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Sunday February 4th, 2001 10:38:59 PM

"Aw, it was nice to get outside," Shad smiled at the sunny sky. Then he abruptly remembered the Obsidians and guard likely to be looking for them. He hunched over and muttered, "Maybe we ought to get back to the inn with the others."

Monday February 5th, 2001 10:52:50 AM

Back at base, Olana waits for the others to return and practices more swordplay, concentrating on the interplay of two weapons within the scope of Shad's armour.

DM Jan (Out and About) 
Monday February 5th, 2001 11:06:03 AM

Out at the kitchens near the prison, K'Nara finds one of the delivery men who looks astounded at her request.
"You wanna go where??"
"Listen," he says conspiratorily. "Me and some of the lads are supposed to go back tonight after the watch change in 6 hours. That place gives me the creeps. You want to deliver instead. That's fine by me. We'll go to the tavern. You'll have to be here in 6 hours time though."

The man gets swallowed up by the bustling kitchens and disappears.
The streets continue to be busy, and no one over at the prison notices anyone paying any attention.

At the blacksmiths, Cherry pays up and returns with the others back to the Heated Cross with the others and the now identified weapons and ring.

At the Heated Cross, a rather bored Clegg, still in womens clothes starts poking fun at Ingrge and Figment.
"What is it with you spell merchants anyway," he says jovially. 'I've heard you're all stark raving mad."

As the day wears on - something in the air appears to change. It's a subliminal thing, hardly felt, but for some reason, everyone feels a little different.
Maybe it's just a slight change in the weather.


Figment  d20=18
Monday February 5th, 2001 12:27:24 PM

The mage chooses to ignore Clegg for the most part but tries to be civil on hopes of keeping his disposition reasonable. Even if he himself is no threat to the party, he could do something stupid and jeopardize their mission. Instead he chooses to prepare for the assault and hasty departure from the city.

He graciously accepts the ring from Cherry and says to everyone when they return, "I think one detail we need to make sure of is remove the barrels from the wagon before we depart. That way the guard will not wonder why we are leaving with what we came in with. Perhaps we could exchange it for something from here that sells well in Plateau City...". He scans his memory of the restaurants there to attempt to remember anything culinary that would fit the bill. (18+6+4=28 DC).

Monday February 5th, 2001 8:14:15 PM

Waiting and talking, Ingrge grimaces anytime Clegg opens his mouth. Finally at Clegg'c mage comment, Ingrge turns to him and with a cold smile says, Now Clegg, you are already are wearing a dress, would you like to have the body to go along with it? Or perhaps you would like to start on a diet of, Oh.. let's say... Flies?

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 12:39:29 AM

Milo half mumbles, "Six hours got it..." then glancing up to K'nara briefly, assuming she is ready to leave at this point, Milo turns, and begins making his way back to the Heated Cross.

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 7:29:20 AM

The tall human female nods to the delivery man and then to Milo.

"Time to let the others know what we've found." K'nara commented, swiftly joining the halfling thief in their return to the Heated Cross. She planned to wait until everyone was back at the room before explaining what they'd found out.

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 8:29:48 AM

He changed into his new armor, then went to join the others. He smiled at Figment. "I had a feeling somebody'd snap that up. With all these magic swords, maybe we ought to become weapons merchants. Or give 'em to the elves."

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 11:25:25 AM

As the others return, the elf bombards them with questions - "What did you find out? Do we have a plan? Will it be difficult? When are we going to do it? etc etc...." - bouncing up and down on her toes excitedly and eager to be off and get this thing done.

DM Jan (Back at the Heated Cross) 
Tuesday February 6th, 2001 11:50:34 AM

As Figment ponders a way out, he seems to remember a few stores selling cheeses, and some selling grain on the edges of the neighbourhood that had all the hotels for visitors.

Clegg thinks for a moment about Ingrge's proposal, until it suddenly clicks that the elf has offered to change him into a toad or a lizard or something worse.
"You! You -" he splutters, then falls into a glum silence.

Cherry, Fluet and Shadrach get back safely with the weapons and the ring.
"He been behaving himself?" asks Cherry, nodding toward Clegg.

Not long after, K'Nara, Milo and Dakar arrive back from the reconaissance mission, also without incident, although they have witnessed a lot of patrols, including those garbed in the manner of Obsidians. Just before they enter the tavern, they see Lorna the cleric sat outside, telling a story to a group of scruffy urchins. She nods, acknowledging them discreetly - the kind of nod she would give to any passing stranger.

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 12:47:59 PM

"I can't say I like the look of this. We must stay alert."
Dakar swings his war axe over his shoulder. "Hmm, feels a bit lighter than it used to. Interesting."

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 2:19:43 PM

The mage offers his thoughts on the acquisition of foodstuffs from here on their way out of town. That way they can look like they actually traded something as they leave. He listens as he hears K'Nara's ideas on getting in and out.

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 5:03:20 PM

Allowing himself the luxury of a rare grin, Ingrge looks at Clegg and winks, just to make him wonder just whether or not Ingrge might do it. As Cherry asks how Clegg is behaving, Ingrge replies,with a grin, "Oh our little toady is just hopping right along."

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 11:30:59 PM

The bard waits around somewhat patiently. Although, he appears somewhat anxious. "So do we have a definite plan, or are we still planning on just waltzing in?" Fluet snickers. "I must admit I think it would be fun, though. Oh, and another thing, are we dividing these weapons among ourselves, or just gonna let them rust? If the former, I'd like to go for one of the short swords."

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 12:21:25 AM

Seeing Lorna, Milo pauses briefly to listen to her story. Afterwards he approaches her quietly, "Ah... I want to thank you for your assistance and patience with me, I really enjoy discussing Alemi and his precepts with you. He definitely gives me something to think about." That said, Milo passes quietly into the Heated Cross to where his friends are talking, and listens quietly, assuming that K'nara will fill them in on the plan.

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 6:48:35 AM

"I've contacted the guys who deliver the food to the prison...they seem to be willing to take a...um...respite from their duties tonight at six o'clock." the leader of the Emerald Talons said. "We'll see about having as many of us become the deliverers as possible. Depending on how many of us can actually pose as that kind of personnel, we'll have to see about using other kinds of disguises to sneak in." Looking a bit embarrassed, K'nara glanced at Olana.

"Being women, Olana and I could, uh, present ourselves as 'working girls' looking for a quick silver or two from the guards." Her cheeks colored a bit. "That could also serve to distract whomever's on duty long enough for anyone not disguised as the food deliverers to sneak into the place. I...I'll think a bit about that one." K'nara's hazel eyes regarded those whom went out to Identify the magic items.

"So...what is it that we've got..?" she asked.

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 10:46:41 AM

The elf bats her big blue eyes jokingly and lets out a nervous giggle at K'Nara's suggestion, then looks puzzled.
"I'm an elf though," she ponders. "I bet they wouldn't want anything to do with me - although I bet I could pass for a servant easy enough. That's all elves seem to do here."
Looking at the weapons, she adds - "One of those longswords would come in handy."

DM Jan (Back at the Heated Cross) 
Wednesday February 7th, 2001 11:00:41 AM

Lorna smiles at Milo.
"May Alemi bless you, and always be with you, your friends too" she says as he goes to join the others.
Inside the Inn, as Clegg stares at Ingrge with a sour expression, Cherry goes through what she brought back from the blacksmiths.

"A ring of Spell Turning - the blacksmith really wanted to get his mitts on that one. The 2 longswords, and the 2 shortswords are enhanced (+2), so is the scimitar (+2), although he said that particular weapon was specially designed so it can be effectively thrown and used as a ranged weapon.
"This is quite a haul - Parnoth arms his soldiers well, and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with them - the blacksmith would have told me if there was."
She looks over at Figment and Ingrge on her way to get some tea and cakes.
"Did you two uncover some nice surprises, too?

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 1:00:54 PM

"Ah yes, we have two books of arcane knowledge which apparently increase one's mental acuity in an unspecified, but permanent fashion. We also have several scrolls with a number of wizard spells. Which we would expect seeing their origin. They are - if you're interested: 1 Summon Monster Lvl 3, 3 Summon Swarm Lvl 2, 2 Fog Cloud Lvl 2, 1 Whispering Wind lvl 2, 1 Major Image Lvl 3, 3 Spider Climb Lvl 1, 2 Glitterdust Lvl 2, and 1 Charm Monster Lvl 4. Some of these I already have, some I do not. They will make an excellent addition to my - and Ingrge's - arsenal.". As the options for infiltration are shared, the mage offers his ideas. "I could become invisible and attempt to enter - or exit in that way. I think it's use in exiting would be safer. I would discourage the idea of you two posing as ladies of the night because you would be separated from us. I think staying together will be crucial.".

