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Sunday September 10th, 2000 2:01:52 PM

Looking around at Dakar's proclamation, Ingrge looks to the sky and then responds, "yes it is although I will take someone with should the need arise.

Monday September 11th, 2000 5:49:58 AM

The woman warrior looked over at the stone curiously as Figment cast his spell on it, humming to herself to see if it was, indeed, magic...

Monday September 11th, 2000 11:01:33 AM

Olana sits to one side and attempts to scribble a note in shaky writing. It explains what happened last night and the elves' plight. "Here," she says, handing the result to Dannal. "This is a note to a human named Lorna up in Titania. She's a cleric. She might be able to help your situation." She then gets the wagons ready.

DM Jan (The Day Beckons) 
Monday September 11th, 2000 11:24:49 AM

Figment is unable to find any traces of magic on the stone. It is noted however - that it is flat on one side, and cut very precisely. Dannal nods stiffly, takes the note from Olana and passes it to Shendra for safekeeping. Yandra appears to be following Fluet everywhere, and the other little ones start to look a bit forlorn as the party make preparations to leave. The small one with the stick scrambles onto the back of one of the wagons. It takes a few sharp words from Shendra to collect the rag-tag bunch together. The sun, previously cutting diagonal bands through the trees, rises higher. In the far distance ahead are sounds - like wheels rolling onward, and the occasional animal snort.

Monday September 11th, 2000 2:00:45 PM

frowns at the symbol. "There is no magic on it - but I would be careful with it nontheless. They could track us if we carry it so I would recommend we return it to the elves - destroy it, or chunk it into the woods. You know, I wonder how well the scarves protect us from listening devices? Scrying perhaps, but direct listening devices? Hmmmm.". The mage returns the stone to K'Nara, mounts and gets ready to depart.

Dakar the painmonger 
Monday September 11th, 2000 7:44:30 PM

Dakar hops onto the back of his donkey and kicks it into motion, ready to burst into combat motion at the slightest noise. He keeps a careful eye on the road ahead and remains quiet for the journey.

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 9:54:53 AM

He climbed up next to Milo and cocked his head. "You hear something?" Shad wriggled, trying to look both officious and bored.

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 11:54:45 AM

The elf climbs up onto the wagon, feeling a little puzzled - as though something was missing. Should she have been more concerned about that brood of elves? Glancing at them for a second, she shrugs. They had food - it was time to sink or swim, just like everyone else. Anyway she had a headache, was feeling rotten and in no mood for demanding brats.

DM Jan(Emerald here we come) 
Tuesday September 12th, 2000 12:49:16 PM

The party sets off, and anyone looking behind will see the young elves starting to walk off up the track toward Titania carrying their sack of food. The distant sounds become more apparent, and at the base of trees that flank the road, small, tidy clumps of flowers have been planted. Then - as the party rounds a bend, the road tees into a bigger one. To the south lie the glittering walls of Emerald City, to the north west the road winds down from hills and forest. There's a caravan passing, heading toward the City gates in the far distance. Huge oxen pull great carts of unseen goods hidden beneath sheets of rough cloth, and the party will have to wait until it can fall in behind. Human horsemen flank the caravan, and give you a cursory nod as they herd the caravan along.

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 3:31:01 PM

The mage greets the passing caravan and waits his turn to get in line. He moves in with everyone else and listens to any conversations going on withing earshot.

Dakar the painmonger 
Tuesday September 12th, 2000 3:31:02 PM

"Transporting for Parnoth, lads? What goods are ye carrying?" asks the Dwarf to one of the horsemen as the caravan passes.

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 3:31:03 PM

Not having had the heart to simply chuck away the stone that had been the elven children's coin for the food the Talons had given them, K'nara tucked it away into her belt pouch instead, patting the container with a smile. Then she swiftly galvanized herself into action, joining the rest of the party as the group continued its disguise of being traders of spirits. Once the other caravan was in evidence, the human bladesinger was silent, though she concentrated on hearing what the reply was to Dakar's question.

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 6:58:04 PM

Glancing sideways at Shadrach as they round the bend..."Indeed... I hear these fellows. Humans always sound like a herd of cattle when moving in numbers larger than two or three... No offense." The halfling shrugs... and then lowers his voice, "I'd keep an eye on these folks... anyone dumb enough to trade with a dragon is dumb enough to try and steal in plain sight of the city..." Milo resumes a look of disinterest, all the while remaining ever vigilant of those around him.

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 9:46:52 PM

Turning a wry smile to Milo, "And I suppose trying to infiltrate this same Dragon's main prison makes us intelligent?" Ingrge gives a snort and tries to look more human.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 1:11:15 PM

Muttering irritably, Olana wrapped some cloth around her ears and pulled up the hood of her cloak, preparing to manouevre the wagon onto the road to Emerald behind the caravan. Looking at Ingrge she says. "It's going to be hard to hide our bone structure. Perhaps we can pass for half elves."

DM Jan (Emerald Here We Come) 
Wednesday September 13th, 2000 1:44:17 PM

The rear end of the caravan passes by, and the party is able to move onto the road in their wake. One of the horsemen grins at Dakar showing gold teeth. "Actually, we're going to Plateau City with this lot. Finest silk you can buy!" he says, winking at K'Nara, giving her the onceover. "We reckon this is the safest route, through Emerald. Never had any trouble coming this way." He points at a colleague who has a long scar on his face and an eye missing. "He used to travel down from the north through Culverwood. Now HE could tell you tales that'd curl your toes, eh Bono?" His colleague rolled his eye and moved forward to the front of the caravan. The caravan consists of four painted wagons pulled by oxen, and 7 men on horseback with fancy saddles and flowing robes. They seem chatty enough and in good spirits. The journey along the road becomes slower, but steady. High above - a few clouds appear. Not long after entering the main throuroughfare toward the City, a huge green beetle flies lazily along, flitting back and forth in a roundabout manner, hesitating for a moment around the caravan, before continuing toward the party.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 4:13:25 PM

The mage pretends to ignore the beetle hoping the others see it and control their tongues - and that the green critter continues on. He makes sure to see where it goes. He watches the caravan and tries to learn how to act like traders. He copies their mannerisms and style without being too terribly overt about it.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 4:13:26 PM

Shad smiled at that but got a little more nervous too. He tucked his whistle necklace beneath his clothes.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 7:56:51 PM

Turning to Olanna, Ingrge grimaces and grumbles, "I'd rather try to pass as a dwarf.

Dakar the painmonger 
Thursday September 14th, 2000 1:57:43 AM

Dakar kicks his donkey into a quicker trot, filing in behind the caravan and observing thet attitude towards their cargo. Watching and learning, he tries to see how they would attempt to defend themselves from assault, just as a note of future study.

K'nara  d20=9
Thursday September 14th, 2000 5:58:29 AM

The warrior woman eyed the gold-toothed speaker, nodding at the right places in his conversation and looking at Bono when the man indicated his scarred colleague. She, too, noticed the green beetle, (OOC: made Perception check, though just barely!) and kept a sharp eye on it as they rode towards Emerald City.

Olana  d20=1
Thursday September 14th, 2000 11:42:37 AM

With somewhat surprising deftness,Olana manages to snap out an arm and grab the beetle, crushing it in her fist. "I hate those things," she mutters.

