it? Also, it seems to me you want the following: character nominations for good role play, hero point nominations, and individual experience to be defined as monster killed. You also gave Gareth some XP for a specific combat event nominated as a hero point. I'm not sure if you want a list of those or not. Sounds like you do not by you answer below. Is that all or am I still missing something?
Jerry says: Ok, let's see if I can answer this without confusing things further. JK, Anthony, Keith, feel free to jump in here and help. When I send you experience, write it down. Add your 10% bonus if your character gets it. Keep a running total. I don't want a breakdown of what you earned for what. Everyone is honorable or they wouldn't be asked to play in this game.
Jerry continues: You do individual experience yourself. When you accomplish something (like a solo kill for a fighter, or a pick pockets for a thief) , anything on that chart that I sent last week from the DMG, that had "significant risk" involved in it give yourself the experience and email me the information. You get to decide this honorably for yourself. Just inform me of what you have earned with a quick note.
Jerry elaborates: When you gain a level, or something significant, other than experience points (like a new spell in your spellbook, or a new hero point, or buy something, or get a new magic item) send me an updated character sheet.
Jerry extemporizes: As far as what I asked you to send me. I asked for you to do two things. First, I asked for you to nominate yourself and others for hero points. When you send these in, I evaluate the nominations and grant the hero point, grant just some extra xp for that person to write down, or deny it altogether. Second, I asked everyone to rate the other player characters in the areas of "role-playing and effectiveness" listing the top three in order and sending that to me privately to help me determine a bonus individual experience award that I wished to hand out.
David Says concerning David's comments: All right! A fight!! A fight!!! Hey, did you hear about the gang fight that broke out into a hockey game? They REALLY decided to get serious...- Came to mind as the Dallas Stars advance to the third round of Stanley Cup play tonight.
David continues: In response to Mr. Hill (heh heh)... This issue will obviously be different for everybody. Thus requiring flexibility with all involved. In this case, my modus operandi is to send one, maybe two scenarios with Gareth's turn. Then I add a note to specify intent just in case my scenarios don't work. I could never imagine spending the time to do 20 turns (10 or even 5 - unless an extremely important scenario - maybe 5). This enables the DM to add words or modify actions to add flair as desired. My comment really was not intended to imply that this was not acceptable or desirable. I 'm talking about having entire turns completely ignored, having the character do something directly in conflict with stated intent, or even do something totally different just because the requested action did not 'fit' nicely. Such as not attacking and running instead or saying something a certain way when the intent was clearly the opposite (these are 'hypothetical' examples and do NOT reflect on specific instances of our game FYI - just examples). Sometimes, as for example at the beginning or end of an adventure, this is necessary. Other times it is not so necessary. I was merely reflecting on what I could see becoming a big deal if it were to proliferate and become 'common practice' as opposed to being a very 'special' event.
David extemporizes: This also brings up a good point for character turns. The street runs both ways. The less thoughtful our turns with the characters the more bland the game and the more likely DM intervention is needed. There is also a much higher possibility of misinterpretation by DM due to lack of turn content. I am very surprised that this group has had so little in the way of problems. This speaks very highly of all involved. Again probably preaching to the choir but that should at least clarify my position on the issue. It is indeed no big deal. In fact, my 'quip' about the ignoring of the turn I think was taken entirely too seriously. I DID state I would be over it 'yesterday'...
David Theorizes: So! Perhaps not too scathing of a rebuttal argument ... Feisty after seeing the Stars...Looking forward to pummeling a half-orc again with plenty of tripping. hooking, slashing and just general overall head bashing! He did get DM help last time to keep from being totally humiliated you know.
David sends accolades: Had a great time last night. I think the night was a big success. Especially when Mr. Hill decided to make an appearance. I enjoyed meeting everyone. I think the online game is really going well as I encountered no surprises in role play. This speaks well of all involved. Wish I could have stayed longer. BTW how was your Friday event? As successful I hope? I also enjoyed meeting Erin and Tony. They seem like good folks. Hope your school year ends up well.