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 1:30:17 PM

"Ugh. Prostitution is such an ignoble business. Especially to be undertaken by a warrior woman. But if it the only way."
Dakar spits on the inn's floor.
"I despise trickery. Mind me not to answer any questions posed. It could create problems for us. Perhaps I should pose as a mute, due to that?"

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 2:57:38 PM

Milo has a look of extreme disinterest as he glaces over the proferred treasure. Then turning to his friends, "Okay, lets see, I agree with Figment about the 'being separated thing...' its not really a good idea.. and I agree with Dakar in the 'he shouldn't do any of the talking thing...' he might very well give us away in his noble honesty... In my humble opinion, we should all dress down in simple clothing, meaning no obvious armor, hide one weapon a piece on our persons, for those of us who rely on such things..." Milo smiles at Figment, "and once we are past the guards, the more of us that we can make invisible... the better... It may not be a bad idea to purchase the silence of the regular workers with a few coins for their ale, and once we're in, I'd like to take point... may Alemi bless us in this 'intrusion'." Milo face kinda quirks at his final statement, but then he seems rather satisfied with himself.

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 3:32:33 PM

Shad stared at Milo, brow crinkling. His hands squeezed around the sahuagin trident given to him by Gold Dragons. It was a beautiful weapon, cruelly barbed with undulating carvings. It was too large to hide in clothing. He looked down at it, wishing he could take it with him. "I'll have to get something else...a club, or mace, maybe," Shad said without enthusiasm.

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 7:14:16 PM

Listening to K'narra's plan, and Figments comments Ingrge thinks a moment and then simply states. I think the Ladies go in Invisible and the rest of us as the food team. The ladies could carry some of our extra weapons so they are close at hand and not obvious. I think Milos suggestion about lubricating the regular crew is a great one. As for the Invisibility part of it, for myself I would be glad to give my remaining potion to one of them If I may have one of the tomes.

Thursday February 8th, 2001 7:33:04 AM

Strategies presented themselves, flaring to life and then fading from consideration as her friends and colleagues all gave K'nara their input. Rubbing her chin, the redhead gave a nod as she settled on the likeliest course of action.

"All right, then--I think the Invisibility spell is a good idea..." the female fighter said firmly, "...Olana and I will be invisible, and we'll carry the weapons with us so that you can look like the food delivery guys. Milo, don't use your ring...we'll keep that to use on what's-his-face when we get him."

Thursday February 8th, 2001 12:23:32 PM

Olana nods vigorously - obviously preferring the invisibility idea on account of being an 'illegal visitor' in the Emerald City.
She picks up one of the new, fancy longswords, trying it for size.
"I'll carry whats needed," she adds with a smile. "I might be small, but I'm strong."

DM Jan (Back at the Heated Cross) 
Thursday February 8th, 2001 12:43:51 PM

As Clegg mumbles to himself, huggling his gold which is hidden under his dress, everyone else discusses strategy and various plans are put forth.

Cherry returns with an urn of tea and a plate piled high with currant buns.
"Oh... you mean Caden Tremaine," she whispers reverently, going all starry-eyed for a moment as K'Nara mentions who they're about to rescue.
Snapping out of it, she looks around for the map that Clegg drew of the prison, and on finding it - she spreads it out on the table, next to the buns.
Clegg cranes his neck for a look.
"Hmph..." he says, poking at finger at his drawing. " Once you're over the moat bridge - providing they're all playing cards, you might do it. A sleeping draught would be better though - knock 'em out. Specially at the check -in. That way you can sneak down the steps.
"Did I mention the cells go down in a spiral? Alphabetical order."
He then bursts out laughing. "Tremaine, you say? Gads, thats nearly at the bottom!"
Further mirth is stifled as he pushes a currant bun in his mouth.

Thursday February 8th, 2001 12:57:58 PM

The mage smiles at Clegg's suggestion. "A good idea my good man, I'll prepare a sleep spell for that purpose.". He reviews his spells and makes sure they are optimized for this operation.

Thursday February 8th, 2001 1:15:06 PM

Milo looks pale at K'nara's suggestion, "Um... not use my ring... uh.. okay, if you say so." He grabs a sticky bun, and begins to gnaw on it absentmindedly while he goes through possible hide strategies in his head. Then resolved, he looks up and smiles, "Sure, okay."

Thursday February 8th, 2001 8:39:57 PM

"So, when are we changing our clothing?" Fluet twiddles his thumbs, feeling inadaquate about his role in the whole scheme.

Thursday February 8th, 2001 8:59:12 PM

Tremaine, why does that name sound familiar? Hmm... as Clegg mentions the alphabetical thing, Ingrge frowns. "of course we have to go nearly all the way down. We can't ever seem to do things the easy way. At Figment's comment about the sleep spell, Ingrge nods, That will give us two then, as I have a specialized version of it memorized already.

Friday February 9th, 2001 2:04:55 AM

"I will not remove my armor. Perhaps it would be best that I be made invisible to act as a pack mule. I could carry the gear of the rest with ease. But I will not remove my armor."
Dakar glares at Milo.
"You may live by subterfuge. I live by my martial prowess."

Friday February 9th, 2001 6:48:59 AM

Smiling at the party's thief-cum-cleric, K'nara amended her order to Milo:

"Well...try NOT to use it, because Tremaine may need it." Then, upon hearing Dakar's objection to subterfuge, K'nara opened her mouth, closed it, harrumphed and then spoke with a curt nod.

"Aye, then, cleric of Domi," she agreed, "Since it would be hard to pass off a spiky, armored earthkin as a mere delivery man, you should be invisible. I will remain visible, then, since my bayra--" Here the leader of the Talons indicated the long tunic she was wearing, "--can easily cover the studded leather armor I wear. My presence may also, hopefully, keep the guards from noticing Ingrge and Figment casting their spells." The fleeting grimace on K'nara's face showed that she did NOT look forward to that part of the rescue.

"Now...you've all gone through this lot of stuff..?" the auburn-haired woman nodded to the table that now only had the scrolls and the swords on it. "If you have, then I can take that scimitar, I suppose. It's not a flamer, but one never knows when one can use the extra effectiveness such a weapon can provide." Then her sharp hazel eyes fell upon the pile of scrolls on the table.

"Master Greymaulk tells me that I am a few weeks from being able to cast spells..." the Wold's only human bladesinger held up the hand with her silver ring on it and waggled the fingers, indicating the means by which she communicated daily with the Gold Dragon, "...I should like a scroll or two of the lowest level spells, and then Figment and Ingrge can divide what's left between them, if that's agreeable to all..?" (OOC: that translates to giving K'nara two of the Spider Climb scrolls if neither Ingrge nor Figment objects.)

Friday February 9th, 2001 11:28:41 AM

Olana moves over to Fluet and gives him a mischievous smile.
"Are you nervous?" she asks. "I am, but just think what a great story this will make. Think of the crowds that will come to listen."

Friday February 9th, 2001 11:53:12 AM

"Do you think I'll actually be able to use our names within our lifetime though? I doubt it, unless our good old green friend is conveniently removed." The bard sighs deeply, "Oh well. I guess I can settle for being referred to as 'hero' and 'mighty warrior'." A large snicker appears as Fluet cannot contain his sarcasm.

Several minutes later, "So, Olana, would you mind doing that eyelash thing again?" Fluet winks.

DM Jan (The Heated Cross) 
Friday February 9th, 2001 11:58:15 AM

Plans are made.
Weapons and magic 'stuff' are appropriated.
After a bit of scurrying about, Cherry manages to come up with a few scruffy tunics, and as the afternoon wears on - Clegg starts to get nervous.
"What about me? What about me?" he keeps asking, ad nauseum.
As the time comes to set off, Cherry speaks up.
"Well - I can smuggle Clegg here out of the City. Do you have everything you need?"
Clegg pipes up - "Don't take the potions till you're ready to cross the bridge, an' like ah said - they'll put a fire in your belly. I got the screaming sh - "
His sentence is cut short by a clip round the back of the head from Cherry.
She continues. "Lorna will stay in the City, and keep her eye on things there. I'll wait outside the City gates with a few others of the Tines for when you bring Caden out. Good luck - and may your gods be with you."