DM Jan (Emerald here We Come) 
Thursday September 14th, 2000 12:11:53 PM

The merchants in front of the party trot along, throwing witty banter at one another over the backs of the oxen. Subjects range from how much they'll get for their silk when they finally reach Plateau City, what the accomodation is like in Emerald, and whether those clouds above will turn to rain. They seem very at ease, and some of them are perhaps a touch excited at seeing the City lying before them after all they've heard blah blah blah...... The green beetle is suitably crushed. At the side of the road, the greenery becomes ornamental to the extreme - sweeping lawns, exotic shrubs cut in all sorts of shapes - beautiful flowers in strange colours. Here and there, elves can be seen flitting about tending to this extravaganza. They don't look particularly happy. The day rolls on into early evening. The clouds thicken, and eventually the City wall looms before you. There's a line of about three caravans ahead being checked at the gate.

Thursday September 14th, 2000 4:48:33 PM

"Olana," surprised at her reaction to the bug, "I don't think I've ever seen you snap like that before. They may be annoying, but still. Are you feelin' ok?" Fluet was so relaxed up until this point, that he was on the verge of sleep. He appears to be rather comfortable acting as a different person.

Thursday September 14th, 2000 6:42:07 PM

The mage watches the checkin process. He looks for elves in any of the caravans in front of them. He notes any phrases and mannerisms that seem to work better than others with the guards.

Friday September 15th, 2000 3:24:54 AM

Milo remains silent during this entire foray as they prepare to enter the city, not speaking unless spoken to directly. The halfling keeps his head lowered, seemingly concentrating on controlling the animals, though just letting them follow along, as he listens with rapt attention to all of the conversations going on around him.

Friday September 15th, 2000 2:17:21 PM

Shad was nervous. Now that they were actually here, he didn't think they'd get by. He desperately tried to think of other plans. He had a knack granted by his goddess of getting people to believe outlandish things...but it only worked half the time. He was rich and could bribe the guards...but they might be strict and throw them in jail. Shad tried to look bored, but his eyes were always on the head of the column.

Friday September 15th, 2000 8:00:14 PM

As they pass the gardening elves, ingrge tries to observe if there are any markings, clothing that sets them apart or labels them any particular way. Ingrge also watches to see what kind of movement those elves are permitted, what tools they carry, etc.

Dakar the painmonger 
Friday September 15th, 2000 10:16:09 PM

Dakar fingers his axe's handle nervously, ready to burst into action if the need comes... He sends a quick prayer to Domi in hopes that, for once, the conflict can be resolved through non-violent means.

Dakar the painmonger 
Friday September 15th, 2000 10:21:52 PM

Dakar fingers his axe's handle nervously, ready to burst into action if the need comes... He sends a quick prayer to Domi in hopes that, for once, the conflict can be resolved through non-violent means.

Friday September 15th, 2000 10:50:14 PM

Olana frowns at Fluet for a moment, her fingers brushing against the edge of her armour, but then her face changes abruptly. "Oh!" she says brightly. "I'm alright.. really I am," before hunkering down and trying to look like a servant.

DM Jan (At The Gate) 
Saturday September 16th, 2000 12:52:41 PM

Up at the front, the caravan before the one in front of the party are being questioned at the gate by a large male human in full military regalia. "Where are you from?" "What is your business here?" "What is your destination?" "Got any elves with you?." "Are they tagged?" He sounds a little bored, and things seem to be moving along smoothly. He has about 6 other soldiers with him, manning the gate. Ingrge notices that the gardening elves tending the shrubs are dressed in plain dark green and have some kind of leather tag around their wrists. The area surrounding the gate is quite busy, with various creatures standing around going about business or waiting to get in. One of them, who seems to have been perusing the line, approaches Shad. "Psssst!" he says, beckoning. Up above, the clouds are gathering and darkening the sky.

Saturday September 16th, 2000 5:41:36 PM

"Ok, are you sure?" Fluet questions Olana. Then, just be sure, he asks K'nara quietly, "Are you doin the talkin?"

Sunday September 17th, 2000 5:14:15 AM

Testing.... Hey Folks! Welcome to www.woldiangames.com! Everyone feel free to make a test post. Jan or any of the other DMs in this game can can remove them later very easily. Jan, I suggest you give everyone a chance to make a test post here and then begin playing again with a DM post while removing all the test posts. Everyone let John or I know if you have any problems posting here, any questions, or any comments. Jan can very easily remove the old page once everyone is posting well and easily. Enjoy! And be sure to send John an thank you note for his hard work on this!

Sunday September 17th, 2000 5:31:09 AM

There is a new Games Page on the new site which you have to go directly to for now. It's at http://www.woldiangames.com/games.html

I like to manuver through the games via this page personally since I'm involved in so many.

Thanks again John. You're my hero....or somethin'. The tickets are on their way! {I wish. I'd do it if I could}

Dakar (dave) 
Sunday September 17th, 2000 12:08:36 PM

Check check 1 2 3 4

Olana/DM Jan  d100=25
Sunday September 17th, 2000 5:03:09 PM

testing! tra la la!!

Milo (Chris) 
Sunday September 17th, 2000 7:16:40 PM

Ahem... um ... testing... and a one-ah and a two-ah and a three-ah... : )

Flueterflam (the other Chris)  d100=14 d20=15 d12=12 d10=3 d8=5 d6=1 d4=3 d3=2 d2=1 4d20(10+14+12+7)+1=44
Sunday September 17th, 2000 8:04:29 PM

Coo, I think everything's goin well thus far.
By the way, I am the true ruler of the universe!!!

Shadrach (Kris the 3rd)  d100=86
Sunday September 17th, 2000 9:26:37 PM

I calculate there is an 86% chance my cat is the ruler of the universe! Hey, are we just gonna post to this board amid all the test posts?

Sunday September 17th, 2000 10:41:31 PM

I posted a test message to the old board, too--I didn't want it to get lonely! ;D Well... ::looking around and testing the furniture by poking, prodding, and jumping up & down on it:: ...so--how do you all like the new digs? 8)

DM Jan ((OOC)) 
Monday September 18th, 2000 1:43:42 AM

Please keep posting IC :) I've been assured I can blow away all our OOC stuff so we have a nice tidy game page. Just give me a couple of days to figure it out.

Monday September 18th, 2000 12:15:39 PM

Getting a twitchy look on his face, Milo quietly panicks..."Uh... Shad... maybe you should do the talking... In fact, here, take the reigns, I'll be back in a sec." Shoving the reigns into Shadrach's hands, Milo hops down off of the wagon, and skirting its side, ducks underneath between the wheels, activates his ring, and comes up the otherside invisible. Feeling more confident in a state of transparency, the diminutive burglar quietly climbs back into the seat next to Shadrach, "I'm here... but don't pay any attention to me."

Monday September 18th, 2000 1:48:46 PM

Shad made an "Ack!" sound. When he heard Milo's body thump next to him, he whispered furiously. "Milo! I was about to get off, dammit! It's a little conspicuous, this guy and me!" Not wanting to lose his new friend, Shad held the reins lightly and nodded to the guy. "Aye. Can I help you, friend?"

Dakar the Painmonger 
Monday September 18th, 2000 2:00:08 PM

Dakar keeps quiet, moving his donkey over to Milo. "What's this tagging they refer to? Some sort of brand, like cattle?" Dakar spits onto the dirt beside him. "Sometimes humans disgust me."

Monday September 18th, 2000 4:21:16 PM

The mage prepares for the encounter - putting on his merchant facad as best he can. He watches the responses the merchants ahead of him give and the guards' responses. He sees what is involved in the elf tagging process.