Jerry says: I agree David. Thanks to everyone that came. It was a highlight of my year. Keith, you really missed out...and we missed you!
Jerry says: Remember, I'm playing a part. No email letter-bombs please.
Jerry says: No turn from Keith.
Jerry says: Keith, please check with Tony to see if he still wants to receive the turns. If so, have him contact me before the end of the week please.
John says: I have to strongly agree. Monday night was a great time. In some ways, I really enjoyed the time at the parkway grill more. It was great getting together and catching up on what everyone is doing. And the surprise showing of Mr. Hill was great.
John says: The gaming was great. It was hard to get back into it in just one session. I wish we had more opportunity to play (next time I won't make the mistake with phantasmal force -- the things one forgets!)
John says: In regards to the editing of turns: Usually I prefer having my turns without edits. However, I think the DMs have done a great job putting words into my character's mouth to tie an otherwise stuttering pace together. So, I guess I like editing to allow continuity in conversations, but not editing to change the actions of the characters. When Jerry started, the conversations flowed seamlessly due to his small tweaks of the character's words. I prefer that to the cut-and-paste turns (although I'm sure it takes MUCH less time).
David to David: I liked your response. And I'm glad to hear about the Stars progress -- I've been a fan of theirs, but haven't had the chance to keep up with the Stanley Cup playoffs.
Keith says: sorry about the lack of turns, I would have sworn I sent one yesterday but I guess I was dreaming about it.
Jerry says: Wonderful roleplaying fellows. I'm enjoying this.
Jerry says: Will be in Koffman tomorrow. We're visiting a school that has a similar setup to what we want to have next year, except we want it on a larger scale. Leaving about 6AM. Will be home by suppertime. Sorry guys, but I'll be with 4 other teachers and can't like arrange to have lunch or something. Perhaps soon. I want in on one of those legendary Hott-Chapa lunches this summer....:)
Jerry says: I have a dream. Just like Martin Luther. The dream is a beaut. I have a dream of a road trip. A road trip across the country with a carload of friends to ride all the best rollercoasters of the country. The dream always ends with my Grand Prix on the Texas Giant. Sometimes dreams come true.
Jerry says: Add the following to The House Rules: All PC characters that go inactive for any reason immediately fall under the pervue of the Campaign DM and may be used by him as NPCs in any way he sees fit.
Jerry says: This issue has come up now both in the local game and the online game. No big deal. I just want everyone to understand that you can't leave your character, go to another and still maintain control of what your original character does in any way. There are three reasons for this. First, it is more, especially in the online game, than I want to handle. Dealing with one set of characters is enough for one group. The Second reason is that no two people can play a character the same way. I could try to play Jus and did for awhile when John was out of pocket for a month or so last year. However, I think everyone would agree that I didn't play him like John did. I simply don't want to be held responsible for what I do with a character under my control. This leads to the third reason: I don't want any arguments over who IS in control of non-active Player Characters. You're not currently playing it, therefore I am.
Jerry says: FYI, David Hill and I have not had a chance to discuss all of this yet. David, email me with a time we can discuss things online. How about tomorrow evening? I can be free from 4:30pm till 9:00pm Texas time. Name your time. I'll see you on my buddy list and we can go to a private room to chat.
Jerry says: Tony (Keith's roommate) has been removed from the macros. Keith, have him contact me if he should want to remain on the mailing list.