Friday February 9th, 2001 12:38:26 PM

Undaunted by Dakar's glowering look, Milo smiles serenely at the dwarven priest. "I understand the tenets of your faith as you have spoken them, but I must ask you two questions.. If you do not use subterfuge, then why would you submit to an invisibility spell? My second question is simply... What makes someone a great warrior? Their armor? I would contend otherwise... as K'nara wears relatively light armor, and is, in my estimation, a great warrior. At any rate, if you choose to utilize invisibility, you will get no further arguments from me... I merely wanted to bring that up for your own consideration." With that the smiling halfling accepts a plain tunic from Cherry, donning it, and shifting his jeweled short sword behind him in such as manner as to be hidden under his cloak. "There, I look a very plain halfling indeed..." looking to K'nara... "Ready..." Then under his breath... "Alemi, give me the wisdom to know truth, the patience to wait for it, and the strength to endure the wait."

Friday February 9th, 2001 12:46:34 PM

Begrudginly, the mage winces as he hears K'Nara's interest in the scrolls, but says nothing as she takes possession of her choices. Instead he focuses on what he has and what he needs to do to make preparations for the assault including modification of spells (1 hour).

Friday February 9th, 2001 7:25:45 PM

Looking at Figment as he comments about preparations, Ingrge walks over and sits near the other mage, If you would like, I think we might benefit by perhaps comparing notes to see how we might best plan our magic assault or defense we might find that there are some spells that we might want to both have that one of us does not currently know.

Saturday February 10th, 2001 2:13:57 PM

The mage shares his plans for spells and strategy with Ingrge. He offers him his list of known spells in return for his. At the opportune moment, he makes him a proposition. "Ingrge, I think it would be in both of our best interest to share these scrolls and both make them part of our spell books. What do you think?".

Sunday February 11th, 2001 8:11:21 PM

Shad came back from shopping. He changed into an oversize tunic and cloak. He wriggled a bit from hiding a morningstar down his back. "Well, it fits. Just hope I don't have to sit back. I'm ready as I'll be."

Monday February 12th, 2001 7:04:09 AM

The leader of the Emerald Talons rigged the magic scimitar's sheathe so that--should the fighter ever need to use it--she would draw the curved blade from behind her left shoulder. She nodded her cauled head at Cherry's volunteering to take Clegg from the city soon.

"We'll meet you outside the city, then--where the boundary of the Culverwood starts." K'nara agreed. "Keep Clegg safe--he's a pain in the neck, but he did help us. If we don't rendezvous with you by dawn tomorrow, disperse and go to safe houses. Assume that we, too, have been captured or killed." The human bladesinger frowned, hoping that this would not be the case.

"Getting in will hopefully be easy enough," K'nara addressed her own group, "Assuming that the ward which the guards cast upon us is an 'area effect' deal rather than an individual spell that has to be cast on each person. After the protection has been cast, we should probably just act as though we are going to deliver the food until we are out of their sight, go spring Tremaine, come back towards the exits and THEN have the Sleep spells cast upon the guards near the exit...and then only if it looks like it will be necessary." The female fighter rubbed her chin as she continued to plan out loud.

"Olana and Dakar would be invisible, so they'd hold not only the weapons but the spare potions, too. We'll each carry one bottle, which means that Olana and Dakar will both have, um...two? We got ten jail potions, right..?" The not-as-book-learned-as-she'd-like-to-be fighter started counting on her fingers.

Monday February 12th, 2001 11:14:02 AM

Olana asks Dakar what he wants to carry, and then takes her own share of the load of potions and extra weapons.
Then, with a wink at Fluet, she says "I'm ready!"

DM Jan (Time to get the Prisoner) 
Monday February 12th, 2001 11:25:35 AM

As everyone makes plans to get in and out of the prison, the time approaches to leave.

Cherry makes sure Clegg's jaunty headscarf is tied properly, and tells him it's time to go.
Pausing at the door, the man turns and says -
"Hey look, er... be careful okay? And thanks."
With a sheepish look, his swagger nowhere in evidence, he leaves with the Tines barmaid.

Out on the streets, it's mid to late afternoon. There are patrols everywhere, as though they're looking for someone.
Lorna the priestess has made her way over to the prison, and is sat nearby talking to the playing urchins about being good little boys and girls and not ending up in a place like this.

At the gatehouse, it's business as usual - with two bored guards stood there half asleep.
Over at the kitchens, a group of serving lads talk in whispers about a night on the town.

Monday February 12th, 2001 11:43:33 AM

The mage prepares to depart. "There are 20 potions K'Nara. My hope is that we'll have plenty left over to give to these noble freedom fighters so that they will have them in case they are ever needed again. I will have prepared 3 invisibility spells. I will cast them when you tell me to - and on whom you tell me to. I would prefer to keep one in reserve for myself if possible. Other than that, I'm ready. I would say we should load our stuff in the wagon before proceeding to the prison. We should also buy our goods for transport out of the city. Perhaps Cherry could see to that? Have our wine barrels brought here to your inn keeper, and buy us some cheeses and other culinaries to take out of here. Good cover I'd say.". He offers gold for this purpose. More than enough to cover whatever may be needed.

Monday February 12th, 2001 7:42:33 PM

"Careful Olana. Don't want those pretty eyes of yours gettin' hurt when we go in." Fluet half snickers, half smiles. Then he quiets down and concentrates on the task at hand. He closes his eyes and thinks through any possible scenarios that could happen after they reach the inside of the prison, no matter how unlikely. Even if he isn't physically ready, Fluet thinks, he can at least be mentally ready.

Monday February 12th, 2001 8:40:16 PM

Milo's face is unreadable as they walk through town to the appointed rendevous point. Being the 'professional' in the group, at least where breaking into places is concerned, he refuses to show his friends that he is positively terrified of this job. Instead, he occupies his mind by deftly flipping through his satchel with his small hand, practicing naming, in his head, every item in there... without looking. Muttering to himself, "Okay Milo... time to put up... or shut up. Alemi, guide me"

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 7:06:14 AM

"Twenty potions..?" K'nara echoed, then sighed. "Gotta work on my math..." She shrugged and then glanced around the room.

"Looks like Cherry already left, so we'll just have to make sure that the wagon's all set to leave ourselves, Figment." the bladesinger told the mage. "Now, I suppose that we should give our obvious weapons into the tender care of Olana and Dakar, here, eh..?" K'nara smiled, removing both the scimitar she'd just donned and her beloved bastard sword and handing the weapons to Olana.

"Now...are we all set? We have to go meet the delivery guys so's we can swap places."

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 11:02:42 AM

The elf carefully stashes the weapons about her person until she's bristling with them.
"Heee - I feel like a walking weaponsmith," she chuckles.
Pulling her cloak over everything, and the hood over her features, she'll follow the others as they begin this final task.
"I've never seen a prison before," she whispers to Fluet. "I don't really know what to expect."

DM Jan (The Jail Break) 
Tuesday February 13th, 2001 11:11:52 AM

As the appointment approaches with the kitchen lads - decisions must be made, for there will be little time to go shop for more goods and stock the wagon which are south of the Heated Cross. Whoever chooses to do this may well miss their rendevous at the prison.

As twilight approaches in the eastern part of the City, the kitchen boys get their food baskets ready, but some of them have combed their hair, and the one who talked to K'Nara has donned his 'Sunday best' neckerchief.

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 12:18:46 PM

The mage shrugs and says "I guess we'll have to abandon that idea because we should not split up again before we leave town. We'll just assume the guards are not too interested in the cargo.". As they approach the boys, he smiles and chooses one who is his size. He waits for the warrior woman to set things up.

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 6:30:05 PM

Following along with Figment Ingrge says, Perhaps I should cast the first sleep spell, particularly if there is a chance of anyone hearing the casting and interupting it or warning others. I can cast sleep silently, so there will be little or no movent an no sound to let it be known there is a spell being cast.

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 6:26:12 AM

K'nara approached the young man she'd spoken to before, eyeing his "gussied up" appearance.

"Is there a special occasion that I'm not aware of," she asked him with a smile, "...or are you just glad to see me..?" As she listened to the guy's reply, the human bladesinger removed 20gp from her belt pouch.

"Here's some gold for your trouble," K'nara said, "Thanks for the opportunity. Anything we should keep in mind when we make the delivery for you..?"

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 11:37:41 AM

Fluet still ponders any possible mishaps, and attempts to figure out anyway to avoid or get out of those situations. He quietly watches the others, waiting for the 'GO' command.