Flueterflam  d20=10
Monday September 18th, 2000 5:48:49 PM

Fluet seems to become so relaxed that he almost doesn't appear to be in this world. His mind wanders. The bard wonders if they can get by without anything more than a 'no' to the tagging question. He studies Olana and Ingrge, while they wait for their turn. If he thinks that they have a chance of passing with just lying, that's exactly what Fluet will do. LIE. If while studying, he decides that there is no way, then he starts to think of alternate ways of getting around the guards. (voluntary perception check on studying the 2 elves. passed)

Ingrge  d20=19
Monday September 18th, 2000 7:47:02 PM

As they wait Ingrge surrupticiously drinks a potion and vanishes leaving MoonShadow tied to the wagon. Afterward, Ingre wanders over toward one of the gardening elves, and as it moves around out of sight Ingrge slips behind it and with near perfect precision knocks the unaware elf unconcious. Ingrge then drags the elf into the bushes where he trades some clothing and borrows a certain tag.

Tuesday September 19th, 2000 10:24:15 AM

Olana seems a little unsure at Fluet's question for a moment, but then the smile appears again. "Yes. I'm fine." Glancing around, she spots Ingrge's horse. "Where did...?" she starts to say, immediately shutting up as the stranger approaches Shad.

DM Jan (At the Gate) 
Tuesday September 19th, 2000 11:07:58 AM

Up ahead - one of the caravans appears to have an "untagged" elf, and mutterings pass along the line like a wave as the elf is led off. One of the horsemen in front looks astounded. "500gp? That's daylight robbery!" "Yeh, but you get most of it back if there's no trouble," replies one of his comrades. "I don't care," comes the answer. "If we had elves, I'd make ours camp outside till it was time to go. 500gp indeed. And don't think I won't say something about it to those thugs at the gate." He turns and rolls his eyes at Figment and K'Nara. "Can you believe that?" he splutters indignantly. Off in the shrubbery, Ingrge manages to knock out the elf and 'borrow' his stuff. The tag however, is fastened with a metal rivet and will have to be cut off to be removed. The tag is fairly basic - a strip of dark brown leather - with a stamp of a dragon, and a 4 digit number burned into it. The stranger hovering near Shad refuses to be put off by Shad talking to himself and starts his sales pitch - opening his cloak out of sight of the guards. "I can do you a good deal," he hisses. "I got tokens for the wrestling, all the animal shows, the dancing. Half price what you'd pay inside. I got elf tags, I even got tokens for the steam baths with two women of your choice. They're a little extra of course. I got something for the ladies too - backroom passes at the gladiator arena. Then I got..... " On and on he goes, seemingly having just about anything money can buy within the City walls. Fluet notices that despite Olana's assurances - she looks pale, with shadows beneath her eyes, like she hasn't slept for a while, and her eyes appear to have a hard glint in them that wasn't there before. The clouds above have now rolled into a dark, heavy clump - and momentarily the sky lights up, followed by the low growl of thunder.

Dakar the Painmonger  d20=5
Tuesday September 19th, 2000 11:44:10 AM

"Oath-breaking weather..." mumbles Dakar, checking his armor to make sure he's made it as watertight as possible. Suddenly his hand stops for a moment...

Milo (Invisible)  d20=19
Tuesday September 19th, 2000 11:59:35 AM

Drawing his short sword as quietly as possible, Milo sits absolutely still, and watches the people around him, the guards, and his friends. Thinking to himself, "Dearie, what have we gotten ourselves into. I haven't seen security this tight since the guild."

Tuesday September 19th, 2000 2:08:28 PM

The mage whispers to K'Nara "I can make Olana invisible and we can attempt to bypass without them being seen. Ingrge, I believe has the means to be invisible as well. What do you think?"

K'nara Illutu  d20=5
Tuesday September 19th, 2000 2:16:30 PM

Glancing around at the rest of their "caravan", K'nara nodded her head at Figment, then went over to the hustler trying to make a buck off of Shadrach.

"Hey, you..!" she snarled, looking like six feet of hired killer, (OOC: because she made her Charisma check most easily!) "...da boss don' wanna hear it--so's youse better makes yerself scarce...or do ya wanna end up tryin' ta learn to breathe t'rough a NEW orifice--if youse gets my meanin'..!"

Flueterflam  d20=3
Tuesday September 19th, 2000 2:21:24 PM

(voluntary CHR roll, passed by a mile) Before anything comes out of the turning invisible business, Fluet suddenly goes into a surprisingly compasionate mood. "Olana, I know something's wrong. I don't know how wrong. I don't know what the cause is. But with the possibilities of bad things that can happen from what we will or won't do," almost hissing the next, as though he doesn't want to hear it, "you can't have ANYTHING on your mind." Fluet stares her straight in the face. His countenance is rather emotionless, at first glance. But he is stern, loving, and hateful in the same look. It's almost as though the bard doesn't believe his own words to the elf. Then, a certain suddenness grabs hold of Flueterflam. He hugs the elf, whispering in her ear, "I'm sorry, but things appear almost set in stone for us. We must do this."

Tuesday September 19th, 2000 2:42:17 PM

Shad looked longingly at the hustler. Those fake tags could've been handy. He was starting to wonder about the city, though. Tokens to see wrestling? What was this all about? He gave a fake laugh and waved at the guy, "I don't need that sort of thing, fellow! Women come me on their own! Wealth has it's perks," he winked.

Ingrge  d20=2
Tuesday September 19th, 2000 8:19:23 PM

Quickly assessing the situation Ingrge manages to dress in the lef's clothing and cut the tag off the elf with the trimming tool and then cutting himself in the appropriate place smears the tag in his blood and moving away from the downed elf, staggers toward the gate with a mimicked cry of pain and anguish. Quickly getting the guards attention, Ingrge goes in to an amazingly convincing (int role -5 still made by 9)act of the careless slave elf scred about being cut but more afraid of having accidenlty cut his tag off.

Wednesday September 20th, 2000 10:43:06 AM

Olana looks at Fluet strangely for a moment."You know, I don't know what's wrong either. Maybe..." Her whispers stop abruptly however, and her eyes harden again. To Figment she growls, "Well - whatever you're gonna do - do it fast. We're almost there!"

DM Jan (At the Gate) 
Wednesday September 20th, 2000 11:12:56 AM

It is now the turn of the caravan in front of the party at the gate, and one of the horsemen - true to his word, starts berating the sentries about "all this elf business".
This comes to a halt as a bloody Ingrge staggers over, and the sentry in charge rolls his eyes and gives the mounted merchant a patient sigh. "I will take note of your comments sir - and pass them on to the necessary authorities. In the meantime - this is what we have to deal with."
Turning to Ingrge, he points at him with his left hand, then points at his own right hand. "THIS - stupid elf, THIS - smack on head." After giving Ingrge a clip on the back of the head with aforementioned right hand, he bellows for someone to get the elf patched up and re-tagged.
Ingrge is led off.
The horseman shrugs, and looks to be having a tough time hiding a smirk. Meanwhile, as Fluet talks to the agitated Olana - Dakar discovers that a fat green beetle appears to have tucked itself in his armour and is sat there quite happily, minding it's own business, with it's legs retracted.
The cloaked man touting his wares, is somewhat startled by the fierce K'Nara. He recovers his composure with a shrug. "Okay - so the gladiators aren't fighting this week. My mistake." With a nasty grin at Shad, he disappears back into the small crowd waiting at the gate.
The caravan in front starts to roll through the entrance, one of the oxen bellowing loudly. There is another flash, and a crack of thunder.
It starts to rain. Very hard.