Jerry says: Don't panic and feel you have to rush through this part of the module. Take your time and do it right. Just enjoy yourselves and don't worry about the pace. I'll control it. Comments about pace are always welcome. Feel free to email me and yell and scream about things. I can yell back or ignore real good. Jerry says: FYI, I only get 5 weeks for summer this year. Therefore I may not be able to get done all the things I wanted to this summer. I hope to send out a revamped player's folder. It will include a Table of Contents, upgraded maps (if JK finishes the labeling of them and gets them back to me), new legends, and the latest version of the House Rules. I also hope to get the Message Boards up and running. Anthony and I hope to do some major campaign brainstorming getting the Southern Continent down in permanent legend form with maps, etc. Finally, I will plan out the next year's campaigning ideas both for online and offline. I'd like to start a second group online this summer as well. I "think" that I have two local players all ready to play in it. A couple of weeks advertising and and contacting those who have visited the site and it should be set. The idea of course is that It should be a strong enough group that they can run themselves inside of 6 months for the most part.
David Hill says: I guess I was confused between the timelines of the 'Treasure/Warehouse conversation' the independent rounds during the month' and 'the standard adventure after the month of respite.' My intent was that, between active adventures, Flaust go off to work on the orphanage. So, my interpretation of the timelines was that the Treasure/Warehouse discussion was occurring roughly simultaneously with the independent rounds (during the month off). Flaust opted out of the warehouse, feeling that it was, at this point in the group's career, extravagant - and that her faith demanded that her monies be used to help the orphans. In the first Turn or so of Plans within Plans, I saw that the group had gone, retrieved Flaust from the now-supposedly-established orphanage for the next great adventure.
David Hill Says: Sorry I didn't get with you earlier for clarification. I had the first truly relaxing vacation this weekend, and never got on-line to check my mail.
Jerry says: Great! Heartfelt relief. I'll include what you wrote above in the turn to straighten everyone up and get things going again. Hmm....in the local game where an adventure lasts three weeks avg. it is much easier to let each group of characters contain two from each player. Online as you can see with things running much slower, I'd rather not do that. When we start alternate groups, if you wish you can play in a second group to help me get them started and play one that way.....if that's ok with you. Personally, not speaking as Onrad, I think you've succeeded in playing a character that no one else I've seen as ever made work....and perhaps in the only medium that it could have worked....and that's high praise from me. A non-violent AD&D character that works. I'm extremely curious as to whether she can continue to be viable at high levels or not.
Jerry says: Then to clear things up, Flaust will not be living in the warehouse but with the kids wherever they end up.
JK says between trips: Jerry, you wrote: << , upgraded maps (if JK finishes the labeling of them and gets them back to me >>
I'll finish these before I do the message board. I've been way too busy lately. I figure there may be some time next week after we get settled in to our place in Ft. Worth. If I don't finish then, I'll have to do it after I get back from Georgia too.
Jerry says: JK, I understand totally. No pressure. I'll just bug ya incessantly until it's done once school's out. heh....heh (laughing like Keith laughs at me when he had a particularly nasty idea to spring on the party heh...heh)
Jerry says: Roscoe talks that way, not me.
Jerry says: TAAS scores came in today. Holding your breath to see if Jerry's school and grade will be plastered all over the papers? No way bub! You're looking at a master teacher! We went up 30 POINTS in average over one month to have 72% of all 6th graders pass the math part of the TAAS. This is in a class where 20% of the students couldn't qualify for special ed because their IQ was too low. So you are all required to brag on my success. All required get it! Or I'll start including math problems with each turn! I'll do it!
Jerry says: No turns from John, who is on vacation, or Keith, who is out of town, or JK, who is moving and taking two weeks off which now sounds like a month....:), or Anthony, who has finals this week. I dutifully ran the turn anyway. I hope to see turn from Anthony tomorrow. I take that back, I got Keith's late around 9:40pm....
David Hott says: In case anyone didn't know, Jonathan, my youngest son, had surgery yesterday to repair a hernia yesterday. It went well. He's climbing stairs today.
Jerry says: I didn't know. I'm glad he's doing well.
David Hill says: Jerry, thanks for the handling of that last turn.
Jerry says: Sure. You're welcome.
Anthony says: Here is my summer E-mail address. It will be my only e-mail address after June 1 until next year.