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 11:50:49 AM

Wandering the streets with the others, Olana couldn't help wondering what a nice place this COULD be - if it wasn't for the underlying tyrany that meant those of her kind were reduced to nothing short of slavery.
It was something she thought she'd talk to Ingrge about. Maybe - once this was over and they'd rescue that man - they could DO something about it.
It wasn't like her to get frustrated and bitter, but this situation tainted her with sadness and moments of silent anger.
That nasty dragon - what a perfectly horrid creature he was.
As they neared their destination, she prepared for confrontation, channeling some of that silent anger.
"May the forest dwellers keep us safe," she whispered.

DM Jan (The Jail Break) 
Wednesday February 14th, 2001 12:08:33 PM

The lad outside the kitchens grins and his cheeks colour a little as K'Nara talks to him.
"We don't get out much," he says, his eyes almost popping out as the warrior hands over the cash. "We know a place where some of the lasses from the laundry go after work, and we figured.. well, ya know."
Some of the other lads give a soft, almost reverant 'Ohhh........'as they see the fortune given to them.

They hand over long, starched, white aprons and four baskets that contain cold cuts, cheese, fruit and freshly baked bread.
"You just go to the gate house," continues the lad, his accent very similar to Cleggs. "There's a stickman - a wizard. He'll put a spell on you, but it don't last long. Ya gotta get in, and get out. No one will say nothing - all they want is their dinner."
He looks puzzled for a moment, and then -
"Why would you people wanna go into - no, we don't want to know, right lads?"
He grins at his pals and chinks the coin in his hand, and with that - they take off.

The prison gatehouse is a short distance away and round a corner, although it's low, solemn grey wall is evident at the end of the street.

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 12:19:37 PM

The self-monikered Painmonger fidgets nervously. He briefly turns to Milo.
"Our religion teaches that prowess in force of arms is the pinnacle in life. As to why I submit to invisibility... Not being there is better, to me, than trying to be someone I am not. I have tried that before, and were it not for that I would still be allowed to sleep in my ancestral home."
He turns to Olana.
"I will bear whatever you do not want to. Give me the load of your burdens and I shall carry them."

Figment  d20+10=26
Wednesday February 14th, 2001 12:58:50 PM

The mage smiles at the big plans the boys have. "I would suggest that you not show anyone your treasure. A thief would be more than happy to take it for themselves. If you have a safe place you might leave some of it behind so if something like that happens you don't lose it all. I hope you have good luck this night. One other thing: Not only do you not want to know why we are going to the prison, you do not want to mention to anyone why you have the night off - or where you got the cash. Your parents or an authority figure might decide to take your cash and ruin your night asking you lots questions. And the girls would have to find somebody else to be with...". (DC 26 Etiquette+Cha) The mage dons an apron and grabs some food. After the boys leave, the mage offers and idea. "I suppose I can tell them I own the place and that we prepared the food up special for them this night. Maybe they'll buy it since I'm obviously a bit older and well-dressed than they are.". The mage takes a look at the name of the place they are leaving to be sure he says it properly.

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 6:13:20 PM

picking up whateve it is that needs carrying Ingrge Grumbles, "I can't believe I have to carry this to feed the Grren one's lackeys when my kin are sufferring."

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 11:02:11 PM

"I don't suppose one of you could carry a trident?" Shad asked Olana and Dakar plaintively before they took off. He followed K'Nara, looking worried.

Thursday February 15th, 2001 2:50:56 AM

To Dakar's response, the look on Milo's face changes to one of concern, "Perhaps you'll tell me more about that sometime... or not... its up to you." As they get to the boys, Milo takes one of the smaller aprons, and after a few adjustments to the straps, puts it on. Grabbing one of the trays of food he looks to his friends, "Ready as I'll ever be." Milo grins.

K'nara  d20=7
Thursday February 15th, 2001 6:56:56 AM

The human bladesinger grabbed an apron and put it on, then exchanged Shadrach's trident for one of the food trays.

"Here, you take this..." K'nara said comfortingly to the bonze, "...and Olana will keep your trident safe." So saying, the female fighter gave the forked weapon to Olana.

"Only four baskets and four aprons, so we have to spread 'em around a little..." K'nara told the others, "...I got an apron, so I'll skip holding a basket..." The leader of the Tines organized those who would remain visible into various stages of disguise. (OOC: made a Disguise check roll...but I can't recall if we're doing the 3e D&D stuff yet...)

"There, that's the best we can do on short notice..." K'nara said after everyone had either a tray or an apron (or both). "You'd best cast that Invisible spell on Olana and Dakar, now, fellas...it's about showtime." The tall redhead rolled her shoulders and breathed deeply, concentrating on appearing like a laborer who would be in a hurry to get this unwanted job done.

As soon as everyone was ready and the ranger and the painmonger were spelled, K'nara issued some last minute pointers:

"Remember, now--those of us visible will be fearful and in a bit of a rush, obviously because of the nature of this delivery." she said firmly. "Olana, Dakar...you two must pay attention to when the rest of us move--so our footsteps can cover yours up--and, especially, to however it is that we delivery people get those wards placed on us...we don't know if it's an area effect or if it's individually applied...either way, you'll have to use your judgement as to whether or not you'll be needing to use a potion to get through the magic trap area. Are we all ready now? Let's get going, then..!"

Thursday February 15th, 2001 10:16:31 AM

The mage casts a spell and Dakar disappears from sight. "Everybody needs to carry at least 2 potions. Just in case.". With concern the mage offers a thought to Ingrge. "Don't fret, my friend. By carrying this load you are going to reduce your kindred's suffering a great deal. Probably more than any of us can imagine. Do you have a spell for Olana? If not I have a spare.".

Thursday February 15th, 2001 11:04:53 AM

Olana gives some of her stuff to Dakar so their load is shared, then takes the trident, wedging it somewhere behind her so she's not likely to trip over it.
Her only worry was that if she had to bend over then she might poke someone in the eye with it.
"I'll take good care of it," she says, waiting for the almighty invisibility spell, and checking she had her prison potion within easy reach.
She endeavours to stay in the middle of the group or thereabouts.

DM Jan (The Jail Break) 
Thursday February 15th, 2001 11:29:59 AM

((Yep - we're now 3rd Edn :) ))

As everyone makes ready, the twilight deepens over the City, and cicadas and other insects start their evening racket over by the dry moat.
The aprons will need some slight adjustment to make them look like they've been tied on by someone who does it every morning.
Figment notices a peeling sign nearby that says 'Craddocks - fine cuisine since -' the sign is old and peeling and any other words have just been worn away.

At the jail gatehouse. There are two guards stood by the bridge, talking idly to one another. One of them yawns.
There is a light on in the gatehouse itself,as though someone resides within.
The bridge to the jail proper is about 20 feet wide, made of wood, and two more guards can be seen at the other side of it at the prison entrance.
The view over the bridge is slightly distorted however, for halfway over the bridge is what looks like a slightly sparkly shimmering curtain - which extends from the grassy bottom of the dry moat - up vertically through the bridge, and stretches up to an undeterminable height in the air.
A sparkling, transparent wall - it surrounds the prison completely.
It looks almost beautiful.

To one side of the gatehouse, about 50 feet along the moat, a woman dressed in long clerics robes is sat talking to a group of small scruffy children who are sat crosslegged surrounding her. At one point she makes a gesture, and the childrens laughter drifts over to the prison bridge.
Behind everyone, the City's lights begin to come on, and distant revelry can be heard. It sounds and looks inviting, certainly moreso than the prospect of what lies ahead.

Thursday February 15th, 2001 2:43:44 PM

The mage follows the others to the prison and prepares for the extraction. [OOC: Ingrge, be sure to comment on Olana's Invis spell.]

Thursday February 15th, 2001 9:22:03 PM

Shuffling to the rear of the party with his trays, Ingrge addresses Figment's question. "A spell I do not have, I do have a potion which may last a might longer."

Thursday February 15th, 2001 10:19:07 PM

Fluet prepares himself, asking others for any help if becomes difficult to tie the apron well. "So, where's the stuff I need to carry to look real?"

Friday February 16th, 2001 12:00:08 AM

The mage offers to Ingrge. "I'll use my spell since one cannot drink a second potion while the first is in effect - usually poisonous.". He casts his 2nd Invis on Olana.

K'nara  d20+2=16
Friday February 16th, 2001 7:20:17 AM

Surveying the group that now appears to be six underlings from a food establishment, K'nara nodded her cauled head at the rest of the party.

"Here's the last tray..." K'nara handed the food over to Fluet, "...okay, everybody, stick together and follow my lead..!" So saying, the woman warrior went quickly over to the first set of guards at the jail's bridge.