Milo (Invisible)  d20=13
Wednesday September 20th, 2000 1:26:38 PM

Knowing the effect created by heavy rain hitting him while invisible, Milo silently curses as he leaps from the wagon to dodge once more between the wheels, deactivating his ring as he passes underneath. Coming out the other side visible, the halfing, pulls the hood of his cloak tightly around his face, and remounts the wagon, looking at Shadrach, "Sorry m'lord, I had to take care of some business, can I take those from you?" Milo indicates the reigns.

Wednesday September 20th, 2000 2:39:52 PM

"Sure, sure." Shad squinted at the sky. "Much as I love the outdoors, I think I've had enough of it today!" He settled back to look pompous and irritated, easy enough to do now that rain was sopping his clothes.

Figment  d20=9
Wednesday September 20th, 2000 3:27:37 PM

The mage casts invisibility on Olana - if she would like it - making sure the guards do not see him do it (Int). He refrains if she seems to want to take a different approach.

Ingrge  d20=9
Wednesday September 20th, 2000 8:15:44 PM

Moving just enough so as to avoid the brunt of the slaps, Ingrge keeps his eyes down and muted Yes master. I'm sorry master. It won't happen again master, can be heard by those nearby. As he is led away, he looks for the best opportunity to suprise and overbear this chaperone.

Thursday September 21st, 2000 6:47:59 AM

Nodding after the hustler as he disappeared, K'nara urged her mount over to where Olana sat with the reins of her wagon team in hand. "I have just about enough gold to pay the five hundred these bozos are asking, but Figment can cast invisibility on you and I can take the reins while you stay inside the wagon..." the warrior woman said in a low voice, "...Ingrge seems to have been able to sneak into the city so far. Which way would you prefer--being invisible or being tagged..?"

Thursday September 21st, 2000 11:57:18 AM

"I'll take my chances on invisibility," says the elf, glancing about nervously. She was starting to feel trapped. Somehow all thoughts of the mission, the Tines, everything - seemed insignificant compared to to self preservation. Something was whispering in her head - who cares about this man in jail - let him rot, eh? Why should you risk yourself for this? Why? But instead of bolting, she gritted her teeth and let Fig cast his spell. She'd be okay.

DM Jan (At the Gate) 
Thursday September 21st, 2000 12:07:18 PM

Three burly guards escort Ingrge beyond the gate and leave him in a small building against the City wall. There, his wound is treated by someone with the finesse of a coal miner, and a new tag is re-attached. Then he's shoved out the door, still inside the City, and told to get back to work.
Olana winks out of sight.
The chief sentry at the gate looks at the party expectantly. It's raining so hard that water is dripping off the end of his nose and he has to shout.
"Where are you from? What is your destination? What is you business? Got any elves?" he bellows.

Thursday September 21st, 2000 2:35:56 PM

"New Elenna, Emerald City, rare herbs and supplies for the enterprising priest or wizard, and no. But I would like to lodge a protest regarding this gouging of taxes. It is a deterrent to the business traveler! I mean, what's next? Halflings?"

Thursday September 21st, 2000 4:05:53 PM

A quiet grating sound is nearly audible as Milo grinds his teeth and his knuckles are visibly white on the reigns, but he neither opens his mouth nor looks up at Shadrach. He tells himself over and over, "Its all apart of the act... its all apart of the act... at least it had better be..."

Dakar the Painmonger 
Thursday September 21st, 2000 11:21:10 PM

Dakar removes the beetle from underneath his armor and crushes it in his mailed fist. Moving his donkey to Flueterflam he whispers to the Bard that "We may have been compromised."

K'nara  d20=7
Friday September 22nd, 2000 6:32:22 AM

It was the human bladesinger could do NOT to pound the sentries by the gate for the way they were treating and speaking about elves. K'nara tied Poki next to Ingrge's mount and quickly took up the reins from the now-empty spot that Olana once occupied. She gave Fluet and Dakar a penetrating look, then frowned as she spotted the remains of the beetle smeared on the battlerager's fist. (OOC: made a voluntary Perception check by 2.)

Friday September 22nd, 2000 11:59:52 AM

Olana taps Fluet on the arm, indicating she's climbing off the wagon, then slips quietly to the ground. Invisibility - oh the luxury. The things she could.... Swallowing that train of thought, she moves quickly alongside Figment, tapping his foot lightly in the stirrup. Whispering quietly so as not to alert the guards, she asks "How long will this last?"

DM Jan (At the gate) 
Friday September 22nd, 2000 12:25:21 PM

The head sentry rolls his eyes at Shad's complaint, and looks at one of his comrades.
"See, Roderick? What did I tell you - one starts complaining and then they all start."
Turning back to Shad he yells - just as another flash lights up the sky and the following thunderclap is loud enough to everyone's teeth rattle, "Your comments will be noted, Sir! Right now I don't care if you have man-eating turnips in there! Rod - get a quick look - make sure there's no elves and let 'em through!"
He then steps back closer to the guardhouse, hoping for shelter.
The other sentry patrols the wagons and looks in everyone's faces. Then he shakes his head toward the guardhouse.
The head sentry starts waving the party through.

Dakar the Painmonger 
Friday September 22nd, 2000 12:28:19 PM

Dakar pushes his donkey forwards up to K'nara.
"I suggest we proceed with extreme caution from this point on... In fact, where *are* we going to proceed to from here?"

Friday September 22nd, 2000 3:24:48 PM

The mage makes sure the guards are not near before answering Olana. He whispers "About 2 hours. Be careful and stay close.". He looks at the guard with a pompous contempt as he goes by. The kind of look an out-of-sorts merchant would give.

Friday September 22nd, 2000 8:45:26 PM

After being healed and shoved toward the gate, Ingrge slowly makes his way back towards the entry and kind of gets lost in the crowd waiting for the others to enter. As they do Ingrge will make for the gate as if to exit and get mixed in with the group and go with them, taking the part of an elf laborer.

Friday September 22nd, 2000 11:56:45 PM

As they pass by the sentries, "Thank you sirs, we also want to avoid, for the most part, the coming rain." He gives a grim, yet thankful smile, and nods his head towards them. To Dakar, "Don't worry, let's just get to shelter soon." With regards to K'nara, after they are out of range of the sentries, "What's up with you?" And just as he waits for an answer, he remembers something, "K'nara, do you remember those boxers I got back at the Red Wyrm Inn? I think they might come in handy."

Monday September 25th, 2000 9:39:34 AM

The redhead nodded to the disguised bard beside her. "You never know..." she agreed, snapping the reins to the horse drawing the wagon she was now driving. "Let's get going...we have deliveries and pick-ups to make..."

Monday September 25th, 2000 10:45:38 AM

As they drive the wagons into town, Milo looks up, and immediately begins scanning the streetsigns for Inns. Looking to Shadrach, "Sir.. what sort of Inn do we prefer this evening, something that befits our current lot, or shall we be slumming it this evening...?" The halfling grins.

Monday September 25th, 2000 12:23:33 PM

Shad began to shudder as the wagon was finally out of sight of the gate. "That was hairy." Then he rolled his eyes at Milo. "We don't have to do that now. Just ask K'Nara. Hey, K'Nara, what kind of inn shall we look for?"

Monday September 25th, 2000 12:24:55 PM

After listening to Figment, Olana taps his foot as an acknowledgement, and makes her way through the gate, avoiding contact with anything as much as possible. Amongst the crowd she saw Ingrge in his new guise and gave herself a smile. She felt safe like this. That nagging feeling of being trapped was gone. Finding some shelter out of the rain, she waited for the others.

DM Jan (In the City) 
Monday September 25th, 2000 12:35:23 PM

As the party rolls through the gate, the head sentry shouts "Neeexxt!" which is partially drowned out by the storm. In the streets beyond, everyone seems to be scurrying for shelter here and there. It's twilight, but appears much nearer nightfall due to the storm clouds. The City of Emerald awaits.