Use it or lose it! ; )
Jerry says: Add Anthony's summer address to your macros. Remove his school address June 1st. We don't want his email address full of AD&D stuff during the summer. Trust me. We DO NOT want that.
Jerry says: I heard no bragging on my TAAS scores. Getting out the math book.
Jerry says: John is on vacation. JK is on hiatus and moving to Ft. Worth.
David Hott says: Congrats on the TOSS test success! I always knew you were excellent at teaching. You should go somewhere where they not only use your talents but recognize them in a tangible way as well (IMHO, as always...). Have you ever watched the movie "Stand and Deliver"? You should rent it tonight - Seriously.
David Hott says: Matthew did well on his Standardized test. It was from Stanford I think. He did Excellent in Science and History (The things I talk about most..) as well as critical listening; Above Average in Math (Big surprise there, heh heh..) and vocabulary; Average in reading, grammar and spelling. He had NO below average scores. I'm very proud of him. We'll work on his reading this summer. We read to him too much and did not require him to read to us enough. Shame on us for taking the easy way out (i.e. Less time to read it to him when your tired at night...). It cost him. We'll fix it though. Amazing how taking the easy way out ALWAYS causes problems regardless the area of life applied.
Jerry says: David if you need some help here, let me know. Remember that mom is a Reading Specialist and she could give you some pointers. Do get that game they always advertise on the radio. The Phonics Game or something like that. I've heard great things about it as far as basic skills are concerned.
David says: We get our blueprints Sunday! Then we can go to the next phase of the project. Finally!
David says to David: I was surprised to hear that Jonathan was already running around. Usually hernias keep you down a few days.
David says to Jerry: Told Shannon (wife) about your TAAS results, and she was very impressed. The question raised was, "How can IQ scores be too low to be in special ed?"
Jerry says: "I've asked that questions myself. The answer I always get from the CM (Content Mastery) teacher, which is our version of Special Ed (the terminology always changes) is that CM is for those students with designated learning disabilities who have IQs from (I think) 85-100 IQ. There is a second program called "Resource" which is used as a collective for three different kinds of students. These types are BA (those who need Behavior Adjustment), Resource (I think) those whose IQ are between 70-85 (I think). These things because of the lawsuits always involved in them which try to interpret what the congress of Texas meant when they set these things up. So there are some that do, believe it or not, slip through the cracks because their IQs are too low.
Now there are two reasons for their IQs rating that low. 1) They are really that low, due usually to something happening during mom's pregnancy such as drug use etc. 2) They have a SEVERE learning disability causing them to test below their normal IQ level because it's impossible to "standard" test someone with so severe a disability. These students can be (I think) tested with oral designed tests to determine their proper IQ without their disability, but it's expensive and difficult.
Notice that I don't know alot of the particulars here. Sorry. It's not my area of expertise, so to speak and these things get very complicated. I've had it explained to me time and time again, as have the rest of us teachers, but they always do so in such a convoluted manner that it's hard to make generalizations. The above is my current understanding of things.
We have 7 CM students our of our 40 and 4 resource students. The CM students take the test but their scores don't count towards the school's total. However, those students who slip through the cracks, of which we had 10, do count. Four of these passed either the Math or the Reading test....just barely for most of them. We tutored them daily with accredited teachers, worked with them after school on a rotating basis. We assigned each of them a mentor from Sheppard Air Force Base to work on their "environment" issues such as home situation, school frustrations etc. Then each was designated as a 504 student, named after the state law section, which allowed for PEPS, Personal Education Plans for each students success. We defined success as passing the TAAS test which is equivalent to having them on level to graduate. Professional councilors were brought in for 3 of these student by-weekly or even daily in one. All were sent to doctors if the parents agreed to have them tested for specific medical disabilities such as ADD or hyperactivity and in some cases medication was prescribed. There's more, but you begin to see the "extra" amount of time and planning necessary to get these kids even ready to begin learning. WE used the PALS program where upper minority students attending WFHS came over twice a week to work one on one with a student of the same minority as a second social mentor or to work in a simple specific skill such as multiplication facts. The hardest part is to work them to the bone without wearing them out or discouraging them. The relationship with these kids is always very special. When I showed actual scores to some kids today who passed by say 2 points, many tears were shed. They were actually hugging each other. Same tears for those who missed passing by 1 or 2 questions. I had one, the worst, in tears from missing academic recognition by one problem. My comment to the principal was that something is wrong when something, anything, caused such stress to 12 year old children, not to mention their teachers. He said that he wished he was a teacher and could comment on that question.