"H-hey..." she greeted them a bit nervously, "I...I'm Vesta...from Craddock's..? We're here...to deliver the food..?" K'nara hoped that she sounded for all the Wold like a new apprentice who got stuck with the most onerous chore of the establishment she was training at. (OOC: rolled a Bluff check.)

Friday February 16th, 2001 10:37:50 AM

Shad shuffled his feet while they waited for the go-ahead. He wondered who the lady sitting so close to the prison was.

Friday February 16th, 2001 11:26:13 AM

Olana breathes a sigh of relief as she winks out of visible range, and endeavours to keep within the centre of the group without harpooning anyone with the trident and other assorted weapons.

DM Jan (The Jail Break) 
Friday February 16th, 2001 11:52:01 AM

"Craddocks? Yes!"
One of the guards punches the air while adding to his fellow. "Told you it was Craddocks turn. Miles better than the others."
He walks over and digs into Ingrge's basket, ignoring Ingrge's actual presence completely, grabbing some food for himself and the other guard.
"I'd better get the wizard," says the other guard.
"Naw, let 'em starve, lets have a feast, here eh?"
After a good belly laugh, the second guard disappears into the gatehouse.

Guard Number One slaps K'Nara on the rump.
"Oooh nice and firm. Have you working hard in the kitchens do they?" he asks loudly with a cheeky grin.
The grin fades, as his eyes meet Shadrach, maybe someone he doesn't want to mess with, and Figment who perhaps looks of a higher station than him and is perhaps one of the master cooks or at least something like that.
To Figment he says, "Your place makes the best. Our compliments!"
Ingrge and Milo, being elf and halfling are deemed not worth bothering about so don't get a second glance.
Olana and Dakar of course - 'aren't there'.
Fluet he stares at for a moment and then says with an evil leer -
"Hey pretty boy, don't let the wizard get his eyes on you, heh."

Right at the moment of this conversational highlight, the other guard re-emerges with a thin wizened old man who has spaced-out eyes and a robe that has seen better days.
Once again, Ingrge's basket takes a pasting as the old man grabs some food.
"This spell will last 15 minutes," he announces.
Then he takes out a battered wand and bobs the following people on the head -
K'Nara - Figment - Shadrach - Fluet - Milo - Ingrge.
He pauses at Fluet and says - "If you get bored, wanna learn some spells, come and see me, eh?"
With a lecherous wink - he's gone, two loaves and a turkey leg in hand.
Those "bopped" on the head feel a teeth-jarring shock for an instant, and then it's gone.

Ahead lies the shimmering curtain, and the prison.

Friday February 16th, 2001 7:26:25 PM

Gritting his teeth, Ingrge memorizes faces, making quiet promises that these too would pay for the indignities pressed upon his brethren.

Saturday February 17th, 2001 7:34:54 PM

Fluet nods to the wizard, "yes, sir" The bard trully considers the offer, as a possiblity some day. Maybe of course. After the feeling dissipates he quickly follows the others in order to get past the sparkling curtain.

Sunday February 18th, 2001 2:54:15 PM

He grimaced, knowing the others would need to drink a potion to join them. Shad milled around, pretending to be confused, and said, "Is that all? Can we go in now?"

Sunday February 18th, 2001 10:27:48 PM

Accepting the spell, Milo stands quietly waiting to follow his friends into the prison. His face betrays no emotion, but in his mind he is praying furiously, 'Alemi... please get us out of this place safely... Alemi... please get us out of this place safely... Alemi...'

Monday February 19th, 2001 6:57:30 AM

For a split-second, K'nara's reaction to the first guard's overly-familiar "salute" was for her to instinctively reach behind her right shoulder...for the sword that was no longer there. The redhead switched the gesture to patting her cauled tresses and grinning (albeit tightly) at the lout.

"Why, yes, indeedy, sir! On my feet ALL day long!" the leader of the Emerald Talons simpered, secretly wishing a very painful and itchy rash upon the man in a VERY specific spot.

Ah, well--the Talons had business to tend to...hopefully a task that would cause trouble for this guard. Heh heh.

Once the wizard got finished "bopping" each of the visible party members, K'nara nodded to the rest of the party.

"Okay, this is the part that they said we had to hurry--" she told them, hoping that Olana and Dakar were drinking the potions as she spoke, "--so, c'mon, everybody...let's get this food in and ourselves out double quick..!"

K'nara herded the others along towards the barrier, jogging along at a smart clip and praying that those potions that they'd gotten from the wizard worked, or the Emerald Talons would be in BIG trouble.

Monday February 19th, 2001 10:39:35 AM

As quietly as she could, the elf took hold of the potion she had tucked away in a pocket, and counted silently to herself 1... 2... 3... then downed its contents.
Then she followed the others across the bridge.

Monday February 19th, 2001 11:20:26 AM

The mage nods to the guard "Thank you, I hope you enjoy the fare we have brought today.". He follows K'Nara into the prison recalling the map carefully and making sure they move in that direction. He makes lots of noise to hopefully cover his invisible comrades' entry and makes sure and look for signs that they made it in alive.

DM Jan (The Jail Break) 
Monday February 19th, 2001 12:33:10 PM

Going through the curtain feels strange.
There is power here. Lots of it.
Figment, Fluet, Ingrge, Shad, Milo who have still to take the potion feel a tingle down their spine that makes them shiver as they pass through, and they pass through unscathed.
Those who have taken the potion however (K'nara, Olana) feel... nothing. It's just as though the curtain was never there.
((Potion takers - roll fortitude against DC14 - any less and you start to feel queasy))

Beyond the curtain - the two guards wait expectantly at the main prison door which is always open.
Beyond that - at the right can be seen someone leaning over the processing desk, looking out toward the bridge and grinning.
It looks like the food is expected.

Monday February 19th, 2001 9:22:41 PM

He huffed at their destination and turned to look back. "Whew. Wonder what happens if you're too slow?"

Dakar  d20=9
Tuesday February 20th, 2001 2:56:30 AM

Dakar quaffs the potion quickly and heads in after the others. His silence is the norm for the dwarf, especially since he does not dare give away his invisible location. (passed Fortitude check).

Tuesday February 20th, 2001 11:38:56 AM

The mage approaches with the others and delivers the food. He looks for the right time to break and go after their quarry. He also looks for keys to cells - in case they are locked and less lax in their security as the front gate. He watches Ingrge to make sure all the guards find sleep. If they don't he makes sure the rest of them do. In his thoughts he muses "If Ingrge can cast sleep without movement then it's possible we could get in and out and they not realize what we've done...".

Olana  d20+3=14
Tuesday February 20th, 2001 11:59:03 AM

Feeling no particular after effects, Olana breathes a quiet sigh of relief as she passes through the curtain.
Moving ahead, she stays near enough to hand the others thier weapons when they need them, but uses her invisibility to have a go at scouting around.

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 12:00:04 AM

Dakar keeps the rear, hoping not to run into Olana. He tries to be quiet, and removes his axe from it's holdings. He moves the potions and checks them to ensure that they remain unbroken in their bottles. To himself he thinks something about how they should have switched to metal flasks.
He dares not speak or sigh, but only waits.

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 1:35:32 AM

After setting his basket down, Milo turns and walks away from the desk quickly enough to get out of the area of his friend's enchantments, but slow enough to not look suspect.

K'nara  d20+2=19
Wednesday February 21st, 2001 6:20:21 AM

The tall female spoke over her shoulder to Figment just before the party reached the second group of guards.

"Only if we absolutlely HAVE to..." she said, then turned a bright, if nervous smile on the next guard they met, "...Sir--your victuals are here...uuuuhhh...how many more for us to feed? The master just growled at us and, well...we're here." She shrugged, striving once more to look like an apprentice who was just trying to get her unwanted job done. (OOC: rolled another voluntary Bluff check.)

DM Jan (The Jail Break) 
Wednesday February 21st, 2001 10:52:03 AM

"Food's here!" announces the guard behind the check-in desk just inside the building to the right. He then walks around and helps himself to a few things from Shad's basket.
"Just put the stuff over there," he says, pointing to outside the guardroom doors ahead. He is obviously expecting the deliverers to leave straight afterward.
There is a muffled cheer coming from straight ahead - behind the closed doors. Number of persons beyond - unknown.

At the gate here is the man at the desk, and just the two guards by the door.

Those having a quick scout around, see the following -

To the right, is an open door where processing cells can be seen. There is one man sat there locked in one of the cells.
Ahead - the doors (2 of them) to the guards room are shut.
To the left is a set of broad stone stairs, curling downward.

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 10:55:48 AM

The invisible elf moves toward the guardsroom doors, looking for a way to try and subtly jam them shut - with a wedged dagger or something.