Monday September 25th, 2000 7:24:54 PM

Trailing behind and apart from the group for a few moments, Ingrge tries to see if the group is being followed or watched. After following them for two blocks, he will rejoin the group coming up beside K'nara and the wagon and asks, "Are you in need of an extra hand?"

Dakar the Painmonger 
Tuesday September 26th, 2000 2:16:06 AM

Dakar stays with Flueterflam, moving his donkey slightly towards K'nara and keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity.
"We should stay in a cheap inn. Less prying eyes into our business there." states the dwarf, matter of factly.

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 10:27:52 AM

"This is your territory folks, I have no idea where things are - but I would suggest we go to our first rendevous immediately. No need in wasting time. Especially with the cover of this weather. Good time to make progress.".

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 12:02:00 PM

Olana approached the party, tapping Fluet, and Figment on the foot to let them know she was around. Where were they supposed to be going? The Stinking Something or other? It didn't sound very nice.

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 7:02:22 PM

Shad shrugged, looking at the brooding sky. "It doesn't matter where we stay. We could dump these wagons somewhere around here and go by foot to the Stinking Hole to meet our contact. I'm not sure a place like that could take care of our wagons and horses."

DM Jan (In the City) 
Tuesday September 26th, 2000 7:46:27 PM

The rain has now settled to a steady downpour. The party are situated in a large square with a very ornate fountain at the centre. Three main streets fan off - left, centre and right.
At the far side of the square, the silk merchants with the oxen appear to be heading off up the centre road. To the left against the wall - are what look like soldiers barracks, to the right is a large stable complex. The lights are on all over town, and even though it's raining - there's an almost magical aura about the place.
Streams of water pour from finely carved dragon gargoyles high on the parapets, before dropping onto well-laid cobblestones and then gurgle down through heavy metal grids into the sewers below. The occasional flash of thunder reveals tall circular towers and tiled roofs, slick with rainwater.
Off to the right in the far distance - is the Palace - dominating that part of the horizon.
Despite the storm - the square is relatively busy.
Then - a lone horseman appears from the street on the right. He sits tall, on a long-legged hunter. He's dressed all in black - his wet cloak matte black despite the downpour. The only part of his face that can be seen - are his eyes, which appear to be set on his destination.
The peoples and creatures in the square seem to be avoiding him like the plague, and so he has no trouble cutting a swathe through the crowd.
He rides right past the party to the gate.

Dakar the Painmonger 
Tuesday September 26th, 2000 8:44:45 PM

"I will hold here a moment and watch what transgresses.. I assume this is a rider from Obsidian. Shall I meet you at the tavern?" The dwarf looks to be a bit agitated as he watches the dark rider go by. "I am sure this one is up to no good."

Wednesday September 27th, 2000 12:03:06 PM

To Ingrge, "I'm not sure I like the sound of the Inn... Stinking Hole indeed. I say we meet who we need to meet, but stay elsewhere..." Turning, Milo seems to take an interest in the dark rider, and walks to stand next to Dakar. Seeing the look on the dwarf's face Milo attempts to assuage his friend, "Come cousin... no need to go looking for trouble just yet... It will find us soon enough."

Wednesday September 27th, 2000 12:24:14 PM

The invisible elf hung around the stables, still keeping the others in sight. There she listened to general chit chat on the whereabouts of various places so they might find the place better. She'd only been to the City a few times before, (apart from the Palace of course, she realised with a shudder) and never stayed overnight.

Wednesday September 27th, 2000 1:18:05 PM

"Come on, we'll need good lodgings to put wagons." Shad glanced back, and said, "Somebody want to stay and back up Dakar? Not that I think he'd get into trouble, Lady forfend. Milo, if you want to stay, I can handle the horses to a dry place. I have enough funds to take care of everything." Unless K'Nara objects, Shad wants to see if the stable can shelter wagons, then find a nearby inn. If not, he'll try to lead the party after the silk wagons, assuming they know where they're going.

Wednesday September 27th, 2000 2:35:22 PM

eyes the stables "I would suggest we stable the animals and wagons at an inn farther away from he guard house - for obvious reasons. I also agree that we should stay somewhere other than the rendesvous point.". Figment is content to follow the group, not knowing enough about this place to really make a good decision.

Flueterflam  d20=4 d20=1
Wednesday September 27th, 2000 7:23:36 PM

The bard thinks back to when he lived in the city just years before. He tries to remember where his is, and has no problem locating himself (voluntary per/int made by a mile). Knowing his way around town pretty well, he tries to think if he'd ever heard of the Stinking Hole. (voluntary int)

K'nara  d20=19
Thursday September 28th, 2000 6:36:17 AM

The leader of the Emerald Talons eyed the dark rider, but sensed nothing especially untoward about him--it seemed to her that he didn't recognize that her party was, indeed, the people he was on the lookout for--if he WAS a member of Obsidian.

"Dakar, I don't think that rider recognizes us--our numbers and party members look different now than from what--ahhh...*Mr. Green* last remembers." K'nara pointed out, stressing the pseudonym for Parnoth. She continued to speak, raising her voice a bit so that the invisible Olana could hear her:

"Take the rear, Dakar, to guard against anything untoward...I'm sure you will be assisted by those mystic, *unseen forces* that would watch for any undesirables with designs upon us or our goods." Then K'nara nudges Flueterflam, pointing out Ingrge. "We could always use another pair of hands, sir, to unload our goods...and he's only an elf--we wouldn't have to pay him much..." She turned towards the disguised bard with an intense look that willed Fluet to agree with her.

Thursday September 28th, 2000 9:44:58 AM

Why thank you Mistress, and a good strong pair of hands I have too. i have other talents as well and they too are at your disposal for a small fee.

Thursday September 28th, 2000 9:59:59 AM

Caught a bit off guard, Fluet does a double take at K'nara. "Wha...Oh, sorry, I was in another world for a moment." Looking around in the direction K'nara pointed, the bard spots Ingrge. "Yes, I'd have to agree. Never hurts to have some extra help."

Dakar the Painmonger 
Thursday September 28th, 2000 10:49:25 AM

The dwarf grumbles at K'nara's suggestion, but soon brings his donkey in like with the party's train, keeping a cautios eye out for trouble, and an ear out for the buzzing of small insects.

DM Jan (In the City) 
Thursday September 28th, 2000 12:55:23 PM

As Shad enquires - the stables by the gate are offering to stow wagons at 5gp each per night, and horses at 1gp. Some gate entrants appear to be taking up this offer, while others are heading further into the City itself.
Fluet remembers that most of the Inns and Taverns are vaguely to the left and centre of the City in relation to where the party currently are, and also this - the further away from the Palace - the less salubrious the area.
No one in the square is particularly astonished as the diguised Ingrge is "hired". There appear to be other elves similarly clad here and there, doing menial tasks, and most people are still trying to get out of the rain.
Back at the gate, the dark-clad rider has dismounted and is talking to the sentries. The party is too far away to make out what is being said, but there doesn't seem to be any urgency to their little chit chat.
All of a sudden - it stops raining, and it seems as the whole City breathes a sigh of relief.

Thursday September 28th, 2000 2:36:18 PM

The mage whispers "Guys, I think we should be going now. No need to attract attention.".

Thursday September 28th, 2000 3:03:56 PM

Taking his cue from Figment, Milo dashes back to the wagon where Shadrach is sitting, and after nimbly leaping into the driver's seat, "Right! Moving along then... " he gives the reigns a practiced snap, and moves on into the city.