Well, kids that's my monologue for the day.
Jerry says: No turns received from Anthony, or Keith. Guys with John and JK both out right now, we've only four players and 5 characters. We need everyone daily if possible, to make a stab at this.
David Hill says: Got a question: Is it currently evening? Looking back at Turn 1, I think it is. Roscoe confused me with that last comment <If we can locate them (Bloody Claws), we go for them now or this evening depending on how ready this party is to leave.>
Jerry says: Turn 1 says, "One night late, the party is awakened by a knock at the door." Late night to me meant middle of the night which in my mind was around 3:00AM or so. Therefore by now it is early morning. When Roscoe says this evening, then he is referring to the next evening to come.
David says to Jerry: What advice would you give on handling elementary school students with an attitude, when you receive no support from other teachers or the principal at your school? Shannon has three students who have been repeatedly suspended, and brought back in. They are easier to handle apart, but all three are kept together in the same class. There is no chance of splitting them into other classes, and they are disruptive to the rest of the class.
Jerry says: I'm sure Shannon is a great teacher and knows her options are limited when her principal and other teachers will not help. I'm sure she's already contacted the parents as well. It's a tough thing that all teachers go through. School's almost out. It's one of those things that you can't judge without seeing the environment of the problem.....the class, the principal, the teacher, parents, etc. If this is a one year situation, stick it out. If it's an every year situation, perhaps a transfer is in order. If the "faculty personality" is such that they do not work together, consider transferring. The principal once punishment is administered has to put the kids back in the classroom, there is no other answer. Changing their homerooms might be a good move, but I doubt it would be considered this late in the school year. If I was the principal, I'd be trying to put the onus on the parents. As the teacher, perhaps you can do some of that. Basic discipline techniques call for NEVER showing the kids the worst punishment you have ever come up with. Do things that are inconvenient for the parents. If the principal has been willing to suspend them then the onus can also be put on him. Use the "stupid" strategy and go to him and say, "You're our instructional leader, I'm at a loss. Here's all the things I've tried. Tell me what do to." Then no matter what that is....DO IT. Then you can with good heart go back to him again and again saying here's what I did. Here's what happened. What do I try next? You must be very consistent for this to work. Keep a daily log of every warning by these students not in tally form but sentence form. Then have those kids sign it at the end of each day. Allow no disagreements. That way when they go to the office or you (Shannon) are questioned by parents, kids, or principal, or anyone else about what you've done, at least there is nothing to pin upon the teacher. The discipline came from the principal, he behavior from the students who have signed their behavior log agreeing that they did each thing as set down. If it gets to the point that they are disagreeing with what they did, knowing that admitting what they did will get them in trouble, record their behavior with a tape player or video camera. You can even use that as a discipline technique, although only if there is no chance of building a relationship with this student.
That's another important key. NEVER let them see that they have got your goat. You must WIN each battle. You do this by acting/pretending to be in control even if you're not. You know their tendencies, plan a response for when they do their "usual" stuff ahead of time. Tell them you will not allow a certain thing anymore and when they step over the line, this is what will happen, this will happen after that, and that you have other things ready for them if they choose to misbehave after that.
I could help more, if asked, if I knew some specific episodes. I don't wish to imply that I know all or that Shannon doesn't. [grin] I hope this didn't come of as condescending. [slap self]
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