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 11:03:51 AM

Fluet acts as though he is newer in the food business. He quietly waits as if the others will do what he needs to do first, so that he can follow their lead. In fact, he is waiting as such, but for the sign to attack, run, or do whatever they will be doing.

Figment  d20+12=31
Wednesday February 21st, 2001 12:24:18 PM

The mage looks around for keys. Turning on his etiquette as a Sr. Chef of the best restaurant, he talks to the the guard as they walk, in a non-chalant way (DC 29! Used Cha modifier instead of Int +8 etiquette). "Seems like the security is not all that tight for a prison. Are the prisoners locked into their cells or are they just too afraid to come out and risk facing you guys? I could see why they would be. No complaint or anything, just a concerned citizen wanting the streets to be safe.".

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 7:05:41 PM

Ingrge watches as the three at the check in get there food. As they sit down to eat, Ingrge manages to find the time to quickly cast a silent spell toward the three from behind them and waits for the spell to take effect. (sleep)

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 10:59:07 PM

The dwarf tenses, as he notes what Ingre is doing. His blood seeths in anticipation of the coming combat, hoping that they can quickly dispatch anyone that is left behind after the initial spell. His axe is readied, and he is prepared to strike, if he must.

K'nara  d20-1=7 d20-1=4
Thursday February 22nd, 2001 6:38:31 AM

The disguised bladesinger stepped back from the three men who would (hopefully!) be sleeping soon, thanks to Ingrge's carefully prepared spell. K'nara's sharp hazel eyes went to the prisoner in the processing area...would he be trouble, or was he someone whom would remain silent upon the promise of being freed himself..? (OOC: made a voluntary Spot check, along with a Sense Motive check in order to see if K'nara could apparently judge the man via her inspection of him.)

DM Jan (The JailBreak)  2d4(4+4)=8 d20+1=5 d20+1=18
Thursday February 22nd, 2001 12:52:50 PM

The man at the desk took more meat and bread out of the baskets and handed food to the guards at the gate.
"Yeah we got keys," he calls back to Figment. "I got keys right - "
With a soft *THUD - he lands on the floor, along with the two other guards.
One of the bread rolls held starts to roll outside and comes to rest at the prison side of the curtain. It catches the attention of one of the guards at the other side of the bridge, who looks puzzled.

K'Nara's examination of the man in the holding cell reveals that he looks rather drunk and lifeless.

Olana notices that the doors to the guardroom appear to open outwards. There is a chair by the check in, that might block one of the doors.

Olana  d20+4=10
Thursday February 22nd, 2001 12:57:04 PM

As soon as the guards at the door drop, the chair seems to move by itself as Olana drags it over to the right guardroom door and will try to quietly wedge it there. (Achieved DC10 on dex check) Then she gets ready to break out the weapons.

Thursday February 22nd, 2001 1:10:11 PM

The mage whispers to Olana or Dakar. "Get the keys from that guy. If I do it they will notice. Go down and find our guy, let him out, get a potion in him, and get him up here. If you hurry, maybe we can replace the keys, turn this guy invisible, and leave without incident. We'll just stand here and look like we're waiting and then provide cover if we have to fight.". The mage prepares to cast another sleep spell on either the guards across the bridge or any guards coming through the doors.

Milo  d20+14=15 d20+14=28
Thursday February 22nd, 2001 2:24:58 PM

"Oh no... I'm truly sorry Figment, but I'm a horrible guard... I'm going down," and without further ado, Milo slips into the stairwell, quietly drawing his short sword from underneath his cloak as he takes point skulking in the downward passage. (OOC: Achieved DC15 Hide and DC28 Move Silently)

Thursday February 22nd, 2001 4:14:31 PM

"I'm following the runt," mumbles Dakar, "Olanna, the keys are yours." He prepares his axe to tear out the legs of anyone who catches the halfling novitiate as he skulks.

Thursday February 22nd, 2001 5:22:18 PM

Shad help our sleepiy friends to sit back up in their chairs. bind and gag them as well but try to do it seripticiously.
Hey Figment, now you wouldn't happen to have something like a fireball spell now would you? It might be interesting to get to that other door cast it inside and lock that door as well so no one can escape.
If Figment says he does have something like that Ingrge heads toward door 2 with his iron spikes, ready to open the door for Fif's spell and to wedge it shut immediately after.

K'Nara  d20-1=17 d20+2=14
Friday February 23rd, 2001 7:12:28 AM

Glancing at Figment and Ingrge, the leader of the Emerald Talons shakes her head.

"NO fireball! That will DEFINITELY tip off the guards on THAT side of the--" K'Nara's head jerked in the direction of the guards on the other side of the bridge, then her hazel eyes widened as she realized that a bun had rolled out and gotten one of the outer guards curious. (OOC: I rolled a Spot check to see if K'Nara caught the potential snag in their break-out plans, and I'm assuming that she did, indeed, see that one of the outer guards is looking back at the check-in area.) Thinking quickly, the tall red-head seized the nearest sleeping man and held him against her, backing up so that she was framed by the (open?) doorway to the jail so that the outer guard could see her. The sleeping guard's lolling head wedged into the junction between her neck and shoulder, looking for all the Wold (K'Nara fervently hoped!) as though he was getting a bit amorous with the redheaded "delivery girl." (OOC: 2nd roll is a Bluff check.)

"Oh, now, aren't YOU being silly..?" giggled K'Nara, moving her guard slightly but being as careful as possible so as not to disturb the magically-sleeping man, "...see..? You've lost your bun..!" She giggled again and then addressed the others, shuffling the sleeping guard back into the check-in area.

"Go in one of the doors WITH the food--make a big production of it so that the guards inside are concentrating on the food...cast Sleep on them while they're distracted." K'nara ordered Ingrge and Figment, then carefully laid her burden down on the desk in the check-in room, next to the man already asleep there. "Shad--check that other guard and make sure he can't be seen by the others outside. Milo, Fluet, Olana and Dakar go get Tremaine and get him UP here as soon as you can...but leave us our weapons first!"

Friday February 23rd, 2001 10:53:14 AM

Fluet nods to K'nara. "Are you sure you want me to go? I don't know how secretive I will be." He shrugs his shoulders and follows Milo, not seeing where Olana or Dakar, into the stairway.

DM Jan (The Jail Break) 
Friday February 23rd, 2001 11:18:31 AM

The guard on the other side of the bridge nudges his friend who for the moment is stuffing his face.
"Some people just don't know when to give it a rest, do they," he grumbles. "If I did that, I'd get caught fer sure."
"Report him, then," says the other with his mouth full.
"You report him," comes the surly reply.
The guard continues to glance over the bridge now and then, seeing K'Nara and her charge disappear back into the prison.

Inside the jail itself, Olana props the chair against one of the guardroom doors. Behind it - there are voices - which Ingrge, Figment, Shadrach and K'Nara can hear also.
"Where's our dinner?"

As Milo, Fluet and Dakar start their descent down the wide stone stairs, thy can see the passage beyond beginning to curve downward to the left in a sweeping spiral.
On the left wall - are the cell doors, set into the wall as that too curves and follows the sweep of the passage.
It's dark, light provided by the occasional flickering torch, and it smells damp, and like the earth.

Olana  d20+10=30
Friday February 23rd, 2001 11:24:04 AM

Olana moves quickly, handing out the weapons she'd been given, then checks one of the sleeping guards for keys ((Search Skill - DC 30)) before descending with the others.

Friday February 23rd, 2001 1:00:04 PM

The mage nods to K'Nara and makes sure he has plenty of food on his tray. He walks into the guards room, finds a place to set down the tray (table or something), and then moves back from it to the door. He then waits for the hungry guards to go to the table - knowing most if not all of them will - and then casts sleep once he has the largest group possible in close proximity. He prepares to blast them with his web wand if any escape it's effects.

Milo  d20+14=21 d20+14=28 d20+6=22
Friday February 23rd, 2001 3:00:54 PM

Milo continues to slip down the stairs, easily remaining silent and hidden.(DC 21 and DC 28 respectively) He remembers someone mentioning that Tremaine would be towards the bottom, but he stops briefly to consider, 'How the dickens will we know which cell?' Turning to where his invisible friends are supposed to be following, Milo listens for sounds of Dakar and Olana (Listen check DC 22). Once he hears them approach, Milo steps into the middle of the passage and puts his hand up, in order to stop them, whispering, "Olana? Dakar? How do we know which one is his... if you guys can identify him, perhaps you should be looking into the cells, seeing as how you're invisible. The less ruckus the better." Milo's grin can be seen faintly in the dim light as he turns to continue downward.