Thursday September 28th, 2000 7:48:32 PM

Shad caught a glimpse of the mysterious rider at the gate. Funny, the guards were speaking to him awfully politely. Shad muttered, "I think Fig is right. Let's find a place out of sight of the guards."

K'nara  d20=1
Friday September 29th, 2000 6:28:53 AM

K'nara thought for a moment, dredging her memory of the city. (OOC: Aced the Perception roll!) She easily recalled the directions to the Talons' destination, the Stinking Hole, from her tenure in that part of the city as Modo, the hunchbacked bouncer.

"Follow, then--we have a shipment to drop off!" she declared, urging her team of horses towards the destination in question.

Olana  d20=6
Friday September 29th, 2000 12:11:16 PM

Olana hopped nimbly and silently (made dex) on the back of one of the wagons, whispering to whoever was driving, that she was there.

DM Jan (In the City) 
Friday September 29th, 2000 12:30:36 PM

The party moves on into the City, guided by K'Nara and Fluet who know the place pretty well.
For a while they take the central street, and then head left. There seem to be numerous places to stay, and at first the accomodations look very nice indeed. The streets are busy, and there's almost a holiday atmosphere as visiting strangers wander about.
Two rotund merchants, decked in finery are stood talking as you pass.
"You know you have to hand it to Parnoth," says one of them while they both watch an elf in the middle of the road shoveling up "mess" left by passing animals. "By banning elves - he's created an 'underclass'. They've no rights whatsoever. So his council let's them back in, the dragon turns a blind eye - and what have they got? A whole new army of ridiculously cheap labour. Brought prices right down. Very clever, very clever indeed."
Further down this particular street, the party notices a gradual change in the neighbourhood. Here the street's aren't as well lit, and some of the dwellings are badly in need of a lick of paint. The beings stood about are shifty eyed. Those walking move like they have a purpose.
Then - off to the left, down an alley in the shadow of the City walls - is the Stinking Hole Inn.
It sounds lively enough from within, especially as one of it's patrons is hurled right out the front door, landing in a drunken heap.

Friday September 29th, 2000 1:32:52 PM

As the city shifts from one district to the next, Milo seems to sink deeper and deeper into his cloak. No longer wishing to look like a country bumpkin, he grabs the straw hat off of his head, and stuffs it under the seat with his pack, shaking out his wet hair. He then turns to Shadrach, "Um...ahem, perhaps we should have dropped the carts off a bit further up the road before we ventured into this part of town."

Friday September 29th, 2000 2:16:51 PM

He shrugged, a little disgruntled, indicating that it hadn't been up to him and Milo. "Back in a flash," he said, before hopping off the wagon seat. Shad investigated the Stinking Hole's stable possibilities, seeing if they could hold a wagon or two.

Friday September 29th, 2000 10:17:00 PM

A large yawn rolls out of the bard's mouth. While he looks around, he feel sad that the city is taking a slightly downward turn. "Well, gotta do what ya gotta do, right?" Fluet speaks rather cynically.

Sunday October 1st, 2000 9:51:32 AM

Biting his tongue as they pass the pair of slime ball merchants, Ingrge takes not of the area they are in and makes a personal vow that when they are done with Parnoth that those two get a personal visit. As they proceed closer to the Stinking Hole, Ingrge checks his sword and tightens his grip on his staff.

K'nara  d20=5
Monday October 2nd, 2000 7:17:38 AM

As the Talons got closer to the section of town that the Stinking Hole was located in, K'nara thought for a moment and recalled the address of a reasonably okay stable where the wagons could be left somewhat safely.

"Milo--go with Shadrach, if he's going to go off like that!" the female fighter ordered the halfling. "Watch his back--and YOURS--until we get there..." She shook her head--good thing Shad was a bonze of the goddess of disaster, because the man seemed to thrive on courting trouble.

"Let's get these wagons dropped off at a stable I know and join Shad and Milo as soon as possible!" the leader of the Emerald Talons said, snapping the reins to the team of horses and urging them to hurry through the congested city traffic.

Monday October 2nd, 2000 10:30:39 AM

Peering back to K'nara, Milo nods quickly, and then hops down from the wagon. "Someone will have to take over the driving on this one," Milo points to the wagon, and then draws a pair of darts from his satchel, and skillfully hides them up his sleeves before turning to run after Shadrach.

Figment  d20=17
Monday October 2nd, 2000 12:09:04 PM

The mage moves up to the wagon and hops over to the seat Milo vacates - barely (Dex). "I got it Milo.". He follow K'Nara to the stables and bekons Jux to follow him.

Monday October 2nd, 2000 12:29:16 PM

Sat atop the wagon, Olana growled a little as she heard the passing merchants. Maybe they'd think different with a knife in their..... but alas the wagon moved on. A strange thing - as they moved into the rougher areas, she thought she'd be apprehensive, a little worried at least. But something was making her feel right at home.

DM Jan (In the City) 
Monday October 2nd, 2000 1:08:24 PM

Back on the main street, not too far away are the stables that K'Nara remembered. The buildings are a bit ramshackle, but the place is clean enough. The stable master there informs them the charges are 4 silver for each of the wagons and two silver for each horse.
"They'll be safe enough here," he says, folding arms like hams. "Just you watch yer step out there. It's still a little rough despite our new residents."
Back down the alley, at what looks like the stable doors of the Stinking Hole, Shad is greeted by a shifty looking character with one eye. "Stables? Yeah we got stables sir.... stranger are ya?"
Three more men appear out of the shadows. A vague glint of steel can be seen in the dim light as they approach.
They don't look friendly. They don't look friendly at all.
(OOC - Shad - roll for surprise. Pass and you have init.)

Dakar the Painmonger 
Monday October 2nd, 2000 1:49:28 PM

Staying in the back a ways, as soon as K'nara arranges for the horse and wagon to be dropped off the Painmonger hands his reins to Figment and states "A priest of diaster is apt to get into trouble, I shall join up with him., make sure the burro gets enough hay." And begins to tank off down the street in the direction of where Shadrach and Milo split off, heading towards the Stinking Hole.

Monday October 2nd, 2000 2:35:39 PM

The mage reviews the stables and finds them to his liking. "These will do fine. Thanks for the fair warning about those outside.". He waits for K'Nara to finish up and then he moves with the others to the Stinking Hole.

Shadrach  d10=4
Monday October 2nd, 2000 8:36:34 PM

((Not surprised))"You could say that," Shad peered into the darkness. The stable didn't look big enough for two wagons to him.::I'd better tell K'Nara we have to go elsewhere:: Turning back, he found some disreputable types beginning to flank him. Shad chuckled. "Ya didn't think I came alone, didja? HEY GUYS! Guys?" Somewhat to his surprise, he saw no sign of wagons or horses on the street. Beginning to get worried, Shad decided to run. "Er, sorry, be back later!"

Monday October 2nd, 2000 10:00:46 PM

Trudging along with the horses and the wagons, Ingrge goes with the stable hand. As he does so he tries to see if there are any other elves wandering around nearby.

Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 5:48:54 AM

The human bladesinger nodded tersely at the stable master's terms, taking out five gold pieces and handing them to the man.

"A deposit. Mind the burro..." K'nara added with a wry grin, then she spun and faced the others, "...let's go join the others, quickly." With this she strode out of the stable and hastened in the direction the Talons' bonze had last been seen.

Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 10:30:41 AM

Fluet follows K'nara. He is quiet, almost waiting for something to happen. "At the rate things are going, I am kind of glad that we're 'supposed to' live elsewhere," stressing the fact that they're not really supposedd to be there now.

Milo  d20=8 d20=19 d20=3 d3=3 d3=3
Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 11:02:14 AM

Milo shoots from the darkness towards Shadrach as he is being flanked by the street thugs. Stopping about ten feet from where the action is, the halfling deftly pulls two darts from his sleeves, and a third from his satchel launching them at the nearest of Shadrach's assailaints. (OOC: one AC 12, one AC 7, one AC -4; 3hp each on the possible hits) "Shadrach!" Milo shouts at the priest, "Don't turn your back on these guys... they're like dogs who bite when you run... only smelly." Milo's smile is grim.

Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 11:13:49 AM

Climbing down from the wagon, the elf starts to follow the others, hanging back a little. It was like there was a little devil on her shoulder whispering... "no need to get yourself into trouble when there's no need".

DM Jan (In the City)  d20=15 d20=16 d20=20 d20=17 d4=1 d4=2 d4=3 d4=1
Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 11:32:53 AM

With a collective snarl, the villains attack - hurling sharp daggers as they move quickly up the alley after the fleeing bonze. With somewhat alarming accuracy, the knives find their mark and Shadrach becomes a human pin cushion.(7 DMG)
Gleefully thinking he's alone - they're somewhat surprised to find a halfling coming to their victim's defence, and two of Milo's darts find their mark in one of the assailants, who hisses in pain. More knives are pulled.
Dakar - now at the end of the alley can see what's going on. He'll be within reach this round. It will take another round for the others to get there.
Olana's invisibility wears off, and she winks into view.
Apart from one elf who's in the back of the stable shovelling manure - Ingrge see's no other elves. The street is fairly quiet, and gets even quieter as scuffling can be heard down the alley toward the Stinking Hole.

Dakar the Painmonger  d20=3
Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 1:24:03 PM

Dakar charges into the crowd that Shad is running away from, swinging widely with his axe and missing (AC 12) as he begins to chant his battle cry... (Jan... I lost my character sheet again...)

Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 2:02:58 PM

The mage hurredly moves along with the others. He looks to the others as they approach the tavern and hear fighting - and prepares to cast.

Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 6:44:40 PM

"Ow! Ow! Goddess bless it!" Shad whirled to face off his attackers with his trident. He'd hoped to avoid killing them. Dead bodies in a city tended to draw murder charges...(Full parry, AC becomes 2).

Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 7:07:28 PM

Seeing the elf at work, Ingrge wanders over ans watches for a moment. " At least this is honest work that needs doing, as opposed to pruning trees." "Now why do you suppose the green one doesn't like the elven race?"

K'nara  d20=7
Wednesday October 4th, 2000 7:58:01 AM

Snorting in response to Ingrge's query, K'nara growled: "More humans than elves in the city, my friend--I suspect the population count shows that elves are outnumbered enough to not be a problem to security, yet numerous enough to do the dirty work of the Kingdom without getting--" At this point, Dakar charged into the alleyway suddenly, triggering the woman warrior's battle intuition.

"We got trouble--" she said, glancing over her shoulder at the others, "--let's move!" With this, the human bladesinger ran the rest of the way to the spot where Dakar had been, deciding to wait until she could see what was happening before drawing her sword.

Milo  d20=4 d20=8 d20=14 d3=1 d3=3
Wednesday October 4th, 2000 10:11:14 AM

Dancing back a few steps, Milo growls, "I hate bullies," and launches three more darts at the same opponent, striking him twice again (OOC: 4 hps damage total) Then, drawing his mystic short sword, the halfling prepares to meet his foe.

Wednesday October 4th, 2000 1:24:40 PM

Olana muttered something strange under her breath as she saw K'Nara run toward the alley. So much for staying out of trouble. Walking calmly along, checking her bow and nocking an arrow, she goes to stand at the end of the alley, watching for a target.

DM Jan (In The City)  d20=9 d20=4 d20=13
Wednesday October 4th, 2000 1:36:07 PM

As the others run to the alley, they can now see Shadrach under attack from 4 human villains. One of them has fallen back injured however - after becoming a victim of Milo's darts.
Another of them has turned his attention on Dakar, narrowly missing him with a sweep of his knife. The other two - their eyes still on their prize of a rich merchant stranger go after Shad again, who manages to parry their blades deftly.
The elf who Ingrge speaks to is female, with a pretty face under all that grime. After glancing around, she whispers - "Well - 'they' say it was because of some elven adventurers who did something bad, and that we only have ourselves to blame. But who knows?"

Dakar  d20=8 d20=18 d10+6=14 d10+6=10
Wednesday October 4th, 2000 2:32:00 PM

Dakar grunts as the rogue swings his knife at him, his face turning into a snarl.
With a broad swing his axe comes round (AC 7, 14 points damage), biting deep into the thug's flesh. (if that misses or doesn't kill him) The axe then falls again, striking fiercely once more. (if it does kill him) Dakar reverses directions on the pass of the axe and connects once more (AC -3, 10 dmg) his axe spilling yet more blood onto the dusty street as he begins a song of battle.

Wednesday October 4th, 2000 2:40:43 PM

The mage casts sleep on the 2 thugs that after Shad, focusing it such to avoid his friend in the area of effect.

Wednesday October 4th, 2000 9:17:27 PM

Watching as K'nara and the others go rushing off, Ingrge nods sagely as the elf lass speaks. "Personally lass, I think it is because he fears us and has seen the future when one of us rules in his stead." Coming closer and whispering, I am new to this city and am unaware of certain things. Like for instance; do any chafe under the Green One's claw so much, that they plot and plan? And if not yet are there those who would support such an effort were it to spring forth? Now I know you do not know me and have no reason to trust me, but not everyone eats with a spoon here. Some still like using the tines of a fork to spear their food.

Thursday October 5th, 2000 12:58:24 AM

"Ah hah! Thought I was alone, didja! And there's more where that came from, me buckos! We can take all you can dish out and more!" Putting up a bold front, Shad kept parrying, hoping that nobody got killed.

K'nara  d20=7
Thursday October 5th, 2000 7:21:22 AM

The female fighter sprinted to the mouth of the alley, halting to take in the scene once she was there. Her mouth crooked a wry grin when she saw Milo's handiwork and heard Shadrach's words. She reached for her short bow and arrows, nocking a missile as she announced in a commanding voice:

"Yo! You muggers best beat feet, else you'll be explaining your life stories to Gargul next!"
So saying, K'nara aimed an arrow very carefully, pulling the bowstring back with precise deliberation... (OOC: made a Charisma check & passed by 8.)

Olana  d20+1=21 d20+1=12 d6=1 d6=5
Thursday October 5th, 2000 1:23:58 PM

With quiet precision, the elf let off two arrows toward one of Shad's attackers, smiling nastily to herself as they hit their mark. Mess with the Talons would they? Hmph.... (8 dmg)

DM Jan (In the City) 
Thursday October 5th, 2000 1:50:51 PM

A lot of things seem to happen at once.
The thug on the floor is crying "Argh argh argh," after being hit by Milo's darts. He is shocked into silence however as he sees one of his comrades butchered and decapitated by a dwarf with an impressive but rather nasty whirling battle axe.
The other two on Shadrach also hesitate at the sight of the bloodbath, and they blink and stare for a moment as K'Nara yells her commands. That's right before they fall down, fast asleep as Fig's spell hits them. One of them catches two arrows in the shoulder and starts to bleed.
The only one still awake, starts to crawl away whimpering.