Saturday February 24th, 2001 6:31:45 PM

Mouthing the words "spoilsport" at K'nara's dissent on the fireball, Ingrge also picks up a tray of food and follows Figment into the room. Placing his tray alongside of the other Ingrge too backs up and gets ready to cast his Web.

K'nara  d20+4=11 d20+4=16 d20+4=22
Monday February 26th, 2001 6:55:32 AM

As the others worked on their particular assignments, the human bladesinger quickly and carefully cut pieces of cloth from each of the Sleeping men's clothes, carefully gagging them and then using their own belts to tie their hands to the various table legs and/or behind their backs. (OOC: Rolled three separate Use Rope checks.)

"Hurry, hurry, get that guy up here..!" K'nara urged the trio who'd gone down into the prison proper to retrieve Tremaine under her breath, hoping that they would do so soon and without incident.

Monday February 26th, 2001 6:39:47 PM

Dakar moves by each cell peering into its contents as he wanders. This may be more difficult than he had originally assumed... what did that damnable criminal look like? His brain was beginning to hurt and for a moment he considered extracting the information from a guard higher up.. Where is that damnable prisoner.

Asst. DM Kent  10d20(5+10+15+19+17+3+13+13+5+1)+2=103 3d20(5+9+2)+2=18 d20=13 d20=20 d20=2 d4=4 d4=1
Monday February 26th, 2001 6:58:47 PM

As Figment and Ingrge set down the food in the guard room and back off, 10 guards quickly make their way to the table and start grabbing at whatever they can.

"Hey, should we save some for patrol C?"

"Nah, they can eat IF there is anything left."

As they gather around the table, Figment casts his spell and watches as four of the guards fall face forward onto the table.

As Ingrge watches the results of Figment's spell he casts his web toward one end of the the table and a group of 3 startled guards and manages to pin all three to either the table or near wall.

There are two awake and unwebbed guards both of whom react quite negatively to their friends being spelled, take a second to throw their eating daggers at the two mages. (Figment 1 point damage, Ingrge 4 points)

Shad and K'narra secure their guards and leave them as natural looking as possible.

Milo, Fluet, Dakar and Olanna start their way down the spiral staircase and make it down a few flights when milo stops and asks how they were going to find the right prisoner.

Olanna whispers back they are in alphabetical order starting with A and going down from there. I expect that our bird is pretty far down. As for how we will know, she points at the approaching door and at some writing on the door, perhaps that will help.

Figment  d20+2=17
Monday February 26th, 2001 9:30:11 PM

The mage blasts the remaining 2 guards with his web wand, and tries to capture any of the sleeping guards in it he can as well - in case they wake up at some point. Once both are caught he saysin a quiet menacing voice "I can burn you out if you don't be quiet. If you survived I would then blast you with some other stuff. If you stay quiet I'll let you live. It's just that simple... (DC 17 to intimidate, + any modifier for suprise/superior position)". The mage prepares to cast again in case they say anthing else.

Tuesday February 27th, 2001 6:52:03 AM

The woman warrior stuck her head in through the door, surveying the situation and grinning at the very efficient way Ingrge and Figment have handled things.

"Great!" K'nara approved. Then she went rummaging through her backpack for her extra clothing. Upon finding a shirt, she sighed and cut it up into gags.

"C'mon, Ingrge...we have to make sure these guys stay quiet." she told the elf, starting with one of the still-conscious guards.

Milo  d20+14=18 d20+14=30
Tuesday February 27th, 2001 11:05:37 AM

Whispering... "Oh...excellent... I see the writing on the wall..." The halfling grins yet again, and sets off down the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible... (OOC: Hide DC18 Move Silently DC30)

Tuesday February 27th, 2001 11:14:19 AM

The mage puts his hand on K'Nara's arm as she walks toward the web. "If you go near the web, you will be snared by it. We cannot get to the guards to gag them. They either must be quiet or die. But don't worry, we have an understanding - I think...". He looks back at the guards and waits for them to respond on way or another, prepared to cast magic missle at any who have second thoughts.

Olana [Invisible] 
Tuesday February 27th, 2001 11:21:15 AM

Olana reads the writing on the door. She then quickly and quietly moves on down the stairwell looking for the right cell. She searches for a middle aged to elderly male elf as well as any signs that might be up.

Flueterflam  d20+9=20
Tuesday February 27th, 2001 7:53:04 PM

Fluet pipes in quietly, "Gee, i feel there's no reason for me coming down here. Seems so easy." The bard follows several feet behind Milo, hoping he won't bump into either of his invisible companions. If Fluet hear's anything on his decent that isn't Milo, he creeps into the shadows for several moments in case any wondering guards are around. (ooc: hide DC 20)

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 6:43:50 AM

The human bladesinger paused, then nodded.

"Okay, then...I'll go get that magic blaststone that we got for this occasion..." K'nara said, then slipped back out to the check-in room, where she quickly mashed together some of the buns and then wrapped the large, lumpy mass up in the strips of would-be gags, finally securing her extra caul over it so that it looked like a strangely-packaged round stone of sorts.

"Any sign of the others yet, Shad..?" she asked the bonze softly, nodding her auburn head towards the spiral staircase that Olana, Milo, Dakar and Fluet had descended.

ASST DM KENT  d20=13 d20=6 4d20(14+7+9+13)-4=39 d20=12
Wednesday February 28th, 2001 8:13:35 AM

(OOC ladies and Gentlemen: Please remember that there is a one post per day rule unless otherwise stated. Also be aware that I simply ignore second posts so if you make a mistake on your first post either edit it and fix it or email me and I will.)

With the guards in the room all tied up, so to speak, four of the webbed ones curse you all and try and attack anyway, but fail miserably and now their weapons are stuck in the webbing as well. K'narra gets ready to gag and tie them but with Figment's reminder realizes that she won't be able to safely reach them without getting stuck herself.

Figment and Ingrge share a quick grin of satisfaction and wait for their leader to decide what happens next.

Olanna, Dakar, Milo, and Fluet are heading deeper and deeper in to the prison's depths and are only up to the prisoner named Franklin, who happens to see Fluet and yell out." Hey, Who are you and What are you doin down here?" So far everything else seems to be quiet down here.

Milo  d20+14=16 d20+14=30
Wednesday February 28th, 2001 10:10:37 AM

After hearing the prisoner, Milo waits till they're well past to pause momentarily, "Hey Fleut... try and keep your head below the window.." The halfling smiles to himself and then continues his rapid pace down the stairwell thinking, 'T.. T.. who has the T... I'd give anything now for a lovely spot of T...'
(OOC: Hide check DC16, Move Silently Check DC30)

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 10:46:53 AM

The mage waits for the others to get back up. He keeps and eye on the guards, making arcane gestures with his hands any time they make too much noise. He listens for any sign that the guards or mage at the bridge are aware of what is happening.

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 10:48:51 AM

Realizing that the names are written on the doors, the dextrous elf moves down the stairs more quickly until she approaches the "T's". She then slows and looks for the elderly Tremaine.

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 1:33:17 PM

Dakar brings up the rear, slowly following the rest. He glowers, invisibly, at the prisoner who sees Fluet, hoping that his anger will be palpable.
He ponders for a moment, cloaking them in silence, but then decides against it and trods forward into the darkness.

Shadrach  d4+1=4
Wednesday February 28th, 2001 2:34:33 PM

Shad came back from checking down the stairwell. "Not back yet. It'll be several minutes, if they have to go all the way down. Plenty of time for the other guards to get suspicious." He added gloomily. He brightened. "I asked for several spells to create silence, stop missiles, and a cover of fog. We might be able to fight our way out. Guess we should get ready while we're waiting." (Cast Bull's Strength, 4hours, Str22, +2att, +2dam.)

Flueterflam  d20+9=12
Wednesday February 28th, 2001 5:58:07 PM

Fluet cusses silently. The bard drops his head below the area in the door where he's visible. Every door after that, he ducks his head BEFORE passing by the door. All the while, cursing inside about being too tall. (ooc: Hide DC 12 [ouch])

Asst. DM Kent  d20=13 d20=6 d20=10 d20=17 d20=16 d20=9 d6=5 d6=4
Wednesday February 28th, 2001 7:47:55 PM

Olanna, Milo, Fluet and Dakar keep spiraling downward and are now at the "L" prisoners, when suddenly the air is thick with flying arrows, coming up from below you. Most miss but Milo is struck once for five points and Fluet is struck for four points.

Above in the guard room k'narra leaves the room and returns with her contraption, Shad sticks his head in with his message, Figment makes threatening sounds and as K'narra steps back in, Ingrge looks at her and says I still think just dropping a fireball into this room would have been more expedient. I mean with the door closed the sound would have been minimized and we wouldn't be split up right now. It really isn't too late you know. With all of them incapacitated we would only have the few at the gate to take care of.

K'nara  d20+2=22
Thursday March 1st, 2001 6:39:33 AM

The tall redheaded fighter grinned at Ingrge.

"Why, you ARE bloodthirsty for an elf, aren't you?" she said jovially, then set down her bundle on the edge of the table and fixed a cool eye upon the Webbed men.

"Listen carefully, because I will only explain this once..." she told them in a very intimidating voice, "...what you see here is a very special item. It's a magic blastone that--once I activate it--will become EXTREMELY sensitive to sounds. For a period of one hour, any sound from inside this room that is louder than a whisper will cause it to release the fireball spell stored inside it--resulting in a very fiery and painful death for everyone in this room." She nodded to Figment and Ingrge. "We're leaving as soon as I activate the blaststone, fellas...ready..?" After a pause, K'nara leaned towards her homemade "blaststone" and said quite clearly: "Shazzbot!" Then she turned and nodded with a smile at the trapped guards, silently shooing Ingrge and Figment from the room. The leader of the Emerald Talons also exited, pausing only long enough to put a finger to her lips as a final admonition to the guards to remain quiet.

"Shhhhhhh...!" she hushed them softly, then gently closed the door behind her. Once the door was closed, K'nara motioned everyone over to the stairs.

(OOC: made another Bluff check to see if the Webbed guards are scared into being quiet.)

"You're right in one thing at least, Ingrge..." K'nara said as she went over to the stairs, "I don't like that we've separated from the others...and I'm getting nervous about the time it's taking for them to get back up here. Let's go after them!" K'nara drew her bastard sword from her back and descended the stairs quickly.

Milo  d20+14=26 d20+14=16 d20=2
Thursday March 1st, 2001 10:32:34 AM

Gritting his teeth as the arrow thumps into his diminutive frame, Milo whispers, "Sorry K'nara" and then activates his ring, becoming invisible. Crouching down as low as he possibly can, Milo clings to the inside wall as he moves down looking for either the trap he set off, or his would-be attackers. (OOC: Hide DC26, Move Silently DC16, Spot check for traps DC2)

Thursday March 1st, 2001 1:58:25 PM

"What? We're going down?" Shad stood in confusion as the daring half-elf rushed past him. "Oh well," he shrugged, clutched his beloved trident, and ran after her.

Thursday March 1st, 2001 5:55:21 PM

The mage frowns. "If we leave this position unguarded that means we might have to fight our way up. I think Ingrge and I should stay up. It's to our advantage because there's only one way out of that hole." He stands ready in case the webbed guys make noise or the guards in the front get suspicious.

Olana [Invisible]  d20+15=26
Thursday March 1st, 2001 5:59:26 PM

The nimble elf races on down the stairs calling out quietly "I'll go get him. You guys take care of this.". She increases her speed and races down as fast as she can (DC 26) to find her quarry.

Flueterflam  d20+9=21
Thursday March 1st, 2001 8:47:04 PM

The bard inhales deeply at the pain and surprise of the darts. He quickly move back away from where they were, because of his lack of invisibility. He finds a dark area and creeps into it as quietly as possible, hoping nothing else will endanger him. (ooc: HIDE DC 21)

Ingrge  d20=18 d20=9 d20=13 d20=17 d20=5 d20=16 d100=89 d6+1=2 d6+1=4 d6+1=5
Thursday March 1st, 2001 9:45:50 PM

Caught between K'nara and Figment, Ingrge doesn't know which way to go or where to go. His indecision and Shad and K'nara's movement toward the stairs have caught the attention of the outside guards who were trying to see what their mates were up to. Seconds later the sound of an ear-piercing alarm is sounding. The Guards and the mage are now heading toward the jail entry.

Down below, Dakar, Olana and Fluet are hit with more arrows. (Dakar 2 pts, Olana 4 and fluet 5)

Milo manages to dodge the arrows that careen by his head and just ahead see six figures with bows reloading for their next round.

K'nara  d20+9=29 d20+9=22
Friday March 2nd, 2001 7:16:57 AM

"Dammit! Just what I was trying to avoid!" K'nara growled, immediately screeching to a halt and turning around. "Nevermind, Shad--we HAVE to stay up here...keep the way clear for the others to get back up here." Into the sheath the human bladesinger's weapon goes, to be traded for a shortbow.

"Get that wizard first--we don't need any extra magic crap to have to deal with!" K'nara knelt in the doorway, drawing from her quiver one of her magic golden arrows and aiming it carefully, lining up the wizard in her sights...

Friday March 2nd, 2001 10:56:37 AM

He nodded and moved out of the way. Bowing his head, Shad held the whistle around his neck and prayed for Donyra's help.(Cast Prayer. +1 luck to saves, skill checks, attack and damage. -1 to foe's same within 30ft.)

Friday March 2nd, 2001 11:34:58 AM

Not worrying about the guards in the room any more, the mage moves first to the corner of the check in room. "K'Nara, we must make sure the gate cannot be closed. If they can we're finished!". He looks quickly at the Gate to make sure it cannot be closed "remotely" (i.e. is there a mechanism or way they can close it without manually pushing it.). Not wanting to risk a spell firing through the invisible shield, he decides to move out to the bridge and passes through the shield. He then blasts the guards and the door to the gate house with his web wand - hoping to catch the mage but at least block his exit.

Olana [Invisible] 
Friday March 2nd, 2001 11:40:04 AM

Olana continues to race down the stairs to find the elf. When she does she begins trying keys to the door.

Dakar (Inivisible) 
Friday March 2nd, 2001 4:49:01 PM

The dwarf wheels on those behind him and grits his teeth.
He utters off a quick spell of silence targeted at the center of the guards before he prepares to charge.
(OOC: I was invisible at the time the hail of arrows came flying at us, but I assume that was taken into account?)

Milo (Invisible)  d20+4=15 d20+14=33
Saturday March 3rd, 2001 1:00:06 PM

Using invisibility and his small stature to his advantage, Milo slips through the archers to the other side, and turns on his heel. Knowing that his battle worthy dwarven companion will engage the enemy, he waits to see Dakar come out of invisibility in order to flank the dwarf's chosen opponent. (OOC: Made a voluntary Dex check DC15 to get by the guards, and a Move Silently check DC33 to remain unnoticed in his invisible state.)

Saturday March 3rd, 2001 6:55:55 PM

Fluet runs back up the stairs where he came from, hoping to avoid the onslaught. He prays that the invisible others can hold themselve's. As for him, he wasn't safe enough or healthy enough now for more pain.

Asst. DM Kent  d20=14 d20=14 d20=9 d20=5 d20=20 d20=6 d20=1 d20=16 d20=20 d6=3 d6=5 d20=15 d8+2=7
Sunday March 4th, 2001 5:39:27 PM

With the aid of Dakar's silence spell, Olana somehow manages to get past the six guards blocking most of the stairwell, and is nearing her goal - the name on the door nearest to her says Taltrey. Eight doors further along she sees the name she is searching for. Using the skills she has acquired over the years, she takes a look at the keys she has and finds four keys that might work.

Figment sees nothing obvious that might be used to close the door remotely. As he approaches the magical shield and steps through he feels a major jolt and then he is through - the guards are already half way to the barrier themselves, and Figment's wand sprays a web that attempts to net all three.

Milo squeezes through the guards and stands to the rear waiting for his sign.

Fluet retreats and exits the stairwell.

K'nara is within range of her target and lets fly with her golden arrow and it flies true and as it strikes the wizard there is a shimmer as the arrow strikes home and a flash of lightning occurs. The injured Wizard and the remaining unwebbed guard hurry toward Figment, the guard stopping only for a moment to fire his crossbow at Figment striking AC16 for 7 points.

The Guards below fire another 6 arrows up the stairwell. Dakar is struck one time for 3 points.

K'nara  d20+9=23 d6+1=5
Monday March 5th, 2001 6:53:18 AM

"Oh, Domi spare me these pig-headed spellcasters..!!!" the leader of the Emerald Talons grumbled as Figment put himself directly in the line of fire of their foes.

K'nara reached for another arrow, this time drawing a "regular" magic arrow (OOC: it's only +1) and aiming, once more, for the wizard.

(OOC: rolled 23 to hit and 5hp damage if it strikes.)

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