Back at the stable, the female elf looks at Ingrge wide-eyed for a moment. "But that's.... who ARE you?" she whispers urgently, glancing around to see if anyone's listening.
There are a few passers-by on the main street. Luckily the alley is still devoid of any spectators.
Voices however, can be heard behind the closed door of the tavern.

Thursday October 5th, 2000 2:06:34 PM

The mage shrugs and walks past the thugs as if they don't exist. "You okay Shad?".

Dakar the Painmonger  d20=7 d10+6=16
Thursday October 5th, 2000 5:21:10 PM

Dakar brings his axe down on the fleeing thug.
"You should have known better than to mug a Bonze... luck always seems to flow in their favor."
He then turns to the rest of the party, providing that the thug has been successfully dispatched.
"We need a place to rid ourselves of the bodies. And clean off the blood."
Dakar begins to wipe his axe blade down and resharpen it, frowning at the nick it got from striking against the stone street.

Thursday October 5th, 2000 5:42:45 PM

With a flourish Milo replaces his short sword in its scabbard and he moves to where K'nara is standing, "Sorry... I did the best I could... their were so many of them though." The halfling has a truly apologetic look on his face.

Thursday October 5th, 2000 7:51:58 PM

Leaning closely to the elf lass, Ingrge simply says, well I most certainly am not what I seem. My friends and I are however a large thorn in the foot of a certain overstuffed green lizard. We support any who oppose this gheko, even if the night gets as dark as obsidion.

Thursday October 5th, 2000 10:46:24 PM

"Fine," he nodded. "Just a scratch." He glared at the one still alive and aimed a kick at his backside. "Off with you! If I hear of you again, it doesn't matter where you are, prison or palace, I can reach you!" He looked bleakly at the bodies. "Why don't we hide these in the stable 'till we can get a wagon down here? Anybody know where to dump them or shall we ask the help of our host?" Shad gestured to the Stinking Hole tavern.

K'nara  d20=6
Friday October 6th, 2000 8:42:17 AM

(OOC: made another Charisma check; passed by 9)

"YOU!" the leader of the Emerald Talons approached the only living, conscious thug, still aiming and halting when she was as close as she could be and still able to fire her missile at him. "Listen carefully, because I'm only going to say this once: I can either kill you or let you go so that you can wake up your...friends...and get the hell out of here. What's your choice?" The tall redheaded woman had iron in her eyes and death targeted at the criminal's heart at point-blank range.

Friday October 6th, 2000 12:26:00 PM

The elf smirked at the villains' plight. She wanted to go and slit the sleeper's throats, but something told her to hold back - not out of compassion though, something she seemed to be lacking these days.
Walking up past K'Nara she said - "I'll look for somewhere we can hide all this mess," before setting off up the alley, scouting around.

DM Jan 
Friday October 6th, 2000 1:07:44 PM

Somehow, the injured thug manages to avoid the bite of the axe. The narrowly missed blow does nothing for his state of mind however - neither does Shad's kick to his behind.
By the time K'Nara had finishes with him, he is a jibbering, bleeding wreck. With shaking hands he manages to wake his colleagues, and they stumble off.
Olana spots another dead-end alley branching off this one where it's pitch black.
Back at the stables, the female elf muck shoveller is not sure what to believe, and then smiles - coming to her own conclusions.
"You say you're not from here? Well let me tell you - the Tines is a myth. They disappeared a long long time ago. No one believes in them any more except in childrens games of secrets. There ARE people helping us - so they say, but no one knows who they are.
"As for obsidian - you be careful with that word." She glances around, lowering her voice even further. "They're here you know, and they're watching us all."
With a sigh she adds "Know what I believe? They say someone will come - an elf - who will lead us from the darkness of the dragon's oppression and out into the light once more. It's the only thing that keeps me digging. You take care now fellow elf, but don't go looking for Tines - they're not there." She puts down her shovel and gives him a hug. "May the Seldarine watch over you - even in such as place as this."
She then goes back to her shovelling.

(*Seldarine - elven lore - "Brothers and Sisters of the Wood" - gods)

Friday October 6th, 2000 1:52:24 PM

The mage offers "Guys, it would be better to wipe off the blades and walk away. Nobody will be looking for a scapegoat for this - unless it is to give us an award. Let's move on quickly before we are spotted.". He moves with deliberation toward the tavern.

Friday October 6th, 2000 10:37:09 PM

Handing the elf lass a gold piece, Ingrge smiles at her and quietly says, "While I am not from here exactly, I have been here before. I call my home the Tree of Parting. And on the holy tree I assure you that the Tines do exist." With that said, Ingrge turned and quickly heads out to see what kind of trouble the rest of the party has gotten into.

Saturday October 7th, 2000 12:05:13 AM

He shrugged and began binding his arm. Concentrating, the magical armor fixed the slice in his sleeve, so that no trace of the cut shown from his clothes.

Saturday October 7th, 2000 1:38:01 PM

"Live lips sink mines." states the dwarf, his displeasure obvious at letting some of the thugs escape. "They saw that some of us were elves, demi-humans... they are all humans. This bodes ill. I suggest we advance the time-table. Beginning with getting into the inn as soon as possible."
The dwarf grunts and hefts his axe, moving towards the inn's main entrance. He doesn't want to attract unwanted attention by coming in from the alley.

Saturday October 7th, 2000 8:30:47 PM

Fluet stands through the entire fight without moving or speaking. In fact, he's entirely shocked that Emerald Kingdom has fallen so low. As everyone is straightening up from the battle, Fluet zones out. He feels so strange coming home, where he used to play just years ago, and finding everything and everyone so low and disheartened. This would definitely be good for a song someday. If he lived that long.

Sunday October 8th, 2000 7:19:49 PM

Obviously not happy with his surroundings, Milo follows directly behind Dakar, hoping that the attention that the powerful looking dwarf draws to himself as he enters the tavern will detract from him... thus allowing him to go about the business of listening.

Monday October 9th, 2000 5:59:46 AM

"The mage speaks well." K'nara said, nodding and taking care of the blades. "Olana--get your hood up so that your ears are not so evident." The female fighter straightened up, pursing her lips for a moment.

"We should case the Stinking Hole on the outside and note its exits. Then we should assign at least one person per exit to see that our 'friend' doesn't give us the slip while the bulk of our party is asking about him inside. I think--given the way this City is treating elves--that the most likely people to remain outside keeping the exits under observation are Olana and Ingrge."

Monday October 9th, 2000 11:57:39 AM

Olana pulls up her hood, although keeping it back enough that it won't obscure her vision."I don't mind staying outside. I can take care of myself," she says quietly with a smile, before moving off to explore the outside of the tavern.

DM Jan (The Stinking Hole) 
Monday October 9th, 2000 12:18:36 PM

On the outside, The Stinking Hole looks to be a squat rectangular building with two storeys.
It's entrance is on the main alley where the villains attacked. There are smaller alleys on either side of it.

The RIGHT alley is gated, leading to a smelly, walled yard which - once of a day - could have held stables. The gate is open and was the original hiding place of the villains before they jumped Shad.
On that side of the tavern in the yard is a door leading into the interior.

The LEFT alley is dark, equally smelly and runs to a walled dead end. No signs of entry into the tavern on this side.
You discover that The Stinking Hole actually backs onto another building, so there's no way to go around the back at all.

The upper storey is fairly low - so much so that someone of Shad's stature, if he took a leap at it - could easily reach the sills of the upper windows with his hands.

There is talk coming from the inside - the usual tavern noises, by all accounts.

The elf shoveller stares after Ingrge as he re-joins the others.

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